#Sheila Cranna
downthetubes · 1 year
Collected edition of Vworp Vworp!, Britain’s best Doctor Who fanzine, features lost Brian Bolland strip
If you missed out on early editions of this brilliant Doctor Who comics-focused zine, now’s your chance to read them
If you’re new to the brilliant Doctor Who fanzine Vworp Vworp!, then you may like to know you can now complete your collection, with a new collected edition of the long out-of-print first two volumes. Priced at £16.99, plus postage, the new collection, available to order now, offers a new artist jam cover that now includes the Fifteenth Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa, and a new free gift. It weighs in at a…
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
okay. heres what were all here for. tell me why the fuck im supposed to suck the dick of these uk comics
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[ID: A man holding up an aged looking paper, with a medieval style drawing of a giant metal fire breathing man. He leans forward serious asking his son "... Did it look like this?" END]
marveltf story line, MAN OF IRON, 9-12 in the UK, or.... 33-34 in the us. alright lol do whatever i guess. first published in 1985
new vibe same procedure: Script: Steve Parkouse art: John Ridgeway (9-10) Mike Collins (11-12) Colours: Joise Fermin (9-10) Gina Hart (11-12) Nel Yomtov (US)* Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna and these caps are from the UK classics idw book so: Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee (<- hey i know his work from turtles!)
*so the uk comics were part in colour and part B&W, to save costs... including the american reissues? printing costs i guess. but when reprinted in collected books, they would get the full colour treatment. whats not clear to me is WHO did those colours, its not listed anywhere i can find. ill simply have to assume its the same artists... and hope im not discrediting anyone....
AND ALSO the last page in this reprint apparently uses the US comic page, and i have a cap of that last page, so. Yomtov's in here too..... tf franchise the way u treat ur sacred texts breaks my turtles fan heart.
and lastly! the keen eyed may notice, we are back to toy accurate art, the character model designs haven't and wont make their way over until much later, I'm told.
well with all that perfectly convoluted business out of the way, lets explore what tfs is like across the pond.
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[ID: The same man, Roy, driving as he thinks to himself "What kind of bozo would want to bomb the castle? The Saxon Liberation Front? The mind boggles…" END]
[spluttering laugh] so the humours a little different!
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[ID: The boy, Sammy, climbing a tree, hand outstretched reaching for the arrow he lost. Standing, with his in the canopy is Jazz. Sammy yells in fear. END]
OKAY. so the vibes are little different
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[ID: Caption Box: And the apparition was fearful, being a Man of Iron of great height and girth, seeming unheedful of quarrel, spear or sword…" The robot from the illustration, clearly transformer, but blockier, more retro scifi, standing in the middle of a medieval battle, men with chain-mail and swords looking at him with trepidation. Caption Box: The Man of Iron forded the stream at Eldric's Cross, making great strides for the abbey… and some brave souls followed, though none dared come too close…" Two of the fighters shown following him, a body shot with an arrow lays at the other side of the river. END]
damn okay. so the vibes are ALOT DIFFERENT
(no 10) sammy dreams
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[ID: Sammy stands on a house rooftop, in his PJ's, looking down at the cobble street, where a seeker in alt mode rests. END]
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[ID: Dark and moody art, a barely seen figure towers in the shadows over the residential houses. From a higher angle, its shown to be Mirage, he stands taking up the entire street, backlit and casting shadows. END]
WHAT THE FUCK. that is terrifying
(something about beautiful black inked art + toy model makes them so CREATURE)
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[ID: Roy speaks to a man in army uniform. Roy: How large? Soldier: Well… ahh…at a rough estimate? About the size of an ocean-going liner. Roy: Whaat? Roy with a hand to his head in dismay: Well, for god's sake what is it? Solider: We don't know. I've called in extra men and we're going to excavate… END]
somethings! buried under the castle... gee well one wonders what it might be
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[ID: Close on Jazz's alt mode dashboard, its filled with lights and screen of alien language. Hes saying: But I'm not a stranger, Sammy. Deep down, you know… don't you? You've been wanting an adventure all your life… Besides. I have something to tell you. Sammy looking doubtful. Jazz continues: Something really important. Sammy has a hand on Jazz's open door: Why not just sit for a while in the front seat? Just pretend you're driving… END]
really get a kick outta this note in the printed version
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(no 11)
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[ID: Jazz speaks to Sammy on the road, a blue and white F1 car pulling up. "My name is unpronounceable in your language… so just call me Jazz! And that's Mirage right behind us!" Jazz takes a exit to a low road, a black camper truck driving alongside. "This is where we rendezvous with Trailbreaker. All set Sammy?" All three driving along, Sammy responds "Sure thing Jazz!" END]
[guitar riff] THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN. im so glad all my good friends are here.
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[ID: An fiery explosion engulfing Trailbreaker with a "Whaamf!". Wheels coming off, glass shattering, the truck top blowing to bits. Trailbreaker veering off road, a trail of fire and parts behind him calls out "Jazz! I'm hit... I'm hit BAD! END]
TRAILBREAKER NOOOO. who could have seen this coming...
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[ID: Jazz narrowing swerving a missile. Exploding behind him, and speedlines trail him, and a wreath in flame around him. The colours are almost delicate, and a reflective glow in his paint. END]
wha. this just looks so cool.... what the hell....
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[ID: Bluesteak, smiling speaking to comms "Autobot Bluestreak to patrol leader +++ Just brushed something off your tail, Jazz+++ try to be more careful in future, hmmm? Bluestreak out+" END]
being a cunt in the work slack. king
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[ID: Jazz in profile, lit under the starry night sky, soft line-less colours defining the planes of his head in blue greys, and pitch black. To Sammy he says "Not really. It's a shuttlecraft… now stand back…" To comms "Autobot Jazz To Autobot leader+++ Approaching shuttle with Surveillance Subject+++ Request permission to board+++" END]
Wuh. Huh. Jazz u look so fucking cool right now?? And handsome.....
okay whats going on back at the castle (no 12)
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[ID: The army soldier half sitting on a desk, holding a phone to his ear, the rotary cradle held resting on his leg. He's saying "IT's not just a question of scale, sir. We simply cannot identify it. END]
whys he kinda... apparently this style of uniform is called temperate barrack dress?? that answers none of my questions im just kinda... whyd u draw him like that tho...
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[ID: A seeker, drawn in blues, walking between the ruins of the castle. Off panel someone says "It just seemed to appear from nowhere!" END]
bigfooting it up... AT A CASTLE. oh lads. im done for [blah blah he telePORTS and thats skywarps power but hes blue so WHO is it. dont worry abt it man. dont matter. they apparently change in the various times its been coloured, which is objectively funny imho. keep em guessing]
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[ID: Moody and still illustrations of a robot identical to the Man of Iron in stasis, plugged into a bed of sorts. The ship around him is dark but for strips of coloured computer like lights in the walls and floor. Caption boxes narrate: Deep beneath the Autobots feet, in a sealed chamber, a special Autobot lay waiting… He was navigator, warrior and guardian of Autobot destiny… In his long, slow, machine world, a million years were as fleeting seconds. Human history had passed over him. Small inter panels. Mid on the Guardian: Locked in his dormant brain was the location of the planet Cybertron. He waited only to be re-activated, re-integrated with his mission… Restored to life. Close on the Guardian: His attendant was no more, the link between them severed. Laying in profile, just barely defined in the pitch black: Alone in the darkness he patiently beamed his signal. The same pattern of impulses… Waiting. END]
What the actual fuck (its even more somberly dramatic than just that)
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[ID: Sammy, from a distance, staring at the castle. Caption Box: Autumn came, leaves fell. Sammy was a year older and a year wiser. He never saw Jazz again… Sammy asleep in bed, moonlight pouring through his paneled window. "But on clear, sharp nights, when stars glittered like needles and the night winds rattled his window… Then he slept a fitful, fearful sleep…" Sammy sleeping, with his dreams projected above him. "And the Man of Iron walked once more through his dreams." The End]
um well. okay! thats. fucking crazy. and this is the only tf comic this dude ever did. okay... can u tell he was from the dr who comics...... it ALSO means this doesnt actually speak at all for what the rest of tfuk will be like. which is damn funny. LIKE WOW! THAT WAS CRAZY. anyways.
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kcpstarscream · 2 years
"If someone had told me back in 1985 that I'd still be writing TF in 2002, I'd have laughed." Simon Furman, Altered States Q&A.
He's would do so for another 20 years.
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Sheila Cranna, series editor, would bring in Simon Furman, around the production of "Man of Iron", after meeting him through Ian Rimmer, who would edit TFUK from #22 onwards through a recommendation from Sheila and knew Furman through tales such as the Scream comic, in October of '84. Originally looking for an editorial job. According to Simon, he didn't have many ambitions to be a writer at that point, but he would eventually become the writer of hundreds of TFUK stories. When Furman took over, he said that he was given Man of Iron by Marvel, "a case of 'here's Man of Iron, we might as well keep it at that level'."
Furman doesn't look back as fondly on this first story, thinking he could have done with a bit more editorial guidance, and thinks he put too much stress on the artist. But artist Mike Collins assessment is that Simon "hit the ground running and hasn't stopped for 25 years".
When creating this story Simon would look at the tech specs of the characters, drawing heavily on them which would lead to use of many characters special abilities, and making a chalk-and-cheese type combination. Simon latched onto Starscream, mood, seeing him as a very strong character, a "Machiavelli/lago-type figure behind Megatron". Adding a foil in the form of Brawn and an opposing character in the loyal Ravage. The use of Brawn and Ravage, rather inexpensive toys, came from being unable to use Optimus and Megatron due to needing to weave between the US stories.
I've mentioned in the first Man of Iron post that "It was understood that the stories couldn't interfere with the American storyline." And while Parkhouse would set the story in Brittan, Furman would mostly stay in the US and have the UK stories be between the US stuff. This weaving behind the scene's wasn't without a bit of trouble however as many hoops had to be jumped over to sometimes make it work, such as removing Skids in every US #24 onwards background following a UK story where he was sent to Limbo. Eventually they would become less and less concerned, especially once they were able to use The Movie cast.
Furman would gain greater control over the comic and creation-slash-direction of the story when he became the assistant editor. Rimmer still had a greater say-so being a bit higher up, but he left a lot of things up to Furman, trusting him to make something good and keep in line the continuity of the US issues. Furthermore, After Budiansky tire out after #55, Furman took over the writing of the US stories as well. In comparison to Budiansky, Furman preferred to forego human characters entirely although he would also contribute many characters and concepts such as the Wreckers, and the origin by the hand of the god of light, Primus.
"In terms of what made a good Transformers story, I'd say lots of action, lots of combat. And I also liked to have some elements of character revealed... new characters were being introduced left, right and center; and because we always had to use them, the opportunities [to explore the older, better known characters] became less and less. But if we could spend time on a character... then that was the type of story we always tried to go for." - Simon Furman, Transformers Classics UK
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kudosmyhero · 18 days
Transformers (UK, vol. 1) #10: Man of Iron, part 2
Read Date: July 15, 2023 Cover Date: January 1985 ● Writer: Steve Parkhouse ● Penciler: John Ridgway ● Inker: John Ridgway ● Colorist: Gina Hart ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Sheila Cranna ◦ Don Daley ◦ Daryl Edelman ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
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● well, now we know what to say to successfully kidnap Sammy… ● heheh, there’s a little PSA at the bottom of the page reminding readers not to accept lifts from strangers ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: The Decepticon jets attack the English castle at Stansham and plant an underground probe before leaving. Not far away, Sammy Harker, the son of the castle's curator is playing in the woods when he comes face-to-face with Jazz. Terrified, he runs home, only to be followed by Jazz in his car mode.
Arriving home in shock, Sammy tells his tale, which makes his father think of the old legend of the Man of Iron. In the 11th Century, the Man of Iron, a giant metal man was seen in the vicinity of Stansham castle on three occasions. He did battle with an attacking force using a "javelin of flame" before disappearing again. Sammy's father then shows him a 900-year-old picture showing the Man of Iron, which Sammy thinks looks like the robot he saw.
That night, Sammy is troubled by strange dreams of robots and jet fighters. Unknown to him, his dreams echo reality as Mirage visits his house and steals the picture of the Man of Iron.
The following day, Sammy is intrigued to see a white Porsche parked outside his house. The Man of Iron picture is on the back seat. The door opens and Sammy gets inside, but as Sammy's mother comes out the door closes and Jazz drives off with Sammy.
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Fan Art: Mirage by Xiling
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Return to Cybertron - episode 12
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Out Now: Vworp Vworp! Compendium Volume 1 (Collecting #1 & 2, Long-Since Sold Out)
Out Now: @VworpVworpZine Compendium Volume 1 (Collecting #1 & 2, Long-Since Sold Out)
Did you miss out on the first two issues of the much-loved Doctor Who fanzine, Vworp Vworp!, the publication dedicated to Doctor Who Magazine and related comic strips? You can now order a very special compilation edition that collects all content from its debut issues plus adds in some new features.
This compilation also has updated cover art, incorporating various other Doctors, including…
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
and what is tf without its duplicitous little guys...
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[ID: Starscream framed in the doors of the decepticon base, others looking on. Caption boxes: As Starscream departs, his fellow decepticons look on many thoughts pass through their minds… Thoughts that go unsaid for now, thoughts that will smoulder, thoughts that say Starscream was right... Treacherous thoughts! And Starscream smiles! END]
its tfuk storyline THE ENEMY WITHIN, which spans from no 13 to 17! dang. spring 1985. this posts a bit beefy but also deeply silly :D 👍
Script: Simon Furman art: John Ridgeway (13) Mike Collins (14-17) Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
Well. its time i enter the den of that snake who haunts my tf experience, simon furman. and as i still dont have digital remastering to complain about. may i just say. i cannot stand getting so much preamble about how great these comics are, how legendary this writer, how influential this run is, etc etc before youve even let me see a single line he wrote. and i find this a perfectly tf fan style behaviour... that and gushing rapid fire and at length about future plot points, that i, as first time reader. HAVE NO FUCKING CONTEXT FOR. keep it real tf fandom.
context, production and continuity notes only please, if there was any interesting quotes from creatives, process notes, art details and lore fuckery to be explained, might i suggest. AFTER THE FUCKING COMIC.
[i walk off stage grumbling] turtles wouldnt treat me like this-- ALRIGHT START THE SLIDE SHOW
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[ID: Megatron and Starscream yelling at each other. Megatron: My orders will be obeyed without question, Starscream. I will not tolerate these attempts to usurp my authority… Starscream: Ha! There comes a time when even the mightiest rulers must be challenged. Megatron. Your plan to wait and observe is both weak and stupid… We must strike now and destroy utterly our enemies, the Autobots! END]
calibration check: COMPLETE
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[ID: Ravage skidding to a stop, outside the Decepticon base. Its a graceless and very cat like pose. He's thinking "...Outside! A barren, featureless desert and I'm being chased by someone who can become a fighter jet! This may call for a major reassessment of my loyalties!" END]
god SOMETIMES hes a funny cat....
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[ID: Action panel, Starscream streaking low. Trailing end of his sentence "...Gone?" Ravage is popping out from ground calls out "Surprise, SUCKER!" END]
and hes got JOKES?
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[ID: Starscream standing on a rocky cliff, facing away, musing to himself "Hmm, a pity. Ravage would have made an excellent ally. Still, I must thank him for one thing..." END]
this is just here cause...damn if i cant hear that in perfect screamer voice. 👍
anyway brawns been in a workplace accident
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[ID: Pov shot, in a wobbly line style, as if the viewer, Brawn's, vision is swimming. Prowl, Windcharger and Bee are standing over him. Bee: Brawn..? Brawn? Look! He's opening his eyes. He's all right. Soon have him back to work! END]
shaking my head. someone get the union rep. also i just realised that isnt prowls torso. thats windcharger??? whys he uncoloured lol.
and he nearly kills a coworker and gets outta dodge
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[ID: A hole in a metal wall, warped and torn. Brawn silhouette seen walking out of it, to the wilderness outside. His unusual and blocky toy model shape adds to this tableau. END]
this image. is so beautiful. your laughing, he almost killed someone and your laughing? i am... im imagining the little asscheeks, u know like the meme?
end disc 1. (no 14)
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[ID: Large dramatic illustration of Ravage, crawling through the desert, one injured leg leaving a trail behind him. He yells "STARSCREAM! I'll see you destroyed for this! I'll make you suffer for daring to attack me and for not making sure that you'd finished me off!" END]
HOT CAT. special delivery did anyone order the image of the hot cat.
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[ID: Megatron appearing before Ravage, wreathed in a beam of light. Ravage looks up and is stunned in the corner. "M-Megatron?" Megatron: We have returned just in time-quickly, Ravage, which Autobot did this to you? Ravage: N-not… Autobot… was… END]
i love this panel. its like hes the patron saint of furries. mother megsy comes to me. WHO DID THIS TO U. booktok ass.
anyway we got two bots on a rampage
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[ID: Caption box: The traffic cop fled, but already Brawn had turned his attention to the car. Brawn speaks to the car "Well? You're free! Off you go, then…" A beat panel, as the car obviously does nothing. A close on Brawn's clenched fist, which is very simple/abstract. He rages "You ungrateful imbecile! If you won't take that brand of freedom…" Driving his fist down into the car, crumpling it. "TAKE THIS!" END]
damn king. okay. i love his little fist. i love they drew the fuck outta this fucking THING
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[ID: A stylish illustrated panel on a human fighter pilot, completely obscured by the large visor and oxygen mask on their helmet. Outside the cockpit glass, and reflected in their visor Starscream is flying pass, seeking missiles trailing him. The pilot screams "NOOO!" END]
GOD DAMN. also. [pattern recognition activates] fdghjd the way only three fingers are visible on that hand, and how thick they are. turtle hand.
(no 15) oh rampage over. bummer!
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[ID: Caption box: …Plunging the unprepared Starscream into a wild tail spin! Over the desert, he's spiraling downwards, tail wings on fire, streaking smoke behind him. He yells "Screee! S-sensory overload! C-can't handle it!" END]
cheers mate.
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[ID: A sleek silver robot, the ancient Cybertronian "Tornado". The design has a mix of boxy transformer legs, hips and chest, but shapely arms, waist and calfs. He's on the ground, propped up on his arms, twisted at the waist, and legs stretched across the page, very vintage scifi cover style. END]
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[ID: Megatron on the video screen at the Autobot base. Megatron: So you see, it seems we have a mutual problem… Do you not agree with the simplicity and neatness of my solution? Optimus: Perhaps, but it remains to be seen if Brawn is willing to participate in such a trial… END]
what the fuck is wrong with you two... skype ur enemies!!! i do like that toy model oppie looks like hes permanently squinting in suspicion
theyre pitting their loose canons against each other... (hmm. phrasing.) anyway brawn is healed of his work place accident rage imbalance but they dont. trust him now? and megs just wants screamer dead lol. this optimus is a lot more... cryptic, or. not harsh persay. just cuts the bullshit. interrupts people. gives orders. the fact that he becomes less friendly and chatty when not usamerican... IS. pretty funny.
(no 16) normal duel to the death things
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[ID: Brawn taking cover in the desert, as Starscream flies above. Brawn thinks "What does it take? I'm running out of ideas and stamina - If i don't finish this soon, he'll nail me for sure!" END]
mm hmm. have you tried switching positions
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[ID: Brawn collapsed on his front, propped up on his arms, at the mouth of a cave. Starscream flying above calls out "And now I have the pleasure of finishing you off!" END]
oh! okay looked like it worked
(no 17) happy endings for everyone (?)
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[ID: Caption box: But no hint of emotion is shown by Optimus Prime - His expression is unfathomable. Dark and moody close-up on Optimus, who, naturally, doesn't have much of a face to emote with anyway. END]
i mean... i should think so. ive always said that about him
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[ID: 1. Starscream goes down in fire and smoke, Ravage, in the small bottom corner, thinks "HA! 'Highflier!'" 2. Megatron laughing heartily, eyes closed and grinning widely, "Hahaha's" written behind him. He says "Forgive my exuberance, Ravage but this little episode has resolved itself so neatly. We have destroyed an Autobot; taught Starscream the error of his ways, and given you your revenge on him." END]
and hes STILL got jokes. you know what. this is a beautiful friendship they crafted. the ruler and his loyal spy. a spy who tells shitty jokes and the jovial plotter. okay. cute. fun. extremely funny that sounders isnt relevant to it in the slightest, also.
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[ID: 1. Mirage and Brawn propped in a doorway, at the Autobot base. Mirage holds up Brawn by an arms and around the back, Brawn leaning on the doorway. Two Autobots in the fore are in shock, one asks "B-but Brawn? We saw..?" Mirage replies "You lot going to stand there stammering, or are you going to give us a hand?" 2. Brawn now seated, leaning back, Mirage leaning forward, a hands tenderly resting on Brawn, as they look at each other. Various Autobots looking on. END
gee mirage how come u get all the minibot baddies... why the fuck is this so tender......
anyway this is a little. meandering. and strange. probably not as. completely off the wall out of no where evocative moody dream like emotional drama. as man of iron. but still leagues better than 1-4. lol. and they gave me a lot of vectors for robot yaoi. apparently.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
while im here, lets get this out the door. this one... is weird
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[ID: An artificial life form that its in the shape of a large golden women's head declares herself. "...I am Auntie!" END]
tfuk arc Raiders of the Last Arc! getit? huh?? issues 18-21 early summer 1985.
Script: Simon Furman Art: Mike Collins and Jeff Anderson Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings (18,20,21) John Aldrich (19) Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, Editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
my eyes may be skimming the preambles at this point but i caught glimpse of something like "weird they never reprinted this one" bud. ill tell u why. its not very good. its not, horrid. its pretty much just. oh yeah. this is a marvel tf comic...
which, if you trying to make the argument that all tfuk are unique and sophisticated and BETTER than the US ones, or just tryna make a dollar on the iconic stories.... you skip this one!!!
but in this house, we support preservation and revisiting of ANY art. including if it flops. and today that means you'll get a few black and white panels. huh? isnt that neat. you excited???
we'll get to it all. But first. Lets check out the funny pages.
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[ID: The back part of a panel with crudely drawn Autobots and Decepticons floating about, being restrained. Its charmingly goofy. END]
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[ID: Jazz firing off his flamethrower and saying "Let's see if Jazz can make things hot for you Soundwave!" Soundwave, a little singed but unbothered replying "Very impressive,but my armour's more than a match for your weapon…a pity the same cannot be said of yours..!" END]
are you two... flirting?
anyway, ill bite. who's autie...
As her troops fell, the computerised brain of the Ark swung into operation… Auntie, as she had been nicknamed, evaluated internal defences, calculated probabilities and finally arrived at the only logical course of action…
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[ID: Optimus looking towards an Ark security camera thinking "It would be another matter if the ark's defences were active, but Auntie controlled those directly…" He opens the door to a dark room, declaring to himself "Auntie! Of course! Until now, we've merely used the basic computer functions of the ark, but Auntie was far more than that… She was the Ark! If I can get her to even a fraction of her operational capacity… END]
oh. the space ship is a woman. right
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[ID: Caption box: And if Windcharger could have seen the tableau unfolding in the nerve centre of the Ark, he might have felt his fears justified. Auntie, who in scale is at least twice the height of Optimus or Megatron, using an unseen force to hold them captive. Optimus pleads reason: You must believe me Auntie, you brought us here from Cybertron and you were damaged in the battle with those murderous Decepticons... Megatron lying: No! That isn't what happened. As I've already told you, we were on a mercy mission. The traitorous Autobots sabotaged it - Forced you to crash. END]
correction. the spaceship is now a crazy women who might kill them all. awesome. lol. THANKS TF <3 what i always wanted >_>... (even if i do like the chance to see my guy's rhetoric strategies)
anyway pause all that we have a buddy cop adventure (no 20)
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[ID: Splash page that includes the arc title and creative credits. Windcharger and Ravage walking the halls of the arc, arguing. Caption boxes: Alone, Ravage And Windcharger Are unaffected by Auntie's magnetic force… They eye each other suspiciously, each suspecting treachery, each distrusting the other they are sworn enemies these two… But today they are Allies! Ravage: This goes against my every instinct! I dislike working with others at the best of times... But to have to fight alongside a puny Autobot..! Windcharger: Silence, you aggravating creature! I'm as unhappy with the situation as you… but for now it's unavoidable. Just keep those sensors of yours alert for… END]
they really like ravage in these comics lmao.
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[ID: Ravage gloating, with destroyed machinery flaming and smoking in his mouth, one paw raised to hold it. He looks over his shoulder to Windcharger saying "There, impressed?" Windcharger looks aggravated. END]
SMUG BEAST. are YOU flirting.
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[ID: B&W panel. Both reacting to something unseen, Ravage in a ready stance, possible aggressive or alarmed. Windcharger, slightly behind him looking scared/startled. END]
he said NO PICKLES!
okay back to the hostage situation
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ID: B&W panels. Optimus and Megatron still surround by a field of energy restraining them. Optimus his eyes glowing, says "You fool, Megatron! Do you think for a moment that she'll let one of us just walk away? She's playing with us. Unless we break free she'll slaughter us all!" Megatron has a brow raised: Oh… I see. Yes, you could be right. Well, in that case… I may be able to set us free! END]
ACTUALLY. hysterical. sorry i see any extremely funny megs moments and im like. how beast wars of him. i like other meg's too but. fgsdj. well...
btw he has a connection to a black hole? always has?? its from the toy box or smth idk
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[ID: In colour again. Caption boxes: Optimus Prime and Megatron await the judgement of Auntie. But, while she considers her verdict, Megatron concentrates... A strange, unearthly energy flows around him, threatening to engulf him... But he is Megatron, and he will make the power serve him! In full body, Megatron is tensed in effort, teeth grit. A dark and sparkling energy wreaths around him.
ENTER: his dark magical girl era....
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[ID: Caption box: Megatron lands well, Optimus Prime does not! Smaller drawings, Megatron lands daintily on the point of one foot, his arms raised above his head, somewhat like a dancer. Optimus plummets like a heap, landing on his side, thigh and forearm slamming into the ground. END]
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[ID: Tiny drawing. Megatron hands still raised, gracefully. One hand wreathed in glowing energy, being directed near Prime, still on the ground. END]
hes a beauty, hes a grace, he wants... to melt your face.
oh yeah anyway ravage gets auntie
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[ID: Caption box: But Ravage is faster... Ravage leaping passed or perhaps INTO Auntie's open mouth as she screams "Nooooo" Ravage tearing into whatever golden mechanical workings make up her physical being. Caption box: And Auntie 'dies' for a second time. END]
cool. i love what we did here today. really valuable addition to the lore. and a win for feminism
and then windcharger launched megatron out of the arc thru the volcano and into space. no yeah. he can do that i guess.
its dumb, tho also funny. it hates women. its comics. GOODBYE.
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[ID: Tiny drawing of Ravage pouncing. END]
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kudosmyhero · 19 days
Transformers (UK, vol. 1) #9: Man of Iron
Read Date: July 15, 2023 Cover Date: January 1985 ● Writer: Steve Parkhouse ● Penciler: John Ridgway ● Inker: John Ridgway ● Colorist: Gina Hart ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Sheila Cranna ◦ Don Daley ◦ Daryl Edelman ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● oo, is this our first UK-exclusive issue? ● even just in black and white, the Seekers look amazing
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● oh now you want your dad. little shite. ● beautiful art ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: The Decepticon jets attack the English castle at Stansham and plant an underground probe before leaving. Not far away, Sammy Harker, the son of the castle's curator is playing in the woods when he comes face-to-face with Jazz. Terrified, he runs home, only to be followed by Jazz in his car mode.
Arriving home in shock, Sammy tells his tale, which makes his father think of the old legend of the Man of Iron. In the 11th Century, the Man of Iron, a giant metal man was seen in the vicinity of Stansham castle on three occasions. He did battle with an attacking force using a "javelin of flame" before disappearing again. Sammy's father then shows him a 900-year-old picture showing the Man of Iron, which Sammy thinks looks like the robot he saw.
That night, Sammy is troubled by strange dreams of robots and jet fighters. Unknown to him, his dreams echo reality as Mirage visits his house and steals the picture of the Man of Iron.
The following day, Sammy is intrigued to see a white Porsche parked outside his house. The Man of Iron picture is on the back seat. The door opens and Sammy gets inside, but as Sammy's mother comes out the door closes and Jazz drives off with Sammy.
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Fan Art: Thundercracker - Commission by EryckWebbGraphics
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Return to Cybertron - episode 12
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downthetubes · 4 years
Vworp! Vworp! Compendium available for pre-order
Vworp! Vworp! Compendium available for pre-order
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There’s a new compendium of the absolutely brilliant Doctor Who comics zine Vworp Vworp! Issues 1 and 2 available to pre-order now – packed with all manner of goodies and a sprinkle of new material, including a lost strip drawn by Brian Bolland.
Priced £15.99, plus postage, it weighs in at a bumper 192 pages, and highlights of this newly updated compilation include…
• An update of the Vworp…
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downthetubes · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Doctor Who Magazine! I'm honoured to have played a part...
Happy Birthday, Doctor Who Magazine! I’m honoured to have played a part…
Today is the cover date for the first issue for Doctor Who Weekly, launched by Marvel UK in October 1979 – and I’m very proud to have played a small part in the continuing adventures amazing publication known today as Doctor Who Magazine.
For those who don’t know, I edited the title between 1988 and 1992, from Issues 137 – 185, coming on board as a designer on some of the pages of Issue 130,…
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downthetubes · 6 years
In the Spotlight: Marvel UK’s European Comic Reprints
In the Spotlight: Marvel UK’s European Comic Reprints
Over on his Boys Adventure Comics Blog, downthetubes contributor Richard Sheaf has highlighted the inclusion of a strip from Le Lombard‘s Franco-Belgian Tintin comic magazine in a short-lived Marvel UK comic. It’s an example of European reprint by the company, better known for re-publishing Marvel superhero strips, as well as its hugely successful titles such as Death’s Head II, The Real…
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