#Skyrim Khayla
theshippingcorner · 2 years
oh sorry!! if you've seen her, Khayla would be nice!
Oh man I had to look up who you meant, I know her just didn't know her name! She's an obscure Khajiit for sure but I can def do that! Given the Themes of Skyrim I'm going to make you readers the Dragonborn for this since there wasn't anything to suggest anything else <3
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You'd met Khayla several times on your travels, and spoken to her just about every time you came by the Caravans to buy something...it was awfully unfair, that Khajiit weren't allowed into the cities, but then people couldn't Deny the Dragonborn the right to bring whoever they pleased into the city right? It started as just a single night in Markarth, a nice Date at The Silver-Blood Inn with the caravan Guard, but after that night you'd both gotten quite attached and with some permission from Ri'saad and the arrangements to hire a new guard...well Khayla came along with you!
Adventuring together, showing the lovely Khajiit the sights she hadn't been allowed to see from outside the walls of the cities...it was a break, a nice change of pace from playing the hero. You showed her the Blue Palace in Solitude, took her to Falkreath to see the beautiful forests, spent time at Dragon Bridge looking over the impressive architecture...and eventually you ended up in Riften! You split from Kayla for a short time, allowing her to look around Riften, see the sights, and enjoy the flowers.
You yourself though...you stopped by the temple of Mara! You'd already done every task you'd been asked to do, of course you had, it was just a matter of sitting down and speaking with Dinya who of course was surprised to see the Dragonborn back in the temple after so long.
"It pleases me to see you again Dragonborn, what brings you to the Temple of Mara? You seem Troubled."
You hesitated but gave the Dunmer a weary smile, of course a Priestess would be able to tell.
"I've been traveling with a Khajiit I met at one of the Caravans, she's lovely and strong, and I'm sure she must like me."
The Dunmer smiled warmly and put a hand on your shoulder, nodding
"Then what is the problem? If you love her and you've come here what would stop you from asking her to marry you?"
You sat back a moment to really think, well a lot of things.
"I'm the Dragonborn, things can get dangerous on my adventures and she's seen that. I know she's more than capable of understanding and handling herself but what happens when we have a family and she has to watch over them? What happens when I don't return from a trip or-"
The Dunmer softly tutted at you and directed your attention to the statue of Mara, smiling.
"You say these things as if you haven't seen for yourself how strong the power of love is, Dragonborn. You reunited lost spirits in the name of Mara and yet you worry that you would not find her again in Sovengarde? Trust your heart and do what you think is best, I know you will always make the right choice."
She rose from her spot beside you and stepped away to tend to the temple leaving you with your thoughts, she was right though...you knew the power of Mara and of love. There was a reason why the temple of Mara was where so many came to be wed.
Content with your thoughts and the answers you had come to find, you stood and left the temple, smiling softly at Khayla who was in the market admiring the wares at Madesis stall. She always had a sparkle in her eye seeing new things and speaking with new people, her tail swaying as she held a lovely silver sapphire ring in her hands. You headed over happily, looking over her shoulder at the Argonian contently.
"How many Septims for the ring~?"
Khalyas ears flicked rapidly as she perked up, looking at you quickly
"Oh! You do not need to buy the Ring my love it is quite alright~"
The way she purred as she smiled at you melted your heart as you kissed her on the head softly, laughing a bit.
"Nonsense, you like the ring don't you? Besides you deserve to be spoilt...speaking of which we can head to Solitude again soon yeah~?"
She nodded softly, happily staying by your side as you paid Madesi for the ring, spending at least a bit more time with Khayla in Riften before taking to the road again with her, fiddling with the amulet of Mara you had when she wasn't quite looking...
As you walked she talked about back home in Elsweyr, and her travels with the Caravans...the admiration in her voice when she spoke of home was how you hoped she would speak of your adventures together over the past couple of years to your children should she accept you.
Eventually when you finally did make your way back to Solitude, you made sure to take her to Radiant Rainments, despite the rude staff it was hard to deny the fact they made brilliant clothes. You had the septims to afford it anyhow, so you made sure you got a nice outfit for yourself and for Kaylah to wear while you took her around the City once more.
After some time though as the sun began to set and the moons rose into the sky she hugged your arm with a soft hum, looking up at the stars.
"Could I ask why you've brought Khayla to Solitude once more, my love~?"
You chuckled softly and pet her, it felt like as good a time as any so you took the time to fish out the Amulet of Mara you'd put on from underneath your clothes, showing it to her softly with a nervous hum,
"I'd been wanting to find the right time to ask you, I was worried about leaving you alone with all the danger I'm always in but I know even if fate takes me from you I will always find you again..."
She was surprised to see the Amulet but the sound of her deafening purrs gave you more an enough of an answer as she threw her arms around you and nuzzled her head into your face, smiling brightly at you as her tail swished behind her in the moonlight.
"It would be Khaylas honor to marry you, Dragonborn~"
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trashcan-in-space · 2 years
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k-im-lost · 12 days
Khajiit caravans in Skyrim are boring. So I'm gonna grab this McDonald's chicken burger, take the pickles out, and add to it like an obnoxious tiktoker that think they are the next Gordon Ramsey.
Here are the Furstalks I think would look better. I'll try my best to keep it to just the Furstalk and reason why.
Ri'saad: I am going with the generic Cathay-Raht. Discovering he had a wife completely threw me off, and now I can't be creative with it. Plus, I don't think a short guy is very threatening, especially a furry short guy.
Atahbah: Also a Cathay but not Raht. I looked at Ri'saad's lore page, and it says he's married to her. So why not make them the same Furstalk.
Khayla: Suthay-Raht, I already drew her as a Cathay but fuck that I'm making my bbgurl better. Plus, it makes sense since you can always ask the guards for some form of sneaky skill training, and Suthay-Raht are good sneakers according to my notes.
Ma'randru-jo: Wizard bitch gets Dagi-Raht. A Raht because I want him to be taller, the Dagi are like some of the smallest khajiits on two legs. Also, they are theories to be magical in some sense
Ma'dran: Pahmar, mostly due to his tiger like face. And he's the only caravan with only 3 Khajiits, so it makes sense to have bigger and stronger Khajiits.
Ma'jhab: Cathay, he's really hot. That's it.
Ra'zhinda: Suthay, she's really hot. That's it.
Ahkari: Alfiq. NOW HEAR ME OUT. Alfiqs will sometimes ride Pahmar-Rahts shoulders, and I need that.
Dro'marash: Pahmar-Raht, his color is what really sold me on it because there had been white Pahmar, so itmakes sense with him.
Kharjo: Cathay. That fur patern isn't letting my brain work.
Zaynabi: Tojay, Not Raht because I'd rather not struggle with the different leg structure.
Thank you for wasting your time on me. In the future, I'm gonna make a post about my head canons on their personalities. And I have a lot of opinions on Ri'saad.
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londonhalcyon · 2 years
WIP It’s Wednesday???
Bullied tagged by @dumpsterhipster, and I’m counting @unoriginal2tall’s post as a tag for this week too. Tagging—really whoever wants to join at this point.
Because I’ve been in a state of “AAAAAHHH!!!” lately (you know the one?), my writing has been limited to plotting and jotting down the occasional random snippet. So, I have something new today: all my progress on a certain Skyrim fic. It’ll be a while before I complete the full thing (because, as always, The Mad Witch), but I’ve been getting my ideas down now. Introducing my West Weald-raised Last Dragonborn, Ivy, who is very much at her limit.
“This one says you are not Khajiit,” Khayla purred. “You are an Imperial wearing Khajiit fur.” The traders laughed, as they always did at jokes at Ivy’s expense, and she was forced to smile and laugh with them.
All of Skyrim seemed convinced they knew what Ivy was or wasn’t far better than she did. The Nords were convinced she was Khajiit, which was the only name the Hold Guards called her when they were in a good mood. Cat, when they were in a bad one. Rug, when they wanted to kill her. All synonymous with thief. But the Khajiit were convinced she was not Khajiit because she did not talk or act like one, so she must have been Imperial. But the Imperials laid no claim to her either. If they did, her fathers would have given her an Imperial name.
[Somehow we get past the intro.]
It had been raining for a week. Ivy enjoyed the rain. Loved it, even—when she was able to listen to it from beside a warm hearth in a nice inn. Not when she had to trek for hours on the road to Whiterun.
With each step by weary step, it made her fur heavy, as if she was wearing plate instead of leather, and her skin was uncomfortably damp where it had worked beneath her armor. She wasn’t convinced this weather wasn’t the work of Sheggorath, because when rain was all she could feel and smell and hear, she was this close to giving in to insanity. A pleasant pitter-patter of raindrops on a roof was relaxing, but this torrent that was running in her eyes and roaring in her ears had her in a state of paranoia. Visibility was so shite the smudgy trees could have been made of dragon bones and she wouldn’t have noticed. Her hand hadn’t left the hilt of her sword for two hours—ever since she had walked right into a smudgy wolf that had been as startled as she was. The bite it had given her arm wouldn’t kill her, but it had pissed her off.
The longer she walked, cold and drenched and on the verge of tears, the more she wanted to shout her rage at the sky. She had, repeatedly, but her wimpy Thu’um had failed to clear the clouds for more than a few minutes at a time, leaving her even more angry than before, with extra exhaustion to boot. And gods fucking dammit why hadn’t she taken a horse?
[A rage-fueled walk later, Ivy makes it to Whiterun.]
Ivy wanted nothing more than to sit down with a hot meal by the fire, but she knew before she even opened the door to the Bannered Mare she wouldn’t be allowed to rest that easily. When she stepped into the delightfully warm inn, water dripping off her whiskers, Hulda looked seconds away from launching herself over the counter to chase her back out with a broom. “No, absolutely not,” the proprietor scolded, a stern finger raised toward the corridor. “If you plan to stay, you take a bath. I still haven’t got the smell out of the blankets from last time.”
Barely restraining herself from whining like a cub, Ivy pulled her pouch of gold from her bag. She knew she stank. A wet Khajiit smelled only slightly worse than a wet Nord and only slightly better than a wet troll. It was the fur, and hers was the thickest it had been since coming to Skyrim. Lately, bandits’ threats to turn her into a rug had begun to sound less like intimidation and more like genuine interest.
She placed extra Septims on the counter, in addition to the usual room fee. “If I may have some stew as soon as I get out.”
“Don’t leave the fire till you’re dry and that may be arranged,” Hulda agreed.
[Ivy takes a bath and returns. For simplicity’s sake, there’s one in the inn.]
Ivy thanked her as Hulda placed a wooden bowl in her hands. Having spent the whole bath feeling sheepish, she said, “I can pay for new blankets.”
Hulda squeezed her shoulder, in a much better mood now that a filthy cat wasn’t making a mess of her establishment. “Don’t let it trouble you, dear. I have plenty more. Between you and me, you don’t want to know half the things guests have done with the blankets in that room.” Then Ivy was distressed about something else entirely.
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beeboomachine · 7 years
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Khayla and Elsa aka Stank Ass and Bitch Face aka Stupid and Stupid
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the-hoarse-bard · 3 years
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I was pleasantly surprised to find a caravan camped outside the gates of Whiterun. It had been a long time since I'd last seen any Khajiit, not since I'd left Elsweyr. The apparent leader of the caravan, an older man I guessed by his greyed whiskers, smiled at my approach, "Ahh, it is few Khajiit who would walk the cold sands of Skyrim. Atahbah, bring some tea! We have a very special guest."
A younger member of the caravan brought a silver tea tray, alongside the pot of tea and a pair of cups was a small dish of licorice sweets and a dish of moon sugar. I took a seat in front of the tent, and as was custom, I waited for my host to serve his own cup first. I could plainly smell that the tea was Rimmen chai by the scent as it was poured. My absolute favorite. My host introduced himself as he passed me the redware teapot, "This one is Ri'saad, at your service." I replied as I took the pot, "Shirazzha, at yours, sir."
I poured my cup, set the pot back onto the tray, and stirred a spoonful of the moon sugar into mine before offering the dish to Ri'saad. He shook his head, "None for this one, thank you. We must be up early tomorrow to continue our route." I put the dish back on the tray, and took a sip of the still piping hot chai. Instantly I felt right back at home again. As I lowered my cup, Ri'saad asked, "So, Shirazzha. That is a strange name, and your accent is unfamiliar to this one's ears. Do you perhaps call Skyrim home?" I shook my head, and responded as Ri'saad took a sip of his tea, "It is a long story. I am from Riverhold, and my mother was a Senche who preferred to live alone in the wild. I do not know why she named me as she did. I first learned to speak by reading books she brought to me. Perhaps that's why I speak the way I do."
Ri'saad put down his cup and nodded, smiling at me, "Very strange circumstances indeed, but not unheard of. Rest assured, this one will not think lesser of you for it, nor will any of us. After all, we are cats of strange circumstance ourselves. This one hopes you will always find a home in our camps." I took a sweet from the bowl of licorice candies and began to chew on it. The licorice perfectly complemented the strong cardamom flavor in the chai. I responded, "I am glad to hear that. In return I would be glad to sell you things I find in my travels. Right now I've got some very nice gems I'd be willing to trade for some Sugar, as I find myself lacking any for use in the day-to-day." I retrieved the gems from a pouch on the side of my bag, and laid them out on the silver tea tray.
Ri'saad picked up a sapphire from the tray and held it up to the sunlight, "Nice clarity. Good cutting. These are quality stones." He looked up with a smile, "This one knows better than to ask where you got these, but I must ask. For legal purposes." I took another drink of tea, and laughed slightly, "Don't worry friend, they are not stolen. I know better than to sell stolen merchandise to one with as sharp an eye as you." Ri'saad laughed, "Ha! Very well then, we have a deal." Ri'saad finished up his tea and retreated into his tent, where he retrieved a small burlap sack. He took it over to a larger sack and filled it with large moon sugar crystals before tying it and returning to where we'd been sitting. "Here you are."
He smiled as he handed me the bag, "Thank you, Mr. Ri'saad. Now, do not think me rude, but I must be going. I have business to attend to inside the city." Ri'saad scooped up the precious gems from the tray, "Not at all, sister. Feel free to take a few sweets if you'd like, Khayla made them herself, you know." I finished up my tea, took a handful of the licorice sweets and bowed to my host with a polite, "Thank you for the tea. As well as the pleasant company." Ri'saad waved me goodbye, "Jobal kha'jay!" I waved back, "Salah kha'jay!" I put another of the sweets into my mouth and chewed it as I walked up the road to the gates of Whiterun.
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visenyatargaryn · 8 years
Tell us about your skyrim oc's!!
alsjdfkfsj i didn’t think anyone was going to ask about them tbh!! i will warn you though that these might be a tad bit long…and sorry this is late!! D:
Aleithia | Bosmer | Rogue/Archer
Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, light toned skin.
Personality: Kind-hearted, cheerful, bashful, quick-witted
Background: Aleithia’s parents moved to skyrim before she was born so she knows nothing of her homeland. She lived in Riften all her life since it resembled their homeland the most. Her father taught her archery at a young age while her mother taught her about Y’ffre as well as their homeland which her father chimed in from time to time about as well. Aleithia was always told to keep her ‘bestial’ form at bay though she never understood why until later under unfortunate circumstances. When she was old enough to hunt on her own Aleithia always hunted in her ‘bestial’ form because it made her feel connected with Y’ffre himself. One day when she was out hunting she got her ankle caught in a bears trap, unfortunately for her the hunters who set the trap were not so kind towards her at all and showed nothing but cruelty to her.  Unexpectedly she was saved by a member of the thieves guild, Byrnjolf in which he fought off the hunters for their inhumane manners. Aleithia, who was afraid that she would meet the same fate was caught by surprise when he showed nothing but kindness toward her as he always did when she was in the marketplace buying fruits, vegetables, and occasionally arrows. He told her that she would always have a place within the guild if she ever felt lost or alone. Relieved by his words Aleithia let him help her walk back home where she vowed that she would never she would never be at the mercy of a man once more. Once Aleithia was healed enough to walk, she left her sheltered home behind while wearing her ‘bestial’ form with pride as she walked out the gates of Riften to start her new journey.
Morrigan | Nord | Mage
Appearance: Raven black hair, green eyes, skin as white as snow.
Personality: Unkind, full of spite, intelligent, hates most people, enjoys isolation
Background: At a young age, Mor always felt like a disappointment towards her parents and as well as to her people. She always preferred knowledge over steel and thus wanted to learn the arts of magika because she was so fascinated by it ever since that mage came through Windhelm that one year. Though her parents thought it was ‘just a phase’ since being a warrior runs in their blood since they were both stormcloak soldiers. After years passed, Morrigan, who is now a bright young woman had finally convinced her parents to join the college of winterhold after years of her begging them to do so. After being at the college for five years she received a letter from jarl ulfric stormcloaks’ steward, jorlief, saying that her parents had been murdered by a group of angry drunkards for not being ‘true nords’ for having raised a ‘witch’ instead of a ‘warrior’. Heartbroken by the news, she left the college out of despair and rage. Angry at herself for choosing this life thus leaving her parents to this fate and not being there to defend her parents from attackers. Though she was also angry at the world for seeing those like herself as nothing else but an evil to rid themselves of and at the gods for failing to protect her parents. Afterwards she promised herself to do one thing before she lets death claim her; to see the world burn.
Rh’asha | Khajiit | Rogue/Duelist
Appearance: Black fur, bright green eyes, white tiger markings.
Personality: Friendly, sharp-tongued, quick to anger, overprotective
Background: Rh’asha is the daughter of the well known caravan merchant, Ri’saad. Having left Elsweyr at a young age shortly after the passing of her mother, Rh’asha remembers very little of her homeland as well as her own mother. With her father always busy with his business Rh’asha found company elsewhere within her fathers caravan. She often trained with Khayla to learn the skill of a duelist and mastered it quite efficiently. It is said she is one of the deadliest duelists in the land of skyrim and often feared for it as well. Through the years, Rh’asha grew weary of traveling the harsh lands of skyrim with little food as well as warmth and decided to become a mercenary instead. Note: the rest of this is part of a mod. While working as a mercenary she and another merc named Inigo were hired by a man named Dupan to kill his two brothers because he believes he is more deserving of their fathers inheritance than they are. The next day Rh’asha and Inigo set off to fulfill their contract though during their journey Rh’asha and Inigo have become quite good friends though after the first contract was accomplished she noticed he has been acting quite strange with mood swings, sweats, and weakness.  Though she knew these signs of course as they were the symptoms of someone with a skooma addiction and has not had their fill for quite some time. Ignoring her partner, they continued their journey ahead to fulfill the second contract. While walking ahead, Rh’asha felt a sharp pain in her chest and looked down to see that she had been shot with an arrow. Looking around to see where it came from and seeing her partner is nowhere in site, she collapses and is embraced by darkness… Later, she awakens still in pain with her father by her side telling her that a caravan found her and by recognizing the ring she wore bearing his insignia they nursed her wound and brought her to him as quickly as possible. He also told her that the arrow that struck her was an inch away from her heart and that she was lucky to have survived. Though her father asked for details on what happened she couldn’t recall anything after she left the caravan. Once Rh’asha was fully healed she headed for Riften because she knew what better place to search for answers rather than the home of the infamous thieves guild? Upon arriving she heard rumors about a ‘crazy’ khajiit that paid the guards to be locked up. Rh’asha finding this rumor to be incredulous she investigated further and upon searching she found that the rumors to be true. The ‘crazy’ khajiit goes by the name of Inigo and knew her at first site though she couldn’t recall who he was. He told her who he was and about the ‘incident’ that had happened between them. He also told her that he was ready to die by her hand for what he had done. She knew she should have kill him but she could see the desperation in his eyes so Rh’asha decided to let him live. Inigo, confused by her decision she said for him to fulfill his debt to her had to be her partner once more, to watch her back, and to not let anymore ‘arrows’ hit her. (sorry this is so long!!)
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