#Shaman RP Guide
shamanofthewilds · 2 years
Exiles Reach Shaman Lore
A Shaman’s Duty & Ghost Wolf Form
And how it reveals the important job a Shaman has in the world and how you can use it in your stories and enhance your RP.
Each class gets its own little bit of flavor for Exiles Reach. Quests specifically dedicated to expanding on the lore or giving slight context to their power. One bit of lore that was removed ages ago was the quest to gain your Ghost Wolf form as a shaman.
The Ghost Wolf is something I see interpreted and handled many different ways, some of which (while perfectly fine to enjoy how you wish) a bit inaccurate to the nature of a shaman’s ability to connect to the spirits. This isn’t really at the fault of the players, but the game itself failing to communicate the lore and making people have to guess or make up how it works. Not to mention we’ve seen the ghost wolf form used only a few times by characters in game and varies from medium to medium (In-Game, Heroes of the Storm, TCG, Offical Concepts, Hearthstone). So I can understand why there would be a little bit of a mix up.
But this isn’t about the Ghost Wolf form in general, this is covering the specific lore and it’s context on Exile’s Reach and how I would approach this form the view of RP and Story Telling. I get detailed, but anything to help give my take on Shamanic story telling. You can get a lot, from a little!
(Yes this is long, but you can’t say I’m not thorough when wanting to help RPers see how much you can expand your character by paying attention to things that apply to you!)
So let’s begin:
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As your shaman reaches the Ogre Ruins with the rest of your stranded crew, you will see a Ghost Wolf sitting close to the fire with a quest called:
A Shaman’s Duty.
◆ Upon greeting him, his quest text immediately addresses to you: “Your companions cannot see me. Only you, for you have trained in the ways of the shaman.”
This sets the stage for you as a shaman to what can, and cannot , be experienced to those untrained in the shamanic ways. Meaning that, unless your character has/had a sudden spiritual awakening, by any circumstance, that more often than not...unless they are in tune and connected to the spirit realm , they will not see , hear or experience the spirits. (This does not include instances where a non spiritually in tune character was given a powerful experience to see spirits where they otherwise would not.)
This Ghost Wolf purposefully reached out to a young and upcoming shaman through the spirit realm and onto the waking realm without anyone noticing but the shaman.
◆ He then explains his dire request for communicating with you. That: “The necrotic energies of this island have ensnared my pack. I need your aid to free them.”
We know in the story of this island that there are many volatile forces at work from Ogres, harpies and quilboar. At this point we know the ogres are pulling at necrotic energy with the intention of raising a powerful dragon from the dead.
This is where the name of the quest makes sense. A Shaman’s Duty. We have now established the important role you have as a shaman and what it is your character will often be faced with. As a person connected to the spirits and with nature, it is your duty to ensure that dark, corruptive and dangerous forces keep their grip off of the elements and the spirit realm. You are going to be among the gifted few tasked with making sure that the sacred balance is not harmed and that the wise spiritual beings (who cannot fix matters like this alone) are not tortured and lost forever.
This also shows the inherent impact magic akin to necromancy and other necrotic related powers have on the spirit plane and why shamans are right in distrusting it. A good thing to note is that this is a massive ritual that would reach farther than one person raising a dead body. Either way, it shows the harmful effects.
◆ Lastly in his quest text he states: “Gather veil blossom from the surrounding area. Burn them on the campfire and  breath deep of their smoke. Then you will see my packmates and release them from their bonds.”
This is now where we establish the common traditions that will more or less span across most shamanic cultures and why the Ghost wolf have established themselves as a sacred piece in this universe’s shamanic practice. The Ghost Wolf imparted wisdom unto the up and coming shaman on what natural substance will elevate their mind and spiritual self through smoke inhalation. This establishes a sacred herb to see to the spirit plane and is a resource for shaman to seek out. We also now see the importance of the common practice of smoking/burning with the intent of ritual use.
Your shaman now has a sacred source of other worldly information about what is around them and see first hand how the spirits communicate their wisdom. Many shaman come from nomadic, nature based, and clan like cultures where travel and connection to the world will be a major point of religious importance. So the ritual use of herbs and nature based materials will be a key function for a shamans on going practice both in aiding the spirit realm and their community.
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After you accept your mission given to you by the Ghost Wolf, he speaks to you, with a wise masculine voice that is calm and paired with a ghostly echo.
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He cautions you on the complicated and strange nature when peering into the spirit world. Not all can handle being able comprehend a world of the dead and the spirits coinciding with the living.
Before you leave, Warlord Breka Grimaxe, takes notice of your behavior. Her tone indicating the importance of your action and a slight sense of intrigued reverence.
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Warlord Breka Grimaxe is an orc warrior and that is important to know for this context. One thing many people seem to not connect is that someone doesn’t need to be a shaman, in order recognize the spirits in a religious or faith based manner. A human can pray to the Light and not have to ascend to a priesthood, so an orc can seek for a sign from the Ancestors without becoming a shaman.
Shamans hold an important role in the culture of orcs, and the Horde as a whole. Her being a witness to a shaman directly gaining wisdom from a spirit she cannot see is a moment of quiet awe inspiring reverence. It will vary from culture to culture, but the Horde over all have a majority shamanic based leaning culture with exception of Elves.
The Alliance side has a much different reaction to you speaking to an unseen entity. The human named Captain Garrick says to you in a tone hints she finds your behavior odd, and not usual for her.
◆ “Uh, recruit? Who you were talking to?”
Humans, and Alliance as a whole, do not have the same mindset when it comes to presence of spirits. While they might have cultures where shamanism has shown itself, the Alliance largely doesn’t see *animism as a main focus of their spiritual and faith structures. The cultures themselves (dwarves, draenei, kul’tiran, pandaren) all manifest and approach shamanism for vastly different reasons and many different ways. Any version of shamanism on the Alliance will always be a little different and it is typically an uncommon sight.
It is very important to know what culture you’re playing as and how this effects them, as well as how their peers may react. EX: Draenei shaman are not exactly the most popular, even if seen as wise and helpful by some. No matter how much reverence they show to the spirits , they will always be the one going a little against the grain in the eye of popular draenei belief and customs. This will shape how you conduct your characters habits, and what you should expect depending on how you portray your shamanism to other characters of the same or different background.
The orc might be more inclined to agree to the draenei shaman.
But other draenei may see them as blasphemous. (Which might be a mindset to consider others in Alliance might have)
* Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.
Veil Blossoms
Exiles Reach introduced a plant called Veil Blossom. The Ghost Wolf instructed you to go gather this plant in order to access sight into the spirit realm. In doing this, you are fulfilling a role as a learning shaman doing something at the request of a wise spirit, furthering your knowledge of nature and ritual practice of gathering herbs for sacred usage.
The Veil Blossom themself were found around the edge of a body water at the Ogre ruins connected to a flowing water source. It can be assumed that this plant might commonly be found around or near bodies of water (and maybe more so bodies with running water).
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They are depicted with the model of plant that is tall with long leaves and stalks, making it appear like a type of Reed. It has a tall red feathery cluster of flowers up top.
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We gain insight on this plant as we collect it for our special mission:
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We can assume that Veil Blossom is not unique to Exiles Reach, but is instead a plant likely found in multiple places in Azeroth. Meaning that for many, this is an annoying plant with not much usage for a majority of people. But a shaman will know it’s sacred usage thanks to the insight of the spirits. Your shaman will occasionally get to learn rare bits of wisdom like this. It’s important your shaman learns to treat substances like these with a sense of reverence or respect. They are what connects them to the spirit realm through ritual burning and will be used often in ceremonies.
These are all things your shaman can gradually learn through experience and exposure in their journey of becoming more spiritually in tune with their cultures practice.
Veil Blossom will get it’s own separate post.
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Returning to the Camp and Breathing Deep.
Now that you have your ritual plant, you toss it into the fire and immediately see a change to your surroundings. The smoke goes from dark gray to crimson and your sight takes in everything with an ethereal shift as you gain access to see the plane that exists between life and death.
It should be noted, that things in-game are usually quick for mechanics sake and to streamline questing so that it is easier. However it is not unbelievable to think that the smoke can have a fast reaction. But is important to remember context clues when knowing how to approach these details for RP as well as what we know about inhaling mind altering smoke in real life.
The Ghost Wolf instructed you to “breath deep of their smoke”. A ceremonial in take of smoke would not be instant, nor would any effects be instant (usually). Your shaman would of stood there a good few moments...as they took a long deep breath to fill their lungs and let their mind open up so that their eyes can see the unseen. Practices like this are things your shaman may find themselves doing for special ceremonies alone , with other people, or for a specific purpose. So it’s key to pay attention to the importance of this transition and show the calm reverence your shaman has as they feel themselves elevate spiritually.
Once your shaman gained access to the spirit plane, you get another reaction from Warlord Breka Grimaxe and/or Captain Garrick. Without overly explaining it, it shows again the difference in mentalities of how the Horde and Alliance view things like shamanism and spiritual contact.
◆ Warlord Breka Grimaxe (Shamanistic Culture, proud):
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◆ Captain Garrick (Non-Shamanistic Culture, as if recalling something):
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Now we have access to the spirit plane through a ritual burning of a plant that you learned through the wisdom of your ghost wolf guide.
For this moment, your shaman is given a Veiled Sight. Seeing what lingers beyond the veil. You exist in a duality of life and death, spirit and physical. You walk the land among living, but see what others cannot. A shamans job is to understand this balance, as all things in shamanism are about balance and harmony. This is an experience that drives home that a shamans job is in tune with almost every aspect life. It should be noted, that depending on skill level, not every shaman may be ready for something like this, hence why this has been a guided quest from a ghost wolf. A moment like this might be aided at the request of a teacher as well. Later on in life, this may be an occasional thing your shaman.
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And now we see what a gift like this reveals:
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The spirits of stranded and ship wrecked people who found their demise on this island. All people who had lives, families, interests and homes. Faces you may recognize, faces you may have forgotten, now before you. It could be over whelming, or it could be loving. A shaman may feel deep care and empathy for all these people, in awe that you see them and now know them. (Or it might be jarring, depending on the person and skill level.)
These spirits are all very aware of your presence. As you run past them, they face you as you move. This can be incorporated now, that a skilled shaman with experience may be able to speak with confidence that the spirits are in fact all around, and are , more often than not , very much aware of those with a spiritual gift. (If you can sense them, they might sense you.)
But again, always think of your character as a person. These experiences will all be different. Yet , it’s good to know background information to better reinforce your stories. Moving on.
Rescuing the Ghost Wolf Packmates
The next bits of information just reinforce that necrotic magic directly effects and harms the spirit plane, especially when done in such a large amount when referencing the ogre ritual being conducted.
A novice shaman may not be able to feel when the spirits are upset, that is a sensitivity that must be nurtured (and might always be something fluctuating). So it is important that they listen to when they are approached with news from something or someone as important as a ghost wolf , ancestor, or elemental.
For the ghost wolf pack in the veiled plane, they are all bound and immobilized with necrotic magic in the center of a formation of stone with one singular stone standing out from the rest.
Prairie dogs stand just outside the circle in the waking realm, aware that something is happening despite being unable to see it. This actually shows a good example of where shamanism blends with their ability to tap into nature magic and the wilds. A good representation of why druids and shaman often help each other in a crisis that effects the environment. (They were also seen near the lake with the Veil Blossoms)
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It’s important to see the use of the word ensnared, because this could imply these ghost wolves were caught on purpose, which would explain these rings of stone. It is highly possible the ogre here know of these wise ghost wolves and made cursed spirit traps to keep them in place, or its possible it could be detrimental to any spirit that gets close. But this is merely speculation. Which is what you should encourage in your shaman. To always be thinking of the why in a situation like this to better understand how the spirit realm can be corrupted. The ring, however, may be good inspiration when thinking of structures for shamanic uses.
Upon saving them, each Ghost wolf communicates with you vocally before running off. It shows more importance at halting large form usage of necromancy.
Ghost Wolf says: Thank you, shaman. I am in your debt.
Ghost Wolf says: The ogres' necromancy has ravaged the spirit world.
Ghost Wolf says: You must stop the ritual before it is completed.
Clear view of the circle:
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Close up to the large stone design:
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Minor speculation unrelated that may or may not have been spoken about: A lot of these magical stones, seen with shaman and druid ect, often have a hole in them. They make me think of “Hag stones” (or adder stones). Stones that have been naturally created to have a hole in them after a long time of being run over with water. The folk lore goes that they bring good luck and ward off evil, and that the hole itself is a portal to the fae realm. Looking through it might give you a glimpse of it.
When expanding on your shamanic lore and your characters practice, look at in real life examples to better get a feel of the connection to nature. Just always do your research you’re not adapting something you shouldn’t be and be mindful of the symbols you are interacting with. But this is a whole other topic.
Gaining the Ghost Wolf form
Here is where we get direct confirmation of the information that has been more or less consistent on how the ghost wolf form works.
Upon returning , you approach the Ghost Wolf once more to show you have completed your task. The Ghost Wolf and his pack have been severely weakened by the ogres necromancy. They are unable to do anything to stop what is happening (A good indicator that the ghost wolves are in fact something to worry about if you mess with the spirit plane and how powerful they may be)
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Then, once completed, you roar/howl as you are given a blessing from this Ghost Wolf and have been gifted with the ability change your form.
They are granting their strength to help fight crimes against the spirit realm.
As a shaman, your duty is to use your gift and the blessings bestowed upon you to continue this balance between the realms.
Now, as we look at this quest. The context is important. Not every shaman was on this mission to this island, and they were not all tasked with the same mission to free the pack mates from necromancy. You must be able to see what this quest is telling you and how you can take this information and use it to tell your own story if you wish to write a story or role play your shaman gaining their ghost form.
This quest is very much in line to the original removed Vanilla quest on the basis that you proved yourself to a great and powerful spirit of the spirit realm and wild. You did this by tracking the spirit and by doing so, gained a mutual trust.
You proved to this Ghost Wolf that you were able to do right upon the  and did so with respect to the balance. You showed that you understood how important this task was and that you are capable of seeing it through.
So this means, that in order to gain the gift of a spectral form, proving yourself in the context of shamanism is key.
=Here is where the information is even more important to understand.=
The Ghost Wolf form is not like a druid form.
The Ghost Wolf form is a borrowed form.
In this quest A Shaman’s Duty, the Ghost Wolf states that he and his pack mates are giving you the last of their strength.
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This is directly saying, that when you use the Ghost Wolf form, you are tapping into a borrowed visage by reaching out into the spirit realm that was granted by them. You are swapping places by transitioning from physical to spectral. The shaman now becomes an embodiment of the sacred balance of the living, the spiritual and the natural.
By the Ghost Wolf giving you their strength, they will always be with you. You have proved yourself, and they are repaying their debt to you. You will use this blessing to carry out their want to stop things like necromancy in the face of the spirits.
This can open up a lot of interesting options for story when you create it. You can have a ghost wolf guide your shaman in teachings or appearing only for certain moments. If your shaman is very skilled, you might even be able to make this relationship be that these are the spirit wolves you’re calling into battle like a powerful Farseer.
You might be able to always feel the presence of this wolf when changing, or it can be symbolic that by having this blessing it will remind you of the mutual respect between you and the spirits and what wisdom you gained through them.
All of this can be used for any culture with shamanism. All you would have to do is look at it within the context of their culture and what animal would make sense for your shaman to be showing respect to. The Exile’s Reach campaign is a highly specific story, meant to show you essences of what each class does mechanically and lore wise.
Lastly, as you gain your blessing of the Ghost Wolf you get one final difference in reactions based on what Faction you’re on.
Warlord Breka Grimaxe recalls fondly of Shuja’s first connection to the spirit world. A proud and important moment for her, showing that Shuja likely had went through a lot of training and discipline to finally touch the spirit plane. As an orc, she is proud to see a successful up and coming shaman.
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Captain Garrick on the other hand, is only caring about the information to help their mission. She doesn’t seem to put much thought into who you were talking to, just that it at least gets the job done. By shamanism being less of a cultural thing, she cannot approach it with the same reverence as an orc would. She knows something happened (that she knows little about), and is not insulting you, but she pretty much prefers to move on by the tone of her voice.
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And there you have it!
This is an extremely short quest, that literally takes ...five minutes to complete.
But you can learn a lot about how you expand your character by really taking the time to see what it is you’re being told and what you’re being shown. It can be easy to just drink down information and move on, but if you really are passionate about rounding out your shaman always take time to look at quests, text and environment to help you expand your characters personal practice.
The Ghost Wolf form is one of the iconic staples of World of Warcraft, and it’s lore has been moved around a lot to where many people forget all together what the wolf spirit means to the orcish people and what shamanism means to the Horde and the Alliance.
I really love being able to show you how my mind pays attention to quests that can help expand my characters experience, and the ghost wolf form is something I’m very interested in getting into!
I hope this helps someone in expanding their ability to see the world of Azeroth through their characters eyes and realizing that with a little bit of work, you can take a little and go an extremely long way!
Aka’magosh and Spirits be with you!
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enolareven · 1 year
[FFXIV RP/OC Short Story]
Nergui Qestir - A Mystery Unveiled
(part 3)
"...fire rocks...ice rocks...that's it."
Nergui closed the notebook on his desk after a few strokes of a quill pen, and set the inventory/order list beneath the counter to be opened another night before the next opening.
The final morning of Heavensturn week had been a cheerful and interesting one. He closed his eyes to reflect and smiled, honestly hoping in his heart that he had provided valueable guidance to several Eorzean adventurers over the past few days.
He then opened his eyes and turned them to the lilac wood shelf beside the large tome of void magics, where he had set aside his own crystal guides: the obsidian and turquoise. He slid them into a secure pocket of his woolen coat along with his yol whistle, and grabbed a small satchel of essentials on the way out the door. It was time to heed the stones' advice and make a visit to someone who could help him.
For Nergui, the quickest way to the Steppes would of course be through aetheryte travel. He thought for a moment how privileged he must be to tolerate frequent travel in addition to being attuned all over Hydaelyn, and focused on the large blue crystal he wished to bring himself to. In a swirl of dark blue, he dissolved and sent his aether to the other side of the world in mere seconds.
Once his aether had properly materialized again, he smiled and looked up. The Steppe sky was a majestic expanse over a wide field, surrounded by mountains that seemed to isolate it from the rest of the world, making it feel like its own private one. He turned his attention down to the earth's level, and watched a few merchants walking by. One of them gave him a familiar wave, which he returned.
This was Reunion, the home of his tribe and open market overseen by them to promote peace, prosperity and cooperation between tribes as well as outside peoples.
Behind him was the iloh of the Qestir khan, where his grandmother often stayed as an advisor, healer and respected shaman. It was she who taught him his first magic spell, and she who he had come to visit.
Nergui took a deep breath and clutched the stones in his pocket, taking them out to hold over his heart.
"What is it you wish me to know?"
He marched forward intently and entered the iloh, pushing its scaffold aside and immediately bowing with respect as he came under its roof.
At the far side sat the leader of the Qestir, their khan Iturgen. He and the bodyguard beside him both nodded a welcome to Nergui as a white-haired elderly woman slowly walked toward him. She looked up at her grandson with joy in her eyes, as always. Nergui smiled warmly down at his grandmother, who stood at only half his height, if that. He stepped down onto one knee to give her a hug and then sat back on both to rest just below her eye level.
It was the way of the Qestir never to speak. This was a rule Nergui respected as part of the tribe whenever he was home, and sometimes in the presence of one outside the Steppe. Though he himself had not much problem with words, it was a way of honoring his culture and heritage. He was still and always would be a Qestir.
His grandmother watched attentively, knowing he had not come to visit again for any frivolous reason. Nergui slowly took the smooth obsidian and turquoise stones from his pockets and held them out in both hands to show them to her.
She looked down at them curiously, and then back at Nergui's red-violet eyes that seemed to thirst for answers. She needed no more than a minute to understand that these crystals were messages recieved in meditation recently.
She took both stones into her small, deep blue hands with care, and gazed into them for a moment before placing them back in her grandson's. Nergui watched with intrigue as she turned and walked away, leaving the khan's iloh and motioning for him to follow.
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0 notes
constable-blythe · 5 years
RPing Tidesages: A Guide!
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Hello all, as a massive fan of the Kul Tiran religion revolving around the Sea and Tidemother, I thought I’d make an overall ‘masterpost’ of the information that is found in game about the tidesages to help anyone who needs a good reference guide on the subject!
(So settle in, this is gonna be lengthy.) (UPDATED AS OF FEB 2019)
What are Tidesages?
Tidesages are essentially priests of the Sea, that speak to the sea, are influenced by the sea, and use the powers of the sea. Their dominion as a whole concerns water, storms, and winds. They specifically revere an entity called the ‘Tidemother’. Her personality is not especially clear, but it is interesting to note that Lord Stormsong was noted to be a very kind and gentle man before the void and Azshara got to him.
Tidesages do take oaths, to protect and guide their people, sustain them, and make their ships strong.
They serve the Kul Tiran people in a variety of unique ways, but essentially are to Kul Tiras what Priests of the Light are to Stormwind, except they’re far more concerned with water than they are with the shiny light. They’re the only real serious religious order on Kul Tiras for that matter, barring the (rare) mention of the Light on Drustvar by random citizens, which suggests that the majority of Light worship has died out.
Where did the Tidesages come from?
The ancestor of House Stormsong was the first to hear the ‘gentle whispers of the Tidemother, imperceptible to all but him’, which taught him the power of the seas, and guided the then Gilneans to their new home. Presumably, other Tidesages cropped up, and the new Kul Tirans sent them out to find other lost sailing souls and guide them to their new home. It should be noted this happened roughly 2,700 years ago. Interestingly, by the way this is phrased, it seems like Tidesages are chosen by the sea, they do not choose the sea.
The other bit of evidence for Tidesages being chosen instead of choosing, is that there is a children’s legend about a brother and sister pair, the brother seemed fairly unaware that he was hearing the sea and was rather shocked when it responded to his call. After saving the ship, his sister called him ‘Tidesage’.
Who leads the Tidesages?
The senior Tidesage is whoever is in charge of House Stormsong. (The current Lord Stormsong is very dead, but his nephew is still running around.) The Lord Stormsong has a council, in which the most senior tidesages that each apparently specialize in being the best at one unique ability, advise the Lord Stormsong, carry out his wishes, and help train new Tidesages.
Occupants of the Tidesage Council apparently include a Runecarver, Windspeaker, Galecaller and a Wavespeaker, as well as Ironhull. The last one is interesting, as the NPC with it in the dungeon is called ‘Brother Ironhull’, which sort of implies it’s a last name. However, there are Ironhull apprentices running around, which suggests it is an actual position. Further inspection of the title beneath Brother Ironhull calls him ‘Master of the Hull’, which suggests that perhaps when one becomes master of a specific aspect of being a Tidesage, they adopt the last name.
However, Wavespeaker Reid, the senior Wavespeaker, was not called thus, so it is a matter of debate.  
It is noted by Brother Pike that the Wavespeaker is the oldest position on the council, implying it’s perhaps the first and most important of the Tidesage’s capabilities.
However, any ‘good’ Tidesages left that aren’t corrupted by the Void seem to be under Storm’s Wake and Brother Pike. It is currently unknown if the traditions of their order will be reinstated at a later date.
In general though, Tidesages are called Brother or Sister if they’re full Tidesages, or Initiates if they’re training.
What are the Tidesage disciplines?
Now, this isn’t exactly confirmed, but due to the above, it is heavily implied Tidesages specialize, and each specialization is under a particular umbrella or overall discipline. Information from this section is drawn from titles referenced by Brother Pike and names of NPCs in Stormsong monastery, Shrine of the Storm, and Stormsong Valley.
Of course, despite these specializations, most Tidesages seem to be capable of the basics of their magic - calling the water, talking to the water, etc, that is listed below in the ‘what do Tidesages do?’ section.
Galecaller - Abilities include swiftness ward, slicing blast, gale shear, slicing hurricane, tempest.
DISCIPLINE: Hull (It should be noted that this discipline seems to favor physical harm and attacks, and is probably favored by Tideguards)
Ironhull -  DEBATABLE. There is an argument this is just Brother’s Ironhull last name, though the apprentices seem to argue that. Abilities include Hindering cleave, reinforcing ward, lesser blessing of Ironsides, sundering blow.
Runecarver - Abilities include carve flesh, minor reinforcing ward. It is interesting to note that beyond Kul Tiras, Runecarvers are common among Vry’kul.
Hullwarden - This is not confirmed to be a member of this discipline, but theoretical. Hullwarden might be under some other discipline, but it seems most likely that they are under Hull, considering the name and ability set. Abilities include - Run Through, Runic Blast, and Tidesage’s swiftness.
Windspeaker - (Abilities include galewinds, minor swiftness ward, windblast.) These abilities seem to highlight some overlap  with the Tempest Discipline, it is possible Windspeaker is a part of Tempest, but the senior Windspeaker is called ‘Disciple of the Wind’.
Wavespeaker - Likely has a discipline, and is probably the senior of whatever discipline it is a part of, because Pike notes that this is the oldest specialization that the Tidesages have, and Reid, the former Wavespeaker, was something of a right-hand to Lord Stormsong.
Depthbringer - Debatable? These are NPCs in Shrine of the Storm that are called drowned Depthhbringers. The name composition is similar to a specialization of Tidesage, however. These might have only popped up after the Tidesage corruption, or possibly were the root of the corruption - those who looked into the depths found the K’thir.
Seacaller - Another NPC Title that isn’t expounded upon much but the name has the construction of a specialization.
There are likely other specializations beyond these, but these appear to be the only named ones in game.
Where do you find Tidesages?
They have a monastery in Tiragarde sound, called Stormsong Monastarery, that you are traditionally only allowed to leave and enter on via boat. It is also noted to have the greatest archives of Kul Tiras, which are not generally accessible to outsiders.
There is the Shrine of the Storm, which is the seat of House Stormsong, and in general it seems most towns in Tiragarde Sound and Stormsong Valley have their own Tidesages. It should be noted there doesn’t appear to be as many Tidesages in Drustvar, though if that’s incorrect, someone please correct me.
Tidesages are also found on the more senior of Kul Tiran ships, in order to guide and protect them directly.
[It is interesting to note that the Shrine of the Storm was once protected by three ‘gifts’ from the Tidemother (Which, prior to that, were used to protect the flagships of Kul Tiras.) These were Tidemother’s Pride, Tidemother’s Radiance, and Tidemother’s Wrath. They are promptly destroyed in order to assault The Shrine.]
What tools do Tidesages use?
They have several! They are noted for using some sort of runes to mark objects with various properties.
They have a Tidal Kris - a small, sharp blade. Brother Pike notes that a sharp blade is a safe blade. The Tidal Kris seems to be used to channel a Tidesage’s abilities, much like a staff or wand, and is also used in minor blood magic, where the Tidesage may cut themselves to sacrifice a drop of blood to calm the sea, or for other uses in complicated (and rare) rituals.
Abyssal Beacon - Apparently the mists of the Sea are hard to penetrate, this lantern allows them to do so much more easily. They have been shown to penetrate or pierce through illusions and illusionary magic.
Wavecaller’s Mantle - A mantle that has rolls of incarnations on it. It isn’t said what the incarnations are, only that it helps increase a Tidesage’s power.
It should be noted that it is explicitly said that Initiates can’t use these implements easily.
Tidesages can also carry a Dead Ringer, which is rung to collect the souls of the dead, and later used to release said souls into the sea.
They also use wands to help control elementals, what looks like some sort of totem, which is used to bind things. (In that specific case, people.)
It should be noted they also seem to have cauldrons in several places, presumably for helping them create tonics or scrying in places where sea water isn’t easily accessible.
What’s up with the Tideguard?
The Tideguard are to Tidesages what Paladins are to Priests - that is to say, they likely hear the whispers of the Tidemother, are fully capable of wielding Tide magic, but do so on a more physical, combative level. Unlike Paladins, however, Tideguard do not occupy separate orders, and seem to be the militant arm of the Tidesages,  and are likely subservient to the Tidesages. Tideguards are referred to by the title of ‘Tideguard <Name>’, for example, Tideguard Victoria in Stormsong Valley.
They take Oaths, much like the Tidesages, to guard and protect the people of Kul Tiras and the valley.
A Tideguard’s responsiblities seem to be to protect the Tidesages, guard the Shrines, monasteries, and general places of worship and wherever Tidesages might be found, as well as overall protecting Stormsong Valley and the people of Kul Tiras. Currently, the sane Tideguard also protect and are the main combative arm of Storm’s Wawke.
They also are responsible for the Rod of Tides, a rod which is the key to access the Shrine of Storm, and can ‘open the way’, via summoning a bridge of water.
Tidesage Victoria, before dying, is capable of impressive defensive water magic, summoning a huge water barrier to defend the player while she fights off attackers. Tideguard abilities also include things like ‘Tidesage’s Swiftness’. So it safe to say they manipulate the sea and everything that comes with that.
They also likely specialize like Tidesages, as Hullwarden’s abilities are all in perfect line with the Tideguard abilities in game, which suggests Hullwardens as a whole, or at least the majority, were Tideguard. As stated earlier, The Hull Discipline seems to favor physical attacks, which is in line with the Tideguard being the more physical, defensive side of tide magic.
What’s with the whole void thing?
It seems like the majority of Tidesages (And Tideguard) fell to the void, after they began to ‘mix up’ the Tidemother’s whispers with the whispers of Azshara/N’zoth’s minions. The whispers are described as ‘violent’ and demanding. Lord Stormsong in particular strongly believed that the nobility of Tiragarde did not appreciate his efforts and were harming the people, and it was up to him to change things.
As such, all the Void corrupted Tidesages got together and locked up the entire fleet in a massive storm, somewhere in the ocean.
It should be noted that the Tidesages were somewhat aware of the Void prior to this, as there are legends of ‘K’thir’. K’thir were legends of dark things in the depths, thought to serve only as mythical warnings to peering too deep with Tidesage magic.
Tidesages were also capable of resisting the nastiness of the whispers, as Brother Pike and all the remaining Tidesages did. Brother Pike noted that the Sea was very difficult to read while this is happening.
What do Tidesages Do?
Tidesages fulfill a variety of necessary functions for the stubborn, sea-faring people of Kul Tiras. This is often done by communicating directly with the sea itself, which is said to ‘gently whisper to them’. These duties are included, but not limited to…
Healing. This can be done directly with water, or can be done by creating potions, tonics, and antidotes for plagues or rampant illnesses, as well as just general weariness. Such tonics usually include blessed seawater, seaweed (which is cited as being particularly important), and blubber.
They bless monster hunters, fishermen and their boats and equipment before they head out to sea. This is apparently done for many fishermen and is not something reserved in the least for ‘important people’.
They inform the fishermen of the best spots to hunt fish.
They call to the souls of the dead and guide them out to sea, though this is not clear if this is only for Stormsong residents, but it’s probably not a far fetch to say this is at least done in Tiraguarde Sound. They call the souls via a bell, and then release them in a ritual that is, fittingly, called the ‘Ritual of Release’.
On ships, they fill the sails with wind, navigate for them via understanding the tides, guide them through storms, and guide fish and freshwater to the sailors, and allow the ships to withstand heavy seas. They are also capable of outright lifting the ship directly out of danger, as told via a old tale where a brother saved his sister’s ship from a kraken by creating a water-kraken to lift the ship over the rocks. (the actual flesh kraken tried to follow them, the water receded, and the flesh kraken was impaled on the rocks. Whoops.)
On ship building, they bless the ships themselves so their hulls are impenetrable to the denizens of the deep, as well as blessing the precious storms silver that is used in the creation of ships, before burying said storm silver in sea water for a year. All Kul Tiran ships go through this ritual.
They read the sea for ‘Omens’. This isn’t clarified much beyond that, but presumably it allows them to predict things that might or might not occur to their sailors at sea.
They read or ‘scry’ the waters, again for whatever knowledge the sea can impart. This isn’t clarified much, but the general rule of thumb should probably be ‘if the sea could have born witness to it, it can probably talk about it’.
They pray for the return of sailors.
They call rain down for the farmers.
From the looks of it in Tiragarde Sound, when things go poorly in town, people turn to their Tidesages to demand answers.
They are capable of talking directly with the Sea - this has been mentioned, but Tidesages are capable of feeling the Sea’s pain and confusion as their own.
Some Tidesages seem to work to map the currents and presumably the ocean, as seen in their Monastery in Tiragarde Sound. These people are called ‘Tidemappers’.
Other abilities include (and are used by various NPCS) - short range teleportation via water, frying your butt with lightning, manipulating souls of the dead beyond just releasing their souls to sea (Brother Pike is seen using them to explode a gate that was sealed), summoning and binding water elementals to do their will. Any sort of manipulation concerning water they seem to be capable of doing.
The portals in Stormwind are m
Using the abilities of Restoration Shamans, with some Frost Mage tossed in for good measure, as a good rule of thumb isn’t a half bad idea.
It should be noted that in Stormsong Monastery, that there appears to be a chapel of some sort, suggesting that Tidesages might give sermons. There is also a conversation between a Captain and a Tidesage in the middle of the chapel, as well as what seem to be Tideguard and Tidesages praying in the chapel.
Marriages in Kul Tiras - The one in Drustvar is performed by Lord Waycrest for his daughter. Before the ceremony is cut off, he says it is his ‘honor to wed these two in the presence of the land, the sky, and the sea.’ Likely that quote is the norm, and it is probably carried out by a Tidesage the majority of the time.
In Greeting
“Tides welcome you.”
“May the sea carry you swiftly.”
“Beware that which lurks in the depths.”
“I welcome those who honor the seat.”
“Tides bless you.”
“The depths spoke of your coming.”
“Tides preserve me!”
“Look always to the sea.”
“Currents guide you.”
“Fear not the tide’s flow.”
“Look always to the sea.”
In Reference to the Dead
“The currents will care ye, oh fallen.”
“Ebb and flow, from shelf to shore, your spirit’s woes.”
“Fear not, brother. The waves judge not your surface.”
“Wonder not for whom the lighthouse shines. It shines for thee.”
“Hear the storm’s song, and know peace.”
“Let your soul wash away from it’s mortal shell, and flow into the waters.”
In Reference to the Dead Who Weren’t Nice People
“Let your heart know hatred no longer.”
“Hear our call, fallen. Your wicked deeds are forgiven this day. Return to the storm and know peace. Flow through the shrine so we might share your strength." (This specific quote is said during the Ritual of Release. The latter half of the quote might be standard, or the whole of it in general, but it is used specifically by Brother Pike for NPCs that were enslaving and hurting the citizens of Stormsong.)
Brother Pike uses ‘Tidemother’ like we use ‘God’. So, “God, I can’t believe you’ve done this.” Would be, “Tidemother, I can’t believe you’ve done this.” Etc. Apply as necessary.
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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In celebration of November being Native American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 90+ Lumbee faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. The Lumbee are a Native American tribe from North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Rhiannon Giddens (1977) Lumbee, Occaneechi, Seminole, African-American, Irish, Scottish - singer-songwriter, violinist, fiddle player, and banjo player.
Jana / Jana Mashonee (1980) Lumbee / Tuscarora - actress, singer-songwriter, and author.
Charly Lowry (1983) Lumbee - singer-songwriter.
Queenetta Moore (1983) Lumbee, Unspecified Black - instagrammer (naturallyqueenie).
Stacy Layne Matthews (1984) Lumbee - tv personality. - Trans!
Carmen Hart (1984) Lumbee - actress, model, and former porn actress.
Maria Sturm (1985) Lumbee, Tuscarora, German - filmmaker and photographer.
Grace Askew (1986) Lumbee / Ojibwe - singer-songwriter.
Mackenzie Rosman (1989) Lumbee, Scottish, English, Swedish, Alsatian German - actress.
StyledbyKami (1990) Lumbee, Cherokee, Unspecified Black - youtuber.
Candace Lowry (1992) Lumbee / Unspecified White - youtuber.
Aminah Sane' Ghaffar (1994) Lumbee, African-American - dancer, poet, storyteller, and activist.
Alexis Raeana / Alexis Raeana Jones (1995) Lumbee - singer-songwriter, model, and Miss Lumbee 2015.
Ava Sambora (1997) Lumbee, Scottish, English, German / Polish - actress and model.
Ashton Locklear (1998) Lumbee - instagrammer (_ashtonlocklear) and gymnast.
Raven Dial-Stanley (1998) Lumbee - model, dancer, and Miss Indian North Carolina 2018.
Page Danielle (?) Lumbee - youtuber.
Quania Love Jones (?) Lumbee, Serrano, Miwok, Ohlone, Mexican, African-American, Louisiana Creole - actress, model, and socialite.
Ruby Star Shaman (?) 1/8 Lumbee, 1/8 Cherokee, 3/4 Unspecified Celtic - actress, singer-songwriter, poet, storyteller, and medium.
Jatana Jackson (?) Lumbee - model, Ms Virginia 2018, and Ms Virginia 2015.
Rachel Stewart (?) Lumbee, African-American / Tuscarora, African-American, Irish - visual artist and jewelry designer.
Daphne Coriz (?) Lumbee, Kewa, Yaac Haa’nu - model, makeup artist, and hairstylist.
LotusInWonderland (?) Lumbee, Cherokee, Choctaw, Lenape, Melungeon, Lakota Sioux, Pawnee, Shawnee, Metis, Cree, Chickahominy, Muskogee, Powhatan, Kuči - instagrammer (lotusinwonderland).
India Lowery Jones King (?) Lumbee - model.
Nikki Jacobs (?) Lumbee - plus-sized model (instagram: nikkiplusmodel).
MelodicWaters / Melody The Mystic (?) Lumbee, Muskogee, Choctaw, Sioux, Puerto Rican [Taino, Afro-Puerto Rican] - singer, poet, and reiki master.
Jiffy Caywood-Williams / Jennifer Caywood-Williams (?) Lumbee - reality tv personality, celebrity chef, artist, and designer.
Heather Parker (?) Lumbee, Yakama, Tulalip - singer-songwriter and fashion designer (instagram: urthychurchygirl).
Glenda Bean (?) Lumbee, Catawba - actress.
Nikki Carter (?) Lumbee - plus-sized model.
Kayla Jean Oxendine (?) Lumbee - actress and Miss Indian North Carolina 2017.
Tabitha Leviner (?) Lumbee - model and trainer.
Britt Watt (?) Lumbee, African-American - model, athlete, and trainer (instagram: bwatt3000).
Layla Rose Locklear (?) Lumbee, Tuscarora / Oglala Lakota Sioux - singer.
Amelia Locklear (?) Lumbee - rower.
JoJo Brooks Shifflett (?) Lumbee / Unspecified - author (instagram: alumbeegershom)
Sable J Locklear (?) Lumbee - model (instagram: sablejeanette).
Malinda Maynor Lowery (?) Lumbee - filmmaker and writer.
Linda Cox (?) Lumbee - singer.
Vincea Locklear (?) Lumbee - martial artist.
Chasity Lowery (?) Lumbee - model.
Ashley Minner (?) Lumbee - artist.
Tonya Holy Elk Locklear (?) Lumbee, Oglala Lakota Sioux - artist.
Joe Taylor (1939) Lumbee - football player.
Gene Locklear (1949) Lumbee - baseball player.
Kelvin Sampson (1955) Lumbee - basketball player.
Chief Iron Bear / Harold Collins (1957) Lumbee - powerlifter.
Tatanka / Chris Chavis (1961) Lumbee - wrestler.
Clint Lowery (1971) Lumbee / Slovakian - singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, and producer.
Corey Lowery (1973) Lumbee / Slovakian - singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, and producer.
Jammie Deese (1977) Lumbee, Unspecified White - football player.
Dylan Kage (1980) Lumbee - wrestler.
Sean Locklear (1981) Lumbee / African-American - football player.
Kenwin Cummings (1986) Lumbee - football player.
Ryan Van Natten (1987) Lumbee / Dutch - ice dancer.
Keenan Allen (1992) Lumbee, African-American - football player.
Michael Goedel (1993) Lumbee, Yakama, Tulalip - model and dancer.
Lakota John / Lakota John Locklear / John Lakota Locklear (1997) Lumbee / Oglala Lakota Sioux - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Robby Cummings (?) Lumbee / Cherokee - singer-songwriter and keyboardist.
Noah Hunt (?) Lumbee - singer and guitarist.
Ryan Dial-Stanley (?) Lumbee - flutist and spoken word artist.
Kenny Wingle (?) Lumbee / Polish - comedian.
Efrain Colón (?) Lumbee, Unspecified Latine - screenwriter.
Realbk (?) Lumbee - musician.
Matty Strongbeaux (?) Lumbee, Cherokee, Samoan - rapper.
Gordon Ison (?) Lumbee - actor and filmmaker.
Abraham Thomas (?) Lumbee / Oglala Lakota Sioux - singer-songwriter.
Mark McKinney (?) Lumbee - singer and guitarist (Mark McKinney & Co.).
Andrew Locklear (?) Lumbee - singer and percussionist (Mark McKinney & Co.).
Jonathan Locklear (?) Lumbee - guitarist and bassist (Mark McKinney & Co.).
Dolphus Ramseur (?) Lumbee, Unspecified White - musician and producer.
JaseLVO (?) Lumbee - rapper.
Aaron Locklear (?) Lumbee - guitarist, keyboardist, and drummer (Dark Water Rising).
Corey Locklear (?) Lumbee - guitarist (Dark Water Rising).
Q LeNar / Quincy LeNar (?) Lumbee, Cheraw, Cherokee, Tuscarora - filmmaker.
Zeus Tha God (?) Lumbee, African-American - rapper.
DtK / daveth3king (?) Lumbee - rapper.
Daniel Chavis (?) Lumbee, Unspecified Black - singer-songwriter, poet, and illustrator.
Brandon McLean (?) Lumbee - singer.
Jamie K. Oxendine (?) Lumbee / Muskogee - musician, storyteller, writer, and artist.
Tis Mal Crow (?) Lumbee, Hitchiti, Cherokee - artist.
Hayes Alan Locklear (?) Lumbee, Tuscarora - artist.
Isaac Dial (?) Lumbee / Navajo - artist.
Christopher Simmons (?) Lumbee / Afro-Panamanian - boxer.
Donte M. Williams (?) Lumbee - producer.
Shannon Lowery (?) Lumbee - artist (instagram: mudlowery and ibeshannonlowery).
Jamie Locklear (?) Lumbee, Unspecified Black - podcast host.
Edgar Villanueva (?) Lumbee - author and activist. 
James Bixby (?) Lumbee - skater and video creator (instagram: bixbyfilms).
Qwo-Li Driskill (1975) Lumbee, Lenape, Cherokee, Osage, African-American, Irish - Two-Spirit (Ze/Hir/Hir’s) - performer, author, and poet.
Heather Locklear (1961) Lumbee, Scottish, English, German - actress. - Domestic violence.
Anybody Killa / ABK / James Lowery (1973) 3/4 Lumbee, 1/4 Cherokee - rapper. - Blackface, appropriation of cornrows, and appropriation of bantu knots.
17 notes · View notes
LFRP Drifting Ash (Mateus)
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Drifting Ash
The Basics ––– –
Age: 31
Birthday: 1st Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: None
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 7′6″
Build: Broad, densely muscular
Distinguishing Marks: White shamanistic tattooing around his face
Common Accessories: Commonly seen with white-gray powder adorning his skin and on his hands. Frequently wears primitive style necklaces and bracelets made of leather, bone, and wood.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Wandering Shaman
Hobbies: Discussing spiritual matters, playing his drum, singing 
Languages: Eorzean, several beast tongues
Residence: None
Birthplace: Abalathia’s Spire
Religion: Spiritulaist
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Being lost to the long shadows 
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Father: Unknown, Mother: Wandering Smoke
Siblings: 7 he is unaware of
Other Relatives: None 
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: None Drugs: Uses hallucinogens in spiritual work Alcohol: Drinks but dislikes feeling drunk
RP Hooks ––– –
Need spiritual advice? He’s the man to talk to!
Pestered by ghosts or voidal nasties? He’s happy to help.
Want to spend some time expanding your horizons through guided recreational drug use? Well let’s get started.
Familiar with beast tribes and those who go among them? You may have heard of him!
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord:  Whittledown#8901 otherwise Tumblr DM’s is fine!
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tcb-ffxiv · 6 years
LFRP - Clan-Born Shaman
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ℭ𝔩𝔞𝔫-𝔅𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔫
The Basics ––– –
Age: Adult.
Birthday: Beneath Summer’s Constellations.
Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Unknown.
Marital Status: Single, Unmarried.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Downy taupe and pale sand, loosely styled.
Eyes: Pale green.
Height: 5′4″
Build: Strong pear, large hips, long legs.
Distinguishing Marks: ‘Clan’ mark on her brow, ‘Birth Stars’ on her cheeks, several scars along her body.
Common Accessories: Small pouches on her hip that contain her tools; stones, bones, and simple cards.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Shaman; Seer of the Bones.
Hobbies: Travel.
Languages: Huntspeak, ‘Stonespeak,’ a little Common.
Residence: The Shroud.
Birthplace: The Shroud.
Religion: Complicated.
Patron Deity: Menphina.
Fears: Unknown; Fire, Void, Hogs.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Unknown.
Siblings: Unknown.
Other Relatives: Fellow Clan-Born.
Pets: None.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: None. Drugs: Medicinal. Spiritual. Alcohol: Not often.
RP Hooks ––– –
Guide & Guard: Having been separated from the Clan-Born, the shaman would prefer to seek asylum with an individual who could teach her how to adapt to life outside of the Clan-Born and the Shroud. Her partial blindness and difficulty speaking outside of her stone makes travel on her own difficult, but not impossible.
Keepers of the Moon: The Clan-Born are a strange off-shoot of most clans considered ‘normal,’ and those who have heard of them have more than likely heard of their particularly violent ways, especially toward those of their own clan. What is truth and what is fiction is difficult to tell, but she seems happiest alongside fellow kin.
Astrologian/Astrology: The shaman is not canonically an astrologian, but her clan is immensely devoted to mapping the stars - to such a point that adults will mark their newborns with the stars seen above the birthing tree before their eyes have even opened. While discarded by her own parents, the shaman has maintained firm faith in the stars as Clan-Born, and would benefit from - and enjoy - proper lessons, likely.
Roll the Bones: As shaman, her skills have wavered toward asking the spirits for boons or premonitions. While most consider these to be parlor tricks, the shaman is not adverse to completing a reading for those who wish to ask the bones their questions. She does, however, caution that the answers may not be easily understood - or kind.
Contact Information  ––– –
I prefer to be contacted over Tumblr or Discord [clanborn#1716] as my game presence is currently a little at odds while I prepare to move. I travel often for work and my preference for roleplay is over play-by-post mediums [Discord, GDocs, Tumblr] due to sometimes needing to be away from the game for unexpected periods of time.
I am relatively new to the game itself, so I am still learning quite a bit. I moved to Balmung to integrate into a roleplay community. I eagerly look forward to any connections that might be made!
Please forgive the sparsity of this Tumblr. I am working on filling it up. Thank you in advance for both your patience, and for any reblogs that are given.
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house-vexile · 6 years
Looking For Role-play - Master List
In the effort to put my feet back into the water with more vigor, I’ve made another quick reference list of my characters and the best way to engage them. I recently passed 800 followers (Welcome new people!) and I figured I was way overdue for this. For ease of scrolling, the LFRP snippets will be under the cut (Sorry mobile users...I know the read more line doesn’t always work in the app...). 
All characters listed below are on Balmung unless specified otherwise. 
Thank you all!
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Ranya Vexile - A Vylbrand native and business owner, Ranya is a very strong willed woman with a sharp tongue and little patience for foolishness.
Are you a craftsman or guard/mercenary? Ranya might have work for you.
Limsan native? Ranya’s family has spent near all of its history in that area.
Do you like books? You haven’t seen her house. She collects them.
Any individual with a disciplined lifestyle, or a driven mindset.
Important things to note:
Ranya is not available for romantic engagement, as she is a taken lady.
She can be a very intimidating lady out the gate. Proceed with caution, please.
She HIGHLY dislikes Garleans. 
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Phenalyn Talavaine - A kindhearted healer and artist who sees and hears far more than she lets on. A gentle soul with a hearty dose of nervousness.
Do you like nature? Animals? Plants? Spirits? Phen will love to chat.
Do you like history, particularly captured in ruins or in art forms? She studies these sorts of things.
Healing magic is always a safe way to go with this lady. She’s quite adept.
Have you traveled the world? Been to faraway places? She’ll LOVE hearing about it.
Important things to note:
Phenalyn’s romantic intentions are focused on a particular gentleman at the moment. Please don’t engage her with the intention of romance.
Scared to role-play with me, or intimidated in any way? Phenalyn is by far the easiest/kindest of my characters and would be a good starting choice.  
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Y’asmina Malha - A tribe witch with a fiery spirit and ritually branded skin. A bit of a wildcard...and a woman seems to be too aware of the preciousness of life.
Do you like adventuring? Mina is the curious sort who likes the sensation of spontaneity.
From a tribe? So is Mina. Doesn’t have to be the same tribe, she’s still likely interested.
Is your character more rough around the edges? All fine by Y’asmina. She likes the more...weathered, morally questionable sort.
Important things to note:
Y’asmina and Y’raos (mentioned next) are siblings. You will likely deal with one if you engage the other.
Similarly to the others, please don’t bum-rush her for the sake of ERP. It won’t happen.
Y’asmina deals in some rather arcane, dated magics. Some of the darker variety. That doesn’t mean she’ll talk about them outright.
She is prone to attitudes. Please proceed with caution.
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Y’raos Nunh - A brooding, hard-working and intense male from the Jaguar clan. Due to some...unfortunate circumstances, he is now the leader of his clan branch.
Tribe life. Raos is the leader of a clan currently recovering from some bad leadership by the hand of the former Nunh. He’s open to conversation regarding it.
Parenthood. Y’raos is the father of four children, three his own and one adopted. He loves his family, and respects a family-minded individual.
Vylbrand - Y’raos and his people recently completed the move back to their former home along the beaches of La Noscea. One might have seen their developing village.
Important things to note:
He’s a bit grumpy out the gate, and is a man of few words. But he talks, I promise!
Y’raos is married. Yes, that is rare for Seeker tribes. That said, he is not open for ERP, even under the pretense of lore. Please do not seek him out for it.
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Khai Tumet - A quiet, unapologetic huntress who has returned to her home with the hopes of restoring her tribe name. 
Xaela culture is always a safe way to go with Khai. Just don’t insult it and she might talk to you.
Hunting is also an easy topic and a quick way to get her to talk.
Painting. Khai paints quite a bit, and while she isn’t classically trained or interested in learning, she enjoys sharing the passion.
Important things to note:
Khai is by far my hardest character to engage. She will not leave the East now that she is home, and she is blatantly disapproving of Eorzean ways. Proceed with caution.
Khai also has some social/mental quirks that may come off as aloof or dismissive. These are intentional, and with investment, it will become clear as to why she acts the way she does.
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Shoniin Kahkol - A travelling shaman of the Kahkol tribe, interested in gathering the lost of the Steppes and guiding them home.
Xaela culture also works with Shoniin. He’s familiar with all of the tribes, and is willing to teach people who care to learn.
Magic. While he may not care to learn the ways of others, he has an interest in the way other aether users channel their skills.
Jewelry and body modification - Shoniin is heavily pierced, enjoys piercing/making jewelry, and is able to tattoo those who desire it...albeit in more primitive ways.
Important things to note:
Due to the nature of his personality and more hidden details, stories involving Shoniin can often drift towards darker themes. Buyers beware.
While Shoniin is polyamorous and pansexual, invested story would be necessary for me as a writer to even consider a relationship of that sort between him and another character.
I also have other, more minor characters available. However, I am not on them often so a shorter description will be listed below:
Arty Surefoot - Smuggler, airship pilot, transporter, black market dealer. She’s a wildcard.
Y’nala Jaliz - Grandmother to Y’asmina and Y’raos, she is a very old woman with very old magic.
Nikolai Barlaas (Mateus) - A silent man from Thavnair seeking a new life...while keeping the past in the past.
A note about the writer:
I have alts. This means I will not be constantly focused on a single character. I do, however, play quite a bit and do play most of my characters equally. 
Scheduling things with me is best. While I don’t mean to formalize the process, I work a LOT during the day and am very exhausted in the evening. Scheduling things helps me make sure I get to squeeze into everyone else’s time!
I am on the east coast, but that won’t stop me from making accommodations for your time zone. I am up super late most nights, and weekends have no sleep schedule at all. So don’t let my location dissuade you!
I can do discord RP, but due to the fact that I work all day, replies will be slow and likely 1-2 times a day maximum. I also prefer in-game RP if at all possible.
Drama happens, but be ready to talk about it. I do not have time for drama, and would prefer a role-play partner who is able to maintain open communication rather than letting issues fester.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. So sorry it’s as long as it is!
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zerotoninrp · 3 years
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The Basics There are beings who exist outside of the superhuman. Magicians who wield energies that bend space and time, willing and rewriting any universal law; entities who are representations of abstract concepts; sections of the Earth governed by primordial silent forces given name: The Rot, The Green, The Parliament. They are protectors of the realms between; emissaries and guides, seers and destroyers. They are lore personified, and their community is a loose tapestry of people and things who serve their own ends, for none can tell them otherwise.
Overview There is no one makeup for a broad categorization. What makes a supernatural, generally, is their attunement to magic itself. They are angels, devils, gurus, shaman, runeworkers, orisha, witches, avatars. They span totality, and can be found in every corner of the galaxy. They manipulate—or are construed from—energies gifted by greater beings with one goal: the preservation or destruction of everything they once willed.
e.g. Swamp Thing, Dr. Fate, Madame Xanadu, Nick Necro, Zatanna, John Constantine.
As of January 1st, 2000 The supernatural community is scattered, largely working behind the scenes in aiding all the world’s great improvements, but until now they have not made themselves known to the public, preferring to let ignorance be their safety in a mechanized society. Through the ages, they remain aware of one another’s presence, and have a semblaged connection to one another’s individual causes, but choose to remain independent, eschewing true affinity.
ZEROTONIN is an upcoming 21+ DC Comics AU/Elseworld RP coming to JCINK, centered in a heightened alternate dystopian reality of the year 2000, with a neo-futuristic/neo noir/Y2K setting.
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serwynterwulf · 6 years
Clan Wulf: Leaders of the Familes
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Constant WIP as The Families and Clan evolve through RP. Those of the families that make the Wulf Clan, a mix group of various Hyurs and a few others either by blood or adopted ceremonies. Many roles help this clan function as well it did in its glory days. Most of these roles are not one of just traditions that both new and old members of the families hold in high regard. 
The Greatwulf
The Shaman of the Greatwulf  is the main mediator and spiritual guide for all the clan. Calling the familes together when they read ill omens would present themselves. They are also the go to for any strong or rare to find herbal remedies that a normal shaman of the wulf family could not go too. If it was anyone's words who were near law in the Wulf clan that all families followed, it would be the Greatwulf. The name Greatwulf is given to the shaman that would eventually take the role of the previous. This role is chosen when the shamans of the families meet together and choose a new one by their own insight and the insight they gain from various rituals when they ask for the nature around them and their ancestors for guidance.
Leaders of the Pack:
When the Clan would unite in its days of old, normally in times of war, hardships or even times of peace and joyful occasions celebrating their shared traditions it was headed by the Pack Leaders. Whenever the Clan’s path as a whole would be discussed it would be talked between the pack leaders of the families and the spiritual leader of the entire Clan. Each leader of the the families have different names for this role. Each one having their own unique way of leading their branch of the clan. Helping each family develop and create its own views and methods separating them a bit from their fellow Wulves from the other regions of the land. Blackwulf: The name Blackwulf was gone over several transformations the leadership style and preferred manner to handling the families business and affairs has always change from each new successor.  The last known Blackwulf, father of Aesir and Aelin Wulf was known as a cunning and skilled man of politics, trade and treaties. With the liberation of Ala Mhigo few have heard from this family and its current, or former head. 
Warleader: The first Warleader of the Wulves of Coerthas was Jorgen Icewulf the founder of this relatively new family. The Warleaders role is very simple compared to some of the leader pack leaders of the clan. On and off the field the Warleader leads the family, although it is not uncommon to mainly see them in the field either hunting prey to help feed the family and the hounds it raises. Or perhaps preparing for the next fight, readying themselves to lead their fighters into battle. The Current Warleader is Braxis Wynterwulf, Lord of the somewhat recently named House Wulf. ?????: The Leader of the Peaks has not been seen since there was only three families of the Wulf Clan, little is known about this missing pack and its head. Elder Wulf Shaman: Either it be training the younger Wulves in the ways of magic and the more traditional, spiritual side of the Wulves traditions. Preparing herbal remedies or tending to the sick, this Pack Leader is almost always busy.  The Fringes packleader is also known to in the past to take many trips to the Clans Greatwulf Shaman n to help them read various omens that regard the families and the Clan itselfs fate.
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kharmaisa · 6 years
Revenge and Retrieval
An RP with Manic. Thanks again!
Many Days before Reunion (Still)...
Kharma, Gheita and 6 Sadan rode towards the raiders camp. This time, Kharma was on her own horse which followed close to Gheita. She was filled with fury, even for needing to drive this beast. Behind them were other riders which guided one cart pulled by two horses. Inside were the prisoners they caught. Soon, this mess would all be over. 
They would eventually spot the Haragin raiders. There appeared to be three archers at least. Two who stood back with staves, likely shaman. If there were others they could not tell. "<There might be more,>"  Kharma stated before they got close. "<Halt!!>" She called, them barely being out of firing range. Kharma dared not leave her horse lest she show that a fumbling fool she was on one. "<Bring one of the hostages,>" she said to no one in particular. The cart they had stopped as well. One of the Sedan males pulled out a prisoner by the arm. He soon grabbed his hair also when he started to struggle. Kharma held out her bow in one hand signaling for him to stop. Her fierce eyes never left their opponents before them.  "<LET US CLOSE IF YOU WANT THE REST OF YOUR CLAN BACK ALIVE!>"
Her horse shifted under her, no doubt feeling her emotions. She was tense. The mare was tense. Kharma kept her eyes forward, wishing nothing more than to be off the beast.  For now, she watched the 10 before them. To Gheita she spoke quietly in common Eorzean, hoping the quiet tone would calm the horse, "Lead when you are ready." "<Let's see what they choose to do first,>" he glanced to Kharma before looking back to the caravan. "<Let us close. We have you surrounded... anything strange and we will massacre you and your own already captured!>"  After both of them shouting, the Haragin seemed to lower their bows. Kharma put her bow away before speaking to the Sadan. "<Put that one away. We proceed,>" She said as her horse began moving. They made their way slowly towards the others, thankfully so far there were no sudden movements. Once they got closer, Kharma eyed the Raiders. "<Return us items of Kha. We shall return those of yours less harmed.>"  "<And of those harmed more?>" One of the Haragin males questioned. "<They will die for those they have killed.>" Gheita watched patiently as the exchange happened and negotiated, keeping one hand loose in case he must grab his ax. AS the lone Qerel in the ranks of Kha, he felt confident despite their numbers. Before them were 10 enemies in total. Against the 8 of them, it did not seem like a good battle. Considering the three archers, and one mage that made up the opponents. (The one she saw before was not as she believed, but a helper with a staff.) On Gheita and Kharma's side were much the same. Three archers, though all were relatively good with a bow. They had no mages. Regardless, Kharma sat firmly upon her horse. With cart they brought were behind them, protected, the riders of the horses were off it.
Kharma continued to struggle on the horse, despite her seeming confident on it. She had made their demands clear once: They wanted the Kha items in exchange for the Haragin raiders they had. Those alive and dead... or soon to be dead. Gheita hopped off his own horse, staying ready as he spoke, " <All we want is what belongs to the Kha and we will leave in peace.>" Hopefully, the leader of the group would see reason. The other leader seemed more favorable towards Gheita. Rather... Fearful of him. He motioned for them to gather the Kha belongings. At least for a few to. The archers and mage remained in place. "<In exchange, we want our own,>" he stated. Kharma spoke to the other Kha. "<Hand them their dead.>" She looked to the Haragin. "<These you get for now. The others, after we have what is needed.>" There seemed to be no push back with this. Kharma told the Kha to bring out the living. They were all injured. Some of them were allowed to walk over. Those too injured were set before Kharma's horse. She got off the creature and moved closer. Kharma and Gheita remained watching the Haragin, behind the gravely injured ones while the Kha put the items in the cart that they needed. The leader of the raiders asked of the injured ones. Kharma replied once all the items they needed were inside the cart. "<These will suffer no more. They Fought. Their lives will be taken for those they killed.>" As she spoke, Kharma took an ornate knife, one Gheita might recognize, and slit the throats of those before her. Quickly, and sufficiently. Their deaths were fast. The others all stood back. A few of the Haragin glanced to Gheita and the numbers on the other side. Kharma was able to finish in peace. Then the final one was dead, she looked back to the raiders. Fierceness in her eyes. "<It is done. Go back to your Natal ways. Raid us again and there will be no mercy.>" With that, Kharma turned and lead her horse away. She made a show of turning her back and walking away. The only time this would change was not long after when Gheita would get upon his own horse. At such a point, she handed off her horse to another and resumed her usual position: riding on the back of his horse, back to back, watching the Haragin care for their dead. They headed towards the Kha camp; The one where the caravan survivors of Enkhsegr were. It was many hours out. They might have to camp at some point. Kharma wanted to press on as long as they could before doing so. For the last few minutes, her back actually touched Gheita's.
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shamanofthewilds · 1 year
The new information about orc priests TRULY makes me so happy. I have never felt more validated in how passionately I talk about orcs and how I view their beliefs.
I’ve been pretty down, so I havent been able to transfer my orc priest lore justification , but something on the PTR has made me very happy. But if anyone is interested in reading some lore connections to why orc priests make sense, I wrote a very long “RP Guide” to help players think about their orc priests differently. Here is the forum post where I I talk a lot about the different angles and spiritual reasons why orcs have a reason to be mystics aside from shamans https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/story-approaches-rp-and-lore-for-orc-priests/1376610
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queencryo · 6 years
Oh also. Today i spent too long making an oracle out of an old RP character.
Their main schtick (as an oracle, at least. Pathfinder requires more specialization than RP :p) is interacting with different spirits, which I’m skinning as half-dead “gods”, mostly from when the world was transitioning from nature spirits to actual Gods. They can do this despite being an oracle thanks to the spirit guide archetype, which takes the wandering spirit feature from the shaman class. I could’ve done this via just being a shaman, but fuck that, because shamans are dumb (and prepared casters, ugh). Also I like being independently powerful but also having the option of divine aid. Nifty.
They use the Dark Tapestry mystery (basically space and the cold of space and shit), mostly because the character they’re based on is from a space station, and i found a way to make that theme work for the oracle anyway.
They’re kind of selfish, and not really a good person, but they still go out of their way to help others, though.
The half-dead gods help out mostly just cuz they’re glad to be noticed (most people donxt notice them, mostly because they skulk on the edges of the material plane (ie: space) because they are no longer Important enough to hang out on the celestial plane or whatever it’s called). Also because, after centuries of subsisting off stolen prayers from tribal peoples and hipsters worshipping gods Close Enough to you, I imagine it'd be nice to have at least one person who trusts in and appreciates your power.
The most backstory i have rn is that they were an engineer working on a temple for the local lord. One night, on the way home she is threatened by some type of Undead Fucker who was disturbed by the lord doing Nefarious Things (it’s a little vague, because eh, whatever). Horror Movie Chase ensues, including the Trip. While waiting to die, the sky catches her eye, and she sees past the space between the stars, shapes coalescing into beings that haven’t been seen by eyes, mortal or immortal, in centuries.
A while seems to pass for her, but she hears flesh hitting the ground, and looks to see a spectral form, holding a blade, standing over the now-still corpse.
Celia leaves town after that. She tells a few people to look into what the lord is doing, but she’s not willing to deal with that. Like I said, she’s not really the best person.
Their signature spell is likely gonna be spiritual ally/weapon, because 1: it’s a cool spell 2: that happened in their backstory. Those are cool spells.
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lindablatt · 5 years
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SERIOUSLY though! #diggingdeep #healingthesoul #Repost @suitestpee (@get_repost) ・・・ 👁❤️👁FOLLOW @selfcareissacred ↔️ IMAGE RP VIA @astrologyangelmediums 💀🧠💍 #scorpioseason ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ <🙇Shamans “see” through their hearts. Shamanic tribes like the Maori of New Zealand believe that the physical world we experience is actually a projection coming from each individual heart. The Mayans and the Q’ero tribe in the Peruvian Andes have their own versions of this basic understanding. ••• Their shamans know that self-importance, created by the ego, is dedicated to keeping the powerful heart portal closed off enough to prevent Spirit from shining through. The ego accomplishes this by shutting down the heart to the point where the portal remains closed to the spirit world. The portals pop open only when a certain amplitude is reached, so keeping it below a certain level prevents opening. ••• What keeps amplitude low are all the familiar maladies: fear, hostility, self-importance, depression, self-doubt, cynicism, and frustration. Because of these, most people’s hearts are shut down most of the time, which feels bad in the chest and cuts off the main avenue of escape from pain and suffering — an open heart. ••• Gratitude counters these ploys by the parasitical false personality and raises the amplitude high enough to begin the heart-opening process.> ✨Hank Wesselman and Sandra Ingerman 🔳🔳🔳 🌎GET TO KNOW YOUR EGO: 🔺 http://boundariesarebeautiful.com/ego/ 🔳🔳🔳 🌍DO YOU LISTEN TO THE LIAR IN YOUR HEAD? OR THE CALM GUIDE? YOUR CHOICE: 🔺 http://boundariesarebeautiful.com/voiceofknowledge/ 🔳🔳🔳 💎EXPLORE JAGUAR MEDICINE:: 🔺 http://boundariesarebeautiful.com/jaguarmedicine/ 🌠🌠🌠 #selfcareissacred #esoteric #venusretrograde #ptsdrecovery #pastlives https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAPB92lfS2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fwpyluzi3irg
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malangtoday-blog · 6 years
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Inilah 10 Desa Wisata Terbaik di Indonesia, Nomor 4 Paling Kece!
MALANGTODAY.NET - Bagi sebagian orang, desa mungkin dianggap sebagai tempat yang terpencil, kuno, dan jauh dari segala macam kecanggihan teknologi. Tapi ada lho, desa wisata terbaik yang jadi sasaran tempat liburan! Desa yang dianggap terbelakang, membuat banyak orang enggan tinggal di desa dan memilih menetap di kota-kota besar. Tapi kamu mungkin harus berpikir ulang ketika melihat keindahan desa-desa di bawah ini. Baca Juga: Miliki Perda Disabilitas, Sudahkan Pemkot Malang Tunaikan Kewajibannya? Pasalnya, desa-desa berikut ini menawarkan keindahan pemandangan yang nggak mungkin kamu jumpai di kota besar! Bahkan beberapa desa sekarang sengaja dikembangkan oleh pemerintah daerah sebagai destinasi wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan. Nah, kali ini MalangTODAY.net akan menyajikan 10 desa yang bisa menjadi referensi liburanmu. Desa mana sajakah itu? Yuk, simak ulasannya! 1. Desa Pariangan, Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat Desa Pariangan termasuk dalam daftar lima desa terindah di dunia versi Budget Travel disandingkan dengan empat desa lainnya. Yakni Wengen di Swiss, Eze di Prancis, Niagara on the Lake di Kanada, dan Cesky Krumlov di Ceko. [caption id="attachment_183494" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Desa Pariangan yang keren banget! (Istimewa)[/caption] Desa indah ini menawarkan suasana tenang dengan segala pesona alamnya yang memukau. Kamu bisa melihat beragam tempat tinggal tradisional yang terawat baik, sebuah masjid tua besar, dan pemandangan sawah serta sungai. 2. Desa Argapura, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat Desa Argapura mempunyai panorama pertanian atau perkebunan yang sungguh mempesona. Keindahan terasering Argapura tidak kalah menarik dibandingkan Bali, bahkan Vietnam atau Thailand. Di bagian barat, kamu akan dimanjakan dengan pesona keindahan lembah Cilongkrang. [caption id="attachment_183488" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Mau liat yang ijo-ijo? Dateng kesini aja! (Istimewa)[/caption] Sedangkan di bagian timur, kamu bisa melihat Gunung Cermai dengan ketinggian antara 3.078 meter di atas permukaan laut. Mayoritas hasil bumi unggulannya adalah bawang daun, padi, ubi, bawang merah dan sebagainya. Baca Juga: Waspada Pelakor! Ini Tips Mencegah Sahabat Jadi Pelakor! 3. Desa Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat Kawasan Lembang merupakan salah satu daerah dataran tinggi yang terkenal di Indonesia. Hal ini karena Lembang menawarkan aneka wisata alam asri, udara sejuk, dan pemandangan alam yang hijau. [caption id="attachment_183485" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Spesial buat kamu yang suka liburan ke desa, desa Lembang cocok buat sweet escape! (Istimewa)[/caption] Saking banyaknya tempat wisata, kamu tak akan bosan untuk terus berkunjung ke sini. Dari tempat wisata yang romantis hingga ekstrim hampir semuanya ada. Beberapa tempat wisata yang terkenal adalah Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Kampung Gajah, Curug Malela, dan lain-lain. 4. Desa Pujon Kidul di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur Desa Pujon Kidul berada tepat di atas kawasan Payung, Batu atau 29 kilometer dari pusat kota Malang. Kamu bisa mengunjungi pengolahan susu sapi, budi daya tanaman obat keluarga, air terjun Sumber Pitu, Kafe Sawah, kebun buah, dan masih banyak lagi. [caption id="attachment_183497" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Yuhu!! Kalo yang satu ini bisa kamu kunjungi di Malang Raya! (Istimewa)[/caption] Selain itu, desa ini mampu menghadirkan beragam pemandangan alam yang memukau. Kamu bisa melihat panorama indah, seperti gunung, sawah, air terjun. Bahkan pada tahun 2017, desa ini ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata terbaik kategori Agro oleh Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi. 5. Desa Kersik Tuo, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi Desa ini menjadi salah satu gebang utama menuju Gunung Kerinci. Kersik Tuo merupakan jalur resmi yang paling banyak diminati para pendaki, karena lebih mudah dibandingkan Solok. [caption id="attachment_183482" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Desa Kersik Tuo yang kayak di luar negeri (Istimewa)[/caption] Selain itu, kamu bisa menikmati panorama desa dengan latar pemandangan Gunung Kerinci. Di Desa Kersik Tuo terdapat beragam basecamp pendakian yang buka 24 jam. Sambil istirahat dan meyiapkan barang, kamu bisa mencari guide atau porter pendakian dengan harga sekitar Rp 250 ribu per hari. Baca Juga: Cari Tahu Yuk Apa Itu Pembohong Patologis dan Pembohong Kompulsif 6. Desa Sungai Nyalo, Painan, Sumatera Barat Desa Sungai Nyalo dikenal sebagai salah satu desa dengan perkembangan tercepat. Desa ini bisa kamu temukan di Kecamatan Koto XI Tarusan, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat. [caption id="attachment_183479" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Desa Sungai Nyalo yang asri (Istimewa)[/caption] Kamu bisa menikmati keindahan wisata pantainya seperti pantai Carocak yang masih alami dan asri. Selain itu ada bukit Mandeh yang menawarkan pemandangan batu-batu berbentuk pulau. 7. Desa Madobak, Mentawai, Sumatera Barat Desa Madobak mempunyai keragaman budaya tradisional yang unik sebagai daya tarik utamanya. Terdapat rumah tradisional yang dikenal dengan Uma. Ada juga upacara tradisionalnya yang dipentaskan Sikerei atau Shaman. Wisata alamnya yang paling terkenal adalah air terjun Kulu Kubuk yang sangat segar. Air terjun ini memiliki dua tingkatan dengan tinggi 70 meter. [caption id="attachment_183476" align="alignnone" width="1068"] Puas banget buat kamu yang suka surfing! (Istimewa)[/caption] Untuk bisa sampai ke desa, kamu harus melewati perjalanan panjang mulai dari Muara Siberut, lalu mengambil rute Purou-Muntei-Rokdok-Madobak-Ugai-Butui-Matotonan. 8. Desa Teluk Meranti, Pelalawan, Riau Desa ini begitu terkenal di kalangan para peselancar di seluruh dunia. Desa yang dibelah aliran Sungai Kampar dengan panorama berupa dataran rendah berawa-rawa. Daya tarik utamanya adalah ombak Bono di Sungai Kampar yang membuat kamu bisa berselancar sangat lama. [caption id="attachment_183473" align="alignnone" width="1068"] Disini juga surganya para peselancar! (Istimewa)[/caption] Ombak Bono merupakan suatu fenomena alam akibat adanya pertemuan arus sungai menuju laut dan arus laut yang masuk ke sungai akibat pasang. Baca Juga: Tingkatkan Potensi Pajak, BP2D Kota Malang Gelar Public Hearing 9. Desa Bontagula, Bontang, Kalimantan Timur Desa ini telah meraih penghargaan dari Eko Sandjojo, Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi Indonesia ke-6 sebagai Desa Wisata Maritim terbaik. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa desa industri ini bisa menjadi salah satu tempat wisata andalan. [caption id="attachment_183467" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Desa Bontagula (Istimewa)[/caption] Posisi Bontang yang diapit laut, membuat bibir pantainya sangat indah. Selain itu, kamu bisa melihat aktivitas warga pesisir pantainya. 10. Desa Waturaka, Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur Desa Waturaka berlokasi di bawah kaki Gunung Kelimutu yang terkenal dengan danau tiga warnanya.  Selain mengandalkan keindahan dan keunikan alam, seperti wisata air terjun dan air panas, Desa Waturaka juga mengedepankan nilai-nilai budaya. [caption id="attachment_183464" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] Desa Waturaka (Istimewa)[/caption] Wisatawan yang berkunjung akan tinggal di rumah penduduk, lalu melakukan kegiatan layaknya keseharian warga desa. Kamu akan melihat pemandangan bule yang mencangkul di ladang, mengangkat batu untuk bangunan rumah, hingga mengajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Nah, itulah 10 desa yang bisa menjadi referensi liburanmu yang sayang banget untuk kamu lewatkan. Yuk, persiapkan liburanmu mulai sekarang!
Source : https://malangtoday.net/travel/wisata/desa-wisata-terbaik-di-indonesia/
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shamanofthewilds · 2 years
Wrote a sort of write up guide on my idea and approach to Orc Priest RP. While I know my character is exactly the kind I did not want, he actually...still is not that.
So I’ll be transferring my write up I did on the forums sometime soon on what I feel would be the wide spread approaches to orc priests, which is not at all in relation to the Church and if anything, another branch connecting them to shamanism and the over all tree of orcish spirituality.
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