#Shaun Noble
variousqueerthings · 10 months
the doctor being a part of the noble family has the energy of an addams family cousin -- imagines rose being in a school play and the doctor fixing up some gizmo to open up a tiny gap to some part of the universe where stars shine particularly brightly for midsummer night's dream, and accidentally almost levels the school by misjudging how close they are to this one very dense planet (people in the audience confusedly waving at aliens who are just as confusedly waving their tentacles back from a thousand years in the future a million light years away. everybody afterwards talks about the great special effects, but they're not sure what it has to do with the story)
people trying to figure out who this "the doctor" person is and why he's living with the nobles, and always trying to catch out that there's something going on, but the doctor's answers to all their inquiries are so lowkey bonkers as to bamboozle any further attempts (so where are you from again? oh just this place, well, I say place, planet, well, I say planet I don't actually know these days, but somewhere certainly... is Ipswich a place? how do you know mrs noble again? we travelled together for a bit, and then, well you know how it is when you get hit with a face full of radiation, ey *snort-laughs at his own joke* and what's your name again? doctor, the "the" is a pronoun, it can get confusing I know, but people on this planet choose their names all the time, you'll catch up)
just this house gremlin in a setup that nobody from the outside understands, toddling about, showing up at every event that rose has going for her, wearing little pride pins that might be partially for himself as well as for rose (gay??? one of those trans ones????), always seems to be talking about strange places that nobody has heard of but doesn't want to admit to, occasionally goes eerily still and unnerving around people who are cruel and mean, knows a lot about history, but peppers it with facts that can't possibly be true, gets on very well with shaun who always answers questions with "the doctor's part of the family, youknow?" they do not know, but at this point it's too rude to keep asking
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badwolfwriter · 10 months
Ok but can you imagine:
The doctor always sleeps in the tardis. Of course he does, that’s his home. But one night he and Donna are having so much fun on the couch and they kinda just… drift off together. Shaun smiles and drapes a blanket over them as he heads to bed.
But how well does the doctor sleep? Does he actually? Or does Donna wake in the night to him thrashing and crying and whimpering and shouting, begging for friends long gone and battles long lost, hands clutching at thin air and body curling into the fetal? Does she wake him, right as the rest of the family, also woken by the noise, starts to stagger sleepily and confusedly down the stairs? Only to be greeted with the site of the doctor, hair ruffled from sleep, sobbing in Donna’s arms.
And of course the doctor tries to leave. “I’m fine,” he’ll say, and try to slink away to the tardis. He plans to nip off to some planet for a few days, until he can bear to look them all in the eyes again. But they don’t let him. He’s piled with blankets, and tea, and is told by Donna to sit his scrawny ass back down and tell her what he dreamt of. And maybe he does. Maybe he just sits, feeling the comforting pressure of his family hugging him from all sides. Rose is grabbing a stuffed toy she’s been working on just for him from the shed- and you know the doctor loves it. Donna and Shaun on either side, with even Sylvia there. She’s carding her fingers through his hair, cos her daughter and granddaughter both love that, so why wouldn’t this new child of hers as well? And so the doctor sits, and breathes. And drinks his tea, until his limbs stop shaking and his lip stops quivering. But later he’ll talk about it. And eventually, he’ll stop always sleeping in the tardis. Cos he trusts that he can be seen, and loved, and cared for by his family.
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go-to-the-mirror · 9 months
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halfbakedideas · 2 months
idiot pancake: narrowly avoided
The Doctor nearly gets run over while crossing the road.
inspired by this post by @whatsfourteenupto.
crossing the road while being distracted by a phone like that is such me behaviour i died.
fourteen felt really off so this one took ages to finish. the other ones should be quicker.
The first mistake was The Doctor getting a phone. Okay, correction: a smartphone; because he did already have a phone, a flip phone. But now they had a smartphone too after a confusingly complicated series of events involving him, Rose, a bowl of pasta, and a TARDIS trip to 18th-century Italy that totally didn’t happen. It was a mistake because it made for moments like this one.
The Doctor had accompanied Shaun on his taxi routes today and the two of them had stopped for lunch. They had just finished and were heading back, having to cross the road to get back to Shaun’s taxi.
“Hey!” he reached out and snagged The Doctor’s arm, dragging them back to the curb, narrowly out of the way of another taxi that went screaming past them. “Watch out!”
His phone nearly went tumbling to the ground with how abruptly they were yanked backwards but he grabbed it just before it could.
“Oh. Thanks, Shaun,” they thanked, looking up and down the road.
“No problem. But don’t just cross whenever you want like that, otherwise I’ll have to scrape a skinny alien pancake off of the road to bring back to Donna and I really don’t want to have to face her wrath,” he told him.
They both laughed at that — Donna’s wrath was not something you wanted to be on the receiving end of.
“What are you even doing on that?” Shaun asked as The Doctor pocketed his phone. “And please don’t say negotiations with soup aliens or buying something from space Amazon,”
A delivery truck trundled past.
“Nah, Kerblam got shut down years ago. And Soupimals have already had their negotiations for this century, which are done on flip phones, not iPhones — how do you know about those?”
Shaun frowned, choosing not to comment on whatever ‘Kerblam’ was. “I don’t? Wait — are you being serious, soup alien negotiations are a real thing?”
The traffic finally let up enough for the two of them to cross the road. They got back in the taxi.
“Yes, they are. I mediated one once — I didn’t miss having short hair more than when I was picking out dried soup,”
For the second time in less than ten minutes, Shaun pointedly didn’t think about something. This one being the very obviously implied soup food fight with aliens that, unless he was wrong, were made of soup…
“What were you doing on your phone earlier?” he asked again, instead.
“Oh, I was texting myself — older self? Bigeneration? The one who’s just dealt with a spaceship full of babies,”
Of all of the things Shaun expected, their actual answer was really tame. But also: what.
“So, he’s got a phone too?”
“Fairly sure it’s the same one as this,” They pulled out their phone and held it up.
“…That shouldn’t be possible,”
The Doctor shrugged. “If the sonic can make phones connect across time and space, then it can make it so that the same one can communicate with itself in the past,”
He had a point, there.
“Next time,” Shaun started as he pulled the taxi out from the parking spot. “Don’t text and cross the road, if you get pancaked, Donna will slap me,”
“She’d do a lot worse than slap you,” The two of them chuckled at the very clear, and very likely, mental image.
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sparkplug02 · 10 months
Sometimes the universe gives you a nudge in the right direction.
Sometimes it gives you a clear, distinct, pointed sign in the right direction.
And sometimes…
The universe shouts
in your face so many times that you have no choice but to give up and listen to what the universe is telling you.
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trashboatprince · 7 months
I got a request for Fourteen and Shaun, and I've been looking for a good excuse to write something with them!
So, there will be mentions of books and audio stories because I LOVE the extended universe stuff for Ten and Donna.
As always, I write Fourteen with they/them pronouns.
On with the fic!
Shaun yawned loudly as he wandered down the stairs of the UNIT home his family was temporarily staying in. Donna was already off to work at this time, Sylvia was at her own home, same with Wilf, and Rose was at school.
Leaving Shaun, who didn't work until the evening, alone at home.
Not actually alone.
Because there was an alien inside the kitchen, staring intently at the toaster, as if it was challenging them. "Is there... an issue with the toaster again?"
"It burnt my toast." The Doctor pouted. "I put the dial on the exact timing for it to be perfect! And it came out black! Also, good morning, Shaun! Did you want any tea? Donna's got everything ready, you just need to start the electric kettle when you're in the mood!"
Shaun blinked, the mood changes on this guy still took him by surprise, even after a month of living with them. "Uhh... yeah, thank you. Also, you do know that this toaster doesn't have a timer, right? It has settings for how toasted you want the bread to be."
The Doctor looked at him before looking at the toaster. "Oh!" They slapped their forehead. "Dumbo! Of course that's how it works! Explains the little bread drawings around the dial, getting darker and darker..."
Shaun laughed and shook his head, activating the kettle and moved to grab some more bread for them. Toast sounded pretty good anyway, so he'd have a few slices too. "What are your plans for the day, Doctor?"
"Hm? Oh, uhh... I dunno. I'm still trying to get used to this whole slowing down thing, it's weird to figure what to do with my day! And Donna's got the TARDIS key and the TARDIS is on her side, she won't open for me!"
The Doctor was jumping in place, clearly annoyed with the lack of activities they were used to doing.
"Well, that's just how the normal life is, Doctor. Lots of boring things and not a lot of adventures. Well, unless if you make your life an adventure." Shaun shrugged, holding out the bread to them. "Donna's still got the key?"
"Course she does, reminded me this morning."
"She's a stubborn one."
"Always has been." The Doctor smiled brightly. "Wouldn't be Donna if she wasn't! Oh man, the amount of times that stubbornness saved me."
Shaun looked at him before grabbing the kettle, pouring himself a mug of tea. "Got an example? I'm sure you've got a lot of them."
The Doctor blinked twice. "You... want to know about our adventures?"
"Sure! Donna's mentioned some things, but she never goes into details, I'm rather curious." Shaun smiled.
"Brilliant! Let's get our food and then I'll tell you some stuff!"
Once tea and coffee were prepared, and toasts perfectly toasted, the two sat at the breakfast table and the Doctor was excitedly telling Shaun about some of the adventures from their past with Donna. They explained about the time that Donna and their tenth incarnation went to the 1990s to see Donna's favorite band. And that there was an alien invasion at the time that affected the band, but Donna was able to fix it!
And then there was the time that the world was in danger due to anger killing people, and how Donna stubbornness to do the right thing overpowered her fear of needles so she could save her grandfather, which allowed her and the Doctor to realize how to solve this with good deeds. Though Shaun noted that the Doctor seemed to skip over some things, as if it was something they weren't ready to talk about. But Shaun did learn that the Doctor hates planes, which was interesting to note.
"Oh, and there was that time that Donna and I were trapped in a giant, outer space apartment complex! It was... a lot, a lot! But it was amazing! Not sure how stubborn Donna was during that, we did a lot of running around and almost got killed a billion times, but it was all solved in the end."
"You two have had some strange adventures." Shaun pointed out. "Donna mentioned the other night while we were making dinner about you two visiting a water planet and her almost drowning because the... air dome was failing? And how she was annoyed you weren't carrying your phone."
The Doctor laughed. "Did she bring it up because I forgot my phone that day and didn't noticed she called me five times?"
The two of them laughed about this. "Ah, my wife is a wonderful woman, but she has a temper."
"It's part of her charm." The Doctor chuckled. "It can get on my nerves, but I'm happy that she does it cause she cares. Honestly, she knew how to put my past self in his place, because he needed it."
"Are your... different, what did you call it, regenerations, different from you?"
"Oh yes, in a sense. I mean, we're always the Doctor, but sometimes the personalities are different. Like, there was a me who was all angry eyebrows and cool guitar riffs, or the one was smiling a lot but was quick to... well... quick to cause a lot of trouble. Didn't help that my friend at the time was good with explosives. Still is. It's amazing what Ace can do. Anyway, if Donna had met them, she'd keep them from being as outlandish as they could get at times. She did for me when I first had this face."
"And she will for this face." Shaun pointed out.
"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less." The Doctor smiled. "You know, we haven't spoken much, Shaun, but you can talk with me whenever. Doesn't even have to be about Donna! It can be about anything, except football. No offense, but while I'm decent at it, I've never really understood it. I'm more of a cricket fan, actually."
"Good to know!" Shaun nodded, picking up their plates before he stopped. "What do you know about cars?"
"Quite a lot, I used to own one and that got me interested in how they work!"
"Think you can help me fix up my cab? Was making a weird clicking sound last night before the shift ended and I want to see what's up. If you can help, that'd be great, much better than going to a mechanic."
The Doctor was grinning, pulling their sonic thingy out of their pocket. "Sounds like fun! Heck, if you want, I can upgrade it so that it saves petrol so you're not spending so much on it!" They babbled as they got up from the table, making their way for the door.
Shaun watched them, clearly excited to be doing some sort of fiddling with a device. Donna had said they enjoyed tinkering, hopefully they could fix the car and not, well... do what they did to the microwave.
"Uhhh, let's see what you do about the clicking before you do that, Doctor!" Shaun said, following him to the door.
I think Fourteen and Shaun would get along, Shaun seems like one of those guys that instantly becomes your friend. Plus, if he makes Donna happy, then the Doctor is happy.
I was gonna mention the Pompeii adventure, but I'm saving that for a one-shot where the Doctor goes to a museum with the Noble-Temple family.
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pikechris · 10 months
I love how extremely not worried shaun is, now that's a good husband
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hellomagicalsouls · 10 months
so doctor who. giant furby was evil who expected that?
every fucking child that ever owned one of those soul-less creeps and they're ugly beady eyes
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Summary: The Doctor and Donna attempt a game of charades, but their skills are rather rusty…
Relationships: Donna Noble & Fourteenth Doctor, Noble Family.
Characters: Donna Noble, Fourteenth Doctor, Shaun Temple, Rose Temple Noble, Sylvia Noble, Melanie Bush.
Read it on AO3 here.
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nat-20s · 10 months
Shaun Temple is a fucking real one actually. You meet a woman who has allegedly just had a mental breakdown so severe she's lost a year of her memory. She's loud and brash and is NOT taking your name and you are like ohhh I can't not marry her. You two have a kid, the most amazing daughter in the world. Your wife has a hole in her heart aching for something that she can't identify and your daughter feels like she's from another planet and both of them have dreams they can't explain and you probably chalk that up to them being extraordinary but in an ordinary way where their hearts are too big and their minds are too brilliant to not carry some grief. And then it turns out that oh your wife has a best friend who's a ????? years old Alien that's the last of their species and also your daughter IS part alien bc technically your wife genetically is also part alien but also maybe not now? And then your wife is like. The happiest you've ever seen her and she fucks off for two days but and the world literally starts to end but she fixes it and she brings back her ???? years old alien best friend forever and is like WE'RE KEEPING HIM AND ALSO THIS WOMAN THAT I MET LIKE TEN HOURS AGO and now he's calling you his brother-in-law and is definitely co-parenting now you're like. Just cool with all of that. Not a single hint of jealousy or nothin. Honestly king shit.
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tickle-me-dalek · 9 months
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Still Donna Noble
The End of Time || The Star Beast
+ Bonus
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#Yep that's my Donna
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honestly the real mvp is shaun temple. his wife shows up after the world almost ended and is like hey, remember that little fruit who you met 3 days ago? he's my best fucking friend he's my younger brother who's a gazillion years old he desperately needs therapy and he lives in our garden now with his time machine. and shaun was just like okay! what are we making for dinner :)
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beansprean · 9 months
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I haven’t even seen the special but this post by @nat-20s put me in a chokehold lmao
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: fake tweet screenshot based on the mareep plushie meme. The tweet is by Shaun, username TempleTaxi, icon a photo of his and Donna's wedding. The text reads 'Ah yes. Me. My wife. And her mentally ill six foot tall reincarnated alien time-traveler.' Attached is a drawing of Shaun laying in bed in profile, comforter pulled up to his chin as he stares at the ceiling in resignation. On his far side, Donna is laying with her back to him, sleeping soundly with her arm slung over the 14th doctor who is laying on his back on the edge of the bed, fully clothed and on top of the covers. He lifts his head up to peek over Donna's head and wave at Shaun with a grin. /end ID
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davidtennan-t · 9 months
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This is 100% the Doctor taking a selfie
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mulderscully · 10 months
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#shaun stan club
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metamorphicrocky · 10 months
doctor who coming back in the year of 2023 when terfism and biological essentialism and transphobia are on the rise and making one of THE most hyped up episodes by bringing back fan favorites david tennant and catherine tate. all about being trans
showing rose being bullied and her grandma struggling to get it right but still being supportive. and shaun and donna being the greatest parents by being ready to burn the world down to protect their daughter. the doctor asking for the meep's pronouns AND IT'S NORMAL???
and all of that is brilliant to see rose as a trans character and it is important to the narrative. BUT THEN. ROSE BEING TRANS SAVES DONNA'S LIFE BY TAKING HALF OF THE METACRISIS. BECAUSE THE DOCTOR IS MALE AND FEMALE AND NEITHER AND MORE. AND THAT IS INTEGRAL TO DOCTOR WHO AS A WHOLE. and it saved donna's life
to see doctor who be so BLATANTLY trans and nonbinary at the core of the series. the multiple references to the fact that before fourteen, thirteen was a woman. so to see this? trans people stay winning. thank you doctor who for doubling down on the importance of the doctor being trans because oh my god I am so emotional about this
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