#npc units au
kawaiichibiart · 4 months
Tenma Siblings HC:
*introducing Toya*
Tsukasa: This is our brother, Toya!!
Toya: Hello.
Tsukasa: We've known each other since we were children-
Saki: And since his *exaggerated air quotes* "family" is full of pieces of shit, we've claimed him as a Tenma!! >:D
*introducing Kanade*
Saki: This is our sister, Kanade!
Kanade: hi.
Saki: Tsukasa found Kanade on the side of the road and brought her home.
Tsukasa: We decided to keep her!! >:D
*introducing Minori and Kohane*
Saki: This is Minori-
Minori: *waves*
Tsukasa: And this is Kohane!!
Kohane: Ah-
Saki: They show up sometimes.
*in the NPC AU*
Tsukasa: This is our sister, Emu.
Emu: Konnichi-WONDERHOY!!
Saki: We're keeping her until her family gets their heads outta their asses.
Toya: Or until she decides to go home.
Tsukasa: Yes, yes, Emu will stay with us for as long as she likes.
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hiraeth-sonder · 2 months
Maladroit Admirer - Rongguo
Danheng x Reader - University AU
Becoming entranced with the most plain looking guy in your tutorial classes leads to a series of very bad, not good fumbles
//So so so so enamoured with the idea of just NPC looking Danheng, short little thingy that I had to get out. Poem is  寄人 by 张泌.
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别梦依依到谢家, 小廊回合曲阑斜。
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You don’t think there’s a difference between a crush and love at this point because being in university and adamantly staring at what might be the most boring looking man in this entire sea of people certainly can’t just be a momentary attraction. Short dark hair, dark eyes, decent fashion style and in a business unit, he wasn’t anything special, and yet you just couldn’t, for the life of you couldn’t, take your damned eyes off him. 
It was ridiculous, you’ve never even spoken to him, looked at him in the eyes even, but here your heart was, pounding against your ribs begging for more. Every time you walk into that horrifically cold room, freezing your shoulders off because if you brought a jacket you’d be sweating from the journey, you see him already there at some table you won’t sit at because you’re afraid of him. Because you’re a nervous wreck and you know that if you had to talk to him during discussion, all you’d do is hum and agree and have no opinion on your own. Which, you’d like to keep some part of your dignity still, so no thank you. 
There has been no man, woman even, that has rendered you so stupid. It must be some kind of witchcraft, there was no other explanation for the grip this man had on you. 
You try your best, your absolute best, to focus on the question ahead of you, not like it was actually hard. However, seeing as you were in a small table of three, had an ethics question and you were hyper-aware of every action you made because of that damned man, you certainly weren’t at your peak performance today. 
With your table’s assigned question out of the way, the two of them went on to discuss the rest, or rather you and the person next to you since you two were the only ones who attempted the exercise. The discussion didn’t go bad, merely boring and strained seeing as you’ve never actually talked to anyone in this class, so when the exact same person asked to see your graphs. You, of course, took that as a very bad chance to make a joke. 
“Just to warn you, I bullshitted my graphs, so if they’re wrong don’t blame me,” You joked, raising your hands in mock-guile.
Somehow, some-god-forsaken-how, despite being in a room speaking at a normal conversational level surrounded by other people talking, everyone heard you. And everyone is staring at you. Great, absolutely great. Ducking your head, you pretend to type something else on your computer. You can only pray that you never see anyone in this class ever again, or have to talk to them (which wasn’t going to happen but you could pretend).
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice his eyes glancing between you and the rest of his table, a kind of vacant stare if you will. Your ears grow hot at this revelation, he must think you’re a total idiot, or a buffoon, whichever one because you might as well be all the ways you could refer to someone as stupid. How you longed to return to the cold dark earth, maybe you wouldn’t say things that made you sound like some brainless highschooler. 
By the time the tutorial ends, you’ve already debated ending it all at least three times. With your computer and singular pencil packed up, you absentmindedly head towards the exit, weaving through strewn chairs and the awkwardly placed tables. It is then you notice a familiar someone’s form standing at the door. 
Your eyes slowly shift up and who else could it be but the very man who rendered your brain mush, holding the door open and gesturing for you to go. 
You barely meet his eyes, bowing your head and quickly scurrying off, at least not before blurting out a quick “Thank you.”
With the speed of a falcon, your footsteps scamper off, hefting your heavy tote bag you now wonder why you brought. Tucking your earphones in, you try your best at nonchalance and it works, for about six steps until the tip of your shoe catches against some crack in the path and you have to walk off the even more public embarrassment. 
In the distance, he watches you trip on your own feet and your shoe almost gets stuck on the carpeted pathway. An amused breath escapes him and he wonders what exactly about you is so endearing to him. Danheng swears he has never met someone as oddly appealing even with your little fumbles, and by now he’s given up trying to figure it out. 
He’ll find some way to approach you later, when his palms aren’t trying to sweat the skin off of them and his head isn’t going at a thousand thoughts per second. He only hopes you didn’t notice his continuous staring, or the fact that his hand slipped and missed the first time he tried to grab the door handle.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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hootbon · 6 months
Im so so sorry but your au really has me thinking
1. Are the grounds ever "safe"?
2. And earlier you mentioned the eclipse is a cycle, is it ever light outside? Does this affect the hostility of the npcs or make them despawn like a minecraft thing?
3. Since earlier you said the gang could fight them off in a group, how strong are outside npcs anyway?
4. I just remembered zooble is the strongman of the circus, how well would they do in fighting off the npcs if she HAD to go outside?
5. Are there aquatic themed npcs in the digital lake? Or is the water just totally toxic and uninhabitable?
6. What's the digital carnival like?
7. hc that kinger is just this absolute unit but his insanity/opposite-of-hostility is stopping him from putting it to good use
8. Does Caine have a "good side"?
9. What's the worst punishment Caine has given a circus member?
9.5. What's the worst punishment POSSIBLE that caine could give to a circus member?
10. Who would win in a fight, the gangles (assuming the gangles have been provoked into a fighting/hostile mood) or zooble (assuming zooble had been angred)?
This is such a good au I'm sorry for the bombardment of questions
I’m not mad really, I love the questions
During showtime hours, the audience will be busy by then
There is light but it’s akin to dawn/dusk, they don’t despawn though.. it’s just much easier to see and avoid them
I did say that but.. it’s more of a delaying inevitable, the npcs are more so strong in numbers than they are physically.. that and they keep spawning back
She’d last longer than the rest
The lake is more so toxic to the touch. I’d avoid it
Oh boy.. it’s got pretty good stuff there, pretty fun too! It’s the worst place to visit if you planned to escape them. It’s like one of those extreme levels in a game they give you early on.
I’d imagine he’s got the smarts and experience but he knows better than to go out there
This is his good side
Involuntary silence
He could always just sit you in the basement.. there are still abstractions in there. Or lock you outside.. pick your poison
Zooble.. nobody fucks with zooble
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I just read this unfinished fic that takes place in a nuclear wasteland and it's really, really good. One of the best AUs I've ever read.
Chain Reaction by Hreathmus Several decades ago, a nuclear disaster turned most of United Hyrule into a radioactive wasteland. Most of the citizens moved across the eastern ocean to New Hyrule, but a few communities still scrape a living on the old continent. The government of United Hyrule employs some of those who wouldn't or couldn't cross the sea to keep an eye on the Wasteland, which isn't quite as uninhabited as it seems.
Several decades ago, a nuclear disaster turned most of United Hyrule into a radioactive wasteland. Most of the citizens moved across the eastern ocean to New Hyrule, but a few communities still scrape a living on the old continent. The government of United Hyrule employs some of those who wouldn't or couldn't cross the sea to keep an eye on the Wasteland, which isn't quite as uninhabited as it seems.
Post Nuclear-War
Modern Era
Wolf Link
Forging the Chain
Link by Link
Airplane Crashes
Insane Asylum
Medical Inaccuracies
NPC Cameos
Word count: 48,326
Finished: No
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fkitwebhaal · 4 months
Dark Urge Fic Recs Part 1
Hello! Do you find the Dark Urge to be super interesting? Would you like to read some fic about said funky little Bhaalist? Maybe even leave a comment or two? Well you can, given the power of my Dark Urge fic rec list!
My criteria for this list is as follows:
explored a part of the Dark Urge narrative in interesting and fun ways
uses said Dark Urge narrative to flesh out other characters and their responses to it
Thse fics are plot based. There can be sex scenes, but the focus is the plot.
There will be a part two to this list (I want to rec stuff for every combo of Durge/Origin, as well as dig up some Gen) but for now, here is what I got. I also write my own Durge stuff, but this isn't about me, so BEHOLD RECS.
Being the Urge is a fucking nightmare: Focus is on the struggle of being a dark urge character in the first place, any romance is really in the background
Anastasis: by Low_ Spaces
Rating: T
Ship: Gale/Durge
They had been warned. Orin kidnaps the Dark Urge.
Rec: I love this AU. It has a fantastic depiction of the relationship between Durge and Orin and I highly recommend it. It's also does great work hinting at what is going on outside of our protagonist's POV.
Strong Ensemble: these fics vary in romantic relationships but they all contain a strong focus on the entire party as a unit. If you’re not sold on the main pairing, I still suggest checking them out for the dynamic relationships between the entire cast and a strong understanding of the importance of platonic friendships.
Cardinal. Sunrise, Morning Star: by @edelgarfield
Rating: M
Ship: Durge/Astarion with background ships
It's a whole series and you should read it.
Rec: Absolutely fantastic series that shows how much the cast plays off one another. Each character gets a moment to play off Durge and those moments are beautifully written. While it's second person, this fic doesn't have a blank slate for Durge, instead the second person serving as more of a depiction of the Durge's mental state than anything else. I cannot recommend it enough.
Blood and Music Series by agrazza
Rating: T-M depending on installment
Ship: Astarion/Durge
Tavran Gregory the half-elf woke up on the nautiloid with an urge to kill boiling in his veins and his fingers twitching to destroy. He drowns out both with his magic and music, but things aren't always that easy.
Rec: This is a wonderful series with a great look at the ramifications of Durge's entire situation and how that might play out. Durge's resurrection after the Bhaal fight isn't a quick fix here and Agrazza plays out the implications of getting stabbed in the head with thoughtful writing. The entire cast plays off Tavran in delightful ways. Where Agrazza shines in particular are their NPCs who show up in their post game long fic "On Darkness." A great read for those who want scenes that slice nicely into canon.
More relationship focused: these fics tend to look more at a relationship as their focus and how it works. Romance ahoy!
From the Jaws of Death: by Verelia
Rating: M
Ship: Astarion/Durge
For all the ways he'd seen her carve bloody paths through their enemies, for all the times he'd watched her stand defiant against creatures that would bring most men to their knees - it most disturbed him to see her now, like this, twisted by guilt and self-loathing. It was the closest Astarion had come to looking in a mirror in two centuries.
Rec: As a general rule, I'm not a huge fan of fics that take Astarion's Cazador fight and add his LI as a target for Cazador. It just rubs me the wrong way. This fic is the exception because it understands this is Astarion's fight and doesn't try to redirect his trauma onto his LI: instead the Durge trauma here comes entirely from the Durge and man is it good. 10/10.
In Rapture, Ruin: by RM777
Rating: M
Ship: Shadowheart/Durge
Bhaal’s voice rings throughout the temple, the vile and contemptuous thing. He speaks through that awful servant, and demands Vaszyne's loyalty. Shadowheart isn't worried, (and it feels good, for once, to trust someone enough to not be ready for constant betrayal) she knows the lengths her lover has gone to resist the temptations of her father. She will not give in, no matter what—this, Shadowheart knows for certain. Vaszyne challenges him, denies him the satisfaction of creating another monster to run amok Faerûn, another victim to a god’s ascension. "I would rather die." And so she does. or: Vaszyne seems remarkably calm for having died less than a day ago. Shadowheart is decidedly not.
Rec: You love to see a fic that understands the RAMIFICATIONS. This fic digs so well into the fallout from the Bhaal fight, how it would impact not only their LI who had to watch the whole thing happen, but Durge who just got super disinherited in the bloodiest way. I love the dynamic here between Shadowheart and Durge and it's that good mix of angst and hurt/comfort that feels like an excellent missing scene.
Recovery Series by @anxious-scrambles
Rating: M
Ship: Gale/Durge
A fic digging into the aftermath of being Durge.
Rec: Have you ever looked at Gale and said "hm, this man needs a middle aged partner, not a 20 something (though the 20 something is fine too)." Anxious-Scrambles understands that assignment and has pulled it off remarkably well with Dreuer, and delves into not only the aftermath of adjusting from being a violent killer to a domestic lifestyle, but also adds the element of lost Bhaal warlock powers. Dreuer and Gale's relationship plays well to help explore parts of their character and this series really understands that "happily ever after" is work, not the ending.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 month
We've talked about hw Ruinene a lot, but have the other relationships among the troupe changed compared to canon? How? Do any of the wxs NPCs (besides the Otori siblings) interact with the unit? Sorry if I'm being too pushy with questions, no pressure to answer, I just really like this AU!
hi sorry for leaving you hanging for a month this is what i got
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this is post main story btw. its 11:20 rn so i’m coming back for other npc relationships (if i remember any of importance)
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awellboiledicicle · 9 months
Bg3 au where its just the gang playing dnd but its a modded game where all the companions are in the party... because for once everyone had free time at the same time [sans Minthara because she started a new job and just asked for her character sheet to be used as an npc].
Tav is a college student playing a high elf monk. Was talked out of naming their character "Punchy McFisto" by the skin of the dm's teeth.
Halsin is the manager at a hardware store and also Tav's dad. All he wanted to do was play a hot elf druid, because his friends from college used to run dnd and he never got to play a hot elf druid.
Jahira is the paint department supervisor at Halsin's store [aka she's the only one that can mix paint worth a damn] and is just playing her old college character because she found a binder with her old notes for the character and missed her. Updated her from scratch for 5e.
Minsc is the fiscal manager for the store and likewise tore his old storage unit apart for his character notes. Worked out how to just transplant his character into the story because he missed him. Only note was "do not judge me for the voice i will give him".
Lae'zel is a classmate of Tav's and took one look at githyanki and went "i'm going to make someone so indoctrinated. How integral are they going to be to the setting? A lot? Oh i need this woman to be so deeply hardline."
Astarion, another classmate, and deeply wanted to play vampire the masquerade. Adapted the character to 5e and honest to god has no idea what the scars he gave his character say. He just thought it'd be a nice hook.
Shadowheart is the youngest child of a v religious family and works as a receptionist at a dentists office. Friends with Tav from HS. "I want to be on a mission from God and it gets worse from there. What's the worst god in setting to be on a mission from while also appealing to my edgy phase. Shar? Sweet. Slap that darkness on me, baby."
Wyll works in the college library and joined because Tav and Dm invited him. His initial plan was just folk hero because it sounded fun and the warlock part and the bit with Karlach came up later.
Karlach also works in the library and is deeply excited to have been invited. Giggles after she makes her character swear because she does the voice and surprises herself.
Gale is the Dm's cousin that owns a local bookshop. Got away with his backstory through sheer power of puppy dog eyes and employing the irl Tara to stare at the Dm. Dm responded with the orb and he was delighted. Has to roll a d100 to determine how bad his arcane hunger is every time they go into a new area.
Dm hosts and is honestly a little overwhelmed juggling all the players because she honestly expected 4 at a time bc of how schedules lined up and now she's doing her best to not nuke the party from orbit by accident when scaling encounters. She does feel bad about the fetch quests later though, if only because she has to track their progress and every piece they have to go back for is another second off her lifespan.
Getting everyone in the discord for Secret Note Passing Channels was a chore if only because Halsin insisted he didn't understand until he found the bear emojis and promptly spammed the main chat with them for a bit. He apologized but Tav still died inside. Everyone calling Halsin hot in character is done to make Tav wilt.
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stormyrainyday · 28 days
🍎🫐🍑 if it's not too much at once <3
omg hi !!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Kind of basic but I'm not really one to write smut like it's fine I enjoy consuming it from time to time. Honestly, it's not even a matter of being uncomfortable I just don't like to write it. If I think about it, I wonder if it'd be fun to use sexual intimacy to discover more about how I think two characters would interact but I'd be so far out of my depth that I'd have to leave it for a long while down the road.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I've had an Alhaitham/Kaveh and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch crossover rotting in my brain for ages and just haven't had the time to replay the game to flesh it out. But I imagine it as broken-hearted Alhaitham and pure-hearted Kaveh. A silly, sweet AU. Then they become companions and explore the world together it'd be cute as fuck.
If you've never heard of Ni No Kuni you should look into it it's so fun and gorgeous if a little childish and it's animated by Studio Ghibli it's so cool. I love the real time turn-based combat it was my first time playing a game like that.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Oh man, can I make a list.
Shenhe and Baizhu as characters are so underappreciated. Shenhe is part of a major story quest (the first Interlude quest) but so rarely makes appearances after that. On top of that, she's a pretty niche unit that's only rerun once so I feel like people don't give her enough attention which is a damn shame because her backstory is so cool to pick apart. She's also canonically the most powerful human in the game? The only rival to her in strength is Childe and even then between you and me I think she could beat him. Childe is my favorite but Shenhe is stupid powerful in her lore. So yes. I wish more people talked about her characterization and lore but unfortunately half of her tag is rope bondage smut.
Baizhu keeps getting fucked over by Hoyo and gets a lot of hatred from the fandom for being gay-sounding (which, I don't love his English voice acting but homophobia from the Genshin Impact fanbase is fucking rich). It's actually kind of shocking how much hate he gets when he is literally just existing. I think there isn't enough work dissecting the utter tragedy of his situation and the way he values selflessness to the extreme-- even the game seems to treat his contract and his pursuit of immortality as something to be celebrated, when in reality he is dooming himself to an eternity of suffering should he succeed. Most of the works about him are shipping him with Pantalone or are just your standard run-of-the-mill sickfics (nothing wrong with that, I just think that he is open to much more dissecting and prodding and that there should be more works cutting him open to show his heart).
Also I haven't written about it yet but I am absolutely batshit insane about Childe x Lyney rarepairing, when I have more time I will compile my incoherent google doc about them into a fic or at the very least an extensive Tumblr post. Before I get shot I would like to gently remind you guys that Childe in canon is in his early 20s and Lyney is not a kid he's just short please read the character stories thanks <3
Not Genshin related but I also feel very strongly about certain Stardew Valley NPCs and feel like we don't talk enough about how nuanced their characters are despite having relatively straightforward cutscenes and dialogue but that's a post for another time
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aweirdoandhisfanfics · 2 months
BSAV family AU. Part 0
I've had this idea some weeks ago, but then I found THIS IMAGE:
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This is an official image that JD instagram account posted, and when I first saw it I SCREAMED.
I know this image probably its just another image that a corporate account posted, but it made really happy that my AU can become canon.
So I decided to make a quick rundown of my AU.
What is the BSAV family AU
As the title suggests, it's an AU where all the coaches from the "Beach, Summer And Vampires" season and some others are part from a single and big family, the members of this family are:
Felicia (the mother)
Vester (the uncle/father figure)
Lilith (aunt)
Sil (NPC from sacrifice, he is the uncle)
Alano (uncle)
Scarlet (Boss Witch and the daugther)
Scotty (son and protagonist)
Cthylla (family pet)
Jennifer and Agda (Don't Let Me Down coches, and the family neighbors)
But how all of them got united
Well, It all started with Felicia, she once made a deal with the eldritch god, Cthulhu, the deal was that she would receive power, but she would also have to take care of his daugther, Cthylla.
Years later, Felicia was trying to have kids, but no spells that she tried could make her pregnant, so she resorted for the last action that she could make to have kids, she kidnaped Vester and Lilith.
Years later, she finaly managed to get pregnant magicaly, which lead to Scarlet being born, some years later, Cthylla brought her a baby from Sun Horizon called Scotty, she couldn't find his parents, so she ended up adopting him.
Jennifer and Agda they just moved to the house next door.
But how did you get this idea?
Weeks ago, in a JD discord server comented this: "I hc that the NPC guy from Sacrifice is called Alistair (at the time I called him Alistair)"
Then a friend of mine sended this gif:
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Becaus Alistair is similar to Alastor, then I responded "I'm imagining Vester and Felicia cheering Scotty up", and that's when this entire AU started to be created.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I've been thinking about the self-aware au and wondered how the guys' fans are. Are the fans aware of the player and how much the idols love them? Or do they hide their affections and appear as normal idols on stage? And what if the player got transported into the game? Do they hide the player's existence too? It's a well-known fact that entertainers have crazy fans lurking in their fanbase. I've read that it's much more serious in Japan? Since they have some sort of idol culture there where they believe that idols are perfect and pure.
Imagine a crazy fan finding out that their beloved idols are obsessed with some nameless person. They might just spread this information and have the player receive tons of backlash.
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Hm, this is actually an interesting question and something I wouldn´t have thought of on my own, so thank you for sending in this ask!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession
How do the fans act around the player? Are they aware that the idols are absolutely crazy about you?
I think the fans of the idols wouldn´t really be aware of how crazy the idols are suddenly acting about some random person. Different to the idols and Anzu, the fans in-game are faceless, don´t have any dialogue and don´t *really* matter in the story, I mean, the amount of fans the idols have is a game mechanic!
I think I´ve said pretty early on in this AU that the characters grow aware the more interaction they have with the player. The fans never interact with the player at all, so in an AU like this they would just be directionless NPCs without any thoughts on their own. They exist to be audience members for the idols in life shows, but they probably don´t even have a life of their own besides that. So they most likely don´t know about you, especially while you´re still simply playing the game and they´re a barely existing entity within.
The situation is probably a little different once you are actually transported into the world of Ensemble Stars. Now they actually have a way to see you because you are now officially a part of their world instead of simply being an overseer they would never get to interact with. So you might even get to chat with them from time to time and some might even be able to recognize that newer songs of their favorite idols seem to be very focused on romance, even if that would completely break the theme of an idol unit.
It´s a bit strange and off-putting with how downright obsessive the lyrics sound, but they quickly shrug off their concerns when they hear a distorted voice from seemingly deep within them, that reassures them that everything is alright and as it should be. They shouldn´t worry about something silly like that and just listen. Isn´t the person those idols are describing just wonderful? Don´t they think that they´re a person without equal, someone that should be appreciated and worshipped?
That´s right, the game itself would mess with the world and it´s unaware NPCs in an effort to give you the “best” possible experience. Normally, crazy idol fans might have gotten upset at the thought of their favorite idols having romantic feelings for someone, but now they don´t seem to mind at all. Instead, they grow curious about this wonderful person that could even make an idol fall for them.
Instead of a hate-mob being established against you, they´re founding some sort of crazy fanclub dedicated to finding out who you are and then basically worshipping the ground you walk on.
In truth, they don´t have a mind or a will of their own and are simply acting on the game´s orders to love and appreciate you. This world was made for you and so they too were only made for you, similarily to the twins.
So don´t be afraid when you suddenly find that total strangers are super nice to you at all times <3
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devilangel657 · 4 months
The idea of self aware NPCs or just player and NPC interactions has grabbed me by the hold
Log horizon - all gamers are transported into their avatars but the former NPCs are now real people with real lives and having the gamers deal with the world, their new situation and interacting with NPCs as people.
Endo and Kobayashi kun live commentary - otome game being played by two high schoolers, the prince can suddenly hear the gamers and think they are gods while said high schoolers try to get everyone their happy ending
One Shot - game where 'you' are the god of the world that the NPCs know and guide Niko, your prophet and only one who can hear you, to save the world from destruction.
Land of leadale - gamer dies and is inserted into her character. She interacts with former NPCs who are now real people. Also previously had units to gain resources -they are now her children.
Self aware au (not imposter or yandere) - while playing games, anything you say or do while playing it - the characters can or will eventually hear you.
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kawaiichibiart · 1 year
can you talk more about the tenma's relationship with eachother in the au? sorry emu is my favorite character and emu tenma sounds so cute. i'd also like to know more about what's going on with the shinonomes
Of course!!
So, because we know very little about the Tenma parents, in my eyes they're: low key neglectful at worst, high key absent parents at best. A lot of responsibility falls onto Tsukasa as the oldest, especially now that he's a teenager and able to live on his own, even if not legally.
He takes his role as an older brother and caretaker seriously, and he's widely know by his neighbors for being this very polite, kind, gentleman. So they will offer him assistant if they see he needs it (such as when the elderly woman threatened Toya's dad and told Tsukasa to go back home to take care of his friend).
When Emu joined the family, it was meant as a temporary thing, she had other friends she could stay with, Kohane for example, but Tsukasa, Saki, and Toya all made her feel welcomed and loved, so she just, extended her stay until she she's either: ready to go home or wants to go live somewhere else.
Because they're all about the same age, Saki asks Emu when her birthday is. She knows Toya has been the Tenma baby so far. She wanted to see if that changed or not.
Well, Emu's birthday is in September, making her the new Tenma baby.
The Tenma siblings, specifically Tsukasa and Saki, are very close and consider their friends to be family. It's not rare to see one or both of them be worried about one of their friends, that's mainly what ended up getting Toya a permanent room in the Tenma household.
Emu, due to believing she wasn't going to stay permanently, believed she would just sleep on the couch. But she stays in Saki's room.
The Tenmas are a lot different from her family. The house is often filled with noise (she can hear Saki playing her keyboard, moreso since she went to that event with Ichika, she can hear Toya talking to someone, Akito perhaps? And she can hear Tsukasa's sewing machine as he works on costumes and customizing his own clothes). There's always at least one person who will greet her in the morning, at least one person who will listen to her ideas and help her try and work it out, even if it fails. There's this sense of trust between the siblings and Emu, that before long, she feels like she really is a part of the family.
So you can imagine how it felt for her when her bio siblings showed up, finally ready to listen, and at the end of it all, she can't forgive them. She can't go back with them. They don't ask her to, but the dynamic between the Otoris and the Tenmas is so different, and to Emu, the Tenmas are the better option. She felt safe, loved, like her feelings and desires and "childish dreams" mattered with the Tenmas. With her own family? Not so much.
Emu, Toya, Tsukasa, and Saki are essentially this big found family.
As for the Shinonomes, I think by now it's pretty well known that Shinei Shinonome isn't the best dad. He does things he believes are for the best for his kids, such as outright telling Ena that since she had no talent, she would never make it as an artist.
While they aren't as close as the Tenmas, Ena and Akito are still close and can rely on each other if the need comes to it.
It happened more as kids, but they would sneak into each others room when they needed the comfort.
Their dad just, almost always finds something wrong with what they like or what they want to do, and he'll often just tell them over and over why they should just give up just to follow it up with "but it's your decision" or "it's up to you." He's trying to make it seem like he's giving them the option, but his own "opinion" (if you can even call it that) is laid on so thick and heavy, it feels like he's just waiting for either Ena or Akito to finally admit he's right.
So, Ena decided one day, enough was enough, and that one day, as soon as she was able to legally, she would move out. She'd find a good paying job, open commissions, she'd do something to help pay rent.
And while she didn't have to, it didn't feel right to just abandon Akito with a man who didn't care about what he wanted in life. Ena could see how much music meant to her little brother. She could almost always make out the smile on his face whenever he was on his phone with his partner, Toya Aoyagi (who their dad seemed to dislike for some reason, Ena is fully convinced her dad is low key homophobic). She knew their dad was just as against Akito pursuing music as he was against her pursuing art.
Their dad would never stop saying things to "protect" them. If it was meant to "protect" them, why was it hurting them? Why was it invalidating what they wanted? Because they had no "natural talent?" Bullshit. BULL. SHIT.
Ena is preparing for the future. She's getting ready to run. To find real support. To find people who can help her improve and become a better artist than her dad. And she's taking her brother with her. They would cut contact with their dad and his "protection." She'd let Akito chase music and be with Toya if that's what makes him happy. She'd follow her own dream, find artists who can give her genuine critics and tips on how to improve rather than artists who tell her to give up because she has no talent. She was going to work hard to prove to Shinei that she doesn't need him. She doesn't need him to protect her or Akito. They would be fine on their own.
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yeuc-c · 8 months
alright time to ramble about my stupid au about axosun/regretevator + invader zim au (this is rlly cringe im sorry)
please lmk if its weird to add real people in the au !!! i apologize if it is wrong !!!!!
OK SO i believe the tallest (leaders) would be you and nicant, for some reason i believe nicant works best as second leader sooo idk maybe ???
and and and and the other devs would be elites !!!!! with the contributers being whatever rank is right below the elites ,,,,,,
wallter and mark would be builders of some kind or whatever, although wallter doesnt do his job most of the time and just plays the piano which is probably some stupid piano pest found and stole from earth (the stealing that pest does is NOT ALLOWED and he ends up almost getting his invader rank taken away lolz !!!)
pest would be an invader and instead of just conquering the earth he does that AND steals stuff he isnt allowed to steal, and yet again, almost gets his invader rank taken away !!!!!!! AND AND AND the leaders thought poob was STUPID sooo they sent them with pest instead of an actual sir unit because they didnt know what to do with poob ,,,,, (reference to the actual show ??? :ajgasp: )
i also think gnarpy would have a waayyyy higher role (and is favorited by afrm sooo afrm convinced the leaders to let xem be a higher rank or whatever)
clover would be a bunch of irken defects stitched together !!!!
fleshcousins would also be defects, ALL of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
andnnddndndddd theee symbol would be the axosun logo but like it would look more liek the irken symbol !!!
oh yeah and dr retro would still be a doctor because it works ,,
and again, please lmk if adding actual people in the au is bad !!! i will change it up just to be the regretevator npcs
AND glitch helped me with some of these :3
that is radical
ALSO adding the actual devs in as characters isn't bad BUT I would prefer if they were NPCs instead :3 otherwise, COOL ASF!!
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2-kamikou-1 · 11 months
other blogs:
@utaicon (edit blog)
@fashion-disaster-tournament (inactive tournament blog)
@prsk-bisexual-lighting-battle (inactive tournament blog)
@poll-side-blog (where i keep track of my polls)
@solid-heart-class (edit resource blog, eventual psd blog)
@even-if-its-a-dream-or-a-lie (flag blog, possibly eventual mogai blog)
@idol-mephisto (video edit blog)
@ena-spotted (exactly what it says on the tin)
@daily-mizurui (once again exactly what it says on the tin)
@junior-high-rui-official (jrhs rui rp blog)
@junior-high-ena-official (jrhs ena rp blog)
@riho-hasegawa-official (riho [mmj npc from tsunagu painful hope] rp blog)
@jail-x-break-official (rp blog for one of my units from my unit shuffle au, contains shizuku, mafuyu, ena and airi)
@jg-ena-official (rp blog for a unit shuffle au that is not mine but a mutuals')
@mrs-kamishiro-official (mamashiro rp blog)
@sweet-poppyseeds-official (another unit shuffle au rp blog. rui mizuki emu saki)
@future-rui-official & @future-mizuki-official (rp blogs for future mizurui. grouped together because they're engaged and live together so their blogs kind of follow each other closely)
@vandal-enanan (another ena rp blog for friends au)
@storybook-ena-official (another ena rp blog for a friend's au)
@devilish-kamishiro (demon rui rp blog, also for a friend's au)
@matsuro-ena-official (ena matsuro au rp blog)
@ask-shizuruikasa-official (shizuruikasa rp/ask blog)
@dokuro-rui-official (rui rp blog for my pandemonium au)
@vampire-mafuyu-official (vampire mafuyu blog for my au)
@werewolf-shizuku-official (werewolf shizuku for my au)
@nokebuzo-amia-official (mizuki from the same au as jg ena)
@remix-ena-official (mizuki from mutuals' shuffle au)
@ask-kamikou-official (kamikou ask blog. sometimes emu is here)
@transmasc-shizuku-hinomori (shizuku blog but egg (for now))
@cecaelia-rui-official (cecaelia rui rp blog for my au)
@cyberpunk-ena-official (cyberpunk ena for a friend's au)
@junior-high-shizuku-official (junior high shizuku rp blog)
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pink-tk-a-latte · 16 days
LOVELIES (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) and yuckies (O_O)
Welcome!! And what can I do for you today?
Tumblr media
(Wowow it’s like I’m a real sfw tickle blog— Here's what to know when requesting or interacting!!)
❆ Please don’t tap the glass!! It scares the ice cream 🍨 (interaction etiquette)
All of these SFW!!!!!!! If you talk to me about s3x I will throw up on you <3 Otherwise be as outlandish as you please!!
Questions and chit-chat? ✅
Loredumping about OCs? ✅
HCs? ✅
AUs? ✅ Will write for them if given information!!
RPing? ✅ If it's among friends and just for fun then sure!!
Non-fandom tk thoughts? ✅
Teases? ❌
Irl tk gifs? ❌
Photos/art with nudity? ❌
Uncredited art reposts? ❌ (I will find you)
Hate and harm? ❌
I encourage you to request rarepairs (or at least pairings with less content on here) and wlw ships or pairings with women ehehehe!!!!
Requests will likely be full-length fics (~1-1.5k words) unless a drabble is specifically asked for. Depends if the muse is right :]
❆ Smells fishy… (OFF THE TABLE!!)
Any s3xual, nsfw, k!nk, f3tish, non-con content
Proship/illegal ships
Old people lees, around 40+ (I’m sorry…) (excluding immortal characters who appear young)
Real people??
X Reader/OC x canon (unless it’s platonic? Or OC x OC)
Gore??????? (In- In a tk fic??) /jj
Open to discussion about most of these (except for those in red). If there is something I am uncomfortable with writing that is not listed here, we can talk about it!!
Some of my favs!!!!!! ♥︎
I’m up for writing basically any character or (legal) pairing/poly if you give me some guidance, but here are my favorites!!! Pretty much any platonic groups welcome!!!!
Sorry if you don’t know the ship names I made some of them up tehe
Bolds are the favs of my favs, pink is my fav of the favs of my favs!! If no pink, it’s probably bc I couldn’t choose. Starfished are the fandoms I’m most obsessed with/know the most about!!!
NOTE: I will include children and animals, but please keep in mind I do not think of them in a romantic, nsfw, or necessarily tickly way.
Genshin Impact 𓇼
Unfinished :( Have not played Sumeru onward!!
Kokomi, Ayaka, Miko, Gorou, Ei, Heizou, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Lumine, Venti, Amber, Fischl, Albedo, Razor, Noelle, Klee, Sucrose, Bennett, Furina, Sigewinne, Navia, Freminet, Lynette, Lyney, Chiori, Yanfei, Shenhe, Beidou, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Childe, Columbina, Arlecchino, Nahida, Collei, Cyno, Nilou, Kaveh, Layla, Faruzan, Dehya
Basically anything with Lumine or Kokomi… Kokorou, Ayalumi, Venlumi, Eimiko, Shenlumi, Beiguang, Yantao, Bennefischlrazor, Xingyun, Albecrose, Arlebina, Cynonari, Haikaveh, Scarachilde, Mikokomi, Ganqing, Neuvifuri, Furinavi, Tartalumi, Xiaother, Kazuscara, Kazuhei, Aember, Eulamber, Yunyan… and probably more
Fontaine Siblings, Albedo and Klee, Lumine and Aether, Collei and Amber, Collei and Cyno and Tighnari, Childe and fam, Beidou and Kazuha and Ningguang, Ganyu and Shenhe, Lisa and Razor, Xingqiu and Chongyun and Xiangling, Kokomi and Childe (lol)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!! + Fully read the manga!!
Nene, Hanako, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Mei, Sakura, Yako, Tsuchigimori, Sumire, Tiara, Mokke
Hananene, Mitsukou, Kounene, Hanakou, Aoinene, Sakunene, Terukane, Aoiaoi, Sumihaku
Minamoto Siblings, Yugi Siblings, Tsuchigimori and Hanako, Mitsuba and Nene
Project Sekai 𓇼
Fully read main story, not caught up on events.
As much as I love the vocaloids, I prefer writing for the human characters. I also probably won’t write for NPCs.
(I love them all 💕) Saki, Ichika, Honami, Shiho, Shizuku, Minori, Airi, Haruka, An, Kohane, Toya, Akito, Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, Nene, Kanade, Mizuki, Ena, Mafuyu
Polyneed, Shizumino, Minoharu, Shizuairi, Polyjump, Anhane, Akitoya, Polyvbs, Emukasa, Polysho, Polyniigo, Mafuena, Kanaena, Mizukana, Mizumafu + Fond of literally any non-unit romantic pairing except for Shizuku or Tsukasa with Leo/Need (they’re siblings)
Tenma Siblings (including Kanade, and Toya ofc), Hinomori Siblings, Shinonome Siblings, Leaders!!!!!
Bungou Stray Dogs 𓇼
Not as familiar with Cannibalism + Hunting Dogs arcs (I actually know nothing about the Rats in the House of Dead lmaooooo)
Have also read Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen and BEAST
Atsushi, Dazai, Kyouka, Kenji, Haruno, Chuuya, Higuchi, Gin, Kouyou, Q, Lucy, Louisa, Poe, Margaret, Twain, Aya, Sigma, Nikolai, Bram, Mizuki, Agatha, Teruko, Tecchou, Yuan
Atsulucy, Akuatsulucy, Ranpoe, Soukoku, SigSkk, Siglai, Sigzai, Higugin, Marthorne/Hawmitch, Suegiku, Loulu/Montcott, Kyoukenji (in a wholesome crushy way)
Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Dazai, Kouyou and Chuuya, Chuuya and like all of the kids, Aya and Bram, Tachihara and Teruko, Poe and Karl, Fukuzawa and Ranpo and Yosano, and all the factions!!
Bocchi the Rock! 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Bocchi, Nijika, Ikuyo, Ryo, Seika, Kikuri, Eliza
Polykessoku and every pairing in it
Bocchi and Kikuri, Ijichi Siblings
Lycoris Recoil 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Chisato, Takina, Kurumi, Erika
Chisataki, Eritaki, Sakufuki
Everyone in Cafe LycoReco
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K 𓇼
Fully watched the anime!!
Pretty much all of the Saiki Kusuo ships are qprs bc I do see him as aroace!!! 🖤💜🩶🤍💚
Saiki, Toritsuka, Aiura, Akechi, Yumehara, Kaidou, Hairo, Kuboyasu, Mera, Rifuta, Suzumiya
ToriSai, PolyPsychickers, SaiAi, SaiKechi, ImuTeru, SaiKai, YumeKai, KokoMiko, ChisaMiko, YumeAi, KuboKai, KuboKoko, KokoNen, KuboMeto, SatouHii, HaiNen
Saiki and everyone, Saikis, Saiki and Rifuta, Kaidous, Kokomi and Hairo, Kokomi and Saiki, PK Psychickers, Toritsuka and Aiura, Aiura and Akechi, Mera and Saiki, Saiki and Yuuta
Buddy Daddies
Fully watched the anime!!
Miri, Kazuki, Rei
Kazuki and Rei and Miri
Unfinished :(
Nana Komatsu, Nana Osaki, Nobuo, Reira, Shin, Yasu, Mai/Misato
Skip and Loafer
Unfinished :(
All of the characters!!!!
Six of Crows 𓇼
Fully read the books!!
Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Matthias
Polycrow, Kanej, Wysper, Ninej, MatthiNina
Unfinished :( (I only know the story of the first volume cuz I still don’t have Crunchyroll 😭😭)
Teru, Iko, Stigma, Piltz
Pokémon 𓇼
It’s gonna get way too complicated if I try to list every character I like… I’ll just say the games I’ve played
Ultra Moon, Sun, Y, Legends Arceus
XY and XYZ, Journeys
MoonLily (yeah I’m obsessed with them), SereShauna (games)
Little Nightmares (I and II)
The kids :))
Mono and Six
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Fully watched the show!! I’ve also watched TLOK and I love Korrasami!!!
All of the main kids :)))) Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Yue
Kataang, Mailee, Sokki, Maiko, Zukka (eugh… flashbacks)
The Gaang, Zuko and Aang, Iroh and the kids, Zuko and Azula, Sokka and Katara
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Fully watched the show!!
All of them :)))) Scorpia, Entrapta, Melog LMAO
All of the canon ones :DDDD Catradora, Glimbow, Scorfuma, Entrapdak, Spinetossa
Super Pal Trio
The Owl House
Unfinished :( Have not seen season 3 (I don’t have Disney+ 😭)
I like… all of them!!!! No like actually I like all of them
Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda
Owl family, Noceda family, Blight siblings
Alien Stage 𓇼
Fully watched!!
Mizi, Sua, Hyuna, Ivan, Till
Mizisua, Ivantill, Mizitill but in an unrequited love way lol
Any and all platonic pairings!!!!!
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Unfinished :( But I’ve already been spoiled for the rest of the story lololol
Tanjirou, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sabito, Makomo, Urokodaki, Rengoku, Muichiro, Aoi, Tamayo, Kanae
Zentan, Zennezu, Tankana, Inoaoi, Inozentan, Kananezu, Shinomitsu, Obamitsu, Sabigiyuu, Zenkana
Zenitsu and Kanao, Kamado family, Kamaboko squad, Kocho sisters, Urokodaki children, Hashiras, Tamayo and Yushiro
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archer-world · 9 months
more worldbuilding for redesign au: NPCs
there are Units, which are characters in Gacha World that have battle stats, specialized elements, and abilities.
there are also characters that don't have these in their character files.
NPCs are usually characters that fill up space in a crowd/audience, or act as shopkeeps, and aren't available to the user (in this case, the Summoner) for battle. they can be interacted with, but aren't recruit-able.
the NPC role can change depending on the needs of the game- a Unit can temporarily obtain the role NPC when necessary. prime examples are Cyko and Magy, who cannot be used in training battles under their own sparring programs (they train independently, or on enemies outside of their programs).
NPCs can also get updates to their coding via their Creator to add battle stats and aforementioned skills.
most NPCs do not have battle stats to calculate against in-game damage and therefore cannot be killed through in-game means. they do not require respawn areas but must use the transport stations to get to other maps like Units do.
non-sentient enemies like bats, dragons, robots, and ghosts are considered NPCs with battle stats and can be killed. most are killed permanently and cannot be brought into other maps with the transport stations unless claimed as a familiar/pet.
like IRL hunting, some killing of nonsentient enemies is necessary to maintain peace and safety for GW residents, and encourages Units to continue training and getting stronger. often times, training Units will cull weaker enemies to encourage stronger enemies to reproduce/respawn.
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