#Skin care products in Jamaica
screampied · 4 months
hello vaygus 💁🏻‍♀️, where were you going ? it sounds weird 🤨wtv hope you can catch another flight 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
wouhhhh i’m happy to hear that you still spoiled urself yesterday what did you bought ?💭💭
ohhh aespa 😃😃, i’m not into k-pop but i heard bout them what’s your fav song of them ? personally 2day i listened a bit to SWV and Muni long, ahhh ‘t was refreshing 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️ and worked on my 2nd oral which is due in 4 days but it’s okay i got it done ✔️ and after all those exam i’ll rest like i never rested before so i’ll be free and happy 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️
bye bye have a good day/night and dreams!💐💐
YESIM CRYING. it’s okay i got a refund i guess 🤡🤡🤡🤡 bye i’ve been at this stank airport all dayyyyy im gonna go home soon
heh it’s okay 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i was supposed to go to montego bay — jamaica but i got another ticket for tmrw. HOPEFULLY I DONT MISS IT AGAIN 🤡🤡🤡🤡
i jus bought a few more skin care products !! and some dog food for my lil daughter demon.
my favvvv song by aespa so far would have to be armageddon ☝🏽☝🏽 uuggghhh the chorus is so yum. GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF UR EXAMS !!!! LMK HIWBTHEY GO :D
bye bye you too as always xxx
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #176
Do you think you could handle a job in the medical field? Why or why not? No. I could never handle a patient dying, and there's also a lot of gross stuff I don't want to see.
What is one electronic device you own that you have not used in a long time? A Nintendo DS Lite.
Do you prefer to play chess or checkers? I only know how to play checkers.
If you had to go an entire week without using any technology, what do you think you would spend most of your time doing instead? Reading, drawing, writing, probably exercising extra. I'm sure I'd be way, way more productive...
Would you rather travel to Asia or France? Asia, I think.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate? My preference is milk chocolate, but I also do enjoy dark. There are very few cases where I've liked white chocolate, it's too sweet.
Would you rather visit Australia, Germany, Croatia, or Jamaica? I fully intend to visit Germany at least once.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? If I could only pick one to have period, snake. At this moment though, like what I most want to add to my family now, is a tarantula, either a Brazilian black or skeleton leg.
Have you ever fallen into a hole or crevice whilst hiking? I've never even been hiking.
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park, or go to a concert? In general I'd prefer to go to a concert as a date, however Girt actually doesn't enjoy concerts so I wouldn't drag him to one. With him, I'll take the theme park, when my legs are a-okay.
How often do you wear necklaces? Basically never because all the ones I have start to bother my skin really quick/turn it greenish. I want a necklace I can keep on so bad, I really love how they look. If I'm putting any of my necklaces on now, it's for going out somewhere.
Would you rather wear a bracelet or a necklace? Necklaces, I actually don't like bracelets for the same reason I don't like long-sleeved shirts that thin out/get stretchy at the ends (I know that is so specific and you probably have no idea what I'm talking about), I don't at all like feeling something tight-ish around my wrists. I'm the same about pants that only reach my ankles.
When was the last time you had a donut? Maybe like, a month ago. Or more.
What’s your favorite song by Miley Cyrus? I genuinely do love "The Climb."
Who do you absolutely adore? My boyfriend and his immediate family, my own mom, nieces and nephew, Mazzy, and Tez. I care about more people, but as far as "adore" goes, it's them.
Have you ever had a crush on a kinda-country boy? lol no, I don't think I've ever been romantically attracted to a notably "country" guy.
Do you care about any of your exes at all? I care most about Jason, but no longer in a romantic sort of way. Of course I still feel some amount of softness towards Sara, but I can't truthfully say I "care" about her anymore. I just have nostalgia with her.
Who last slapped your butt? Probably my friend Chelsea, we used to be really close when I was still friends with her sister, and we were sexually playful with each other in a completely "just joking" kind of way, neither of us actually felt anything romantic. She's married with a kid now.
Where have you lived throughout your life? The same general area of eastern North Carolina, near the coastal plain/Piedmont divide.
What kind of cake did you have for your last birthday? I actually didn't want a cake, we got donuts instead.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Many. I'm more prone to anxiety attacks, but panic attacks have definitely happened.
Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? Yes, my mom's at the start of next month and my nephew's in the middle of August.
When at a restaurant, do you put your napkin on your lap? I probably would if it was messy food.
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? Electric.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? lol no
When are you moving next? I don't know. It's looking to be very possible that our landlord will be selling this house and getting us into another somehow, things are very uncertain right now, and if that doesn't happen it will probably be whenever Girt and I hopefully move in together.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience? No.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No.
Do you call your boyfriend “Monkey”? I've seen this question appear in so many surveys over all the years and I have never understood why, I know literally nobody who does this.
Would you rather go to Greece or France? Greece.
How would you spend a day at the beach? At this moment I wouldn't go to the beach, not until my legs are stronger; the last time I visited the beach, my muscle atrophy was kinda early on, and I struggled VERY BADLY walking in the sand. While great progress has been made, I just don't think I'm ready to where I'd be able to enjoy the experience. But anyway, to answer the question in general, I tend to stay in the water; I hate the feeling of sand but love being in the ocean. I'm sure we'd bring a tent thing for shade, so I'd probably sit under that with the people I'm with, maybe have some snacks or read. I'd definitely bring my camera to try to get some nice pictures. Hopefully one day soon I CAN go on a vacation like this and not be in torment lol.
Have you ever experienced altitude sickness? No. Like everyone though I've definitely experienced the ear popping in planes and even when driving through mountains.
Was the last show you watched a re-run? Not for me, no; Ma and I were watching Deadliest Catch, some of the first season. She's seen it at some point.
What’s your biggest priority right now? Improving my physical health, I think. I've gotten too far to let it start slipping again.
What does it feel like to fall asleep in someone’s arms? If I'm not hot, I absolutely love it. In the spooning sense anyway lol, if we're PROPERLY lying down so we're actually comfortable, I am such a cuddlebug. If I'm sitting up in some way, then I'm uncomfortable/am gonna wake up feeling like death lol.
Do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex? 5th grade, sex ed/"family life" classes. I feel like a rare exception where my parents actually never taught me about this stuff, so my education on it was very aggressively abstinence-based and made HIV/AIDS sound like a total death sentence that you'd contract from your very first pre-marital intercourse. I am very unhappy with how I was taught about my own body parts and men's, like there is still probably so much stuff I don't know and it's honestly pretty embarrassing.
Do you need the opinion of others to make yourself feel worthwhile? uh... admittedly, right now, yes. I am very, very bad about needing external validation, because otherwise I'm convinced I'm an awful person who shouldn't treasure herself. This is a very major problem with me that I'm still trying to fix.
Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet? ugh ew no, I hate feet
What is one thing you fantasize or daydream about doing? Being able to support myself with nature photography, going all over the world seeing amazing things...
What would you rather: lethal injection, electric chair, or hanging? Lethal injection sounds by far the least painful... I'd think. I guess I don't know exactly what the body experiences during these.
Have you taken someone's virginity? No.
What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I'd be pretty fucking pissed off, especially when one of his relationship dealbreakers is cheating, so wouldn't that be ironic. I'd break up with him immediately and probably stop talking to him. Wow I don't like this question, even when I have full trust in him to never do this.
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? lmfao yes he's very aware
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? He was leaving to go home.
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No.
Who would you like to see in concert? Rammstein is fucking obviously #1 lol, even before I was super super into them I woulda gone because their concerts are very highly praised. I'd also really like to go with my mom to a Metallica concert (she would fucking die), as well as In This Moment, who she also likes a whole lot. I would include Ozzy here, but he seems to be done touring and probably should be with his health state. There are plenty of other bands I'd go see, I really like concerts, but those are the immediate, strong answers for me.
Who was the first person to ever ask you out? I think one of the boys that harassed me in pre-k, but honestly I don't even know if we knew what "asking out" was yet, there were just two boys who would chase and try to kiss me during recess.
What's one thing your partner must be able to accept about you? Sometimes I need time to myself, and also that I'm a mentally ill person that is not always going to be in happy shape.
Are there any videos of yourself on YouTube? No, not to my memory. Certainly not on my current account.
What’s one thing that’s annoying you about the book you’re reading now? It doesn't majorly annoy me, but Sutherland has a very strong habit of overusing separating paragraphs for emphasis, in my opinion. She's slightly more dramatic than I prefer in reading.
Do you have trouble letting friends go when you need to? YUP SURE FUCKIN DO
If you had a daughter, would you allow sleepovers? I'm going to guess you're implying her sleeping over with a boy, because obviously I'd allow her female friends to????? I probably would allow sleepovers with a boy she's actually dating only once she hits 16; I know what I did at 16 with my boyfriend, and I was abstinent then, I'm not inviting my teenage daughter to get pregnant if we can avoid it. I also include the fact they'd better be actually, officially dating because I'd likely wring a fucker's neck if he tried to lead my daughter on by never committing.
Which do you like better, your first name or your middle name? My first, I'm thankful I actually like my first name lol. My middle name is pretty imo, but it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO common.
Where is your brother? He lives in Tennessee, but I actually don't think he's there right now; he's been traveling the country doing track races in I think he's aiming for every state.
Do you like using terms of endearment? Yes, I am extremely verbally affectionate.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Yeah, Girt's gonna be coming over.
What's the longest movie you've ever seen? I THINK Troy, but I'm unsure. I don't generally like super long movies, by like around two hours I'm done.
What was the last thing you wrote down in the notes app on your phone? I have one list of drawing ideas, and I added something to that.
Would you ever want to visit South Korea? Nah, I'm not particularly interested.
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Vegan Beauty was born from love for nature, admiration for beauty and passion for nature. Our life always revolved around thousands of papayas at home, endless sacks of oranges, tons of peanuts it was exciting to play between brothers to see who could climb a gigantic mountain of watermelons with the fear of a funny landslide or to know that it is soon CHRISTMAS because there are boxes and boxes of almonds, cinnamon and tejocotes.
Now we merge that knowledge to create the PERFECT combination. We extract the juice from the beets, the color from Jamaica, the extracts from the grapes, we transform the Pinole into makeup and we use the color of coffee because we know that “if you can eat it, you can put it on.” ” that is why we use nature to feed our skin, in the cosmetic industry we characterize ourselves as a proud natural products company and made by Women.
Vegan Beauty provides a line of handmade skin and hair care products made of 100% natural ingredients. We make sustainable and guilt-free beauty products for a healthy and smooth skin and hair that will make you more confident and content. We are committed to improve the lives of billions of people and animals by giving back to our global community.
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coolmarketjamaica · 2 years
5 Powerful Tips for Beautiful Healthy Skin in 2022
In this blog, you have seen skin types and skin care methods that can help make the skin healthy by choosing the right beauty products. At the same time, we have discussed solutions for all skin types and also gained knowledge of skin products.
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Fault Line: Prologue - Steve Rogers x F!Enhanced!Reader
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Prologue - chapter one
Plot: Y/n’s life is a game of hide and seek and so far she’s beaten everybody. But her winning streak may not last as long as she’d hoped it would.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: OKAY. I have too many fics going at once but I got this idea and couldn’t let it go. I tried writing a Steve x Reader series a while back and it sucked quite frankly, so I spent a little more time developing this one. Steve doesn’t appear in this chapter but plenty of familiar faces do. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! (no beta reader because we die like men.)
Bosnian winters were brutal. It got down to freezing temperatures, the pavement was iced over, you couldn’t go a day without being hit by a snowstorm…It was by no means remote but if you were hiding from something, not many people thought to look there. Which meant I was safe.
I casually strolled through the crowded Sarajevo marketplace, the only care in my mind being what I should eat for lunch. As soon as I stepped foot into the city, I knew I was on borrowed time. Not that it mattered, quick escapes were my forte. I spotted a falafel stand run by a middle aged man, one of the only stalls I hadn’t stopped at in the last few days. 
“Jedan, molim,” I said, smiling sweetly at the vendor as I watched him make the dish. As he prepared to hand me the finished product, I faked innocence and rushed to dig through the empty pockets of my coat. The man handed me the food wrapped in paper and raised his eyebrows expectantly. I looked up from my coat pockets and tilted my head, “Izvini.” Before he could understand why I was apologizing, I was gone…Having vanished into thin air.
When I reappeared, I was no longer in the marketplace. I was outside the abandoned shack in the Bosnian forest I’d been calling home the last couple days. I was living a ways out from the country’s capital so the search for the disappearing woman remained unsuccessful. Triumphant in having scored lunch, I turned on my heels to head inside my temporary home.
I hadn’t expected the dozen armed soldiers with their guns aimed at me.
“You boys wanna come in for a drink?” I quipped in English, gesturing to the front door, “I’m not sure I have enough for everyone but I can pop out to the store and get some more.” “I’d stay here if I were you,” a shadowed figure said from the front porch, “It didn’t take us long to track you and it won’t be hard to do it again.” Americans. In Bosnia. Interesting…
“Mind telling me who the hell you are?” I called, squinting to try and make the voice’s body out.
A man came forward, stepping in between two of the soldiers who still had yet to lower their weapons. He pushed back the hood of his winter coat to show his face, “Agent Coulson, we’re with S.H.I.E.L.D. We’d like you to come with us.” I looked behind and around me, waiting for someone to make a move. “So I’m supposed to just go with a group of soldiers with their guns pointed at my head? Is it that simple, Agent Coulson?” “It can if you want it to be,” he replied, for as threatening as he should have been he wore a small smile on his face, “We’d like to talk to you.” “About?”
“About how someone like you has been jumping from Russia to Colombia without a plane. Or India to Canada. Or Jamaica to Scotland.”
I raised an eyebrow and casually took a bite of the stolen falafel I still held, “So you have been tracking me.” “Miss Y/l/n, it would seem that you’re highly gifted,” Agent Coulson continued, taking a step closer to me, “We’re here to help you, not to hurt you. I’d like to bring you back to headquarters to talk to you about your abilities.” I smirked as I chewed, “I’m not a mercenary that organizations like yours can just hire for an assassination.” “That’s not why we’re here. It’s not what you can do for us, it’s what we can do for you.” “Hmm,” I sarcastically smiled, “And what is it that I’m getting out of going with you?”
“A life where you don’t have to steal baklava for lunch.”
Having lived how I had for so long, I prided myself on my good instincts. There was good, there was bad and every once in a while there was a grey area. A combination of right and wrong that was subjective to each person’s perspective. As my eyes scanned over Agent Coulson, a professional yet non threatening presence, and the soldiers ready to kill me if I dared to fight back, I decided that I had just landed in a very grey area. If I didn’t go with them, I wasn’t sure what they’d do. If I did, I wasn’t sure what they’d ask of me.
Then again, I was a bit of a grey area myself.
I held up my food, “It’s a falafel.”
It had been a long time since I’d been back in the states longer than the five seconds it took to steal a bag of Cheetos from a convenience store.
Agent Coulson had deposited me in a stark white interrogation room and promptly left. After the twenty minute mark passed without anyone entering, disappearing and landing in Cairo began to sound more and more attractive. Just as I was seriously considering it, the locked door opened.
“Miss Y/l/n,” a dark skinned man greeted, “You’re a hard one to pin down.” “Really? Cause according to Agent Coulson, it was as easy as breathing for you guys,” I replied, tightening my crossed arms.
“It got easier once we developed the right tech,” he said, coming to sit in the the chair directly across me, “But apparently you’d never heard of us until today ergo you didn’t know we were tracking you which begs the question…Who were you running from?”
“Wow,” I chuckled, “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” “I don’t like to waste time.” I snorted before giving him a once over. He wore an eyepatch, all jet black clothing complete with a matching trench coat. He looked the part of Man In Charge perfectly. “If you’re gonna ask me for my life story, I’m gonna need to know a little bit about you too.” “All you need to know about me right now is that I’m a man who sees potential in you.” “Potential?” “Potential.”
“That’s not what people typically see in me,” I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.
“No, they see a thief, a cheat, and I’m willing to bet,” the man leaned forward and put his arms on the table that separated us, “Somebody sees you as a threat.” Oh, if only he knew…
“If you’re a government agency then you already have a file on me, meaning that there’s not going to be much I have to say that you don’t already know,” I spoke up, making sure to continue matching the guy’s intense eye contact. 
He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in concurrence before turning to the double sided glass window. It didn’t take more than five seconds before the door opened and Agent Coulson stepped through carrying a manila folder. He handed it to my questioner before disappearing through the doorway once again, I almost wished he would stay. He was the only person I knew at the moment.
“Looks like you’ve been all over,” the man observed as he flipped through the folder, “Gotten yourself into a lot of trouble and whenever someone catches you, poof! Like magic…”
I was excellent at hiding, but I knew when I was beat. As nice as leaving sounded, S.H.I.E.L.D knew too much about me for me to run.
“I don’t know,” I sighed, lowering my gaze to the table.
“Don’t know what?” “I don’t know who I’m running from,” I continued, “But they’re there. If I stay in one place for too long, someone breaks into whatever rusted shed I’m living in or ambushes me in the middle of a bazaar…Somebody wants me.” The man had stopped browsing my file and was intently watching me recount my story, “How long’ve you been on the run?” “Five years,” I explained, suddenly not comfortable with meeting him eye to eye  “I was fifteen, woke up in God knows where with no memory of how I got there. While I was wandering around trying to figure out where I was, a group of men tried to grab me. Fortunately for me,” my lips twisted into a smirk, “I can make a quick getaway.”
“You remember where you’re from?” I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes as I exhaled, “No. Any memories before I started living like this are…blurred. I can almost make out a few, mostly from when I was a kid, but I don’t remember any details about my life other than my name and my age. Got anything in your almighty folder that can fill in the gaps?” “We only know what you’ve told us and what you’ve chosen to shown the world,” he replied as he reopened the packet, “Looks like disappearing isn’t the only trick you’ve got up your sleeve.”
“A girl’s gotta defend herself somehow,” I cocked an eyebrow, by now I’d relaxed my rigid posture and was tracing shapes on the table with a finger, “But if you’ve done as much research as you say you have then you should know I don’t bring any of that out unless I absolutely have to.” “Oh, I’ve seen the security cam footage,” he laughed, folding his hands together in front of him, “You put on quite a show. That’s that potential I was talking about.”
After a beat of silence, I finally asked the million dollar question. “What is it that you want from me, Director Fury?”
He should’ve been surprised, most people were, but it didn’t seem like me digging around in his mind was more of an event than eating breakfast was. “Only when you absolutely have to, huh?”
I gave him a small shrug and waited for him to answer. He kept his eyes locked on me, nodding his head ever so slightly. “Miss Y/l/n, whether you’ve thought about it or not, you have the ability do a lot more with yourself than skipping out on the dinner bill. You could be out there stopping the kind of people that are after you instead of running from them. And if you weren’t interested in the prospect of that even just a little, you wouldn’t still be sitting here.” Now there he was right. I agreed to come with Agent Coulson, I willingly let them bring me into an interrogation room, I’d discussed vulnerable details of my life with Director Fury…There was a small part of me that wanted to be a part of something.
“You wanna keep bouncing between continents praying that you don’t get caught? That’s fine, it’s no skin off my back,” Director Fury held his hands up in mock surrender and promptly lowered them back down, “But you stay and you can be a part of a world bigger than you could possibly imagine.”
The only world I’d ever known was spinning a globe, picking a random location, finding the most remote part of the county, stealing what I needed to get by and living in abandoned houses. I’d never had any sense of security. And while the life that Director Fury was offering me gave no guarantee that I’d live long enough to grow old, it didn’t require me to stay as paranoid as I was in the name of survival. I’d gotten by just fine on my own, but I’d never allowed myself to think of a future where I didn’t have to just get by…
“I already told Agent Coulson that I’m not a mercenary,” I began firmly, “I’m not a weapon for you to utilize whenever you want. I’m not joining some super secret spy organization only to find out after a while that I’m working for the bad guys,” I paused to take a slow breath, “But I don’t particularly enjoy being a criminal and if what you’re saying is true, I’m willing to give it a shot.” Director Fury gave me a single nod and just like that, I’d accepted a job without actually committing to sticking around. Fury turned once again to the double sided mirror and the door swung open, ushering in Agent Coulson, a redheaded woman and a blonde man I had yet to meet.
“You’ve already met Agent Coulson, I’d like to introduce you to Agent Romanoff,” he gestured to the woman, “And Agent Barton,” he looked towards the blonde, “He and Coulson will be some of the senior personnel personally overseeing your transition into S.H.I.E.L.D and I have a hunch you and Miss Romanoff will work well together.” “I work just fine on my own, thank you,” I stated, the thought of trusting someone to have my back sent the walls I’d just lowered shooting back up.
“I hate to break it to you but we work as a team here,” Agent Romanoff said, her voice cool and unaffected by my displeasure. If anything, it seemed like she found it slightly amusing, “Besides, you don’t have anything to worry about. Agent Barton’s my partner.” 
Director Fury made for the door, Agent Romanoff and the still silent Agent Barton following promptly. “I’ll leave it to Coulson to get you settled, but I’ll be watching your progress closely.” I could give the man credit, he knew how to wear the whole Tall, Dark, Man-With-All-The-Secrets hat well except for one thing. He couldn’t keep any secrets from me. Once the room’s occupancy had lessened, my eyes flew to Agent Coulson.
“What’s the Avengers Initiative?”
He wore a small and knowing smile, “A work in progress. For now, let’s focus on getting you through training then we’ll work on finding you a partner.”
Standing up to follow him out the door, I protested against his checklist, “I already said-“ “I know, but there may come a time where you change your mind,” he interrupted, his tone had gone from professional to semi-friendly as we walked down the hall, “This job is rewarding, but it’s hard work. Having the right partner by your side makes it all a little easier. You’ll see…”
We approached a railing that overlooked the main floor of the headquarters. Coulson didn’t think twice about the view while I approached it curiously. There were people everywhere, more than I’d been around in a long time. Something about the sight of so many individuals dedicated to doing the right thing made something inside of me relax. Maybe for the first time in my life, I was right where I needed to be.
Agent Coulson must have sensed my peace, he came to stand beside me and turned his gaze to where mine was. “Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.” 
Translations: Jedan, molim: One, please.
Izvini: Sorry.
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mudfarmorganix · 3 years
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If you have dry skin, you probably know that shea butter is one of the top moisturizing ingredients to use. But that's just one reason why shea (pronounced shay) is frequently used in skin and hair care products. As an ingredient for skincare, especially in its natural and pure form, it actually has multiple benefits—from reducing premature facial lines and wrinkles, to soothing skin conditions like eczema! #torontosheabutter #fairtradeshea #canada #naturalproducts #canadasheabutter #easentialoils #moringaoil #mangobutter #brantford #oakville #mississauga #blackandwhite #ghana #jamaica #love #blessed #naturalhair #acnesoap #artisan #lavenderoil #vanilla #scents https://www.instagram.com/p/CWURB3BMQZv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio : @/whoshopejones | 295k followers | RETAIL AMBASSADOR. LOVE ISLAND Season 2 finalist (& winner in my eyes)✨
26 (27) years of age
Born in London, England
Father is Jamaican, (born & raised) works in taxi/airport service & moved to British Columbia after getting remarried
Repairing their father/daughter relationship
Mother is Barbadian (also born & raised) ; works as a customer service representative
Ultimately closer to her mother & proud of her for knowing her worth and moving on from her father
Has two younger step-siblings from her father’s new marriage, Nimol who’s 12, has autism and loves seals & Sophea who’s 15, loves tiktok and is involved in gymnastics
A 30 year old sister named Mya, she’s bougie & they bump heads quite a bit but at the end of they day they’re sibs & will always have each other’s backs
A 23 year old brother named, Dante who just got his bachelors in music & plans to be a music producer
Hope is irritating but she’s also complex. She’s the friend that will cry over things when you told her in the first place not to go forth with something and she does it anyway so you’re stuck listening to her cry about it ex.) NOAH but she’s gonna do what she feels is right in the moment regardless
Always follows her heart
I believe she can be a good friend. (My second round of playing I wasn’t putting up with her shit but the first round I was kinda half & half with her letting her be her but at the same time checking her ass at the same time.) She’s good at trying to reduce issues & wanting to keep the peace + seems like a caring person
She’s VERY opinionated!!! (Which is funny how the mean tweets said MC was the one always having something to say as if HOPE + the others don’t always drag MC to have the final say on situations.) So I originally got Virgo vibes (I live in a household with one & an ex- friend of mine was one)
Virgo sun + cancer moon + Sagittarius rising
Organized, go-getter, passionate, honest, sensitive, wears her heart on her sleeve, & loyal
Retail ambassador & she enjoys it
She’s all about her business + working hard and the fact that she’s in charge of making a business look it’s best while getting paid is all that she can ask for + the pay is quite nice
RIRI send some savagexfenty her way soon sis 🤩
The main business she works for she’s been involved with since she was 21 & grew with the company itself
The products are mainly sold online & internationally but some of the products are allowed to be picked up from the office/headquarters in London
Canon: wanted to be a weather reporter as a child, she used to watch storm chasers on the tube which further made her think ‘hey maybe I can do something similar!’ & loved science as a little girl
Until this day she’ll tell you all about Cumulonimbus clouds confidently
Sleeps better when it storms
she loves the sun on her skin to watch her melanin truly shine
Often traveled & stayed in Jamaica or Barbados during summer & winter seasons with her grandparents & sibs & are the only places she’s been to besides her home in London & the villa
4b/4c hair
Has a three bedroom flat, one of the bedrooms is occupied by her brother, Dante who is a struggling artist & was encouraged by their older sister mya to start charging him rent, even tho hope seems to have a soft spot for her baby bro
He agreed but their mother helps him pay for half of it...secretly & she stays over in the other bedroom from time to time. She gets lonely without her kids, just a bit but she’ll never admit that
Noah now lives with hope, he also pays part of the rent but it still doesn’t help much...it genuinely feels like hope pays for it all and she says this but never wants to make it seem like she’s complaining
Living with Noah outside of the villa is much different
Most days they’re great, he helps around the house more than her brother who’s more of slob yet he works odd hours so they’re usually on different time waves and see each other only where they lay their heads
He knows how to put the toilet seat down! We love a gentleman!
Hope is a morning person, everything for her is a routine. She even times when she can lay in bed when she wakes up and watch the sun pry through the blinds for a few moments before getting up & starting her day
She strongly believes in, “the early bird catches the worm”
Loves pillow talk, especially with Noah. It’s one of many intimate moments she loves to have with Noah
He sometimes helps her take her hair out of its protective style, wash it and grease her scalp
She believes he is her soulmate
They find time for each other but sometimes things are just assumed when it’s not necessarily true? Which means there’s a lack somewhere in their relationship and they’re working on it ex) Noah assuming hope loves kids
He wants to be married by 30
Hope never thought too much about that either, always has her head in her work but admires that Noah has future goals
Canon: Hates crying kids especially in restaurants + probably also hates obnoxiously loud kids in general & kids that kick the back of your chair on airplanes thinking it’s funny
Loves being a cool aunt (Mya is married and has a daughter) but doesn’t want kids, even tho Noah does. She’s never thought about other options...just knows that she doesn’t like the idea. Noah hopes she’ll change her mind someday
Makes haul videos + gets sponsored for it since that’s part of her job
“Thrifting Thursday’s” is her thing
Can do twists better than box & knotless braids on others (not well on herself)
I always thought she had a nose ring due to how the light hit her character so I eventually feel like she’d get a nose hoop or get a faux one to try out (thankful for the faux ones!)
Team Nicki & often battles Bobby since he’s team Cardi — but she doesn’t approve of toxic barbs who attack cardi fans, they can be ruthless
Fuck Kanye honestly for ruining “new body” & she means that
Jakub follows her but she doesn’t follow him back, she did after the reunion but he most likely posted something obnoxious & wasn’t authentic so she had to hit him with a swift unfollow
Talks quite a bit with Chelsea. Usually randomly and the chat can usually last from secs to minutes to 2 hrs with that girl
Talks to Lottie & Marisol every so often...Shannon too
Probably does double dates with mc x Bobby/ mc x Marisol (if you’re on a cool route lol)
The friends that she does have outside of the villa feel like they barely see her now that Noah’s in her life
Half of them have to get adjusted to him, the other feel like they already know him and welcome him into their circle
I feel like she gives her all in relationships, clearly cause she’s all about Noah and she needs to realize that separation is good from time to time but the girl is in love
Keeps her moments with Noah mostly private but when she does post about them the crowd goes wild!
@/returnofdamckenzie : jay z & bey who?
@/jakzabinski : prince Harry & Megan who?
@/marisolrez: @/jakzabinski now you’ve really done it 👎����
They’re either going to be endgame marriage or just simply in love without it or there’s going to be something that ultimately breaks them apart leading to another round of heartbreak that will take a long time to get over (im such a angst lover smh)
I feel like hope was sort of a homebody before, whether it’s her enjoying solitude in her own company or having her small group of friends over for a get together sounds better than going out BUT if she HAS to she makes sure she’s gonna have a good time
martinis over wine but nothing over mai tais
Loves her coconut scents, they remind her of her maternal grandmother who she adores. Seems to be closer to her maternal grandparents
Took a calligraphy course online and nailed it, she actually puts it to good use when she makes labels either for work or gifts she sends
Has a LED stencil board
Has a gray puppy with blue eyes
Fav American show? One of those HBO shows, I think it’s called Insecure? (I know what it’s called just an American trying & failing to joke lol)
Participates in the BLM movement
Listens to Nicki Minaj, Ella Mai, Victoria Monet, Kiana Ledé, Khalid, Majid Jordan, Col3trane, Mic Lowry, 6LACK, Mereba, SZA, Tierra Whack, Mahalia, & Nao
Crushes? Dev Patel, DEAN, Daniel Kaluuya, Michael B. Jordan, & Andre 3000
Anthem: ChloexHalle — Baby Girl
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aquableu-natural · 3 years
Importance of Castor Oil
It seems like everyone is talking about castor oil these days - and for good reason! Castor skin oil is a multiple purpose vegetable oil, extracted from seeds called castor beans, naturally found in tropical areas like Africa, parts of Asia and South America. Originally used as a fuel for lamps in ancient Egypt, this natural hair oil is incredibly versatile and has been used for thousands of years. Castor oil is a popular natural treatment for common conditions like skin ailments, but most notably, it helps with digestive issues. Nowadays, it is more diversified in its utility, and is found more frequently in skin care products, food and medicine. 
Castor oil is often nicknamed a “miracle oil” because it’s used for many health and beauty treatments. This natural emollient is rich in ricinoleic acid, which locks in moisture by preventing water loss and drawing moisture from the air to the outer layer of your skin. When used in a massage, castor oil is very slowly absorbed into the skin, so you don’t need to keep reapplying it like you do with other massage oils. Combined with other oils, it creates a super hydrating powerhouse that will help with dry or irritated skin. This makes it a perfect remedy for those with skin conditions like psoriasis.
 Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial and Antifungal
The fatty acids in castor oil have amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, that when used topically, reduces swelling and relieves pain. Ideal for those with conditions such as acne or arthritis, this natural moisturizer will simultaneously reduce and soothe the inflamed area. Castor oil increases the count of certain white blood cells within hours of application, which initiates a higher production of antibodies to help your body fight off harmful bacteria, viruses and even cancer.
 Healthy Hair and Scalp
Yes, castor oil is good for your hair and scalp! This natural hair conditioner is especially good for dry or damaged hair, because castor oil keeps hair strong and healthy. Applying fats like castor oil to the hair on a regular basis helps lubricate the hair shaft, increasing flexibility and decreasing the chance of breakage. This not only adds a beautiful shine, but can help prevent split ends and breakage. This natural hair oil also has anti-dandruff properties that reduce those irritating flakes, and soothe an irritated scalp.
Wondering why castor skin oil is sometimes a clear, translucent yellow, and other times, it is almost black in colour? Great question! While both oils come from the same castor bean, they are different products. To put simply, you have: Castor Oil (which is yellow or clear in colour) and Black Castor Oil. Castor oil is made by pressing fresh castor beans and because no heat was used to create this product, it has been “cold-pressed”. Black Castor Oil is made by roasting the castor bean and then using heat to extract the oil. This is what gives it the dark colour, due to the burnt ashes of the castor bean. This method was first started in Jamaica, which is why black castor oil is often referred to as Jamaican Black Castor Oil.
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katiewattsart · 4 years
Open Call | TULCA 2021
TULCA Festival of Visual Arts is pleased to announce details of its 2021 Open Call curated by Eoin Dara; there’s nothing here but flesh and bone, there’s nothing more.
A short missive from the curator:
A chara,
I am writing to you from the east coast of Scotland, thinking about the west coast of Ireland — a place I have not been able to visit for quite some time. I have resisted writing this for weeks now, hoping (perhaps naively) that this delay would allow me to speak with some clarity about what a project such as TULCA might look like this Autumn in Galway. I have been worrying about how to state my intentions, how to lay out my table, how best to project an air of assured confidence and authority in this time of unwilling dormancy. The truth is though, in these circumstances, I don’t have a concise curatorial statement to make. My thoughts remain as unfixed as the world around us, and performing some kind of professional fiction here would be deceitful.
In the winter of 2019 I pitched an embryonic idea to the board at TULCA centring around a question posed within a poem by Ocean Vuong. The question was ‘Don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here?’
I didn’t know that in a few short months physical intimacy would become an impossibility for so many of us. I didn’t know we would then collectively be entering a year devoid of touch. I shelved this idea for much of 2020, thinking it a little obvious, gauche even, to pursue such a focus after the pandemic. And yet here we are in 2021, still locked within it in a state of slow, unknowing ongoing. Still sheltering in place. Still seeking out new ways to enact intimacy, trying to affirm something like touch through its negation. Still trying to connect, to care, to love, to grieve, and to resist, when all the means of gathering that previously sustained us are (literally) out of reach.
So whilst we remain in this untethered place, far from any space of clarity or assurance, I am writing to say that I am still obsessively thinking about touch. Do we touch each other just to prove we’re still here? In what way? Where is here? Is here enough anymore? What do we want to touch again? What do we want to let go of? These are some of the questions I hope will guide my thinking in the coming months, with the help of other artists, writers and kindred spirits as part of TULCA 2021.
For now, this morning, I’m listening repeatedly to a song by George Michael advocating for casual sex in public spaces (I know you want to but you can’t say yes). I’m misremembering a line from a Jamaica Kincaid essay where she describes a fritillaria flower as smelling like the armpits of all the people you’ve ever loved. I’m thinking of a poem by Caspar Heinemann where he crafts an image of loving arms as ‘a small architecture of warm blood.’
Of course I’m thinking of all these things in an act of longing. I’m writing this hopeful missive from my own empty architecture, towards a place of fullness and imagined excess we might fill together in an inoculated future.
I need to draw this note to a close, as the skin around my thumb and forefinger has started bleeding with bright anxiety. Perhaps I’ll be able to stop this leakage by October. Perhaps not. Perhaps it is a good reminder of what moves through me and allows me to move through.
’til then, in solidarity, and with warm blood,
Submission Criteria: 
Please send a single PDF attachment (15MB max) that includes the following:
A concise artist’s statement that tells us about your work and how it might connect or respond to the letter above (250 words max)
CV (2 pages max)
Examples of previous work:
Up to 10 images (must include title; the material / medium; the dimensions / duration; the date of production, and also information on where the work has been shown, if applicable)
Up to 2 web links to video / sound works can be sent (YouTube or Vimeo, extracts should be no longer than 10 minutes. If works are sent in full please suggest a 10-minute excerpt to watch). Include passwords for any private videos.
A clearly outlined proposal of work to be exhibited, including detail about its installation, technical and accessibility requirements (250 words + 3 photos max).
Optional: If this is a proposal for new work, please also include any available visualisations, information on materials, costings, technical and venue requirements (additional 250 words max).
My Submission: 
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strwbrymoonchild · 4 years
The Albums That Got Us Through 2020
We’ll save you the soliloquy, and get right to it: (skip to the bottom for the full playlist)
LaChelle’s Picks
Overture x Gaidaa
“Sonically, this album was very cathartic. Gaidaa’s songwriting is so imaginative and authentic, and I really love it when her voice hits those lush lower notes, her tone is like butter.”
Favorite tracks: Falling higher, Still Water, I Like Trouble
2. Rose in The Dark x Cleo Sol
“The timeless musicality and vocals are very reminiscent of some of my favorite classic soul artists like Angela Bofill, and Patrice Rushen but sound refreshing all the same. I would love to hear this project live but you know... COVID.”
Favorite tracks: When I’m In Your Arms, Why Don’t You, Rose in The Dark
3 & 4. Untiled (Black is) / Untitled (Rise) x Sault
“I can’t think of any projects more timely for this year than these two albums. They spoke to Black pain, weariness, and resilience in a way that felt mores insightful than preachy. A lot of the drums used on this project had an ancestral feel to them and the use of strings was extremely effective in giving it cinematic energy. The interludes also spoke to the difficult emotions many Black people grappled with this year while maintaining a musically rich sound.”
Favorite Tracks: Hard Life, Wildfires, Sorry Ain’t Enough, Why We Cry Why We Die, Free, Uncomfortable
5. The Angel You Don’t Know x Amaarae
“I first discovered Amaarae as a featured artist on one of my favorite music submissions of the year ‘NASA’ by Rvdical The Kid. I became entrenched upon my first listen to her first full-length project which is a mixture of afro-fusion, R&B, electronic, alté, and alternative hip hop. I love her animated voice and how effortlessly she glides over the track. I enjoy artists who can fuse multiple genres together and make them sound like a whole new sound”
Favorite Tracks: Fancy, Feel A Way, Céline
6. Last Year Was Weird, Vol 2. x Tkay Maidza
“This album had a lot of surprises on it. It’s a mixture of fun-loving R&B, raging nu-metal, and 808 thumping house tracks. While there’s not much fusion in the array of genres, I appreciate her ability to showcase her eclectic range.”
Favorite tracks: Shook, 24K, Don’t Call Again
7. Honey For Wounds x Ego Ella May
“This is a great self-love soundtrack. The pensiveness of this album is tempered by Ego Ella May’s jazzy vocals and even-keeled instrumentation. A very relaxing vibe to listen to during downtime or moments of solitude.”
Favorite tracks: Girls Don’t Always Sing About Boys, Table For One, Song For Bobby
8. Jaguar x Victoria Monét
“This album is oozing with sensuality, sexuality, and confidence. I love the lush vocal arrangements and the production which taps into nostalgia without being lazy or gimmicky. If you're feeling insecure, put on some lingerie, pour a glass of wine, turn this album on and you'll be feeling like a Savage Fenty brand ambassador”
Favorite tracks: Moment, Touch Me, Go There With You
9. Extra, Extra! x Lou Phelps
“ My boyfriend who is a Kaytranada fanboy put me onto this album. Haven’t heard a hip hop EP with such a fun, laid back like this in a minute. Lou’s big bro Kaytranada came through with the dancey vibes but you also get a bit of that classic boom bap energy that an old head like me loves”
Favorite tracks: Party in LA, Nike Shoe Box, Smiling
Dorian’s Picks
Pulp (Director’s Cut) x Ambré
"Ambré takes you deep into her world with sounds of a sweet lullaby, and a pulp garden full of hallucinating trips on a journey towards discovering love, vulnerability, and purpose. Overdosing on ‘Pulp’ has become a nightly ritual for me, no surprise as to why Ambré is my top artist of 2020."
Favorite tracks: free drugs, LUCIADA(EGODEATH), gucci slides
2. A Written Testimony x Jay Electronica
Jay Electronica's debut album, once heralded a myth by many, has finally seen the light of day, 10 years later. It sounds godly, rich in ancestral wisdom, paralleled with classic Hov features throughout. This album to me raps a soulful tune of Black enlightenment, and feels like a really lavish ode to the Nation of Islam.
Favorite tracks: Universal Soldier, Flux Capacitor, The Blinding
3. In Search of Lost Time x Protoje
"The Jamaican OG delivers a sonically wise lesson on life, what it means to live in our truths and light in search of happiness and prosperity as a free spirit. This album at many times served as a soundtrack to my life, a saving grace from my own insecurities and struggles amidst a very unsettling year."
Favorite tracks: In Bloom, Deliverance, Like Royalty
4. I Shine, U Shine x RIMON
"Amsterdam-based artist RIMON delivered a sonically pleasing project shortlisted with a blend of melancholy neo-soul/R&B influenced melodies. This project evokes raw relatable emotions and centers the beauty of the imperfect for full display. With each listen the lyrics pierced my heart and filled my memory of love lost and love found."
Favorite tracks: Out Of My Way, Got My Back, Downtown
5. Note to Self x Jah9
"Jah9's Note to Self, is a call to channel your divine form. Reggae has long been a genre that speaks to a higher force and existence. With the wild year we experienced, this project served as a guideline on how to battle those inner demons and live life to your fullest potential through faith."
Favorite tracks: Love Has Found I, Ma'at, New Race
6. SuperGood x Duckwrth
"The title is self-explanatory. Duckwrth gave us all that we deserved and dropped a bomb ass feel-good record. SuperGood gave me all the contemporary neo-funk grooves I've come to love about Duckwrth. Listening to this project made it easy to tune out all the noise of 2020 and just dance my sorrows away."
Favorite tracks: Quick, Coming Closer, Super Bounce
7. B7 x Brandy
"Brandy, now indie and seasoned in the industry, answers to no one and that's made clear with her experimental R&B sounds on B7. This project is fearless and sounds so different from previous Brandy albums, but delivers in that same angelic aesthetic and powerhouse vocals we've come to love. B7 is criminally underrated in my opinion and will stand the test of time. "
Favorite tracks: Rather Be, Borderline, Say Something
8. It Is What It Is x Thundercat
"Thundercat delivers another soothing jazzy-bassline record. This album feels cathartic, experiential in a sense, almost as if I'm listening to a score from an intergalactic movie set in some futuristic utopia. Best enjoyed with a spliff and/or glass of wine."
Favorite tracks: Black Qualls, DragonBall Durag, Unrequited Love
9. The ExPerience x Lila Iké
"This captivating debut EP from rising reggae siren Lila Iké will make anyone a believer. Her journey is compelling, spiritually guided, a modern tale of romance - the highs and lows of navigating young love. The way Lila belts out these reggae-R&B infused chunes pon ya head top is mesmerizing and sets the standard for Jamaica's new generation"
Favorite tracks: Forget Me, Where I'm Coming From, Thy Will
10. grae x Moses Sumney
“‘grae’, a two part album, explores the complexities of identity. Moses Sumney never quite submits to the boundaries society aims to box us in. ‘grae’ is undefined in sound, Moses gracefully flows from one end of the artistic spectrum to another without landing anywhere too long. What I love most about listening to this album besides Mose's falsetto is the high level of self-awareness, the screams of escapism, and determination to exist in free agency. "
Favorite tracks: Cut Me, Polly, Lucky Me
Rachel’s Picks
Instrospection x UMI
“After another year with no new SZA album, discovering UMI was a godsend. Her voice has that same angelic raspiness and lyrics that sit with you long after the first listen. What sets her and this record apart is how UMI’s lyrics recognize her own faults and the faults of others in a way that is so graceful that it never comes across as self-deprecating or accusatory. Listening to Introspection, you can’t help but introspect your life the way UMI does on this album.”
Favorite tracks: Introspection, Open Up, Pretty Girl hi!
2. Girlhood x Girlhood
“This electropop duo’s vocalist, Tessa Cavanna, has a voice reminiscent of the late artists Amy Winehouse and Sharon Jones, and with their neo-soul, 90’s inspired sound being so colorful, it’s impossible to get sick of listening to this album.”
Favorite tracks: Keep On, It Might Take a Woman, My Boy
3. Who Cares? x Abby Jasmine
“Released during the reclusive days of stay-at-home orders, Jasmine’s tracks on her sophomore album made me nostalgic for parties that were once filled with smoke, close friends, and good music. Her brutally honest lyrics, progressive production, and her overall confidence were comforting during a year of instability and empty dancefloors.”
Favorite tracks: Stay With Me, Artificial Lover, Groovy
4. Texas Sun x Khruangbin & Leon Bridges
“Two Texan artists came together and were able to use Bridge’s soulful and textured tone and the fluidity of the psychedelic-funk trio Khruangbin's sound, to create a desolate Texas landscape. Listening to the EP feels like driving with all the windows rolled down, feeling the sun’s heat on your skin.”
Favorite tracks: Texas Sun, Midnight, C-Side
5. They Call Me Disco x Ric Wilson & Terrace Martin
“In a year of so much grief, it is refreshing to hear music that sounds like it was as fun to make as it was to listen to. Wilson and Martin’s rhythmically dynamic collaboration prefaced a summer filled with social media’s fascination and nostalgia for the glittery freeness of the 70’s while still fitting into their respective genres of hip-hop and R&B.”
Favorite track: Don’t Kill the Wave, Move Like This, Chicago Bae
Lionnal’s Picks
Dinner Party x Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper. 9th Wonder, & Kamasi Washington
"These Four legendary musicians came together and gave us an album full of beautiful vocals over smooth, jazzy, soul instrumentals."
Favorite tracks: Freeze Tag, LUV U, Love You Bad
2. Burden of Proof x Benny The Butcher
"This album feels like a vintage east coast rap album. Hit-Boy’s luxury production matched with Benny’s grimey delivery is everything a classic rap fan would ever need."
Favorite tracks: One Way Flight, Burden of Proof, War Paint
3. Sin Miedo x Kali Uchis
"I didn’t know how I would take to an album primarily in Spanish, but Kali’s intoxicating and seductive vibe still found a way to draw me in."
Favorite tracks: Telepatia, //aguardiente y limón %ᵕ‿‿ᵕ%, Quiero Sentirme Bien
4. Fuck The World x Brent Fayaiz
"Brent Faiyaz’s personality is what makes this album so great. His cool and confident approach to tracks make for a unique spin on modern R&B and it’s honestly very refreshing."
Favorite tracks: Clouded, Been Away, Let Me Know
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juliahaug · 4 years
Blog Post 3
One thing I found very interesting was that being on time to an event in other countries could be considered rude, likewise in other countries it's rude to be fashionably late. This stuck out to me because of my experiences of traveling to the country Jamaica. My family and I accidently arrived to an excersion about 20 minutes late, and we were worried that we missed our opportunity to go. We apologized immensely, but the attendants laughed and said "You're on Jamaican Time!", which as it turned out they hadn't even started boarding the boat yet. My family and I have started using this saying around the house because it's such a different perspective than what we're used to. In the US, they would not have been as forgiving because we were not on time.
I also found it interesting that in some countries it is rude to alter your dish. Although I'm not a picky eater, it's not uncommon for Americans to order things with alterations such as having sauce on the side of the dish. I completely understand this perspective though. Many restaurants in foriegn countries aren't chains, and take pride in their dishes. Likewise, they could've been recipies passed down through the family and asking to change this could be seen as offensive.
Lastly, I found that polishing off your plate can be considered rude in other countries because it seems like you weren't fed enough. What made this stick out to me was that I've always thought to clean my plate off to signify a good meal and that I've been well fed. I've never known any other way, and typically if I've finished my plate I'm quite full.
One unique fact about the culture of Spain is that in their culture, they strongly value the idea of leisure. According to an article I found, on average Spainards devote 16 out of every 24 hours to some form of leisure activity whether that is eating, drinking, or resting (siestas). American culture is the complete opposite, where we value utilizing all 24 hours towards being 'productive' or working.
A second fact about the culture of Spain that I found to be interesting was that typically each person has two surnames, one for their father and one for their mother. This differs from many countries, because people will usually take on one surname which is most often from their fathers. I thought it was really cool to be able to incorporate both sides of ones family in their name.
I was not previously aware of Korea's jimjilbang culture, but I found it really unique. These spas may be seen as taboo in American culture, but it's a very authentic piece of Korean culture. These treatments, while some may make me feel uncomfortable, seem to be like more in depth than the treatments in the US. Their skin care has always been better, and it would be interesting to see the difference between the two.
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fwsxavier448 · 4 years
Feminized Serious Seeds   A Brief Overview
There are many other aromatherapy soaps you can find but what's important is that you purchase an aromatherapy soap made of all natural ingredients because products that have artificial or unnatural ingredients won't produce exactly the results. Methyl Paraben is a preservative employed excessively much in providers is considered as irritating Cannabis Study towards skin. Xenoestrogen is a carcinogen overall difficult for women to have children and ma cause cysts ultimately breast. You need to be careful with butyl, ethyl, and propyl barapen in addition ,. Isopropyl alcohol can give you an anti-bacterial cleaning but you should know that it appears from petroleum and you should think of that before you use it as opposed to other alcohols. It isn't one of the matters you should use on your own all-natural essentials. You actually can use the same process with all the oil it appears as though like: Avocado oil, coconut oil, almond oil, pumpkin seed oil, rosehip oil and SierraCBD the oils mentioned above are the most frequent carrier oil. Again you can keep the cheese clothe with all the Calendula petals and the idea in your bath.
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Medical Cannabis - For you to use, but may cease easy make use of of legally. Most countries planet world have you have permission to have medical pot. The United States is a no-no for applying Cannabis. Add healthy oils for Sierra CBD Reviews CBD our diet - I don't mean the bottled ones you get in the supermarket, they are rancid before they even hit the store shelves. Use olive oil, flax seed oil,Sierra CBD Oil Oil Benefits and nut oils such as walnut and hazelnut. Adding oils for the diet can beneficial to all your skin, hair and even your eyes. You can add oils to your cooking, steaming, along to a salads and smoothies. How far easier can it get than to have an amazing bowl of fruit around the counter waiting around you coupled with a refrigerator together with vegetables that you can grab. Incorporate some coconuts, nuts, seeds and oil (actually, Natural Hygienists you should not eat any oil but get only amount of fat may eat completely from their food) and own everything that you may need. Empowerment - Rastafaris rely upon empowering the poor, a belief which comes from the teaching of Marcus Garvey. After the Atlantic slave trade their were many poor African slaves in Jamaica, so Marcus Garvey felt had been his duty to teach the poor how to help themselves. For instance, he taught the poor how to farm and grow really own food. - With eczema it is vital for h2o to expel waste products continuously and regularly. Because of the fibre content in Hemp, it is very efficient at removal waste and toxin from no less than which important for eczematous skin.
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wendysandersons · 5 years
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WENDY SANDERSON ( YARA SHAHIDI ) is a 16 year old JUNIOR student at Broadripple Academy. SHE is originally from JAMAICA PLAIN, MASSACHUSETTS but moved to Broadripple 1 YEAR ago. SHE is EXCITABLE and EMPATHETIC but can also be CLINGY and IMPATIENT.
1. Full Name?
Wendy Shohreh Sanderson
2. Preferred Names or Nicknames?
Wendy, Wends, Wendybird — she likes ‘em all!
3. What does their name mean? Does it have any significance in their family? Do they like their name?
Ripped straight from the internet: “‘Fwendy’ means, simply: friend. The second meaning of the name Wendy (“fair-skinned, blessed”) dates before Barrie and likely comes from a pet name for Gwendolyn. These elements come from the Gaelic words “gwyn” (holy, white) and “dolen” (ring).” When Wendy was born, her grandmother chose her name. As Peter Pan was one of the first books she read in English, she was attached to the name Wendy. Wendy as a character in the book was polite, well-mannered, and forgiving. This Wendy hits maybe one to two on a good day, so it works well enough. Wendy likes her name because her dad called her Wendybird growing up, whereas her sister Eleanor just got plain ol’ ‘Nell’. It made her feel special. Plus, while she doesn’t care much for Barrie or his story, she can relate to Peter Pan’s love of fun and youth. So, hey, no real complaints here!
4. Age and Date of Birth?
16 / June 21
5. Gender and Pronouns?
Cis Female, She/Her
6. Hometown?
Boston, Massachusetts — specifically in Jamaica Plain
7. Does your character fit into any well known archetypes or tropes?
Oh man, uhh. Sort of whatever Britney Murphy’s character in Uptown Girls was, in the “growing up is gross :(” sense. Daydreamer. Poetry lover. She has a head-in-the-clouds vibe. The chatterbox. Actually, with this talk of Peter Pan, uh, yeah. Bit of a Peter Pan!
8. How long have they been at Broadripple?
Wendy has been at Broadripple since the beginning of her sophomore year.
9. What led them to apply to Broadripple? Was it a decision made by them or by their parents/guardians or somewhere in between?
About two years ago, her family came into a solid chunk of change. Wendy’s mother Bahar is a nurse and caretaker. Over the past decade, she had been taking care of a wealthy elderly man in the Back Bay. When he passed, he unexpectedly left her some money in his will. Wendy’s parents almost immediately decided it would be invested in Wendy’s education. Her dad’s parents wanted her to receive a Catholic one, and her dad wanted Wendy to practice some independence, and so Broadripple came up in their research and she was off. Wendy’s hand in the decision-making process was decidedly minimal.
10. Whether they’ve been at Broadripple four days or four years, do they enjoy it? Do they like Broadripple?
Wendy enjoys Broadripple in that it’s fun to romanticize a bunch of old buildings. She enjoys creating narratives about and daydreaming of students of the past among the hallowed halls more than she does doing group projects. The school itself is too far-removed from society for her to find it particularly scintillating, but she’s making do! She’s a pretty positive person, though undoubtedly impatient. But she’ll admit it has its other draws. Their reputation is near-flawless—disregarding all that spooky shit, which she personally finds cool and intriguing, since the endless forest has some real The Witch vibes—and it bolsters a lot of interesting clubs and classes she can be a part of. The longer she attends, the more uncomfortable she is with the wealth of her peers, as well as impatient with those she deems rude and snobbish. She also has a habit of falling in love/developing crushes easily, often, and recklessly, and Broadripple certainly doesn’t have a shortage of attractive people. It’s a real gold mine, there.
11. What house are they in? Do they care very much about their house?
Wendy is in Keough. She likes the sense of belonging and the camaraderie, real or imagined.
12. Who do they share a dorm with, or are they on their own for the moment? What are they like to live with? Are they clean or messy? Early risers or night owls?
At the moment, Wendy is on her own! So that leaves her to be as messy as she wants — and she can be very messy. One side of her bed is for sleeping, the other is for trash, textbooks, homework, magazines, etc. If she had a roommate, I imagine she might drive them a little nuts with it. In general, I’d say she is more of an early riser. She’s someone who is somehow simultaneously lazy and restless, so she likes to get to bed early to veg out on her laptop with a bag of goldfish and then she’s up early to get her day started. 
13. How is your character’s dorm decorated? Is it bare or bursting at the seems with personality? Any particular sentimental items from home?
Wendy is a proponent of the opposite of minimalism, which is Clutterbitch. She has various knick knacks and pictures and posters, as well as plenty of bins and storage to keep all her products, books, snacks, etc. There is no surface left untouched, let’s say that, and most likely a string of fairy lights somewhere. She also has a couple half-dead plants by her window, a Lykke Li poster on her wall, and a collection of postcards from her sister who travels around the country with the nonprofit she works for.
14. What is their favourite subject at school? Do they even have a favourite? Why?
Wendy’s favorite subject is Literature Analysis. She enjoys it because it is something of a creative outlet; she firmly believes there’s a lot of leeway in how things can be interpreted and she enjoys interpreting things ad nauseam. She particularly likes when they cover poets, but none of that boring classical white guy stuff. She’s more of a Toni Morrison-Mary Oliver-Anne Sexton-Jeanette Winterson-Gwendolyn Brooks type.
15. Are they involved in any clubs? Which ones?
Wendy is a member of the Chamber Choir, Women of Broadripple, and Yearbook (writer).
16. How does your character feel about Broadripple’s Unofficial Clubs? Do they know about them? Are they a part of any of them?
BBC: Gag! Like, morally. But if anyone hot happened to pay attention to her and let her borrow a pen one day, then who knows skjdn.
Chastity Club: Old School(TM). Pass!
BAU: Sign her tf up! She’d definitely be a member.
17. Does your character participate in any sports? If so, what made them join the team?
18. What afternoon activities does your character do? Do they just do the one mandatory one or are they involved in multiple? Why?
Wendy is involved in two afternoon activities, because she likes having things to do that aren’t burdensome and people to talk to. She’s involved in photography (she’s not very good but she’s having fun and hey, isn’t that what matters?) and the seasonal musical production. She is always a member of the company, never a lead, and again: she’s here to have a blast! Maybe look a bit foolish now and again. It’s NBD.
19. Do they miss their home when they’re at Broadripple? Do they often go home for the weekends or do they only go home during holiday breaks?
Wendy misses home a lot. She misses the noise and bustle and even the grey griminess of Boston. She misses her neighborhood and her neighbors, including (but only a teeny tiny bit) the annoying college kids encroaching on in. She misses her grandma’s cooking and her dad’s booming laughter and the smell of her mom’s perfume. She’s a very sentimental, clingy person. It’s hard for her to be away from the people she loves. Every once in awhile she’ll take a Greyhound back home for the weekend.
20. Did your character know Izzy De Santis or Maggie Monroe?
She did not know either of them. Maggie was in her year and maybe they shared a few classes but they never really spoke (*wendy voice*: the vibes were off), but she is totally wigged out by their disappearances.
21. Has your character heard of Edith Lynch? Do they know the story?
Wendy has heard of Edith Lynch and she has heard the story. After her parents chose Broadripple, they came across it in their research and they had a little sit-down talk about it because they’re a bit dramatic as hell. It was mostly to keep Wendy from using it as a reason not to go and involved the refrain of “it was thirty years ago, you’re gonna be fine, go memorize the Commandments.”
22. How does your character feel about Nighmore? Have they noticed the recently closed shops yet?
Wendy thinks Nighmore is pretty boring, but she definitely knows the shops in and out in search of entertainment. So she’ll have noticed some are closed. Bit sus!
23. Have you made any aesthetic Pinterest boards/WeHeartIt collections for this character? Or playlists? Anything you would like to share!
THIS is Wendy’s pinterestboard. I hope to post a playlist of songs she listens to soon.
Let me know if you’d like to form a connection or plot. I’ll be throwing up a connections page ASAP.
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keshma23 · 4 years
“All ah we is one”
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The Caribbean comprises of the Caribbean Sea and its surrounding islands, nestled between Central and South America. It is well known for the tropical climate and its islands’ tourist attractions such as the beaches, flora and fauna. However, the Caribbean cannot only be defined by its geographic location due to its many complexities. The Caribbean is also explained through its islands’ similar histories of slavery, indentureship and colonialism. Through these historical events, the Caribbean has been able to become a “melting pot”, consisting of many races and ethnicities that make up the Caribbean societies. Although the Caribbean has many similarities and shared backgrounds that bring many individuals together as one, there are also differences that some may say divide the Caribbean. The colonial ties that are still ingrained into some of the societies of the Caribbean, has shaped the way societies function and are formed in the Caribbean. Some societies have broken away from colonial ties and forged identities of their own. These similarities and differences have created debates on whether the Caribbean regions and its societies are all one unit.  Therefore, this article aims to discuss the histories, societies and concepts of identity in the Caribbean region and whether they truly unite the Caribbean as one.
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To begin, the Caribbean has many shared histories and historical events that make up its identity and unity among regions. Slavery and indentureship are the two main historical events that the Caribbean has in common. The first inhabitants in the Caribbean were the Indigenous people, where neo-Indians first settled, followed by meso-indians in Trinidad who then moved upwards to Cuba and Hispaniola, followed by Paleo-Indians. Arawakan tribes settled mainly in the Greater Antilles while Cariban tribes were found in the Lesser Antilles. After the Europeans invaded the West Indies, the Amerindians soon died out due to overwork, abuse, diseases and hunted for sport by the Europeans. However, traces of Amerindian descent can still be found in the Caribbean. The European planters needed a labour force to work on the sugar plantations and the first to resort to slavery of the West Africans in the Caribbean were Barbados, Jamaica and the Leeward Islands. The Lesser Antilles were the first slavery societies and later on, Jamaica and Haiti became rivals to Brazil as a slavery society. Millions of the enslaved Africans were shipped and forced to work on the plantations and many died due to overwork, starvation and abuse. Slavery was abolished in British colonies in 1838, French and Danish colonies in 1848 and Dutch colonies in 1863 (“Chronology of the Abolition of Slavery”). Many West Africans stayed in the Caribbean and pursued peasantry, making a living for themselves. After the abolition of slavery, Europeans were looking for another source of labour and they imported from China, “approximately 18,000 Chinese labourers from Canton were living in the Caribbean. The country that was the most successful with Chinese immigration was Cuba which had the largest group of immigrants.” (“The Impact of Indentured Labourers on Caribbean Society History Essay”). They also imported white labourers, Syrians and Lebanese but the most successful and cheapest labour force were the East Indians. Majority of the Indentured labourers were shipped to Trinidad and British Guiana. This large labour force was used among the British, French and Dutch colonies to continue sugar production. Thus, Indian indentureship has affected many of the Caribbean regions.
Slavery and indentureship are two historical events that have shaped the Caribbean. These events have brought people of different ethnic groups such as West African, East Indian, Portugese and Chinese ethnicities among others that have formed the “melting pot” societies of the Caribbean. This shared history is something that the Caribbean regions all have in common and can all relate to, creating a sense of unity.  Both of these events are also taught throughout the region in subjects such as history and social studies, so that all youths are educated on these topics and it brings a form of togetherness within the Caribbean as these young people are learning and sharing the same historical experiences. This shared past also makes the Caribbean unique and different from other countries across the world. Although, shared historical experiences may bring people of the West Indies together, there are also some differences that may cause a divide. Barbados is referred to as “Little England” as it retains many of the British traditions compared to Jamaica which does not rely on its colonial ties and more so, on its precolonial heritage and Aruba maintains a slight Dutch influence today (Iiwinc). Even though, some countries retain its colonial influences while some do not, the shared history among them are enough to bring some unity and togetherness within the Caribbean.
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Additionally, the societies of the Caribbean are similar in many ways that it brings a sense of unity among the regions. Historically, plantation societies that existed was created from colonialism. The European planters severely oppressed and exploited the West Africans, engraining into their minds that their race is inferior. Therefore, blacks were found at the bottom of the class system, mixed races were found in the middle and upper whites at the very top of the rigid class system. This created a mind-set of class prejudice and racial division among societies. “Bearing in mind of the social construct of the past…the social hierarchy moved from a mobile structure which happened due to the changes caused by emancipation and the mass immigration that followed” concurs that at present day, although issues of class prejudice and racial division may still exist in the region, people are now able to better their social standing because of education, occupation or economic status (“There Was Developed Which Distinguished the Slaves - Free Essay Examples”). Culture is also a major factor that is upholded in societies in the Caribbean by different individuals of different races and ethnicities. Culture allows for individuals to communicate through language and cultural art forms such as music and dance and provides knowledge to those who follow it. Creolization is said to have led to the development of culture and religion as well. Creolization is where people of two different backgrounds learn to interact within the same environment and a new culture is formed. This is seen through religion, where the combination of religions was seen as an attempt to revive people’s religions that was lost or forgotten during times of enslavement or indentureship. The revival of the orisha religion in Trinidad, vodou in Haiti, obeah in the English speaking Caribbean and Rastafarianism in Jamaica are some examples of syncretism which is a combination of religions. Culture was also transformed by creolization through language. Creole forms of speech became known throughout the Caribbean, foregoing the “Dutch speaking, English speaking” Caribbean that still had colonial ties. For some countries such as Haiti and Guadelope, French is the official language however, creole is spoken informally (“Caribbean Crucible: History, Culture, and Globalization”).
                Although plantation societies do not exist in the Caribbean today, there are still issues such as class prejudice and racial discrimination that still affect the Caribbean. The colour bar divides individuals in terms of their complexion where those who are dark skinned are seen as inferior and those who are mixed or who are closer to being white are seen at the top of the social pyramid. These issues are what divides the people of the Caribbean as colonial experiences have instilled prejudice and discrimination into the psyche of the region. Issues such as gender discrimination derived from plantation societies where majority of the men worked on the plantations while women had to cook, do menial work and take care of the children also is displayed in Caribbean households presently. Men are seen as the breadwinners whereas women are believed to stay at home and take care of the children. However, factors such as education have enabled women to move freely in society and obtain jobs at even higher positons compared to men, though gender discrimination is still a problem faced in the Caribbean. Creolization is said to develop culture even further and the combination of religions such as Spiritual Baptist as well as languages allow for individuals to share commonalities in both religion and languages across the region. However, there are many different religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism that people strictly follow that can divide people in terms of their religious beliefs. Also, countries in the Caribbean may speak English, French, Dutch however, dialects vary within each country and it may be difficult for people to understand and communicate freely across the Caribbean.
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Finally, the main concepts of identity which are cultural, national and education will be explored. The fact of identity refers to attributes such as race, ethnicity or gender that is shared. Pre-emancipation, the only form of education that was received was colonial education. Post- emancipation, many countries wanted to break away from colonial ties in all aspects. The education system up until 1972 was the General Certification of Education (GCE) by England. The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) was created in 1972 to govern the examinations and certifications among 16 English speaking Commonwealth Caribbean countries. This effort towards breaking ties away from the metropolis and gaining independence within its education regime, has created a sense of unity among the Caribbean. Although there are many countries in the Caribbean that have different practices and belief systems, there is also a sense of national identity across the region. This is shown through institutions such as CARICOM and CSME as well as sports. CARICOM is the Caribbean community of fifteen nations to promote integration and cooperation among its members and CSME is the CARICOM Single Market and Economy that aims for free movement of goods, labour, services, etc among CARICOM member states (“CSME”). These institutions aim to bring the Caribbean region together and to cooperate as one. This aims at a single identity within the Caribbean region.  However, this is not as easy as it sounds as the economic systems within each country is not the same therefore, smaller islands would feel inadequate and inferior. Sports also play a big factor in creating a single identity as the region is represented by the West Indies cricket team in cricket. Cultural identity is where a group of people share similar beliefs or way of living. There is no one cultural identity within the Caribbean. There are many people of many different races, religions and ethnicities that create the “melting pot” of the Caribbean. People of East Indian, West African, Chinese, Portugese, etc. ethnicities all observe and live different ways of life. All religious festivities are celebrated for example, Diwali in Trinidad by East Indians although, festivities such as Carnival is celebrated throughout the region and everyone celebrates it.
Moreover, to have multiple countries agree to all have the same educational curriculum and be tested under the same examinations council shows that there is trust and unity among the Caribbean region. This brings a sort of togetherness as youths are all learning the same curriculum and individuals are obtaining the same level of certifications. Institutions such as CARICOME and CSME also encourage a single identity within the region through economic integration and free movement across the Caribbean. However, smaller islands with small economies may not feel adequate and larger economies may feel as though they are doing all the work and are giving up all their talented skills and resources. The West Indies cricket team led to create a single identity however, in other competitions where the countries are being represented individually, this may cause more popularity and recognition towards one country. There is no one similar type of cultural identity within the Caribbean as there are many people of different races and ethnicities that practice different cultures and way of life.
In conclusion, factors such as a common shared history, similar social structures and concepts of identity such as education, cultural and national play a big influence in forming a single identity within the Caribbean. However, issues such as gender discrimination and colour prejudice in societies, some countries’ colonial ties, differences in dialect, religion and differences in economies make it difficult for the region to become one. Therefore, the Caribbean region is not a single identity.
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Jamaica Smooth CBD Prerolls blood cells are pink solely as a result of they contain a protein chemical referred to as hemoglobin which is vivid crimson in color. Nonetheless, mHealth can be used for illness surveillance, therapy support, epidemic outbreak monitoring and continual illness management. This provision permitted the Secretary of Health and Human Companies (HHS) to kind a workgroup in an effort to obtain broad stakeholder enter from across the well being care, IT, sufferers and innovation spectrum. The best remedy for coronary heart block relies on the severity of the condition and whether or not it's associated with any symptoms. Cosmetics are any product that you just put on your face or physique with the aim of making your appearance higher, and maybe making your skin healthier. Your doctor will take your medical historical past and run some exams to diagnose steady angina: Anelectrocardiogram check measures your coronary heart's electrical exercise and beating pattern; anangiography is a kind of X-ray that lets your physician see how blood flows to your heart. With Holistic Well being folks settle for responsibility for their very own degree of effectively-being, and everyday decisions are used to take cost of one's personal health.” (The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Physique-Thoughts Disciplines, Walter Suzan). Because the blood passes by the physique's tissue, the hemoglobin releases the oxygen to the cells. Listed here are some prime-rated websites as listed by the Medical Library Association on cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Within the twentieth century asylum attendants were remodeled into psychological health nurses, and a variety of different professionals (e.g., mental health social employees, psychotherapists, and medical and well being psychologists) started to contribute to the care and treatment of these with psychological health issues and to understandings about mental health and illness. Nonetheless, what many people are inclined to overlook is that the symptoms of psychological illness should not a alternative either. The doctor injects particles designed to clog the hepatic artery, slicing off the blood supply to most cancers cells which have unfold to the liver. Myocarditis is uncommon and can be caused by a viral infection or a self-directed immune response (this is when the person's own immune system attacks the physique, similar to in autoimmune illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus). Seek the advice of a physician the primary time you begin wheezing, or if the conditoin doesn't respond to the prescribe therapy. https://www.nutrawins.com/jamaica-smooth-cbd-prerolls/
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spiritroots · 6 years
Afrocentric Hair & Skin Care 101
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What is Afrocentric hair and skin care?
There’s a difference between general black hair and skin care vs. Afrocentric hair and skin care. A lot of mainstream brands sold in stores targeted at black hair and beauty are designed FOR black people but aren’t made BY black people and/or don’t contain ingredients from our own cultures.
You should always pick the products in your price range and that are good for your hair and your body! But it’s also helpful to be an informed consumer when choosing between hundreds of beauty brands - and unfortunately, the information isn’t always readily available. So here’s a simple guide to Afrocentric hair and skin care to help you put the best nature can provide into your body while also supporting and giving back to our own communities.
What’s good for my hair and skin?
Here’s some tips and general guidelines that I’ve learned so far through research and practice on my hair and skin hair journey!
1. The more natural, the better. Now, personally, I wouldn’t say this about everything in life! Pharmaceuticals can be life-saving, and I don’t think all natural or traditional remedies should be used in place of prescribed medications. However, when it comes to the regular care of your skin and hair - the fewer toxins and chemicals are absorbed by your body, the better!
2. As I’ve done more research, I’ve discovered that in most cases when it comes to all-natural ingredients, what’s good for your hair is also what’s good for your skin - and vice versa. Most natural ingredients can be used to hydrate, heal, protect, soothe, and strengthen your skin and your hair!
3. One size does not fit all. On your own journey to care for your skin and hair, you’ll want to experiment with different oils, butters, creams, and products to find out which types, combinations, and amounts work best for your skin and hair types! Find out if you have normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin to get a sense of what your skin care needs are. Knowing your hair type is also helpful for figuring out what types of products will keep it the healthiest and strongest.
4. Always read the ingredients list on the labels of any products you purchase. Whether you’re buying a supposedly single-ingredient product or something that lists three natural ingredients on its front label, always look at the fine print and check the official list. For instance, SheaMoisture is an excellent and popular black-owned skincare brand, but unfortunately, many of their products do include chemicals alongside the good stuff. And if you don’t check the labels, you might wind up with a “99% aloe vera gel” that contains mostly water.
This is a long post so click below the read more line to get to my lists of black-owned skin & hair care brands + Afrocentric skin & hair care ingredients.
Which skin and hair care ingredients are Afrocentric?
The following ingredients are all from different parts of Africa or were used traditionally in Africana cultures. They are all good for both skin and hair care, and they all contain good juju - physical and spiritual properties that are healing, rejuvenating, and nourishing for the body.
Ghassoul Clay
Origins: Natural mineral clay mined from the Atlas Mountains in Morroco that has been used in North Africa to create skin and hair treatments for centuries.
Benefits: Increases hair shine, reduces acne, exfoliates dead cells
Use It to Make: Exfoliating facial mask, face and body soap, facial cleanser, hair mask, deep conditioner
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Zadia’s Morocco
Shea Butter
Origins: Fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree, which grows in the dry savannah belt of West Africa from Senegal to Sudan and the Ethiopian highlands. It’s used both for cosmetics and in cooking!
Benefits: Anti-aging, anti-inflammation, soothes itchy or irritated skin
Use It to Make: Skin moisturizer, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, soap
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: SheaMoisture
Cocoa Butter
Origins: Fat extracted from cocoa beans. It is used for skin care and also to create chocolate. Nearly 70% of the cocoa world crop today is grown in West Africa.
Benefits: Reduces stretch marks, anti-aging, moisturizing
Use It to Make: skin moisturizer, chapstick, shaving cream
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: SheaMoisture
Raw Honey
Origins: Honey was used in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) to treat stomach and skin wounds and other issues.
Benefits: Antibacterial, anti-fungal, reduces acne, pore unclogging
Use It to Make: Facial mask, acne treatment, bath, facial cleanser
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: beelove
Black Castor Oil
Origins: Oil from roasted castor seeds using a traditional Jamaican method of extracting them to create black castor oil. Castor seeds are from East Africa and have been used as a traditional medicine by multiple cultures including Kemet (Ancient Egypt).
Benefits: Hair / eyelash / eyebrow growth, healthy scalp, mild pain relief
Use It to Make: Hair moisturizer, acne treatment, pain relief rub
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Sunny Isle
Coconut Oil
Origins: Oil extracted from coconut meat. Coconuts grow in various regions of Africa and in the Caribbean, where they are popular for both cuisine and cosmetics.
Benefits: Moisturizer, fights dandruff, anti-frizz, anti-aging
Use It to Make: Lip gel, skin softener, hair wash, deep-conditioner 
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Alaffia
Argan Oil
Origins: Oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. It is used in both Moroccan cuisines and cosmetics.
Benefits: Anti-aging, heat styling protection, combats dandruff
Use It to Make: Skin toner, exfoliator, nighttime moisturizer, conditioner
How-to-Use Guide: [LINK]
Yejide’s Product Recommendation: Zakia’s Morocco
Which hair and skin care brands are black-owned?
There’s many more black-owned brands out there, but here’s a starter list! I’ve specifically highlighted these particular brands based on how natural and high quality the ingredients are in their products. These are some real goodies for your hair and skin. 
Some of these companies also have a social impact - whether it’s supporting black communities around the world, empowering women, or protecting animals and the environment with cruelty-free or vegan products!
Hair & Skin Care
BLK + GRN - Here you’ll find a selection of hair and skin products (alongside jewelry, cosmetics, and other goodies) from black-owned brands at this all-natural online marketplace curated by “Black women's health experts who know what an all-natural product truly looks like."
ILERA Apothecary - Sister duo Chinonye and Nneji Akunne went on a mission to create this premium organic and vegan skincare brand. You can find everything you’d want to put in your bathroom cabinet from fragrant body butters to beard oil to aluminum free deodorant!
beelove - Get your honey and honey-infused products for skin and hair care from this black-owned company in Chicago that provides job opportunities specifically for folks returning to society from incarceration. You'll find an amazing selection of lip balms, lotion, sugar scrubs, and bath/shower products. Don't forget that their pure, all-natural Chicagoland honey can also be used on your skin and hair all by itself!
ASIM Supreme - Started by entrepreneur Akil Jabbar, this hair and skin care product line has top-quality natural ingredients - many of which are even exported from the African countries where they are naturally grown and produced. Here you can meet all your natural skin and hair care needs for shea butter, coconut oil, argan oil, black castor oil, aloe vera oil, grapeseed oil, and more!
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil - This company supports rural farmers in Jamaica and preserves traditional Jamaican methods for extracting castor oil and coconut oil by using them to create excellent skin care products. Black Castor Oil can be used for many purposes including moisturizer, hair and eyelash growth, acne treatment, and even a pain relief rub!
Alaffia - By shopping at Alaffia, not only do you get quality natural ingredients, you are also helping encourage gender equality and alleviate poverty in Togo. Proceeds help fund Alaffia’s “Empowerment Projects” such as “Education-Based Projects, Maternal Health, FGM Eradication, Eyeglasses, and Reforestation.”
Natural Cosmetics
Blac Minerals Cosmetics - Merced Boyce wanted to create natural makeup for women of color that is "powered by healthy, skin-loving ingredients." Blac Minerals products are free of animal testing, phthalates, parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, petroleum, and other nasty chemicals. Check out the mineral foundations and lip glosses, which come in lots of shades!
Laws of Nature Cosmetics - Jasmine Rose, the founder of this all-natural makeup line, will personally email you her recommendation for which foundation shade best matches your skin tone if you fill out the Foundation Quiz! You can get powder, gel, or foundation sticks that are vegan, antioxidant-rich products free of parabens, silicone, and alcohol.
LUV + CO. - Join the #luvtribe and check out this incredible line from Dr. Melodie Ray Davis-Bundrage, which focuses on natural and organic foundation formulas specifically for women of color. These products are free of toxins, parabens, and carcinogens. Beyond foundation, there's also lipsticks, nail polish, and more!
OMGLO Cosmetics - Gone are the days of using highlighters and makeup setting sprays full of chemicals! Thank you, Joelle Phillips, for finding a way to give a golden finish to our makeup routine that’s full of organic, natural ingredients good for our skin.
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