#Shuu when he doesn’t get his way: i am going to kill myself
gunkbaby · 6 months
Been listening to the Smiths lately and my dad thinks Shuu would like them.
Debatable but I do think Shuu Tsukiyama the type of guy to unironically compare himself to Joan of Arc
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts on the balcony of the Sakamaki Castle
Laito: Ugh...
ーー All I could do was stand there dumbfounded and stare,
as I slowly watched her disappear out of view. 
Laito: ( Why!? ...I couldn’t release my powers on the spotーー )
( How come!? )
Wait...! Now’s not the time to space out...
ー Laito jumps down the balcony as well
Laito: ーー Bitch-chan!!
ー He begins looking around for her
Laito: Bitch-chan...!!
( Knowing from how high up she fell...A human like herself shouldn’t stand a chance... )
( Could it be...Did she die!? )
That...has to be a lie...ーー It’s not true...!!
Yui: Uuーー
( Ugh...I...Those crows dragged me down the balconyーー )
Yui: !!
( My body hurts... )
???: ーー The Princess has been spotted~
Yui: Kuh...
Kino: Ahーahー Looks painful. But...Sorry? You’re going to have to sleep for a bit longerーー
ー Kino knocks her unconscious
Yui: Uu...
ー The screen fades to black
Yui: ( Kino-kun? Shouldn’t he be locked inside the dungeon...? What on earth...is going on...? )
ー The scene shifts back to Laito
Laito: ーー It’s no use, she’s nowhere to be found...
Where...could she have gone...?
( ...Is this my fault? )
Laito: ...!? Bitch-chan!?
Ayato: ...Laito?
Laito: Oh...Oh, it’s you, Ayato-kun...
Ayato: What do you mean? ...Or rather, why are you out here bein’ all dumbfounded...?
Laito: No reason in particular. 
Ayato: ‘No reason in particular’, my ass! It’s pretty obvious that somethin’ happened. 
ーー By the way, where is Chichinashi? I don’t see her ‘round anywhere.
Laito: ...
Ayato: Don’t tell meーー
Laito: ...Aah, just shut up already! It’s none of your business, is it!?
Ayato: Uwah...!!
ー Ayato is sent flying backwards
Laito: ...Damnit...Why is it that now my powers decide to workーー
( How come? Why...couldn’t I unleash them when I was trying to rescue her just now...? )
Ayato: Fuck...I’ve had just ‘bout enough of your bullshit...
Laito: ...
Ayato: Don’t ignore me!!
ー Ayato punches his brother
Laito: Ugh...!!
ー Laito collapses
Ayato: Hahーー Loser!? You can have all the powers in the world, when it comes down to it, I’m still stronger!
So stop actin’ like some spoiled brat forever!
Laito: ...!!
Ayato: Even if you hate me to the point of wanting to kill me...You’ll always be my lil’ bro!
I just want to be there for you...when shit’s goin’ down, that’s all...!
Laito: Mind your own business...
Ayato: Fair enough. It’s not exactly my style either.
But you know...I don’t want to end up feelin’ like shit ‘cause I pretended not to see it...like I once did already.
Laito: ...
Ayato: I’ll admit that Kanato and I had you take one for the team. We’re well aware of that.
But all we want is for you to understand that we don’t think that was the right thing to do. 
I’ve been wanting to get that off my chest for the longest time butーー
Laito: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Iーー
Shuu: ーー Pwaah...
Ayato: Aah!? Shuu?
Laito: How long have you been there...?
Shuu: Since quite some time. But I woke up because you two just wouldn’t shut up. 
Ayato: ...
Laito: ...
Shuu: ...Why don’t you call it quits? 
I know it’s none of my business but...You can’t change the past.
ーー I know that very well myself. 
So fighting about it is a waste of time for both parties involved, don’t you think? 
Laito: ...Look who’s actually sounding like an older brother for once...
Shuu: Well. It’s not like...I’ve forgotten all about the past either.
Ayato: Che.
Shuu: Anyway, right now we should worry about what happened to her first, right?
Laito: ...If you know that well what’s going on, you should have just lend me a hand already.
Shuu: Heh. Look who’s actually sounding like the younger brother for once now.
Laito: ...
Shuu: Let’s go.
ー The scene shifts to Yui waking up
Yui: Ughーー
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( My body aches... )
ー She finds herself in an unknown manor
Yui: Where am I...?
( Where could this place be...? It doesn’t ring a bell... )
( Right, I...Kino-kun must have surely brought me here...after knocking me out cold. )
( Laito-kun...Is he alright? I’m worried... )
( When I fell down, for some reason...Something seemed off about him...? )
( Like he tried to rescue me, but couldn’t... )
( Laito-kun...What are you up to right now...? )
→ He’s searching for me (❦)
Yui: ( I’m sure that...He’s searching for me. )
→ I’ve already been forgotten 
Yui: ( ーー He might have long forgotten about me already... )
( Perhaps that’s why, back then...He didn’t immediately save me... )
( Hold up, there’s no way. ...I should have faith in him. )
( I’m sure...There’s an explanation for it... )
Yui: ( I better get out of this place as soon as possible. )
I cannot get the image of Laito-kun fading into the distance out of my head. 
For some reason, he looked dumbfounded. 
My mind is still a bit foggy, and I have trouble fully grasping the situation,
but one thing I know for sure,
which is that Laito-kun did not use his powers. 
Still, I am convinced,
that he attempted to rescue me. 
I mean, that was rather obvious from the expression on his face. 
That is exactly why I am so worried about him. 
If he attempted to save me but ultimately failed to do so (助けられなかった),
then someone as emotionally sensitive as himself, 
might once again lose hope (後ろ向き)ーー 
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can you write promp 15 to Shuu tsukiyama :) Thank you I love your writings.
I love my writing as well😉. No, but seriously guys. If it wouldn't be for my passion to write, I would have gone on a hiatus the moment I found out that I was being shadowbanned.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, clinginess, manipulation, paranoia, mentioning of kidnapping, catcalling, sexual harassment, blood, killing, Shuu being a sadist to the victim, eccentricity (?)
Prompt 15: “Shh princess… don’t cry over this scum, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
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"Kanae!! What happened to her?!?! Why is she crying?!?!"
You hadn't wanted to burst out in tears like this, but replaying the scene in your head over and over again like a movie had caused you unimaginable frustration and embarrassment. Now you remembered why you hated people so much, they were all just greedy and disgusting jerks. Calling you such nasty names in public and daring to go as far as following you. If Kanae wouldn't have been there with you, you didn't even want to imagine what might have happened to you.
"My poor princess! What happened?! Tell me!"
Furious tears were falling down your face, even though you had wiped them away already countless times before. You were not in a very good mood at the moment, you felt quite etchy at the moment. And that was what caused annoyance washing over you when you heard Shuu's cooing words, taking quick steps towards you to comfort you somehow. You knew what would come now. Another smothering session of his. Something you didn't need in the least bit right now. What you needed was time. Alone.
You still tried to stay as calm as possible, not wanting to make a huge scene that would only gain you more annoying attention. All the servants were honestly so much like their master, they all appeared to be overly dramatic when it came to you, the only real exception was Mirumo.
So when you suddenly stepped back from Shuu, lips pressed together and a mixed look out of sadness and anger on your face, you knew that you had hurt him. It was all too obvious judging from his wide eyes, confusion and pain already reflecting in them, and the way he had frozen when you had suddenly put a distance between you two. The hand, which he had extended, was staying in the air, shaking slightly. As always, he was overreacting.
“(y/-y/n)…What did I-“
“You did nothing Shuu. You didn’t do anything. I just wish to be alone right now. So I ask you to do me the favor and leave me alone for once. If you don’t, I might say things to you that will hurt you and which I don’t mean. Don’t test my patience for now.”
You were surprised by your own tone of voice, you sounded extremely rude, annoyance dripping from your voice like venom. It was hard to keep a calm and collected voice under such conditions. But for the reason of you having been well raised and well treated by the people in this place, you wanted to return the favor by doing the same.
You just stormed past both, Kanae and Shuu, without saying a single word, chewing furiously on your lips whilst the voice of the man kept ringing in your head. You felt like you wanted to smash something to relieve yourself of the ocean of emotions inside of you. Today had been the wrong day to convince Shuu with the help of his father to let you out without him.
“Master (y/n)!”, you heard Kanae yelling after you, followed by a thud sound that caused you to turn around shortly, feeling slightly startled by the sudden noise. But you were left feeling a bit surprised when seeing that your company for the last few hours had gone done to her knees, forehead pressed against the floor of the mansion and bowing deeply down in front of you.
“I can never forgive myself for not being able to help you. I failed you! I’m so sorry! It’s all because of my own foolishness and incompetence that you had to go through all of this!”
Her voice was shaking and you guessed that she would break out in tears at any moment, she was just as theatrical as your partner was.
“Kanae, it’s not your fault. We were under too many people, you couldn’t have done more than you did already. And that was already a big help. Also, please don’t refer to me as your master, I don’t like it when I’m being called this way. I see you as a friend, so that makes things always a bit awkward when you call me your master.”
Only the fading and fast footsteps of yours were heard in the silence which followed afterwards, leaving two people left dwelling on what had just happened. Shuu, who was staring with still shocked eyes at the stairs where you had just walked up, and Kanae, who was still remaining in her humble position. Somewhere upstairs the rather loud slam of a door was heard, indicating that you had just entered your room.
Even her master seemed to be left flabbergasted by this sudden change of events, although tears were already starting to fill his eyes. It was not as much because of your rejecting behavior towards him, although that had hurt as well. No, it was because someone had upset his little dove so that she had cried and he hadn’t been there to protect her.
“So eine Scheiße!”, the girl suddenly shouted furiously and frustrated, slamming her head against the floor harshly as if wanting to punish herself.
By now she had bursted out in tears, drops splashing to the ground. “What am I good for when I couldn’t even keep her safe and this-this disgrace away from her?! Now she is angry! Please forgive me Master Shuu. You chose me because you trusted me to protect her, but I was the wrong person to choose.”
The last few sentences of her were told much more softer than the previous ones, only proving to Shuu that Kanae felt beyond miserable for what had happened. But it didn’t answe his question! It only made him more anxious.
What had happened whilst he hadn’t been there?! Who the duck dared to make his lovely darling cry?! Who?!
“Would you just please tell me what happened?!”, he yelled at the servant, his string of patience snapping right then and there and leading him into raising his voice.
Kanae flinched when hearing him shouting at her, the panic in his voice overwhelming her even more. It was all because of her that her master would have to go through the same pain as you as well. How should she even start explaining what had happened without him losing it right away?
“Mast-I mean (y/n)…She has been catcalled! And I was unable to take proper care of this threat! Watching this bastard…It was disgusting! Enraging! This rotten mouth of his…The things he called after her, I wish I could have gouged his tongue out! And he even had the audacity to follow her through the city, using every opportunity he had to spit more gross words out! And (y/n) had to endure all of this without losing her self-restraint. She even had to stop me. She stood her ground without breaking down in front of him. She was so admirable. I should have taken an example on her.”
The confession of the truth hurt, having to go through it all again hurt. Her master’s darling had been so brave, so perfectly in control of her emotions, so empathetic to rather let herself get humiliated instead of risking to let Kanae get triggered and reveal that she was a ghoul in the center of the city. And (y/n) still saw her as a friend! She was so kind. No wonder Master Shuu was so madly in love with her.
After that the ghoul waited for some reaction from him, shouting, yelling, crying, lashing out on her, anything. But nothing came. Instead another silence befell both of them, coming with a creepy feeling. An almost paralyzing feeling that made the violet-haired girl stay on the ground. The air felt like it was weighting her down. She knew this feeling.
"So you're telling me that ma chérie is crying because some walking useless trash thought that he could use her and play her for his own entertainment?"
His voice was beyond spine-chilling, spoken like a true lunatic. His voice sounded for the most part quieter than expected, though it was trembling slightly. But what made her body nearly forget to function out of terror was the icy blood lust in it, like he was on the brink of insanity.
Barely, only barely did Kanae manage to lift her head, enough to catch a glimpse of his face. It only made her break out in cold sweat more. She thanked the heaven that he wasn't looking at her right now, instead staring in the empty space, a murderous grin on his face. His eyes were wide, reflecting the craziness inside of him perfectly. Just by looking at him was enough for Kanae to know that he was tearing the culprit in his mind currently to a bloody and deforedly mess. Her master was thinking like her, she had planned on doing the same. But she hadn't looked that unnerving.
"As much as I would love to torture and rip this waste of oxygen right now, this will have to wait. My princess needs me right now."
The sudden change in his whole personality was delightening yet also the slightest bit stunning for Kanae to witness, how he went from psychopathic sadist to his normal dramatic and lovesick self.
"W-wait! C-can I do something, anything to make somehow up for my failure?", Kanae stuttered out, stopping Shuu from crossing the stairs with huge steps. She had to do something, she felt truly feeble.
Shuu noticed her still majorly guilty expression, giving her a small sympathetic smile. "Don't work yourself up to hard over it now. (y/n) was only right. You would have only done much worse if you would have let lost control then and there. You already did a better job than I did in keeping composure. For now just tell the others to prepare dinner, (y/n)'s favorite. And also..."
The sudden drop in Shuu's voice and his face was a dead giveaway what he wanted to say next. "Let's meet later outside when my darling is sleeping. I believe we have something to take care of, don't we?"
That alone was enough to make Kanae stand up, the anger and feeling of helplessness scratching her feeling of self-esteem. Her master knew that she had a score to settle as well after having only been able to watch. She felt grateful that he took that into reconsideration even though she had let this happen in the first place.
"It would be my pleasure to be from any help. I feel honored that you still chose me."
"Why are you here? I think I told you I want to be alone.", you shot out after Shuu had simply knocked and entered your room without permission, giving you nearly no time to wipe away all the tears on your cheeks. You hated crying in front of people, you hated looking weak and vulnerable and being it as well. That's why you always wanted to be alone when you felt like crying.
"You expect me to just stand away when my dove clearly needs someone right now?! You were just sexually harassed and want me to leave you alone?! Forget it!"
His reaction was what you had seen coming, the paranoia coloring his face being all too obvious and he looked distressed as well. Shuu wasn't good in handling something like this at all, not when it had you being in any sort hurt involved.
"Go away. I look terrible right now.", you just said without replying to what he had just said, though this had been a rhetorical question. You didn't look very good right now, tears smearing all over your face, your eyes reddened and puffy and your nose running due to all the crying.
"That doesn't matter to me. For me you look beatiful no matter what, even if you cry."
Despite feeling upset, you managed to let a chuckling scoff out when you heard the man saying this, still not being completely used to his more cheesy lines. But right now he probablly had the intention to cheer you up.
"Good grief, you're really too much. Let go of me.", you replied slightly ironically in between your sobs when he suddenly just clinged to you, wrapping you up in his arms. It wasn’t uncomfortable though, his hug was warm and managed to soothe you a bit.
You actually shouldn’t feel this way, not in the arms of the man who used to torment and hurt you out of pure and utter sadistic fun. Back then it had just been horror for you. And only thanks to his well-mannered father things had changed for you, only then. You owed Mirumo for that more than you could effort, but his only request had been staying, knowing the attachment his son had for you would never perish. But at the same time you had the feeling his father had helped his son as well, causing you to get along with him better and better until you had started to forget where acting stopped and where real feelings were showing.
“Shh princess…don’t cry over this scum, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
He had a point. That asshole had wanted to get under your skin which was the second reason you had stayed strong in front of him. But you were human as well, you had feelings which could be hurt. You were currently hurt which was why you needed some sort of comfort right now and Shuu provided it. Maybe a bit too much.
You estimated that you needed about five minutes until you had calmed somewhat down, though the after effects from your crying session still shook your body every once in a while. But you felt the tiniest bit less shitty.
“I think I’m feeling better now. Thank you…Shuu.”, you told him softly, feeling your cheeks warming up the tiniest bit.
He just let out a content ‘hmm’, his chin resting on your shoulder and his one hand playing with your hair a bit. He didn’t look like he had any intentions to move despite you giving him the look. You had a rather silly bad feeling.
“Do you want to let me go?”
“Never. At least not until the dinner is prepared.”
“Shuu.”, you protested slightly, pushing him a bit against the chest which turned out to be good for nothing. He didn’t budge. Instead you could almost see with your inner two eyes on the back of your head that he was grinning upon your attempt to remove him.
“Oh well. I’ll let him have it his way. He deserves it.”
Kanae was walking, as quietly as possible, nervously back and forth. She would never blame her master for anything at all, but maybe she just felt extremely uneasy right now that she wanted to leave desperately. Tokyo was huge and finding one single man would be hard, though she remembered the few broken pieces of informations she had heard when the man had been taken away from some other people who seemed to know him.
“I have to avenge (y/n) or else I’ll never be able to feel like I deserve this happiness.”, the girl thought bitterly, intending to bring suffering over this piece of garbage.
“You seem rather impatient. Believe me, I am just as eager as you are, though we shouldn’t waste too much time with this sad excuse of a man.”
Kanae quickly turned around, anticipation shining from her eyes when she saw Shuu appearing from the shadows, already having put on fitting clothes and holding his mask in his hand.
“I apologize, I simply couldn’t bring myself to leaving my princess alone. She looked too gorgeous to not marvel over. That’s why I want to speed this all up, I want to return to her as fast as possible. It of course doesn’t mean I intend to let this person easily of the hook.”
He chuckled a bit, for a few moments softness dominating his face when recalling the sweet memories of his darling sleeping peacefully. But in the blink of an eye he changed, the lust to kill someone taking over him and twisting his face into something entirely else.
“Kanae, do you know where we should start?”
His voice was terrifying, his feelings and intentions dripping freely from it and a malicious glint shining in his eyes. Not like Kanae minded, her own face being overshadowed by her negative feelings.
“Yes, I do have an idea.”
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [MANIAC 09]
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Location: Kaminashi City ;; Park
Sharon: Haah, haah...
( I came here without thinking but... )
( Perhaps I shouldn’t have ran away like that. )
( After all, there was some truth in Shuu-san’s words as well. Perhaps I have really gone somewhat delusional from this whole exerpience. )
( However, I really thought thatーー )
Sharon: ...!? 
W-Who’s there...!?
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???: Please don’t be alarmed. I’m not here to hurt you.
A figure steps from behind the bushes.
???: So you actually came.
Sharon: ... 
( This man...Is he the one who sent me that message? )
( He’s a lot younger than I expected. He only looks slightly older than I am. )
Sharon: This letter. Are you the one who wrote it?
???: Correct. I’m glad it found its way to you! I spotted you feeding that cat a few times, but it was still a gamble nevertheless. 
Sharon: Then this photo as well...? Where did you get it!? Did you know my mother!?
???: Oh, my apologies! I have yet to introduce myself, right?
Ahem. My name is Sousuke. Sousuke Takeshita.
Sharon: Take...shita?
( The same surname as...dad!? )
( No, no, no...It’s a very common name! It could be a coincidence! )
Sousuke: My father and your father were brothers. Which makes usーー
Sharon: ...Cousins.
Sousuke: Exactly! I’m so happy I finally found you!
Sharon: W-Why...? I was always told I had no other family.
Sousuke: Well, that doesn’t surprise me. 
However, this is no place to chat. Why don’t you follow me to the nearby Church? We can sit down with a nice cup of tea and I’ll tell you everything.
 About your past, and your parents.
Sharon: ( Can I trust this guy...? All of this seems so sudden. )
( However, this might be my one and only chance to find out more about the family I never knew I had. )
( ーー It’s not like I have much to lose anyway. )
After following Sousuke to the Church,
he handed me a photo album. 
Inside were many pictures of my dad,
together with various other people whom are my relatives,
yet their faces were completely unknown to me.
However, that was not the most shocking thing I was told.
What Sousuke would tell me next,
would turn my whole world upside down.
Location: Kaminashi City ;; Church
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Sharon: ーー V-Vampire hunters!? 
Sousuke: Exactly. The Takeshita family used to be the most active and well-known family of Vampire hunters in all of Eastern Japan. 
Our great grandfather in particular really made a name for himself.
Sharon: Then...Dad as well?
Sousuke: ...Unfortunately, uncle never agreed with the activities of Vampire Hunters. 
I was still very young when this happened, but I remember how my own Father had a big fight with him.
Ever since, he broke ties with the whole family and I never saw him again. 
Sharon: I had no idea...
Sousuke: Of course not. You were still in your mother’s belly back then!
Sharon: Eh? Then how did you get that picture?
Sousuke: Uncle sent it to us shortly after you were born. I suppose it was his final attempt at trying to show the rest of the family that there’s more in this world than hunting Vampires.
I remember father was going to rip it apart but...I stopped him.
Even though I was only a child back then, I was still happy knowing my little niece was born! 
It also didn’t feel fair for you, who had done nothing wrong, to be punished for your parents crimes.
Sharon: D-Dad didn’tーー!
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Sousuke: Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have worded it that way, huh? 
However, I can’t say I agree with your father’s decision. He would call us Vampire hunters cruel and heartless, and said that we were no better than the ‘monsters’ we claimed to kill.
Sharon: ...
Sousuke: I’m sure you’ve experienced it for yourself, haven’t you? I can’t imagine what it must be like to live with those filthy beasts. 
But don’t worry, you’re safe now.
Sharon: ...You’re wrong.
Sousuke: Excuse me?
Sharon: They’re notーー!
Sharon suddenly jumps up, clenching her fists.
Sousuke: Nozomー
Sharon: ...Don’t call me that!! My name’s Sharon!
Nozomi is gone. She died when my parents did. 
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Sousuke: Please, I’m sure you’re just confused. You’ve suffered so much at the hands of those monsters. 
But you have a chance to regain your freedom now! Together, we can slay those heartless Vampires andーー
Sharon: Don’t talk as if you know anything about them!
They may be cruel and selfish at times but...They’re no monsters.
The way Subaru-kun looked at those roses and the sadness reflected in his eyes...That wasn’t the face a monster would make. 
Or when Shuu-san sat there shivering in the corner of the music room, my voice not even reaching him. Someone truly heartless could not experience fear like that.
Sousuke: I’m sorry? I don’t quite understand what you’re saying...?
Sharon: ーー Basically! Vampires and humans aren’t all that different from each other. 
If both parties tried a little harder to sympathize with the other, I’m sure we could come to a mutual understanding.
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Sousuke: ...Heh.
I see. You really are your father’s daughter, aren’t you?
ーー Both of you are a disgrace to this family!!
Sousuke suddenly jumps up and pulls out his gun from underneath his coat.
Sharon: ...Eh?
Sousuke: I was looking forward to finally meeting you after all those years. 
However, it seems like I was too late. 
You were right. My niece - Nozomi - no longer exists. 
I suppose you’ve spent too much time with those monsters, you’re just as tainted now!
Sharon: ...!!
( I want to run but...My legs refuse to move...I’m completely frozen on the spot. )
Sousuke: In which case, it’s my duty as a Vampire hunter to put you out of your misery, don’t you think? 
Sharon: ( ...It’s too late! )
( I’m going to get killed! )
Sousuke: ーー Goodbye, Sharon.
While Sousuke’s finger hooked around the gun’s trigger,
I tightly closed my eyes, frozen in fear.
Yet, somewhere deep down,
I felt almost relieved. 
Perhaps like this, I would finally be able to atone for my sins,
and reunite with my parents in Heaven. 
However, would someone like me still be allowed up there? 
I suppose I would find the answer to that question soon enough,
as a loud bang echoed through the Church. 
ーー MANIAC 09: END ーー
<- [ Maniac 08 ] [ Maniac 10 ] ->
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Sumire and shuus route (demo) maniac 7
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Scene is inside the school entrance 
Reiji- ah..! Sumire-san I finally found you,
Sumire- …hm…? Reiji-sama…? What is it… I need to go find Shuu-sama to bring him home…
Reiji- tch.. still hanging around that deadbeat? Honestly you baby him way to much
Haah.. whatever the case I need you to help me run some errands to the store I’d do it myself but I only have two hands and we need quite a bit after kanato’s sugar spree
Sumire- …store…? What is a store…? Is it a place…? A object…? A thing…?
Reiji- you really are hopeless.. must I explain every little thing to you? Honestly.. it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what it is all I need you to do is carry things for me understand?
Sumire- …Carry things….? If that is what you’d like me to do then… I shall do it…!
Reiji- I figured you’d say that, not that i was asking you, so come on the city isn’t to far from the school-
Sumire- …but I need to go find Shuu-sama… first.. he’s quite forgetful to get up and come home… So I need to go find him and bring him to a safe place…. Could you wait just a moment…
Reiji- uh.. bring him to safety? Are you joking?
Sumire- …I do not remember making this thing called a joke…. If you want I can make one…
Reiji- do you honestly think you need to carry him around? Honestly it just comes to show how pathetic you humans are, he’s a grown man he can get up if he wants to,
Sumire- …?… I am aware that he is grown but Shuu-sama tends to sleep on the floor… he could get hurt… like get trampled on…! Or worse… I do not want Shuu-sama to be in danger… so please just wait a moment….
Reiji- haven’t I said this just a minute ago? I don’t have time to wait around for stupid things such as that, you don’t need to mother the damm guy. It’s not like he didn’t get enough “motherly love” when we were children, he doesn’t need your attention nor your sympathy
So come along now like I said I don’t have all day to wait for you..-
*reiji takes sumires wrist in his hand*
Sumire- …ah….! Reiji-sama… please just wait a moment…! I promise I will not be long… it will only take a minute… reiji-sama…! Reiji-sama let go……!
Reiji- guh..!
*sumire pulls her arm back*
Sumire- …I said it will take a minute…. Please do not grab me like that… I will be right back….!
*sumire runs off*
Reiji- ah..! Wait just a moment..! Er..
She should be happy I’m even asking her.. haah.. I have no choice but to wait.. honestly this is such a waste of time..
*scene changes to rooftop*
Sumire- ..uh… ah..! (..there he is…! I had a feeling he would be here… and he’s sitting up…! Wonderful…!)
Shuu-sama…! Shuu-sama…!
Shuu- ah..? What do you want..
Sumire- …I am glad I found you…! I was worried you were on the floor dead…. that would not be good…
..please come home with me…. We have to hurry though… and I won’t be able to walk all the way with you because I need to do something…. So please make it home safely….
Shuu- hah? You came to me for something as stupid as that? You don’t need to baby me..
In whatever case.. what would you of all people would have to do?
Sumire- …well… reiji-sama asked me to go to this thing called a store… to grab these things called groceries…. But I wanted to make sure you were safe first…
Shuu- …
Your going to the store with that guy? You got weird taste to hang around that guy,
Sumire- …?.. but I never tasted reiji-sama… even if I did.. I think he would taste fine…
Shuu- heeh… lewd girl telling me about tasting another man..
Sumire- …?.. I am not lewd I am sumire…
Even so.. please get home safely… I will see you when we get home… okay Shuu-sama…-
*sumire begins to walk off*
Shuu- oi.. 
Sumire- ..hm…?
Shuu- I’ll come with you guys.. I need to grab something anyways as annoying as it is to go get..
Sumire- …really… amazing…! It makes me happy to know Shuu-sama is coming with us… come on… let’s go…
*sumire takes shuus hand*
Sumire- ..come on…
*scene changes to school entrance*
Reiji- ..ah.. finally you seemed to have taken your sweet time, you should feel happy I waited if I didn’t need another set of hands then I would left by now-
..you have that eyesore with you..
Sumire- ..mhm…! Shuu-sama said he wants to come with us to this place called.. “store”….
Shuu- don’t make such a big deal out of it..
Reiji- him? The deadbeat who does nothing but sleep all day..? Wants to go to the store? What did you give him to make him want to do that?
Sumire- …I didn’t give Shuu-sama anything at all… if I did then it could mean he could be in danger and… I do not want that…
Reiji- well you must have to make him want to do something for himself,
If I’m going to be completely honest, he might just be doing this because he’s actually feeling something other then sleep.. jealousy am I wrong?
Shuu- ..?.. I don’t understand what your saying nor do I care.. let’s just get this over with..
Reiji- if it means I don’t have to be around you as soon as possible then I suppose we should hurry..
Sumire- …hm,.
Reiji- do try and keep up, I know you humans are quite slow
Sumire- …understood…
*scene changes to the city*
Sumire- … (…this is… a bit… well.. I’m not sure how to explain it but… Shuu-sama and reiji-sama’s aura… is.. unsettling to say the least.. They have been glaring at each other… and arguing… I’m not sure what to say…)
Shuu- just shut up.. it’s like all you ever do is nag at every little thing.. it’s a pain in my ass..
Reiji- hah? Well I’m sorry that I care about our reputation.. do you make no effort to make yourself look presentable? Your gonna ruin our name, it truly makes me wonder how your the oldest of the family..
Shuu- it’s called getting married and making a child dumbass.. it just so happened to be who’s the oldest..
Reiji- tch..
Shuu- ..mm…
Sumire- … (…this is fine.. I am fine with being between this scary aura…. I am fine… aha..)
Shuu- uh..
Reiji- my god are you that much of a klutz? I shouldn’t be surprised since you don’t do anything that you could even have the strength to pick things such as a book.. good grief
Shuu- I didn’t pick it up I bumped into the shelf making it fall.. seems like your glasses don’t do much for you to not catch that.. speaking of which do you even need those or are those just for show?
Reiji- why would I have them on if I didn’t need them you deadbeat
Shuu- whatever..
Reiji- tch..
Shuu- …
Sumire- … (…this is not fine… I am not fine with being between this scary aura… I not fine… Uu…)
..hm…? Ah…! What is this…
Reiji- hm..? What is what..?
Sumire- …this thing… it’s in a bag
Reiji- well it’s a bag of chips.. you don’t know what those are?
Sumire- …chips…? I have not heard of such a thing… is it food….?
Reiji- well I think that should be obvious we’re in a food section
Sumire- …wow… such a strange thing… food in a bag… how funny…
Reiji- ..?… haah.. come on.. read what we need off the list
Sumire- …hm…? Shuu-sama.. the list…
Shuu- ..zz…
Sumire- …Shuu-sama do not fall asleep standing… I don’t think that’s comfortable….
Reiji- oi..! Don’t fall asleep in the store you idiot…!
Shuu- ah…! ..ow..
Tch.. no need to hit me you ass..
Reiji- well then don’t fall asleep in a store
Ahh.. I’m not to have to wash my hands with bleach now.. now give Sumire the list I don’t trust you with it
Shuu- it’s a list how can you not.. whatever.. oi you.. here..
*shuu passes Sumire the paper*
Shuu- ..uh…
Reiji- my god what now,
Shuu- Sumire.. she’s.. she’s gone..
Reiji- what do you mean she’s gone? How can she be gone she was here just a minute ago..-
She’s gone..
Shuu- ..wow… I didn’t realize.. it’s not like I didn’t say that just a second ago.. wait to go genius
Reiji- silence, go on go find her! I can’t have her go missing right now..
Shuu- ah? Why do I have to do it?
Reiji- because I have to watch the cart.. now hurry up! I don’t have all day
Shuu- ..haah.. I’m to tried for this shit..
*shuu walks off*
*scene changes to a different area in the store*
Shuu- ..what a pain.. where is she..?
..mm.. there you are..
Sumire- …..
Shuu- oi..
Sumire- ….
Shuu- ..tch… oi Rapunzel..!
Sumire- …hmm…? Ah…! Shuu-sama… hello…
Shuu- running off like that.. that guy forced me to go look for you.. you really are a pain in the ass to deal with..
Sumire- …oh.. forgive me… i saw these things…. I couldn’t help but look at them… there really pretty… what are they…?
Shuu- ..you stopped just to look at some jewellery? Guess you really are like every normal teenage girl..
Sumire- …this is jewellery…? I see… I haven’t seen any that look like this… there truly beautiful…
…I really like this one… it’s blue… it makes me think of Shuu-sama’s eyes…
Shuu- …?.. weirdo.. you always seem to like anything that looks like me.. it’s weird
Sumire- …why wouldn’t I… Shuu-sama is very amazing… I really like him…. So why wouldn’t I call in love with things that look like him… I truly love him…
Shuu- …
Love? You really are stupid
Sumire- …I know…
Shuu- whatever.. you can whatever you like.. just don’t blame me if you get hurt or.. killed
Sumire- ….if I have to die if it means to keep Shuu-sama happy then I will die…
Shuu- tch.. ..whatever… come on let’s go home…
*shuu grabs sumires forearm and pulls her up*
Sumire- …shouldn’t we go back to reiji-sama….? He could get hurt… I do not want him to…-
Shuu- if he gets hurt it’s not our issue.. plus I heard it’s gonna rain so I know your gonna freak out of you get your hair wet..
Sumire- ..rain… that thing that pours water from the sky…? Uwah….!! Come on Shuu-sama we have to hurry…!! I can’t have my hair getting ruined…! Come on come on….!!
Shuu- uh.. h-hey.. don’t pull on me so hard.. that hurts..
Oi.. are you even listening…?
*scene changes to inside the mansion*
Sumire- …phew… (..we made it back.. before that weird stuff came from the sky… goodness…)
Sumire- …!!..
Reiji- …haah.. haah… haah.. both of you… hah… so this is where you both were… you left me behind to carry everything.. took the list with you.. didn’t bother to let me know it was gonna rain.. so I walked home in the rain..
You guys are by far the worse people I’ve ever taken anywhere…!!
Sumire- ..uh.. (..reiji-sama does not seem pleased… I sense a dark energy from him… oh goodness..)
Shuu- well you should have been aware that it was gonna rain.. I thought you were a smart guy.. guess I was wrong..
Reiji- what was that?! Care to repeat!?
Shuu- ..gladly..
*they continue to bicker*
Sumire- … (…I’m not even sure what I feel anymore about these two arguing… oh goodness…)
—to be continued—
Maniac 6 — maniac 8
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu as Parents
Am I obsessed with doing KaruShuu head canons? Absolutely.
Will I spam my Tumblr with them? Oh you bet I will.
Today, I present to you: KaruShuu if they were parents!
Before you read, I don't think it's that important (lol) but me and my dear friend were doing some KaruShuu family themed Scenarios and I am obv in love with each and one of them, but basically KaruShuu have three kids there, (adopted):
A 14 y.o daughter named Dai
A 10 y.o son named Touma
And a probably 1-2 y.o baby girl named Mika
(Pls don't attack me we just needed kids names for our scenarios and we went with these to not get confused 😭)
Oh and again, before we start I want to make something clear: KaruShuu would be the best parents ever. I don't make the rules. ✨
Who carries the kids from the couch/car to the bed? - Karma and while he is taking the kids out, Shuu quickly gets out of the car/ or gets off the sofa to make the bed for their kids so they can sleep.
And who soothes the kids after a nightmare? - I think both would; both would be the type to be the best soothers when it comes to nightmares since they as kids probably didn’t have anyone to comfort them. (T^T)
Who wants to throw out the car seat because the stupid thing won’t strap in? - Karma lmao
Who cries on the first day of school?  - Karma (NFSIWEF PLEASE-) But Shuu would too when he gets home bc he will be like "my babies are going to schoollll T^T" with a mix of "I miss them so much"
And who’s the parent that gets way too aggressive at these games? - KARMA AGAIN BUT SHUU WON'T HESITATE TO CHEER FOR THEM ❤️❤️
Who lets the kids stay up and watch movies and who sends them to bed? - Karma would let them stay up late but there must be a good reason, like studying late or maybe Saturday/Sunday night to watch movies. Shuu on the other hand says when it comes to studying for example: "Grades are important, but sleep is more important so please go rest" (Also this quote is actually from my own parents <3) (I love Shuu so much he would be an ‘A+++’ parent)
Who sneaks candy to the kids before school, whilst the other pretends not to notice? - Karmaaaaa buttt~
On maybe special days, Shuu would as well and then the kids are like "We had two portions of sweets today, dad!" and Shuu is like: "What-" and that would be the way he would find out that Karma has been sneaking candy into the bags of their kids for the past years-
Who is the parent that yells at the kid for being called to the principal’s office and who is the parent who yells at the principal? - O H, THEY SHALL N E V E R YELL AT THE KIDS OMG- PLS- THEY WOULD LITERALLY R I P O P E N THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE DOOR AND KICK THIS MF- ESPECIALLY SHUU BC HE HAS THE FEELING OF HIS FATHER STILL BEING A PRINCIPAL SO HE HITS ESPECIALLY HARD 💪🏼💪🏼
Who teaches their son to tie a tie and who explains periods to their daughter? - Shuu teaches the tie bc even Karma can't do it on his own to his tie, and when it comes to periods then both would explain it and maybe if they fail lol Auntie Rio to rescue ❤️😩
Who cries at graduation? - Both lolol But fr now, they would be so excited for it?? Bc I'm sure that (yes Shuus father was the principal but what if Gakuho wasn't a principal, he wouldn't attend Gakushuus graduation ceremony? I made myself cry one again- God damnit.) they would be there with small gifts, and photo cameras all excited bc woahhh my kid is so big now <3 as well as they would take them somewhere as a celebration ❤️❤️ They would be amazing
Who reads the book in silly voices? - Karma, and while he is doing so, Shuu is maybe sitting in the living room and is listening and chuckles under his breath (what a cutie)
Who’s the one against sweets before dinner and who lets it slide? - Shuu is against it but Karma says "Let them be~ But. they have to brush their teeth later on"
Who gets rid of the monster in the closet and under the bed? - PleASE- Karma would make a mf circus out of it, like he would play it off as if the monster is eating his hand (which isn't good bc their kids started crying anddd shuu got a little bit mad) but they managed to 'defeat' the monster.
Which parent sneaks veggies into the kids’ dinner and who doesn’t like veggies themselves? - Both like veggies~
Who does the “hurt my baby and I’ll kill you” speech when their kid brings someone over? - KARMA TO THEIR ELDEST DAUGHTERS GF/BF PLS- Imagine, Dai (here taking as an example since she is the eldest also again: please it's just taken as an example!! T^T) coming home with a boy and they have to do a school project and KARMA greets them at the front door, and Dai is just:
"Hello Dad" and she is taking her shoes off, and Karma is just "Hi~ Welcome back~" with a hella sweet voice, and then he glances up and STARES INTO THIS DUDES S O U L just scares the hell out of him :D
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x0401x · 5 years
If you didn't read the last chapter of Tsurune don't read the ask: OMG! I almost get killed in this "Masa-san lightly pinched Minato’s cheeks and pulled them" and in the car scene.I laughed so hard on minato he's really didn't think about hiding his feeling lol. what do you think about the chapter?
Took me almost two full days to reply to this, and if that doesn’t speak volumes about how wild this chapter was, then I don’t know what would.
I’d read spoilers of volume 2 right after it came out so I already knew what was gonna go down, and being very honest, the cheek pinching was something I’d actually expected to see at some point after reading the summaries of volume 1. And rather than wishing for it, I was waiting for it because it seemed so obvious to me that this was gonna happen one way or another. I mean, it’s just so much like Masaki to do something of that sort, lmao. But I admit I expected it to happen in a daily-situation scene and not… like this. As always, Ayano surpassed my expectations on the unapologetically huge amounts of gay.
I’ve mentioned this topic in my post about the differences between the novel and the anime. Minato may keep a lot of secrets from everyone, yet Masaki has been the sole exception to this ever since they met. I mean, look at volume 1. It’s basically Minato hiding nearly every important thing from literally everybody except his conveniently-there-by-narrative-default master. Volume 2′s chapter 3 is basically a massive meme based off this plot device, like:Shuu: *touches Masaki*Minato: Sir, that’s my emotional support coach.Anyway, my point is that Minato doesn’t hide anything from Masaki, ever. Not even the most embarrassing shit.
The chapter was very interesting. It was rather entretaining to see how inept Eisuke actually is regarding himself. The novel often references Amanojaku, so I was wondering if we’d ever get an Amanojaku-ish character, and sure enough, here he is.
Other than that, good God. Minato is such a fucking embarrassment. I adore this walking fivehead so much. Had to put the extent of my love for him and this chapter under a cut because it’s probably the lenghtiest ask response I’ve ever written.
I think I can’t even pinpoint what the best thing about this chapter was. Like, the details are very subtly placed in all the right spots as always, and this is probably what leaves the bigger impressions on me. And by “details” I mean the subtext and symbolisms.
For starters, Ayano knows very well how to fuck with plant language nerds. She’s used a lot of it with Masaki and Minato, and it feels like the bar just keeps going up. First it was oaks (strength and knowledge), then bamboo (inspiration), then azaleas (developing passion), and now it’s freaking bellflowers. What’s more: the ones that Minato stopped by were spotted bellflowers. They’re known for their heart-shaped foliage. In flower language, bellflowers stand for gratitude and unwavering love. And sure enough, Minato doesn’t waver at all before going into that bakery and buying a batch of cinnamon buns (did it really have to be that of all things, omg) for Masaki, specifically.
I can’t stress how wholly, completely, utterly unnecessary that was. There’s no heterosexual explanation to it. I mean, there’s no heterosexual explanation to a lot of things about these two, but the romantic connotation was really heavy on this one. You have to use a fucking magnifier to find the platonic in this bullshit, and it’s still hella hard to ignore the implications. It’s even harder when Minato is berating himself for buying the buns on impulse when he heard that they go well with coffee and thinking about how irritated he feels when Shuu is around Masaki. He doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s not jealous. Be more like any other oblivious sports anime protagonist and let me die in peace, for fuck’s sake.
I’m just trying to pretend that I don’t know cinnamon is associated with romantic love and often used to inflame passion, because that’s too fucking much.
On other news, I’m highly pleased that we get SeiKai hints even when Seiya and Kaito don’t show up together. Kaito mentioning Seiya’s name every two or three sentences and approaching Minato simply because he saw Kuma and thought that maybe Seiya was there was gold, tbh. It was a good break before the mattress fire that happens right after.
The way Minato found out that Masaki meant well and didn’t want him to become like he was in the past was just so priceless. Take this shit straight to the face, son. Get fucking wrecked by how much he cares about you.
It’s also really freaking hilarious to me how everything that concerns Minato’s relationship with Masaki involves shoujo manga tropes. Envious of your rightful rival being too long around your master? Check. Learning the hard way that it was all for your sake? Check. Getting frustrated and shouting like a bitch at the irony of it? Check.
Minato is Minato, though, so of course he acknowledges that he wants Masaki by his side in spite of this. Did he have to do that while lying in bed, though? I think the fuck not.
And cue Masaki texting him immediately while he’s doing that, because Masaki always shows up when he wants to see him, and because this has turned into a romantic comedy, apparently? Love me that age-old cliché where the main character goes to the window after getting a message and finds the person who’d been occupying their thoughts standing there by sheer unadulterated coincidence, and they fucking heard you, you little shit.
This comes in a set with the “first visit and you’re already inviting him to his room” trope because why not follow all the way down with the romcom narration structure since we’re already at it? Double entendrees every three phrases or so because go big or go home.
“Dad isn’t home yet, so should we go upstairs?”
Yeah, lmao, that’s what about every shoujo heroine says before getting lectured on how they “shouldn’t make that sort of invitation to a guy”.
“It feels great. Thank you, Masa-san.”
It doesn’t feel so great not being able to overlook this, Ayano.
“Well, I may not look it, but I am your master after all.”
Seriously, this shit only loses to Fifty Shades of Takehaya and his more than unasked-for lines about “punishing” and “thoroughly training” Kaito. Sure, none of this is on the level of dirty jokes, but the subtleties are still too many.
The fluff is what gets you good, though. Because that was fluff right there. No, it doesn’t classify as hurt/comfort. These bastards fluffy. I just wanna know who managed to stay upright after reading about Minato feeling his heart ache because it had been too long since the last time he’d seen Masaki smile at him, ‘cause I sure as fuck didn’t.
No time is wasted before they off their asses to the place where they first met, which is basically a world of their own at nighttime (it’s named Yata Shrine for a reason; fuck that reason). And of course there had to be your usual load of elusive language in the middle, where the destination is pitch-dark but the road there is all wildlife and stars and this sparkly wave of light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to the land of bitch, this isn’t a shoujo, stop acting like one.
Or don’t. We’re indulging. Screaming internally the entire time, but still indulging.
The dialogue is so obviously crafted to seem like something else that it’s useless to pretend it wasn’t inentional. I already knew what was coming but reading about the whole thing was an experience.
“I’m happy that you became my coach at Kazemai but I’m also not, because I don’t get to keep you for myself.”
Did he have to say it like that? Abso-fucking-lutely not. But he did anyway, because since when does Narumiya Minato give a flying fuck about ambiguity versus precision?
Six kinds of gay here. And all of them confirm that Minato’s “mixed feelings” when seeing Kaito being so familiar with Masaki from the get-go were, in fact, pure jealousy. It’s not even envy, because that’s wanting something someone has and you don’t. Minato was even closer to Masaki than Kaito was at that point, so it was all just his Masaki-exclusive greed speaking, plain and simple.
This is what gets me about this scene, tbh. It’s so much like Minato to say that, but it’s so alien to read it in a shounen novel. I don’t recall seeing anything so direct and raw in any sports franchise aside from Yuri on Ice. The most we get is “I wanna do [insert sport here] with you”. But this case is a blatant “we’d be doing the thing we like together one way or another and I’d have preferred if no one else were involved”.
And this comes right before we get a reminder that Minato doesn’t like it when Masaki treats him as a child, again. That’s… something. I hate this something a lot.
Also, it feels like the two of them are having completely different conversations with each other. Masaki is talking about his struggle coaching Minato and pointing out the crap he has to deal with in having a student whose last words are probably gonna be something stupid like “oops” or “oh, shit”, and Minato is countering with apparently completely unrelated arguments.
“But didn’t you let Shuu touch your belly, Masa-san?”
The fuck does that have to do with anything? How is that of any relevance to the conversation? What is this gay nonsense?
“If anyone else heard only that, I’d sound like a pervert, wouldn’t I? Did you want to touch it too, Minato?”
“I’m no pervert, so I’m good.”
And now the moment of crushing honesty is over. Time for lies and derision because we all saw earlier in this chapter that (I can’t believe I’m actually writing this) Minato did, in fact, want to touch Masaki. Boy just called himself a pervert, indirectly. Gotta congratulate him for playing himself for, like, the hundredth time, I guess.
Of course Masaki would get emo in this scene sooner or later, because the fact that he’s dealing with the most reckless character out of the cast is apparently not a pertinent reason for things to have ended up the way they did. And of course Minato was gonna do something about it. It’s almost obligatory by now that they lift each other up.
Like, there’s just too much here that doesn’t translate into a master-student thing. Okay, I can totally see that in the dialogue but the actions are screaming something else entirely. Obviously, as I always say, I’m not gonna label it as romantic. What I’m talking about is: this isn’t the behavior of someone interacting with a teacher, but of a person with another. I mean, no matter how you look at it, there would have been a lot to consider here regarding the minimum of restraint that one should have around their mentor or at least around their elders, but Minato is basically saying “fuck you” to all of this.
Yeah, sure, go reach out to grab his hand and gently brush his bangs off his eyes simply because you can’t help the urge to look into them. No big deal. It’s just the affection of a disciple. Anyone else would have done the exact same.
Not trying to stereotype or devalue the worth of teacher-student relationships. Just back to my previous point: you don’t do this shit to a teacher, realistically speaking. And even if anyone hypothetically had any gall to do that, neither the teacher nor any onlooker would disconsider it an advance. Anybody would find it a little bit out of place at the very, very least.
Also, that declaration? Literally Minato swearing he would have Masaki be the one teaching him for the rest of his life? This after having said similar bullshit like claiming that he would never let Masaki go or that he’d follow Masaki to the grave. The bar just keeps going up. So, in short, “you don’t have to be my master but I’ll be damned if you’re not my master forever”.
Ayano, you’re murdering us. You’re murdering your readers.
“I feel more relaxed when I talk to you, Masa-san.”
No news here but thank you for saying it anyway. There had to be icing on this cake. And the cherry on top was Masaki’s explanation about the word “talking”. Are you telling us that these idiots hand their hearts over to each other every time they open up like this, Ayano? IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE FUCKING SAYING, AYANO?
Love me all of Minato’s non-existent heterosexuality being killed with fire.
I imagine that Minato must have made the cutest face when seeing Fuu again. Fuu, the owl with a heart-shaped face, showing up at the most convenient time. Because heart-shaped leaves weren’t enough, apparently.
The end of this chapter made me feel a tiny bit bad for Shuu, though, because it was one more instance of something that he and Minato and no one else had in common that got overwritten and outshone. It’s definitely a parallel to when they were little kids learning under Saionji and hiding it from everyone until a certain point, yelling at the top of their lungs and being competitive while taking things seriously to an extent. Here, we have Minato and Masaki in perfect sync, reproducing the exact same thing that Shuu and Minato had learned so many years ago but with experient successfulness and also complete harmony. And this time, it’s 100% their secret only, taking place at night without the knowledge of anybody, with no audience, no parents and no teacher.
It’s… too much, lmao. In every sense. Shuu literally stands no fucking chance next to Masaki and I love it. *broadcast lady voice* Fujiwara Shuu. Repeating; Fujiwara Shuu. Your wife Senichi is waiting for you at Kirisaki High.
And of course, the chapter had to be closed with a finishing blow. God fucking dammit. Minato packing coffee to share with Masaki would have been enough, but nay, Masaki also had to bring the fucking oyaki. From the fact that they’ve had oyaki together before at the shrine and that these oyaki are from the bakery where Minato had bought the cinnamon rolls without a second thought, it’s sort of really obvious that Masaki bought them to eat together with him.
I didn’t ask for any of this and now I need to lie the fuck down.
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bigowlenergy · 5 years
Notes on Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture
At the heart of the etoneki conflict/drama is nothing more than culture clash.
Eto may be amazing at studying others and have replicated humanity well enough to be a respected author among humans without anyone finding any clues to her ghoul nature, not even Haise in RE: - but she is still someone who was raised by ghouls. Her base nature is as a ghoul, from the 24th ward specifically. Naturally, there’s going to be some confusion between her and Kaneki, who was raised by humans.
But that leaves the good good question of what those differences should be. Clearly, some should be tiny, but there NEED to be huge misunderstandings bc I live for that kind of drama. Also, it’s a slowburn, so. that’s how it is.
this is long, and tagged for spoilers for a good reason. nothing specific, but if u like being surprised by the plot in ur grapefruit, go no further as of chapter 5
1) Ghouls have ABO while humans do not. Sure, there was a decently long time where Kaneki lived among ghouls, but can u picture early chapter Touka willingly sitting him down and giving the birds and the bees and the grasshoppers and also the spiders Talk? I think not. Maybe Kouma? Itori would. Like, they’d both kill him dead with it, but they would. And knowing the contexts within another culture doesn’t mean that you have assimilated those words/concepts to your own yourself, or that you actually know every single social detail, especially as it applies to others.
...but Eto does. And human gender/sexuality is fairly simple on the whole, except when it isn’t, so she has a leg up on him there.
plus, the way I have the ABO structured, it makes a bit more sense for him to be less aware of it, since his gender, as perceived by ghouls, is the most privileged one. Especially since its associated with deliberate power gain, which he totally played into during the later half of the first TG, so it would be a natural assumption for ghouls to make that he understood that he was acting exactly as his gender is socially expected to. and in a way that would socially cement his powerful omega status.
Tsukiyama would totally say something about it, since with the whole affluent family thing he’d probably be very aware of gender and social dynamics, but anything shuu says can be followed by “and he called me a cabbage in French last week, so okay shuu, whatever poetics ‘omega’ means to u, go ahead, have your fun buddy.” Banjou, who was involved with Rize, would be too worried about offending him or making it embarrassing to say anything. and as a ghoul even lower than shuu, he’d be super conservative about getting up in an omega’s business. It would just be this ambiguous open secret that everyone but Kaneki is totally, painfully aware of. the gasmask trio find this hilarious. Hina is a wee bab whose parent was a doctor for ghouls, so she just accepts her big bro as is.
so there’s eto’s expectations to be basically an underling to someone powerful as a normal, comfortable relationship dynamic, pitted against kaneki’s human-embedded inclination toward monogamy and not something that feels like weird bdsm domination stuff. they each are expecting a certain treatment from one another, and not getting it. eto feels neglected, since he isn’t all in her business and allowing her to settle in the shadow of his power and just ride things out, and kaneki, with only human expectations for sex, gender, and whatever the hell just happened, expects the worst from her as the “““male”““ in the relationship who manipulated him.
the conflict is that neither happens.
all of the power is on his side of the court, but in human terms, it feels like the opposite - vis a vis, human misogyny and all the horrible expectations for a sex and reproduction based marriage system that go along with that.
which is why i’ve inverted all that to make myself feel better :)
2) i kicked knots out bc idk about that business, but there have to be other physical differences. there have to be, or its boring. and then again, since both are hybrids, what should either have?
i’ve decided eto will have all physical differences or a learned equivalent due to ghoul socialization, while kaneki should have none but whatever was forced on him through his kakuhou - ie, pheromone stuff, but nothing more.
ghouls can purr, bc i am weak to that shit. Kaneki is aware of this. it’s just a Thing that they do. he’s read to Hina and she’s fallen asleep purring before and it was adorable. irimi purrs very quietly when she cleans things. uta is a purr machine when he makes masks, and it knocks yomo out unless he’s drunk, then he just purrs like a truck engine from the floor near uta’s desk for three hours. touka hasn’t purred since ayato left
eto purrs when she’s satisfied with her writing flow, which is one of the main reasons she prefers to work alone in her apartment and keep shiono out. otherwise, she doesn’t mind company. she also purrs when happy, like most ghouls. kaneki does not. i can site Haise’s RC scan on this: since he never took damage to the throat, he never had a chance to heal ‘more ghoul’ in that area.
so the exchange of a happy eto, deeply content with their uneasy peace, purring to express such delight, meets a blank wall that doesn’t agree. her social expression of happiness clashes up against kaneki only maybe leaning toward physical affection and being quiet. he can understand that she is happy, and she can understand that he can’t respond in the same way, but the dynamics of their relationship make her doubt her actions and get instinctually afraid of doing something wrong and upsetting someone much more powerful than her who also decides if she is allowed to reproduce with him or not. and stops purring and gets unsettled. kaneki is only confused and maybe she doesn’t like being touched? time to touch less. oh no, she did do Something Wrong and now omega is mad at her!! interpersonal drama escalates on both sides >:3c
ghouls have great night vision. kaneki also does and you know why. youve read the series. full ghouls have tapetum lucidum in both eyes, but eto only has it in her single ghoul eye. her vision is unbalanced in the dark but due to her learning to compensate for the slight reduction in light capture on one side she gets by just fine. it also parallels nicely with arima’s poor eyesight and learning to compensate for it.
ghouls are crepuscular while humans are diurnal, but this doesn’t matter since neither of etoneki know what a sleep schedule is. and the 24th ward doesn’t experience day/night cycles, so they have their own issues with sleeping when safe, do not sleep when not safe.
ghouls tend toward pack structure, but not in a rigid way where there can only be one omega/powerful ghoul per unit. as long as everybody gets along personally, its fine. omega don’t see each other as competition. alpha toss themselves at their feet without prompting. they’re not a scarce resource. alpha don’t even really fight over omega unless completely affected by heat and rut cycles and unable to grasp the concept of maybe next time. but even that is rare, mostly only those who are jealous as a person attempt this. if alpha fight over an omega and one wins, the omega might just kill them for taking away some of their prospects, or might be impressed by the show of strength. or annoyed by it, bc they want weak underlings. depends on the person. (eto is more than a bit possessive, at least for his first heat.)
more on this point as i think of it.
3)  I haven’t specified kaneki’s personal gender identity for a reason. that reason is that i’m not sure what direction i want to go. this is strictly for maman, not Sugar, which is trans girl Sasako forever. for this piece of feti/sh garbage? whom knows! (I know. and until word of god says otherwise - i’m god - every character is trans.)
but really, there’s options. and i love them all.
A) kaneki was trans all along. hide is best bi bud. aunt was a bitch, but nothing worse than canon since he was closeted at the time, although he doubly prepared to never speak to her again. (true neutral)
B) woke up a ghoul and with new parts. why believe a species change but not a sex change, eh? heightens the early game confusion and search for id as a person whose major ids have changed against his will. (lawful neutral)
C) gradual transformation. like how he came into his strength as a ghoul slowly. read a doujin like this once. was okay. quality art, big titties, 8/10. ngl would read the sequel. (Perhaps I am writing the sequel? aren’t we all just chasing our Brands across the lonely internet, hopping from one computer virus to the next? maybe u die reading hentai, or u live long enough to see urself post to ao3.) (chaotic neutral)
D) heals himself a new set of parts due to intense damage. see the haise RC chart, which has a ton of pathways around the hips/torso area. parallels with cutting eto in half?? (also lawful neutral)
E) started happening as a transformation when eto’s pheromones triggered his heat cycle for the first time. boy would he be pissed at her X2 lmao (lawful evil)
F) transformation during #240 time due to losing all memory and only having instinct to structure his body with, and just enough RC pathways to make a hormone based transformation possible. Chiba would have had a field day, but also would have torn out his horrible bowl cut in confusion. get rekt bud. not even #240 knows wtf goin on (neutral evil)
G) maybe he just wanted a vag! thought about that?? learns he is supposed to be able to manipulate his flesh like his kagune, which he is canonically great at, and just Goes For It. it works. he is a strong, dependent idiot who don’t need no dick. (iconic)
H) same as above, but that’s just what Haise does when he has the reigns. looks deep into his pastless self and asks ‘do i have to put up with this cis nonsense? not today.’ (chaotic iconic)
I) it happens suddenly when he activates his kakuja for the first time. queer the monster transformation u wish to see in the world. just. so confused. but also there’s Guilt to be felt about banjou and amon and such, so that’s back burner. (chaotic evil)
okay, so in like fifteen minutes i was able to name 9 perfect opportunities for ishida to carry though the motif of 1)iding with female ghouls 2)paralleling with canon trans man mutsuki 3)litcherally having a female ghoul organ donation fiasco 4)being associated with vacillating between masculine yang and feminine yin black/white 5)having a narrative that revolved around accepting his body and learning to find his own strength and id that is different than what he was born with - but coward ishida stopped sixty miles short of the mark. fool. I Cannot Feast Upon Crumbs, Sir. Sir, You Have Given Me Airplane Peanuts For Supper. Sir, I Am Starving And Antagonistic At Best.
(i shouldn’t call him a coward. three huge series magically having the same Wife And Kids ending all during the time shinzou abe is in office? probably not a coincidence. hope they got a good payout for it. i’d sell out for that $$$ too tbh)
eto is just an alpha. her human social id is a Normal Human Female Who Is Totally Cis and Straight for maximum social acceptance and ease of integration, but that’s only her mask. her personal id is an alpha, which is cis by ghoul standards, and she uses she/her pronouns bc she feels like it. she has the power to id as above alpha, but she enjoys the social invisibility it gives her, since she can blend in the background whereever and noone looks at her presumably weak ass twice. like chie, but for nefarious purposes.
....does that make her the equivalent of a ghoul feminist? i’m getting Too Deep
4) the wards can be isolated and far apart, and its been explored in canon with the Three Blades family and the white suites - congrats u 2 - and ghoul organizations that have a home ward having distinct cultural differences from one another. small ethnic groups and isolated diaspora? natives? subset?? of whatever the 24th ward ghouls - sorry, tokyo humans - are.
this sort of thing is only tangentially related to kaneki. if someone with a texas accent teaches someone to speak english, that person will have that accent, whether they’v ever been to texas or not. so he has some of the social mannerisms of a 20th ward ghoul, but generally still has a lot of ingrained human attributes to confuse them.
5) i’m still fascinated by the half finished thought about there are just some ghouls who become binge eaters in canon. like Rize wasn’t special for it. I think shinohara mentioned this?? but. it makes sense. general food insecurity, lack of permanent social support, total oppression, absurd power levels, plenty of humans to take it out on...ye.
and kaneki has the kakuhou of an adult binge eater. there’s cool hints of the kakuhou being parasitic, so a mature one would def fall into the biological fulfillment of binge eating for strength and carry that genetic knowledge into a new host. and from there, it would induce cravings, serotonin reward systems, and all that good stuff to get what its come to like.... like, mayhaps, a cordycepts? ;)
well, i’ve put ‘binge eater’ down as just a general omega trait, since it feels authentic to do so, so we’ll see what i do with this in the future. i will also see, since i too am ignorant of my own self. what will my horny subconscious do next? i am usually the last to know.
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sakyou · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate: Sakamaki Shuu (Vampire End)
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Shuu: Are you going to tell me to kill you gently
Karlheinz: ....no
Karlheinz: I will kill you
Shuu: !?
Yui: Shuu-san!!
(Karlheinz-san’s hand is directed towards Shuu-san...! Don’t tell me he’s really going to-!)
Shuu: guh...!
Yui: ...!!
*blood splatter*
Shuu: ...
Shuu: ....you were always like that
Yui: ....Shuu-san....?
Karlheinz: ....*coughs blood*....
(....!! There’s a knife in Karlheinz-san’s chest.....!!)
Karlheinz: geugh...
Shuu: You were like that....seeing through everything I did from above always ahead
Shuu: Chasing after such a father from behind is absurd, I had no choice but to give up right
Karlheinz: The person who stands at the top...has to be like that. Leading the people...
Karlheinz: Next...it’ll be up to you to lead
Karlheinz: Shuu...from now on you’ll be throw into the middle of it all
Karlheinz: However....that is your destiny. The life given to you as my son you cannot escape....your dark fate
Karlheinz: However....you’ve decided to stop running away right? For the sake of those you must protect
Shuu: ....yeah
Karlheinz: ....then it’s fine
Karlheinz: You’ve become the true Adam. That is my answer
Karlheinz: Shuu....you’ve chased after my back enough. So now as I had hoped for, i’m passing everything on to you
Karlheinz: Having obtained love and feelings, right now you’re more powerful than I am
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Karlheinz: Now, my son. Take my head and go....
Karlheinz: The head of an imperfect king. Use it as you wish
Shuu: ...
Shuu: ...Yui, close your eyes. You don’t have to see this
Yui: ...no, i’ll also-
Shuu: It’s fine
Shuu: Instead....if I ever think back to what happened today, at those times quietly stay by my side
Yui: ...
Yui: ...I understand
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Karlheinz: Everyone, I leave the rest to you...
*Bright flash of light*
Yui: ....!?
(W-What....!? This, overpowering force-...)
(It’s no good....I can’t withstand it....)
Shuu: Yui!?
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Ayato: -Look, the sky...
Kanato: That mighty power....is father...?
Laito: ...it’s Shuu isn’t it
Subaru: Did he really, kill him...?
Reiji: ....!
Laito: Isn’t it fine? For vampires death is a blessing
Laito: I’m sure this was also what that person wished for
Ayato: Did he finally kick the bucket. Well...he’s lived long enough right
Laito: You seem pretty optimistic, Ayato-kun. The vampire king is dead you know? Not to mention the head of the Vibora clan is no more
Kanato: The demon realm will fall into chaos won’t it. I’m sure disputes will arise too
Subaru: Don’t joke....even in the best of times it’s still a pain
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Reiji. What do we do
Reiji: ...lets go to where Shuu is
Reiji: There’s a lot of things I want to ask him and a lot of things I want to say...
Laito: Then lets go meet him. Our big brother-
Subaru: Quit it, it’s gross
Reiji ....father...
Shuu: -Oi, Yui
Yui: ...
Yui: ...Shuu....san...?
Shuu: ...you’ve regained consciousness 
Yui: I...
Shuu: You fainted. Probably due to the power of his magic
Yui: Power of his magic...?
Shuu: ...when my father died that power was released. It was right in front of you
Shuu: A power stronger than anyone else in the demon realm. There’s no way a human could have withstood that....are you okay?
Yui: Yes...
Yui: ...Shuu-san, are you okay?
Shuu: ...
Shuu: ....Honestly, I don’t really know myself
Shuu: Truthfully I didn’t want to kill him but I also felt relieved killing him
Yui: ...do you feel like you made a mistake?
Shuu: I don’t know about that either
Shuu: Whether I like it or hate it, I don’t have those kind of feelings...
Shuu: For me my old man had a huge presence, i’m fully aware of that now
Shuu: Anyways, I may have seen him as family. I feel a strange sense of loss
Yui: Shuu-san...
Yui: Eh...
Yui: Lilie!?
Yui: Lilie....!
Shuu: ...you’re alive
Shuu: Because you had such a name I thought you were dead....so you weren’t that weak
Shuu: ....come
Shuu: Even though we parted ways...you continued onward...it might be because we’re family
Shuu: Haa....with this the number of things I have to protect have gone up again
Yui: .....are you going to protect us? Me and Lilie
Shuu: Have you been listening up until now? Family is that kind of thing right?
Shuu: ....i’m ready. To take responsibility for this. I will face it head on, my fate
Yui: Shuu-san...
Ayato: -oi, there they are!
Yui: Everyone...! Are you alright now?
Ayato: Like hell we’re okay. My whole body hurts
Laito: But what a relief. Bitch-chan seems to be okay too
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Kanato: How should I put this....what's that? That cat
Yui: Ah...come now Lilie, you mustn’t do that. Come here
Subaru: Lilie...?
Shuu: ...you’re being noisy, you lot
Shuu: How’s Reiji?
Reiji: I’m right here
Reiji: ...Shuu, do you remember what I said
Shuu: If you kill the old man I won’t forgive you?
Reiji: ....So you really did kill him then, father
Shuu: Yeah
Reiji: In the end...did he say anything
Shuu: I’ll leave the rest to everyone. That’s what he said
Shuu: Even so it doesn’t mean that...from now on I will act in that old man’s place
Reiji: ...!
Kanato: Are you going to become the head of the family?
Ayato: The lazy guy you? ...Are you serious?
Reiji: Are you saying....you’ll be the king of the vampires?
Shuu: That’s right. The previous king is already dead
Shuu: From now on, I will lead the vampire clan as the head of the family
Shuu: After the Vibora situation, the demon realm is also in chaos today. If the vampire king was dead it would be even more so right
Shuu: The Vibora who lost their head joined forces with the founders in the blink of an eye, they lost their family pride
Shuu: I cannot let the vampires follow down the same path. I will not allow such a thing
Shuu: I won’t allow those guys to keep doing as they please
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Shuu: Even if I struggle in vain, I will fight until the bitter end
Shuu: Nothings over yet...
Ayato: ....can you do such a thing. At best even if we attack now the number of vampires is low
Shuu: Of course, I don’t think I can do anything on my own
Shuu: Naturally i’ll need your help. I won’t complain. As someone of the Sakamaki family come with me
Laito: Oh my...it appears we have yet another high handed king
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Shuu: Reiji, be my adviser. As the Sakamaki family’s second son, Lend me your power, alright
Reiji: ...
Reiji: ...I never imagined the day would come where you would give out orders with such honest feelings
Reiji: Very well. For the sake of the Sakamaki name, and our family I will serve you
Shuu: First off we must call those who have dispersed to return, so we can form a single group
Reiji: You say that so easily
Shuu: Of course I don’t think it will be easy. So for that reason firstly- Yui
Yui: Eh? Yes
(I wonder what it could be? I’ve been watching all this time though....)
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Shuu: I’m going to get married with her
Yui: ...eh?
Ayato: Ha?
Kanato: ...what are you saying?
Shuu: If I do that i’d gain more prestige right
Subaru: That’s why you’re getting married!? Doesn’t that make her pitiful!
Shuu: Haa....how stupid. There’s no way I would marry her for something that troublesome alone 
Shuu: I decided to marry her because I love her
Yui: ...Shuu-san!?
Laito: Haa...to think the day would come where we would hear such words coming from Shuu’s mouth
Kanato: It makes you not want to hear Yui-san’s response
Shuu: There’s no need to hear it....right Yui?
Yui: ...unfair...
Shuu: You have already been a part of my destiny, since long ago. There’s no escaping it now
Shuu: So you must, be ready for the worst too
Reiji: Haa...to decide something this serious so easily. I can tell things are going to be difficult...
Reiji: Well, it’s fine. For now lets us celebrate first
Reiji: For the formation of the new vampire king, and his queen-
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Yui: I never would have imagined I would be getting married in the demon realm
Shuu: Is that so? I saw it coming though
Shuu: I said so didn’t I? I knew a day like this would come someday
Shuu: In that vision, naturally you were with me too
Yui: If you don’t tell me those things...I won’t know
Shuu: I’m not good at showing things with my words. I’m sure i’ve said this before too though?
Yui: Geez...
Yui: Lilie. Did you wake up?
Yui: fufu, come here
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Shuu: ...you, aren’t you spoiling it a little too much?
Yui: You think? I don’t think it’s as much as Shuu-san though...
Shuu: What does that mean?
Yui: What I mean is I think I spoil Shuu-san more than I spoil Lilie
Shuu: ....ha, you said it
Shuu: In that case spoil me in a way that’s easier to understand
Shuu: You say you don’t understand me but...your behaviour is also hard to understand
Yui: I-Is that so....?
(I thought it was pretty obvious though...perhaps I wasn’t very good at conveying it...)
Shuu: Don’t look so uneasy....I’ll show you clearly
Yui: Ah...
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Shuu: Until you’re sick of loving me....Nn...
Yui: Nn....
Shuu: Nn....Haa...
Shuu: *laughs*...with this you’re also, a member of the demon realm
Yui: Is that so?
Shuu: Even though you’re a human, you’re marrying the vampire king. That’s what it means right
Shuu: The Vampire king’s queen is a human huh. Well, that’s not so bad is it
Shuu: ...Yui
Yui: What is it?
Shuu: The demon realm is in the middle of chaos right now. There will mostly likely be violent battles ahead
Yui: ....yes
Shuu: Be by my side like this as much as possible, you’ve already been caught up in my dark fate
Shuu: It will be tough for you a woman, and a human. I’m sure there will be things you’ll want to look away from too
Yui: ...i’m prepared for it
Yui: After knowing that, I want to be with Shuu-san forever
Shuu: fu....was I afraid for nothing huh
Shuu: Well, I had no intentions of letting you go though
Shuu: It’s like my old man said. Without you....I have no reason to live
Shuu: Stay by my side until death. I will protect you until then
Shuu: After this we've become a new family. Live together with me
Yui: ....yes
Shuu: Then lets kiss
Yui: ....why do we have to do that!?
Shuu: Words alone aren’t enough. Lets vow with our bodies too. Come on...
Yui: Nn...
Shuu: Haa....as I thought I like this way better than using words
Shuu: ....Don’t get in the way. She’s mine
Yui: Geez, please don’t compete with the cat
Shuu: From now on whenever our family grows will I have to show them that you’re mine?
Shuu: Haa...I can tell this is going to be tough. Families really are troublesome
Shuu: Well, if they have your blood* then that wouldn’t be bad either... 
Shuu: From now on I will protect you, and my family, with these hands
Shuu: My dear family, and the woman I love...so that we can all live together...
Yui: ....yes
Shuu: ...I haven’t said it yet have I
Yui: What?
Shuu: Our vow to become a family
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Shuu: Komori Yui. I....love you.
[*t/n: have your blood - He means kids, having kids with Yui]
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ainomessage · 7 years
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Le Mouvement Final - Spoiler Free Report *Warning - long ass post.  I went to see the musical in Tokyo 4 times this year! I had only planned on seeing it 3 times, but well... 😅 Before my first show I got my nails done at my usual place, Cocotte in Harajuku. I asked for the planets (/moon) for each senshi plus shooting stars for the lights. To see more of Mashima’s incredible work, check out his insta! He paints every tiny detail by hand with itty bitty brushes.  Wednesday, September 13 I went to this show by myself, but was able to meet up with the lovely @redcat36 @miniaturephantomprincess and @clockworkangel ! Everyone was super sweet and it was wonderful to be able to share the myu experience with fellow international moonies who were just as crazy for the cast as me.😆 This was also the fateful day in which I made the mistake of buying just enough can badges to get myself hooked. My seat was in the 6th row on the left side (facing the stage) so my view was good other than occasionally having a few things blocked by cast members or set pieces. I’m very glad that I wasn’t alone in how much crying I was doing throughout the show. Everyone around me had tissues out and you could hear sniffling throughout the theater. That evening Hinari played Chibi Chibi, and you could hear the whole theater squeal when she first appeared on stage. TOO. CUTE. 💖 Poor Shuu had a lot of mishaps - she flubbed one line, her suspenders popped off, and she almost missed touching Sayaka’s hand during THAT scene. After the show there was a Starlights + Kakyuu sendoff, which went by WAY too fast. I later learned I could slow it down a bit and am sad I didn’t do this for the Lights, but alas. After the show we waited outside the theater to say goodbye to the cast. Hinari gave everyone high fives (AWW) and the Lights stopped to talk to people for a bit! Saki shook my hand and noticed my Kuma Crafts Star Yell necklace and said my Galaxia + Animamates t-shirt was cool.💚 Friday, September 15 This time I went with my good friend @kaikinapela  and once again met up with the other girls. This was one of the “fanclub service days” which I have to say was a disappointment. The possible prizes were a photoshoot with the cast, a signed pamphlet, or... a sticker. As you can probably guess, we all got the sticker. I think they could have done better for a third prize, especially considering the sticker was the same image as the flyer. They could have at least given us an original photo! We did, however, miraculously manage to get first row seats through the fanclub! The picture of the stage above is from that seat. I’m not sure it quite does justice to how crazy close we were. The actresses were all about 2 feet in front of my eyes, it was insane. Several times I got distracted from the show by just staring at whoever was in front of me. This is when I learned that Kobayashi Yuka (Seiren) has a belly button piercing lol. This day I also had AMAZING luck with can badges - I managed to pick two signed ones! Rimo and Kaede💛💚  This night Chise was playing Chibi Chibi and she got just as much of a gasp from the crowd at her adorableness. She’s much smaller than Hinari! During the curtain call I managed to catch eyes with Meiku and Mirai. Airi, who is the most adorable ball of energy on the planet, waved at us twice and made a heart with her hands in our direction.💖  She’s too cute! My friend has been trying to catch Yuga’s rose since 2013, but was sadly thwarted again - she did get an apology look from Yuga in return for her disappointed face, though.😉    Saturday, September 16 Same group of girls for this show! This time @kaikinapela and I were seated in the 10th row in the center (right behind ROOT, the former Jadeite, incidentally). Once again I had crazy luck with can badges - this time I pulled 3! Yume, Satomi, and Saki! I still can’t believe I got my two favorite characters (Venus/Healer) and SATOMI. Yume’s signature says “Thank you very much! Let’s meet again!” and Satomi’s says “Satomi Cosmos.” The others signed their name and did a doodle. 💖  We were back to Hinari for this show. I have to say, she was my favorite (more on this later). Though I loved being so close to the stage for the other two shows, this was the first time I fully appreciated all of the visual effects. I hope everything comes through on the DVD. After the show there was a sendoff from the Inners, and this time I at least managed to properly make eye contact with each of them as we went by.  Monday, September 18 This was my bonus show. I hadn’t managed to get tickets for it online, but loved the other shows so much I had to try to get into the Tokyo finale. I waited in the insanely long line for the same day ticket lottery and drew “awaiting cancellation (#5).” This means I was 5th in line to get a ticket if someone cancelled. I thought for sure this meant I wouldn’t get in, but no! I managed to get one of the folding chairs they added behind row 6. It was incredibly uncomfortable but WORTH IT. This meant I was in front of an aisle, which is a good place to be on the last day. During Moonlight Densetsu everyone but the villains, Cosmos, ChibiChibi, and Moon (with her giant wings) ran out into the audience. At first no one was coming down our aisle, but I made sure to hold my yellow light high and Rimo saw! She came down our row for high fives. 💛 Later Mikako made a second pass and came down our aisle too. ♥ When everyone returned to the stage to wave and bow, Rimo pointed at me, waved, and blew a kiss! I almost didn’t believe she was aiming at me since she was on the opposite side of the stage, but I was the only yellow light around. 😭 💛  That evening the inners + Tux gave short speeches, and I could see Meiku trying not to cry.💔  Poor little Chise just looked bewildered the whole time. After the show I managed to talk to all 3 of the Lights! I was wearing my signed Healer and Venus badges, so Saki gently patted her own badge and then flicked Venus in the face.😆  Meiku was very surprised when I complimented her singing - she doesn’t seem to be very confident, which is unfortunate because she’s very talented. Riona also noticed my badges and asked if I shipped Yaten/Minako. When I said yes, she said “What about Taiki/Ami?” I told her I love them too, and she wondered if she had forced me to say it (she did not). She asked me to wear a Mercury shirt next time.💙  I also met a few other lovely international moonies that evening, but sadly I don’t know their tumblrs! If you guys see this, message me! Thanks to trading with friends, through twitter, and at the venue, both @kaikinapela and I managed to collect a full set of badges! 
Overall Impressions I would rank this as one of the best musicals of all time - including the classic Bandai era. I will admit to being biased because the Stars arc is my favorite, but they really pulled out all the stops. The entire cast was amazing, even those who had small roles. Singing was fantastic across the board - the inners have improved a lot and all of the new cast members were great. While it was sad not having Karin stay for the “last” (last!?) musical, Mirai did a great job and was a strong singer. I think everyone will be especially blown away by Galaxia and Kakyuu (who is once again an opera singer!). If you’ve listened to any of Isuzu Coco’s music through her twitter, her Galaxia voice is so different! Much deeper and more powerful.  Poor Sayaka seemed to be sick during the Tokyo shows - her voice got progressively weaker and more hoarse. Hopefully she recovers by the finale!  The set and visual effects dramatically improved with Amour Eternal and this musical continues that trend. Hotaru does some impressive running up and down moving stairs in her Eternal Moon costume, all of the attacks are projected, and we again have part of a scene projected as a video on stage. You’ll see all the Sailor Crystals float away, which adds another layer of emotion to those scenes.  Both actresses playing Chibi Chibi were adorable, but Hinari won out as my favorite. Being a little older she was able to speak all of her lines clearly (Chise’s speech was muddled) and she showed a lot more emotion in both her movements and expressions. I’m glad she’ll be on the DVD performance. A few things were different each show (details in my spoilery post to come), so I hope some sort of compilation ends up on the DVD!  There were lots of throwbacks to the Bandai era as well as a few references to the past Nelke era musicals. I think overall in tone this was a nice blend of the two styles - there was a lot of humor added and plenty of references to specific anime scenes, but the overall plot was manga oriented and gave proper weight to its serious moments. They find smart ways to keep the whole cast involved throughout the show, despite everyone being killed off pretty quickly (I don’t consider that a spoiler since it’s a manga plot point).  Everyone is going to LOVE Cosmos. I was seriously shocked by how much Satomi had improved at singing. Taking lessons with Coco and Asami seriously paid off. They found a really touching way to give her a bit more story time than she had in the manga, and I think they’re quite clear about who she really is in this canon.  This musical had a TON of original music - only two previously used songs made an appearance, and both in shortened versions. “Celestial Born” was made into it’s own song (it initially was part of “Shuketsu - Yume no Atsumaru Basho” during Amour Eternal) and “Music of the Spheres” is used briefly in battle. They save the throwback music mostly for the post-musical curtain call show, which I appreciated. For the first time since the revival of the musicals I loved ALL of the songs (Amour Eternal comes close). One of my few complaints has been the abundance of “talk singing,” where long lines of dialogue (often ripped straight from the manga) are set to awkward, stumbling melody. There is little to none of that this time, and far fewer songs are interrupted by long bits of dialogue. Hopefully sales of the Amour Eternal CD will be good enough to entice them to release another soundtrack - this time with a lot more music.  They weren’t kidding when they said everyone has a moment to shine. I fell in love with Nyanko and Mouse, despite them having such small parts. Miraculously, even with all the dying and with an enormous cast, everyone was given enough to work with that they were able to truly embody their character. If this truly is the last musical, I’m going to be super bummed that this cast doesn’t get at least one more opportunity to show off how amazing they are. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu [Track 5 + Epilogue]
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Original title: 愛しうる限り & エピローグ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Translator’s note: This CD really did deliver near the very end and tugged onto my heartstrings BIG TIME. Shuu being honest with myself and realizing just how much he loves the MC is honestly one of my favorite things in the world. ;w; He definitely solidified himself as nr. 2 in my heart once more. (Sorry Shuu, Subaru will forever be number one. <3)
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 5: As Long as our Love Lasts
Shuu is playing the violin again.
( At some point, I grew tired of counting, or even thinking about how many times I had played the same song, or how many days - or perhaps even months - had passed since she fell into a deep slumber. )
“Oh...The string...I haven’t taken care of this thing for a while, so I guess this was bound to happen. ...In the end, my song never reached you, huh?”
He walks over to the bed.
“I’ve honestly seen enough...of this never-changing expression. I wish I could have seen a glimpse of your past self for one last time, but I guess it can’t be helped.”
He takes a seat.
“I’m sure you’re aware, but I always hated being waken up from my naps. Therefore, hearing your approaching footsteps was the most annoying sound in the world to me. However, having your face be the very first thing I saw when I opened my eyes after you interrupted my sleep, honestly wasn’t half bad. ...Just the fact I felt that way, means that you must have at least meant something to me. 
...If you were to ask me the same question you did before, then I would probably give you the following answer. ーー You are special to me. Not because your blood is delicious. You are the only woman on this planet who I wouldn’t want to lose, even if your blood were to disappear, If only I had said these words to you back then...”
Shuu suddenly collapses onto the sheets.
“...Ah...The effects are finally kicking in, huh? ...I haven’t been getting a wink of sleep as of late...So to ensure I can finally get a sound sleep...Cough, cough...”
“I drank a certain drug from this bottle earlier...You’re not going to wake up anyway...So you don’t mind if I sleep alongside you, right? Even if that is an eternal slumber...When you’re with me, I don’t mind. That’s just how much Iーー...”
He scoots closer.
“...love you. ...Ugh...Cough, cough...Haah, haah...I finally gave you the words you’ve been dying to hear...yet you’re missing out on them...You foolish woman...Hahaha...I guess I shouldn’t say that, huh...? Ugh...”
Shuu loses consciousness.
( I lost the feeling in my limbs, before my mind went blank as well and before I knew it, I was unable to think of anything. I couldn’t fight back against my heavy eyelids. Now I can finally get some rest again. ーー That’s what I thought, yet...Aah, there it is again. I can hear her voice again. Per usual, she’s calling my name as if her life depends on it. I’ve heard this voice a million times, but in the end, it’s nothing but my mind playing tricks on me. Even if I wake up, you won’t be there anyway. Therefore, I chose eternal sleep. )
( You’re persistent...Guess you’re stubborn even within my dreams, huh? )
You continue to call his name.
( Oh come on...Just let me sleep... )
You persist.
( Like I said, pipe down. Don’t shout my name over and over... )
*Rustle rustle*
“Nn...Hm? ...Ugh...”
“What do you want? I was having such a nice nap...”
“Ah...Oh? You...are awake? So that wasn’t just a hallucination right now? Or rather, why are you crying?”
You tell Shuu you thought he had died.
“Died? ...Oh, right. Why am I alive as well? Did you do something?”
You continue to sob.
“I can’t tell when you’re bawling like that...Hm? The taste of your blood...lingers inside my mouth.”
You explain.
“...You frantically tried to feed me your blood thinking that might be able to bring me back to life? I won’t deny that my wounds heal quicker when I have your blood...but I didn’t think it could serve as an antidote as well. Your blood really is something else. Well, you still won against it though. ...Oi, I don’t mind if you’re crying, but give me a good look at your face.”
“I’m asking you to move closer. My body still feels heavy, I can’t move. Come on, scoot over.”
You move closer.
“How long has it been...? I’m actually reflected in your eyes.”
Shuu embraces you.
“Keep still. I can’t put in much strength since my arms are still numb.”
You ask Shuu what happened.
“I’m the one who wants to know what happened. Honestly, what made you suddenly wake up? Is it because I finally genuinely admitted my own feelings...?”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You know, you’ve been asleep this whole time, remember?”
You look at him in surprisement.
“Don’t tell me, you didn’t have a clue?”
You nod.
“Well, it happened out of nowhere, so I guess it’s obvious considering you were unconscious as well. ...No, it’s fine if you don’t remember. That was a nightmare anyway.”
You ask him if it was rough.
“A lot happened...It was one hell of a ride. But right now, rather than letting you go...”
“Haah...Come on, don’t get all surprised over a little kiss still. However, I don’t dislike that side of you either. When you were asleep, you wouldn’t react no matter how many times I did this after all.”
“...What? Don’t panic.”
You note his behavior seems off.
“Weird? You’re the last person I want to hear that from though. I told you, remember? I went through a lot. That being said, it doesn’t matter. It’s just...I came to realize a few things.”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“How you felt, for example. Or how important it is to put things into words every now and then. ...And what you mean to me, I suppose. ...I believe you woke up because I finally understood those things. Well, you don’t seem to realize that yourself though. Oh, right...I should apologize while I can. I’m sorry for acting indifferent towards you up till now. I deeply regret it. Soーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Please don’t get upset and fall into a slumber again, it pains me”
You tell him you never meant to do that to him.
“Even if that wasn’t your intention, it still happened. And it was much more wicked than having you lash out at me or run away from home. Not to mention it was extremely bothersome. I had to look after you 24/7, right? In that regard...you really are a handful.”
You apologize.
“Haha...You don’t need to say sorry, really. I’ve already accepted it. I’m to blame for falling in love with such a woman.”
Your eyes widen in sheer surprise.
You ask him to repeat himself.
“I said I love you, what about it? I said it earlier as we...Ah, right. I guess you didn’t hear me back then since you were still asleep. ...Haha, look at those rounded eyes, your face looks hilarious. ...I really do prefer seeing you like this.”
“I understand you are having trouble believing me. I’ve only got myself to blame for that. However, I’m sure you’ll soon come to realize. I already had plenty regrets while you were asleep. From here on out, I’ll tell you these words until you’ll be tired of hearing them ーー How much I love you, that is.”
Track 6: Epilogue
You turn around.
“You’re ogling way too much. It looks shameless, so come here.”
You run over
“Is an instrument store really that special to you?”
You nod.
“Well, I can imagine you have little affiliation with these places. When I bring up the name of a composer, you usually look at me as if I’m speaking Chinese. Although despite that, you seemed happy to visit this place.”
You explain.
“Ahー So that’s why. Honestly, it would have been much easier to just come by myself, but I’d rather not make you upset again by ignoring you.”
You smile, thanking him.
“...I see. Whatever. ...Anyway, I requested a full maintenance along with replacing the broken string, so it might take a while. We’ll get in the way if we wait here, so let’s go over there.”
The two of you move to another room.
You look around.
“It’s a test room. Customers can use this place to test out the intruments before purchase. There’s nobody here right now, so the owner said we can make ourselves comfortable.”
You ask Shuu if he plans to buy a new violin.
“No, I’m not buying anything. I like my current violin.”
You seem confused, wondering why you’re here then.
“You really are a fool, aren’t you?”
Shuu pulls you closer.
“To kill some time, obviously.”
You get slightly flustered. 
“It’s a perfect way to combat the boredom, no? It’s muh more comfortable than having to wander around outside. On top of that...This place is soundproof. You can scream as loud as you want, nobody will hear. I’m sure you like the sound of that as well? ーー That being said, we have to think about your health. I doubt you’re already back in top shape, so I won’t do anything if you don’t want me to.”
You hesitate. 
“Hm~? In that case, you want it?”
You go quiet.
“Cat got your tongue? I seem to recall a certain someone was displeased because they were being ‘used’?  Clearly tell me what you want. Right now, I can actually live up to your wishes. ...What do you want from me?”
You ask for his fangs. 
“Hehe...I hate being ordered around, but hearing you beg for it isn’t bad at all. Especially when it’s the words ‘Suck my blood, please’.”
Shuu bites you.
“Mmh...Nn...I said you could make all the noise you want, remember? It’s not like anyone but me can hear.”
You get embarrassed. 
“Heh. First you beg for it and now you get all embarrassed. You’re kind of contradicting yourself there, no? Well, it doesn’t matter. In that case, I’ll go for one of your more sensitive spots so you won’t be able to suppress your voice. Mmh...”
“Hah...Exactly...Let me hear more...Why still hesitate at this point?”
You explain. 
“You’re worrying for nothing per usual. You no longer need to be scared that I’ll find you annoying or get tired of you. Well, I won’t deny that there’s times I get a little irritated by your behavior. I’m sure I might be a little grumpy when you disturb my sleep as well. 
However, I would never grow to dislike you over something like that. I already know what kind of woman you are. You’re the type to beg for my fangs in a place like this. On top of that, a loudmouth who loves to meddle with other people’s affairs and quite the handful at times. To be honest, too much of a bother to keep by one’s side. 
You puff out your cheeks. 
“Haha. It’s the truth, no? However, despite all of that, I don’t want to let you go. So don’t worry. Just let out your voice to your heart’s content, giving yourself over to me all you want. I’ve already decided I will love every side of you after all.”
ーー THE END ーー
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 27/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
<<Hey, what happened?>> you ask checking if there are dead injuries, <<Calm down little boy, I’m here.>>
<<W-we were going in a safer zone, b-but t-those things attacked us a-and…>> he can’t even speak properly, for the fear, <<F-four men h-helped us b-but… I-I can’t, please come back, the others are going to die!>>>
“Those things… Noumu?! The police lost them?!” you grab the phone to see the location of your friends, <<Ran, I will go back, you must do what I’m going to tell, ok?>> your eyes fly on the screen to see something different, <<First, call Hakkai and tell him this position, I’ll buy some time. It’s a blind alley so make it as fast as possible, I used my powers already, I don’t know for how much time I can fight against those creepy creatures. Second, follow Endevour and take everyone to a safe zone.>>
<<Wait, you can’t fight them alone!>> screams the child seeing you run away direct to a wide road, <<Belial!>>
<<Stay close to the others! I’ll be back soon!>> the girl smiles disappearing once she turned to the right.
“I have this scary feeling all over my spine… That dream is rising inside my mind…” <<Hi, I am Shouto.>> the students kneels in front of the child to ask him something, <<Can you tell me who was the enemy, exactly?>>
<<E-eh?>> the boy seems still shocked, <<Um… Two tall and strong creatures with their brains exposed… and two men… One of them… he’s a monster…>>
<<Four enemies… (Y/N)-chan used a big amount of her strongest flames already…>> Midoriya’s whisper send a strong shock through his spine and Todoroki realizes, “She’s gonna lose!” Deku and Shouto sprint at the same time, running as fast as possible to catch their friend up before it’s too late.
“Don’t disappear on me, (Y/N)!”
<<Shuu, no! He isn’t your brother!>> scream Lenka, being the witness of a crude reality. His friend is defeated and risks his life because of those enemies…
They recognized the creatures that (Y/N) talked about, but they don’t know the person that is standing with a long red ruby lance. He didn’t do anything, the Noumu were too strong, the group didn’t have the time to use (Y/N)’s powers, they were too busy on the defense. Now they are badly hurt and don’t know if the child they saved, reached (Y/N) to ask help. Joel is half crushed under a collapsed building and can’t move anymore, Shuu stays immobile on the cold road, bleeding too much and too fast, Tenka is hurt on his shoulder unable to move his arm, while Tenka barely can move his leg.
<<I’m sorry, our leader told us to bring despair, so let’s get started.>> the man who defeated Shuu, slaps his fingers and smiles evil, <<Kill them, Noumu.>>
The group gives up. (Y/N) was right, they have the same strength as All Might, there’s no way that they can win against those monsters. Now that they finally can use the power of the beasts, they choose to not do it, knowing that it would kill them sooner. They feel bad for the kid, that child would feel so guilty for their deaths, but he has no faults. And (Y/N)… She’ll take this so badly, that they can image of what she could do…
Tenka and Lenka fall on the ground waiting their turn, Joel just lays his forehead on the cement while the Noumu is marching towards Shuu. It’s over. Lenka is brave enough to see how Shuu dies, and his attention is caught by a light on the roof of a building.
Generating a blue-white glowing rod of energy, the savior throws it at the intended target. It multiplies into a hundred more rods, which rain down on the Noumu and pin it against the road, completely immobilizing it. Looking better at them, those pillars are made by ice, so that means…
<<Oi, that isn’t (Y/N)’s…?>> says Tenka with a low voice, he opened his eyes when he heard a bunch of dull sounds, and he found a Noumu impaled on the street with huge icy rods, <<Hard to dodge in a small area, the ice goes quickly through the target, freezing their muscles and nerves, and it reaches the hard surface, blending with it… completely block the enemy… Yeah, it’s->>
<<Soaring Net of the Heavens.>> whispers Joel surprised.
(Y/N) appears in front of the last Noumu, points at it with her index finger and generates a concentrated bolt of lightning that pierced the creature and breaks the road, almost melting it. As soon the beast falls, she traps it inside a freezing coffin and quickly, she touches the ground and erects a huge wall of ice, dividing the group from the enemy.
<<Shuu…>> her voice is so worried while she blocks the hemorrhage in his chest, <<I’m here, don’t worry.>>
<<…(Y/N)…>> he opens his eyes and smiles, <<T-thank… you…>> when the wound is closed and the pain goes away, the tall man sits up and looks around to understand what happened.
The man with the lance whistles surprised, “That was a weak Dragon Strike Heaven.” thinks hitting lightly his shoulder with the lance, while he is looking the girl praying, “Oh? She’s gonna use Gluttony’s strength? Then, I was right. The third coming of Kafka is here.”
You take a street lamp, freeze it and break it to use as a lever. You put it between the ruins and create a lay of ice to protect Joel from the weight of the building. Through her ripped clothes, red and flaming signs appear and run all over her figure and she starts to push down to move off the ruins from her friend.
When Shouto and Midoriya reach the battlefield, their friend is facing two Noumu and a smiling man. The two students can’t go in the street to help her thought, they are blocked in the alley from a huge wall of ice, stuck between the buildings.
<<Who are those people?>> says Izuku, <<Everyone is beaten up badly, we need to climb over this->>
The same man of Todoroki’s dream stands between the two monsters. He’s about to intervene but Joel’s voice stops him.
<<Watch out Belial, that criminal has an illusion quirk. He can change his appeal basing on our feelings.>> he says and Lenka adds, <<He assumed Yamato’s semblances and defeated Shuu playing with his emotions.>>
<<I am your lovely hero, Yamato.>> the man walks towards the girl smiling, <<You will never hurt me, right?>>
<<I give you three seconds to surrender.>> you say with a disgusted face, <<I’m not as weak as Shuu.>>
<<What are you saying? You don’t remember me?>> the woman discovers that even the voice is the same, but this doesn’t mean that she falls on the trap easily, <<It’s true, I left you guys for years, but I’m here again.>>
<<You can’t fool me…>> Belial breaks his arm with her reinforced kick, <<I’m strict with myself and know better than anyone that this person is not with us anymore.>> crushed on the ground, the man loses his power.
<<H-how…? You would kill someone you love?! Are you crazy?!>> he shouts holding his broken arm.
<<I already did. That’s why I feel this sin on my heart more than anyone.>> the girl raises her leg to finish the criminal with an axe kick, but...
<<(Y/N), behind you!!>> screams Shouto scared, he assisted at something unbelievable. The wall of ice that kept the Noumu and the man with the lance away from the group, was broken by an invisible force and the monsters charged at the same time.
“My ice was broken..? Who done that?!” the girl is keeping the creatures away from her friends, and managed to defeat one of them using Wrath. “I’m using Astraroth too much but I can’t fight equally with these bastards if I choose another beast… They move too quickly for Sloth, they have too energy and I can’t steal it... I hope some pros will notices the mess that I’m gonna do...”
“I need to save her! That dream is becoming the reality!” Todoroki is thinking as hard as possible to find a way to climb over the wall of ice. It’s not easy as he thought, if someone tries to climb, the ice increases, making the wall taller and taller, “She created this because she knew that someone would run after her… My fire can’t melt this, Midoriya can’t jump over either… What I need to do? Think faster Shouto!”
The time pass and the girl is showing the first signs of fatigue, there is clearly something that is weakening her, but what? She is struggling against that Noumu, she is paying more attention to herself than the enemy. Why?
<<Don’t go near them, you creepy fucker!>> she stops the beast holding it in place, <<Fuck…>> whispers her, breathing fast, her feet are sliding on the street breaking the concrete, “It’s gonna win!” the symbols on her body shine more and the student can move the Noumu backwards, “I’m killing myself like this, but it’s the only method I have to fight this shit!” she breaks the contact and tries to hit the creature with a kick, but it’s not as she thought.
<<(Y/N)!!>> the beast grabbed her leg and throwed her inside a building, breaking a lot of things, <<Run away! You used too much your powers!>> screams Joel, <<It’s too dangerous for you to fight again!>>
<<Not even in your dreams….>> the woman moves the huge ruins and stands up wiping away the blood from her forehead, <<If a hero run away, who’s gonna fight?>>
“If she is risking her life… Then!” <<They won’t take the hope we hold onto…>> Shuu softly sings and stands up awaking his beast, surrounding himself with blue flaming chains.
<<Dressed in a noble darkness….>> Tenka mirrors him and he grabs his ōdachi, which blade is covered with strong electric shocks, while Ba’al protects him.
<<A new star calls out to heaven….>> it’s Lenka’s turn, he stands up and cracks his silver long whip, and stands ready.  
<<We’ll make a miracle together…>> Joel is protected by a blizzard and the cold wind forge his two long and sharp claws of ice, and he walks nearer his friends.
<<The legend of the seven stars will begin…>> (Y/N) stops in front of everyone and surrounds herself with purple flames while the symbols on her legs and arms start to shine stronger. Everyone hangs backwards a bit and kicks the ground ready to defeat the last Noumu.
“They are singing, Yamato-san’s song…?” thinks Izuku hypnotized. He’s sure that they’re fighting, but for him is…. A dance. They are all smiling, moving their weapons so gracefully, he doesn’t even see the damages they are doing to the creature, <<Wow… This is when the beasts share their power with a mate… Amazing…>> he whispers, scared that Shouto could yell at him, he knows that is not the right moment to think about the seven beasts, they need to find a way to climb over and help (Y/N).
<<Impossible…>> says the criminal, <<They stopped Noumu’s regeneration skills?!>>
The monster is losing limb after limb and it can’t run away either, a fire circle is keeping him in place. It is an easy prey.
<<Let these burning emotions become flames and illuminate the darkness. Hundreds of blooming flowers seethe in our blaze and shine on our dreams.>> the team starts the last assault without mercy, <<That day we sweeped you away to heaven, do you remember it?>> when the monster falls on the street immobile, the group surrounds him and starts to walk in circle following the rhythm inside their heads, <<Sparks fly as the night burns… Shall we keep it hot? This eternal inferno!>> they all smile and jump back, when flames burn the Noumu alive.
“Why they are all smiling? I can’t get it.” thinks Shouto staring at the tired squad. “I need to climb over, I’m terrified by the man with the lance… He has a scary aura all around himself… I don’t like him at all!”
<<W-who is that woman…?!>> the criminal can’t believe what he just saw.
The team fall on their knees panting exhausted, using the beasts when the body isn’t in good conditions, is too risky. They survived thanks to a miracle, indeed.
<<Your name is (Y/N), right?>> for the first time, the man with the lance moves his feet from his position, <<I was looking for you… And now I found you.>>
<<I don’t know who the hell are you, but…>> the girl rips her costume since it was all ruined and it kept getting in her way, <<You don’t seem to want to surrender, so I must fight you too.>>
“Oh lord!” <<Todoroki-kun, I am so sorry….>> says Izuku blushing and looking away.
<<If you stare too much, I’m gonna freeze you alive Midoriya.>> “I understand that she did that because the costume was getting in her way, but (Y/N) for the love of god… You can’t show your body like that!”
“What a fearless fighter…” <<Here little girl, take this.>> the lance villain takes his jacket and offers it to you.
<<We’re facing the third coming of Kafka and you’re worried about her breasts?!>> shouts the criminal.
<<No, if I make an offering maybe she’ll spare me.>> comments the other smiling, when he sees symbols go on the rest of her body, covering her torso, and face, he says with a grin on his face, <<Don’t you think you should stop using Gluttony? You know what price you must pay for that beast.>>
“How he knows about it? Who is this man?” <<If you don’t like him, I can change.>> the girl uses her ice skills to attack, “Thousand Year Ice Prison.”
Suddenly, many ice pillars encircle her and her enemies. Belial turns her hand 90 degrees counter-clockwise, prompting the pillars to move towards the two criminals, enveloping them.
<<What? Why the pillars of the prison don’t crush them?>> comments Izuku studying everything carefully, he sees a strange fear appearing on (Y/N)’s face.
<<You asked why I was more worried for her breasts than the girl herself…>> the voice of the man comes out the icy cage, <<Because I am the owner of the Verg Avesta.>> a crimson light cuts the pillars in half and breaks the prison, showering the man with the ruby lance with crystals, <<And it’s impolite to stare at a girl’s body.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 queen is back and I’m so freaking happy <3
‘annoyed’ nothing you say is annoying ok, I’m actually just really relieved and happy that I’m helping in any way at all. Also you listen to my rambling all the time and you supported me with my anxiety (you have no idea how much our convos helped after I first saw a doctor about it and was feeling really confused about what to do) so ‘what did I do to deserve you’ is probably what I should be saying to you.
Tbh when things are as serious as you’ve described then you’re definitely not overreacting. Like I said before, I’m always ready to listen/talk when you need to. And you don’t have to stress about replies; I honestly don’t mind at all as long as you’re ok.
Thank you Queen Luna you’re the best ;-;
Also, good news and bad news:
Bad news- A bit after I sent the last message mom apparently found out about Tumblr and decided that I probably shouldn’t get an account here because of all the NSFW content. I get why she’s worried so I guess I won’t be getting an account here for a while.
Good news- HOWEVER, I was chatting with someone on ao3 and they asked if we could move our convo somewhere else. They recommended something called Discord so I got an account there. If you’ve never heard of Discord it’s basically a voice and text chat system usually used by gamers, but it seems to be pretty popular among non-gamers too. PMing is possible there :D (The only flaw is that you can’t send very long messages, so you have to send multiple short ones, which is a bit annoying…but otherwise it’s pretty neat so maybe we can try it if you’re ok with that?)
XD yeah that’s actually pretty accurate.
*reads Luna’s message*
Yep it was one of the grossest things that ever happened to me OTL I’m still swimming but I’m taking a long break right now- a break that started because my little sister broke her toe and we were basically stuck at home taking care of her (the pool is a bit far for me to go on my own so if mom’s stuck at home so am I), and then got longer because the pool’s old and some things had to be ‘fixed’, and then got even longer because my coach is getting married (just reread that and realized that I sound super annoyed, I’m actually not, I have no problem with my coach getting married XD). I’ll probably start again around next month, though :)
Thanks ^^
Oooh are you a comic fan??? I haven’t read any superhero comics because there seem to be so many AUs(?)/different timelines so trying to figure out where to start is really confusing, plus I actually sorta prefer manga/manhwa art styles (not that wester comics are bad- a lot of them have really good art too, I just personally prefer the manga/manhwa styles (especially for the panels). Also the ecchi-ish costumes/anatomy for almost every single female superhero gets a bit ridiculous sometimes lol). Some of them seem really fun, though, and I’d like to try them out someday…
It’s really cool that you’ve been a fan of T'challa for so long, it must’ve been even more exciting to see him in the movie :D
Imagine everyone watching The Winter Soldier together. Then the  'brainwashed bucky’ scenes start.
Illumi: *stares intently at the screen*
Illumi: I see no problem with this.
Watching Civil War and Leorio goes Dad Mode and covers Gon’s and Killua’s eyes when Hisoka starts making…innappropriate…noises during the fight scenes
(Hisoka low-key writing reader insert lemons about various MCU heroes. Most likely Natasha (because she’s a lot like Machi, his only female crush so far), Bruce (how Hisoka would love to unleash the beast), Thor (he’s a literal GOD imagine how badly he could mess Hisoka up *schwing*), Wanda, and Vision (he probably liked Loki too before Loki got beat up by the Hulk and Hisoka was like ‘oh I have a new senpai’)
Then Illumi gets Milluki (his tech genius little brother) to hack into Hisoka’s computer for info and is like 'what is this Hisoka I do not understand why you derive pleasure from this trash’)
Everyone thinks Gon should relate to Tony on a personal level but he doesn’t, because despite being a sunshine angel he’s also a freaking weird kid who doesn’t hate Ging. At all. (Though that might have something to do with the fact that he doesn’t even consider Ging his parent in the first place; he never even calls him 'dad’ or 'my father’)
Killua, on the other hand, relates to Bucky a bit too much and thinks HYDRA is basically the Zoldyck family.
Everybody’s Team Cap except for Illumi, who’s Team Iron Man (“Why would you want to break the rules?”), and then Hisoka randomly shows up like 'Team Hulk ;)’
Every time Howard Stark is mentioned everyone just stares at Ging, who shifts uncomfortably
(Yeah did I tell you about the time Leorio punched Ging for being a trash dad?)
OMG. Thank you for that. I’ve seen a lot of 'Hisoka as the clown from the 'It’ movie’ posts on tumblr but never any fanart for that idea. Run, Gon. Run.
I’m considering teaching myself to animate just to make those animatics XD
(Also, random thing: it’s Chuseok over here (basically like the Korean version of Thanksgiving, I guess?) and usually, people recieve money from older relatives during holidays like this in Korea. I got about 80 dollars (50 from my maternal grandparents, 10 from my paternal grandfather and 20 from my uncle) so I’m debating on what to spend it on: It’s either a tablet so I can learn how to do digital art (I’m thinking about polishing my drawing skills for a while and then making a webcomic. My parents support this so they’re willing to pay a little extra for a tablet) or a ukulele (I like the piano but I realized a while ago that it’d be great to have an instrument that I can carry around, so I did some research and the ukulele seems good. I really like the sound so I’m willing to put some effort into learning it). Idk which one I should choose, though. Technically the tablet should be my priority but I also like the ukulele…
(and idek why I mentioned this either, guess the talk about animating reminded me of the tablet lol))
I thrive on angst. Tragedy fuels me. (But tbh HxH is a LOT darker than I was prepared for. I’m currently shipping an ant king with a genius human girl and I know from spoilers that they’re both going to die)
Yeah, she’s alive :D but apparently Kaneki is now 'dead’ (though I don’t think he is really, if Ishida kills him off now (after all the stuff with Hide? All the character development Ken hasn’t gotten yet? When he still hasn’t talked about anything with Shuu or Hinami or even Akira?) and gives us a new protagonist or something I might finally rage-quit this series.
Or not, since with all the Touken stuff and Kaneki being sorta insensitive ever since he became the OEK…maybe a new protagonist is what we need?). I was liking all the parallels with Arima in the first series until this, because it was just…um. I think my main problem with the whole thing is the freakng PACING because it just feels so clunky and awkward. This is probably one of those chapters that will be really good if Ishida somehow manages to connect it with the next chapters and has everything make sense later, but if he doesn’t do it well it’s going to suck forever OTL
At least TG finally confirmed Naki’s death, though. I mean, the ideal situation for me is if he never died in the first place, but at least a confirmed death is better than Ishida suddenly bringing him back to life after that panel with Yamori. And his death scene was handled well. (Now please just tell me that he, Kanae and Hairu aren’t coming back as Kanou-Furuta zombies and I will be semi-satisfied)
Also AOT if you haven’t read the new chapter yet spoilers but
(The-Reiner-Eren reunion I HAVE WAITED SO. LONG FOR THIS
Also Eren’s grandad ;-;
And maybe we’ll finally be seeing Annie again soon since she’s been appearing in so many flashbacks and Reiner’s probably going to ask about her if he and Eren get to actually talk
Love those hints about something finally starting to change
ANOTHER PERSON FROM MIKASA’S CLAN? I hope we see this lady again, she’s lovely
I can’t believe how much the art has improved, it actually looks GOOD now 0.0)
Aw, that’s ok! I’ll be looking forward to seeing it when you get a new skirt :D
Yeah, I’m really excited for OC’s name too…must be something important if they’re keeping it hidden for this long. I guess it’s French (or a word from some other non-English language) since 'Ciel’ is French for 'Sky’…and it probably has a meaning related to the sky since they’re twins. Idk. Maybe it’s the word for 'star’ ('etoile’) since stars are also a big thing in this arc?
Looking forward to your reaction! I haven’t read the novel yet but from what I know it sounds great :D (also I cannot resist the L + Naomi duo even if they never actually interacted in manga/anime canon)
Btw, is it ok if I ask how far you’ve gotten with the DN anime?
(Also fun fact: Ryuk was originally designed to look like a handsome young man (an 'attractive rock star’, in the words of DN’s creators. You can find a pic of his original design on google). His design was changed because the creators felt like he was overshadowing Light XD
But also, I just found a post on tumblr that said Takeshi Obata (DN’s artist) mentioned that Ryuk’s face in canon could just be a mask to hide his true appearance…which means that he could technically still look like that in canon. Wow. I actually think I have the book where it says Obata mentioned that, I have to go and check it now lol)
Watch it if you dare and prepare to weep over all the wasted potential, because now that I read/watch more about it I guess the saddest thing is that it COULD have been great. I mean, like I said, the visuals are REALLY good, L’s actor could have been a good L if not for the bad script, Ryuk’s actor/design were also super great (it’s just his role in the movie and his motivations they messed up ;-;)…
I don’t watch Avatar (I’d like to when I have the time, though, because it seems like a great show) but I’ve heard of that movie and tbh I can’t even.
Ty :D (Ayy the queen said I’d make a cute Peridot *fangirls*
You’re also my closest friend right now and I love talking to you so much <3 thank you for everything Luna.)
See this is why you’re awesome. Thank you so much ;-; (and what, did Queen Luna mention me to her parents. Did I make a good impression. Omg. (jk, jk lol))
Also: I’d like to rec a song to you, it’s called 'Lovely’ by Twenty One Pilots :D
Oh look I actually replied within a week :’)
OK ILL START W DISORD BC IM EXCITE. I already have one, from a while ago, my # is 5773! So add me whenever you want ^^ ((But please just send me a short message here, cause I turned notifs off for it, so i can turn them on again ^^)) Well, uh, here’s the thing about short messages.  If a site/app has an instant message feature, you can bet I’ll be the one to split a sentence into 10 separate messages for dramatic effect… So, uh, prepare to have 42 new messages instead of like 4 waiting when you open the app ^^
I never ever ever have any problems with listening to you. I just appreciate you’re comfortable enough with me to be able to come to me. Honestly, I truly appreciate you in my life, especially considering that you can always reassure me with your words ^^ Truly a writer’s talent :p
Well, I’m going to a psychologist soon, so we’ll see what they’ll say. Idk tho, I dont think I even care anymore. I just want this stomach thing to pass as soon as possible.
Ouch, I hope your sister is better now… I’ve never broken anything so I wouldn’t know the feeling. Aww, coaches getting married is actually the cutest thing ever XD My archery coach got married a few years back and she was practically glowing.  Ah, if you don’t mind me asking, do you have a particular stroke you specialise in or do you just swim everything? 
I could say the same about comic/manga styles. Tbh, I don’t really consider myself a comic fan? When I was a kid, I used to buy the children’s comics to ward off boredom, but never really continued after I got into reading actual books. Black Panther happened to be among those comics and I remembered him when they mentioned T’Challa in CW. I wonder if i still have those old comics somewhere… But yeah, i was pretty excited when they mentioned him XD
That viewing actually sounds amazing… I get the feeling they’d all want to do an in depth analyzation of the characters? (But idk i don’t really know the characters that well) except for Hisoka, who’s probably just schwinging around being creepy per usual. I’m torn between wanting to read those lemons and just backing the fuck away…. Probably read like a paragraph and then set everything on fire. Yeah, that sounds good. 
I presume you’re not gonna watch IT? Random, but i thought of it bc of the fanart… Tbh I won’t watch it either. I’ve never watched a single horror movie in my life and i intend to keep it that way. Unless you count Coraline as horror, which I actually would in some ways? Idk tho, that movie traumatised me. Not even joking when I say I occasionally have nightmares related to it. Advice; if you haven’t, DO NOT WATCH CORALINE. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s a cartoon. I mean 9 is a cartoon, but it’s also freaking dark. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS IS A CARTOON AND I WOULDNT TOUCH THE VIDEOS WITH A 9 FOOT POLE.  Long story short, cartoons are not a joke.
For some reason I confused the Ukulele with a Lute and was like ‘I’m not gonna judge, but… why?’ then i actually googled it and realised I’m an idiot.  But, um, I can’t say anything other than it’s your choice and you should do whatever would make you happier? There’s that trick of throwing a penny in the air and if you’re disappointed when it lands heads/tails, you know you want the other one. Idk, tho, both options sound equally nice!
… HxH gets weirder every time you tell me about it
KANEKI IS WHAT NOW Um, okay then.... alrighty...
guess who dropped TG again
WELL FUCK IM SCREAMING ABOUT THE NEW CHAPTER WHOAH EREN’T GRAMPA WHOAH THE REUNION However, the best part is Reiner acting like a dad during the festival
Oooh Etoile would be interesting!
I’m still at the ep where L dies ;-; I haven’t had the time to move forward, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to watch some during this weekend
Well, uh. My mom came into my room while I was writing this and had to ask me why i was crying (I’m pretty sure she thought I was having one of my all-time-lows again). The reason why I was actually crying? The song. Words can’t express my gratitude. I’d download it, but tbh I feel like I’ll start ugly sobbing again every time I listen to it...
random note, i started going to school by train! It’s actually a lot nicer than the bus and cheaper XD Idk why i put this here but yay
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leiyahime · 7 years
A Distant Song - Summer challenge
When I started this Challenge I wanted it to end today...  If you look at this chapter... the end would be... terrible. So I’ll contunue until I reach the intended end. Have fun with a bit band dynamics and a bit Hotsuma dynamic.
Oh and... let’s see if anyone can detect the tiny easter egg that wanted to be hidden here (not uraboku related)
Chapter 15
  It took a bit over two weeks until Shuusei was well again. And everyone was more than happy that he was back. Hotsuma asked for another day off as soon as Shuusei knew when he was allowed to work again because now he needed a day to relax and come down from babysitting his best friend.
 Shuusei in the mean time was more than happy to being able to work again and being productive. And they had to play concerts. Already planned and the ones they had to cancel so he was busy right away.
 “Hotsuma wants to redecorate the restaurant.” Shuusei said one afternoon a few months later when the band was sitting together just playing for the fun of it. After the concerts they’ve taken it slow so that no one else got sick. And besides having played concerts the previous four nights it was in the middle of summer and the air outside hot and humid. There was not much energy left today.
“Oh... But he has to keep the piano!” Ria insisted. “Or I’ll never go there again!”
 Touko chuckled. Everyone here knew the girl loved Hotsuma and his food way too much to really stay away from him.
 “The piano will stay. But he asks whether we’d be willing to help him. Business goes well at the moment and they earned a bit of money but he wants to ask friends to help nevertheless and not pay anyone for every small task. And Fujita-san wants it to be done quickly so that she doesn’t have to close the restaurant for longer than necessary.”
 “Sounds great. If it fits into our schedule I’m in!” Ria said
 “Hard work with the hands?” Sairi asked. He was only used to his workout routine and not to renovating a restaurant.
 “You don’t have to if you feel too posh for it.” Touko stick her tongue out to him. “I’ll help”
 “I didn’t say I don’t want to. It’s something different. But don’t expect me to be too skilled.” Sairi said.
 “You can take care that everything looks good in the end,” Tsukumo proposed and then turned to Shuusei “Will there be food?” he asked.
 “I guess Hotsuma will make sure you don’t starve,” Shuusei winked. “Then I’m in, too. It sounds fun!”
 “What sounds fun?” Kase asked who had just entered the room. Of course... the fun killer would want a word in this as well.
 “Private matters.” Sairi said coolly.
 “I hope nothing that could endanger your ability to play music.”  Kase said sternly and sat down to talk through the next days with the band. There would be model jobs for Tsukumo and Ria and rehearsals for a new stage play for Touko and Sairi. And what are you planning to do Usui?”
 “Music. What else?” Shuusei asked.
 “You could join Murasame-kun and Otona-san.”
 “Or I could make music. Or don’t you want to release a new single this autumn?”
 “Usui... I guess you could do that while joining your friends.”
 Shuusei sighed and closed his eyes for a second. They had been through this so often.
 “Don’t you think they feel treated unfairly if they go modelling or acting and you sit here having a nice day?”
 “I doubt Shuusei’s slacking off.” Touko protested. “He’s working just as hard.”
 “Then why haven’t I seen a draft for a new song in the last month?”
 Shuusei tried his best not to roll his eyes. “Because you can’t force ideas good enough to be worked with out of a person.” That person managed music groups; he should know how the creative work is done.
 “I guess you should pull yourself together more, Usui. You can’t only do the stuff you like.”
 “Kase-san. Leave him be,” Sairi demanded. “You won’t get a new song if you pressure him. And as long as we are supposed different things we can’t support him in that task. New music doesn’t write itself.”
 “Then you should perhaps think about leaving that part to others. People who know what the people out there want to hear so you can gain more fans? I think that’s something all of you might want, right?”
 “Forget it!” Ria stated very clearly. “We will stay true to our roots of making it by ourselves. I don’t want to play music that can be replaced with everything else on the radio.”
 “What?” Kase asked sternly.
 “Really... Have you once tried to listen to what most of today’s music is? Almost every single group sounds almost the same. Everything is the same happy-go-lucky stuff that everyone can listen to. I want to make a change. I want to sound different, and if it attracts not as many people than it’s like that. It attracts more than enough people to fill large halls. So no, you won’t rob us of our jobs. I’ll decline the model jobs and help Shuu-kun with the new single.”
 “Ria... You don’t have to,” Shuusei protested.
 “I am a musician myself. So, Shuu-kun, my main job is making music and I will do that for the next at least two weeks. I’m not too fond of modelling either.”
 “Then I’ll quit, too.” Tsukumo stated. “We need another phase of group creativity. The labels will find other faces to drape their clothes on.”
 Sairi and Touko looked at each other and nodded.
 “Not you two as well?” Kase almost begged.
 “Yes, they shall cast someone else. We’ll take two weeks off from anything not related to our music. No model jobs, no acting, no interviews, no fan events. Just us five sitting in this room and working on new music!” Sairi explained.
 “You can’t do it. You have contracts to fulfil.”
 “Those contracts are for musicians. And we don’t want our music to suffer. And as Ria had already said, we will not let anyone else make our music.”
 At the end of that discussion Kase had left the room in a very foul mood. But he couldn’t win against five stubborn artists.
 “That...” Shuusei started but was immediately interrupted by Tsukumo:
 “That was not necessary we know, but he can’t force you to anything. And to be honest, I really want to spend some time again with nothing but music. You’re not the only one in this room who lives for it. So don’t you dare to feel bad for us. We all want to make music and sometimes we need to tell our manager clearly.”
 “He’s right.” Touko added. “Kase-san can’t order us around as he wishes. We are not a group of teenage girls. And if he goes to  Takashiro-sama, I don’t care. And also, Shuusei... you are not worth less than us just because you only want to concentrate on our music. We know you’re great in what you do and you are a very important part of our group!” She stood up and went to cuddle Shuusei who closed his eyes and let it happen. It felt good that his friends liked him the way he was. Although he himself got more and more the feeling that all he did was not enough. Even if he ignored Kase’s pressure.
 “Buut if we’re free now for the next two weeks, we can definitely spend a few days helping Hotsu-kun with the restaurant!” Ria said happily. “He just has to tell us when he needs us!”
 “Kase will probably kill us if he finds out!” Tsukumo said thoughtfully.
 “Do you mind?” Touko asked with a raised eyebrow.
 “Nope. I just wanted to say it so that it was said. Let’s call Hotsuma and tell him he can count on us!”
 So during the following week the restaurant closed for three days due to Hotsuma's plans to redecorate it.
 And as they had planned the five Shadow Warriors appeared the first of the three days at 8 o'clock with enough breakfast for everyone. Hotsuma had told Shuusei how many helping hands he expected - Fujita-san had asked her two children and a few friends as well - so that they would be prepared to tackle the task.
 When they arrived everything became a bit chaotic - who expected a not unknown rock band to help after all, but the breakfast quickly calmed everyone down and soon everyone had helped to push all the tables together so that they could eat and get to know each other, and noticed that the stars were also just humans.
 "Soo, now that your stomachs are full, we can plan everything," Fujita-san gathered everyone's attention. "I have asked several guests what they'd think about a redecoration and most of them liked the idea. So we want this place to become more modern. Our menu is now a mix of Japanese and European dishes so we, that's Hotsuma-kun and me, thought we should express that in here as well. So from the outside we'll keep the Japanese facade, but we want this room to get a European touch."
 "Will you wear a dirndl then, Kaa-san?" A man in his late thirties asked who had introduced himself as Fujita Gorou.
 "No, I will not."
 "There will be no dirndls and lederhosen in this restaurant as long as I work here," Hotsuma protested. "You don't expect every Japanese person to wear Ryusou, right?"
 "Wouldn't you rather say Kimono?  Ryusou is just limited to Okinawa and not everyone wears it. And Okinawa is... a bit special."
 "Same is with dirndls and Germany. I've lived in the northern part of the country and many people there look at Bavaria, where the dirndl originates the same way as you do at Okinawa. Only a small part of the Germans wear it and only to special occasions. I've been to Munich once and I've literally seen not a single dirndl in the streets"
 "So there is no need to wear anything Bavarian here." Hotsuma closed that topic and, together with Fujita-san explained how he had imagined the room to look like.
 "Okay, then we could perhaps get rid of the piano? It's not used anyway?" a friend of Fujita-san proposed. “It would not fit in here if the room gets painted in brighter colours."
 "The piano stays," Ria said and looked at the woman.
 "I have asked the person who tuned it last time. He would come over to give it in a fitting colour which would not influence the sound. I want it to stay here as well. I think of organizing musical events once or twice a month and when my dear friends over there" – she pointed at the band - "come around they like to use the instrument as well."
 Soon after everyone was appointed with tasks and started to work to give the formerly dim room a light and modern flare.
 Shuusei and Ria painted the walls, the siblings took care of the ceiling Fujita san's children went to organize new tables and chairs and Sairi took Hotsuma and went shopping for new decoration, because he knew better what kind of decoration would suit the European image.
 They went to different stores and Sairi paid for everything they bought.
 "You don't need to pay everything. The restaurant is not so bad off that we can't afford this ourselves!" Hotsuma protested after the third store.
 "I know. You wouldn't redecorate everything if you couldn't afford it. But I'm still better off and I want to pay." Sairi grinned arrogantly. "You do a good job with your restaurant and I want you to survive for many more years."
 "No buts." Sairi ignored Hotsuma’s protests and entered the next store where they looked around.
 "Your English influence needs this!" he pointed at a figure of a waving Queen Elisabeth.
 "I want to attract customers not repel them with terrible kitsch. This is forbidden as much as dirndls!" Hotsuma looked angrily at Sairi until the tall man started to laugh.
 "I was just kidding. That wouldn't fit into it."
 "Asshole..." Hotsuma muttered and felt how Sairi slapped his back in a friendly manner.
 "Sorry. This is my way to show people I like them."
 "Doesn't change the fact that you can be an asshole." Hotsuma grinned at Sairi and both men continued their shopping in a very good mood.
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
“…I’m sorry, what?”
Time to move on to a new song
If only you had heard the shit he said about you, I doubt you would have let it slide, and I was not about to! I came to ask you for advice, this is my very first duel…they don’t exactly cover this subject in fandom school…”
(Yes I know this is actually worse than One Last Time)
You know somebody is a cinnamon roll when you know literally nothing about them but then you read a comment they make on a manga or a random tweet of theirs and you automatically go “awww how adorable”. Ishida is apparently one of those ‘Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’ types.
I don’t watch the AoT anime anymore because I don’t really like how it handles the characters (namely Mikasa, Annie and Eren; plus there wasn’t much of a point in watching it since it never advanced beyond the Female Titan arc until now) but I saw S2’s trailer and it does look amazing! The animation is as beautiful as ever :) maybe I’ll give it a chance if I have the time!
So…here’s more TG/Ham angst ^^ I have no idea how to make AMVs or MMVs but for some reason I decided it would be fun to write this little plan for a Wait for It MMV for TG. Here’s a snippet of the mess I ended up creating (the lyrics are in italics and everything in parentheses is the scene/panel I would like to appear during that lyric):
Love doesn’t discriminate
(Nishiki & Kimi or Yoshimura & Ukina)
Between the sinners
(Kureo Mado)
And the saints
It takes
(the scene with Mado’s wedding ring)
And it takes
(Tsukiyama lying on the rooftop after Kaneki leaves him)
And it takes
(Kurona reaching out for Nashiro before Juuzou kills her)
And we keep loving anyway
(Kanae falling with Shuu)
We laugh
(Yoriko & Touka)
And we cry
(Akira crying after Amon and Takizawa’s ‘deaths’)
And we break
(Mutsuki comforting Urie in the auction arc)
And we make our mistakes
(Touka lashing out at Kaneki on the bridge in the first series)
I might regret sending this because it’s so messy XD Sorry just ignore it
Aww, thank you! I love anaylzing characters and scenes when I’m not too lazy to do so.
It’s interesting to compare characters too, how they can be similar and different at the same time- character relationships are also a lot of fun to analyze.
Speaking of that, though…
(So, we got that Amon/Kaneki convo.
Amon: “The people you thought you lost…your friends and acquaintances…what if they somehow returned to you? How would that make you feel?”
Kaneki: “It’d be frightening. Because I’ll have forgotten their names.”
Maybe I’m being weird but I seem to recall the White Suits telling Miza that they followed Naki because no matter how thick he seems, he never forgets a friend and he has never forgotten the names of the people he fought with (he keeps apologizing to the dead members of his group every night). Kaneki’s statement that he’s 'forgotten’ the names of his lost loved ones seems to contrast with Naki’s behavior. Don’t know if this was on purpose or not but if it was, that would be cool.
We also got a Touka/Akira convo, which was really interesting.
Touka and Akira reached a tentative sort-of beginning of an understanding through their less-than-ideal fathers: When Akira claimed she was never ashamed or remorseful for the ghouls she hunted and that she was proud of her father’s legacy, Touka asked Akira if she’d never considered how things might have been if Kureo Mado hadn’t been so bent on revenge. She then admitted that she wasn’t proud of her own father either; that she’d resented him for being so obsessed with avenging her mother and that she’d been angry with herself for being unable to comfort him or make him stay with her or Ayato.
Judging from Akira’s expression and the way she said 'don’t you dare’, she probably did think of 'what if father hadn’t…’ before.
I also like how things are being represented. While Akira still has a long way to go compared to people like Kaneki, Touka, Nishiki, Hinami, or even Amon and Shuu, she’s not shown as being entirely in the wrong here. An interesting scene is when Touka leads Akira outside and shows her three young children playing together; Akira’s confused for a moment before Touka tells her that the children are ghouls.
Akira remarks that no matter if they’ve been orphaned, no matter the trauma they’ve gone through, these children are still going to grow up to hunt and devour humans and that is just a fact of life that can’t be helped. Later on, when Touka convinces the children to give Akira a hug, their first instincts are to remark that she(Akira) smells nice and that they’re getting hungry.
It’s a completely innocent statement with no harmful intention behind it, but it reminds us once again that peace isn’t going to be easy and that in different circumstances, Akira would be food to these children. Or they would be her victims.
Hinami also met Akira. Those two haven’t talked yet but they’ve hugged…?
Last note:
Furuta’s got his hands on Rize.
Did Shachi take her. That might explain it since he died at Arima’s hands so the CCG could have gotten Rize after that. If that’s the case…
Shachi, you’re a good dad but leaving her with Yomo might, MIGHT have been better for everybody in the long run.
Except Furuta, but nobody cares about him.)
OMG THE COLORS ARE SO PRETTY I’ve got to watch that now, if only for the visuals (I mean, I’m sure it’s got good characters and/or a sound plot too, I just think the art is lovely)
Thanks :D I’ve heard of Boku no Hero Academia too, time to look up the plot for that one…
I think the problem with me is that I usually join the most mainstream fandoms because I like to have a lot of fics to read and a lot of people with different opinions to discuss things with. That’s kind of why I dropped out of the Vocaloid and Evillious Chronicles fandoms…
Anyway, I’ll try to check out all your recs! Thank you again!
"Okay, Evans, my sweet cinnamon roll, here’s what you’re gonna do. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER THAT DUEL AT ALL, YA HEAR ME??”
Yes, it is much, much worse.
Yeah, he does seem like one of those hahah Honestly, for some reason my favorite 'cinnamon roll types’ are 'looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll’ and 'looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually kill you’. Aaaand, I’m gonna take a wild quess and say that you’re either a cinnamon roll who’s actually a cinnaom roll or a cinnamon roll who could actually kill you.
Ah, I remember spoiling the basement thing to you (really sorry again ^^;;)! And, to be completely honest, I’m not sure how much you’d like what’s currently going on in the manga :/ It kinda seems like Isayama took the 'easy way out’ of the whole 'let’s explain titans’ thing… not to mention it’s become as complicated as TG:Re, if not more ;-; But, hey, Armin, my sweet cinnamon roll, is still alive, so it’s comething!
That’s actually a very good idea! I’ve fooled around with making amvs before, so if you want, I can attempt to make this when I have time! It really does sound like it could break your heart if done properly. I take my earlier assumption back. You’re definitely a cinnamon roll who’d actually kill, because you kill my feelings on a regular basis :)))
Yeeah, I also love making up theories/headcanons about characters, but I’ll never get as detailed as you. As I said, I usually keep away from complicated things, like potential character pasts, I keep to the lighthearted things ^^;;
Whaaaaaat?? Kaneki forgot names of all the dead people?? When Naki, Naki who’s kind of an idiot (but actually a really good person), never forgot a single name?? I’m starting to dislike Kaneki more and more… I mean, it started after the Tsukiyama extermination mission, to be honest, but this is just… Ishida is E V I L Also, I think it might’ve been done to create a contrast to Naki, since Ishida is quite big on hidden meanings.
Excuse me while I go cry in the corner. WHY IS ISHIDA SO HELLBENT ON KILLING OUR FEELINGS WITH A CHAINSAW OR SOMETHING?! I mean, Akira’s no closer to forgiving ghouls, it would seem (from what you’ve written, at least). And Furuta has Rize. Ooooh boy, I wonder how that’ll develop. Can’t be good anyway. But, hey, Hinami and Akira hugged, so that’s something.
Yup, Love Live has lots of nice colours and it’s a really cheerful anime, so it might serve as a break after TG hahah And the sequel, Love Live! Sunshine!! is even better, if you ask me, but that’s probably because one of my favorite characters of all times appeares there ^^;; Also, the songs are pretty good as well, in my opinion. They can have really weird titles, though, like 'Happy Party Train’ or 'Storm in Lover’ or 'Cutie Panther’. But they really are good songs ^^;;
My friend, who recommended BnHA to me said at one point 'but beware, it gets really dark’. Now, it’s impossible he was talking about the manga since he refuses to read it (in general) and the second season wasn’t out yet, so he was obviously talking about the first season. So I’m like 'okay, I’ll prepare myself’ And I watch the anime… and there’s not even a d of the dark in there. Apparently, TG and AoT have greatly altered my viewing of the term 'dark anime’, since I’ll find a lot of things not dark, even though other people will find it very dark.
Ah, that makes sense! When I watch an anime that’s not 'in’, I’ll usually be a tiny bit depressed over not having anyone to talk to about it, since everyone’s forgotten about it :/ So I understand your reasoning ^^
One last thing, you’ll never believe when I typed this reply! Hint: we’re geographically closer than ever! Because I, the biggest weeb of all times, am flying to Japan! And I typed this in the plane huehuehue
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kaedekayano · 7 years
001; Kanzaki and Kayano. 002: Gakushuu Asano
oh boy i’m abt to get so excited and emotional fuck adkaldjahdhdjsd
when I started shipping it if I did: i don’t remember tbh. i always lowkey shipped it haha, but i don’t think i really realised it until @wassailtofivehundred was like !! yukikae !! and also i saw cute fanart and i rewatched a couple episodes (kyoto trip ehh) and i was like, fuck i really ship this. also a lot of it was b/c around december (the time i published be your own hero) i started liking kayano a lot more and then that made me salty bc nagisa/kayano was so poorly written and an injustice to her character. she deserved a person who she had actual chemistry with, and i think kanzaki is definitely that person (or one of them).
my thoughts: pure!! good!! beautiful and amazing!! i love it!! so much!! i’m working on a v v long yukikae kayano-POV fic right now and i’m excited to show it to y’all b/c i have trouble expressing how much/why i love characters/ships until i have a fic to support it, haha. but anyway i think kanzaki is really good for kayano b/c she’s so understanding and caring, and kayano is good for kanzaki because — look they just care so much abt each other okay they’re so Good.
What makes me happy about them: so good. so pure. so beautiful. they’re just healthy for each other and i love the idea of kayano’s best friend supporting her through all the shit she’s gone through because fuck, man, kayano’s mom and sister are dead, the only “friends” she had, she built her friendship on a lie, the teacher she tried to kill and then turned out not to be guilty is dead anyway (bye bye, purpose that kept her going for a year despite all her issues), the person she was for a year was a lie but — not all of it, okay, deep down kaede kayano/akari yukimura is still a good caring person and kanzaki knows it even if she did lie and the two of them supporting each other and I just — yeah
What makes me sad about them: i’m always full of salt about kayano so :/ i don’t like it when people don’t acknowledge the kayano arc happened/kayano’s real personality is very different from the one she pretended to be/she lied to the class for a year? yeah matsui just decided to forget about it and sideline her because he’s a shit writer and what the fuck is continuity, but that doesn’t mean you should follow his example. so it’d be great to see those issues acknowledged!! give me kanzaki understanding kayano did fucked-up things and is a messy person who was not the kind, cheerful, sweet girl she pretended to be and loving her anyway!! (acknowledge and justify the kayano arc for why it happened without throwing logic out the window, and i’ll personally send you a thank-you card)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: there are two fics on ao3 for yukikae, lol (i’m planning to remedy this because inexcusable!!). one is kayano third wheeling karmagisa w/ like 5 lines of actual yukikae (no offense to the author, the fic is fine, it’s just Not Yukikae). the other is green’s fic and admittedly there isn’t a lot of overtly romantic yukikae but it’s a really good fic and there’s good worldbuilding and concepts and y’all should read it
things I look for in fanfic: having it exist. that’s what i’m looking for. that being said, see above rant, because while there aren’t many fics about kanzaki (beautiful daughter pls love her more), there is plenty of fic about kayano and it is almost never accurate. it makes me sad. accurate, well-done characterization is what i Live for
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: both of them, okuda. as previously mentioned, kanzaki, maybe yada? for kaede, rio, also yada, maybe kataoka (it’s mentioned kayano admires her and i don’t think that was a lie, akari seems like the type of girl who recognises and respects strength and competence in people). um. the 3-E girls are all good in general haha, the only person i can think of off the top of my head i’d say no to is okano with kanzaki because okano dislikes her and kanzaki is uncomfortable with that, so. :/ although seeing them work past it (and okano getting past her own insecurities regarding her femininity) would be cool, so even then, i can’t say Absolutely Never. just not nagisa/kayano pls
My happily ever after for them: sometime in their mid/late-20s, they move into an apartment together and own lots of books and cute stationery and various trinkets. also a cat. maybe other pets, like a hamster or a dog. kayano is a successful actress all over again but keeps her relationship with kanzaki not secret but lowkey. kanzaki is away from her parents and likes her job and reads a lot of books. their friends come visit them pretty frequently and the neighbors think they’re adorable. they’re happy.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: omg fuck i suck at this kind of thing. i think kayano would be the big spoon and kanzaki the little spoon but i don’t think they’d mind switching
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: um theyre fond of reading and decorating things (apartment they move into together) and baking and taking walks together. probably taking walks with the dog tbh. that was like 4 i dont know sorry im still in the developing stages of headcanons for these two ive only been highkey invested in this ship for like a month and a half okay
gakushuu asano
How I feel about this character: today i started thinking about him completely out of the blue, with no prompting, and then i sat down and wrote 4 pages in my notebook about an AU where ikeda doesn’t die and gakuhou remains a good dad. last sentence is “in another world, gakushuu asano is healthy and happy and okay.” this is pretty much how i am all day every day i love this child so much he’s just. i see a lot of myself in him (hes relatable okay) and he’s so amazing and brilliant and full of curiosity and potential and i!!! love!!! him!!!! i want him to be happy so much!!! i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
All the people I ship romantically with this character: karma (obviously haha), um. fuck. im really fond of renshuu (like really fond) but i usually ship it as ren having a one-sided crush on gakushuu that eventually concludes in ren realising shuu’s crushing unattainability (also i hc gakushuu as ace arospec and he’s kinda ehhh abt romance in general. projecting? me? yeah) and dealing with it and they become really really good best friends even tho it makes ren’s heart hurt a lil bit but mostly its okay. fuck i had a fic abt this i started months ago that i never finished i gotta do that but yeah i envision the virtuosos’ dynamic as being very very complicated in general. oh yeah i cant believe i said i ship karma/gakushuu only once in this post so far so anyway i ship karushuu i love karushuu karushuu is love karushuu is life
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the virtuosos of course its not like i wrote like 1k+ of meta on this hahahaha also gakushuu/isogai, gakushuu/kataoka (why cant we see his respect for her acknowledged as well i know isogai gets his own ep and all but kataoka is still important and is also a class rep :/), gakushuu/nagisa a little bit (i used to be super into it and i still kinda like it), i actually really like the idea of platonic!karushuu because those two are cute boyfriends but working their way from enemies to rivals with grudging respect for each other to best friends?? it’s good
My unpopular opinion about this character: he and karma are not the same person or quite frankly anywhere close to it. there’s lots of parallels they’re good narrative foils but seeing people act like gakushuu is just a recoloured karma makes me sad. pls no my son is so complex and wonderful and different pls pls understand this he’s not just karma akabane with orange hair he’s his own character and such a good one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he goes to MIT and is separated from his father’s awful awful toxic influence and lives a happy brilliant successful life and is emotionally okay. i mean it’s not non-canon hahaha but seeing it onscreen would’ve been cool. we can assume that happens anyway tho b/c it’s gakushuu. uhh seeing him interact with his mom onscreen (or like, seeing his mom at all) would’ve been really cool!!! for who i imagine his mom as, i pretty much just think of @cosmicyue‘s hideko asano headcanon :)
my OTP: karushuu obviously. ohh man i love these two nerds so fucking much okay. they hate each other so so much but they also have this respect for each other alright if i start talking about why i ship karushuu (something ive actually never done on this blog bc i dont want people to think im trying to push karushuu on everyone ajdkakdkajsh; theres hardly a shortage of karushuu shippers around) then im gonna b here all day and this is already really long. ill shut up
my cross over ship: none i dont rlly think about AC in relation to other fandoms tbh
a headcanon fact: i have so many. fuck. um one of my favorites (ive mentioned it before but) is that the asanos are both fluent in 3+ languages and they talk shit about people they look down on in those languages when they’re around those people, just to make people uncomfortable.
send me a ship, a character, or five characters
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