#Squid Ink Spaghetti AU
squidkidcelebi · 1 year
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Hypno takes Grey to meet the Pasta Night crew
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So…. Bloody Star AU part 2…. Gonna be a lot different from cannon. Still thinking about what exactly is gonna happen because Joseph can’t use hamon, and he will be fighting the pillar men, who are basically vampire eaters. So still thinking about this. So now I’m gonna focus on some facts of the battle tendency crew before getting into the heavy story stuff.
The way that the Jostar vampirism, is that they don’t become full fledged vampires when they become the same age of Jonathan (20) or when they sustain a major injury that only vampirc healing will give them any chance of living. Half vamps are able to walk in the sun although this is still a bad idea, they get more red then a cooked lobster in like half an hour, they also can’t use a majority of vampire abilities (lazer eyes, cold temp stuff like that) but they are still very dangerous.
Zeppeli helps raise Joseph, he often travels back and forth to see his own family to take care of them
Joseph is well known of being Erina, Speedwagon and Zeppeli’s guard dog
Joseph has a scarf like Straizo in the original story to protect him from hamon. He also has special hamon bracelets and ankles that are more designed to protect him from the sun working like a solar battery of sorts it’s not perfect but it’s better then nothing. These braces are his main weapon against other vampires, as they have hamon and sunlight infused in them. Since he isn’t full fledged yet he is able to use them without fear of beings turned to dust…. They still hurt like hell if he isn’t careful
Straizo plans to turn into a vampire after he kills Joseph, hamon is the best way to kill a vampire after all
After the fight with Santana, Joseph goes back to New York, Zeppeli goes to meet his grandson Caesar to end the rest of the piller men. This does not mean Joseph is safe, the cult of Dio is still out and about. Still more bro time with Smokey! More big city highjinks! 🌃
After the par of Zeppeli’s get their but kicked the elder Zeppeli took Caesar to Elisabeth Joestar to coach him. She does not need to hide her identity in this AU and she is actually apart of Joseph life…. This does not make her any less tragic, Gorge II is still died when Joseph was a baby. How he died I’ll tell later.
After about two weeks or more of training, he over hears his Grandfather and Elisabeth talking, hearing how her son is coming to visit, and how he shouldn’t be around hamon users because he’s a vampire…. This gets Caesar worried, he knew that his grandfather had some connections to Elisabeth, but the fact that he was dealing with her vampire son. The fact he was a vampire that everyone seemed to let loose and everyone let’s him do whatever he wants that is warranted for research. So he goes ahead of them back to the main island to find the vampire. He needs to be prepared for anything even this vampire.
What he wasn’t prepared for was the fact the vampire likes squid ink spaghetti and playing with the pigeons. Caesar didn’t know what to expect…. But it wasn’t that. The two do ultimately get into a fight, deal some blows to each other but it gets broken up by their family Members before it gets serious.
Elisabeth is scared of touching or being near Joseph, but they still make it work, shopping sprees are their best Mother-son bonding activity
Caesar gets a scolding from his grandfather, but in retaliation he asked why he was helping raise a vampire the very thing that killed his great grandfather, and was the creation of what killed his father. Figuring out it’s about time that his grandson knew he tell the tale of Jonathan and Dio… and what befell Joseph’s father. (Will write a longer story on this part)
During the shopping trip Joseph and Elisabeth come across Esidisi. He finds Joseph…. Very interesting and pokes at the fact that a legendary hamon user has a vampire son.
Ok I think that’s it for now…
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Incorrect quotes again but this time with my fnaf au (There is one of my ocs in it, but they are more like a side character, his name is Mason Malcolm Clove, and he was a friend to Fritz, Cassidy & Elizabeth) Some will consist alive au & in the past.
Elizabeth: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions? Cassidy: Put spaghetti in it. Elizabeth: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you. Fritz: Put spaghetti in it. Elizabeth: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. Mason: Put spaghetti in it. Elizabeth: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
Elizabeth: *Gently taps table* Cassidy: *Taps back* Fritz: What are they doing? Mason: Morse code. Elizabeth: *Aggressively taps table* Cassidy: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Elizabeth: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Cassidy: Only if you also don't ask why Cassidy: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick. Elizabeth: Cassidy: Elizabeth: This one is fine
Elizabeth: Cassidy and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Cassidy: Sentences. Elizabeth: Don't interrupt me.
Elizabeth, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Cassidy: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Elizabeth: Dammit, Cassidy! Cassidy: What?! It wasn’t me! Elizabeth: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Fritz! Fritz: Not me either. Elizabeth: Oh...Then who set the house on fire? Mason: *whistles*
Fritz: Elizabeth isn’t answering their phone Cassidy: I’ll call Fritz: Mason and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Elizabeth: Hello?
(Alive au)
Evan/Cc a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Elizabeth : You did WHAT– Michael: William Snakepeare
Evan/Cc: Would you stab your sibling in the leg for 10 million gold? Elizabeth: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Michael: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Elizabeth: Good thinking.
Cassidy: Rules are made to be broken. Charlie: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Jeremy: Uh, piñatas. Fritz: Glow sticks. Gabriel: Karate boards. Susie: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Cassidy: Rules. Charlie:
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askglassanon · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes: Glass Addition
Spare Keys (derogatory)
Glass, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Firestorm: Hey. Comet: Hello. Prism: Hi! Glass: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Serum: We were out of Doritos.
— (Can't think of a funny title)
Glass: Can I be frank with you guys? Firestorm: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Serum: Can I still be Serum? Comet: Shh, let Frank speak.
— Glass if she was mortal
Glass: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Bee: You're like 15 years old Glass: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
— Why is this so accurate?
Glass: Bee... Bee: Oh no, 'Bee' in b-flat. Bee: You're disappointed.
— This is low-key interchangeable
Glass, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Bee: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
FFR!Glass: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Comet: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
— Modern nobody dies AU
Glass, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Serum: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Glass: Orange soda, please! Serum: I'll have the strawberry soda. Firestorm: Me too, strawberry soda. Glass:
— MND AU Follow up (Oddly in character)
Glass, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Serum: You did WHAT– Firestorm: William Snakepeare
— MND part 3
Glass: I trust Serum. Firestorm: You think they know what they're doing? Glass: I wouldn't go that far.
— Imagine if Glass was ever this bold (Fun fact this Quote was in the Unshipping category)
Glass: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. Firefly: Why no 24/7? Glass: Snack breaks.
— Hehe >:3
Firefly: *holds a gun out to Glass* Glass: I-I don't believe in guns. Firefly: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Bee: Why do you hang out with me? Glass: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Bee: … Bee: I feel a bit sorry for you.
— If Serum had a childhood
Serum: *watching their house burn down* Serum: Serum: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
— Four am (original prompt mentioned bread but I don't think Serum would like bread)
Pyrite : *Turns on the kitchen light* Serum: *Sitting at the table, eating sardines from the can* Pyrite : It’s four in the morning. Serum: Turn the light back off.
— Donnie would teach Serum to be a little menace
Serum: DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT JOKE WAS FUNNY? IT WASNT. NOBODY IS LAUGHING. Serum: *pulls up a graph* THIS IS WHEN YOU TOLD YOUR JOKE, YOU HAVE SINGLE HANDEDLY RUINED COMEDY! IVE ALSO ASKED MANY COMEDY SCHOLARS ON THEIR OPINION OF YOUR JOKE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY! Pyrite : I've been researching comedy for the past 20 years, and I have genuinely never seen a joke this bad. We have used quantum physics to look into alternate universes to see every joke made, and yours was still by far the worst. Serum: CONGRATULATIONS! YOUVE SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED THE WORST JOKE IN HUMAN HISTORY! HERES A MEDAL! *pulls up a horrible ms paint drawn star that says "you need help*
— Oh my gosh the Celestial AU!?
Celestial!Glass: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Celestial!Raph: Three words. Celestial!Glass: ♡
— Seems about right
Glass: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Glowbug: It’s not a joke. Glowbug: *sniffles* Glowbug: I’m a legit snack
— Serum wouldn't break and enter casually with zero hesitation
Pyrite : Serum, I am nothing if not a man of principle. Pyrite : Now let’s break into this apartment.
— .. Yeah. Given Potion's genuine and general lack of concern for potions safety this is accurate
Serum: Are you sure this is safe? Potion : Safer than Flintstone vitamin gummies in a bottle. Potion : Keep twisting, junior! All you’re gonna get is clicks.
Comet: Potion , you’ve tried 37 times and you’ve failed every time. Give it a break. Potion : DO I HEAR “FIRST TRY PART 38?”
— Wasp Glass probably
Bee: You shouldn't be using a straw. Glass: I know, I know, it's bad for the environment and stuff. Bee: Yeah, but I mean... it's a weird way to eat spaghetti.
Glass: You ever get so tired that you start seeing spiders? Firefly : Me after I take 17 Benadryl and start seeing the hat man. Glass: THE WHO? Firefly : Oh is this not a safe space suddenly?
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passingwinding · 1 month
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Aug 12, 2024
Bestia for my early birthday celebration 💕
White Negroni (gin. bianco aperitivo. gentian aperitif. grapefruit oil) 19
Tomatoes and peaches salad 23
Herb caesar salad 21
(unpictured) Spinach gnocchetti w/ bone marrow 27
Burrata pizza 26
Pork calabrese pizza 26
White corn agnolotti 27
Buckwheat tagliatelle w/ mushroom ragu 28
Squid ink spaghetti w/ lobster 38
Peach melba frozen torte 16
Bar au chocolat budino tart 16
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midnightartworks56 · 2 years
List of Main foods in Tomodachi Bliss (Part 16):
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Sekihan 🇯🇵 (赤飯)
Description: "Specialty of red beans and rice from Japan. When you get it, enjoy!" (「日本が誇る小豆と米の名物。手に入れたらぜひ!」)
JP: ¥670
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Sichuan Hot Pot 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼 (四川鍋) (쓰촨 핫팟) (四川火锅)
Description: "A witch’s brew full of reddened chickpeas, sliced hot wings, and dried jalapeno peppers. Hot!!" (「赤くなったひよこ豆、スライスした熱々の手羽先、乾燥したハラペーニョのペッパーでいっぱいの魔女の醸造物。熱い!!」) ("붉은 병아리 콩, 얇게 썬 핫 윙, 말린 할라피뇨 고추로 가득 찬 마녀의 양조주. 뜨겁다!!") (“充满红鹰嘴豆、切片热翅和干墨西哥胡椒的女巫啤酒。热!!”)
JP: ¥2,615
KO: ₩25,916
TW: $606.69
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Sashimi 🇺🇸/🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼
Description: "The best part of sashimi: no cooking required. Eating without heating FTW."
US: $12.80
JP: ¥1,280
KO: ₩20,000
TW: $468.19
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Schnitzel 🇺🇸/🇪🇺
Description: "A thin slice of veal or other light meat, coated in breadcrumbs and fried. Served with lemon."
US: $13.00
EU: €8.90
UK: £7.50
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Stinky Tofu 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼 (臭豆腐) (취두부) (臭豆腐)
Description: "Take my word when I say this tofu stinks. No really it stinks..." (「この豆腐が臭いと言うのは本当です。いや、本当に臭いです...」) ("이 두부가 악취가 난다는 내 말을 믿어요. 아니 정말 악취가...") (“当我说这豆腐很臭时,请相信我。不,它真的很臭……”)
JP: ¥5,230
KO: ₩51,833
TW: $1,213.39
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Stir Fry 🇯🇵/🇰🇷 (炒める) (볶음) (翻炒)
Description: "You thought these had fries huh? It's a grilled veggie mix. Enjoy by adding shrimp!" (「フライドポテトかと思った?グリルベジミックスです。海老を入れて召し上がれ!」) ("감자튀김이 있는 줄 알았어? 구운 야채 믹스야. 새우를 넣어 즐겨라!") (“你以为这些有薯条吗?这是一种烤蔬菜混合物。加入虾就可以享用了!”)
JP: ¥1,804
KO: ₩17,882
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Space Food 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇯🇵 (Western dish)/🇰🇷 (Side dish)/🇹🇼 (Side dish)/🇦🇺
Description: "Step 1: Eat space food. Step 2: Go to space. At least step 1 is easy!" (US)/"Freezing cold food all the way from the abyss. 3...2...1... Flavor Blastoff!" (EU/UK/AU)
US: $20.00
EU: €20.00
UK: £20.00
JP: ¥2,000
KO: ₩20,000
TW: $606.70
AU: $30.07
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Spaghetti Peperoncino 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇯🇵 (Western dish)/🇰🇷 (Side dish)/🇹🇼 (Side dish)/🇦🇺
Description: "Spaghetti with olive oil, fresh garlic and red chili peppers for a fiery kick." (US)/"Pasta made simply with some fiery chili to give it a real kick." (EU/UK/AU)
US: $7.80
EU: €13.50
UK: £8.90
JP: ¥780
KO: ₩9,000
TW: $236.61
AU: $11.73
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Squid ink Spaghetti 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇯🇵 (Western dish)/🇰🇷 (Side dish)/🇹🇼 (Side dish)/🇦🇺
Description: "It's not burned, it's blackened with ink. Hope you brought your toothbrush." (US)/"By eating this, you're in the challenge that a toothbrush is needed. Not as bad as the look of your smile after eating it." (EU/UK/AU)
US: $7.80
EU: €16.90
UK: £10.90
JP: ¥780
KO: ₩10,000
TW: $236.61
AU: $11.73
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Sweet-and-sour pork 🇺🇸/🇯🇵 (Western dish)
Description: "Much like life, it's both sweet and sour. Unlike life, it comes with extra sauce."
US: $7.80
JP: ¥780
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coquillagean · 3 years
more foodic genders underneath the cut! these are main meals and side meals, based on the list from the tomodachi life video game. this will be a very long post, so be prepared!
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New Foodic Terms (Additions to the Foodic Collection, pt. 4/?) Post 4: Meals ⛲⛲-🌼🌼-⛲⛲-🌼🌼-⛲⛲
Bacalaonix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to bacalao.
Barbecuenix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to barbecue.
Bourguignonix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to (beef) bourguignon.
Borschtix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to borscht.
Buffalowingix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to buffalo wings.
Cheeseburger - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to cheeseburgers.
Hamburgerix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to hamburgers.
Chickenpotpiex - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to chicken pot pie.
Tikkamasalix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to chicken tikka masala.
Chillicarneix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to chilli con carne.
Couscousix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to couscous.
Creamystewix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to creamy stew.
Englishbreakfastix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to English breakfest.
Filetmignonix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to filet mignon.
Fishchipsix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to fish and chips.
Fishcakeix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to fish cakes.
Fishstickix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to fish sticks.
Friedchickix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to fried chicken.
Friedseafix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to fried seafood.
Gratinix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to gratin.
Gyroix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to gyros.
Hakefilletix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to hake fillet.
Herringix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to herring.
Liverix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to liver.
Lobstix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to lobster.
Locomoconix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to loco moco.
Meatballsix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to meatballs.
Nachosix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to nachos.
Paellanix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to paella.
Paninix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to paninis.
Pastapestonix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to pasta pesto.
Pekingduckix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to Peking duck.
Porkcutletix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to pork cutlets.
Potaufeuix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to pot-au-feu.
Ramenix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to ramen.
Ratatouilleix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to ratatouille.
Roastbeefix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to roast beef.
Roastchickix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to roast chicken.
Roastduckix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to roast duck.
Roastlambix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to roast lamb.
Roastturkeyix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to roast turkey.
Salisburysteakix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to Salisbury steak.
Salmonmeunièrenix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to salmon meunière.
Saltimboccix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to saltimbocca.
Sashimix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to sashimi.
Schnitzelix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to schnitzel.
Spaghetticarbonarix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to spaghetti carbonara.
Spaghettipeperoncix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to spaghetti peperoncino.
Squidinkspaghettix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to squid-ink spaghetti.
Steakix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to steak.
Stewedbeefix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to stewed beef.
Stuffcabbageix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to stuffed cabbage rolls.
Sweetsourporkix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to sweet-and-sour pork.
Tempurix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to shrimp tempura.
Yakisobix - a foodic (meal) xenogender related/connected to yakisoba.
other foodic posts: here, here, and here!
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coolunspokenforname · 3 years
Stardew Valley AU-SBI and co
While Stardew Valley has romance and marriage, this au doesn’t. While certain characters may be replacing bachelors, it’s only because their stories fit. This au is completely platonic (exception for Philza and Kristin Minecraft, who are still married in this au).
The player character in his au, Tommy recently moved to his grandfather’s old farm after growing disillusioned with the city life and his desk job. He realized that he doesn’t want to live that kind of life, so he opens the letter his grandfather gave him and found the deed to the farm. He lived on the farm as a child with his parents before they moved to the big city, and now that he’s back he will try to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
(Robin and Mayor Lewis replacment)
The first person Tommy meets in the village, Philza is the person who takes care of most of the town. He will renovate Tommy’s house and help him out when he needs tips for the farm, though he isn’t the town expert on any of the skills. He lives on a nearby ranch with his wife. Loves: All universal loves, Life elixir, Fairy Rose (special dialogue: Thank you! This reminds me of my wife.), Duck Feather, Green Tea, Emerald.
(Marnie replacement)
The owner of the ranch to the south of Tommy’s farm, she is the one to go to when in need of animals or their food. She works the same hours Philza does and doesn’t spend her Mondays watching a microwave for six hours. She gives Tommy tips on how to take care of the animals, and sometimes offers to take care of them when Tommy’s too busy on the farm or in the mines. She is married to Philza. Loves: All universal loves, Void egg, Void Essence.
(Leah and Sam replacement)
Wilbur moved to the town a couple years before Tommy moved in. He tends to wander around the village, stopping at spots to play his guitar. After getting a couple hearts he starts to visit Tommy’s farm to play while Tommy works. Loves: All universal loves, blueberries, salmon (special dialogue similar to Abigail’s eating rocks dialogue, haven’t figured it out yet), coffee.
Technoblade is pretty distant from most of the other villagers, though he is friends with Philza and amicable to Wilbur. He also is rivals Squidkid (the bar owner) and Dream (head of the adventurer's guild). The first time passing out, Technoblade finds Tommy and nurses him back to health. He leaves with a warning to be careful not to overexert himself. Loves: All universal loves, Potatoes, Cave Carrot, Emerald, Squid Ink, Truffle.
(Pierre stand in with hints of Penny and Maru)
Working at the grocery store, Tubbo is the one to go to when buying seeds, ingredients, or really anything. Tommy’s childhood friend, he lives with his uncle Shlatt. When he’s not working himself to death, Tubbo usually spends his time either inventing at the museum or walking about the town with a distant look in his eyes, thinking up his next life changing idea.  Loves: All universal loves, goat milk, goat cheese, Battery Pack, Radioactive Bar.
Also new in town, Ranboo lives with his siblings. Eret, who runs the museum, and Niki, who runs a shop near the ocean selling fishing supplies. Ranboo’s six heart scene is him admitting to being afraid of the water, and the subsequent scenes are him admitting it to Niki, and then him facing his fear. Loves: All universal loves (except Golden Pumpkin), Void Essence, Solar Essence, Spaghetti.  Hates: Golden Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Edit: I wrote this right before I went to bed, so I completely forgot to credit @philzaarctic who gave me suggestions for Technoblade and Philza’s loves. Sorry about that, I get a little forgetful when I’m tired.
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shatterflowerdemon · 3 years
I found
Words: 1,517
Reader & UT Sans & UT Paps & Error & Ink & Gaster
This came to me as I was cleaning. Please note that I am not very familiar with Error and Ink. I just see pretty designs and write. I haven't abandoned my other reader inserts, but the big wheel in my brain has been landing on 'oneshot' for days. I also post on mobile so I can't chop this.
"Oh fuck. Am I dead? I knew I shouldn't have had that pasta!" Everything that surrounds you is white. "Holy shit? Did I make it to heaven? Unexpected."
You scream and jerk, managing to scuttle back where you rest on the...floor? It's hard to tell in all this one shade of white. Then you look up. "Oh my fucking god, I am in heaven!" you yell before slapping yourself on the mouth. A skeleton that looks a lot like Ink- from that one AU on Tumblr- looks at you like you've grown a second head.
"Right, okay, back you go," he says, bringing his paintbrush down as if to strike you.
"What the fuck?" you roll out of the way. "Uh, watch where you point that thing!" He sighs and twirls it in this direction.
"Don't make this difficult."
You decide that you would prefer to, not liking the idea of the easy route. Hitting your elbow on the floor hurt. Isn't heaven supposed to be fun and painless? You can feel your heart thumping from adrenaline, too. Regardless of whether or not you're having a fever dream, you are very alive.
Ink attempts to slather or catch you in what looks like his namesake. You scramble and dodge, but the routine is tiring you out quickly. Then, right as you're cornered (in an invisible corner, of fucking course,) a hole opens.
"Dude, you left your- Uh." Error looks between you and Ink, clearly not understanding. "Scarf..."
Ink swings his paintbrush (Broom? Roomie? You forgot) down to rest at his side. "Oh, thanks! I didn't even notice. Just lay it somewhere. Gotta fix this first." You avoid another splatter, feeling like you're on the other end of mickey in that one Wii game with the paintbrush.
"Why's it so empty?" Error asks, glancing around.
"Just did a mass wipe. Decided a fresh canvas was in order."
"Oh. Okay."
You groan, dodging another splatter. "Why the fuck am I even in the doodle sphere?!"
Ink frowns. Error whistles, low and long. "Wow, you accidentally drug a creator here?"
"Shut up." Ink shoots again but misses widely.
Error snickers. "Let me handle this, squid." You watch his hands raise and remember what Error does for a living.
"Fuck no!" You scream, flailing and losing your balance. One minute, you're standing in a white room, and the next, you're nowhere.
It feels like you're falling for eternity. Darkness swims in your vision, making your brain try to fill in the gaps by tricking you with false images. If you scream, you sure can't hear it. Numbness creeps in.
A white oval emerges. Then it stays. Its not a false image? A form takes shape as if your eyes had to adjust. Half circle eyes, two cracks, and a thin smile. The body of spilled ink.
"Gaster." He makes a series of strange noises. Wingdings? "I'm sorry, I can't understand. I- I'm in the void, aren't I?" He nods, and two ghostly hands form before your very eyes. He holds them out to you. "Do you know the way out of here?" Another nod. You take his hands. His figure appears as if it's dissolving, then when you look down, you look the same, like a ghost. The hot iron of fear strikes you. "Wai-"
Your sound is cut out. Once again, for the umpteenth time today, your mind blanks out. An uncomfortable trend.
The first thing you register is cold. It's on your back, arms, head, everywhere. The next is something wet. You groan and shift. Why can't you be left to sleep in peace? WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. You sit up quickly, disturbing the snow that had been blanketing you before. Something white and fluffy yelps. Your vision clears. Oh! It's a dog.
"Hey there, little guy. Thanks for the wake-up call." The dog barks cutely. You pet it, encouraged by the furious wagging of its tail.
A figure emerges in the distance, but it's hard to see through the snowfall. Whoever they are, they must be tall. Maybe someone on a rescue team? That'd explain the dog. You must have been drugged or passed out somewhere. It couldn't have been a long time since you're still alive in this weather. All your limbs have circulation, and you can't smell rotting flesh.
"DOG! UGH, I KNEW THE RED LEASH WAS SUPERIOR!" An odd sentence for someone on a rescue team, but you let it slide. Any help is better than no help. "OH. A HUMAN." Well, what else would you be? A bear?
"Hello? Do you know where this is? I think I hit my head or something." That would explain the hallucination.
It's like your heart stops and speeds up all at once. Papyrus is tall and a little foreboding at this angle. His scarf flaps in the wind that is currently picking up. He makes quick work of helping you up. The dog stays close by, tail wagging furiously.
There's no other option than to agree. If this is a hallucination, you won't fight it. Maybe you're lucid dreaming? Intense focus does nothing to change your situation. Not a lucid dream, then. Papyrus carries you and the dog through the storm, who happily snuggles close to you. At least Papyrus blocks the wind blowing towards the two of you. He chatters the entire way to his house. Instead of the familiar house you were expecting, he brings you to a different one. It's a large log cabin with no porch. It looks like they bought more string lights.
"REST HERE, AND I'LL MAKE YOU SOME WARM FOOD." Papyrus sets you down on a kitchen chair, swiping a quilt and tossing it over you. The dog (presumably annoying dog) settles on your lap as if he owns it. You say nothing. Papyrus returns with a plate of steaming spaghetti and water. "I MUST APOLOGIZE. THE FOOD IS REHEATED SINCE I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE IT A HABIT TO NAP IN SNOW POFFS." The spaghetti is great.
"Thank you, this is great. Uhm, weird question, but where are we?"
"MY HOUSE, OF COURSE!" he replies with a warm smile.
"I think they meant geographic location, paps."
And as if Tumblr hadn't already whooped your ass, here arrives Sans Undertale. Where's a dramatic cue of Megalovania à la trumpet when you need it? Honestly, the very last skeleton you wanted to see. It's like your Sans phase is coming to haunt you. Maybe today is just 'the attack of 2010's fandom.' The switch port could not have possibly done less to prepare you for this.
"Uhm, hi," you say. Sans plops himself down across from you at the kitchen table.
"hey. what's up?"
You make an awkward face. "I have no idea where I'm at or how I got here."
Sans takes it all in stride, pulling up your location on google maps and letting you take it all in. It's a country you've never heard of in your life. You rub your hands over your face and feel like crying. Papyrus, out of the goodness of his heart, offers you their couch for the night.
"hey, paps, why don't you get the human some bed stuff?"
"GASP. YOU'RE RIGHT, BROTHER." Aaaaand Papyrus is gone, taking the stairs two at a time.
"so, I couldn't help but notice you had a lot on your mind. penny for your thoughts?" He holds up said coinage, and it earns him a chuckle from you. Sans laughs himself and sets it on the coffee table.
"I promise I'm not insane, but I'm not from here, and I have no memory of this country. At all." Sans' expression betrays nothing. He closes an eye socket.
"eeh, figured that was the case." He sees your startled expression and shrugs. "I'm good at reading people. what do ya remember?" You close your eyes. The memories roll through, starting with a field of white.
"Black. A lot of it. Something...white?" You gasp, and the name flies between your lips before you can stop it. "Gaster."
Sans jerks, and your eyes fly open. He stares at you like he's seen a ghost. Sweat rolls down his skull. "how-" You can feel the frustration from your day boil over, forming tears that roll down your cheeks in thick globs. You sob into your hands, trying to hide it.
"there there," Sans says, patting you on the back. You finish crying quicker than you expected.
"Sorry. It's been a day." Sans nods and drops his hand. It lays limply at his side. "Guess I gotta fess up now. There's no easy way to say this, but I think you of anyone in this universe would understand." Sans watches with bated breath, apprehension bleeding through his sole eye light.
"I'm not from this universe."
"sheesh. and here I was thinking you were a mage or something. what a relief."
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
Answer the 30 questions, and then tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @orion-in-wonderland - THANK YOU ❤️
1)nicknames? Mika, Trace. Michellus (*glares at @ghoulstars*).
2) gender? Female. She/her pronouns.
3) star sign? Libra. Moon is in Scorpio and my Rising sign is in Virgo.
4) height? 5 foot 1 inch or 155 cm.
5) time? 10:49 pm rn.
6) birthday? Sept. 28th.
7) favorite bands? Septicflesh, Sabaton, Ghost, Type O Negative, Au-Dessus, Carach Angren.
8) favorite solo artists? David Bowie, Tori Amos, and Florence + The Machine.
9) song that’s stuck in your head? Anubis by Septicflesh
10) last movie watched? Uhhhh I think it was Spider Man: Homecoming.
11) last show watched? Game of Thrones.
12) when did you create your blog? In November of last year, after I saw Ghost for the first time.
13) what do you post? Metal music, music recommendations, music gifs, musicians in flower crowns, aesthetic, and art history and history in general.
14) last thing googled? “5'1” in centimeters"
15) other blogs? My main blog and a Disney blog and a blog for a story I want to write.
16) do you get asks? Some times! I feel so happy when I get them.
17) why did you choose your URL? Because the idea of Kidzbop death metal is hilarious to me.
18) following? 240 ish
19) Followers? 587
20) favorite colors? Black, green, purple.
21) average hours of sleep? I average about 5 to 6.
22) lucky number? 23.
23) instruments? I recently started to learn guitar. I also want to start on bass soon and I would love to one day learn drums.
24) what are you wearing right now? Short shorts (think booty shorts) and a black tank top.
25) how many blankets? 2.
26) dream job? A musician - either playing guitar or bass in a touring metal band. Or working in a gallery or museum.
27) dream trip? Sweden and Norway and Finland. After that I’d love to go to Germany and Greece.
28) favorite food? Squid and Squid Ink Spaghetti.
29) nationality? I’m from the United States. My family is pretty much a mix of European, Native and Caribbean.
30) favorite song right now? Pyre by Apocalypse Orchestra.
I tag @excuseforaking @ghoulstars @alan-frogger @the-human-stain-k @drake-n-willard @diner @metalhat and anyone who sees this and wants to do it.
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agritecture · 7 years
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Inside Out: Vertical Gardens in Restaurants Are Climbing in Popularity
Dreaming of al fresco dining this summer but the weather’s not quite there? No matter — vertical gardens in restaurants bring the outdoors in, and in some restaurants’ cases, offer up verdant edibles that are just at tasty as they are eye-catching. Here are some eateries where it’s easy seeing green.
Sassafraz, Toronto, Ontario It’s hard to believe that the cascading verdant tower of lush plant life and soothing trickle of accompanying waterfall aren’t part of some landscape in a tropical Hawaiian paradise, but Sassafraz is smack-dab in the middle of the village-like Yorkville neighborhood of Ontario. The 20-foot biowall is one of the province’s first, and includes clean-air technology that cleanses the palate for divine dishes such as tikka masala meatballs with fennel, venison osso bucco, and tuna steak with sriracha emulsion and soy glaze. Make a reservation at Sassafraz.
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Juvia, Miami, Florida Internationally acclaimed French botanist Patrick Blanc helps evoke a rainforest-like atmosphere in the center of Miami at Juvia, where chic plant landscapes span from the entrance through the terrace and into the dining room, overflowing with 220 types of indigenous greenery. The 22-foot-tall vertical garden gives the unobstructed panoramic view of Magic City a run for its money but also filters out the metropolis’ toxins and muffles city noise. The kitchen keeps it clean and lean, too, with a menu that’s heavy on seafood like sashimi-grade tuna steak, scallops, and grouper. Make a reservation at Juvia.
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Otium, Los Angeles, California Otium owner and chef Timothy Hollingsworth has an impressive pedigree coming from the French Laundry, but, for him, the most impressive part of growing his resume was the opportunity to work from a garden right outside of that restaurant. Now, Los Angeles-based Otium’s vertical garden brings more than a bit of green to the concrete jungle, and Hollingsworth and crew use herbs and flowers from it for their dishes. They even grow herbs like Za’atar that they can’t source from local purveyors to use on grilled steaks with onions and sumac. Besides the fresh flavors and funky aesthetic, restaurant goers get to enjoy an outdoor mezzanine that overlooks downtown LA and the contemporary art Broad Museum. Make a reservation at Otium.
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Colonie, Brooklyn, New York Tree-lined Atlantic Avenue is the setting for Colonie, where a walk inside quickly acquaints guests with the 20 different species of plants that comprise living artwork (made entirely out of recycled materials). New executive chef Jared Braithwaite maintains relationships with small, local farmers to focus on an Italian-inspired menu that spotlights fresh herbs and seasonal produce. This spring, This spring, check out bitter greens with bagna cauda and bread crumbs, spaghetti with squid ink, ‘nduja, rock shrimp, and green onion, and Bavette steak with Bloomsdale spinach, pine nuts, and au poivre. Make a reservation at Colonie.
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Homestead on the Roof, Chicago, Illinois An oasis in the middle of the Windy City, Homestead on the Roof has just 85 seats nestled in a 3,000-square foot organic rooftop garden, which is filled with two massive vertical hanging gardens, and dozens of planter boxes all filled with vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Executive Chef Scott Shulman says he and his team set out to not just tell but show guests about their four-plantings-per-year concept and menus designed with at least one ingredient that comes from their own garden. At least one item from the garden is incorporated into every dish that comes out of the oven, which rotates seasonally. Look for the Wednesday chef pop-up dinner series until Homestead expands for its summer harvest hours. Make a reservation at Homestead on the Roof.
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Terra Bistro, San Diego, California For executive chef and owner Jeff Rossman, there’s no greater labor of love than the ability to keep something alive. “We’re a farm-to-table restaurant. It’s expensive and an effort but it totally fit into who we are and our culture — you see a living wall, you see life,” he said. What else to expect besides this “welcome wall” at the entrance? Sustainable, local, and organic cuisine from Rossman and a bar with seasonable fruit- and herb-infused vodkas with a wine list that pays homage to the San Diego bistro’s home state of California. Diners celebrate American dishes like oven-roasted local fish and quinoa bowls at a chef’s communal table and chef’s farm-to-table dinners. Make a reservation at Terra Bistro.
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Are you noticing vertical gardens in restaurants? Let us know where you’re seeing green here or over on Facebook, G+, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter. And, remember to snap + share your #dishpics with us on Instagram for a chance to win in our weekly giveaway.
Carley Thornell is a travel writer whose experiences eating street food in Japan, English peas in the UK, free-range steak in Argentina, and Brussels sprouts at Estragon tapas in her hometown of Boston have provided unforgettable culinary inspiration. Shout out at [email protected].
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squidkidcelebi · 11 months
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The brothers as little squiddos!
Featuring their mom that I just kinda designed on the spot (you will probably not be seeing her much lol)
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effipateng · 8 years
Einmal Spaghetti mit squid ink, bitte. 12.01.17
Nach einer kalten Nacht machte ich mich doch recht ausgeschlafen auf den Weg zum Frühstück. Bei einer Schale Cornflakes lernte ich Jaime kennen. Sie, US Amerikanerin, kam mit dem gleichen Flieger nach Bari wie ich und fand den Weg zum Hostel ebenfalls ziemlich gruslig. Haruna, meine japanische Mitbewohnerin, erzählte von Polignano, wo es ein Restaurant in einer Höhle geben soll. Sieht auf Fotos viel besser aus als es sich anhört. Nachdem ich noch zwei Toast hatte, machte sich jeder fertig und zu dritt fuhren wir los. Es wirkte alles sehr leer gefegt und uns fiel die Siesta ein. A ghost town, sagte Jaime. Mit knurrenden Magen fanden wir doch noch ein Restaurant und ich bestellte -warum auch immer- Spaghetti mit Tintenfisch Tinte. Die Nudeln waren schwarz gefärbt und Lippen und Zähne wurden es beim essen ebenfalls. Es schmeckte nicht unangenehm, aber wiederholen muss ich es auch nicht. Ich probierte noch Muscheln von Haruna und wir kauften uns Panini mit rohem Thunfisch. Das war der leckerste rohe Fisch, den ich je gegessen habe. Heute war wirklich der Alles-ist-möglich-Tag.
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bedeliadumaurier · 7 years
Assumption prompt - Scene: fancy Italian restaurant. Waiter: tonight our chefs special is a delightful squid ink pasta with fresh red wine seared octopus and a fennel celeriac reduction. You: Ok cool but do you have spaghetti Napoli?
more like “uhhh babe on second thought, let’s just go to mcdonald’s”?? i don’t really even like tomato sauce lol rip but A for effort, friend
(it’s got to be a pretty wild AU for me to end up at a fancy Italian restaurant lol, i’m more of a “stay at home and make plain pasta with a smidgen of butter and eat on my couch” kinda gal)
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squidkidcelebi · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month :)
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squidkidcelebi · 2 years
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*Splatoonifies your Pokepastas*
Living up to my username heck yeah
This all came to me on a whim last night lol
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