#Sinhunter AU
cringywhitedragon · 1 year
Sinhunter AU: The 7 Vitures/HERS hunters
Originally created by the Reploid Federation as a means of hunting down Synthetics (Reploid term for Second/Third Era humans) those who had Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome (HERS) and eventually repurposed as a means of hunting down and containing Sin Vessels before going rouge.
Modeled off of creatures from First Era folktales and each given a codename that reflects one of the “Seven Heavenly Virtues” in counterpart to the respective Sin Vessel they were (Re)designed to capture:
Charity: Griffin “Stormwind the Noble Chief”
Chastity: Will-o’-the-Wisp “Irrlicht the Guiding Light.”
Diligence: Kamaitachi “Nogama the Sharp Blade”
Humility: Asian Dragon/Lung “Seiryu the Humble Sage”
Kindness: Golem “Tsur the Gentle Titan”
Patience: Mermaid/Siren “Nainia the Peaceful Shaman”
Temperance: Chimera “Gula the Objective Judge”
All 7 are equipped with an experimental time travel device similar to the ones found in RF timejumper vessels that allows them to jump between timeframes of the Third Era (However, they are restricted to the 1000 year timeframe and nothing before or beyond that). They also all have the ability to take on a more humanoid form that is heavily implied to be their actual true forms (which will be seen in their backstories more frequently)
Prior to the main story, the Virtues were well regarded by most of the Reploid population as heroes. It’s not known what made them go rogue but some believe it may have been due to the Sin Vessels influencing them which lead them to display strange behaviors leading up to an incident that resulted in the death of a high ranking figure of the RF.
Afterwards, the virtues disappeared and were never heard from again. Spending their days terrorizing Synthetics and on-world Reploids throughout history.
Awaiting the day they are finally retired for good..
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cringywhitedragon · 1 year
Complete random idea but what would happen if we were to put Zero against Nemesis (Or any of the Sin Vessels/Sinners for that matter from EC) (And Some AU stuff)
I chose Nemesis mainly cause of Punishment and its similarities to Ragnrok from Z4 since I can imagine a boss fight against her ala Dr. Weil/Falling Down as he races to destroy Punishment before it can take out the planet and all life on it.
Perhaps Reploids might be relic of the First Era in a possible AU? Perhaps they fled due to humans being well you know… Would that make the Gods of the EC mavericks in their eyes? I mean HERS is pretty close to the Maverick Virus and all.
This developed into something much more: Somehow Reploids fled Earth prior to the destruction of the First Era, establishing their own empire amongst the stars and free from humans/earthlings, leading to the creation of the Reploid Frederation.
Despite being free, Reploids kept a close eye on humanity and the path they were taking.Though there was a lot of disagreement between Reploids on if they should intervene but it was largely decided they wouldn’t.
However, following the destruction of Earth, the HERS crisis and humanity’s plans of resettling elsewhere did it finally make the Reploids do something.
With the original humanity now gone, they returned to Earth to retrieve two specific things (Others were brought back but that’s for another time): Two legendary heroes
X and Zero (and maybe even Axl cause he needs some love as well)
The two were rebuild but kept deactivated only to be brought back should it be necessary.
More debates, disagreements, and even a contegancy plan to eliminate HERS (they would be treated like mavericks even though at this point Reploid-kind believed they were gone until what is known as the Seeding Incidnet) but not much would happen.
An attempt destroy them was tried late in the Second Era but failed when Humans got involved. Reploids, under the newly re-established Maverick Hunters, were sent into the Virtual World and tasked with hunting down Earthlings that displayed HERS before this was abandoned (Reploids didn’t need Black Boxes due to their DNA Souls and Cyber Elves)
Reploids would eventually develop their own technology as they evolved (To a point that they were pretty much able to replicate organic life perfectly in a way) and even discover a way to time travel (Plays a major role in this AU). However to prevent it from being abused, it became heavily regulated.
Things would calm down until the Climb One incident, which would mark the decision to revive X as Reploid-kind couldn’t make an agreement on what to do.
He took over as the Reploid race’s primary leader and with the use of their newly aquired time travel technology, Reploid-kind would keep an eye on the Third Era.
Looking into the future, X and Many others became disturbed of how things would eventually turn out (“The cycle of destruction will only repeat! X! You have to do something about this! Send someone, anyone and have those Vessels destroyed. It’s only going to cause more HERS to appear and we know how this will end!)
(“We made that choice years ago that Reploids would remain out of human business. As much as I would like to, this would only bring our kinds more suffering or even another war.)
Reploid-kind would let the Third Era play out as it was supposed to.
However… Not everyone wanted things this way.
A renegade force, determined to finally put an end to the cycle of destruction steals one of the Reploid Federation’s top secret ships capable of time travel (The Time Drive) and head for the now repopulated Third Era Earth.
Of course the Reploid Federation doesn’t take this lying down and after a small skirmish, the renegades manage to escape with another important piece of cargo.
The still deactivated Zero
The slumbering Crimson Hunter is acidently ejected when the rebel’s vessel gets hit and crashes onto the planet. Awakening from the ruins of a broken capsule with no memories save for his final stand against Dr Weil and Ragnarok many many years ago, Zero finds himself on an unfamiliar world and contacted by a group who has “inlisted” his help on “saving the future”.
Working with the renegade faction, Zero fights his way throughout different time periods of the Third Era to retrieve and destroy the Vessels of Sin all while dealing with forces of familiar and supernatural and possibly uncovering the truth of what happened to those who came before.
A world of magic and gods built atop the ruins of a once thriving planet.
Those of the old world who had fled to the stars now return to the birthplace of their species.
Old friends whom once fought side by side, brought back from their mechanical graves, now stand on divided sides over the future.
Can this endless cycle of death and destruction be broken for good, or is it doomed to repeat thanks to the Sins of Man?
This AU I will call Megaman: Sinhunter
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cringywhitedragon · 1 year
MM: Sinhunter AU: The Four Endings (and the secret one)
Sinhunter has Four Possible endings obtainable and three possible final bosses (excluding the secret one and ending but that will be explained later on).
The four main ones follow the themes of Death, Judgement, Hell, and Heaven (Just like those of the original EC)
Salvation/Breaking the Cycle (Death)
Ruin/History Repeats (Hell)
United we Fall, Divided we Stand (Judgement)
Master of the Yard (Heaven)
The first two endings are relatively straightforward while the latter two are hidden beneath more complex events.
Salvation and Ruin:
Boss: Nemesis Sudou/Wraith (timed boss)
Accessibility: Main route/Post Hellish Yard Stages
The most common outcome. Both of these endings are the result of either Zero successfully managing to strike down Nemesis/Wraith and successfully detonate the counter device “Salvation” to stop Punishment (Salvation) or failing and dying with Punishment succeeding in wiping out all life and Earth merging with the Hellish Yard.
This fight is accessible as soon as the Hellish Yard segment is complete (as well as the Sin Vessel rematches, excluding Gluttony who is not refought with the previously unfought Wrath taking its place)
(Completing these loops results in key items being unlocked. These items are needed for the Secret Ending)
United We Fall, Divided we Stand:
Boss: Megaman X (Three phases)
Accessibly: Must clear a Sidequest which will grant you access to some secret ruins areas and clear them. Also you have to say “No” to working with the Reploid Federation at the climax of the main story (This option only will work after clearing the final secret dungeon)
A discovery deep down in some lost ruins leads to a scare amongst the Reploid Federation whom decide to make the move to destroy the renegades, leaving Zero being forced to confront X and an ensuing fight.
In the end, Zero prevails and X is mortally wounded. In his final moments, X finally comes to terms with what is going on and asks for his friend to forgive him for all that he and the rest of Reploidkind has done.
In the end, Zero takes up X’s mantle as leader of the Reploid Federation. What actions are taken against the remaining vessels of Sin and HERS is left ambiguous.
(Completing this loop results in X becoming playable and another key item for getting the secret ending)
Master of the Yard
Accessibly: Clear both the Sidequest that grants access to the Heavenly Yard and clear the secret dungeon Sin/Climb One.
Upon learning the truth of the Climb One, the Third Era, and the “Sun God’s” true name, Zero jumps to the conclusion deems him responsible and decides to go confront him.
Confronting him in the Heavenly Yard, Sickle reveals that he is aware of what is going on down on Earth. Refusing to take matters into his own hands and even showing disapproval over the Reploids interfering with his rules and a bit scared that they might bring about destruction to his creation.
Angered at Sickle’s aloofness towards what is going on earth, Zero declares him a Maverick and challenges him to a fight. Reluctantly, TALOS/Sickle accepts and incarnates himself into a Reploid body.
Zero prevails but sustains heavy damage. Sickle is also heavily damaged, having taken a hit to his Black Box by Zero. After a moment, Sickle recognizes Zero as one of the two legendary Reploids of the First Era and the confusion is cleared up.
Zero notices that TALOS/Sickle has been damaged and urges him to transfer himself into the Reploid body he is using and go find X and the others, knowing that he himself won’t likely be able to return to Earth.
At first TALOS refuses but Zero volunteers to take his place as Master of the Heavenly Yard, knowing full well that with TALOS/Sickle working alongside X and the others, that they can prevent the world from ending and even destroy HERS for good.
A now reploid Sickle/TALOS soon returns to Earth while Zero, whom has now merged himself with a backup Black Box, is seen enjoying the peace and calm of the Heavenly Yard and tends to some of Sickle’s crops.
(Completing this loop unlocks Reploid!Talos/Sickle as a playable character and another component needed for the secret ending)
“Four possible outcomes to this altered world. Four possible futures for this scorned Earth.
No matter how things turn out, there will always be someone who suffers.
They say if it’s left unchecked then history will repeat itself.
Just maybe…
There might be a way to prevent all of this from happening…
Perhaps a way to stop this before it all began…
Just before the First domino Falls…
Requirement: All previous four endings must be obtained and must follow the story up to the Federation Climax (pre Hellish Yard and Post Sin Vessel stages), complete the Sin Dungeon, and then talk to X
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