#She's ironically very fond of Strawberry Cookie
wwskn · 1 year
Random ass Earl Grey Macaron doodles
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dandyfics · 5 years
taste ; lee minho ☆
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— summary: as many say, even the smallest things can create small clusters of happiness. what if that happiness comes from somewhere familiar? perhaps the local creamery you’ve grown too fond of?
— genre: fluff, a whole lot of fluff, ft. other skz members — pairings: ice-cream boy!minho x office worker!reader — word count: 2.6k — warnings: explicit language, cursing 
— author note: beware of spelling & grammar errors ! this was based on some random sub reddit so uhm– it doesn’t really have a theme ?? but i hope you enjoy my first **published** fic nonetheless bubs ! and of course, gender neutral !
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You hate Mondays. The endless demands from your co-workers to grab some coffee, the hideous traffic anywhere you go, your boss shouting like a bewildered orangutan, and of course the ravenous feeling that washes in your stomach. You fear that you’re not going to make it by the time lunch break rolls in.
Obviously, this doesn’t only apply on Mondays. But the fateful day decided to be a special snowflake to you and your work ethic, which makes it ten times shittier than any other day. Not to mention the hefty piles of paperwork that you need to finish at home before August. A year into the work experience in Seo’s Publishing & Co. and you still struggle to get that promotion you’ve been opting since January. At least they pay you well.
But you weren’t alone on that exact Monday. Summer and it’s endless supplies of heat waves decided to enter your life before you even know it. As Han Jisung likes to say, what a great time to be alive. Not.
“It’s so fucking hot.” Felix limps on his desk chair, frantically fanning himself with a big blue binder. You, on the other hand, already prepared long before with two hand fans screeching atop your desk. “Why is the AC off?”
“Because Mr. Seo said ‘fuck global warming’, which is ironic since his office has two air conditioners that are always on,” Kim Seungmin says, plopping on his chair before turning on his brand new industrial fan that he keeps on bragging about since the beginning of July, claiming that he’s got the weather ‘under control’. Felix doesn’t respond at this rate, instead, he oggles weirdly at the fan Seungmin got from God-knows-where.
You groan miserably. “Turn that damn thing off, you’re perpetuating hot air onto my face.”
“I’ll do that. Once Jisung stops wasting all the cold air from the fridge.”
“I swear to God, Han. If you eat my frozen waffle once again.” Typical Felix who will always protect his food. That kid will protect his cream cheese bagel even if WWIII decided to occur.
Jisung frowns childishly. “It’s just too hot. I’m evaporating, literally.”
“Maybe it’s because I’m in the room.” Hwang Hyunjin merrily waltzes into the conversation, earning a few annoyed gazes and grouses from his co-workers.
“Choke on a baguette.” Seungmin grunts, throwing a crumpled printer paper at him. “Your presence isn’t needed here anymore, not after that promotion of yours.” Hyunjin smiles smugly, taking a sip from his ‘Best Uncle’ coffee cup. 
Yearly promotions have gotten a toll on you, ever since Hyunjin got his place as the assistants’ assistant, he’s been moved to the 3rd-floor cubicle; located right next to the main office, which – you’ve guessed it – is completed with a working air conditioner. Big headed Hyunjin has and will never stop mentioning it. ‘We’ll stay together till one of us gets fired’ my ass.
“You’re just jealous because I earned that cool cubicle on the 3rd floor. Unlike y’all peasants who rely on factory industry fans.” Hyunjin scoffs, emphasizing on the last sentence. Seungmin chokes on his coffee mug.
“You got a problem with Becky?”
“It has a name?” Jisung half-whispers at you, earning a shrug.
“Shut up, Hyunjin, just go back to your fancy little office and do your five stacks of paperwork that you haven’t touched since last week.” You quip, earning a high five from Felix. “Oh, and neither your niece nor nephew likes you, Hwang.”
Hyunjin gasps dramatically, hiding his graphic cup from your sight. “How DARE you.” Jisung cackles his ass off as if he’s enjoying some random Netflix show, watching Hyunjin as he takes an indignant sip from his cup whilst trying to explain that his niece just ‘mildly dislike him and nothing more’. You – being the only one with a sane state of mind – take a glance at the clock.
“Oh, shit. It’s already 12.” You murmur. “Anyone down to get out and grab lunch? I’m not talking to you, Hyunjin.” Felix goes in for another cheeky high five as Hyunjin flouts.
Seungmin pushes his glasses from the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Look, Y/N. As hungry as I am, I’m not going to burn into a crisp of bacon outside in this weather.” He retorts, continuing on his Pdf file. “Fun fact, it’s almost 34° Celcius outside. I’d rather starve to death than sweat to death.” Jisung sheepishly agrees, engulfing in the cold fridge air.
You turn to Felix sympathetically, expecting him to join you. “Can’t you see that I’m hyperventilating?” Felix whines like a wet dog, thudding his head repeatedly on his messy desk. You click your tongue at the pathetic sight.
“Okay, so no one’s gonna join me?” You ask for the last time. Rethinking again about getting burned in the midst of the July air. Was it worth it? Should you really drag one of your co-workers in the ungodly weather?
You huff, disappointed lacing your features as a genius idea draws onto your mind. “Well, I’m heading to the creamery near the park. Don’t come at me trying to get a lick from my rocky-road cone.”
“Shit, ice cream sounds great right now!” Jisung squeaks from the floor.
“Please, Y/N, can you get me the mint chocolate one? I need something to cool me off.” Felix jolts from his seat seemingly refreshed and youthful again. Seungmin cheers from his desk, presumably also in the mood for something cold and creamy. Hyunjin screeches like a pterodactyl from the corner of your eye, screaming something about chocolate.
Your co-workers haven’t really grown up, have they?
“Suddenly I’m your servant? Nice try.” You reply playfully, raising an eyebrow at your half-melting co-workers. They all groan in unison. “Nothing is free. Everything comes with a pri–”
Jisung surges from his butt. “Tell you what, I’ll buy you dinner. Chinese at that place you always wanted to visit!” He offers, making the others try to think of a better deal than his. “Only if you get me the cheesecake ice cream.”
Seungmin follows up. “Y/N, if you get me a cup of cookies and cream, I’ll finish reviewing that book for you. Oh, and also a stack of your paperwork. What do you say?” Jisung boos at Seungmin’s boring choice of flavor.
“I’ll give you a foot massage!” Felix adds.
“Tempting.” You snicker smugly before turning to Hyunjin. “Aren’t you going to offer me something, Hwang? Anything?”
Hyunjin avoids eye contact with you before crooning. “Fine, I’ll give you a ride in my convertible for the rest of the month.” You mentally tap yourself in the back for getting great deals just for a bucket of cheap ice cream. Drastic time does require drastic measures, they say. You grab your bag and walk towards the elevator with a jolly good feeling.
“You all got yourself a deal. Better be ready for that foot massage, Lix.”
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Dori Creamery. The sweet scent of vanilla and cream whiffs onto you as you walk near the entrance. You spent almost all of your college days being a customer in the said creamery. The place is medium sized, petite but fancy. The light neapolitan colors being the aesthetic of the shop brings back all the memories. You recall the seconds when you had your first date, celebrating your graduation with a cup of mango-sorbet, and your heartbreak spent accompanied by a tube of berry delight.
You liked the place. No, you loved the place. Hints of nostalgia always hit you whenever you enter the calming aura of the room, only this time, the creamery is packed with people. And not just any people; sweaty, loud, body-odor inducing people.
You managed to squeeze in the back of the line, avoiding the nasty body-sweat that lingers around. You can also go to another shop, but hey, where’s the fun in that? If you can’t even get some ice cream, what’s even the point?
“Excuse me, coming through.” You mumble as some guy nearly bumps you out of the line. The whiff of wind in the room is prominent, but the body heat everyone seems to be sharing nearly evaporates you apart.
You opted on scrolling through your phone while you wait for the person at the very front to make up their mind about ‘I’m on a low sugar diet but I really want to try the strawberry shortcake, should I?’. After a while, the line started to dry out, until there’s only you and a few others before you.
Everything was fine and dandy until you feel a force coming from beside you, nearly shoving you down to the floor. “Hey, what the hell?” You scold. A woman suddenly stands in front of you, cutting your precious time and line.
“I’m in a hurry.” She claims, whipping her head to decide on her order.
If you’re in a hurry why the fuck did you stop for ice cream?  A rasp of vexation coils in you, leaving you to do nothing but scowl at the woman. The heat isn’t helping either. A part of you wanted to flip everything off – including the woman – but you remind yourself that you’re no cavemen and it’s just some ice cream, it’s no big deal.
You couldn’t do much but sigh and wait for your turn, hoping that no one else would do something as ignorant as she did. Not even a single sorry? Great, just what you needed.
The woman finally decided on a pistachio order and storms off with a receipt in one hand and a double-scoop cone on the other. You irkly glance before walking towards the counter, repeating the order in your head.
“Uh, hi. I would like a cone of–”
“Rocky road with whipped cream?”
“Yeah, that. And– wait, how did you know?” You eyed the cashier, who’s smiling meekly at you. Nearly staring in awe, you almost forget about the whole order after meeting the enthralling smile painted on his face. “Do I… know you?”
He chuckles lightly, handing his co-worker a slip of paper. “No, it’s just that you always order that. Don’t you ever get bored of it?”
“It’s too good to be bored with.” You say, beaming idly. Finally, a nice–decent human being with good manners. “So, you’re not new here?” You mention, raising an eyebrow. The boy beams, reminding you of the Cheshire Cat – mere charisma laced in his smile. 
He shakes his head, denying your question. “Actually, I own this place.”
Your eyes widen. “Really? How come I’ve never seen you before?”
“You ask a lot of questions.” The boy teases. “I mostly work at the kitchen, perfecting my secret recipe. But I always know my customers.” He playfully answers. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, I added your order to that woman’s receipt. Can you imagine cutting a line just for a cone of caramel and pistachio?” Your eyes widen. Not so sweet after all, huh?
“Wh– isn’t that illegal or some shit?” You ask, worrying that your favorite ice cream parlor will shut down because of the FBI finding out about your stupid cone of rocky road. The boy shrugs innocently.
“Not if you don’t get caught.” He winks.
You scoff, an unfamiliar feeling clusters in your stomach, just like the thrill of first crushes but with a different – slightly bizzare taste. “I’m still ordering something else, though. Tell me, is the rocky road free?” You ask, still unsure of what just happened. Free ice cream isn’t something you get every day, come to think of it. He pretends to think for a while before nodding.
“But,” He says. “You have to do me a favor in return.” You raise your eyebrow, preparing yourself for any stupid favor he has in mind. The blossoming feelings doesn’t stop pounding in you, and suddenly it’s middle school all over again. “How about your number? That seems fair, yeah?” He smiles coyly. You snort.
“Sir, am I hearing things wrong or are you flirting with me?”
“Well, do you want your precious rocky road cone or not?” He playfully sniggers at you. You cognitively slap yourself back alive, lured in by his small tricks. You had no choice, do you? Hey, at least the boy’s cute.
You grab a piece of tissue from the counter without answering. “Do you have a pen?” Handing you a pen, he rests his head on top of his palm, watching you write down your number carefully – trying not to rip the tissue or create a hole. He smirks in satisfaction, watching you as your face washes in a flustered demand. “What’s your name?”
“Minho. Lee Minho.”
“As in the actor? Wow, I’ve never thought he’ll be selling ice cream downtown.”
“I wish.” You giggle at his response, handing him the nearly ripped tissue paper. 
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You say, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck. Minho slides the paper on his pocket, handing you a cone of rocky road with whipped cream and sliced strawberries on top as an extra dressing. “Thanks, I’m also ordering two medium buckets of cookies and cream with chocolate and mint-choco with blueberry cheesecake. No toppings, please.” You finally excecute the order after countless unsuccessful rehearsals in your head.
Minho writes down the order before sliding the paper towards his co-worker who seems to be wiggling his eyebrows from your view. “Wow, that’s a lot to eat in one sitting. No toppings?” You shake your head again.
“It’s for my co-workers. Oh, and spit on the chocolate one, if you may.”
“Kinky, but it’s not something I’ve never tried before,”
“I’m just kidding, geez.” You huff, trying to hide the bubbling smile as you wonder, trying to imagine what happened to occur that precise course of action.
“You work at the publishing company now, huh?” He asks, pointing at your nametag as he passes your two buckets of ice cream. You nod enthusiastically. “I remember you coming here late at night in your pajamas doing calculus while shoving cookie dough up to your face. Good times.”
A coral blush crept from your cheeks. “Okay, now you just sound creepy.”
“Well,” He says, his face panning closer to you as you flinch back in surprise. “I’d like to stay and chat, Y/N. But you’re holding the line.” Minho reminds you, cocking his head towards the line. “Let’s continue some other day, yeah?”
You glance at the clock and then at the line behind you. “Oh shit, you’re right.” Clicking your tongue, you mention silently. Disappointed that you have to go back to your crusty co-workers, who’s probably whining over the fact that you’re still not back yet. “How much for the two tubes?”
“Twenty five.” He answers watching you run swiftly through your wallet. “But if you’re willing to go to dinner with me next Saturday, it’s free.” Minho says. Your heart does a cartwheel as you stare into the boy, wiggling his eyebrows at you. What more can you ask from a good looking guy like him? Cheeky bastard.
“How can I say no to that?” The coral blush that tinges on your cheeks fades into a deep red. “To be honest, I’m baffled. You sure know a lot about me, but I don’t know much about you, Minho.”
He hums. “Let’s fix that, shall we?”
“You got yourself a date, Mister. Now if you’ll excuse me, someone at the office owes me a foot massage.” Minho winks one last time before you leave the ice cream parlor.
With heart in your hand and ice cream in the other, you walk out the creamery with a delighted feeling. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll melt away like ice cream in scorching hot weather if you think about the ice cream boy too much.
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shy-violet-soul · 6 years
The Pint-sized Protection Squad
Title: The Pint-sized Protection Squad Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (female) Synopsis:  Bucky Barnes, Alpha & Winter Soldier, thought he knew what scary was.  Then, he came face-to-face with his Omega’s protection squad… Word count: 1800-ish Warnings: tooth-rotting/stomach-aching fluff of the highest degree. A/N: @ursulaismymiddlename reblogged this idea and the idea wouldn’t let me go.  So, I wrote this instead of doing my real job.  It might be garbage, but I had fun plunking it down!
Liked it? There’s a sequel over HERE!
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Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  When you approached him with the idea to start a daycare for the alpha/beta/omega kids in the neighborhood, he said ‘no’.  The idea of strangers coming and going around his Omega just about gave him hives.
“Bucky, let me explain.  Some parents are starting to complain about them being in with non-a/b/o kids.  They’re wanting to ban them.”  Then, she did it. The eyes thing, and the hand thing.  One little hand resting against his chest while those y/e/c eyes blinked up at him, and Bucky wavered.  “Just picture them, hun.  All those little alphas and omegas, just pushed aside.”  She peeked up at him from beneath thick lashes before delivering the final blow.  “Breaks my heart to think about if they were our pups…”
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  When his superiorly-strategist-skilled Omega shot down all his protestations, he gave in and said ‘yes’.  While you picked out paint colors, tiny furniture, and craft ideas, he frantically begged Tony and Steve to help him protect her.  The first floor of their three-story apartment was thoughtfully converted for the project, complete with a separate front door.  Vetting processes were carefully constructed, security measures meticulously enacted, FRIDAY installed.  And on meet & greet night, Bucky tried hard to ignore his cotton-mouth anxiety at the strangers gathered around his Omega.  
Watching her made it easier.  Seated in a blue overstuffed chair covered with butterflies, she talked animatedly with an Alpha and Omega pair of mothers and a Beta dad.  The moms’ little Omega girl sat cuddled in her lap, and the dad’s little Alpha boy leaned against her, tucked under her other arm.  Both children looked up at her like she hung the moon.  Bucky knew the feeling well.  Seeing the delight beaming from her in huge smiles, Bucky knew this was a perfect fit for his girl.
That didn’t stop him from scenting the heck out of her before she opened the doors the first day.
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  Growling low under his breath every time an Alpha came in to drop off their pup was just a friendly hello.  An assertive hello.  Okay, it was a warning that she was HIS.  So, while the Alpha moms or dads in question side-eyed him warily, Y/N just laughed and smacked a kiss to his chin as she signed in the little pups and handed out morning snacks.
She refused to let him sit with them and glower at the kids all day, so he stayed glued to the security camera footage instead.  After a month of watching her work her magic with the little ones, and zero problems with the parents, Bucky started to relax.
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  Asking his Omega to wear a body camera and bio-sensors that fed into his phone when he went on the first mission after opening the daycare wasn’t overkill in the slightest.  When Y/N refused, he 100% supported that.  The fact that Wanda showed up to “help” her in the daycare while he was gone was random coincidence.  
Ur lucky ur cute & she brought kifla cookies. eating them all, BTW.  A fond grin touched his face as he read her text.  God, he loved this woman.  A picture of she and Wanda surrounded by the children, mouths stuffed full of the cinnamon-sugary treat, chirped through next, pulling a chuckle from him.  
Three months passed, and Bucky had to agree that the daycare was an unarguable success.  He’d even decreased his security footage viewing to just a glance now and then, confident in the Stark technology and FRIDAY vigilance at work.  One particular fall day, Bucky sat at the kitchen table methodically field cleaning his guns.  Michael Kamen soundtracks filtered from his phone, a pleasant background to his task.  A faint whiff caught his attention - geranium and lemon.  Your scent, but with a hit of something different.  Something sweet and warm...Heat.  You were going into heat.
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  The fact that the door now hung from only one loose hinge was completely irrelevant.
Alarm pounded through him as he raced down the stairs.  Your heat was early, so you were caught defenseless against the nausea, cramps, and dizziness.  When Bucky burst into the daycare floor, a mish-mash of scents smacked him in the face.  Sweet orange, strawberry, black licorice, chocolate, cinnamon red-hots - it smelled like a melting candy store, and Bucky couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.  He turned the corner into the play room, and there you were.  Curled up on the floor, leaning weakly against the blue butterfly chair, you had an arm wrapped around your middle as the first wave of cramps hit you.  Overcome with the need to get to you, Bucky charged forward…and was met with immediate resistance.
Four little alphas, three boys and one girl, lined up in front of Y/N protectively.  Indignant glares gave him pause while a blonde little Beta girl with adorable freckles stood up on the blue chair and pointed at him accusingly.
“Alpha!” came the warning.  One of the little alphas, a tow headed youngster that reminded him too much of a little Steven Rogers, lowered his head and barreled towards him.  Before Bucky could blink, the pup slammed his foot into Bucky’s shin.  A grunt left him as Bucky put an arm out to hold his attacker off.  Bucky couldn’t hold in the squawk of pain as another Alpha, this one a three-foot tall munchkin with gorgeous black eyes and a lightning bolt shaved into his temple fade, ricocheted a Duplo Lego brick off his temple.  Stumbling away from the unexpected assault, Bucky tripped over a toy train and fell hard, right on his ass.  Turmoiling emotions avalanched through him as Bucky tried to decide between crabwalking back from the threat or protecting his Omega.  
“Stop!”  The cry, weak as it was, froze the whole group.  Bucky’s head swiveled in Y/N’s direction, and his heart thumped hard.
His Omega was being well protected, after all.
A teensy little redhead Omega with brilliant blue eyes had her arms wrapped around Y/N’s neck, holding her face smooshed under her tiny chin while Y/N tried to pull back a breath.  Trying to let Miss Y/N scent her for comfort, like a good Omega would.  The other Omega, a chubby little doll with curly brown pigtails and dimples, tenderly stroked Y/N’s hair, as she murmured, “Don’t you worry, Miss Y/N!  Your Alpha will be here soon and give you hugs.  Do you need an Elsa band-aid?”  Little “Steve” and Lightning Bolt were flanked by a warrior princess in a pink tshirt emblazoned with “this little mermaid is a hot mess”, and a boy with purple Hulk pants and an Iron Man hoodie.  The row of tiny Alphas were churning out angry, fearful, candy-scented pheromones like a factory while the two Omegas waffled between scared and soothing scents.
You had your very own pint-sized protection squad.
Warrior Princess took a step forward, eyes squinted threateningly.
“State your business, Alpha!”
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  Seven small children who didn’t equal his body mass didn’t intimidate him in the least.
“I-I...Y/N, she - I - she’s my Alpha.  I mean, Omega.  I’m her Alpha,” he stuttered out.
“Yes,” you managed to croak out, groaning as another cramp waved through you.  Little Red looked at Dimples, alarmed.
“Maybe she needs a drink!”  Dimples scampered off in the direction of the kitchen, back in an instant with a leaking unicorn sippy cup which she shoved in your face.  Lightning Bolt stepped up next to Warrior Princess, fists on his hips.
“You her Alpha?  Prove it!”
“Prove it?”
“Yeah!  What’s her favorite bug?”
Completely flummoxed, Bucky had to think for a second, shaking his head a bit as your increasing heat-scent crowded his brain.
“Lightning bug.”  The four little Alphas looked at each other, gathering around and whispering.
“Is that the one whose bottom lights up?”
“Yup, that’s it.”
Iron Man Hoodie turned around, eyes narrowed suspiciously as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Alright, you may pass.”
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  He didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  He scrambled to your side, scooping you into his arms and pressing your face to his throat.  When your skin met his, you both sighed in relief as he pulled you fully into his lap, Little Red squashed somewhere in the mix.  He felt your breath wash against him when you sighed, your fingers grasping his shirt as his presence soothed the pain for the moment.  The soothing purr that you loved rumbled from his chest, vibrating into you as his calming scent of rosemary and sandalwood filled the room.
“Hhmmm,” the contented hum as Dimples suddenly pressed herself to his back.  A bright little chuckle had him lifting his elbow as Little Red climbed out from between them.
“He’s purring like a big cat!”
And just like that, five of the pups had found some way to plaster themselves on or around him and Y/N.  Murmurs of satisfaction groaned here and there as they all breathed in his calming scent.  Thoroughly bemused, Bucky tried to pay attention as Warrior Princess and little “Steve” tried to train him on Alpha stuff.
“If you’re gonna protect your Omega, you’ve gotta have a mean face.  Like this!”  Warrior Princess schooled her face into a properly intimidating scowl.
“Yeah!  And that purr is legit, but you gotta scare off other Alphas with a really scary growl.  Here, listen!” Little “Steve” growled with ferocity.  “Now, you do it.  Show us your mean face and your growl!”
Bucky ‘legit’ didn’t know what the hell to do.  You huffed a chuckle against his collarbone, and Bucky dipped his chin down to look at you.
“Yeah, Bucky.  Show us your mean face.”  Rolling his eyes at you, Bucky screwed his features into an exaggerated glower, a thunderous snarl rumbling from him.  Warrior Princess clapped her hands, beaming a proud smile at him.
“That was real good!  But next time, show more teeth with your face, and then you’ll be really scary.”
With that, she flounced over and curled up against Y/N’s back, sandwiched between Lightning Bolt and Freckles, the Beta.  Bucky felt his heart thump hard again.
Bucky Barnes was a reasonable man.  With Y/N in his lap, and pint-sized pups squished up against his back, her back, around his arms, etc., he knew this daycare had always been a fantastic idea.
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keijay-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cookingtipsandreviews.com/our-favorite-healthy-oatmeal-cookie-recipe/
Our Favorite Healthy Oatmeal Cookie Recipe
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Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies
My mother insisted that my grandmother write down one recipe for her when she got married in 1942. That was a real effort because Grandma was a traditional pioneer-type cook who used “a little of this or that ’til it feels right.” This treasured recipe is the only one she ever wrote down! —Janet Hall, Clinton, Wisconsin
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Gran’s Apple Cake
My grandmother occasionally brought over this wonderful cake warm from the oven. The spicy apple flavor combined with the sweet cream cheese frosting made this dessert a treasured recipe. Even though I’ve lightened it up, it’s still a family favorite. —Lauris Conrad, Turlock, California
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Pina Colada Icebox Cake
This icebox cake has all of the flavors of a piña colada. It takes just one bite to escape to a tropical island! —Rachel Lewis, Danville, Virginia
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Caramel-Pecan Apple Pie
You’ll love the smell in your kitchen—and the smiles on everybody’s faces—when you make this scrumptious caramel apple pie recipe. It takes me back home to Virginia and being at my granny’s table. —Jean Castro, Phoenix, Arizona
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Grandma’s Carrot Cake
My Grandma was very special to me. She had a big country kitchen that was full of wonderful aromas anytime we visited. This was one of her prized cake recipes, which continues to be a favorite from generation to generation. —Denise Strasz, Detroit, Michigan
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Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake
Years ago, I added some zucchini to a peanut butter bar I had created, and this time I wanted to try it with a cake. The zucchini makes it super moist, but doesn’t get int the way of the chocolate and peanut butter goodness. —Marilyn Blankschien, Clintonville, Wisconsin
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  Cherry Coconut Treats
My great-grandmother created this recipe more than 100 years ago, so it’s made many appearances at family parties. Make the treats even more fun for the holidays by using both red and green maraschino cherries. —Anne Mullen, Windsor, Ontario
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Nana’s Chocolate Cupcakes with Mint Frosting
My Nana used to make these cupcakes at Christmas every year. Even though she is no longer with us, the cakes have special meaning and it brings me joy to bake them. For a more indulgent version, double the frosting and pile it high on top of each cupcake. —Chekota Hunter, Cassville, Missouri
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Apple Pie
I remember coming home sullen one day because we’d lost a softball game. Grandma, in her wisdom, suggested, “Maybe a slice of my homemade apple pie will make you feel better.” One bite, and Grandma was right. If you want to learn how to make homemade apple pie filling, this is really the only recipe you need. —Maggie Greene, Granite Falls, Washington
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Blackberry-Orange Cake
My grandmother made luscious fruit pies and cobblers using blackberries from her garden. I decided to follow her lead and create a blackberry cake that’s always lovely with a summer meal. —Lisa M. Varner, El Paso, Texas
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Fudge Nut Brownies
There’s no brownie recipe or mix I’ve ever tried that’s better than this! And it’s so easy—you can mix it in one bowl in just a few minutes. My husband’s grandmother passed the recipe on; now our son makes these brownies for after-school snacks. —Becky Albright, Norwalk, Ohio
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Carrot Cake
This wonderful recipe for carrot cake dates back to my great-grandmother! My family and I make sure to bake up a few of these carrot cakes for special occasions to make sure there’s enough to go around. You’ll love the texture this pretty, moist treat gets from pineapple, coconut and, of course, carrots! —Debbie Terenzini-Wilkerson, Lusby, Maryland
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Irresistible Coconut Cream Pie
My husband and I grow 500 acres of wheat on the farm his family homesteaded in 1889. I grind my own flour and love to use it in this recipe. The easy, pat-in crust has a rich grain flavor. It’s irresistible filled with old-fashioned coconut cream and topped with a fluffy meringue. —Roberta Foster, Kingfisher, Oklahoma
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Shoofly Cupcakes
These moist old-fashioned molasses cupcakes were my grandmother’s specialty. To keep them from disappearing too quickly, she used to store them out of sight. Somehow, we always figured out her hiding places! —Beth Adams, Jacksonville, Florida
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Cookie Jar Gingersnaps
My grandma kept two cookie jars in her pantry. One of the jars, which I now have, always had these crisp and chewy gingersnaps in it. They’re still my favorite cookie recipe. My daughter, Becky, used this recipe for a 4-H fair and won a blue ribbon. —Deb Handy, Pomona, Kansas
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Banana Bread Pudding
When I visited my grandmother in summer, I always looked forward to the comforting pudding she’d make. With its crusty golden top, custard-like inside and smooth vanilla sauce, this bread pudding is a real homespun dessert. Now I make it for my grandchildren. —Mary Detweiler, Middlefield, Ohio
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Sugar Cream Pie
I absolutely love Indiana sugar cream pie; especially the one that my grandma made for me. Here, we serve it warm or chilled and call it “Hoosier” sugar cream pie. —Laura Kipper, Westfield, Indiana
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7UP Pound Cake
My grandmother gave me this 7UP pound cake recipe. On top of being delicious, this 7UP cake represents family tradition, connection and love. —Marsha Davis, Desert Hot Springs, California
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Glazed Strawberry Cookies
I learned to bake with my grandmother and mother. I knew I was giving them a sweet new family tradition when I shared this recipe with them. —Andrea Zulauf, Livonia, New York
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Grandma’s Tandy Kake
My grandmother made this for all our family gatherings. Everyone loves it now I make it for every party we attend or host. —John Morgan III, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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Italian Lemon Cookies
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without my grandmother’s cookies. A plate full of these light and zesty cookies is divine!—Elisabeth Miller, Broadview Heights, Ohio
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Buttermilk Pecan Pie
This is the treasured “Golden Oldie” that my grandmother made so often whenever we’d come to visit. Grandma grew her own pecans, and we never tired of cracking them and picking out the meat when we knew we’d be treated to her special pie! —Mildred Sherrer, Fort Worth, Texas
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Chocolate Cupcake Cones
I experimented with these cupcakes when my girls were young. Now, I’m a grandmother of nine, and these are still our favorites. They’re a great treat for kids to bring to school.—Betty Anderson, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
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Banana Skillet Upside-Down Cake
My grandmother gave me my first cast iron skillet, and I’ve been cooking and baking with it ever since. Sometimes I add drained maraschino cherries to this banana skillet dessert and serve it with a ice cream. —Terri Merritts, Nashville, Tennessee
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Iced Orange Cookies
I usually make these bite-size cookies at Christmastime, when oranges in Florida are plentiful. Every time I sniff their wonderful aroma, I remember my grandmother, who shared the recipe. —Lori DiPietro, New Port Richey, Florida
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Apple Roly-Poly
Apple Roly-Poly isn’t very fancy, but it’s genuine Down East fare. It came from my grandmother. With 13 children plus the men at Grandpa’s sawmill, she had to do lots of cooking each day! —Megan Newcombe, Cookstown, Ontario
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Pinwheel Mints
Both my grandmother and my mom used to make these eye-catching confections as a replacement for ordinary mints. When I offer them at parties, guests tell me the candies are wonderful, and then ask how I created the pretty swirl pattern. —Marilou Roth, Milford, Nebraska
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Crisp Sugar Cookies
My grandmother always had sugar cookies in her pantry, and we grandchildren would empty that big jar quickly because they were the best! I now regularly bake these wonderful cookies to share with friends. —Evelyn Poteet, Hancock, Maryland
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Moist Chocolate Cake
This cake reminds me of my grandmother because it was one of her specialties. I bake it often for family parties, and it always brings back fond memories. The cake is light and airy with a delicious chocolate taste. This recipe is a keeper! —Patricia Kreitz, Richland, Pennsylvania
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Martha Washington Candy
Passed down by my grandmother and mother, this recipe is a cherished family tradition. We’ve even had each grandchild and great-grandchild take a turn stirring the candy mixture! —Cindi Boger, Ardmore, Alabama
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Lemon Custard Cake
This custard cake recipe comes from my grandma and is nice to whip up when unexpected company stops in. It’s a cool, creamy dessert that tastes like you fussed. —Sue Gronholz, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
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Caramel-Apple Skillet Buckle
My grandma used to make a version of this for me when I was a little girl. She would make it using fresh apples from her tree in the back yard. I’ve adapted her recipe because I love the combination of apple, pecans, and caramel. —Emily Hobbs, Springfield, Missouri
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German Black Forest Cake
As far as I know, this cake recipe can be traced back to my German great-grandma. When I got married, my mother gave me a copy and I hope to someday pass it down to my children. —Stephanie Travis, Fallon, Nevada
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Date Swirl Cookies
My granddaughter nicknamed my mother Cookie Grandma because she made wonderful cookie—including these crisp and chewy treats. —Donna Grace, Clancy, Montana
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Winnie’s Mini Rhubarb & Strawberry Pies
Every spring, we had strawberries and rhubarb on our farm outside Seattle. These fruity hand pies remind me of those times and of Grandma Winnie’s baking. —Shawn Carleton, San Diego, California
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Grossmutter’s Peppernuts
Before Christmas, my grandmother would bake peppernuts and store them until the big day. When we came home from school, the whole house would smell like anise and we knew the holiday season was about to begin. —Marilyn Kutzli, Clinton, Iowa
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Apple Cornbread Crisp
With its hearty ingredients and quick prep time, this warm apple crisp makes a smart dessert for any fall night. It reminds me of the recipe my grandmother would serve after our big family seafood dinners. It’s absolutely wonderful topped with ice cream. —Julie Peterson, Crofton, Maryland
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Pennsylvania Dutch Funny Cake
I can still remember my grandma serving this delicious cake on the big wooden table in her farm kitchen. Every time I bake this unusual cake, it takes me back to those special days at Grandma’s. —Diane Ganssle, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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Upside-Down Apple Cake
Baked in a bundt pan and drizzled with icing, this breakfast cake will be a highlight of your holiday menu. I adapted the recipe from one of my grandmother’s. —Shaunda Wenger, Nibley, Utah
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Peppermint Brownies
My grandmother encouraged me to enter these mint brownies in the county fair many years ago—and they earned top honors! They’re a chewy treat to serve during the holidays. —Marcy Greenblatt, Redding, California
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Oma’s Apfelkuchen (Grandma’s Apple Cake)
My husband’s German family calls this Oma’s apfelkuchen,, which translates to “Grandma’s apple cake.” They’ve been sharing the recipe for more than 150 years. I use Granny Smith apples, but any variety works. —Amy Kirchen, Loveland, Ohio
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Coconut Creme Chocolates
I’m a proud wife, mom of three and grandma of many. I’ve cooked many things over the years, including these marshmallowy chocolates. —Dolores Wilder, Texas City, Texas
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Apricot Pinwheel Cookies
My grandmother always made these cookies for the holidays. The recipe has been passed down through generations to me, and now from me to you. — Robert Logan, Clayton, California
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Nanny’s Fruitcake Cookies
My grandmother always made a holiday fruitcake. I turned her recipe into cookies that are perfect any time, especially with a cup of tea. —Amanda Digges, South Windsor, Connecticut
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Chocolate Pear Hazelnut Tart
As a teenage foreign exchange student in the south of France, I was horribly homesick. Then my host family’s grandmother Miette arrived and asked if I’d like to help her bake this nutty tart from scratch. It turned my trip around and inspired my lifelong passion for baking. Weighing ingredients, roasting nuts, kneading dough…the art of baking transcends language. —Lexi McKeown, Los Angeles, California
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Buttery Orange Sugar Cookies
My husband’s grandmother made a variety of cookies every year for her grandkids at Christmastime. She would box them up and give each child his or her own box. This crisp, orange flavored cookie is one of my favorites from her collection.—Heather McKillip, Aurora, Illinois
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Caramel Rhubarb Cobbler
I came up with this recipe after hearing a friend fondly recall his grandmother’s rhubarb dumplings. My son especially likes rhubarb, and this old-fashioned dessert lets those special stalks star. -Beverly Shebs, Pinehurst, North Carolina
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Mint Chocolate Wafers
My grandmother gave me a cookbook stuffed with recipes. This is a slight twist on one of the first—and best—recipes I made from the book. It’s best to store these in the refrigerator. —Mary Murphy, Evansville, Indiana
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Icebox Cookies
This cookie recipe from my 91-year-old grandmother was my grandfather’s favorite. She still makes them and sends us home with the dough so that we can make more whenever we want, I love to make a fresh batch when company drops in. —Chris Paulsen, Glendale, Arizona
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Apple Crumble Pie
The crumb topping of this apple crumb pie recipe is awesome, which may explain why dessert always disappears fast. Or maybe it’s the chunky apple filling. Either way, it’s a family tradition. —Vera Brouwer, Maurice, Iowa
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Chocolate Chip Red Velvet Whoopie Pies
Baking a fun treat is a must when my four grandchildren come for “Grandma Camp.” This year I’ll recruit the oldest, Henry, to help pipe the cake batter. —Linda Schend, Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Cranberry-Almond Apple Pie
My grandmother made this treat every year for Christmas. It’s much better than everyday apple pie. The recipe is a family treasure. —Maxine Theriauit, Nashua, New Hampshire
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Red Velvet Marble Cake
I watched my grandma prepare her red velvet showstopper many times for family get-togethers. The fluffy butter frosting perfectly complements the flavor of this gorgeous cake.—Jodi Anderson, Overbrook, Kansas
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Meringue Snowballs In Custard
My family has passed down this elegant dessert generation by generation. It started with my Russian great-grandmother, who traveled to America more than 100 years ago. I love continuing the tradition with her recipe. —Tonya Burkhard, Palm Coast, Florida
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Lime & Spice Peach Cobbler
This was my grandmother’s favorite recipe to make when they had bushels of peaches. Now I love to bake it whenever I can for my family and friends. —Mary Ann Dell of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
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Gingerbread Meringue Bars
The best of both worlds, I combined my grandmother’s gingerbread recipe with my aunt’s special brown sugar meringue to make these lovable bars. —Eden Dranger, Los Angeles, California
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Granny’s Spice Cookies
Granny always had a batch of these delicious, crispy cookies waiting for us at her house. When I miss her more than usual, I make these cookies and let the aroma fill my house and heart. —Valerie Hudson, Mason City, Iowa
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It’s tradition for my family to make these German treats together. The recipe came from my great-grandmother’s cookbook, and judging from the amount of requests I get, it has certainly stood the test of time.—Esther Kempker, Jefferson City, Missouri
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Triple Ginger Cookies
My dad loved ginger cookies. I’ve tinkered with the recipe my grandma handed down by using fresh, ground and crystallized ginger for more pizzazz. —Trisha Kruse, Eagle, Idaho
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Six-Layer Coconut Cake with Lemon Filling
I found this recipe when going through my grandmother’s old files. It was originally made with an orange filling, but using lemon pudding in the filling makes it easier to prepare. It is simply the best. —Angela Leinenbach, Mechanicsvlle, Virginia
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Minty Chocolate Cream Cheese Bars
I always looked forward to my grandma’s gooey bars when I was growing up. This chocolate version includes mint, which is one of my favorite flavor add-ins. —Jill Lutz, Baldwin, Wisconsin
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Italian Pineapple Trifle
My grandmother made this rich, tempting trifle every year for our family’s Christmas Eve celebrations. Now I make it to carry on her special tradition. It’s an easy, delicious no-bake dessert everyone will love. —Ann-Marie Milano, Milton, Massachusetts
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Gingersnap Crumb Pear Pie
This basic recipe was one my grandmother used for making crumble pies from fresh fruit. She simply substituted oats, gingersnaps or vanilla wafers depending on the fruit. Pear was always my favorite. I added the ginger and caramel to give it a new twist. —Fay Moreland, Wichita Falls, Texas
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Banana Butter Pecan Kabobs
Desserts with bananas remind me of Grandma. She and my mom taught me to cook. I rarely measure. For this dish, I set out pecans and butterscotch with kabobs so everyone can customize. —Crystal Schlueter, Northglenn, Colorado
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Lemon Slice Sugar Cookies
Here’s a refreshing variation of my grandmother’s sugar cookie recipe. Lemon pudding mix and icing add a subtle tartness that tingles your taste buds. —Melissa Turkington, Camano Island, Washington
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Pumpkin Chip Cake with Walnuts
My grandmother gave me this family recipe. After a few changes, I made the treat even healthier and tastier. Holidays wouldn’t be the same without it!—Amy Bridgewater, Aztec, New Mexico
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Zucchini Cupcakes
I asked my grandmother for this recipe after trying these irresistible spice cupcakes at her home. I love their creamy caramel frosting. They’re such a scrumptious dessert you actually forget you’re eating your vegetables, too! —Virginia Lapierre, Greensboro Bend, Vermont
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Frosted Spice Cookies
This recipe has been handed down through many generations of my husband’s family. The cookies were always in his grandmother’s cookie jar when he’d visit. Today, he enjoys them more than ever—and so I do. —Debbie Hurlbert, Howard, Ohio
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Cherry Nut Cake
My grandmother made up this recipe for her children. Using Ozark-grown cherries and walnuts, she invented one they all liked. Granny always used cream from the dairy farm near her home, but the half-and half works well and is easier to find. —Diana Jennings, Lebanon, Missouri
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Mexican Chocolate Sugar Crisps
My grandma loved these so much, she would hide them from my grandpa! I think of her every time I make a batch. Like Mexican spice? Try stirring in a little chili powder. —Michele Lovio, Thousand Oaks, California
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Triple Berry Shortcake
My great-great grandmother handed down her shortcake recipe. I’m sharing it because it’s way too fabulous to keep it a secret! —Sara Kingsmore, Vadnais Heights, Minnesota
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Honey-Lime Almond Cookies
Decades ago my grandmother passed this buttery lime cookie recipe to me. Through years of baking, our cookie memories keep the family connected, although we’re miles apart. —Paula Marchesi, Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania
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Dipped Chocolate Logs
When my sister and I were little, we used to beg my mother and grandmother to make these buttery chocolate cookies during the holidays. Now, as moms ourselves, we get together every year to make Christmas cookies and the chocolate logs are always on the top of our list.—Deanna Markkos, Western Springs, Illinois
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Anise & Wine Cookies
My grandmother did not speak English very well, but she knew the language of great food. These wine cookies are crisp and best eaten after being dunked in even more wine.—Julia Meyers, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Raisin Pecan Pie
I remember my Grandmother Voltie and Great-Aunt Ophelia making this southern-style pie for Thanksgiving. It was always one of the many cakes and pies lined up for dessert. —Angie Price, Bradford, Tennessee
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Grandma’s Pecan Rum Bars
My grandmother handed down the recipe for these gooey bars, which we all love. The candied cherries are a must. —Deborah Pennington, Decatur, Alabama
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outlawqueenbey · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 2 - Family
Titled - Look Both Ways
Today is one of those days where the sun seems to be shining just a bit brighter, the sky just that much bluer, even the chirping of birds just a little more harmonious. Today is one of those days that nothing, absolutely nothing could possibly wreck. The domestic life is something she hadn’t really planned on enjoying this much, the entire thought of having a family surrounding her was a dream let go decades back.
Yet here she is, sitting on a soft cream couch, thumbing through a national geographic magazine (the one she’s been waiting what feels to be an eternity for just because there is an elephant highlight in it), sipping on a glass of red wine waiting for her family to come home for dinner, a dinner she’s made.
No, Maleficent had never thought this would be her life, swapping solitude for society. It’s had it’s moments. Where the claustrophobic tightness of the town has had the fire inside raging and rumbling to burst as though she’s about to burn the entire town to the ground. Fortunately, only a few acres of trees have been torched. Robin (another interesting adjustment in her world) had been kind enough to find her a large piece of the forest where not a soul resided, and she could simply sit in her much needed self-silence whenever her anxiety peaked. It used to happen more often, but she is learning that maybe being slightly suffocated by love isn’t such a terrible thing.
In the beginning, she wanted Regina, was happy to steal the woman away from the pain this place seemed to continually cause her. A soulmate had left, a surrogate child gone with him, and Regina had sought the comfort of her old friend, had rekindled this strange harboured love once more. But the thief had come back, and Maleficent hadn’t exactly been thrilled. She loved Regina, and Regina loved her back, but she also loved this outlaw and his messy though rather adorable offspring. They’d talked about it at length, Mal and Regina, what this meant for them, Robin returning from New York, and after a few months apart and some serious discussion they had all decided that if it made Regina happy, regardless of how Robin and Mal felt towards each other initially, that they would make it work.
And it’s beyond what Mal could have ever anticipated. She loves Regina. She is rather fond of Robin, dotes on Henry, but Roland, the chocolate button eyed, unruly, soft curls and pink chubby, dimple dented cheeks have been her entire downfall. They tease her about it. Her obsessive affection for the youngest, and whilst she still scoffs and barks back a threat about toasting their skin, her smile is brighter than the sun when she hears his voice. They can all go to hell for calling her a soft marshmallow for the boy, if he wants a Dragon teddy bear, well then he is going to have the best bloody snuggle buddy in the entire world.
And for as taken with Roland as Maleficent is, the affection is reciprocated in full. She is his guardian, his movie picking partner, spaghetti fork twirler, bathtime bubble maker, mischievous partner in crime, cookie stealing accomplice, and the place he goes when he wishes to be extra affectionate. He says she purrs, that her heart rumbles in her chest when he sleeps on her, that she is warm and soft, and keeps all the bad guys out of his dreams.
She waits everyday for him to come home from school. Impatiently, with her eyes checking the clock until it strikes twelve minutes after three, which means the god awfully colored long transportation car (Regina calls it a bus….) will be turning the corner in exactly two minutes, and she will be standing outside on the sidewalk in 90 seconds. It’s one of the best parts of her day, hearing his tiny scream of excitement as he flings himself into her awaiting arms from the second to last step on the bus. The babble of nonsense that quickly follows, and the smugness in her heart when he begs her to dragon for him, which simply entails she let out a puff of silver smooth smoke out into whatever shape he desires, usually it’s a lion, but she’s been trying elephant shapes… and he still squeals and burrows his head into her chest happily as they turn back to the house.
And so here she is, flipping through magazine pages whilst flicking her gaze to the clock, and it’s nice enough outside that she can afford to wait a few extra minutes out in the sunshine. Robin is in the kitchen humming far too loudly which probably means he’s sneaking in a few bites of dinner before it’s ready. Bloody thief. As if his ears were burning, he walks into the living room, stopping mid bite as he realizes Maleficent’s eyes glinting at him from the sofa, apparently unaware that she was still here and not already outside waiting for Roland. He gulps hard, swallowing painfully against the lodge of stolen food stuffed into his cheeks and does his best to smile at Mal, who simply arches her eyebrow at him.
“Shower sex for the whole week if we keep this between us.”
She laughs at his poor bargaining skills, but nods anyway and reaches for the glass of lemonade in his hand. Roland likes lemonade, her puff of purple magic adds a few plump sliced strawberries into the yellow sugary liquid and she is out the door before Robin can question the thievery of his drink.
It’s gorgeous outside too as she pads down the stone walkway, noting the fact Robin should probably cut the grass soon. The blades are tipping over, and she is more than accepting to the idea of watching him sweat shirtless in the sun whilst she and Regina watch from the patio chairs, admiring the view. She hits the iron gate at the same time her brunette love rolls into the driveway, her dainty little fingers waggling behind the window. The engine cuts off and Mal leans over the gate, appreciating the low cut in Regina’s silk red wine blouse, heating at the tightness of her dark skirt contrasting the olive of her toned calves shaped down into tall snake skinned pumps. She looks good enough to eat… perhaps later. It’s a grinned “Hello,” a happy squeeze of a hand, followed by a gentle kiss to Mal’s cheek. All very damn domestic, and Mal loves it, kissing a lover whilst waiting for her tadpole to come home. And the timing is perfect, as Regina leaves her with a pat on the bum and the cheesewagon turns the corner. Her heart skips joyously and she closes the gate behind her.
The bus comes to a stop on the other side of the road which is different… irritating, and has her brows cinching together as she waits, arching a touch to the right to try and catch a glimpse of a mop of curly brown hair. Why it’s on the other side is beyond her, but it doesn’t make much of a difference. The ghosting sound of Regina’s voice mentioning that there was a new guy driving the school bus, a lanky half wit of a man, Horace something… or perhaps it was Jasper, the name escaping Maleficent in its non-importance to her.
Still, it’s taking Roland longer to come off the bus, and patience isn’t the Dragon’s strongest suit. More so when it comes to being reunited with her tyke. They have oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to eat, and another chapter of Pete’s Dragon to read before bathtime.
The sound of a rumbling engine breaks up the serene sway of the wind. Far too loud and violently roaring as it turns the corner, a god awful electric green color speeding into sight. She hates these magical moving steel boxes and all the noises and jilting they cause. Walking is nice, horse back even better, there is no need for these metal boxes. Mal’s eyes frown as she watches the heavy vehicle accelerate, thundering revving of it’s engine, bulky tires rotating wildly as it slices the distance of the road in half, and why the hell aren’t they slowing down?
Red flashing lights begin to blink from the bus, a stop sign slapping out from it’s yellow side, and still the green car doesn’t slow, jerks slightly left before evening out, and she sees the first few children clambering out of the bus and straight into the road, the green beanie of Roland’s finally bouncing into view. There are children in the crossing, the bus is halted, the caution lights are flashing, the car will stop. She’s been trying to use less magic and learn to trust the workings of mechanical life here, she won’t freeze the car unless it’s absolutely necessary.
She sees his little hand wave from across the street at her, a dimpled, toothy smile beaming as he calls out her name excitedly, waving hard enough to have his hair jostling back and forth beneath his hat.
She goes to tell him to stay there, to wait, she will come to him, but the car’s engine drowns her out, her realization she momentarily forgot about the vehicle sinks in her gut as Roland steps out onto the crosswalk. She panics, her magic sputters and everything freezes in time.
The sound of tires squealing shrieks, stench of burnt rubbing trailing behind with the cloud of white hot smoke as they attempt to brake, but it’s not enough, the wheels lock and skid into the intersection. A horn blares out horrendously, a shrill scream pierces the air, a horrid smack of something onto somewhere, and a Captain America backpack flies into the air. The entire time Maleficent is frozen to the stop, eyes locked onto the green beanie that floats for a half moment in the sky and sways to the ground a few yards away and everything goes deadly silent.
No one moves, stunned for a tense, disbelieving second, scattered about the street, around the green smoking car, air bags deployed and horn still ringing. His name drops terrified from her lips, and all hell breaks loose.
She runs, bellowing out for him, her magic stampeding back into her veins as her feet hit the hot pavement. Stunned pairs of wide eyes follow her between the crowd that has begun to conglomerate around the crumpled hood of the car. Someone is calling out for help, a small girl is crying off to the side, and still there is no Roland leaping out from safety towards her.
Her lungs burn, mouth agape though no air sucks in, eyes wild in her search for him, she just needs to see him, his big brown, button eyes sparkling up at her, the giggling that starts at the base of his belly, she just need to find him. Safe and unharmed.
It’s a chorus of fear and panic, screams and sobs, her dragon enhanced senses being overloaded with the alarming terror swimming in the crowd. It makes her ears ring at their high pitched wailing, nose inhaling the overwhelming burning smell of rubber tires scorched by the pavement. Her usually hot skin chills and prickles with a sense of foreboding dread.  Her irritation flares at the stifling amount of people bashing frantically into her, slowing her progress in finding him. She hauls a few people off to the side, uncaring of their outburst, quickening her pace as the crowd finally parts, revealing the smoking crumpled green car crunched against a tree, still blaring on it’s horn, and she can see the driver slumped into the airbag, squashing the wheel, groaning as he beings to come too.
“Roland?! Roland, where are you?!”
Her heart plays with the fine line of hysteria when he doesn’t answer back.
“He’s under there!”
What the fuck does that mean? Under where? Under what?
“Oh shit! Someone get help!”  
She sees a teenage boy bending at the front of the car, and the entire fire of the dragon inside recoils into an ice block as her eyes finally find what she’s been searching for. Beneath its mechanical belly, a small fist crooks out awkwardly, unmoving and clutching a stuffed red stained elephant, and Maleficent shrieks.
They heard the squealing of tires, the impact of what could only have been a vehicle hitting something hard and then complete dead silence. Her heart sank the same time Robin’s eyes flared with panic. Mal was outside waiting for Roland, the crunch sounded horribly like a car crash, and Regina’s blood runs cold at the thought, there are children outside. Setting her coffee cup down as gently as possible with the trembling in her hands, she turns on her heel, Robin behind her instantly as they open the front door. It’s chaos that meets Regina’s eyes, an absolute pandemonium of children screaming and crying, parents flooding out into the street, the smell of burnt tar swirling into the dark grey cloud of smoke just beyond the crowd.
Keep calm, Regina, panicking will only make things worse. Breathe and just figure out what happened. They are both okay, it’s going to be okay.
Her mind cycles the mantra, but her gut feels like a hot stone is burning her alive with fear as she and Robin step onto the pavement, and her blood freezes at the torn scream of a voice she knows down to her core. They run as the sound of an ambulance siren blares in the distance, the crowd parting instantly as Regina shoves them aside.
Mal is there, on the ground and for a moment Regina’s heart falters thinking maybe she is hurt, maybe her scream was in pain, but the closer her heels bring her to the carnage the worse her gut wrenches. She is sobbing uncontrollably when they reach the Dragon, and Robin lets out a heavy, “Oh fuck,” when they see what she clawing under the car for.
It’s Roland. His arm is barely visible underneath the crunched, smoking metal, the elephant he carries everywhere with him stained bloody in his limp fist. “Mal! Mal, what happened!” Regina bellows out, kneeling beside the blonde whose hands are ripping at the pavement.
“Oh God. Fucking Christ. Someone get help!”
Mal doesn’t even recognize them beside her, her attention focused on getting her little dragon out from beneath the vehicle. Her eyes burn with tears as she calls over and over again for him, panic overtaking her mind as she slams her shoulder into the door, heaving with as much force through a screeching roar. It doesn’t budge. Not until she feels Robin and Regina on either side of her, pushing and lifting the car with every ounce of force they can muster. It begins to lift slowly, creaking and cracking through the blinding haze of smoke.
His brown jacket comes into view, tattered and torn. The mop of curly hair slumped about his face, hiding him from Mal’s eyes. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t respond. Laying there horrendously still. Her hands grip around his arm and she tugs gently, but his pants are caught on something and Mal cries out terror stricken. “Roland! My little Dragon, can you hear me? Please say something! Roland!”
The car flips on it’s side and Roland’s little body is unveiled, legs at an awkward angle, blood pooling around his face, matting his hair and the tar road below. Mal slings her arms around his body and hauls him out of the wreckage. He’s limp in her arms.
“Is he breathing?! Mal? Is he… is he alive?” Robin stammers on his fallen knees beside her, running his palm over his son’s pallored face. Tears coat her cheeks as she tries to rouse him, shaking him gently as she whispers into his ear for him to open his eyes, she just needs to see his beautiful brown, chocolate button eyes.
“Roland? Baby? Can you hear us?”
There is nothing and Mal’s heart shatters into a thousand bleeding pieces as her fingers search for his pulse under his chubby jaw.
“The ambulance is here!” Someone calls out, but they don’t move, Mal doesn’t dare relinquish her grip on her tadpole. He will be fine. He has to be fine. There is no way in hell she is letting him die. Not now. Not ever.
“Come back to me.” She presses a kiss to his forehead and lets her magic flow from her heart and into his broken, bloodied, barely breathing body.
Warmth. Hot stifling electric waves pulse through her body, latching into him, seeping into each broken vein, every shattered bone from the tip of his toes to the lump in his skull. Regina’s hand grabs her own and she feels her own magic thumping into her, vortexing in with the light she holds, and Regina’s thoughts begin to flow into Mal’s mind and magic.
Roland, my little knight. Baby, we need you to come back to us. Breathe for us, baby. I know you can do it.
Together they stitch together the lacerations that bleed. Bind the bones that splinter awkwardly through delicate, soft skin.
Little Dragon, beat that heart of yours for me. We have cookies to eat, I made you oatmeal chocolate chip, your favorite, and you know I can’t eat them all myself. Come on, sweet love, open your eyes for me.
They fill his lungs with air, his heart with love, pouring in every ounce they have for this little outlaw that has stolen their entire souls. Robin’s hand rests on Mal’s lower back, his other brushing back fallen locks of hair as he too whispers for his son to be strong, to be brave, he’s a merry man and they need him.
It takes forever, an eternity that ticks by slow as molasses, and Mal’s eyes begin to water when he still doesn’t move as their magic slowly ebbs away, healing everything they can possibly touch and the hot wet tears fall down onto her cheeks when his eyes still do not crack open for her.
Regina stifles a sob into Mal’s shoulder, whispering out his name, a hand thumbing gently over his ribs. The paramedics are beside them suddenly, kneeling down quietly as they look over the injured boy, opening his coat button by button though Mal still holds him into her lap, combing through his blood soaked matted hair. He’s so small, so unbelievably tiny and precious to her, to all of them.
Silence surrounds them all as they wait, the paramedics slowly cutting away his shirt and placing ecg pads to his little torso. “We need to get him to the hospital.” One of them comments gently, reaching out for him, but Mal is possessive of the little one, her little one. She shakes her head and leans over his body, her tears dropping onto his forehead and both Regina and Robin cradle them all tight together.
“Mellie?” A soft quiet cough breaks the awful silence as little brown eyes flicker behind lashes and finally open.
“Hi, little dragon.” She smiles, cries harder, if that’s possible, but it’s from relief. Robin heaves a heavy breath, cradles his son’s head as he breathes out his name gently, Regina doing the same as they all sigh out a tense, happy breath.
“Can we still have cookies?” He sniffles in Maleficent’s lap.
“Of course we can, you can eat them all.”
“But you like them too.”
“I’ll make us more.”
Six hours later their entire family is curled up on the couch, stuffed shoulder to thigh, squished into the cushions, but space is not needed, not right now, never again as Mal’s soft voice reads out the words to his favorite book, the last words, “And the little dragon family lived happily ever after,” resonating far greater than ever before as Roland finally nods off to sleep, healthy and here with them.
Family after all is the most important thing.
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eulogy34-blog · 6 years
Getting My coffee face mask To Work
Many individuals around the globe are constantly addressing skin problems that are hard to treat. A lot of people Specially Girls shell out 1000's on pricey skin treatment goods, which are not always helpful and comprise unsafe chemical compounds which can worsen the issue. When you've got a difficulty with facial skin, test this simple mask that is actually powerful. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? The anti-inflammatory assets of coffee helps in lowering inflammatory pores and skin conditions. In addition, coffee is loaded with antioxidants that protect the skin from cost-free radicals which are accountable for untimely aging from the skin. Honey has long been haled since the wonder heal for pores and skin of every type. It has been utilised since ancient occasions to treat cuts, burns, and lessen pores and skin swellings. These masks are perfect for an at-household facial. Begin with clean skin and prior to applying the mask, lay a warm, wet wash cloth on your own face to open up up your pores. Just after rinsing from the mask, wash your face with cold water or utilize a toner to shut the pores. Then implement more info from stepto remedies . When the combination has the consistency of the thick scrub, utilize it within the acne- and blackhead-vulnerable parts of your skin. A caution when using lemon juice: Lemon can also make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face comprehensively and use sunscreen when you’ll be out from the Solar soon afterward. Cinnamon can often be irritating if the skin is absolutely sensitive, so it is advisable to do a patch exam on the back of your hand very first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcjuwgzkHc0 has actually been utilizing a honey mask and she or he loves the best way it can make her skin truly feel moisturized. I feel I need a magnificence working day Once i try this, at the same time! Want to generate bouncy curls and waves? Prefer to flaunt completely straight, shiny, workable hair? Examine a variety of hair styling equipment at Amazon.in, which includes straighteners, hair dryers, curling irons and also other hair appliances on the net. You’ll find hair styling appliances from a variety of brands which include Philips, Panasonic, Vega, Denman, Bris and Many others. You'll be able to store flat irons on the internet to flaunt a straight shine look with adjustable heat settings, support dry your hair faster with hair dryers or discover curlers to utilize to the curl you wish to realize. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com does not promise any precise success due to the treatments pointed out in this article and the results might vary from person to person. Honey and avocado are the right combo of hydrating substances for dry skin. Floor almonds Carefully exfoliate, and their excellent fats depart your skin feeling super gentle. If you'd like to include all the more moisturizing Gains, increase a tablespoon of oil to the combo. I want to obtain a thing that enable the skin to return to a firmer condition… it just started to become a little bit… euh… slack… at certain region. Honey is of course antibacterial, which aids your skin fight off acne. Additionally it's an an incredible antioxidant capacity, and you'd like antioxidants all-around to fight the free of charge radicals that destruction the skin.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For honey face mask
Do it oneself: That has a whisk, mix the spirulina powder and banana, then add the lemon juice. Use towards the face and go away on for 10 to twenty minutes. Rinse with heat drinking water. The anti-inflammatory property of coffee will help in lowering inflammatory pores and skin problems. Furthermore, coffee is loaded with antioxidants that safeguard the skin from cost-free radicals that happen to be chargeable for untimely growing old on the pores and skin. *Be https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask : this mask can even be utilized on eczema patches on other parts of Your system, such as interior arms, the backs of the knees, your neck, and so forth. For locations aside from your face, it is possible to leave the remedy on for any little bit for a longer time in advance of washing it off. In accordance with the BBC, a man via the identify of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with conserving his leg! Right after becoming Reduce by a koi carp, he grew to become infected with Mycobacterium marinum and formulated a rare skin situation. Entering into the deeper layers in the skin, yeast fungi start to actively metabolize Fats while in the cells, eliminate toxins, and great impact on metabolism. Info: Whilst the grains with the apple operates for a form of Mild scrub for cleaning your face, the glycolic acid in it facilitates exfoliation. Combine home remedies via steptoremedies with drinking water. Remember that there needs to be extra coffee than water, as the outcome has to be a rather shut texture to some product or a paste than a liquid. Some recipes change the h2o for milk For additional hydration. Use it in your face and rinse for comfortable, clean pores and skin. Utilize it in 24 hours, ensuring that to help keep it refrigerated when you’re not employing it immediately. You should use these masks on clean up, dry face. Clean your face in advance of to eliminate the Dust and germs from the pores and skin. In this article, I share eighteen amazing takes advantage of for standard elements you'll find in the kitchen. Make your own private little one wipes, get yourself a recipe for the lip scrub, give yourself a steam using a teapot plus more. (You'll be able to pick and add upto 5 images in the remark. The entire dimension of your visuals need to be less than one MB. Click on button and ensure to select all the images you should upload.) Use a fork or simply give it a whizz within the blender for any smoother face mask that should be easier to apply. mask need to be utilized on cleanse skin in the face and hold for twenty minutes, then rinse below jogging h2o. The chemical compounds existing in these common options to acne can be harsh on the skin, plus the powerful combination of chemical substances can have an impact on Your whole body in other ways that you will have never anticipated. With regards to the honey mask technique, You should utilize it combined with the medication it's possible you'll by now be using and it gained’t interfere in any way.
How Much You Need To Expect You'll Pay For A Good coffee face mask
Strawberry fruit is excellent for your skin, it rejuvenates the skin and also minimizes the indications of getting older. Now we will probably be telling you about strawberry face mask , which can be extremely helpful to provide you with a organic glow and youthful skin. • People with oily skin can implement a selfmade face mask ready by adding two tablespoons of inexperienced clay, just one tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly drinking water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. By logging into your account, you conform to our Phrases of Use and Privateness Plan, and to using cookies as explained therein. The framework of numerous masks for dry skin includeegg yolk. It's no coincidence, mainly because this item are all-natural antioxidants that help to withdraw in the skin of harmful substances. To help make https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips for dry pores and skin, you have to: Beat 1 egg, insert 1 tbsp. l. yeast; Oatmeal is great for soothing tough, offended skin and for assisting to recover eczema and acne breakouts. Paired with honey and yogurt, it’s a calming and revitalizing mask for all skin kinds. Increase a spoonful of oatmeal, baking soda, and peel powder to a couple spoons of h2o and mix them right up until it forms a paste. Do-it-yourself Skincare Face masks are certainly one of our favorite skin treatment methods. We’re especially fond of the Expert facial, Nevertheless they’re so costly that it can be challenging to afford over one or 2 each year. Between those journeys to the spa, we depend on retailer-purchased face masks such as the trendy Korean face mask or even the charcoal face mask that has spawned a lot of funny (and painful-to-look at) movies on social media marketing nowadays. Coffee is don't just a well-liked beverage. It is additionally a favourite ingredient of deluxe skin treatment solutions. You'll find myriads of great things about making use of coffee for pores and skin care. It is commonly useful for making system scrubs. By mechanically exfoliating the skin, the coffee scrubs make the skin sleek and comfortable and increases complexion. In case you have an American style coffee machine, utilize the coffee grinds inside the filter; Should you have an Italian design device, just unscrew and take away the particles remaining between the portions of the cafetiere. Howdy :) i just did the lemon mask with the strawberry And that i loved it but how frequently am i able to utilize it? Everyday hopefully Harmony out oily skin with a delicate, but effective orange peel face mask that should go away your skin clean and toned. After i was younger I used to be also mixing egg white with brewer's yeast Once i experienced pimples and cysts and it might assist with the redness and flatten them! for dry skin: any household face masks with yeast has full combination of necessary moisturizing components, so it requires look after dry skin; Honey has a hefty serving of antioxidants for moisturized and vivid pores and skin. Polyphenols in honey damage free radicals that cause oxidative worry in pores and skin cells, therefore slowing down the growing older process of pores and skin.
The best Side of honey face mask
The sugar In this particular recipe is effective as being a all-natural exfoliant practical in breaking apart scar tissue and unclogging skin pores. Leave the mask on for around 10 minutes then rinse it off with drinking water. Use this magnificence mask about a couple of times each week. Blend all components utilizing a foodstuff processor into a thin paste. If this paste is just too runny, it is possible to increase one particular teaspoon of oatmeal until a paste created that should remain over the skin with out dripping off. Green tea and honey work anti-inflammatory magic on pores and skin redness and inflammation. This soothing combo is Mild ample for delicate pores and skin (do a patch examination when you’re concerned). The two substances are powerful antioxidants to combat totally free radicals and maintenance pores and skin hurt. As enough time is up, gently rinse off this strawberry mask with heat drinking water utilizing your fingers or just one warm washcloth. Yeast is a component of masks for your face - really powerfulSkin-care products. But whether it is Mistaken to utilize them, you are able to put on your own and harm. As a result endorses healingandbodywork acquainted using a few useful ideas: In advance of getting ready a mask from yeast, Look at the expiration date of all of the components. Now crush and powder your peels right into a high-quality powder utilizing a food items processor or blender, with no introducing any drinking water. Strawberries have antioxidants like vitamin C that inhibits the premature growing older of the skin. They also have ellagic acid which aids s in avoiding wrinkles. Especially, the salicylic acid existing in strawberries is helpful in trying to keep blemishes and acne away. You can utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account. No data is shared with Facebook Unless of course you have interaction with this attribute. (Privateness Coverage) Insert the drinking water towards your oatmeal and stir for a few minutes until it’s plumped up properly. Insert the honey and yogurt, and set through a blender to easy and Mix it rather well. Slather this around your face, leave on for ten minutes or so, then wash with warm drinking water. Pat dry. Chilly temperature can aggravate rosacea, leaving faces reddened and blotchy, and often bumpy as well. The apple cider vinegar really helps to stabilize the pH of your skin, though the oatmeal lessens discomfort and the opposite substances soothe and moisturize. Want to turn every day into a great skin day? Want to know how one can preserve the skin youthful, refreshing, and glowing 24/seven? Every individual really wants to feel and appear their ideal all of the time. Our confidence is right proportionate to the way in which we feel about ourselves. Deriving the most beneficial from you is on the other hand a activity that may be significantly assisted with the use of good goods. Yeast (one tablespoon) diluted in warm water to kind a liquid and to be thickened with rye or wheat flour until creamy condition. Pot that has a mass should be wrapped having a heat towel and still left inside of a heat spot for three several hours. B natural vitamins refresh and tone the pores and skin, increase blood circulation in cells, normalize metabolic processes; This is A fast explanation on how to make Solar-dried orange peel powder at your house. For a far more in-depth clarification, I demonstrate the procedure intimately During this uncomplicated guidebook.
How Much You Need To Expect You'll Pay For A Good orange face mask
Yeast mask to show people today: with oily skin and seborrhea. Very good yeast cleanse the pores, at the same time disappears shine, face appears to be like refreshed; Blend a tablespoon of finely floor coffee beans with two tablespoons of floor oat plus a tablespoon of honey. Spread the combination on the face. Depart it on for twenty minutes and afterwards rinse with lukewarm h2o. Caution: Many people are allergic to cinnamon and it could possibly from time to time create discomfort in those with an unusually delicate skin. Hence, this mask ought to be made use of immediately after tests someplace aside from to the face. Thanx. I am a black/african woman 0f forty one. I'm gentle in complection, but my face seems so dull and grey. I have tried evri product but my pores and skin retaliates pores and skin treatment routine. I tried it almost everything and its awesome.... its really efficient... just need to established minutes all of it ... I do it everyday right before i have a bathtub or although have a bath... That is why usually I am 30mins during the bathroom hahahaha... for 30days i can begin to see the outcome of glow This mixture of attributes, in conjunction with the advantages of honey which we’re previously explained make for a great acne therapy. Preserve a jar about and dab the honey on acne, burns or small cuts. And when you’re feeling sick, take a spoonful or two. Caution: Aloe Vera supposedly has no Unintended effects, and there isn't any stories of it becoming allergenic. However, lots of people might be allergic to honey. Despite your allergen historical past, it's best to test it on the wrist before you utilize it in your face. step toremedies like an exceptionally refreshing facial mask! It could surely smell fragrant too. Many thanks for sharing :) You’ll get one of the most Positive aspects applying Uncooked honey. And if you’re prepared to splurge, it is possible to’t beat Manuka honey. This honey from your Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is an antibacterial superfood with tons of immunity and initially-aid Positive aspects. Don't forget to mask not only the middle human being, butfor the neck, it Is that this Element of your body in the initial difficulty age. For pores and skin that should go well with neck mask of lemon juice mixed with yeast. The combination needs to be somewhat warm, stir and utilize using a cotton pad around the pores and skin. This support enables you to join or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could get paid income from adverts on your own posts. No knowledge is shared Except if you engage using this attribute. (Privateness Coverage) I experience dry, sensitive, blemished matured pores and skin that despise chemical substances. I am undoubtedly seeking the peel/coconut ouT suitable thru; do I quit the peel as soon as the blemishes are out & cleared?, how/ with what do I cleanse these kinds of pores and skin?, any moisturising & sunblock guidelines? Cheers! The sugar With this recipe is effective as being a organic exfoliant handy in breaking up scar tissue and unclogging skin pores. Go away the mask on for approximately ten minutes then rinse it off with water. Use this natural beauty mask about a couple of times every week.
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