#Vworp Vworp!
pluralzalpha · 2 years
Every version of the Doctor - 223
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Arthur Bostrom as the Nelvana Doctor
As a special free gift in the upcoming issue 5 of the exceptional fanzine Vworp Vworp! there will be a brand new audio version of the uncovered first script for the proposed 90s animated Doctor Who series:
"DOCTOR WHO: ROWEN – a full-cast audio adaptation of the 1992 initial script for the cancelled Nelvana series. Presented on CD, directed and adapted by Sean Mason and introducing ARTHUR BOSTROM as the Nelvana Doctor, this brand new drama is intended to give an authentic taste of what this new era might have been like."
The new issue also features Lance Parkin's long-gestating comic story "The Iron Empire," the sequel to the 1979 DWW strip "The Iron Legion."
The magazine can be pre-ordered here.
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downthetubes · 10 months
Vworp Vworp! Issue 6 full details revealed - available to order now
The acclaimed Doctor Who comics and artwork fanzine Vworp Vworp! returns with its sixth issue in November 2023, and is available to order now
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umbrellasareforever · 2 years
So I don’t really know many Zines, but someone retweeted a Doctor Who Zine and I’ve now never wanted to own a Zine more!!!!
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That’s the cover!! IT’S THE NELVANA DOCTOR!!!!!
They say it’s going to come out early 2023 and you bet I’m going to be buying a copy!!
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ivereadthemanual · 10 months
So that's what the sound is called. Love when the tardis vworps.
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lilac-hecox · 1 year
Last one. I swear! Canon Divergent where Anthony did win the Streamys and he uses that opportunity to announce his relationship with Ian. Au where Anthony and Mykie broke up in 2021 but still remained friends.
Ian/Anthony - Winner's Speech
Anthony really didn’t think he’d win the Streamy. He was so sure that he wouldn’t win -not because he didn’t believe in his show, but because of the amount of insanely talented people he was up against- that he didn’t bother to rehearse the speech he had jotted down on an index card earlier in the week. He had written it, read it out loud to himself once in the mirror, his face red in embarrassment as he practiced, holding his brush as the trophy, like he was a teenaged beauty queen. When they were getting ready, he had tucked the index card into the interior pocket of his suit jacket.
Anthony is two and a half glasses of champagne deep when they announce the winner for show of the year. Ian is about the same and he smiles at Anthony. Under the safety of the table Ian’s hand finds Anthony’s knee, squeezing firm and protective.
“It’s going to be you,” Ian says, leaning in just a little, keeping enough space to avoid any suspicions. Ian’s eyes are so warm as he talks, his face just a little red from the alcohol.
Anthony longs to brush the stray strands of hair from Ian’s face, but they’re in the middle of a crowded awards show that’s being livestreamed, and it would be pure insanity to do such a thing now. Instead, he lets a hand drift under the table, settles it on top of Ian’s for a moment, returning the smile.
“I really don’t think so, but I appreciate your confidence in me,” Anthony says, rubbing his thumb over the back of Ian’s hand.
On stage MatPat is guiding the audience through collecting letters to spell out the winner’s show title. Ian and Anthony had looked when he first announced the rules, but they had nothing hidden at their table.
“Okay,” MatPat says, corralling the letter finders into a line on stage, “I think we got it. On the count of three I want you all to turn around so the audience can read the winner,” he instructs.
Ian snorts next to him, “This is so convoluted.”
Anthony nods, and though, like he said, he’s sure he’s not going to win, there’s still a nervous edge to his heartbeat, there is still a lingering hope somewhere in the pit of his stomach that is anxious to see what is spelled out with the black letter tiles on stage.
“Good luck,” Ian whispers.
Ian smiles at him.
Ian quietly, barely, mouths three words to Anthony that mean everything in the world to him.
The assembled scavangers on stage turn, revealing their letters, the letters that spell out ‘I Spent A Day With’.
MatPat is on stage clapping, the audience breaks out in cheers. Anthony feels Ian’s hands on his shoulders, shaking him just a little in excitement.
“Oh my God!” Ale says, grabbing her phone and pointing it at Anthony.
“Where’s our man of the hour?” MatPat says from stage.
Anthony sees a camera pointed at their table and then Zoe is poking him in the side, grinning.
“Stand up,” she tells him.
Anthony stands on shaky legs, disbelief filling him.
Ian stands too and he’s excited, but he’s also aware of the crowd, the cameras, the audience watching from their devices, eyes focused on every little detail. Ian gives Anthony a quick hug, nothing that could be perceived as anything strange. He releases Anthony and nudges him towards the stage.
Anthony is grinning as he slides past tables full of creators who are clapping politely, some who pat his back as he passes them, as he makes his way to the stage where he and Ian had presented earlier in the night. Anthony makes it up the stairs and to the stage, passing by where the group has his show’s name spelt out in front of him.
MatPat offers his hand and Anthony shakes it. Then it’s all a blur of being handed an award, a Streamy, and he’s being put in front of a microphone.
Anthony stares out into the massive crowd, familiar faces, and strangers, the house lights so bright it’s hard to see properly. He’s waited for this moment for years. He feels pride well inside of him. Don’t fucking cry on stage. Anthony thinks. Through the lights and the chaos, his eyes seek out the one thing that never fails to calm him down.
Ian sitting there in the audience, clapping for him, smiling so wide, looking so handsome in his emerald, green suit. Ian who believed that Anthony would win even when Anthony himself did not. Ian, his best friend. Ian, the very love of his entire life.
Anthony’s jotted down speech is long forgotten in his suit pocket, and he fumbles for what to say while on mic.
“I, wow, thank you,” Anthony says, “I, have a lot of people to thank. My team, my friends, everyone who lets me interview them, and trust me, I appreciate it and you all, but I honestly don’t think I would even be standing on this stage if it wasn’t for one person out there.” Anthony’s heart is beating so fast in his chest. His mouth spilling out words that he is only barely able to keep up with. He knows, he knows in his heart what he wants to say, and for a moment he closes his eyes, follows that gut instinct.
“Ian Hecox.”
Anthony sees the camera pan to Ian in the crowd. Ian is clearly taken aback, his eyes confused, but he’s smiling and clapping, and underneath Anthony can see the small amount of panic in Ian’s face that he’s hiding away.
“Everyone here knows…or should know that Ian’s been my best friend since I was twelve years old. I grew up with him. No one knows more about me than Ian. We split for six years, and then reunited.”
The crowd applause, Anthony earned some whistles. He can’t stop the huge smile on his face. He can feel the support in the room. The camera pans between his face on stage and Ian in the audience, Ian watching in slight wonderment, waiting to see what Anthony will say.
“He’s more than just my best friend. He’s the most important person in my life. So, there is no one I would like to dedicate this award to more than my wonderful, handsome, amazing boyfriend Ian Hecox.”
Anthony feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he quickly wipes them away with his sleeve before he hefts the Streamy up over his head, like a victor with their trophy. The crowd around them is quiet for a second before it erupts in laughter, in cheers, in applause.
The camera is on Ian and he’s stunned, biting back a smile, ducking his head, his face pink.
“So, thank you. This is for you, Ian. I love you,” Anthony says. He gives an awkward bow at the mic and MatPat is there to pull him into a hug as the music plays to transition him off the stage.
“Wow, bud,” MatPat whispers into his ear, “I’m willing to bet you’re going viral right about now.”
Anthony glances out at the crowd, at Ian, before he turns and heads off stage to re-take his seat.
“He’s worth it.”
Backstage they take a photo of Anthony holding his Streamy award before they send him back to his table during a ‘commercial break’. Again, people in the crowd pat his arm, his back, give big smiles, yell congratulations, only a few of them whisper and point, but Anthony pays them no mind.
He finds his table, he finds Ian. Ale and Zoe pull him into a tight hug before Anthony turns to face Ian. He really isn’t sure how Ian might feel. They had talked about being out in the past, and Ian seemed open to it if Anthony was, it was always just that Anthony was too afraid, wasn’t ready, had every excuse in the book to not go through with admitting that between the past and the present their dynamic had taken on a new and romantic form, and that Anthony couldn’t be happier about it.
“Are you pissed?” Anthony asks, as he takes his seat, setting the award on the table between them.
Ian’s mouth is a flat line, but he shakes his head, “No, not pissed. I’m surprised as fuck.”
Anthony shrugs. “I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I wanted everyone to know exactly what you mean to me.”
“You fucking sap,” Ian says fondly. He takes Anthony’s hand, not under the table this time, but on top of it. Their fingers laced together atop the pristine tablecloth. “You do realize this is going to blow up and it’s all people are going to talk about?”
“I’m sure Twitter and Tumblr are aflame right about now,” Anthony says with a laugh, “as long as you aren’t mad at me for publicly outing us then I don’t really care what anyone else thinks.”
He’s spent too long doing that, too long caring what others would say, would think, would write. When all along the only person whose opinion he should have cared about was right in front of him.
“I know you hate PDA,” Anthony begins, “but the Streamy award winner would really like to kiss his boyfriend right about now.”
Ian smiles, huffs out a laugh. He glances around and there are eyes on them. He sighs.
“God, consider yourself lucky that I love you,” Ian says before he leans in, Anthony meets him half-way and they kiss, light and sweet over the table. Anthony can feel Ian’s smile against his lips.
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familyparadox · 1 month
Dose anyone know if their is a way to buy Vworp Vworp (the Doctor Who Fanzine) out use PayPal?
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fak3plastictrees1 · 10 months
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does anybody else just love the way the tardis goes
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thevalleyisjolly · 9 months
I like to think that every time Fourteen flies the TARDIS, it's the usual bumpy trip with a 63.8% chance of landing off-target. He continues to claim that it's because a TARDIS is meant to have six pilots and he's doing it all by himself. Every time Donna flies the TARDIS, it's the smoothest ride in the universe. She always lands precisely where she means to go at exactly the right time, down to the millisecond. At some point the Doctor wonders out loud if the TARDIS is trying to steal Donna. Shaun, passing by with a mug of tea from the kitchen, remarks that Donna just stole the TARDIS five minutes ago. They're having a girls' night on some planet called Felspoon. Apparently it's got mountains that sway in the breeze. Biscuit?
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Something I think about quite often is "what if they'd plotted Clara’s Impossible-Girl storyline sooner and had her echoes dotted around more throughout eleven's era?"
What if one of her echoes had been Idris in 'The Doctors Wife'? That would've been a fantastic tie-in in my opinion-- granted it would twist the timeline more, and the Doctor would recognise Victorian Clara as the woman that had hosted the TARDIS, but again I feel that would've added even more to the mystery!
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ianthoni · 1 year
Also Ian was dubbed as the ugly one for years,which was dumb. So this thirsting over him by the fandom is nice to see xD
Which i don't understand AT ALL. Ugly? Like are we looking at the same man? To me he has this innocent angelic aura on his face. Has the prettiest crystal blue eyes! I'm not saying Anthony is ugly or anything he's pretty too. But Ian was never ugly! I hate when people make these comments about two close friends because this affects their relationship. I know Ian is probably affected by that but he would never go and tell Anthony that he feels insecure about it. I think people thought Anthony is the prettier one because he didn't have a beard while Ian had one which made him look older. I don't support.
ALSO YEAH IM THIRSTING OVER HIM HE'S PERFECT. He's kind he's supportive he's understanding he's pretty and has ass for days 😋
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pagerunner-j · 8 months
Watched a video on the DW YouTube channel and I have a new favorite subtitle:
(faintly vworping)
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Upcoming Mark Interview
The Doctor Who fanzine Vworp Vworp! is putting out its 6th issue this month, which will include "Exclusive interviews with MARK GATISS and actor BRIAN COX, discussing the making of their 2013 hymn to the Hartnell era, An Adventure in Space and Time".
More information here: https://vworpvworp.co.uk/volumes/vworpvworp-volume-6
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downthetubes · 1 year
Collected edition of Vworp Vworp!, Britain’s best Doctor Who fanzine, features lost Brian Bolland strip
If you missed out on early editions of this brilliant Doctor Who comics-focused zine, now’s your chance to read them
If you’re new to the brilliant Doctor Who fanzine Vworp Vworp!, then you may like to know you can now complete your collection, with a new collected edition of the long out-of-print first two volumes. Priced at £16.99, plus postage, the new collection, available to order now, offers a new artist jam cover that now includes the Fifteenth Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa, and a new free gift. It weighs in at a…
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jokerlennon · 9 months
also the TARDIS's "tortured clockwork whirr" finally another description i can respect right up there with vworp vworp
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baflegacy · 1 year
See you smosh/starkid posting and I just wanted to say that 2017! Ian is Tom Houston coded.
oh my god you’re so right…
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lilac-hecox · 1 year
I want drama. Can I have Shayne and Ian in the middle of getting spicy, just right about the moment of them taking off each other's shirts but nothing too far, and Anthony walking in on them
And Anthony doesn't react well at all and he's pissed off and screaming at both of them and when Ian gets Anthony alone to confront him and ask why he's acting like an asshole , Anthony kisses Ian violently
The ending is up to you 😘
Shayne/Ian + Ian/Anthony - Knock
Shayne presses Ian against the front of his own desk.
Ian takes the hint and scoots backwards, perches himself on the edge of his desk, his legs parted enough for Shayne to slide in-between the open space. Ian instantly tightens his legs around Shayne’s hips, drawing Shayne closer. Ian rolls his hips against Shayne’s, grinding their crotches together. Shayne moans against Ian’s mouth, his hands sliding down Ian’s back to cup his hips, squeezing gently. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” Shayne breathes as he breaks the kiss, bites gently at Ian’s neck, sucking just a little, not hard enough to leave a mark because there are videos to be filmed.  Shayne’s hands grab at the bottom of Ian’s shirt, and he starts to tug upwards, starts to peel the white t-shirt off Ian’s body. Ian puts his hands in the air and lets Shayne strip him of his shirt, tossing it on the floor at Shayne’s feet. Shayne leans in, lets his mouth trail kisses from Ian’s neck to his chest, his mouth sliding lower to suck one of Ian’s nipples into his mouth. Ian moans, arches into the touch of Shayne’s hot mouth, his wet tongue. Ian’s hand goes to the back of Shayne’s head, his fingers ruffling through Shayne’s soft blonde hair.
Shayne bites a little at Ian’s nipple before he pulls back and blows cool air gently over Ian’s nipple, watching the dusty pink pebble up. Ian’s hands find Shayne’s face, cupping his jaw and tugging him upwards so their mouths can connect. It’s wet and frantic kissing. One of Ian’s hands finds the bottom of Shayne’s shirt and he tugs, one handed, impatiently. Shayne smiles against Ian’s mouth and pulls back enough to grab his own shirt, tugging it off and throwing it to join Ian’s on the floor. He moves back into Ian’s reach and Ian’s fingers trace patterns down his shoulders, the plane of his back, skate down his waist to his hips.
“God, Shayne,” Ian breathes against his lips. He counts himself as lucky to have someone like Shayne, blonde, buff, hilarious, not only look his way but be attracted to him, to want Ian as much as Ian wants him. Ian can feel Shayne’s gentle smile against his mouth.
They’re still kissing when the door to Ian’s office opens. Really, it’s their own fault for not double checking that either one of them had locked it. Shayne had pinned Ian against it when they first entered the room, things progressing where they were now, with Ian perched on the desk, both shirtless, Shayne between Ian’s parted (and thankfully clothed) legs.
Anthony lets the door swing shut behind him and he stands there gaping at the two of them. Shayne takes a step back, away from Ian, but there is really no talking their way out of this or claiming it as a misunderstanding. Shayne runs a hand through his hair and Ian slides off his desk.
“What the fuck?!” Anthony says, his voice harsh in the quiet of the room. His face is a mix of shock and something that Ian can’t really register.
Ian feels Shayne press his t-shirt into his hands and Ian quickly slides it over his head. This certainly was not the way he wanted Anthony to find out about his and Shayne’s…whatever it was the two of them were doing. Neither wanted to put a label on it, it was fun, it was sweet, exhilarating and had been private up until this moment.
Ian feels a little like Icarus. He was too greedy, flew too close to the sun, wanted Shayne while they were at work. It was like he was just asking to get caught. He feels his face redden and he can see Shayne slipping on his own shirt.
“I’m sorry you walked in on that,” Ian says, running a hand through his hair as he glances from Shayne to Anthony. He can still taste Shayne on his lips, his body is still uncomfortably hot, begging for Shayne’s touch. “my office door was closed you…you could of knocked.”
“Like I thought you were in here about to fuck on your desk!” Anthony spits, “Ian, this is unbelievable. He’s an employee.”
“It’s not like that,” Shayne says, stepping closer to the two of them.
Anthony’s eyes flick up to Shayne and he’s got this look of anger on his face that Ian hasn’t seen in six years. Was their reunion going to end before it had even really started?
“You stay out of it!” Anthony snaps at Shayne.
Shayne has a wounded look on his face, the pain evident. Ian steps closer and lays a hand on Shayne’s shoulder, meant to be comforting, but he sees Anthony narrow his eyes.
“Back the fuck off of Shayne. You know you’re pissed at me and not him,” Ian says.
“Yeah,” Anthony says sharply, nodding his head, “you’re right. I am pissed at you. I’m pissed you were keeping a secret. I’m pissed you’re hooking up with one of our employees. I’m pissed you didn’t trust me enough to fucking tell me you were seeing someone even if it is Shayne.”
Anthony looks like he has more he wants to say, but then his jaw is clenching tight, and Ian feels nerves and anger of his own flash in his stomach.
“I- “Shayne says, “I should go.” He glances at Ian and brushes past Anthony as he makes his way to the office door.
“Shayne- “Ian says.
At the same time Anthony says, “Yeah, you really should.”
Shayne sighs and slips out of the office door, closing it behind him. Anthony turns from the door, where he had watched Shayne exit and his gaze focuses on Ian. He’s angry, his fists clenched, jaw tight, glowering at Ian.
“I get why you’re upset,” Ian says, “but don’t take this shit out on Shayne. He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Stop defending him!” Anthony says, his tone nasty, “he’s not some innocent kid. He’s an active participant.”
“Listen, I know you just signed back on to own the company, but Smosh doesn’t have an official rule against dating co-workers. We had a couple of people in the past that- “
“I don’t give a shit that he’s an employee,” Anthony says, his voice weaker than before, like a fire that is beginning to die down.
Ian quirks an eyebrow and folds his arms in front of him across his chest, “Really, could have fooled me. Why are you pissed then? Because you bust in here acting like a complete asshole and screaming at us.”
“I’m pissed- “Anthony bites his lip, letting his eyes slip closed, “I’m fucking pissed because he was kissing you. Okay?”
“What?” Ian asks. He’s confused by what Anthony means. If it’s not about Shayne being their employee, why would he give a shit who Ian is kissing?
“I’m jealous,” Anthony admits, his voice going low.
Ian’s heart quickens in his chest. Jealous? “Anthony, I don’t- “
Ian’s words are cut off because then Anthony closes the space between them, and Anthony is cupping his jaw, Anthony is kissing him fierce, hungry, like he’s poisoned, and Ian’s mouth is the antidote he needs to live.
Ian freezes in surprise, before he kisses back, some part of him deep down knowing that he’s always wondered what it might be like to kiss Anthony for real. In a way that wasn’t meant to make anyone laugh.
Anthony’s hands touch Ian’s hips and it reminds Ian of Shayne. Ian steps back, breaking the kiss between them, the buzz he feels under the surface of his skin like he’s on fire.
Anthony is panting a little, his brown eyes so dark and wide. His face begins to flush, pink crawling up the expanse of his cheeks.
“I’m…fuck, I’m sorry,” Anthony mumbles.
“I…” Ian opens and closes his mouth. He doesn’t know what to say. Why didn’t this happen sooner? Why not back then? Before Anthony left? Before Shayne became something more than just a friend to Ian? Why did Anthony or fate decide to fuck with him right now? Now when he was happy and things were good, he felt like he was stable.
“Don’t,” Anthony says, he’s looking at the ground, their feet, like he’s afraid to meet Ian’s eyes. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Ian feels a fine line crack through the space of his heart, a line of pain for what could have been, maybe what should have been, maybe a missed chance, maybe a blown opportunity.
“I’m sorry,” Ian says. Though there are a million other words in the silence between them, and Ian knows Anthony picks up on each one. “I really am.”
Anthony nods, but Ian doesn’t miss the pain there. Anthony turns away and it reminds Ian of when he left, when he had gone for what felt like good.
Would he go again? Could he?
“I’ll…I’ll be sure to knock next time,” Anthony says, his back to Ian and his hand on the doorknob. “Good night, Ian.”
Ian doesn’t stop him from leaving.
“Good night, Anthony.”
The door opens, closes. Ian sighs. He grabs his phone off of his desk and opens it to text Shayne.
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