kameliabronx · 2 years
Moryo crawls to Maglor in the evenings to listen to him play music or just chat with him, or lie on his knees in silence, or embroider and listen to stories about other people's love affairs, fresh gossip and to insert his valuable opinion Moryo can listen to Maglor's chirping for hours until they start asking him about music himself, because here he can only tell about the outlandish musical instruments from his collection, and for up to a hundred years he thought that a treble clef was needed to open and repair the violin and Maglor is sad because Moryo has a beautiful low voice with a hoarseness, but he does not use it at all
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nurantarenendurath · 5 years
So in the spirit of Valentines day, I will present my headcanons ond what the main ships would gift each other.
Melkor gifts Mairon an actual life heart, because he misunderstood the concept of gifting heart related things.
Mairon gifts Melkor some ovenmittens so he can touch the Silmarills. Also “Kiss the cook” is written on them
Manwe X Varda:
Manwe gives a small screaming eagle to Varda, because eagles are his solution for everything
Varda She just gives him every book in existence. Manwe doesn’t like to read, but she does and OOOH BOOY is it boring on that mountain all the time
Aule gives her a nearly dead plant, he tried to keep alive in his forge because it reminds him of her
Yavanna just gives him an axe with the most “Try me bitch” look ever
Tilion and Arien
Tilion just drives over the sky the whole day, following Arien and sings lovesongs
Arien is very confused and thinks he is trying to caputre her
Beren and Luthien
They just have sex....Like a LOOOT of sex
Feel free to add some, there are way to many
Happy Valentins day  
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diversetolkien · 3 years
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Hello followers! Above is an amazing opportunity to participate in a survey regarding fanfiction and fans feelings towards it! Please consider participating in it and helping the researches out! 
If i’m correct, there’s only about 4 more days to complete it! So please consider doing so if you’re interested!
Text in image reads: 
Delighted to announce that the Tolkien Fanfiction Survey is now live! If you read and/or write Tolkien-based fanfiction, we’d love to hear from you & learn why. All levels of fandom experience welcome! Takes ~20 min. to complete
A link to the survey is then provided. 
Text ends
To find the link just click on the url that I added!
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kameliabronx · 1 year
if someone wants to translate Tolkien fan fiction from Russian to English, then I am ready to provide my fan fiction😭
если кто-то хочет перевести фанфики по Толкину с русского на английский, то готова предоставить свои фанфики
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nurantarenendurath · 5 years
I’m quite sure, that everyone who has been in the Silmarillion fandom for a long time knows about Angbang.
If not: It is this cute little ship of Melkor aka Morgoth and Mairon aka Sauron.
And it is basically the most precious thing in the world
But everyone, who has never heard of it would be like: “Wait aren’t they the bad guys?”
And this person would be absolutely right.
As much as I love Angbang I still have to admit, that there is no doubt that Melkor and Mairon are the bad guys, the villains.
The chaotic evil as some might say.
They kill countless people, they torture and curse, they burn and kidnap and are basically terrible beings in general.
Jet this is not my point. There is this quote that goes like: “No matter how good of a person you are, you are evil in someones story.”
This leads me to my maybe unpopular opinion.
Melkor as well as Mairon have a certain drive and motivation, that in their minds justifies what they are doing.
The problem is to find this motivation, since the Silmarillion is written in a form, that allows very view detailed looks at characters. Espacially when they are “villain” characters.
The only thing we get is the little quote from the Ainulindale.
It is explained, that Melkor used to wander into the darkness and began forming thoughts on his own, thus leading to his uprising song in the music of the Ainur.
His goal was to create something he himself could rule over. Something entirely made by himself.
But Eru prevents this and even scolds him for his action.
Now why would you opress creativity I wonder?
Thats possibly something Melkor thought too. And so he started to fight against the Valar and Eru, to gain his right to rule.
Some joined him. Mairon for example was a Maiar of Aule and may have had some ideas of his own but couldn’t express them and therefore decided to join Melkor, with whom he could be free.
I know that sounds kind of like fanfiction, but from my point of view there are no straight up evil and straight up bad characters. Everyone has their own reasoning for their actions.
Melkor and Mairon have theirs too. Their reasons might be difficult to understand and maybe even a little dark but for them, they are right.
The right actions for the right reasons
They might be the villains for a major part of the world, but for themselves (And for each other (Angbang is real)) they are heroes.
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nurantarenendurath · 5 years
I came out to attack people, and honestly I'm having such a good time right now!
Melkor after he broke through the siege of Angband
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nurantarenendurath · 6 years
I can’t help but imagine Sauron on Númenor how he is running an
There he sells clever T-shirts with funny writings on them. E.g.:
“Melkor did nothing wrong”
“Never forget 583 E.Z.” (with a ruined Angband in the background)
“Hang in there” (With Maedhros on the site of Thangorodrim)
“Get in loser we’re going Tree slaying”
And many others.
The Númenor love that shit
Ar-Pharazôn even wears one with the following words on it
“Little World Ruler” and a picture of baby Melkor as background
Merchant Sauron makes lots of money.
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nurantarenendurath · 6 years
Feanor: They say, you give a man some fire and he'll be warm for a day
Feanor: But when you set a man on fire he'll be warm for the rest of his life
Fingolfin: I belive that is not how this works!
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nurantarenendurath · 6 years
Eru Illúvatar
Melkor: Dad I'm hungry
Eru: Hi hungry I'm Dad
Melkor: Dad I'm serious!
Eru: I thought you were hungry?
Melkor: Are you kidding me?!
Eru: No I'm Dad!
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nurantarenendurath · 8 years
The shards of our world Part 8
Mairon shook his head. “Please don’t tell me that you are serious, Mandos said it, this battle won’t end well”, he said. Melkor sighed and tried to turn around to him bur he failed and stopped the attempt. A tired smile came over his face. “It will end well”, he said. Mairon looked surprised to him.
“Don’t you understand Mairon, this will end as planned... Good.” Melkor smiled again. The realization of what Melkor meant by that was as painful as his physical death if not even more painful.
“You mean….” Mairon couldn’t finish the sentence. Melkor tried to nod. “This is what Illúvatar tried to tell me. Nothing can be done against his plan and if you try to do so, it is his plan too. It took a long time till I finally understood his words. In the beginning, I brought the evil into the music and choose my destiny. And now it is my duty to fulfill this destiny. When I got to die as the evil enemy of the world, as Morgoth, than it shall be. I’m tired of all this. It has to end and I will end it.”
Mairon took a step back and shook his head over and over again. “This can’t be true; this is an illusion of Lorién. A way to torture me”, he said to himself although he knew that this was a lie. Mairon knew why Melkor decided to give up, he gave up as the Valar decided to throw him into the void and Melkor had been in this eternals darkness for a while now.
“That’s the truth Mairon, we war the evil ones, the fear of the world, the hate which wates for its revenge. I am so tired of being this kind of being”, Melkor continued and ignored that Mairon covered his ears with the hands. It had no use Melkors words hit him right into the heart and there was no way he could avoid that.
“But you don’t have to be evil”, he said and he was crying because he knew how desperate his argumentation was. “Go to the gates, ask for an audience. The Valar will listen to you”, Mairon added and tried to spot the point were he guessed the gate might be.
Melkor laughed shortly and without any joy. “They won’t listen to me again. The last time they set me free, I killed the trees, began the curse of the Noldor and stole the Silmaril. No the Valar won’t listen to me anymore and they are right”, he said and he got a point. Mairon still couldn’t believe this.
Melkor, Morgoth Bauglír, blackheart, the one who arises in might gave in to the plan of Eru Illúvatar, the one being who was more powerful than him. All this time of rebellion, desperate wars and forbidden love ended up in this moment. Melkor was bound to his old chains and there was no way to defeat their enemies anymore. The war was over. The shadow had lost.
“Listen to me Mairon”, Melkor ordered and looked at him although Mairon was looking away in pretend he didn’t care. “This chains are strong for me but for a Maiar of Aule, who forged them, they will be easy to demolish. Set me free and we will end this. And Mairon, we have to end this. No matter what you do or say, everything is Illúvatars plan and it will end how Mandos said. So please Mairon, set me free”, Melkor begged.
Mairon didn’t answer for quite a while, he only looked into the silent void and wondered how his whole life had ended this bad. He was still crying but he knew that Melkor was right. He stepped forward to him and tried to hide his tears. With the desperation of the dammed he began his work on the chains of Morgoth.
it is getting serious again guys
many desperations
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nurantarenendurath · 9 years
Like the first time Part 7
Melkor was fighting. He blocked a hit of Ungolianths claw only to feel another one scratching on his side. “You always were a liar blackheart. Now you’ll pay for your lies. You shouldn’t betray Ungolianth”, she screamed than she threw Melkor against a mountain which was breaking because of Melkors weight.
He fell down on the ground and spitted a little bit of his own blood. He never had seen it before and it fascinated him for one moment. But the pain which came with the blood wasn’t fascinating.
Melkor screamed terribly, leaped up and ran to Ungolianth, who was already awaiting him. Her claws were red at their ends. Melkors blood. It was nearly funny. Everyone called him blackheart and now his blood was red.
“Those jewels aren’t for you. You are nothing but a servant you can’t hold the Silmaril”, Melkor shouted pointing his hands to Ungolianth and releasing a giant storm of darkness about her. The powers of the Valar were still with him. He couldn’t lose against a Maiar. No matter how strong she was.  
Ungolianth cut through the darkness with her sharp claws. She was angry and ran towards Melkor. Before her giant and heavy body could touch him Melkor disappeared and reappeared behind Ungolianth.
He lifted his hand and Grond formed out of darkness, hate and the pain of countless tortured elves. It wasn’t called the hammer of the underworld for no reason.
“Feel the power of Morgoth”, Melkor laughed, lifting Grond higher and hitting Ungolianth right in the back. She screamed in pain and in anger too. Her claw hit Melkor before he could disappear again and his blood was wetting the ground and it mixed with the black blood of Ungolianth.
He felt the weakness of this mortal body and wanted to break free but he couldn’t. He wasn’t strong enough. Once he was but this times had gone. Only a miracle could help him. He knew this from the beginning. Angband was near. It was so near that Melkor could see the balcony which he built for Mairon.
But it wasn’t close enough. “Help me”, Melkor screamed again. And his mighty voice was thrown back by the mountains. A terrible scream was forged through this echo. They had to hear him, they must have heard him!
Grond was hitting the ground. Melkor became slower and he got tired. Ungolianth was fast and powerful. Too powerful for him without his servants. That was for sure. And Ungolianth knew that. So she stopped hitting Melkor and just waited for him to die because of his wounds.
“Now I will not only eat your precious jewels but you too. I will consume all your dark power and I will get big enough to defeat the Valar and even the mighty Eru. You can’t stop me blackheart”, Ungolianth laughed and she came nearer to Melkor who gave up on fighting.
He hadn’t the strength for this anymore. All his resistance against the Valar, all his hopes and dreams about a kingdom which he and Mairon would rule together. They faded as the shadow of Ungolianth came about Melkor. The one who once arose in might.
Melkor closed his eyes when Ungolianth lifted her claw to end this. And he remembered the they when he saw Mairon first. It was at the great smith halls of Aule. And Mairon worked. He used to work all the time these days.
This read hair, this glimmering, golden eyes. Melkor knew that it was love from the first sight. But Mairon wasn’t very lucky about his interest. It took a long time until Maiorn realized that their love was real.
“That’s forbidden”, he said after their first night with each other. In the giant halls of Utumno. “We can’t do this”, he whispered and cuddled with Melkor while watching the dark roof.
Melkor remembered that he kissed him on the forehead like he loves to do it. “There is no such thing as forbidden in this world Mairon”, he said softly while he was playing with his long red hair, which was an absolute mass when it was out of his fishbone tail.
“There are only things the Ainur are afraid to do. But you and me Mairon. We are no Ainur anymore. We are banned because they don’t understand what we want”, Melkor added. “But what do we want. Aren’t we the evil in this story”, he replied.
Melkor just laughed. “They call us evil, because we don’t want to life by their rules. But we aren’t Mairon. Our only aim is to forge a kingdom where people like you and me can life and love in peace. Without the guidance of a guy playing god”, answered Melkor.
Mairon laughed. “Sometimes you are wiser than you look lord of Utumno” he said and then he kissed him and after that they only spoke through their doings and not through their words.
“Melkor”, Mairons voice was calling his name. Melkor was sure it was an illusion. He smiled an knew that the final hit was coming. “I will wait for you my dear”, he whispered. “Till the void do us part”…..
Finally the next part of LTFT
Is it the last part 
or isn’t it thats the question
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nurantarenendurath · 9 years
Like the first time Part 5
Melkor ran like he never did before. The darkness covered his flight to the north and he heard the voices of the Noldor especially the one of Feanor. “Morgoth”, he screamed and cursed him. But Melkor only was able to smile. Because in his hand there lay the Silmarills
Their light was the only thing left from the trees and now they belonged to him. Melkor, the Morgoth of Arda. He liked the name, it had something dark within it.
But Melkors luck wasn’t complete because he felt the warm and stinky breath of Ungolianth behind him. She helped him very good, but now she was still following him and he couldn’t outrun her.
His thoughts were totally confused. He won, he totally won this battle. The Valar were covered in darkness and all of their power won’t bring back the trees. He killed Fingon and stole the Silmarill and the treasure of the Noldor. But Ungolianth was still there.
Melkors only hope was the trusted lands of Middleearth were Mairon would await him. The Helcaraxe was the only way to get back in his old kingdom. Ungolianth knew this but she still followed him.
Even the ice of the Helcaraxe wouldn’t hold her back. She got too strong through the power of the trees, which she sucked form them. She was big and awful even in Melkors eyes. And she stunk. Eru! She stunk.
And Melkor knew that she wanted him to give her the treasure of the Noldor. She wanted to eat these precious jewels. What a waste of such great work. But that wasn’t the only reason why Melkor wanted Ungolianth to go away. He was concerned about the destiny of the Silmarills.
If Ungolianth got to see them she was going to demand them as payment for her services. Melkor knew that. And so he tried desperately to outrun her. Because he wanted the Silmarill. He needed them since he saw them the first time.
He had waited to steel them for so long and now that he got them he already called them his Own. And he won’t give them to Ungolianth. Never!
But that meant he would have to fight her and he didn’t know if this was going to end good for him. Ungolianth was gigantic because of the power of the trees and it was obvious that her strength had increased too.
Mairon, help me, Melkor thought panic-stricken and ran a bit faster, over the sharp ices of the Helcaraxe. He felt how his power was slowly fading because of his fast run. And with his powers the chances faded that he would win a fight against Ungolianth.
He was going to lose the Silmarills. Melkor hated this thought. He was just named Morgoth because of his triumph against these dumb Valar. He can’t lose against a Maiar now. Who also once was a servant of him.
Middleearth came in sight and Ungolianth was still right behind Melkor and she was not even thinking about letting him go without receiving the things which she thought she deserved for sucking up the trees.
Melkor knew that this was going to end bad but still he hoped that somehow Mairon would safe him. He set all his trust in Mairon, because he knew he can. Mairon couldn’t disappoint him. He mustn’t.
Melkor kept on running and begging silently for a miracle. He hoped that Mairon would be this miracle. No. He knew that Mairon was going to be this miracle. He had to…
Part 5 and nearly there for our happy reunion
Have fun
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