#Shizuku didn't have to apologize
hecate-spawn · 7 months
I have hate in my heart and all of it is for Arisa Higure. Girl shut your bitch ass up and worry about your own fuck ass group
Shout out to Mariana tho hope she gets an L2D
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rosazoldyckk · 2 years
𐬾𐬽Chrollo Lucilfer X Sick!Reader𐬾𐬽
Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Genre: fluff. TW’s: just mentions of sickness and stealing. Other than that there’s no TW’s
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"Are you feeling alright, darling?"
You shook your head out of your daze and looked up at the raven haired man gazing over you. You were trying so hard to keep your budding sickness in check, but you guess it wasn't good enough. Chrollo could clearly see that something was off.
The two of you were at an important meeting with the phantom troupe. He had told you about it a week prior, saying that you had to bring all the information you managed to steal at your ‘new job’. While it was posed as a friendly catchup meeting on the outside, they were discussing how to pull off possibly one of the biggest thefts of their lifetime, and Chrollo was hoping to get down to business as soon as possible. Subtlety, of course. Chrollo was nothing if not a master manipulator, you knew that first hand.
When you had started to feel unwell the day before, you did everything you could to prevent it. You probably downed a whole bottles' worth of vitamin C and medicines, but to no avail. The morning of the lunch date, you woke up in a pool of cold sweat and could barely rip yourself out of bed. You took four tylenol to try and counteract the heat you knew to be a fever. You had to be there for Chrollo. You had to be perfect for him.
When he asked if you were alright, you simply turned away and nodded, not wanting to draw attention away from the conversation he was beginning to have with the phantom troupe.
"Are you sure?" Without warning, he moved a hand up to your forehead, drawing his eyebrows together in concern. God, you knew that the boss hated showing affection in-front of others, but couldn't help but lean into his touch. "You're burning up."
You opened your mouth in an attempt to protest, but Shizuku beat you before you could utter a word, "If we need to meet up another day, we can do that. You're looking pretty bad, dear."
"I'm sorry," Chrollo apologized, and you said a similar sentiment. "Thank you all for taking the time to be here, we'll restart this meeting shortly. I'm going to get this one home."
He got up and excused himself from the room, before offering you his arm to grab a hold of. "C'mon, let's get you to bed." He said to you brightly, while still within earshot of the troupe.
After that, he went silent. You could tell he was pissed. It was silent the whole walk to the car, the whole way home. A part of you wanted to say something, but the apprehension from disappointing him and the roughness of your throat let the quiet thicken.
As soon as he closed the door of your shared apartment, he sighed loudly. "That was going so well," he said wistfully, still staring at the door. "Why didn't you tell me you weren’t feeling well? I wouldn't have brought you."
"You needed me there," you countered, though you knew what you were going to say was barely a good excuse. "I'm the one that got information on how to infiltrate the buildings. I had to be there to give you the documents I stole."
You saw him work his jaw before turning to you. "Go to bed. The sooner you recover, the sooner we can focus of our mission."
You didn't have the desire, nor strength, to argue back at him. You padded off to your bedroom to collapse your aching limbs, hearing the sound of cabinets opening from outside the room.
A few moment later, Chrollo walked in with a tray of medicine. He set in on your bedside table before looking at you.
"Up," he ordered gently, and grabbed a glass of water.
When you propped yourself on your elbows, he cradled the back of your neck with one hand, while pressing the cup to your lips with the other. He stayed there until all the water was gone. You looked up at him as he set it back on the tray. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, meeting your gaze. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you leaned into his welcoming warmth.
He reacted quickly, apparently not enjoying the openness in which you were receiving the affection, he removed his hand got up.
"I'm going to go back to the meeting. Text me if you need something," he said coldly, shutting the door behind him.
His no.1 goal is for you to get better as quickly as possible. He needs you to be well so you can both continue to work towards greater things. He's attentive in the same way a nurse is, doing the tasks he needs to do for you quickly before leaving off to do other things.
He keeps his distance from you as best he can manage. He has a troupe to guide after all, he's got better things to do than to get sick! But, as mentioned, he's going to take the time to care for you until you're better. If you ask really nicely, he might stay in the bedroom with you and read. The sound of papers flipping and candles flickering.
If he's reading or researching things for the mission, and knows that you're bored out of your mind, he might come in and read to you. His voice is really pleasing to listen to.
A touch more gentle than he usually is, it's barely noticeable, but it's definitely there. He's less abrasive at times, tending to you so you can get better. He says it's because he wants you back to full health so that you can accompany him, but the way he fixed the sheets and tucked you into bed begs otherwise.
He's Chrollo Lucilfer. Everything has a ulterior motive, and for the most part it's going to be getting you healthy so he can have an extra set of hands. But, he's still at least a little empathetic, he understands that you're in tiresome pain and you need his help in order to recover. In some ways, you depending so heavily on him could feed into his ego, which might make him more doting.
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littletissueghosts · 3 months
btw hot take: Shizuku literally did not need to apologize for ANYTHING during At the End of the Unraveled Thread, especially not for avoiding the "opportunity" that she was given. She didn't want to be an idol in the first place. The only reason that she was working so hard on her career as an idol was because it was what she was SUPPOSED to do. So, of course, when her managers told her that she should do something different, she just went along with what they said. She was literally thrust into a high-ranking position that she did not feel competent to take, and that's just as much of a "privilege" as Mafuyu being thrust into the position of doctor. There was nothing about this situation that gave nuance to Shizuku. She was literally just a victim of shitty management and bullies insisting that she was "lucky" for feeling pressured into accepting all these opportunities she didn't want.
Also, the fact that she was lying to cover for management was not a good thing that made her gracious. Instead, it came off as a very clear sign of depression - Shizuku is trying to get others to hate her as much as she hates herself. Telling the truth and forgiving her past management would have been just as gracious, and she could've done that without slandering herself. Taking accountability for others' actions that you have no responsibility over is clearly disingenuous and does not at all show that Shizuku is being more honest with herself or others, like the story tries to frame it as.
Even her agreement to taking the episode in the first place is worrying? Previously, she'd always put other's wants and her idol career above her own well being. Her accepting this offer to, again, put other's wants and her idol career above her own well being seems to be more of a sign of regression than growth.
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You Deserve It! Break Time! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: MORE MORE JUMP! continues to gain followers on their streams. Haruka wonders if their segments are growing stale and decides to brainstorm some new ones.
Shizuku begins to worry about Haruka's well-being. She doesn't think Haruka is taking enough time off to care for herself. Though Haruka tries to reassure her that she's fine, Shizuku's not convinced. She believes the idol persona Haruka carries must be hard to keep up.
With a bit of help from Airi, Shizuku proposes that they all go hang out on their day off together, forcing Haruka to take a break. However, despite their intentions, she keeps using their adventures to come up with new stream ideas. Every idea Shizuku tries to get Haruka to relax ends up backfiring.
Minori and Airi go into a crowded shop together, leaving Haruka and Shizuku alone. Haruka asks what's bothering Shizuku, who reveals her concerns about Haruka. Haruka realizes the things she usually does to relax, like training and brainstorming, aren't really relaxing. Shizuku apologizes for assuming, but insists on helping her properly take a break.
Minori and Airi exit the shop with some matching penguin keychains for the group, reminding Haruka of a nearby cafe themed entirely around penguins. She agrees to split a parfait with the group despite the sugar.
Official English YouTube Upload / Song (Ai no Material ) 2DMV
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Chapter 1: MORE MORE JUMP! finishes another successful livestream. Though they've been fun, Haruka begins to wonder if their streams are growing stale. The group decides to come up with ideas for new segments.
Right before the group splits up to head home, a fan approaches Haruka. They're impressed she remembered them from a past meet and greet. Minori, Airi, and Shizuku are impressed by the professionalism Haruka displayed in the conversation.
Haruka finishes personal training at home fairly late. She begins working on homework and show ideas immediately after, though.
Chapter 2: MORE MORE JUMP!'s streams continue to gain traction as they add new segments. They're happy Haruka came up with such a good one, but worry she might be overdoing herself. Minori and Airi want to go get crepes to celebrate, but Haruka decides to go home and work out some new ideas.
MORE MORE JUMP! head to the SEKAI for practice the next day. They're surprised to find a show from the newest member of the SEKAI- MEIKO. She casually introduces herself to the four and asks to help them with their stream ideas.
Chapter 3: Airi jokes about a cooking segment idea. Haruka's glad everyone's having fun. Shizuku notices her yawn and kindly asks her to take a break. Haruka reassures her that she'll get proper rest tonight.
MEIKO runs over to join the conversation, explaining all the wonderful things she's heard about Haruka but also her worries about Haruka's own well-being. Haruka explains that her practice regimine is something she's done ever since ASRUN, so shes used to it, but promises to take time for herself. Shizuku's still mildly concerned.
Chapter 4: Shizuku remembers back to her debut as Cheerful*Day's lead. Though she knew the persona she presented wasn't her true self, she wanted to make her fans happy. Haruka had come to talk to her when they appeared on a show together. Even though Shizuku didn't think so, Haruka that she was amazing and a clear hard worker. Shizuku admires Haruka's strength and love of idols.
Even then, Shizuku thought Haruka was the perfect idol. Now, though, she wonders if Haruka's having a hard time keeping that persona up.
Chapter 5: Airi notices something bothering Shizuku and asks to eat lunch together. Though she understands Shizuku's fears for Haruka, Airi's sure Haruka will be fine. Airi suggests trying to go out and do something fun together on their day off.
Shizuku proposes the idea after practice that day. Minori and Airi are both excited, and Haruka agrees.
Chapter 6: The first stop on their day off was a trip to karaoke. They all had fun, though Minori did go back to fan-mode after seeing the idols sing. Next, Shizuku proposes going to a low-sugar cafe. Haruka immediately wonders if they could do segments promoting places like that. Shizuku's worried that Haruka still can't let go, even on her day off.
Shizuku tried to lead them to the cafe, but got lost. Haruka took them to a different cafe instead. Shizuku tried ordering a relaxing tea set to share with Haruka, but accidentally got too much. The rest of the group pitched in to help finish it off.
They went to make scented candles next. Shizuku was happy Haruka seemed to be having fun, but she accidentally added too much fragrance in her distraction and ruined it. Shizuku feels bad that her plan to help Haruka relax completely backfired.
Chapter 7: Shizuku doesn't want to give up on the day quite yet. She takes the group on a walk. Airi realizes Haruka's just trying to find new stream ideas. Minori and Airi head into a crowded shop while Haruka and Shizuku stay outside.
Haruka asks if there's something bothering Shizuku. She reveals her worries over Haruka's well-being and the true intention behind the outing. Though Haruka's grateful, she reassures Shizuku that she's just fine.
She does realize that she might be pushing herself too hard on accident, since her usual relaxation techniques might not be true rest. Shizuku also realizes none of it felt like work to Haruka because she truly loves what she does. Shizuku apologizes for her assumptions, but still wants Haruka to rely on them more. She offers to do something together where Haruka can enjoy herself.
Chapter 8: Airi and Minori walk out of the store and hand out the matching penguin keychain set they got. Haruka asks if the others would accompany her somewhere quick. She takes them to a penguin-themed cafe she'd been wanting to go to. Minori wants to share an parfait, and though Airi tries warning her Haruka doesn't eat sugar, Haruka agrees. She thinks the penguin on top is super cute.
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hagumiluver · 1 year
Why I Love Shizuku Hinomori
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This is less gonna be a full blown analysis and more me gushing over Shizuku and her unit focuses but here we go:
From first impressions, Shizuku comes off as someone who's absolutely gorgeous, but also an airhead. This is probably how alot of people perceive in her in the fandom.
But — just from the main story alone, you can see that's she's much more than that. During MMJ's main story, she offers to help train Minori in order to pass her idol audition, displaying her kindness from the very beginning. However, an altercation occurs between Shizuku and Airi — a fellow idol who's also her rival. Airi lashes out at her, admitting feelings of jealously towards the girl for being admired as an actual idol while she gets reduced to nothing but a laughing stock.
Shizuku runs away in tears, while Airi immediately regrets her actions towards the rival that she admired and looked up to. The tall idol thinks about her past, specifically with how Airi encouraged her to keep going as an idol despite her low confidence — which is why Airi's words shattered her heart deeply, as Shizuku believed that she was different from the others who only sought after her looks.
We also get to learn about CheerfulDays, the now ex idol group that Shizuku was in. They held very strong feelings towards her due to the fact that she was favored by their managers, and got special treatment, even though they all put in the effort as idols.
I'll talk about her treatment in CheerfulDays in more detail later, but for now... The idol makes a sudden decision to quit the group, which surprises Minori, Haruka, and especially Airi. The three go and confront CheerfulDays, ending with Shizuku bidding farewell to the idol group, holding no resentment to them despite their mistreatment of her.
Shizuku's kindness is something that gets displayed as early as the main story, with her accepting Airi's apology quickly, and politely saying goodbye to her ex group mates, even briefly apologizing for being disappointing as the center.
Fast forwarding a bit, MMJ gets formed — and makes the decision to do livestreams, as they seem to be best option for independent idol groups such as themselves.
During Shizuku's first event story, MMJ officially announces their formation to the world, with them getting mixed responses — mostly from the people who supported Airi, Haruka, and especially Shizuku in their past groups.
We get more elaboration on what exactly happend with Shizuku while she was in CheerfulDays, and learn that she acted very drastically from the girl that people close to her know her as. She was elegant, confident, and flawless — essentially "perfect."
However — this persona of hers was heavily pushed by her managers, with them editing out any mistakes in talk shows, TV recordings, and more. Alot of the attention she got was mostly from to her looks, which led people to have their own perceptions of how she acted, only to get deeply disappointed by Shizuku's actual personality.
This led to Shizuku feeling very self conscious of how she acted, making sure that she behaved exactly in line with how she was in CheerfulDays. This is the main conflict in her first event story, the fear that her fans wouldn't love her anymore if she stayed true to her actual character, and didn't act "perfect."
This belief gets affirmed by a mishap that happens in one of MMJ's livestreams, where Shizuku admits to putting miso soup in her container instead of the expected water, leading to an onslaught of confused and negative commenters — but one specific comment hit her the most: "this isn't Shizuku."
This encapsulates the way that Shizuku's feigned image has dominated the publics perception of her to the point where anything other than the flawless, perfect her is rejected in its entirety.
Airi compares her to a swan, which is accurate to her character. Swans look graceful and elegant, but under the surface — they're quickly paddling their feet in the water in order to swim, just like how Shizuku on a daily basis tries her hardest and practices 24/7 in order to keep up the image she's maintained for so long.
In the end, Shizuku's fans accept her for who she really is — a clumsy, airheaded yet kind and determined individual who tries her damn hardest ever single day.
Now — onto Shizuku's second focus, which centers around her insecurity and lack of confidence in herself.
MMJ makes a competition where they all design stage outfits for the group — with the winner getting their idea officially made by their fans.
Shizuku struggles with an outfit concept for the group, due to her lack of confidence in her own ideas from the trauma she has with a lack of self identity.
She eventually confides with MMJ Miku and remembers her first time in CheerfulDays preparing for a performance — where she wasn't confident at all despite the continuous practice she did prior.
But — after she officially gets introduced to her unit outfit, she gains enough confidence and the performance becomes a success — due to the support from her group mates prior to their conflict, and the outfit she was wearing — which essentially "transformed" her into a different person.
Shizuku finally gets motivated, and manages to make separate outfits for each member of MMJ aside from herself — each incorporating their differences while still looking unified.
The story ends with her wanting to spread the "magic" that was put on her when she wore the CheerfulDays outfit with the rest of MMJ, determined to aim for new heights together as a group.
We finally get to Shizuku's most recent focus, where she with the rest of MMJ are forced to confront CheerfulDays and resolve tension between the two groups.
When MMJ first get the sudden announcement of them holding a segment with CheerfulDays, she puts on a strong face in front of the group and says that she's fine with the situation.
However, Airi privately goes and asks her if she's really fine with the arrangement due to her rocky past with group, but Shizuku reassures her that she's fine — and has known for awhile that there was a possibility of the two groups encountering eachother sooner or later now that MMJ is officially entering the idol industry. Infact, she sees this as an opportunity to reconnect with her old idol group, and show them show much she's grown and changed since then.
Before the segment occurs — a flashback starts that explains CheerfulDays current attitude towards Shizuku. At first, they supported her, covering for her mistakes, which made Shizuku feel like she relied too much on the others as the center of the group and wanted to make up for that.
But — as time went on, she got scouted for more and more independent work due to her sheer popularity, to the point where she barely showed up for actual performances with the group. Conflict started occurring when Shizuku missed a theatre performance that was very important to the rest of the group for a shooting on the same day — despite the fact that she had the power to move the dates in advance.
This is when CheerfulDays started turning on her, frustrated at her lack of motivation as the center of the group, and how they essentially got reduced to Shizuku's background dancers. This culminated into them relentlessly bullying her for the prettiest of things, like her stage outfit being misplaced.
Now onto the actual segment with CheerfulDays and MMJ. The two groups talk about various different topics, before Arisa, the new center of the group brings up a question that wasn't in the script — Shizuku's drastic behavior shift from the one she showed in CheerfulDays.
Everyone in MMJ gets caught off guard with the question, Airi and Haruka calling out the malicious intent veiled with curiosity.
But in the end, Shizuku answers that she put on that "perfect" persona of hers due to her insecurity — which is simultaneously the truth and a lie at the same time, because while she lacked the confidence in herself — her managers pushed the image of a flawless person onto her, with them making scripts for her and the like. She answers this way as to absolve her former managers from any guilt in the situation.
She admits to the public that she troubled alot of people due to how poor she acted as a center, and formally apologizes on TV.
However — she also says that the her in CheerfulDays days and the her in mmj are the same person, and won't fault anyone that feels betrayed by her major personality shift. Despite those grievances, she asks for everyone to support the current her, as she'll try her best to spread hope to everyone in her own way — as a member of MMJ.
Everyone gets impressed by her response to the question, with Airi in particular admitting her admiration toward the idol — saying how her real self is much better than the one her managers came up with.
After the recording is over, Arisa goes up to MMJ privately — wanting to talk to Shizuku. She's met with hostility by Haruka and Airi before Shizuku steps in, intending on apologizing to Arisa.
She apologizes to the CheerfulDays center for something she said in the past — her wishing that someone else took the role as a center. Shizuku now recognizes that she took advantage of the position of power that many people yearn to someday have, and strives to do better as an idol, now being able to stand on her own without relying heavily on other people.
Her apology gets cut short by Arisa, who wishes her good luck in the idol industry — and bids her farewell. She doesn't reconcile with CheerfulDays, but she does manage to resolve tension in her relationship with Arisa — which may serve well in any future encounters between the two.
At the end of her third focus, Shizuku reflects upon the growth she's had between not even being able to speak without a script to now managing to properly confront her old group despite being caught by surprise. She desires to spread hope to all the people who supported her — regardless if it was her in CheerfulDays or MMJ. With that goal of hers cemented, the event ends.
One thing that all of Shizukus events have in common is the determination to stay true to herself despite her fears — from her recultancy from her first focus to her absolute confidence in her third focus. Shizuku has grown alot from the main story.
This analysis of her character focuses alot on her personal growth — but that's just one aspect of her character. There's many things to love about Shizuku, like her ability to emphasize with other people, her hardworking nature, the kindness she shows to everyone she comes across — and even her silly moments, like her struggle with phones, her absolutely horrible sense of direction, her short attention span, and much more.
I could ramble even more about how she tries to help people regardless of the results, like her attempts to help Haruka relax during his first focus. (I use he/him pronouns for haruka)
However, this is where I'm gonna end this analysis. Shizuku is an absolutely amazing character, and I'll be happy if other people get to appreciate her from reading this. Live laugh MMJ, that is all.
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
Hello!! I saw your "Shizuku and Ena with an s/o who likes to kiss their neck" post, and I wonder if you could do one with Honami?
(if it's for Honami of course I can, I love Honami owo)
Mochizuki Honami with an s/o who likes to kiss their neck
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Honami is very very flustered the first time you kissed her neck.
Her face heats up so fast it's not only red, but also emanates a surprising high amount of heat. It makes you feel a little bad for not asking first
She gets too shy she has to bury her face in your shoulder, which at least reassures you she is not mad at you. You whisper an apology into her ear:
"I-I'm sorry, it just came natural to me... I should have asked first" "...it's… fine. I-I didn't necessary dislike it... I just need to get used to it..."
You agree on warning before hand when you want to kiss her neck. Eventually, she seems to enjoy them more, because she starts to subtly lead your lips there herself.
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kawaiichibiart · 2 years
I can't be bothered to go back and find it, but I still think it'd be fucking hilarious for the next April Fools event to be us playing with the NPCs and seeing them as the temp. units.
I'll even give y'all what I would do with each group.
This a long one y'all, buckle in, some units have more info than others, just so ya know.
Leo/need - STANDOUT, leader Iori, other members: Mio, the rest of STANDOUT (do they have names?)
Sekai isn't a school, but rather a live house. Iori and her bandmates all have this desire to go pro, however, much like in the VBS main story line, their bassist, Mio, decides to quit and leave the band, and it hits Iori the hardest. They eventually reconcile, blah blah blah, STANDOUT is formed.
Their VS are Miku and Meiko. Miku's hair leans more blue than teal and has several streaks of black in it rather than having the underside be a hot pink, and is tied in low pigtails. Her outfit consists of a bomber jacket over what looks like a band t. In place of a skirt, she has ripped jeans, similar to that of the male street-parka outfit you can buy in Proseka.
Meiko dresses more like a manager. Very sharp, deep red, suit. She however, also wears crop tops with the same band graphics as Miku's. You don't see it often because she usually has her jacket buttoned all the way, and you only ever see it when she's playing along side Miku, rather than being her manager.
And for the fun of it, no real thought behind the why (for any of these so....): their Untitled Song becomes Unhappy Refrain
MORE MORE JUMP! - Blossoming ✿ Melodies, leader Mai, other members: Nanami, Yuina, and Ayaka.
Unlike in canon, Haruka, Airi, and Shizuku never go back to being idols. While she has apologized to Haruka, Mai realizes it's too little too late, and starts doubting her own worth as an Idol. She eventually meets Yuina, who shows her videos of a girl who wished to be an idol, but after being rejected so many times, went on to pursue dance. Yuina admired the girl for finding a new passion that wasn't far from what her original dream was. It gave her hope that, even if something didn't work out, it didn't mean that there wasn't anything out there for her to enjoy with her entire being. The two girls will later meet Nanami and Ayaka, and after some thought, Mai asks the girls to form an idol group with her. There's some hesitance, but they all agree to it eventually.
Their Sekai is similar to the Stage Sekai, but it's outdoors rather than inside a huge auditorium. There are several flowers all around that represent one thing: hope. Blossoming ✿ Melodies was created to spread hope not just for a better tomorrow, but for sparks to rekindle in the hearts of people, whether they follow their dreams, or find a new one entirely, in other words, they hope people who listen to them never give up on finding happiness.
Their VS are, much like MMJ, Miku and Rin.
Miku's hair is actually the soft pink of Sakura Miku. Because their Sekai is an outdoor stage with lots of flowers, the VS have floral inspiration. Miku's being cherry blossoms (sakuras). She's dressed in very soft pinks with deep teal as an accent to compliment her eyes. She has cherries and sakura flowers attached to her pigtails.
Rin is dressed in different shades of yellow. This is the only Sekai where rather than her short hair, we see her with longer hair by default. Her bow is much smaller, only visible from the back, and attached to it, in the center, is her flower: the daffodil.
Untitled Song: Upside Reverse Rainbow
Vivid BAD SQUAD: I don't have name for them tbh :/ anyways..... Leader: Arata, other members: Souma, Nagi, and Taiga.
While the desire to surpass RAD WEEKEND is still there, this groups true feelings is to recreate that event. They want people to come together once again and enjoy music.
If they surpass RAD WEEKEND, great. But they just want to be seen as an impactful and memorable event. They want people to show up and realize that they wanted to pursue music as well.
Taiga tries to get Ken to join him and Nagi once again, but Ken declines. They eventually meet Arata and Souma and after learning they wanted to surpass RAD WEEKEND, they agreed to help them.
Their Sekai, much like Blossoming ✿ Melodies, is similar to their original units (VBS) Sekai. It's a street Sekai, but rather than a cafe, they're close to several live houses, each one reflective of a VS that has yet to appear.
Their VS are Miku and Len. They're dressed very similarly to their OG Street Sekai looks, like in terms of style rather than clothing items:
Miku's pigtails are tied low on her head and she has a leather cap on her head. She wears sweats and an oversized cropped jacket over a simple tank top. She's very active and wants to put on a grand musical event. She's always running around and is filled with determination.
Len forgoes his puffed vest and wears a faded denim jacket over a graphic t. His jeans are covered in paint. He will sometimes add a streak of color to his bangs with temporary hair dye. He's more interested in art than music, so he's been helping Miku make posters and designing things she can wear. He still enjoys music, but finds making the art for said music more fun.
RAD WEEKEND eventually becomes something less and less spoken of and just hosting a music event becomes their priority.
Arata still wants to surpass it though and has often left when he's told he doesn't have to have every performance be done with the sole intention of surpassing an event.
He feels like the other three don't get it. That Taiga and Nagi forgot about how it impacted people. They were there. Surely they would see where he was coming from. They had to. But they didn't.
The group splits apart several times before they all realize they were being dumbasses about this.
Taiga even talks with Ken to get his opinion and is told to get a grip. He wanted to continue this, right? Continue making music events that brought people together and opened dreams? Ken knew An wanted to put on her own event one day with her maybe girlfriend (he hoped he was right about their relationship, An always mentioned Kohane Asuzawa when they spoke and it always sounded like they were more than friends). He knew that Akito Shinonome and Touya Aoyagi bonded over street music, Akito had told him himself that RAD WEEKEND made him realize music could be something he could pursue and how he hadn't felt passionate for something in so long until he saw RAD WEEKEND.
RAD WEEKEND wasn't meant to be seen as something to compete with. It was something that brought people together. In his eyes, as long as people came together, enjoyed themselves and found something about themselves, anyone could surpass RAD WEEKEND. But if they just wanted the fame and glory, it didn't how big of a crowd they got. It wouldn't have the same impact.
The group still has struggles and will often go to Ken for advice.
Miku and Len share similar opinions as Ken. They want an impactful and memorable event rather than a big event that will make them famous. What's the point in making an event if people don't remember it or only remember the size and aren't impacted by it (very much a "did this once, it was fun, let's move on" thing).
The first event they host is very small, almost no one shows up and the group feels frustrated. But outta the few people who do show up, a young, blonde, girl walks up to them with her friend, thanking them for letting her experience the event and letting her and her friend perform despite not having played in years. She didn't realize how long it's been since she played her keyboard. She didn't realize how much she missed it until they let her play. It was messy, short and rough, but she did it. She left with her friend, thanking them still as she left for reminding her of something she loved.
It was one person, but they did it. They made an impact. They helped someone find their passion for music again.
With that, they began to plan more events.
One day, they will surpass RAD WEEKEND, and if they don't, as long as they make an impact like they did for that one girl (Nagi tells them how she found out the girl and her friend began posting videos of them playing their instruments and singing alongside a boy that seems related to the blonde haired girl, a girl with pink hair, and sometimes a boy with two toned hair) than that's all that matters.
Untitled song: FREELY TOMORROW
Wonderlands x Showtime: Phoenix ReIncartion, leader Sakurako, other members: Hinata, Keisuke and Shousuke.
After numerous attempts at failing to get the park's number of visiters up, the three eldest Otori siblings agree with their father that the best thing to do was to remodel more. And while she fought and fought for it, their younger sister, Emu, wasn't able to save the Wonder Stage. They tried telling her it was for the best, but she wouldn't listen. They were tearing apart their grandfather's park, his dream, did they not care?! She left that night to stay with a friend (it's Tsukasa, if you're wondering). The three elder Otoris were unsure what to do. Hinata eventually spoke with Sakurako, wanting her judgement on the tearing down of the Wonder Stage since she A. works at PXL and B. is close to Emu's age. She agrees that it was old and that it would have gone down at some point. Why wait for the inevitable to happen? Of course, she doesn't tell Hinata her worries. With the park changing so much, how long will it be before they decide she isn't needed? She also doesn't want to be seen as immature for being upset with changes coming to the park, she's only about 17-18 after all.
Hinata decides that it's up to her, her brothers and Sakurako to bring more people to the park. She chooses the name Phoenix ReIncarnation for their group as a tie to both bringing back Phoenix Wonderland to it's former glory, and because phoenixes rise from the ashes, they're reborn, reincarnated if you will.
They all agree the park has to change, but Sakurako eventually does fess up and say she could understand where Emu was coming from. Changes to the park were fine, but the point of the park shouldn't change. The park was made to make people happy, to make them leave with a smile no matter how old they were. She understands why their sister is upset and why she refuses to talk to them. She understands that change is good for the park, but she also understands how it feels to not be heard, to have something that makes her happy be ripped away from her. It was less so the Wonder Stage being torn down and moreso being told after it was already set in stone to be demolished. Sure, Emu would still be upset, but she'd likely still be on speaking terms with her family if she didn't find out at the very last second. And by last second, I mean LAST second. She thought she had time. That she was being given a chance but she wasn't. That's why she's upset. She never got to prove she could bring the Wonder Stage back. She never got the chance to perform on it. By the time she found one person to help her, the stage was being torn down. So it's no surprise to Sakurako that Emu chose to stay with the one person who did listen to her and wanted to help, as opposed to her family who seemed to never hear her out. This confession leads to more conflict as Shousuke and Keisuke were still in the belief they did nothing wrong and that Emu needed to "grow up" eventually.
Their Sekai is the Theater Sekai. Unlike the Wonderland Sekai, which is filled with so much life, the Theater Sekai is very empty and has a loud echo to it. The chairs are always empty. Dust is everywhere. The posters are faded and torn. The curtains are stained.
Their VS are Miku and Luka.
Miku never has a consistent look, having her teal hair in different styles, and always dressing up different ways (think World is Mine Miku). She's very demanding and tells them that this is what they wanted, wasn't it. They got their glorious theatrical stage. They got a worthy star (Miku herself) to perform for them. What's wrong? This is what they wanted, right?
Luka is very cold and snippy with them. She, much like Meiko in the Live House Sekai, dresses in sharp suits. However, she's very strict with her dress code and with adjusting things without asking, which leads to her and Miku fighting a lot.
Phoenix ReIncarnation learns through them that family business can be messy and it can lead to many people getting hurt or becoming distant. The Theater Sekai was once full of people. People loved their shows. But eventually, Miku wanted more and more and more, to the point she was making so many demands the other VS left. Luka, being her older sister figure, stood by her but eventually she began making decisions without telling Miku, because she saw that their Theater was losing its once former glory. They learn that Miku is very much a mix of them, wanting the best and deciding to go forward with plans purely for business, but also a reflection of Emu, the younger sibling who wanted to prove she could save something she loved if given the chance. It was an odd combo and left them wondering if Emu would have turned out like her if she had gone with their plans so long as she got something in return, as opposed to wanting to save one single stage and eventually the rest of the park in opposition to them making any changes.
Luka was more like the Otori's father. She forgot what the theater represented, why she, Miku, and the rest of VS opened it. She only saw Miku's desire to do bigger, grander, things, and she decided to go with it. It led to them opening a bigger theater, to having lavish curtains and beautiful costumes, but it also led to fights. The Kagamines were the first to leave, neither of them happy with their ideas being ignored and not being listened to in general (also a reflection of Emu), KAITO left shortly after, just to keep an eye out on them. MEIKO was the last to leave, finally fed up with everything and that all the changed Miku and Luka were making would ruin the theater that had once been so full of life.
Phoenix ReIncarnation realize the Sekai was reflecting a very strong probability. The fall of Phoenix Wonderland. Changes were meant to be good, but they can also be bad. They wanted glory, they wanted more, but it was splitting the Otori family apart and less people kept showing up despite having popular characters and shiny new rides.
They struggle convincing Mr. Otori to cut back on some major changes and to rather fix old attractions that were popular before they broke down.
They do promotions outside the park. Sakurako does snippets of her own shows. But it never felt like enough.
And out of pure desperation, Sakurako looks for Emu, and finds her walking side by side with a boy with blond hair that had peach colored tips. She asked to talk and Emu refused to at first, so when her friend said they should sit down somewhere more private, Sakurako thanked the gods.
Once they were seated in a café, she began to talk. She asked them to listen. And she told them everything she could. She left out the Sekai and VS, she didn't want to sound weird to them, and asked Emu if she was willing to help.
Phoenix Wonderland was losing more and more visitors with every passing day. And damn it, Sakurako missed it. She missed the old rides. She missed the genuine smile the park once brought to her face. She didn't want to be a part of this dying park, but she also didn't want to give up on her dreams.
And with some encouragement from the boy next to her, Emu agreed to help her on one condition. Her friend, her performing partner, got a say in things. And thus, Emu Otori and Tsukasa Tenma begin doing small shows to promote PXL.
It takes a long time, but eventually the park begins to go back to what it once was. There aren't as many visits as before, but there's enough for Phoenix ReIncarnation to feel assured that everything they were doing would bring the park back to life completely one day.
Hinata, Shousuke, and Keisuke eventually show up at the Tenma residence, after learning from Sakurako that that's where Emu was staying, in hopes of talking with their sister.
And when they're let in by the boy they denied employment to, they sit down and finally decide to listen. Hinata told her brothers that they were going to hear what Emu had to say first. That the three of them would keep their mouths shut for once and listen to their baby sister. And they did.
They listened to every word, all filled with anger, sadness, hurt and disappointment. They listened to her cry over the loss of the Wonder Stage, over feeling like she was lied to when she was told she was given a chance to save it just to find out they were tearing it down anyways shortly after she met Tsukasa and got him to agree to help her. How she felt like she couldn't trust them anymore and if they would continue to lie to her. They listened as she just cried and cried and eventually were gently kicked out by Tsukasa who had all but welcomed their sister into his family by now. He wished then luck and shut the door in their faces.
It wasn't until they begged Tsukasa to bring Emu to the park that the siblings began to reconcile. Because in place of a new attraction, they convinced their father to rebuild the Wonder Stage. Bigger, better and safer to use, and in honor of the man who created the park in the first place. It was still being rebuilt when they showed Emu, but it was made with the promise of being hers, if she wanted it. And that was the first time in months that she smiled at them with joy.
She didn't accept it, not yet, not when she still felt hurt. But maybe one day. Just maybe one day.
Untitled song: CONNECT with the World!
Nightcord @ 25:00 - The Night • Watchers, leader Shinei, other members: Harumichi, Mrs. Asahina and Kounosuke Otori.
AKA, Shitty Parents™.
They all got together to discuss their children, how they had certain expectations for them or wanted to care for them but were met with malice and rebellion.
They think they're in the right.
Shinei and Harumichi don't get along that much though. Harumichi blames Akito for Touya's rebellious attitude, while Shinei blames Touya for influencing his son to continue street music when he could have focused on something else. His son would get nowhere in music, but he kept pushing forward because of Harumichi's son.
Konouseke barely talks to any of them, because he's too focused on his park.
Mrs. Asahina decide she want to help the two men that are fighting, seeing how her daughter is so well behaved.
Eventually they all begin calling each other to talk about what their kids did. They complained, spoke of the past, etc.
At one point, Mrs. Asahina had to ask what Shinei and Harumichi did when their kids ran away.
Kounosuke also asks when Emu runs away.
Shinei just waited until Akito and/or Ena came back and they just fought again.
Harumichi used to go to the Tenma residence to bring Touya back home, because that's where he always went, but stopped when the eldest Tenma child chased him out with a frying pan and with a threat of calling the police on him (and surprise surprise, the neighbors heard and one was an elderly woman who threatened him with her rolling pin, because how dare he bother the Tenmas? Especially since Tsukasa was chasing him out of his home, Harumichi must be bad news if such a polite young man like Tsukasa doesn't want him arround, go back home Tsukasa, we know you've been helping a friend out, you don't need more stress. See? That's a polite gentleman, not like you, someone who enters someone's home and has to be chased out >:/). Now he waits for Touya to come home whenever he runs off. Surprisingly he's been returning with glitter stickers on his face (Emu's doing btw, Saki usually does his nails) but he's been staying away longer and longer every time he runs away.
Essentially, they weren't of any help.
Mrs. Asahina are worried because Mafuyu is usually so well behaved. She didn't even know she had friends that close to her nor did she know where any of them lived. She didn't know what happened to her perfect, well behaved, daughter.
Kounosuke is moreso annoyed than worried, because, much like his sons, he believes Emu is being childish and just doesn't understand that's he's doing what's best for the park (he's also annoyed at his eldest three and Sakurako because they began to talk him out of things when they should just trust he has the best intention at heart).
Their Sekai is the Manor Sekai. A large mansion in a place that's almost always night time. It's very quiet, much like the Theater Sekai. But unlike the Theater Sekai, which slowly begins to go back to it's glory after Phoenix Reincarnation decided to change how they approached changes to the park and how to save it, it's always eerily quiet and dusty. It's not even like the Empty Sekai, which while empty, has this peace to it.
Their VS are Miku and KAITO.
Miku is dressed in a nightgown. Her hair is loose and she is always hiding from the adults. She's quiet and prefers being alone. The only person she talks to is KAITO (and the other VS when they finally show up).
KAITO is the butler of the manor. He's dressed in a crisp suit with a black tie and a towel in hand. He's very polite and always has this strained smile on his face when any of the four adults visit. He's Miku's caretaker and he didn't like the stress the four brought to her, so he oftened kicked them out and told them to explore the gardens and to leave his charge alone.
Miku: *hiding behind KAITO* KAITO, they scare me :(
KAITO: *to the Shitty Parents™* Get the fuck out you're scaring my kid :)
This is probably the one Unit that doesn't change their ways or rekindle a relationship. They're very much stuck in their ways and refuse to see they're in the wrong. The only one who does slightly is Kounosuke and he's barely changing. He's really only doing it so PXL doesn't close down for good, not because he wants to.
Untitled Song: A Lie and a Stuffed Animal
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hello:D, could you make a request to the hinomori siblings where the reader (fem or gn if possible) is their younger sister and has hyperfocus on vocaloid, more specifically meiko? (Platonic ofc)
thank you so much for reading and have a great day/night^^
Let me just say that I LOVED your idea and it was really nice to write since MEIKO is probably one of my favorite Vocaloids (even tho I'm not that much into Vocaloid heh)
PS: I'm not sure if I understanded you request right so sorry if I didn't
Hinomoris with MEIKO fan!younger sibling
You absolutely adored MEIKO, she was your idol. So it wasn't a secret from any of your sisters.
⊱ you had so many merch of MEIKO, let it by shirts, figures, DVDs, posters or anything else and you never missed any song she realised
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⊱ Shiho definitely knows about your adoration towards MEIKO, especially since she often goes to music shop so whenever she sees a song that you might not have, she always buys it and if you already have it then she either seels it or gives it to some of her friends
⊱ but once she left a DVD of MEIKO song for herself since you already had this one and she liked the music, maybe it even was inspiration for her for a new song for her team
⊱ as an addition to your birthday gift she learned how to play one of your favorite MEIKO songs on her bass and when you started singing and vibing, she couldn't be happier
⊱ she won't really go to concerts with you very often, only times she does are when Shizuku can't go with you or when she really don't have anything better to do
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⊱ Shizuku always goed with you on any concerts MEIKO had if possible, she's idol herself so she knows how much it can mean for you and MEIKO
⊱ she adores your fan side, because you always sing and have so much fun at MEIKOs concerts so she often vibes with you
⊱ she definitely has karaoke hangouts with you, and maybe even Shiho will come someday? Whether she does or not, you always end up singing mostly if not only MEIKO songs
⊱ maybe she even convinced her team to sing and dance MEIKO song so she can show you they performance
⊱ one day she wanted to buy you a MEIKO figure but it just so happen that you already had it, if you enjoy it either way she'll be very happy but if you will straight up tell her that you already have it then she will sell it and buy you a new one with a lot of apologies
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takerfoxx · 1 year
Is it to fair to Shizuku to say that she...kind of made Mami's issues worse. I'm assuming if Mami either figured things out on her own, or was told by someone with more tact and gentleness, or gradually, or through the established system, etc etc, and wasn't told it all at once and very bluntly she would still have issues just...less of them? And if that is the case, is Shizuku aware that her tactlessness had long-term consequences?
That depends greatly on which issues you're talking about.
Shizuku is...complicated. She's obviously been softened from her original depiction in Kampfer, but she still has that smug, manipulative streak, and enjoys messing with people. That being said, she does mean well and cares about those to her, and will own up and apologize when it's clear that she's gone too far, something that the original would not do. And in becoming Mami and Charlotte's sponsors, she and Natsuru were sent a lot of material, and they did take their roles seriously and did the best that they could.
So, if you mean in regards to Mami's sexuality, remember that Shizuku didn't actually do much other than encourage Mami and Charlotte to spend time together, and she didn't get direct about the possibility until Natsuru did. Plus, it was her that helped Mami realize that she was attracted to girls while still reminding her that there was no wrong choice and that she needed to do what's best for her without feeling pressured.
Regardless, Charlotte would have confessed anyway, and Mami would have freaked out anyway.
Now whether or not she showed that same tact in regards to her wards' other issues...I like to think that she did, but it is Shizuku.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
Ok so I had a wholesome thought/request.So like the phantom troupe but with a like powerful like 13 year old girl and she’s like the baby of the troupe and they treat her like a daughter or little sister😭😭 idk I just thought it would be a cute thing to write abt. Thanks for listening:)
🐸| actually, this type of thing has crossed my mind a time or two, so it's cool that someone requested it! these ran a little long so i apologize😅😅 ily and thank u for requesting<33
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ light mentions of murder, alcohol
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phantom troupe with a young but powerful member!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the phantom troupe would probably be quite wary at first, probably unimpressed. let's say this is before kalluto, so she's the youngest one to ever try to get into the spiders.
・❥・their main thing would be like, she's a kid, so there isn't any way she's ruthless enough to be a part of the group. besides, doesn't she have parents to go to? nobody wants to babysit some whiny teenager. their answer is no. no way a kid's gonna be joining their group. lots of losers every day make claims about wanting to be troupe members on the internet and such- this girl just happened to be one of them. they would just send her off, they didn't care.
・❥・but when she walks in, all of that changes. her presence is one of the most unsettling ones that the troupe has ever felt, worse than even some of their members. instantly, they know she isn't like your typical thirteen-year- old. there's nothing behind her eyes except a dark void. she displays no fear whatsoever of the troupe, and has no issue coldly threatening anyone who questions her membership. she also reveals that she's a specialist- a trait nobody in the troupe has but chrollo himself. still, chrollo and his subordinates will still be reluctant to allow a child to become a spider, so chrollo reminds her of the rule: she has to kill another member. this is when they all expect her to back out, waving off her intimidating demeanor as a bluff, but when she actually reveals the full capacity of her Nen and proceeds to move toward shizuku, chrollo stops her to incredulously invite her into the spiders.
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a/n~ anyways got carried away there for a second so here are the actual headcanons 💀💀😭
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・❥・now that she's a spider, will they give her the tattoo?? a very small one, probably, on her arm or somewhere it's easy to spot. nobody feels comfortable doing it elsewhere💀💀💀
・❥・she's allowed to murder on missions. like duh. but missions where they're undercover at places like bars, strip clubs, etc- she won't be allowed to go despite her protests. no alcohol or naked adults for you ma'am
・❥・they do try and monitor their language and what they talk about around her as well
・❥・pakunoda will probably button her dress around her too just bc she feels weird about having most of her boobs out around some kid
・❥・when she does go on missions, there will usually be someone kind of hanging really close by to her at all times- the person varies. also when they have to split up on missions, instead of splitting in only groups of two, they'll send one group of three with two adults and her for her safety. they will never admit it, but it's nice to have someone to look after
・❥・sometimes one of them will take her aside and give her Nen tips. even chrollo does so despite his illusion of being the elusive all-powerful troupe leader.
・❥・ the troupe members never miss a chance to make fun of feitan for being shorter than her🙏🏾🙏🏾
・❥・and yes, the kicker- they will do their very best to keep her from hisoka.
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dragonlapis · 3 years
Hm...I wanna see Seika and Kanoko meet up again and this time I would like to see Seika apologize to her for scaring her at the first time around.
This would also serve as a test on how far Seika had to overcome her social anxiety. I want her to say the words she wants to say to her and become surprise she was able to. She become proud of herself for being able to do it. Sure, it's a bit stutter(y) but she got the spirit. I feel like Kanoko may be a bit confused ,but will understand the situation and accept her apologies.
I want Ayaka and Shizuku to set this up. Seika told Ayaka about her encounter with Kanoko and felt some form of guilt ever since. Seika wasn't sure where to find her and secretly hoped she would run into her so she could. Ayaka told Shizuku the situation and the two decided to look for Kanoko saying a friend wants to talk to her. I feel like she might accept it ,but isn't sure who the friend is. They told her to meet up at a certain time. Shizuku told Seika that they managed to find Kanoko and now she had her chance. Seika is both excited and nervous because she didn't think this would happen.
After a while, Kanoko was on her way to the area she was told to be at and suddenly, she detected a witch and immediately went to action. She forgot to message the two about circumstances.
Meanwhile with Seika, Ayaka, and Shizuku...They waited for the other girl to arrive ,but she never did. During this, Seika's spirit began to go down the more time has passed and she isn't there. Ayaka tries to cheer her up and Shizuku thought she may have forgotten about this meeting or something happened. Before Shizuku could react, Seika sensed the same witch Kanoko is fighting against.
She told the two there's a witch nearby as she ran towards it. Ayaka and Shizuku followed suit. When they arrived ,they got swarmed with familars and they noticed another girl was there. Ayaka and Shizuku was too busy with familars so they told Seika to help whoever is fighting the witch. She was a bit hesitant, but agreed regardless. She run towards the unknown girl and immediately realizes it was Kanoko. Kanoko was taken back a bit at the sight of Seika and isn't too sure what to think and hoped she didn't make her "mad" again. The moment Kanoko was distracted, the witch made it's move and Seika immediately pushed her to the ground so the attack missed. It took her a moment to realizes and thanked her.
The two started working together to overcome the witch and even attempt to use connect too at some points. After a while, they finally defeated the witch and the labyrinth disappeared. Kanoko was about to say something until Seika apologized out of the blue which took Kanoko by surprised. Kanoko didn't expect to hear what Seika was telling her and by the time she finished, Ayaka and Shizuku showed up. That was the time Kanoko connected the dots and realized Seika was the person the two told her about. She looked at the three as Seika waited for her response. After a bit, she accepted it
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
May i request Haruka and reader pining for each other, they obviously like eachother and their friends know, they're just too dense(?)
I can't really explain this well but i hope you get it!
(This is so long what. Also this is not proofread, sorry about that)
Oblivious pining with Haruka
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Haruka met you while searching for another quiet place to read, after leaving the rooftop. She was kind of getting followed by some students mumbling things among themselves.
Nothing she wasn't expecting to happen. What she did not expect was bumping into you while trying to get some peace and quiet.
She instantly apologized, but you didn't seem bother at all by the bumping. Rather, you shot a look at her and then the students following her, and you seemed way more annoyed at the other students than at her.
Something in your look, or maybe something in you in general made the other students disperse quite fast. She was a little grateful to having bumped into you.
"Ah... thanks for that. I just want some quiet place to read, but it seems a little hard to find that..." "Mm... I might have the place for you" "Really? that would be great" "Yes, it's the place I use for drawing quietly. But if you also want some quiet, I don't mind having you"
She agreed and you showed her your spot. It was pretty quiet indeed, a corner in the courtyard a little hidden by the foliage. She started coming there daily and you would shortly greet each other before minding your business
At the beggining at least. Haruka started to get interested in your drawings and you in what she was reading. Now, there would be moments of conversations, and you two started to learn about each other.
She learned some surprising things about you, like how you really had no idea she was previously a famous idol. "So you didn't know? I thought that was the reason you helped back then." "Ah!.. not really. I just dislike when people are being nosy. I mean, I heard about the idol thing, but I'm not much into that, so I actually had no idea...". It reassured her, to be honest. That you weren't trying to get on her good side with some ulterior motive. You could still be lying, but she had a feeling you were being genuine. You just wanted to be left alone, after all.
You learned about her new idol career, first hand. She told you about Minori, Shizuku and Airi. You started to feel a little lonely when she got into practice with them, though. You weren't sure why, you were never lonely before.
For her part, on practices Haruka seemed a little distracted sometimes. The others noticed she had a shine in her eyes whenever she talked about you. Shizuku is the one that invited you to come to the rooftop if you wanted, saying that Haruka would be glad.
Upon you starting to visit them more often, everything became clear. To everyone except the ones implicated, at least.
Airi was about to explode seeing you two being practically like a married couple while you two weren't even dating. Minori sometimes couldn't but shriek in cuteness looking at you two. And Shizuku was extremely proud that she decided to invite you over.
Sometimes it was a bit frustating seeing how obvious it was, but you two are so dense. Haruka wouldn't talk about it, so it's not like her bandmates could just shove it in her face, coming from nowhere
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
♠ 1st(?) random Q&A with Suki
Some random personal info I have previously said in posts or I just want to let you know now:
♠ I'm 173cm tall
♠ My mother tongue is Spanish, and I'm (sort of) learning Japanese
♠ I play both versions of the game (JP and GL)
♠ Originally, I didn't care for characters/story and just wanted to play rythym game
♠ In terms of creative stuff I do, drawing would be main and writing would be sub
zero-intoner asked: "How long have you been writing and what got you into writing?"
I scripted and drew my first serious comic for class work about 4 years ago. But it's not like I regularly write, it only comes out when I need a script for a comic, and I usually have a hard time writing, which is actually one of the reasons I decided to start this blog: to get better at writing.
About what got me into writing, don't know. Probably a collateral damage from wanting to make comics
For context, anon is referering to this post:
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If Kanade and Emu have ever interacted in game, either I can't remember or I haven't seen it. I think they might be too different and don't have enough in common to bond over anything.
As for Airi and Akito, it's safe to asume that they originally met for Ena, and at some point they might have bonded over their mutual worry for her. It's also clear that they respect each other. I'm speaking from memory, but there was this interaction in which Airi requests Akito to watch over Ena. There is also some instances where Akito tells Ena to not to bother Airi so much, and an area convo with Akito and Airi in which he apologizes for "the way Ena usually behaves" to what Airi tells him not to worry. Airi also notes to herself here that Akito is a good little brother. I'm just rambling at this point lol. Basically, I guess I like that, despite they are not that close, they are able to understand each other enough to have mutual respect.
zero-intoner asked: "Who's your favorite character to write for? Which character do you relate to the most?"
I would like to say it's hard to choose just one, but evidence shows it's Mafuyu. I also enjoy writing Shizuku a lot lol. I have had some writing sprees for Nene, Haruka and Honami so it usually depends on my mood, too
As for the character I relate the most it's prooobably... Mizuki. I've stuggled in the past with the fear of being left behind and not worthy of having friends. But, personality wise, I guess the closest one would be Toya
prsk-krow asked: "HeyaHeya! I was actually curious about something, and I wanted to ask!! Who is your favorite N25 character, and why is it Mizuki? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I mean, I'm just guessing, but-"
I actually never could choose between Mizuki and Mafuyu. Sometimes is more Mizuki, sometimes is more Mafuyu, but they are both always there. But if I had to choose, gun pointing at me, I think I might choose Mafuyu because aesthetically wise, is a little more my thing.
Anonymous asked: "This is just for the q&a but if you were to add any one member to each group who would it be and why? Like why would you add emu to mmj or honami to wxs and so on."
I'm guessing you mean adding to the current member, without replacing anyone. Mmmm, I can say a little of my thoughts, but very disorganized.
For example, in Nigo I could see people like Rui, Haruka, Toya or even Honami, if their stories had another circumstances
In Wandasho, somehow Mafuyu and Akito could fit with their "good personas". Probably Airi since she seems good with a crowd. I feel like Mizuki could have fun here making costumes, too.
In MMJ, Kanade would be just so funny, zero stamina idol lol. An kind of has that idol aura that might just work (these two both were already in April's fools YUME YUME JUMP, so). Also, Tsukasa idol career when, he could fit so well here. Saki maybe too, siblings idols(?
In VBS it's kind of hard, but I think Ena could scream from the bottom of her heart here (in songs(?) Shiho kind of fits in street music, I think (? Nene might find use in this for getting over her social problem, and she would be also singing, but not "musical style". Ichika could also do well here, probably
And finally, Leoni, Kohane and Minori could do well in "just some friends vibing" same as Shizuku. Emu is very friendly, so why not
(I ended up making whole new groups of 4 lol but hopefully that answers your question, kinda?)
ootokone asked: "do you have any hobbies? what are they and how did you get into them? "
As said before, I also draw and it's probably my main hobby ( I guess it count's as a job too since I'm on a team as concept/2D/UI artist, yeah all in one, we are a small team). I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but probably anime got me into taking it a more seriously (Naruto lol)
I also play videogames on a regular basis. I have also played games for as long as I can remember. I'm kind of hooked to OW2 right now but I play many kinds of games. Like, not long ago I was hooked to Puroseka and Elden Ring simultaneously, which I guess sums up my variety of games quite well (I had to drop Elden Ring because my poor 6 year old computer can't take *redacted*'s boss fight. Quite sad. Hopefully I can finish it properly when I get a new PC in the future ;v;)
As for more hobbies... I guess I like gardening, if that can be considered a hobby. I just bought two new plants today, one of them being peppermint because I love its smell. I have always liked nature but never got around on taking care of my own plants until about 2 years ago
Anonymous asked: "a question for your Q&A :)! are you more of an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?"
Oh, definitely an introvert lol. I'm an INTJ-A in mbti, if someone is interested in that.
Also noteworthy, while the other letters are at like a 60-70% the introvert one is at 99% lol so yeah,
Anonymous asked: "if u like emunene do you think if they both cuddle would emu be big spoon or would she be little spoon? and do you think nene would be big spoon or little spoon"
I think they'll be both switches, but it usually goes with Nene little spoon, Emu big spoon because Emu would be usually the one initiating physical touch/affection
One last thing! I wanted to thank everyone for the support on this blog! Really makes me happy that people consider my writing worthy of reading. I'll try to keep this blog up for as long as I can, but my writing sprees are very weird lol
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
Jealousy scenarios with Shizuku and Kohane.
this is turned out kind of angsty, specially the Shizuku one, but they have good endings owo. I also wrote this at 2am so I apologize in advance in the case I forget to proofread it
Hinomori Shizuku
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It wasn't like Shizuku and you had stated publicy that you were dating, but anyone that would look at you together for more than 10 minutes could suspect that there was, at least, something going on between you.
Mainly because Shizuku can barely contain herself in public. She loves too much to be in direct contact with you, and light touches are fine in public, but she sometimes gets too much into it, and you have to call her out to tone it down a little, for her own good, really. You wouldn't want her fans to be pestering her about you.
Despite all the rumors of you going out, there is people that just don't care or will pretend not to know, and while it's usually people trying to hit on her, you seem to have gained some fans as well, fans that were obviously trying to flirt with you, even in front of Shizuku.
She wouldn't get instantly jealous. After all, she is usually the one getting hit on most the times, but she doesn't even notice half of the time because she just loves you too much to think about anyone else, romantically speaking.
She did get a bit jealous this one time, though. Maybe it was a combination of you being oblivious to it and that person being extremely cheeky and persistent. She even had the impression that that person was just doing it to get a reaction out of her, but that might've been just her being on edge about the whole situation.
Dropping any self-control she might have left, she got closer to you, latching onto to your arm tightly and begged you with the most concerned look you have ever seen her make: "...Can we please go? I'm not..." "... Yes, of course"
That look on her face and the breaking in her voice honestly worried you a lot. You had never seen her like that. Once in a little more private place, you asked her: "Hey, are you not feeling well? what's wrong?" "That's not-I'm sorry...". She shared all her worries with you, her voice still breaking a little, and you apologized for not being able to read the situation and making her to feel bad.
She buried herself in your neck, prompting your arms to hug her, and even though you were still at a semi-public place, you allowed her this and hold her for as long as she needed, still whispering apologies in her ear: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm such a moron..... I love you, Shizuku"
Azusawa Kohane
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Even after some time into dating, Kohane tends to overthink stuff, specially when it's about you. You think it's kind of cute, but also feel a little bad for her.
You try to remind her that if you are dating her, it's because you love her, and she doesn't need to worry about that stuff. But that is easier said than done.
Nothing could have prepared her for seeing someone flirting with you at the Weekend Garage. An was quick to catch her, trying to explain that it was probably nothing to worry about and definitely nothing to be overthinking about.
Just as she was getting midly convinced, that person got touchy with you, hovering you with their arm. She was really at the verge of running away, feeling pressure on her chest, but An had known you two long enough to know how to clear this situation. She grabbed Kohane by the wrist and waved at you while calling you, drawing your attention to them.
Kohane really didn't want to look at your face, but she still did it, and was gretted with a big fluffy smile forming in your lips when you realized your cute small partner had arrived, saying goodbye to that person and walking towards her.
Just like magic, all her worries were gone. The face that you made only to her switched the pressure on her chest for a whole different feeling. She really wanted to cry to release tension, but managed to hold it to not make things more ankward: "I didn't realized you arrived! how was your day?" "It was fine, the usual... who was that person just now...?" "Ah, that one? It's my childhood friend, they are like a sibling to me. I haven't seen them in a while, though. I had forgotten how much of a tease they are haha"
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