#Russian accent
one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I came out as trans to a man that looked like Markiplier but he had a Russian accent. He also was on the sidewalk just drawing with chalk.
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shamrockqueen · 11 months
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Thigh Rider
Pairing : Yuri Boyka X Reader
Warnings : PWP, Thigh riding, Thigh humping, dirty talk in a Russian accent.
Word count : 1239
AO3 Link
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He traced his thumb over the quote as he read it over a second time.
У человека все в руках, и все ускользает сквозь пальцы от чистой трусости (Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice.)
He would remember to hold onto all of the gifts he has been given thus far from now until the very end of his days. A warm bed, a loving home, and a beautiful woman that holds tightly in her hand the key to his once cold and icy heart.
She stood not far from where he sat, peering past the kitchen doorway and into the living room towards him, reading his book as he rested in an armchair.
He was strong, thick of frame, with short dark hair still shaved at the sides with a thick strip down the center as he always had it. A thachy goatee circles his pink lips as he runs his tongue between them in thought as his dark brown eyes search over each page.
You only stood by your hiding spot near the doorway as you watched him, envious of the simple hardback as it stole his attention from you. You craved what you greedily took every day to always have his eyes and hands on you. So much so that you wished he’d look up from his book and back at you.
As if he heard your thoughts, he did just as they asked, pulling his gaze from the pages and directing it towards you. You nearly tried to head under his now-heavy watch, ducking sheepishly towards the edge of the doorway.
He knew what you wanted; it was always too easy to tell. Whoever you hid from like this, it meant you wanted something naughty but couldn’t work up the courage to ask.
"Speak," he called out, his accent minimal with just the one-word phrase. His deep voice booming throughout the adjoining rooms. He didn’t like playing silly games with you. If you want something from him, you’ll have to ask; otherwise, you’ll go without.
"I-I just wanted to…to see you." You answered back, as meek as ever. He hated it when you acted fearful, like a shivering lamb standing before a snarling wolf. He was your cuddly bear, and you were his wily fox.
He set his book on the table beside him and gestured for you to approach. He needn’t ask twice, but at first you only hesitantly leave your perch by the doorway to approach him.
"Quit playing mouse. You make a far better pussycat." His voice came out as a low growl, a thick Russian purr erupting from his tightly gritted teeth.
You weren’t fooling anybody.
You trot over and nearly throw yourself onto his lap to cry like the spoiled brat you were. You only wanted his attention. You never felt more special than when you had all of him to yourself, so now that he was yours again, you buried yourself in the white cotton fabric of the chest of his thin tank top. It was coupled with the compressive gym shorts he’d worn when he worked out in the garage.
You were clad in one of your little white dresses and a pair of frilly white socks, but nothing else. It left your breasts to press freely against the soft fabric and your core to be grazed by the cool air of the room.
One of your legs is wedged between his so that your knee nudged his covered cock, but the other nearly dangled over his leg and off the chair, letting your bare pussy press to his equally unencumbered thigh.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, whimpering into his shoulder, "I just wanted some attention."
It wasn’t untrue, but he could tell you had wanted far more than a little of his focus, mainly by the way he could feel your slick little cunny pressing against his skin.
He bumps you with his leg like he’s bouncing you in his lap, making you little pussy rub against him faster than you had done yourself.
You whine just the way he likes. That shrill squeak let him know he could twitch at you however he wanted. But, what he wanted to see was you getting off all by yourself on his thick thigh.
"This is what you wanted, isn’t it? You wanted to press your pretty pussy against me, right Kukla?" He spoke with a deep laugh as he looked over the beautiful display before him.
You nod vigorously with a "yes, yes please," all desperate as you palm his cock, only to have your fingers swatted away.
"You want to cum, do it yourself!" He huffed like an angry bull before bouncing his leg from under you, dragging it along your exposed flower, and ruffling your folds.
Your face turns a hot red as you do as you’re told, spreading your cunt slowly along his thigh before pressing hard and pushing your hips back up towards his pelvis.
"Good girl, Kukla" His chest rumbled as he spoke.
You give a whimper before dragging and pushing your hips again, making your little flower drool all over him. He’s goading you on as your pussy sucks at his bare thigh.
Your body shuttered with each drag of your hips and bump of his thigh. All while he looked down at you and chuckled to himself. This little game was fun, but the sight of you riding just his leg was driving him almost equally as crazy, making his cock stiffen from where it was tightly confined in his shorts. It was time to end this quickly so he could bury himself inside your sweet cunt.
"Cum, baby, I know you can." His words drip right off his tongue with a thick Russian drawl. It spurs you on to quicken your pace, chasing that sweet, fluttery release.
He bounces you on his knee as you try to shuck your cunt along his leg. As he’s grinning wolfishly down at you, his precious little doll is fucking herself against his leg like a horny brat.
You’re crying into the air as your nails dig into his skin, making him hiss. You shake your hips as his leg still shakes below you to tease you to your finish.
His little doll sings for him so shrill, loud, and beautiful that he could just wrap his thick, hard arms around you and grind you down on his leg until you’re creaming all over his skin.
Your movements are furious, but your mind is blinded by a burst of white lights, turning your little brain all hazy. You can’t think, and you only whine and cry as you spill slick all over his skin.
Your body feels too heavy to continue, but your hips propel you slowly as you ride each wave until it pulls you under and you're collapsing against his shoulder as he chuckles nice and low and hungry.
"Is my Kukla tired already?" He says as he pushes your hips off of his leg until you're further into his lap and your sensitive core is pressed against the hard bulge in his shorts, "You have no more energy for me?"
Like a dimming flame doused with kerosene, the drag of your cunt over the outline of his cock has you burning up for him all over again.
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russelross68 · 1 year
fbacc oc reweal 🥹
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First pic I did of her!
hwer name is Delaney sladkiy
She's a Russian transfer student
And is mainly a loner who only wants to just do good in school
and is attention starved but is in denial of that
Still workin' oh her so here she is for now.
If ya wanna do fanart, ideas, or ships that aren't creepy as hell you can feel free too!
I'll come out with more info on her in the near future
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crazy-t0g3ther · 4 months
I love men with accents, especially like German or Russian. Hard accents are such a muah 😘 I love love love it.
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desakuro · 5 months
Mmm. I really like his Russian accent! This is just something incredible. I admire his Finnish, but this is just another level! And gods, give me his voice!
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voiceemporium · 1 year
Hondo Ohnaka in Star Wars, voiced by Jim Cummings
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chiegetseven · 11 months
Amy Walker - 21 Accents
This video is over a decade old and I can't testify to the quality of her non-English speaking accents, but the differentiation of the UK ones, American ones, and the Australian vs. New Zealand ones is great. The little riff she does about the trans-Atlantic accent always gets me:
"Oh hello, my name is Amy Walker and I'm an actress and a writer and a singer and a dancer and I was asked here today to give you an example of the trans-Atlantic accent I was trained in in 1945."
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le-guy · 11 months
Russian and British accents are 2 extremes of the same spectrum
No I will not elaborate
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psychowokjak6 · 1 year
I love Russian accents
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thebloodytounge · 2 years
My friend found this for sale at a pawn shop/secondhand store.
He didn't realize the gold he nearly passed over; the video was almost pristine, stuttered a bit at the beginning and I worried the tape would get eaten by the VHS player, but then the movie started up smooth.
Just as good as I remember, even better now that I'm older and able to understand the symbolism easier.
The clock ticking throughout the movie still gives me rising anxiety to this day, the most palpable, real tension I have ever felt.
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Kallmekris: *reads my username* Awe, look it's a little Mafia boss here. Wait, I wonder what that says. Kallmekris: *Google Translates it* Kallmekris: *starts speaking like Nona for some reason* Oh, my God, it's a Demon. I think I'm dying. *returns to normal voice* Jay, help me! Jay, off screen: *shakes his head*
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I came out as trans to a man outside my window who was doing chalk on the sidewalk. I have no clue who that man was but he looked similar to Markiplier even though he had a Russian accent.
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shamrockqueen · 3 months
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Wasteland paradise
Chapter 2
Pairing: Boyka X Reader (Post Apocalyptic AU/ inspired by but not in the universe of Fallout new Vegas
Warnings: R18, human trafficking, purchased reader, eventual Smut
Word count: 1793
Chapter 1
Scott Adkins Masterlist
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No one ate nor drank for the next 3 days as the diesel-driven truck lumbered along the dusty landscape. Sadly, you were all too weak to protest the degrading conditions, too weak to fight back, and with too little hope for what was to come.
That was until a new sight seemed to spring up around the truck. It was a budding town surrounding the cracked road that you were all being carted along. With the change of scenery, there seemed to be a new spark of life in the back of the trailer, but whether it was a flickering flame of renewed hope or growing fear was another question.
It was still a shanty-like place, but much more put together than where you once called home. The truck came to a shaky stop, screeching just a little against the remains of pavement and kicking dust into the air and into the back of the half-open cab. It wasn’t like any of you could jump out and run, not while you were all chained to your seat.
The driver door clicked open, and the awful man that sat behind the wheel leapt from his seat before rounding towards the doors at the back of the rig. He unlatched the back hatch before jumping into the back of the truck and pulling a handful of captives out to stand in a line next to it. You were part of that unlucky group.
He doesn’t even speak to you before unhooking your chain, yanking from your seat, and leaving you to stumble forward along the dirt. The guns are up again as the hatch to the back of the truck slams shut. They’re armed and ready in case any of you feel like making the mistake of running. One of the raiders took the rope still tightly wrapped around your little wrists and tied it to the side of the truck's rigging before calling out for any potential buyers to take you off their hands.
They must not have deemed you all worth taking to the ‘acropolis’, a nifty name for a beast of a trade city situated further than you thought you'd ever reach. People say it’s hidden within an old amphitheater and spiderwebbed out in a few miles of slums. You’ve only ever heard stories of it, and from the few angry whispers you could hear from the raiders around you, if you're not sold today, you may not live long enough to see it anyway.
You must not have been particularly desirable, as thankfully not one person gave you a second glance as they came by. Yet, you couldn’t help but fidget as you fought to stay standing. You could feel some unwavering gaze drag over you, roughly like a dull blade along your skin. You couldn’t see any eyes in the passing crowd, but you knew someone was glaring at you from some unseen alcove, letting their eyes cut through to your weakened bones.
A woman tied beside you was untethered before being torn from the side of the truck and dragged towards her purchasers. Two burly men held her by each arm, but she seemed too weak to scream. Her head lulled to her shoulder as the one man shook her to stand on her own. You and the few others watched as she was led away, leaving the raiders to count the payment they received for her.
A few of the captives were picked away as the afternoon burned out, but you and at least two others remained beside the truck. At least it looked like two from what you could make out through your blurry vision.
Your time was ticking away, and as you bit down on your cracked lip and let a dribble of blood wet your tongue, you figured that at least the end would be quick. There will be no more pain, no more aches, and no more despair. You’d never have to feel the lingering burn left on your skin or the pangs of hunger in your stomach. Maybe you might see your mother once again.
You closed your eyes as the sun began to dim, wishing only for a slight breeze as you listened to the dull liveliness of the surrounding town. The Raiders spoke amongst themselves, but you didn’t listen—not until a new voice joined them. Something deep and smooth. It was neither hoarse nor graveled, only heavy, and you couldn’t stop yourself from opening your eyes and looking over at the new patron.
This man stood far taller than the raiders, but had his face and body covered from the sun with a thin cloak, as well as a scarf to protect his nose and mouth from the toxic dust that blew through the wasteland air. It left only his eyes visible, letting you feel them rake over your skin as they turned back towards you.
You felt an unerring shiver crawl up your spine as he lifted his hands and pointed at you. In the next instant, the raider was trudging towards you as you shook against the side of the trailer. Your tether was torn away and tied to a slightly longer rope, surely the better to lead you away with.
When you didn’t move with the tug of the rope, one of your captors seized the side of your arm and dragged you over to stand beside the large buyer. That way, the customer could get a better look at you.
An exchange of goods is made before the trailer is closed back up. The rope is handed to the hooded man as your previous captor smacks the back of the truck to signal the driver to leave.
This man now owned you in exchange for car parts. You knew you weren’t worth much, having not been built for hard labor, but you didn’t think your life would be worth so little.
You couldn’t believe the sight of it as the last of your kin disappeared between the rows of shanty houses. Some of those people were your friends and neighbors. After all the blood that had been shed in your own home to be severed from them, this felt like the final crooked nail being hammered into your coffin.
You didn’t know if maybe you were too tired or too dehydrated, but the tears just didn’t flow like they had days prior. You felt a pang of guilt in your chest that, after all these hardships, you had no tears left to shed as you watched the last of the people you used to know just disappear. Maybe it wasn't worth crying about anymore.
You felt a tug on the rope, pulling only slightly towards this hulking figure. It was uncharacteristically gentle, but soon he became impatient, and he started to walk with the rope held tightly in his fisted hand, towing you away with him. There isn’t anywhere left to run, and you didn’t have the energy to do so anyway, so you followed not too far behind this new man.
The town was small but bustled, at least a little bit. Many people unfortunate enough to look at you being pulled away on a lead just averted their gaze. It seemed that whatever ill will had befallen you, they didn’t want to make it their business.
He stumbled behind him, trying your best to lift your feet, only to drag them through the dust. You can't think any further than moving forward for as long as your body will allow, not realizing your poor efforts will easily be noticed.
All of a sudden, he stopped walking, leading you to absentmindedly collide with his broad back. Your legs buckled upon impact, and you crumpled towards the ground. But, you didn't hit the dirt; instead, you barely grazed it as a pair of strong, calloused hands grappled with your weak shoulders.
You sagged into his arms as he held you upright and looked down at your sorry form. You looked back, your vision blurred by the sun overhead as it darkened his figure further. He dipped his fingers into his scarf as your pupils began to shrink from the assault of sunlight.
Your world moved around you as you settled down to sit in the dirt, those hands still holding you upright as you pulled back.
Someone was talking, but it sounded strange. It got louder, and you blinked to see that large cloaked man that had once been tugging you along as he knelt over you.
He was shouting down at you to “STAY AWAKE” as he repeatedly shook your upper body so as to rouse you before exhaustion could take hold.
He had to move quickly before you fully collapsed, digging into the packs tied to his side for something to help you. One of those hands moves to cradle the side of your head, hoping to steady you as he brings his canteen close to your face.
You felt it first, the cold metal spout spreading to your cracked lips before the water hit your tongue and chilled your teeth. You gasped into the bottle as a rush of cool liquid shocked your system, making you choke on what had already flooded into your mouth.
He leaned you forward as you began to cough, your body shaking in his arms as panic overtook you. You were livelier, for sure, but only in the sense that you were squirming against his hold. He had to wrap his arm around the back of your neck, locking his hand around your jaw, and holding you tighter to his hard body just to keep you still.
“Drink. Drink, Pozhaluysta!”
His voice was barely a hum against the buzzing in your ears, but as the spout of the flask met your lips again and that water began flooding in, all your senses were dulled.
Your body finally moved on autopilot, letting you chug back the water until the flask was empty and your stomach ached.
You shuddered as he pulled it away, taking in each sharp breath like it was your first lungful of fresh air.
“khoroshaya devochka”
You pulled your eyes open, letting them go wide as his face came into view. He’d pulled the scarf away, letting it hang around his neck and leaving his face open to the mercy of the sun.
He was tall, even as he bent over to look down at you in the car. The light shone into his eyes, making their deep brown glimmer like the translucent gold of an amber stone. Yet his gaze seemed pointed as he narrowed it down at you before grabbing at the rope that was still tethered to your bound wrists and pulling you up.
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voices9 · 3 months
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cosmicwhoreo · 4 months
Captain Walrus Cookie
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AYE! Make way for the guard dog of Choco Mud Town, Captain Walrus Cookie! He kept the peace in the town for 2 decades, chasing off dangerous characters for the often neglected edge of the republic with his motley crew for no more than a few free drinks at the pub. Even so, he rarely ever got physically violent with troublemakers. More relied on careful wording and dominating size to intimidate those causing problems. Always believing words carry more weight than a punch.
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voiceemporium · 1 year
Zarya in Overwatch voiced by Dolya Gavanski
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