#Sigmund hot tho
russelross68 · 1 year
fbacc oc reweal 🥹
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First pic I did of her!
hwer name is Delaney sladkiy
She's a Russian transfer student
And is mainly a loner who only wants to just do good in school
and is attention starved but is in denial of that
Still workin' oh her so here she is for now.
If ya wanna do fanart, ideas, or ships that aren't creepy as hell you can feel free too!
I'll come out with more info on her in the near future
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hyaesia · 2 years
found you through the ryoji fan art and, idk what sigmund corp is, but nerdy baby glasses boy/his hot dark gf who’s cooler than him has ALWAYS been my favorite dynamic. yet so rare. so can you imagine my delight when i found your fan art of these characters (whom i have absolutely no background info on)
WAAAH OMG!! thank u for sending this bc it made my day 💕. i love accidentally exposing people to neil and eva
their dynamic in the game they're from is spectacular and infinitely funnier than any of my art can express. i highly recommend checking them out (only if u are interested tho pls don't feel obligated. i have a post abt the play order here)
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avixthic · 4 years
alright i just took a test and my brain is MUSH and here i am bout to delve into all your observable traits and insecurities to ship you with a mohawk wearin emotionally stunted dude LESGETITT!!!!
okay so im sure your personality off the internet is completely different so im gonna have to jump a lot of gaps, but its like that john mulaney meme of “no one look at me or ill kill myself,” but you can still interact well with others because youre very accommodating and passive and that allows you to have some friendships here and there but not too many that youre put on any radars
which is wild cause even tho i know next to nothing about hawk ik he’s like the opposite, the biggest loudest fuck you to everyone around him and only earning relationships based on respect and intimidation factor, but, like the sweet sweet sub you are, you think thats hot as hell and fantasize about him from the outskirts of his rampages, staying out of his way and avoiding eye contact while your panties get soaked
not only out of fear of getting in his way, but he’s a textbook delinquent, and you cant have yourself associated with that now can you!! noooo youre on the academic team!! you have to be in the top ten of your class!! you have to have perfect grades to live up to your family’s expectations because thats what youre supposed to do!! youve never known anything else!!
so hawk excites you, youre jealous cause you want to act out so bad, maybe not in the exact way but you know deep down that you dont deserve this even though you dont want to admit it to yourself and your community makes you think suffering is all there is in store for you
now as much of a smug bitch sigmund freud mightve been he was right about parental influences being the stem of our attraction and,,,,, im just gonna say it hawk matches that aggression you get from your dad HHSFGDAGJDKD in the sense that like youre scared but its familiar so youre okay with it and you simultaneously want to fix him because you know you have it in you, and hey at least hawk doesnt hate your existence just yet 🥴
anyway well get back to you in a bit, im gonna be honest hawk wouldnt really notice yourself at first until you make yourself noticeable, cause he can smell that insecurity from a mile away (being all to stenchy of it himself) and thinks you need to toughen up like he did, which is true but maybe not to his extreme
ACTUALLY you guys have a really good dichotomy wait....... passive vs agressive....... hating yourself vs hating everyone else before they can hate you........ wait i see where this is going the vision is taking place in my mind
i dont know what would cause you guys to eventually start interacting, maybe your friends push you into it? maybe you stay after school to pick up your grades and run into him from detention¿ ionno but you guys are just kindred spirits, in the sense that you both have that deep seeded self hatred, but youre a lot more affectionate and readily accepting and excusing of others faults which is a fuckin head scratcher for him lmao cause all hes known is ridicule
so yknow he keeps you around, he doesnt know why (yes he does) but he secretly enjoys the affirmation, and at the same time CONSTANTLY tells you to fight back against your constrictive authority because its eating you from the inside out when it has absolutely no right to
and owo whats this?? someone who actually enjoys your presence well you gotta attach to them immediately!! he’s gonna bat off your clinginess especially in the view of others, but he’d just purse his lips and focus on other things when you guys are along so at least you got that
i cant remember where i was going with this but essentially you guys get into a slow crawl of encouraging the other and unknowingly fulfilling each other’s need for validation in some way until BOOM youre on each others mouths in the back of the school and you have a secret relationship cause your parents would fucking eviscerate you if they found you around such a horrible ungodly influence thats probably the reason why your grades are so shit :D
but little by little you start having your own little rebellions every day, which you likely wouldve had in your own time as you got older but he certainly speeds up the process, and oh my god someones attracted to you, maybe now youll finally see some of your good qualities and have some semblance of self worth cause if not hawks gonna either beat it or kiss it into you he hasnt decided yet 🤗 but he does think youre a dumbass for thinking so lowly of yourself cause you have all this stuff going for you and he has nothing but his karate skills, then you assure that thats not true hes just a product of his circumstances, well guess what bitch its the same for YOU!! so you guys keep insisting that the other isnt as shitty as they think they are and wow you can base a relationship off of that? why yes, yes you can
not me crying
not me actually having tear stains on my shirt
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hazymultiverse · 5 years
Ghiaccio going all Sigmund Freud on yo ass when you call him daddy before rawing you I'm sobbfjm duality of man
He 100% would just keep ranting during sex, though, eventually it clicks in his head and he decides “okay yeah it’s still hot tho”
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openbound part 3
and then i never have to play through this goddamn game again (until i do another re-read, as i inevitably will...)
at least this is my favorite part of openbound!
oh right, this whole bit where people frequently mistake who’s who in the horuss/rufioh to dirk/jake parallel. cuz lemme tell ya... rufioh ain’t jake. should have been obvious what with the “he kissed my disembodied head back to life while standing on a mountain striking a badass pose”
i know horuss and dirk have a lot in common in terms of interests, but optimistic duelist is right that when you look at actual personality and behavior, jake has a lot more in common.
(now, whether dirk and rufioh actually have all that much in common, personality wise, is a different question. i think the truthful answer is no, not really, if only because dirk actually has the balls to break it off with jake when he feels like the relationship isn’t working anymore)
(although considering everybody except the stubborn as fuck badass girl hits on him and he’s uncomfortable with the attention, maybe he is a bit like dirk)
(i mean. frankly both of them have parallels to both of them and tbqh it’s probably just foreshadowing that the dirkjake sitch just ain’t gonna work out for either of them)
“he stole my breath away” sfaskadsfjhjaljadshfadskjadsfhjadsf fucking classpect puns
he is so much worse this time around than he’s ever been before. mostly because now he seems less like a misguided sjw and more like a deliberate asshole saying things to mock and parody in bad faith.
because. y’know. technically he is.
“if you are faced with any crisis of identity whatsoever, it’s really important to do your best to manufacture esoteric features of your personality and believe in them very STrONGLY and tell people about those things as frequently as possible” aka THE MOST ANNOYING FUCKING THING ABOUT PAGES, WHICH APPLIES TO ALL FUCKING PAGES and also the reason i really, desperately hope poor tavvy crocker isn’t a page.
“they always wanted to be w1th me or... maybe even wanted to BE me?” this is really interesting in light of roxy’s pesterquest route where they imply that maybe their attraction to dirk was a misplaced gender identity thing where they couldn’t tell if they wanted to be him or be with him.
maybe it’s less about personality commonalities and more about interpersonal communication issue commonalities?
(or maybe they’re just both both. y’know.)
god i love damara. she’s so fucking funny. terrible person, but hilarious, since i can’t understand any of what she’s saying and literally have to guess based on context... i mean i could look up the translations but that just wouldn’t be as much fun....
god rose’s pouty face when she asks if kanaya is permanently de-glowed is SO ADOrABLE.
dave: kanaya we should talk more we really don’t talk enough YES DAVE I AGrEE!
“storytime with karkat: kanaya edition” I FUCKING LOVE DAVE AND KArKAT’S rELATIONSHIP IN ANY AND EVErY TIMELINE.
kanaya is so goddamn sassy i love her so much. why are there so many amazing characters in homestuck i can’t handle it.
god i love rose. i love everyone.
“i just know that on some hypothetical earth my shit is starting to get so lame” lmaoooooooo
but also... is that the tiniest hint of fourth wall awareness poking through? is this why he can tell ultimate dirk to fuck off in meat?
oh. oh dave’s doing a lot of sudden capitalization in this conversation, this makes me very happy. because it either means he’s picking up karkat habits, or he’s literally talking loudly, and either way that’s adorable character growth.
“the traditional mumbling monologue stage of Striderian discourse” nah, it’s not striderian, it’s just dave-and-roxian. like parent like child.
dave: maybe i’ll dream up my own john tonight
dave: fu
god i love the music in this game, rose’s and dave’s theme songs are SO GOOD.
“suddenly sigmund freud and king oedipus start banging each others hot moms at some kind of depraved sexy momswap party” DAVE.
“(still feel like i should work puppets into this. no idea why.)” oh dave has definitely spent too long under the plush thumb of lil cal/lord english.
“our conversations can be so embarrassing im glad we manage to have most of them in private” AKA DAVE AND KArKAT WErE ALrEADY GETTING CHUMMY EVEN IN THE PrE-rETCON TIMELINE!!!! probs just friends tho because karkat wouldn’t cheat on gamzee even though gamzees a fucker, and dave probably wasn’t ready to deal with the toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia yet.
“meenah was right that making them more aggressive would work better and the alternians proved it!” wrong, serket, the alternians won because karkat was working tirelessly to ensure they didn’t all fucking backstab each other, the players who won the game fastest were the beta kids, who LITErALLY NEVEr FOUGHT WITH EACH OTHEr, EVEr, NOT EVEN ONCE, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. FUCK YOU.
annnnnnd that’s openbound finished! thank god. i think that’s where i’ll stop tonight, jesus this game is long.
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