#Sir JorgenBjorgen
snowflaketale12 · 8 months
My Sir Jorgenbjorgen is finally here 😭
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lovewillthaw-j · 2 years
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❤️ Elsa ❤️
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fridgefanatic · 2 months
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...can the lonely take the place of you?
A sleepless Elsa sings a power ballad alone in her room after her bedside portrait reminds her of the family "she" broke. Seems Sir Jorgenbjorgen is not just an excellent listener, but substitute dance partner as well.
I abhor the first page layout but, sorry, I can't be bothered to stare at it any longer.
A bonus scrapped page after the cut:
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beautifulcrownmusic · 1 month
Sir Jorgenbjorgen (An ‘Frozen’ Regression fic.)
Regressor! Elsa, CG Anna.
Summary; Anna catches Elsa in the attic on a rainy day���
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Anna titled her head as she heard the creeks coming from the attic. The wood boards were old so she assumed the morning’s rain was slipping through.
The almost nineteen year old tried to ignore them, turning a page in her book.
They were louder this time, almost like footsteps. That made Anna curious. Nobody had been up in the attic since Christmas.
Closing her book, she walked out of the library and climbed up the stairs towards the attic.
“Hello? Is anyone up here?” She asked.
“Anna? W-What are you doing here?”
In the corner of her eye, Anna spotted Elsa with her opened childhood trunk, cuddling Sir Jorgenbjorgen close to her chest.
The woman was still her regal older sister there was no doubt about that but why was she scared? Anna cuddled with Hildy and Hanna all the time.
“You’re safe with him aren’t you?” Anna asked softly. “He… He lets you be a kid again?”
Elsa nodded softly, becoming embarrassed. “I feel like a kid again when I’m with him.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I don’t know. It’s something I recently started to cope with everything. Now that you know, it’s terrifying.”
“No it isn’t. Whatever this is,” Anna assured, holding out her hand. “We’ll get through this. We’ve been through worse.”
Elsa chuckled a little, taking her hand. “We have haven’t we? All right. I’ll come back down. Maybe we could share some chocolate like we used to?”
Anna smiled as she lead their way out of the attic.
“I’d like that.”
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alfea · 1 year
a frozen fun fact before i fall asleep: sir jorgenbjorgen (elsa’s childhood stuffed penguin) was handmade by her grandmother for her father when he was little
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wintersovereign · 2 years
Making my own Sir JorgenBjorgen with my scrap yarn? Say less.
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Side note, this disclaimer cracks me up. You have sold a pattern for a reproduction of something Disney already sells in stores and parks. I own three of them. This isn’t an original idea. Why should you get credit beyond the pattern to make it? If someone chooses to then sell them is that not between them and Disney?
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lelitachay · 2 years
I do remember that it is almost Sosken anni. Because I started to look for Frozen fanfics again when Frozen 2 was about to air (around Nov and Dec). I remembered bumping into Sosken just around its first anniversary! And now it's nearly 4, I'm just a reader but I kind of get like, second-hand pride in Sosken!
Also fun fact, I was so hyped after Frozen 2 teaser of Elsa sprinting into the ocean (yupe the 2-minute one with literally no lines just instrumental music and the vuelie that I watched religiously for WEEKS after the release) ; I started tumblr-ing again and read your Sir Jorgenbjorgen fic here on tumblr . I was in instant love with the headcanons you built in the story. So imagine my glee when I finished binging Sosken, looked at your profile on fanfiction.net and found Sir Jorge there! The universe sent all the signals on platforms (yes, plural) to urge me to read your fics.
I know what you mean about second-hand pride on fics you read from the very beginning. I've felt that way! It's a strange but nice feeling. Like a brother or sister watching their sibling do well, haha. At least that's the way I've felt about some fics before.
Let me tell you that from my pov, people who stuck with my story from the very beginning (first year or two) should feel responsible about how far it has come. Those first comments, shares, etc. Really helped me find the energy to sat down at the end of the day and keep working on Søsken. Finishing this fic is a personal challenge I set for myself at very beginning, so that was the first spark. But the love people like you, noni, send, really made it possible for me to work harder, better, faster, because I knew there was someone out there waiting to read whatever I wrote next! (One of the reasons I feel guilty when I can't deliver new chapters on time).
About your fun fact, I loved that teaser too!! I watched it so many times. I still watch it from time to time now. It was so short and so simple it gave us a blank canvas to imagine whatever was about to come. But at the same time made us want more and more.
Finally let me tell you that you make me tear up with what you say about reading my first, binging them and even feeling glee when you found them in other platforms ♥️ I'd like to be able to deliver chapter after chapter just to thank you! Sadly, I still need to sit down and write them lol. But I promise I'll work hard.
On a side note, whenever I feel like I'm too tired to think about Søsken's plot, I sat down to write random scenes for a Fic I haven't shared yet (it's just starting to take form, even though I have every chapter planned out). That fic would cover from the very first months after Frozen, all the way to Frozen 2. But I don't want to re-write Frozen 2, I want to make it a little bit somber. So I'm still planning things. And of course I need to sit down and write it completely. If you like or enjoy reading Marshall, he'll be there too.
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hafanforever · 4 years
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Hello, Goodbye Dolly
In Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, audiences were briefly introduced to Sir JorgenBjorgen, a stuffed knitted puffin doll that was a toy Elsa owned in her childhood and kept as her companion during the years she and Anna were kept apart. Then when Elsa grew up, Sir JorgenBjorgen was stored away in her trunk, which was later placed in the attic.
When the prequel novel Dangerous Secrets was released in November 2020, it was revealed that Sir JorgenBjorgen had been around a lot longer than fans had thought. Over 40 years earlier, the doll was created by Queen Rita as a toy for her baby son, Prince Agnarr. Sir JorgenBjorgen was Agnarr’s favorite toy and always brought a smile to his face. When Rita fled the kingdom after having her memories wiped by Pabbie, Runeard locked up all of her belongings and anything that reminded him of her. However, he did not know about Sir JorgenBjorgen, and Gerda secretly saved it and hid it from him, waiting for the chance to return it to Agnarr one day.
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Ever since I read Dangerous Secrets and learned that this doll originally came from Rita and belonged to Agnarr, I got to thinking about what Runeard would have done with it had he known about it. Firstly, if he discovered Sir JorgenBjorgen when Agnarr played with it as a child, and with this, I mean before Rita left, I have a strong hunch would have disapproved of the doll, and enough so that he would have taken it away from Agnarr.
Why? Because I get the impression that Runeard would have thought that dolls, regardless of dolls being depicted as male or female, were only for girls, not boys. Therefore, I think he would have been outraged by the idea of his own son playing with a doll. Heck, Runeard probably also would have thought that boys who do or once did play with dolls are weak and inept, and thus are not or never would be real men. If he had truly hoped to mold Agnarr into the same cold, ruthless man/king he was, then I have no doubt Runeard would have seen Agnarr as weak for owning and playing with a doll, and taken Sir JorgenBjorgen away from him.
But there’s more to it than just that; as mentioned by a line in the prologue of the Frozen II novelization and an almost verbatim line quote by Agnarr in Dangerous Secrets, during the gathering in the Enchanted Forest, Agnarr knows that his father wanted him to act like a royal figure instead of a boy. In other words, even though Agnarr was 14 and still legally a child, Runeard only saw his son as a prince rather than as a person, and always wanted him to act royally only. He did not want him to act or behave like a normal person, meaning he never wanted Agnarr to act like a non-monarch, and thus, like a child, ever.
Therefore, Runeard additionally wouldn’t have wanted Agnarr to have Sir JorgenBjorgen because he would think that owning a doll is childish and Agnarr was not supposed to behave like a child even when he was one.
However, if Runeard discovered Sir JorgenBjorgen after Rita left, I don't think he would have simply hid it away with everything else; I think he would have burned it or permanently disposed of it through some other means.
Now why do I think Runeard would go such an extreme measure, you may ask? Because it would have been a guaranteed way for him to completely deny Agnarr any memories of Rita and sever anything that tied him to her. Agnarr had said that after his mother disappeared, his father constantly scolded and shouted at him for crying and being sad about her absence. This shows that Runeard had a total lack of sympathy for his son’s sadness (just as he did for Rita when she became so depressed over missing her home) and a ruthless determination, if not obsession, to get Agnarr to completely forget about Rita.
I feel it's one thing for Runeard to have locked away all the things that belonged to or reminded him of Rita so he could forget about her himself, and another for him to immediately banish anyone who spoke her name so that his people would attempt to forget her, too. But if he discovered anything that linked her to their son? Again, based on how he coldly chastised Agnarr for wallowing in sadness over Rita when she was gone, it is crystal clear to me that Runeard wanted Agnarr to forget her, too. Therefore, he would have had Sir JorgenBjorgen destroyed just so that Agnarr would have absolutely nothing left of her.
But luckily, Runeard never knew about Sir JorgenBjorgen, and Gerda successfully hid it from him before returning it to Agnarr when he was an adult.
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And then years later, Agnarr gave the doll to Elsa to keep her company during her separation from Anna.
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While we have yet to know what Rita was like, what she looked like, or what became of her when she fled the kingdom, at least we know there is still a keepsake and reminder of her in Arendelle Castle. And even though Elsa is no longer the queen of Arendelle, I am hoping that Sir JorgenBjorgen will become a childhood toy for one or more Anna’s children and any other future descendants of the former queen of Arendelle.
While Runeard won’t be fondly remembered by his family due to the revelation of his betrayal to the Northuldra, what little they know about Rita will be forever cherished through Sir JorgenBjorgen. 😄😉
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snowflaketale12 · 4 months
My little finding outside the movies - "Royal Portraits" ❄️
My eleventh finding is how many appearances of royal portraits in various books 😄 While working on my lingonberry finding related to Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea, I've found more movie/book reference in the park, I love seeing all the decorations, including the small details like the sleeping Sir Jorgenbjorgen, books title, lutefisk, sextant, various portraits hanging on the wall and more 💙
I've found there are many unknown portraits that I think have a high chance of being Anna and Elsa's ancestors. I've also noticed that a few portraits are mentioned in various books too. So, here are my findings inspired by these details 😄
Before I begin, I want to give a shout-out to the Arendelle Archives projects related to royal family: Arendelle's Family Tree and Anna and Elsa's lost relatives!❄️
Three royal portraits from Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea. (Pics credit 'ann_mochi' from X)
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2. The same portrait was appeared in World of Frozen at HongKong Disneyland. (Pic credit: here)
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3. The same portrait was appeared in Frozen 1 and Frozen Fever too.
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(So who she is, I'm really wondering about it...)
4. An unknown Viking portrait from Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea (Pics credit 'westergaard2319' from X)
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5. A Frozen World - Various royal portraits (Pg. 44 & 45) (the portraits are in the council chambers)
The same Viking portrait was appeared in here (the middle portrait)
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The 4th portrait from the left was appeared in Frozen 2.
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6. A Frozen Heart - Anna great-great-great grandfather (Pg. 34) (the portrait is in the royal family's portrait room)
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7. Dangerous Secrets: The Story of Iduna and Agnarr i. Agnarr great-great-great grandfather, King Eric (Pg. 51) ii. Agnarr great-great grandmother, Queen Else (Pg. 51) (both of the portraits are in the royal family's portrait room)
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iii. Agnarr’s mother, Queen Rita (Pg. 116) (the portrait is in the secret room at the library)
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8. Forest of Shadows - Aren of Arendelle (Pg. 65) (the portrait is in the secret room at the library)
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9. Polar Nights: Cast Into Darkness - Aren of Arendelle (Pg. 128) (the same portrait that appeared in Forest of Shadows)
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10. Additionally, there are a few captain portraits appeared in Tokyo DisneySea and HongKong Disneyland.
Two captains from Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea (Pics credit 'westergaard2319' from X):
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Another two captains from World of Frozen at HongKong Disneyland: Captain Storm Ostberg and Admiral A.R. Nannsen, which I don't think they appeared in any books. (Pics credit: here)
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I might missed any, feel free to add on 😄
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 years
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Elsa and Sir Jorgenbjorgen!
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He's available in Lego too! 😉
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tenshichan1013 · 3 years
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frozen japan high degree of perfection
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blizzahra · 4 years
Elsa and sir Jorgenbjorgen 🐧❄️
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he-le124 · 5 years
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Elsa, appreciating her "little friends".💙
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Silly Sir Jorgenbjorgen Thought
What if...around the time of Olaf’s Frozen Adventure (or slightly thereafter--it was a busy time), Elsa mused about all the stories the little stuffed puffin might have to say?  And what if her magic decided to make it so?
I imagine Sir Jorgenbjorgen’s voice to be that of Sir Ian McKellen--a baritone that just sticks with you and is utterly incongruous coming from a little stuffed critter.  And he’s a knight, with chivalry and honor with every fiber of his being--which, being made of yarn, is quite a bit.
And here’s the thing:  Sir Jorgenbjorgen remembers everything that’s ever happened to him or around him.  So, the little guy’s got a lot of stories to tell.
Of course, he may get a little hesitant when asked about Runeard.  He remembers those times as well. 
Basically, if Olaf is the manifestation of Elsa and Anna’s love and Marshmallow is derived form Elsa’s fear, then Sir Jorgenbjorgen is Elsa’s honor and nobility--as expected of her ideal knight.
And now, I have this absurd image of Jorgenbjorgen trying to defend Anna’s birthday cake from the Snowgies--which I wrote a while back:
    "Stop that," Sir Jorgenbjorgen said quietly. "Please do not gnaw on my wing."
    The snowgie seemed to consider this for a moment. Then it continued to mouth the yarn appendage.
    The stuffed puffin sighed.  "I ask once more:  Please do not gnaw on me."
    This time, the snowgie backed off for a moment. Then it returned to the puffin's flipper.
    Despite his mostly-blank expression, it was obvious that Sir Jorgenbjorgen was annoyed.  He snatched his wing out of the snowgie's mouth.
    "This is your last warning," he said, running out of patience.  "Do not do that again."
    The snowgie circled around and started gnawing on his other wing.  It seemed to take some defiant glee in doing so.
    The puffin had reached his limit.  He had tried to be reasonable.  He had tried to be kind.  It was little more than a child made of snow, though more impish than Olaf.
    With a sudden movement, Sir Jorgenbjorgen slipped his wing out of the snowgie's mouth and flung him some distance away. The snowgie didn't land very hard, but it was enough to bowl over some of its siblings as they caught it.
    As one, the mass of snowgies glared at the stuffed puffin.  To Kristoff's relief, this meant that the cake was safe for the time being.
    “I gave you a chance,” the puffin reminded the assembled snowgies.  “I am a peaceful puffin by nature, but I will carry out my duty.  If this puts us at odds, so be it.”
    One little wing stretched out from underneath the gloves that were his cloak.  It bent back and forth in an unmistakable gesture.
    “Have at you,” he declared.
    The snowgies surged towards the puffin.  The fight was on.
What do you think?
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jabs-wocks · 4 years
Hi! Just wanted to say I absolutely love your art! You’re so talented and I love the way you convey expression and motion. Have a great day!
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thank you kind anon T^T . Have sum Elsa and her protector, Sir Jorgenbjorgen
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wintersovereign · 2 years
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I started on Bianca’s snood to keep her big hound ears warm this winter. This will be the neck piece.
Replies to come after Thursday. Life got really busy. Between my brother’s accident, this lupus flair up, a big schedule change at work, and general day to day stuff; I am burnt out. So you get to see my crochet work.
Maybe I’ll make Sir JorgenBjorgen.
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