#She’s like a mint choco chip ice cream :)
maxbruiser · 6 months
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Oooh look another cute skeleton girl✨
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mymelodyisme · 15 days
My sister’s graduation day 😤 let’s go 👏🏽
#gosh it’s gonna be a long day and I’m running on two hours of sleep again#i only get the chance to work at night because I don’t have ✨privacy✨#and I’ve been going to bed late and waking up even more tired than usual and my mom’s been scolding me for it#and now I’ve had to tell her what I’m doing and I feel like I just gave another piece of me away again#everything I am everything I do has to be for other people#im so tired when will I give my last piece away 🥹#this was to make ME proud of ME I was doing it for myself and now I feel like it’s for her#and then she’s going to tell my dad and now it’s for him too#also I can’t even cry about it because she HAS to know why I’m upset#she keeps glancing up at me and talking to me in bits#all I have left is my emotions 🥹#anyhow sorry to start the day off so gloomy and depressing I have literally nothing to be sad about I’m very privileged#sorry you guys see me being a baby constantly 🥺 I really do have a good life and shouldn’t be complaining#here’s to a better day for us all#melifails#now i feel like a jerk subjecting you all to this😭 sorry sorry let’s move on#im gonna be a busy bee hopefully I can squeeze in a time for a nap#😭 I don’t waaaaaannnnnaaa sit for hours in the California heat MAYBE with the sun hitting us in the face#our football field is NOT kind in this way#hopefully my sister gets the shady side but even then the sun will hit us in the face eventually just not as long#im !!! excited!!!! I bought ice cream for today 👏🏽 I originally bought choco chip and minto moose tracks?? my sister loves mint flavor#so I bought mint Oreos too so she can eat them with her ice cream 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽#i assume we’re getting take out of some sort so that; ice cream; and uuuuuuu I don’t remember anything else I bought; my best friend did#bring us snacks yesterday!!! pretzels and cookies!!! so that!!!#okay brain no work no more I gotta get dressed love you muah muah muah
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spectorcomplex · 2 years
HOW YOU GET THE GIRL ❀ s. harrington x reader
steve cannot fathom how he ended up in scoops after hours reading teen girl magazines with robin, max, el, …and dustin? but anything for you.
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, mentions of cuts and wounds
word count: 6k words
my masterlist
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“Hi! What can I get for you?”
“Hello, Robin,” Robin looks taken aback, seeing that customers usually ignored niceties and the worker’s name tags. “I’d like a vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. In a cone, please.” 
Your manners were so nice compared to the others and Robin swears you look familiar. And it clicks as she hands you your change. 
The dingus’ best friend. 
“Right, we just need to get the sprinkles from the back. It’ll be just a sec,” Robin tells you as she grabs the cone. 
You stand to the side out of courtesy but it was a Tuesday afternoon so the place wasn’t crowded with other customers yet. 
The sound of door hinges captures your attention and it was as if all the air were stolen from your lungs. The once dull ache in your chest put itself front and center once again once you see him. Steve. 
Steve who was once your bestest friend in the world until you decided to fuck it all up when your ridiculous mind thought he was going to die from a beating. He’s not your Steve anymore. 
His hair was longer and somehow he looked taller but his face– cherub cheeks, pink lips, and beauty marks remained the same. Cute. The features that had most of the teenage girls of Hawkins kissing the ground he walked on. You would have laughed at his sailor-themed work uniform if not for the melancholy memories flooding your mind. 
Unbeknownst to you, he was inspecting you just the same. Your hair was shorter, sunkissed cheeks, and an outfit he’s never seen you wear before: a tank top with a geometric design and light wash denim overalls that end mid-thigh. He nearly dropped the bag of ice cream toppings when he caught sight of you. 
“Here we go,” Robin said with an awkward chuckle and a flare of her hands. “Rainbow sprinkles.”
“I got it.” Steve insisted with a voice that Robin knew not to argue with. 
He grabbed the cone from Robin’s hand and frowned. Vanilla? You were always a chocolate girl. It was one of his favorite things to make fun of you about, in the most lighthearted way obviously. 
“Thank you!” Your smile was so infectious that even the middle-aged ice cream man managed to return the expression despite the sweltering heat. 
“You’re so weird,” Steve says with a shake of his head. 
“For what? Saying thank you? Having manners?” You frown despite knowing that Steve was just teasing. 
“No. For getting chocolate with rainbow sprinkles,” He replied. “The cardinal rule of ice cream is chocolates go with choco sprinkles and rainbow’s sweetness goes with others.”
“Says the boy with mint choco chip!” You retort, the corner of your lips fighting to lilt up into a smile. “You’re not convincing me with your made-up rules.”
“Well, I’m the exception,” Steve shrugs, his carefree smirk appearing. 
But despite it all, he’d get you all the world’s supply of chocolate ice cream and rainbow sprinkles to keep you happy. 
Maybe a lot has changed in the long months since you two drifted apart. Sure, he praised rainbow sprinkles going with vanilla flavors but having chocolate was what made you, you. 
“Uh, Steve?” Robin called, wary. 
“Right, yeah, sprinkles.”
You watched despite all the bones in your body telling you to look away. The right to gawk at Steve vanished the day he rejected your confession. 
“Here you go,” Steve finally said. He even made the effort to walk nearer to you under the pretense of being careful with the ice cream. 
You really try not to say the words, but all your life it has always been your heart and not mind speaking for you. 
“Thank you.” Your fingers brush Steve’s and you felt like crying. It was warm, how it always has been, despite the cold temperatures of Scoops Ahoy. 
His honey-brown eyes burned through yours and in the past this would’ve been the start of a competitive staring contest but now you surrender and look away. 
“We have some tables if you wanna…” Robin suggested and you silently nodded before even letting her finish. 
What?! Why were you staying? Just the thought of Steve was torture and now you decided to stay at his place of work. Where he was mere meters away from you even though your relationship with each other felt like you were oceans apart. 
You made a mental note to leave the shop once you were done with your ice cream so you wouldn’t look like a freak. Not that you didn’t look like one already. Sadly licking away at your ice cream, sulking, and looking miserable at the corner booth. God, you wished you had brought your walkman and headphones with you but who brings that to the mall? It’s a crowded place where you needed to pay attention to your surroundings. 
Another customer walked in and Robin inwardly groaned at the complicated order. Good thing she was working the cashier and Steve handled the orders itself. The customer walked away to wait at a nearby table and Robin rolled her eyes in annoyance as she turned to give Steve the order. 
“Hey,” She said, snapping her fingers in front of Steve’s dazed eyes. 
Still, that didn’t stop the boy from staring at the corner booth and her own eyes followed. 
“I thought you two were like tight,” Robin whispered, unable to refrain from prying. 
That seemed to grab Steve’s attention as he pushed himself from the table he was leaning on, “What? Who?”
“You and Y/N? I mean you two were everyone’s favorite couple,” She said matter-of-factly. “…Of besties.”
“Piss off.” Steve said, agitated. But for what reason exactly? He knows he’s just feeling that way to mask the immense sadness he’s feeling when you practically ignored him. 
“I’m just saying,” Robin shrugged, indifferent to her coworker’s annoyed tone. “Everyone at Hawkins High saw you two together go from inseparable to well.. to this.” 
She was right on the money and Steve didn’t want to validate that. Instead, he acted as if he was scooping up ice cream like he wants to be employee of the month. He even served the customer at their table instead of calling their attention to grab their ice cream at the counter. He took the risk of glimpsing at you as he walked back. 
You left the store wordlessly and Steve hung his head down low. He’s never opened up about the two of you two to anyone and the prospect of confiding about it to Robin both terrified him and yet it felt like a release. 
“I…” He didn’t even know where to start. “I fucked up.”
He was surprised at the silence. At this point, he was expecting a sarcastic quip from his friend but she genuinely looked concerned at what he had to say. 
So tell her he did. About how you tended to the wounds that Billy gave him, sobbing and blubbering through your words asking him to stay awake and that you loved him; you loved him more than a best friend should. About how he didn’t say anything back and pretended to ignore what happened even as you called the following days to check up on him. About how a week later he said he was going to Senior Prom with somebody else. Like a fucking idiot. 
It was gradual, slow— the way you slipped from his fingertips. The pain was like a bullet not having an exit wound and the pain had to be prolonged as someone tried to extract it from his body. He tried to backtrack and save your friendship. He clutched at the edges of what was left. Trying to pair up with you during projects or volunteering at your club but his efforts were in vain. He saw the way your eyes averted and how you faked your smiles when he was around. The hurt never faded and that metaphorical bullet was still in him. 
“But,” Robin huffed, hesitating. “Did you love her back? Do you love her? In the way Y/N meant in her confession?”
That question nearly threw Steve off his balance. Of course, he did. He always has. In a platonic way, in a romantic way. In every way a person can love somebody. 
He can’t count how many nights he laid awake thinking about you telling him through teary, earnest eyes I love you. I love you so much, Steve, you’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. 
It’s his fault that you two were never okay after that night. He’s loved you for what he can only say his entire life. Ever since your moms set up a play date between their toddlers. He’s a coward who used the excuse that he needed time to think things through. At that point in time, he felt like he still had serious feelings for Nancy and he didn’t want to try something new with you before he had that sorted out. But still, he should’ve addressed it in a way. He knows that now. 
“Yeah. Yes.” Steve replies with conviction. 
Robin’s expression lightens at her friend’s admission. A plan was already brewing in her mind. 
“Okay. Tell me when’s the next time those kids of yours come around.”
The day they came around was 3 days later, Friday. Another movie was released, called Back To The Future or something like that and of course, the kids wanted to use the employee hallways to avoid the usual Friday mall crowd. 
Usually, Steve let them do it without a word other than his usual warnings but Robin asked him to let her talk to them first. 
Lucas was ringing the bell, his other hand linked with Max’s. Perfect, Robin thinks.
“Alright,” She slams her palms down on the counter to assert her authority. The kids look on in curiosity. “I need to talk to you before you take advantage of our workplace access again.” 
“Us?” Mike asks, impatient. 
“No,” Robin rolls her eyes before pointing to Max. “To you.” 
The girl frowns in confusion but lets herself be led by Robin towards the back. 
“Uhm..? Is everything okay?” Max asks, crossing her bare arms to fight the cold. 
“Yeah, totally. It’s just, I know you skate and all that but is it possible you have teen girl magazines? Like seventeen or others like that?” Robin lets out in a single breath and she’s thankful Max understood all that. 
The red-haired girl flushes at admitting that yes, she does have said magazines but some she let Eleven borrow for the meantime. 
“Cool. Are you allowed to go to the mall tomorrow? With Eleven and the magazines?” 
“Uh. Sure?” Max answered, wary of Billy but she figured he was too busy going on dates with the public pool patrons. 
“Hellooo?” Dustin barges in. “What is this? Some no boys club?”
“Don’t be a jerk.” Steve delivers a light slap to the boy’s head. 
“You’re a jerk.” 
“Whatever. You two done?” Steve asks the girls with a kinder tone. He needs to be nice to Robin for this one. 
“Yeah, go on through,” Robin opens the back door for the kids with a flourish before she turns to Max. “The mags are for Steve by the way.” 
Max grins. She was a bit hesitant to say yes to Robin’s whims but now she was entertained. 
“Me and El will be right on time tomorrow.” 
The weekends were every mall worker’s nightmare. And since it was the summer, Scoops Ahoy Ice Cream Parlor had no customer shortage. 
Steve was muttering under his breath, annoyed at the customer who argued with him for five minutes about spare change. He was about to glare at the person next in line when–
Steve nearly spilled all the change in his hands at the sound of your voice. It was timid, a tone he didn’t like when used to address him, but still your lovely, lovely voice. 
“Hello!” He could’ve stopped at that. “Ahoy!”
You giggled. You actually giggled. 
Any trace of annoyance left his body in an instant. You looked different today. Not physically but with more how you carried yourself. Your sweet disposition that he loved so much was back. Gone were the sad eyes you had the last time you came into the store. Still, you were a vision in your sleeveless pink chiffon dress. 
“What can I get ‘ya?” Steve asked in a cheery voice, doing everything he can in his power to keep that subtle smile on your face. 
“A waffle cone, please. With chocolate ice cream.” 
He felt his heart tug at that, “Any toppings?” 
You shook your head no and he briefly glanced at the sprinkles container to the side, unsure what to feel. 
You stood at the exact place you waited last time after paying. 
“Robin! Cashier!” Steve called out, wanting to personally make your order and hand it to you again. Anything to feel your skin graze his once more. 
You watched him work his way around the ice cream, just like you did a few days ago. He was magnetic. You always struggled to fight the urge to look away from him when he wasn’t looking back.
Despite the long line, Steve was sluggish in his movements. Based on the few moments you managed to observe his and Robin’s rapport, you wondered why she wasn’t scolding him for being slow in making this particular order. You willed your heart to slow down and your mind to avoid any delusions. 
He walked to you again to give you the ice cream. 
“Here you go,” His voice. So much sweeter than the dessert you were about to consume. You missed hearing it and you felt sad again, just like you did last Tuesday.
“Thank you,” You grabbed the cone from his hands, equally as slow. “Steve.” 
You swear you heard his breath hitch but you didn’t want to feed yourself any more hope of rekindling what you had once with him. 
“You’re welcome.” He said, eyes fixed on you with that heart-stopping smile. 
You felt defeated when you saw that all the tables and seats were occupied. You really wanted to stick around… for the cold the store provided in this summer heat. Today was hotter than usual so..
“You can stay at the back.”
Robin’s voice startled you and you were thankful you didn’t drop the cone in your hands. 
“No, no, that’s okay,” You eyed the customers, afraid they’ll get mad at your special treatment. “I’ll just find a spot at the food court.”
“And find even more occupied crowded seats?” Robin asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
You hung your head. Robin noted it was oddly exactly like the way Steve does. 
“Okay.” You bit your lip and followed her. 
What were you doing? This was your best— ex-best friend’s line of work. The outside was already dangerous territory for your fractured heart and now you were invading more of his space. You needed to get away.
Almost like she could read your mind, Robin placed a hand on your shoulders and continued walking towards the back. 
“Have fun,” Robin gave you a toothy grin with both her hands in thumbs-up before going back to work.
Have fun with what exactly? You gulped when you saw the familiar backpack strewn on a table. You were reminded that you didn’t bring your walkman again to serve as your distraction. Idiot. 
You ate your ice cream in silence, the chatter from the customers outside and Robin and Steve’s voices greeting the patrons were what filled the empty back room. 
You sat up in alarm when you heard Steve shouting at somebody. 
“Don’t go in there!”
You squeaked in surprise when the door was thrown open and you thought it would be some angry manager but you were met with the sight of a kid, probably a pre-teen, carrying something that looked like a radio prototype. He was wearing a green and yellow hat and looked just as surprised but he was quicker to recover. 
“I just need to borrow a few for batteries, Steve!” The kid shouted and you looked on in confusion. “And since you won’t let me get from the tip jar…”
The kid made a beeline towards Steve’s backpack and pulled out a wallet. It was still the same plain leather brown one Steve carried since freshman year. He opened the wallet and instead of grabbing any money, he turned to you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god, of course! You’re the girl in Steve’s wallet! You have longer hair here—“
“Henderson, I swear to God!”
Steve came barreling in and you looked like a deer in headlights and stared at him unabashedly. His eyebrows furrowed before looking at Dustin and he wanted the ground to swallow him whole right then and there. 
“Hey, Steve, cute pic of you two,” The kid shrugged, as if his words didn’t affect the two older teenagers in front of him in the cruelest way. “I’m Dustin, by the way.”
“H-hello, Dustin,” You managed to blurt out, accepting Dustin’s outstretched hand. 
“Nice finally meeting you, Y/N, even though I see you in school sometimes,” He talked as fast as Robin did. “Anyways, gotta go, I’ll pay you back, Steve!”
Dustin walked out of the room in a rush, meaning that he haphazardly dropped the wallet and it coincidentally fell at your feet. 
Your manners were a big part of you and of course you bent down to pick up the item without hesitation. It felt as if you were kicked in the ribs when you saw the polaroid slip out from the wallet. 
It was the summer before junior year, your birthday party held in the garden of your home. You may have slipped some tequila into the punch without your parents' permission but in your defense, it was just the right amount to give a baby buzz. Steve had wrapped his arms behind you in surprise. You should’ve known he was up to something when Tommy appeared in front of you laughing and holding his polaroid camera. 
“Alright, lovebirds, smile!”
Your joyful expression was a result of Steve placing a kiss on your cheek for the photo and Tommy somehow managed to capture the exact moment your demure smile turned into a full blown grin. 
On the white part below, yours + Steve’s initials were written in permanent marker with the word 4Ever. 
He dated Nancy Wheeler shortly after that. 
“I-uhm,” You stuttered, handing Steve his things with shaky hands. “Here you go.” 
“Thanks.” Steve managed to let out in a whisper. 
“I should go,” Here you go again, avoiding looking into Steve’s eyes. “Thank you for the ice cream and the seat or space or… yeah. Bye.”
You didn’t wait for his farewell when you rushed out Scoops Ahoy with tears already running down your rouged cheeks. You cried in the secluded area of the parking lot. 
Dustin’s a persistent child. That trait mixed with his penchant for being nosy was the perfect recipe for giving Steve Harrington a headache. 
“I told you nothing’s going on,” Steve groaned, hands on his hips.
Dustin raised an unimpressed brow, “Okay. Then why are you still here then? If it’s just the girls?”
“Because I need to make sure everything’s locked up.”
“Robin can do that, can’t she?” Dustin replied without missing a beat. “What magazines was she talking about yesterday?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Steve asked, evading the question he was scared Dustin was going to get answers to. One way or the other. 
“It’s summer vacation.” Dustin deadpanned. 
A store nearby was finally closing and that caught Steve’s attention for a split second, but Dustin took that opportunity to make his way towards Scoops Ahoy like a slippery eel. 
The mall was dark and devoid of its usual neon lights, the ice cream parlor being the only major light source left on. This better work, Steve thought, exasperated.
“What the shit? These are the magazines for you?” Dustin exclaimed, going through the pile while ignoring the glares from the girls. 
“Hey.” Eleven scolded. 
“This,” Steve said, pointing at the magazine pile. “Is all Robin’s idea.”
Robin scoffed, “You know, I think you need to be nicer to the ones helping you get the love of your life back.” 
Dustin looked dumbfounded. 
“Oh my god, is that why Y/N Y/L/N was here earlier?” Dustin gasped. “But if you two aren’t friends then why was she here?”
“Because I’m a genius. More than those who go to science camps,” Robin tugged on Dustin’s wrist so he could sit down. “Now, are we going to help this dingus get the girl of his dreams?” 
“That’s romantic,” Eleven said with a breathy sigh and hands under her chin. 
“I know just the pages,” Max muttered, still feeling a little shy about the teen girl magazine fiasco.
“My god,” Robin said in disbelief as her eyes roved over the articles. “This sounds like a marriage proposal instead of first stage boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.”
“What does it say?” Steve asked, ignoring Dustin’s inquisitive stare.
Robin pushed the magazine towards him. 
How to apologize to your girlfriend after a fight 
By Betty McCartney 
Steve immediately cringed. He decided to only read the highlighted parts instead. 
Say you want her and nobody else. 
The following text mentioned something about having arguments over jealousy but Steve decided to nitpick that sentence. 
He hasn’t wanted anybody else for a long time now but he does want you. He always wants you. There’s this void in his heart that was left hollow ever since you dissipated from his life. 
“These are so corny,” Max huffed, reading a different magazine. 
“Yeah but you want Lucas to do those too, don’t you,” El teased in a sing-song voice and Dustin joined in. 
Max rolled her eyes, her freckled cheeks dusted with a light shade of red. 
“We’re here for Steve and Y/N so here,” Max handed her magazine over with a page opened. 
How you get the girl!
By Alison Alwyn 
Steve couldn’t help but agree. They were corny. But the advice seemed heartfelt and he hoped that it was actually going to help him get his best girl back. 
It was 10 pm, and the mall was already a ghost town. Steve decided that he better bring the kids back to their homes or else he’ll get the brunt of it all. 
They all collectively groaned when they exited Starcourt and saw the pouring summer rain. It wasn’t a light drizzle; it was the one with terrifying lightning and thunder overhead. 
Steve immediately thought of you. You hated thunder. This instinct to see how you were holding up overwhelmed him. It was ridiculous, your house is as safe as it can be but he’s been over at your house on more rainy days than he can count on both hands. 
The last stop was Eleven’s, or technically Jim Hopper’s, house. She and Max ran in the rain giggling.
“Good luck,” The girls said in unison before exiting his car. He noticed they left two magazines in the back on purpose. 
Steve actually felt warm at the support Robin and the kids gave him. They were truer friends than some of the others he hung out with back in school. He took their good luck with a genuine smile and waited to use that luck the next time you showed up in Scoops. 
Thunder rumbled in the sky and try as he might to ignore his reckless gut, Steve decided to jump the gun and drive over to your place. Just to check up on you, he thought. Nothing less, nothing more. Although he did want something more he wouldn’t push it if it made you uncomfortable. 
The streets and turns he had to take were familiar. He hasn’t driven here in a while but the roads were seared into his brain after years of picking you up and driving you home. 
“Steve, my parents are going to kill me.”
“And me,” He said with a shrug. His sixteen year old bravado getting the best of him. 
“Can’t you practice driving when it’s not raining cats and dogs outside?” You shrieked as he started backing up from your driveway. 
He arrived at your place just as the first heavy raindrops fell. You told him he was crazy, going around in such conditions without a license. 
“It’s still going to rain when I do have my license so this is actually good because I’m preparing for real-life situations,” He argued with that smug smirk of his. These were moments you found butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
In a blink, Steve found himself on your street. He can see that there were picnic tables littered in your front yard. That wasn’t there the last time he came over, which was probably six months ago now. 
The rain was still pounding and Steve’s heart was beating the same in his chest. He could see the lights in your bedroom were still on but the rest of the house was dark. Your parents were probably on the same business trip his parents went on. 
Steve cursed under his breath when he saw that the only place he was going to be able to park was across from your house. Although one of the girls did mention that the rain was quote-on-quote romantic. 
He cursed once again when he saw that he didn’t have his jacket in the backseat. He has to ruin his Scoops uniform but thought nothing of it since it was his day off tomorrow. 
Well, here goes nothing. 
Steve rushed from his car to your front doorstep, the rain and cold wind hitting his skin like pinprick needles. He was shaking like a cat by the time he took cover by your doorstep and contemplated between knocking or pressing the doorbell. He decided to do both. 
His entire body was drenched and his once voluminous hair was flat and dripping water down his forehead. He was shivering as he tried to listen in to your footsteps. 
The door finally swung open and the sight of you filled him with so much warmth that the rain didn’t stand a chance.
“Steve?!” You exclaimed, obviously shell shocked. “What are you doing here?” 
He tried to let out a reply but his teeth were chattering so much that he only managed to muster a shaky grin. 
“Are you insane?!” Your voice pierced through the rain and your warm hand grabbed his wrist before pulling him inside your house. 
You were a blur in his eyesight as you whizzed around, talking about grabbing towels and new clothes. Steve stayed standing on the welcome rug so he wouldn’t make a mess on the floor, your parents would probably be mad, although they didn’t do the cleaning of the house themselves. 
“Here, here,” You panted, wrapping a fuzzy towel around Steve’s shaking form and you stood on your tiptoes to wrap a smaller one around his hair. 
“Thanks,” Steve finally said and took in your form. 
You looked adorable in your loose knit sweater, checkered shorts, and mismatched socks. Your hair was up and your angelic face devoid of makeup. He missed seeing that. 
He’s seen you grow from a bare-faced child to a young lady. Steve’s heart practically stopped the first time you wore shimmery pink lip gloss in sixth grade. 
“C’mon,” You whispered, tugging on his wrist again for a split second. 
He followed you into the spacious kitchen. You told him to sit down while you make tea to warm him up and who was he to turn down being doted on by you? 
The silence was palpable. The only sound in the kitchen was the boiling kettle and Steve was trying to find the courage to say something. He really needed the luck Max and Eleven bestowed upon him. You had your back to him and it was obvious that your posture was rigid. He could still read you well. 
You quickly worked on giving him the steaming mug. He sat up, alarmed when you left the kitchen swiftly and without a word. Though, the sounds of you rummaging around sent a wave of relief through his cold body. 
He was sipping on the hot drink when you entered again, this time holding a pile of clothes. Steve recognized his old athletics department shirt. You still had his stuff? 
“Here’s all I can get, I don’t think you’ll like my dad’s clothes,” You bit your lip as you looked down, “Sorry, I don’t have any… knee high socks.”
It was a teasing jab at his Scoops uniform and Steve couldn’t bite back his smile. 
“It’s fine, management has more,” Steve teased back and got up like it’s muscle memory. He still knows his away around your house. 
He suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked back, this time he finally caught your eyes, “Thank you, Y/N.”
You didn’t look away when you gave him a minuscule smile. 
That smile masked the different emotions you felt the moment you swung open your door. You didn’t know who to expect when you heard the series of knocks but Steve Harrington was last on your list. That didn’t mean you were disappointed. Confused but not disappointed.
You assumed he went straight to you after work since he was wearing that ridiculously cute sailor’s outfit. But why did he come over? Nearly midnight, his pale skin making the ever vibrant Steve Harrington look like a ghost in the rain. Somehow, you think he was a figment of your imagination, a result of being lonely in this massive house. Your lonely days a few years ago would quickly be eradicated by Steve coming over with no warning. Tonight, it seems that he has done the same. For nostalgia’s sake? Just because you came by Scoops twice this week? 
Turns out, you weren’t hallucinating when he returned to the kitchen, wearing the clothes you gave him. Technically, it is actually his own clothes but just the ones you shoved to the back of your closet all those months ago when you decided to distance yourself from him. It had been one of the hardest decisions in your life. 
You wanted to yell at him. Throw accusatory words about what the hell he’s doing here after breaking your heart. Steve has been with too many girls to not know when he’s left them lying in heartache. Your brain wanted to tell him to get out and don’t ever think about coming back, but then you would be lying to yourself.  
Yet you didn’t say a word. Not when he looked like that. You swear he’d worn the same outfit back in Sophomore year. Only this time he was taller and his hair, though damp, was more beautiful than ever. You felt weak in the knees.
“Y/N,” He started. You knew that tone of voice, never forgot it really. Steve was about to say something important and serious, he was just really nervous about saying the wrong thing. 
You looked into his eyes. It hurt your entire being to do so but you figured he needed a little encouragement and you really really wanted to hear what he had to say to you after showing up in the rain. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry,” Steve finally let out and he felt a flood open, “I was such an asshole– I’m such an asshole and a coward for… doing that to you.”
“Doing what, Steve?” You hated how your voice cracked. 
“Breaking your heart,” He said with conviction and his shoulders slumped at the teary frown on your face. “Ignoring that you said you loved me because I was too afraid to tell you that I felt the same.”
Blood rushed into your ears and you could see Steve’s lips moving but you could barely register his words. 
Steve immediately stopped and took careful steps towards you until he was in your personal space. When you didn’t move away, he took that a sign to cup your cheeks in his hands. You only noticed that stray tears were falling from your eyes when his thumbs gently swiped them away– just like he always did when you cried. 
“I love you,” He whispered and you felt your lips wobble some more. “I always have and always will.”
“Stop,” You sobbed but didn’t move away. “I barely had a boyfriend back in school while you dated so many girls. You can’t just barge back into my life telling me this.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Steve nodded with his own teary eyes. He lead the two of you to sit down. “I don’t expect anything, Y/N. I just want you to know how awful I feel. It’s haunted me since the day you said it.” 
You could only nod. You thought you had your feelings in check but his words echoed in your head. Steve felt the same. He loved you– he loves you. You let out another broken sob. 
“I miss you so much, Y/N,” Steve’s voice cracked just like yours did. You know he’s being truthful. 
You let yourself be pulled into his arms and you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, undoubtedly staining the shirt with your tears. 
“I miss you too, Steve,” His arms tightened around you. “But I don’t know where to go from here.”
You weren’t ready to jump from one phase of your relationship with Steve to another extreme. Treading careful grounds would be a precaution to avoid giving yourself whiplash and having another fall out with the boy you loved. Still love.
“I want us to be in each other’s lives again. If that’s what you want,” The words you dreamt of him saying finally came to life. More melodramatic but it was still the words you needed to pull you away from your misery.
“Okay,” You found yourself nodding. “I just don’t know if it will be easy for me.”
Now was the time to be honest. This was the start of reconciliation. This time you’ll forgive, despite the urge to fight. You miss him too much to be mad anymore. 
“Then, let’s take it slow?” He suggested. “Like how I taught you how to ride a bike? Though I’ll be more patient this time around I promise.”
You giggled and pulled away from his neck to face him. Your heartbeat sped up when you saw his eyes light up. 
In all the years you knew him, Steve never broke a promise he made you. So when he says this vow to you it reminded you of how the good times used to be. 
His unintentional rejection of you was torment but you feel like half of that pain was caused by your own choice to ignore his attempts at making it up to you. It was hurt to an extreme degree but you always have space in your heart for Steve. 
“Okay,” You repeated. “No rushing.”
“No rushing,” Steve said, hands reaching out to hold yours. You gulped when you saw his biceps strain against the sleeves of the old shirt. “I’ll be nice and wait. Even if it’s for forever.”
You smiled through snot and tears, “Did you get that from a magazine?”
When Steve didn’t answer immediately and the familiar flush rushed up from his neck to his cheeks, your heart felt so much lighter and you started laughing. 
“Oh my god, you totally did!” You laughed more at the idea of Steve reading a magazine with cheesy advice. “You promise?”
He nods, “I want you in my life, Y/N. And this time no more running from problems, for worse or for better.”
And even though he broke your heart, you know that Steve will put it back together.
Steve knows that he would have to grovel and crawl on his knees to earn your forgiveness and he’d do that for the rest of his life just to make sure he wouldn’t make you cry again. 
“Will I get a complimentary chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles next time I’m at Scoops Ahoy?” 
Steve pulls you into a hug and mumbles the word forever into your shoulder. That’s how he got the girl. 
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steve as a taylor swift album would be 1989 i said what i said, please reblog if you enjoyed and comments are appreciated- seriously i’d cry tears of joy :’) this is my second stranger things fic and you could read the first one about our beloved eddie here 
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
Hi! :)
I'm having some massive brainrot for Frat!Peter like... I can't stop thinking about him.
Anyways, I was eating ice cream and I thought: "What would Peter's stance be on the Choco vs. Vanilla debate?" Like maybe he and Ethan are having an (unserious, very light) argument as to which is better and so Peter immediately calls Trouble and is like "Trouble, I have a serious question. Which is better: Chocolate or Vanilla?" and she kinda flips it on them and is like "... I actually don't care. I like both." Or "I actually prefer (insert other flavour here)"
Though if she says mint chocolate the boys freak out. Peter doesn't like it because ever since he got bit he can't stand peppermint so maybe that translates to mint chocolate ice cream as well? And Ethan doesn't like it because "it tastes like toothpaste"
Anywho... That was my random thought of the day 😅 also note: while mint choco isn't my favorite I don't mind it and will eat it :)
i think peter likes chocolate and ethan is a vanilla fan. peter calls trouble and needs a tie breaker.
'well, honestly, both are kind of boring. how about neapolitan? i love strawberry.'
'strawberry is your favorite, that's gross, trouble.'
'no! i mean, in the trio, yes. but i mean, cookie dough is amazing, and mint chip!'
'ah, yuck!'
'you're so wrong for that!'
'what's wrong with mint? and peter, you better not say it's because of your peppermint vendetta.'
'you absolutely know that's what it is.'
'i agree with parker, shit's like toothpaste. you're weird and wrong.' 
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quibbs126 · 3 months
If you haven't already or if you can, could you do mint choco and dark choco fancied? (It's a comfort ship-)
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Here you go, this is Mint Chip Cookie
So basically Mint Chip over here is the current prince of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. He is also missing an arm, due to that arm being underbaked in the oven and simply falling off, but he's fine with it, that's just the reality he's always known. Mint Chip in general is a very chill guy, you'd never really see him get upset. He's not the most physically capable or active Cookie, outside of his missing limb, and he instead focuses his time into magic. Speaking of which, he has the ability to control ice and snow, something he was born with. His family isn't quite sure why he has these powers (a fear is that he's a frost child), but he's cool with it regardless
He's also not the only kid I've given ice powers to, as another one, Red Mochi, also has them. I don't know how they'd meet but they'd probably be good friends. Then there's also Hoarfrost, my frostcacao kid but she makes sense to have those powers and she ain't done yet
Anyways, on to his name. He's based on mint chocolate chip ice cream, since mint and chocolate and one of them's already Mint Choco. It had to be shortened significantly so now it's just Mint Chip
Mint chocolate chip ice cream:
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So I think the only reason I had him missing an arm is because I didn't want to draw another arm and I wanted a cape draping over one side. So armless it is
I also tried to make his design look a bit more...medieval fantasy, if that's the correct term. Basically what I mean is, Dark Choco and Dark Cacao's defaults look closer to European knights than they do Korean, and I wanted to incorporate that into Mint Chip's look as well
I believe I took Mint Chip's boots from Dark Choco's Young Prince design
I gave Mint Chip the black streaks because of the chips in the ice cream, as well as it being the best way to mix both hair colors in, since they both have white streaks already. Though I'm wondering if maybe I could have made his green hair lighter, to better match the ice cream
I believe Mint Chip originally had green eyes, but I changed them to red when I realized his colors were way too much Mint Choco and not enough Dark Choco. That may have also been why he has a red brooch thing, but I may have just added that regardless (and that one is harmless, unlike Dark Choco's)
Then I gave Mint Chip the semi shoulder pad and green chips just to add some more pizzazz to his design, since it's mostly flat colors
But overall I'd say I like his design. I wouldn't call him a banger like Tune Melt or Peppermint Mocha, he's a little too simple to be in their category, but he's at least a 7/10
And yeah that's Mint Chip, I hope you enjoy him
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wonieleles · 2 years
mint chocolate shirt — profiles : hybe’s angels 🤝
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meet the members !
l/n y/n (user: yesornaur and aussieconvict) - 05 LINER, lead vocalist and visual, australian, also known as lesserafim’s cute awkward baby, got scouted outside of inkigayo while she was trying to get other cup of mint choco ice cream, adores enhypen’s jungwon (he’s her celebrity crush), remembers staining some guy’s shirt but does not remember it being jungwon, the sweetest person ever but still likes to joke around a lot
miyawaki sakura (user: sakuratree) - 98 LINER, vocalist, japanese, often gets made fun of by the youngest two for being born in the 20th century but is highly respected by them still, keeps the group from doing stupid things
kim chaewon (user: screamqueen(s)) - 00 LINER, leader and vocalist, korean, called lesserafim’s adorable, lovely, amazing leader by y/n (maybe at gunpoint but who knows), the member y/n confides in the most when she needs advice
huh yunjin (user: cestlavie) - 01 LINER, main vocalist, korean-american, always makes y/n laugh, notices the little shifts in people’s moods and tries to help with it, likes to randomly speak to y/n in (usually british) english
nakamura kazuha (user: kickinitwithyou) - 03 LINER, sub-vocalist, rapper, and dancer, japanese, just trying to live but gets teased every five minutes (it’s ok she still gets revenge tho)
hong eunchae (user: alwayswinning) - 06 LINER, maknae, lead dancer, and vocalist, korean, y/n’s partner in crime, somehow always convinces y/n to go out with her and go through with her (probably crazy) plans, a social butterfly that tells y/n all about the latest gossip
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SYNOPSIS. back in 2020, jungwon accidentally bumped into a girl, causing her mint chocolate chip ice cream to stain his crisp white shirt. with no time to change, jungwon had to go to his first inkigayo performance with a huge green circle on his shirt that his members constantly tease him for. now, two years later, jungwon bumps into you again, only this time, the mint chocolate chip ice cream stains your shirt.
< previous | masterlist | next >
AUTHOR’S NOTE. my lesserafim girlies 🫶🫶
TAGLIST (OPEN). @0i8ma @mitsukifilms @wooniy @trsrina @jliea @yenqa @0310lvr @kohakun @sunoksunny @felixsunshine28 @invusblog @sd211 @kokoiinuts @jungwonzlvr (italics: couldn’t tag)
PERMANENT TAGLIST (OPEN). @yedamdamn @miridicallyyours @jungwonize @linniely @yebin14 @abdiitcryy @stllsph @valewoos @strwberrydinosaur @zi-ever
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vex91 · 1 year
Choi Yena - Things you do because of love
Pairing: Choi Yena x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / Soloist
Summary: Yena hates mint chocolate but she always wants to make her girlfriend who is a mint choco lover happy.
A/N: Just a short fic because I love Yena and mint choco❤
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3rd's POV
Minju was watching TV when Yena came into the house with bags that showed that she was in a convenience store. She stood up and walked up to her while she was already unpacking her stuff.
"Snacks?" Minju asked as she looked at all the stuff laying on the table but then something caught her eye, something that she was incredibly familiar with ever since she started dating Chaewon.
Mint chocolate ice cream.
It was a known fact that Chaewon loved them and that Yena hated them, that's why it made Minju wonder why the duck brought it. "Have you perphas changed your taste in ice cream" Minju looked at the older girl with the look that didn't showed anything good.
Yena groaned mentally at it and answered "Yah Minju-ya. It's not for me, you know how I hate that stuff. It's for Y/N" "Y/N hmm? Such a good girlfriend you are" Minju's words made Yena glare at her playfully until you walked in. Your eyes started sparkling at the sight of your favorite ice cream. Yena seeing it took them and held them up with a smirk "See Y/N? I'm such a great girlfriend aren't I?"
Minju just stole a pack of chips and playfully rolled her eyes at the scene before her. It was kind of funny how Yena always talked about how mint choco was the worst and then came out of her way to buy them for her girlfriend, just like Minju tries to eat it for Chaewon.
You hugged Yena after she finally gave you the ice cream and gave her a quick kiss on her lips making her pout. You gave her a longer kiss making Minju quickly escape, not wanting to witness your make out session that is probably going to start.
"I love you duckie" You whispered against her lips making her pull you even closer "Love you too" The whole scene was disturbed when you heard Wonyoung's loud squeal.
"You have mint choco ice cream?!" Her reaction made you chuckle "Yeah, how about we watch something while eating them huh?" Your proposition made Wonyoung jump and ran out to choose a movie. You opened the ice cream and took two spoons but before you left you used one to get some ice cream and put it close to Yena's face.
She hates how she can't say no to you. Yena took a bite and immediately scrunched her face making you laugh. Yep it definitely wasn't her favorite but if it makes you smile then she can survive buying and eating some of them from time to time.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 1 year
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The ritual is complete. Now cast judgement upon me.
Also read below for some explanations-turned-culinary-discussion idk
- So in general I tend to flip-flop between being open to trying new dishes and flavors and having the palate of a 7-year-old. There are definitely some foods out there that I know I don’t like and won’t eat but depending on my mood I’m interested in trying new things, hence the entire ‘if I’m feeling adventurous’ tier. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, kinda just depends.
- As can probably be inferred from the top tier, my two favorite dessert flavors are chocolate and coffee. Espresso is in the ‘pretty aight’ tier because the lack of cream and sweetness could probably throw me off a bit and Dark Cacao is lower for the same reason. Mint Choco is in the ‘feeling adventurous’ tier because I usually don’t like mint but have had desserts that incorporate a nice minty kick to them without being overwhelming. Also I’m one of the few people on planet Earth that actually likes mint chip ice cream.
- I’m neutral to positive on most fruits, aside from a lot of tropical fruits, which I happen to really love (pineapple and mango are my two favorite fruits and yes, I am fully aware I’m a freak). That being said, I’m kinda iffy on whether or not I’d like them baked into a cookie. I like things like blueberry muffins but on a textural level that’s hardly the same, so I don’t really know. Hence why most of the fruit-based Cookies are in either the ‘pretty aight’ or ‘feeling adventurous’ tier. Strawberry Crepe’s in the top tier simply because of the inclusion of cream and waffles because they’re, y’know...a crepe-based cookie.
- Flavor explanations for the first tier: For those who don’t know, it’s been stated that Wizard has ice cream in his dough and his hair and scarf are probably ice cream. I like ice cream. I like cookies. That’s about it. The rest of the Cookies (and donut) are pretty self-explanatory, they’re just flavors or desserts I really like.
- Flavor explanations for the second tier: I’m *fairly* certain that Muscle’s mask and armor are supposed to be chocolate syrup, so I put him in the tier with the notion of him being a chocolatey cookie. Devil is based on soda, and I like soda - that’s about all there is there. As for Kumiho and Cream Unicorn, the former is explicitly stated to be marshmallow based and as for the latter I’m pretty sure they’re based on those weird marshmallow unicorn horn things? I forgot the official name, but hey, marshmallows are cool. Once again, the rest is pretty self-explanatory. Also I know Vampire and Sparkling are coded as being based on alcoholic beverages but it’s never been admitted to because the devs are cowards so they’re just being treated as being based on juice and hey I like juice so why not up there
- Flavor explanations for the third tier: I’m sorry but is there genuinely a fortune cookie out there that doesn’t taste like a slightly sweetened piece of cardboard? Have I just gotten all the worst ones throughout my lifetime?
- Flavor explanations for the fourth tier: Knight seems to be based on white chocolate (I don’t really like white chocolate but eh I’ll eat it), Alchemist is widely known to be based on grapes and considering Princess is of Hollyberrian descent I’m certainly operating with the belief she has a berry-based dough. She’s lower than the rest of the berry-based just because I don’t know what type of berry she’s based on, considering her name doesn’t exactly reveal a whole lot. Also, literally all of the flower-based Cookies are in this tier, and while making this I searched up ‘is <x flower> edible’ on Google for each one of them. Turns out, they are, at least in small doses. Google’s now probably convinced I’m planning on undertaking a flower-devouring rampage soon, but oh well. 
- Flavor explanations for the fifth tier: I know I probably look weird putting Gingerbrave so low on the list but the truth is that I...just don’t like plain gingerbread cookies lmao. Also I don’t like gumballs, hence why both Gumball and Candy Diver are on this tier. I dunno much about beets, don’t really care to find out. Don’t like licorice, that’s why both Licorice and Twizzly Gummy are here. Royal Margarine has to have a shitton of that stuff in his dough for it to be his namesake, and while I do like buttery desserts I definitely don’t like it being the dominant flavor. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory - either savory foods or condiments that don’t really belong in your everyday gingerbread cookie or something just outright inedible.
- Flavor explanations for the sixth tier: Out of all the Cookies in CRK these guys are the only ones who I legitimately don’t know what they would taste like. Angel might be based on angel food cake? Maybe? Which if that were the case I’d probably move them up to the second tier, but I can’t remember it ever being stated or even inferred so they’re just going down here. Milky Way’s probably based on something really obvious and I’m just stupid for thinking she has a mystery flavor but I’m putting her down here because I can’t think of anything she’d be based off of (except star jellies? an in-universe consumable? maybe?).
- Flavor explanations for the seventh tier: It’s...what it says. They’re poisonous. Berries from holly won’t kill you as far as I know, unless you take a pretty big quantity of them - pretty sure they just cause nausea in small doses - but in the other case, I mean...Poison Mushroom. Their name is Poison Mushroom. Also I probably should’ve just made an ‘inedible’ tier list and put some of the guys from the sixth tier like Cotton in there but idk man I don’t want to research if cotton balls can actually kill you if you eat them 
- Flavor explanations for the eighth tier: it’s what it says on the tin
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alex-just-vibing · 2 years
Cookies of Darkness Incorrect Quotes Because No One Can Stop Me
Licorice: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Red Velvet: Who told you my secret?
Dark Choco: What happened to Licorice? Red Velvet: She died. Dark Choco: They what? Red Velvet: They died, but she's okay. Dark Choco: …Can you please clarify? Licorice: Clarification is for the weak.
Dark Choco, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick! Licorice: Moose Tracks is good! Strawberry Crepe: What the fuck is that!? Licorice: *Gasp* How dare you insult moo- Strawberry Crepe: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR. Dark Choco and Licorice: what? Strawberry Crepe: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!? Dark Choco: You done now? Strawberry Crepe: Yeah ok. Dark Choco and Licorice: ... Strawberry Crepe: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Pomegranate, talking to Dark Choco: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
Licorice, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Licorice: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Red Velvet: It was you the fuck. Licorice: It was I the fuck… Strawberry Crepe: Who cooks rice in a pan? Red Velvet: They the fuck.
Poison Mushroom: Do dragons fart fire? Licorice: I don't know. Poison Mushroom: I thought you went to college.
Licorice: The risk I took was calculated but, man, am I bad at math.
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dumpy-dump · 11 months
happy my team won so i can get a few more snails (despite barely participating 🤒🤧) but like
we wouldnt be having yet another shiver win if they just swapped mint chip with chocolate, just saying (yeah i know we had a choco fest already but still)
vanilla feels more basic and has more universal appeal as far as ice cream goes, strawberry and mint chocolate chip meanwhile feel like theyre more acquired tastes, and thus would be less popular overall and, well, look at that
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reminds me of the spicy-sweet-sour fest. something like chocolate mightve been able to stand up to vanilla in terms of popularity (or if you wanted to ride off japanese votes, make it matcha ice cream or something)
really though, the main takeaway from this should be that nintendo needs to think through their choice of splatfest themes a little more and stop making an obviously correct or more well known choice (can we have some non food ones maybe?)
and cut frye some slack nintendo, she doesnt deserve the constant losses :(
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citrus-cactus · 11 months
It's Summer in Japan so... How about your opinions on which flavors would the Appmon kids have as their favorite(s)? 🍨
Oh, hmm! I was totally failing to decide on what the Appmon kids' favorite birthday cake flavors might be, but let's see if I can do better with shaved ice (also, I learned about kakigōri in order to answer this; I'm still writing based on my own USA-centric shaved ice experiences but man, I really want to try the Japanese version, it sounds amazing!)
Astra: He has two favorites, something "traditional" like green tea 🍵, and something with a buck-wild name like "Mega Mango-Melon Madness." 🍈
Eri: She reviews a lot of fancy shaved ice desserts in her professional life, but her favorite flavor is probably something simple and easy-to-find. Maybe strawberry? 🍓
Rei: You'd never know it to look at him, but grape. He's a grape man. 🍇
Haru: Sweet cherry. 🍒
Yuujin: Sour apple. 🍏
EDIT: Now that I take a closer look at the emoji, I realize you might have been asking about ice cream 😅 I’m gonna say the gist of this still stands, except with some substitutions of chocolate XD Astra loves green tea ice cream and wacky Ben and Jerry’s flavors/combinations, Eri prefers strawberry sorbet actually, Rei’s a double-chocolate or chocolate-and-caramel guy, Haru likes cherry choco, Yuujin likes mint choco chip 🤣
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lokiforever · 1 year
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Ice-Cream Shop❤️❤️
This is an extension to my previous fanfic which you can find here
(your daughter's name is Esmeralda. She's a 3 year old wonder💖💖 )
Esmeralda : Momma, Dada you're the best!!! I wove you!!
You and Loki chuckle.
Loki : We love you too, sweetheart!
Y/N : My sweet little princess!
You say as you pick her up and place several kisses on her face.
Y/N : Loki, *you stand on your tipytoes to whisper in his ear* let's see who she reaches out first.
Loki : Ok, challenge accepted!
Y/N : Ok then!
Loki : Emerald , I and your Momma will sit here and you have to come to us. Let's see who you reach out. But, you'll be blindfolded.
Emmy : Owkayh Dada!
Loki : Come here, sweetie
Loki ties the blindfolded around Esmeralda's eyes. She was wearing a dark green onesie with an illustration of Loki’s helmet in between with gold. It was all Loki, he loved to create sweet little things just for his two favorite girls. And the blindfold was black which came in perfect contrast with her pale face and raven black hairs which she inherited from his father, without any doubt!
Loki : Ok.. 1,2,3 start!
Can you guess who she came to?!!! Loki! She definitely is a daddy's girl!!
Esmeralda : Dada! Dada!!
Loki : Yayyyyyy!!!!!!! Look, Y/N!
Loki was quite literally screaming in happiness that the little version of him came to her dada. You giggled
Y/N : She is a daddy's girl, Loki!
Loki : Mmhmm! *to em* Now you will be getting two ice-creams instead of one and a biggggggg chocolate, little mischief!
Emerald : Yaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! You're the best dada!!!! I wove you soooooooo much!!!
She jumped and hugged her dada making him almost loose his balance at the sudden gesture. He chuckled
Loki : Dada loves you too, sweetheart!
He adds you in the hug.
Esmeralda : I wove you as well momma!!!!
The little wonder says as she kisses you on the cheek.
Y/N : Awwwww, I love you too, sweetie!
You kiss her back.
After that, you guys leave for the ice-cream shop.
*At the ice-cream shop*
You were standing outside in the park near by as Esmeralda wanted to go on the swings.
Loki *at the counter* : Hello! How're you doing, Joe?
Joe : Hello, Mr Laufeyson! Good, thanks. What about you? How's baby emerald?
Joe worked in an ice cream shop in your neighbourhood and was like a friend of yours and Loki
Loki : Amazing. Emerald is also doing great.
Joe: That's wonderful to hear. What can I get you today?
Loki: Two mint choco chip and a chocolate ice-cream, please!
Joe : Sure, anything else?
Loki: No, thank you!
You and Loki liked mint choco chips whereas your little baby girl liked chocolate.
After she handed you two your ice-creams....
Em was having a hard time eating her ice-cream as she was a toddler so, Loki picked her up and made her sit on his lap (you and Loki were sitting on a bench) he then wrapped one arm around her and helped her hold the cone. They were looking soooooooo cute in this position and the cherry on top - they were wearing matching clothes as Loki was wearing a dark green t-shirt matching with Emmy's onesie and black jeans ;same pale skin ;not to mention thier exact same raven black hairs which were of the same length. And can you believe it, they both had left their hair loose!!!!
You took a picture of them without them noticing. They looked so cuteeee!!!
*After you guys finished your ice-creams*
Loki: Time for the second ice-cream, sweetheart?
Esmeralda : Dada, I'm full!
Loki *chuckles*: It's fine what about three chocolates instead of one ???!
Esmeralda : Yaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Loki : But you have to promise that you'll not eat them at once.
Emmy : Owhkay Dada, I pwomise!
Loki : That's my sweet girl!
Then, you all went to the candy store and you picked up a whole stash of candies, well, mainly chocolates and two jars of nutella.
Loki : You really love chocolates don't you, love?
Y/N : I do!
As promised, Loki gets Emmy a whole pack of chocolates instead of three.
Emerald : So many chocolates!!!! Yesss dada I wove you thissssss much.
She opens both of her arms as wide as she could.
Loki : I love you too, my sweet little baby girl!
Then all of you head back home.
A/N : Should I make part 3???
@holdmytesseract @vbecker10@dishahaldar @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @clevergirl13@lokisgloriouspurpose69 @jennygggrrr@vanilla-daydreaming
If you want to be tagged please let me know.
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freakattack · 8 months
Orbulon loves fucked up flavor combinations i think mona had to introduce him to the practice initially but once he ate the godawful Cafeteria Dare Soup (if you know you know) there was no going back. its like a drug. He is mixing every ice cream flavor mint choco chip orange sherbet it doesnt even matter. Mona gets in trouble w joe because she kept giving him free ice cream by stacking every flavor they have in the gelateria into an ice cream tower of babel so he can eat it shaggy sandwich style
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pretty-purpple · 1 year
if you went on a summer vacation with your moots and they asked you to get ice-cream for them, which flavours would you get for each and why o(^^o)
This is too tough to answer T__T
lily :- choco chip cuz she is a kid
Galene :- Maybe strawberry-chocolate , she is sweet and elegant that's why
Shady :- Mango , idk why just matches him , his sweet social energy
Voiz :- Vanilla , poetry guy that's why
Sonali didi :- Vanilla -strawberry, she's the sweetest of all
Ayantika :- Orange flavour (stick icecream) cuz she's just like T__T (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) or ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Star :- Uh....cookies n cream ...cuz she is like that o_O
Psy :- Mint choco 💀💀💀 , she is so different sometimes but that is what the flavour is also about , she is very good at mingling in with people here hehe
Aki:- Coffee flavoured one or Coca-cola flavoured 🗿(can't explain)
Summer:- Blueberry flavour, cuz she is cool
Milli :- Dark chocolate (it that exists in terms of ice cream flavours) cuz i like the way she expresses herself
Raman:- Cookies n cream , genius , knowledgeable guy
kuhu :- choco chip with almond , kinda like a lil kid and fierce
Lilac :- choco-vanilla cuz she switches instantly,💀
Vipul :- Pineapple flavour , Can't really explain why
Aditya bhaiya :- Butterscotch/orange , sweet guy , LOEV
Cassie :- strawberry flavour , very easy to talk to
Pumpkin :- Orange flavoured, sweet n funny n cute 😭💕
That's it ig...sorry if i missed anyone T_T , if i did, comment so that i can add u and associate an ice cream with you !!!
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ofsyzygies · 1 year
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yoshikawa aki; 
“your heart breaks all too silently sometimes for this world to notice and you carry it all too well for them to know you are hurting but the moon saw you breaking down last night and it whispered , “ even though you are a little dim at the moment , you are still a star.” (always)”  — postcards from the universe // kriti.g
general –
height: 147cm / 4′10″ weight: 40kg / 88lbs ethnicity: japanese occupation: works at shrike entertainment superstore gender: demigirl sexual identification: pansexual romantic identification: panromantic myers briggs type: infp-t alignment: chaotic good
specifics –
favorite food: takoyaki favorite drink: cream soda favorite brand: n/a favorite hobby: playing videogames favorite artist: yoshitaka amano favorite musician: iron maiden / metallica / vow wow / etc. there are literally too many. favorite scent: apple cinnamon, freshly baked bread, cherry blossoms favorite person: mondo-san, her father’s right-hand man
random –
list ten facts about your muse: 1. aki is left-handed. 2. aki is proficient in judo. 3. has 2 pet bunnies named gilgamesh and daisuke and a third unnamed pet bunny. 4. is all the way a cat person. 5. dumbs herself down to be more likeable/approachable 6. smells of roses 7. her favourite flowers are tulips. 8. sometimes she practices wearing makeup but ends up feeling so ridiculous that she angrily wipes it off. 9. went to a prestigious prep school (before her memory loss) 10. her favourite ice cream is mint choco chip. list five things they like: animals / video games / horror movies / heavy metal / comic books list five things they dislike: complicated or mean people / being patronised / formalities / being ordered around common words / phrases that annoy them?: ’stop acting like a child/baby’ / ‘act your age’ / ‘grow up’ personality types they prefer: kind, soft-people / witty or funny people / sensible and intelligent people personality types they avoid: people who are condescending / egoistic / morally questionable / arrogant
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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