yellow-dejavu · 8 months
When I saw Dark, I definitely expected characters like Hannah and Ulrich to be hated. I wasn't surprised when I saw comments disliking them on different websites, but I just didn't expect to see people celebrating that Hannah was murdered by her own child while her younger child was sleeping in the same room.
People can enjoy any moment they want while watching a show or movie, but I just don't get it. Hannah gets an amount of hate that no other character in the show gets, and it feels like a large part of the show's viewers ignore to even trying to understand her.
jonas literally says in the first episode:
“My father said good and evil are a question of perspective.”
I'm not saying her character didn't do bad things, but it's exhausting how that's the only thing people see about her and it's just like they're trying to erase the good she did or all the positive things she meant in certain characters' lives.
I was even more shocked to see how few comments put Hannah on the same level as Helene Albers. I just don't understand how anyone could think that Hannah is somehow comparable to an abusive parent.
Hannah with her kids:
When she saw her boy struggling to cope with his dad's dead, she supported her child and made sure he got the professional help he needed.
And when Jonas came back to town, she made sure he got his medications and therapy sessions with Peter.
Hannah was so worried when Jonas tells her he had a fight at the end of the first season.
In the same scene, he just wanted to comfort his mother by saying, "Don't worry, Mom. Everything will be fine, Mom." when he actually believed that he could save Mikkel and thus end his own existence.
As the months passed since her son's disappearance, Hannah was so devastated that she almost took her own life.
She didn't, because Stranger Jonas appeared.
Stranger Jonas has returned after years of living in the apocalypse, and he doesn't know what else to do when his plan fails. The only thing he can think of is to go to his mom and tell her the truth.
After the time young Jonas spent traveling with Claudia, the first thing he does when he finally returns home is look for his mom.
It was a long time before Hannah saw her son again.
But she went to see him immediately when a random old woman told her that she knew where her son was and that he needed her.
Hannah was heartbroken when she saw what had happened to her boy. In that moment she apologized, recognized her mistakes, and told him that she was there for him.
Young Adam looked scary, but Hannah loved him anyway, and baby Silja trusted him when he said, "I want to show you a secret. But we'll let your mom rest, okay?"
Hannah died when Silja was very young and she probably didn't remember much about her mom, but she still named her firstborn Hanno after her.
and that's just to mention some of the things I could remember about Hannah's relationship with her kids.
The last dialogue of the whole show:
"I always thought "Jonas" was a good name."
Hannah was a good mom and her kids absolutely loved her. It bothers me that some people want to take that away from her because they don’t like her.
It's really hard for me to understand how some viewers can watch a show like Dark and decide that they can see all the million gray areas that all these characters had, but with one particular character they reduce everything to black and white.
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aurora-daily · 2 years
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AURORA and Silja meeting up in Bergen via marius_riisnaes | 04.11.2022
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convoluted-development · 11 months
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Funny memes with my ocs and also Estonian, because
(it's the"i think we have to kill this guy"damn" image and "my girlfriend hate me, I hope I die
Last three images r just over sketching because I think of spacetime dynamics
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Mä Helsingissa, näkemässä laivaa Silja Line: Silja? Kuin Frans Eemil Sillanpään Silja??
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 months
Tempted to pick up 3D painting again and....
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Silja was born
I didn't know I have the capability to do this--
Santa Monica HIRE ME NOW.
"Cool bro now do the rest"
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realismovisceral · 7 months
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Silja Danielsen
by Philippe Regard
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nudesnoises · 17 days
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Silja Magg
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lajoliedujeudi · 2 months
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Silja Danielsen
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homuraakemis · 6 months
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Jonas Kahnwald + causing the deaths and suffering of his lover, family and closest friends
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thunderstruck9 · 24 days
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Silja Rantanen (Finnish, 1955), Composition, 2002-03. Oil on canvas, 125 x 95.5 cm.
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yellow-dejavu · 8 months
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The last shot of a person from season 1 is Silja telling Jonas "welcome to the future" and hitting him with her gun.
The last shot of a person from season 2 focuses on Jonas as he travels with Alt-Martha, and then shows the Kahnwald house being hit by the apocalypse.
The final shot of season 3 shows Hannah in the same house and she says that she likes the name Jonas for her baby.
It was all about mother and her kids.
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gmixed-tapes · 7 months
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i need to post oc sketches somewhere so convoluted creation oc Sketches!!!
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hehkuvamyyhapero · 2 months
Onnistuisiko Silja Sillanpää vastaan Helena Kara?
no tottahan!
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This has been my mood lately fr
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digitalfountains · 27 days
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Ashley Smith by Silja Magg
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