mysticonsheadcanons · 6 months
If The Mysticons Retired From Being Mysticons
ARKAYNA: She would either rule Gemina or prepare for the time she would rule, depending on if her mother is still alive.
ZARYA: She would travel frequently for royal business, as she wouldn't want to stay in one place too long.
EM: She would work with animals, using various inventions to help.
PIPER: She would be a performer of some kind, perhaps in a circus
SHARISE: She would be a linguistic professor at a university.
They would all stay in touch.
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apcomplexhq · 10 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Moon ‘Sharise’ Sira. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Rosé - Blackpink. ✦ Data de nascimento: 30/04/1997. ✦ Idade: 26 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Nova Zelândia, sul-coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Empática, amigável e entusiasta. ✦ Defeitos: Introvertida, teimosa e dissimulada. ✦ Moradia: Mount Olympus. ✦ Ocupação: Esteticista - Psique Beauty. ✦ Twitter: @MO97SM ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Costuma ser muito amigável embora seja introvertida, sempre cumprimenta a qualquer um com um sorriso iluminado no rosto. Não pensa duas vezes antes de ajudar alguém e ser solícita, mas pra tudo há um limite! Não suporta falta de respeito e invasão de privacidade.
TW’s na bio: abandono parental e bullying.
A pequena Sharise nasceu em Auckland, Nova Zelândia, filha de intercambistas sul-coreanos que se instalaram no local para estudar, acabaram se conhecendo e tudo aquilo aconteceu. Seu nome é homenagem a uma das groupies que acabou se casando com o querido Vince Neil. Além disso, também era de seu conhecimento que os pais só teriam casado porque a mãe teria engravidado.
Então, que tipo de romantismo havia nisso? Nenhum.
Com o divórcio dos pais, acabou se mudando para outro país. Dessa vez, a Austrália, onde permaneceu morando com a mãe. O pai? Nunca mais viu. O que sabia hoje em dia era que provavelmente seria uma herdeia de uma rede de cosméticos, entretanto… Enquanto não poderia colocar as suas mãozinhas em dinheiro algum, recebe uma quantia generosa para que não estrague o seu convívio com a outra família, onde o progenitor é totalmente presente. Tirando o abandono e todos os vícios adquiridos de uma vida solitária (bem como a sua autosabotagem), tivera uma infância… Tranquila. Passava grande parte do tempo sozinha e estudando.
Todos ficaram decepcionados quando a sua opção de curso na Universidade não foi um dos mais concorridos… Adorava todo o tipo de arte, mas adoraria e ficaria realizada se pudesse ajudar as pessoas em sua autoestima. Pensava que, apesar de não ter tido amigos de longa data… O tanto de bullying que havia sofrido lá fora enquanto adolescente de etnia amarela, se alguém pudesse ter feito algo lá atrás… Teria se resolvido com a própria aparência muito antes.
Quando cursava Estética, realizou um intercâmbio em seu local de ascendência e decidiu trilhar seu caminho na Coreia do Sul. Sendo assim, a mãe aproveitou para voltar às raízes também e encontraram uma moradia disponível no condomínio. Embora a matriarca tenha se mudado mais uma vez para Busan, Rise é a única que reside no local até hoje. Graduada e obtendo oportunidades na área através da indicação de uma professora inspiradora, bem como uma grande amiga que sempre foi fora da sala de aula, conseguiu um emprego no Psique Beauty logo após o término do estágio.
O problema é que existe um vício que nunca a abandonou. O vício de pegar emprestado sem pedir o que não é seu… Ah, quantas carteiras de clientes bem afortunadas já não foram parar em seu closet… Mas veja bem, ela pode explicar: no passado e pouco após o divórcio, sua mãe tivera algumas dificuldades com a mudança. Não, não havia aprendido nada disso com ela… Mas teria ajudado em casa como podia.
Atualmente, vive uma vida confortável - tanto pelo seu próprio suor (e furtos ocasionais), como também, pela quantia que recebe do pai - e também grava alguns vídeos divulgando a clínica, compartilhando dicas de skincare e muito mais.
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kellynickelsgf · 5 months
the fact that kelly dated sharise neil while she was married to vince is so crazy to me and also makes these pictures pretty ironic
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source: metal sludge
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paulasixx · 18 days
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elscaptive · 1 year
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[April, 1987] Nikki Sixx and Cindy Rome at Vince Neil and Sharise's Wedding
(crds to someone on ig) Σ( ° △ °)
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heidismagblog · 11 months
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mindofotherstars · 4 days
ex wives of rock is soooo good! bobbie and sharise u will always be the best duo!🤍
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mysticonsheadcanons · 27 days
I know this ruins the whole “Sharise is the fifth Mysticon” thing, but I thought this sounds like a fun idea. If the episode focused on another Mysticon, I’ll change it to focus on Sharise (figured since she’s the one the challenge is focused on, she should be featured). Because of this, details of the episodes may be changed
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motley-cruelty · 1 month
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Absolutely losing my mind over Vince’s boots 😭
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groovium · 5 months
when I read the Skylar chapter of The Dirt and pop the blood vessels in my eyes because I cried so hard
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saisew · 1 year
Rockstar Girlfriend Aesthetic pt. 2
2. Rockstar Girlfriends/Wives
The namesake of the aesthetic. I find that the don’t usually fit the aesthetic as much as others. This is because they have their own careers and personal styles that don’t rely on their partner.
⚡️ Bobbie Brown married to Warrant’s Jani Lane
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⚡️ Pamela Anderson married to Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee
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⚡️ Dorothea Hurley married to Jon Bon Jovi
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⚡️ Valerie Bertinelli married to Eddie Van Halen
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⚡️ Brandi Brandt, Sharise Neil, and Heather Locklear married to Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, and Tommy Lee of Motley Crue
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⚡️ Pattie Boyd married to George Harrison and Eric Clapton
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⚡️ Pricilla Presley married to Elvis
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⚡️ Bianca Jagger married to Mick Jagger
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⚡️ Marianne Faithfull
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⚡️ Maria Bach married to Skid Row’s Sebastian Bach
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Soon after Jani and I married, I was pregnant and watching Motley Crue's "Girls Girls Girls" video on TV. I was transfixed. The video had been banned by MTV because of nudity. Shot at the Seventh Veil strip club in L.A., it features a bunch of strippers bouncing around onstage while Motley Crue looked on. A couple of nights later, I heard that Vince Neil from Motley was doing a solo performance at Spice, so I figured I'd haul my tired, pregnant ass over there and drink Shirley Temples, with pickles on the side. Jani was on the road, and I was just dying to get out of the house. I put on a flattering dress and was grateful that at nearly four months, I was still hardly showing. I had been at the club not twenty minutes when Vince approached me.
"I've been wanting to get to know you better, Bobbie," he said, leaning in a little too close. Was this asshole really hitting on me? "Yes, Jani and I were hoping you could have come to our wedding, with your wife," I said. By now, his hands were on my ass. "So, where is your wife, exactly?" Vince looked nonplussed. "I dunno, Sharise is here somewhere," he grunted, pissed off. I scanned the room and recognized Sharise Neil from the "Girls Girls Girls" video. She was a former mud wrestler who had a daughter with Vince, and from what I had heard, she was one sassy broad. "Ah, there she is!"
I wanted to punish Vince for being such a sleazeball, so I marched over to Sharise and introduced myself, with Vince trailing me, in a panic. Sharise was just as gorgeous in the flesh as she had been in the video. "Hey Sharise, I'm Bobbie," I said, watching Vince squirm. "Vince had such nice things to say about you." Sharise looked at me. "Oh, really? Well Vince is a cheating son of a bitch. I give this marriage three months. You hear me, Vince? Now fuck off and let me talk to Bobbie." I was impressed.
-Bobbie Brown
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Halloween Headcanons 2023 : Sharise Ruddell x Bobbie Brown getting ready for an halloween party
A/N: So this is slightly different because it's not headcanons but a little one shot. The Halloween theme is still present but this is just @glamourizedcocaine and me shamelessly loving thse two together <3. Speaking of them, I want to thank them for the support and inspiration in writing this <3
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Bobbie wasn’t really surprised by the amount of pink in Sharise’s room, however she didn’t expect her mirror to be that color either. The red horn headband really complemented her red mini dress and proved that she really was meant to be the devil in the duo, as Sharise said.
She had no idea what the other girl was doing in the bathroom but the faint sound of cabinets being opened and objects clashing was getting too much for Bobbie who had to suppress a yawn
“What the hell are you doing, Sharise?” She yelled.
Shortly after the house owner appeared with her hands full of makeup pallets and a huge grin on her face. Bobbie’s heart almost skipped a beat when she noticed Sharise’s makeup : a gold glitter eyeshadow that made her eyes pop even more, followed by iridescent glitters on her face and a pink lipgloss. Bobbie’s cheeks were tainted red as she realized not only that Sharise was a perfect angel but that she was staring at her back.
“Sorry, I was trying to find the perfect shape for your makeup. I think I have a great selection to work with now.” Sharise pointed her bed and Bobbi raised her eyebrow.
“Do you want me to lay on the bed?”
“Yeah, it’s easier to apply that way!”
Bobbie knew something or two about makeup, however she wasn’t about to break one of the most important girl rules: you do what whoever puts your makeup tells you to do. So she laid down and soon the mattress gently was weighed down by Sharise.
“Okay so do you prefer kisses or pout ?"
“What?” Bobbie’s cheeks turned a darker shade of pink as Sharise let out a giggle.
“The name of the shades, see?” She turned her wrist, showing two pigmented lines. “Kisses is the first and pout is the second.”
“Kisses” is fine.” 
Sharise took the brush and gently started to apply the eyeshadow on the crease of her eye. Bobbie’s heart dropped down as she couldn’t help but feel so silly for always making herself a fool whenever Sharise was around, probably she was just very intimidated by such a beautiful and talented woman so her brain just shut down every time.
“Wait, I can’t reach this spot.” The other blonde said, moving closer to Bobbie and sitting on her lap, while her face got dangerously close to Bobbie’s.
She really hoped Sharise couldn’t hear how much her heart was beating, because Bobbie could feel the loud thump in her ear and shivers all over her arms. She was basically forced to stare Sharise’s face back and notice how her nose would wrinkle while focused. 
“I’m gonna use pout for the eyelid, okay?” She asked and Bobbie nodded, even if probably one word out of the eight was registered by her brain.
Sharise’s elbow was resting on her shoulder for support but it felt like an open flame for Bobbie, a type of warmth she wished could last forever. And that’s when something hit her like a freight train: she wished Sharise would touch her like that all time, she wished she would notice her in a room full of other people and that she would apply her makeup for the rest of her life.
“Your lashes are so pretty. I always have to curve mine but yours are just perfect.” Sharise said out of nowhere while applying the mascara and since when they were already at the mascara part?
“Thanks… I do love yours too.” She choked back while Sharise nodded.
After applying the mascara, time seemed to stop as Sharise just stared at her probably to admire her own work. Bobbie stayed completely silent, eyes focused on the white wings resting on a chair in the background and already grieving a bit the eventual loss of contact. 
“I love your lips too. So soft and plump, a red lipstick would fit so well here.” She added, gently tracing Bobbie’s lips with her fingers.
Whatever brain cell was still active in Bobbie’s brain officially stopped working once she felt Sharise’s fingertips on her. They were just as soft as she imagined and she had to fight everything in her to not do the same to Sharise, scared to just have misinterpreted the situation, however she couldn’t stop her cheeks turning red once again.
“ I want to try something but promise me to not freak out, okay?” Sharise’s tone was serious and Bobbie nodded, even if she was internally freaking out from long enough.
The laying girl could barely register the other girl getting even closer to her face, before feeling Sharise’s lips on her. The strawberry invaded her mouth and the movements were so tender and delicate that she wondered how it was possible for someone to kiss like that. She tried to follow Sharise’s gentle pace but it felt like her first kiss all over again.
The kiss couldn’t have lasted for than a minute yet it felt a beautiful eternity, Bobbie was left with a pounding heart and plump lips while Sharise’s lipgloss was definitely smudged in some areas but she didn’t seem to care even after Bobbie’s fingertips gently whipped the spots away.
“Do you want to see how it looks before putting on your lipstick?” Sharise hopped off her, making Bobbie almost pouting, but she refrained herself from that and went to the mirror instead. 
The two types of red perfectly matched her outfit, her eyes seemed bigger and more powerful and she had no doubt that everyone watching the two of them would have fell to their feet. 
“Wow, you did just a great job!” Bobbie exclaimed and Sharise smiled proudly of her ability, resting her head on Bobbie’s shoulder and looking in the mirror.
They didn’t say anything for a while but it wasn’t needed. Bobbi’s head seemed a never ending maze, analyzing every outcome and consequence to what had just happened but her heart was just happy like a child in a candy store.
““Maybe we should apply the lipstick, so we still have time to reapply it in case we mess it up.” She had to look away from the mirror, ashamed of saying something so corny and silly but Sharise didn’t seem to mind.
“You’re absolutely right! I have to reapply mine too, maybe you can help me with that?” Bobbie nodded and they stole one last look at the mirror. 
For a moment Jani’s image popped up in Bobbie’s mind and she wondered when it was the last time she felt like that with him. However she quickly shook her head and followed Sharise to bed, a part of her knew it was pointless to compare the two of them because Sharise’s lips were much softer and she didn’t taste like gin.
But most importantly now her lips tasted of Bobbie just like Bobbie’s tasted of Sharise’s.
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sunsetsixx · 5 months
I’m jealous of them
ms sharise really got vinnie in his prime 😮‍💨🥲
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heidismagblog · 8 months
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the-sixxth-sinner · 8 months
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We fell in love in October That's why, I love fall Looking at the stars Admiring from afar...
Based on this amazing oneshot written by @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands <3
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