#She is arospec also . She is not actually pleased about this development
selfcontainedunivcrse · 4 months
my beautiful wizards . i am thinking about them. well . there is one guy who isn't a wizard but he hangs out with them and his name is Kyle and he believes that he's Evil and Irredeemable due 2 a pile of trauma and then there is Ri who does not actually have time for his dark and twisted mind because she's like, trying to be a doctor over here? if you don't mind?
she is explicitly Not trying to fix him except for occasionally medically. but their mutual best friend is busy being problematic gay rep so he ends up kind of being her assistant/non-magic guinea pig out of a lack of self preservation and nothing else better to do. and they become buddies :) And then the world's only straight people
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cabbagebender · 4 years
Keith? Oh and Hunk?
Ahh, thanks for the ask! From this headcanon ask game:
Supplementary canon: 17 - 18 in Seasons 1-6, 18-19 in Seasons 7-8.
Headcanon: I take the birthdays and ages in the Paladin Handbook as if the book were written on January 1st, so Hunk is only three months younger than pre-space whale Keith, and he's closer in age to (psw) Keith than to Lance.
Supplementary Canon: Half Samoan, half African-American.
Headcanon: Samoan on his dad's side, African-American on his mom's. Yes, I have his entire family figured out. They were relatively major characters in a fic I was hyperfixated on writing for a few months.
Which is to say, I've entertained pretty much every gender headcanon there is for Hunk except cis girl.
Mental Health:
I've considered Hunk as having ADHD before
Physical Health:
I saw a colorblind headcanon for Hunk once and like, I can get behind that?
Also, I think it'd be tragically amusing if Hunk had a food allergy that piSSED him oFF because it keeps getting in the way of him trying dishes he really wants to try
Bi/Pan (I go back and forth on which label I use for him, but the sentiment remains the same – all genders)
Most of the time I headcanon him as someone who, well, doesn't necessarily actively identify as arospec, but acknowledges that he has NO idea how to differentiate between romantic and platonic attraction. He just? loves people? Once the other person is like "this is what our relationship is" it's a lot easier for him to then develop his feelings along the appropriate track, but like, for example, if Pidge, his best friend who he has a 100% platonic relationship with and has never wanted anything different from, was suddenly like "hey, i wanna date you!" he probably would be like "yeah, okay, sure, we can try that!" (he might be confused because Pidge hasn't historically been romantically attracted to people. But if he was convinced she was serious). And that's not because he's secretly harboring romantic feelings for her, he's just sort of down for developing romantic feelings for any of his most special people at a moment's notice – OR for nurturing a hearty platonic love that can never be broken.
I have written him as more alloromantic, though – but he always values his friendships as much as his romances.
Poly Hunk poly Hunk poly Hunk P O L Y
(The Hunk-and-Allura polycule is one of my favorite little brain things, borne out of the fact that I keep shipping those two with the same people)
Religious Background and Current Beliefs
Protestant Christian to both of the above, of the "be generous and love thy neighbour" variety
Supplementary canon: 18-19 in S1-5, 21 in S6-8
Half Korean-American on his human side.
(In human!AUs, I have him as half Korean-American, half-English-American. The biggest empire in recent history is the British Empire, so I usually make humanized Galra characters English for parallel reasons)
(which is funky bc I've done a LOT of human AUs, which means in my head I sort of think of Keith as mixed white/Korean but in the actual show he's none white)
The hair. It's been growing out for years. It's Keith's (lack of) gender affirmation project.
Sometimes I have them eventually going by K and using they/them pronouns.
Mental Health:
Prosopagnosia (face blindness)
Desperate, desperate need of a therapist
Physical Health:
Lots of fun funky alien biology side effects that made his doctors twitch when he was a supposedly all-human kid:
I've seen headcanons that Keith can't digest vegetables because of his Galra heritage. I'm not sure if I hold that headcanon 100%, because he is still half-human, but I definitely agree that Galra are carnivores (look at the teeth) and Keith is probably malnourished. Even his human parent is big and buff and Keith... is not. If he'd been raised by his dad throughout his childhood maybe he would have grown up beefier and taller (since I'm sure his dad probably at least somewhat understood the Galra diet from having lived with Krolia), buuut his dad died when Keith was prepubescent and then he was in the foster system and... yeah he probably wasn't getting the optimized diet for his particular interspecies genetic makeup.
I like to think that he grew up with a couple of Very Strange Health Conditions that turned out to just be Galra things, like UV vision and two sets of baby teeth and ridges of bone protruding from.his scalp like Acxa has (hello, big poofy bangs to hide that).
Also, any time he had to do a blood test or a urine test at the doctor's it just... did not provide anything resembling useful information.
Doctor: I... don't know what I'm looking at here exactly but we've run the test multiple times and this seems to be your actual blood? How do you have this much iron in your blood?? Maybe eat... less meat?
Hunk, looking at the same results years later, having adjusted for Galra heritage: Keith, you're anemic.
Keith: are you KIDDING me
(see: Keith is malnourished)
Like most real life interspecies hybrids, I think Keith is probably incapable of natural reproduction.
But like also sometimes he feels intense things for people that are different from his usual platonic bonds, but the word romantic is all lovey dovey to him and he Can't attach that to the complicated place his feelings are coming from so ??? Is he actually aro?? or does he just have Stuff way too deeply seated to ever process his romantic attraction in a clear and conventional way?? does it make a difference at this point, if the word aro is what's comfortable for him? aka, stuff keith ponders alone in his room at 2:30 in the morning
(If you want my specific headcanons about Who "people" are, it's Allura and Hunk – his hella strong but also kinda messy emotional connection with Allura, where he's just like "I know this is different from every other bond in my life but Please do not ask me to explain idk the Fuck is going on," and the fact that every time Hunk grabs him or picks him up or otherwise manhandles him his brain just shuts down like "oh this is good please continue to make hold" when it SHOULD be going into fight mode the way it would for anyone else)
Religious Background and Current Beliefs
I honestly don't know what Keith's background would be, but I think he's sort of... generally agnostic? Like, he believes in a higher power but not necessarily a sentient one or something to be worshipped. It's more like a big spiritual pulse through the multiverse that connects everything and everyone – fate, but with free will. It's what he taps into to access his nigh psychic abilities, which I've talked about before but maybe not since I made this sideblog so let me know if you want me to make a post about that.
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saltyaro · 5 years
You know, I’ve been replaying the Ace Attorney games lately. At first I was bored and out of nowhere, I redid Dual destinies just because I hadn’t in a long time. Which led me to play the first game again (mainly for the Edgeworth case I love it so much tbh) and I’m now replaying Spirit of justice. 
And...I can’t help but absolutely love those games because. It’s just so easy to hc everyone - and bu that I mean absolutely everyone important - as arospec! In canon, Phoenix does have one (1) romantic relationship at one point but I’d like to point out that one crush in your life does not make you alloromantic. Given the context I’d say either greyro or heteronormativity? I guess he can’t really be demiro but he could also be recipro (with the context again. Recipro does sound particularly consistent though). He doesn’t have any other romantic stuff even hinted at him! Pearls wants to believe Maya and him are dating but it always makes them 100% uncomfortable (the age gap people. Also, siblings dynamic). Pearls is kinda brainwashed by TV but hasn’t ever expressed interest in romance for herself, even her older self. 
Edgeworth doesn’t have any interest in romance either. And I know he’s often shipped with Phoenix (I learnt about that quite recently actually-) but...even outside of my “I’ll make everyone aro if I can” motto, I...never shipped them romantically, even before I learnt of aromanticism. I like their dynamic, and how it’s implied Edgeworth opened up more (to everyone) after his trauma got relieved a bit. I want him to act like a stupid kid around his friends. Like, I can acknowledge Phoenix and him have a special bond, but someone special doesn’t mean it’s romantic and. Edgey’s emotional development got stopped after he parted with Pheonix and Larry so there’s that to consider too. This is the kind of bond of trust that can’t be broken and I find it beautiful, but I’m also pretty sure it would be unhealthy to only rely on one person, regardless of the nature of the relationship. 
Apollo? Doesn’t have a romantic subplot. I guess there’s Junie who’s got a thing for him but he doesn’t reciprocate - and I relate to him not even being aware of it lmao. He’s so oblivious around romance, if he’s not arospec who is.
Athena? No romance in her life. She’s a lot like Phoenix (in her past trauma and her reason for doing the things she does) and I love her. Also, if someone ships her romantically with Simon, then I hate that person and will steal their bed. They’re like siblings and have like, a 10 years gap. 
Trucy is the sun and doesn’t know what romance is. She’d use it as a magic trick and burn it/make it disappear into her magic panties (actually please do that Trucy, I beg of you). 
Well, I could also mention like, Gavin, I guess he’s just a flirt but I don’t think it really means anything, romantic-attraction-wise. He’s also too cool to be straight to i’m going to make him aro. Though I don’t have a consistent HC for him outside of “not straight” if I’m being honest. 
And it’s not even like romance doesn’t exist in the AA universe! Larry’s the straightest guy to ever straight (he’s harmless but outside of that...) and the cases often have romantic subplots and all. Well, not *that* often, and it’s generally the cause for murder but still. It’s a thing, it exists. Also we have a canon WLW in Dual Destinies and she’s one of the rare romance-havers not to be a culprit! She’s not the best, like she def has anger issues, but it’s all explained and understandable. She also loves her brother very much and deserves good things and therapy. 
I really, really love the dynamic of Phoenix’s found family? You have Maya, Trucy, and Pearls (and I guess Athena and Apollo are part of it too but they arrive later and have less interactions so). Pearls is Maya’s cousin, but otherwise, no one has any blood relationship in their little family. No romance needed. Phoenix adopted Trucy (and is apparently doing a great job) and babysits Pealrs and Maya. They’re all free of doing whatever they want, and they know they’re always going to come back together. It’s a found family but, not the “nuclear family” way, you know? Maya definitely isn’t acting as Trucy’s mother, and more like Phoenix’s sister I guess (Trucy and Maya do lack canon interaction but I always felt like said interactions were implied). I love their little family and the freedom in it. It’s just so healthy. 
The last thing, not aro related, but still great and why I love those games-
Mental illness. I’m not saying it’s great rep, I don’t think it is, but...it’s just, so refreshing that you have characters with mental illnesses and issues that aren’t bad people. They aren’t the culprits, and, like in real life, are more likely to be victims. The diagnostic is never given in the game, but Edgeworth’s trauma? Not mocked. He definitely has PTSD, and, his fear of earthquakes? Wondered about, but not mocked. I guess that’s part of the reason I always go back to his case in the first game: to hear someone you care about, someone you trust, tell you: “I believe in you. I know your mind has been lying to you the whole time, and I’m here to say it’s okay. Those are just lies. Even when you stop believing in yourself, I’ll still believe in you.” That’s just so powerful, I can’t help but feel emotional every time. Add to that the fact that this bond isn’t romantic and. Yeah.
For Athena’s trauma, it’s the way it’s displayed I really love. Her game is much more recent, and it shows. She just blacks out when her PTSD gets triggered and no one shames her for that. Even though no one knows what’s happening inside her head for the longest time. She needs to be brought back to her senses, to be grounded. It’s not like she gets to have therapy on screen or anything, no character really gets a lot of time off the courtroom anyway, but given the context, I found she was treated in a very sensitive way.
The last example I can think of, is a character with DID. I say DID, but I doubt that’s good rep, and that’s probably not the way people with DID experience life, but that’s what’s said in the game so...Anyway, they’re a witness and, if you know how AA games work, the real culprit is *always* a witness. And you know how in pop culture, people with multiple personalities are often treated as villain, with the “hidden personality” no one knows about, not even the person, and this hidden personality is a murderer? I was sooo afraid the game was going to go that way. They even did hint at it, with giving the character the “hidden personality”. Except, the “hidden personality”, much like all of the other people of the system, is...100% harmless. And just that was so refreshing. Which goes to say a lot about the state of the rep for mental diversity. I don’t know the reality of experiencing DID, but in the game the witness interacts with themselves, and everyone in the court speaks to each individual differently, and the witness isn’t treated as delusional. 
Those characters are accused wrongly of murder, when in reality they haven’t hurt a fly. And exonerating them is key to solving the case at hand. I don’t know who’s responsible for that, but I’m extremely grateful to them. To explicitly have your main character, the character you’re playing, clear the name of the mentally ill characters? It’s a blessing and not something you would expect from a game that named one of its recurring characters “Larry Butz”. 
Anyway, I guess I am kinda trying to convince some of you to play those games (and goof about it with me) in this post. Even though it wasn’t my initial intent. If all of this isn’t enough to convince you - play those games for the awful puns. The characters’ names are terrible. Also I know I mentioned romance existing but weirdly enough it wasn’t annoying? Probably because it’s actually downplayed a lot. It’s only relevant as a plot device and it’s just like. Stated. Not dwelved deeper into. Those games are great for when you’re romance tired. 
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O.N.S matchup please! INFP pisces girl, Slytherin arospec/acespec. In general I’m pretty relaxed, ambitious, intelligent, motherly, wise and artistic. Around people I don’t know I am aloof and snarky to a degree, but it usually wears off once I warm up to you. I like theater, historical things, nature and art. I’m usually a pillar of support for the people I care about but tend to bottle up my own feelings and be self-sacrificial. I crave emotional bonds and soft love. Thanks!
Thanks for the request anon! (*´꒳`*) Thanks for specifying the gender preference for me (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
I match you up with Ferid Bathory
Tumblr media
Ferid grew really fond of you when he first met you, so naturally he had to persuade you until you said you would be his
Your aloof and snarky personality drew him him, interested him, but he was fond of the side of you that appeared when you warmed up to him
He can be relaxed at times and would stroke his fingers through your hair affectionately or maybe press a few kisses to the top of your head
Ferid admired your ambitious and intelligent side, watching you make decisions and thinking things of was one of his favorite passtimes
He’d aquire you some supplies to persue your artistic talents and would hang all of your art on display so he could brag to everyone how good of an artist you were
Fried would talk to about all of the theater shows she’s seen in the past
He’s seen a lot because he’s really old
He also promised that he’d force people to put on a theater production just for you one day
He also knows a lot about history, because he’s old, so he holds a lot of timeless and valuable items and knows a lot about the history behind them.
He would dedicate a green to gardening and such, since the outside world was pretty much a wreck.
He would force people to work on them, but if you insisted you wanted to work on it yourself he would call them off
So you wouldn’t miss nature as much, but the longing for more was still there
He has a lot of art pieces littered around his estate
He would show you all of them and explain the history behind all of them, in great detail, showing off how much he knew
Fried would notice if you bottled emotions up inside and would try to coax the emotions of if you through soft hugs and little kisses
He might manipulate you slightly, because it’s in his nature
He would hug you, kiss your head, run his fingers through your hair quite often actually
He would also respect any boundary you put up for affection kind of things just to keep you there
He would shower you in fancy things, anything you wanted really to keep you happy and to pamper you
You were like his valuable living doll, something to be showed off and cherished
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