#She was such a pain in the ass to design in the first place idk if I have the heart to do it again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
libertys-lovers Ā· 1 year
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(You should redesign Freedom again)
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(In fact, you should redesign all of your sonas again, not just the ones on your schedules)
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12bleupwhat12 Ā· 1 year
So, Iā€™m kinda starting to believe that Yunoā€™s murder wasnā€™t just abortion. Honestly, Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m actually right or if Iā€™m biased because Iā€™m like ā€œno way MILGRAM would count abortion as murderā€¦ right? šŸ˜€.ā€ I lowkey think Iā€™m working on bias BUT LET ME COOK I HAVE SOMETHING TO CONSIDER!
TW!!: infanticide, suicide, some descriptions of abortion (not explicit but it can be uncomfy to some people)
The first thing that made me think about this was her card in Undercover. Every prisoner has an image of where their murder took place, and it does seem to line up with their music videos.
Some examples includeeee:
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Anyway, Yunoā€™s pictureā€¦ is stairs???
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Even her flashback in undercover is of those same stairs.
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Now I donā€™t know know much about abortion (I am a design technology student, couldnā€™t even get me to explain biology to save my life) but I donā€™t think abortions happen on stairs guys šŸ˜¦ā€¦
So this led me to think of that maybe she did carry a baby full term, give birth to it, then either throw it down the stairs or the balcony sheā€™s on. Of course I was also thinking that maybe she took an abortion pill, which induces a lot of painful cramping and like a really intense period. And people who have periods know, it doesnā€™t matter where you are, it will flow. It also kind of explains the pose sheā€™s in, she looks like sheā€™s clutching the sides of her body in pain. However a part of me isnā€™t convinced thatā€™s what happened. In Japan, only surgical abortion is legal while the use of abortifacients (the pill) is illegal. I mean sheā€™d still have an illegal abortion, pill or not, as she doesnā€™t meet the requirements for legal abortion in Japan, which could honestly explain the sketchy ass staircase sheā€™s on.
I think another thing that makes me believe this theory is the amount of staircase imagery in Umbilical, like literally itā€™s the main visual metaphor.
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Thereā€™s a lot of climbing visuals and maybe this is me being delulu, but Iā€™m thinking that it might be a more metaphorical version of the process of her murder. I mean, thereā€™s a literal part where she climbs up the stairs with the balloon that represents the baby and then the stairs break, making her fall with the balloon.
Which brings me to my second theory, and probably more popular: she killed herself.
It explains the visual of the stairs breaking and her falling with it, it also explains her whole cold thing and ā€œam I even alive?ā€ line in her T2 interrogation. Tbh, I havenā€™t really explored this theory as much but I have an idea about it. Either she killed herself with the baby or she did it while pregnant but idk. Iā€™ve also seen some things in the novel that thereā€™s a murder that was literally suicide but I havenā€™t read the novel and pls no one quote me on that.
Anyway, I havenā€™t really scrutinised her interrogations or the Tear Drop MV because surprisingly Iā€™m not a big fan of the song lol. So any Yuno stans who spend their whole days just analysing her, pls either validate or discredit me because Iā€™m between ā€œIā€™m a geniusā€ to ā€œIā€™m an idiotā€, cuz Iā€™m so sure thereā€™s a lot of holes in my theory :ā€™0.
So anyway, live love Yuno and even if it is infanticide, my innocent queen who did nothing wrong. She slayed, literally.
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koscheicore Ā· 9 months
What's your favourite Ainley episode?
It has to be Castrovalva atm!! I LOVE that serial sm. Perhaps bcs it was of the first classic who episodes I watched (and Logopolis, ofc) but it just fascinated me. It shows a bit of his creative side and he's just HAVING FUN there with the silly disguise. He's not in pain anymore and it really shows. Yeah I couldn't take over the Universe? well let's design a whole place. With people in it. Let's do a little play. He's going all out. He's taking care of the Doctor only to eventually turn around, say LOL SIKE ITS ME!! and destroy him once and for all (except of course not). HE MADE AN ENTIRE TOWN FOR HIM!! Well technically Adric did I think but. The town has LORE. And he's all hehe Doctor you're so silly. Idk it's a really fun episode between Fivey's regen failing and how confusing everything is. The bullshit tapestry is just ridiculous. I wish I could watch it again for the first time!
But ALSO I can't just leave Mark of the Rani unmentioned. The sheer desperation the Ainley!Master has here to just see the Doctor suffer is way too funny, he'll throw the entire plan away just to make sure he BELIEVES that he's about to destroy the TARDIS?? plus of course the RANI!!!!! She's AMAZING. And she's tired of their gay ass flirting. She was just doing science and she had to see her two classmates being a mess as usual. OH AND THE FIVE DOCTORS ok sorry I just !!! Yeah comfort special. I could talk abt that one for ages too.
Also I just love seeing Ainley in general bcs the way he acts, you can tell he's having lots of fun. This man just decided to be the Master and he LOVED every second of it. He would have played this character forever if he could have. Idk where I read that he would sometimes answer phone calls in character too.
Thank you for the ask!!
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wandaxpietro Ā· 8 months
How different would Pietro/Quicksilver and Wanda/Scarlet Witch be if they were like... born into a different sex(????) (Wait let me properly explain-)
Alright, since there are multiple universes or 'multiverse', there's definitely a universe where Pietro-was-born-a-girl and Wanda-was-born-a-boy.
So how different would Male!Scarlet Witch and Fem!Quicksilver be from their universe counterparts? What names do they go by? Would they still go by "Scarlet Witch" and "Quicksilver"? What physical and personality traits do/don't have in common with their main counterparts? What would be their dynamic or their relationship be like? What would be their view(s) on the world or everyone around them? etc etc
This is such a long-ass question/s and i'm sorry cuz I know this is gonna be a pain answering (if this'll ever get answered at all) but i wanna see if anyone else thought of this cuz this has been on m mind for weEKS- and btw! I am so sorry if this ask sounds "anti-trans" or "pro-cis" (eughh) this is not my intention, I genuinely just wanted to share this idea and wanted to see how other ppl take their views on the maximoffs
ok so first of all there's actually a canon universe where they're genderswapped (and magneto is also genderswapped) but i forgot which universe that is lmfao. i quite like its quicksilver design -- as in, it's pretty much unchanged, she's just a woman but she still has short hair and the same uniform style etc -- but i'm not too fond of its scarlet warlock (< i'm pretty sure that's what he's called? which is also a stupid name lol) design. it keeps wanda's long hair & general costume, from what i remember, but it adds a beard and chest hair and he's also super bulky (also from what i remember) which doesn't seem very fitting to me.
second of all, i've actually been thinking about this recently, too (for fic related reasons), but only about fem!pietro lmfao!
so, let's get my thoughts:
one thing i have a problem with with genderbends is names, actually, so it's funny you'd ask. there's no fun in me to "switch" the names around to similar sounding names of the opposite gender, it's weird to me, i just want the character name to stay intact, you know? i can deal with it sometimes, but that's only rarely. which is why i don't think about genderbends as much as perhaps i'd usually do, and if the name works as a genderbend still, then i just keep it. for my hypothetical fem!pietro exploration i honestly would just keep pietro. why does she have a boy name? who knows. who cares. lol. if you'd ~really~ want to change their names, the first ones that would come to my mind are petra and walter but i don't like those. not for them. i just don't! (though petra is better i guess. walter is pretty bad. sorry to anyone named walter i'm sure it fits you it just does not fit wanda).
as for code names, i think quicksilver works. i don't think she'd go by anything else, it's pretty unisex. scarlet witch obviously isn't unisex, but depending on how swag male wanda is he'd maybe go by it anyway. as i've mentioned the scarlet warlock is pretty bad -- warlock is not the female version of witch in any way lol -- and i also feel a lot of wanda's character depth would disappear without the added layer of sexism with the term "witch", but i guess that's just the way it would be with male wanda. the scarlet wizard is alright, i suppose. it's not the same thing, but again, there's not really any male term that captures what "witch" specifically means, and wizard is also unisex, so.
as far as personality goes, i think i'd keep as much as possible from the 616 versions. fem!pietro can still be impatient and grumpy and suspicious and love so much she breaks herself apart on it. male wanda can still be deeply good and compassionate, place so much importance on family, can still have a short fuse and fall into self-doubt easily, idk. some of the protector dynamic with pietro would get lost, i think -- while she would probably still view herself as her softer (< her opinion) brother's protector, she'd probably be less confident (not that 616 pietro is very ~confident~, but he doesn't shy away from confrontation, is what i mean) with taking up space after growing up as a woman, but probably not by a lot. other people would probably take her less seriously as her brother's protector though, probably; and i think wanda also wouldn't view her as such, even when he obviously would still treasure her a lot. their dynamic specifically would stay largely the same, i think. super close and super explosive, too, at times, but they know each other best. i don't see how their sex would change much about that, except that their experiences growing up would obviously be a little different like this. but -- despite what many marvel writers seem to think -- nothing about wanda and pietro's dynamic has anything to do with sexism (though pietro's need to protect wanda is probably something of a "i'm a man"; i still can't imagine fem!pietro would feel less strongly about this, especially her brother in this case is a bit different than that typical "man" picture), so that wouldn't really change.
as for their views of the world and the people around them; i think pietro would be more suspicious than he is in 616 (for obvious reasons), while also perhaps being less paranoid about wanda (not because pietro looks down on wanda for being a woman, but because a lot of the world does, and that would fall away in this case), but only slightly. i don't think wanda would change much in this regard. i suppose he'd be less suspicious, but they'd both still experience racism and bigotry growing up in europe, so i don't see that changing much. wanda still loves the world and its people with all his heart but can't be around them too much (introvert) while pietro also loves the world and its people but she's more grumpy about it. because she also hates them all (extrovert) lmfao.
last but not least! appearances. in my ideal world, fem!pietro is virtually unchanged. she has short hair (better for running), she is lanky, she has runner's legs, she has sharp features. male wanda is more difficult for me to imagine. long hair, probably, but i wouldn't mind short hair. a similar style of costume. no beard!!!! my god. he'd probably wax or something so no chest hair, either, idk. he probably paints his nails. he's very very pretty. beautiful man. not exactly tall but also not exactly short. either skinny (not a physical fighter) or chubby (not a physical fighter) or something of the like, but definitely not muscular. but he's obviously trained in hand-to-hand combat like 616 wanda, obviously. etc. also male wanda would be a very gentle dom to fem!pietro's brat i know it in my heart. she still feels like she has the world on her shoulders so it's nice to be able to lie back, etc. anyway i think that's all my thoughts for now lol
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wri0thesley Ā· 2 years
Thatā€™s adorable, stop āœ‹šŸ˜­ if Kaveh doesnā€™t have an idle like that Iā€™m going to have a strongly worded discussion with Mihoyo because that simply will not do. I can see him rooting around in all his pockets, growing progressively more frustrated and then finally giving up with a big huff and a grumbled vow to let Al-Haitham have a piece of his mind later. So cute ā€¦ but also, consider him seeking out an audience he can vent to about his ā€œpain in the ass roommateā€, finding himself in your company, graciously being invited to wait at your place until he can be let back into his own home, perhaps commiserating over a glass of wine together, and things taking an unexpected, heated turn ā€¦ šŸ‘€ Iā€™m all ears @ myself right now because idk where Iā€™m going with this either lol but I like it. Torn between Kaveh being such a soft, sincere romantic who can charm the pants off just about anyone, or a slightly pathetic, skrunkly puppy dog type that whimpers at the first kiss. Egads.
And yessss Iā€™m so happy Yaoyao is finally escaping from the basement šŸ™šŸ˜­ itā€™s a shame she had to sacrifice Baizhu to do it but Iā€™m sure heā€™ll understand. Her animations are all very, very cute but the one with the rabbit confused me just a bit - idk why it was spitting whatever those things were in such a wide area? In the clip I saw it looked like they were picking them back up after the fact so I assume theyā€™re the healing component of her kit but?? That seems like a pain when theyā€™re spread out that far. Either way, sheā€™s a must for me. I love her design and the fact she uses a spear is just!!!
i am absolutely insane about kaveh today unfortunately (and every day but seeing alhaitham leaks and his drip with a quote from kaveh . . . i want him so so bad. faruzan describes kaveh as an "artsy romantic"!!! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!! mr kaveh!!!!).
i love how yae and raiden have the same bird in their idle, that always makes me super happy; i hope that kind of matchy-matchy thing carries through, especially because it seems like 'being roommates with alhaitham' is a big thing they keep coming back to again and again for him!
YES. kaveh, please, i humbly offer you my lodgings and my bed also. and to be just a little over-flattered, despite the fact he started off here just to complain - after all, this is renowned architecht kaveh sitting with you. surely he could have his pick of people to complain to or to spend time with? and perhaps kaveh can even see the little bit of hero worship in your eyes and it emboldens him to make a move . . . sigh.
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lunarflare64 Ā· 2 years
Tell me about ur OCs ( ā€¢Ģ€ Ļ‰ ā€¢Ģ )
Ajdhwkdj hello! I would love to! But first of all, fair warning, I am definitely not sober rn, vodka is involved, so I shall be long winded and rambley
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This is my girl Julie, who will be a regular on my art blog @lunartflare64 for at least a little while
If you couldn't tell, I made her to ship with trans lesbian 2012 TMNT Leo, aka Leonora, because I've been drawing her a lot lately and wanted a big buff girl for her to be gay over
Julie's creation was incredibly vague at first, starting out leaning a lot more into the tough type of butch at first, and as I was going though each individual species of lizard on Wikipedia (as you do) I came across the red eyed crocodile skink
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Very fun from a character design perspective, so I took a crack at it (with some aspects of other species of lizards I liked, character backstory forming around them), and proto!Julie looked badass! Very spikey, very fiery. But then I came into a major hurdle. Drawing her repeatedly would be a massive PAIN IN THE ASS
So into the trash that design goes, and back into the lizard species wiki I go. Idk how many species of lizard I looked at. Hundreds would be a given. Thousands is likely. I went through every species of skink first after all, and theyre the biggest family of lizard by a lot. Even when I left the skinks for other families I didn't find anything that appealed to me for a few days. Until.......
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The green keel-bellied lizard. Aren't they cool? Look them up, their colour variation is gorgeous. So, after looking at a few more species to make sure this is what I really wanted, I went to start drawing her
Her backstory started to form as I was drawing her. How did she get mutated into this specific species? Well originally I thought about her owning her own green keel-bellied lizard, but I didn't want her character to be that brand of nerd, so...roommate. A roommate in college learning biology and the like, with the focus being reptiles and lizards specifically. And one of their species would be the Gastropholis prasina. And Julie would help with caring for their lizards occasionally because she's a sweet girl like that
Why does Julie live with a roommate in college at such a young age? Guess the parents aren't in the picture. I can see her ditching her parents early if they were shit, so that's what happened. She got emancipated at 14, found her roommate a few months later who helped her out a lot, and two years later the mutation would have happened
I wanted to lean into Julie being the "bad girl" stereotype at some level, even if she's a massive sweetheart, tattoos and piercings would be a given, but how does she get those when she was mutated so young? She couldn't get them before, and getting them after.....the mutant community isn't enough of a community to form even an underground business, and how would they even figure out how to make tattoos and piercings last for mutants? Especially shedding mutants like lizards?
Guess that'll be up to Julie then. Julie is an artist before her mutation, selling a little art every now and then to try and help her roommate out (and just enjoying the art process in general). When she was mutated she had a hard time with it for the first few months, as they all do, but eventually she got tired of that and was ready to find her new normal. Unfortunately, again, the mutant community isn't much of a community. When they do gather its for something very combat focused. Which she's not down for.
While the majority of the mutant community is still fighting, sometimes for good reason, sometimes for bad reason, Julie is ready to do something with her life, which she wasn't even ready for before her mutation. She wants to give something, some form of acceptance, a way to embrace their new forms and take the first step in imagining a life with those forms. And one thing they can't just get now is any kind of body modification. Even if a body mod place didn't freak at the sight of them, they wouldn't be able to help. Scales and fur can't really be tattooed. The normal way, that is. And luckily Julie has a roommate (who has stuck with her through her mutation and has helped big time with figuring out her new biology) who would be willing to help figure out how to make tattoos and the like last for mutants
So Julie becomes a mutant body mod specialist, with her friend figuring out the technicalities of it, and Julie making it happen. In a way, she becomes the start of the first real mutant community
So, what is she outside of her career? Well, from what has been gathered she's very focused, the unknowns aren't a deterrent for her, she's determined and ambitious, she understands that she can't be focused on the present forever, she needs to move forward. She's a trailblazer, but not really a leader. Her ambition has a limit, she doesn't plan on forging a whole community on her own, she just wants to give them something, and that something is what pushes others to find their own places and ways to contribute, even if Julie herself has no real control herself over what they become
But again, outside her career?......what is that? Where is that? Who is she? She went from being a nobody teenager to a driving force in the mutant community, she puts her all into it, she wants to put her all into it, but now she stuggles with slowing down, finding herself and her time, she's focused to much on giving and now she doesn't know where her centre is outside of that
She starts getting pent up, her home and her work are both now restricting for her, there's always something to do now and no escape from that. She needs to move, to do something without a PURPOSE behind it, and so, one day she goes for a run. Obviously mutants can't just go for a run on the streets, they'd be seen, but the rooftops are safe space for them, parkour is an important skill for mutants, so she knows what she's doing. She scales a skyscraper and starts to feel...at home
That would be her mutant parent's influence there. Green keel-bellied lizards are arboreal, they need to climb, and her long tail does give her a decent advantage on the rooftops
Its not much, but parkour becomes her escape, and through that she meets Leonora, a fellow workaholic.
You would think that two workaholics would create a work maniac, but no. They cancel each other out. If they see the other relaxed and in control, then they have no reason to worry or push themselves. They relax each other, sometimes too much. After so long (3 straight years for the both of them, at 18 for Nora and 19 for Julie) of endless work, for them relaxing means appreciating the little things. Very little. You can hear the Mii theme playing as they stare at a goldfish in a fishtank for 2 hours straight. Zero braincells total. They struggle to make date nights actually reach the DATE, they've wasted planned dates talking about nothing for hours in the same spot they met up. They're so dumb together, but its so good for them. Its the only time they can slow down enough to really start finding themselves, and once they get used to being allowed to have those little things they WILL start finding themselves, discovering things together their previous lives didn't let them have, even at the best of times
Okay, I think I'm done for now, this is as far as I've gotten with them. Don't know if the way I went about this said more about Julie or more about the way I go about character creation, but its gotta be informative in some way
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extravaguk Ā· 3 years
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
wordcount: 15k
genre: summer!au, ex high school classmaters, kinda frenemies to lovers, tattoo artist!&piercing artist!jungkook, popular!reader
rated: m (fluff - smut - angst)
warnings: you broke jungkook's heart you bitch!! , oral sex (m&f), protected sex (shocking tbh), CL as your bestie it doesnt get better than that! idk i dont wanna spoil too much
author's note: fucking finally dude!! i've been writing this since february but school was kicking my ass. now that i finished my exams and mercury is in gemini i was able to finish it. if you read this, i hope you enjoy it!
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You've been standing outside the shop re-reading the word for fifteen minutes, although it definitely feels like it has been longer. You're gripping the flyer too tightly, rumpling the paper in your hand until you're pretty much sure it's ruined. It's the first day of June, and it's already too hot. The sun and humid weather are causing beads of sweat to form in your hairline and your white tank top to stick to your skin. Your jean shorts didn't feel this uncomfortable a few hours ago and you're sure the heat is causing your mascara to transfer to your eyelids and lower lashline. You've never needed a slushie and a smoke this bad in forever, even if you knew the later would make your parents lose their shit.
You read it again. Your brain is trying to guess what font its written in, an excuse to try to steady your heart beat until your nerves ease a little and you can finally gather the courage to step into the damn shop. You've noticed a few people passing by giving you strange looks because maybe it hasn't been fifteen minutes. Perhaps you've been unmoving like an idiot in the middle of the street for longer than you want to admit.
Chaelin's voice echoes inside your head.
'Its not that much of a big deal. It's not even that painful, trust me.'
You wish you could trust your best friend, but your best friend is also the same woman who assured you Cats was the movie of the year. Yes, not 'Cats: The Musical'. 'Cats', the movie.
'And this could be a great start to get out of your comfort zone and start living your life exactly the way you want to, not the way people expect you to. Not the way your family wants you to, not the way Adam wanted you to.'
But although her credibility could sometimes be questionable - like that time she also told you she'd tried marmite and 'honestly, it's not as bad as people make it out to be'-, you also didn't trust anybody in this world as much as you trusted her. She had always been your entire support system, the only one around you who never sugarcoated, who always treated you as an equal, who was always there for you to help you discover yourself and, at the same time, remind you of who you were.
'And it's gonna look so hot, too.'
That's it. Sticking the wrinkled flyer on your back pocket, your feet finally start moving. It doesn't take longer than three strides and you're pushing open the door.
The first thing you notice is that, thankfully, the shop is empty. The second thing you notice is the bright sky blue walls, a green undertone peaking through. Your eyes scan nervously the interior. Frames with tattoo designs and people modeling other different designs decorate the walls, some skateboards also hanging from the ceiling. A few plants in the corner, and two leather couches on either side of the room. Your scanning stops on the counter, where a girl with short, platinium hair and -what you guess is- the eighty percent of her body inked. Face included. She's been looking at you, a smirk tugging at her lips. Her tone is amused when she speaks
"Hi." she says. "You can come closer, you know? We don't bite."
Great. As if you couldn't feel more out of place, apparently you also couldn't look more out of place.
"Sorry." you gulp as you walk forward. "It's my first time doing anything like this."
She laughs this time, but it's not mean. It's not mocking, thank God, and the smile she sends you is as warm as the weather, friendly, luckily helping you calm down a bit. "A virgin, huh? JK's gonna love this." your eyes jump in surprise, but she's fast to wave her hands in front of you. "Just a joke. So, first time getting a tattoo. You have something in mind, honey?"
"Um, no. Not a tattoo. Not yet, I think." you wet your lips, regretting not reaplying chapstick before stepping inside. "A piercing."
"Oh! Cool!" she claps her hands, too excited for your own taste, pulling from under the counter a catalogue. "So, where will it be? Cartilogue? Nose? A lot of people are getting their septums pierced right now, though, so you might-"
"Nipples. Like, one of them."
Her gaze finds yours in surprise, although her face swiftly transforms again into an amiable expression. "Now, that's badass. Alright!" she skims through the pages of the catalogue until she finds the nipple piercing collection. You scratch your head before wiping your forehead sweat-free. "You can pick either barbells or hoops, although barbells heal faster and they don't move around as much. There's different kinds of metal, too. Gold or platinium. If your skin is sensitive, I recommend titanium. It's hypoallergenic and not as problematic."
The blonde keeps talking as you nod your head, a smile making its way into your face while silently thanking her for her easygoing personality. It quickly makes you feel comfortable and stupid for being so terrified of doing this.
Once you decide, settle on the cost and sign the papers, she stands up from the stool she'd been sitting on. "Ok, I'll go tell my coworker. He's been sketching tattoos all morning, it's time he gets to work!" she laughs, but suddenly your smile banishes and your throat shuts down.
"He?" your alarmed tone halts her motions and she looks back at your frightened expression.
He? A he is going to pierce your nipple? You're about to let a random stranger, a HE, see and touch one of your boobs and then pierce a needle through one of your nipples?
"Oh, baby, don't worry. I'd do it myself if I knew how to, but I only do tattoos. Most of our staff are on summer vacation so it's mostly just him and I. If you don't feel comfortable, which is totally understandable, you can wait until september when Minzy comes back and she can do it for you." It's her turn to scratch the back of her head as she adds: "but trust me, we're professionals. He's not a creep or anything like that. He's been doing this for a long time. He won't cross any boundaries."
September? You won't even be here in september. Fuck.
Sure, you could do it when you move back into the city. But this summer was supossed to be the summer. You already decided after your breakup with Adam that there would be no trace of the old you. That it was time to push yourself, to do the things that you've always wanted to do, unapologetically. To find the new you, the real you. To stop being scared.
So after going through you options for a few seconds and taking a deep breath, you make up your mind.
"It's fine. I can do it."
"JK, sweetheart!"
Jungkook is finishing drawing a Chinese dragon when Mijoo opens the door without knocking. Again. He puts the pen down, rubbing his eyes. It's monday, a slow monday, not much work, and he had hoped it would stay that way until closing time. It's summer and Jungkook hates summer. He hates the heat, he hates being drenched in sweat, and he hates the fact that he can do nothing about it. Because working in the summer is terrible. Summer makes him lazy, makes him want to bathe in a tub full of iced water and not get out until he turns into a raisin and october comes. It makes him irritable. Summer makes him annoyed by people -like Mijoo, even if he loves her to death- and himself.
"I got a girl here who wants a nipple piercing, her first piercing by the way, so get your shit ready and bla bla bla. Straight titanium barbell. Also, don't flirt and don't be creepy. She almost ran away when I told her a male was going to be touching and piercing her tit, be mindful of that. She's too cute, if you want to get her number you should wait until it's done. I think that's it. I'll bring her in in a minute."
Mijoo leaves as fast as she talks, but Jungkook is already used to it. He's already used to the headaches her mouth causes too. He sighs before standing up, tying his too-long raven hair into the best bun he can manage. He washes his hands, sets the table up, sits on the chair and puts the gloves on. He's too busy sterilizing the jewerly when Mijoo comes back with you.
"Alright, my babies. I'll leave you to it." she turns to you. "He'll explain everything, from how the process will be to how to take care of it after it's done." she leaves before saying bye, closing the door behind her, and then he finally turns to you.
Your eyes meet and suddenly everything stops. He almost drops the sterilizing machine, his whole body tensing, going into panic mode as he recognizes you immediatly. His hands shake.
Of course he does. Of course he recognizes his high school crush. The too goody two shoes, too pretentious and too rich, too good for everybody and, most importantly, 'too good for Jeon Jungkook' girl of his high school dreams. Of course he recognizes the girl he had confessed his stupid crush to when he was sixteen. Of course he recognizes the girl who rejected and broke his young and foolish heart when he was a dumb teenager.
It doesn't matter that six years have passed ever since. He still knows every lock of your hair like the palm of his hand. He still remembers the shape of your lips and the exact shade of your eyes. He can still identify the body he fantasized about -and jacked off to- when he was a hormonal teen, now filled in all the right places. Now a grown woman.
Just one look at you after years and years of pining is enough to almost make him faint. And grow a boner under his jeans.
And by the look on your face, your eyes wide and your mouth agape, you recognize him as well.
He schools his features and clears his throat. Forces his body to relax and compose himself, because he's not a teenager anymore. He's also a grown man, who has matured, who now has much more experience with women than he did back then. He had already embarrased himself enough when he was sixteen to be doing it all over again. You're just another attractive girl in a sea of attractive women.
He turns to you. You still haven't said anything. Neither has he.
"Um, you can sit on the table." he manages, motioning to the set up in front of him. He watches you taking doubtful steps until you're sitting down, your eyes avoiding his gaze. He almost forgot you were here to get pierced. Holy shit, you were here to get pierced. To get your nipple pierced.
You're a professional, Jungkook. You can do this, Jungkook. You've seen boobs before, Jungkook. You've pierced nipples before, Jungkook.
Clearing his throat again and forcing his hands to stay by his side, he speaks. "The... The top." your gaze finds his, like a puppy about to get scolded. You look at your top, realization dawning on you. "You don't have to take it off. You can just pull it down."
So you do, pulling the straps of the white tank top down and dragging the fabric down with trembling fingers. No bra. Jungkook gulps as your breasts comes into vision. As perfect as he had imagined years ago. His cock twitches. Round, full, perky and so damn inviting he has to hold himself back from latching onto one nipple with his mouth around it and swirling his tongue over the nub until you're a pretty, moaning, little mess on his piercing tabl-
He closes his eyes for just a second before reminding himself to act like the 23 year old Jungkook he's tried so hard to become. The confident, assured Jungkook he is.
"Okay, this is how it'll go. First I'll clean it and scrub it to get rid of any bacteria." he's so glad he hasn't stuttered yet. 23 year old Jungkook doesn't stutter like 17 year old Jungkook. He's also glad he can pick the alcohol bottle and the surgical scrub without trembling. When he faces you again, you're watching his motions with your lip caught between your teeth. That has him swallowing the lump in his throat.
Making eye contact with him again, you take a deep breath and offer a small nod, so he gets to work. He can show you and himself he's a grown man. A grown man who can pierce a nipple without appearing like it's the first time he's seen a boob in his life. The sooner he does it, the sooner it's over.
Jungkook wets the paper towel with alcohol before carefully wiping over your nub with it. Your back arches, probably from the cold feeling, he guesses. He rubs it a few times before throwing it in the trash can nearby. He avoids looking at how enticing the soft peak is salluting him when he reaches for the marker. He doesn't say anything when he dots it with it, jaw clenched and his dick painfully stiff.
"Lay back." his voice low as he commands, turning away to get the clamp. When he slides closer, he tries to ignore the view: you, with your hair sprawled and your sweaty, shiny skin and your eyes focused on the cieling, nipple fully erect, like the star of one of his most erotic dreams. He extends his free gloved hand before he can stop himself, fingers carefully working the nub until he's sure it's painfully hard. Almost as hard as he is.
You gasp, your back arching again. He stills and looks at you, your cheeks flushed pink. Probably from the heat, he guesses again. Or at least that's what he tells himself. He can't stop himself from wondering how responsive would you be in a different setting, most likely his bed while his teeth play with your breast and his cock dives into-
"You okay?" he studies your face, your eyes not meeting his and instead still focusing on the white ceiling.
"Mhm." you reply with a small voice.
"Relax, alright? It'll be over soon." his voice is as gentle as he can, his fingers mindlessly caressing your breast to try to soothe your nerves. Or maybe it's just because he's a selfish bastard. Whatever it is, he forces himself to bring the clamp to your nipple, securing it around it.
"Take a few deep breaths. This will only take a second of pain and then it will go away." He misses the way your mouth falls open, but he doesn't miss the way your eyes squeeze tight as the needle goes in.
"Ah!" he definitely doesn't miss that either. He goes rigid for a second, because that didn't fucking sound like a cry of painfulness. It's breathy, and whiny, not too loud and, for fucks sake, if that's how you sound when you're getting fucked, he swears to God-
He feels your heartbeat under his hands when he puts the barbell in and then the bandage over it. He takes a look at you, chest moving up and down. And then you take a look at him and what he sees is almost enough to take you right there.
Reddened cheeks, drops of sweat framing your face and those eyes glazed with something he's seen too much in the women he's fucked throughout his life. They're half lidded, mascara adorning your long lashes and almost smudged, looking right through him.
"Jungkook..." and your voice, as you say his name -acknowledging him for the first time since you stepped into his shop, for the first time since you were sixteen-, it's hoarse, almost inaudible, like you just came all over his-
He's on his feet in an instant like he's been burned. "It may bleed for the first week, and it can be really sore. The swelling will eventually come down." he's quickly tidying up the table, a bottle in his hand that he hands to you without looking directly. "Wash it gently with this soap and warm water once per day. Don't touch it. Wear a comfortable...bra. If it gets crusty, clean it with saline. Not alcohol or any other thing you might clean a wound with. The soap I just gave you or saline. Nothing else."
He's pacing around the room as he takes his gloves off and throws them in the trash bin, too agressively maybe, then he keeps rambling, like he's hurriedly trying to make you leave as soon as possible. "Avoid pools and the sea. It takes about six months to a year to heal, so don't... don't touch it, don't play with it or..." he clears his throat, "don't let anyone else play with it. And if it gets infected, come back immediately and I'll take a look at it." which he honestly hopes it won't happen. When he faces you, your top is back on and you're getting off the table.
"Alright, um...I'll do that." clearing your throat, your hand gripping the doorknob. "Thank you."
But right before you can exit the room, Jungkook says your name.
"_____." when you turn around to face him, it takes a few seconds for him to make eye contact from across the room. "It was good to see you."
"Let me see!"
It's the first thing Chaelin says when she opens the door to her appartment. It's on the second floor, small enough to compare it to most expensive appartments you'd stayed in throughout your life, but big enough for Chaelin, her cat and her -impressive- collection of acrylic nail kits and pairs of high heels. It's also big enough for her to offer you the only guest room until summer is over so you didn't have to, one, stay at your parents' place, and two, find an appartment in a short period of time for a short period of time.
When you left years ago, you did so with the thought of 'never looking back'. You never really expected to return here, of all places. Maybe visit your best friend for a weekend at most, have dinner with your parents on a saturday and then go back to the new life you'd made for yourself on a sunday.
But that was before you'd caught Adam cheating.
Tale as old as time: childhood sweethearts get engaged, move in together, son of a bitch sleeps with the assistand he told his girlfriend not to worry about, and then the brokenhearted girl packs her bags and leaves the cheating bastard begging for her to come back.
You'd be lying if you said you were surprised.
Throughout your life, you'd learned to expect many things, regardless of being sheltered and babied by your family since you were born. Watched too much Maury and Dr.Phil. Too much Gossip Girl to know what the deal with life really is.
So, thankfully, you'd only shed a few tears, mostly because your ego and self steem were slightly triggered. You'd realize long before that your feelings for Adam started to disappear once he popped the question and you said yes. Your love story began as teenagers but soon after graduating, the two of you went on different paths: you'd matured, grown into your twenties while he got stuck at 17 and never stopped acting as such.
So yeah, whatever, break ups are hard. But they're not as hard when the love is gone and the sole reason to stay with your partner is to please your parents. You were also right when you expected your mom to tell you to 'forgive and forget' because 'those things just happen, it's not a big deal, honey'.
But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
The lanky nerd with braces, glasses and an anime obsession much bigger than his hentai obsession, which is saying a lot. The shy, awkward classmate who'd stuttered his undying crush for you when you were just kids. That one who you had rudely rejected like the bitch you used to be in high school.
But my God, Jeon Jungkook was anything but a kid now.
You were shocked. You were gagged. Couldn't seem to fathom what was happening and what your eyes were seeing. It took you a while to close your mouth when you realized JK was Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
With messy black hair, a smoldering gaze free of glasses, piercings adorning both ears, and his right eyebrow,, the braces long gone showing perfectly straight - but still bunny like- teeth. The clothes he wore were loose, all black, but it was impossible not to notice the muscles of his back and arms, covered with tattoos from his hands to his forearms. You'd bet there were more of them underneath the fabric.
It was awkward at first. You didn't know what to do, or what to say. Didn't know if he rememberd you. So you chose to stay quiet while your body chose to react like it had never been in the presence of an attractive young man in it's entire life.
And oh, did it react.
He was reluctant, his old timid demeanor peeking through his newly adopted persona. But as soon as those hands came in contact with your skin, your whole body was lit on fire. Like you were 16 and losing your virginity over again and it was the first time a dude touched your boobs.
There shouldn't have been anything erotic about it -besides the fact that your entire breasts were exposed-, it should've been just a professional procedure. But those gloved fingers touched and pinched and suddenly you were too aware of Jeon Jungkook and the way you were starting to sweat profously, not due to the heat of the season.
You tried to distract yourself by looking at the cieling and not at his gorgeous face. Tried to avoid thinking about Jeon Jungkook and how his mouth would feel wrapped around you. Tried not to think about the way your panties were a second skin to your folds, and how tempted you were to grind your hips until you recieved some sort of friction with the jean fabric of your shorts. You wonder if he noticed you squeezing your thighs together. You hope not.
And then the needle happened. You never thought of yourself as a particularly kinky person. Sex with Adam was boring for the most part and you'd lost your libido for a long time. Stopped thinking about sex altogether. But the pain. The pain mixed with his hand rubbing soothing circles on your breast and his voice, as sweet as honey, guiding you through it. It made you reconsider a lot of things you'd once dismissed as 'weird' or 'deviant'
You swear you almost came right on his table.
And then your eyes connected, you made the mistake of calling his name like a satisfied woman who still needed more, and it was all gone. He stood up like a scared cat, gave you a bunch of explanations about the aftercare that you barely grasped without even looking at you and pretty much rushed you to leave.
So you walked, all the way from the tattoo parlor to Chaelin's appartment, mortified, and completely humilliated.
"Are you gonna let me see or not?" your friend says expectantly as you finally sit down after chugging a glass of iced water. You sigh, placing the glass on the table before carefully pulling down your top. "Oh my God, it looks so cool!" she gasps and you can't help a smile while she studies it in amazement. "Did it hurt?"
"Um, I guess." you keep out the part where you almost orgasmed, obviously, stopping her hand from touching when she reaches towards you. "Wait, no. He said something about not touching it for like six months or a year, I don't remember."
At that, Chaelin's eyebrows quirk up. "He? It was a he? Was he cute, at least?"
"You won't believe this..." looking away for a few seconds, you take a deep breath. "It was Jeon Jungkook."
There's a pause, a silence that fills the room when Chaelin's jaw drops. "Jeon Jungkook...pierced your nipple?"
You close your eyes, bracing yourself for what you're a hundred percent sure is coming.
"Ha..." there it is. "Ha ha..." you still know there's more. "Ha ha ha..."
Chaelin laughs hysterically for about God knows how long, while you keep drinking your glass of water unfaced, your mind drifting back to Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie, his tattoos and his stupid gloved hands.
You know he's here.
Everything was cool, you were doing alright, having a great time with your vodka sprite in hand and your cute white bikini on. Chaelin was by your side, the guys were excited to have you back and thankfully, you'd avoided most questions about Adam and they'd avoided digging too deep into the topic. You'd sunbathed the whole afternoon, kept away from the water like he'd told you and ate the Hawaiian pizza Yoongi insisted on ordering despite Namjoon's and Jimin's complaints.
It's at night, when you're a little tipsy and your cheeks are flushed, that you feel it. You'd barely noticed Taehyung disappearing to let in a new guest.
You don't see him, but you feel him.
You're sitting on the pool tile steps, legs dangling and the water baely reaching your belly to make sure it doesn't touch your very sensitive and newly pierced nipple. Your back is facing the sliding glass doors of Hoseok's house, but the moment you hear his voice, smooth but animated as he converses with Taehyung, your body wakes up immediately, back straightening, goosebumps forming on your arms and nipples tightening against the fabric of your two piece.
You don't turn around, instead opting for downing the remaining of your drink and coming to the realization that, of course, Taehyung, social butterfly who'd always got along with everybody and remained friends with most people from high school, still keeps in touch with Jungkook.
You ignore him when he enters the pool, still peering from the corner of your eyes while pretending to be engaged in Chaelin's and Jihyo's conversation. Your mind sabotages you by taking you to that day a week ago at the tattoo parlor.
To the warmth of his hand, to the few strands of hair that his small ponytail couldn't keep together, to the way his eyes focused on such an intimate part of your body, to the endless ink decorating his skin, to-
Great. Now your bottoms are wet and not due to the water.
You don't miss Chaelin supressing a laugh and her not so subtle elbowing. You glance at her in warning and try to keep calm for the next fifteen minutes until Jin proposes moving to the living room to watch a movie.
"I'm gonna stay here for a little longer, guys." you say, after clearing your throat. You needed some time to gather yourself before being in a confined space with Jungkook.
"Are you sure?" Jin stops by your side to place a hand on your shoulder as everybody starts exiting the pool. "It's Mean Girls! You love Mean Girls! You never miss a minute of Mean Girls!"
Rolling your eyes, you wave him dismissively. "I know every dialogue on Mean Girls like the back of my hand, I think I'll be alright, Jin."
When everybody finally leaves, you take a deep breath, covering your face with your hands in an attempt to get him out of your head. Damn Jeon Jungkook and his irresisitble glow up.
"You okay?"
The unexpected voice startles you, a gasp finding its way out of your mouth and causing you to jump on your seat, heartbeat erratic as you instantly recognize who it belongs to. Your hand grasps your chest as if that would do anything to protect yourself against him.
"Shit, don't do that!" you say, the words almost getting stuck in your throat as you see him approaching you, still submerged in the pool. The more he nears you, the less water depth there is and the more visible his torso comes into view. Wich was exactly what you'd been avoiding.
Because Jeon Jungkook was ripped, as you'd imagined when you first encountered him.
Broad shoulders and strong biceps and chiseled abs and veiny forearms. Drenched hair, a full sleeve of tattoos and water dripping from delicious tan skin and all just so very hard. That paired up with a loopsided smile that does nothing but make you shudder.
"Sorry." he doesn't sound apologetic at all when he says that, the smirk adorning his features telling. "You just seemed a little off." you advert your gaze when he pushes his hair back.
"I'm fine, just...just wanted to be by myself."
"Oh" Jungkook's smile disappears. "I can leave, if you want me t-"
"No!" you're not sure where that comes from and neither does he, judging by the look on his face when your eyes find his. Eyebrows raised and mouth slightly parted, he's as surprised as you and there's an awkward silence for a few seconds. "Um, you don't have to. I mean, it's not my house, you can do whatever you want." you sniff and tame your voice, trying to seem cool and collected like you didn't just practically beg him not to go.
Ironic, considering this was exactly what you had been fearing for the past thirty minutes.
And then he smiles. A knowing smile. A smile that says 'you just totally checked me out and now you don't want me to leave'. A smile that you would have never associated with Jeon Jungkook of all people years ago. A smile that makes you want to look away but still keeps you in place.
"Sure." he says, closing the space between the two of you slowly but still leaving enough distance. "So, how's it going?"
You clear your throat, head high and determined not to let this man, or any man for that matter, turn you into a trembling mess. You're still you and you're not easily shaken by the opposite sex. Or at least that's what you helplessly chant in your head.
"Everything's cool. I'm on summer vacation now," a little white lie, "so I decided to-"
"The piercing." he says, the smile never leaving his face. "I meant how's the piercing."
"The pier- right." you almost miss the step he takes forward, all too aware of his height over yours but thankful for the centimeters that being propped on the stairs added to yours. "It's-" you almost, almost miss his knee touching your knee and him slightly separating your legs with his own inch by inch. Or how your thighs open unvoluntarely to welcome him in and how you can barely find coherent words to speak. "It's doing-" or the way his smile disappears and is instead focusing his dark stare fully onto yours.
"It's doing well." you finally say in a whisper, not being able to bring yourself to be louder.
He hums. "May I see it?" Jungkook wets his lips with the tip of his tongue and the action and his voice is enough to make you nod your head, bewitched.
His movements are unhurried, his hand coming up to tentatively come in contact with the flesh of your clavicle. His fingers skim through your skin upwards, his touch is feather-like when it wraps around your throat. You pant, and he stops but he doesn't move away, his eyes still focused on yours, studying you, daring you to pull back, to tell him to back off. But just a simple touch of his and you're fully under his control. It reminds you too much of the day you got that damn piercing.
Your lips are parted and for a moment he stays just like that. His body so close to yours but not close enough, and his hand slightly gripping your neck. Your pussy clenches around nothing and you can't wrap your head around the fact that something so simple sets your entire being alive and leaves you aching.
Then, as slow as he started, his hand travels from the front of your neck to the back, pushing your hair aside to carefully untie the straps of your bikini. He breathes through his nostrils, doesn't make a sound. He seems so collected it's starting to annoy you.
Instead, your breathing is ragged when the top falls down, exposing both your breasts to him. That's when he removes his eyes from yours and his jaw clenches. Your nipples perk up under his gaze, like they remember him and the effect he had on them just a week ago. You're at least glad you're not the only one affected but he seems to be a master at keeping it under wraps.
Then, his hand moves again, leaving goosebumps on your skin as it goes south. Jungkook takes his time, so deliberate you want to scream, until he's cupping your pierced breast, keeping away from the nipple just like he'd advised you a few days prior. You can't look away from his face, from his eyes observing you like you're a full course meal and he's been starving for days. You feel drops of water falling from his hair to your thighs, his thumb caressing your skin so delicately as it faintly nears your still tender nipple. Just nearing it, never touching it.
"Beautiful." his murmur is almost imperceptible and for a moment you think you've imagined it. Your back arches on its own, breast pushed against the palm of his hand, almost like your body is begging him to come closer, to touch you more, to feel you all over. He meets your eyes briefly, gauging your reaction, before going back to your chest. Suddenly, the grip on your breast tightens, fingers ever so softly squeezing your flesh. From your throat comes a mewl, your eyes shut and your legs close around his waist.
"Jungkook, please..." you whisper when you open your eyes. He looks at you, unvertainty written all over his face, lips bruised as if he had been biting on them too hard, gaze as glassy as yours. And just like that, the spell is broken. He blinks and his expression changes completely. Lips forming a straight line and jaw tight. His hand retracts, fixing your bikini top over your breasts before tying it around your neck like it originally was. Meanwhile your eyebrows crunch in confusion. But when you're about to start asking questions, he clears his throat.
"It's healing okay." he steps back, avoiding your eyes. "I'll see you inside."
Jungkook leaves the pool like nothing happened.
Jungkook is fiddling, fixing the position of his glasses and combing through his straight hair with shaky hands, habits he's tried so hard to get rid of in his sixteen years of existence but still finds impossible to.
He can't help it. He's always been like this: the quiet and awkward kid in class who sits in the back, a misunderstood puppy in a sea of stronger dog breeds that could eat him alive. An outcast. Too geeky for his own good. Notebokes full of Dragon Ball doodles on the margins of the pages, the shelves in his room stacked with Marvel figurines, and a closet filled with outdated clothes that he has been inheriting from his older brother.
He has never been the type to stand out, always being overlooked by people like he's invisible. He doesn't mind though. He'd much rather be ignored than getting picked on by bullies like he used to in elementary school.
He never gets invited to parties. Ever. He's a nobody who barely speaks, and when he does he either stutters or manages to embarrass himself in one way or another. He's seen the look on people's faces when they look at him. Their eyes seem to scream 'weirdo' everytime he gets acknowledged.
So obviously the only reason he was invited to this particular party had a first and last name: Kim Taehyung. The only kid in Jungkook's entire life who didn't look at him in a funny way, the only kid who took the time to entangle in a random conversation with him after class and who seemed geniune enough to make Jungkook feel comfortable.
He's not sure how it happened, since Taehyung mostly hangs out with the cool kids. But somehow it did, and now Jungkook is uncomfortably standing in a living room full of drunk teens, looking directly at you.
You, the one girl Jungkook had been pining on for God knows how long. You, who are obviously too pretty, too popular, and way out of his league. You, with your plaid skirt and your polo shirt and those legs that never seem to end. You, who are sitting with your friends in a couch, drink in hand and visibly tipsy. And yet, he doesn't think he's ever seen anyone pull of the 'drunk-rosy-cheek' look better than you.
He can hear your laugh through the music and he already thinks it sounds better than whoever is playing in the background.
"Come on, Gukkie! Her friends are leaving and she's all by herself now! It's your chance" Taehyung's obviously drunk too because it took Jungkook a while to decypher his exact words. He'd disappeared for a while and now that he's back, he's pushing Jungkook in your direction.
"This was a mistake, Taehyung." Jungkook shakes his hair and steps back, quickly glancing at the front door to prepare his escape. But his new friend's grip on his hoodie keeps him in place.
"Guk, listen. The only thing you have to do, is walk up to her, and say 'hey I think you're, like, really pretty. Just letting you know. Bye!' That's it. Jung- Dude, Guk, seriously, look at me." Taehyung grabs Jungkook's cheeks, squishing them between his hands and forceing him to face him. "You've been crushing hard on her for years, my man. We're graduating and you won't see each other again. What's the worst thing that can happen? Getting rejected?"
Jungkook's eyebrows draw together. "Um, yeah?"
"Exactly! Getting rejected is not the end of the world, bro! It just means keep trying on other girls!" Taehyung releases his hold on Jungkook's cheeks. "I just think you're going to regret not telling your crush she's your crush. Who knows? Maybe in the future you two will get married."
Jungkook snickers, muttering a 'yeah right' under his breath. Still, he can't help the smile that Taehyung's words always seem to pull out of him.
"Now," Taehyung playfully slaps Jungkook before turning him in your direction again. "Go get 'em, tiger!"
"Okay," Mijoo's voice slices through Jungkook's memories. She's sitting on Jungkook's desk, munching on her brownies and looking at her coworker expectantly. "And then what?"
He sighs, running a hand through his hair, sits back on his chair, already feeling the effects of Mijoo's baked goods. "And then I walked up to her, like a damn fool, stutter and all. And I say:" he clears his throat, making an effort to do his best teenage Gukkie impression."'Hey, _____, um, so, I think you're beautiful and I've had a crush on you since seventh grade, haha, just wanted to let you know.'"
Mijoo rolls her eyes, still chewing. "And then what?"
"And then she looked me up and down, giggled, fucking giggled, Mijoo, and said 'Who are you, again?'" Mijoo gasps and Jungkook closes his eyes, trying to force that recollecion out of his head.
"What a bitch." she can't help but laugh before apologizing. Jungkook merely shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite of his brownie. "She didn't say anything else?"
"She said something along the lines of:" he clears his throat again, this time, doing an impression of you. "'That's sweet and all but, you and I... we're not the same. And I have a boyfriend, so...' She said that like I didn't know, like I wasn't aware of the school's it couple! Like I was dumb!"
Mijoo nods. "And now you want to fuck her even more than you did in high school."
"I- No! Well, yes. Fuck, of course I want to sleep with her! But I just... can't."
"Why not?"
"Did you hear anything about what I just told you or were you too concentrated trying to get high?"
It's Mijoo's turn to roll her eyes. "I heard everything you just told me. I just don't understand what the problem is. You two were sixteen. Sure, she was a bitch about it, but Lord knows I've been a bitch my entire life and now I'm not anymore." Jungkook raises an eyebrow at that. "Okay, sometimes I can be nice. But the point is..." Mijoo finishes her piece of brownie before getting off of Jungkook's desk. "It's been, what? Nine? Ten years? People change, JK. You're the best example of that. You want to fuck her and she obviously wants to fuck you too. You're both adults." she wipes her hands on her shorts. "I think it's time you fulfill that high school fantasy of yours."
You've made up your mind.
And by you, it means Chaelin has made up your mind.
It didn't take long to convince you though. That last interaction with Jungkook cause too many emotions stirring within you. It left you hot, it left you bothered, it left you confused. Sure, it also left you a little bit embarrassed like the first time, but above everything else, that interaction with Jungkook left you absolutely livid.
Because who the fuck did Jeon Jungkook, formerly known as Guk, Gukkie, Jungukkie, and currently known as JK, think he was to come near you, speed your heart rate's up, and then runaway like that?
You've spent days thinking about it. About that face, about that body, about those hands and- shit. You're doing it again.
You've spent days trying to push those intrusive thoughts. Spent days trying to bury what happened. You've spent days trying to keep quiet, not telling anyone about it and just wishing that stupid spark of desire simply went away.
But it has just been simply unavoidable. You haven't been able to ignore the sleepless nights with your brain drifting back to that night and forbidding your hand from slipping under your panties. Or the excessive amount of time during the day where images of him suddenly popped in your head and wouldn't go away, even with you squeezing your thighs to try to make the ache go away.
So you ended up ranting and ranting and ranting to the only person you could confide on, who is obviously your best friend. Your best friend, who's too smart for her own good and knows you too well for your liking. Because apparently your moodiness and snappy remarks couldn't go unnoticed.
And after explaining the fiasco over a bottle of wine -and minutes of endless laughing on Chaelin's part because, again, it's Gukkie you two were talking about and, according to her, this was "the most karmic thing I've ever seen"-, she gave you the best advice an older sister could ever give.
"Fuck him."
"I know right? Fuck him!"
"No. I mean, fuck him."
And now here you are. Right inside that room you stepped in weeks ago, confronting the man in question with the same confidence that has always distinguished you from others and trying to act like the fluttering inside your belly wasn't nauseauting.
"A date."
"You want to go on a date with me." this wouldn't be so hard if Jungkook didn't look so delectable in a plain white t-shirt and ripped jeans. You cross your arms over your chest, doing your best to not look down at the exposed skin of a man who obviously worked out a lot and apparently, never skipped leg day. "What's the catch?"
He's sitting on his chair, back resting comfortably and legs spread, narrowing his eyes at you and probably wondering why the girl at the front desk let you in without an appointment. Also, probably wondering if there was a catch to all of this.
"There's no catch. I just want to go to the fair this weekend. I'll ask Taehyung for your number and text you the date and the exact place we'll be meeting. Unless..." your quirk one of your eyebrows. "Unless you're already planning on how you'll chicken out this time."
Of course, Jungkook says yes to going on a date with his high school crush but spends the following days overthinking every single thing.
He can't help but feel like it's kinda sketchy. What if you're planning your vendetta on him? What if you don't even show up and he ends up there looking like a damn idiot? What if you hate him and are just messing up with him? What if that incident in high school is going to repeat itself?
"If she doesn't show up, you simply move on and never speak to her again. It's that simple. She can't have that much power over you to cry about something like that." Mijoo had said that same day she let you in the tattoo parlor after you'd asked to see Jungkook. Jungkook's coworker hadn't even question you and just motioned you to Jungkook's room with a knowing smile on her face. Later that day, Jungkook had scolded her about it and she'd simply shrugged.
He considers cancelling, eyes reading the 'won't be able to make it, sorry (sad face emoji)' over and over again and fingers hovering over the send button so many times he's lost count. But then he remembers that comment of yours about him chickening out and Jungkook starts seeing red.
How couldn't you understand he's just terrified of you rejecting him one more time? Sure, Jungkook is now an adult who doesn't get butthurt over stuff like that. He's experienced too much after graduating from high school and he's a much stronger individual than his fragile self back was back then.
But something about you just makes him feel so... weak.
He still finds it impossible to concieve where he got the courage to approach you like that at Taehyung's pool, or how he brought himself to touch you for longer than a minute without coming in his pants. He'd enjoyed it too much. Allowing him to see you so exposed, just for him. He'd be so tempted to kiss you right there and then, to run his hands up and down your thighs and fully wrap your legs around him to let you known how much you'd affected him. Once you called his name, it was like he'd finally snapped out of it and backed away like he'd been burned by you. He spent the next twenty minutes trying to keep himself from pulling down his pants and jerking off in his friend's bathroom.
It's terrible. Because he feels like the teenager he used to be when you're around. Shy, insecure and overall a mess. You showing up in his life after so many years and now apparenly being interested in him seems like a dream that he's not sure he wants to keep being in or wake up from before it's too late and he falls back into that tumoltuous longing that will inevitably end up in heartbreak. His heartbreak.
It's saturday night, he's standing by himself in the crowded fair at the spot. You're fifteen minutes late and he's already about to turn back and dip out. He feels too awkward and the nerves are eating him alive.
You're not going to show up. You're not going to show up and now he feels and looks even dumber than the time he told you he was crushing on you. You're not even going to show up and now he's going to come back home, get drunk by himself and curse your name for-
"Hey!" he turns around to the sound of your voice and sees you running towards him. "Sorry I'm late! I couldn't find my phone and spent like thirty minutes looking for it. Turns out, Sharon Stone, was taking a nap on top of it and I didn't even notice."
"Sharon Stone?"
"Chaelin's cat."
To be honest, he's too surprised to process your explanation right away. He might also be a little speechless because that sky blue sundress looks too good on your skin and your eyelashes are so long, framing your beautiful eyes, and your lips are all glossy and kisseable that it takes him a while to find his own voice.
He clears his throat. "It's alright." scratching the back of his head, he momentarely adverts his gaze from you in an attempt to not get distracted by how soft your hair looks and how much he wants to wrap it around his hands in a ponytail. "Um, where do you want to go first?"
Almost an hour and a half later, when the sun has already disappeared and you're both surrounded by colorful lights, Jungkook decides to buy the both of you hot dogs and a drink and you both settle down on a bench.
You've been walking all over the fair, going from booth to booth, playing any game in sight Jungkook dared you to -he obviously had a competitive streak-: from the ballon and dart games, to the shooting games, to the bumping cars, to the ball-in-basket one. To say you were having fun was an understatement.
You'd almost regretted setting the date up. You were sure he wouldn't even show up and if he did, you were scared of how awkward things could get between the two of you. And if things were awkward, you were sure it would only take less than thirty minutes for the both of you to part ways and never talk again about such failure of a date.
To your surprise, none of that happened.
The conversation was flowing, both of you acting like you were strangers on their first date getting to know each other, which, to be fair, that's exactly what it felt like. There was a slight banter, teasing each other when one of you lost in whatever game you were playing while the other was obviously winning. There were laughs and a funny feeling in your tummy whenever you'd walk side by side and his arm brushed yours.
There was no stiffness on his shoulders, no mention of the past or your previous encounters, no acknowledgement of the blatant sexual tension you'd experienced before, not an ounce of avoidance whenever your eyes met his and he was even sure of himself enough to place a hand on your lower back or briefly interwine your fingers with his to guide you through the mass of people.
It felt like you'd both unspokenly agreed on making each other feel comfortable enough to have a good time.
"I didn't think you were going to show up, to be honest." you suddenly say, taking a sip of your strawberry juice and thankful to finally let your feet rest for a while.
Jungkook looks at you, hot dog mid air and eyebrows almost disappearing into his hairline. "You didn't think I was going to show up? I didn't think you were going to show up." you simply shrug, lowering your gaze seepishly, the beginning of a smile on both your faces. He surprises you by tilting your head in his direction with his forefinger. You watch him watching you, a little dazed, a little lost in how his dark hair messily falls over his forehead and his equally dark eyes study your face, his thumb swiping over your lower lip. "You um... There was ketchup right there." he lies.
"Oh" you say, feeling your face heating up. "Thanks. Red doesn't really match this dress." you manage a smile and tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear.
At that, he eyes your dress for a moment, mouth slightly ajar. He's debating on whether or not to say something but you beat him to it.
"I'm sorry, by the way."
"For being late? I already told you it's fin-"
"No." you shake your head. "For... that time when we were young and I was such a concieted brat." you say, looking away , trying to find anything else that's not his pretty face. "I thought I was a queen bee back then. I was annoying and rude, specially to you. I..." you lick your lips. The cherry glittery gloss was already gone. "I thought it was cute, what you said. There was no reason for me to act like that. I know this doesn't make anything right but..." when you turn to face him again, there's still the same expression on his face. "I'm sorry."
A few seconds go by before it's him who's shaking his head. "It's okay. It was a long time ago, anyway." he smiles at you, although it doesn't reach his eyes and seems sorta forced. You sigh, and he takes your hand. "Let's go to the ferris wheel."
tell you're tense. You're sitting right beside him in the ferris cabin, your back is all straight, you're facing forward and he believes you haven't blinked for what feels like an eternity. He thinks it has everything to do with your conversation a few minutes ago. You were probably not content with his response but what could Jungkook do? There was really no point in apologizing for something that happened years ago, but at the same time, he didn't want to hold anything against you like a resentful asshole because it was really not who he was. But there was still a little bit of stingyness inside of him and he didn't know how to make it go away.
At the end of the day, here you were, on a date with him that you'd asked for, getting along and asking questions about him and laughing at his jokes and trying to start all over again.
But then the ferris wheel starts moving, and he finally understands why you look so uncomfortable.
It's the way you immediately grip his forearm, nails digging in his skin and he swears he hears the smallest gasp forcing itself out your throat.
"Are you... scared?" he tentatively asks.
You say nothing for a while, not moving an inch. He would laugh if you didn't look so pained about it.
"I don't like small confined spaces nor rollercoasters." you finally say through gritted teeth.
"It's not really that small and ferris wheels are not rollercoasters. " your nails dig deeper and he winces. "Okay, okay. You don't like small confined spaces nor rollercoasters, and that includes ferris wheels. So why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know. I've never liked ferris wheels but you seemed excited about it, so..."
There's a silence after that in the environment, neither of you exactly sure of what to say or how to act. Until Jungkook moves one of his hands hands until it's resting on the one who's holding onto him for dear life, fingers caressing yours. The warmth of his hand spreads through yours and although it's almost July and you can already feel your sweaty back staining your dress, it's oddly comforting. What's more comforting even, is him twisting his body towards you and talking with the calmest and most soothing tone you've ever heard.
"Look at me." you do instantly, unwillingly, and kinda wish you hadn't. It's almost as if your body will do anything he says without question. Like he has some sort of power over it to just react however he wants. His eyes bore into yours and suddenly the cab doesn't seem so suffocating. "It's just you and me right now. We're not even on a ferris wheel." the corners of his mouth turn slowly upwards. You zone out the environment, suddenly too aware of him and how close he is and how loud the beating of your heart is to your own ears.
You swallow the knot in the back of your throat when he removes his hand from yours. It almost makes you protest, - now realizing you've losened the tight grip on his arm- , before it craddles your face, keeping you in place while bringing his body closer.
"You have to stop saying my name like that."
With his thigh touching your thigh, your whole demeanor melts. When he leans closer, and you feel his breath fanning over your lips, your eyes shut closed.
"Tell me I can-" he starts to say.
"Yes." you finish for him. He doesn't doubt on closing the distance between you two. His lips touch yours and your body shakes in excitement. It's just him lightly skimming your lips with his but it's already too much and at the same time, not enough. It has you deepening it, yourself moving closer when he kisses you again. It has you relaxing against him, the tenseness prior disappearing and making you arch your back when his tongue asks for permission.
But it's exactly then, the moment you open your lips to him, that has you losing your mind.
The sparks fly, traveling from your head to your toes and then settling on the pit of your stomach as soon as the kiss starts to turn desperate and rough. When he nibbles your lips with his teeth, it makes you mewl and whine and your nipples tight against the cotton of your dress. It makes the metal barbell to feel uncomfortable, slightly painful. And when he goes back to being messy and filthy with his tongue tangled with yours, your thighs close on their own.
He forces himself to pull his hand back and bring it down, finding the parting of yd opening them for him. "Wait," you say, your fingers wrapping around his forearm as you try to catch your breath."The ferris-" he shuts you up with another kiss.
"We're not on a ferris wheel." he reminds you, a soft whisper against your mouth. And for whatever reason, you believe him.
"He fingered you on the ferris wheel."
"And you came before the ride was over."
You take a small sip of wine, your eyes focusing on the TV where a rerun of the Golden Girls is playing, although, to be fair, lately you haven't been able to pay much attention to anything else but a certain brunet with doe eyes and kisseable lips. "Yes."
She hums, stealing a handful of popcorn from the bowl between your thighs.
"How long did it took? Like five minutes?"
There's a pause in which you clench your jaw, your fingers twitching around the glass in your hand, and then you answer. "Probably less."
There's another pause, and then-
"Ha...Ha ha...Ha ha ha-"
You let her laugh. It's okay. You knew you had it coming.
Chaelin knows the pillow you throw right at her face is also something she had coming.
It's not that you're mad.
Jungkook and you had a great time on that fair date, he made you laugh, bought hot dogs and drinks for the two of you and got you off inside the cab of a ferris wheel on record time with those magical, long fingers of his. Technically, there shouldn't be anything to be angry about.
Except it's been a week and you can't stop thinking about him, about wanting more, and about those words that he left you with after the ferris wheel ride ended, when you had tried to return the favor.
'Next time, maybe.'
And there hasn't been a next time.
The thought of texting him or giving him a call to ask for another date is persistent in your mind. It remains while you do the laundry or wash the dishes, while you shower, while you eat or while you spend your days at the beach with Chaelin. There's always the incessant desire to reach out towards your phone, unlock it and dial his number to beg for more.
But you'd never been one to beg, so you resist the urge everytime that feeling starts to creep up on you and it washes over you like a wave. You silence your phone and try to concentrate on making the most out of your summer.
It's one random night, when you're tiredly dragging your feet across Chaelin's apartment's carpet, yawning and ready to succumb to a well needed slumber, that you see your phone screen's lighting up with a message.
Your heart pathetically leaps inside your chest when you read his name.
'you free on saturday?'
You wish you could say you ghosted him, ignored his text and moved on with your life until it was him who begged you for another date. But the truth is you opened it in a matter of seconds and typed 'i'm free, why?' back in a rush with trembling fingers.
So now you're on the passanger seat of his car while he sits on the driver seat, the first saturday night of July, like he's Danny Zuko and you're Sandy Olsson, watching a vintage movie in a drive-in theater which plot you don't give a shit about, even if Jungkook's date plan idea made something inside of you churn with adoration.
And the only reason why you don't give a single damn about the movie playing in front of your eyes, is because you're hot. Way too hot. And the reason and cause is none other than the boy-now-turned-man sitting on your left.
You barely exchanged words when he picked you up, just rode in silence until you got to your destination and you bet he can feel as well as you do the tension in the air.
You've surveyed him a few times from the corner of his eye, noticing him fiddling with the rings around his fingers and shifting in his seat from time to time. And if the sight of his fingers bring memories that you've tried to bury to keep yourself from lunching towards him, a brief glance at his forearms, adorned with ink drawn through his golden flesh -doing a poor job at concieling the veins running underneath- and his skin-tight jeans wrapping those muscled thighs of his is enough to have you be the one squirming in your seat.
A woman can only endure so much, and you come to that realization thirty minutes into the movie.
"I want to suck your cock." you say, a stern expression on your face as you turn your body in his direction.
Jungkook frozes as your voice slides over him. It takes him a couple seconds to look at you, shock widening his eyes and parting his lips.
"Huh?" he manages, his grip on the steering wheel turning his knuckles white.
Without separating your gaze from his, you gather your hair and tie it in a ponytail with the hair tie previously around your wrist. You don't miss the quick glance he sneaks into the curvature of your neck and the valley between your breasts.
Inching forward, closing in on him, you place one of your hands on top of his thigh, the action making his whole body tense. "____..." he whispers your name in a warning that doesn't sound convincing even in his own ears.
You smile, your eyes never wavering from his as your hand inches upwards, slowly caressing over the fabric of his jeans until you finally come across what you were looking for.
His hand flies to your wrist, stilling your movements. "____, this is not-". He starts, but his voice gets stuck inside his throat when you palm his undoubtly growing erection.
"Shh." your shaky breath fans over his cheek and you force yourself on your knees on the passanger seat in a more comortable possition to stop the trembling to reach them.
You fumble with the belt holding his pants in place, then with the button and finally with the zipper. He helps you by lifting his hips to pull his jeans and boxers to his thighs and you have to bite back a mixture between a gasp and a moan at the sight below you. You haven't even seen Jeon Jungkook naked all the way, but the mere sight of his hard cock with pre-cum glistening on his crown is probably the sexiest thing you've ever had the pleasure of appreciating.
It gets sexier when you wrap your hand around the base and his body melts in the driver seat, throwing his head back with his eyes shut. It gets even sexier when you finally lower your head, swirling your tongue over the head before finally engulfing him fully in the wet warmth of your mouth.
"Shit." his voice is tight, uneven as his hand loosely grips your ponytail, as if careful not to accidentally hurt you and break the glorious moment.
Although you wouldn't mind at all. Because the moment your hands are on him, and your tongue is on his shaft, that's the only thing you care about. Your belly is twisting, an undeniable wet spot on your panties as the fabric sticks to your folds, and the more you suck Jungkook, the more you want from him. His earthy taste is addicting and the soft little whimpers he occasionally can't prevent himself from are making you want to milk him until he can't take it no more. There's this desire within you to whorship him and his cock like you had been dreaming for the past weeks.
"This is s-so fucking h-hot." he rasps between ragged breaths, the bobbing of your head, sliding up and down his dick as your hand works the centimeters your mouth can't take is about to make him faint.
"Getting a blowjob?" you joke, your throat starting to feel sore as you kiss his leaking tip.
"N-no." he draws in a rough breath when you take him all of him again. "You giving me a blowjob... T-the f-fact that anyone c-could see us..." he darts a quick glance at your body, your ass up in the air and your dress sliding down, almost exposing you completely. "The fact that-ah! Shit..." he squeezes his eyes when he feels a glob of your spit lubricating him.
There's a sudden need to make you feel the same, to touch your skin and have you shaking the same way you have him. So one of his hands travels from your spine, to your perked ass, finally dragging the cotton of your dress to allow himself to see your thin white panties. "The fact that anyone could see you l-like this," he murmurs, regaining a little bit of control when he squeezes one of your cheeks. "letting t-them see you s-sucking my cock and..." he smirks when he feels you gasping around him, his fingers trapped between your thighs and pushing them inside your heat easily "and letting them see me fingering this pretty little pussy."
Soon after that he's cumming in your mouth while you're cumming around his fingers.
At first, it's mostly on weekends when you see each other. Weekends of stolen kisses and soft sighs and whispering against each other's lips. Then weekends turn to week days, sitting on grass while sipping on refreshing beverages, drawing each other laughs, elbows touching as you walk around the park side by side because the both of you are too scared to interwine your fingers together.
Jungkook feels content like this: sitting on the sand with you between his thighs, admiring the sunset while nuzzing your neck and inhaling your scent every now. He likes waching you enoying your strawberry ice cream, almost forgetting the chocolate chip one already melting in his hand.
"If you were an ice cream flavor,which one would you be?" you ask him, relaxing against his chest.
"Rocky road."
He shrugs behind you. "Everyone likes rocky road."
You hum, playfully rolling your eyes. "What about me? Which ice cream flavor would I be?"
"Lemon sherbet, in the summer."
"Lemon sherbet? Out of all of the flavours out there, you're rocky road and I'm lemon sherbet?"
"Lemon sherbet, in the summer." he corrects.
"Okay, fine. Why?"
"You're boring and basic."
You gasp, trying to feign outrage but not being able to repress the laugh that escapes your throat. You elbow him, his laugh mixing with yours while taking the time to wrap his arms around your form, the breeze blowing your hair allowing him a spot between your neck and your shoulder. "You're boring and basic, but once you have a taste..." he presses a small kiss on your skin, causing the tiny hairs on the nape of your neck to rise. "Once you have a taste, specially on the hottest day in the middle of summer, you can't stop tasting and licking until there's no more lemon sherbet left."
You suck in on a breath when he craddles your jaw to face him. "It's been my favourite flavor since I was a kid." he kisses you immediately after, his lips swallowing the small whimper now stuck in your throat.
You close your eyes as his tongue opens your mouth, arousal blasting your insides and something much, much deeper that you fear to even name shredding your chest.
The beginning of august comes faster then you two realize, but what you both do realize is how hard it's becoming to stay away from each other.
It's been thirty days of dates happening almost everyday, sharing high school memories and anecdotes of the time you spent away from each other. Hours of getting to know each other and opening up to each other. From failed relationships to new friendships. Of park dates walking side by side and fingers now interwined because you both realized one day that, fuck it.
It's difficult to sleep when you realize you're starting to catch serious feelings for somebody who was just supposed to be a fling. It's hard to sleep when his face, his voice and his touch and thoughts of missing him when you don't see each other start haunting you at night.
It's hard for Jungkook to focus on work when you're everything that's occupying his mind. Because he has a hundred sketches to make but he's too busy thinking about the hundred different sketches he would make of you.
It's hard not to send him a goodnight text, just like it's hard for him not to reply in a matter of seconds, almost as if he was already waiting to recieve it.
Jungkook thinks of you at night. Of how pretty and absolutely perfect you are for him. Of the taste of your lips, the way your hair feels between his fingers, or the flush on your cheeks when he makes you cum as droplets of sweat accumulate between your breasts. He thinks about your voice. He also thinks about the amount of hours left to be able to listen to it again.
But mostly he thinks about how ridiculous this situation is. Because he was stupidly crushing on you when you were only teenagers, daydreaming about a chance with you. And now his crush is long gone and he's starting to realize that he's falling, and falling fast.
You, too, think of Jungkook at night. Of his ability to bring a smile out of you, to soothe you with just a few words and filling your belly excitement, happiness and feelings you're sure you've never felt before.
Jungkook's managed to imprint himself in your dreams, and you, in his.
Getting drunk with Jungkook is fun and messy.
It's fun because he lets loose, he stutters a lot like he used to do when he was a teenager and he makes you laugh louder than ever before. It's messy because he has no control over his hands as they explore your body, clumsily taking your clothes off as his mouth laps at the breast he's allowed to touch.
He's more forceful and dominating too, pinning your hands above your head, and commanding you to keep them right there, on the pillows of his bed. When you rebel against it, your fingers finding the hard planes of his chest, he pulls away from you and places them back where he left them. "Don't make me tie you up." he threatens, and your body shudders beneath him.
He sucks, and bites and leaves marks all over your skin, grunting in response to your moans. Creating a path of kisses from your lips to your stomach, his shoulders separating your knees, opening you up only for him. And thankfully, when you reach down to tug at the strands of hair framing his face, he lets you, because he knows you need something to hold on to the moment his tongue eats you up. He leaves his fingertrips on your thighs as he keeps you in place, not allowing you to runaway. Just forcing you to take it as he takes from you.
And when you cum, he doesn't back away. He keeps sucking, and licking and punishing you with his mouth until you're cumming over and ove again, screaming and begging for his cock.
Having Jungkook over you, both completely naked, skin to skin and only sweat in between is more than you could've ever fantazised about. He slurls your name when he puts the condom on. He would do anything to feel you raw, but he also knows he wouldn't be able to last a minute. The sight of you spread open, with your cheeks darkened by a crimson blush and your hair tangled all over his pillow is a picture he wants to keep forever.
He enters you when you call his name, your voice dripping with need. He stretches your warm and wet felsh, slowly easing himself into you at first, until he's fully inside and your bodies are completely in union. A shiver runs down Jungkook's spine when he looks at your contorted face in pleasure, your lips forming an 'O' and your pussy clenching around him.
"Oh, my God." you moan into the dark of Jungkook's room, and even then, he can clearly appreciate every curve of your body lifting off the mattress to connect with his. He lowers himself on his elbows on either side of your head, caging you in and capturing your mouth with his.
"I know, baby." he murmurs. It's hot, in the middle of August but suddenly Jungkook doesn't hate summer as much as he used to. Not with you sharing the heat with him. "It's way beyond what I could ever imagine." You nod hurriedly against his lips, your arms finding their way around his neck as he starts rocking in and out of you.
"It's too good." you cry, when he hits a particular spot that has you rolling your eyes in bliss and gripping his waist tighter with your legs against you. Your fingers thread through his hair, not bothered by the beads of sweat gathered on the nape of his neck.
"Too good..." he agrees, not missing the shiver that's shaking your own frame when he picks up his speed. "You have no idea what I would do t-to fucking feel you with n-no barriers between us," his movements become frantic as his hips slap against yours, his jaw clenched as he keeps talking, "to s-stuff you full of my c-cum over and over again until it won't stop d-dripping."
Jungkook's voice against your ear has you trembling and your orgasm nearing closer, your nails scratching down his back as his thrusts overpower your form. "Would you like that?" he asks with his voice strangled.
"Y-yes. Anything y-you want."
"You'd take all of my cum like a good cum-slut?"
You hate the fact that that's what makes you come undone. The twisting and knotting in the pit of your stomach finally snapping until you're holding on to him like you never want to let him go and he's following soon after.
Because if Guk, Gukkie, Jengukkie was not only able to make you come in less than a few minutes with his fingers or his tongue, but he was also able to make you cum instantly just by calling you a good cum-slut, that means you're fucked. Like, really, really fucked.
There's a knot in Jungkook's stomach and a suffocating grip around his vocal chords as he caresses your skin. The sun is rising in the distance with the first rays of light entering his room through the window. Your shamphoo is intoxicating him, numbing him and enticing him to bury his nose in the tangled curls pressing against his chest. Your arm is thrown across his stomach, your breathing leavig goosebumps all over his body.
"It's too early. Go back to sleep." you mumble against his heart. He wonders if you can feel it dangerously speeding up.
"I can't." he says, voice struggling to stay balanced. "I have to tell you something."
You hum in response, sleep still interwined with your body, your arm tightening around him. You sigh in content, expecting him to elaborate.
He wets his suddenly dry lips. "I don't want this to end. In fact, ____.... I want more. Need more."
"Jungkook..." your whole body goes rigid right away, untanglling your bodies from each other and sitting up on the mattress.
"No, listen to me." he mimicks your movements, rapidly grabbing your hands to make you look at him. His eyes are expressive, a mixture of fear and hope swirling in his dark irises. "I wake up everyday, and you're the first thing I think of. I go on about my day, and I keep thinking about you, wondering what you're doing and counting down the hours until I get to see you again. I spend every night dreaming about you, and when we'e together, the only thing I can think about is how I wish I could stop time so I don't have to say bye to you the next morning. ____, I-"
"Jungkook, stop please." you shake your head, pushing away from him and in desperate need of air. You press a hand against your chest, beating back the throb of pain while the other curls in a tight fist, the feeling of your fingernails digging into your palm less painful than the ache inside your heart. "This... This wasn't supossed to happen, Jungkook." you start pacing around the room, as if trying to find an exit while avoiding his gaze. "This was just a summer fling. That's all it was, I'm supposed to come back to the city in two weeks and-"
"A summer fling?" a sardonic sneer comes out of him. "Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening again..." he mumbles to himself before rising from the bed. You stop immediately, a shiver quaking through you as his impressive frame intimidates His eyebrows are drawn together and his dark eyes are void of any prior emotion. "You're going back to the city in two weeks? And you didn't care to tell me until now, after I just spilled my guts to you?"
You eyes fill up with uncomfortable tears, reaching one arm towards him. "Jung-"
He flinches, taking one step back. "A summer fling is all I mean to you?"
"Ju- "
"Look me in the eyes, right now, and tell me that's all I mean to you. A summer fling." panic crawls up your throat. There's the need within you to confirm, to stare into his beautiful and stern eyes and tell him that, yes, that's all he is to you. But you've never been a good liar. So nothing comes out. You opt for wrapping your ams around yourself wishing they were his and lowering your eyes to the ground. "I think... I think you should leave."
Those are the last words he says to you, and the last thing you see when you turn around one more time after gathering your clothes, is his back as he looks out the window.
You allow yourself to cry the exact moment you step into Chaelin's apartment. Your friend is sitting on the couch, bowl of cereal in hand and a fresh cup of coffee sitting on the livingroom's table.
"Hey, you're early tod- Baby, what's wrong?"
"Please, don't laugh."
That morning, you lay down for hours on the couch with your head on Chaelin's lap while she softly brushes your hair as you cry, hiccup, fight through the pain in your heart and relate to her as best as you can the latest events.
She doesn't laugh at all.
"She'll come back." Mijoo's slurred words do nothing to put Jungkook's state at ease that night. He simply shrugs, fingers clenching at his sides, frowing into his drink before gulping down the bitter taste of vodka in one shot. "Seriously, I think she's just afraid. My ex was the same."
"Comparing her to your ex is not the analogy you think it is."
"Ugh, shut up. Things didn't work with my ex because she was a bitch." Jungkook gives Mijoo a pointed look which she responds to by rolling her eyes and sipping on her rum coke. "Your girl is not a bitch. She used to be a bitch. What she did this morning was bitchy, but, like I said, she's just being a pussy. If she only wanted sex with you, she wouldn't have been doing couple stuff with you the entire summer."
"Whatever. I don't care." he lies and Mijoo knows he's lying but decides to drop the subject fo now.
"We can't keep spending our days smoking weed." Chaelin speaks over Blanche's voice on the TV.
"I know. I'm just sad."
"You have to come back and tell him how you feel."
"I know."
There's a beat of silence before your friend kicks your thigh with her feet.
"I know and I will." you mumble through red eyes and smoke clouds.
It's September first and it doesn't feel like Jungkook's birthday at all. He's been trying to focus on his work, alternating between isolating in full hermit mode and hanging out with friends to drink away his sorrow. The days have gone by and before he could realize it, he woke up today with over twenty text messages wishing him a happy day and a throbbing hangover.
He dresses up on autopilot. First a cotton shirt, then a pair of jeans and lastly, his Nike's. He doesn't bother tying his sneakers just like he doesn't bother taking a shower. He smokes a cigarette for breakfast, the death stick making him feel nauseaus on an empty stomach. And then he goes to work.
He's been repeating the same routing for the past weeks and he's not thinking of changing it, not even on his bithday.
He spends hours drawing, tattooing and drawing some more between yawns. He ignores texts an phone calls and simply waits until the day is over to go home, go to bed and forget about the fact that you're probably on your way to the city and that he hasn't crossed your mind not even once.
You've been standing outside the shop re-reading the word for fifteen minutes, although it definitely feels like it has been longer. You're gripping cup of ice cream as it melts down your fingers the more you wait. The shop is already empty and it's starting to darken out side, and still you're so hot. Your shorts are heavy and your tank top is sticking to your skin. You didn't even bother to put on any make, although your eyebags definitely needed some concieling and your lashes some dimension to hide the fact that you'd been crying for the last few days.
'You're crazy about him.'
Chaelin's voice echoes inside your head.
You've lost count of how many times your best friend has given your advice, or simply encouraged you to do something you've been too scared to try.
'And he's cazy about you too.'
Chaelin might be wrong about marmite and the movie Cats, but she's definitely now wrong about anything regarding your and Jungkook.
That's it. You briefly close your eyes, inhale a deep breath then release it slowly. You start walking. It doesn't take longer than three strides and you're pushing the door open.
The tattoed blonde looks up from the counter the second you come into view. She smiles at the distance between you two. "You can come closer. I won't bite."
You clear your throat, stalking closer to her. "Is he-"
"He's in the back." she replies before you can finish you question. You close your mouth, clear your throat and nod your head.
"Thanks, Mijoo." she gives you a small wink, her smile easing your nerves like she had three months ago.
She watches you disappear. She shakes he head, her smile meeting her eyes. "I told him so."
Jungkook ignores the knock on his door at first. It's almost ten and the parlor is about to close. He just has to finish this last fucking sketch so he can grab his shit and go the fuck ho-
Knock knock.
He growls, exhasperation cursing through him. He runs a hand through his messy pile of hair, his rings tangling between the strands, making him wince in pain. "Come in." he grunts under his breath. The door opens. "Mijoo, I really have to finish-"
He stops dead in his tracks as soon as he sees you.
"Hey." you say after a moment of hesitation.
"Hey." he replies and although there's something inside, deep in his chest, shouting at him to stand up, run up to you and kiss your face while he tells you how beautiful you look right now and how happy he is to see that you're still here, he decides against it. "Listen, ____, I'm pretty busy-"
"No, you listen to me." you cut him off abruptly. He looks taken aback and is already opening his mouth to say something, but you're not having it. "Please, just... Let me talk."
Silence looms between the two of you for a while, a staring contest defying each other to back down. When you take one step inside and close the door behind you, he sighs and leans back against his chair.
You move towards him slowly, your lip caught between your lip going through your mind for the speech you'd been preparing the last few days. Your hands are sticky due to the the sugary treat liquifying in your hand. "I know there's no reason you should give me another chance after rejecting you in high school, and there's definitely no reason why you should forgive me for the way I shut you out a few weeks ago. You've been confessing your feelings to me since we were teenagers, and now it's my turn to tell you exactly how I feel about you."
"Jungkook, the truth is... I like you so much. I like you more than I've ever liked anyone. Ever. I said this was just a summer fling, and I was lying. I was lying because there's no way a simple summer fling could make me feel the way you do. There's no way a simple summer fling could make me want not just summer with you, but also fall and winter, and spring and every summer that comes next."
You hadn't realize when your eyes filling up with tears until the sight of him starts blurrying in front of you. His fingers reach yours, his thumb comforting on your skin. "____, it's okay-"
"I'm not done yet." you sniffle, gathering enough courage to continue. "I brought you a lemon sherbet because you said it was your favourite. But you also implied I was your favourite, and I want to keep being you favourite, but now it's already melted and-"
The corners of Jungkook's lips start pulling upward as he tugs you towards him, his heart loudly jumping inside his chest. "Shhh, come here."
He takes the ice cream from your hand and places it on his desk. Then he's helping you onto his lap, your head tucked under his chin and your arms wapping on their own around his neck.
He doesn't care about your sticky fingers or the wet stains of your tears in his shirt. The only thing he cares about is the fact that you're right there, letting him engulf your frame and drown in the scent and warmth he'd misses so much.
The first day of June has Jungkook sweating and wishing for a haircut. Jungkook usually hates summer. He hates the fact that he has to shower at least twice a day, and the fact that the heat is almost unbearable to sleep in and also the fact that he's easily sunburnt.
This year, however, Jungkook likes summer a little bit more.
"Excuse me, miss. Do you have an appointment?" it's the fact that you're starting to wear those summer dresses he loves so much, and the fact that your skin glows under the sun like glitter, and also the fact that he can lick ice cream off of it whenever he desires.
"I am the appointment." your giggle is almost childlike, playing with Jungkook's heart strings. You shut the door behind you, nearing him. You also seem to always have that flush on your cheeks. Although he likes to think part of it is due to him. He doesn't say anything else as he puts his pencil down and instead turns around in the chair to have you immediately on top of his thighs.
Yeah, he also likes the path your lips trace from his cheek, to his jaw, ending at the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. It still makes his body quaver to this day.
"Let me see." he murmurs against you forhear, his hand already working on unbottoning the front of your dress.
"Mijoo hasn't left yet." you whisper back, your smile impossible to supress and the faint whimper impossible to hide when his fingers expose your breast and tug at the titanium barbell adorning the already hardened nub.
Jungkook loves knowing he was the one to do that, and also the only one to play with it. He doesn't hesitate when he dips his head. "As if we'd ever cared about that." he adds, wrapping your sole point in his mouth.
He fucks you on his studio table with your legs around his waist and his tongue playing with both your breasts, the tattoo sketches long forgotten, scattered on the floor as he whispers against your flesh something that sounds a lot like 'I love you'.
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silenceofthecookies Ā· 3 years
Author san!!! Can I use my free pass for the Black bull team pleasee!! I am sure one piece requests will flood away but I wanna read about the black bulls team so much. Fluff/Romance HCs. It can be anything like first meetings or kiss idk what ever you wish and feel like writing. Its your choice. The black bulls, I love them so much especially Zora... I absolutely fell in love with his charecter design, his outfit and his personality. Sadly he is not that popular. Please do justice for him. Thankyou!!!
Hi Abhi! Iā€™m so glad to see you requesting something for the Black Bulls, they are such an amazing squad! For this one I decided to go with first kisses, since I recently wrote more kissing headcanons and I think theyā€™re surprisingly fun to write UwU Zora is up first, and since you mentioned him not being popular, I decided to put more of the less-popular Bulls in here! I hope you enjoy ā¤
Zora Ideale
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Behind his though exterior, Zora is actually a little bit of a romantic. He doesn't quickly grow attached to someone, let alone fall in love, but it happened. Zora believes you deserve someone better than him, but you picked him so he'll just have to be the best version of himself for you.
He'll make sure the setting is right for the first kiss. Some place away from people, some please you can relax. Probably one of your favourite places. A first kiss should be memorable, right?
He'll place his hand on your cheek and lean In slowly, giving you enough time to turn away in case you'd be uncomfortable. He half expects you to punch him in the face or something.
The kiss is soft, your lips just barely touching. Zora is a little worried he'd hurt you or make you uncomfortable, and his pointy teeth may or may not be part of that worry. He's not changing them though, he likes them this way.
When he takes his hand off your cheek after the kiss there's a stinkbug on there. Zora wouldn't be himself if he was a perfect gentleman, right?
Charmy Pappitson
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Your first kiss with Charmy will be kind of spontaneous, a kiss that will surprise both you and Charmy. It will, however, also be a sweet one, in more ways than one.
You and Charmy will just be relaxing, eating something sweet Charmy has made. Cupcakes, donuts, anything. As you're both enjoying it and gushing over the taste, Charmy notices a bit of frosting/filling/whatever stuck just above your lips. She'll point it out, but instead of describing exactly where it is so you can remove it yourself, she'll grab her chance, quickly lean in and clean it up herself.
The kiss lasts about a second, it's over before you even realise what just happened.
Charmy herself is a little surprised at her sudden bravado and looks away with a blush on her face, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She liked it alright, but what if you didn't like it?
She'll be so taken off guard by her own action, that you have the perfect opportunity to lean in and place a kiss on her lips, this time a proper one. Once your lips part, she will be laughing awkwardly, probably avoiding your eyes by looking at the sweets.
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ā€œY/n! Can I kiss you?!ā€
It's Asta's typical stressed/flustered way of shouting and even though he asked you away from other people, you're pretty sure anyone within the vicinity has heard him yelling.
Once Asta falls in love, he wastes no time getting his feelings across. He has no problem proclaiming them to you, be in privacy or in front of others. Once he knows you return his feelings, he will be so ecstatic that he forgets everything else. Including that he wants to kiss you.
So somewhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours after he confessed, he will be asking you if he can kiss you. When you say yes, he'll step closer to close the distance between the two of you, put his hands, which you can feel are a little sweaty because of the nerves, on your cheeks and slowly closes the distance.
The kiss itself is very careful, Asta has no idea what he's doing and he doesn't want to do anything wrong either. First kisses are special, right? He keeps his lips pressed to yours for a few seconds before pulling away with a big grin.
Grey, Henry, Luck, Noelle, Gauche, Gordon and Secre after the cut!
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Grey is just not doing it. She's way too embarrassed, and there's just no way she can get herself to ask you to kiss you. She'll consider catching you by surprise and just doing it, but what if you don't want a kiss? Or what if she does it wrong?
She's an absolute mess. She'll ask Gauche and Noelle for help, but their advice is simply ā€˜just ask itā€™ or ā€˜just do itā€™. It's no help to her, which only makes her believe even more that she's a lost cause.
She will make several attempts to ask you, but she just never can get any further than the word ā€˜can'. The stuttering already starts when she calls out your name to get your attention, and after a few attempts to ask ā€˜can I kiss you?ā€™ the embarrassment becomes too much and she transforms herself into the big guy. She's not finishing that sentence and no matter how much you ask her about it afterwards, she won't complete it.
Ideally, she'll wait for you to kiss her first. It'll still be super embarrassing, but at least she won't be the one who has to make the moves.
Henry Legolant
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Henry is a little hesitant about kissing you, he knows what effect he has on the people who come too close to him, but he really wants to! So he'll think about it for a good while before hatching a little plan.
On a moment when nobody is around, he'll call out your name, step closer to you slowly so you can step away if you become uncomfortable, slowly leans in when he's close enough and kisses you. He has his arms around you to support you, in case he's draining too much mana from you.
The kiss is soft and slow, and he stays close to you for a few seconds, not wanting to part from you too quickly. He tightens his hold on you a little, enjoying the rare feeling of being close, certainly this close, to someone.
He'll then hand you a little plate of food he had asked Charmy to prepare for him beforehand and step back to give you some space. It's Charmy's special food to restore mana. Of course Charmy was in on his plan, he had to tell her to get her to make something for him, and unknown to you she's sneakily watching through the keyhole of the door to see if their plan worked.
Luck Voltia
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Luck didn't plan on kissing you today. Luck doesn't plan on anything. He always goes with the slow and his only goal is for the two of you to have fun. Aside from that, it really doesn't matter what happens. Though if fighting or pranks are involved, that's a plus! And that's exactly what put him in a good enough mood to kiss you.
The two of you had just played a huge prank and were running away from your poor victim, who seemed about ready to murder you. You were laughing like maniacs as you ran and you eventually lost them. The two of you now stood still, catching your breath and laughing.
That's when he does it, suddenly and unexpectedly. The kiss is story and sweet, gone as soon as you felt it. Just a little peck. Luck simply keeps smiling at you while you're trying to process what just happened. He'll start laughing at your reaction, and it makes you unable to stop yourself from laughing as well.
The whole situation is a little absurd, but there's no uncomfortable silences, no tension, no awkwardness. Just your boyfriend playing a little prank on you, one you certainly don't mind.
Noelle Silva
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Noelle is going to do everything in her power to make you be the one to kiss her first. She's a royal, she shouldn't be the one making the first moves. Right?
She's tried to a few times, but she just gets too embarrassed every time and chickens out. Hence her new plan: make you want to kiss her. You're already attracted to her so it shouldn't be too hard, right?
She'll put some extra effort into looking pretty, and she'll try to bait you with things like a subtle with pretty lipgloss, or by leaving a little bit of food hanging on her lip. She's not the most subtle person, so her message should come across pretty easily. It's up to you whether you want to tease her a little about it and pretend to not notice, or to just give her what she wants.
If you keep ignoring her hints, she'll eventually find a moment to just tell you that you can kiss her. Mostly likely when you've gotten her something or done something for her.
ā€œYou did good, as a reward, you're allowed to kiss me.ā€
No, even though she said it, she's still not making that first move herself.
Gauche Adlai
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Gauche is not a very subtle person. When he wants something, it's obvious. Usually he just makes sure he gets it too. You, however, are the one exception to that. The one person aside from Marie that he's careful with, about whose opinion he cares. So, instead of just kissing you right the moment when he feels like it, he waits a little.
He's not too worried about setting up a good romantic setting, that's not what matters anyway, it's the kiss that matters, but he does try to get some privacy for that moment. He doesn't need people commenting on him kissing you when he does, it's a pain in the ass.
But getting some privacy with the Black Bulls around is nearly impossible, and Gauche is struggling to even create such an opportunity. His patience runs thin pretty quickly, he just wants to kiss you already, so he pulls you away behind a corner, pulls you close to him and kisses you there.
The kiss is a little on the rough side, mostly due to Gauche's annoyance at the whole situation and at how long he had to wait. He calms down pretty fast though, now that he's gotten what he wanted.
Gordon Agrippa
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Gordon usually goes with the flow, letting you take the lead, letting you set the boundaries. It was like that in his friendship with you, and it will continue to be like that in his relationship with you. However, you two have yet to have your first kiss and he's getting a little worried about it. So this time, he decides to make a move.
When the two of you are relaxed and away from prying eyes, he'll just talk to you about it. Not in a sad or an accusing kind of way, but in a way filled with curiosity. Were you shy? Were you uncomfortable? Did you just not want to? Were you waiting for him to make the first move? Despite the somewhat weird topic, it's a comfortable conversation.
Once you let him know you're comfortable with it, be it during that conversation or later, he'll carefully cup your cheek in his right hand, put his left hand around you to pull you close and then he'll kiss you in a soft yet sweet kiss. Nothing too overwhelming, just a relaxed and loving moment.
Mind the lipstick stains though. The other Bulls will have a riot when they see them.
Secre Swallowtail
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Secre never really thought too much about kissing you. Sure, she loved you, but physical displays of affection are not really her forte, nor are they extremely important to her. She always figured that if you wanted to kiss, you'd come to her and kiss her, simple as that.
However, when Vanessa, be it in an alcohol-induced haze, informed her that kisses were needed to assure the other of your love for them, she got a little insecure. Was that the ramblings of a drunk woman? Or was there some truth in that and were you doubting her love for you?
She remembered Tetia and Licht, and how happy they seemed when they kissed, so there must be some truth in it at least, right?
So she asks you if it's bothering you. Expressing her emotions aren't her strongest point, but you can see some worry and uncertainty in her eyes. If you assure her you're fine, that's that. If you let her know in any way that you would like to kiss her though, she'll lean towards you and place a quick peck on your lips. The contact doesn't even last for a second, but Secre can't help herself from smiling. Maybe kisses were better than she thought.
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guynamedultimax Ā· 3 years
An analysis of the Brawl Stars Trios
Iā€™ve ordered the Brawl Stars ā€œcanonā€ trios with some specifics.
-There is always, in every trio, a Leader. The straight man of the group or the one who is more inclined to lead the other members.
-After the Leader, thereā€™s the second member. I donā€™t have a name/category for the second member aside from the fact that in the majority of the trios itā€™s the *other* human character. Letā€™s just call them the Right Arm.
-The third trio member is most of the times the one with the quirkier design, the one who isnā€™t human. There are exceptions to the third member always being the quirky one (sometimes theyā€™re the Leader, sometimes there isnā€™t a quirky Brawler in the trio, Iā€™ll explain myself properly in each trioā€™s paragraph). The quirky brawler is usually the sidekick of the trio, so Iā€™m just gonna call them the Sidekick.
The game is focused around 3v3s so I suspect that, when Paul and the rest of the Brawl Stars devs came up with the gameā€™s lore with Starr Park, they chose to retcon some info and details about Brawlers so that theyā€™d better fit with each other and form actual groups that co-exist in the Environiments. However, I think some Trios were planned from the start to be there in some way or form. But Iā€™ll explain myself better with each trio. Note that Iā€™m not gonna explain why each Brawler is in its Trio, for that stuff I suggest you watch the Brawl Theory video about the Trios that KairosTime made AND any interview he (or other Youtubers) had with the Brawl Stars dev team regarding the game and its lore, or just go on Paulā€™s Twitter/Tumblr pages @|pawchaw, he isnā€™t at Supercell anymore (works for Bandai Namco ever since like 4-5 months now but heā€™s fine!). Iā€™m just gonna explain the placement and mayyybe discuss a bit about the Brawlersā€™ personalities? Idk letā€™s just move over to this perfectly normal analysis of the Starr Park Union of Distressed Employees trapped in a time loop.
The trios are ordered based on the rarity of the first brawler that shows up in the gameā€™s order.
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WILD WEST RANGERS: Shelly is the Leader. This one is pretty obvious because, between her and Colt, she is the one who is less focused on being too pretty for pain and just jumps into action. This means that Colt is the Right Arm and Spike is the Sidekick. Itā€™s interesting to note how at the start of the gameā€™s beta Shelly was treated as a bandit and was called Shotgun Shelly. Perhaps you could say hanging around Colt (who is a sheriff) reformed her? Anyway stop making Spike creepy. Heā€™s a good boi. He just wants an hug. Last I checked they donā€™t have their own environiment yet, or does the one they added back in Season 6 count?
SHAMAN TRIBE: The first trio to NOT have one Sidekick, but rather two. Bo is obviously the (adoptive, given what weā€™ve seen in the Investor Video) father of Nita and Leon, who are brother and sister. The only thing thatā€™s unknown about these two is which of them is the older one, but seeing Leonā€™s voice line ā€œDonā€™t make me get Nita!ā€ itā€™s very likely heā€™s the younger one. Funny, youā€™d think the older of the two would be more responsible instead she just eats spaghetti without a fork. Also, back in the beta they explained Nita summoning Bruce as her collar actually being magic, but now that weā€™ve shifted to a full-blown Theme Park with a mashup of genres and ideas that is inspired (mostly) by the 70s, I wonder how do they explain her powers...actually scratch that, itā€™s proably exposure to whatever gave the other Brawlers powers too. They donā€™t have an environiment either and I have my own doubts about them ever getting one.
RETROPOLIS GANG: Itā€™s interesting to note that even before weā€™ve become fully aware of Starr Park, this trio was already set in stone when Bibi released. You obviously have Bull as the Leader (he owns the big ass diner that is the most important place in all of Retropolis), Bibi is more of a Right Arm in the sense that she isnā€™t a walking, talking assassin crow. Crow being the Sidekick is only because he isnā€™t human (at least in my eyes). There are a few questions I still donā€™t get about the Brawlers anyways, like: Is the car bumper ride owned by Bibi? Whatā€™s Crowā€™s job in Retropolis? And how much old are these three anyway?
JUNKER FAMILY: Living in Pamā€™s Scrapyard, this trio has probably the job of fixing/reordering/thrashing stuff in the Park. Pam being Jessieā€™s mother was probably the first actually confirmed relationship in the game back in the beta. It was probably hard to come up with a third Trio member for Paul, but making a robot nanny with a floating explosive camera was probably the only thing I was not expecting by him. Jessie being a kid makes me wonder when did Pam actually give birth to her...it probably was a bit before the Park got shut down because sheā€™s around Nita and Leonā€™s age most likely. Small trivia not many probably know: Pam didnā€™t build Nani, she salvaged her according to Paul. Probably from one of the generic Robo Rumble bots that shoots the Nita-like projectile.
ARCADE CITY TRIO: They donā€™t really have a moniker or something, but I just like to call them Gamers because Brock (the Leader) has a ROCKET LAWNCHER with gamer buttons on it, Rico (the Right Arm) is a pool bot (in the sense that he owns a ballpit for kids in case his projectiles didnā€™t tip you off) and 8-Bit (the Sidekick with anger issues dare I say) is a, uhm, how do I put this, walking talking arcade machine. You know, those things where you played GAMES back in the 80s. Another small trivia not many of you know: Itā€™s most likely 8-Bit was inspired by the arcade machines from the failed Rush Wars game from Supercell. Actually, I think it was confirmed, but Iā€™m not sure. The fact that at least two Trio members like to brag about being pros is funny, thatā€™s typical competitive gamer behavior.
GEM MINERS: Being the oldest means you have more experience (despite being a fuckinā€™ pyromaniac), which would also explain why Dynamikeā€™s the Leader of his Trio. (Does the canary have a name btw?). Jacky being the Right Arm is mostly explained due to her not being the one with the annoying Spongebob-esque voice and not being a mining robot. Carl is, naturally, the Sidekick.
PIRATE CREW: Youā€™d think Darryl was the Leader since, according to Paul, the ship is called ā€œDarrylā€™s Shipā€, but his behavior as a Totally Legit Pirate makes me think itā€™s more of Pennyā€™s job, with Darryl and Tick being the Sidekicks. Also I want to take a moment to say GOD Penny looks so emotionless in-game. She needs new face animations and voicelines, I swear to god.
MORTUARY MONSTERS: Considering all the shorts we got with Mortis (ESPECIALLY the one with Frank) and knowing Emz is Mortisā€™ niece, itā€™s pretty easy to say Mortis is the Leader, Emz the Right Arm and Frank the Sidekick.
THE DEAL WITH STU: What the hell is Stuā€™s trio supposed to be? A circus trio? Stuntmen? When are we gonna get the second member so we can have a small idea of what is this trioā€™s role in the park? This guyā€™s not really that much of a mystery but his design philosophy being similiar to that of Rico makes me think heā€™s either the Right Arm or the Sidekick of the Trio. If heā€™s the Leader then youā€™d need someone with less bolts and screws than him to be part of the Trio.
BANDSTAND PERFORMERS: Brawlers with a Mexican Theme. Methinks Amber isnā€™t cut for a leader role due to lighting accidentally on fire literally anything, and with El Primo being El Himbo and their environiment LITERALLY BEING CALLED POCOā€™S BANDSTAND, Iā€™d say Poco is the Leader, Amber the Right Arm and Primo is the Sidekick.
SOUTHERN/WILD WEST SHOPKEEPERS: Itā€™s amazing how we have THREE Wild West trios in here, and Piper (Leader) and Barley (Sidekick)ā€™s felt a bit forced when Byron (Right Arm) got added but the placement is justified as it feels like Byron has this aura of the kind of person who knows everything thatā€™s happening around the park. He is probably even aware of the actual mess regarding the closing down of Starr Park but Iā€™m not so sure about it.
PLANT(?) TRIO: Or, longer name, The Trio That Studies Nature. Bea was originally introduced as Rosaā€™s assistant so OF COURSE she is the Right Arm and Rosa the Leader. Sprout being the Sidekick was something pretty obvious from his design (plant inside a machine) and from the Twitter artwork that was dropped when he released. Not really related but...are Rosa and Bea...yā€™know? Iā€™d be very happy if itā€™s true. Notably they still donā€™t have an environiment.
GIFT SHOP STAFF: After the Bandstand Performers ANOTHER Trio where the character with a Sidekick design is the Leader. But methinks Griff is quite the irresponsible and lazy boss, like a reverse Mr. Krabs who just LOVES to waste money. Colette and Edgar are technically both Right Arm/Left Arm but Iā€™m more curious to know, like with most if not all of their Brawlers, how old are they, or rather the age gap between them and how do the two of them know exactly what is Brawl Stars. Itā€™s almost as if they werenā€™t in the Park back when stuff went down...if we didnā€™t have Colette in the Investor Video I wouldā€™ve said they were actual game players but they arenā€™t. Iā€™m starting to think that age might not be an issue with these characters if theyā€™ve been trapped in a time loop for a long time now.
CASTLE COURTYARD KNIGHTS: If their job is keeping the Castle cleaned up and not a mess, MAN they really do a bad job. Ash is most likely the Sidekick of the Trio and Grom the Right Arm with a severe issue with children and teaching, which means they donā€™t have a leader yet, and due to Ash being a Knight and Grom wearing an Executioner outfit and being a Tower Watchman...I think itā€™s safe to say the next Trio member, as the LEADER of the CASTLE, might be a King. Perhaps even inspired by the Clash ones. I wonder whatā€™s the deal with Gromā€™s teaching past though, and if whatever happened, it happened in Starr Park...
BAZAAR SHOPKEEPERS: The only thing that unites these three is the fact that they all sell stuff at Taraā€™s Bazaar. Considering the name of the Environiment and their designs, itā€™s safe to say Tara is the Leader, Sandy the Right Arm and Gene the Sidekick. I am still not sure if Geneā€™s anger is stuck inside Lampy (yes, thatā€™s the lampā€™s name) or if the lamp is its own thing, separate from its djinn.
SUPER CITY HEROES: Wow, Supercell really said ā€œletā€™s not finish this trio we started two years agoā€ and then they dropped Meg. Youā€™d think Meg is more fit for the Sidekick role since Surge and Max are kinda the actual heroes here (Max being a bit less expert in the business) but Surgeā€™s design makes me more inclined to think heā€™s the Sidekick (to Max at least, Meg might very well be their Mission Control, or in Ned Leedsā€™ words, the guy at the chair).
SNOWTEL STAFF: I really feel bad for Gale (the Right Arm) and Lou (the Sidekick) for working under whatā€™s literally the coldest employee of the Park right before Griff. Back when Mr. P was released I was like, his number one fan, I loved the dude but then Edgar happened, then Buzz happened, and then Fang...starting to see I have a very close-range preference with Brawlers huh.
STARR FORCE: Probably the only Trio of which we know all three members despite the third not being out yet. Colonel Ruffs (the Leader, obviously), Kit (Shellyā€™s mutated cat, not out yet, might not even be their name but theyā€™re the Right Arm obviously) and the bestest of bois Squeak (the Sidekick). I wonder if Skins are actually canon, if so youā€™d think the Starr Force would be bigger considering they have Colette and Bull on their side.
GOLDARM GANG: Belle was announced as the Leader of her own Trio and Iā€™m pretty sure AT LEAST one of the Brawlers will be her child, if not both of them. The questions that still stand are: Is the Season 6 environiment JUST for her Gang? or is it for all three Wild West Trios?
VELOCIRAPIDS STAFF: At the time I made the above image I forgot the place Buzz works to is known as the Velocirapids. Considering the Water Park theme itā€™s safe to say weā€™re gonna get a new member of the Trio every summer for the next 2 years and the next two are most likely humans or human-looking. Buzz being a lifeguard also makes me think he is the Leader of his own trio. Also, HUG HIM. HEā€™S A GOOD BOI. OBEY THE RULES. STAY HYDRATED.
BRAWLYWOOD STAFF: One thing Iā€™d love to point out is that Lola was retconned between her debut and the recent update to being an aspiring actress to being part-actress and part-tour guide of Brawlywood. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s the Leader of the Trio because Fangā€™s just a kid at the end of the day and heā€™s most likely the Right Arm here. Which means the final trio member is gonna be a Sidekick one.
There ya have it. Stay hydrated. This is normal, yadda yadda when are we getting Dani Piper, Ryan Mortis and Paula Jessie in the game I swear to god. Or even better, throw the Investor from the video in as a Brawler, thatā€™d be HILARIOUS.
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no1monstersimp Ā· 2 years
If you're still doing the Salty Ask stuff, what about 7, 9, 23?
Thank you for the asks :D
Q: 7. Something I used to like but can't stand now.
A: I'm not sure tbh. I guess you could say this arc. This arc is wonderful, but I'm just ready to see what the consequences will be and what is going to happen, you know? Plus it caused me so much pain.
Q: 9. Disliked characters and why.
A: *sigh* Here we go haha. I'll probably get hate.
A character I have actually come to terms in hating is Psykos. I have a whole post to write on her but in short, she's actual evil. She pretended to be a monster to manipulate a whole society with fear into doing her bidding. She manipulated Orochi through brain washing, then throws him away like trash when she's losing.
No no no cause also , while the monsters, who were TRICKED into thinking they needed a war in the first place were DYING; She's drinking wine. Until I get a GOOD reason that isn't " oh Fubuki etc.", then I'll stay hating her. If we're being honest, what is likeable about her right now? Besides her being pretty. Sorry for ranting, but GodšŸ˜­.
I would say Garou but I want to see how this pans out first before I hate him. I do hate though that he picked on others while they were down. I mean, who hurts Mumen? Who does that?
I also hate McCoy ,cause like, corruption.
Also the dude in the sea monster arc that downplayed the heros with his bowl cut having... Anyways.
Also I kinda hate tank top Blackhole and Tiger for what they did to Saitama, and giving TTM a bad name cause he's a sweetheart.
Also fuck Sludge Jellyfish, no one likes him.(love his design though, but damn he's annoying asfšŸ˜­.)
I'm probably forgetting ones I hate but it is what it is lol.
Q: 23. Unpopular character(s) I love:
Here we go, this may be a little long. I'm sorry in advance.
I love Royal Ripper, I know people hate them for what they did to Garou and Tareo, but I love them. I like the way they kinda just, idk, they have an attitude to them, like what we see with their attitude towards Great Food Tub. I love how cute they look in the background of scenes, they're gender envy. They pull off a plain dress and flats, making itāœØ i c o n i c. āœØ I have a headcanon that they are gender fluid aswell. It's not canon and never will be, but I always have my thoughts.
I love Bug God, I just do, I like the way he works well with Royal Ripper and I wish we saw more of them as a team. They have a mutual respect for eachother, it's rare to have seen Royal Ripper be calmed in their feral moments as quickly as Bug God got them to calm down. I wish he beat Super Alloys ass tbh šŸ˜³.
I love Homeless Emperor, I feel awful for him, I miss him a lot. It was going to happen, though it still hurts. Much like with Royal Ripper. He's not that bad looking either. I like to think he takes over playgrounds and scares kids off of slides cause that shit is HIS.
I love Phoenix Man, I like his original form, but not in "I'm attracted to him" way though. I think it's BEAUTIFUL. The shading and everything. I also love his sass aswell. My favorite part is when Rhino Wrestler asks him what his disaster level may be and he goes " I don't care". So naturally, when Resurrected Phoenix Man debuted, that was a plus. Resurrected Phoenix man is "I'm attracted to him".
I love this hand on hip pose he always did :
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He is just šŸ‘ŒšŸ’–mmmšŸ’–šŸ‘Œ. What else needs to be explained?
I love Maiko and ELM, I love them as a couple and how they support eachother. I love how he praises her. I love them.
I love Awakened Roach. I love this part specifically. As you see there is a trend, with cocky, overconfident monsters. Also his thighsšŸ˜³. His eyeliner is on point too. I love how he just sits there and thinks for so long, idk why it's funny to me. I guess it being paired by how "over his shit" Genos looks looking up at him, makes it better.
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I love almost all of the lower class members that aren't as popular as the main cast (D-Pad, Gasmask Cowboy, Bone, Red Muffler, Butterfly DX, Forte, Chain n' Toad, Golden Ball, Spring etc etc)
Also Mentai and Zakos from the Super Fight, they're adorable. I think if I listed all the characters I like we'd be here forever šŸ˜ž.
I should end the listing here or we'll be here forever. I probably missed characters though. Let's just sum it up at almost all of the monster association men and women.
Again thank you for the asks! They're always open even without this template! šŸ’–
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t0wnspersonb Ā· 4 years
Forever (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
idk if anyone has done this but, can i request for kei tsukishima. where the reader and him are about to graduate, and sheā€™s scarred that since everythingā€™s gonna change she thought that heā€™ll lose interest and break up w her. but the ironic part is that they actually end up getting married and having kids lmaoo, pretty pls šŸ„ŗ
Anonymous said:
Can you write sometimes where reader is pregnant and sheā€™s hesitant to tell tsukki but he finds out anyways and itā€™s all angsty but ends on a fluffy note! (can this be when theyā€™re in college?) also i LOVED your tsukki stories okay theyā€™re my favorite!
Word Count: 2,787
Summary: You and Tsukishima have been together since you were kids, after you had given birth to your guysā€™ first child Tsukishima revisits the past.
I decided to combine these requests! I hope you guys donā€™t mind! This gave me all the fucking feels so I hope you guys like it! Again, Iā€™m still shuffling through my inbox, Iā€™m sorry that it took so long for me to write this one anons! Please enjoy and let me know what you think:)
ā€œI c-canā€™t! I c-canā€™t do this without Kei!ā€ You cried, tightening your grip on Yamaguchiā€™s hand.
Ā The rising hysteria could no longer be beaten down, genuine fear overtook your body. It overshadowed the overwhelming feeling of pain, the urge to push being bitten down as your eyes scanned around the hospital room frantically.
Ā He still wasnā€™t here.
Ā Could you have a panic attack in the middle of giving birth? You thought so.
Ā ā€œY/n-chan.ā€ Yamaguchi soothed, gently smoothing your sweaty hair away from your face. ā€œHeā€™s on his way, there was an accident a couple miles out from the hospital. The roads are blocked, traffic is at a standstill. But Tsukki will be here, I promise. But you need to start pushing now, itā€™s not safe for you or the baby to keep holding this off.ā€
Ā You whimpered softly as you gazed up at your childhood friend, his freckled face was calm and reassuring.
Ā At leastā€¦ at least Yamaguchi was here right? You werenā€™t doing this entirely alone.
Ā But sadness still gripped at your heart, Tsukishima was going to miss the birth of his first child. He wasnā€™t here.
Ā ā€œMrs. Tsukishima. You have to start pushing now or we will have to do a C-section instead.ā€ The doctor stated firmly.
Ā Yamaguchi squeezed your hand gently.
Ā ā€œO-Okay.ā€ You whispered out.
Ā You started pushing.
Ā ****
Ā Hours later, you were asleep in the hospital bed, completely knocked out from pure exhaustion.
Ā Beside you, your husband cradled your newborn close to his chest, gazing down at the small baby boy with the softest expression.
Ā Tsukishima had barely made it in time, right before the final push. The fear and guilt that Tsukishima felt was still present in his heart, butā€¦ love and complete joy was there as well.
Ā You and the baby were safe and healthy. Thatā€™s all that mattered to him. His eyes glanced over at Yamaguchi, he was asleep in one of the other chairs in the room. He would have to take him out for dinner in thanks for being with you when he couldnā€™t.
Ā God, he felt like a terrible husband.Ā 
Ā The meeting at the museum had run late, and while the both of you knew that the baby was going to be due any day nowā€¦ he didnā€™t think that it was going to happen tonight.
Ā ā€œMind if I take him?ā€ a nurse asked quietly, Tsukishima looked up at her in surprise and nodded, carefully handing his boy over so they could finish doing their checkups.
Ā ā€œGet some rest.ā€ She said pointedly before leaving the room.
Ā Tsukishima sighed softly, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. He was tired. But not like you.
Ā He reached for your hand, the one that was curled close to your face, carefully lifting it up and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.Ā 
Ā His expression was soft as he stared at your sleeping face. Tsukishima had never felt luckier in his entire life.
Ā The fact that you were still his after all these years, the fact that you brought his beautiful son into the worldā€¦ he was truly blessed.
Ā Tsukishimaā€™s lips twitched into a small smile as he thought back to the past.
Ā ***
Ā You sat on the gym floor, rolling the volleyball around absentmindedly. It was just you and Tsukishima, the silence between the two of you was comfortable. Tomorrow was graduation day, tomorrow was going to be the start to a new journey.
Ā Your eyes glanced over at the tall blonde, he was finishing up some last-minute stuff for the volleyball team.
Ā Biting your lip softly, you turned your attention back to the volleyball that was in front of you.
Ā The feeling that you had beaten down since the beginning of the year could no longer be buried.
Ā You had to ask.
Ā ā€œKei?ā€ you called out softly.
Ā ā€œHmm?ā€Ā 
Ā ā€œAre weā€¦ do youā€¦ do you like me?ā€Ā 
Ā He looked over at you, a dumbfounded expression covering his handsome face. ā€œYouā€™re joking right?ā€
Ā You huffed at him in annoyance, a soft pout taking over your features.
Ā He sighed, closing the notebook he was currently writing in, facing you directly. ā€œWeā€™ve liked each other since we were kids Y/n. We started dating in middle school. Why are you asking me something so stupid?ā€
Ā ā€œWell do you love me?ā€ you tried again.
Ā ā€œYes.ā€Ā 
Ā Oh. You looked away from the blonde male, doubt and unease still clouding your heart. This was stupid. Asking him those questions wasnā€™t truly going to give you the answer you really wanted.
Ā You heard Tsukishima sighed loudly, hearing the soft squeak of shoes against the floors, and then he was pulling your chin up, forcing you to stare at him.
Ā He was squatted down in front of you, his lips turned down in a frown. ā€œWhat is it?ā€
Ā ā€œNothing.ā€ You mumbled, attempting to avert your eyes from his own.
Ā ā€œDonā€™t lie. Something is obviously bothering you. Tell me.ā€ he demanded, his grip on your chin tightening only slightly.
Ā You werenā€™t sure what it was in his face, but you felt tears begin to cascade down your cheeks. Much to his surprise and yours.
Ā ā€œY/n -ā€Ā 
Ā ā€œYouā€™re going to break up with me!ā€ you wailed, all of your feelings bursting from you like a broken dam. ā€œYouā€™re not going to want me anymore once you go to collegeā€¦ youā€™ll find someone better, prettier, more athletic than me! Everything is going to be different after tomorrow, youā€™re not going to love me the same way and -ā€
Ā His hand covered your mouth, stopping the flood of words that were rapidly escaping your quivering lips.
Ā ā€œAre you stupid?ā€ he asked incredulously, his eyes holding a fiery passion as he stared at you intensely. ā€œWhy would you say such ridiculous things? I thought you were smarter than that. Youā€™re acting like Hinata.ā€ he scowled, stretching and pulling at your cheeks.
Ā ā€œThat hurts Kei.ā€ You whimpered out, but at this point you had stopped crying.Ā 
Ā ā€œGood. Itā€™s punishment.ā€ he said bluntly, pinching your cheeks harder.
Ā ā€œOw, ow, ow!ā€
Ā He finally released his grips on your cheeks, sitting down in front of you as you rubbed at your sore face, sniffling slightly.
Ā ā€œHave you calmed down now?ā€ He asked, reaching up to wipe the remaining tears from your eyes.
Ā You nodded wordlessly.
Ā ā€œGood. Now listen closely.ā€ he said seriously. ā€œYou seriously think that after all the years weā€™ve been together Iā€™m not going to want you anymore just because weā€™re going to different colleges? Have you forgotten that I deliberately chose a college that was close to yours so that I could still see you every day?ā€
Ā You didnā€™t say anything, so he continued on. ā€œDo you really think that I would be unfaithful to you, and look at other girls just because you wonā€™t be by my side as often?ā€
Ā Again, you were silent.
Ā ā€œYou really think that Iā€™m going to want someone smarter, prettier, more athletic than you? Iā€™m going to be too busy worrying about your stupid ass the entire time that I wonā€™t even have time to think about my classes, much less try to find someone else.ā€ You started getting more nervous as Tsukishimaā€™s voice gradually began increasing.
Ā ā€œOf course, things are going to be different after tomorrow.ā€ He said, tone sharp and biting. ā€œThatā€™s to be expected, weā€™re graduating high school Y/n. Nothing can stay the same forever.ā€
Ā He was right. Tsukishima was always right.
Ā ā€œButā€¦ā€ his hand cupped your face, urging you to look at him. You felt your breath catch in your throat, his expression was full of adoration, his gold eyes burning into yours.
Ā ā€œOne thing will never change, and thatā€™s how I feel about you. I love you. I want only you. Donā€™t you ever question that again dumbass.ā€ he murmured, leaning forward and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
Ā ****
Ā Tsukishimaā€™s lips twitched at the memory; you were truly a crybaby back then. While it had gotten better over the years, you still cried about everything.
Ā Tsukishima felt his stomach twist as he thought about when he had truly made you cry. He still felt guilty about that.
Ā It wasnā€™t even that long ago when it had happened.
Ā *****
Ā ā€œYou need to go to the doctors Y/n.ā€ Tsukishima said, frowning as he watched you rinse your mouth at the bathroom sink.
Ā You had just finished puking your brains out for the third time that day. This has been going on the past couple of days, both of you under the impression that you were coming down with a stomach bug.
Ā ā€œI made an appointment for later today.ā€ you mumbled, drying your face against the hand towel.
Ā ā€œDo you want me to take off of work to take you?ā€ he asked, gently wrapping his arms around your waist.
Ā You shook your head. ā€œThe museum needs you Kei. Iā€™ll be fine.ā€ you said quietly, leaning back into your husbandā€™s strong chest.
Ā He hummed softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your neck. ā€œIf you say soā€¦ Iā€™ll be leaving first then.ā€Ā 
Ā You waved goodbye to him at the door, watching him drive off.
Ā You sighed softly, heading into your office to finish up some last-minute work. It had been three years since you guys had graduated college, both of you finally getting to work at your dream jobs, Tsukishima at the museum, and you, working at a design firm.
Ā Things were finally falling into place it seemed. You guys had only gotten married last year, and it was just a couple of months ago that you guys had finally bought your first house.
Ā Life was good. Really fucking good.Ā 
Ā The ring on your finger caught your attention as you typed, pausing for a moment to appreciate its beauty.
Ā Tsukishima had kept his promise. Heā€™s continued to love you unconditionally. He even married your dumbass, something that you hadnā€™t imagined at all.
Ā Yes, life was really good.
Ā Nothing could go wrong at this point.
Ā Right?
Ā Wrong.
Ā Fuck you were so wrong.Ā 
Ā You inhaled shakily, wringing your hands together nervously as you stared at the doctor in shock.
Ā ā€œYouā€™reā€¦ are you sure? Can we take it again?ā€ you asked, voice shaking.
Ā ā€œIā€™m very sure. But we definitely can do the test again.ā€ The doctor said.
Ā You nodded. Maybe it was defective? Maybe the second time it wouldā€¦
Ā No.
Ā It was still the same.
Ā It was still positive.
Ā You were pregnant. You were definitely pregnant.
Ā It wasnā€™t a stomach bug. It was morning sickness. You were already six weeks along.
Ā You were too busy in your life to even realize that your period was late, you had thought it was from the stress of work and moving.
Ā The rest of the day you were on edge, you couldnā€™t even focus on your work.Ā 
Ā What did this mean for you?
Ā Noā€¦ what did this mean for your relationship with Tsukishima.
Ā You guys had never talked about having children, it something that was never brought up.Ā 
Ā What ifā€¦Ā 
Ā What if Tsukishima didnā€™t want kids?
Ā The tears flowed easily down your cheeks at the thought, your hand resting on your stomach unconsciously.
Ā But this wasā€¦ this was Tsukishimaā€™s baby. The man you loved the most. You already knew deep in your heart that you loved this baby.
Ā The thought that Tsukishima wouldnā€™t, the thought that Tsukishima might not want anything to do with you or baby caused more tears to fall down your cheeks.
Ā You didnā€™t say anything to him for three weeks.
Ā The fear you held ate away at you, you wanted to tell him, but each opportunity that came up, you backed out.
Ā Until one day when you had come home from the grocery store, Tsukishima was staring blankly at the tv. His hands folded in front of his face; his expression unreadable.
Ā ā€œKei are you ok-ā€
Ā ā€œHow long?ā€ he interrupted you, his eyes holding so many different emotions as he stared at you.
Ā You frowned in confusion at his statement. ā€œI donā€™t -ā€ ā€œHow long have you been pregnant Y/n?ā€ he cut you off, rising from the couch at full height. He glared down at you.
Ā You could feel your lips tremble. ā€œYou have to understand -ā€
Ā ā€œHow long?ā€ he repeated again.
Ā ā€œIā€™m nine weeks.ā€ You whispered, tears stinging your eyes as you stared at the carpet beneath your feet.Ā 
Ā You heard his sharp intake of breath, your body flinching hard at the noise.
Ā ā€œWhen did you find out?ā€ he asked.
Ā ā€œThree weeks ago.ā€ You whispered.
Ā ā€œWhyā€¦ why didnā€™t you say anything? Why didnā€™t you tell me the minute you knew!? Why did I have to find out that my wife is pregnant from a voicemail the doctor left on our phone!?ā€Ā 
Ā Heā€™sā€¦ Tsukishima has never yelled at you like this. Your head snapped up to see his furious expression as he stared you down with an icy glare.
Ā ā€œKei you have to understand I was scared! I didnā€™t know if you -ā€ you were reaching for him, only for him to jerk his arm back at your touch, stepping further away from you.Ā 
Ā ā€œDonā€™t touch me.ā€ he said coldly. ā€œI canā€™t believe you. Iā€™m leaving.ā€ he walked past your trembling form, grabbing his jacket and his car keys, the door slamming behind him.
Ā Your heart broke, you collapsed onto the floor. Loud sobs escaping your lips as you hugged yourself. One of your hands clapped tight over your mouth as you desperately tried to quiet the despair that was coming from your lips.Ā 
Ā ****
Ā By the time he had gotten home it was incredibly late, Tsukishima had never felt more exhausted in his entire life.
Ā He quietly closed the door behind him, discarding his coat and keys onto the kitchen table.
Ā He fucked up.
Ā He shouldnā€™t have overreacted like that. He shouldnā€™t have left you like that.
Ā He justā€¦ he didnā€™t know how to handle it. He was angry because you kept such an important secret from him. He was shocked because - well - because you were pregnant, something that wasnā€™t planned at all. He was scared becauseā€¦ what if he wasnā€™t a good dad?
Ā He definitely didnā€™t feel like a good husband right now.
Ā His heart broke as he took in your form. You had cried yourself to sleep, curled up tightly on the bed, your hand clutching at your stomach protectively.
Ā He had hurt you so much, he had left you when you needed him the mostā€¦ you dealt with a large burden on your own, all because you were fearful of how he was going to take it.
Ā He fucked up.
Ā He hated himself.Ā 
Ā Tsukishima had to make it right now. The thought of losing you forever. The thought of losing his child forever, he couldnā€™t stand it. Carefully he slipped under the blankets, his long arms wrapping protectively around your body as he pulled you tightly against his chest.
Ā He buried his face into your hair, his grip tight on you. His hand gently pushed yours away, his fingers rubbing carefully against your belly.
Ā A baby.
Ā You were carrying a baby in there. You were carrying his baby.Ā 
Ā Heā€™s never loved you more than this moment.
Ā ā€œKei?ā€ you whispered; you woke up when you felt your body being tugged into a familiar chest.
Ā ā€œIā€™m so sorry.ā€ he whispered back, kissing the skin behind your ear. ā€œI shouldnā€™t have acted that wayā€¦ I justā€¦ Iā€™m sorry. I love you. Iā€™ll love you forever Y/n. Iā€™ll love our baby forever. They will want for nothing. Iā€™ll take care of you. Iā€™ll take care of both of you. Donā€™t leave me.ā€
Ā You felt tears sting your eyes once more, your hand gently rested on top of his. ā€œI wonā€™t leave Kei. I love you.ā€
Ā He squeezed you tightly to his chest, his fingers tracing patterns into your stomach as you both began to drift off into sleep.
Ā ****
Ā ā€œMmmā€¦ Kei?ā€ you mumbled sleepily, eyes gazing at your husband. He was staring off into space, his hand still holding your softly.
Ā Your soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts, his eyes finding yours immediately.
Ā ā€œYou did so well.ā€ he praised, gently pushing your hair away from your face. ā€œIā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t be here sooner.ā€
Ā You shook your head, leaning into his touch. ā€œYouā€™re here now. Thatā€™s all that matters.ā€
Ā He didnā€™t say anything as he continued staring at you, gently touching your face with soft fingers.
Ā ā€œHeā€™s beautiful.ā€ he finally said.
Ā ā€œTakes after his daddy.ā€ you cooed, eyes fluttering back shut in exhaustion. You felt a gentle pressure of cool lips press against the top of your head.Ā 
Ā ā€œSleep. Iā€™ll be here when you wake up.ā€ Tsukishima breathed out.
Ā So you did.
Ā Tsukishimaā€™s heart has never been more full.Ā 
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jonahlovescoffee Ā· 4 years
Multitasking | J.M.
a/n: kinda cringe? idk but i donā€™t wanna let it stay in my drafts either so yeah lol happy reading <3
summary: you wanted jonahā€™s attention and heā€™ll give it to you, even though heā€™s on a phone call.
warnings: smut without coitus bc iā€™m lazy to write that part-
word count: 3040
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ā€œJonah, your lovely girlfriend is here,ā€ you chirped happily when you entered his house a spring in your step, excited to finally be able to spend some alone time with him, something you hadnā€™t done lately because of him being busy with all the necessary preparations for the new albumā€™s release while your schoolwork had been taking up too much of your time. However, your face fell immediately when you were greeted with the sight of him on his phone, chatting away with someone. It was supposed to be just the two of you today making full use of the rarely empty house. His face lit up when he saw you, but he made no move to end the call. You nudged your head towards his phone with your arms crossed in front of your chest, urging him to end it or else youā€™ll choose to end him instead.
ā€œJust one more second, I promise,ā€ he told you, pulling you down to give you a quick kiss in a weak attempt to wipe the evident scowl off your face. ā€œItā€™s important.ā€
You rolled your eyes and plopped down on the empty seat next to him. ā€œFine, but make it quick,ā€ you prompted, taking your phone out to hopefully find some ways to entertain yourself for the time being. He wrapped an arm around you in a silent apology, which you responded with laying your head on his shoulder as he continue talking.
ā€œYeah, y/n just came over,ā€ he said and you heard a vaguely familiar voice speaking from the other side of the phone, but the sound was too muffled for you to decipher it into coherent words. ā€œDaniel, we can talk about your music ideas another day.ā€
You internally groaned when you heard the name of your friendā€™s boyfriend and the mention of music ideas because you knew Daniel long enough to know that it always took ages for him to finish rambling about all his new musical creations. You usually wouldnā€™t complain about that because you were a huge music buff yourself and having the chance to discuss music with someone as enthusiastic as him was a gift from god but he should know that now wasn't the right time to do so.
Another reply came from the other end of the phone. Jonah seemed to hesitate for a while before offering an answer this time, glancing sideways at you to make sure that you werenā€™t about to explode with anger. You sighed but sent him a soft smile and he mouthed a silent ā€œyouā€™re the bestā€ in return. ā€œOkay, okay, letā€™s hear it then,ā€ his hand found yours and gave it a light squeeze.
You scrolled through your chat log to find Emilyā€™s contact, before sending her a message to ask for help. Is there any way you can shut your boyfriend up? Because he is stealing mine from me.
A reply came mere seconds later. LOL Iā€™ll see what I can do.
Just when you were about to thank her, your phone vibrated and another message from her appeared on the screen. Fuck. The studio door is locked and I forgot where he keeps the keys.
You swore the next time you saw Daniel, you were going to hurl all six feet of him into the pool and make him drown. Wow, I canā€™t believe my luck today.
Donā€™t be such a whiner. You can try to make Jonah pay attention to you instead ;) She suggested and an idea popped into your head right away.
Have I ever told you how much I love you?
Ahh I love you more bb <3 was the last reply from her before she went offline, the green dot beside her profile picture disappearing.
You put your phone back into your bag and turned towards your boyfriend to find him still deeply engrossed in his conversation. You shrugged his arm off you and moved your body to assume the position on top of one of his thick muscular thighs, facing him. He raised an inquisitive brow. You wrapped your arms around his middle and nuzzled into his neck, inhaling the alluring scent of him that did nothing but fed your lust.
ā€œI want you so bad,ā€ you whined softly, earning a stroke of your hair from him, his hand subsequently sliding downwards to rest at the small of your back, his touch leaving a trail of goosebumps down your spine.Your hands did their own exploring too, your fingers tracing the curves and edges of his shoulder blades down to his biceps, humming in satisfaction at all the new muscle you found beneath your fingertips. He hadnā€™t been joking when he told you that he had been working out a whole lot more lately. The more of him that you felt, the more uncomfortable your southern region became.
Jonah felt it allā€”the heartbeat between your thighs, the wetness that seemed to be soaking through your pants, the subtle grinding of your body against his thigh, and how the member in his pants seemed to awaken at your movements. Suddenly Danielā€™s words through the phone didnā€™t seem to make sense when they entered his brain that was currently a complete mess. He put his phone away for a moment to whisper into your ear, ā€œLook at you, canā€™t even go a few minutes without wanting something, huh, baby?ā€ His voice was husky and deep, exactly the way you loved it, and you almost came from the sound alone. He used his hand to help you rock harder against his thigh, urging you to speed up which you did willingly, finally able to relieve some of the pain from your core.
Your whimper was enough to answer his question. He kissed the tip of your nose. ā€œRide my thigh, sweetheart,ā€ he ordered, brushing a thumb over your lips. ā€œBut be a good girl for me and be as quiet as you can, okay?ā€
You nodded obediently and he returned to his phone call like nothing ever happened. You bit your bottom lip forcefully in order to prevent moans after moans from escaping as you, the friction between your clit and his thigh putting your mind in a blissful daze. ā€œFuckā€¦ā€ you breathed near his ear, the sound taking him by surprise making him stop talking mid-sentence, hazel eyes glancing to the side to see your half-lidded eyes and lip that was colored in a shade of bright red from sinking your teeth into it too hard, completely forgetting what he was planning to say to his friend.
ā€œJonah?ā€ Danielā€™s voice sounded, snapping Jonah back to his senses.
ā€œYes? wait a moment bro, got something to settle first, be right back,ā€ he said, placing his phone on the armrest of the couch to focus on you. ā€œFeels good baby?ā€
ā€œUh huh,ā€ you said, not expecting him to bounce his knee in a steady rhythm afterwards with so much vigor that you instinctively moved your hands to his shoulders to steady yourself, rolling your hips as you ground yourself down on him hungrily. Feeling your greedy little hole clamping down around nothing as you felt your climax nearing.
ā€œWhat about now?ā€ he drawled, chuckling darkly when you started to let all sorts of whimpers and mewls fall from your lips. ā€œTell me, pretty little slut, how good Iā€™m making you feel,ā€ he lifted a hand up to your face to trace your jaw tenderly. Once. Then twice. Then replacing his touch with his lips.
ā€œSo fucking amazing, Jo,ā€ you could barely get the words out as you unabashedly ground yourself down against him, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the overwhelming sensation, gasping in surprise when his palm moved to spank your ass. The movement made you grind against his firm thigh perfectly as you forgot his earlier warning to stay quiet and cried out.
ā€œShh, keep it down, baby,ā€ he coaxed, his lips curving into a smirk as he beheld your desperation to chase your high, each of your movements getting sloppier than the last. ā€œHe can still hear you, you know?ā€
Another whimper. ā€œI...Iā€™m close, Jo,ā€ you managed to say before grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and burying your face in the crook of his neck, though the movement of your hips remained unfaltered.
He tilted his head a little to press a kiss into your hair. ā€œCum for me all over my thigh, sweetheart.ā€
Jonahā€™s husky voice was the catalyst you needed to send you hurtling over the edge, feeling that coil inside you snap as your orgasm washed over you, his name spilling from your lips in a loud cry, your toes curling as you were completely engulfed in ecstasy. His grasp on your waist remained strong as he continued bouncing his knee, slightly slower than before, not allowing you to move back as he kept grinding your cunt against him, letting you ride out your high. ā€œShh, youā€™re getting too loud, baby,ā€ he placed a finger on your lips when you continued moaning his name repeatedly as your puffy clit got overstimulated, although he absolutely loved the way his name rolled off your tongue like a prayer. He felt a certain something straining harder against his designer jeans, yearning to break free.
ā€œLook at what a mess you made because you couldnā€™t wait for me to finish my phone call,ā€ he tisked disapprovingly, his gaze dropping to his thigh, his hooded hazel eyes looking between your bodies at the darkened wet stain you had left against said jeans with glee, even more when he saw your pants that were utterly soaked with your release. He stopped bouncing his knee then, earning a dissatisfied whine from you. ā€œEnough of thigh riding, sweetheart, your pants are ruined,ā€ he grabbed his phone and released his grasps on you before whispering, ā€œNow turn around. Let me help you get them off you.ā€
You did as he told, your back now leaning against his chest as he pushed your pants down, followed by your panties and you kicked off both of the garments when they pooled at your knees. He raised his phone towards his ear as his other hand glided over the swell of your hips to your front, his knuckles brushing over your core gently. He started drawing slow circles over your clit with the pads of his fingers, causing you to arch your back into him more.
ā€œNah, itā€™s nothing serious. Wes just broke another glass again, thatā€™s all,ā€ he lied to his best friend, the pace of his fingers increasing as he put more pressure on your clit, making you a squirming mess in his arm. Unable to keep you steady with only one arm around you, he put his phone on speaker mode and placed it back onto the armrest before sliding the now free arm around your waist.
ā€œYou sure? Because I heard...umm...something and it sounds nothing like shattering glass,ā€ Daniel stated, but Jonah remained pretty unfazed unlike you whose breath caught in your throat immediately, dreading the possibility of getting caught. However, all your worries were immediately forgotten when he dragged a finger ever so gently up your glistening folds that were already slick with your juices. You instinctively rolled your hips against his finger, yearning for as much friction as he could offer.
ā€œThen you mustā€™ve heard wrong. Now, where were we?ā€ Jonah said nonchalantly before sliding a finger into you and your jaw fell slack as you moaned at the sudden intrusion. He pumped his finger slowly to stretch you out but you werenā€™t content with it. You wanted more so you let your hand travel to your bundle of nerves but before you could do anything, he grabbed your wrist with his free hand. Words didnā€™t need to be conveyed between the both of you for you to get his message just from the look he gave you that clearly said he didnā€™t want you to interfere.
ā€œOkay, so I thought of this melodyā€¦ā€ you tuned them out, solely focusing on the overwhelming pleasure that he gave you with nothing more than a finger and before you knew it, you could feel your walls clenching harder around it that continued to thrust in and out of you non-stop as he maintained a casual conversation with his best friend.
ā€œNngh, Jonah,ā€ you whined, ā€œFaster, faster, gosh.ā€
ā€œQuiet,ā€ he whispered sternly between his sentences just as he slipped another finger into you and you bit his neck on instinct to stifle your moans, making him groan right in the middle of their conversation.
ā€œWhat the actual fuck was that?!ā€ Daniel exclaimed in horror.
ā€œNothing,ā€ he shot you a glare but your eyes were screwed shut with pleasure so you couldnā€™t see it. ā€œBut I really really have to go now, bro, Iā€™m so sorry.ā€
ā€œWait a minute,ā€ Daniel said just as Jonahā€™s finger hovered inches above the red end-call button. ā€œIs y/n there with you? Like right next to you?ā€
ā€œYeah, so?ā€
ā€œPlease donā€™t tell me you guys were...umm...doing it while you were talking to me because the weird sounds kinda sound like,ā€ an obvious gulp. ā€œHer.ā€
ā€œDaniel what is wrong with you today? First you hear weird noises then now youā€™re trying to accuse me and my girl for having sex while Iā€™m on the phone with you? Well lemme tell you something, Daniel,ā€ Jonahā€™s fingers thrusted into you quicker, matching the swift pace of his thumb that was furiously rubbing your clit, making you a writhing mess on his lap. Soft moans left your lips since you were unable to compress all of the sounds that threatened to escape.
ā€œY/N and I would never,ā€ He slammed his fingers knuckles deep into you. ā€œEver,ā€ His fingers curled inside you and you sucked in a shaky breath. ā€œDo something like that,ā€ He started doing patting motions, hitting all the right places, almost making you scream as your eyes rolled to the back of your head in ecstasy, unable to focus on anything else save for the overwhelming pleasure that he gave you. ā€œRight, love?ā€
He has to be joking. He canā€™t seriously expect you toā€”
ā€œOpen your mouth and talk, baby,ā€ Jonahā€™s voice was soft but authoritative when he spoke into your ear, a smirk present on his face. He knew that it was nearly impossible for you to do anything, especially talking, when you were so close to your climax but all in all, he was still someone who loved testing and pushing you past your limits.
ā€œYes...I...we,ā€ you stuttered as you whimpered softly after each word, his fingers never stopped working their magic inside you. He placed kisses all the way up to your ear from your shoulders before starting to nibble your earlobe. You couldnā€™t search for the right words to say, let alone speak without giving away the fact that you and Jonah were indeed doing it while having his conversation with Daniel. ā€œWe are not doing anything,ā€ you got all your words out in one breath, a little too fast for them to sound extremely convincing but still good enough for Jonah to give you an approving hum.
ā€œGood girl,ā€ Jonah cooed, his voice alone making your entire body tingle with pleasure. ā€œNow end the call,ā€ he attached his lips onto the sensitive spot under your ear, nibbling and sucking it softly, pushing another moan out of you.
ā€œNo ā€˜butā€™s, baby,ā€ a kiss on your shoulder again. ā€œYou donā€™t want me to not let you cum, do you?ā€
You couldnā€™t find the energy in you to argue with him, not when release was threatening to spill out of you.
ā€œBye, Daniel,ā€ you said breathlessly.
ā€œJust so you know, I still donā€™t believe thatā€”ā€
ā€œI said bye, Daniel,ā€ you cut Daniel off before he could continue rambling about not trusting your words, reaching over to Jonahā€™s phone to end the call.
Jonah smiled when the screen of his phone turned black but his following words were nowhere near happy.
ā€œSuch a good girl, arenā€™t you? Always so obedient when you want me to give you what you want,ā€ he snarled. ā€œBut what about just now, hmm? You were so loud, so impatient, always wanting more than what I gave.ā€
ā€œSo do you think you deserve to cum, dear?ā€
ā€œSorry, it just felt too good,ā€ you whimpered, already on the verge of tears, when you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. ā€œI wonā€™t behave like this again, Jo so pleaseā€”ā€œ
He pressed his lips onto yours, cutting your pleas off with a brief kiss. ā€œAlright, Iā€™ll let you off the hook just this once. Let it all out now, baby.ā€
And just like that, you released for the second time all over his thigh and he took his fingers out of you and licked them clean, groaning at how wonderful you tasted. ā€œFuck, you taste so good. It's totally worth ruining my jeans for this.ā€
ā€œBut I wanna taste yours too,ā€ you whined and he smirked.
ā€œHmm,ā€ he laid you down on the couch and crawled over you, a hand already at the zipper of his pants to pull it down. ā€œThink youā€™re still able to take my dick?ā€
ā€œAlways,ā€ you yanked him closer by the front of his shirt, wanting to bring his lips to yours but before your lips even touched, a series of meows sounded suddenly.
Both of you turned towards the source of the sound simultaneously to find Wes standing at the corner of the living room, staring at you both intently with his wide, curious cat eyes.
ā€œYou know what? Maybe we should do this elsewhere,ā€ you gave a suggestion with an uncomfortable grimace.
He zipped his pants before moving back into a sitting position, which you mirrored. He patted his lap and you went to sit on it right away. ā€œOr,ā€ a teasing grin was plastered on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully at you. ā€œWe could ask Wes to join in too.ā€
ā€œWHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU PSYCHOTIC PERVERT!ā€ you screamed in disgust and hit him with the couch pillow you grabbed from beside you.
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taglist: @chilling-seavey @neralondon @mia-marais @randomlimelightxxx @hopinglimelight @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelzacharyy @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet
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queen0fm0nsterz Ā· 3 years
Little nightmares āœ‹
The first character I first fell in love with:Ā Roger. Honest - his design caught my attention instantly. He's the reason I got into LN back in August 2017. He still holds a very special place in my heart.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:Ā THE RUNAWAY KID?!?!?!? Of course I cared for him, but I didn't like him as much as I like him now? Writing with him as protagonist really made me grow attached to him.
Also, The Pretender. Add her to the list of problematic children I've taken under my wing.
The character everyone else loves that I donā€™t:Ā Idk if everyone loves him but, The Butler. I have a very complicated love/hate relationship with him. I like him and his whole vibe, but he's killed me so many times... it's on sight.
The character I love that everyone else hates:Ā The Granny? No one really hates her, but she's costantly ignored and I think it's unfair. She grew on me a lot recently.
The character I used to love but donā€™t any longer: The Craftsman. He intrigued me a lot at first and then it just kinda... stopped. Still like him a lot, just not as much as before.
The character I would totally smooch:Ā 
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The character Iā€™d want to be like:Ā I kin RCG, so... but if we're talking about physical traits, then the Lady. Mghhhghhgnns I want her gender
The character Iā€™d slap:Ā THE MF EYE BITCH ASS MF I SWEAR I'M GONNA šŸ¤œšŸ»šŸ‘ļø
A pairing that I love: ThinLady.......................... I enjoy being in costant emotional pain /j
ALSO HUNTER AND DOC. Can't believe how much they grew on me in such short time.
A pairing that I despise:Ā All children x adult ships but mostly THIN MAN AND SIX. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE
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locktobre Ā· 3 years
bcbd thoughts
right away I see that this is only an hour long, so... itā€™s notĀ a movie, then. itā€™s a one hour special, again. I feel like Iā€™m already gonna miss the extra 20 minutes just like dolphin magic but weā€™ll see I guess. maybe itā€™ll be a mercy that itā€™s shorter.
the opening credits/dream sequence was nice. the animation on the city is decent, and the monochrome thing was kind of cool.
her being on stage reminded me a little of Eden, and then immediately I missed Eden so much. they would never let a version of Babs be a bitch now and thatā€™s such a shame.
so now weā€™re joking about George tracking Barbieā€™s cell phone? bc thatā€™sĀ fine and not at all an invasion of privacy or anything. also, you can check flight statuses on the internet so thatā€™s really not necessary. also, why the fuck didnā€™t Barbie call them once she got off the plane? or at least text? I always text or call my mom when I land, and frankly Iā€™m not even as close to my mom as Barbie claims to be to her parents. and I did that when I was 17 traveling alone, too, so itā€™s not just something I do as an adult. itā€™s part of the responsibility of traveling to let ppl know that you got somewhere safe so they donā€™t worry about you. what the fuck Babs.
was that honking supposed to be like censoring the cabbie swearing bc I would love that. let the cabbie say fuck.
I still maintain that thisĀ ā€œsummer programā€ thing is bullshit and Babs should have been going off to college. I know they wonā€™t let her grow up but it makes more sense than this does. also, youā€™re telling me thereā€™s no summer programs for acting/whatever in LA? seriously?Ā she HAD to go across the country for this? and her parents let her? they donā€™t even trust her! they said that 2 seconds ago! or is tracking her cell phone the reason sheā€™s allowed to travel across the country (to Willows and Florida and Hawaii) by herself in the first place? I hate this I hate it so much already
The Handler Arts Academy... oh Iā€™m feeling emotions
ā€œluckā€™s got nothing to do with it. you worked your tail off for thisā€ SHOW ME FOR WHEN, PLEASE. this could have been an actual arc of the show, a goal Barbie was working towards that could thread thru multiple episodes... but no. this came out of nowhere. Iā€™m STILL saying that Amelia bought Barbieā€™s place here bc FUCK YOU SHOW
ā€œI hope Iā€™m good enoughā€ youā€™re a mediocre rich white woman, you can do literally anything you want.
why is her guitar shoved in a cardboard box and not, idk, in a guitar case? thatā€™s stupid. also, thatā€™s an openĀ cardboard box, so how did that travel on the plane? a closedĀ cardboard box, fine. should be a suitcase, but fine. but this just makes no sense and I am not going to let it slide bc I hate this continuity and everything about it.
however, I will give Brooklyn a pass for the open cardboard box bc she literally lives in NYC and didnā€™t have to take a fucking planeĀ to get here. she can carry it like that if she wants.
ā€œas long as you donā€™t break [my leg], weā€™re goodā€ Iā€™ve already seen Brooklyn in a cast, so... does Malibu literally break her leg later on? even on accident... jesus christ.
is this Russian(?) custodian lady gonna be the antagonist/villain? bc Iā€™m already not vibing with that. not at fucking all.
how the FUCK could they show up a day early? why would they not show up on the day theyā€™re supposed to? that doesnā€™t make any sense! and if theyā€™re NOT supposed to be there yet, then there would be no staff there to watch them, so they shouldĀ have to come back tomorrow! they shouldnā€™t be allowed to be by themselves in a school like this! Iā€™m assuming this is to facilitate a day of bonding without stupid things like classes in the way, but they could have written an orientation day or something in that would have made more sense, and as I said, I am not inclined to give them a pass on anythingĀ these days. fuck you all.
so, room assignments are alphabetical... I guess that kindĀ of explains them being in the same room, altho it does feel coincidental that they wouldnā€™t be, like, in neighboring rooms. also they didnā€™t animate little signs on the other doors, even with nonsense text if they didnā€™t want to put other names up, so their door really sticks out for no reason. also, shouldnā€™t it sayĀ ā€œBarbie Roberts & Barbie Robertsā€ or some other way of having both names on the door? also, if the school knowsĀ they have the same name, couldnā€™t they put middle initials or something? we know Malibu is Barbie M. Roberts, and I will generouslyĀ assume that Brooklynā€™s middle name is something else, so that would have been fine. this really feels like the administrators donā€™t give a fuck, and in a supposedly prestigious school, I donā€™t buy that.
so, Brooklyn has been training every summer in different programs, very intensely, to get in here... and Malibu trained on the internet. what have I been saying about Malibuā€™s white mediocrity? hmm?
even after that (lackluster) montage, it feels way too soon forĀ ā€œBefore Us.ā€ I donā€™t believe theyā€™re best friends who warrant a song about their friendship. I donā€™t believe that at all.
I like the bald fashionista being on the billboard, thatā€™s a nice touch.
Malibu bringing up her vlog like that gives me hives. she has already stated multiple times that she does that to help ppl, not for clout, and yet. here she is. being a fake ass bitch once again.
Brooklyn and Emmieā€™s story is already way more interesting than this and Iā€™m pissed thatā€™s just backstory.
LOVE that green-haired dude. idk where youā€™re going with that drum but godspeed my dude.
Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s Emmie incognito in the back, but... whatā€™s she doing here if sheā€™s already famous? pulling an Erika Juno?
Dean Morrison seems cool
(is it too early to ship Brooklyn x Emmie?)
if pets are allowed in this school, Iā€™m SHOCKED Malibu didnā€™t bring Taffy. truly fucking shocked.
Rafa reminds me so much of Jacques Rousseau
ā€œthe only labels we believe in are designerā€ so Rafaā€™s gay, right? Barbieā€™s first gay character? I can only assume
the ballet thing still doesnā€™t make sense to me, if their goal is to be on Broadway. ballet is an entire art and discipline in itself.
fencing makes more sense, bc stage fighting is a thing.
ā€˜work itā€™ is even funnier than I imagined. Malibu youā€™re such a fuck up. and I canā€™t even cut you some slack bc earlier you saidĀ your training wasĀ ā€œinternet.ā€ you didnā€™t work for this and you donā€™t belong here. die.
if this was PCS, Malibu would have been kicked out already. YOU WERE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING FOR MONTHS.
so, theĀ ā€˜work itā€™ montage clearlyĀ showed the passage of time, itā€™s been at least a week, and... Malibu hasnā€™t talked to Ken at all during that time? this is the first time sheā€™s telling him about Brooklyn?
ok, confirmed to be a week. and she hasnā€™t talked to Ken. of course. they are so close of course she hasnā€™t talked to him in a week, especially when sheā€™s been struggling so much and would need to vent to a friend about it. of course.
so, Emmie isĀ pulling an Erika Juno. at least sheā€™s in disguise.
jesus christ, theyā€™re really having Emmie be exploited by her own father??? JESUS.
ok Brooklyn x Emmie is sailing.
Brooklynā€™s mom is an airline pilot, that sounds cool.
so the dresses are powered by the magic of friendship? cool. thatā€™s stupid.
of COURSE Emmieā€™s dad is the board member. jesus christ I hate this dude.
okay, so she DIDNā€™T break her leg, itā€™s only a sprain. thank god. poor green-haired drum dude.
sayingĀ ā€œepic failā€ in 2021 unironically is not cool, mattel. unless Iā€™m even more out of touch with the youth than I thought, but Iā€™m pretty sure about that.
wait, so Brooklyn was dancing... and now sheā€™s on crutches again? what is this montage? they fucked up here.
of all things to kick Malibu out for, theyā€™re saying she pushed Brooklyn? why not all the fuck ups in her first week?
also, Rafa was taping that class so how do they not bring that up immediately? thatā€™s the whole reason they were dancing over there in the first place! (so he might not have caught anything, but still, I have to assume thatā€™s going to fix this bc thatā€™s what these movies do.)
I really like Malibuā€™s leather jacket look, but she does look a little bit old I think. Brooklynā€™s leggings look is nice, too.
okay, so Brooklyn suddenly believes the unnamed witness over the girl she sangĀ ā€˜before usā€™ with? okay. I told you this friendship was a crock of shit. they donā€™t trust each other at all! Brooklyn should have been angry when she first fell, and it builds to thinking that she was sabotaged, but she brushed it off... and nowĀ sheā€™s pissed. that makes no sense.
this friendship breakup song also means nothing to me bc their friendship fell apart for such a stupid reason. fate didnā€™t tear you apart, youĀ tore yourselves apart by not trusting each other. stupid little children.
if Brooklynā€™s ankle isnā€™t completely healed aka still painful, she should not be dancing on it, she could injure herself more or at least prolong the healing process.
ok, so NOW, after Malibu has alreadyĀ been expelled and sent back home, they remembered the video. these kids are so fucking stupid. and of COURSE the unnamed witness is Mr Miller! Emmie, you ALREADY KNOW that your dad is shady as shit and wants you to get the Spotlight Solo! HOW DID YOU NOT PUT THIS TOGETHER IN 5 SECONDS? I DID
so, Mr Miller thought MalibuĀ was Emmieā€™s biggest competition for the solo? Malibu, the spectacular fuck up? not Brooklyn? or any of the background extras? I refuse to fucking believe that. I REFUSE.
how did George and Margaret just let Malibu get expelled without flying out there to fight the charge? seriously?
how is is Brooklyn singingĀ ā€˜before usā€™ in-universe such that Malibu recognizes it? youā€™re breaking the conventions of musicals! I donā€™t get this!
I like Brooklynā€™s mom being a pilot less after itā€™s been used to facilitate this bullshit part of the plot.
again, justĀ ā€œBarbie Robertsā€ makes no sense. whereā€™s a middle initial to differentiate them! SOMETHING! I know theyā€™re doing the finale together, but still, itā€™s STUPID.
shipping Rafa x green-haired drummer dude bc I can
whereā€™s the Emmie doll for this movie?????? Iā€™m so disappointed. also the other outfits, the leather jacket and leggings ones, I swear those werenā€™t dolls either. what the fuck
I see more fashionistas on billboards at the end! I really like that
so the custodian wasnā€™t a villain... then why that introduction for her? that went nowhere
isĀ ā€œBig City Big Dreamsā€ supposed to be Emmieā€™s song? that Malibu lips-synced to on her vlog (apparently)? I canā€™t tell by the voice and they donā€™t list the voices for the songs in the credits
overall, once again it largely made no sense. idk if it would have benefitted from 20 extra minutes of screentime bc nothing really happened.
also, what the fuck happened to Mr Miller? he just keeps on exploiting his daughter? and for that matter, what happened to Emmieā€™s mom? bc she lived with her, and then all of the sudden her dad was in her life again and exploiting her, so... what did mom die? did he kill her? what am I supposed to think? and Emmieā€™s STILL stuck in that situation? girl. what the fuck
also of course they were too cowardly to confirm anything about Rafa. of course.
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yvainegelinemarie Ā· 4 years
šŸ–¤šŸŒøš”š”Æ. š”š”¬š”³š”¢ š”Žš”žš”Æš”Ŗš”ž 2021 š”™š”žš”©š”¢š”«š”±š”¦š”«š”¢š”° ā„­š”žš”Æš”” ā„œš”¢š”³š”¦š”¢š”“Ā šŸŒøšŸ–¤
Iā€™m late Iā€™m late for a very important dick appointment, date!
āœØ š•³š–Šš–‘š–‘š–” š’š–•š–”š–”š¤š–Žš–Šš–˜!!~Ā āœØ
Idk about yaā€™ll BUT these new karma cards got me all šŸ¤°šŸ»šŸ¤°šŸ»šŸ¤°šŸ»
TW: Proceed with cation!! Do NOT open if you do not wish to soak your panties and/or cry your eyes out at my appalling sense of ā€˜humorā€™Ā 
*Today I will be rating the new Valentines Day art for the Karma cards. The rating process was done by comparing them to their previous valentines day cards and how they went against one another on their level of sexyness within each card.Ā 
šŸŒø š•·š–šš–ˆš–Žš–Šš–“ | 7/10 | 2nd Place
āš°ļø My daddy he be lookin fine a FOULK this evening with his tiddie out. My baby knows how to keep me fed if ya know what Iā€™m sayin.šŸ˜šŸ’¦
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āš°ļø This beautiful, breathtaking, princely, lavishing work of art!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHGHJTE5LILO; (srry, orgasim seizure).Ā 
āš°ļø Itā€™s just *pats eyes with handkerchief* I have never in all my life, witnessed a man of this design. Please, donā€™t mind me. I just need a moment to bask in the glory of this angel.Ā 
āš°ļø The šŸ’¦water dropletsšŸ’¦, his bedroom eyes, that CHEST- I-I...I just need a moment...
āš°ļø Lucien has once and always stolen my heart BUT I do have to say that based off of some past cards, last years valentines card, and compared to Victorā€™s card this year that my Lulu has to come in second.Ā šŸ¤§
āš°ļø His sultry, princely and sexyness is all there but we all know that Lucien can pull off a very dominating demeanor. Yet here heā€™s just giving me very submissive vibes this valentines.Ā (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
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āš°ļø And then this card has the AUDACITY to turn into this?!?!Ā šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
āš°ļø Sighhhh...It is just so hard to watch MC living your dream...Ā 
āš°ļø This card just looks so sweet. The carressing embrace, Lucienā€™s calmly surprised expression, itā€™s just all so gentle. awwwwwe!!
āš°ļø Although this card is very romantic Lucien still looks very submissive and sweet. (Like homie looks like heā€™s never done this before which. LIES. BITCH I KNOW YOU)Ā šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼
āš°ļø One of the things I love the most about Lucienā€™s character is his very teasing and dominating aura and last years valentines card sucked that up and did a beautiful job of expressing his teasing personality in the artwork. I am hoping that maybe where this art is lacking the date itself will make up for it.
āš°ļø I do find this card to be the second most sexy out of all the boys but I feel like it just doesnā€™t feel as Lucien as I would have liked it to.Ā 
āš°ļø I do however find the artwork to be very beautiful and embracing. Especially when the card is evolved. The way Lucien holds MC in the second card creates this very innocent and warm embrace that reminds me of two people just on the verge of falling in love.
āš°ļø It is a very sweet and romantic card and it is quiet cute to see Lucien all blushing and off guard instead of his usual impassive self.
šŸŒøĀ šŠš–Žš–—š–” | 6/10 | 4th place
āš°ļø The bestest boi of them all!!! šŸ„°
āš°ļø Litterally nothing gets sweeter than Kiro!!
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āš°ļø So sweet, so fun loving! This sunshine of a boi makes life worth living! ā˜€ļøā˜€ļø
āš°ļø Kiro is definitely the one who shows up at just the right time to make life a little better and brings out the inner child that my sun in capricorn tries to repress so intensely.Ā 
āš°ļø And this card does that sweet and playful image justice. Always stay warm Kiro!!! AWWEEE!!!
āš°ļø All I can say is I wish I was that dog so I can paw Kiroā€™s chest too. šŸ¤­
āš°ļø Now, It pains me to put Kiro last but it is just that I feel that his card lacks a lot compared to the valentines card from last year.Ā 
āš°ļøĀ  We were hit with a very sexy Kiro and there has been plenty of other very VERY sexy Kiro cards up to this one that it just causes this one to hit different, you know?Ā 
āš°ļø This one really captures Kiroā€™s loving and boyish personality so I definitely love it over all as a Kiro card. I think that it does wonderful in that aspect. But for valentines day? I expect something a bit more saucy...like an underwear model shoot maybe...Ā šŸ˜œ
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āš°ļø BUT THEN we get THISS!!
āš°ļø S-Shirtless Kiro *InternalĀ screaming* kahhhh!!! I canā€™t take it I.Ā šŸ˜
āš°ļø Sometimes I forget just how HORNY Kiro issss....Ā 
āš°ļø I think itā€™s safe to say that MC is only making that face NOT bc Kiro took that magazine but bc she be getting poked sitting in that lap like that.-Ā šŸ‘€šŸ†
āš°ļø Shirtless Kiro is an upgrade from what we had before BUT I still feel like this compared to the other guys and other very sexy kiro cards before that this still only gives a very innocnet and homey vibe.
āš°ļø I do think that this card is very cute but when rating it on itā€™s quality of sexyness comapred to the other boys, I sadly have to put Kiro as last place.Ā 
āš°ļø I am just hoping that next year all the Kiro stans get rewarded with a nice Calvin Klein underwear shoot. (I know Iā€™d be happy)šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
šŸŒøĀ š•š–Žš–ˆš–™š–”š–— | 8/10 | 1st Place
āš°ļø Tall, dark, and handsome AS FOULK!!!
āš°ļø Victor never comes in to play no games yall!!!Ā  šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ’¦
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āš°ļø Did I say Kiro was horny? because I take that back. Sometimes I forget how BADLYYY Victor is trynnnaaa FUCK in EVERYYY date.Ā šŸ’€
āš°ļø But like I ainā€™t mad. First off, Victor, daddy, can I have that designer bag? Iā€™ll suck your di-Ā 
āš°ļø Just the abs, that boujee ass robe even the cute ass fucking ties on his arm I-
āš°ļø Victor be putting the standards for guys really fucking high in my book. AND I AINā€™T MAD.
āš°ļø I just love this card. It is honestly my favorite out of all of them (sorry Lulu) Itā€™s mature, itā€™s sexy, itā€™s elegant, suttle, and EVERYTIME I look at it my heart flutters. This card is VERY Victor and a beautiful design of his character and it makes me VERY horny happy.Ā šŸ’¦šŸ’¦
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āš°ļø T-That angle... *blushes* He is ready to go to town if ya know what I mean.
āš°ļø But given that facial expression heā€™s already busted it- šŸ‘€šŸ¤§
āš°ļø On a real note tho. Victor looks so sweet and vulnerable here (*what a pussy) itā€™s so cuteee!!! Like I ainā€™t ever seen him look so sweet. (*fucking bitch.)Ā 
*I have a love hate relationship with Victor since he always likes to piss me off!!! But he cute so.
āš°ļø Again I think that this card is my favorite out of all four of the valentines cards this year. I feel like the intimacy in this one is there. The imagery is very sexy but soft. I love their pose and I think that this card sells where we all like our minds to wonder off too.Ā 
āš°ļø My absolutae favortie part is the simple pull on Victors unbuttoned shirt. It is just so sweet and so soft of an embrance.
āš°ļøBut also Victorā€™s hand on the counter. I want that hand to smack my ass so hard fuck.Ā šŸ˜‹
āš°ļø If I had to (and I do) make one complaint about this card it is that I honestlyĀ HATE Victorā€™s expression in the evoled. Itā€™s just too soft and sweet for my liking. And as a Capricorn myself I can assure you that any slip up of us expressing even just the slightest bit of our vulnerability to anyone we will rip ourselves apart head to toe for years on that one single event and I assume that even during Victorā€™s most intimate times that stone cold look would not fade as easily as it does in this card.Ā 
āš°ļøI think that it is beautiful and no hate to the Victor stans who think he looks hot AF in this card. I am all for it. I just personally like my capricorns whipped into shape.Ā šŸ˜Œ
šŸŒøĀ š†š–†š–›š–Žš–“ | 7/10 | 3rd Place
āš°ļø This one gave me the most and best shock.
āš°ļø My favorite Gavin cards are by far this and his valentines card from last year.Ā 
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āš°ļø There is just something about Valentines day that gets Gavin in a sexy mood. (youā€™re secretly a hopeless romantic, aren't you Gavin huh...huh???)šŸ˜
āš°ļø First off, GAVIN!!! I ainā€™t ever seen you look so SEXY. Sending me Eboy vibes to the MAX ughhhhh!!!!Ā 
āš°ļø I love the straps on his shirt and the fact that itā€™s wet and the glove PULLLLL!!! FUCKK GAVINNNNN!!!Ā šŸ’¦šŸ”„šŸ’¦
āš°ļø Gavin for me is everything thatā€™s hot that I just canā€™t get behind but I WANT to get behind. You know? haha.
āš°ļø Heā€™s just such a good boy and a sad boi all at the same time and he holds a soft place in ma heart (but heā€™s definitely a one night stand and then I never call him again haahaaaa ahhhh)Ā šŸ¤§
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āš°ļø And then this card!! It is so cute! SO sweet!!! and just very beautifully intimate. They look so in love!!!
āš°ļø I just know for a fact that this night is very gentle and very passionate.Ā 
āš°ļø S3x with Gavin may not be intense, but it is love that we all at one point need okayyy!!. *cries*Ā šŸ„²
āš°ļø Gavinā€™s card is probably my 3rd favorite out of all of the boys this year. I do really love his pose and they are very sexy and very sweet and also very Gavin for his event cards. I also enjoy that his expression is still very true to his character in the last card (Iā€™m looking at you lulu and vic)Ā 
āš°ļø I just feel like the art lacks a lot of story in Gavinā€™s cards (even his ones last year too) They just look like they took valentines day photos together lol.Ā 
āš°ļø I donā€™t hate them and they are very beautiful I just wish there was more going on then what looks to be like Gavin modeling for a brand of Makers Mark Whiskey lol.Ā 
āš°ļø I actually havenā€™t played a single Gavin datešŸ¤­...so I donā€™t have much to say on how he reacts to MC outside of the regular story line and I am sure that his valentines date for our English Sever with him was very wonderful. Based off of Gavinā€™s main story character I wouldnā€™t consider him very romantic or at least not the one in control of planning their dates. I think that of all the boys Gavinā€™s Valentines would be the most laid back and I would like to see more of Gavinā€™s character coming through with the artwork of these dates if thatā€™s the case.
āš°ļøĀ  On a serious note these cards are very beautiful although...I think I honestly enjoyed last years Valentines cards more than this one (the ones we got this year in the english server)... (omg...no way...she said it)
āš°ļø Donā€™t get me wrong! All these cards are VERY sexy and I do like it but I feel like they almost lack intensity that last year SOLD us.Ā 
āš°ļø I guess what I am trying to say is they all feel too vanilla if you know what I mean... Gavinā€™s card is the only one that gives me a sense of spice despite him being the sweetest out of all the boys. I just feel that these in comparison to how lavish last years cards were that I want to see more intensity.Ā 
āš°ļø I am curious to know if the cards will ever get to that point (I know that the game wont give us full blown porn scenes...*sigh* lol) but I am looking forward to seeing some imagery to withhold the imagination of such.Ā 
āš°ļø Basically Iā€™m sad that Lucien had no scratch marks. That-Thatā€™s it! You caught me!! I just want to see my daddyā€™s skin all scratched up!! Is that too much to ask for?!Ā 
āš°ļø This is all written for shits n giggles. Please take this lightly and kindly let me know what karma card you liked the most.Ā 
Thank you for stopping by,Ā šŸ–¤ Yvaine.Ā 
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awigglycultist Ā· 3 years
Okay so I have a headcanon that Spencer and Graham meet Paul, Artie and Liam (Paul's roommate if you don't know/remember) at like comic con or some sort of convention and then become friends so uhh here's some incorrect quotes because why not
Spencer: You're a loose cannon, Paul
Paul: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Liam: I think you play by your own rules
Artemis: No way, he thinks rules were made to be broken
Spencer: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon
Paul: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Graham is a loose cannon
Graham: *smashes a chair*
Graham: Iā€™m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why
Liam: Only if you also don't ask why
Liam: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick
Graham: This one is fine
Artemis, banging on the door: Graham! Open up!
Graham: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Paul: No, she meant-
Spencer: Let him finish
Liam: There are seven chairs and ten people. What do you do?
Spencer: Have everyone stand
Artemis: Bring three more chairs!
Paul: The most important ones can sit down
Graham: Kill three
Artemis: Is having a penis fun?
Paul: It has its ups and downs
Graham: Sometimes itā€™s a little hard
Liam: Itā€™s a pain in the ass
Spencer: Oh, Jesus, fuck, guys, come on.
Paul: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Graham: I'm a knife
Spencer, from across the room: They're the little spoon
Paul: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Graham: What's that?
Paul: You've never had leftovers???
Graham: No, because I'm not a quitter.
Liam: Care for another sundae, weenie?
Spencer: I am not a weenie!
Paul: Relax, youā€™re among friends. *raises his drink*
Spencer: My friends donā€™t hang out at Weenie Hut Jrā€™s.
Graham: You tell ā€˜em, Spencer! *sips his drink*
Spencer: Graham, whatā€™re you doing here?
Graham: Iā€™m always here on Double Weenie Wednesdays
Spencer: Weā€™ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Paul will and will not eat.
Graham: Grass? Yes!
Spencer: Moss? Yes!!
Graham: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Spencer: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Graham: Worms? Sometimes!
Spencer: Rocks? Usually nah.
Graham: Twigs? Usually!
Spencer: Liam's cooking? Inconclusive!
Artemis: How did youā€¦ test this?
Spencer: You just hand them stuff and say ā€˜eat thisā€™ and if he eats it, he eats it
Artemis: ... I donā€™t know how to feel about this
Paul to Artie later: look being a half werewolf does things to you
Graham: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Artemis: Youā€™re a hazard to society
Liam: And a coward. DO TWENTY!
Spencer, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Graham, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Paul, pulling out a PokƩmon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Artemis, trembling: What are we playing
Artemis: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Paul: Iā€™ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours
Spencer: I got distracted about halfway through
Graham: Ignoring you was a conscious decision
Spencer: Itā€™s dark in here
Paul: Donā€™t worry dude I got this
Paul: *Stomps his feet*
Paul: *Skechers light up*
Paul: Graham isnā€™t answering his phone
Spencer: Iā€™ll call
Artemis: Paul and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Graham: Hello?
Graham: Hey, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Spencer: I donā€™t know, love you, talk to you later
Graham: Ok, I love you too, Iā€™ll just ask Artie
Paul to Artemis: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Paul and Artemis, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Graham: Our turn, Spencer! One, two, three- vanilla!
Spencer, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Liam: Why are Spencer and Graham sitting with their backs to each other?
Artemis: They had a fight
Liam: Then why are they holding hands?
Artemis: They get sad when they fight
Spencer: Isnā€™t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Paul: Plane tickets?
Liam: Concert tickets?
Graham: Prostitution?
Spencer, holding his broken frames: Glasses.
Graham: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Spencer: Oh yeah? Youā€™re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Graham: Iā€™m leaving you, and Iā€™M TAKING PAUL WITH ME
Artemis, picking up the monopoly board: I think weā€™re gonna stop playing now.
Graham: You fuckers donā€™t know about my knife stick. Itā€™s a knife taped to a stick and itā€™s the ultimate weapon.
Artemis, not looking up from her book: Spear.
Spencer: You have to apologize to Artemis
Graham: Fine.
Graham: 'Unfuck you' or whatever
Spencer: There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Spencer's Surprise Birthday Party:
Graham: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first
[The group, playing DND, are in a prison cell that was just hit by an earthquake]
Paul: Uh, I'm gonna roll a perception check of... 4, and see if our cell is, uh, in any way damaged by this quake
Spencer: You're in a prison cell
Artemis: You did great. Well, I got a 10-
Spencer: You're in a prison cell with bars on it
Graham: I got a 1!
Spencer: You're in... a cube-shaped place.
Artemis: Welcome, idiots
Spencer: Hello, Artemis
Artemis: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Spencer: You underestimate me
Paul: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and youā€™re all invited
Spencer: If?
Graham: Great, the only party Iā€™ve ever been invited to and they might not even die!
Store Worker: Would a Ms Schue-Horyn please come to the front desk?
Artemis, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker, pointing to Paul and Liam: I believe they belong to you?
Paul and Liam, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Artemis: I didnā€™t even bring you guys here with me-
Paul: Liam... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Liam: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned
Paul: I wrote sanitize, Liam
Graham, after Artemis and Paul were complaining about APN: I'm gonna burn this place to the ground
Artemis: I'll show you where my desk is. You can start there
Graham: What's the expression? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... fiddle-dee-dee.
Liam: Fool me once, and I'll be fooled for a day. Teach me how to fool people and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life.
Paul: Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice.
Graham: Back in uni I once self medicated with a mix of NyQuil and DayQuil called QuilTM in the hopes it would manage my undiagnosed ADHD
Paul: And did that actually work?
Graham: Spencer tells me I wasn't much different than usual but, between you and me, I don't remember my entire sophomore year
Graham: I'll whoop their ass.
Spencer: Wait, don't! That's Artemis!
Graham: Wait, is it?
Graham: I mean, I'm still gonna do it, but is it?
Liam: Wow, Graham. I like seeing you get all feisty
Graham: That's the Graham way
Spencer: I thought the Graham way was a toasted bagel with grape jelly?
Graham: That's the Graham breakfast way
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