shrine-of-the-gods · 5 months
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e-offering to lady aphrodite.
made from various pinterest photos.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
tw vampire whumper, psychological whump, intimate whumper, forced comfort
"Whatever is the matter with you?"
Beck shrugged a little. He still barely even looked at Helle, let alone engaged in their banter. "I don't know. I'm sorry."
They gently took him by the chin, turning his head towards them so they'd be able to look him in the eye. They didn't seem concerned, just confused and annoyed. "Is it me? Am I the problem? Are my insults and mockery getting less... gutting?"
Beck thought he might be able to sense some semblance of care behind the joking tone, but he was too exhausted to pay too much attention. "No, that's definitely not it," he said honestly. "They're... they're definitely pretty gutting. I mean, if, if we're being honest here– they make me wanna cry half the time."
The vampire let go of him and leaned back, still fixing him with a suspicious look. "Okay. So... whatever is it, then? You barely react. Our of the two of us, you seem more dead."
"I'm tired, Helle," he admitted, and averted his eyes again. "I'm sorry. That's– I think that's just it. I'm so tired of being... afraid, and hurt, and angry. I just can't do it tonight. I bet that's very frustrating, since that seems like the only reason you even keep me around in this way instead of enthralling me and whisking me away to your mansion or whatever, but I just... I can't. I can't do it every night. I'm tired."
The silence that stretched between them wasn't a necessarily uncomfortable one. It was almost peaceful, contemplative. Beck used it to simply zone out and stare at the TV in front of him — despite the fact that it wasn't even turned on, and he was just looking at his reflection. Only his. And Helle? Helle used it to think about whatever the hell vampires thought about, when they weren't thinking about blood and torture. Maybe they were thinking about blood and torture. There was no way to know.
"I do keep you around for those tasty little emotions," they said eventually. "It is quite fun to see you react to whatever I am doing. But I think..." They grabbed him by the arm and pulled him closer, positioning him so that he was laid across the sofa with his head in their lap. "I do not have to pull from the negative ones all the time. Especially if they are a limited resource."
Beck would've lied if he said the situation didn't scare him. He felt numb, yes, but he wasn't dead. Or emotionless. His muscles still tensed up at having to navigate unfamiliar territory, and his breathing and pulse quickened. But he couldn't react in the way Helle wanted. He didn't have the energy to protest and beg.
They began gently petting his hair, like one might do with a cat. It felt... nice. It wasn't comforting, but it was objectively pleasant, and... Helle was right. It was different, and different made him feel.
"I could make the distinction differently," they murmured. "I could simply make your days bad and worse, have your brain switching between dread and more dread."
Oh, it was a foolish question, the one on the tip of his tongue; but it was a justified one. Should he risk it? Or should he keep quiet and enjoy the break?
He was never going to learn to keep his mouth shut.
"Why don't you?" he asked quietly.
The vampire scratched his scalp with sharp nails, and Beck once again felt like he was nothing but a pet. But it was so good. It felt so nice. He couldn't help but turn his head a little, lean into the touch, and even though he managed to stifle the pleased hum that threatened to breach his aura of indifference, the way he arched his back to be able to push against Helle's hand probably told them everything they wanted to know.
They smiled sweetly. "It is an odd thing, really. Sometimes I look at your adorable little face and I want nothing more than to ruin it with tears and bruises. And sometimes... sometimes I come here with that exact intent, and yet you manage to say or do something... and I just change my mind out of nowhere. Sometimes I want to see you like this."
"Like a dog."
"Like a happy dog. Relaxed, content, lazily wagging his little tail — wagging it specifically because I scratched him behind the ears." Beck felt his face heating up at the comparison, even though it was the same one he'd made a moment ago. It was different, coming from Helle. "But it does make me wonder... How would you react if I were to take it all away?"
Beck tensed again, waiting for them to do just that. For their fingers to tighten in his hair, for the claws to draw blood. For Helle's gentle expression to turn cold and cruel. He found himself desperately hoping it was merely a hypothetical.
"There it is," they whispered. "That fear. That uncertainty. That pleading look I treasure oh so much." They continued petting him, satisfied with how he was unable to relax at all now. "A little hope and kindness goes a long way, I suppose."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump
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theblackknight · 6 months
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Tried figuring out soft face rendering workflow again, decided to subject @setzeri's Helle to it.
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tabloidweather · 19 days
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4 September 2024
Meteorologist: "Extraordinary" HOT WEATHER ROLLING IN — IS FALL CANCELLED???
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kinuskikakku · 3 months
Onko helle aalto perseestä vai syvältä ja poikitain perseestä?
Syvältä ja poikittain. 😭
Ei ihmisiä ole luotu helteeseen. Kesäajan ihannesää minusta olisi noin 18-20 celsiusastetta, puolipilvistä ja hento tuulenvire.
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Running Reconnaissance *** [Loud Bell]
Once again, the children were tucked away asleep, the house relatively quiet. Toulouse was in his favourite armchair. Belle was curled on one end of the couch, Hades sat on the other. The only difference from a usual evening was the lack of Belle's book, Hades' Sudoku, Toulouse's sketchpad.
Instead, the air crackled with tension. Belle sat with both feet on the floor, leaning forward slightly, her arms crossed, resting on her knees. She was frowning.
"Holley found something. We're not sure what it means but--there is no records of her adoption."
"Is that strange?" Lou inquired, rubbing a thumb thoughtfully over his lips. He was lounging back in his chair, looking much less concerned than he was.
"According to Holley? Yes. Very strange. She--found her birth family as well, back in Japan."
[outfit][lou's outfit]
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4-diamonds · 2 months
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friendly donkey
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oliversrarebooks · 11 months
can i get your ocs' opinions on helle and beck?👉👈
thank you for the ask and for your response on mine!
Oliver: What Beck is going through is terrifying. I mean, in some ways it is nice that he still gets to continue his old life... but does he really? I don't think I could live anything like an ordinary life with a vampire constantly intruding onto my bookshop and my peace, and treating me so sadistically. I think Beck is stronger than I would be in such a situation.
Alexander: I don't get along well with vampires who treat humans as their playthings for sadistic pleasure. Helle might have a different personality than my sire, but as far as I'm concerned they're cut from the same rotten cloth. It's one thing to keep thralls -- we do have needs -- and quite another to treat them like that. Unnecessary at best, unethical at worst.
I do understand how spending so long being tortured by your sire erodes a vampire, though. It's not something I expect humans to understand. Human suffering is more keenly felt, but more... finite. Humans will never know what it feels like to starve for years.
That doesn't mean I find Helle's behavior remotely acceptable. There's no excuse for acting out your darkest urges.
Human Fitz:
The more vampires I meet, the more I think that Alexander might just be an anomaly. The way Helle toys with people... I like to think I could deal with it better than Beck does, though. Give Helle a little bit of hell back. Truthfully, I'd rather deal with Helle than with Alexander's sire any day. At least Helle gives you a break from being a puppet.
Beck seems like the kind of easy mark who falls for any kind of confidence game. That doesn't mean he deserves what he got. That's just what happens when you go through life that naive.
Vampire Fitz:
Yes, we all know that humans are powerless. Do vampires like Helle think it makes them big and important to torture some poor sap just trying to live his life? Why give humans so much pain when you can so easily choose to give them pleasure? Maybe I'm soft-hearted, but I don't see why humans need to suffer as part of this whole sordid process.
Beck, though. I'd take Beck as my thrall any day. I'd make his life easy street, too. He'd love me. I mean, who doesn't?
I can't believe a vampire that old hasn't gotten bored into putting that much work destroying the life of one human. At least I'm getting paid for my effort.
Beck's a little treat, though. He'd fall over easily for just about any technique, and he'd sell for good money.
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nokikissa · 1 year
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New campaign with my usual group, which means new character:
Helle the Eladrin Way of the Ascendant Dragon Monk, first pic being her default spring form and the headshots being the summer, autumn and winter forms she could potentially be in at times
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higherentity · 1 year
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whumpshaped · 11 months
i have no excuse. im sorry. but this popped into my head and now it must exist. its not even whump i just. u'll see
tw vampire whumper, invasion of privacy
"Don't go in there!" Beck said pleadingly, quickly rushing to stand between Helle and the closed bedroom door. "Please. That's my room. It's– it's private, it's... it's where I sleep–"
"Yes, that is often the purpose of a bedroom." His desperate attempt to stop them clearly backfired, because the vampire looked even more intrigued now. "Are you hiding something horrible? Something embarrassing, perhaps?"
"I'm n-not hiding anything, just... I don't want strangers in my bedroom."
"Strangers?" Helle looked wounded. "How many bites for an acquaintance? Or do you often let strangers bite you?"
"I don't want my acquaintances in my bedroom."
"Very well." They stepped away, sighing. "There is nothing I can do but respect the home owner's wishes."
Technically, I'm renting. He didn't say it, not wanting to give Helle any loopholes to exploit. But he soon realised the vampire didn't need a loophole as he was shoved aside and they marched right in.
"Was that what you were hoping I would say?" came their voice from inside, and Beck ran after them. "Do not be so naive. I said I wanted to explore the house ful– oh. That is adorable."
"Don't touch him!" He wasn't fast enough, of course he wasn't. Before he could do anything, Helle snatched the little thing from his bed, cradling it in their arms.
"What a sweet fellow," they cooed, giving the plush bat the biggest, fondest smile. Beck stayed still, suddenly very nervous about making a move Helle didn't approve of. Would they be so evil as to hurt Boba? "You absolutely cannot tell me you were hiding him. I would be heartbroken."
"I..." He watched as Helle squished the bat a couple times, seemingly enjoying themself greatly. "N-no, I wasn't..."
"Good. What a delight to know that one of my kin has already taken up residence here. Obviously, you are not opposed to housing creatures of the night."
Housing? "Y-you don't want to stay, do you?" he stammered, still anxious about his vulnerable friend being held by such a monster. Helle glanced up and shot him a mischievous grin.
"What if I do?" They nodded towards the stuffed animal. "Does he have a name, by any chance?"
Beck bit his lip. This was so stupid. Why were they asking about a plushie he had? Why couldn't they just be disinterested? "Boba," he muttered eventually.
"Would you really deprive sweet Boba of appropriate company?"
"You are not appropriate company. Boba has no ties to you or any vampire." Oh god, this was such a stupid argument to have. But he just wanted to have this one thing, the little piece of joy that still remained in his life even with the constant pain and paranoia. Couldn't they even let him have that?
"You sadden me." They gently placed the toy on the bed where they'd found it, and Beck snatched it up immediately, holding it close to his chest. "But no, I do not intend to stay for long. Possibly a few hours." Their smile softened as they looked at him; Beck would've almost described it as sympathetic. "Dear Boba is safe from my evil ways. I promise."
The vampire rarely ever made promises, that was one thing Beck realised about them very early on... nor were they particularly trustworthy. But this time, they seemed sincere. He hesitantly nodded, still holding the bat tight. "Thank you."
Maybe... maybe Helle still had some semblance of humanity left in them.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm
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sarafangirlart · 4 months
Funny how Hera killed/tried to kill two of Cadmus’ daughters and both became immortal goddesses as a result. Literally accomplished the opposite of what she was aiming for lol.
Especially since Semele is a dumbass and Ino is a cartoonish evil stepmother (Phrixus and Helle). In contrast to Heracles who went through hell and back to earn immortality.
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ellegreenawaysgun · 7 months
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"It’s a tragedy,
the way our story goes;
maybe, perhaps, almost."
aaron hotchner/elle greenaway
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annyz3 · 1 year
why is she so focused? .... what is she listening to?....
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Dude... helle's voice is so beautiful, every time I hear her high notes it gives me goosebumps (in a good way)
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labellerose-acheron · 3 months
Paper Thin *** [Loud Bell]
In which Belle, Hades, and Toulouse try to enjoy their anniversary dinner at Gusteau's but things get a little heated...[takes place: June 20]
@trip-downtheriverstyx, @lou-bonfightme
[cw -- none really]
*** *** ***
[link here]
*** *** ***
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ceramicbonez · 1 year
this is my first edit in actually forever omg
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