blueboy1103 · 22 days
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zingiber-santi · 6 months
Rowan from s2 of heartbreak high is giving extreme Ryan Sheppers from the original hbh
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polarlys · 2 years
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Let’s start the new year off with a little bit of Shepper! And then have a little bit of a closeup, because this was like 100k brush strokes and it nearly killed me.
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androgynousblackbox · 8 months
I haven't seen anyone commenting about this so I guess I will have to. In the Bible there is a part (fuck if I know which exactly) that talks about lambs who lost their way, but come back, versus the lambs that always stayed near the shepper. Basically, that the sinners who strayed away but willingly put on the work to come back to the right path were more appreciated and loved than those that never strayed in the firt place. What this means to me is that Sir Pentious is truly actually the kind of soul that Heaven should be the happiest to receive. Someone mentioned about how he appearing in front of Emily and Sera instead in front of the pearly gates makes it seem like he is on another level, and I think that's the entire reason why.
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strawbebearts · 9 months
Pokemon Challenge 2024: Master Post
Here are the links to each of the individual pokemon I will be creating during this project! This series is set in a fictional region called Te'Roa based on Aotearoa New Zealand, with the concept being Pokemon Land and Sky.
Part II<<
Ahoiho | Hoisail | Commohoiho | evolution line
Keke | Kekehana | Kekeflora | evolution line
Smokomoko | Smouldearth | Volcander | evolution line
Patupatu | Pakepake | Turehure | legendary fairies
Regular mons:
Possposs | Possinax | evolution line
Pangull | Alba | Alboss | evolution line
Dolphantom | Horrorca | Whalarming | evolution line
Pooky | Spookeko | evolution line
Keekiwi | Sleekiwi | evolution line
Tuazard | Taniwyrm | evolution line
Hoogrub | Pewpa | Wetabug | evolution line
Thongle | Jandallion | evolution line
Taddly | Pepeflop | Pepehop | evolution line
Lambaby | Sheera | Ramshackles | evolution line
Archaeon | Ethereon | both eeveelutions
Falchick | Falkid | Falking | evolution line
Caterstripe | Krisaliss | Buttereign | evolution line
Sheppup | Shepper | evolution line
Fantale | Fanfable | Fanlegend | evolution line
Kofai | Faibloom | Failumber | evolution line
Cirra | Kapua | Aafa | evolution line
Ru | Ruru | Ruruthless | evolution line
Pohu | Popohuta | evolution line
Peka | Vorpeka | evolution line
Kifru | Kifragrant | evolution line
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annabelle-creart · 3 months
TFRB x Sweet Tooth! Salvage with everyone
(Salvage is a german shepper hybrid)
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weirdbird74 · 3 months
man i love rhps. red hot pilly sheppers
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aprosin · 3 months
so end up that vol.5 was up (before you asked, pirated aka download from a site toboy)
fuking chills and very high-quality animation from Thorne
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itskindaobvthat Shepper is a parallel to Adam's father The farmer is Jude (especially the angel aka Gabriel behind her) Her saying "I pray that this would happen" the "dead" lamb is Adam
can't remember what happened with the lore but its was on Adam's dad side (Murphy? i think that's name) in the aftermath of Vol.1 (seeing Jude end herself and Adam taken away)
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aslo kister camo
and i wanna say that
he looks different with the hair and yet the factual structure still resembling his young photos its him but looks he been inside a lot, grown out his hair in a good way
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sugarandstories · 1 year
As much as the character creator got a big buff in Legendary Edition, it was still never enough to convey the design that my Shepper has in my head. However with so much cc out there TS4 could definitely provide where ME:LE couldn’t in the design department!
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This is her! Her name is Mercy Vedati (Shepard isn’t her canon name in my headcanon, I gave her a south asian surname instead c:)
She’s a 32 year old biracial lady (Nepalese-Dominican) and also has CIPA. Like Joker, an illness that would normally have a high mortality rate has a lot of treatments in the ME universe to facilitate Mercy living a life that allows her to be in the military. As a Spacer it certainly helped having access to military health insurance as a dependent! 
Her mother: Ekta Vedati is Nepalese and a buddhist, and Mercy was raised in this religion but did not start actively practicing it until after the Sole Survivor incident on Akuze in order to cope with her trauma.
Aligning with her beliefs, she’s a paragon who does not drink, is a vegetarian, and only ever kills in self-defense. 
As she’s an infiltrator I model her more after the N7 Shadow in multiplayer, so she uses a sword, rather than a katana esque shape, she owns both a kukri and a kora sword, but only wields one at a time. She also practices bajra, a nepali martial art that Ekta taught her that combines kyokushin, thai boxing, kick boxing and taekwondo to make quite an effective martial art form.
She does not have a hamster, but instead a two-meter Indian rock python named Karma. Her fish tank is filled with banded catsharks and rather than model ships she has her swords mounted on the wall of her cabin. 
One of the last memories she had of her father who passed away when she was still a child was of reading her a fantasy book with unicorns in it to calm her when she would have nightmares of the ships they lived on spontaneously exploding. Inspired by the nature of unicorns being a good omen, she started vandalising ships by finding a hidden spot to carve a tiny unicorn into a panel to “protect the ship.” She has since grown out of that fear, but to keep her father’s memory alive she instead carves a little unicorn into each of her guns and on both of her swords.
Her relationship with Garrus is more of a slowburn in my head, with regular sparring sessions on the Normandy Turian style to keep them both sharp in close quarter combat. And it took Mercy time to build up the courage to ask him that fateful question.
I could go on and on about her for days so I’ll cut it here for now dkjhfkdjh
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one2six1 · 8 months
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راعي غنم_اليمن
Yemeni sheppered
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who-is-riley · 2 years
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Some sheppers from last night
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OC asks: 💧☁️☄️
Chinhands let’s build us a shepper
• 💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Alright thanks shrimp server I now have some nice angst!
All this time I was resisting the idea, but. Fuck it, nah, she’s made it clear, Adrian wanted to be a Spectre when she grew up. It seemed like the best way to make everybody happy - she’d be part of an incredible legacy for humanity like her parents wanted. Advance the Alliance’s interest. And for her own part… it meant she could continue traveling the galaxy, and help everyone- she wouldn’t be utterly beholden to the Alliance or humanity any more, there would be one (1) major conflict of interest resolved and no having to figure out how to have a life outside a military/law enforcement context. Helps that she often wound up watching (thanks @eriexplosion for this idea yes I am still stealing it xD) a G.I. Joe like cartoon about them all the time as a kid- very long-running series, very popular in Citadel space, fictionalized versions of real-life Spectres and their adventures - very emphatic on the heroics, in a way that really caught baby Addy’s heart. 
It wasn’t until a fair bit later in life that she really started to question the entire framework she'd been operating under, but... well, by then, the dream was well on its way to coming true..
Sunk cost fallacy's a bitch, ain't it?
• ☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Adrian's banned from cooking on the Normandy, but she's kind of taken it upon herself to make sure the crew''s well fed regardless. This was hammered in hard back during training her biotics- combination of private tutoring and group exercises with other kids of various species, one thing the teachers emphasized was stay fed. Last thing you want, even if it's a casual display, is for someone to drop from sudden hunger.
Usually, it's in the form of high-density protein bars, but Adrian does make sure to keep snacks on hand as much as possible for her crew, and does her best to bring flavours everyone can enjoy. Even if they're not a biotic- she even makes sure to carry some dextro snacks for Tali and Garrus, which went a long way in developing their friendship in the early SR-1 days. She's also known to sneak some fresh stuff aboard, whenever there's time to shop or place an order.
She's also the sort who has everyone's hot drink preferences noted- more than once, on all iterations of the Normandy, a few people would come to the mess and find a ready-to-go drink waiting for them & Adrian just sitting by going over reports or the like, refusing to take credit.
(She doesn't make her own preferences too well known, either. Still though... around the SR-2 days, someone finally cracks it and spreads the memo around...)
• ☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Most people expect her temper to run out well before it actually does. She may snark a bit, but it is rare for Adrian to actually snap verbally, let alone in action - which makes it all the more horrifying when she does run the risks and decide 'I might hate it but maybe taking this fucker down's the least potentially harmful action'.
Less so as the series goes on, but another big impression around ME1 was that she's pro-human, or at least, will put humanity first. She makes proving them wrong everybody's problem. Especially Hackett and Udina's.
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breadedsinner · 1 year
shepper questions! 13, 18, 24 for best boy Raphael pls!
13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?
99% of the time you will get a cold, unamused expression from him, if it's really bad maybe something like maybe wait until shore leave to practice your stand-up. If your name is Ashley Madeline Goddamn Williams, you might get the rare laugh.
18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
Answered, thank you!
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with
Honestly, no one, I hope that's not a lazy answer, but Raph has been pretty self-sufficient and closed off for a very long time. He's understandably gone to Anderson for advice, but comfort? That's not a burden he would put on anyone.
In a way that's why I can see him eventually become friends with Miranda, because neither of them would push very far.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
About me, nobody care but I love to talk XD
Are you named after someone?
No Xd.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This morning in fact ^^; because I was sick… I'm someone who cry easly
3. Do you have kids?
I am too young for that XD
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes, even if the others don't notice it everytime. Am I doing it badly
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their hairs color... ^^; yeah
6. What's your eye colour?
Blue ;)
7. Scary movies or good endings?
Good endings, even if it's predictable I prefer that to scary movies ^^
8. Any special talents?
I have a very good sense of smel
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, writting, sing, drama (^w^)
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes ^^ a dog, a German Shepper
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played many sports :
etc None really appeal to me more, apart from archery. Now I do running and crossfit, sort of. I'm not really a sporty person…
13. How tall are you?
1,60 m
14. Favourite subject in school?
Art and science, biology
15. Dream job?
Being a writter
(original by @novafire-is-thinking)
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sparatus · 2 years
33 and 48 for Matteo Shepper?
thanks dan!!
shepard asks
33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
they tend to shock people a lot with being better at diplomacy and finding a peaceful resolution than they are at combat and tactics. push comes to shove they can lead a fight to victory no questions asked, but if there's a way to resolve something peacefully and/or stealthily, they'd rather do that. their priority is saving as many people as possible, after all, and that tends to lend itself well to finding a minimum-casualties solution.
also they originally went to school to be a marine biologist before they decided to join up with the alliance, so that's a fun skillset to whip out on the like, 3 occasions it comes up.
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
despite being a biotic, and a vanguard to boot, they actually rely most heavily on tech skills and using their environment to their advantage. their biotics are more of an afterthought, and tend to only get used defensively and on reflex. meanwhile, a solid overload and a well-placed grenade are their best friends.
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strawbebearts · 8 months
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Pokemon Challenge 2024! #1063 Shepper.
Shepper is the evolution of Sheppup, and is a Normal/Psychic type. It is based on an adult border collie. It wasn't looking pokemon enough to me so I made it spikier and am pleased with the result. I really enjoy how its hypnotic eyes turned out. I imagined that having psychic abilities would be super useful for Shepper to efficiently herd sheep for its trainer.
Find the rest of the Te'Roa set in my master post!
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