#Simple English To Marathi Conversion
somerabbitholes · 10 months
do you ever journal in your mother tongue instead of english? would love to hear ur thoughts on this
I do. A simple fact of being raised multilingual the way Indians of my generation are is that some subjects and some conversations only make sense in your mother tongue, and some only in English. I think Anuk Arudpragasam spoke about this seemingly very natural bifurcation of language and hence knowledge and feeling in one of his interviews (I think it's this?).
So my choice of language when I journal is most times a reflection of this. But also, lately, it has been a conscious attempt to get myself to think about and articulate things I've subconsciously reserved for English in Marathi (and to a lesser extent, Hindi).
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Do any of them speak other languages?
a/n: OH HECK YEAH a lot of them do! lovelock is a very international friendly city. im so sorry, i bet you were thinking this wouldve been like a simple list but actually i word barfed all over this post and now you're stuck with this monstrosity and im very sorry
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
Eun-jeong speaks fluent Korean because he's Korean-American (born in America) and his grandparents couldn't speak English so he had to speak Korean to them. Also speaks Mandarin because a lot of the people he grew up around spoke Mandarin but he doesn't speak it super fluently, he's still trying to learn a lot. Most of the Mandarin he knows is conversational Mandarin and then the words he needed to know to take peoples orders and stuff around a restaurant.
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liam arieh ★ profile
Liam knows Latin cus he used to be an altar boy who wanted to be a priest. Ironic? I know. He continued learning more Latin outside what you need to know for Church because he was curious so now he speaks semi-fluently (because Latin is a dead language and I don't think you can speak completely fluently but I could be wrong?) He also knows Greek because he's a big mythology nerd.
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
Ayaka's family is Japanese so she can speak Japanese. Her father would literally kill her if she was too 'Americanised' to speak Japanese since he already thinks America has been a terrible influence on her. Her mother tried to get her to learn Chinese when she was younger so she knows some but she didn't continue with that so she doesn't speak fluently. She knows some Korean because she's a K-pop fan but she doesn't speak fluently. She is trying to learn though.
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
Ryuu is Japanese so he speaks fluent Japanese but, unlike Ayaka, he speaks a different Japanese dialect! He was born in Aomori! If the two of them spoke to each other, Ayaka would kind of understand him but not perfectly. He's trying to learn the Tokyo (standard) dialect. He also speaks really good Korean. He can read Chinese but he sucks at inflections (the tones that go up and down in Chinese) so he doesn't speak it well
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
Actually, Fujio was born in America so doesn't speak a lick of Japanese. Got roped by his brother into 'learning their heritage' so he's learning Japanese from Ryuu and from the really kind director of the orphanage they lived in. Coincidentally, both Ryuu and the director are from Aomori, in Japan, so the Japanese he's learning is that same dialect. Doesn't know that dialects exist so Tokyo dialect? The fuck is that? Unfortunate when he finds out LOL
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
Ryouta was also born in America. Way better than his brother at picking up languages (and he puts more time into it) so he's more fluent in Japanese than his brother! Knows both the Aomori dialect and the Tokyo dialect and is trying to learn both at the same time! Wants to learn Chinese next but only because he wants to play more video games.
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soren kumar ★ profile
Soren's born in America but his entire family is from various parts of Maharashtra, in India, so he speaks fluent Marathi (his grandparents would kill him otherwise, probably). He also speaks fluent Hindi. He also speaks Konkani, another language from Maharashtra, because of some cousins but he doesn't speak it fluently enough. Lastly, he's diligently learning Japanese, Chinese and Spanish because that's where a majority of his band's fanbase is and Soren is nothing if not a dedicated leader.
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yeong-bae kigal ★ profile
Yeong-bae was born in Korea so he speaks fluent Korean. He was born in Busan so he grew up speaking the dialect from around there but he can also speak the Seoul (standard) dialect. His father is half-Rwandan, half-English so he also knows some Ikinyarwanda and Swahili from when his father would come back home and teach his children some things from his travels.
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robertdowney-jr · 4 years
Rules: Answer twenty questions and then tag twenty some people who you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @lando-cal-rice-ian (Raisa!! Thanks for tagging me, queen!!!)
Name: Sravya
Nickname: I’m sorry, I can’t tell you guys that
Zodiac: Leo
Languages: English, Hindi, Telugu, just enough Marathi to have a simple conversation (I can understand it clearly but I can’t speak as fluently), and a weeeee bit of German
Favourite season: WINTER BABEY!
Favourite flower: Don’t have one
Favourite animal: Don’t have one
Favourite fictional character: Cannot choose between Thor and Tony so I’ll choose Baby Yoda
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate: TEA SIS! (Don’t get me wrong I like coffee but TEA>>>>)
Average hours of sleep: Sometimes it’s 4 hours, sometimes it’s 12-13. Sleep schedule? I don’t know her.
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Blankets: YES PLEASE
Dream trip: I don’t know. I never really thought about it lmao. 
Blog established: 2012 or 2013 because I met Sakshi in 2012 and she introduced me to Tumblr by calling it a “hellsite” and I just went “How do I sign up?”
Followers: I think enough given how active I am. 
Random fact about me: I have a hedgehog plushie and I call him Martin
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!!
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groovycrusadeperson · 6 years
What states are the avengers from?
I know you asked a very simple question that requires a very brief answer…but I have put some thought into this and the result is -
Avengers: The Indian Edition
Steve: good Maharashtrian boy. Born and brought up in Bombay. While his family struggled financially and lived simple austere lives, they also put a lot of focus on his academics. Steve didn’t have to be the best but he had to put in his best effort. Because education is Important and discipline, integrity and good work ethics are the corner stones of marathi culture. He was also always encouraged to practice and develop his art. Went to NID (National Institute of Design). Eventually becomes one of the most awarded and socially conscious graphic designer/advertisement directors alive. Is passionate about cricket. Used to have an intense crush on Rahul Dravid.
Alternatively, Steve: good Goan-Catholic boy. Born and brought up in Bombay. Is made intensely conscious of the fact that the only representation of his community he’s ever seen in media is the stereotype of the financially struggling, unhappy Catholic family, never ‘normal’ happy families. Is also conscious of the fact that his family is that stereotype. Gets into NID as a gigantic middle finger to society. Is passionate about football…but still used to have an intense crush on Rahul Dravid.
Sam: good (non-annoying) Bengali boy. Born and brought up in Kolkata. Comes from a family of intellectual giants. Can name at least 10 relatives who were prominent freedom-fighters - whether that be as poets, political activists, writers or social workers. Brought up in a family where absolutely heated debates over bengali and english literature, music and movies are the usual dinner table conversations. Has been raised with a deep sense of social responsibility. Went to St. Stephens College. Is now an independent advisor to the Central Government in its welfare programmes.
Thor: good (non-annoying) Punjabi boy. Comes from a prominent political family. Born in Chandigarh and brought up in Amritsar. Friendly, a little loud sometimes but also very warm and gentle and good-natured (a classic Punjabi stereotype). Was groomed to take over the party from his father from a young age. But was more interested in finishing his education first. Was therefore sent abroad and developed a passion for english literature (he always liked reading but discovered that he loved it while he was…either in the UK or the US).  Came back home a changed, more mature man. Has mad qualifications but never brags. Wherever he is, he makes sure to volunteer at the local Gurudwara every Thursday. Is passionate about way too many sports. And is good at most of them. Chess included.
Natasha: good Tamilian girl. Born in Mysore, brought up for a while in Chennai then moved all over the country because parents were in transferrable jobs. Has therefore picked up a scary number of languages. Tamilians are known for their intense focus on academics, proficiency in STEM as well as for their incredible work ethics and down-to-earth nature. They’re also seen as reserved and a little conservative. Natasha while absolutely living up to all these stereotypes, in a plot twist that no one anticipated, sat for law entrance exams instead of engineering or medical. And aced them. Has received strenuous training in Bharatnatyam. Dances to unwind. Will calmly slit your throat if you ever ignorantly yap about how North Indian food is better than South Indian food.
Bruce:  they showed him in Kolkata in Avengers,  but I’ll go with Chhattisgarh. Born in Bilaspur, raised in Bhillai. Got into AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences). Came back to Chhatisgarh to start his practice. Is perpetually on the government’s shit list for “colluding with maoists”. No one can ever prove it though. Loves old school music, especially the ghazals of Mohammad Rafi, Mahmood, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Jagjit Sigh etc. Also loves Taylor Swift. There is no in between. Is very pasionate about collecting Bastar art. Keeps getting published in the Lancet.
Wanda: born in Nagaland. Because she exudes a Cool Kid vibe and there are no cooler, or more effortlessly, fashionably on point people than the Nagas. Sent to boarding school in Siliguri and then to Bangalore to pursue a degree in…either NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Tech) or NIMHANS (National Institute of  Mental Health and Neurosciences). I personally prefer NIFT. Seems unapproachably cool at first glance, but is actually really warm and sweet. Has an almost superhuman knowledge of pubs and eateries in Bangalore and always knows what to order.     
I have a few thoughts on Rhodey but they don’t fit as well as I want them to. And Clint is stumping me.
Oh and I forgot
Tony: a Delhi man. Born and raised. Enough said. But I’ll say more - has a “Jat Boyzzz” sticker on his car. When he was younger and he’d get caught for reckless driving he’d scream “Do you know who my dad is???”. Now his dad is dead and he screams “Do you know who I am???”. Says weird things about women that are borderline creepy but not enough to call him out. Thinks he got where he did through merit and hard work. Is often mistaken for Robert Vadra and absolutely hates it. Because he insists he’s taller. And richer.
(credits to @bcuky for helping me flesh this out. Especially Thor’s love for literature)
Edit: since a clarification seems to be required - this is a post making fun of state stereotypes. That is literally the only purpose of this post.
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shoonya-digital · 2 years
You might be wondering how to keep your multilingual language journey going if you've just started?
Many parents may find themselves the sole language speaker in a mixed family, possibly living in a community where there are few other native speakers. So where can you find quality resources to help your children progress?
Nothing beats the real-time interaction and regular exposure of a formal class setting. The pandemic has made it easier to join virtual classes from anywhere, and there are many options for children. Investing in a weekly class will not only cement the consistency of your child’s learning, it will also take the pressure off of you to be their sole teacher.
Sometimes, you need small language prompts, and flashcards are a simple, effective way to introduce vocabulary. Some come already grouped by theme: colors, foods, verbs, adjectives, or clothing, which is helpful because they can help you plan lessons and activities.
Going to the beach? Can you take a few ocean-related flashcards in the car with you? Getting groceries? Grab the stack of food flashcards.
I like to use flashcards over breakfast. Right now, I’m teaching my kids Learn Marathi verbs and how to use them in a sentence. I find they’re just alert enough and sitting still long enough to take it in!
There are many language flashcards on the market as well as free online printables and apps.
Family, faith and community
Surrounded by family? Living on a street with many like-minded parents teaching their children the same language? Going to the temple, gurudwara, church, synagogue, or mosque? Congratulations! You can team up with others in your community to hold classes, and conversations, play games, and watch movies!
More typically, even if you have family around, they may not practice the same approach to language learning. How many times have I asked my mother, a fluent Marathi speaker, to learn Marathi to my kids only to find them reverting to English within a few minutes?
Grandparents are sometimes no longer in parenting mode, or they’ve spent a lifetime trying to perfect their own knowledge of English and find it hard to suddenly change tack with the next generation.
But you can still harness other adults, grandparents and people within your language and cultural community to help you with immersion. Watch a movie together… play charades in your chosen language… or have a cooking lesson with vocabulary baked in.
Nothing beats language learning when there’s fun, meaningful personal contact involved!
At Shoonya, we’ve created engaging and marathi language learning app to help your kids start speaking Marathi in no time.
Credit Source- https://shoonyadigital.com/top-ten-resources-for-bilingual-learners/
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sharanbabu · 3 years
Translation Services – Need for Colloquial Vernacular Languages over Hindi and English
Translation Services – Need for Colloquial Vernacular Languages over Hindi and English
Translation Services – Need for Colloquial Vernacular Languages over Hindi and English
The world is becoming more and more globalised while at the same time witnessing a resurgence of localization. Local languages and cultures are witnessing a resurgence and greater relevance. There is a cultural and linguistic revival that has been observed in the last couple of decades in India and in many countries of the world.
Take for example an airport or a railway station or a metro-rail network. These infrastructural projects coincide with the economic advancement of our country. In each region, instructions and messages on automated systems and public address systems are very necessarily to be provided in local languages. Where English and Hindi reigned supreme, the local languages such as Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Punjabi etc. are also considered important. The accessibility of the non-English speaking populace of the interiors of our country is a major contributing factor to this phenomenon, and rightfully so. As wealth and economic power is being more evenly distributed penetrating the social structure, and as more and more people join the burgeoning middle class of the country, service providers are forced to speak a language that is well understood and accepted by the masses.
Smart phones reaching the hands of the village resident is only useful when the telephone networks send them updates and notifications in their local language, in a manner and style that is simple and colloquial. Gone are the days of chaste Hindi and English which only the upper middle class had a grasp of. Internet service providers, websites and apps need to be in local languages if they want greater outreach and want to tap a larger market. The days of linguistic puritanism are gone. Websites and apps need to be in simple and easy-to-understand Oriya and Telugu for the customer in the interiors of the respective states. The Gujarati small town merchant who wants to sell his products online or make a reservation on an airline must be able to read in the language best known to him.
The market for translation is consequently large and is only now beginning to be tapped and explored. Service providers have to understand the economic power of the average masses and shed the colonial linguistic hegemony of English and subsequently and artificial form of Hindi that was long thrust of our country. The average middle and lower middle class of our country reads and writes Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Oriya, Malayalam and Tamil. Companies who need to interact with customers using digital communication need to reach out in order to benefit themselves more than they can benefit the consumer.
language conversion
language translation
local language translation
regional language translation
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International award-winning Hraadyesh Kumar Namdeo, captive book ‘Ultimate Ignorance‘ on power of perception …
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The man behind the ‘One World’ revolution, globally renowned advisor, humanitarian entrepreneur Hraadyesh Kumar Namdeo, answers puzzling questions like Who are You? What do you want in life? What do you have that money cannot buy? in his new book ‘Ultimate Ignorance’ on life shaping perspectives from ancient, modern knowledge and scientific research.
In a simple, humorous, captive conversational style ‘Ultimate Ignorance’ one amongst his six books, Hraadyesh seeds distinct imperative thoughts through his real-life observations gathered during international engagements involving all wakes of life from globally eminent, royals, influential personalities to the loved common-man emphasising similarities in human psychology, power of mind, perception and behavior that characterise an individual. The real life observation weave beautifully by author Hraadyesh into honest, straight-talking conversations in ‘Ultimate ignorance’ you will treasure for life.
Visiting faculty, speaker at prestigious international educational institutes including IIM and prominent corporates organizations, Hraadyesh a visionary behind the ‘One World’ revolution working his bit towards building a better world and keep receiving international acclaim for his efforts. Holder of over 12 world records, Hraadyesh Kumar Namdeo an internationally accoladed advisor, visionary, entrepreneur, humanitarian, speaker, lifestyle coach, founder of Hi, world’s first masterpiece supreme luxury car manufacturing co. and many other organizations. ‘Ultimate Ignorance’ is an excellent book to make better sense of your life’s most important matters.
Hraadyesh Kumar Namdeo is widely considered one of the accoladed international expert and icon in the field of personal mastery, insurance, wealth management, financial planning, luxury, research, innovation is trusted for decades by famed individuals, professionals, sport stars, luminaires, member of royalty, fortune companies, educational institutes and allied. Hraadyesh is well known for his unique style, distinct approach in research, innovation, and laying foundation of new global opportunities
Hraadyesh books triggers a thought-provoking perception highlighting the illusion of human superiority and unveils the complex mechanisms at work to perpetuate it. Ultimate Ignorance is an excellent resource for your curious mind about living life
Hraadyesh books published in english are now available globally at all leading stores both online and offline. ‘Ultimate Ignorance ‘will put you back in charge of your life. Book will also be available in Hindi and many other international languages including French, German, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Arabic, Indian regional languages Marathi, Gujrati, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Bengali.
However, you perceive your moment as good, bad, positive, negative, rich, poor, easy, challenging or somewhere in between. Hraadyesh – Ultimate Ignorance will serve as an anchor and fuel for your conscious curious mind especially during your challenging as well as successful times. Ultimate Ignorance shatters your trap to let you improve well-being, relationship, internal strength to overcome hurdle, enriching both your personal and professional life.
Ultimate Ignorance by Hraadyesh Kumar Namdeo is a valuable gift to achieve whatever you want in your life to make better sense of your life’s most important matters.
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marathiupdates · 6 years
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Astonishing health benefits of Fennel seeds (sounf) via /r/herbalism
Astonishing health benefits of Fennel seeds (sounf)
Fennel seeds(sounf)
Commonly eaten spice after meal is Fennel seeds. It is used in many recipes to inhance flavour and aroma of the dish. Fennel seeds (sounf) are sweet, bitter and woody in taste. It is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It is a hardy, perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. . It is an indigenous plant in the Mediterranean regions and also widely cultivated across the world near the coastal and riverbank regions. India is said to be the largest exporter of saunf. It shows antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antinociceptive, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antithrombotic, apoptotic, cardiovascular, chemomodulatory, antitumor, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and memory enhancing property.
It has different names in different languages such as Marathi name(Badi Shep), Hindi name(Sounf), English name(Bitter fennel, common fennel, sweet fennel, wild fennel), Gujarati name(Variyali), Telugu name(Peddajilakurra, sopu), Panjabi name(sounf), Tamil name(Soumbu, Perun siragum, sohikire), Kannada name(Badisopu), Bengali name(Mauri), Malayalam Name(Perum jeerakam), Arabian name(Rajiyanaj), Farsi name(Rajiyan).
Parts of plant used
Fruits, fruit oil and root
• Fennel is traditionally used for medicinal and culinary purposes. The entire plant is valuable in the medicinal industry; 
         - Fennel plant enlarged base is used as a vegetable.
         - It's leaves are used for culinary purposes and its seeds as a spice and for essential oil extrac-tion. 
         - The flowers and leaves are also used to make yellow and brown dyes. 
         - Fennel pollen is the most potent form of fennel, but it is extremely.
Vitamins and minerals content 
Nutrients found in dried fennel (USDA, USA).
CompositionQuantity (Per 100 g)Proximates  Moisture90.21 g Energy31 kcal Protein1.24 g Total lipid (fat)0.2 g Carbohydrate7.3 g Total dietary fiber3.1 g Sugars3.93 gMinerals  Calcium, Ca49 mg Iron, Fe0.73 mg Magnesium, Mg17 mg Phosphorus, P50 mg Potassium, K414 mg Sodium, Na52 mg Zinc, Zn0.2 mgVitamins  Vitamin C12 mg Thiamin B-10.01 mg Riboflavin B-20.032 mg Niacin B-30.64 mg Vitamin B-60.047 mg Folate27 μg Vitamin A48 μg Vitamin E0.58 mg Vitamin K62.8 μgLipids  Fatty acids, total saturated0.09 g Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.068 g Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.169 gEssential amino acids  Leucine0.63 g Isoleucine0.73 g Phenylalanine0.45 g Tryptophane0.53 gNonessential amino acid  Glycine0.55 g Proline0.53 g
• The essential oil extracted is mainly composed of (E)-anethole, (Z)-anethole and α-thujone including this it contains more than 87 volatile compounds.
• The aromatic property of fennel is because of the essence. There are more than 30 types of terpene compounds in the essential oil of fennel, the most important of them are 50 to 80% trans-anethole, 8% fenshon and limonene 5%
• Fruits contained 15–30 % fixed  oil[ contains petroselinic acid (60 %), oleic acid (22 %), linoleic acid (14 %) and palmitic acid (4 %)] and up to 12 % volatile essential  oil. The fruit also contained flavonoids, iodine, kaempferols, umbelliferone and stigmas-terol and  ascorbic acid; traces  of  aluminium, barium, lithium, copper, manganese, silicon and titanium were also found.
• Caffeoylquinic  and  dicaffeoylquinic acids,  flavonoids  and  rosmarinic  acid  among  the  ten  main  antioxidant  phenolic compounds  obtained from  bitter fennel,  using a  simple  high-performance  liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique.
• Bitter fennel contains 50 % trans-anethole, 10–20 % fenchone (which contributes to the bitter flavour).
        - The sweeter variety  has 50–80 % anethole, little  (5 %) or  no fenchone, slightly  higher levels  of limonene  with  estragole,  safrole and  pinene.
Properties and benefits of fennel seeds
• Qualities – Laghu (light to digest), Snigdha (unctuous, oily)
• Taste – sweet, pungent, bitter
• Taste conversion after digestion – Madhura (sweet)
• Potency – SHEETA (Cold)
• Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata, Pitta  and Kapha
• Durnama Kshayajit – useful in chronic respiratory conditions leading to emaciation. (as in tuberculosis).
• Kshataksheenahita – useful in people with injuries
• Balya – improves strength and immunity
• Pittasradoshajit – useful in bleeding disorders of Pitta origin
• Agnikrut – improves digestion strength
• Hrudya – good for heart, cardiac tonic
• Shukrapaha, Avrushya – It is not an aphrodisiac
• Yonishoolanut – useful in relieving pain arising from female reproductive system
Useful in
• Krumi – worm infestation
• Baddhavit – constipation
• Anila – Vata disorders
• Daha – burning sensation
• Aruchi – Anorexia, lack of interest in food
• Chardi – vomiting
• Kasa – cough, cold
Uses, benefits and application 
1) Flavonoids content in fennel seeds helps to stimulate saliva, which helps to get rid of problem such as dry mouth. 
2) Antibacterial property and aromatic flavour & smell helps combating bad breath. For this condition you should also take equal quantity of roasted fennel and fenugreek seeds, crush it and add salt according to taste. Eat ¼ – ½ teaspoon of this mixture after each meal.
3) The bulb,  foliage  and seeds of  the fennel  plant are potential  sources of  different nutrients and thus  all  are widely used  both raw and  cooked in side  dishes, salads, pastas,  vegetable preparations, sausages, etc.
4) It is used as pot herb because it is aromatic nature.
5) Roasted fennel  is  consumed as an organoleptic flavour correcter, or as an after  meal digestive.
6) The whole seed, powder and oil are used as adjuncts for flavouring foods, as antioxidants and as  a  preservative in  confectioneries  and beverages.
7) Fennel can help expel wind from the alimen-tary canal, freeing the respiratory system, rendering a calming effect on coughs.
           Intake : Eat some fennel seeds after meal or when you feel above situation.
8) In industry, fennel is used for flavouring and aromatizing, and as an organoleptic flavour corrector, in non-alcoholic beverages, baked goods, condi-ments, ice creams and liqueurs  such as Anisette, and as a  seasoning for  prepared meats such as hot pepperoni and sweet Italian sausages.
9) Fennel oil  mixed with honey can be  taken for coughs and sore throat, and its(fennel seeds) tea  is used as a gargle. 
                10) Eating fennel seeds is very good remedy for nausea.
11) We offer fennel seeds after a meal. Eating saunf(fennel seeds) after meals is considered a healthy practice,  primarily because  of its  ability to  keep the digestive  system  healthy.  
12) Fennel  increased  red  and white  blood  cells  probably  due  to  the presence  of  polyphenols  and  antioxidant activity  of  fennel.
13) Fennel  seeds help  to  improve eyesight, alleviate high eye pressure, dry eyes, tired, watery eyes and  almost  all  eye  related problems. 
14) For cold take tea of Fennel seeds.
            - Add 1/2 tea spoon of sounf and some amount of jaggery and heat it for some time.
15) For a fever, take 1 cup grape juice with ½ tsp fennel powder and ½ tsp cumin powder.
          16) For gas, make a mixture of equal parts of roasted fennel, cumin, & celery seeds. Chew ½ – 1 tsp of this mixture after meals and then swallow with a cup of warm water.
17) For cases of heat stroke, soak a handful of fennel seeds in water overnight. Strain the water and add a pinch of salt before drinking.
18) To promote bowel movements, chew 1 tsp of roasted fennel seeds after meals.
19) To purify your blood and better the digestion, consume a handful of raw fennel seeds in the morning and evening.
               - According to Ayurveda, optimal digestion is fundamental to optimal health! If you don’t digest well, toxins build up and can lead to disease. 
20) According to ayurveda, it actually does not reduce gastric secretions, but it reduces the Tikshna Gunna of pitta (sharpness of gastric acid which causes inflammation in the stomach). Due to this reason it is also very good for condition such as gastritis, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux. For better results it is also taken with mulethi and amla.
21)  In the respiratory system, fennel even reduces aggravated kapha that congests the lungs.
22) Immense amounts of phytonutrients present in fennel seeds aid in clearing the blocked sinuses and alleviates asthma symptoms. The expectorant properties help to treat respiratory ailments like bronchitis, cough and nasal congestion. 
23) For fresh and toned skin texture take a teaspoon of fennel seeds and boil well, let it cool down and filter. Apply this mixture on the face using cotton balls several times in a day this can enhance the skin glow and keep your skin revitalized. It's high Antioxidant activity help out with this problem.
Note : 1) The leaves of bulb fennel have  a  flavour  similar to  herb fennel.
            2) Florence fennel is a key  ingredient in some Italian and German salads.
            3) Shoots were also found to have high radical-scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition capacity.
            4) 100 grams of fennel seeds provide almost 40 grams of dietary fiber. A majority of this fiber is metabolically inert insoluble fiber, which helps to increase the bulk of food by absorbing water throughout the digestive system and alleviating any constipation. The fibers, which are found in fennel seeds, remove toxins.
Refrence : 
1)   Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing Practice and Research
 e-ISSN: 2582-1512,  Volume 2, Issue 1  
2)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241714014_Morphological_and_Chemical_Evaluati n_of_Fennel_Foeniculum_vulgare_Mill_Populations_of_Different_Origin
3) Fennel and fennel seed
S. K. Malhotra, Indian Council  of Agricultural Research
5) Ayurvedacolleage.com
6) Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology
J HerbMed Pharmacol. 2015; 4(1): 1-9.
7) AYU (An international quarterly journal of research in Ayurveda)
9) Bhaprakash Nighantu
10) Wikipedia
Submitted September 19, 2020 at 10:18PM by kbjawadwar1 via reddit https://ift.tt/3kuSniI
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technuter · 5 years
Now interact with Amazon Alexa in Hindi or Hinglish
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In a major step to make Alexa more 'Indian', Amazon announced that Alexa will now support interactions in Hindi or Hinglish. This launch will enable hundreds of thousands of Alexa customers in India to interact with Alexa to ask for music, get Bollywood or sports updates and much more in Hindi or Hinglish. Alexa is the brain that powers Amazon Echo devices. The new Hindi experience is available on all Echo family of voice-controlled smart speakers. Since Alexa runs in the cloud, the service is always getting smarter. When Alexa launched in India in 2017, she was able to understand and pronounce names of popular places, names, songs and more in many regional languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Punjabi. With this update, Alexa can now understand customers speaking to her completely in Hindi or Hinglish, in multiple contexts, and varied regional accents and dialects. You can enjoy asking Alexa for diverse Hindi content such as jokes, shayaris, games, Kabir ke dohe, Panchatantra stories, Bollywood dialogues, more than 500 Alexa skills, and even spellings of words in Hindi.
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Rohit Prasad, Vice President, and Head Scientist, Alexa AI, Amazon, said, "India has uniquely challenged our AI teams with its cultural and linguistic diversity. We are thrilled to bring a suite of AI advances in multilingual understanding so that customers can interact with Alexa in different regional variants of colloquial Hindi. We are also grateful to Indian customers who contributed to Hindi development through the Cleo skill. We look forward to Alexa delighting our Hindi-speaking customers and working with developers in India to invent many more Hindi skills." To get started with Hindi, customers can just ask, "Alexa, help me set up Hindi." Existing Echo customers in India can change their device language to Hindi via the Language options inside the Device settings on the Alexa App. Echo Show users can access the settings section to change the language by swiping down from the top of the screen. Puneesh Kumar, Country Manager for Alexa Experiences and Devices, Amazon India, said, "We are a customer-first company than a technology-first company. In India pronunciation, diction, and accents in Hindi is different across the country even if the language being spoken is the same. Conversations in Hinglish are common. With today's launch, you will notice that Alexa has become more local. Alexa will not only understand and respond in Hindi or Hinglish but, is also armed with a lot of knowledge about topics that interest users in the country ranging from local information to music, and from Bollywood to cricket." Coming soon, customers can speak to Alexa in Hindi and English without changing the language setting back and forth. For example, if a customer asks for the weather in Hindi, Alexa will reply in Hindi, e.x. "Alexa, aaj mausam kaisa hai?"  and when they ask for information in English, Alexa will understand and respond in English e.x. "Alexa, tell me about Chandrayaan-2". This feature is specially built for Indian households where users speak both Hindi and English. Interact with Alexa in Hindi or Hinglish With Alexa, you can use your voice to play music, ask questions, read the news, set timers and alarms, check the calendar, provide sports scores, control lights at home, watch videos on Echo devices with a screen and much more. With Echo's far-field voice control, you can do all this from across the room using just your voice. Play Music Alexa offers a seamless, hands-free music  experience with premier music services including Amazon Prime Music, Gaana, Hungama, JioSaavn, TuneIn, and more. Listening to music across a wide catalog of Hindi, English and multiple Indian regional language songs with Alexa is as simple as saying "Alexa, Bollywood ke latest gaane sunao" or "Alexa, Kishore Kumar ke gaane sunaiye". If you are in the mood to exercise, say "Alexa, workout music chalao" . Control volume and playback for millions of songs by saying "Alexa, volume badhao"  or "Alexa, agla gaana lagao". If you aren't sure who an artist is, just say "Alexa, yeh kaunsa gaana hai?". Alexa will also offer over 100 relaxation sounds in Hindi. To get started, say "Alexa, mujhe aaraam karna hai". Ask Questions Ask Alexa all kinds of questions, including those about cricket, Bollywood, famous people and places, festivals, calculations, sports, stocks, spelling and much more in Hindi. For example, "Alexa, Diwali kab hai",  "Alexa, 64 ka cube root kya hai", "Alexa, Spain ka capital kya hai?" and "Alexa, sone ka bhaav batao". Alexa is now more Indian. Her fun personality can entertain everyone in the family. You can ask Alexa for a joke by saying "Alexa, chutkula sunao". You can also say "Alexa, koi filmy dialogue sunao", "Alexa seeti bajao", "Alexa taali bajao",  "Alexa, ek kahani sunao", or "Alexa, tum kaun ho". For more enterainment, ask Alexa to play fun games by saying, "Alexa, chalo ek game khele". Control your Smart Home Use Echo smart speakers to control the TV from the couch when watching a movie, or switch off the tubelight when getting in bed—all using just your voice. You can say "Alexa, light band kar do" or "Alexa, Geyser on karo" or "Alexa, TV mute karo". Alexa works with devices such as smart lights and plugs from brands including Wipro, Philips Hue, SYSKA LED, Xiaomi, TP-Link, and more. You can also control your compatible security cameras, fans, ACs and air purifiers from brands such as D-Link, Voltas, Orient, LG, Xiaomi and more.  Set Reminders, Alarms and Timers Set up multiple reminders, alarms and timers with your voice, including setting repeating alarms. Just say "Alexa, phone bill bharne ka reminder lagao" , "Alexa, subah saat baje ka alarm set karo", or "Alexa, timer mei kitne minute baki hai?"  Create and Manage Lists Alexa can help you stay organised by creating and managing your To-Do and Shopping lists. Just say "Alexa, meri shopping list mein jeera add kar do",  "Alexa, meri to-do list mein doctor's appointment daal do", or "Alexa, meri shopping list mein kya hai". Hear the Latest News and Cricket Updates Alexa can read the news and give customized updates based on your news preferences. You can choose your favorite outlets to provide the news or sports results, including Dainik Jagran, Aaj Tak, NDTV, and Bollywood Hungama. Just say "Alexa, kya chal raha hai?", "Alexa, filmy khabrein sunao", "Alexa, cricket score batao", or "Alexa, India ka agala match kab hai?". Get the Weather Ask Alexa about local, national, and international weather forecasts. For example: "Alexa, aaj mausam kaisa hai?", "Alexa, kya kal baarish hogi?", "Alexa, Mumbai ka weather update batao?", or "Alexa, is weekend Bangalore mein mausam kaisa rahega?" Play with Alexa Alexa has exciting Hindi skills for kids, from playing games to listening to Hindi rhymes and stories. Some of India's most popular characters are now available through Alexa Skills including Vir The Robot Boy, Chacha Chaudhary, Kids TV, Koo Koo TV, Jugnu Kids and the evergreen Shambu and Suppandi from Amar Chitra Katha. Kids can get started by saying "Alexa, ChuChu TV shuru karo", or "Alexa, sher ki aawaaz sunao". Third Party Skills Thousands of developers have already started building Alexa skills with a Hindi flavor. Customers can choose from over 500 Alexa skills in Hindi offered by more than 30 brands including Ola, ChuChu TV, GaneshaSpeaks, All India Radio, RedFM,  Sanjeev Kapoor Recipes, Pearsons, Career Launcher, Art of Living, Sadhguru, VR Devotee, Shemaroo, Hungama, Hubhopper, Aastha TV and Amar Chitra Katha. These skills range from devotional music, horoscope, kids' education and games, recipes, and more. You can ask, "Alexa, Hindi Shayari shuru karo", "Alexa, Panchtantra ki kahaniyan shuru karo", "Alexa, Kabir ke dohe sunao" or "Alexa, tumhare paas kya skills hai?" to know more about skills.  Hindi on other Alexa Built-in devices Starting today, Alexa in Hindi is also available on a range of smart speakers by Bose. These include Home Speaker 500, Portable Home Speaker, Home Speaker 450, and Home Speaker 300. Coming soon, brands such as Motorola, MyBox, Boat, Portronics, Fingers, Sony, iBall and Dish will launch and update their existing Alexa-built in devices to support Hindi. Availability of Echo devices and demo of Alexa in Hindi All Amazon Echo smart speakers such as Echo Dot, Echo Show 5, Echo, Echo Spot, Echo Plus, Echo Show, and Echo Input are available on amazon.in/echo/. Customers can also visit Amazon devices kiosk at popular shopping malls such as Pacific Mall in Delhi, Seawoods Mall in Mumbai, Mantri Mall in Bangalore and off-line retailers such as Croma and Reliance Digital stores for a demo of the Alexa Hindi experience and to purchase. Read the full article
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yourswanposts-blog · 5 years
Learn French Online In Hyderabad
French is a Romance language of the Indo-European people. It descended from the Unrefined Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. French has evolved from Gallo-Romance, the spoken Latin in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul.
Native speakers: 76 million speakers; An estimated 274 million French speakers (L1 plus L2)
Native to: French-speaking Europe; Now worldwide
Language family: Romance languages
Writing systems: Latin script (French orthography), French Braille
Learn French Online is considered one of the easiest languages for a native English speaker to learn. The grammar and sentence structure inOnline French Courses are different from English, but simpler. Because both languages have Latin roots, they also share thousands of cognates words that sound the same and have the same meanings.
Having a little French in your conversational repertoire after Learn French Online course will open up the world to you on multiple levels for Business, Travelling, Living Abroad, and Brain Training.
A person who wishes to travel to France with the standpoint of a job, vacation travel or business trip, should know the basic minimum amount of French, learning French online  is an added advantage if migrating to Canada is on your mind, as it will raise more points on the Express Entry System recently launched by the Canadian Government.
With Swan Tutors Online, you can Learn French Online without going to classes physically. For an affordable cost you have access to real timeOnline French Tutors who teach Online French Courses that get you speaking right from the first lesson, and Online Interactions will help you improve your pronunciation.
Swan Tutors French Language Online Courses are based on the prescribed guidelines laid by CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and enable Learners to meet the required proficiency.
Level A1: Beginner
Can recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. Can introduce himself or someone else. Can ask and answer basic questions about home, family, surroundings, etc. Can communicate in a basic way when the other person speaks slowly and clearly, and is ready to repeat or reformulate to help communication.
Level A2: Elementary
Can understand isolated phrases and common expressions that relate to areas of high personal relevance (like personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work). Can communicate during easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on familiar subjects. Using simple words, can describe his or her surroundings and communicate immediate needs.
Level B1: Intermediate
Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects in work, school, leisure activities, etc. Can manage in most situations that come up when travelling in a region where the language is spoken. Can produce a simple and cohesive text on familiar subjects or subjects of personal interest. Can narrate an event, an experience or a dream; describe a desire or goal, and outline reasons or explanations behind a project or idea.
Level B2: Upper Intermediate
Can understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical article in the user’s area of expertise. Can communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Can speak in a clear, detailed way on a number of subjects; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.
Level C1: Advanced
Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts, including any sub textual or stylistic nuances. Can express him or herself freely and fluidly, without obviously fumbling for words. Can use the language effectively and fluently in a social, professional or academic context. Can speak in a clear, organized way about complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
 Level C2: Master OR Proficient
Can effortlessly understand almost everything he or she reads or hears. Capable of a coherent summary of events or arguments from oral or written sources. Can express him or herself precisely in a spontaneous, fluent way, conveying finer shades of meaning precisely.
Avail Our FREE LIVE DEMO to learn french language for real.
Being the Online Foreign Languages Courses provider Swan Tutors offers specially customized French Language Online Courses in International Standards and Syllabus established by the C.E.F.R. The courses are carefully crafted for a good learning experience that is not only focused on learning the language online but also the Culture of the language. Along with Learn French Online, we offer Online Foreign Language Courses to Learn German Online, Learn Spanish Online, Learn Chinese Online, Learn Mandarin Online,  Learn Japanese Online, Learn Italian Language, customized courses for Spoken English Online. And for Indian Languages we offer courses namely Learn Sanskrit Online, Learn Hindi Online, Learn Telugu Online, Learn Kannada Online, Learn Tamil Online, Learn Marathi Online. The courses syndicate most important aspects of learning a language, that are Grammar, Writing, Listening, Speaking as well as the Accent to a large extent. You can Learn French online with our standard courses or you could customize a french language course online as per your need.
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Having a powerful and extensive vocabulary, a need for all speakers of  English language.
A regular day in a Spoken English classes in Puneat Speakwell,starts with students coming forward and speaking about the given topics. It’s when, Mr.Saraf, comes to speak and seeks permission from the Trainer to speak on a topic of his choice. He starts narrating an incident that had occurred in his office,the day before. His Boss, Mr. Rao, who had once reprimanded him for his poor English skills, had again suddenly asked him to come to his cabin. With his anxiousness almost choking him, he described, when he entered the Boss’ cabin ,he was shocked to see two of his other seniors also present in the room. As he entered, Mr.Rao smiled at him and hugged him and patted his back. He praised the improvement in Mr.Saraf’s English skills. He also appreciated Mr.Saraf’s efforts to improve his spoken English which had undergone a major improvement. At this juncture of his Conversation, a highly elated Mr.Saraf, paused and thanked Speakwell for this awesome transformation in his life.
This interesting change that Mr.Saraf had seen in himself has also set a good examplefor other learners. The Trainer then further explained that a good English speaker needs to focus on his collection of words,known as his vocabulary.
At SpeakwellEnglish speaking course in mumbai, topics are presented and explained taking into consideration the understanding levels of the target students. The content is suitable for beginners and intermediates. The grammar is clearly presented, covers a broad range of topics and makes good use of pictures.  The text is clear and concise with highlighted keywords, with translations in regional languages like Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati.
The one question that always rises first in a Spoken English class is, How should I learn these English words? It’s a question with no simple answer. However, at Speakwell we can transform the student’s English from basic to extraordinary, in a fun filled manner by playing some very interesting games.
Infographics for improving your vocabulary:
This game is all aboutpickingmany simple words from our daily surroundings. Always keep your mind active and learning when you’re on the go (on a bus or train journey). For eg: The students are asked to name everything that they can see on an office desk.The best way to learn English is by speaking Englishnot just by writing essays and learning Grammar. A good vocabulary can only be developed by consistent practical use of speaking English. A rich source of new words could be newspapers. One can virtually transform oneself intellectually as well as drastically expand one’s vocabulary.
All students who show this excellent transition from being Basic English  speakers to having a profound knowledge of English have struggled and have sustained because of their  extreme desire and will-power.
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New Post Now You Can Pay Bills Without Any Transaction Charges Using Tez By Google has been published on http://www.reviewcenter.in/7203/now-you-can-pay-bills-without-any-transaction-charges-using-tez-by-google/
Now You Can Pay Bills Without Any Transaction Charges Using Tez By Google
Google has entered the payment industry right a while ago, to bring a UPI based payment solution that is integrated with a user’s phone-book and Tez has been providing fast and secure financial transactions to users across the nation. Continuing to add newer features to its digital payments app Tez, Google India has just announced the launch bill payment feature that will let users pay their bills in seconds, without any transaction charges and also without the hassle of entering a long pesky username, password and card details.
As of now, Tez by Google will support bill pay for more than 80 billers. The list of billers includes national and state-run electricity providers, gas, water, DTH and mobile postpaid bills and recharge. Also, it will work with major utilities like Reliance Energy, BSES, and DishTV, and soon it will cover as many states as possible adding up more and more billers.
Tez By Google- Payment and Billpay
Billpay is not the only things that Tez can do. Tez also reminds users with a timely notification when their bill arrives and users will also be able to check whether they have paid a bill or not by simply tapping the biller’s name on their app home screen. It also shows all past payments grouped by bills and can as well as manage bills from multiple accounts. It is built to support Bharat BillPay system so that for most utilities Tez will also let users get an alert when a new bill arrives. This is how you can pay bills for utilities using Tez, watch this short video to learn more.
Speaking about the launch of the new bill payments feature, Diana Layfield, VP, Payments & Commerce, Next Billion Users said “We are delighted to bring additional new functionality to our growing base of users on Tez. Today, we are adding a specially designed bill pay experience in Tez which will enable users to make a wide range of bill payments including electricity, water, gas, DTH, and insurance from the app. We hope that users will like the simplicity and time saving with the new bill pay experience on Tez.”
Key Features of Tez:
1. Simple transactions on the spot: Tez has got a Cash Mode that lets users securely send money from person to person with just a few taps- There is no need to share any phone number or VPAs.
2. Integrated with phonebook: Starting a payment is now as easy as starting a conversation. The app syncs with the contact list in users’ phones so that a user can search for his friend’s name and number. Once a contact is on Tez, users do not have to add beneficiaries or enter bank account number and IFSC codes.
3. Supports payment to Bank account, QR Code or UPI ID: No matter if the person on the other side has got Tez or not, it also lets users by entering bank account number or UPI ID.
4. Supported and accepted everywhere: As the app and whole system is built on UPI, it can be accepted by any person or businesses with a UPI ID.
5. Integrated with bank accounts: It is not just another digital wallet that needs to be topped up. Tez works with more than fifty UPI-enabled banks. So, whenever a user needs to send money Tez will add the required money from the bank account. There are no extra charges or transaction fees.
6. Multiple security layers: Tez is backed by multiple security levels, including dedicated security systems offered by Indian banks, the NPCI, and the Tez Shield. Google’s suite of security features, including a machine-learning-based fraud detection engine, device level protection, including a Google PIN, and no sharing of phone numbers or bank account numbers via Cash Mode. Google also offers customer service available 24/7.
7. Built for India first: Tez works on the vast majority of smartphones on both Android and iOS, in English and Hindi. However, now the Android version supports additional Indian languages including Bengali, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, and Gujarati.
8. Bill Pay: It is the latest feature to be added, using which many users will be able to pay for utilities like electricity, postpaid mobile and landline bills, water, gas and even for insurance.
Tez will show different billers to customers depending on their city and region, and users can also search for them by name. Users just need to find out the biller they need to pay bills for and once they have linked their account by entering their unique customer ID, they can also label it easily. For every new biller a user pays this month, a scratch card worth up to ₹1000 will be entitled to the user. As the app is built on Unified Payments Interface (UPI) developed by National Payments Corporation of India and supported by the Government of India, it is a simple and secure mobile app for digital payments, making digital payments as easy as using cash.
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djwickidsandy · 7 years
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Often there are days when things go haywire. Nothing working your way. Its very easy to loose hope. I was nearing that phase when my faith got stronger. Though slow things were falling into place for me. Today, thanks to my brother from another mother, I met a Lively and warm elderly couple. Being a total stranger to them I wasn't too keen on getting inside the house but I did and was pleasantly surprised with the warmth I was greeted with. It all started with a Namastey from aunty. We spoke in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati too. Uncle walked in and then the conversation simply flowed. Later in the conversation we learned that aunty and uncle were from different casts and yet blended well with each other. Both had done their doctorates and that simple blew my mind away. They inspired me with their simplicity and humbleness. I was not judged and they mixed so easily sharing their experiences and some personal photos with their kids. There was so much to those moments, the pictures said it all. Moments like these keep me connected to my roots. (at Matheran Hill Station)
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cbekarim74 · 7 years
Interesting read- Forwarded as received.                                                                                                                                                 HIGHER EDUCATION - Does it really help ? CHICKPET, Bangalore is known the business hub of Bangalore City with more than 1000 shops in the locality. This place is always crowed as people throng to buy clothes, furnitures, toys etc. at a wholesale price. Yesterday, I had been there as part of my educational research to talk to few shop keepers to understand how they do business and what education has to do to them with regards to their business. During my interaction with many shop keepers in Chickpet, I found that, most of them were from Rajasthan. One more interesting thing that I found was that most of them were in their teenage. Out of all, meeting a young 10th dropout who runs a clothes shop was very interesting. His name is Bramhadev from Rajasthan. I thought of sharing few our discussions here. As I went into the crowded shop as a customer, he greeted me with a great smile calling "Anna banni, en bekithu". (Meaning: Brother, what do you want) (The conversation was in Kannada. I have translated it below) Myself: I wanted to check for some nice shirt and pant piece.Bramhadev: Tell me sir, what is the range you are looking at?Myself: You first show me all the clothes, let me choose out of those.Bramhadev: Sure sir and started showing me all his collections. (Meanwhile during the selection time, I thought of asking him few questions, which was my only intention)Myself: How did you learn Kannada?Bramhadev: Sir, obviously by talking to people.Myself: But, your Kannada is very fluent!Bramhadev: Sir, initially, I found it difficult, but, when I continued speaking to customers, I learnt it on the fly. Now, I speak better than Bangalore Kanndigas.Myself: Superb. When did you start this business?Bramhadev: It’s almost 10 years now. I started it when I failed in my 10th. My uncle got me into this business.Myself: How many languages can you speak?Brahmadev: I can speak, Hindi, English, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu & Malayalam.Myself: Oh my God ! How did you learn so many Brahmadev: I told you sir, Customers taught me.Myself: Sorry to ask you, but still out of curiosity, I just wanted to know what would be your monthly turnover?Brahmadev: Ummmm, it depends on the festival season. Normally, the turnover would be around 8 - 9 lakhs per month, and during festivals it will shoot up to 15 lakhs. Profit upto Rs. 4 lakh per month.Myself: What? Oh my God! That’s a super number! Great man!Brahmadev: What great sir? In Chickpet, this is very less. Others make double than what I do. Myself: Didn't you feel like completing your education by studying further?Brahmadev: Sir, to be honest, none of our family members completed education. To complete my education it might take another 5 - 6 years which I feel is a big waste of time and money. I invested both in my business. Today, I will challenge none of the educated person with 10 years experience will earn as much as I do. What do you say sir?Myself: Hmmm....Yes. True. But still education would have helped you grow more than what you are earning today.Brahmadev: Seriously No sir. Education would give us fear and make us feel that, one has to work under someone to earn their livelihood. Education does not teach us to live independently. I also have many friends who studied along with me and completed graduation. None are into business. Almost all are working in some private firm.Myself: Hmmmm....So you don't regret completing education?Bramhadev: Definitely No sir. I am very happy. (In between our conversation, another customer had purchased around 20 pairs of shirt and pant, and few sarees. Without using a calculator Bramhadev calculated the total cost of the purchase and told the customer the total cost including 10% discount in just 15 - 20 seconds).Myself: Boss, you don't even use calculator?Bramhadev: Sir, educated people need calculator and mobile phones to calculate. Not me.Myself: Started smiling and put my head down (because I was using calculator to calculate the cost of my purchase).Bramhadev: I continuously practiced calculating. I am doing this since 10 years and I have become perfect. I am sure, I will never err in my calculation. After this, I made a purchase and the next whole day, I was thinking about our conversation again and again. I would like to infer what I learnt. 1. Without higher education, Bramhadev is not jobless. Whereas our today's graduates with distinction are still in search of a job. 2. Without higher education, Bramhadev has good communication skills. But, today's corporate world complains about our graduates for having no communication skills. 3. Without higher education, Bramhadev earns in lakhs, where as our current generation graduates complains of not having enough salary to pay their EMIs. 4. Without higher education, Bramhadev's mathematical mind works faster than today's graduates who has cleared different levels of mathematics papers with high scores. Today's graduates needs Mobile Phones to perform simple calculation. 5. Without higher education, Bramhadev has no fear of losing his job, but today's graduate employees are always fear of getting fired from the company they are working in.Now, the question in mind is"HOW DOES HIGHER EDUCATION HELP ONESELF? POINT IS - SKILL DEVELOPMENT IS MORE VALUABLE THAN EDUCATION !,
Interesting read- Forwarded as received.                                                                                                                                                 HIGHER EDUCATION – Does it really help ? CHICKPET, Bangalore is known the business hub of Bangalore City with more than 1000 shops in the locality. This place is always crowed as people throng to buy clothes, furnitures, toys etc. at a wholesale price. Yesterday, I had been there as part of my educational research to talk to few shop keepers to understand how they do business and what education has to do to them with regards to their business. During my interaction with many shop keepers in Chickpet, I found that, most of them were from Rajasthan. One more interesting thing that I found was that most of them were in their teenage. Out of all, meeting a young 10th dropout who runs a clothes shop was very interesting. His name is Bramhadev from Rajasthan. I thought of sharing few our discussions here. As I went into the crowded shop as a customer, he greeted me with a great smile calling “Anna banni, en bekithu”. (Meaning: Brother, what do you want) (The conversation was in Kannada. I have translated it below) Myself: I wanted to check for some nice shirt and pant piece.Bramhadev: Tell me sir, what is the range you are looking at?Myself: You first show me all the clothes, let me choose out of those.Bramhadev: Sure sir and started showing me all his collections. (Meanwhile during the selection time, I thought of asking him few questions, which was my only intention)Myself: How did you learn Kannada?Bramhadev: Sir, obviously by talking to people.Myself: But, your Kannada is very fluent!Bramhadev: Sir, initially, I found it difficult, but, when I continued speaking to customers, I learnt it on the fly. Now, I speak better than Bangalore Kanndigas.Myself: Superb. When did you start this business?Bramhadev: It’s almost 10 years now. I started it when I failed in my 10th. My uncle got me into this business.Myself: How many languages can you speak?Brahmadev: I can speak, Hindi, English, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu & Malayalam.Myself: Oh my God ! How did you learn so many Brahmadev: I told you sir, Customers taught me.Myself: Sorry to ask you, but still out of curiosity, I just wanted to know what would be your monthly turnover?Brahmadev: Ummmm, it depends on the festival season. Normally, the turnover would be around 8 – 9 lakhs per month, and during festivals it will shoot up to 15 lakhs. Profit upto Rs. 4 lakh per month.Myself: What? Oh my God! That’s a super number! Great man!Brahmadev: What great sir? In Chickpet, this is very less. Others make double than what I do. Myself: Didn’t you feel like completing your education by studying further?Brahmadev: Sir, to be honest, none of our family members completed education. To complete my education it might take another 5 – 6 years which I feel is a big waste of time and money. I invested both in my business. Today, I will challenge none of the educated person with 10 years experience will earn as much as I do. What do you say sir?Myself: Hmmm….Yes. True. But still education would have helped you grow more than what you are earning today.Brahmadev: Seriously No sir. Education would give us fear and make us feel that, one has to work under someone to earn their livelihood. Education does not teach us to live independently. I also have many friends who studied along with me and completed graduation. None are into business. Almost all are working in some private firm.Myself: Hmmmm….So you don’t regret completing education?Bramhadev: Definitely No sir. I am very happy. (In between our conversation, another customer had purchased around 20 pairs of shirt and pant, and few sarees. Without using a calculator Bramhadev calculated the total cost of the purchase and told the customer the total cost including 10% discount in just 15 – 20 seconds).Myself: Boss, you don’t even use calculator?Bramhadev: Sir, educated people need calculator and mobile phones to calculate. Not me.Myself: Started smiling and put my head down (because I was using calculator to calculate the cost of my purchase).Bramhadev: I continuously practiced calculating. I am doing this since 10 years and I have become perfect. I am sure, I will never err in my calculation. After this, I made a purchase and the next whole day, I was thinking about our conversation again and again. I would like to infer what I learnt. 1. Without higher education, Bramhadev is not jobless. Whereas our today’s graduates with distinction are still in search of a job. 2. Without higher education, Bramhadev has good communication skills. But, today’s corporate world complains about our graduates for having no communication skills. 3. Without higher education, Bramhadev earns in lakhs, where as our current generation graduates complains of not having enough salary to pay their EMIs. 4. Without higher education, Bramhadev’s mathematical mind works faster than today’s graduates who has cleared different levels of mathematics papers with high scores. Today’s graduates needs Mobile Phones to perform simple calculation. 5. Without higher education, Bramhadev has no fear of losing his job, but today’s graduate employees are always fear of getting fired from the company they are working in.Now, the question in mind is”HOW DOES HIGHER EDUCATION HELP ONESELF? POINT IS – SKILL DEVELOPMENT IS MORE VALUABLE THAN EDUCATION !,
Interesting read- Forwarded as received.                                                                                          Interesting read- Forwarded as received.                                                                                                                                                 HIGHER EDUCATION – Does it really help ? CHICKPET, Bangalore is known the business…
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