#Shibuya Yosuke
symphonic-scream · 11 months
Okay. Another in a long line of aus that have been coming from my mind lately
P4 but it's P5
Aka, the P4 Tokyo au
Gonna lay it out, but if you just wanna know everyone's roles scroll to the end for the list of the arcana :)
Alright. Let's do this
So, Yu Narukami was walking home one night when he hears a woman scream. He runs over to help and sees a man trying to assault her so he steps in. The man, drunk, falls over and gets hurt. The blame is placed on Yu, who is arrested and found guilty
Now, his parents don't want to deal with him, sending him to live with his cop uncle in Tokyo. Dojima isn't too happy about it, and to keep Nanako safe, he has Yu live in the old Yongen police station, now a storage building. It's dusty and old, but Yu thinks he can clean it up a bit
He's at a new school. Everyone seems to hate him. He spots a boy on the way to school, watches a teacher berate the kid before he pedals his bike faster. It's raining. The water from his tires flies up dousing Yu and a girl chasing after him
She's Chie Satonaka, formally a part of the martial arts club at Shujin, kicked out due to the extreme number of demerits she's earned. All from the same teacher that yelled at that boy
The boy being Yosuke Hanamura, who transferred last year. Kids being blamed for his father's business taking over a whole slew of smaller businesses in another area of Tokyo, just another big supermarket. But then as well, a certain teacher keeps spreading rumors about him and his family's business. It isn't helping
Anyways. Yu and Chie stumble into the Metaverse, find the shadow of King Moron, and a little bear named Teddie. Then they're back in the real world and shit and blah blah
We know the story by now. The third joins the team, they steal the treasure, etc
In the real world, Teddie is one of those Teddie bear dogs. The tiny ones. I think that's funny
Anyways. They save the day and things move forward. They are the Phantom Thieves. They're going to keep stealing treasures and saving people
On to arc two! After the teacher thing, Chie gets approached by a girl in a kimono, as they're walking through Shibuya. A local group was doing advertisement for a special like traditional style decoration event at an inn. And. One of the young designers wants to use Chie for inspiration
After. Having her soul bared to her. Uhm. Yeah.
Anyways there's a senior designer there that keeps trying to convince everyone the inn is haunted or something. He's an asshole. Wants to ruin the inn so he can buy it to be his personal mansion
Anyways Chie nearly has to get nude but before that they convince Yukiko Amagi to join them and defeat the designer
So. There's that
Anyways next arc!
So. Dojima is still a cop. He's on the case of a large crime group in the city, with another detective Adachi, and. A teenager.
A first year at Yu's school. Pretty much a kid. The cops aren't happy they brought the "genius Detective Prince" in cause they couldn't end it soon enough, but. The whole unit is sick of this kid on day one. Doesn't talk to them. Stands there. Uses big words.
The kid doesn't have friends at school. But, they get closer than anyone else does. Aka, they find both the Phantom Thieves and the crime ring. At the same time.
Naoto Shirogane is looked down on for being a kid but also was never allowed to be a kid. Lonely as fuck. Pressured into throwing themself at the crime boss with no backup
The team finds them insufferable at first. Until they're in the palace and Naoto breaks. And then gains their persona
(Genderfluid Naoto here. Some days he, some they, some she.)
So we've got a "criminal", the reason everyone's parents are broke, Shujin's most violent second year, an interior designer, and a young detective. Oh and Teddie
It's. Going great for them
And it lasts a while until, they get a strange request. An anonymous online fan wants their heart stolen. They're worried they'll resort to extremes soon, and don't want to wish that grief on their loved ones. It's, a lot,
And. They investigate enough to find out the request came from within the Dojima house
Former idol Risette has been living with them since she was attacked, assaulted. She doesn't go out, has a fear of being around crowds and, shit like that. She blames herself, she's read too many online comments. She was asking for it, and all. And she feels, gross. So, they go to steal her heart
And she joins the group! As their Navi! Fun!
Then the second years go to Hawaii, leaving only Naoto and Rise behind in Tokyo, and when they return? They have another palace!
This one idk but Kanji joins the team here. It's Kanji he's gay and likes manly things like sewing.
Anyways after that it's, another Palace that's honestly not chosen cause idk who'd be the Judgement (Margaret?? Maybe) and Adachi joins the team and then betrays them and then they're after the prime guy and then God
But yeah. Thief Team
Fool - Yu
Chariot - Chie
Lovers - Yosuke
Magician - Teddie
Emperor - Yukiko
Priestess - Naoto
Hermit - Rise
Empress - Kanji
And yeah. I've got some ideas for it and all but. Yeah. Ask me about it
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
P3P and P4G done, lets play P5R
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Alright, lets at least get started.
Just in case you're new, hello. My name is Archie, and I have now played Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden. My liveblog continues.
My liveblogs are mostly fast recaps of the story with a lot of conjecture and guesses and long diatribes about the veracity of Persona's cartomancy choices. For all the games but P5R specifically, I know pretty much blithering fuckall about the plot and characters, so I enjoy trying to guess what's going to happen and pick up on foreshadowing (and sometimes whine about lack of foreshadowing, looking at you ending to P4G).
In P3P I romanced Akihiko but my life partner was Junpei. In P4G, I played a raging homogay so I didn't get to kiss anybody but harbored one HELL of a crush on Kanji.
Now, we start P5R. /rubs hands together
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SO UH GAME IS A BIT ODD FROM WORD GO HUH. Hitting new games starts one of those "this story is a work of fiction disclaimers" but it's narrated very purposefully, refers to "[our] world" and demands I sign my agreement as a contract.
Could be nothing, just a bit of flavor, but this is the first of the games I have played to tap on the fourth wall in this way. Also, the text being blue brings to mind the dude who like set up the Velvet Room who you don't really see in the modern Persona games, which is... Philapome? Or something.
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Starting in medias res with what I would say is an overload of information.
Casino heist! With shadows and persona hanging around! And... the weird thing is that it seems to be in the real world??? But our protagonist guy has the power of persona in the real world. Which we haven't seen yet in 3 and 4. Persona abilities was relegated to the TV World and the Dark Hour.
Also, WEIRDLY, this guy is a thief? Like Sly Cooper running along the lights and fixtures, using a grappling hook, the whole shebang.
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It sure ain't Tartarus, that's for sure. And we have a bunch of shadowy characters talking over the comms.
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GONNA BE REAL this whole intro sequence is a lot? We fight some persona (in the real world??????).
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Get a helping hand from some lady with a sword?????
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Jump out of a stained glass window with some Cowboy Bebop vibes goin' on.
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Aaaaand get fuckin got by a LOT of cops. Oh my god that's so many cops. And we were set up.
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A cop beats the shit out of our protag and repeats that immortal recurring line. Well, taking responsibility for their actions killed Reverie 3 while Reverie 4 survived, so we'll see how this one goes.
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There was only one option. Reverie Vantas returns.
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And we're in a framing device! Sup, Cassandra I mean Sae Nijima. But yeah, this has some Dragon Age vibes to be certain. Sae apparently knows Reverie, but was not expecting to see him, and seems sympathetic but Cop-y about wanting some answers.
I am still concerned about the use of Persona in the real world, that has me very concerned, given how P3 and P4 ended.
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Are they bringing back the meaningful butterfly of Palermo or whatever?
Okay Reverie's backstory is laid out:
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Dude tried to help some lady who was getting roughed up, but the rougher got injured in the process so Reverie has been expelled and now is facing a criminal record. Which, in Japan? OOF. Not great. Not good. Also, can you have a criminal record as an adolescent in Japan? That's really rough.
So Reverie is sent to I Think It's Literally Tokyo, like this game is not in a fictional location, it's Tokyo, I heard Shibuya get mentioned, what the hell.
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boy howdy we got a lot of anime cutscenes
AND WE HAVE PROGRESSED BEYOND YOSUKE'S SHITTY FLIP PHONE ONTO SMART PHONES. Reverie sees a weird app thing on his phone and when he presses it, the world stops and I think he sees his shadow????? I think there's some awakening to Persona happening here.
Fuckin' Izanami is back in Inaba like "aw shit, people got PHONES that DO SHIT now? I can just send the power of persona to people as a fucking .apk file now, I don't need to lurk around a gas station like a fucking weirdo, I'm literally a god, I should be making more than minimum wage, wait'll I tell Nyx"
Anyway. That's actually kind of a fun throwback to....... the original MegaTen, right? Didn't the first major entry in the series revolve about a demonic internet site that let you contact the spirit world and then it took over the real world? Basically.
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Reverie is off to find his.... like... probation officer but not, and ooh
wow that's a good voice, hello sir, wait no I thought Dojima had a good voice from the start and I was super wrong about him. I trust no good voices in this game.
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fuck you and your nice voice I GUESS?
I have no idea what the legal standing here is or if its a handwavey don't-worry-about-it thing but:
Reverie, did a good deed and got expelled over it. His family apparently actively wanted to get rid of him, so they sent him off to Tokyo to live with this cafe owner dude, Sojirio Sakura. He is on a one-strike policy and could lose this lovely and inviting attic space for any reason at all. And this is his probation.
what the fuck, wow, and I was sad when P4G didn't really give me any good friends in the first two hours, now THIS?!
Reverie The Fifth, I have known you for like 20 minutes and I'm sorry? What the fuck.
Anyway, Sojirio is a glorified landlord, is not here to play rehabilitationist, leaves as soon as he can, and Reverie goes to sleep.
And wakes up in the Velvet Room.
And oh boy howdy. Wow. Okay. We're gonna have to talk about the Velvet Room in this game.
Out of images. Next post. /fingerguns
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ofhope · 1 year
— Kanji Tatsumi, Persona 5 (+Royal) Verse.
I'm going to make this rebloggable so I can add onto it in the future, but I please ask personals not to reblog it, at least not until it's at its final form! Thank you for wanting to, though!
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Twenty, although isn't far behind in age with Rise. His twenty-first hits before the game ends.
Out-and-proud bisexual. While Kanji still wishes for his identity to not be fussed over, he does want it to be known: he "doesn't want to waste time with assholes who care too much about what he does," and "doesn't have time for shitheads who ignore him" because of it. AKA: He loves himself for who he is. If you don't... bye.
Still lives in Inaba, but does travel to Shibuya to sell some of his custom items, at his mother's insistence. With internet now being more widespread, he also runs an in-universe equivalent of an Etsy store, but finds that he makes the most cash setting up a pop-up shop around the streets of Tokyo.
Still keeps in touch with the Investigation Team, most prominently Chie and Teddie. His relationship with Yosuke has gotten significantly better, and although their paths don't cross as often, they now have a more amicable relationship as compared in the early days of 4. He still has something of a crush on Naoto, but has since brought many-a-folk come to meet his ma'. That said, during 5, he has no set relationship. His home-screen will always be the picture they took just before Yu departed Inaba.
Kanji, while not a Confidant, can be bought from, and his gifts are meant to be given to Confidants; and if equipped as an accessory instead, grant a valuable Strength boost (and if used for Joker, +an additional Guts boost). These accessories also show up on their respective character model.
Still, somewhat, suffers with self-esteem. It's nowhere near as bad as whenever he was fifteen, but he still struggles sometimes.
If Rise's bodyguards either don't show up for duty or she's cut a few loose, he's always down to take their place. He also wears a lot of her merch, because that's his friend, dammit.
Works out, but not to the point of being known for it. Kanji's always been a strong guy, but he doesn't mind being stronger. On top of this, he has full sleeves on both arms, the left's centerpiece - of course - involving a new variation of the skull tattoo he, formerly, used to draw on every other day with sharpie.
He also has an I ♥ Mom tattoo, and an I ♥ Teddie tattoo... the second one was a drunken dare, and he wasn't gonna call it off.
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osharenippon · 1 year
'70s Harajuku (Part 2)
The Harajuku district in Shibuya has gained international acclaim as a hub of Tokyo's youth culture and fashion scene. Its streets are lined with cafes, boutiques, and well-known fast fashion stores, drawing a constant stream of tourists, fashionistas, and teenagers. However, before the arrival of billionaire retailers, foreigners, and media attention, this area's early inhabitants were the ones who truly shaped its unique character.
'70s Harajuku (Part 1)
There's been a few books written about Harajuku and its culture in the '70s. Famed photographer Shinpei Asai wrote "Central Apartments Monogatari" (Central Apartments Tale), published in 2002. Futoshi Kimizuka interviewed some creative professionals who had offices in the building for 2004's "Central Apartments no asobi" (Walking through Central Apartments). Yasuko Takahashi, Japan's first stylist, wrote extensively about her experience working and playing in the neighborhood during that era in "Omotesando no Yakko-san" (Yakko-san from Omotesando, 2012) and "Toki no kakeru Yakko-san" (Yakko-san Who Leapt Through Time, 2015). In 2019, Non Nakamura, who started out as Yakko-san's assistant, compiled photographs and essays from influential figures of the time in "70s Harajuku Genfuukei."
This same Non Nakamura contributed what I consider to be some of the most insightful and readily available essays on this period through her "20th Century Girl" serialization in Mononcle. These essays are accessible for free on their website (in Japanese, though Google Translate provides a decent translation). Nakamura's series chronicles the culture of the 1970s in Harajuku and the broader oshare influences of that decade.
The first essay discusses how she owes her fateful meeting with Yakko-san to rock 'n' roll. Nakamura was a teen during the folk music era when rockstars had long hair, worn-out T-shirts, and bell-bottom denim. She wasn't particularly attracted to this type of fashion, so when she first saw glamorous-looking David Bowie in a magazine, she instantly fell in love with him. Her other passion was the band Carols. She passed by a poster of them, with their regent hairstyles, motorcycles, and leather jackets, on her way to her part-time job in Shinjuku and was remarkably attracted to them. After work, she ran to the record store and bought their then-just-released first single, "Louisiana." When she got home and dropped the needle on the record, the sound of rock 'n' roll took over her body, and she was utterly fascinated with the band. Soon after, she got a boyfriend who followed the regent hairstyle/leather jacket/motorcycle trend of the time.
Nakamura hated studying and wasn't interested in school clubs and activities. She'd fulfill her curiosity about the world by reading the dressmaking magazine Fukusou and admiring the avant-garde professionals that worked in it, such as the photographers (Saku Sawatari, Daitomo Yoshida, Osamu Nagahama), the illustrators (Ayumu Ohashi, Teruhiko Yumura, Yosuke Kawamura, Osamu Harada, Tamie Okumura), the models (Risa Akigawa, Brenda, Ichizo Koizumi), and the writers (Takeshi Matsuyama and Ken Sunayama).
One day, Yasuko Takahashi, aka Yakko-san, started a serialization in Fukusou. In her inaugural essay, she wrote that if she were a teen, she'd probably be chasing her rock 'n' roll dreams and dating a rocker dude her mom disapproved of. These words resonated deeply with Nakamura, who found school tiresome, yearned for an artsy and glamorous world, adored Carol and Bowie, and was dating a delinquent high school dropout who didn't earn her mother's favor. She felt seen and understood.
In her column, Yakko-san published plenty of photos of her daily life. To Nakamura's surprise, she was friends with the guys from Carol and also worked as a stylist for David Bowie. In the 17-year-old girl's eyes, she was the most incredible woman alive.
As she recounts in her second essay, her deep relationship with the Fukuso magazine team started a few months before Yakko-san's inaugural column in the October '73 issue. One day during the spring of her senior year, she felt compelled to write a letter to the magazine professing her love for it. She dreamed of being an illustrator, so she included a bunch of her doodles. To her surprise, the editorial team called her home a few months later and invited her to their office.
After school, she changed from her uniform to her favorite clothes (which included a shirt she bought from a London import shop in the basement of Central Apartments and a gingham skirt she made inspired by MiLK) and eagerly made her way to the meeting. The editors inquired about her clothing and life, and their comment, "I sensed something in you that was not Yojohan-ish," stuck with her.
To understand the context of this comment, we must go back in time to the folk music fever of the '70s, when yojohan (4 tatamis and a mat) folk was at its peak. Yojohan referred to small rooms where impoverished university students lived, often idealized in songs about young love and melancholy that dominated the charts. Nakamura was happy with the comment because, indeed, she didn't like the poor and humid vibe of said songs. She was drawn instead to dreamy pop and rock. 
The teen girl left the magazine's office that day with an invite to publish a double-spread page in the June issue, full of her illustrations and thoughts. It was quite an achievement for her.
Encouraged by this experience, she didn't hesitate to write Yakklp-san a letter. And to her astonishment, Yakko-san replied! Before she knew it, they had become penpals and engaged in lengthy phone conversations. Thus began a profound friendship between a 17-year-old high school student and a 34-year-old stylist at the pinnacle of her career.
Funnily enough, Yakko-san feared meeting Nakamura and disappointing her. To the 17-year-old, it was amusing that a grown woman who organized Japan's top designer Kansai Yamamoto's show in London Fashion Week and had the initiative to collaborate with world-famous figures such as T-Rex and David Bowie would be intimidated by her.
But, as she recounts in her third essay, they finally met. First, a quick 10-minute meeting in a Shibuya coffee shop. And then a proper encounter at the renowned Leon, where she also met other cool people she used to see in the magazines. Soon after, she became a frequent visitor to Yakko-san's small apartment in Harajuku.
Initially, she was taken aback by the apartment's minimalist and compact layout, as well as Yakko's sparse possessions. Yet, within the broader context, it made sense that a trend-savvy individual in 1973 lived this way. It was the year of the Oil Shock, the first post-war recession and frugality was in vogue. Books like "Jonathan Livingston Seagull," an anti-materialism allegory, and Alicia Bay Laurel's "Back to the Earth" became bestsellers, reflecting the shift towards a more modest lifestyle.
Amid the growing popularity of the back-to-the-land movement in the United States, minimalism and healthy living gained global momentum. It was Yakko-san who first introduced Nakamura to these ideas.
Through Yakko, Nakamura also learned about "natural food," a relatively unfamiliar concept in Japan at the time. While a foreign concept to most, natural food was all the rage in the vibrant neighborhood of Harajuku, and locals bought it from the market in the basement of the luxury Co-Op Olympia condo. Additionally, a delivery service offered pesticide-free vegetables, spearheaded by a former Leon patron who had forsaken a successful creative career to explore his passion for sustainable farming. Through these encounters, young Nakamura began to comprehend that life presented various paths, and fashion encompassed not only clothing but also a holistic lifestyle, including food and living habits.
The fourth installment focuses on Sayoko Yamaguchi, one of Japan's top models of the '70s, who had worldwide success and shared a close relationship with Yakko-san. Nakamura observed that during that era, the most prominent models were of mixed heritage (haafus), characterized by big eyes, long eyelashes, and wavy hair. Notably, Lisa Akigawa was one of the most renowned among them. In contrast, Yamaguchi stood apart with her almond-shaped eyes and black bob haircut. Her unique style served as an inspiration for many Japanese girls, fostering their self-confidence. Her signature eyeliner makeup and haircut were emulated by numerous admirers. While Yamaguchi enjoyed global fame at international fashion weeks, she became a familiar face to the Japanese public through her Shiseido commercials. She was among the numerous icons in fashion and culture closely connected to Yakko-san.
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During the 1970s, Sayoko Yamaguchi was one of the faces of Shiseido cosmetics.
Another notable figure in this circle was the director Juzo Itami, whose tight relationship with Yakko-san was evident in his introduction to her first book, "Aisatsu no Nai no Nagadenwa" (Long Phone Conversation with no Greeting), published in 1976. This title offered one of the first comprehensive examinations of the "stylist" profession, which was relatively obscure in Japan then.
In the fifth essay, Nakamura writes how she found out about the profession through an article at AnAn, which briefly described a stylist as "people who lease clothes for fashion shoots, run around Harajuku with large bags, line the soles of model's shoes with duct tape, coordinate clothes, and attend shoots."
As she discovered through her work with Yakko-san, stylists do way more than that. And that was also what Itami tried to convey in the introduction to Yakko's book:
"I want to introduce my friend, Yasuko Takahashi. She is a first-class stylist. When making fashion editorials or commercials, a stylist can materialize a suitable house, the right interior design, or a place just like the one you're looking for out of thin air. At the same time, they also find props that are suitable for the location and source costumes. Depending on the situation, they will interact with the models and even advise on hair and make-up, so they must be genuinely knowledgeable. Collaborating with Yakko is, without exaggeration, a heavenly experience for me. She is a consummate professional. Once upon a time, when she couldn't find a suitable location, she wandered through town all night, shedding tears of frustration until she eventually discovered one. I mean, she's persistent. Her tenacity isn't limited to her professional life; in her case, she's unwavering in allowing her creativity to roam freely."
Yakko and Itami first met after being introduced by famed photographer Shinpei Asai, who had his office at Harajuku Central Apartments. The three of them worked together on a serialization Itami had at Shūkan Bunshun magazine in the sixties, which had Asai in charge of the photography and Takahashi doing the styling.
Takahashi was impressed by Itami's sensitivity to trends on a global scale. When she went to New York, he told her to buy a Yellow Pages-sized book, "Whole Earth Catalog," which inspired his weekly column. As covered here, "Whole Earth Catalog" was highly influential among Japanese media and creative types in the late 60s and early 70s, molding much of Japan's fashion culture.
But back to Non Nakamura's column, stylist was a novel occupation. She notes that stylists became highly sought after in the 80s, with the effects of the D.C. brand boom and the bubble economy. A diverse range of stylist roles emerged, including magazine stylists, advertising stylists, men's fashion stylists, and even specialists in props and food styling, each requiring unique skills and expertise. But back then, when Yakko-san was one of the few professionals doing this job, a stylist was in charge of everything, from the models and shooting locations to the costumes, dishes, houseplants, furniture, or anything else the shoot may need.
One day, Yakko asked Non to work as her assistant on a Noriyaki Yokosuka shoot. She promptly accepted, even though she had no idea who the photographer was. However, when she mentioned him to the boys in her design school, they were impressed and told her that he was the one who photographed Sayoko Yamaguchi's Shiseido posters, as well as doing the Parco ads. Parco, the Shibuya fashion building, had the buzziest campaigns in the country under Eiko Ishioka's art direction.
When she got to the shoot, the photographer asked her to get some poppy flowers. Faced with challenges in finding these specific flowers, Non embarked on a frantic quest, purchasing as many as she could to meet the photographer's expectations. However, to her astonishment, the photographer didn't even glance at the flowers. That's when she realized that being a stylist was a tough job.
David Bowie was the theme of two installments of the column. Yakko-san introduced him to legendary Japanese designer Kansai Yamamoto, who was behind some of his most legendary costumes, and they established a close working relationship in the 1970s. During her tenure as Yakko's assistant, Non had the opportunity to meet Bowie in a 1977 photoshoot in Harajuku. One of the photographs from that session, captured by Masayoshi Sukita, ultimately was used as the cover of Bowie's 12th studio album, "Heroes."
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The cover of Bowie's 12th studio album, "Heroes," was shot in Harajuku. Yakko-san was the stylist.
She also dedicated a chapter to another one of her idols, Eikichi Yazawa, whom she met just a few weeks after Carol's farewell concert as he prepared to make his solo debut. She recounts that his charm so enchanted her that she realized she didn't actually love her boyfriend at the time, breaking up with him shortly after.
Nakamura watched Carol's final concert twice. Along with the rest of the country, she followed the telecast, aired a few days later. As she recounts, she and Yakko-san were working in Harajuku on a Saturday afternoon when the stylist took a look at her watch, said, "oh, it's starting soon," and rushed to a design office at Central Apartment that had a TV (minimalist Yakko-san didn't have one at her place).
But she also was one of the lucky few who actually were at the proper concert in Hibya Open Air, which she attended all dressed up in clothes from the trendy Creamy Soda boutique in Harajuku (the owner was notoriously close to Carol's members). Infected by the feral atmosphere, she ended up in the front row and even tried to invade the stage. She succeeded in getting her right foot in before being kicked out by the security guard. But here's a twist: the security was also a regular at Harajuku's Leon coffee shop.
In the 1970s, the hippiest motorcycling gang in Tokyo was The Cools. They were known for their cool styles, hung out with models and celebrities, and were always at Leon. Of course, like all of Japan's young bad boys, they were also big Carol fans. And they actually became close to the members. For their final show, the band wanted to mimic the Rolling Stones -- which had the Hell's Angels as security -- and they invited The Cools to escort them and guard the stage. 
After Carols disbanded, the Cools were actually hired by a major record label and became a proper rock band.
In the 1970s, Harajuku remained a hidden gem, undiscovered by the masses. Yet, this small district nestled within bustling Shibuya played an integral role in the histories of the most extraordinary individuals. As the rest of the country caught on, they sought a taste of Harajuku's uniqueness, propelling it into the phenomenon it has become today.
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juan-carlos-pareja · 11 months
The Others from Hiroshi Kondo on Vimeo.
Tokyo Shibuya intersection. Many people come and go here.
When you are in the crowd, it's absorbed by the energy of the big city, the noise of the city disappears, and you feel like you are alone in this city.
Direction Hiroshi Kondo(stnw.org)
DOP Hiroshi Kondo,Yosuke Sato, Daisuke Kumagai
Sound notuv(notuv.net)
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thyele · 1 year
peco、インスタのコメント機能オフ 「人生のパートナー」ryuchellさん訃報に悲しみ計り知れず - サンスポ https://www.sanspo.com/article/20230713-25YFYS4VLNI65CYVRBWD75SCHU/
格安ヘアカット「QBハウス」に予期せぬ新規顧客? “コスパ&タイパ”重視のZ世代にマッチ | ORICON NEWS https://www.oricon.co.jp/special/63859/ 切ってもらった後に頭がスゲーかゆくなってから行って無い
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葉月/HAZUKIさん「逆鱗のCDが、THE EGØISTIC CIRCUSファイナルのチッタのLIVE映像と豪華ブックレットとセットになって発売することが決定しました! なんと!今日のLIVE音源と写真も収録されます!! アウトストアイベント参加券付いてないverは、全部直筆サイン入れます!!気合い!! 注目せよーーーー!!!!!」 https://twitter.com/hazuki_lynch/status/1678015671861673984
しいたけ占いが復活 自身の公式サイトで2023年下半期占いを公開 https://www.fashionsnap.com/article/2023-07-10/shiitake-open/
vistlip officialさん「【LIVE】 2023年9月4日(月)開催「Allen birthday presents KIRITO vs MUCC」に KIRITO サポートメンバーとして海の出演が決定! ■2023年9月4日(月) Zepp DiverCity OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30 <詳細> #vistlip #KIRITO #MUCC」 https://twitter.com/vistlipofficial/status/1678011125940756486
最多情報局さん「ヤマザキパンを積極的に買おうと思った理由」 https://twitter.com/tyomateee/status/1677665771533791232
【公式】パール楽器製造株式会社さん「Sakuraさんによる、Pearlの電子ドラム e/MERGE(イーマージ)のキット・デモンストレーションです。 VINTAGE #5 Kit "Ramble" YouTube 製品ページ」 https://twitter.com/pearl_drum/status/1677603534496317440
潤(盲目ダイアリー/世界システム) *凍結のため臨時アカウントさん「本アカウント凍結のため、臨時アカウント作成しました。本アカウントでフォローしている方は随時探しに行くつもりですが、気付いたらフォローしてもらえると助かります…。」https://twitter.com/_jun_key/status/1674410958830313473
KING OFFICIALさん「【TOMORROW】 2023.7.14(金) 梅田ポテトキッド KING RYO×YUKI / 2MAN 〝太陽とシリウス〟 ■入場 受付中 一括承り https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk キャンセル連絡必須 [email protected] ※交換・譲渡・無断キャンセル、不可 ■配信 https://t.co/kjYJ9qRiw0 〝アフターパーティ〟 ■入場¥2,000 https://t.co/5TbTKvYLi2」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1679333496412831745
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 不織布入りDVD(受注+販売)販売 本日締切 受注受付期間→~7月13日21:00 ※入金は最大8月15日までお待ちいたします 【対象商品】 ■2023.5.27(土) 柏PALOOZA🎁 ※YouTube映像とは違います ■2023.6.5(月) 渋谷DESEO🎁 ■2023.6.19(月) 青山RiZM ご注文 https://t.co/3UYrmQ0pvb https://t.co/HCz4Ngakb9」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1679333716865482752
清春さん「TOMAKOMAI MIRAI FEST 2023 出演決定 9/2(土) 苫小牧キラキラ公園 ◾︎チケット先行受付(先着) 7/13(木)12:00 ~ 7/23(日)23:59 https://t.co/COktMwVQqP TOMAKOMAI MIRAI FEST https://t.co/5zWsP6PJnF https://t.co/whbeCg2Bsb」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1679335252714729472
吉井和哉 OFFICIALさん「親バカで申し訳ないがこの最高なレゲエZiggyを全曲通して聴くといかにうちの子の楽曲が普遍的であるかがよくわかる。て、いつからお前釈迦になった。吉井 #Kazuyayoshii_select #nowplaying #吉井和哉20th https://t.co/GRKBYU0tv4」https://twitter.com/441108official/status/1679341807073886208
Köziさん「明後日15日は池袋手刀で E//+Zで御座います⚡️⚡️⚡️ https://t.co/MD8wXdd62d https://t.co/S4hMYaR8x1 https://t.co/0Kl9OZMo2z」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1679350586196774912
CLUB UPSETさん「【本日】7/13(木) 古墳シスターズ 「祝10周年!そろそろ夢なら覚めてくれツアー 2023」 古墳シスターズ THE BOOGIE JACK 首振りDolls LaughTONiC open 18:30 /start 19:00 当日券.¥3,500-(D別) 開場後に販売いたします! お足元にお気をつけてお越しください https://t.co/QPf2nVZuB2」https://twitter.com/clubupset/status/1679336332966105088
タカツキさん「そういえば昨日のライブにサトマンのメンバーも遊びに来てくれておりました! サトマンとは8月に京都磔磔にてツーマン。2月のツーマンを観た人はわかると思いますが絶対磔磔は似合うと思うんですよね! "DOLLS MANSION"宜しくお願い致しますね! チケットはこちら👇 https://t.co/nXKibPRnH9 https://t.co/XWYolc2a3I」https://twitter.com/attsu_of_death/status/1679287156987297792
nao 首振りDollsさん「超楽しかった♡」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1679357537496498176
nao 首振りDollsさん「見ての通り異色です。 こんな時の首振りDollsのブチ切れ具合を経験しない手はないぞ。 おもろいもん観したる。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1679358465708539904
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB予約】 「Hyaku-G西日本夏旅2023 今年もRYOを道連れ世は情け」Final 2023.8.21(月) 名古屋ROLLING MAN ❌開場17:30 / 開演18:00 ⭕️開場18:00 / 開演18:30 よろしくお願いいたします。 KING RYO予約 https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk https://t.co/w2gXCacbVi」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1679360671270731776
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB予約】 2023.7.14(金) 梅田ポテトキッド 2023-07-13 10:18:36 HPお問い合わせにキャンセルのご連絡をくださった方へ メールアドレスが違うようで、戻ってきます また、7/14の予約にお名前がありません [email protected]に再度ご連絡いただけますと幸いです よろしくお願いいたします https://t.co/KRwGFDrFoj」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1679360806063058944
DÄLLEさん「[news] 🗯️本日13日(木)にて再受注受付終了となります DÄLLE "killer killer" [ oversized long sleeve tee ] 是非ストアをチェックしてみて下さい 🕸store [ DEPT OF MAYHEM ] https://t.co/83ABFaIGWk」https://twitter.com/DALLEofficial/status/1679361986185023488
DÄLLEさん「[news] 🗯️本日13日(木)にて再受注受付終了となります DÄLLE "killer killer" [ oversized tee ] 是非ストアをチェックしてみて下さい 🕸store [ DEPT OF MAYHEM ] https://t.co/83ABFaIGWk」https://twitter.com/DALLEofficial/status/1679362239281897472
DÄLLEさん「[news] 🗯️本日13日(木)にて再受注受付終了となります DÄLLE "gcc monsters blaak & white" [ oversized tee ] 是非ストアをチェックしてみて下さい 🕸store [ DEPT OF MAYHEM ] https://t.co/83ABFaIGWk」https://twitter.com/DALLEofficial/status/1679362566316003328
DÄLLEさん「[news] 🗯️本日13日(木)にて再受注受付終了となります DÄLLE "gcc monsters blaak & white" [ oversized long sleeve tee ] 是非ストアをチェックしてみて下さい 🕸store [ DEPT OF MAYHEM ] https://t.co/83ABFaIGWk」https://twitter.com/DALLEofficial/status/1679362779466321921
響 / Hibiki【摩天楼オペラ】さん「今年も誕生日を迎えられました!🎉 あっという間の20代でしたが、皆さんのおかげでミュージシャンとして思い描いていた夢をたくさん叶えることが出来たと思います!! 30代も高みを目指して頑張ります! これからも応援よろしくお願いします!😊 https://t.co/IrrAcu6kQV」https://twitter.com/HibikiShiraishi/status/1679160211167387649
関口誠人さん「お誕生日の方もいてそして命日の人もいる。今日はCCBというバンドのベーシスト渡辺英樹の命日です。享年54歳でした。ロマンティックが止まらない、という曲、もし知らなかったら一度聴いてみてくれると嬉しいです。 80年代を代表する歌です。 #CCB #渡辺英樹」https://twitter.com/sekigutimakoto/status/1679174356608618497
seekさん「seek Official Fan Club「魚ノ眼」更新情報 水槽のたゆたう 第四十三回、第四十四回 名古屋鑪ら場 第四十五回、第四十六回 なんば紅鶴 セットリスト公開しました。 ご入会はこちら https://t.co/qkt2e4vHql https://t.co/xaQEuwBq5o」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1679377455629635589
小美玉たかしさん「【鮮烈なお知らせ】 遂に本日からです† 皆さん想像を絶する激しさで華麗に唄って下さい† 全国は7/18~† #小美玉たかし #花の天下獲り #カラオケ #ヴィジュアル系演歌歌手 https://t.co/uYnA7pHW0t」https://twitter.com/TAKASHI_OMITAMA/status/1679381793693380618
小美玉たかしさん「【ビッグニュース†】 超大物…遂にカラオケ入るみたいだよ†カラオケ屋で皆さん想像を絶する激しさで華麗に唄ってね† ■詳細はコチラ↓ https://t.co/Y5qbN0XWzf」https://twitter.com/TAKASHI_OMITAMA/status/1677916684890374144
寺岡利幸 @ unknown:RE シングル【RE:BIDO】今夏発売決定さん「うちのボーカルがシバかれる 🤣🤣🤣」https://twitter.com/masked104/status/1679375250394587138
leaya(бвб)さん「木曜日なのでゴールデン街カンガルーです 本日は19:30オープン! 待ってます(º_º)」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1679386502097412102
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『明日は京都でTHE SOUND BEE HD❣️』 #アメブロ #THESOUNDBEEHD https://t.co/NuqtKxmZaM」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1679389705304182789
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「明日はTHE SOUND BEE HD、浴衣day✨祇園祭で盛り上がる京都でLIVEだよ❣️17:00から✨熱い京都で逢いましょう😆」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1679392544982171650
☕️ふなもと健祐🥁さん「連日連日、告知ごめんなさいね 今日は良い音出すぞ https://t.co/dKjLFU3kIp」https://twitter.com/funamoch1/status/1679382332179095554
umbrella recordsさん「7月26日(水) HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA Lucifer's underground 当日チェキ、通販チェキ事前予約を開始致します。 ご希望の方はこちらのDM又は[email protected]にてご予約受付ていますので宜しくお願い致します。 https://t.co/a2dmyG0A6d」https://twitter.com/umb_records/status/1679395608652808192
ooshimatomoeさん「・ほんじつ初日!#疫病流行記 ・ お待たせしました!初日だよ! ほんじつは 、 ・19:00開演 の一回公演。 !!!当日券有り〼!!! 上演時間は110分程、 受付開始は開演の60分前、 開場は開演の30分前 です。 お気をつけていらしてください◎」https://twitter.com/tomomochi/status/1679289684940435456
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「島津さん、コメントありがとうございます🌝 その筋のかたはぜひ!」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1679397340950708225
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「【居候保護猫はてな日記】かなり大きくなったよ✨最初のうちはBass弾いてると怖がったけど、最近はそばにきてくつろいでる😆一緒にいられるのも、あと1週間だね😢 #保護猫 #猫好き https://t.co/sjWKTBIa1a」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1679398231627931648
yura 🌠Lem「Quintet」6/5 Release🌠さん「無事、Lemイベントのご予約締め切らせていただきました! お時間作って参加決めて下さった皆さま、今回は無理でも拡散したり思いを寄せて下さった皆さま、、、 ありがとうございました😊✨ 大体準備もできたし、あとはそこそこ声が出てくれて発作も出ず1日過ごせるよう祈るのみ⭐」https://twitter.com/yura_voxxx/status/1679399288919715840
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「曲が激しいからってカメラをグワングワンに揺らしてちゃんとギターソロ撮らないカメラマンなんなん (°_°)」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1679401659506753536
KING OFFICIALさん「【配信について】 2023.7.14(金) 梅田ポテトキッド 配信ご購入の際、備考欄に、お目当てのご記入をお願いいたします。 現在ご購入の皆様全員、ご記入がありました。 ご協力ありがとうございます 未記入の方には個別にご連絡しますので、お返事をください。 配信チケット https://t.co/kjYJ9qRiw0 https://t.co/cDFpHox4dS」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1679403233389989888
ryoさん「あーしーたーはほろぐらむ😙 #hollowgram」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1679403866046238720
leaya(бвб)さん「差し入れサイトも見てね 写真は瞋の笑顔バージョン(º_º) 08/05(soil)_*ネオ東狂池袋手刀ドーム ◆「夏休みのおじさま 2023」 ◆出演: TOKYO YANKEES L.I.S.K. MUNIMUNI 前売りおパー券予約制 *6/22 23:22~受付開始。 https://t.co/eeqqpG7dc6 ◆最重要差し入れサイト;https://t.co/ukkywSynhQ https://t.co/CK8vJCdS3b」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1679404850801700864
seekさん「littleHEARTS.presents【polka dot circus】 vol,1 NAZARE Vocal,澪さん @nazare_mio 8-strings,妖さん@nazare_yoh Ba,うたさん@nazare_uta Dr,壱世さん@nazare_issei 「蘇生」MV Full ver. https://t.co/pIrkBwCcCq 7/28 https://t.co/Ifemgftxx0池袋 https://t.co/FyIH8t3Hgb https://t.co/7ApzlLmvyc」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1679405426251804673
leaya(бвб)さん「アンチワンマンですぜ 新曲のCD無料配布あります 8/6(日)三軒茶屋ヘブンスドア! https://t.co/jNX9K2SSWS」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1679406921663774721
leaya(бвб)さん「お盆休みは博多に集合(º_º) 覇叉羅×WITHSEXY vol,3 Soleil再始動イベント 「再び!あの太陽の下に…」 2023年8月13日(日) 博多DRUM LOGOS cast ・覇叉羅 ・WITH SEXY ・VIOLET NARCISSUS ・頼田 陵介(UNCLOCK LOVER) ・Soleil Session BAND チケット受付中! https://t.co/LzoHg2ZBt0 https://t.co/p6JPxUbStr」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1679408658139205634
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keitaroshimizu · 1 year
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Year | 2023
「THE ROOF SHIBUYA SKY」が渋谷区代々木にある都市型ブルワリー「Y.Y.G. Brewery(ワイワイジーブルワリー)」とともに開発した、オリジナルのクラフトビールのパッケージデザイン。
SHIBUYA SKYから望む、季節や天気、時間の中で移りゆく空をイメージした軽やかなデザインです。
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魔法のように空の表情が変わるマジックアワーをビールで表現。柑橘系の苦味が心地よい、バタフライピーを使用した紫色のビールから、レモン果汁を垂らすと、夕日に染まる空のような茜色に。 見た目も味わいも2度お楽しみいただける、2023年「THE ROOF SHIBUYA SKY」 オープン時限定の特別なビールです。
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雲間から差す太陽の光を意味するANGEL’S LADDER(天使の梯子)と名付けた「THE ROOF SHIBUYA SKY 」オリジナルの-Hazy Session IPA-は、5種類のホップをふんだんに使用した軽やかなボディで、トロピカルフルーツが感じられるフルーティーな味わい。 飲めば気持ちがウキウキふわふわ、浮遊感が感じられるような、渋谷の青空の下でぜひ飲んでいただきたいオリジナルビールです。
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Pr : Keisuke Arikuni (Flowplateaux) AD+D: Keitaro Shimizu (Flowplateaux) Plan : Daichi Sato (Daichi Sato Atelier) Illustration : Dan Matutina (vision track) Illustration direction : Yosuke Kobayashi + Kotaro Kawashima (kitchensink) Product photography : Ichiro Mishima (Artifact) Retouch : Rentaro Hori (Artifact) Scene photography : Allied Architects
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heavenslapse-a · 2 years
@heartsaligned -- yu & ann attempt bonding  🧁
    Like everywhere he went, Yu could always make an impression–one that stuck. He’d LONG stopped caring how he came off to others; the polite young man had gained a silver tongue and it dripped bitter juices.
    UNIMPRESSED and unapologetic, he’d give the benevolent tyrant credit where it was due: only those who wore the scent of timely death should have known the sight of the reaper. A single snap of his fingers and ISHTAR’S lightning came hurdling down, taking out the bulking brute an entire team couldn’t put a dent in. That was barely a fraction of his strength, if he could even register it. The full glory of Yu’s outrageous power could tear apart realities, erase a goddess of death, and probably go even further if he ever bothered to consider it. For the sake of the world, it was probably for the best he didn’t entertain the notion too hard. He was a perfect foil to a man who trapped people in a veil of hazy lies. Yu was deadly, and everything about that stood to reason.
     A SAVIOR to humanity, a beacon of light, none of it was true because Yu knew Maruki could care less as he stared with piercing eyes at the unaware faces along SHIBUYA. Yu may be a god, but he didn’t seek to control the masses with promises and gifts of brainwashing and lies. Humanity didn’t deserve it – whatever that meant. Sympathy, because he understood falsified realities would look pleasing or the idea of being striped of freewill. The good were a low number outweighed on an even greater scale. Akira could worry about freeing humanity, letting it survive. Yu had only ever cared about two people, and that wasn’t liable to change. He liked Akira well enough. But when it came down to it, he was expendable. Yu had even made a point of telling him as much, and he’d taken the information better than anyone else he’d known would. Others had seemed appalled, aghast, and Yu only proceeded to finish his drink while Yosuke had elbowed him.
     Even with attachments, Yu knew he could pick himself back up again and move forward. His heart just didn’t have the room for anyone else. When he was younger, he would have been more bothered by that realization. Now, he’d become really apathetic. He was in it for himself, anyway. Being hated wasn’t a foreign concept. Taking away Yosuke and having to see Adachi, that was a step too far.
     ❝God damn it. It makes me sick,❞ he said. ❝Nobody knows a thing about this world, not us or anyone else.❞ 
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Altair - Rigel old icon
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tsukiparacardlist · 6 years
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2☆ Shibuya Yosuke [BIRTHDAY2018]
Thank you to @tsukiuta-obsessed​ for sending in this CG!
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banrisheaven-blog · 7 years
Gekidan Altair: New Stars
Hello everyone! 
I love Gekidan Altair a lot, so I decided I could try translating the short stories found on Animatetimes every week! A big thank to @breakyouryuki for the corrections!
You can read Gekidan Altair’s short story 1 to 5 translated by Rai, so please, don’t hesitate to read their wonderful translations, and to thank and cheer on them ♥
Writer: Seki Ryouko (twitter)
Source: AnimateTimes
Translator: Eydol (twitter)
Proofreader: Fjeril (twitter)
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It’s been decided to recruit new members in Gekidan Altair. Being enlivened by the existence of the juniors they hadn’t seen yet, Tatsuhiko, Mikado, Yousuke, and Yuri, excited by the news, move towards the topic of the origin of their own recruitment in Gekidan Altair.
 When Mikado came in the sharing room, Tatsuhiko just received a phone call.
“Understood. I will inform the members. … Yes, I look forwards to working with you.”
“What was that call?”
He asked, and while cutting the phone call, Tatsuhiko turned towards him with a light smile.
“It was the manager. We were talking about Gekidan Altair’s next project.”
“Eh, the next project, what is it, what is it!?”
“We’re curious,you know.”
Wondering where that came from, he saw that Yosuke and Yuri were coming with a very interested behavior.
“You guys have sharp-ears.”
Tatsuhiko sat on the sofa, and everyone is sat around him. They had never really said it out loud, but somehow, they all have their own place to sit, lately. By Tatsuhiko’s side, Yosuke has taken place, while Yuri’s favorite place was the armrest side.
(I… Well, I guess it’s okay here)
Placing his elbows on the back, Mikado looks in from the exterior of the sofa. He was just a little more behind than Tatsuhiko, in a diagonal position from everyone. To be purposely settled on a position that is a little separated from the others is something he likes.
“So, so, Tatsu. Don’t put on airs and talk quickly. We’re worried.”
“I’m not particularly trying to put on airs.”
“It looks like they will recruit Gekidan Altair’s new members, this time.” He announces with a forced smile.
“New members….!”
“Do you mean that we can have junior?” They ask, and Tatsuhiko nods.
“I’m looking forward to it. I wonder what kind of person will come.”
Tatsuhiko nods once again to the fondly smiling Yuri.
“They said that after they take applications and make choices, it is possible that we collaborate with them.”
“Wah, I really can’t wait! I’m excited!” Yosuke laughs, his eyes sparkling.
“This is kinda strange. It feels like our first meeting was yesterday, and yet it also feels like it happened a long time ago.”
“If I’m not mistaken, Yosuke and Tatsuhiko graduated from the same theatrical group, right?”
“Yes, yes. That troupe was dissolved. When we were wondering what we could do, we’ve been scouted by Tsukipro’s President, and transferred together! By the way, Yuri, you’ve been scouted too, right?”
“Yes, that’s right. At first, I was in the Model branch, and after that I’ve transferred.”
“And then, Mikado, you had just joined Tsukipro, right?”
“Yes, because my father belonged to Tsukipro.”
He was, what he called himself, a second-generation actor. His father was an important actor, and his mother was a popular model. It seemed it made noises when the big couple got married in those days. A year ago, he had already completed his debut in the show business world but, he was just vaguely thinking “I”ll become an actor in the future”. His works was already settled via both his parents, and he had never grasped it by himself.
(At this time, I really didn’t know anything.)
That thing so many people envied, he was embracing a great amount of… He was aware of that. But now, if he tried to look back, at that time, he had nothing he had acquired himself. Either it was dreams, friends, challenges, failures, successes, or a sparkling every day.  Everything he considered important, he had obtained since he had entered Gekidan Altair.
“? Mikado, why are you laughing?”
“Ah, it’s just… Mh” Mikado nods a little to Yosuke who is puzzled. “I was just thinking that it’s been a short, but also very long, productive year.”
Thereupon, the three others exchanged glances… and laughed heartily.
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raidomere · 7 years
ALTAIR THEATER: Towards the End of the Chosen Path (8 June 2017)
written by: Seki Ryouko (twitter) translated by: xkasumisou source: Animate Times
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 The members of Sargas will be the selection units' backup dancers――Kasumi Sakuya, hearing this suggestion, opposed. Ignoring how his fellow unit members tried to hold him back, he made his way to Kaname Tatsuhiko, ALTAIR THEATER's leader. This was Sakuya, a man with a high level of pride who hated plans that were made without him knowing. Is the fact that he did not want to become a back dancer the reason he was so angry, or is it something else......?
 Hearing the details from Mikado, Sakuya couldn't help but let out a "Haa!?", his eyebrows knitting together.
"What is that. Sargas being the selection member's back dancers."
"I got a call from Yuri, who's doing a shoot right now. Isn't it something we should try, he said. Then he asked Tatsuhiko to suggest it to the President and then――"
 As if trying to obstruct Mikado's words, Sakuya punched his first against the wall.
"What the heck is that supposed to mean!"
"You've got to be kidding me!"  Ignoring how Mikado was about to say something, Sakuya turned and ran to the corridor.
 (This isn't a joke, Yuri!)
 As soon as they got back, exhausted from practicing to perfection amongst themselves the dance right after lessons――this is it.
"Hey, Tatsuhiko!"
 Hearing Sakuya's voice being thrown at them, Tatsuhiko, with Yosuke right beside him, stopped and turned around.
"What is it, Sakuya?"
"Why are you trying to do things on your own!"
"Doing on my own......?"
"Ah, is this about the back dancer thing?"  Yosuke said, standing beside Tatsuhiko, whose head was tilted.
"Aah. That. You see......"
"Sakuya!"  Mikado's voice came from behind them.
"Sorry, Tatsuhiko. I wasn't able to finish talking to Sakuya properly."
"That's not it!! What I'm trying to say is...!"  Sakuya's breathing was uneven as he tried to cut through Mikado's attempt at placating him.
At that moment when everything seemed to freeze,
"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down."  Said the optimistic Yosuke,
"If we all talk at the same time then this conversation won't go anywhere, right? Let's hear what Sakuya has to say first. Sakuya, you don't have to be impatient like that, we're listening――"
"Of course I'm being impatient!!"  Letting out everything he had, the corridor once again fell silent.
"......Sakuya, listen to me."  It was Tatsuhiko who carefully broke the terrible mood.
"I'm sorry we didn't consult you about the back dancer topic, even though you're directly involved. When Yuri gave me that suggestion, I thought it was a great idea, so I went ahead with it. I thought I would be the best person to suggest it to the President, since I'm the leader. I just wanted to try doing something for everyone, as a leader."
"Who is "everyone"?"  Ignoring the lump in his throat, Sakuya continued.
"My... Us, of course. Then why did you decide on something as important as that when Hijiri and I weren't around......!"
"I was told to transfer from the TSUKIPRO artist roster and enter Algeki. ......At that time, I wasn't given a choice."
 To put it in words――I was a musical mismatch with the rest of my band members. It was terribly shallow, shameful, and it was too much trouble to decide on what to do from that point on, so I just went with it and entered ALTAIR THEATER.
"But now it's different. I'm a member of Sargas. I decided for myself to be here."
As long as I had music, nothing else mattered. Having friends was unattractive to me. That's what I thought.
The most uncool thing was how I myself didn't appreciate that place where I could continue making music.
(I won't make the same mistake twice.)
 I don't want to blame it on anyone else. I want to decide.
I want to become a friend to my groupmates.
"......I understand. Then let me ask you. About being a back dancer, what do you want to do, Sakuya?
 At Tatsuhiko's question, Sakuya lifted his head, met his gaze, and answered in a clear voice.
"The same. What I wanted to say was......"
"I understand. You wanted to decide on that too. I'm sorry."
Seeing Tatsuhiko's lowered head, Sakuya breathed a huge sigh.
As if he were trying to calm his own, wild emotions.
And then, he spoke quietly.
"...... I'm also...... sorry...... I yelled. ......I want to try. I actually really wanted to say it to the President, but if Tatsuhiko's the one best to suggest it to the President, then please, do so."
 Saying this, Sakuya, too, bowed deeply. Beside him, he knew Mikado did the same.
 He knew that Tatsuhiko and Yosuke, looking from above, were confused too.
 It isn't like me to bow like this. I'm sure that's what they're thinking.
(But that's the "me up until now" we're talking about, right?)
 I'll overcome this image of mine. Farther, even farther.
"I got it. Let's talk to Hijiri about this now, too."  After Tatsuhiko's words, Sakuya, still head lowered, whispered "Thank you".
Translation Notes:
i. Hello, so I never expected this from Sakuya, of all people. So, um, I love Sakuya now too. Sargas gives such good content. The SS that came after was Sargas, too, but I’ll work on that another time. Ah, backlog.
ii. All Animate Times short story translations are tagged under “algeki short stories”.
iii. There’s the possibility that I’d edit this when I feel that there are better ways to translate lines. Also, feel free to message me if you find any mistakes, and the like.
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tsukipro-en · 7 years
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Happy birthday to ALTAIR THEATER’s Shibuya Yosuke (CV. Komatsu Junya)!
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rennuii · 7 years
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Late pic for yosuke because i couldnt draw him properly for days and then managed this somehow
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nachtimmel · 7 years
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akashi-tetsuki · 6 years
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“Happy 5 Birthday ” cards from tsukipara ↳ Yosuke Shibuya-Koki Eto-Satsuki Aoi
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