ghostsessioned · 11 months
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various tdc sketches because i can't help myself
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loveforskekshod · 2 years
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creeperchild · 1 year
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So here is the last and final prompt! The one they actually care for!
Surprised to see SkekTek, ey?
SkekTek tried to figure out how to cheat death after the scare with the death of the emperor. He carefully took a sample of the ashes, that was once SkekSo, and made a huge experiment to make a clone and possible bringing SkekSo back to life. Sadly the experiment was flawed and instead created a new skeksis. Once SkekTek figured that out, he threw a huge tantrum and tried to get rid off the SkekSyn, because he was a mistake. But oh my! SkekZok already knew about that experiment and refused that the doc kills off the skekling! Reluctant he accepted SkekZoks demand. He even gave the experiment a name! "SkekSyn" (Skeksis + Synthetic. I know, creative) The doc can't stand to be around him, because it just reminds him what a futile experiment he was and what a failure SkekTek is himself. But somehow SkekSyn tries his best to get the affection of SkekTek. He was the first person he has seen, once he opened his tiny eyes after all...
Wow. Just wow! That was my first prompt drawing and my, my that was fun! I am sure that I will join next year again!! : D
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Sorry for putting you through that torture lmao In seriousness though, once again I have been going through my Yearly Dark Crystal Phase™ and I saw that you had a really cool-looking Skeksis OC! I love seeing other peoples' Skeksi, so I hope you don't mind seeing this lil sketch of skekRho as drawing practice I did. I'm not sure how his relationship with his parents are, but I feel like skekAyuk would be really damn proud of his son essentially "following in his footsteps." He just seems like that kinda dad to me tbh, so I drew exactly that lol Hope you enjoy!!
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I never, ever mind and this is absolutely perfect and wonderful, thank you so much for this! Look at my boy and his proud daddy!
(And you called it; Rho's got a wonderful relationship with his dads. They're very doting on both their skeklings and he thinks the world of them.)
Although your phrasing's got me curious as to whether you have Dark Crystal OCs, and if so, please tell!
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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Skektember 1 : the colleague
Ok this year I tried to leave my artblock by doing Skektember for the first time ! Sadly it didn't truly work because even though I drew all 10 prompts made by SkekLa, I was sooo "blocked" it took me veeeery long to sketch and ink them and now I wouldn't ever have the time to color so even if I had planned to well black and white with red pen at times it is. This year's theme was having TDC OCs (or just one the whole time more) interacting with canon Skeksis according to 10 prompts, so 10 canon Skeksis with an OC whose relationship fits the day's prompt. The thing is I have most of my OCs, ESPECIALLY Skeksis, only in mine and @dracocheesecake's Natives AU, because since in canon there were only 18 UrSeks sent on Thra, so a precise number, I never felt like making more or it would contradict (sure I do rewrite or ignore some canon or semicanon trivias but this one is important to the worldbuilding and lore so I can't). So a good opportunity to draw characters from that AU either again or for a first time !
We start with SkekTek and his colleague, SkekLoom the Doctor, co-created with Draco. In canon, SkekTek isn't a doctor but does a doctor job despite not being a real expert at that (he does a shit job diagnosing SkekMal), he does science he doesn't heal that's not his job. In the AU, no need for these distractions from his work, SkekLoom is the one who heals everyone, diagnoses, helps delivering Skeklings etc. And he is treated as much as shit if not more as SkekTek since unlike him he isn't even a courtier and is taken for even more granted than SkekTek who even if treated like shit for being a commoner still did contribute to the empire with his inventions keeping him trapped in his illusions to be respected and recognized again. SkekLoom in fact is always gloomy and Squidward mode, even barely aknowledged by anyone, so why hoping for more ? He hates his life. But at least he and SkekTek are on cordial terms. Not friends, but 2 Skeksis of the same background and of a form of science. They both studied anatomy, and can in fact exchange their works and discuss observations they made on dead prisonners or slaves after an autopsy to help their fields progress and know more. At least someone does value their work, each think
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witchboxco · 2 years
The Pagan Tradition of Skekling in the Scottish Isles
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Skekling was a Pagan custom practiced in the Shetland Islands of Scotland, where people hoped the ritual would bring the sun back from the grip of winter and ensure good crops.
For centuries, skeklers went from house to house on Halloween and Yule. Skeklers were usually children aged between eight and 15, and they dressed in a straw skirt called a gloy, a short straw cloak, and a tall pointed straw hat. The costumes were woven together using family crops.
Skeklers entered the house and gathered around the hearth fire, usually in the centre of the room, to dance and demand cooked meat. The skeklers would often carry wooden staves, which they would rap on the floor, creating an eerie cacophony. They disguised their voice by speaking while breathing in, adding to the feeling that skekling invited supernatural, otherworldly elements into the home.
Full Article
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forbiddentaako · 2 years
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So i watched the dark crystal age of resistance and now we made skeksi ocs as a little silly goofy but now I want to make puppet of them askvhfid these are mine named skekle and Skekshroom respectively 
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skeksha97 · 1 year
How Skeksis Dream-Fasting in my AU works:
In my Au story on Ao3 I recently introduced the idea that Skeksis have their own version of Dream-fasting after I got the idea brought up to me by a friend. In this blog I will talk about how that is possible with how I’m handling it. So first of all for it to work, Aughra must be preset in order to link the Skeksis that want to talk in this way via their minds. She may not always enter the dream herself but it is the only way a Dream-fast between Skeksis will form. Whichever Skeksis that Aughra is with will tell her who he or she wants brought into his or her mind and she will magically make those or if it’s simply one Skeksis she’ll bring that one Skeksis into the mind of the Skeksis she is with at the time. In Dream-Fast or Dream Space the said Skeksis will always be pulled into the Chamber of the Crystal. Aughra has made this come with a price however. Should a Skeksis be talking with their mate in a Dream-Fast or Dream Space sequence they will be magically linked almost like a Skeksis-UrRu link.
As an example, in the story once SkekSha has her Dream Space sequence with Aughra and SkekSo both present, Aughra magically links their minds. Meaning one will always feel what the other feels, where the other is and know what the other thinks. Again very similar to the Skeksis-UrRu link.
I guess now would also be a good time to talk about a Mother Skeksis and Skekling bond thoroughly too. When a Skekling is born a magical link immediately forms between that Skekling and their mother. Wether it’s Thra itself doing it or the strong instinct a mother Skeksis immediately has to protect and care for her Skeklings is sort of a mystery. Once this link forms (usually when the mother is cleaning her Skeklings the moment after they are born so pretty much from the first touch a Skekling feels from their mother) it is a bond and link that will carry throughout the lives of the mother Skeksis and her Skeklings until their deaths. A magical link can also form between the Skeklings themselves.
This same link also happens between Mystic mothers and their Mystlings too. In terms of Skeklings and Mystling links often times when a Skekling is born so is their Mystic counterpart.
I just thought these would be interesting topics worth talking about from my fanfic so you guys have a better idea.
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portersposse · 2 years
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theta-donaldson · 2 years
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Decided to redesign how I draw skeklings.
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polarwooly · 3 years
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Some cute DC: AoR themed commissions I made for @thecottageinthedark and @angorwhosebabyisthis.
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tendervulture · 3 years
Fanartists of non-human characters are always looking for excuses to draw cute babies of their favorite species, and if they cannot find them in canon, they will create them.
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
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Skektember 9 : the one they hate
In the Natives AU, SkekShod and SkekLi spent at some point a drunken night of passion together. No love or anything, just 2 drunk guys fucking. SkekLi left arter his semo punishment, SkekShod stayed... but, afraid that SkekSo who had him in his bad graces and had bashed him on his head would do worse to ruin his life, the next time SkekLi visited he shoved in his arms an egg/a baby (depensing out own takes, @dracocheesecake sees the Skeks are oviparian while I don't lol sub AUs) to bring with him to protect them as much as it pained him. His ! SkekLi was absolutely not ready or responsible enough for that, ESPECIALLY since he had already gotten SkekLach pregnant before after just a one night stand during mating season, WHY did it keep happening to him !? Not seeing how he could rise a Skekling while being a semi-banished wandering artist, he gave them to an old friend and former crush/booty call : UrLii. UrLii was NOT ready either but couldn't just abandon a baby so had no choice but accept. He named them SkekMi (belong to Draco). He raised her like an UrRu, teaching her their ways and protecting her from racist remarks from other UrRu who did not lile to see a Skekling playing with their Urrlings. SkekLi would sometimes visit, but more like an irresponsible uncle than as a father staying just for the fun part of parenting and leaving when it becomes hard, to both UrLii's annoyance and SkekMi's disappointment. But she got used to it
Though one day as a teenager she asked him who her mother was. Li didn't lie, it was the Treasurer, SkekShod. SkekMi asked him one to bring her with him to meet him, which he accepted (only because he was going there already). SkekShod was absolutely emotional. She has grown so much, she was healthy, she was beautiful !... ok she was intoxicated with Mystic way of life but she was alive and well and that was all that matteted. SkekMi can't visit all the time, looking too UrRu for her sake in such an Urruphobic town, but she does try to visit her newfound family to catch up Only issue is... SkekShod, some time after having given her to SkekLi, had fallen in love with SkekOk and they mated off and had 2 children together (with whom she is neutral with. Awkward together). SkekOk not only was appalled he never told him such a secret feeling like he didn't trust him after all these years, he also found out he had a child with SOMEONE ELSE EVEN IF IT WERE BEFORE HIM, RIVALLING HIS OWN LEGETIMATE BABIES ?! SkekOk got a hate at first sight with the teen which soon became mutual. The cliché evil stepfather who mocks her looks, calls her ugly, compares her to HIS perfect children, reminds her whenever he can that Shod abandonned her while he didn't abandon the others which proves she means nothing to him so she could perfectly just never visit again... she knows those are all lies but it hurts, and it makes her wish to retort back. But she can't. He is a courtier and he could rat on a Skeksis raised by the enemy anytime. He doesn't just for his mate... for now
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darkskek · 3 years
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She sits
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skekgroodie · 3 years
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It's been a while since I've posted! I wanted to introduce you to a "new" ocs, SkekUth (SkekSa and SkekOwa are the two parents). I like her a lot, already because it's a good excuse to draw a boastful and confident skek’ but also because I had to have a little one from SkekSa (blessed her, she's my favorite sexy pirate).
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randomskeksiscorner · 3 years
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Was in a skekling drawing mood. Little Ander
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