#Side note: I really love how they actually look slightly younger in the polaroid
squidkidcelebi · 8 months
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Friends, past and present
8 notes · View notes
derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Pictures: Ace x Reader
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Pairing: Drew!Reader x Ace (Nancy Drew CW)
Word Count: 7, 632 words
Request for @ateliefloresdaprimavera
Summary: When Carson asks reader for an old photo, her and Ace go through their photos and reminisce on their years of memories. From how they met, to their first kiss, to when they moved in together, the pair enjoy remembering their past and talk about the future.
Notes: Reader is Nancy’s older sister and a nurse student. None of the timelines really add up, so just don’t think about that too much lol. This is my first request, so I hope I did alright! It took so long and I got majorly carried away (7k words whoop whoop!), but I’m so happy with it and I hope you enjoy!! Flashbacks are in italics!
You walk into the apartment you and Ace share, throwing your keys onto the little table in the entryway and placing your bag on the ground. It’s been a long day, and you really just want to see your boyfriend. A smile appears on your face as you breathe in the smell of your favourite dinner cooking and savour the sound of Ace humming along to some Bon Jovi song he and his dad listened to when Ace was a little kid.
A small laugh escapes your lips, and you make your way into the kitchen. Ace must not have heard you come in, because he jumps when you wrap your arms around his waist. He realizes it’s you by the old bracelet on your wrist, an old woven strip of leather that his dad gave you the  Christmas after you guys got together. It’s one of your most prized possessions. He turns, staying in your grip, and smiles down at you. 
“Hey,” he says softly, lifting your chin with his finger. Ace leans in and plants a sweet kiss against your lips. You smile into the kiss, and when he pulls away you lean your head against his chest. He wraps his arms snugly around your shoulders, and you melt into his embrace. 
“Today was like a thousand years long,” you groan, your voice muffled by his chest. “And its only like six o’clock!” Your comment makes him let out a small laugh and the sound makes you smile. It’s been all of a minute, and Ace is already turning your day around. Though that’s been his specialty for a long time. 
“Well, once we eat I thought we could go through old polaroids. Mr. D wants a copy of the one from Halloween two years ago.” Ace glances down at you, but you keep your face smushed against him. 
“Sounds great.” The sound is still muffled, but he can hear that you’re more than happy with the idea. He laughs slightly, he’s always found your exhausted antics funny. You tilt your face slightly, glancing at the food on the stove. 
Ace follows your gaze, reaching to stir the pasta so it won’t burn to the pot. Your eyes catch on his arm. The way he’s stretching is really just defining every single muscle. He’s concentrated on the food, trying to focus enough that he won’t mess up using a single hand. When he’s really focused, he bites his lip slightly, and he’s really focused right now. And if you weren’t so tired, oh boy-
“Hey, it’s done!” He’s still clueless. You’ve been dating for six years and sometimes he still doesn’t notice the way you just stare blankly for a minute, imagining his hands roaming your body or his lips pressed against yours as he- “Let’s eat on the couch, we can start looking at pictures now.”
“Okay.” You finally move out of his grip, feeling a lot less warm and fuzzy without his arm around you. “Hey, do we have a printed version of the one Nancy took the day we met?”
“I think so, they’re sorted by date, right?” 
“Yes. I still love your mom for that, by the way.” You grin at him, turning and heading toward the couch. He chuckles before following, and the two of you sit and eat, flipping through an album first. 
The album is older pictures, from before you met, but it’s so fun to look through. Little BoyScout Ace is such an adorable image, it never fails to make you laugh and make him blush. And your younger self playing doctor has the same effect, with reversed reactions of course. It only takes a little bit to finish dinner, and Ace returns the dishes to the kitchen to leave table space for photos. He comes back, this time sitting closer. You curl up against his side, and he drapes an arm over you. 
“Can we look through all of our pictures?”
“I was gonna ask the same thing,” he chuckles, picking up a smaller album. You recognize it right away, it’s the one from your first year of high school. When you started taking polaroids. It’s been a fascination of yours forever, and cameras have always been an interesting hobby for you. 
The first picture is actually of the school, and you notice the former Mr. G standing in the corner, looking shady as hell. That’s from the beginning of the year, when you and your sister, Nancy, got roped into the mysterious locker thief at school. 
The next is the ‘crime scene’ photos you took. They’re no professional photos, but they’re decent. Ace looks them over and gives you an impressed smirk. You chuckle and flip to the next photo. You and Ace in the back of a cop car. 
You pressed tape over the powder that Nancy had spread over the teacher’s desk, praying that some clear fingerprints will show up. The desk was cleaned only a few minutes before the theft, which meant that the fingerprints should be visible. 
A cough in the hallway tore you from your thoughts. You and your sister glance up, caught in the act. Fearing detention, the pair of you decided to hide behind the door and make a break for it once the teachers were inside of the room. Solid plan, if they were teachers. 
Instead, you were met with two very strong, very angry looking men, who were glaring at you and Nancy. In the heat of the moment, the two of you made a wordless decision to split up, and ran off in opposite directions. Dashing through the school, Thief One got on your heels, you had known that your only sanctuary would be the old janitor’s closet. 
It was easy to miss. Tucked just around a corner, outside the gym and hidden because of the angle of the wall, Thief One would totally not notice it if he didn’t know about it. And if he did know about it, you just hoped he would believe the stories about it being haunted. Which, in hindsight, were probably true. 
It came down to a split second decision, and you went for the closet. Choosing to go for the supply closet, willing to risk ghosts over crazy thieves who want your head on a stick, you flung the door open...
...And ran right into a mildly familiar fluffy-haired boy. Apologizing profusely at a whisper, you’d closed the door behind you and shushed him. The closet was smaller than you had remembered, and Ace basically had you pinned to the door. Holding a finger to your lips with a pleading look in your eye, you waited for the footsteps. 
They came soon enough, pounding on the floor by the door as he rushed past. You could hear the man open the back door, which was his fatal mistake. Never open the door. Security systems exist. The alarm started blaring, which meant that the cops got called. You let out a sigh of relief, tilting your head back against the door. 
“What’s going on?” Ace had watched your expression relax, and he’d noted how breathless you were when you burst in. He was impressed, to say the least, and really curious. 
“Tell you later,” you whispered hurriedly, bringing a hand to his mouth. “Don’t let him hear us.” Chest still rising and falling rapidly, you try and catch your breath. Ace nods and you remove your hand, focusing on your breathing. 
A few more silent minutes had passed and then the cops had arrested the man outside your closet. You and Ace had come out quietly, seeing Nancy with Chief McGinnis, and two officers watching the two men you and Nancy had accidentally caught. 
After seating you in the police car, shouting at Carson for letting you break into the school, McGinnis had to decide what to do. He ended up dragging you, Nancy, and Ace to the station, only to later send Ace home. Nancy got front seat privileges because she had more of an explanation than you. Which resulted in your dad snapping a picture of you and Ace in the backseat. 
Ace got sent home as soon as you all got to the station, but his interest had been piqued. 
“I remember that. You busted into that supply closet and nearly killed me with the door.”
“It’s not like I meant to, I was being chased by a criminal!” You give him a gentle smack on the back of the head, laughing. “And if I remember correctly, you were still flirting with me for weeks after that.”
“Well that was just uncalled for.” He pretends to be offended, which makes both of you laugh again. “But yes, when you broke into that closet, it was game over. No one else was ever going to compare to you.”
Your face burns at the compliment, and you try and hide your smile. A soft giggle escapes your lips despite your efforts to stop it, and Ace lifts your chin. 
“I mean it. You’re something else, Y/n Drew.” He glances down, distracted by a picture from May of your second year of high school. That’s when you and Ace first got together. It’s a picture of you and him, sitting on the hill out behind the school. 
It was over when Ace had taken his first look at you. He fell hard and he fell fast. He was so painfully obvious about it too. Not that it bugged you, ever since he’d had you pinned against that door, all you could think about were his piercing blue eyes and his sly smirk. The two of you started hanging out more, and the rest is history. 
By the end of your sophomore year, you were dating Ace. Not to mention head over heels for him. Same went for him about you. You guys were inseparable. Are inseparable. 
On the hill, you took out the camera. Ace grinned, knowing exactly what he should do. You flip the camera, pointing it to capture you and Ace, caught completely off guard when he kissed you. The timer ended and it snapped the photo, but you were too wrapped up in the moment to realize. 
You put the camera down and leaned in more, fully embracing the moment. Ace was, and still is, everything you could ask for. When the pair of you had pulled back, it was pretty clear that no one else would ever stand a chance. 
Both of you smile at each other, and you kiss Ace softly. Smiling happily, he  pulls back, still holding the album in his hand. He flips a few pages, and there’s a picture of when you went to prom. You’re sitting next to your mom, Ace standing behind you. Despite the sadness in the air, everyone was smiling. It brings tears to your eyes, and Ace glances over to see if you’re okay.
“I, uh, I forgot we had this one,” you whisper. He pulls you closer, and you lean against him for a second, remembering the night. 
After pictures, you and Ace had separated from Nancy. She wasn’t your biggest fan anymore, and she had never really gotten along with Ace in high school. Something about weed and the fact that he almost went to prison, who knows. Columbia was her priority. 
You and Ace had only spent a little while in the gym, you bailed about two hours in. The room was hot and sweaty, and you and Ace had other plans anyway. The plan was to make a quick stop at home and pick up some cash and a phone charger, then take off for a date night. If you guys had time, you’d pop back into prom for a while. 
When you got home, your mother was dying. Ace was there for you and your dad, and your mom, in a way. She saw him protecting you and Carson, and you know how much peace of mind that must’ve given her. She slipped away, and you sobbed into Ace’s arms. 
“Did I ever thank you? For... For that night?” You look up at Ace, wiping away a tear. 
“Thank me? Why would you thank me?”
“You were there for me.”
“I’d be there for you no matter what. No thanks necessary,” he says softly, brushing another teardrop off your cheek. 
“Well, thank you, Ace. For everything ever. Because I love you.”
“I love you.” He shifts slightly, rolling you over him. You laugh at the sudden movement, and before you can truly process, you’re snuggled against his side, both of you laying comfortably on the couch. 
He picks up the album again, flipping to the last photo. This one is beautiful. It’s yours and Ace’s hands, fingers interlocked. You can see the edge of the bluffs in the background, and the clouds lining the sky are a mix of deep and light greys. 
Neither of you say anything yet, both of you are wrapped up in remembering the moment. 
A few months into your senior year (Ace’s gap year), there was a rough patch. Ace had gotten this idea, that he was dragging you down. You were this perfect girl, Y/n Drew. Your father, Carson, the top lawyer in the district, and Kate has been just about the kindest woman in Horseshoe Bay. Not to mention that your sister was (is) some crime fighting genius. And when you had decided to be a nurse? He’d realized he was right. 
The rift had started, and you felt it. The idea of losing him scared you shitless, so you sat him down to talk about it. It was a nice moment actually, walking up the path to the bluffs. Literally all you did was remind him that he was good enough. That he’s some techno genius and that you weren’t going anywhere far, not with your Dad and Nancy in the place that they were. Not with the loss of your mom. Besides, you never wanted to leave Horseshoe Bay. The hospital needed more nurses. So it’s not like you’re gonna leave him, and it’s not like you think he’s not a good guy. Man, the look on his face when the words-
“I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Ace. Forever.” 
-had come out of your mouth were priceless. That night stays one of your most cherished memories. The night you and Ace dished it all out at sunset on the bluffs. You reminded him that he was good enough and that you needed him. He reminded you that he had your back. 
Each of you reminded the other that you loved them. That’s why that night is so important. 
“I remember that. I can’t believe I ever thought I was dragging you down.”
“Me neither. Honestly, you make everything so much better, all the time.” You shift your gaze to his face, smiling slightly. He smiles too, how could he not? “Ace, I need you to know how much you mean to me.”
“I know. You mean so much to me, too,” he whispers. You feel his grip on you tighten slightly, making you realize he’s nervous. 
“Why are you nervous?”
“I’m not.”
He knows what that means. It was established a long time ago. Both of you know what a ‘tell’ is, mystery solving is common for you, so knowing when someone is lying is important. You and Ace say ‘tell’ whenever it’s obvious the truth is being avoided. 
“You’re not breaking up with me, are you?”
“You’re dumb,” you laugh. “Obviously not.”
“Thank god,” he sighs in relief. 
“I’ve thought about how to say this a lot and I really don’t want to freak you out, but the idea of seeing someone else makes me sick. I love you Ace, and I don’t see myself loving anyone else like this.”
“The idea of losing you hurts me more than anything else I can think of,” he replies. “You and me, that’s what makes all of this worth it.”
The room falls silent for a second, and you trace circles against his chest with your finger. He rubs your arm with his thumb, hand splayed over your upper arm, still from before. 
Ace shifts slightly, moving the album onto the table, but something falls from it. An extra photo. From when you moved in together. 
You and Ace moved in together after your first year of college. It was funny, finding an apartment between Horseshoe bay and your new school was so easy. No one else wanted to live in the middle, but it’s perfect for you. Ace could go to the Claw, you could go to school. 
“Ace, is this for real?” 
You’d looked around in awe. All of your belongings were in your new home, the one you shared with Ace. It was perfect. You wouldn’t change a thing. 
“This is for real,” he reassured you. 
The pair of you had spent the night organizing your cupboards and shelves, a task most people would call tedious, yet for the pair of you it had been one of the best nights ever. 
Now it’s your last year of college, and so much as the thought of losing Ace makes you sick to your stomach. He’s perfect. He’s the sunshine on your cloudy days, the left to your right, the anchor of your ship, the rock to your roll. The two of you have become two halves of a whole. You’re his and he’s yours, and neither of you want it any other way. 
Ace laughs, pulling you back to reality and away from your thoughts. He holds up a picture from after your first week of school. You’re absolutely knocked out on the couch, exhausted from school. 
You’d lived with Ace for two months. And it was fantastic. Your decision to be a nurse was finalized when you lost your mom, and the idea of staying nearby stemmed from the state of your family. Nancy’s downward spiral and your father drifting were signs for you to stay close. 
So you did. You went to (and still do go to) the university one town over from Horseshoe Bay, and your apartment is right smack in the middle. Ace could still get to the Claw, major props to the reliable Florence for that, and you could still get to school. 
It was perfect. Studying to be a nurse was exhausting, and trying to protect your sister was so hard. She never wanted any help, she was so focused on pushing everyone away. It was hard, but Ace was there for you. As he always was (and is). 
When you woke up the next morning, you were in your bed, snuggled up with Ace. Honestly, if you hadn’t already known he was the one, you did then. He’s caring and sweet, funny too. Not to mention he’s super attractive. 
And that year was one of the best you’d ever had. It had been relatively uneventful, aside from finally reconnecting with your father. And any day you spent with Ace, those were always an adventure. But it was amazing. And that was the year you and Ace really locked in your future together. 
Late night talks, dinner dates, lazy Sundays, even the silly arguments. All of it was irreplaceable. 
You smile at the thought, and Ace holds up the picture you’ve been searching for. Two Halloweens ago. You almost wonder why your dad, Carson, wants it, but when you really look at the photo, you know. You and Ace look so happy in your stupid costumes. 
“Tell me the two of you aren’t dressed up as those kids from that stupid fairy cartoon.”
“Why would we tell you that, George? We clearly are.” 
The pair of you had laughed. You had thought the pink hat on Ace’s head and your outfit made it obvious. Bess, on the other hand, was loving the outfits. The lot of you were hanging around in the Claw, waiting for Nick to show up so you could head to the party. The joys of carpooling. 
“Are you dressed as Timmy Turner?” Nick had walked through the door wearing a really fancy looking suit, and come over to join the group. 
An interesting combo: Ace and Y/n as Timmy and Trixie from the Fairly Odd Parents, Nancy as Sherlock Holmes, as usual, George as herself- which she was calling Kim Possible (but you all knew she just threw on a close enough outfit because didn’t really want to dress up), Bess as Cher from Clueless, and Nick as a magician. So yeah. Wacko. But now that Nick had shown, you could head out to the real party. 
“Hey, hold on!” You held up your camera that you’d been keeping in Ace’s car (Florence). “Come on guys, pictures before we go!”
You set up the timer and took a few different group shots, then decided to head out. You handed the camera to Nancy, who had a purse on her. Little did you know that she had taken a snapshot of you and Ace talking. 
The party was crazy fun, aside from a guest appearance from some girl with a surprisingly realistic sea ghost costume. No one ever really talked about that again, for some reason.
When you headed out, you and Ace had decided to spend the night in your childhood home. The drive was just too long for that night, since it was already so late. When you and Ace had curled up on the couch, Nancy handed you the photo.
It was perfect. You and Ace laughing about having the same favourite cartoon, your expressions were pure joy. 
“Are you really the kids from that stupid fairy show?!” You make fun of George’s comment. “Coming from the one who didn’t dress up,” you finish with a laugh. Ace laughs with you, shifting slightly so he can glance at your face. It’s a little awkward because of the way you’re laying, but cute nonetheless. 
“That night was crazy. Do you think sea-ghost-girl was Dead Lucy?”
“I never thought about it.” Your eyes widen, and you pause.  “You think?”
“Nah,” both of you say with a laugh, brushing off the idea. You sit up, setting the Halloween photo aside. 
“We’ll make a copy for Mr. D, yeah?” Ace props himself up on his elbows, half sitting up. He fully enjoys the view of you, fully immersed in looking over these photos. You’re so entranced with the memories that it’s like your in another world. He sits up all the way, pushing back your hair. 
“I’m sure my dad would love copies of all of these,” you say softly, eyes settling on some old photos of you and your mom, Nancy and your mom, or even you and Ace with mom. “Oh- Maybe not this one!” You laugh as you slip a more scandalous photo out of the album, handing it to Ace. 
He blushes profusely, running his hand through his hair with a chuckle. 
“Oh god!” Ace looks down quickly, probably imagining your dad seeing. “If he saw this he would kill me!” Both of you laugh, glancing at each other. 
Ace planted a kiss at the base of your neck, and you laughed as you tried to finish writing the answer to a question on your notes. 
“Ace,” you mumbled. He didn’t respond, he was wrapped up in the moment. You took his chin, pulling his face so that his eyes meet yours. “Can I finish this sheet?”
He gave you that look, and you gave in instantly. 
“I mean, I don’t have class tomorrow.” You glanced at him, and he was smiling like an idiot. Without a second thought, you grabbed the camera off the coffee table and snap a photo of his stupid grin. Both of you laughed as the flash illuminated his face, and you went to put the camera down.
“Nah,” Ace had whispered softly, leaning in. “Bring it.”
Then he swung you into his arms and carried you toward your bedroom. 
When you manage to compose yourself and bring your thoughts to the present moment, you can feel the heat of your face. You just hope Ace doesn’t pick up on it, because he’ll tease you about this for days. 
“Hey, you better keep that somewhere that no one will see,” you laugh. 
“Oh I fully intend on doing that.” He tucks the small photo into the chest pocket of his shirt, giving it a pat once it’s hidden in the fabric. “Hey, it’s not that late yet. We may as well drive in tonight and hand deliver the photos.”
“That sounds so good,” you say with a smile, looking over at Ace. “We’ve still got like two hours of daylight left. Plus we could maybe stop at our spot for sunset. We haven’t done that in a while.”
“We should, it’s been like six months since we spent sunset on the bluffs.” He gazes over at you, watching as you stack up the photos. You glance over and he pretends he wasn’t just staring at you. Obviously you know he was, but you think it’s adorable that he still has his shy moments. 
“Can I drive?”
“No. You can take a nap in the front seat, because I know you’re tired.” He kisses your cheek, standing in front of you. 
“You just don’t want me to drive Florence,” you laugh. 
“Not true.”
“Is too!”
“No-“ he cuts himself off by kissing you. You kiss back, of course. You weren’t seriously arguing with him, just playing. “You’re telling me you don’t want a nap?” He pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes. 
“Oh I definitely want a nap. I’m just being funny,” you tease. 
“Alright then, you’re hilarious.” He rolls his eyes playfully, and you pretend to be hurt by his faux-annoyance. “You wanna head out now?” He takes your hand, dragging you off the couch. You stand in front of him, glancing up slightly. 
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
After you get changed and Ace puts away the dishes, the pair of you make your way to the car- sorry, Florence, and put the box of photos in the backseat. Before long, you’re on the road, Ace’s playlist drifting through the speakers of the car. You try to stay awake, but you’re just so tired. As absurd as it sounds, you fall asleep to an AC/DC song that he likes. 
Ace wakes you up nearly an hour later, and as you wake up you realize where you are. 
“Dad’s place?”
“Yeah. I made a stop and copied the photos in town so you could sleep,” he tells you quickly. “Come on, he doesn’t know we’re here. I want to surprise him.”
It doesn’t take you long to fully wake up. There’s a sort of salty smell to the air, the water of the bay blowing in on the wind. It’s the energy of Horseshoe Bay that you’ve missed so dearly, and it has you awake in an instant. You stretch, looking around quickly. Nothing on the street has changed since you left, and that’s comforting. Ace leads the way, envelope full of the copies in his hand. 
The door is opened before you even reach the stairs. Carson Drew stands in the doorway, a bright smile written on his face. 
“What are you guys doing here?! I thought you were busy until the end of the month!” 
“We had some spare time tonight and our weekend plans fell through,” Ace says happily, walking up the stairs. You follow, only a step behind. “It’s great to see you, Mr. D!” 
Your father has the pair of you wrapped in a warm embrace before you can even greet him. He’s overjoyed that you’re home, especially with how busy your life has been lately. He’s happy that you’re taking a weekend off. 
“Hey dad,” you say softly. He lets you go, and Ace steps back so that you can enter the house first. “It’s good to be back.” You walk through the doorway, Ace and your dad following. 
In the house, you give your dad a proper hug before you spot your sister, Nancy, on the couch. Ace and your dad start talking behind you when you’ve let go of him, and you head into the living room. 
“Hey, Red.” You use your old nickname for your red-haired sister, a smile tugging at your lips. 
Nancy’s head jerks up at the sound of your voice. A grin spreads over her face and she removes her headphones. Standing quickly, she yanks you into a hug. 
“You’re back?!”
“Yeah. Weekend off,” you explain, hugging your sister tightly. It’s nice to actually hug her again. 
The last few times you were in Horseshoe Bay she was off trying to find some missing jewellery, or solve some sort of embezzlement mystery? You don’t really remember. Ever since things have been good with you and Nancy again, she’s been busy. Not that you’re complaining, you’re just glad she’s back to liking you. 
“Hey, what’s Ace got?” She glances over at the kitchen and you remove yourself from her embrace to follow her gaze. 
“The picture dad asked for. And some extras.”
“Right. Did you guys bring the Christmas one? Dad was looking for a duplicate of it the other day.” Nancy looks at you, watching you admiring Ace. 
“Uh, I think we keep the Christmas ones separate, we didn’t look at them today. Which one was he looking for?”
You glance over at Nancy, and she picks up her phone, flipping it over. There’s a Polaroid in her case. You can see because she has a clear case, the picture sits sandwiched between the phone and the plastic of the case. 
This photo is of you, Ace, Carson, and Nancy on Christmas. The four of you are standing in the front yard, which is covered in snow. Everyone’s bundled up and there’s a bunch of sleds around Ace. 
“Come on, please?!”
“Y/n, we’ll be late,” your dad chuckled, walking over to where you want everyone standing despite his remark. He never seriously objected to photos anyway. He likes having keepsakes. 
“Aw, come on Mr. D, we’ll add you to our Christmas card!”
“Ace, we don’t even have a Christmas card!” You set up the camera against the fence, laughing at your boyfriend as you set a timer. You turned, taking in the scene for a split second before you rushed to join them. 
Carson stood with an arm around Nancy, and Ace was beside them, four sleds leaning against him. You chuckled slightly, jogging over to join them. You’d have called it running, but the snow slows you down. You threw your arms around Ace, laughing as he dropped the sleds to catch you. The camera clicked, and everyone was smiling. 
When you fetched the camera, you ended up with a beautiful photo of you and Ace laughing with sleds on the ground in front of you, and Carson and Nancy laughing at you, leaning against each other. It was perfect. It was your family. 
Sledding at the local park is an annual tradition in Horseshoe Bay. There’s even a race on the 23rd, two days before Christmas. That’s where you were headed. 
The four of you were walking, the hill was attached to a park not far away from your Dad’s house. Ace and your dad were talking about your dad’s work, Ace always was genuinely interested in the whole lawyer thing. You’d just been watching contently, glad that Ace got along with Carson. 
“Y/n,” Nancy said quietly, bringing your attention to her. 
“I know you’ve only been out of our house for like a year, but I had a lot of time to think.”
“That’s never good,” you tease. She rolls her eyes but continues. 
“When mom died, I pushed you away. I forgot you were losing someone too, and I was horrible to you and dad. I’m sorry.”
“Nance, you never have to apologize to me. I’m your big sister. I’m here to protect you and forgive you no matter what. It was rough for all of us. I understand why you felt like that.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Nope. Of course not. I’m your sister. We’re good. We’ll always be good.”
“Thanks, Y/n.” 
“Love you, crapface.”
“Love you too.”
Nancy pretended to be exasperated with the nickname, but you both knew how happy she was that you weren’t upset. She’d let you back in, and you’d taken the opening that was offered. That Christmas was the first one since your mom died that you and Nancy were fully on good terms. 
“You still have that one?” You look at your sister, who nods. She doesn’t say anything, just watches your face. When she notices that you’re still thinking, she speaks up. 
“I, uh, keep it in my phone case so that I can have you and dad close. Whenever I’m stuck on a case, I ask what you’d tell me to do. It always helps.”
“Of course it helps, I am a genius, after all.”
“Shut up!” Nancy gently punches your arm. The two of you laugh, sitting on the couch to catch up. 
After maybe an hour of everyone talking and catching up, Ace stands. You check the time, realizing it’s eight o’clock. The sun is setting. 
“Oh, sorry guys. We actually have one more thing we need to do,” you tell your dad and sister, standing to join Ace. 
“We’ll be back before too long,” Ace reassures them, taking your hand. 
You find it odd that Ace is reassuring them, given that he seems nervous today. Especially right now. You shrug it off as stress, deciding to just enjoy the night. You can ask about it tomorrow. You almost don’t notice the nervous glance Ace throws at your dad before you go out the door. You still do notice, but choose to ignore that too. You will have a nice sunset date at the bluffs, and that’s that.
Apparently, you’re actually going to have a windy sunset date at the bluffs. It’s still beautiful, and the sunset is the clearest sky you’ve seen from the bluffs in years. It’s just a little windy. 
“Hey, smile.” Ace pulls his phone from his pocket and snaps a photo of you, smiling cheekily. You reach over and knock the hood off his head. He pretends to be offended as he sits back and scoots close to you. “You cold?” Ace puts an arm around you, feeling goosebumps on your skin from the wind. 
“It’s not that bad, just the wind.”
He doesn’t really listen though, he takes off his jacket and drapes it over you. Not that you’d complain. The dark jacket is comfortable and warm, and smells like Ace’s cologne. 
“You know, one of the things I love about you is that you’re an awful liar.” Ace watches as you slide your arms into the jacket. 
“Oh really? What about that time I lied us out of getting arrested?”
“Okay, That was different. And we were just breaking and entering. They weren’t actually gonna hold us.”
“Fair enough,” you say with a laugh. 
“Another thing I love about you is that you care about everyone. And you’re not selfish.”
“Neither are you.” You look over at him nervously, wondering why he’s telling you this. Your vision is slightly spotty from staring at the sunset, and you have to blink a few times to make sure you’re seeing correctly. 
Ace is kneeling beside you, in his hands. A gorgeous ring fills the spot in the velvet box, but honestly, that’s almost the last thing you care about right now. 
“Oh,” you gasp, genuinely so shocked that this is happening. Yeah, you and Ace have been together for years, but for some reason you’re still surprised. 
“Y/n Drew, you are the bravest, kindest, smartest, coolest, funniest, cutest person I know. You’re beautiful beyond words and I love everything about you. I love how you take pictures of everything, I love the way you see the world. I love that even after a long day you still come home happy.” Ace takes your hand in one of his, and you scoot closer. 
“Ace,” you whisper, a smile spreading on your face. 
“I love that whenever anyone mentions love I think of you and me. Y/n, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” You launch yourself into his arms, kissing him passionately as the mist of the bay blows against your faces. 
When you pull away, he slides the ring onto your finger, before kissing you again. The pair of you watch the rest of the sunset, wrapped in each other’s arms. 
You were so glad to finish your third year of university. The stress was over and you could finally hang out in Horseshoe Bay for the summer. 
The first night you and Ace arrived was spent with your friends, and part of the night with your dad, telling him about everything that had happened in the last couple weeks of the school year. 
The second night was you and Ace on the bluffs, watching the sunset. The mist was blowing in slightly, dampening your faces. It was welcome though, the day had been so hot and you were both sweating.
As the night went on, the wind picked up slightly, leaving you shivering. Ace had of course offered up his jacket, and you ended up wrapped up in it. The pair of you watched the sunset together, like you had so many times before, snuggled up against each other. 
You take out your phone as it starts to really get dark and you turn on the flashlight. When you swipe back to the home screen, you see the photo of yours and Ace’s hands, intertwined with the cliff and sunset in the background. The photo from the moment you were just thinking of. 
“What are you smiling at?”
“My screen.”
“Should we head back? Everyone’s gonna go crazy.”
“Sounds fun,” you chuckle. “Ace. I love you.”
“I love you.” He kisses you for possibly the millionth time today (not that you mind), and helps you to your feet. 
“Hold on,” you tell him, pulling up the camera on your phone. You take his hand and replicate the pose on your lock screen, taking a photo with the flash on. 
Instead of the sunset, the night sky is in the background, but it’s just as beautiful. There are so many stars visible that it looks like the sky is glittering, and the flash makes the ring sparkle. You smile at the picture, more than happy with the results. More than happy with everything. You’ve got Ace, your family, your friends, and you’re well on your way to graduating nursing school. 
Soon enough you’re back in Florence, headed back to your childhood home. Your favourite song is playing over the radio and you and Ace are singing obnoxiously loudly and horribly. But it’s amazing. The pair of you have never been happier. 
When you get back to the house, you and Ace walk in the door, met with your sister and dad in the living room. Nancy and Carson watch you intently, and you extend your hand. 
“Did you do it?! You did it!” Your dad pulls you into a crushing hug, before doing the same to Ace. Your sister makes her way over, smiling widely. She glances proudly at Ace before taking your hand to admire the ring. 
“I thought he’d chicken out,” she laughs. “I’m impressed.” She pulls you into another hug, and you savour the embrace. It’s a feeling you’ve missed, the true warmth and happiness that you’re feeling right now. It’s good to have Nancy back. 
The night progresses, and Ace drags you all to the Claw so he can show off to his friends. And so everyone can celebrate. You suppose they’re your friends too, but they’re closer with him.
“Hey! They’re here guys!” Nick turns to the door as you and Ace walk in, and you see George and Bess standing at the bar. They smile when you come in, deciding to come over when you stop to visit with Nick. 
It’s hugs all around, even from George. It’s been a while, so even though she hates to admit it: she missed you. Bess is more than happy to admit she’s been missing you, and she nearly breaks a rib (your rib) when she hugs you. Nick’s hug is soft but secure, and when it’s Ace’s turn to embrace Nick, Nick goes for the bro hug. Ace isn’t having that and engulfs him in a full on bear hug, which results in laughter from everyone else. 
It’s good to really see everyone again. Time really gets away from you with school, so it’s hard to get out to Horseshoe Bay. But when you manage to get out here, it’s always great. 
The door swings open suddenly, getting everyone’s attention and in walk Ace’s parents. Your heart swells at the sight of Ace’s mom and Thom. They come over to where you sit and you embrace each of them before they take a seat. 
“I felt like it was only fitting to announce it here because so many of our best nights were here.” Ace takes your hand, pulling you against him and showing off the ring. 
“We’re getting married!” You grin widely, watching as everyone except Carson freaks out. He pretends to be surprised and he’s clearly truly happy, but it’s so obvious that he already knew. 
“Oh my god! We need to celebrate, let me go see if we have any good food!” Bess takes off, headed to the storeroom. 
“I’m gonna make sure she doesn’t break anything. It’s been awhile since she waitressed.” George heads the same way as Bess, and you turn back to your remaining family and friends. 
Ace’s mom is ecstatic and crushes you into a hug, sobbing about how happy you’re making her son. How you’re soulmates. Thom also hugs you, but he’s more gentle. Like he’s afraid to break you. He’s in disbelief, he didn’t think Ace would ask you so soon. 
“Welcome to the family,” he signs. You smile, nodding gratefully. Gently taking Ace’s hand, you move it away from yours. 
“Thank you, Thom,” you sign back, “I’m honoured.”
If Thom wasn’t crying before, he sure is now. Last he saw, your ASL was a work in progress... but like before it was really a work. It was rough. Baby steps. You’ve been practicing though, and Ace is mind blown. 
“When did you learn that?”
“I’ve been practicing.”
Ace watches you in awe for a second as you smile at his parents again. Thom pulls you in for another embrace, teary eyed. You chuckle gently, tears welling in your own eyes, before pulling away from Ace’s dad.  You look over to your dad and Nancy, who are smiling like idiots. Not that your face is any different. 
“Okay, bad news, there’s no good food.” Bess returns, George in tow. 
“Good news, we found a groupon for The Bay Bakery.” George holds up the ticket, displaying the bakery’s logo. 
“Sounds good,” Ace agrees with a laugh. 
“You kids have fun,” Carson says. “We’ll sit this one out.” He gestures to himself and Ace’s parents, a smile still on his face. Your dad pats your back slightly and you smile at him. 
“You sure?”
That’s that. You and Ace lead the group out the door, and the four remaining pile into their vehicles. It’s all smiles and laughter and it’s decided that you’ll all meet there in a bit. You and Ace climb into his car, sitting in a happy silence for a second. 
“Ace, there’s one more person I want to tell.”
Next thing you know, you’re kneeling in front of a slab of rock. Katherine Drew is carved gracefully into the stone. Ace kneels beside you, putting an arm over your shoulder. It’s peaceful. Chilling, but peaceful. Not what you expected, especially since it’s dark out. 
“Hey mom,” you whisper. “I, uh, still don’t know if you can hear me or not.” You pause, letting out a small chuckle and trying to blink away the tears brimming your eyes. “I mean at this point you’d think I’d stop leading with that. But nope. Old habits I guess.”
You pause, glancing up at Ace. He cups your face in his hand, brushing away a tear with his thumb. 
“Keep going, I’m sure she’ll want to hear.” He gives you a reassuring smile and presses a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Mom, Ace proposed to me. We’re going to get married.” It’s odd not hearing a response, but you put your hand against the stone for a second as if it will connect you to her energy once again. Strangely enough, it comforts you. “I miss you, mom.”
“I miss you too, Mrs. D,” Ace adds softly. You let out a small laugh at the nickname, leaning against Ace.
“I’ll visit again soon mom, okay? We’re going to go celebrate right now. I just wanted to tell you first.” You feel a little silly, explaining yourself to a rock, but you know that if your mom is out there somehow, if she could hear anything, this is where she’d hear it. 
A short drive later, you’re reconnected with Bess, Nick, George, and Nancy. They’ve already collected some delicious looking snacks and taken a seat on the patio. The employees inside are cleaning up for closing, and the patio is softly lit up by the fairy lights around the patio. 
You and Ace sit, joining them in their conversation. You laugh and sit back, a smile burned onto your lips. You’ve got your friends, your family, your Ace. You’re well on your way to finishing school. You’re ready to marry Ace and you’re more than happy. Everything is perfect. 
Life is good.
Tags: @ananad1 @remmysrecs @bookish-bucky @sahi-raa @peakyrogers
132 notes · View notes
penaltbox · 4 years
the hills - jack hughes
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warnings: mentions of cheating, drug use in sports, and using unhealthy coping mechanisms. this really isn’t any representation of how i think he is, he’s just the guy i picked for this idea.
based on the hills by the weeknd. if you like it send some feedback or reblog :)))
word count: 4.4k
You can’t help but laugh at the stupid joke your friend just made at your expense about Eric always being gone for work. You’re ready to send a smart remark her way but your phone lights up and the notification has you freezing. 
Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of it. His name is purposefully kept simple in your phone to try and pass him off as unimportant, like a forgotten group project member from a class you were well over with, but he was so much more than that. 
Lexie clears her throat quietly and nods down at the phone. She was all too aware of who Jack was and what him texting you meant. Luckily your other friends had no clue and they hadn’t caught on to why you’d gone quiet suddenly. You bite your lip and look back at them, trying to put yourself back into the conversation, but you had lost them while you were in your own little world. 
Your phone buzzes again and you sigh, picking it up. You knew if he was sending multiple texts that it was only a matter of time before he’d show up at your place and you didn’t really want to explain to your friends why this boy was suddenly on your doorstep. 
‘Busy tonight?’ 
‘I can be over in 20’
You glance up at Lexie and find her already watching you so you turn the phone towards her and she nods. Jack usually didn’t take no for an answer and you were sure tonight was no different. 
“Ladies, why don’t we grab an Uber and head to that new restaurant that just opened? I heard they have some awesome mixed drinks,” Lexie bluffs, buying you a way out so he could come over. 
They all agree quickly, but you decline, saying you’re not feeling too well all of a sudden. Your friends laugh, making up reasons why you want out of what was supposed to be a long awaited girls’ night. None of them are right though and it’s only because Lexie won’t weigh in with the truth, thank God. 
You entertain everyone a little longer, walking them to the door when the car pulls up outside. They all file in, but Lexie hangs back for a second. She gives you a hug goodbye but holds you for an extra second. 
“You better figure out who you want more because you know Eric will end up finding out about him eventually,” she mumbles, “and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You sigh because you know she’s right. Jack was only supposed to ever be a one night stand, but he’d turned into a 5 month ordeal at this point. You give her a tight smile as she joins the rest of the girls and you wave them off. 
Heading back inside, you put all the glasses near the kitchen sink, making a mental note about emptying the dishwasher later. You pick your phone up to check and see where Jack was but a knock on your door answers it for you. With a deep breath you head over, never quite ready for all the feelings that came with seeing him. He had some sort of hold on you that you could never explain but you couldn’t get enough of it. 
You swing the door open, exchanging your nerves for a smirk as you see the slightly younger boy on the doorstep, “hey you. Come in.”
Jack does exactly that, his arm coming around your waist as he leans down to kiss you hard. You can’t help but grab onto him, arms finding their way around his shoulders as he picks you up suddenly. You hear him slam the door behind you two as he carries you to the kitchen, setting you down on the island but staying between your legs. 
“Hi,” he finally says once he lets you pull back a bit. He’s got a smile on his face that makes your heart stutter. He was always a little cocky and a whole lot clingy when he was with you but you loved the combination. 
You fake pout, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, “you interrupted girls’ night, Jack.”
“Aww, I did?” He asks, one hand already slipping under your shirt but only to rest on your hip, “does that mean you and I can’t have a drink first?”
“House is mine all weekend,” you answer his unasked question, nodding towards the liquor cupboard behind him. 
His eyes light up a little at your admission and he slowly untangles himself from you, though you know it won’t last long. If you had to guess, you figured Jack’s love language was physical touch with the way he hardly ever let you go when you two were together.
He starts to rifle through the shelves, pulling your usual bottle of wine down for you and you force yourself not to think about how he was starting to become comfortable and familiar with your world. He grabs a bottle of something stronger for himself and you know you’ll have to refill whatever he takes. 
With a glass poured for both of you, Jack turns around and hands you yours. He raises his glass up for a toast and you laugh lightly. 
“What’s the toast for, Hughes? You sign a big contract or something that I don’t know about?” You tease, but raise yours as well. 
“No,” he says, blushing a little at your tone, “just a toast. To us, I guess.”
Us. It’s a phrase that shouldn’t exist. There should be no ‘you and Jack’ at all but there definitely is and you didn’t think you were strong enough to shut that down any time soon. Truth be told, you didn’t want to. You’d rather date Jack but he’d made it clear he wasn’t in the right place for commitment yet in life. 
You ignore the issues, like you usually did, and clink your glass with his, “to us then. And all the fun that comes with it.”
Jack takes a drink of his own mixture and you’re almost shocked at the amount he takes down. You reach out and put a hand on his arm. 
“Whoa there. We’re in no rush here tonight,” you remind him, “are you okay?”
“Of course I am. I’m here with you.”
The statement has you blushing now and you set your glass down so you can pull him closer. You liked the way you were basically the same height when you sat on the island. It made things a lot easier and gave you the chance to make a move rather than leaving the control up to him. 
“You are here. How’s hockey been?” You ask, like you hadn’t watched every game this season so far. 
Jack shrugs, stepping in close again as he finishes his drink and sets the glass over with yours, “it’s okay. I’m more interested in you right now though. Maybe tonight we can update that amazing Polaroid I keep in my wallet.”
Your face feels hot when you remember the picture he’d taken of you one night and tucked away for himself. You knew where it was in his wallet and you knew the wear marks had gotten bad over his last few road trips. 
Yeah, you two were the definition of fucked up, if you had to weigh in on it. 
“I bet you’d like that, huh?” You ask, grabbing his shirt and tugging him the rest of the way towards you. 
It’s easy to kiss Jack, to let yourself get lost in him. You weren’t sure when you realized it, but kissing him was easy and fun. You found yourself wanting to do it all the time, so when you did have him all to yourself you let it happen as much as possible. He knew exactly how to kiss you, exactly when to slide his tongue into your mouth, and where to trail the kisses when he wanted to make you shiver under his touch. 
He seems to be moving faster than usual, his kisses shortening as he moves his lips across your jaw and down your neck. You tug on his hair a little, trying to get him to look at you, but he seems to ignore it. You press a hand to his chest and try to push him back. 
“Jack,” you say firmly, finally getting him to settle down and look at you, “what’s your hurry today? Can’t we just enjoy this?”
He rolls his eyes but pulls you closer to the edge of the counter, “why slow down? You haven’t seen me in a week. Aren’t you ready to go?”
You sigh, looking over his features, and see how exhausted he looks. It’s always just a hookup to him and you have to remind yourself of that. Just because you started catching feelings didn’t mean that he did. You ignore it though, and nod at his last question. 
“Can we go upstairs then?” He asks, hands slipping under your shirt as he lets his fingers dance lightly up your sides. 
You shiver a little and his smirk grows, but you mumble, “hmm, I guess we could.”
It’s all he needs to hear before he’s tugging you off the counter and nudging you towards the stairs. You reach back without looking and his hand grips yours almost instantly. You didn’t even have to look to know he was close and sometimes it scared you how easily you could find each other. 
You push open the door to the guest bedroom, never daring to take your activities into your actual bedroom, and you turn around to find Jack watching you intently. You want the upper hand this time though, so you nod your head at the bed. 
“Your turn for some attention. Come here,” you say, trying to sound as nice as you could, but you know it sounds coy. 
Jack obliges you happily though and crowds your personal space, his back towards the bed. You reach up to push him back, hands finding his sides and pressing into him. The quick wince from him as he grabs your right hand scares you and you back up suddenly. 
“Jack? What’s wrong?” You ask, your eyes looking him up and down as you try to figure out what just happened. You realize suddenly that it’s what's under his shirt that made him react so quickly. 
You reach for the hem of his shirt and tug it up above his stomach, finding a bruise blooming above his left hip. It’s all different colors and you know he got it from a game. You reach out, just barely grazing your fingers against his skin.
“Don’t,” he says through gritted teeth as he grabs your hand, “it’s fine.”
“Fine? That doesn’t look fine at all,” you scoff. 
“I handled it,” he says and you instantly know what he means. 
He’d gotten them before and at first you had no clue what they were. Toradol shots were still given out like candy in the league and Jack had gotten them before he even realized what they were. He started getting them pretty often and last he’d told you, he was going to try to get an alternative means of pain relief. 
“I thought you were done with those. How long ago did you get this one?” You ask, still not taking your eyes off the bruise. 
“Three hours ago,” he whispers and your gaze immediately shoots up to his face. 
“Three hours?” You ask, fighting to keep your voice lower, “you used to last six hours on those. Are you taking them that often?”
“Don’t fucking worry about me!” He snarls, pushing his shirt back down, “You don’t get to judge me either. Do you forget whose house we’re in? I’m not the one cheating on someone here.”
You swallow hard and look away from him. There was no denying that comment stung a lot and your fight or flight had turned to the latter. You know Jack had a tendency to get mean when he got backed into a corner about something he didn’t want to talk about but you always seemed to push it just a bit too far with him. You were left to regret it instantly when he bit back. 
“Can we just do what we normally do? I don’t want to fight with you,” you ask, much quieter now than a few moments ago. 
He sighs and nods, reaching for your hand before he leans in to kiss you. You let him do what he always really came for and offer yourself up in the only way you knew how to be there for him. He wasn’t good at letting you in normally, but sleeping with him was different. He was all about actions rather than words. 
He always took his time when it came to sex. He’d undress you first, giving you attention until you’re begging, and then the egotistical part of him would ensure that you always got off. It was bragging rights for him basically but those ones at least benefited you as well. 
What never failed to surprise you was that he always let you hold him after. It’s like he needed it, but couldn’t verbalize it, so when he rolls onto his side and pulls you close you let your lips find his forehead as he presses his face into the crook of your neck. You know that’s when you get the real Jack. The one he’s too afraid to show you during the daylight. You’re not sure if it’s the painkillers finally kicking in or the alcohol hitting him just right after he’d gotten off, but he’s so much more affectionate and human in those moments. 
“I swear I’m gonna talk to doc about getting pain treatment a different way,” he mumbles, his arm that’s wrapped around you tightening a little as he says it. 
You lean back to look at him and push his hair out of his eyes, “that sounds like a good idea. I’m sure he’ll be able to help you out.”
A smile flashes across his face but it’s gone just as quickly as it showed. He sits up then and glances back at you, a look on his face that you can’t quite figure out. 
“I need to go,” he says, swinging his legs off the bed and starting to pull his clothes back on. 
You sit up, holding the blanket tight around you as you watch him. You wished you could say something or ask him to stay even, but you knew better. As much as you hated seeing him leave, there was really no other option. You have to take a deep breath to make sure your feelings don’t come flying out of your mouth before it’s too late to stop them. 
Jack pulls his shirt back on and turns back towards you, kneeling on the bed to lean over and give you a few quick kisses before heading for the bedroom door. 
He grabs the handle and hesitates, looking over his shoulder with the same look you couldn’t make out when he’d sat up in bed. He almost looks upset, but his shoulders aren’t tensed up like they are when he’s upset after a game. You feel your stomach turn but you have to ask. 
“Is everything okay, Jack?”
He pushes a smile onto his face and nods, “yeah, it’s all good. I’ll see you around.”
You return the smile and watch him finally go, falling back into the empty bed that you were always left with. Things always felt a little more empty once Jack was gone.
“This place is packed,” you raise your voice, leaning in so Lexie can hear you better. 
She nods, looking just as displeased as you, “I know, but Sam wanted to come here for her birthday so we just have to fake some fun for a couple hours and then maybe we can get everyone to go somewhere else.”
Clubs weren’t typically your thing but Lexie swore she’d stick by your side that night since the both of you would much rather be at home with wine and a blanket. Instead you were trying to make your way to a bar that had layers of people at least three deep trying to get their drinks. 
Lexie bites the bullet and goes up first to get you both drinks and you look around the room, trying to get your bearings for where things were. You find a back exit, the bathrooms, and what looks to be a VIP section. It’s not a normal VIP section though because there’s no one preventing people from going in or out of the area so you shrug it off and wait for your friend to return. 
“To being newly single and Sam’s birthday for getting you out of your apartment!” Lexie smiles, handing you your drink and holding hers up. 
You laugh and happily clink your glass, taking an even bigger drink than you’d intended when you suddenly remember the last person you’d done a toast with. 
You hadn’t heard from Jack since he left after giving you that odd look. Maybe he wasn’t handling the pressure of the season well and just needed to be in his own head space. That was the excuse you kept telling yourself anyways. You’d broken things off with Eric once he’d gotten home from his work conference because you knew you didn’t have feelings for him the way you did for Jack. Not that you had any right to, but since when did anyone’s heart ever listen to logic?
“Should we try and find a table?” Lexie asks, having to really raise her voice to be heard now. 
You nod, knowing it was almost impossible to speak up and have her hear you so instead you head a little farther into the club, trying to move towards the wall. You get a bit of a clearing then and you both let out a sigh. 
“I thought we were about to die in there,” you laugh, the noise level lower in the back part of the room. 
Lexie snorts and opens her mouth to respond, but the way her eyes go wide over something she sees behind you makes you nervous. You turn to check what she’d seen and it’s almost instant that you find what caught her attention. Jack is standing there, back near the VIP area, with a pretty little thing pressed against the front of him. She’s trying so hard to get his attention but you know from the look on his face that he’s not hearing a word she says. 
Your heart sinks a little at the sight of him. He was obviously available to other people, but he hadn’t been able to make any time for you. You scold yourself immediately and turn back to Lexie. 
“He hasn’t reached out. I should just leave him,” you say, but there’s an itch suddenly under your skin from knowing how close he is. 
Lexie raises an eyebrow at you and glances back at Jack, “you’re kidding, right? I bet if you went over there right now he’d send that girl packing and talk to you.”
She’s not wrong but those weren’t the words you wanted her to say to you. What you needed to hear was that you should leave him alone because he hadn’t tried to see you. You chew on your lip as you think over what Lexie had just said and glance at him again. 
He meets your gaze this time but it’s like he’s seeing right through you. The look alone is enough to have you turning around and heading in his direction. He sidesteps the girl who was trying to talk to him and meets you halfway. His hair is starting to get long and he definitely hasn’t shaved in a couple days, but you can’t tell that until he’s closer. 
“You look hot,” he smiles, leaning down a bit so you can hear him better. He looks rough and you can smell the alcohol rolling off of him as he presses so close to you it’s hard to think straight. The glass in his hand is empty save for one last drink of the dark liquid. This isn’t the Jack you were used to. This was someone else entirely. 
“Thanks,” you say, not used to him using that phrase to describe you, “who did you come here with?”
He frowns and looks around the room, “uh, I don’t know. I think Nico maybe?”
Your worry only grows when he can’t give you a straight answer, “are you sure you’re okay here? Do you need to leave maybe?”
“Stop,” he groans, running a hand through his hair, “why do you care so much? I treat you like shit but you still come back. Why?”
“I don’t know. I can’t help it, I guess,” you shrug, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. 
Jack’s eyes are a little glassy and he seems to be focusing hard to keep his sight on you. He wobbles a little and you reach out, putting a gentle grip on his arm. 
“No, don’t. I’m not what you want. Fuck, you deserve a real guy. Listen, I’m not the shiny new toy in the league anymore. Now I’m just some kid who can’t put up the right numbers,” he says, choking out a laugh that sounds hollow. 
“Why don’t you let anyone help you? This doesn’t have to be something you do alone.”
His eyes roll back in his head as he closes them, sighing, “you don’t listen. You can’t fix me. What about that don’t you get?”
“Jesus, Jack, if you’d let people in then this wouldn’t be a fight right now. Where have you been lately even? You went missing after the last time you came over,” you try and change the subject, hoping whatever is coursing through his system allows you to redirect him easily. 
“I got things taken care of. No more painkiller shots,” he smirks, like he’s really proud of whatever it is he’d done. 
Something about the way he's still looking through you rather than at you has you doubting the source of his new fix. You refuse to ask, not wanting to know if he’d found something harder or what. You knew what type of things athletes could get involved with. 
He reaches his hand up suddenly, cupping your cheek, and finally looking at you like he sees you, “you care about me so much,” he starts, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek, “and I care so fucking much, but I can’t be the guy for you. I wish I could because I’ve never had feelings for someone the way I do for you, but I’m too fucked up. I can’t take you down with me.”
You swallow hard as his words sink in and you’re sure people must be watching the two of you. You’re still pressed close and he can’t look away from you now. He knows his feelings for you border on being in love, but he meant what he said, even if his head was so fuzzy he could hardly remember where he was. He was always sure about you and his feelings for you though. 
“Jack, I broke up with him,” you mumble, but somehow he still manages to hear you. Of course he heard you.
His face flashes with confusion and even a little bit of hurt, and it’s the most emotion you’ve seen from him so far. He swallows and opens his mouth before closing it again. He blinks hard and then seems to settle back into the blank stare he’d been sporting.
“You didn’t have to do that. He cared about you,” he finally replies, but he seems a little thrown off still. You can’t see it in his look, but you can certainly hear it in the slight waiver of his voice.
You nod, because of course you knew, but you tell him, “but he wasn’t you, J. He never could be.”
He can’t bring himself to respond but his bottom lip quivers a little. He has to force himself to zone out so he doesn’t break down and try to keep you all to himself. That wouldn’t be fair if he did. He knew he had to let you go even though he only wanted the opposite. You can tell he’s closing himself off and you realize he’s not coming back to you again.
“You know if you ever need me you just have to call. I’ll always show up for you,” you nod, forcing yourself to keep your cool. If you lost it you weren’t sure how he’d react because he certainly wasn’t in his right mind. 
The lights in the club dance across his face, creating shadows on the left side of his features. You know it’s a little ironic but you look between the differences and see the two sides of him then. He wanted to be good. A good guy, a good hockey player, and a good boyfriend even. But the other side of him had taken too much already. Too many hits, too many drinks, and too many one night stands to feel like he could settle down with a good person. 
“I’m gonna go, Jack. Don’t be a stranger. Please,” you tell him, silently begging him to ask you to stay.
Instead his hand drops from your cheek and he nods, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. You close your eyes and take it in for a second before he’s pulling away. You start to walk away to where Lexie is waiting and watching the entire thing. She gives you a comforting smile and holds her arm out for you to hide under. 
She heads for the exit immediately, knowing you were done for. You can’t help but glance back at where Jack still was. He’s still watching you walk away, eyes locked on you but glossed over in a way that tells you he isn’t taking anything in again. The lights still reflect on his face, light and dark, and you know you have to let him go. 
It’s just that everything felt a little more empty when Jack was gone, for you and for him. 
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mattyrambles · 6 years
A slow continuous pain - stabbing and prickling up his arm, is what wakes Matty up. Slowly - eyes heavy, thoughts clouded and jumbled. The only thing that rings loud and clear is the numbness of his arm. 
It takes him a few minutes, sleep infused sounds. Threadbare blue curtains - doing little to hold back, shield the morning light from the room, his room. Posters he hasn’t seen in months, morning sun rippling - over Pamela Anderson, casting shadows over My Bloody Valentine. He blinks, a yawn.
A twin sized bed - faded bed sheets that smell like home, like school days and homework, like spending evenings messing around with guitars and video games instead of doing said homework, and sneaking out with stolen alcohol from the kitchen stash, like trying and failing to roll a spliff for the first time, like cramming the night before exams. 
There’s another poster of Pamela Anderson on the ceiling directly above his used to be bed, along with scattered pictures and polaroids of his mum, dad and brother, and Pip, and Penelope, and George, and everyone else in between. Faded from sunlight. 
His arm throbs - Penelope. Curled up beside him, warm between the sheets. All pouted lips and messy hair, and right on top of his right arm. Explaining - the pain, numbness. The closeness of bodies should be uncomfortable, but he finds it comforting. She’s almost spent almost as much of her adolescence in this bed as he did. 
He watches - for a bit, fingers tracing features, pushing back stray strands of hair from her eyes, face. Wondering - what she’s thinking about, dreaming about when she lets out small sounds, when her features shift and shape. Morning light - spreading higher on the walls, brighter. Complacent. 
It’s when his arm feels like it’s been detached from his body, that he slowly shimmies it from under her, biting his lip, trying not to wake her. Successfully - she rolls back into a cocoon of bedsheets, he picks his t-shirt from yesterday up off the floor. 
Downstairs, kitchen - he finds his mum making coffee. She visibly jumps when she sees him, coffee nearly spilling. “Christ, Matthew!” 
She had grown used to him not being here, so understandably she wasn’t expecting to find him lurking around before nine on a Sunday morning. Admittedly, if it hadn’t been for the fact it was Louis’ birthday yesterday, he probably would still be in bed and violently hungover - the shared flat with George, or Penelope’s house. He doesn’t remember the last Sunday he was awake before midday with a clear head, he doesn’t even remember the last time he shared morning coffee with her. Something that makes him slightly uncomfortable, realising how detached he’s been.  
“Louis not up yet?” he asks, noting how quiet it still was. Sitting at the counter - she slides him over a cup of coffee. She laughs quietly at that, he misses her laugh. 
“I think you and Penelope tired him out.” 
He had turned nine, Matty had gotten him the latest Fifa game - he prayed he hadn’t gotten it already for Christmas, and then felt equally shitty and guilty for not knowing what his little brother had gotten for Christmas, or even the fact he couldn’t even remember what he had gotten him for Christmas. Luck was on his side though, Louis hadn’t already had the game, and according to his mum was in a perpetual state of sulkiness over it. So Matty was once again hoisted onto the pedestal of big brothers, it made him feel a bit sick. What made him feel worse was how tightly Louis hugged him when he had walked through the front door, like he was actually worthy of it. Like he seen him every weekend and not once, twice a month, if he was lucky. Matty had never been a role model older brother. 
“He absolutely adores Penelope, bless him.” 
He catches the end, or middle, or start, he’s not to sure, of his mum’s sentence and scoffs. The way she said it was tinged with her own adoration, spilling over her name. 
“Everybody does, don’t they?”
It comes out sounding more bitter than he had intended. Not missing his mother’s questioning glance. He avoids her eyes, instead his gaze lands on the fridge behind her - pictures stuck with magnets. Family pictures, and the dog, and of course Penelope. He doesn’t need to question that, she’s always been considered part of the family. 
“I didn’t think she’d come yesterday,” his eyes flicker back, his mum. Nonchalant, buttering a piece of toast. He knew that she knew something was off between them, that they had split sometime last year. Penelope was absent from his scattered visitations home. He failed to tell that it was because she had fucked one of his best friends. Ross. Knowing - she’s fishing for information now. Were they back together? Matty didn’t even know himself, where they ever together in the first place? He blinks at the piece of toast sat in front of him.
“She always comes to Louis’ birthdays.” 
Louis’ eyes had light up even more when Penelope had closely followed Matty through the front door. There were squeals of delight, and what Matty suspects was a tighter hug than he had gotten, and proclamations of how much he had missed her. Of course, he had asked why she didn’t come around with Matty anymore, and he didn’t really ever know what to say. How do you tell a nine year old that the girl you’re kind of in love with and who’s kind of your girlfriend, fucked one of your best friends? You can’t, he couldn’t. 
She had bought him a board game. Scrabble. On the way over, the van, he only half joked that it looked like something she had found in the £1 bin at the shops, she - of course, denied that. Saying that at least she got him something kind of educational, not a video game. Matty argued that his present was educational, that his little brother was brutal at football so maybe it could teach him a thing or two. ‘Matty he’s nine; was the reply he received, and an obligatory eye roll. Typical. 
Louis hadn’t shown any favoritism between the presents, giving both equal attention. The afternoon consisted of Fifa tournaments, and Matty throwing a fit when Penelope beat him best out of 3, insisting a rematch, because that was ‘fucking bollocks’. Enticing obligatory scoldings from his mum, and obligatory gazes of admiration from his younger brother. 
The evening was spent over pizza and Scrabble. Even after Louis had gone to bed, Matty and Penelope had continued, the words gradually becoming more vulgar, which sounded immature giggles. Something his mum had reinforced, calling them ‘a pair of immature children’, before bidding them goodnight. 
Toast crumbs - sprinkle across the counter, marble. He remembers the time when he and George hadn’t gotten up early enough to clean up after a house party, his mum arriving home, livid at both of them. Penelope and Ross had escaped through Matty’s bedroom window, avoiding his mum’s wrath and keeping their place in her good books. The counter where him and Penelope shared their second kiss, second make out session. One that had gotten quite heated, quite fast - until George ambled in looking for another drink, or spliff, Matty can’t remember the details, only that he had quickly backtracked back out to the hallway, insisting he had seen nothing, but killing the mood all the same. 
“You two would have cute kids, nonetheless.”
Is what he zones back in on, caught between nearly choking on the toast, and an eye roll, scoff. Obligatory. 
Denise was back at the fridge, thumbing over a picture - a fond expression. She slides the pictures over to him - not that she needed to, they’d been stuck on the fridge for just about as long as he can remember, and like the posters in his bedroom - were slightly faded from constant sunlight. It’s them, Matty and Penelope when they were kids, Spain. The first one is posed - all smiles, obligatory. The second one, coaxes a smile from him. A candid, obvious from the look on her face that she’s arguing with him about something - and she must only be 9 or 10, Louis’ age now, but that vexed expression is something that never changed, classic Penelope. A Scrabble board - the corner of the picture. 
“Don’t get any ideas though - I’m too young to be a Nan just yet.” 
The tone of her voice - teasing, and suddenly Matty feels claustrophobic, trapped. Pushing the pictures away, in favor of the half empty packet of cigarettes, coffee in the other hand as he makes his way to the nearest escape with a huffed, ‘Mum, please,’ and an of course, obligatory eye roll. He refrains from telling her that that’s the least of her worry’s. Whatever his relationship was with Penelope, it was less built on sex these days. Last night - they only made out for a bit, but it was different. It was the closest he had felt to her in weeks, months. It felt like how it used to feel, how they used to feel. Maybe things were getting better. Maybe. 
“Okay moody,” still an entertained, light tone. And he’s glad she seems happy this morning but that doesn’t help his own notions of blurry affections and hazed feelings. “They’ll kill you, you know.” Tacked on, a more serious sound. His cigarettes. 
He smiles at that, a nihilistic kind of laugh - “Not soon enough.”
It’s the same shrill sound she scolded him with when he was a kid, and a tea towel is chucked at his head for effect. He manages to properly laugh, ducking out the backdoor. 
Morning dew - permeates the air, along with the insolent chirping of birds. It’s spring, everything seems to be alive again. Blue skies, smoke curls through the air - he’s sat on the patio bench, his third smoke. He can hear voices back in the house - Penelope. He never has any escape, relief from her. Even in his family home, evidence of her. Integrated into every facet of his life. He’d written songs about her on this bench, he’s written his first ever song about her in his childhood bedroom. His first song ever. Penelope. 
Her voice, closer - the back door opening, laughs. No tea towel treatment for her. He looks away, taking a mouthful of cold coffee only to spit it back into the mug. 
“Swap you.”
A cup of hot coffee - extended to him, and a crooked smirk, and bright indigo that he loves and hates all at the same time. Her hair looks a bit shit now though, one flaw that he could pick out. She was growing it out - and it was some form of mottle blonde and dark brown. A flaw that wasn’t even really a flaw - she could still pull it off, make it look cool. 
She sits herself down on his lap, handing him the coffee while helping herself to his now nearly empty packet of Marlboro’s, something he protests. “Oi!”
She shushes him, “Told your mum I quit.” 
Muffled, cigarette hanging from her lips. He scoffs - she’s wearing one of his long forgotten t-shirts, Mortal Combat, and plaid pajama pants. “Why would you lie about that? Seems stupid.” 
Once again, it comes out more bitter than he had intended, and she doesn’t let it go as easily as his mum did. Fingers - ruffling through his hair. “She said you were right moody this morning, wasn’t wrong.” 
Another eye roll - obligatory. “Having a nice gossip about me, were you?” 
Smoke clouding - he takes a sip of the better coffee. His hands are cold, cool morning air - she’s warm against him. 
“Only about how this has to go,” fingers - trailing down to his jaw, unshaved. He had been trying - and admittedly failing, to grow a beard. It was patchy, and made his basically non existent jaw line reduce further, but of stubbornness rather than admitting she was right, he kept it. 
“Why? Makes me look proper rock star, innit.” 
“Yeah, proper serial killer more like. Feels weird too.” Disproving, and he smirks at that. 
“Never complain about how it feels between your thighs, darlin’.” 
Scowling, her eyes darting over to the back door a few feet away - and it’s the exact same expression as the one in the photograph, faded from sunlight. Now - sun glints off darkened indigo, when he laughs. 
“What? Fucking hell, relax - not like mum can hear us, and I’m sure she’s figured out that we don’t just sit around playing bloody Scrabble all day, she knows that we fu-”
He’s swiftly cut off when her elbow - jabs into his ribs, spilling coffee. Obligatory. 
“Ow! Fucking Christ, Penelope!”
“Then stop being such an arsehole, Matthew.” She hisses, taking a final drag of the smoke before dropping it in the little left of the coffee, gone cold now as well, pushing herself from his lap.
“C’mon, I told G we’d meet him for lunch.” 
He watches her walk back to the house, shaking his head - but he follows all the same, it’s grown colder now, and clouds had begun to invade clear skies. She made him feel everything, and nothing at the same time. He wonders if that will ever change.
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spideyyverse · 7 years
Soulmate {StenBrough}
Also I have other concepts for a soulmate au! Let me know what you guys’ think? :)
Requested: @thesniffler
Ships: Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly, 
Warnings: Swearing, my awful writing
Requests: OPEN
It happens at the most inconvenient, but oddly, the most convent times. It doesn’t matter if you just met your soulmate or have known them since you were in diapers, when the time is perfect, your skin is engraved with two symbols; One to represent you, the other to represent your soulmate. 
“Happy birthday big Bill!” A rather obnoxious but familiar voice boomed through my room causing me to wake up. Not too long after the loud voice screamed in my ear, I was bombarded with silly string, air horns, and a weight sat on top of me.
“Beep fucking beep Richard” I muttered trying to close my eyes to continue sleeping.
“I think the fuck not Billiam, get your ass up kind fellow! I do believe lady Marsh has gathered our fellow mates for a lovely all day celebration!” Richie threw on his oh-so famous British accent and dragged me out of the comfort of my own bed and onto the floor. 
I sighed as Richie ran off to the kitchen to where my younger brother Georgie was most likely at. Having the trashmouth live with me was both a blessing and a curse.
Blessing, because it meant he was free from the disgrace he used to call parents; curse, because it meant I had deal with that every day. I can’t complain, he’s my best friend, I would take a bullet for the fucker if it meant I got to keep him around.
Forty five minutes later, the lanky curly haired boy was shoving me out the door and down the street to the usual meet up spot - a café on the corner of 3rd and main street. As he eagerly dragged me down to the café, I saw his tattoo peaking out of the corner of his sleeve, a flower and a guitar. The flower representing Eddie Kaspbrak himself. The guitar representing the trashmouth.
It was funny actually when we all discovered that the flower represented the hypochondriac, all the losers - including myself - all knew that Eddie and Richie were meant to be since the day they met. I had an ongoing bet with Mike that Eddie’s symbol would be an inhaler, his money was on something aesthetically pleasing the day Eddie switched his fanny packs for flower crowns. So, the day Eddie Kaspbrak turned up to the quarry with two tattoos, Richie Tozier almost threw himself into the water after finding out he had matching soulmate tattoos with the boy he’s been in love with since the second grade. Sad to say, the rest of the losers club were either robbed of twenty dollars or gained twenty dollars. Who knew that the others had secret gambling deals. Stan being the mastermind that he is, managed to make a deal with my younger brother
Needless to say, I was forty dollars broke and Mike Hanlon and Stanley Uris were both twenty dollars richer. (Georgie almost didn’t see the light of day after he asked me for twenty dollars).
The guitar represented Richie in more ways than a few. For the loud mouth that he is, he actually can sing. The boy is extremely talented, it was only a few months ago that we discovered that he’s been playing the guitar and singing since he was six. As someone who has known the kid since I was four years old, I always distinctively knew that music was his escape from reality. He and I know each other probably better than anyone else in the group. Despite starting the losers club as the “core four” and somehow along the way Ben, Beverly, and Mike managed to wedge their way in, Richie and I always managed to have a special bond.
“Land ho! I do believe I see our good friends awaiting our arrival good sir!” Richie stopped in front of the cafe’s big window and pointed to our friends sitting at our usual table. Bev noticed us right away and waved excitedly. I smiled back and entered the café.
“Happy birthday Bill!” All the losers simultaneously cheered. The other usuals at the café continued the happy birthdays and the waiters and waitresses brought out an ice cream cake singing their own version of the birthday song. I was smiling so much I was beginning to feel my cheeks hurt. I said my thank yous and blew out the one and eight neatly placed in the center of the cake.
“I can't believe our leader is officially eighteen! I remember when we threw him into the quarry for his fourteenth birthday!” Ben fake cried.
“He’s eighteen not eighty one dumbass” Stan rolled eyes but still let the smile spread across his face.
“Welcome to the eighteen club” Mike patted my back. He had just turn eighteen a few months prior along with Stan and Richie.
“Haystack has a point actually” Richie chimed in, “I mean, that’s shit is crazier than the times I’ve fucked Eddie’s mom-”
“Beep beep Richie” We all groaned, he gave us a sheepish smile but continued, “I mean we’re all going to college soon, as in next week soon, thank God we’re all near each other though, honestly full offense but I’d be in jail if you guys weren’t my friends.” Richie shook his head while Eddie took his hand and placed it into his. “We know love.” Eddie sighed causing Richie to blush at the nickname.
Of course he wouldn’t admit to it though.
“Look on the Brightside Tozier. half of us will be at USC while the other half” Mike jokingly narrowed his eyes at Eddie, Stan, and Ben, “At UCLA. I don’t care how long we’ve been friends, I can’t believe I’m going to be friends with the enemy.” He shuddered causing everyone to laugh. 
“Who knows Hanlon, maybe your soulmate goes to UCLA. Maybe your egotistical ass will shut the fuck up.” Stan rose an eyebrow and smirked. I scoffed and smiled at Stan.
Something about Stan always left a funny feeling in my tummy. Sure, at one point I thought Bev was my soulmate. It really was just a silly middle school crush. Besides, the small ball and needle tattoo placed on her shoulder that represented her love for fashion and Ben’s small open book tattoo perfectly placed on his ribcage that represented his love for poetry were oddly perfect for each other. 
Nonetheless, it was something about the way his hair was perfectly but messily curly, or the way he always had to grab my hand and pull my hand towards a bird he saw. Whether he means it in a friendly way or more than friendly way, it always left a special feeling in my heart whenever he touched my hand. Every time our fingers do the slightest brush against each other, I always check my body, impatiently waiting for the tattoo appear. Hell, even Georgie has a tattoo. a small paper boat aligning itself with a paper airplane on the side of his right hand where his thumb is at- He’s eleven for fucks sake. Nothing ever shows up.
“I think it’s time to open presents!” Bev cheered taking me out of my thoughts.
“Me first!” Richie screeched pushing Ben out of the way.
“Richie say s-sorry to Ben!” I laughed trying to maintain a motherly tone. It something I did whenever the group referred to me as the ‘leader’ of the losers club- they did refer to me as the leader not too long ago after all. My stutter on the other hand has gotten significantly better throughout the years despite my troubles with a couple of words.
“Sorry Ben-” Richie began
“It’s okay Rich”
“For kissing your mo-”
“Richie!” Bev and Eddie shouted.
“You're right. Eds is the only person who gets to taste these delicious lips!” The now contact wearing boy made kissy lips to the slightly shorter boy.
“Guys! I wanna see what Bill got!” Stan shouted over the two arguing boys. Stan gave me a soft smile making tummy feel fuzzy and my heart pound just a little faster. I felt a weird feeling in my arm but ignored it as I opened Richie’s gift. 
A small photobook. Polaroids from when we were four till now.
“Don’t read the card yet yeah? I want that to be personal.” He shrugged and smiled. I returned the smile, both of us clearly holding back tears. I hugged him for a little longer than usual but I couldn’t help but feel eyes burning in the back of my head. More specifically, eyes coming from Stan’s direction. I pulled back from Richie and looked at Stan who immediately changed his face from jealously to happy. 
He couldn’t be jealous, could he?
Slowly one by one I opened each of the losers presents. Bev got me art supplies, Mike got me a new baseball hat and mitt, Ben got me a journal of prompts and a sketchbook, and Eddie got me tickets--well technically all of us tickets but he claimed I can choose whoever I wanted to take as if I knew another six people in California-- to go to my first Dodger game. It didn’t take me long to figure out that only one person didn’t gift me anything. I didn’t expect presents but it was odd to not receive anything from all the losers.
We all looked at Stan who had a shy smile on his face, “Um, I figured it would be best to give you your present at a specific place.” Placing emphasis on the specific. 
“Woah Stan the man! Making moves on Big Bill? You gotta talk to me first!” Richie began putting on some sort of deep accent.
“Not like that.” He muttered twiddling at his fingers.
I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, “Let’s go then!” He returned the smile and motioned for everybody to follow him. We all followed him down a familiar path, a path we all know too well. It was the trail to the quarry.
“Stan?” I questioned but abruptly stopped in my tracks when I saw the quarry decorated with lights, a campfire, a small table filled with junk food, but my attention was caught on my famous bike, Silver.
“Silver! How’d you find it? I thought it was for sure gone after-”
“After Bowers threw it into the barrens and we couldn’t find it because of the rain and sewers. Yeah, I know. I managed to find it in some junkyard. I got it before some dude in a shit stained hat got it.” He shrugged but was clearly trying to hide his unnecessary embarrassment. He continued, “I figured that you’re gonna need to get to your classes somehow and you guys are only gonna have one car for a while. So I just-”
“Thank you.” I could have kissed him, risked everything and kissed him. Instead, I hugged him. The feeling once again coming back. Another weird sensation in my arm but ignored it when a voice shouted behind us, “Happy Birthday Billy!-Oh am I late?” Georgie blew a party popper but stopped when he saw all the losers. We all laughed and for one final time before Mike, Richie, Bev, and I set out for California before the other losers tomorrow, we all jumped into the quarry. We played chicken fights, marco polo, becoming the kids we once were. Stan and I always partnered up. Making eye contact and smiling at each other. 
The night was slowly coming to an end, each loser slowly leaving one by one. Giving one final goodbye and some tears. Georgie crying each time a loser said goodbye, it was honestly heartbreaking. The tears clearly wore him out when he slowly fell asleep with his head on my lap, “I’ll take him home? We’ll meet you back there.” Richie softly suggested. I nodded as he scooped Georgie in his arms and walked away with Eddie. 
This only left me and Stan.
We stood in comfortable silence. It wasn’t broken until an owl was heard somewhere, I peaked over at Stan who was excitedly trying to find the bird and grabbing my hand. I laughed and helped him find the bird. We didn’t give up until we reached another familiar spot, the old losers clubhouse. 
“We haven’t been here since-”
“Since we were fourteen.” Stan laughed softly.
“Wanna go inside?” I suggested.
Stan was already making his way in but being careful with the old wood. He shooed away any bugs he saw as I turned on the flashlight on my phone. Looking around, I found an old vinyl we used to use back when we were younger, “Think it still works?” I turned over to Stan after I dusted it off.
“Isn’t it battery operated? I think there’s some batteries back in Georgie’s walkie talkie at the quarry?” 
“Let’s go!” 
“With what vinyl? Dumbass.” Stan raised an eyebrow and laughed.
I looked around and conveniently enough, The Smiths 1981 record, Louder Than Bombs, was perched on an old shelf. I grabbed it along with the vinyl player and Stan’s hand, making my way back to the quarry. The way our fingers laced together, intertwining perfectly like a puzzle, it just seemed right. After what felt like a lifetime, we managed to make it back to our destination and fix the vinyl. I got it to work on the first try instantly placing the stick onto the vinyl.
Good times for a change / See, the luck I’ve had 
“Mr. Stanley Uris, I do believe I should have this dance” I tried my best to impersonate a British accent, restarting the song because the song was too short. I wanted to hold him for as long as I can. Stan only smiled and pulled me under the fairy lights he set up. 
So please please please / let me, let me, let me / let me get what I want
We were interrupted by the owl we heard only a while ago. I noticed Stan grin become wide when he motioned over behind me. I whipped around, the owl perched on a branch. I only shook my head and stared at Stan.
“Can I see your arm?” I asked.
“Excuse me?” He laughed.
Haven’t had a dream in a long time / See, the life I had / Can make a good man bad
I picked up his arm without questioned and rolled up the sleeve. an owl tattoo placed on the side of where his fore arm was slightly under where the elbow area was. It was neatly placed next to tattoo of ink and quill. I picked up my sleeve and held out my arm towards him.
The same owl and the same ink and quill placed on the exact same spot on my arm. 
So for once in my life / Let me get what I want / Lord knows, it would be the first time
He only pulled my hand back towards the spot where we were dancing. Our foreheads touched each other. Hands wrapped around each others waist. The owl still hoo’d, the vinyl record occasionally scratched due to its old age, but a pair of soft lips met mine. I felt myself kissing back. 
“You leave for California tomorrow.” He whispered.
“You leave on Tuesday.”
“But we’re both road tripping. You get there Tuesday, I get there Thursday.”
“See you Thursday?”
“See you Thursday.”
We held onto each other just a little closer.
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orenrune · 7 years
Kaum Saudara Ch 1: Pahatan Takdir (Pt.1)
November 9th has been marked as the day of the twentieth case of street brawls between two gangs of senior high school students, that is out of many other cases of street brawls that was done by other school students. Not only did the action has become a recent event, there has been report of several causality such as deaths and injured students. Police have stated that they are trying their best to handle the cases of street brawls, but there have been no action taken from the police department to actually prevent the brawls from happening. There has been talk about how the one responsible to prevent such act should be The Department of Education and Child Support Enforcement, but neither party have commented on the recent events of brawls and instead seems to have ignored the problem. Many parents from different province have shown their concern, though some seems to be ignorant and brushed it off as ‘teenager just being teenager.’ Nobody knows when the brawls would finally be taken care of, but many hope that the government will eventually focused on the problem. If not, the nation’s future generations might be at stake.
The sound of crowds from the outside street and the sunlight that flooded into the room filled with finished and unfinished furniture and statues made out of woods, both waking the man who was resting on the desk. His chestnut colored hand clutched tightly against the knife, eyes squeezing tightly before slowly fluttering open and revealing a slightly lighter hazel iris.
The tanned man groaned as he gently pulled himself up from the dusty desk, putting the knife down before stretching his arms out and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and scanned the room, finding it as dirty as usual. It could’ve been worse, he said to himself. Turning to his desk, he find a half finished dragon mask and a mug filled with warm coffee with a note on the side. ‘Hezki, I bought you some coffee and star beer, they’re on the usual shelf. I got home around six and prep you a coffee, since we both know you’re barely function without your morning coffee. Go get sleeping, bro. - Keane.’
Smiling at the note, he picked up the coffee and took a sip. It was warm and still bubbling with steam, which meant his brother must still be awake at this hour. After finishing his coffee within a tip of the mug, he stood up and dusted off the dust of woods from his jeans and shirt, then made his way across the room. As he passed the kitchen sink, he put down the empty mug on the sink and caught a small smear of blood on the side of the sink. He narrowed his eyes, brows furrowed as his mind began to fill him with terrible ideas; What if his brother decide to join the street brawls? What if he got robbed on the way home? What if he was in his room, trying to stitch the wound he got from fighting someone? Hezki shook his head, eyes blinking rapidly before he squeezed them close and pinched the bridge of his nose. Maybe the coffee was too much. Continuing his way down the hall, he then came up to a door, decorated with posters of dubsteps and pop rock bands.
Knocking at the door, he then pushed open the door and scanned the room. It was decorated with many spare computer parts, broken down laptop, and old processor that his brother might found in the dumpsters or cheap stores. On the walls, there were pictures, concert tickets, and more posters. As he walked into the room, he stared at the rows of pictures hanging on a wire. Hezki felt the sense of familiarity hits him as he stared at the pictures of him and his little brother, it was when they first arrived in Jakarta.
Taking the photo from the wire, he smiled and rubbed the polaroid picture with his thumb. He was smiling in the picture, wearing a leather jacket and grey shirt, looking like a backpacker with how he carry his backpack and the fact that he’s wearing a cargo pants instead of long jeans. His brother were more embarrassing; wearing a sleeveless shirt with tropical t-shirt over it and sports shorts. The star shaped sunglasses that he was wearing is an atrocities, he chuckled softly at how ridiculous his brother look. But the smile on his face faded as he put away the picture and turned to look at his brother on the bed, still wearing his hooded jacket and long baggy pants. Their dog, Joy, curled next to him and seems to be snoring along with his brother. Hezki sighed and steps closer to the bed, sitting on the edge of the cushion. Staring at his brother, he sighed and rest his hand on the pitch dark hair.
The younger groaned at the touch and tossed himself to the side, arms wrapped around the dog. Hezki pulled his hand back and sighed, pulling the blanket up and over his brother and their dog. After giving the pitch dark hair another pat, he then set off outside and closed the door behind him. Hearing the buzzing of his phone, the man quickly make his way back to his desk and took the phone that was resting on the side of the table.
Sliding open the screen of his phone, he squinted his eyes and pulled the screen closer. ‘Hezki, I’m waiting for your work at the bar. I hope you have it finished today, your client has been asking about your piece. Said that if it’s done today, you’ll probably get a bonus. See you around midday, Raksa.’
Putting down his phone, he turned to the unfinished mask and hissed out curse. He passed out before the piece was even done! Looking to the time on his phone, it’s 9:30 AM. It will certainly take him over the due time to really finish the piece, but there are the chance that the client would leave before he could even sell the piece. He could, however, do quick work in finishing the piece. But from his past experiences, it will only make the other half of the mask look sloppy than refined. Not to mention the bike ride from his apartment to the bar would take an hour, especially with the usually busy traffic outside. Taking the unfinished mask and his phone, he stared at both items and thought…
Hi guys! Thanks for reading the first part of the first chapter of Kaum Saudara. Some of you might not be familiar with the language that I use for the title of the series and the chapters, that is because the language I use is Bahasa Indonesia. I made this series in order to give myself a challenge, writing challenge. But I made this even more challenging and made it so the readers can be involved in the story, that is by choosing which way the story would go. 
So! Here’s the poll for those who wants to be part of the story and decide what would happen in the story next! 
The poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/14101162
In the meantime, I hope you had fun reading it! I accept critic,ask and suggestion, so feel free to do such! Till next time!
Credit to my gf @souzouwriter for doing beta reading. Thanks love~!
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