arbeaone · 5 years
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ShellsuitZombie Magazine Issue 2 Published on July 26, 2011
[ View larger version here ] Text from the article can be read below. (There may be some errors.)
One spectacularly sunny lunchtime, ShellsuitZombie managed to hunt down a rare Gorilla only common to Clerkenwell London. Dave Brown, most famous for his role as Bollo in The Mighty Boosh, spends most of his time as a designer and photographer producing (alongside Boosh work like 2008s spectacularly successful 'The Mighty Book of Boosh') beautiful printed staff for clients like Universal and the BBC, as well as of course the odd performance to tens of thousands on arena tours around the country. It's safe to say we were feeling pretty smug about trapping him in a pub in Clerkenwell (which happens to be just below his studio) for a pint and a chat about Design, the future of Boosh, Noel's new book and photographing Julian Barratt and villagers in Ghana.
SSZ: So Dave/Bollo, what would you consider to be your main job?
Dave: I guess I consider myself to be a creative, the Boosh started as something I did with my mates as a laugh and it blew up into something huge. I've always had to juggle the worlds of and Design, quite often for me they overlap, obviously when you're out on tour it's all consuming but even then I've been known to be sat in my hotel room on a squeezing the odd freelance job in.
So you've always been freelance?
I couldn't be full time, in the early days I needed the freedom to be able to drop everything and get involved in a Boosh project at the drop of a hat, so freelance was perfect, then just before the first live Boosh tour in 2006 I did something I'd always wanted to do and set up my own agency, aptly named Ape, with a mind to be more of a collective of creatives rather then just a sole trader It allows me to get all the amazing creatives I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with over the years involved as and when I can on all kinds of creative projects.
It's been pretty full on since to be honest, so full on in fact that I haven't even had time to launch the website! It always gets pushed to the bottom of the to do list when I'm busy and then when I find the time to get back to it I've gone off everything I've done and start again. There's a holding page up at the moment that says 'Gorillas can use up to 52 different tools.They're currently using those tools to build this site'. Well they're obviously rubbish at using them because it's taking them bloody ages to finish!
Would you say Boosh has helped the rest of your career?
I guess so, although you could also say it's got in the way. I am doing a lot of books now as a result of the Boosh book but many of my clients haven't a clue who I am. I've done work for Feame Cotton, Ben Brooks, James Rhodes, Nick Cave and recently comedian Tim Key as a result of the book and Boosh work in general. BBC books actually just rang and asked me if I'd be interested in designing this years Top Gear guide to Christmas book! They've approached me because they said they loved the Boosh book and would like my take on things. Will be great if that's true but I'm not counting my chickens just yet. I recently did an interview with Radio 4 where I went on a massive rant about Jeremy Clarkson's stonewashed pumpkin arse not fitting into my Morris Minor so if they get wind of that it could be off ! (Ed.- Since doing this interview Dave has stepped away from the Top Gear job due to, shall we say, creative differences)
It sounds like books are your bread and butter. How do you go about designing a successful book like ‘TMBOB’?
I don't have a process, I approach everything from an idea, every brief is obviously different and I design to that, so it's a bit worrying when people say 'I love the Boosh book, can you do that for me?' - I interpret that as can you adopt a similar way of approaching the brief rather than making it look exactly like the Book of Boosh. The Boosh book was designed around the characters really, the style and feel of each page born from an idea in the writing and from the vibrancy and diversity of the show, a 4 column grid with a consistent type style was obviously never going to work!
The Boosh book sold incredibly well, largely due to the popularity of the show, but we were also very keen to not just make it a standard off the shelf spin off shitty annual like most TV show books. Like all Boosh product, we're very hands on, mostly doing it ourselves and we dedicate time and effort to make sure the final product is worthy of the show. That's pretty unique to be honest I think this attention to detail and quality control is what makes our fans so insanely loyal. We haven't done anything new in ages but the books and DVD's are still selling, purely down to the quality of the design of course!
Surely not everyone just wants you for your Boosh?
No, like I said, I have a fair few clients that don't know I'm in the Boosh, in fact, awhile ago when I was still freelancing, one client left me in charge of their studio before getting on a flight to New York, on the flight they watched a Boosh ep and saw me playing Joey Moose in the first series. They were like 'Is that the guy we just... what the fuck?'
Bollo has played to some huge crowds...
Yeah the last tour we did was insane, Wembley Arena, multiple nights at Brixton, selling out the 02 two nights on the trot, it's been a crazy time and I'm so lucky to have had those experiences, it is hard after a touring sitting back at a computer designing but I get my kicks out of the creative and I still keep a toe in show business with a bit of directing, writing and the odd gig here and there. To be honest it's hard trying to keep it all up and sometimes I wish I just had one job to do. Design isn't exactly a part time job is it! and I've also just had a baby girl, so lets just say I'm pretty tired and exhausted at the moment, I'm smiling though, honest.
What are you up to at the moment?
At the moment I'm working on a book with Noel called The Scribblings of a Madcap Shambleton, not Boosh related, it's basically a book about Noel’s art and writing and I'm design and compiling it. There's also a lot of my photography in it. It's a visual bombardment of Noel's mind really, paintings, sketchbooks, scribbling, it's looking amazing. He's pretty prolific, such a huge body of work. He's been painting for years, unlike some famous freaks who get a set of colouring pencils for Christmas and decide through boredom that they're now an artist. Noel can actually paint his tits off and does so every moment he gets and has done for years so at the moment I'm trying to get 530 pages down to 320! What's really interesting about the work when you see it all together is that you can see how he writes to inspire his painting and he paints to inspire his writing, I know I'm biased but I love his stuff if you haven't seen it think Basquiat, Haring, DeBuffet, Magritte, Hockney, Aubrey Beardsley...
So are there any plans in the pipeline for the Boosh?
Well everyone's working on separate things at the moment Noel is busy doing his own show 'Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy' and Julian is doing a Russian play at the Young Vic 'Government Inspector'. Those two have pretty much become Howard and Vince.
The last thing we were working on was the album. I was told when I last heard it about 3 months ago that it was 90% done and it sounded immense then so no idea what's going on! It has all the tracks from the show reworked, longer and better as well as new ones written for characters, I reckon they all stand up in their own right, even if you'd never seen the Boosh I still reckon you could get into it, the new Crack Fox track is incredible! It's a great album, people should have it in their ear holes right now.
People always ask if The Boosh have split up, I guess it’s inevitable when nothing new has happened in a while but we haven't and stuff will again, Noel and Julian do things when they're ready, they've produced so much material over the years, they're just having a break at the mo. There's still loads of stuff on the table that's never seen the light of day, but they'll do it when they're ready and when they do it will be great. They just need to find out where that table is...
Is the passion still there?
Yeah of course, always will be, for them and for me. You always come back stronger after a holiday, just maybe a little sunburnt, haha.
So I hear you're involved in some charity work. Fancy talking about that for a bit?
Yes, I love talking about it! I have just become an ambassador for afrikids.org, A freaking ambassador! Afrikids is a charity focusing on child rights in Northern Africa - They've been an absolute joy to work with, I've done some fundraising for them as Bollo, I've rebranded them, not as Bollo, and I even got the opportunity to spend some time in Ghana last year seeing their projects firsthand. I was filming and taking stills for their library, it was an incredible experience - it sounds clichéd and worthy saying it was life changing but it was. The Upper East region of Ghana is an amazing place, the people are beautiful, many of them have next to nothing and yet they're so welcoming, so happy, so positive and an absolute joy to photograph. From a portraiture point of view it was incredible. You expect a certain amount of shyness or self awareness from someone when you stick a big camera in their face but everyone there was so natural and un-effected. They would just look right down the lens without a hint of embarrassment or effect. I couldn't stop taking pictures. I need to go back, there's a chance I will be involved in an ambulance convoy driving donated medical vehicles and equipment from Southampton to Bolgatanga in Northern Ghana next year, imagine the photographic opportunity there! There's a book in that... If I could do anything I'd be travelling the world taking pictures
How does that compare to shooting backstage on tour?
Worlds apart in terms of there being more more booze, hairspray and ... erm ... humous but actually not that different from a photographic point of view, it’s still about getting yourself in the right place, sensing when to be anonymous and when to get in amongst it. I'm lucky with the Boosh obviously because I'm an insider, it means everyone acts as if there wasn't a camera around, except Rich of course who turns into a complete psycho, nutjob, showoff whenever any recording equipment appears. He's a shy introvert mouse normally!
The trouble with me taking all the backstage Boosh shots is that I'm never in any of them, but then when we get photographers out on tour to shoot us I always feel for them because they usually get nothing! Especially when they're big personalities and act all crazy and hyper like that's what we react to! I always smile to myself and think 'you're not going to get anything here mate, especially from Julian' He rarely gives me anything photographically let alone a strange cool cat called Moses in his silly hat and mad trainers wondering why in every shot he has of Julian he's talking or eating!
I can imagine him being a pain in the arse
Not at all, well, maybe just a little every now and then but aren't we all? He's also the most truthful loyal down the line no shit guy you'll ever meet, he's also fucking hilarious and one of the best comic actors out there.
How did you meet?
Me, Noel and Nige (Boosh animator and co creator of Noels new show) went to see Julian do standup at uni - he was fucking amazing. Noel had wanted to go in for an award which Julian had won the year before, the daily telegraph open mic award, so thats why we saw him ... I think ... but then they met in Edinburgh and both got signed to the same management company and started writing together. Then they did three years in Edinburgh before the radio and TV shows. Being there from the off means I have photography all the way back to the source, I plan to do an exhibition and book some day of the lot, maybe next year, I think it’s 10 years since the first series? I may be wrong, my mind is mash, too much humous on tour.
OK We have some questions from ShensuitZombie readers. Graeme asks: Where are you keeping the severed head of the honey monster*?
* After a Sugar Puffs advert used a similar crimping style to the Boosh, Bollo exacted his revenge on the brand’s iconic beast live on tour.
Ha, I don't know where that is. It's probably behind a bin backstage somewhere in a Scottish theatre. The last gig on our last tour was in Aberdeen, I don't know whose fucking idea that was. It was a great gig and the people were amazing but we it did feel a bit of anti climax, although the journey back to London was ridiculous, it felt like it was half an hour! The honey monster head, I don't know, it's probably in Peter Kay's bed, discuss.
Holly asks: Do you find yourself grunting and acting like a primate after being onstage?
It's the most powerful thing to be in that costume, and acting it - especially in real life situations, I've found that out when I've been doing charity work, fundraising in banks and stuff, getting in lifts and acting nonchalant amongst business men and women. Some people react well and have a laugh, embrace it, others desperately try to ignore the fact that they're standing in a lift with Gorilla, others have massive heart attacks and die at my primate feet. It's weird for kids because they either run up and cuddle you or freeze, have meltdowns and are forever scared.
A friend recently did a film with John Landis [Director of American Werewolf in London and Thriller] who is apparently obsessed with monkey impersonators. He has a room in his house dedicated to all the monkey actors of the world and reckons he can tell who is in any monkey suit in any film anywhere. So he asked my mate for a signed photo of Bollo and I had to send him a strange signed shot like those ones you see in New York dry cleaners. Still, now I know I'm in John Landis's monkey room I sleep better at night.
John asks: In the Bollo Cadburys ad parody is it you in the suit*?
** If you don’t know what this is referring to, look here: tinyurl.com/bollocadburys
Of course it is, how very dare you suggest otherwise...
Which is your favourite episode?
Milky Joe is awesome, I love Nanageddon and Old Gregg and in series 3 it's got to be Eels. It’s tough to pick a favourite, I genuinely piss myself at most of them even when I watch them back now.
Is anything ad-libbed?
Yeah, have you met Rich? Ever tried to get him to say the same line twice! It's always where the best stuff comes from, harder in TV land but on tour it’s encouraged and is always where the gold comes from, also keeps you alive, when you're doing 6 shows a week for four or so months you need to keep it fresh.
In fact, there was one thing that Bollo had to do in the live show, rolling a big prop offstage. One day the caster caught and I stacked it, incidentally ripping my leg open in the process. It got the biggest laugh of the night so I carried on doing it for the rest of the tour!
Thanks Dave, it's been sweet.
No worries, nice to meet you.
And with that, like an ape in the woods, he was gone. 
Check out Dave's site - www.apeinc.co.uk
Dave took hundreds of photos of Ghanaians on his recent trip with Afrikids, a charity for whom he is ambassador.
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Why a Wellbeing Holiday Doesn’t Have to be Boring- Healthy Travel Blog
In the popular imagination, meditation retreats can be uncomfortable and silent places. Meditating for hours on hard floors and not exchanging two words with anyone is certainly the experience some retreats offer, but this isn’t the whole story. If you simply want a boost to your wellbeing rather than dedicate a week to intense spiritual advancement, there’s plenty of retreats that not only offer you meditation, but fun and relaxation as well.
For example, if you’re planning a city break to London but would like the opportunity to recharge your batteries as well as experience everything the capital has to offer, you could head into the Sussex countryside for a Vedic retreat with London meditation company Will Williams Meditation. Set in a beautiful country house, you can enjoy the pool, meet new people, and bask in English nature.
You don’t even have to plan for meditation to be a major part of your holiday if you don’t want to. Simply do a little research to find out where the local meditation centre is and plan to spend a couple of hours with them. In fact, if you are visiting somewhere like India, this could offer a great insight into the culture and history of the country that you otherwise may have missed. Other services like Reclaim Yourself offer luxury yoga holidays all over the world, from Iceland to Ibiza, that promise a fun group atmosphere and inclusive attitude.
Holidays by their nature were always intended to improve people’s wellbeing, but a combination of jet-lag, over indulgence and hectic sight-seeing schedules can leave people more burnt out than before they left. By ensuring that healthy and tranquil pursuits are a key part of your trip, you can get all the relaxation you need.
Guest Author: Holly Ashby is a content writer and illustrator who has a passion for blogging, with interests from travel to film. She is also a member of creative collective ShellsuitZombie, who aim to represent the young voice of the creative industries.
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jobeus · 10 years
I was featured on Shell Suit Zombie's website for there "Mad Skills Monday" segment. 
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lsachope · 10 years
So our last lecture of Professional Development week was off these guys, Shellsuit Zombie. Normally when we have guest lecturers in, they normally talk us through the process of their work and how their career has panned out, but these guys took a completely different approach which was pretty cool.
They started off by telling us about the company, how they’re a project run just for the passion of art and design and making it fun for all us young creatives. They do talks and lectures, workshops, events and even make work, but do it all for free as a little side project, as it’s something enjoyable for them and can benefit in other ways, like networking, or inspiring each other. It was interesting to hear that they don’t get paid for any of it though, as people now days are always saying ‘don’t work for free’, but I guess as being an illustrator can be pretty lonely at times, as you could just be doing work sat on your desk on your own, but doing a project like this involves you with other people and it must be really beneficial to be able to bounce ideas and get excited about projects with people that are just as nerdy about art as you are.
They made their talk really interactive, and after having a briefing of what Shellsuit Zombie is, they given us 6 options to chose from in which they’d respond which was really innovative. The six options were; 
-Wet Play
-Inspiration Zone
-Creative Crush
-Putting it About
-Secret Weapons
-Interview Confessions
With these, they’d talk us through the topic that we’d shout out to them. They’d also given us paper to write questions on and then lob them at their heads at any point in the talk, which kept me interested as it was pretty personal and the talk was really fun to listen too. Some of the topics proved more beneficial than others, like secret weapons, as they’d give us tips like always have an empty email box, telling us about small things that could save us a lot of time and make a difference. Other topics like interview confessions were just funny to hear, as it makes you feel better about knowing that even the successful people still have their tiffs in life and interviews and some things are going to mess up a little sometimes, but it’ll all be alright in the end.
I think the talk from Shellsuit Zombie was one of the better lectures we’ve had as it’s just something diffferent, and it wasn’t concentrated on one persons sole work, but rather a collection of artists just having fun and doing shit together. I’d love to be part of something like this when I graduate, as it keeps your head in the game of keeping creating and you’d have your friends there to keep inspired with. The talk was also really good about hearing a first hand account of how it can be tough in the industry, about being exploited and about finding the right job for you, overcoming interviews and to keep pushing yourself and trying for jobs rather than to just go back home after uni and end up in some dead end job.
We went to the Face Off event in the evening hosted by Shellsuit Zombie and it was one of the funniest nights I’ve had in a while. As soon as we got there we were bombarded to think of rude team names and that just set it for the night. After making rude vines, drawing the male genitalia and coming up with a ‘National Bum Day Holiday’, the night ended with everyone pretty bladdered and in high spirits, which meant at the end we could actually approach the artists there without any nerves or hesitation and ask them questions on a personal level, whilst also networking ourselves. I’d definitely go to one of them again.
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ljbillustration-blog · 10 years
Shellsuit Zombie 
This lecture was a bit different to the others we've had as shellsuit zombie is a group of many people rather than just one! It was nice to hear each members background and how they got to where they are today, it was nice to see that 2 of them were graduates from LJMU who had also studied our course- this gives me hope for the future!  
Shellsuit Zombie started off as a group blog, they've now produced 2 magazines and have a strong history with New Blood a show in London where all creative agencies go to see what the design collectives are up to- like a condensed degree show! This links back to the idea of getting your work seen, which has been a common discussion in the majority of guest speakers we have spoken with and something I now know is very important if you want your work to do well. 
I quite liked the way they approached the lecture, instead of standing there giving us a big speech they sectioned their discussion into bits, letting us pick one at a time. Each section was an area on which they could give us advice as future graduates, telling us past experiences both bad and good! Here are a few top tips I gained: 
1. When in an interview don't lie about things! This links back to what Nobrow said at their studio visit, always be truthful about your strengths & weaknesses as you don't want to end up with jobs you can't do!  
2. Don't settle for less than you know your'e worth! One of the members told us about how she walked out of an interview as the job wasn't as expected- don't let people take advantage of your skills. 
3. Apply for jobs your'e not that interested in. This is something a lot of people we have spoken to have mentioned but it is something I don't necessarily agree with. I understand that the more experience you get the more you learn and the more skills you gain eventually resulting in a great job... BUT I would rather be doing something I really enjoy. Like Kate Gibb said 'people produce their best work when they enjoy what they do'.
This is something I really need to decide on when it comes to my future, do I take up job opportunities I'm not keen on for the money & experience or do I focus on doing things I love even if they don't produce a large income?     
4. It's not about the grade you get it's about the work you produce. Each member of shellsuit who came to speak to us said they had never been asked what grade they got this didn't surprise me! Once again is something Nobrow also mentioned when we asked how they pick people to collaborate with. As a design student it's more about your style of work, what skills you have, what you specialize in etc. 
5. Side projects: Do something on your own! They explained how side projects give you freedom, you can make mistakes to learn from and it doesn't matter. Side projects show that you have motivation and could also turn into lots of money! Googlemail, Groupon & Mailchimp are all examples of successful side projects which have turned out big! The first job you get might not be the greatest so keep doing side projects as they will help you progress into a better job and are a way of still doing things you like- maybe this is the answer to my problem above! 
I'm always doing small side projects myself whilst at uni from commissions which I gain through my Illustration Facebook Page to my scrunchy making project which actually made me a whole lot of money in a short space of time so side projects are definitely something i'll always be doing! 
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natashaphipps · 10 years
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I’ve just been featured as part of Shellsuit Zombie’s Mad Skills Monday and couldn’t be happier!
If you haven’t checked them out before you definitely should! 
LINK: http://shellsuitzombie.co.uk/mad-skills-monday-035/
This is the first time I’ve had my work featured, and it’s a great feeling. It’s certainly bizarre to know that I’ll be finishing university, graduating this summer and knowing this is it! 
This has certainly been a confidence boost - providing me the opportunity to pause and reflect on the past 3 years and how far I have come.
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55dsl-blog-blog · 10 years
Here’s what went down at the SSZ5 magazine launch - the final collaboration between Studiofiftyfive and Shellsuit Zombie!
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foldzine-blog · 11 years
Thanks Pete for featuring us! Check it out!
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roxyball · 11 years
My work has been featured on ShellsuitZombie!
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spranklen-blog · 12 years
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SHELLSUITZOMBIE - Illustrations for the ShellsuitZombie event 'Fresh Meat' in February 2013
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petemurgatroyd-blog1 · 12 years
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spranklen-blog · 12 years
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Do you want to meet up with the hottest talent around? Do you like loud music, free booze and fun? Of course you do, now find your inner human and stop looking at photos of naked people in compromising situations on the internet. Which we guarantee is what you are doing.
After scouring the land for the UK’s best talent in graphic design, illustration and journalism, we’re now ready to present to you a new crack team of bright young things, ready and raring to take over ShelsuitZombie this year. Who are ShellsuitZombie, I hear you ask? Well, we’re a bunch of ruddy do-gooders with attitude, who are ready to showcase the breadth of current creative talent in the UK and provide young creatives with exposure, advice and a platform to showcase their work.
To celebrate the arrival of the new zombies, ShellsuitZombie are holding a special event at the Slaughter House near Hoxton station in London on Sunday 3rd Feb, and we need people to entertain. We are putting on a night of mischief to get together some industry greats and some insanely good graduates. We have 24 very talented dismembered plastic corpses ready for your viewing pleasure.
And as if that wasn’t enough, there will be a special premier of a film shot by and starring all of our new recruits. There just isn’t enough bandwidth in the world for how great it is going to be. The internet is going to break.
Your parched lips will be thoroughly moistened with smooth Irish whiskey, thanks to Jameson or refreshingly Dutch lager from Oranjeboom. We will also be giving out copies of a special edition ShellsuitZombie zine, exclusive to attendees.
So build a secret hatch to meat land and join us for an evening of dividing and cooking body parts. Or networking. Whichever you prefer.
Come and party with us, because we’ve totally showered.
7pm, Slaughter House, 3rd FEBRUARY 2013.
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