#Slyvanas Windrunner
She is such a hypocrite. In multiple past occasions, Lily would get mad at everyone for not playing WoW with her despite 'how bigoted and addictive and predatory and extremely problematic it is but my [Slyvana Windrunner] tho'. Just last week, Lily was reading her WoW self-insert x Blorbo Windrunner fanfic to her audience on stream. As Lily guilts Lolo into dropping Genshin Impact, Lily has stated that she is aware of how problematic WoW is but still plays it till this day.
And yet she belittles someone else for having difficulty letting go of a property they love. She berates, humiliates and then guilt's them for daring to feel bad in the first place.
We've always known Lily was a hypocrite, but this is still anger inducing.
Lolo deserves better.
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protagonistspub · 1 year
Sylvanas by Christie Golden
Slyvanas by Christie Golden was a long anticipated read that I received for my birthday. My birthday book haul can be view here. It is a direct tie to the Shadowlands expansion for World of Warcraft, WOW. I am not currently playing WOW. I stopped playing at the beginning of Shadowlands, a very bad, very broken, very poorly executed expansion to WOW. I am also no a Sylvanas Windrunner fangirl by…
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kimkkuru · 2 years
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In a werld where I have lost my lover,
What color will flowers bloom
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neoyi · 4 years
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Art I did for friend, @mylittlehime. All I know about these two is that Nathanos is a Bitch Boy for Slyvanas, and that’s all I ever need to know. ;D
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johnnykitten · 4 years
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Allort and her big crush
Allort belongs to @mrgabel
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panasop · 4 years
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sosugoisorad · 4 years
Roleplay partners wanted!
Hi! As title suggests, I'm looking for roleplay partners. Some of the things that I’ve been into lately and some of my old favorites are fleabag (brilliant show, love our hot priest, fleabag and claire), world of warcraft (love many characters and the universe canon or not, have many ships like nathanos/sylvanas, illidan/maiev, anduin/wrathion and more), hellboy 2 but only the royal twins of bethmoora (nuada/nuala, nuada/oc) and i actually crave this one, i admire prince nuada silverlance so haha. There are more stuff that I like but I feel like it’s been a while so not every detail about the fandom and characters might be fresh on my mind.
We can talk about the details if you are interested, just write to me and we can change our contact info. I'm in my 20s so I'm comfortable roleplaying with a fellow young adult. I love slow burn, friends to lovers type of stuff or having them as strangers at the start and letting them fall for each other with a big oblivious phase to enjoy before things get obvious ahaha but I'm definitely open for ideas!
Oh and I’m down for some original/independent roleplay too! 
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rjavhd222 · 4 years
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uwillneverbeal0ne · 5 years
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Slyvanas Windrunner
World of Warcraft-Shadowlands
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Slyvanas has like, the most inconsistent visual representation of any character.
She looks different in like every expansion.
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banrcrafts · 4 years
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"You call for peace when it suits you, little lion. But you're quick enough to kill..." - Sylvanas Windrunner 
Want to add some flair to your gaming station? Want to show your allegiance? BANR will make it happen! Watch this space as we get ready for our opening! 
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krimzie · 5 years
Sylvanas: ???????
Nathanos: As do I. But when the time comes, there can be no hesitation.
Sylvanas, WHAT DID YOU SAY? Because the options are all statements which indicate potential hesitation and were CLEARLY too adjacent to not being evil to be heard by the player character. 
I wish there were another way?
I wish we had more time?
I have doubts that what we’re doing is even going to work?
Sylvanas, bb, what did you saaaaay?
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Forsaken: A Character Guide
This isn’t to try and tell you what to do and what not to do; this is for people who want more lore accurate characters and don’t know where to start.
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Evolution (Year -16,000): The Forsaken are a faction of undead that have regained their free will and only have occurred in the last century and they originally mostly are made up of deceased Lordaeron citizens. However, undead beings created by various magics have existed long before this. Trolls practised voodoo could have been as early as their origins in -16,000. The Burning Legion have been known to raise the dead long before they encountered Azeroth. While no date is given for this, it can be assumed it was somewhere before -10,000 as the nathrezim attempted to raise Broxigar during the War of the Ancients.  
Lordaeron (-2,000): Lordaeron is founded.
Modern Azerothian undead:(Year 0): The first modern undead were skeletal warriors created by necrolytes in the Horde in the First War. 
First death knights (Year 4): Gul’dan creates death knights.
Birth of the Lich King (Year 8): Kil’jaeden uses Ner’zhul’s soul to create the first Lich King, the leader of the the undead and the previous leader of the Forsaken.
The Scourge (Year 15-18): Lich Kel’Thuzad begins spreading the Plague of Undeath throughout Azeroth to try and weaken the mortal defences, forming the Cult of the Damned. 
Scourge invasion of Lordaeron (Year 20): The Cult of the Damned begin spreading the plague throughout the kingdom. Prince Arthas Menethil investigates the spread and finds that the grain in Stratholme has been poisoned by the plague and kills the populace to prevent further infection. Kel’Thuzad reveals himself and tells Arthas to find his master Mal’Ganis, in Northrend. Arthas slays him. He travels to Northrend only to come into contact with the cursed blade Frostmourne, whose whispers drive him mad. He became a death knight, murdered his own father and unleashed the Scourge upon Capital City. Arthas then turns his attention to the Sunwell of Quel’Thalas to use to raise Kel’Thuzad. The quel’dorei, or high elves, put up a resistance but eventually the city falls and their Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner is risen as a banshee. Kil’jaeden fears that Ner’zhul is trying to use the Scourge against him and enlists Illidan Stormrage to eliminate Arthas. They come to blows and Arthas is weakened, leaving Ner’zhul to urge him to come and merge with him as one. They do so, but Arthas kills the side of Ner’zhul in him, becoming the sole Lich King and is left in a state of dreaming. His control over the Scourge wanes and some Forsaken, including Sylvanas, regain their free will. They take to below Capital City and rename it Undercity, making it the Forsaken capital. 
The Forsaken (Year 22): Sylvanas rallies the aware undead and becomes their leader, the Banshee Queen. She sends missives to the Alliance, hoping that they would accept their former allies into their ranks. They are refused, being seen as abominations, and so the undead call themselves the Forsaken as they have been abandoned by their families, friends and peers. They are instead accepted into the Horde. 
The Lich King Arthas (Year 27): Arthas reawakens and beings to use his Scourge against the mortal races. Putress betrays Sylvanas by unleashing a new strain of plague that affect the living and the dead at the Wrath Gate. Arthas is killed by adventurers. Sylvanas sees her task as done and throws herself from the top of Icecrown Citadel. She is shown visions of a hellish afterlife and Val’kyr offer to bind themselves to resurrect her.
Gilneas (Year 28): The Forsaken attack and take Gilneas, starting a long feud between the worgen and themselves.
Warchief (Year 32): Sylvanas is appointed Warchief and the Desolate Council is formed to lead in her absence. 
The Gathering and Battle for Lordaeron (Year 33): King Anduin Wrynn proposes that Forsaken and humans should be allowed a small meeting to see if they could live in harmony. While many reunions go sour, Sylvanas sees that some go well and the Forsaken are showing signs of defection. She kills the Forsaken on the field of meeting, including most members of the Desolate Council. She leads an attack on Teldrassil. In retaliation for the destruction of the night elf capital, the Alliance storm Undercity. Rather than lose the battle and give up her city, Sylvanas ordered plague explosives to be set off and the city is destroyed. Forsaken refugees take up a camp atop the Gates of Orgrimmar. 
Physical traits
Life expectancy: Prior to undeath, playable Forsaken are Lordaeron humans who have been known to live up to 100. In undeath, Forsaken are effectively immortal.
Height: Like humans, they average to about 5-6 foot.
Eye colour: Most Forsaken have glowing yellow eyes, but have been known to have blue ones. 
Cosmetics: Forsaken often have to reattach new limbs onto themselves due to decomposition, meaning many may not match,
Personality traits
For the Dark Lady: Many Forsaken view Sylvanas as their saviour, therefore are fiercely loyal to her. On the other hand, some wish they had not been risen and wish to die, feeling she doesn’t consider the well being of her people. This can cause a political divide between the two ideals.
Other races: Forsaken are viewed as abominations by many. Darkspear and Zandalari trolls may raising the dead as stealing of Bwomsandi, whereas Tauren may see it as a slight against nature. Due to Putress’ betrayal, many of the Horde treat the Forsaken with suspicion. Humans see them as imitations of dead loved ones and worgen are hostile due to the fall of their city at their hands.
Other creatures: Skeletal horses and bats are the most commonly used mounts for them.
Languages: They speak Gutterspeak, a lower form of Common, and Orcish.
Government: Sylvanas is the sole leader of the Forsaken. For a time during her absence as Warchief, the Desolate Council was formed as governing force. She dismantled them by killing the majority of their members during the Gathering.
Military: The Forsaken have a wide array of military forces. The bulk of their armies consist of deathguards, dreadguards and death knights, their officers being Executors. High elven undead rangers were raised into Dark Rangers and are now training new human undead into the organisation. The main guard of cities and outposts are Abominations, with ranks up to General. Deathstalkers are a Forsaken rogue group, their stealthy non-combatant Shadowstalker cousins working as spies. Troopers are granted powers of the Val’kyr to raise new soldiers.
Religion: Many Forsaken still adhere to their old ways of the Holy Light and even Forsaken priests still practice it.
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kimkkuru · 3 years
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jenarock · 6 years
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Battle for Azeroth AU. The Ranger-General faces off against the Wraith-King. Made by StSpyro on D-Art https://www.deviantart.com/stspyro
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nadi-chan · 3 years
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Sylvanas Windrunner [Banshee Queen]
A while ago I drew waifu Sylvanas, I like her a lot!
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