#Skeleton Dancing Halloween hoodie
bumblesimagines · 2 years
“The fact that I’m single for Halloween sucks.”
“The fact that I’m single for Halloween sucks.”
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Collapsing on the couch, Lexi practically sprawled out on it, watching Rue and Jules dance. Her outfit, a 'modern' version of Mary Sanderson, had been everything but comfortable. The skirt Cassie picked out for their matching sister outfits had been incredibly short and Lexi found herself tugging at it constantly.
"Tired already?" Lexi felt the couch shift as new weight was added on it.
"It's always exhausting coming to parties." Lexi breathed and sat up straighter, tugging at the ends of her skirt once more. Your gaze flickered to her lap and Lexi felt her cheeks heat but before she could voice her innocence in the costume choice, you pulled out the pillow squeezed between your back and the couch, plopping on her lap.
"They're having more fun than us." You nodded toward the couples dancing. Lexi ran her hands over the pillow, fingers stopped at the sides.
"The fact that I’m single for Halloween sucks. I'd kill to do a couples costume with someone." Lexi muttered, eyeing Rue and Jules matching outfits.
"Technically, you did do a couples costume."
"Yeah, but the whole Hocus Pocus idea was all Cassie. Besides, I'd rather be not be in a miniskirt." Lexi glanced at you. You'd gone for a more simple costume; a skeleton hoodie and some skeleton makeup. Much more comfortable than her costume.
"Why don't we do a couples costume next year? You can choose."
"But- like- a-as a couple?" Lexi questioned, eyes widening and skin flushing.
"Yeah. We can talk about it more tomorrow. Let's say at 6? We can grab lunch and everything."
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tteokokki · 1 year
Spooky Skeletons!
- Day 9 of ageretober! (Agere/KidFic)
Little & autistic Tzuyu (4yrs) with Mummy!Jihyo & Mama!Sana
Enjoy! 🩵
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Sana and Jihyo were planning this trip for years and it's finally happening in a month of work. One of Tzuyu's dreams was going to Disney World on Halloween particularly because it wasn't scary like going to neighbourhoods and asking trick or treat and hearing people screaming during the whole afternoon and evening.
They packed every single thing they would need costumes, baby/toddler/little gears, some pull-ups, Tzuyu's snacks, etc...They are staying at the Disney resort, doing activities everyday.
" Tzu come here to Mama! " Sana said waiting for the little girl to get her dressed so they could go to Magic Kingdom. The little girl came almost running on her toes to Sana.
" Mama 'Ook! Mummy made bwaids! " The girl said in a exited whisper, she showed to Sana the two little braids Jihyo just did on her hair.
" They are beautiful Sweetheart! And you look so good with them! " Sana chuckled and got up from the bed starting to dress Tzuyu up.
They were all wearing matching outfits, just with diferent colored Dismey hoodies, Jihyo begged for them to used. Tzuyu wasn't the one to complain she genuinely loved matching with her Mommys, she was wearing sweatpants and felt confortable to be on them the whole day. It's autumn so naturally it is cold and for a Baby like Tzu who feels cold easily it was the perfect outfit for the day.
" Let's go My Loves? " Jihyo asking picking her and Sana's backpack and Tzuyu's to put on the Little one's back.
They went to the big car on the garage and started their way to the park, it was still morning so they would be having a day full of attractions meeting with some characters eating delicious things, more for Sana and Jihyo.
They day went by fast, and the three of them were getting ready in their costumes to go back to the park for the Not So Scary Halloween Party! They were all dressed up as the Teletubbies, Tzuyu was Po, Jihyo was Laa Laa and Sana was Tinky Winky.
As now at night it was more calm then in the morning Tzuyu choose not to were her sound muffler headphones. They party was great and trick or treating was so fun to all of them. The last thing was the Boo To You parade as soon as it started Tzuyu asked for her headphones, she was a little sick of sleepiness, so she was clinging on Jihyo while looking to the parade.
One thing no one was expecting was that th parade had little jump scares, nothing too much h because there were a lot of kids, but Tzuyu was falling to a younger space every minute. The second last parade car was full of dancing skeletons that would get off the car and try scaring some families.
As much as Sana prayed for them to pass by, one stopped right in front of them, Tzuyu looked away rapidly but got scared the same with triggered a panic cry from the little one. Jihyo started bouncing her and tried to calm her down, but it wasn't quite working out, lucky them because Tzuyu did not cried loud but she was shaking, it was a sign to go home...
As much as it hurts a little to go to the Hotel now , they have to sleep and calm a baby down.
Soon when they enter the room, Tzuyu is visibly calmer, just some sniffles and weak sobs.
" Tzu! Come bath with Mama and I baby! " Jihyo picked the girl up going to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath before sleeping time.
Soon they went to sleep, tomorrow would be just as exhausting as today!
- Not my best one yet but it is something diferent, I think
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Dab with the Pack: Dabbing Werewolf Halloween Costume Essentials
Picture this: the full moon rises on All Hallows' Eve, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Shadows lengthen, and a cool breeze rustles through bare tree branches. But instead of the expected howl, we hear... music? And there, silhouetted against the moonlit sky, is a sight both bizarre and oddly captivating - a werewolf striking the dab pose.
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This isn't your typical lycanthrope. Our dabbing werewolf has fully embraced modern pop culture, blending the supernatural with the viral. Standing on two legs, its muscular form is covered in thick, shaggy fur ranging from deep browns to silvery grays. Sharp claws extend from its paw-like hands and feet, glinting in the moonlight. The werewolf's elongated snout is filled with gleaming fangs, and pointed ears perk up attentively.
But here's where things take a turn for the surreal. Instead of lunging at prey or howling at the moon, this werewolf has one arm stretched out to the side while the other is bent, bringing the elbow up to cover its eyes in the iconic dab motion. Its lupine features are arranged in an expression that can only be described as pure, unbridled enthusiasm.
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The juxtaposition of the fearsome creature and the playful pose creates a visual that's equal parts humorous and uncanny. It's as if the werewolf, mid-transformation, decided to take a break from its usual terrorizing routine to bust out some trendy moves.
Surrounding our dabbing werewolf is a Halloween tableau that only emphasizes the absurdity of the scene. Jack-o'-lanterns grin from nearby porches, their flickering lights casting dancing shadows. Fake cobwebs stretch between trees, and plastic skeletons dangle from branches. In the distance, costumed trick-or-treaters can be seen making their rounds, blissfully unaware of the dabbing monster in their midst.
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This image encapsulates the spirit of a modern Halloween - a holiday that blends the spooky with the silly, the traditional with the trendy. It's a perfect representation of how classic horror tropes can be reimagined and made relevant for a new generation. The dabbing werewolf becomes a mascot for those who love Halloween but prefer their scares with a heavy dose of humor.
For costume enthusiasts and party-goers, the Dab Dabbing Werewolf offers inspiration for a unique and memorable outfit. Imagine showing up to a Halloween bash in full werewolf regalia, only to spend the night striking dab poses for photos. It's a guaranteed conversation starter and a surefire way to stand out in a sea of generic costumes.
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This concept also lends itself well to Halloween-themed merchandise. Picture t-shirts, hoodies, and even inflatable lawn decorations featuring the dabbing werewolf. It's the kind of image that could easily go viral on social media, spreading Halloween cheer in an unexpected way.
In essence, the Dab Dabbing Werewolf - Halloween keyword represents a playful collision of worlds. It's a reminder that even the most fearsome creatures of the night aren't immune to the allure of internet trends. This werewolf howls not just at the moon, but at the ever-changing landscape of pop culture, inviting us all to embrace the fun and freaky spirit of Halloween.
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bree4 · 4 months
I know who killed me Chapter 2
"Ethan wake up you're going to be late!" shouts my older brother Corbin, i was out late last night with my friends we went trick or treating but i remembered we got into a big argument about something i forget but i know Charlie stormed off and the rest of us walked home in the dark. we decided to drink for the first time last night and i think i went over board with the alcohol, i don't think i will do it anytime soon. it was gross and i feel like shit, is this what grown ups mean when they get 'hungover'? if so than it's terrible. i look at the time and there's only ten minutes before the bus shows up. i jump out of bed and grabs some pj pants and oversized hoodie that has a skeleton ribcage on the front and my halloween snoopy tote bag and throw my vans on and run out the door. 
there's about four other kids at this bus stop by the time i get there but i don't see Charlie anywhere i can see his house from here but there's no sign of him. weird, i'll call him, straight to voice mail. what the heck? maybe he will be late for school, his parents let him stay home if he's caught up in class so that's probably it? so why do i feel like this is off. and why do i keep overthinking i need to stop, shit. i forgot to take my anxiety meds this morning. i'm off today.....
the bus comes to a stop breaking my inner thoughts.
the bus arrives at Ethan and Olivia's stop and they get on looking as bad as i feel, Olivia is wearing sweatpants and a shirt i assume is from brandy Melville and a teddy bear jacket with a pair of ugg minis, Ethan has on pj pants and a grey zip up hoodie. we look like we literally rolled out of bed, Olivia has her hair in a bun and Ethan's hair looks messy under the hood. they sit next to me and both give me a look that means where-is-Charlie i just shrug. i put in my headphones and shut my eyes.
ten minutes later i'm shoved awake Ethan is pointing at the parking lot of the school here two cop cars are parked. i look at him in confusion and Olivia's face goes pale. something is wrong.
"all students please go to the gym for an important announcement." Mr.Kutcherson shouts to the student body, one by one we all head inside, the gym is separated by grade Olivia and I head over to the eighth grade section while Ethan goes to the Ninth. there's cops inside on the gym floor where the teachers are sitting, Olivia holds my hand for comfort i think it's more for her than me. 
The Sheriff walks out and marches across the gymnasium to the front of the all of us. he takes a breath before speaking. 
"a student was murdered last night..."
i go numb.
"The student was in the Eighth Grade..."
no. please no.
"His name...."
"Charlie Summers."
i can't breathe, there's no more oxygen left for me. i sit there I'm frozen, i can't move at all. i'm hyperventilating, please no please no not here Liam. i tell myself, i can feel an anxiety attack about to happen. i'm shaking screaming a blood curdling scream and a sob to meet comes next; only it's not me... OLIVIA. Fuck.
she collapsed and is now crying so hard i think she might pass out, i scoop her up in my arms i'm crying too, i look over to where Ethan was sitting he isn't there. i look around and i can't find him i hold Olivia in my arms to comfort her. i don't know what to do.
"if anyone has any information about what happened on halloween night please come forward. anyone who was with him will need to come forward we have questions. you're parents will be there as well." i suddenly feel everyone's eyes shift to us. i can't look at them, then i hear "where is Charlie", from someone a few rows behind us not sure who it is i just get up and pick Olivia off the ground she's still sobbing but i need to be strong for us both and i need to find Ethan. 
2 Months Earlier.....
"Let's have a summerween party!" Charlie is Dancing with excitement at the idea.
"what?" i ask because i don't know what that is.
"summer-w-ee-n halloween in the summer." he explains, which is not surprising because he loves halloween more than anyone.
"halloween in the summer? why?" i ask even though the idea sounds like fun, i just can't give it away that i am excited.
"because it's hot and miserable outside i miss the crisp fall air, and i miss the cozy smell of pumpkin spice lattes and i miss pumpkins and miss-"
"you miss halloween i know.." i cut him off because i can't hear this again. he starts planning the halloween plans before school even ends. if he were a season it would be autumn. 
he screams in excitement and hugs me knocking us onto my bed we laugh for a second, but then i get butterflies as stare at him his face is so close to mine, so close that i can see the colours of green in his eyes. he notices and gets off of me. he's blushing. i change the subject.
"you're so skinny you need to eat something" i joke. the light i just saw dimmed from his eyes as he looks at me like i told him his cat died.
"no i don't, i gained like ten pounds." he says
"you count? kid we are going through puberty it's not like we are staying small forever hopefully." 
i hurt his feelings, i can tell.
"no it's fine. so about the party?" he comes back to the summerween idea.
"we can invite Olivia and Ethan over watch Disney halloween specials and hocus pocas and other stuff i'll get the snacks and you can get the drinks. we will decorate your room with tacky halloween decorations and we can wear costumes and take pictures for Tumblr and Instagram." i offer.
"that's what i'm talking about. i'll see you later i need to find the decorations, he leaves my room and i collapse on my bed."
2months later....
Ethan Lowry, Olivia Bennington, Liam Green report to the Principal Office now. the three of us walk to the office i'm shaking but i'm trying to remain calm. I look over to the Olivia and Ethan they seem to have no emotion at all. the tension is so thick i feels impossible to breath.
we arrive inside the principals office and the Sheriff comes behind us as we sit. i can hear his loud boots as he circles all three of us and asks.
"so tell me... what happened last night?"
i take a breath.
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angelicshirt · 1 year
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teesmine · 2 years
Skeleton Dancing Halloween Hoodie Design for Women and Men | Teesmine.com
Welcome to Teesmine. This hoodie is screen-printed by hand and uses only high-quality prints. The ink is pressed into the fabric permanently and cured at high temperatures so the image will not fade, crack, or wash off. Skeleton Dancing Halloween Hoodie Design is excellent for anyone who enjoys the show and it’s a cool option for a casual Hangout and cosplay costume or for just lounging around binge-watching Buffy on Netflix! These are adult unisex, but may run small for men and are true to size for women. However, please use the measurements below to ensure you get the best fit for your body.
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Hoodie Design Product Description :
*Material – 50% Cotton / 50% Polyester-Preshrunk custom hoodie *270 g/m2 (7.75 oz) *Air jet yarn = softer feeling with no annoying pilling *Quality Double-lined hood with matching drawstring – looks good on and off *Double-needle stitching for strength and durability *Custom hoodie has Cool Pouch pocket to keep your hands warm *Retain for Athletic rib with spandex to ensure shape *1×1 athletic rib with spandex
* We Accept PayPal, direct from your Credit Card * PayPal is a safe, fast, and easy online payment. Hoodies ship within 3-5 business days. International Shipping should take 1-3 weeks to be delivered after being shipped.
Thank you for buying the “Skeleton Dancing Halloween Hoodie”
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After a lot of time looking through the build-a-bear website, I have put together a list of what I think are the best clothes for Lancer to get. Only problem is we cant buy them all so I made a poll so all of Lancer's devoted fans can vote. The most voted for options will be bought for Lancer so he can have a very stylish new wardrobe.
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Options include:
An "I'm essential" t-shirt, in case any teacher questions wether or not Lancer needs to be in class
A pumpkin costume, it's getting close to Halloween and Lancer needs to show his spirit
A white lab coat, Lancer could wear it during labs in the class and look very professional
Neon shorts, they look very cool
A cheer leading outfit, our school color is red and we could bring Lancer to the pep rallies and other school events wearing it
A skeleton suit, it's anatomy class
A grey hoodie, I figured he could have some normal looking clothes to help him blend in and hoodies are comfy
A plaid coat, it has nice colors and Lancer would look great in it
A blue tuxedo, Lancer needs some formal wear and could possibly attend one of the school dances in it
A plain black t-shirt, (not pictured) someone suggested Lancer get a thrasher shirt which we could make from a plain black shirt
You can vote for as many options as you like, but if everyone voted for everything than we'll be back where we started so maybe don't do that. The poll is anonymous but don't submit multiple responses because that's not fair to the people who don't have time to submit 30 responses.
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pseudonympls · 3 years
October 31st
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Spooky cover art by the insanely talented @pharlapcartoonist 🖤
Bo Burnham x Reader.  AFAB Reader.
Rating: Teen
TW: alcohol, kissing. Suggestive language. Fluff, friends to lovers. Sex references. Brief nudity.
Era: College AU
Just a lil cute bit of fluff, needed a sweet distraction while I’m writing the Sad Fic haha, hope you enjoy! Wrote the entire thing on my phone which is weird for me, so just a lil drabble :3 College Halloween AU vibes.
Word Count: 3.4k (sorry, bit too long for a drabble, can anyone shut the fuck up?)
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His eyes caught yours over the pumpkin piñata. Devilish glances over punch laced with cheap vodka, candy corns sticking to the bottom of your red solo cup as you grabbed it off the table.
Sickly sweet, that blonde boy.
‘Don’t fear the reaper’s’ chords thrum out of the amps all lined up against the staircase. Screams of joy from the other partygoers, vampire fangs, too small witches brooms and old sheets with eye holes fly through the air in a flurry as the dance floor fills.
You see him, above the throngs of people. Towering over most of them, actually. An absent expression painted on his face, about as much effort put into his costume as you’d expect from someone looking so forlorn at a party - a black skeleton onesie.
Glancing down to your own outfit, much of the same could be said about it. Fishnet tights, a red dress paired with a red hoodie. Luckily red was your colour and you didn’t struggle to find these items, already in your wardrobe. A happy coincidence as your classmates dragged you along to another party you didn’t want to attend.
Your friend gallops towards you through the mess of people, seemingly annoyed at your lack of active “partying”.
“Hey, you!” She sidles up next to you, pulling the hood up over your head and laughing a little.
“Haven't found your wolf yet?” She jibes, thinking herself funny.
“Uh, the wolf kills little red riding hood, why would I wanna find him?” You reply, taking another large gulp of your beverage, delighting in the hot sensation of the alcohol slipping down your throat.
You leave the hood up - it’s not as if you did much to your hair prior to coming out tonight, and it was more immediately apparent what your costume was. Heading back to the table, complete with pumpkin pattern plastic tablecloth, candy strewn everywhere and the all important punch.
Filling your cup once more, the red liquid dribbling down the sides, you bring your hand up to lick the remnants off. You then made the mistake of turning your eyes upward, catching the skeleton’s eye from across the table: fistful of candy corn in one hand, and a…was that a plastic skeleton arm? He made it wave to you across the table.
You placed a sticky hand to your mouth, the alcohol affording you some confidence. Soft giggles erupted through your chest.
The skeleton was Bo, you’d seen him ever so often in your Theatre class, when he bothered to show up, that is. He was always a heavy presence in the room, forever asking the professor abstract, in depth questions about the subject at hand. That, and being the class clown.
There were rumours going around that he was flunking every class, and that he’d be gone by next semester. A small part of you hoped it wasn’t true. He provided a nice distraction whenever you didn’t feel like paying attention.
The blond boy with the glasses, forever running his hands through his hair, always trying to catch the professor out with his wit.
He offered you a snaggle toothed grin from across the table and motioned his head to the left. You pointed in the general direction, to which he nodded, raising his eyebrows.
The distinct lack of his glasses tonight made his bright blue eyes shine brighter in the technicolour whirl that was the party’s lights. Standing out stark against the carnival craziness.
Inwardly you took a deep breath and followed over to where he’d motioned, finally reaching your destination, you looked up at him, adjusting your hood. He towered over you, smiling down at you from what you thought must be well over six and a half feet.
He said your name, his deep voice cutting through the loud music like a hot knife through butter.
“Right?” He smiled, raising his own cup to his lips briefly.
A little shocked that he’d remembered your name, hearing it roll off his tongue. It sounded good between his lips.
“Yeah, yeah, intro to theatre” you nodded along, trying to keep your cool.
“Bo? Right?” You added, and he smiled.
“So, what do you think of Professor Walker?” He starts, your stomach drops. Casual small talk bitching about the professor? You had hoped you’d talk about something a little more interesting.
“Uhh, yeah, Walker’s just so…dry” you began, chuckling a little.
He nodded, crossing his hands over his torso, scrunching his nose into a scowl.
“Yeah, like, that man does not understand creativity in the slightest. Every time I ask a somewhat pervasive or interesting question he just fucking shuts me down. Like the only thing he’s interested in is getting us to pass intro to theatre, ugh.”
You nod along, but he must realise he’s rambling, as he runs an errant hand through his fluffy dark blond locks, looking at you as a form of apology.
“So anyway, what brings you here, Red?” - he asks, and it’s as if your skin tries to match your outfit as his reference to your costume makes the skin on your cheeks light up.
“Oh, um, annoying roommates” you nod back to your friend, who was in the middle of trying to split the pumpkin piñata in two.
“Hmm, same” he nods, finishing his drink in one long gulp and setting his cup down.
“So, do you wanna get the hell outta here?” He asks, half of his lips turning into a sly smile.
“Fuck yeah” you shout over the music, his sly smile breaks into a full on grin, as he grabs your sticky fingers and leads you out of the obnoxiously decorated frat house.
The music thumping in your ears, you struggle to keep up with his large strides, each breath becoming a breathless laugh as you pass all sorts of scenes on the way out.
You both step out into the cool October night, suddenly thankful a hoodie was part of your costume, you hurriedly zipped it up.
Looking down at you, he pulled his own hood up around his head, and asked “do you wanna see something kinda cool?” The thrill of leaving a party you didn’t wanna be at hadn’t quite worn off, and you nodded expectantly.
You both began to walk in the direction of the library, a slight haze from the alcohol settled in on your brain. Warm, fuzzy, you followed him.
“Wait, Bo, are we going to the library? Surely it’s closed now?”
“It is” he replied, stuffing a hand into his pockets and pulling out his keys, picking out one from the rest, he waved it in front of your face. “But locks don’t really matter, when you’ve got the key” he smiled.
Your bemused luck prompted more of an explanation. “Oh right, yeah I was a library assistant first semester, and they just…forgot…to take the keys off me” he smiled again, and your belly did little flips at seeing his eyes wrinkle at the corners, the dimple on his right cheek.
In that moment, it was good enough an explanation, and you both walked up to the double doors to the library, making sure to check that the coast was clear before unlocking the doors and slipping inside.
Hearing heeled footsteps down the corridor you both froze, ducking down beneath the glass panes in the door.
He pulled a finger up to his lips, trying not to laugh himself, as you both stared at each other, part in fear of getting caught, part in pure excitement.
His position crumpled up against the door looking significantly more uncomfortable than yours, you both waited for the footsteps to recede into the night.
Finally, when you were both sure whoever it was had gone, you burst into stifled laughter, as Bo motioned for you to come further into the room.
The college’s library was pretty impressive, as most libraries usually are. Ornate but unassuming, literary yet humble.
Feeling in your pocket for the hip flask, you unscrewed the top and took a small swig. Bo looked over at you and extended his hand out towards you, eyebrows raised.
“It’s gin, do you drink gin?” You asked snarkily.
“I’m a college student, I drink anything that’s alcoholic” he whispered as he took the flask from you, took a sip and flinched substantially.
“Why are you whispering? No-ones working in here” you replied, making a conscious effort to speak at a normal volume.
“Habit, I guess” he whispers back knowingly.
You kept on walking in a particular direction for a few moments before impatience gets the better of you.
“So, Bo, I like books a fair bit, but what’s so cool about a library at night?” You say, your voice wavering in and out of a whisper. Habit, you guess.
“You’ll see” he takes you through a side door and up two, three, four, five flights of stairs. You reach the top - nowhere else to go but a tiny door in the corner of the hallway.
“What is that….” You cackle, pointing to the small door, watching his expression remain serious.
“Wait,, we’re going in there?” You raise your eyebrows at him and he nods, finding his keys again, looking at each of them close up, before settling on the oldest looking one of the bunch.
He crouches down to reach the keyhole, and opens the door. It swings open with a surprising, and spooky, creek.
He gestures for you to go first, a slight breeze is flowing through the space where the door was, and faint twinkling lights can be seen. Lucky for you, you don’t have to crouch to get through the door.
Walking through, your breath feels like it was stolen. The campus spread out beneath your feet, twinkling lights from the street lamps litter the ground. Tall oak trees usually standing proud and tall look tiny and insignificant now. The far off hubbub of all the Halloween parties is but a distant whisper.
“Nice, huh?” You feel him behind you and you turn around, face to face.
“Yeah it’s pretty…spectacular…I didn’t even know the library had a rooftop!” You say, marvelling at your surroundings still.
“It doesn’t, not really, this is just a fancy fire escape” he gestures to the metal stairs next to the door.
He kneels down and sits, cross legged on the floor, not too far from the edge. You follow suit. The alcohol steadying your fear of heights.
“I come here to think” he says “to look, you know, have some existential crises from time to time” his voice lilts as he looks at you, shadows playing on his features. The fuzz of the night time obscuring him a little.
“Do you think about leaving?” You absentmindedly ask. “Shit, sorry” you realise you may have crossed a line.
He scoffs “don’t be sorry, I’ve heard the rumours, they’re not true, by the way, I’m not flunking… everything” he laughs darkly.
“I just…I dunno, I don’t know if this is the path for me, If it ever truly was…there’s just nothing really keeping me here, y’know?” His voice turns a little quiet at the end. You nod along, wanting to hear more.
But he doesn’t say anything else for a while, to break the silence you reach for your hip flask, taking a sip and handing it to him.
“I know what it’s like…to wonder if this is where you’re meant to be…” you agree, staring out across the campus.
“But you seem so, calm and collected, so smart, I saw you carry that group project a while back - that was definitely all you” he grinned, and you felt the familiar flush return. Hoping it was dark enough that he didn’t see.
Seemingly enjoying the effects of the liquid courage, he carried on “I’ve been meaning to say something to you for months now, I just really admire the way you carry yourself, I…” he trails off and you glance down at both your hands on the cold concrete ground, fingers mere millimetres from one another’s.
You fight the urge to close the gap.
“I’m really not what I seem, I’m a mess under this facade” you laugh into your hip flask.
“I’d like to see what’s underneath the facade” he whispers, and you question yourself whether you even hear him say it.
If it’s just the whistling of the wind - you are several storeys up after all. Your stomach drops and you hear him say “fuck, sorry, that was inappropriate”
You awkwardly laugh, and adjust your hand, your fingers accidentally on his now. Stark contrast between the cold hard concrete with the warmth and softness of his skin.
Inhaling sharply you turn to face him, the left side of his face gently illuminated by the lights below. You see him close the gap between you and you whisper “I don’t think it was inappropriate” you feel his warm breath caress your face, smelling sweetly of gin.
“No?” He whispers back, the closeness of his voice making you tremble, or is it the coolness of this Halloween night?
Catching his eyes in the dark, you felt brazen enough to test the waters, seeing the way the shadows played on his jawline, the twinkle in his eye reflecting the lights below you, now was the time.
“No, maybe I want you to see what’s under…here” feeling a surge of confidence you lean in, joining your lips together.
His lips are soft but firm, not afraid to apply just the right amount of pressure, of wetness, on yours. His fingers flex beneath yours and his other hand enters your hood, softly cradling your head, fingers slowly pressing through your hair.
Moaning into the kiss, he leans further into you, deepening it. Tongues brushing up against one another’s in perfect rhythm, your heart feeling like it might burst out of your chest, any minute now.
Just as you were wondering how far he was willing to go tonight, he pulled back from you “do you wanna go…somewhere a bit warmer?” His breathing erratic, hearing him almost pant made you feel feral.
“Mmhm, yeah” you squeezed his fingertips with yours as you both got to your feet. He looked down at you, his expression unreadable, grabbing your hand and starting to laugh, he pulled you with him out the door and down the stairs.
Upon exiting the library, you took the lead this time, sticky fingers intertwining as you led this tall skeleton to your dorm, both laughing all the while.
Fumbling your key in the lock you felt Bo behind you, his large hands resting on your hips, such a distraction that you couldn’t quite get the key in the lock.
He crouched down and rested his chin on your shoulder, his hair tickling you as he tilted his head to the side and began kissing your neck softly.
Finally opening the door you sighed in relief seeing that your roommate was still out, probably at the Halloween party.
No sooner had the door shut, you were pressed against it, Bo continuing his teasing kisses up and down your neck, fistfuls of your hair between his fingers as your eyelids slid shut in pleasure.
Even through the haze of gin you can’t quite believe this is all happening. Sliding the deadbolt across the door, you push him back toward your bed.
As your bodies slicked together, mouths barely parting, finding each other in the dark, attaining your climaxes.
Fingers, tongues working expertly, eyes watching intently as the other tipped over the edge, sweat glistening by the full moon on that cloudless October night, you were haunted by a faint sadness, that this was all it would ever be.
Falling apart by another’s hand had never felt so good.
Sated by the gin and your orgasm, you fell into a deep slumber. The chill of the night crept through your window, prompting Bo to pull the covers tight around both your naked bodies.
Draping his long arm over your body as you slept, nestled against one another perfectly.
Still, the harsh light of day inevitably came along, as it always did.
Your eyes slowly focused on your room, adjusting to the cold autumnal light.
Feeling Bo’s slender naked body pressed up against yours you couldn’t suppress a smile as you enjoyed the cosy bubble, that you were sure enough was about to burst, any moment now.
You hadn’t exactly played the field these past few years, you’d had boyfriends sure, and some casual encounters, but something deep within whispered that you didn’t want this to be just a one time thing…
Feeling you stir must have pulled him from sleep, as his hand, draped along your stomach travelled down to your hip, tracing along the side of your body, leaving a trail of electricity in its wake.
“Morning” his deep voice thick with sleep caressed the backs of your ears. You replied with a small “hey” as his hand pulled you over to face him.
Suddenly feeling self conscious in the cold light of day, you pulled a hand up to your face, parting your fingers so your eyes could peek through.
“Don’t look at me, god knows what I look like” you tried to joke, but your insecurity was shining through just fine.
He tuts and whispers your name, gently pulling your fingers away from your face. “You look…lovely actually, hair just the right amount disheveled…and I mean that’s partly my fault…” his words still softly garbled by the morning, felt gentle and genuine.
“Your nose is a little red, are you cold or are you just really fucking cute?” He smiled, booping your nose with the tip of his finger. You felt like it just got redder.
Seeing this goofy gorgeous man in your bed that morning, you felt the urge to kiss him again, as if you didn’t get enough of his body just a few hours ago.
You began to lean in, and he took his cue, nestling closer to you, lips eagerly waiting, and then, keys jangling by the door.
Shit, your roommate was back.
But, you had used the deadbolt. Upon finding her keys wouldn’t work in the lock she began shouting your name, and banging on the door.
You and Bo leapt out of bed, scrambling for your clothes, you suppressed a giggle as you saw Bo’s boner bouncing around in his haste to find underwear, socks.
“Hey…” a muffled voice comes through the door “we agreed to use the deadbolt if we had a guy round…DO YOU HAVE A GUY IN THERE?!” Your roommate shouts, part anger, part joy.
“Breakfast?” You mouth to Bo, now almost fully decent. He nodded at you with a small smile.
Silently you counted down 3…2…1 as you opened the door and hurriedly moved past your roommate.
“I’ll explain later byeeee” you screamed down the hallway with Bo in tow. Both your hoods up you looked a sight, cheap, tall skeleton and red riding hood, on the 1st of November.
Gulping down your second cup of coffee to help dull the small headache that was blooming in the back of your head, you looked across the booth.
Bo, dressed as a skeleton. Bo the tall classmate you’d had for almost two years, Bo, the man you shared your body with last night for the first time.
There was an atmosphere for sure, and it wasn’t just the greasy smog in the air from the open kitchen across the bar.
He smiled at you as he drank deep from his own coffee cup, looking like he was about to start speaking at any given moment.
At the final time his mouth opened, ready to talk, the waitress came over and placed your pancakes in front of both of you.
Both uttering thanks you started on your food, the sounds of knife and fork scratching against the tin plates the only noises for a while.
You decided to be the one to break the silence.
“So…got any plans for today?” You started, it wasn’t the best, no, but you sort of just wanted to hear his voice again.
He whispers your name, and says “I don’t wanna do that small talk thing with you, I really don’t” and for a moment you feel hurt. He doesn’t wanna talk?
“But you know what, I might get some studying in,” he sighs, setting his knife and fork aside “I really don’t wanna come off too strong or anything, and tell me if this seems too…y’know, weird or whatever, but I think…maybe”
He grasps you from across the table, brushing his thumb across the back of your hand as he speaks.
“I think, maybe I’ve found my reason to stay here…”
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rainbow-sheeps · 3 years
Rainbow Sheeps Artober 2021
Hey folks! This is year 2 of Rainbow Sheeps Artober! This year we had five themes, Dragons, Myths, Holidays, Fall Food and Cozy Clothes. There are 155 prompts, five a day, for you to choose from! You can participate using any medium you want, writing, painting, digital art, cross stitch, etc - Mods Kili (@bat-kili) and Grey (@pokemontrainerfromgallifrey)
Flight Atop a dragon, favorite being from Mythos, Santa Claus’s Halloween Party, Pumpkitten Spice Latte, Cloak
Raising a baby dragon, Zeus failing to seduce something, an Addams Family Christmas, Packed Lunches, Fluffy Pajamas
A dragon who’s hoard is stuffed animals, Icarus and his boyfriend Apollo, Holidays as people, latte art, scarf worn by an animal
Autistic Dragon, Zeus taking all his kids to the mall for halloween costumes, Misadventures of Holiday decorating, Ginger Snaps, blanket cocoon
Tiny dragon who’s hoard is a single coin, Zeus messes up again, Santa Claws, Cinnamon Rolls, OC in a fluffy jacket
Dragon Dance, Arachne, Sp00ky Scary Skeletons, Your favorite fall dish, Comfy Movie Night
Baby Dragons in Halloween Costumes, Your favorite LGBT+ Myth, Holiday traditions, carving pumpkins to make pumpkin pie, new boots
Dragon family tree, hunters of Artemis Sleepover, Picking the Tree, Corn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Rain Boots
Dragons based off of an animal different than reptiles, Misunderstood Medusa, all the spirits of holidays together for new years eve, pumpkin spice prank potion, fluffy beanie
A herd of Dragons, Selkie Selkie Selkie Selkie, Menorah, Serving the Community, Sweater Weather
Feathered Dragon, A modern Myth of Gemini, Aliens First (Christmas, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah), A mug of your favorite fall drink, Oversized Sweaters
Dragon Halloween Party, your favorite myth but modern day, make up a new holiday and describe it, Corn Maze, birdies in a beanie
Hiding a dragon in your basement, Thor’s wedding to Thrym, I really don’t hate Christmas, Fancy Hot Cocoa, favorite sweater/hoodie
Ugly Duckling but Dragon, Hades and Persophone, Travel, Fall cafe, Snow suit and sledding
Jake Long, The aftermath of a great Mythological War, Pumpkin Carving, Pumpkin Spice Sweets, New Hat
Befriending the allegedly evil dragon, Your favorite myth but with furries, Holiday family dinner/ dinner with friends (or for Halloween just eating all the candy with a lack-there-of), Cupcakes with Candy corn, Fall themed socks
Dragons taking their kids trick or treating, if you were a Greek god what would you be the god of?, Holiday meals, Apple Cider, Blanket fort
Fire breathing bearded dragon, Gorgon sister braid train, Kwanzaa Celebration, Pumpkin Spice Drama, Warm gloves
Damsel in distress is secretly the dragon, Minotaur, Halloween, Apple Picking, newly made Crochet clothes
Yourself in Dragon Form, Griffin/Chimera, Halloween Monsters Holiday Party, Pumpkin Pie, Pajama Party
Dragon playing in a pile of leaves, Create your own Mythos, national start of Pumpkin Spice Day, Popcorn, Clothes throughout History to keep people warm
Dragons but in modern day jobs, Dryad and Naiad meeting, Ghosts at halloween, peppermint mocha, legend of the travelling hoodie
Unusual Dragon Hoards, Angel, Christmas Shopping, An assortment of pumpkin flavoured pastries in bakery window, warm woolen socks
A dragon craftsmen, Thor attempts to drink the ocean, retail workers during the holiday season, Thanksgiving Prep Work, Clothes Shopping for warmer clothes
Dragons of different elements, Pantheons trick or treating at other Pantheon’s houses, Valentine’s with friends, Food Falling, Baby Blanket
A dragon’s protection, A trans dryad or satyr, what’s left after a holiday party, Pumpkin Spice Everything, Dressed for Apple Picking
Dragon shapeshifter, Two gods from different pantheons who have fallen in love, Trick or Threat, Freshly baked goods, Knitted Clothing
Nesting Dragons, Fave Pantheon Trick or Treating, Thanksgiving w/ your favorite video game character, hot chocolate, DnD in Costume
A dragon terrorizes a town every October, A phoenix perched on the shoulder, A feast, Pumpkin Soup, huddled up looking at snowfall
A dragon peacefully in the forest, Satyrs, Holiday Shopping (not christmas), Halloween Candy, Favorite Fall Outfit
Winning a dragon’s trust, A halloween party where everyone is dressed as someone from Mythology, Found family thanksgiving, Caramel Apples, Dressing up for the first day of school
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no-i-cant-decide · 3 years
🍂🍁 Autumn This or That 🍁🍂
Tagged by @stuffymcrandom and @put-on-your-red-shoes-and-dance Thank you lovelies 💜
pumpkin or apple  // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // woolly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn neither // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie
Tagging: @stillamess22 @shiftingbetweenfandoms @ficklevisions @lifeisahighway @dinglexmitchell @tiansgalaxy @minimitchell @leximitchells (only if you want to!)
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ironstarker · 4 years
Whumptober 11: Body Modification
notes: i want everyone to know that i do have day 9 ready to go, but i forgot to post it because i’m dumb. so! here’s the prompt for day 11, and i had great ideas for the other days that hopefully i actually, you know, finish. yikes. this is an alpha turning fic! that’s the only sort of “modification” — there’s no mutilation or anything like that, i promise. daddy tony is just sick of his son’s bad attitude.
warning(s): abo dynamics, dirty talk, humiliation, incest, rape/noncon, somnophilia, non-consensual drug use
AO3 Link ______________________________________________________________
The sound of music blaring overhead made Tony frown. He raised his eyes towards the ceiling, bringing a mug of coffee to his lips. It was Halloween night, and there was a big bowl of candy sitting by the door. He’d asked Peter to pass it out with him and had received a wave of the boy’s hand and a, “Whatever, Dad,” in response.
Peter had never been like this before his presentation as an alpha.
Before, he and Tony were almost joined at the hip. He was a polite boy. Always asked for permission before going out, and he got excited about stupid, arbitrary things like passing out candy and watching old horror movies with his Dad on Halloween. He’d never been much of a partier, but all that was changing this year. As soon as he’d presented as an alpha over the summer, Peter had copped an attitude with Tony every chance he got. Tony’s therapist told him that maybe Peter was testing boundaries, and it was healthy.
Tony didn’t give a damn if it was healthy. It pissed him off.
He exhaled, relieved, when he heard the music turn off upstairs. He polished off the last of his coffee (designed to help him make it through midnight because, much as he hated admitting it, Tony was getting old) and was washing the mug in the sink when he heard footsteps. “Hey, kiddo,” Tony said, throwing a glance at Peter over his shoulder.
The boy picked at the bowl of candy by the door, rummaging until he found a Snickers bar. He was in the middle of pulling back the wrapper when Tony snapped, “Pete,” and got his attention.
“Oh. Hey, Dad. What’s up?”
Tony fought the urge to sigh as he refocused on the mug he was washing. “Save a few pieces for the kids, pal. There’ll be plenty left over that you can snack on when we’re done.”
“Done what?” He heard his son walking closer, a barstool scraping against the kitchen floor as he pulled it back and sank down.
“Passing out candy.” Tony said it like it was obvious, and he turned, grabbing a nearby towel to dry his hands. It was black and had dancing skeletons on it. What could Tony say? He liked his holidays, and before this alpha nonsense, so had his boy.
Peter scoffed around his mouthful of Snickers. “Uh, Dad, I’m sixteen. I’m going to a party, not passing out candy with you like some loser.”
Tony blinked, his grip tightening on the towel. “Is that so? And who said you could go to this party? Sure as hell wasn’t me, kid.”
Peter’s nose crinkled. “I’m not a kid.”
“Right. Look, Pete, I think it would be nice if we – ”
“Dad, come on. MJ’s going, Ned’s going – the whole school is going to Flash’s party. I’m not going to be stuck here with you all night passing out candy to toddlers in fucking superhero costumes and dumb Paw Patrol outfits. Not again. Not after last year.”
Peter’s tone was making it hard for Tony to let go. Frankly, Peter’s “boundary testing,” or whatever it was, was enough to enrage the older alpha. “You’re not going,” he said, his tone curt. “Not with that attitude.”
There was a beat of silence between them. “Fuck you,” he heard, and Tony’s head snapped up. His eyebrows rose as he stared at the teenager, scowling sullenly down at the Snickers wrapper he’d been twisting in his fingers. Peter tossed the wrapper on the counter and shoved away from it, stomping towards the stairs.
“Peter Stark get your ass back here,” Tony growled, stalking after his son, throwing the damp towel against the island where Peter had been sitting.
A door slammed.
Tony sat down at the island, rubbing his temples, listening to Peter’s music grow progressively louder until the alpha had a headache. He heard him shouting on the phone to his friends, and Tony drummed his fingers on the countertop in thought. He stroked his goatee, his eyes going to his coffee machine. After a moment, the alpha got to his feet and turned off the lights to the front porch, and then he went to the refrigerator. Tony grabbed the milk and powdered chocolate from the pantry, and he began to make Peter a nice, steaming mug of hot chocolate.
If there was one thing his son couldn’t deny, it was sweets.
Tony broke a couple Ambien (he’d had insomnia ever since he was a kid, but had given in to taking them at his therapist’s recommendation) into the mug, making sure they dissolved. Then, Tony topped the hot chocolate with marshmallows and carried it upstairs. He knocked on Peter’s door once, but the music was so loud he had to call out for his son.
“What?” Peter snapped once he’d yanked open the door.
The music was blaring behind him, and the sound of it made Tony grit his teeth. “I made you hot chocolate,” he said. Privately, the alpha added, because I’m sick of this. He wanted his boy back. His cute, perfect baby boy who would never dare talk back to him the way that this little terror was.
Peter eyed it with a scowl, but he accepted the mug with a grumbled, “Thanks.” The door was promptly shut.
Tony turned and walked away, sinking down onto the couch in the living room to watch scary movies alone. He had a headache, but he was hoping this would help. The alpha was at his wit’s end with his son, and he’d heard that there were ways to fix it. It wasn’t legal now, of course, changing his son’s gender since he’d presented. Forcing another alpha to take an alpha’s knot and his cum was an archaic way of handling this, but Tony was convinced he was in therapy because of Peter and his attitude at this point. He didn’t have another choice. Peter would understand, once he’d had enough cum.
It didn’t take thirty minutes for the music upstairs to quiet. He waited a few minutes after that, and when he knocked on Peter’s door and didn’t get a response, Tony pushed it open. The boy was sprawled across his bed, his blue Midtown hoodie having ridden up his chest, his lips parted. He was drooling onto his pillow. He almost looked like the boy that Tony remembered. There were no angry lines on his face, no trace of contempt. He walked up to his sleeping son and brushed Peter’s curls from his face, watching his nose crinkle in his sleep. He was smiling.
God, how long had it been since he’d seen Peter smile?
Convinced that he was doing the right thing for his boy, Tony didn’t waste time. He shut Peter’s laptop to drown out the music completely, and the silence settled over him as he unbuttoned Peter’s jeans and worked them over his hips. Peter’s ass was so shapely and perfect he should’ve been an omega anyway. No alpha would have an ass like that. Tony folded Peter’s jeans and set them aside on the boy’s wardrobe. His son was clad in his hoodie and boxers. Tony was quick to rid him of the latter.
Once he’d placed Peter’s boxers with his jeans, Tony rummaged through his son’s drawers. He got in his nightstand next to the bed and found a lube bottle that was more than half empty, but it would be plenty for him to get started. Soon enough, Peter’s body would start to handle that for him.
He squeezed some of the lube onto his fingers, coating two of them so he could open Peter up. Alphas weren’t meant to take a cock, let alone a knot, and he knew his son would be tight. He set the tip of his finger to Peter’s hole, feeling the way that it fluttered, and when he pushed inside, even in his sleep Peter resisted. The boy’s face pinched and he squirmed in his sleep, turning his head into his pillow like he was meant to escape the feeling. Tony pushed inside until he was buried to his knuckle, and he pumped his finger slowly, until Peter’s ass had relaxed enough that he could add a second.
Peter’s hole wasn’t greedy like an omega’s just yet. It was hard to penetrate him, to push his fingers inside. He resisted it, his walls squeezing and his muscles spasming. Tony stilled his fingers once he had two buried into Peter. He didn’t move his hand. He waited until Peter’s muscles went slack again, and then he started fucking the boy on them. He couldn’t wait for the moment that Peter found the sense to do it himself. Soon enough he’d be eager for it, begging the alpha for his cock.
But for now, Tony worked him open. He scissored his fingers and got Peter’s walls coated in lube. The alpha even rubbed his son’s prostate. That got his boy whining, and when Tony reached beneath him with his other hand, he felt his son’s knot nice and swollen between his legs. He left it alone. To Tony, Peter’s knot didn’t warrant any stimulation. He wouldn’t be needing it soon anyway.
After the third finger, Tony found himself growing impatient. He barely moved it inside before he pulled them all out. Tony kneeled behind his son, his cock already stiff in his jeans as he thought about what he was going to do. He felt excited, and maybe that should’ve been his first clue he was doing something awful, but it wasn’t. Tony wasn’t thinking straight. He repeated to himself in a mantra in his head that this was what Peter needed, what was best for his son before he was too far gone. Tony unbuttoned his jeans and slathered lube over his cock, stroking himself from tip to base. He could already feel the gentle swell around the base of his cock from his knot.
When he set the tip of his cock against Peter’s hole, his son made a noise in his sleep. It was a little whine, like the alpha knew, instinctually, what was about to happen to him. “Hush, baby boy. Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s going to fix everything,” Tony whispered, and he pushed the tip of his cock inside of Peter.
Despite the preparation, Peter was tight. His walls clamped and resisted Tony’s tip, trying to keep him from pushing it in. The alpha grunted as his hands went to Peter’s ass, spreading his cheeks open wide and holding him down against the bed simultaneously. He drew his hips back, and instead of trying to take it slow, the alpha gave a sharp jerk and buried himself inside of his son all at once.
Peter keened, the pain enough to have his eyes opening. “Whassgoingon?” he slurred, and Tony leaned over his son, kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, baby boy. Just a dream,” he whispered. Peter mumbled something unintelligible, his glazed eyes staring up at his Dad. Tony watched them slide shut, and his son’s breathing evened out again, his muscles going slack.
Satisfied, Tony drew himself up over the boy, kneeling into Peter’s mattress and gripping his hips tight as he began to fuck him. The lube made Peter’s hole wet and sloppy, and it didn’t take long for the sounds of a slick fuck to echo throughout Peter’s childhood bedroom.
When Peter woke, all he felt was pressure. Something was hurting his gut, making him feel like he was cramping. He whimpered and then moaned, his hand flying down to his belly. But as he went to curl in on himself he felt a hand stopping him, and it was his Dad who whispered into his ear, “Don’t move, baby. Daddy’s got you, it’s almost over.”
Over? Peter thought the word to himself, feeling more than a little dazed. His mouth felt thick, like it had been stuffed full of cotton balls. He moaned a little, but when he tried lifting his head he felt disoriented. The room spun. Peter’s head dropped back against the pillow. It was too heavy for his neck. Peter stared at his desk, where his laptop was shut. He was still in his room. That thought might have relaxed him, if his belly hadn’t chosen that exact moment to cramp all over again.
“Ah!” he gasped, his muscles seizing, and he heard his Dad groaning over his shoulder. The spasm that rocked through Peter alerted him to something, something that wasn’t right. There was something inside of him, something so big and painful. Oh, no. “Dad?” Peter whispered, a tinge of fear to his voice. “Daddy? Daddy, I’m scared, what are you doing?” His voice hitched up an octave, and the boy sounded borderline hysterical.
“What I should’ve done a long time ago, baby boy,” Tony said. “You didn’t give me any other choice. This was the only way to do it.”
Peter let out a pathetic whine, trying to squirm away. His rim stretched against something, and he realized oh, it was his Dad’s knot, oh god, his Dad’s knot was inside him. Was he cumming? “Daddy, Daddy — please take it out, take it out,” Peter pleaded with the man, tears springing to the corners of his eyes. “Daddy, did you — did you cum inside? Daddy, please take me to the bathroom, let me clean it out. Please, please — "
“You need this, Peter. We both do.” His Dad sounded strange and distant, like he wasn’t the same man who had brought Peter hot chocolate before. How long ago had that been? How long had he been like this?
“But I don’t wanna be an omega!” Peter wailed, sobbing into his pillow. “What’s MJ going to think? Daddy, please!” Normally, if he called Tony Daddy, the man would give in. He didn’t think it was working this time.
“You need to learn how to listen to your Daddy, Peter. I can’t have you going around the house thinking you can talk to me like that. Now be quiet. My knot’s almost done.”
Peter cried harder, sobbing into his pillow when he felt the knot dislodged. His Dad pulled free, and he felt cum oozing out of his hole. Peter took a gasping breath, reaching around behind himself, trying to push fingers inside to scoop the cum out. His hands were shaking, and a sharp grip on his wrist stopped him.
“No,” Tony growled, his words echoing with the command of an alpha.
Peter’s fingers went lax in his father’s grip, but that only exacerbated his panic. “Daddy,” he whispered, such a pitiful sound. “Leave me alone.”
“That was the first one, sweetheart. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
Peter shivered. He knew an alpha could produce quite a few knots a night, even older ones like his Dad. He snapped out of the daze from the alpha’s command and started struggling again, trying to rip his hand free.
A sharp slap echoed through the room, making Peter jolt and squeak out a noise that an alpha definitely wouldn’t make.
“Don’t make me spank you again,” Tony warned. Peter could hear the disappointment in his Dad’s voice. “God, how many knots are you going to need? I thought one might help, but you’re so disobedient.”
“I’m not, I’m good, Daddy! I promise I’m good. Please, please let me go —” Peter felt like his babbling was nonsensical.
He wasn’t prepared for the sound of his own lube cape unsnapping. His eyes went wide and he pulled his wrist out of his Dad’s grasp, squirming against his sheets. He kept crying, moaning out, “No, no, no, no —” as he tried to get away from his Dad. But the alpha, after having slathered more lube on his cock, grabbed him by his thigh and hauled him back into the spot he’d been in.
Peter blacked out with the force of his Dad’s thrust.
He woke again, unmercifully, in the middle of his Dad pounding into his ass. Peter’s body was jerking into the bed, his face squashed into his pillow from where his Dad held him down. He gasped, whimpering as the thrusting picked up, and his walls clamped down around the cock. Peter felt shame in his belly as he realized it was beginning to feel good.
His Dad let his head up and Peter gasped a breath, turning his head to the side. His pillow was damp with tears. He stared at the mug of hot chocolate. He’d only had half of it. Peter was starting to wish that he’d had it all, because then maybe he would’ve never woken up during this ordeal.
“God, baby. I can’t wait to feel your pussy. You’re gonna learn how to milk my knot. Daddy’s gonna teach you.” Peter shivered, the hairs on the back of his neck raising. His Dad’s voice was a consistent growl now. There was no hint of caring or nurturing in it. He sounded like an alpha in a rut.
The more that his Dad fucked him, the less his insides ached. For whatever reason, Peter’s mind started to grow dazed, and he began to sag into his sheets. Maybe it was the idea that he’d never get away from the alpha like this, stuck on his cock. A part of him was starting to think it couldn’t be so bad. His Dad was good to him. His Dad would take care of him. Peter hadn’t even realized he was making soft, punched out moaning sounds until Tony started praising him for it, telling him he was a good little omega.
The word snapped Peter out of his haze, his eyes flying open wider than they had been. “No!” he protested, and he started his squirming. “ ‘m an alpha,” Peter said, but on the next drive of his Dad’s hips, he felt the knot. It pushed into him, spreading his hole open wide. Peter’s neck jerked up and his lips parted in a breathless gasp, and then the pressure ease as the knot pushed inside.
He felt it, too, when the alpha came inside of him. Hot ropes of cum flooded into his tummy, and Peter let out a high-pitched whine. His Dad’s hand came around to rub his belly and he said, “Won’t be long now.”
Peter didn’t have the energy to feel panicked, but he knew what his Dad meant. Peter couldn’t feel his own knot anymore. Soon enough, the thick alpha cum inside of him would change his biology, and he’d have a womb to give an alpha pups.
The thought made his head swim. Exhausted as he was, Peter let his head drop back down onto the pillow and he took the alpha’s knot.
For the rest of the night, it continued like that.
It was a long process, forcing an alpha to become an omega. His Dad tired out after his third knot, which seemed to be the most that he could do in a row. Peter thought he might get away, then. But when his Dad said that they should take a bath together and sleep in his room, all Peter could do was nod, feeling a little confused. There was cum leaking out of his hole and down his thigh, and it was a shame. He didn’t want to waste the alpha’s cum. Peter absently swiped between his legs as he got to his feet, and he sucked on his cum-coated fingers as his Dad led him down the hall.
The young alpha (was he an alpha anymore?) felt like he was watching his life through the lens of a camera. His Dad guided him around, here and there, and Peter didn’t even realize he’d been bathed until he was sitting on the edge of his Dad’s bed. He blinked at the alpha, who parted his robe and said that he had a Halloween treat just for his son.
“I don’t understand,” Peter said, looking up at his Dad’s face.
“Suck my cock, baby.”
“But why, Dad?”
Tony’s expression changed, then. He scowled, shaking his head after making a frustrated noise in his throat. “Do it.”
Scared, Peter opened his mouth and let the alpha push himself onto his tongue. Peter licked at his Dad’s cock and sucked at the head, making a sloppy mess of it because he didn’t know what else to do. His Dad’s cock didn’t get hard enough for him to produce a knot, but he dripped precum into his son’s mouth, and that was Tony’s only goal. When he pushed Peter away, the boy whined and tried to nuzzle into the alpha’s crotch.
That was a good sign.
Tony convinced Peter to get into bed, curling up with his son. He felt between Peter’s legs, which the boy parted willingly without protest, and tried to see if his son was producing slick yet.
His son’s hole was stretched open and sloppy, but Tony couldn’t tell if the wetness inside of him was from the alpha’s cum or if his body was producing slick yet. So he let Peter curl up against him, like he used to when he was scared from a nightmare, and it didn’t take long before his son was back off to sleep.
When Tony woke up, Peter was gone.
He panicked, but he saw a light on in his bathroom, and the alpha rushed in. He found Peter on the floor, his legs spread, his fingers pushed inside of his sloppy, wet cunt. Peter’s face was pinched like he was in pain, and he looked up at the alpha with wide, brown eyes. “Daddy,” he whimpered, “Daddy, make it stop.” He was producing slick. There was so much of it smeared between his thighs, making them glisten. His scent was sweeter, not at all like the typical alpha musk Tony had come to associate with his son.
“Oh, baby,” he said, and he crouched down to gather Peter into his arms. “Daddy’s going to take good care of you.”
Peter’s arms wound around his neck and he let out a choked sob into his Dad’s shoulder. Tony smiled. This was how it was meant to be.
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thefancyspin · 3 years
Autumn this or that
tagged by @momecat - it's spring in australia and our traditions are quite different but this is fun haha.
pumpkin or apple  // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // woolly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie orand maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace orand cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer (none) // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie
tagging: @theoriginofcarrots @kermitmitchell @stuffymcrandom @lockedinmybody @mart-on-a-walkabout @put-on-your-red-shoes-and-dance @alohaspaceman @aa-elmo
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lluu50 · 3 years
Thanks @hidendumbassvillage for tagging me in that monstruosity of post. I loved it. I did some of the things:
Also, I never do this kind of stuff so I don't really know who to tag 😅. So anyone who wants to do something can just do it.
1. 10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Madara Uchiha, Naruto
Jolyne Cujoh, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Atem/Yami Yugi, Yu-Gi-Oh
Poison Ivy, DC
Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri!!! on ICE
Mr. Compress, My Hero Academia
Violet Baudelaire, A Series of Unfortunate Events
Ritsuko Akagi, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Red Velvet Cookie, Cookie Run Kingdom
Mystique/Raven, X-Men
2. Trope Tier Tag
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Link to the trope tier maker
3. This or That (Fanfic Edition)
5. Catching up with/Getting to know better
Favourite colour: pink
Currently reading: The Lost Apothecary, by Sarah Penner
Last song: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Last movie: X-Men: Apocalypse
Last show: Brooklyn 99
Sweet, sour or savoury: Can't decide
Craving: Kvikk Lunsj melkesjokolade
Tea or coffee: Tea
What I’m currently working on: I'm trying to draw something for the founders week event in november
7. Playlist
Rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Starships, by Nicki Minaj
Mamma Mia, by ABBA
Dancing Queen, by ABBA
AM I DREAMING, by Lil Nas X ft. Miley Cyrus
Welcome to the Internet, by Bo Burnham
How the World Works, by Bo Burnham
Rap do Madara, by 7 Minutoz
Rap do Hashirama, by 7 Minutoz
Drunken Sailor, by The Irish Rovers
Break My Heart, by Dua Lipa
There's a lot by the same people 😂 FYI numbers 7 and 8 are in portuguese, honestly a shame that most of y'all can't understand them.
“Head over to personalitydatabase and pick out the top six fictional characters you identify with that share same MBTI as you! If you don’t know you MBTI here are a few tests to try out! X X X”
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I don't particularly identify with none of them so I just picked the first 6 to appear.
9. Fall
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze // wooly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie
12. What do you have in common with...
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Things That Remind Me of The Signs:
Aries: Getting into a fight because someone flirted with their partner, bloody fists, generals, warriors, soliders, battle scars, the chaos in a natural disaster, the burning fire inside when you have passion, being a puppeteer, running away, confronting someone, skipping school and going on an amazing adventure.
Taurus: Camouflage clothing, hunting for game, indulging in food and sleep, buffets, dogs, Venus, loving someone deeply, jeans, bear hugs, being the overall “man”.
Gemini: Talking way too much, random storytelling, Vines, comedians, rom-coms, comedy in any book ever, especially PJO, gossip, loud bursts of happiness, fire, light, hugs, extroverts, ENFPs, talking your ear off, a happy puppy, a mask, and a flamethrower.
Cancer: Moms, motherhood, being comfortable, resting by a fireplace, warmth, embarrassing mom things, The Mom Friend, mumbling, butterflies, peace.
Leo: Theater, singing loudly and not caring, performing, jumping up and down excitedly, putting your heart out there, standing up for your friends, being known wherever you are, and dancing hugs.
Virgo: Books, a devilish smirk/any smirk, demon eyes, demon hugs, bear hugs, light, sunshine, color, a to-do list, planning, The Dad Friend, hugs in general, not liking hugs except if they are by your crush, soft hugs, soft touch, gentle touch, earthy tones, soil, a steady house with a white picket fence, good demons, a kind wolf, being tired whenever you look at them, worry, procrastination, grammar check, The Teacher Friend, Ravenclaws, and them being your tutor.
Libra: Jean jackets, leather jackets, them looking stunning like literally always, people gaping in awe at them, them underestimating their beauty and worth, they may be pretty on the outside but there is conflict on the inside, they try to be nice to anyone, sometimes they fake it, braces, and love/Venus.
Scorpio: Emo bands, black hoodies, blood dripping from your lip, Halloween, wounds, tornado warnings, blood in general, skeleton decor, a mysterious glance, never being seen with anyone, always in their room, and sharp teeth.
Sagittarius: Cars, sports, the cool guy stare, the boyfriend everyone has had, sunglasses, traveling, puns, flirting, laughing at anything, and having a totally different personality than people think you do.
Capricorn: Cynical smirk, calculated moves, chess, glasses, that anime glasses cliche, acting like a robot, doing anything for your lover, being the person anyone can lean on, rising from the ashes, literally being Alexander Hamilton but also a huge procrastinator, can get a research paper done in an hour if they tried, and being a villain.
Aquarius: A lone wolf trotting in the snow, school loners/the quiet one, aliens, the colors purple, blue, and black, doing absolutely anything for your friends, FRIENDSHIP, band t-shirts, a walking Hot Topic, being so reserved and detached from everyone, a person texting you one day, you responding a week later, smiling through tears, fighting for your friends, shyness, French or Japanese, the goddess Artemis, and water/space.
Pisces: Fish (Duh.), rain, sketching and painting, skinny love, always having a crush, escapism, tears, sadness, puppies, foxes, video games, sleeping too much after pulling an all-nighter, and flowers.
Source: dreamingofwolves
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soitmightgetweird · 5 years
Drenched (Halloween fic)
Bucky x reader
Summary: an accidental prank at a party flips your entire night upside down
Warnings: swearing, as per usual
Word Count: ~3300
A/N: Holy fucknuts. It’s been a year and a half since I posted a fic. Damn guys. I dunno who the heck is still paying attention to little ol’ me, but here it is anyway. ((I’m working off a very old taglist, so let me know if you want to be removed. Also let me know if you want to be tagged. I mostly write for Steve and Buck, so you could request all tag or just one dude. Side question.. do Steve fics still happen?? I’m so out of the loop guys.))
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Popcorn ceilings are good for collecting dust and giving you something to stare at when you’re bored. They’re not so good at showing you how to handle a conversation you don’t really want to have. After another little whine from your friend, you finally pull your eyes away to look toward the person sitting on the arm at the far end of the couch. She’s decked out in a gorgeous 1940s-style dress and her hair is delicately styled to match.
“I’m really not feeling like going to a party this year, Nat.”
She frowns. “But you love Halloween.”
“You’re right. But I just feel like turning on my little pumpkin lights and watching scary movies in the dark. I’m not really in a go-out-and-drink-around-a-bunch-of-strangers mood.”
“Not everyone will be strangers.”
“Well, work has been kicking my butt—”
“Honey, I know. You’re busting your ass for that company. But your friends miss you. Steve and Sam both ask how you’re doing all the time. Apparently your texts aren’t very… wordy.”
If it was anyone else in your apartment giving you sad eyes and practically begging you to be social, you’d be irritated. Nat has been the friend who’s helped pull you out of your funks for years. She knows just when to test the waters and when to back off. She’s able to read you insanely well.
The fact that she didn’t drop the conversation immediately means she knows you haven’t reached the burnt out point yet. Once that thought crosses your mind, you know you’ll end up going with her.
“I don’t have a costume,” you say in a resigned tone.
She smiles softly. “Just put on jeans and a hoodie. I’ve got a mask from Mr. Robot. Boom, simple.”
“Guilty. But hey, the party isn’t supposed to be that big.”
You level your stare at your friend. “Isn’t it at Stark’s?”
“Oh. Good point. Well, you can always tell me when you’ve had enough. I just want you to spend time with friends to help you recharge. You know work gets more tolerable when you have fun memories to occupy your mind.”
It’s hard to argue with Nat when she hits the nail on the head. “Alright,” you say as you roll off the couch with a faux-dramatic groan.
A few minutes later, you leave your room in your standard attire and slip into your Converse. Nat smiles again as she watches you turn on little accent lights in your living room before grabbing your keys and following her out the door.
The first thing you notice as you approach the building is the flashing lights, dancing through the sky and originating at the penthouse apartment, thirty stories above your head. You reach up and touch the mask that’s currently pushed up on top of your head.
“He really does go all out. Is this enough of a costume?” you ask.
Nat hooks her arm through yours as you close the distance between yourselves and your destination. “Of course. But honestly he doesn’t care; he just wants people to come and have fun.”
You fall into comfortable silence with your friend as you make your way through the lobby and into an elevator. As you climb, the cheesy elevator music is slowly drowned out by the sounds of the party.
The elevator doors open to a spacious modern penthouse that you’re sure looks a hundred times bigger when it’s not full of people. There’s fake spiderwebs with little plastic spiders on most surfaces—bookshelves, pictures on the walls, the stairwell to the second floor, the hanging lights in the entry. There’s a cauldron sitting on a high shelf, spilling fog from dry ice over the opening to the living room. Rubber bats are hanging from string, there’s a small witch with light-up eyes swinging around the room by the blades of a ceiling fan, a skeleton in sunglasses sprawled across the kitchen island and surrounded by snacks, and there’s a life-sized werewolf statue standing off to the side of the room.
You’re actually… not sure if it’s a statue or someone waiting for the opportune moment to scare everyone around them.
As you’re finishing your visual tour of the room, muscular arms drape over your and Nat’s shoulders. You turn your head to see another mask like the one that’s still on your head instead of pulled down over your face.
“Nice mask,” the person says, and even through the music and people you immediately recognize the voice as Steve.
You laugh. “Great minds I guess.”
“I just saw Wanda a little while ago, who knows where Tony is, Scott is desperately trying to Clint at beer pong, and Sam and Bucky are on the balcony.”
Your face scrunches a little before you’re able to stop it, an expression that Nat and Steve both notice.
“Haven’t warmed up to him yet?” Steve asks, and you’re sure there’s a small frown hidden behind his mask.
You sigh. You know Steve and Bucky have been friends since childhood. Nat has been friends with him since college. But you… no encounter with Bucky Barnes has ever been easy.
Nat was your first friend in the city—a chance meeting at a coffee shop near your apartment. A few months after you’d settled into your new home and job, she started inviting you to outings with her friends.
Steve became an immediately calming presence in your life. Sam offered charm and humor, Wanda was your go-to when you wanted music recommendations, Clint and Scott were the big brothers you never (secretly, always) wanted. Even Tony was fine. He was a little eccentric and sometimes flashy with money, but he had a good heart.
Bucky. You wanted to like Bucky. You did like him at first… for a few minutes.
He was charming too, all smiles and bright blue eyes when Nat introduced you. Over the course of the night though, you heard a lot of stories about his dating reputation and Bucky got way too drunk. Your night ended abruptly when you turned away from the bar and suddenly had beer all down your shirt and jeans.
And when Bucky said “watch it, asshole,” you marched back to the table and told the group you were going home. The night faded into the past, but that’s what started your dislike for Bucky Barnes.
It’s been five years and you still aren’t really “on board” with him. You’re civil enough when you’re around each other but you also won’t seek out conversation with him, even going so far as to direct most of your attention to your phone if you happen to end up seated near each other when you all go out to eat.
It occurs to you a couple hours into the party that you’re enjoying yourself and you’re glad Nat was a little insistent.
You spent a little while in the dining room watching Scott (dressed in a full Jedi robe) do relatively well at beer pong, but not as well as Clint, who was wearing a more modern version of a Robin Hood costume.
"No way in hell I’m wearing tights," he’d said as he sunk another ping pong ball in an orange cup.
Wanda was the next friend you found, in a grungy outfit that resembled Furiosa from Mad Max. You stood with her and Nat for a while, sharing updates on work projects and movies you’d all seen recently. Tony passed by in a long, fitted coat that accented his steampunk look. He even had a little gadget on his lapel made of gears that actually moved. He made it himself and was very proud of it.
You’ve been on the balcony for the past two hours talking to Nat and Steve when you notice your drink is empty. After asking your friends if they want anything, you decide to pull your mask over your face and head through the large glass doors into the living room. As you weave your way through the crowd you spot a large amount of people on one side of the room, so you veer a little to the left to walk through the foggy opening into the hallway.
Before you make it to the other side of the hall, you spot Sam leaning against the wall in front of you, next to the bottom of the stairs that climb up the wall to your left. He has a lazy smirk on his face, like he’s never been more comfortable in his life, just leaning against that wall.
You raise your hand to wave as you call out his name, hoping he can hear since your voice is slightly muffled by your mask. You then notice the speed in which the smile shifts into an expression of full-on panic before you’re suddenly doused in water.
Through the sound of the shouts from the people who were splashed near you, you hear Sam speaking your name and a different voice swearing above you.
You rip your mask away to see that Sam has his hands out toward you, a sincere look of apology on his face. When you turn and look up, you see Bucky. There’s an equally petrified look on his face and he swears again as you bolt for the stairs, Sam’s voice and footsteps following behind you.
Bucky runs through the second door on the left and almost has the door shut before you push through, the door crashing into his shoulder.
“Ow, hey, what the shit! I’m trying to get you a towel!” He grabs a towel out of the closet behind the door and shoves it at you before backing further into the bathroom.
“What the actual fuck, Barnes?” you yell, unzipping your hoodie and throwing it on the counter. It doesn’t make much difference, your shirt is soaked too, but that’s staying on.
“I thought you were Steve!” He has his hands out now, mirroring Sam’s earlier stance, but you’re pissed and you want to get in his face.
You feel a hand gently grab onto your arm as Sam tries to pull you away from his friend. “That’s entirely my fault. I was only paying attention to the mask.”
“Steve has a foot in height on me! And who the fuck drops a bucket of water in someone’s house?”
“We put a tarp down—”
“I was having fun!” Bucky’s still getting the full force of your yelling. “I’ve been stressed the fuck out and Nat convinced me to come out and now I’m fucking drenched—”
Sam says your name again.
You turn around. “Go get Nat please, I want to go home now.”
“Wait,” Bucky protests and Sam stops in the doorway. “Sam just… go enjoy the party, I’ll take her home.”
“Like hell you will.” You finally let go of half the towel and dry off your arms before wrapping the thing around your body, trapping your wet hair against your back.
“I mean to your home, smartass. I’m sorry we pranked you; it was an honest mistake. Let me… I dunno, let me buy you a coffee or something. You’re cold, it’ll warm you up.”
You keep three feet between you and Bucky as you walk back down the sidewalk toward your apartment. The silence is heavy and awkward, and you stare down at your shoes that squish quietly with every step. Your wet hoodie clings to your arms, sending a shiver down your spine. Unfortunately, the only two options are to wear a wet hoodie or leave your arms exposed to the chilly night air and you’re not sure which is worse.
Another chill hits you moments before a second hoodie is draped over your shoulders. You want to throw it back at him, but it’s already helping to shield you against the wind. At that thought, you glance sideways. Bucky’s arms are exposed now but he doesn’t seem to mind the chill.
Before you look away, he reaches up to rub his shoulder.
You huff out a breath. “Sorry I hit you with the door,” you mumble,
A couple beats of silence pass before he answers. “That doesn’t sound like a sincere apology, but I understand. Sorry again about the water.”
You respond with a grunt.
“Why do you hate me?”
You look at him again, your annoyed expression back on your face. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m just asking why you hate me? What did I do? Before the water.”
“First of all, you apparently have a habit of spilling things on me.”
“Do you remember the night we met? You spilled an entire glass of beer on me.”
He stops walking. “Shit. That was you.”
You stopped a few paces in front of him and turned toward him. “Do you remember calling me an asshole right after?”
 Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “Why would I do that?”
“How should I know? But you did. You spilled beer on me then called me an asshole. And I left. Doesn’t really make a girl want to be your friend.” You turn around and start walking again only to realize after a few steps that he isn’t following you. “Are you coming or am I walking the rest of the way alone? Not that I care.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t call you an asshole?”
“You were also a little drunk that night, maybe you don’t remember.”
“No, I… yeah, I had a bit to drink. This girl I’d been seeing had broken things off and I was upset… we’d actually gotten kinda serious. But I didn’t talk about her much because... I dunno, maybe I didn't wanna jinx it. I was having fun distracting myself when they started making jokes about my dating life and I guess I tried to drown my sorrow instead of just talking about it.”
You just stare at him. That absolutely isn’t the response you expected.
“So I'd just got another beer and this dude bumped into me while trying to get some girl’s attention. I called the guy an asshole and was gonna apologize but you were gone. I guess that explains why you avoided even talking to me in passing after that night. Doesn’t really make a guy wanna be your friend.”
You just stare at him. Your dislike had been entirely based off a misunderstanding? “Great. I am an asshole." You turn away from him and continue walking toward your apartment.
"Hey wait, you're not--"
His footsteps sound as he catches up to you. He reaches out and touches your elbow to get you to look at him, pulling his hand away quickly. Physical contact is entirely foreign for you two.
"Can we just forget that night? I mean you can forget about this one too if you want, but I genuinely am sorry. It always kinda bummed me out that you didn't like me--you seemed pretty cool based on all the stories I heard from Steve and Sam."
You frown. "That almost makes me feel worse."
"Please don't. I could've tried to fix things too."
The silence that follows isn't quite as uncomfortable but you still break it shortly after you start walking again.
"I am actually sorry I hit your shoulder. Even when I thought you didn't like me, I would've never intentionally struck you."
He reaches up again to rub his shoulder. There's a smirk on his face as he drops his hand and lifts that shoulder in a small shrug. "I kinda deserved it."
"Maybe. About that coffee though. Just... your hoodie's wet now and I'm not going into a cafe in these clothes. I can just throw this in the dryer and make a pot of coffee. If you want."
Bucky laughs. "I want to make a joke about you inviting me over after dark, but I'll spare it since we're only just now becoming friends."
"Are we becoming friends?"
Bucky turns a worried expression toward you, as if he's scared he pushed too far. When you return a small laugh with a shake of your head, he smiles too.
"You basically said the joke by referencing the joke. But I'll give you a pass this time."
You're hyper aware of Bucky's presence as you ride the elevator to the fifth floor together and even more so as you're unlocking your front door and allowing a person into your apartment you never expected to invite over.
"I like your decorations," Bucky says from behind you.
You turn to see him looking at the mantle over your fireplace. There are fake webs and little cheese-cloth ghosts in jars on one side and sparkly black and purple pumpkins next to a little figure of a bird dressed as a witch on the other.
"Thanks. Um... I'm gonna go change and throw this in the dryer. Be right back."
The nerves that arise when you're changing are completely unwelcome. Do you need to put on actual clothes or is leggings and a sweatshirt alright? What do you talk about while you're waiting on his hoodie to dry? What if it's just awkward silence?
You stop mid-movement when you realize you've had those thoughts... before you went on dates.
You pull a leggings and a blissfully dry sweatshirt on and walk out of your room, throwing all the wet clothes in the dryer together on the way back to the living room. When you walk in the room, Bucky's crouched in front of the tv, going through the stack of movies you set out a couple days ago. He stops shuffling the cases and holds up your copy of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil with a very serious expression on his face.
"You... have excellent taste in movies."
"Jeez, I thought you were about to lecture me. We can watch it while we wait on the dryer if you want. I'll go start coffee."
The next morning, you wake up wondering why your neck hurts. Opening one eye, you squint through the sunlight and are met with the sight of your living room. Well, sleeping on the couch explains the neck pain. With a yawn, you stretch your legs and nudge a solid mass on the other end of the couch. Bucky is still there, his socked feet propped on your coffee table and his head resting against the back of the couch.
You nudge him again and he stirs. Then he starts and sits up straight.
"Shit. I'm sorry, I dozed off. Oh... it's morning."
"It is.”
"I um... I guess I'll take my hoodie and go?"
"More coffee."
He chuckles, the sound deep and warm. "Trying to keep me here?"
You put your head back down. "Trying to get you to make coffee."
After you’ve both had two cups of coffee—you’re choosing not to think too much about the fact that he apparently remembered exactly how you like your drink because the first cup he handed you was absolutely perfect—you walk back into the living room with Bucky’s hoodie, holding it out as he finishes slipping on his shoes.
“Oh, it’s warm,” she says with a grin, slipping the garment on and immediately zipping it up.
“It’s chilly outside and despite what you may think, I am actually nice to friends.”
“Oooo, we’re friends. You said it, no take-backsies.”
You laugh. “Well, you do make a decent cup of coffee.”
“You’re right, I do. I’ll get out of your hair now, though. And next time we all go to dinner, you have to actually talk to me. No more cold shoulder?”
He’s standing at the door, hand on the doorknob and ready to leave when he asks the question. There’s an easy smile on his face, but you still see a trace of that same worried expression.
“No more cold shoulder,” you agree. “You don’t have a long walk, do you?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. S’only two blocks. See you around.”
And with that, he opens the door and leaves your apartment, casting one more look over his shoulder to smile as he walks down the hallway.
The realization that you also have a goofy smirk on your face as you walk toward your bedroom stops you momentarily, along with the thought that his presence is already something you know you want more of.
Well shit.
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Tags: @stanevansalways19​ @scarlettsoldier​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @shakzer00​ @pixierox101​ @chrevastan​ @aubzylynn​
Bucky only tag: @nerdyandproud9​
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keons · 5 years
top 10 spooky/scary tøp songs as rated by me:
fall away- the spooky beat gets me goin, tyler’s backing vocals sounds like a siren leading you to your death and you’re the pirate slut unable to resist him. even spookier when you remember “i need something to kill me” was the song fall away was born from.
semi-automatic- i know what you’re thinking. this song? hear me out. the techno beep bop that carries the song is perfect for doing the skeleton dance. rattle them bones with that funky bop. also the song is about fear right? you know what else is about fear? that’s right. halloween.
lane boy- it’s spooky baby’s song so of course it would be included in my top ten spooky songs. music video adds to the spooky factor with the creepy guys dressed up in hazmats and gas masks. Tyler’s funky dance was born from this song. also remembering Josh’s old (terrifying) mask he used to wear for lane boy onstage.
nico and the niners- also kind of an off the wall pick but mostly i’m remembering the absolute macabre visuals for this song on tour where they strung up the dema statue by its feet and hung it. that’s scary but cool stuff. lets not forget the 1984 references which we were all made to read in high school and everyone knows high school is one of the scariest times in your life.
goner- no explanation needed? music video gives everybody goosebumps and i’m sure we all recall the cult children’s halloween novels titled “the goosebumps” i rest my case.
message man- Tyler’s gasps in between verses? That’s him being jumpscared by his own voice. also the distorted backing track sounds like what plays when a person is losing their mind in an old horror film. “mask of my disguise”? Tyler is talking about his halloween costume.
forest- purely from a lyrical standpoint, it’s bone chilling. listening to it feels like a ghost is just passing through your body which is a 10/10 definitely spooky feeling. lyrics tell a horror tale.
ode to sleep- you’re rapping the lyrics so fast that it sounds like an ancient language and the demons mistakenly think you’re tying to summon them. the songs juxtaposition between the angry sounding verses vs. the happy sounding chorus parallels the scary and fun aspects of halloween, plus the skeleton hoodies. i mean c’mon.
my blood- ooooooobviously the my blood music video is like an 80’s thriller where a boy sees dead people and likes to dress up as a skeleton. bonus points because tyler wore eye liner in the video. extra spooky points because the baseline is sexy and is a good song to play at halloween parties. also. skeleton hoodies.
spooky honorable mention:
car radio- scares the shit out of us when performed live because of tyler’s climbing stunts. balaclavas. running through crowds. all scary stuff.
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