#Sky Scrapper
thedalatribune · 4 months
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© Paolo Dala
Reflection Photography
Reflection photography is also known as mirror photography. Its basic premise is capturing an image that also has a reflective surface that is echoing the surrounding scenery. It can be in a setting as huge as the ocean, or as small as a raindrop. As long as there is a reflective surface, magic can be made. Although we have mentioned bodies of water as examples, anything that is reflective can work. This means that mirrors, tiles, or even windows are a great medium to get started with reflection photography. 
Sarah Foster 4 Tips for Mastering Reflection Photography
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guyincognitojr · 16 days
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mx-legend-of-faye · 7 months
The Chain as Conversations My Friends and I Have Had
(Paraphrased, of course)
Wild, staring at their hands which are covered in red: My hands… the guilt… we shall not speak of what occurred tonight.
Sky, concerned: Are you okay???
Legend: He cut a pomegranate, they’re just being really dramatic
Four: Should I be taking this personally? No. Will I? Absolutely.
Twilight: This is just them narrating going shopping with their pets. I love animals but their voices are making me want to die.
Flora: Would you still love me if I was a wyrm?
Wild: Yes, absolutely.
Flora: Good because I’m actually an all powerful ancient draconic entity!
Time: You know what’s crazy?
Hyrule, with Wind and Wild next to him: All of us?
Time: Yes but no,
—————————————————————————————————————Sky, talking to Sun and Pipit, dripping wet and holding a remlit: So were either of you going to tell me that remlits could swim or was I just gonna have to find that out myself
Sun: Well which of the two happened?
Pipit: Because one of them did, and one of them is significantly less likely now
And there you have it folks
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silverwingwashere · 1 year
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"If I have to die, then die I will
If I have to kill, then blood I'll spill
But I will weep for the world we lost
Yes, I will weep and dream of times long past"
- Lil' Pip, PinkieGuy
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lyrabythelake · 2 years
Hi Lyra!! If you're still taking requests, how about Four meeting Gondo or Scrapper?
Thanks for sending in the request Zee! Here's Four and Sky running into Scrapper in Sky's era
“Come on guys, very funny, but you can stop now.”
Sky rubbed the sleep from his eyes, yawned long and wide and then stared at the scene coming into focus in front of him. Since he had begun travelling with the other heroes, there hadn’t been much in the way of peaceful awakenings, but Four waving a piece of scrap metal in everyone’s faces was up there with the weirder of them. 
“Just admit it, Four,” Legend replied wearily, “you like to sleep with scrap metal. It’s honestly not much of a shock to me.”
“You don’t need to be ashamed of it,” said Twilight, a glint of humour in his eyes. “Whatever brings you comfort. We all have different ways of coping with the stress of being a hero.”
“I do not sleep with metal in my bed!”
“Hate to point out the obvious…” Warriors pointed a finger at the piece of metal in Four’s hand with raised eyebrows. 
“I didn’t go to sleep with it! I woke up and it was just… there.”
Wind giggled into his palm.
“Come on,” said Four. “Own up, who did it?”
Sky groaned and flopped back into his bedroll. It was way too early to be dealing with this.
As distantly humorous as Sky found the Four situation–the situation being Four’s new tendency to find bits of old tech and scrap metal in numerous strange places–he was beginning to get curious. It wasn’t any of their group; he had asked them all quietly who it was that had been leaving bits of metal wherever Four went, but they had all shaken their heads blankly. He was beginning to seriously consider the possibility that Four had somehow developed some kind of magnetism. 
“Have you gotten too close to any wizzrobes recently?” he asked as casually as he could after Four discarded what looked like a piece of old pipe he had found in his bag with an annoyed huff. The two of them had split up from the team to forage ingredients for dinner.
“Like, I don’t know, have you gotten in the way of a curse or something?”
Four looked at him like he was mad, and Sky shrugged sheepishly.
“It’s the only thing I could think of that would explain it. You know, the whole scrap metal thing.”
Four rolled his eyes.
“Oh come on, it’s obviously one of the others playing a prank.”
“I don’t know, I really think they’re telling the truth this time.”
“That’s because you always see the best in people! It’s admirable, really, but—"
Four stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide and focused on the path ahead of them, specifically on a small, floating robot. Sky groaned internally.
“What in Din’s name is that?” Four asked.
“That’s Scrapper,” Sky said. “He’s usually up with Gondo on Skyloft, but he must be down here on one of his collection trips….” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Wait….” There was something strange going on here. Bits of scrap metal appearing around Four and a stupid little scrap-foraging robot loose on the surface—those two things were connected, even if he hadn’t quite worked out how yet.
“Aw,” cooed Four, “he’s cute. Can we go say hi?”
“He’s not cute,” Sky grumbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“He’s not cute, he’s actually… kinda mean.”
Four spluttered a laugh.
“He’s a tiny, flying robot, how mean can he be?”
“You’ll see,” Sky promised him as they approached. “Hi Scrapper.”
Scrapper turned and stared at them for a few seconds before speaking.
“A reluctant, yet obligatory greeting to you, too, zzrt… It has been a long time since we last spoke, a fact which I find less than concerning, but my master has been worried.”
“How’s everyone getting on without me up there?”
“Quality of life has improved by 26.32% now that you are gone.”
“Great,” Sky deadpanned. Four cackled.
“I learned those extraordinary levels of accuracy from Mistress Fi, vrrrrrt- CHONK…” Scrapper continued. His mismatched eyes seemed to scan their surroundings. “She does not appear to be with you at this time.”
Sky couldn’t help the melancholy that filled him at the thought of Fi.
“She’s gone for now. She’ll be back one day.”
“A shame, whizzt! But your new friend is also pleasing.�� He turned to Four. “At your request, I will carry out any duty programmed into my database.”
“Oh, boy,” Sky muttered.
“Huh?” Four looked at him in confusion.
“Scrapper… er, tends to have strong opinions about people. He seems to have taken a liking to you.”
Four beamed.
“I take a liking to those with sufficient levels of competence…  vrrt!”
Four snorted as Sky frowned, offended.
“I like you too, Scrapper.” He held out his fist in front of him. “…You’re supposed to bump it with your own fist.”
“Bumping fists is not in my programming. However, I can continue to retrieve scrap metal for your endeavours, whizzt!”
“Oh, that’s coo—wait… what do you mean continue to retrieve scrap metal?”
“I hope you have enjoyed my gifts to you over the past two days, zrrrrrt… they are a mere president of my services and capabilities. I am able to carry anything, regardless of weight or destination…”
“You’re the one leaving metal in my bed?!”
“I shall take your surprise as sufficient gratitude. It was no problem.”
“A preliminary analysis of your temperament showed that you, hero of smallest stature, have a proficiency for welding and blacksmithing, ker-PLUNK… I am here to aid you.”
It was Sky’s turn to laugh this time.
“This is not funny!” Four hissed.
“Oh, it definitely is.”
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akishaha · 20 days
Dubai - Sky Scrappers
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tigressaofkanjis · 2 months
Transformers: Lost World - All 15 Canyon Transformers
102. Blast Off (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Narrow Single Striped, and Narrow Racing Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Purple Labradorite (Purple, Black, and Brown with Yellow Lights), Starry Night (Black, Indigo, and Copper with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Decorum (Silver, Copper, and Indigo with Red Lights), Vampire (Black, Purple, and Red with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Brown, Dark Brown, Black, and Purple with Purple Lights; Andean Condor), Shattered Glass (Green, Dark Green, and Grey with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Cloud Nine (Blue, Black, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Space Shuttle (White, Black, and Purple with Purple Lights) 
103. Vortex (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Ocelot, and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Forbidden Depths (Slate, Deep Teal, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Huntsman (Tan, Dark Brown, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Blue Sky (Cerulean, Baby Blue, and White with Red Lights), Royal Blue (Blue, Gold, and Teal with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Slate, Brown, and Teal with Purple Lights; Dimorphodon), Shattered Glass (Pale Purple, Red, and Yellow with Yellow Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Cybertron Assault (Pink, Tan, and Slate with Yellow Lights), Hell-Copter (Red and Gold with Red Lights) 
104. Mixmaster (Miner) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Single Striped, and Hexagonal Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Masquerade (Vivid Purple, Neon Green, and Dark Grey with Red Lights), Leather Coat (Windsor Tan, Neon Yellow, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Old Shed (Green, Dark Brown, and Black with Green Lights), Alstroemeria (Green, Yellow, and Orange with Yellow Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Dark Green, Green, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Rhinoceros Beetle), Shattered Glass (Baby Blue, Red, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Mack Granite (White, Black, and Silver with Red Lights), Constructicon (Yellow, Indigo, and Silver with Purple Lights) 
105. Scrapper (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Saddled, and Triangular Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Masquerade (Vivid Purple, Neon Green, and Dark Grey with Red Lights), Leather Coat (Windsor Tan, Neon Yellow, and Dark Grey with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Camouflage (Camo Green, Tan, and Black with Yellow Lights), Sunstone (Orange and White with Orange Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Black, Green, and Silver with Green Lights; Mosquito Hawk), Shattered Glass (Baby Blue, Red, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Powerlinx Energon (Black, Green, Grey, and Indigo with Green Lights), Scrap Metal (Red, Black, and Silver with Red Lights) 
106. Nova Storm (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Chevron Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Black Swan (Black, Deep Grey, and Gold with Red Lights), Elegant Eclipse (Gold, Black, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Cobalt Aura (Dark Blue, Gold, and Purple with Red Lights), Treasure Ore (Silver, Gold, and Copper with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Yellow, Orange, and Black with Orange Lights; Tapejara), Shattered Glass (Mint, Black, Green, and Blue with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Super Star (Purple, Indigo, and Yellow with Red Lights), Sunlight (Gold, Yellow, and Orange with Red Lights) 
107. Cosmos (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Wide Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Ammolite (Green, Yellow, and Red with Blue Lights), Agamidae (Dark Green, Amber, and Red with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Citrus Melody (Green, Orange, and Yellow with Orange Lights), Berry Platter (Blue, Red, and Teal with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Dark Yellow, Grey, Orange, and Red with Orange Lights; Draco Lizard), Shattered Glass (Purple, Black, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Diecast (Silver, Yellow, and Red with Yellow Lights), Alien Ship (Neon Green, Light Grey, and Neon Red with Red Lights) 
108. Blitzwing (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Leopard, and Mackerel Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Desert Bloom (Tan, Purple, and Yellow with Red Lights), Dark Architecture (Tan, Purple, and Black with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Decorum (Silver, Copper, and Indigo with Red Lights), Lepidolite (Indigo, Lavender, and Slate with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Purple, Black, Grey, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Cerberus), Shattered Glass (Dark Grey, Red, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Overcharge (Camo Green, White, and Blue with Red Lights), Triple Insanity (Blue, Red, and Black with Yellow Lights) 
109. Acid Storm (Healer) - Can be found in Basic, Tiger, and Flames Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Ammolite (Green, Yellow, and Red with Red Lights), Malachite (Dark Green, Green, and Light Green with Teal Lights) 
Regal Colors: Komodo (Green, Orange, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Chrysocolla (Green, Mint, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Mint, Grey, Black, and Green with Red Lights; Anhanguera), Shattered Glass (Brown, Gold, and Silver with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Acid Rain (Dark Green, Purple, and Yellow with Red Lights), Camo Disguise (Neon Green, Camo Green, and Black with Yellow Lights) 
110. Sunstorm (Gatherer) - Can be found in Basic, Cheetah, and Wide Sports Striped Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Oriole (Orange, Amber, and Black with Red Lights), Crystal Spessartine (Orange, Burgundy, and White with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Obsidian Sun (Black, Orange, and Deep Copper with Red Lights), Shaded Canyon (Copper, Purple, and Black with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Yellow, Amber, Grey, and Black with Orange Lights; Tupandactylus), Shattered Glass (White, Blue, and Yellow with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Sky Terror (Black, Grey, and Yellow with Red Lights), Shining Universe (White, Amber, Orange, and Teal with Red Lights) 
111. Ramjet (Scout) - Can be found in Basic, Triangular, and Saddled Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Cinnabar Dolomite (White, Maroon, and Deep Grey with Red Lights), Warlord (Silver, Deep Grey, Black, and Crimson with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Snowflake (White and Baby Blue with Red Lights), Peppermint (White, Red, Green, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Silver, Black, Orange, and Red with Red Lights; Dsungaripterus), Shattered Glass (White, Blue, Green, and Gold with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Antrodemonus (White, Blue, and Red with Red Lights), Imposter (Lavender, Black, and Teal with Purple Lights) 
112. Whirl (Infiltrator) - Can be found in Basic, Ocelot, and Tobiano Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Aqua Spring (Deep Blue, Light Blue, and Teal with White Lights), Blue Sky (Cerulean, Baby Blue, and White with Yellow Lights) 
Regal Colors: Apatite Calcite (Blue, Slate, and Orange with Blue Lights), Daredevil (Blue, Crimson, and White with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Slate, Black, and Blue with Blue Lights; Gyrfalcon), Shattered Glass (Gold, Black, and Yellow with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Autobot Annihilator (Orange, Dark Blue, and Light Blue with Blue Lights), Stormbringer (White, Blue, and Orange with Yellow Lights) 
113. Cyclonus (Combatant) – Can be found in Basic, Chevron, and Leopard Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Amethyst (Indigo, Gray, and Silver with Red Lights), Purple Dawn (Purple, Lavender, and Grey with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Rainbow Fluorite (Lavender, Mint, and Black with Red Lights), Poltergeist (Black, Purple, and Grey with Purple Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Grey, Dark Grey, Dark Purple, and White with Purple Lights; Horned Owl), Shattered Glass (Red, Orange, and Black with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Snow Cat (White, Mint, and Maroon with Pink Lights), Distant Armada (Slate, Gole, White, and Pink with Yellow Lights) 
114. Grindor (Wrecker) - Can be found in Basic, Tribal, and Leopard Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Camouflage (Camo Green, Tan, and Black with Red Lights), Neutral (Tan and Grey with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Emerald Marble (Green, Gold, and Black with Purple Lights), Tourmaline (Pink, Green, and Dark Green with Red Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Tan, Brown, Gold, and Yellow with Yellow Lights; Griffin), Shattered Glass (Cream, Red, and Blue with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Monster (Black, Green, Neon Green, and Yellow with Red Lights), Heavy Brigader (White, Blue, Light Blue, and Black with Red Lights) 
115. Sky Garry (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Flames, and Cheetah Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Showtime (Blue, Crimson, and Gold with Blue Lights), Flag (White, Deep Blue, and Crimson with Blue Lights) 
Regal Colors: Radiant Darkness (Black, Red, and Yellow with Yellow Lights), Sumi-e (White, Black, and Red with Blue Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (White, Grey, Black, and Red with Red Lights; Albatross), Shattered Glass (Green, Orange, and Silver with Red Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Shotbomber (Silver, White, and Orange with Orange Lights), Starfire (Red, White, Black, and Gold with Green Lights) 
116. Slipstream (Leader) - Can be found in Basic, Wide Racing Striped, and Ocelot Patterns. 
Normal Colors: Purple Starling (Purple, Teal, and Silver with Red Lights), Rainbow Fluorite (Lavender, Mint, and Black with Red Lights) 
Regal Colors: Purpurite (Purple, Lavender, and Gold with Red Lights), Charm (Silver, Gold, and Magenta with Pink Lights) 
Rare Colors: Beast (Teal, Lavender, and Silver with Purple Lights; Archaeopteryx), Shattered Glass (Black and Red with Blue Lights) 
Legendary Colors: Star Screamer (Burgundy, Purple, and Black with Red Lights), Lead Seeker (Gold, Silver, Purple, and Black with Purple Lights) 
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shahtajbhutto · 1 year
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Mobijeux : découvre « Sky Scrapper Run »
Dans ce jeu de puzzle, tu devras défendre ta ville qui fait face à la menace des méchants ! Munis de ton casque, de ta cape et sans oublier ta superbe combinaison, grimpe au sommet des bâtiments et élimine tes ennemis ! Teste donc le soft « Sky Scrapper Run » sur Mobijeux !
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linderosse · 2 months
In JoJo's Linked universe, Sky appears to be sad that he didn't receive a letter from his Zelda. Honestly, I can't wait to see Sky reunited with his Zelda.
Yes, I saw that line!
I don’t know what Jojo has planned, of course, but here’s how I envision this going in Wisdomverse (during the events of The Founder’s Call arc):
*the Zeldas are fighting the horde of bokoblins*
Scrapper: Uh, Miss Sunshine? I hate to interrupt, dzzt, but wasn’t the postman supposed to arrive to pick up letters soon?
Sun: Ack! That was today!?!?
Flora: Just write it now, quick!
Sun: *slashes a few bokoblins* I would, but I’m kind of busy here!
Dusk: And she’d need parchment, wouldn’t she?
Lullaby: Here’s an old title deed. Use the back.
Flora: And Scrapper can write it down for you while you fight!
Sun: Right! Okay, Scrapper, ready? Good. *Ahem* Dearest Link, I miss you more than you could ever know. I think of you with every swing of my sword; every time I unfurl my sailcloth; every time I look up at the island we call home. I can’t wait for your return. Until then, dear, do remember to eat three square meals a day, take your respiratory medication, and play a fitting prank on Legend; Fable says he deserves it. The one with the frogs should do. Rope in Wild if you need to, and remember what I said about mornings vs. evenings… *letter continues*… Above all, dear, I hope that you’ll return safe. The sky feels empty without you, as does my heart. I love you, Link. —Zelda
Flora: Awww!
Tetra: Yuck.
Sun: Okay, Scrapper, go! Get that letter to Skyloft before the postman leaves—
Scrapper: Unfortunately, Miss Sunshine… I think that’s the Postman’s blimp over there, dzzt. He’s probably already done.
Sun: Nooooooooooo…….
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animatedjen · 4 months
Cal slipped.
Rock shattered under his foot and skittered down towards the treeline below. His knee and face took most of the impact, crimped handholds biting against his fingers. On his back, BD readjusted his grip with a whir of concern. Twice he’d told Cal this idea was stupid, both times after Cal fell into loose shale while approaching the wall. After that the droid hunkered down and kept his opinions to himself, if only to prevent throwing Cal off balance.
“It’s okay buddy,” Cal grunted the assurance as he looked for new footing. He tasted dirt and maybe blood, his arms were completely spent, and yet somehow it was the best Cal had felt in weeks. He shifted his hips lower and let his weight settle over his left foot, then inched his right up the wall to another toehold. Not great, but it should be enough.
He'd first found the crag while exploring with Mosey. “This path would take us all the way round Raider territory ‘cept for that bluff in the way,” she explained, steering her nekko away from the large outcropping. Cal remembered looking it over, instinctually tracing a line up through the various shapes and grooves in the basalt rock face. A project for another time, after they found Tanalorr.
Now halfway up the cliff, Cal can’t think about hidden planets or fallen friends or a looming Empire. All he can do is inch sideways and slot his hand into a nearby crevice, adjusting until the meat of his palm is wedged firmly into the gap. The next hand follows, then he finds his feet. Instinctually Cal matched his breath to each movement, a soft inhale followed by a deep hiss of an exhale. It’s a form of meditation that he’s never truly found while on the ground.
At the temple he climbed everything. The other younglings in his creche turned it into a game, pointing out interesting walls or columns that could potentially offer a challenge. Wynne once dared Cal to climb to the top of the Archive without touching the floor, and he made it over the railing and onto the second story bookshelves before a bewildered librarian sounded the alarm. His punishment was to dust those same bookshelves, which was wildly boring aside from the ever-present audience: Cal made sure every passing Jedi knew why an eight year old padawan had been assigned cleaning duty. Master Catrine called him a tree-goat and it became Cal’s nickname for the rest of the year.
Learning more of the Force only improved his physicality. Master Tapal had taken one look at his tiny human padawan, bouncing around the halls of the Albedo Brave, and immediately added aerobatics to the training regiment. “You won’t be able to overpower your opponent,” he would say while Cal learned to dash across walls and flip higher into the air. “Use your size and speed to maneuver through your surroundings, adapting to the environment and using it to your advantage.”
Years later, Cal scaled the hull of a half-scrapped Star Destroyer faster than anyone on his shift. The rusting, jagged pieces of metal were nothing like Venator-class training halls or the trees in the Temple meditation gardens. These ships were covered in tragedy, rotted by war and the incessant Bracca rain. He learned to climb with rigging gear, climb with too many pounds of scrapper kit, climb with gnawing emptiness in his stomach and torch burns across his knuckles. The Force was no longer an aid, only a dull, haunted reminder of his past. But years of training were etched too deep into his muscles to be completely forgotten, and the Guild valued those skills enough to employ a destitute liability of a child.
Above, two relters cut across the late afternoon sky, their shadows racing each other along the rockface. Cal tucked his knee against a well-placed indent and ground his foot into the wall until each side felt secure. The kneebar in place, he released his hands with a sigh, shaking out tension and letting the breeze wick away sweat. Guilt gnawed at Cal’s consciousness– he should be at the saloon with the others, helping pack supplies for their next trip through the abyss. The Raiders would likely be wiped out by the Empire anyway, and that’s a problem that no new climbing line can fix.
The Force hummed softly. Cal continued to the end of the fissure, finding another rest point just off to the side. He pressed a hand against a flat portion of the wall, testing its integrity.
“Ready BD?” he called. One beep later, a metal spike launched over Cal’s shoulder to his waiting hand. It would’ve been easier to rewire the entire Mantis than convince BD to swap out his stim canisters for pitons, but Cal didn’t want to risk losing any of his hardware mid-climb. He lined up the spike and let the Force gather around it, then with a Push drove it into the wall. The impact echoed across the treeline below with a satisfying boom.
That was the last piton, BD trilled as Cal added a carabiner. Leaning back, he checked the dangling rope below, tracing it through the previously embedded spikes. Everything’s holding. He checked in with his body. Everything’s hurting. Great. A stim would’ve been nice right about now.
The rope was threaded up and through the final anchor as Cal scouted the last section of the ascent: two sloping holds and a column that juts up over the top of the cliff. He moved his hands to each sloper, mantling up and to the side until there was enough space for his heel to meet his hand. Both hands shifted to the left sloper, and his other foot met them there. Slowly, achingly, he rotated upwards.
BD launched from Cal’s back with a whoop, his thruster carrying him just high enough to disappear over the cliff’s edge. Immediately the whirr of his scanner filled the quiet evening air. Cal laughed despite his weariness, reaching up to grab an edge on the column. Another reach, another foothold, and he had made it. Scrubby grass poked out from gaps in the basalt while thick clouds silhouetted the distant rock formations in pink and gold. In the valley between them lay Rambler’s Reach, just barely outlined in the sunset. 
Everyone Cal loved was in that tiny speck of a settlement. Everyone else was gone. He sunk to the ground, keenly aware of each complaining muscle as he wiped the dust off his face. BD finished scanning and joined him at the ledge.
“What a view, huh BD,” Cal said quietly. Together they watched the rest of the sky fade to dusk.
One relter ride later, Cal was collecting leftover gear at the base of the cliff when nekkos trotted up from the ravine. Mosey emerged first, a lantern swinging from her pack. To Cal’s surprise, Merrin was following her.
“We thought that was you,” Merrin said, dropping from the nekko to greet BD. He immediately asked if she brought stims. “Toa and Zee set up a telescope on the roof of Pyloon’s. We wanted to see what was drilling into the mountains. Thankfully, just a Jedi.”
“Shoot, you really sent that.” Mosey was staring wide-eyed at the rock face, the rope carving a thin brown line to the top of the outcropping. “Incredible. I knew you were good in a fight Cal, but this is something else.”
“With the anchors in place, you should be able to add additional aid,” Cal said. “Make it as easy to climb as possible.” He imagined Turgle dangling from a rope ladder while somehow completely wrapped in another rope ladder. “With some help,” he added.
“This could be huge.” Mosey examined the approach, kicking shale and other loose rocks to form a potential new path. “What’s the backside look like?”
“Not sure, there wasn’t enough light by the time I got up there. But–” Cal glanced over to Merrin, weighing her expression. “We could probably get a rappel system set up, if we stayed on Koboh a little longer.”
Merrin tilted her head. “You said we should establish the Sanctuary as soon as possible,” she said. “Staying on Koboh would delay that.”
“That’s right." The gnawing guilt crept back to his mind, and immediately he wished he was back on the wall again, which only increased the guilt. 
“But,” Merrin cut into his thoughts. “Our goal is to help those who need it. That includes the people here.” She looked up at the cliff, now a shadow against the emerging stars. “I think a new pathway away from Raiders and Empire could be very helpful, and would give Greez time to finish packing the saloon. He’s collected too many trinkets these last few years.”
The dust was back in Cal’s eyes again. “Would that work for you, Mosey?”
Mosey grinned. “Sure does. It might even be fun.”
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angrelysimpping · 1 year
if i made it in time to request… may i ask for LIs reacting to a super badass pc who constantly gets into fights and isn’t good at socializing but once around LI is super docile and soft like a lovesick puppy?
Contents: Alex, Avery, Eden, Kylar, Robin, Sydney, Whitney (they/them); Reader (you/your); mentions of public sex in Whitney's section; mentions of blood and fighting but nothing too explicit
Words: ~ 300 each
Does not realize for the longest time. 
They think you're just the sweetest. 
Always hanging around you on the farm, making sure nothing happens.  
Tosses a bail of hay at you cause they just can't help it. They wanna see you squirming and pinned, needing their help. 
But you surprise them, taking care of yourself. 
That doesn't tip Alex off, though. 
Not even when they catch you jumping the fence, taking a solid swing at that one pervert who likes to catcall Alex as they work, lets Alex in on how much of a scrapper you are. 
Why would it? 
You're always so sweet with them. Always making them tea, sitting in their lap, getting pinned under Alex's weight in bed. If that pervert pushed you to your limit, they must have really been out of line. 
Then come the raids. 
And Alex sees a pack of Remy’s goons scatter at the mere sight of you.
And they can see it. All at once, they understand. 
Maybe it's the way you stand, silhouetted against the security lights. Maybe it's the cock of your head or the twitch in your hand as they form into fists. 
And Alex falters. 
Have you been hiding this from them? The fact that, well, that you're not just some soft townie?
Those thoughts, fears, of you lying to them dissipate as the night winds down, and Remy's goons are sent packing. 
Before Alex even gets the chance to question you about it, you're tugging them into bed, curling into their side.
And the tightness in their chest relaxes, melting against you. 
So, you've still got a few surprises in you, huh? That's fine. You're still Alex's partner, and they're yours. 
Honestly, they never realize you’re bad at socializing. Standoffish while meeting their family? Yeah, that’s understandable. Have a hard time talking to customers on the farm? Well, that’s Alex’s job anyway. 
Avery took a gamble on you, really.
You were just so nice to look at, would look so pretty on their arm at events.
And then the way you looked at them, all dopy-eyed. A lovesick pup ready to do anything Avery asked of you. Yeah, Avery can work with that. 
Of course, your shit social skills are a minus. A really big minus. But, as long as you cling to Avery’s arm and look good, gaze at them like they hang the stars in the sky, then they can live with you not being the best socialite in the world. 
They will try to get you into etiquette classes though, trying to make you even more valuable to them. 
They find out you get into fights quick, idling in their car near the school one afternoon only to see you getting into a fistfight with someone who tried to grope you.
On one hand, Avery’s pissed. The last thing they need is their name tied to some delinquent. Also, what with your apparent prowess in fighting, there’s little to no chance Avery can ever put you in your place if you step out of line. It makes their rage simmer under their skin, knowing they can’t physically push you around.
On the other hand, you stomp that groper into the ground and then climb into Avery’s car and give them that same adoring look you always do. It’s hard to stay mad at you when you look at them like that. It’s a little soothing, really, you looking so soft and submissive, full of adoration. You wouldn’t fight back against them if they got rough with you, would you? No, Avery doesn’t think so. 
Chides you, wiping away a stray droplet of blood, telling you not to get into too many fights. It could reflect negatively upon them, after all. 
Will get upset with you if you ever show up to one of their dates with the evidence of a recent fight, be it something as large as a broken limb or as small as a bruised cheek.
Honestly, this is Eden’s ideal. 
Cute house spouse who does whatever they want? Follows after Eden like a puppy following its master? What’s even better is that you’ve always been like this, submitting to Eden’s whims right from that first meeting. 
Perfect, perfect little pet for them.
You take on your role so readily, following their every order, it’s really like you were made for them.
Of course, nothing in Eden’s life can actually be perfect. You have to go back to town, back to school.
But then you trot back into the forest every afternoon and lay on Eden’s bed, eagerly waiting to fulfill your spousal duties. 
It’d be great if you weren’t late getting home one evening.
If Edne didn’t have to stalk into town, looking for you.
To find you, surrounded by a group of perverts. 
It makes Eden’s blood boil, makes them want to forbid you from ever stepping foot back into town. You’re their’s, Eden’s. You’re too soft for town, without their protection.
And then you kill those thoughts, sending the gang running all by yourself.
It’s a bit of a shock to Eden, really. Almost a betrayal. This whole time, you could fight Eden off if you wanted to. It’s one of the few things they feel confident in, their strength. You’re able to fight off a whole group on your own? Yeah, no, that gets under their skin. 
But then you light up at seeing them, wrap your arms around their waist and apologize for making them worry, for making them come into town looking for you. 
Their collar is still around your throat, their scent still clinging to your skin, and that quells Eden’s anger and paranoia.
Gruffly says something about going back to the cabin, jumping slightly when you take their large hand in yours as you walk with them back to the cabin, back home.
Might never find out that you’re bad at socializing, but boy do they love it. You’re bad at socializing? Good, stay in the forest where you don’t have to try to bullshit your way through social interactions. Can’t make any friends? Good, Eden is all you need, anyway. 
Oh, nothing is a surprise to Kylar, not when it comes to you. 
Kylar knows you’re a badass, that you’re always getting into fights and winning. If they’re honest, it actually turns them on a little, seeing you bloody people who try to grope you, knowing that you can protect yourself. 
Sure, Kylar wants to protect you, but knowing you’ll get violent if some pervert tries to grope you? It sets butterflies off in their stomach. 
Double so if you ever swoop in to stop someone getting rough with Kylar. Seeing you defend them has them pressed against you, mumbling about going somewhere private.
Though, they also hate seeing you in fights at all. They don’t like that there's the potential of you getting hurt. 
As for socializing, they’re thrilled! They’re also bad at socializing! You’re just like them! Also, it means they won’t have to fight for your attention, will they? Or, at least not as much if you were a social butterfly.
And then they adore how you act around them. All sweet and soft and docile. A side only they get to see, right?
Really, Kylar is going to match your energy, two lovesick puppies following after each other. 
Ready to threaten anyone who comes near you, naturally, even if you can defend yourself. 
You’ve always been so sweet to Robin. All these years in the orphanage together, you’ve always been kind to them. 
Then, their feelings towards you start shifting, becoming more romantic. They’re nervous as hell leaving their confession for you to find but then you’re kissing them in their room and they know they made the right choice. 
They love it, they love having you by their side constantly, that you’re an endlessly sweet person in this screwed-up town. 
So, it comes as a massive shock when they see you deck Bailey.
Not only that, but you drive the caretaker off, refusing to pay the money the caretaker demands of all the of age orphans. 
Have you…have you been able to do stuff like this the whole time? Have you been doing stuff like this? Fighting people? 
Robin’s never been one to gossip, they never realized you were the subject of so many fights around the school. 
But, well, it makes sense now why you were always covered in scrapes and bruises. Why Robin had to act as your personal nurse every now and then. 
They wish you wouldn’t get into so many fights but, well, they can understand when it’s someone like Bailey or Whitney. 
Just promise them that you’ll always come to them if you get hurt, alright?
Picks up on how bad you are at socializing and just rolls with it. They won’t ask you to do anything outside your comfort zone if you’re helping them with their drink stalls. They don’t mind that you’re bad at talking to other people, they find it kinda cute, actually. You’re all badass and great at fighting but then you trip over your own words and look at them like a lost puppy. They love it, they love you.
Sydney has heard a few things about you.
They’re no gossip, but students talk far too loudly in the library. Even after Sydney tells them to quiet down, they still hear about how you wiped the floor with someone who tried to sneak a hand down your pants in the hall or sent someone to the nurse because they groped your chest.
On one hand, they don’t think violence is the answer, but, well, they can kind of understand when it comes to perverts trying to assault you.
They also hear things from Sirris, stories about having to give you detention for fighting with classmates during lectures.
That they don’t understand. It never occurs to them that you might be defending yourself in those cases as well, not until after they’ve met you at least. 
Your poor socialization skills are, well, it’s not completely lost on Sydney how bad you are at socializing. It’s just, they’re not great at socializing with their peers either. They don’t have many friends their own age thanks to their temple vows and being a teacher’s kid. So, it doesn’t really bother them. It’s actually a little endearing, your awkwardness. Makes them feel a little more comfortable around you, actually.
Then, when you’re actually in a relationship together? When you follow after them, lovestruck and puppy-like? They love it. Makes their heart all fluttery.
The more corrupt they are, the more they encourage you to fight anyone who tries to touch you. The purer they are, the more they wish for you to forgive them and move on.
This is also Whitney’s ideal. 
Cute slut who does whatever they want and follows after them like the bitch they are. Yeah, that��s exactly what Whitney wants. 
Being shit at talking to people and making friends is a bonus. No one to try to get you to see the light and leave them, no one for you to hang out with except for them. They love it. 
Bullies you for it, of course, but they love it. They can have you all to themself and not have to worry about shit, it’s great.
When they find out that you’re a badass? That you could take them in a fight easily but choose not to? Ego boost.
Yeah, you just sent a group of full-grown adults running, you probably even sent one of them to the hospital. Then, Whitney gives you a look and you’re on your knees in an instant. How could they not feel like a fucking god when you’re doing shit like that?
They become insufferable after finding out you’d fight anyone and probably win. Especially if they can use it to their own advantage.
Also loves having you do something badass only to dom you after. There’s someone else’s blood on your face and you’re on your knees, looking up at them, ready to give them head. It becomes one of their favorite things in the world.
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guyincognitojr · 1 year
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hi! I saw/read the Transformer crossovers and it's amazing
If it's okay to request, from the Transformer crossover poll, TFA Elita One's twin sister with SG! Megatron (and/or other shattered glass cons, if you like to add them)
You can decline this request if you like, Thank you!
I decided to go with SG! Starscream's twin instead of SG! Megs twin.
Hope you enjoy!
Starscream's twin meeting with Elita One's twin sister again
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian/ techno organic reader
Elita One's twin name Silver Aid
Starscream twin is Skyline
Sky ends up in silvers dimension
Skyline was taking some time to inspect the Constructicon’s latest attempt to make a groundbridge. Megatron had specific orders to keep the cons on schedule.
“Why are we here again?”--Starscream
“Well, I’m here on Megatron’s orders. I don’t know why you’re here. You worried Screamer?”--Skyline
“Psh! As if I had to worry about you. You could fall off a cliff if I cared.”--Starscream
“Hmm, love you too.”--Skyline
The portal turns on and starts sucking everything in.
“Oh, Come on!”--Starscream
“Scrapper! Turn it off!”--Skyline
Skyline holds onto a rail while Starscream digs his digits into the rocky wall.
“I would but we haven’t made a switch for that yet!”--Scrapper
“WHAT!?”—Starscream and Skyline
Skyline notices a huge rock coming towards his twin.
He activates his thruster and flies to his twin.
He yanks his arm and throws him out of the way letting the rock hit his back.
Starscream looks in horror as his twin’s unconscious frame gets sucked into the portal.
Before he can get up the portal disappears.
Now in Silver Aid’s dimension…
Silver is in the med bay cleaning some equipment when the portal opens on the wall.
She immediately latches her webs to a sturdy railing as the portal started sucking things in.
Megatron and Starscream burst through the doors and immediately grab onto something to keep them from falling into the portal.
The others follow suite.
A figure flies out of the portal with a bunch of rock straight at Silver Aid.
Silver gets taken out and the portal closes.
The others let go and run over to see their fallen medic.
Silver groans clutching her helm.
“Please tell me I didn’t get sucked in…”—Silver Aid
Skyline sits up too.
“My aching helm…”--Skyline
Silver’s optics snap open and looks at Skyline.
“Sky?!”—Silver Aid
Silver hugs her friend tightly; he returns just as so.
“It’s been too long my friend.”--Skyline
“Too long.”—Silver Aid
Megatron clears his throat catching the two’s attention.
“Can someone please explain.”--Megatron
Skyline helps Silver Aid up and bows to Megatron.
“You must be the Megatron of this dimension. I sincerely apologize for the… ‘dramatic’ entrance.”--Skyline
It does take a few tries to explain everything to the group, but they do eventually get it.
Lugnut is the fastest to get used to Skyline.
He was sold the moment Skyline bowed and gave his respect to his leader.
“Silver Aid… I have something to tell you… in private.”--Lugnut
Silver looks at Lugnut a bit confused but complies.
“Wait for us right here Sky.”—Silver Aid
Lugnut and Silve Aid move into a different room.
“What do you want to talk about Lugnut? Is Skyline making you feel uncomfortable?”—Silver Aid
“NO! I mean, no…”--Lugnut
Silver Aid puts a reassuring servo on his.
“You can tell me Lug, what’s going on?”—Silver Aid
“…Do you think that Skyline and I can be Amica Endura through dimensions?”--Lugnut
“… I think that’s something you have to talk to him about Lugnut.”—Silver Aid
Lugnut is not too surprised to hear that Skyline is spark twins with his version of Starscream.
There are a lot of similarities that could be compared between him and his Starscream.
Bliztwing doesn’t mind Skyline being around the base too much. He can respect someone who can respect Megatron.
But he is fully convinced that Skyline is a clone and not Starscream’s actual spark twin.
None of his faces agree with it despite the number of times Sky and Silver try to explain it.
“Is there nothing that can prove it?”--Skyline
“Yes there is one way.”--Blitzwing
“What is it?”—Silver Aid
“A CNA test.”--Blitzwing
Megatron had conflicted feelings about the new bot.
He does appreciate that this is a loyal con to his alternative’s army. It’s a trait he’d never associate Starscream with.
But he is jealous of the mech.
Silver Aid had been spending a substantial amount of time with the newcomer and all the inside jokes and friendly touches were starting to make him mad.
He will not say that he is jealous.
Nope, never going to happen.
Megatron does get a change in his feelings towards Skyline after Silver Aid comes to the picture.
“Excuse me, Lord Megatron.”--Skyline
“Silver Aid just told me that you and her are together, is that correct?”--Skyline
Megatron suddenly feels a bit uneasy and on edge.
“Yes. And what of it?”--Megatron
Skyline just smiles and looks over at Silver Aid trying to pry a screwdriver from the wall.
“I just wanted to congratulate the both of you. She really looks much happier than when I last saw her. And I take it you are one of the causes?”--Skyline
Megatron just looks at Silver Aid finally prying the tool from the way while stumbling on her back.
“We are both happy with this.”--Megatron
Skyline smiles a bit more.
“I hope to be as happy as she is one day. She earned this.”--Skyline
“Yes… after everything, she does.”--Megatron
“… Is this a bad time to mention that My Megatron tried to flirt with her?”--Skyline
“Excuse me he WHAT?”—Megatron
Starscream takes the longest to come around Skyline.
Something that Skyline understands 100%, no matter how much it stings.
Silver Aid does intervene and gets the two to talk.
“So… you are my spark twin in an alternate universe?”--Starscream
“That I am. I take it that you don’t have an alternate version of me in this universe?”--Skyline
“You are correct.”--Starscream
“…I’m sorry.”--Skyline
Starscream looks at him confused.
“Umm, sorry for what?”--Starscream
“Sorry you never met me. I know that you—I mean—my Starscream hates being alone, I hate being alone. I can’t imagine having to go through this life without you by my side. For that I am sorry.”--Skyline
“…You had nothing to do with it. This is just what the universe gave us.”—Starscream
Skyline chuckles a bit.
“Yeah, you’re right.”--Skyline
Starscream’s wings lift up a bit.
“Of course I’m right!”--Starscream
Skyline smiles a bit.
“Classic Starscream, the ever the humble Decepticon.”—Skyline
The two bots laugh while Silver Aid smiles from her hiding place.
It is a bit of a rough goodbye when the portal comes back a couple of days later. Some of them don’t want him to leave but understand why he needs to go.
Skyline giving one last hug to Silver Aid.
“We will see each other someday my friend.”--Skyline
Silver waves at him holding Megatron’s servo in the other.
“I’ll be waiting for it!”—Silver Aid
Skyline goes into the portal.
In his universe…
Skyline crashes into the throne room face first.
“I hate these landings…”--Skyline
Starscream runs and tackles his twin to the ground pulling him into an armor denting hug.
Skyline just smiles and hugs back.
No words exchanged for now.
Just hugs.
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flimflamfranky · 6 months
my gift to @werelichen for @op-secret-santa!! i can never a good frobin prompt so here's some art and a fic! i hope you enjoy and happy holidays!!
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The moon rose high in the sky, bright and alluring. Robin stared up at it through the window, upside down in her view from her pillow. Around her, the crew (her crew) slumbered soundly, beds pressed tight together. Robin couldn’t help a fond smile as she sat up, seeing Luffy half-slumped out of the top bunk, arms stretching down onto Sanji, who was gently kicking Zoro in his sleep, Chopper squished between them, while Nami spread out like a starfish on her other side, hand curled around Robin’s own.
Robin should be asleep with them, but this wasn’t the first time sleep eluded her, nor would it be the last. A restless energy settled into her, begging for the crisp, moonlit night. And while she knew none of them would mind if she woke them up to keep her company, they deserved the rest.
She slipped out silently from the sheets, gently to not disturb her friends. Yet, the moment her feet hit the ground, there was a rustle, and Zoro’s head popped up, eyes barely open. “R’bin?”
“I’m just going for a walk,” she whispered to him. “I”ll be back soon, I promise.”
Zoro yawned and then nodded, like she said a fact instead of a reassurance. “A’right.” His head flopped back down, and shuffled around, turning to curl around Chopper and smacking Sanji in the face, who sneered at the hand in his sleep.
Robin breathed out a light laugh, careful not to wake anyone else, and then stepped out the door into the night.
She didn’t have a destination in mind, yet her feet lead her to one anyway. She stopped at the top of the stairs, and looked down onto the island of scrap. The skeleton of a keel and hull was starting to form by the shore, bare now but full of promise. She was too far up to make out more, but she could just see a hint of movement and the smallest flash of blue, still hard at work.
She smiled to herself. Oh course.
She headed down into the flattened junk, keeping her eyes down and using her powers to guide her, until she could follow the sound of metal scraping on wood. It grew louder and louder as she picked her way past the sleeping bodies of the shipwrights and dismantlers. She rounded one last towering pile of wood, and finally set eyes on him properly.
Franky was working on a large hunk of wood, a circular shape starting to take form from the rough edges. Shavings littered his feet as he bent over, smoothing the wood down with even, practiced strokes. His stance was firm, his movements confident, completely in his element.
Robin paused for a moment to admire him. There was a lightness to him that hadn’t been there before, and she thought it suited him wonderfully. A smile stole across her face. It was almost startling how fond she had become of him in such a short time but she couldn’t imagine it any other way. She almost felt like she could spend the rest of the night just watching him, but his company would be much preferred, so she stepped forward.
“Franky,” she called out, as she approached.
Franky startled, the scrapper tumbling from his hands as he whipped around, valiantly trying to hide his work. “Nico Robin! What are you doing here?”
She covered her eyes with her hand. “I’m not looking,” she said, a smile in her voice.
There was a moment’s pause, and then Franky sighed in defeat. “Nah, it’s alright. Not much to look at right now.” Robin uncovered her eyes in time to see him wag a finger at her. “But don’t you go snooping! I want it to be a surprise for everyone.”
“I won’t,” she promised, coming to a stop near him. She bloomed a hand out of the wood, and handed the fallen tool back to Franky. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Franky took the tool, but then set it down, giving her curious look. “What are you doing here?” He looked up at the moon like he was surprised it wasn’t the sun. “It’s late!”
“I couldn’t sleep,” she said. “I suppose I was looking for some company.”
“Aw, with me?” Franky chuckled, fiddling with the scrapper. “Did you miss me that much?”
Robin considered it. “Hmm. I suppose I did.”
Franky blinked, surprised at her genuine admission, then turned back to the wood, looking pleased. “Well, I’ll always welcome your company, Nico Robin.”
She crossed her hands, and brought over an unused stool for herself to sit on, settling a few feet away. Franky returned to his work, catching the tool on the wood and gliding it across its surface.
It was soothing, watching him. The repetitive rasp of metal cutting wood, the even wood shavings peeling up and falling gently to the ground. The crash of waves on the shore, the soft wind whistling through the abandoned ships. The movement of Franky’s arm, back and forth. It eased the restlessness inside her, bit by bit.
After a moment, Franky glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “So…how are you doing?”
That was a question Robin had become quite familiar with the past couple of days. One she still had trouble answering. Her crew had done so much for her - she owed it to them to be honest. But, at the same time, she didn’t want to worry them any further. But with Franky…it was different. He had been a steady rock during the worst day of her life.
“A little overwhelmed,” she admitted, drawing her knees closer. “So much has changed so quickly, I still don’t think it’s sunk in yet. But…” She looked up, towards the city, towards the Galley-La Company where her crew rested, safe and secure and hers. “I’m happier then I think I’ve ever been.”
Franky straightened slightly, glancing over at her as he brushed wood dust from his shoulders. “Well, that sounds like a good problem to have.”
She smiled, resting her check against her hand. “I suppose it is.”
Franky glanced at her again, looking almost…hesitant. Which seemed at odds with his brash, confident persona. She met his eyes, and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
Franky hesitated for another moment, and then asked, “What were they like? Those scholars of yours.”
That was a question Robin had not been expecting. She opened her mouth, then closed it, as she thought back, wondering where to even begin, when Franky waved his hand through the air.
“Never mind, actually, forget about it.” He cleared his throat, looking away from her. “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories, so just-”
“No! No,” Robin cut him off. “It’s aright. It’s just…been a long time since I’ve really talked about them with anyone, outside of yesterday. And, well.” She paused, and then sighed. “It’s been a while since I’ve thought about them in any context other than tragedy.”
Franky nodded, his eyes soft, tender. Understanding. He stayed silent, and Robin took a moment to look out at the ocean, the waves almost black and white under the moon, collecting herself before starting to speak.
“They were like a family to me. With my mother gone and my aunt, well. They were the only family I really had. They treated me like one of their own. They were such a caring, eccentric bunch.” She let out a soft laugh.
“Professor Clover always called them crazy old kooks when they acted up, even though he was probably the oldest, craziest kook of them all. He would make me tea with honey in between lessons and tell me about his adventures as an explorer. He saw so many wondrous things, made so many grand discoveries, and got in trouble with the Marines more times than he could count.”
“I’d bet he'd be pretty damn proud of you, then.”
“I think he would be, too. Rint would always tease him about being more of a pirate than explorer, but I don’t think he would have minded that. Not that Rint was much better. She never talked about it, but I’m pretty sure she was a pirate, when she was younger. Nothing seemed to phase her. She could drink everyone under the table and still win at poker.”
Franky glanced back into the scrapyard with an amused snort. “Heh, sounds like someone I know.”
“She would’ve liked you. She always had a taste for the wilder things. Oh, and Busshiri, you would’ve liked him. He was the carpenter of the scholars. Not a shipwright, but he knew his way around wood.”
“Sounds like my kinda guy.”
Robin nodded. “He always wore these shirts that would say bomb, boom, any explosive word you could think of. I asked him why once, and he said that he wore destruction to remember how to create. I think he made it up on the spot, though.”
Franky gasped, faux offended. “Dismissing his wise words like that! Nico Robin, you wound me, to let such a man go unappreciated in his time!”
Robin giggled at his teasing. “Roche said something like that at the time too. He was always teasing me when I got too serious. I thought it was so annoying at the time, but looking back, I think he just wanted me to enjoy being a kid. They all tried so hard to look after me…”
A surge of emotions swept through her, harsh and overwhelming, that familiar, complicated mix of grief and anger and hopelessness that plagued her for so long. She curled inward, instinctively. She forgot herself, and was that scared little girl again, forced to face the world alone, alone, alone-
“Nico Robin?”
And she was back here again, on the shore of the scrap island, the ocean heavy in the air, breathing uneven, body shivering. Franky hovered over her, hands outreached but not touching, face so openly worried, and something inside her loosened.
“Are you okay?” He asked, voice low and soft. His hand hovered closer and she leaned in, resting herself against his palm, arms looped around his wrist in the semblance of a hug.
“I’m fine,” she mumbled without thinking, so used to ignoring her hurt. Franky leveled her an unconvinced look, and Robin paused. Was she fine? Her body still shuddered slightly, but the emotions had dulled, softened, and there was a…lightness. Relief. Grief tempered by nostalgia and joy, by the reminder that she was no longer alone.
“I think I’m better than fine, actually,” she said, a smile blooming across her face. She squeezed Franky’s hand. “Thank you.”
Franky relaxed, and though she didn’t want to, she let his hand fall away, and he stepped back to lean back against the uncarved wood. She did follow him though, moving to stand next to him, crossing her arms to rest against the wood.
“You scared me there, Nico Robin,” he said, half serious, half teasing. “I get it, though. The past can be complicated.”
She tilted her head in a silent question. Franky shrugged, and then looked away, almost bashful.
“Me ‘n Iceburg…we used to be close. We fought almost all the time, but he was like a brother, ya know? And then I went and messed it all up. But when I came back, Iceburg, he was…still so mad but he missed me. He was happy to see me again, despite it all.”
Franky paused, looking back towards the partial built hull. “I’ve got a lot of good memories from back then. And they’re still good, but…they hurt now. And doin’ this now, like back then, with him…” He trailed off.
“You used to be a shipwright,” she said. That had been obvious but she can see the complicated emotions mixed up in it now - the grief and anger and almost hatred of something you still love and need so much.
“Not anymore,” Franky said, a touch defensively. “This is an exception.”
“...it suits you.”
Franky didn’t meet her gaze, eyes fixed past the shore of the small island. “Doesn’t matter. This’ll be the last one.”
She recognized what the lightness she had seen earlier was - he was happy, building ships. And that happiness scared him, like he didn’t deserve to feel it at all. That made a protective indignation rise up in her, a fierce desire to protect that precious happiness of his.
She realized that's what Luffy and the others had felt, standing on that government building, flag burning above them.
“You should come with us.”
Franky startled, whipping around to stare at her with wide eyes. “What?
Robin was startled herself. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud, but she had meant it. “Luffy is planning on asking you. To be our shipwright, that is.”
She saw it again - that mix of grief and longing and joy. He wanted that - wanted to say yes, to join them, to live his dream.
But still, he turned away. “I-I can’t,” he said, voice raw. “I owe this place too much.”
Robin felt that sharp protectiveness again, to take him anyway and make him hers, part of her crew, but she tucked that away for now.
Franky glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head, “It’s your choice.”
Silence stretched between them, heavy longing and regret, but she savored it anyway. Part of her wanted to make it last forever, but her crew pulled her back just as strong. She couldn’t stay.
“If this is goodbye, then,” she started, turning toward Franky, leaning a bit forward to look up him through her lashes. “May I have a kiss to remember you by?”
Franky softened, expression incredibly fond, and he reached out, wrapping his hand around her waist and pulling her close. “For you, Nico Robin, of course.”
She smiled, and rose up on her toes, hand resting on his chest, his head dipping down until their lips met. It was soft and tender, passion nipping at the edges. The waves crashed behind them, matching their push and pull. He fit against her so perfectly, and she could imagine how perfectly he’d fit into her family too.
But that was a desire that would have to wait. She relaxed back onto her heels, pulling away just slightly, still close. She looked up at Franky, meeting his fond gaze, sad and sweet. Her hand lingered on his chest, machinery thrumming warm under her fingertips before finally pulling away, already chilled again by the night.
“I’m glad I got to know you, Nico Robin,” he said, his voice a low rumble.
“Me too, Franky,” she said. She couldn’t bring herself to say good-bye, so she ran her hand down his arm one final time, then stepped out of his embrace and walked back into the night.
As she slipped back into bed, next to Chopper and Zoro this time, arms wrapped around her and Luffy slipped down to snuggled into her side, still half-asleep. She ran her fingers through his hair, at his relaxed, open face, and decided she deserved to be selfish. She bent over to whisper to him.
“Franky looked so happy, building our ship.”
Luffy grinned, and she slipped her hand down to thumb at his dimples, just under his scar. “Good.”
“You won’t take no for an answer.” It was more a statement than question, because she already knew what he would say, but Luffy still huffed a laugh.
Robin grinned. “Good. Now go back to sleep.”
Luffy dozed off again almost instantly. Robin settled down, wrapping her arms around him, safe and warm amongst her crew, and she slept.
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kikker-oma · 4 months
Looks at his feet ALL THE TIME while walking, he doesn’t wanna step on a minish. Speaking of which, aside from Legend, is the only one fluent in more than one language because he knows the picori language
His hair looks brushed? Nah, it’s not. He tried brushing it and it always gets tangled, but the knots are just so fine it doesn’t even look like it’s tangled, so he only brushes the top layer of his hair.
Keeps the peace. One of the only reasons that the chain isn’t at each others throats. Part of the reason is that he doesn’t know what half of these debates is about, but is very good at making each side seem like he agrees with them, even though he’s confused.
Memorizes facts about everybody’s Hyrule to be prepared. Is VERY keen on being prepared. Even though he may come off as chaotic, he always has a plan for whatever will go wrong. Very much belives in murphey’s law.
ANGSTY GUY. Seems talkative but NEVER talks about what he truly thinks just talks because he feels the need to show people that he exists and is strong.
Claims that he hates children. Yet he will hug any baby he sees. Absolutely adores children if we are being honest. He even got Sky to teach him embroidery so he can embroid little blankets for babies 🥹
Hopeless romantic. He will wax poetry about Sun for 25 hours seven days a week if you let him. He shares literally everything he’s interested in with her.
He sometimes (this is so OOC but idc) sends post cards of him and Fi to LD-301S Scrapper to make him jealous. He absolutely hates that tiny robot.
Cryptic. Will spill traumatizing memories of his past but will make them so cryptic that nobody will understand WHAT he’s saying.
(I think we can all agree) a father at heart. He knows eventually he will have to bid his goodbyes to the other 8 members of the chain but REALLLLY doesn’t wanna.
Will eat table scraps
Is either REALLY good at getting women or REALLY bad, depends on where and when. Even though he is he regrets everyone because he’s still sad about Midna.
Family therapist. He knows everybodies problems and never shares them to anybody else, he’s always there for everyone.
Even if he flirts with women, he never wants to date anyone. He’s still kinda… traumatized about Cia. He is more of a “take you out on a nice date but remains just friends” guy. He knows it may come off as toxic but he has best intentions.
He actually got his scarf enchanted by a great fairy. It as a defense boost and attack up. There is a reason he wears it, gotta be fashionable and practical.
LOADED, like 999,999 rupees. Because of this, for each era he goes to, he buys a yard of fabric for his home era. He will find use for it… some day.
As much as he and Flora are… alright together. He is still salty about her. He knows that she was struggling with finding her own destiny, but he still doesn’t like how he was treated.
Do NOT challenge him to any card game. At all. He will win he will take all your rupees and there is nothing you can do to stop him. And by the rare case that you DO beat him, he will pull the “young innocent baby boy” card which makes you want him to win and end up revoking your winner status.
A mischievous boy. Will poke people with his wind waker and finds it hilarious ever. Single. Time. The amount of times Wars literally had to hide it from him as he kept using the “control” power (idk what to call it) is uncountable. People would think that he taught Aryll all of this, but nope. Aryll was the one that taught him all those tricks. It runs in the family.
Ooohhhh these headcannons are so fun!!!
Fours little fairy knots in his hair is oddly adorable
Hyrule being the peacemaker instead of sky is really refreshing and I feel like more on oar for his character tbh!
Legend embroidering baby blankets has my heart MELLTIIINGGG😭❤️
Sky being a gremlin to Scrapper is also VERY true to his character. Sky is the best little piece of crap 🤣🤣
Time being SO cryptic hahaha and why shouldn't he be? It's so much more fun that way LOL.
Me feeding Twi all my scraps
Poor wars, Cia really is disgusting😠
Wild being rich🤣YES HAHA and they would be so shocked too lolol
Wind will BANKRUPT wild in a game of cards haha that would be a night to remember lol
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