#suffering in this world. She wanted to be a vet
selfcontainedunivcrse · 8 months
my beautiful wizards . i am thinking about them. well . there is one guy who isn't a wizard but he hangs out with them and his name is Kyle and he believes that he's Evil and Irredeemable due 2 a pile of trauma and then there is Ri who does not actually have time for his dark and twisted mind because she's like, trying to be a doctor over here? if you don't mind?
she is explicitly Not trying to fix him except for occasionally medically. but their mutual best friend is busy being problematic gay rep so he ends up kind of being her assistant/non-magic guinea pig out of a lack of self preservation and nothing else better to do. and they become buddies :) And then the world's only straight people
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yahyabkheeblog · 7 days
Who cares about family day living in Gaza🆘🚨
To compassionate and humane hearts
We will spend a whole year in our most difficult time in the war
And I don't want you to stop until it comes so I can continue this war from Gaza to Egypt
My family consists of six people, me, Sharbat, and my three children, Dima, Mira, and Anas. My mother suffers from heart disease and diabetes and needs treatment, but she does not want treatment. CD
I have contacted Ya Hala Egyptian Travel Company and they want me to pay a total of $30,000 USD in full.
Until we evacuate my family from Gaza to Egypt, otherwise the reservation in my family name will be cancelled
Each person needs $5,000 to coordinate their exit from Gaza
Only $5,223 was collected out of a total amount of $30,000
The fundraising process is going very slowly and we need to reach the full amount before it is too late
Time passes quickly. I want to protect my family. I don't want to lose anyone
We suffered a lot of hunger, fear and living in burning tents
Here we are close to the cold winter season. We need to repair the tent and prepare it for the winter. The price of one meter of shade is $200. This is expensive due to the lack of tents and shelters. We are in a difficult life that does not have any necessities for life.
My child Anas contracted a skin disease from the polluted water we drink
And my child, Dima, has lost an entire academic year of her life, and here she is in the second year, on the verge of losing it due to the war and the destruction of schools.
My little girl, Mira, is sick. She had a mild flu, but I was not able to provide fever-reducing treatment. This is the least she needs, but it was not provided due to the lack of medicines in the medical points due to the occupation preventing him from entering the Gaza Strip.
I want you to consider my family's campaign and help us so that I can help and protect my family from this genocidal war.
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@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just- browsings-world @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild- hunt @determinate-negation @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @pcktknife @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @punkitt-is-here @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated- runas @imjustheretotrytohelp @loonarmuunar @sabertoothwalrus
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buttercuparry · 3 months
Imagine going to the university. Imagine working yourself up on your career path. Imagine being so close to achieving the success. Imagine being giddy at the thought of finally starting a life. Imagine you being 23 and having endless possibilities in front of you.
This was what life was like for Karam- a 23 year old software engineer from Gaza who was in the last semester of his university studies.
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He was living his life to the fullest. Going on beach, going to cafés, going through his life. And then came October and with it the genocidal assault of Israel
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Karam's life came to a standstill. He lost his home, his university, his dreams, everything. His life which he worked so hard for, changed into a nightmare.
At 23 years old Karam is now displaced with his ailing mother and rest of the family. It is difficult for his mom to live like this- in a tent, with constant fear and bombing and shelling going around. The air is polluted, the water is undrinkable, there is barely any nutritious meal available, and of course it doesn't need to be told how bad this is for an aged person who suffers from chronic diseases. Karam is very worried for his mom.
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Karam who once wanted to start his life, now fears for his family, for his mom. He feels that his dream slipping away from him day by day. So he approached me two or so days ago to request me to share his story with the world. To share his voice.
Karam says that he hasn't yet lost faith and it is mostly because of the free people of the world. For 76+ years Palestine has been occupied but she persisted and will continue to persist. Right now though, she needs you by her side. Karam needs you by his side. Karam requests you to donate to his gofundme which is currently at $9517 out of the goal of $20000
He believes in the free people of the world to help him evacuate so that he can provide his mother with medical attention and once again pick up his dream of being a software engineer. So please please boost and donate to his fundraiser. Every contribution counts, there is no such thing as too little.
Karam is vetted by nabulsi
He is also on project watermelon's line number 75.
I am linking both his PayPal and Gofundme accounts. Please donate to him. Those who cannot donate on GFM, please please consider using the Paypal.
You can find him on tumblr at @karamrafeek
And on Instagram too.
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starshipsofstarlord · 5 months
in sickness and in health
summary. daryl is distant, more so than usual, and so you force yourself into his personal bubble, wanting to make sure that he is okay since he is the only reminder of your old life before the outbreak
warnings. fluff, sick!daryl, mentions of death, admission of feelings, mentions of suicide, swearing
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
Sickness could be life threatening, especially in a world without medical expertise, but you were lucky enough to be on the land owned by a practitioner of animal welfare. Hershel wasn’t a doctor, however he knew enough to have saved Carl’s life, to the pledged appreciation of Lori and Rick. The older man felt indebted to ensure that the boy regained his strength, and so your group tampered with negotiations to remain on the farm. It wasn’t a permanent reside, your welcoming was of temporary habitation, although the ex-officer was hoping to sweeten the bones of the vet.
The grass brushed against your calves as you stalked through one of the large fenced fields, staring at the distance which was illuminated by the hot sun. It was soon to be the last days of summer, and you wished to enjoy the heat breathing upon your skin before you began to get bitten by the autumnal breeze. It was a relief to be departed for just a moment from those whom you had survived with, you rested your palm around the fence, daring to pass over it, and run free.
But you couldn’t. Not when you had the knowledge that ties in the group were unraveling, and soon they would wind all the way loose, and although you knew that the aftermath would not be pretty, there was only one thing keeping you here. A quick glance in the direction of his lonesome tent had your heart swarming with a tornado of emotions, Daryl had pried himself even further away from those that judged him, and was practically living in his own forced solitary confinement. And for a day or two he had even been avoiding you, the only person that he felt as though he could confide in.
For some reason he had yet proclaim that you both up and leave the company that you had weaselled into, and escape the hurdles that had yet to break. You opted to chew at your fingernails for a moment, a habit that you had acclaimed from the huntsman, easing the tension within you that was unraveling before you approached the tent. The last couple of nights you had been spending within the farmhouse, to keep a watchful eye over Beth as she was enduring afflictions of her mind’s darkest corner, and the fact that you understood the tauntingly horrifying thoughts that she was feeling.
Once, quite some time ago, you too had undergone the struggles of being alive, but now that you had realised that there was so much to live for, you were not going to end any suffering that put strain upon your chest just because there was an apocalypse occurring across the whole globe. No sir, and whilst you pondered over your and Beth’s shared difficulties, you suddenly became paranoid that Daryl too would be feeling encompassed by the hand of looming death. Merle was either dead, or off somewhere tending to his handless wrist, and that was a lot for anyone to take on, let alone a brother.
Not many people, especially those that you were currently occupying yourself with liked Merle, they labelled him as a pig, which he was with all consideration, and they presumed he would lead them all to their deaths, you however had gotten along with him just fine. But then again, you had known him before everything had gone to shit, same with Daryl of course, and with the younger of the two you had felt fooled that you could be more. When times weren’t like this, and in a state that would be addressed as ordinary, you’d both often lull in the presence of one another, and there may have been one or two drunken kisses. It had never gone further than that, you made sure; you couldn’t lose a dear friend over a alcohol induced actions, no matter if you still felt the desire to repeat them when sober.
Daryl meant a lot to you, he had always been a firm shoulder to lean on, and now it was your time to be there for him whilst he squandered by himself, and so you stalked with stealth towards him as you did when preying on animals in the woods together. You suspected that despite your footsteps paving no sound to the human ear that Daryl would still expect you to be luring outside, he was a brilliant tracker and you never underestimated his skill, and as predicted, with your shadow being cast across and through the waterproof fabric of the tent, the zip began to become open mouthed, it’s teeth being separated by the man inside.
You sprang a smile at the sight of him, after all you were his only friend out of all the people that you had arrived to the farm with, however he didn’t reciprocate the expression, instead his face looked sullen, exhaustion stroking through each of his gestures, as his eyes held dark bagged weights below his waterline. There was a dew highlighting his flesh, something you had only seen when he was… sick. “Whadd’ya wan’.” His voice was heard like uncut fingernails slicing down the landscape of a chalkboard, and it made you wince as you thought about how dry his throat must have been. If you had a kinder heart, or least the others suspected you weren’t so cold in retaliation to their judgements, you would have ran to fetch him a pale of water.
“To know that you’re okay.” You responded with honesty, he was the only other person that you could contend niceties with, the others didn’t truly understand either of you, they made their apprehensions and only allowed them to shift if either one of you performed in an agreeable manner. “Which clearly you’re not,” your observations became verbal, as you swayed absentmindedly on the grass where your footing remained, “and someone has to be there for you, none of those sorry suckers care enough. You’re all I have left from before, and I ain’t prepared to lose you just yet.” Ever would have been the preferred timespan, but you too didn’t have a tendency to flaunt your emotions.”
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere sunshine.” His gravelly tone dispersed with his statement as he began to violently cough, his shoulders shaking from the pressure that beckoned undesirably in his chest. He heaved as he came down from the breathless moment that had silenced his words, staring up at you with his oceanic gaze that cradled you without touch. “But you shoul’, ya probably got somewhere better to be rather than worryin’ ‘bout lil’ ol’ me.” His words were the farthest thing from your viewable truth, he was the only one that you felt comfortable around, you weren’t sure if it was because he was a part of your old life prior to the ravenous outbreak, or because you really weren’t a fan of the continuous drama that fledged around Rick, Shane and Lori, however either way you wanted to be here.
With him, that was. “I don’t.” And he knew that, he just resented admitting that there was somebody other than his brother in existence that cared about him. “Let me spend some time with you, and make sure that you’re really alright. If not for you, then for me.” It was his weakness, he could never deny you anything, he always had harboured a sweet spot for you, except from if he had to detain you from drinking another beer in some surly bar. “Please Daryl, I’ve had some time for myself, and I don’t want to be alone right now.” Daryl exhaled slowly, feeling the threatening rattle in his throat as he shifted aside, allowing you room to enter his private quarters, if you could call his shabby tent that.
It didn’t take you long before you slunk into the material walls, eyes casting around the layout that matched your own tent that you had almost forgotten about; except it was a mess, the sleeping bag was shrivelled up in a ball towards the corner, and his crossbow and its ammunition was slung across the ground. Daryl nervously clicked his tongue after enclosing the space by reassuming the zipper to its closed position, watching you with drained eyes. “I really am alrigh’ y’know.” He stated unconvincingly, sitting beside you as close as he could without the fear of you catching anything from him. It was just a summer cold, he told himself, it would soon pass and he would be back to his regular self.
“That’s completely debatable Dar.” You raised your eyebrows, passing him the water flask that had been one of the only things to keep him company, at least he had been staying hydrated, you thought, and felt content as he obeyed your silent order to take a few sips, not too much and not too little. There was no doubt from his grimace that it pained him to swallow the water, and you couldn’t help but have concern to become you. “Maybe you should lay down, and try and rest.” It was an observation, you could physically see how fragile his muscles felt. He would never say it aloud, but he felt weak at the knees, not just in this moment but in each one he spent with you.
It made his heart stutter with emotion to listen to your breathing, it was always calm around him, and it made him feel as though he had a chance with you. The last thing that he would ever want to do was to ruin your friendship, especially by speaking of his more-than-crush on you. He was almost positive that he was in love with you, and he held such certainty that his heart strings had been tugging with a craving for you before the walkers had risen to tear apart the world. “Tha’s exactly wha’ I was doin’ jus’ before yer wanted to babysit me.” A scoff fell from your lips as you lightly shoved him, and he crumbled dramatically from your touch, falling flat on his back.
“You okay?” You loomed above him, your locks cascading around your face as you fretted, and Daryl could only pull a dopey smile. He wanted to answer you, with all of his trauma induced heart; you were one of the only people that had ever roamed the earth whom had never speculated theories of his life - you knew him, and it was a dear experience. He wasn’t a no good red neck as Shane put him down and described him to be, he was a man that had survived, through terror and abuse, and was still doing so with different forces opposing him. The dead would rip his flesh from his bones, and feast without resistance on his body, but that was a far thought from what he was currently thinking.
There was no woman more beautiful than you, Daryl thought with an open mind, captivated by your beauty even during his sickness. He was engaged with eye contact with you, practically entranced, as the structured cough in his chest lowered to a dull tingle in the back of his throat, it was easy to ignore with you as his main focus. Well ignoring wasn’t the right phrase or term to it, you were a pleasant distraction in the moment, even as he chortled for breath whilst he attempted to hold in the spluttering that was induced by hell knows what he had caught.
“‘M fine.” He wheezed out, his face beginning to turn red as he held the symptom of his sickness in, stuttering as your hand drifted to his upper chest that was exposed by his grimly worn vest, drawing circles on his skin with your fingertips. “It’s okay.” You told him, brushing a lock of his hair that had slowly grown since his last haircut behind his ear. “Jus’ let it out Dar.” Despite your inclination to listen to the exhausted struggle that disputed from his lungs and compactly mucus filled chest, he felt comfortable enough with you to follow your words. He leant half over on his side, coughing on and on until it felt as though it was finally over. And your hand remained in its placement, being in contact with each pressuring hurdle his chest fought through.
“Feel a little better?” You hardly had to ask, the archer nodded stiffly, his hand drifting to rest over your own. “Do you want me to go? I know sometimes you like to be alone, and I don’t want to overstep on your personal space.” He almost signed you off of your duty of watching over him, he didn’t want to hold in his most sacred secret any longer. And if you stayed, well he was almost certain that he would inform you of the truth that he had hidden from you for so long. “Nah, you don’ gotta go nowhere.” He pulled you closer by your hand until your face was drifting over his own, and it took all of your resistance to not lean in. “Jus’ hope ya don’ mind gettin’ sick if you still wanna stick around.”
“Whatever you’ve got? You know how strong my immune system is Dixon.” You sharply spoke with a tenderness lining your tone, ogling at his runny eyes with the dearest of adoring gazes. So far you had been sufficiently lucky considering that you had not undergone any injury since the beginning of the outbreak, only the mental aspects had affected your perception. Each rotted walker that gnashed it’s grotesque teeth in your direction hadn’t caught your flesh between its jagged dentures, and you hoped it would remain as so. It was probably just luck, but through your lifetime you had survived enough flus and colds for another to shatter your instincts.
“Tha’s not wha’ I meant. Mean’ sick of me.” Daryl spoke with a lowered head, as though he had been ashamed to admit the truth in his train of thought. With your pointer finger you raised his face from hooking it beneath his chin, so that his eyes made contact with your own, the swelling of emotions that’s swirled in them pointedly driving you to lean in closer, despite the risk of getting sickened from the contagion that his body carried, greeting his lips with yours. It was a soft kiss, and one well worth the always lingering wait, and it made you realise that you were the only person in the world of existing death that Daryl wouldn’t push away. “I will never get sick of you Dixon. Never.”
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Can I re-blogging the post you created?
I do not know how to begin my story. I do not know if my words will touch the hearts of everyone. What I want is to save my beautiful and loving family. It is like my whole life. I wish from my heart to be this girl who fights with all her might for her family because they are everything to me, and every day passes. It is as if we were carrying mountains and walking with them. The situation is catastrophic, like a movie that you do not know what its ending is. The North is suffering from hunger and the South is suffering from destruction, bombing, poor food and death that haunts it every second. Today was difficult. Many of my family were martyred. The news was not good. I hope that my day will end and that We are fine, what does the world expect from us? Should I wait to see my family's health deteriorate before my eyes?! We have lost a lot, we have lost dreams, we have lost the future, we have lost work, we have lost the house, we have lost friends, we have lost the neighborhood, the street, and everything
O free world, I hope you can help me. I hope to publish and write down my story on social networking sites. My story is full of many meanings. My story is beautiful. It needs your support. We want to leave Gaza in order to protect my family from bombing, displacement, and the hunger of poor lunches. We want a better future. Everyone in my family has dreams. I do not want those dreams. If you die, I want you to be created again, despite the many pains that we carry inside us, but this will be achieved by your spreading me, and may Palestine and Gaza live free
hello <3 beautiful shahd has reached out to me with her story in the hopes of raising funds to help get her family of 15 to safety -- campaign is currently at $5,695 USD of a $50,000 goal, please consider donating if you have the means and please share her campaign so that she can reach her goal!!! campaign was vetted by @/nabulsi under a different account that has been deleted.
tagging some people who might be able to share <3 @maryoliverdotcom @serethereal @boydykepdf @nabulsi @sayruq
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kuuhaiyu · 2 months
Please, you are my hope to save my family from hunger and death
I hope that my message reaches all the free people in the world and those with compassionate hearts. I ask you to save my family, because they are in danger.
Every day we face death. the situation is dangerous. There are no necessities of life. No food, no milk, no diapers, no medicine. All goods are at ridiculous prices. My little daughter has hepatitis C, and she suffers from a high temperature and lethargy in her body. The fear of losing her became very terrifying for me.
Living in Gaza is very stressful. This war kills without mercy. We are in very great danger. Bombs are over our heads
Every minute poses a threat to my life and the lives of my family, so I ask you to help me quickly. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in their lives. Or share this link with your network.
Thank you for your kindness and support of my story
I hope you don't ignore my story. You can make a big, big difference. I am in a very difficult situation. I'm so tired. I'm very tired. But despite everything that's happening, I'm fighting. All I have left is my beautiful family. I have no one but them after I lost many of my friends and relatives, our home, my future, my university, everything. I am fighting for my family. I hope you don't stop reading my post. I really need you so incredibly much. I want you to be by my side and support my story. support me. I want you next to me. This is not just a request. This is my call. I hope my words and message reach you
this gofundme is verified, and is #224 on the list of vetted fundraisers run by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi
please don't hesitate to donate here
as a reminder, if you send me proof of your donation, you can commission art from me. this is a rare opportunity as i don't usually open commissions, so take advantage of it while you can!
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northgazaupdates · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Let’s help Laila, Bassam, and their children get to safety!
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heartstringsduet · 1 month
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Happy Wednesday. <3 Back again after vacationing and friends-ing. This is a Work Is Posted day for once. Thanks for tagging me last week. I loved reading your snippets.
Your Shotgun rider 'til the day I die Summary: Carlos joins his husband for the concert of his life. A/N: A prompt fill for @carlos-tk 🍵 for the @911actionforgaza. If you are able to, please consider donating to the people still suffering in Gaza. Check out the event list or this vetted list for fundraisers.
Turns out, TK had a right to worry. At the bar, the bartender immediately notices him and asks him for his order and it would have gone so smoothly if it weren’t for the petite girl beside him that the bartender ignored for it. Carlos points at her to go first. She thanks him for it. So do the other five women he lets go in front of him out of a sense of sudden guilt. By the point that he finally orders two mineral waters at the price of half a tank of fuel, he has around five minutes left before TK seeks him out and he has yet to make it through the crowd.
The way out was rough, the way back in makes him clench his jaw until it hurts. At work, he puts the myriads of anxieties he houses away. He used to be better at that in general, before TK came and showed him it was okay to be weak sometimes, that his fears wouldn’t topple him. He puts the armor back on as he apologizes to each dressed up person glaring at him for daring to move past them, but he doesn’t stop.
The first time he can breathe again is when he sees the familiar brim of a cowboy hat that sticks out mostly because it’s a real one, and not one of the cheap neon ones sold in front of the venue for a fiver.
He’s pretty sure TK has moved several feet away from the stage while he was gone. The reason for it becomes apparent when Carlos finally squeezes through to him and sees a group of teenage girls that hadn’t been in front of them before. TK’s eyes light up when he spots him and he pulls at Carlos’ wrist to draw him in closer against the last barricade of people in front of them.
“You made it back!” TK yells over the increasing murmur and music in the background. 
“Told you I’d make it.”
“How many people did you let order in front of you?”
Carlos snorts at being so easily known. “As many as you gave our good spot to so they could see better.”
“Are we like…too good for this world?” TK jokes, wiggling his eyebrows.
To Carlos, TK is. He’ll tell him that later, when he can make sure it can’t be written off easily. Every day, he wants TK to know he is the best thing on this planet. 
[Read More]
OPEN TAG for WIP Wednesday & tag with absolutely no obligation to like or share this btw
@welcometololaland @rmd-writes @carlos-in-glasses
@strandnreyes @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom
@butchreyes @americansrequiems @decafdino @tellmegoodbye
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @never-blooms
@freneticfloetry @bonheur-cafe @emsprovisions
@paperstorm @ladytessa74 @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@honeybee-taskforce @sanjuwrites @liminalmemories21
@sapphic--kiwi @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh
@nancys-braids @pimento-playing-hopscotch @ironheartwriter
@chicgeekgirl89 @goodways @orchidscript
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strike-another-match · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Of course I will share and donate. I hope you reach your goal so that you and your family cab be safe soon.
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
I am Laila Shaqura, a displaced person from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, specifically the city of Rafah.
In light of this ongoing aggression, there is no glimmer of hope except for you and your standing with us. I tell you the story of my mother and her fetus in this war.
In the midst of this devastation, the expectant mother faces countless challenges. She suffers from malnutrition due to a lack of healthy food, which exposes her and her fetus to multiple health risks. Due to the lack of adequate health care and weak immunity, this led to her contracting hepatitis, anemia, intestinal diseases, and preeclampsia.
In addition, the psychological pressure resulting from war and displacement increases her suffering. The constant concern for the safety of the family and the fear of the sound of the continuing violent bombing tonight led to high blood pressure, imbalance in movement, and fainting this morning. It was a very bad morning.
Despite the sound of cannons, the sound of bullets, the bombing, the fear and anxiety, a new life continues to form inside the mother’s womb. My mother held me with hope for the future, but the war stole from her the ability to dream.
Not only did she carry a fetus, but she also carried the burdens and pain of war.
The pain of her pregnancy increases with the weight of the war and its sorrows. She carried life in her belly and the war destroys life around her. We sometimes wonder,
Will this expected child live in such a broken world?
At this moment, I wonder if the war will take this awaited child from us before he sees the light??!
Rafah is no longer safe, and the sounds of bombing intensify every night.
There is no time to escape death. My mother's health condition is deteriorating. There is no health care. We want her to stay alive.
This is about the lives of two people (a mother and her child).
Let us extend a helping hand to those who have lost everything.Your donation can give new lives and hope for the future.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
this fundraiser has been vetted by ibtisams fairuzfan and fallahifag!
they've only raised €4,187 out of their €45,000 target, please donate!
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sepublic · 3 months
I have to wonder about Camila's life and backstory, leading her to the beginning of The Owl House; For example, was she the (grand)daughter of immigrants, or an immigrant herself? For what reasons did she come to the U.S.; Was there a promise of adventure and freedom that didn't entirely pan out? I could see there being additional parallels between Camila and Luz, if they both came to another 'world' and met someone who really made them feel at home, with Camila's person being Manny.
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It isn't exactly canon, being revealed in a unreleased episode that no longer fits with established lore, but Homesick (which seems to have been originally written as a Season 1B episode) reveals that Manny was a hospital driver. Now this is also mentioned alongside Camila being a nurse, when we know now that she's a veterinarian.
But the idea could still be repurposed into HC territory; Camila met Manny, as someone who also shared in the same career. Given her compassion towards animals, it seems Camila chose being a vet because she genuinely enjoys and believes in that work, so it makes me think of how Luz wanted to become a witch, and then found belonging in fellow witches like Eda or Amity, who helped to validate that choice for her by participating in it with Luz. Maybe Manny did the same for Camila, as someone who was also compassionate in helping transport people to medical assistance, and I assume ambulance drivers must also be knowledgeable themselves too!
Looking at it from one perspective, you could say Manny was Camila's Eda, as someone more confident who helped encourage Camila into being her fullest self, making her feel at home as a fellow weirdo, etc. And by extension, Luz is her King; Someone younger that she helps guide and look after, a kid with lots of big fantasies they want to play out. And on Manny’s end, he could be Luz, while Camila is his Amity, as someone less confident about embracing herself, only to find that courage upon meeting Manny. He too would share in the immigrant experience of coming to a new world, and maybe he did so with reckless enthusiasm, like his daughter did?
And if Camila's an immigrant, I wonder what sorts of mixed feelings she might have about Gravesfield, and the U.S. as a whole. How does she feel about the Dominican Republic, if she's ever been there? Thinking of those Mother-Daughter parallels, this new home isn't exactly the nicest, and it has many of its downsides; Like the Boiling Isles for Luz, it suffers from the influence of racist Puritan white guys, which exacerbates a hostility to outsiders. But as I've mentioned with Manny, there are still people to find there, and the existence of kids like Masha further cements that because even if viewers can't find a Boiling Isles, they'll rest assured knowing there's still others like them in this world particularly.
Not to mention, Vee! Adopting Vee, who much prefers the human world, could help Camila appreciate her own home by looking at it from that angle, and relate to her new daughter as a fellow immigrant to Gravesfield. Camila still seems somewhat beholden to the human world, since she and Luz still live there; A part of this could probably be attributed to Vee, but I wonder if there are other ties as well, such as Luz and Camila's Dominican heritage?
Do they have other relatives that they're still in contact with, and how do they feel about them? I don't think they're necessarily on bad terms, seeing as how Luz herself struggled with being a loner while still having loving and supportive parents, and her feeling complete with her found family doesn't negate those pre-existing relationships at all; People simply need as many friends as they can get.
Plus, Camila might still enjoy other aspects of the human world nevertheless, such as her Cosmic Frontier novels, or even something as simple as her latin music. Maybe she isn't entirely comfortable with the isles either, given how four years later she's still a bit grossed out by certain aspects of Luz's new Quincenera, but Camila's still open-minded enough to be accommodating and respectful.
And again, that makes me think about how the Boiling Isles has its ups and downs, as well as locals who are cruel without needing the influence of outsiders. This is part of Luz's arc in Witches before Wizards, acknowledging that, while still being able to love it, warts and all. And I wonder if Camila feels similarly about the world she moved to (while also sharing an unambiguous distaste for the government), if there's a lot to Gravesfield and the U.S. as a whole that she doesn't like.
But there are still good parts and good people, hence Vee's friends, her own relatives, and of course Manny. Vee herself likes it, fellow migrants have a lot in common! So there’s an almost begrudging love, like Eda and King talking about their home at the end of WBW. Maybe like Luz, Camila realized the (American) dream she wanted when she came to this new place wasn't going to play out exactly as she expected... But in many ways, it still did, especially because of people who made it feel complete.
So Camila really is like her daughter; A weirdo who felt the need to suppress herself, only to find people who gave her the encouragement she needed. Someone who moved to another place that wasn't exactly perfect, but there was so much to still appreciate, and it's how she met someone who also moved and loved it there, like the Collector for Luz, or Vee for Camila. Two outsiders wandering and looking for a home, and when Luz found hers, she really cemented Camila rediscovering that belonging when she felt emboldened enough to continue where Manny left off, without him.
It'd have been so easy to just have Luz and Camila both renounce the human world, but that would be cultural whitewashing, and keep in mind the antagonist of the series is colonialism. There’s a lot more nuance in them having connections in both worlds that they want to maintain. And I think Vee helps to cement this for Luz and Camila; The latter would otherwise sacrifice staying in her human home for Luz if she had to, but Vee can function as family in the human world to stay in touch with AND a parallel for Luz to reflect on her choices, etc. Mother and daughter navigating two different worlds that they feel beholden to is the immigrant experience; They're still allowed to hold onto their heritage that way, just as in real life they would be considered both Dominican AND American. That's part of the larger theme of not having to choose nor settle for strict binaries, while maintaining your own identity as you explore entering another community.
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
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lunch break by the wonderfully talented @mimibayra (click for better quality)
hello friends✨
i am beyond honored to be sharing this amazing artwork i had done for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd and @saibug1022. elliott's done so many beautiful pieces for the windverse, it was about time i returned the favor🖤 mags is notorious for skipping meals, so to be sat down with wind over a basket of pastries is nothing short of a miracle 😂
this art was thanks to a donation i personally made to the following gfm campaign. i would like everyone to take the time to meet laila:
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pictured above is laila and her four siblings; photo taken from laila's gfm page
(please read more below):
an excerpt from laila's campaign (organized by ahmed shaqqoura, laila's uncle; note this is only a portion of what is written and i strongly encourage you to read the whole passage)
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from laila's tumblr @lailashaqoura:
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a ss of one of laila's calligraphy pieces (full post here)
laila reached out to me three days ago (see here) asking to share her story with you all. her campaign has been vetted/verified by multiple sources that i've double checked:
source one // source two (laila's campaign is listed as #152 on the sheet made by @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein) to learn more on how to double check if campaigns have been vetted/verified: read here
since my initial post (6/7), laila's family has raised $1,839. those additional funds were made possible by people continuing to spread laila's message. to stand with palestinians is to see them for who they are. to read their stories and understand that they are more than the horrific conditions they have endured for years. they are mothers- fathers- brothers- sisters- and so much more. laila is one of many brilliant lights that deserves to continue to showcase her talents as an artist with the world. she deserves to live out her dreams- as well as the rest of her family
@/mimibayra is currently offering her time and talents to making art like this for anyone who donates to not only laila's campaign, but others she has mentioned on her donation commission sheet. feel free to reach out to her for any questions you may have!
another artist i want to highlight here is @palentonga who is also offering art for those able to donate. i know a few of my moots here are dnd fans- and she specializes in making portraits for dnd characters. it was actually through her account that i was able to find @/mimibayra in the first place. visit her 📌 for more info on her donation commissions
while it is heartbreaking to read the stories coming from palestine, it is also a privilege to know them. i may never get to meet laila and her family face to face- but i still feel connected to them in a way that i never thought to be possible. there is beauty in knowing that you can care so deeply- feel as strongly- about their cause. to quote @/fairuzfan (a palestinian blogger):
"there is still hope. say it out loud. palestine will be free. the palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. we will love and be loved. do not fall into the trap of despair." read full post here
for anyone who can, please consider matching my donation:
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and if you can't donate, please share laila's story and continue to make space for her and her family in your heart. stay present and engaged for them and everyone else in palestine. listen to those who are sharing their lives and experiences so openly whilst facing tremendous suffering, not just here on tumblr, but on any platform you may have. it is never to late to stand with them. because we are not free until they are all free
if you made it this far, thanks for sticking around 🖤
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sidetongue · 1 year
I don’t know how to start this. First of all, I’ve read all of your message and comments and I appreciate each of you. I wanted to step away from this platform because it feels so wrong being here without Mil. For 8 years, sidetongue.tumblr.com has been a place where Miller has existed not only in my life, but in the lives of people all over the world. Her memory, her story, and her existence are etched into the walls of this blog and I feel like a traitor carrying on without her.
A comment stuck out to me though, and it said something like ‘you’ve built this community and we’re all here for you’. And that’s right; there is such a sense of community here, years worth of friendships, and it would be so unfair to shut you all out. I know many of you cried along with me, and many of you grieve over this little blue dog like she was a close friend. Let me fill you in.
On Thursday (Day 5) I had the day off from work but went in anyway to help put an NG tube in Mil. My vet had spoken to vets up north (where lepto is more prevalent) and they had said that clinical symptoms don’t improve until day 7 at least. That gave us a bit of an explanation as to why we hadn’t seen improvement yet. It gave us some hope. We had to buckle in and get her to day 7. Of course, we needed to get food into her, so a NG tube was needed so we could stop force feeding her with a syringe.
She was such a good sport for her tube. She didn’t fuss or squirm or complain. Her nose bled and I cried. She told me not to worry about it. I told her I loved her and I’d see her later.
At around 4:30pm I got a call from my vet. She said “you know how you asked me to tell you if it was time?” I knew what that meant. It meant something had changed, things weren’t okay anymore, it meant Miller was suffering. I rushed into work.
They told me she had collapsed a little while ago. They ran bloods, and her clotting time was abnormal. She was going into DIC. When I saw Mil she looked so tired. The vet said she’d carry her out onto the grass, but Mil wanted to walk. On shaky legs she dragged her tired body up and walked beside me as we went outside.
Mil got to feel the wind on her face, smell fresh air, see blue skies, and have green grass beneath her feet. I hysterically refused to put on a gown, gloves, and face shield. I didn’t care about getting sick, I didn’t care about protocols, I needed her to feel all of my love in her last moments. And selfishly, I needed to feel those velvety ears, run my fingers through her fur, and feel her warmth beneath my hands.
I buried my face in her neck and clung to her as she fell asleep. I squeezed my eyes shut and for many moments I couldn’t sit back up. Couldn’t open my eyes to a world without Miller in it.
It has taken me over a week to look at and edit these few photos. The SD card had been sitting heavy, holding the last two adventures we ever went on. It filled me with dread, knowing I’d have to sit and look at Miller being happy and carefree in these photos. If I didn’t look at them, then there would always be a little bit of Mil still alive and safe. But I knew, in order to feel closure, I needed to go through them.
My heart shattered over and over again as her bright eyes stared into mine through the screen. So full of life, so unknowing of what was to come. The beach photo was taken on the morning she was admitted, a mere hour before she walked into the vet clinic. Never to walk out again. She had been a little quiet; staying by my side and not venturing off with the rest of the dogs. That’s what prompted me to take her to work. That’s why I only got the one photo, after a seagull tempted her to half-heartedly chase it.
I will never understand why this happened to my little blue dog. My boss has clarified that we STILL do not recommend lepto vaccines and that they are still not indicated due to how very low the risk is. That’s a whole other level of pain. That it was a one in a million chance, that my best girl was the horrific anomaly and we’ll likely never see this disease again.
Thank you all again for your words of support. The other dogs are doing well, no one is sick, and Trickle is still with us. The foster program that Trickle is through has called up the clinic and paid the entire amount for Miller’s cremation; a huge gesture that took off some of the financial burden.
I feel so privileged to have shared Millou with you all - she had more friends than she could possibly ever know, which is saying something because she was just. So comically abrasive. I hope she’s found someone unsuspecting to bark at up there. I hope she’s climbing mountains and eating dead kangaroos. I hope she’s found the equivalent of grandma’s armchair and is snoozing peacefully. I’ll miss her forever.
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skaruresonic · 2 months
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"Yes, Woolie, you can win any argument if you just change what words mean."
Apologies for bringing up an old debate, but I feel the need to clarify my stance on this topic. Twitter character limits will not allow the space needed for explanation.
There's a reason I mentioned the Erazor Djinn and not Shahra. It's because, unlike the Erazor Djinn, Shahra has done nothing wrong. Sonic helps her because he wants to, not because she's earned it by performing regret to a "sufficient" degree.
"The concept of freedom and redemption is neutral."
No, it isn't. That's a culturally Christian view. Some cultures emphasize rehabilitation instead, which differs from redemption.
Not to mention that morality is, to some extent, culturally defined and will vary on that basis.
"Some people deserve it and some people don't."
Yeah, no, I have Problems(tm) with this mindset.
The reason the idea that anyone particularly "deserves" anything - in this case, punishment for crime - doesn't sit right with me is because some external force must define the crime and impose the punishment. I take umbrage with the very idea that we must relent the onus of our problem-solving to an authority, which is naive at best and dangerous at worst.
In other words, at some point you must defer complex moral decisions to an authority. Historically, these punitive frameworks rarely serve justice and usually leverage their power to target the oppressed.
At best, the "criminals deserve to be punished for hurting people" mindset assumes the just world fallacy is true. Good people ought to be rewarded, but more importantly, bad people ought to be punished. On top of other potential pitfalls and opportunities for abuse, this fallacy assumes victims can never exploit their own hurt, real or fabricated, to facilitate oppression.
What this results in, more often than not, is a culture of anxiety that stunts one's moral growth. People become afraid to speak out, make the normal range of mistakes expected of being human, and sometimes even do the right thing upon pain of being branded a Criminal(tm) onto whom punishment is justified and equally little grace afforded. And since "bad people" and "criminals" are categories upon which cruelty for catharsis' sake is considered more justified than rehabilitation or justice for victims, this system can, has been, and will be exploited.
This is why humans rights exist and are called human rights, not "fuck up hard enough and get your humanity revoked" rights.
At worst, it can feed into an authoritarian mindset that paves the way for fascism: dominant cultures enforcing their bigotry through institutionalized violence. "Undeserving" is a severely loaded term especially given this context and this risk.
The wording of "But the fact [Shahra] wishes to make things right for herself and ultimately regretted her mistakes shows that she is more deserving of redemption and freedom than Erazor" implicitly frames her as someone who, under Sonic's supposed moral authority, must be screened or vetted. It risks lumping abuse victim with abuser. If she did nothing wrong, only suffered being a victim of circumstance, why must she "earn" Sonic's grace where the Erazor Djinn does not?
What did she do that would require punishment otherwise if Sonic had found her regret wanting? Lie out of necessity? How could he deign to exercise the authority to punish her for such a thing?
Add the fact that she defers to Sonic as the master of the ring, and this whole power dynamic becomes horribly problematic incredibly fast. That Sonic insists on seeing Shahra as not only an equal but a friend is the whole point the game was attempting to make about their dynamic. It would have been beyond fucked for him to have exploited his power over her in such a manner, and I'm glad the game explicitly avoided that implication right out of the gate. Shut that shit down before it even had a chance to start.
Ironically enough, we see this framework fail when IDW!Sonic is confronted with an abuse victim in the form of Surge. He callously treats her with the same flippant disdain as with other irredeemable villains (barring Eggman, but we'll get to that in a second) even though Surge makes it clear that she's suffering.
The fact that his solution is not to listen to her, but to instead preach his values and say "I'll just kick your ass until you magically start Acting Right(tm)," as if hurting people who are already in pain ever taught them a lesson other than "never trust anyone," means IDW!Sonic is less interested in harm reduction than in appearing "good" and merciful. He winds up reinforcing his status as the moral authority of this world, which is ironic for a character who supposedly values freedom for all.
But maybe not.
Freedom includes the freedom to fuck up, yes. And what I'm certain IDW!Sonic meant to add was the caveat "...but not freedom from consequences." However, his selective hypocrisy in who deserves what and when is so obvious that it winds up warping the message into "Do what Sonic tells you or suffer the consequences he decides are fit."
Again, this loops back around to my original assertion that the "what you deserve" mindset is authoritarian. Who is Sonic to establish himself as the arbiter of freedom?
At least in SatSR, when he condemns the Erazor Djinn to the lamp, it's for pragmatic reasons as much as it is for moral considerations---perhaps the former even more so than the latter.
Sonic knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that letting the Djinn go free will result in the events of the game happening again. Shahra has told him that the Djinn abused his power once before, and he's seen the evidence for abusing it a second time throughout the course of the game. To say nothing of how the Erazor Djinn basically hammered the nail in his own coffin through his callous disregard of Shahra.
The Djinn's actions determine his fate. If we left it at "he's just a scumbag," that reduces him to an identity that may or may not be permanent and shifts focus away from his choices.
Likewise, Shahra is not a good person simply because she regrets her mistakes hard enough, but rather, Sonic knows her hand was forced because she winds up doing the right thing in the end, even at a high personal cost.
Hence Sonic takes concrete steps, such as tossing the lamp down a furnace where no one would be inclined to look for it or even accidentally stumble upon it again, to diminish the threat the Erazor Djinn presents.
It must be emphasized that he also makes an equal effort to comfort a grieving Shahra. Not because she's a good person who "deserves" comfort after all she's been through, but because it is a good thing to alleviate suffering. Also because Shahra is his friend, and Sonic doesn't need a reason to want to help out a friend.
What concrete steps has IDW!Sonic taken to reduce the harm his villains present?
1.) Convinced Shadow to step down from killing Mr. Tinker by leveraging Shadow's traumatic past against him, rather than argue that Mr. Tinker should be given a chance to live as his own person.
2.) Made a promise to check up on Mr. Tinker to make sure things continued to go smoothly, only to later break that promise by assuming Eggman will remain Mr. Tinker forever with no real evidence.
3.) Decided to let Metal Sonic go regardless of Tails' warnings, on the reasoning that Metal was his own person whose autonomy needed to be respected (despite Metal admitting that he essentially had no free will in a previous issue, and despite Tails later pointing out that Metal remained dangerous as he still had his jet engine and claws). Eggman even calls Sonic out on this, explaining that Metal is programmed to obey his master. Yet Sonic still gets chuffed at Metal for having "chosen wrongly."
4.) On top of exacerbating the metal virus and nearly destroying the world for personal gain, Zavok killed people in the Zeti hunt arc and very graphically threatened to flay Sonic alive while storming Restoration HQ. Yet he's shuttled back to the Lost Hex without any real guarantee that he won't do it again.
5.) Nothing against Starline, except to eulogize his death as "big oof," despite having told Surge that he (Sonic) was willing to give even him (Starline) a second chance.
6.) Eulogized Surge with "That's the real problem with freedom: you can't stop people from making the wrong choice."
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
One of the most fascinating things in the locked tomb is the juxtaposition between systematic cruelty and personal kindness.
The nine houses and their Shepard worlds are designed to be hostile and Blood of Eden is not known for there clean hands either.
the 1st house is a killing ground powered by the trapped dead
The 2nd and 4th houses are factories for soldiers.
The 8th are religious fanatics.
the ninth house a death cult
The 3rd is a cutthoat gossip hell with cannibalism produced by the CW
The 7th glorifies illness and suffering for no good reason.
The 6th is Academia....which is not a societal group known for there kindness.
We never get to see the cruelty of the 5th they are too polite for that, but no faction that much power without making hard choices over and over again.
The refugee worlds of Nona is a shitty scary place full of upset people.
these places sound horrible.
but over and over again, we see characters who love unselfishly characters who are are kind, character who trust, and characters who want the best for those around them.
Magnus and Abigail who can have no children of there own and instead care for wayward shitty teen.
Corona who cares are Judith even when Judith is almost impossible to care for.
Isaac who just wants to get home to all his little siblings, and Jeanmarie who treats Gideon nav as the older sister she never had.
Judith who just wants everyone to survive, even though she lacks the skill to articulate the desire.
Marta who is flawed and boring and honorable and funny. and who threw herself into battle for anyone she thought might have a point.
Colum Ast who has been worn down into nothing but still refused to break his word to a rude teenage girl who has been chattel her whole life as well.
Protessalous with his roses and his poetry and his kindness to Ortus who has forgotten how to have firends.
Dulcie with her need for truth.
Ortus Nigonad, who is the first person we ever really see form the ninth house who tried to make amends for his past neglect.
Aiglamine and Crux who could not love the children they way they needed to be loved, but they loved them all the same.
Mattius Nonius who came when called to defend people he had never met and who's only complaint was about talking in meter.
Camilla and Palamedes and there insistence that Nona get Agency! and Harrow get compassion, and that Gideon should get forgiveness and also extra food.
Pyrrha with her love, for her necromancer, for her almost daughter Gideon, for the woman she loved, and for the two young people she came to love.
Joli who I have a whole post about.
the Angel who was a vet and became a teacher and got the last of their students out.
we suffer who took a chance on crown, and pyrrha and teh sixth,
And Hot Sause who showed Nona how to forgive and the other children from the gang who cared for each other and Nona and their families.
and I've probably missed some, but these are characters who could turn away, say this isn't my problem, do less, but instead....they chose kindness.
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worldsewage · 3 months
Please, you are my hope to save my family from hunger and death
I hope that my message reaches all the free people in the world and those with compassionate hearts. I ask you to save my family, because they are in danger.
Every day we face death. the situation is dangerous. There are no necessities of life. No food, no milk, no diapers, no medicine. All goods are at ridiculous prices. My little daughter has hepatitis C, and she suffers from a high temperature and lethargy in her body. The fear of losing her became very terrifying for me.
Living in Gaza is very stressful. This war kills without mercy. We are in very great danger. Bombs are over our heads
Every minute poses a threat to my life and the lives of my family, so I ask you to help me quickly. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in their lives. Or share this link with your network.
Thank you for your kindness and support of my story
I hope you don't ignore my story. You can make a big, big difference. I am in a very difficult situation. I'm so tired. I'm very tired. But despite everything that's happening, I'm fighting. All I have left is my beautiful family. I have no one but them after I lost many of my friends and relatives, our home, my future, my university, everything. I am fighting for my family. I hope you don't stop reading my post. I really need you so incredibly much. I want you to be by my side and support my story. support me. I want you next to me. This is not just a request. This is my call. I hope my words and message reach you
This fundraiser is vetted
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