#Snapshot speak
pa-rou · 1 month
Last two mumbo vids really making me realize that i have never had any idea what he’s talking about when it comes to redstone. I just sit there with my mind going. whatever you say beautiful <<333
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doctorsiren · 14 days
i like to think of ai taking over jobs and stealing art as the snapshot AU…like it’s making something it deems as perfect even tho it’ll never have the authenticity of a human being’s own artwork
The way my jaw DROPPED 😨 THAT’S CRAAAAAZY (/pos)
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kiraman · 8 months
Her hands are rough. She always marvels a little over that, when they’re lying together amid the rich silks and linens of her bed. Her hands are rough—calloused where a sword would sit in her palm, scarred from old burns and older fights. She wears it around her eyes too, a short life lived hard, with all its ghosts and old blood. She looks older than she ought to, cut out of stone: cold; hard; stolid; like shards of glass—like a blade, sharpened, the last thing men see before darkness falls— but when she presses her mouth — slick and soft, sweet with lipstick— to her neck, Mizu warms under her touch, becomes liquid; she flows, grasps at her waist softly, delicately, as though afraid she'll somehow break her.
I am not made of glass, Mizu she says, a little abashed, the first time she kisses her, gathers her face into her hands and sinks her teeth into the curve of her lower lip, hungry, desperate for her mouth her hands her smell, her her her — god, she wants her — and Mizu gasps, a sharp, low sound torn from her throat, and draws back, touches her as though she's never touched something this fragile before; unmarred by death. Clean. Pure. Hers.
I shall not break.
She traces the cross mark, the little black dot inked into the inside of her arm,  feels the heat of her body seeping through the silks of her dress, her pulse throbbing beneath her skin.
She does not understand Mizu when she murmurs in that detached, cool voice, like riverwater, flowing darkly through her, I can't - I can't... when her hands rise to caress her neck anyway, despite her protestations, her thumb, rough, made hard from all the blood they've spilled, rubbing against her throat, with such gentleness, it makes her ache.
Hidden away, sheltered from a world brimming with death, Mizu does not crack for her - she cannot let the walls around her be torn down in the name of desire, lust, want want want - this is weakness; she tells herself, fighting against the fire that swells in her blood; this is wrong, but she does not pull away when she looks at her through the thicket of her lashes, long and dark as soot; does not shrug her off when she sits near her, presses her shoulder against hers, hungered for her attentions. She would give anything to be seen, to be known, as she is: violent; furious; hungered and empty and aching- to be wanted, in spite of it all... To be... To be. She is warm under her, around her, and that same humanity, that fragile, small thing that growls its agony inside of her, that thing that makes her, when the hour grows late and she too deep in the darkness, the softness that claws at her heart that she always taught herself to despise in her, is what draws her to this strange creature she does not deserve but has somehow made her way into her life.
She laughs; Mizu, too, does not understand her when she says Come here; let me look at you, when she laughs at her aloof detachment, her cool, stony face, how she looks away when she smirks, how her hand twitches at her side.
(Every time Mizu is gone longer than she said she would be, she panics—what if she does not come back? She is beautiful and strong, brown from the sun and scarred, flaming, why would she come back to her?)
Her hands are rough from touching a world she has never known, and she carries the smell of strange forests in her hair. She presses herself into the warmth of her body (scarred and lithe, slim yet hard with muscle) as they lay amidst the silks of her bed. You’re the only real thing I have, Mizu breathes.
She does not say anything; she does not understand her; only looks at her, as though afraid something will take her from her if she blinks. Her response is to kiss her, over-eager, warm and willing and imprecise, desiring, and, if only for tonight, that suits them both.
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onippep · 6 months
Pick Up
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fayfaygoes · 9 days
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We going family friendly now 🫠🫠
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real-camera · 9 months
I have never watched Minecraft SMPs in my life but your reblogs are making me very curious. Where should I start?
It really depends on what sort of SMP you are interested in. There’s SMPs like Hermitcraft where they build stuff i guess??
I’m not sure if the Life Series (Third Life, Last Life, etc) are SMPs, but I suppose if you want recommendations, the only ones I can give are Hermitcraft and the Life Series. I don’t watch a lot of SMPs so I’ll just list the SMPs I know.
Outsiders SMP (This was a lore/roleplay server that ended but the plot was pretty good.)
Life Series (Third Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life, Secret Life, and that’s all currently)
Lifesteal SMP
Kaboodle SMP (This is a lore/roleplay SMP, it just ended its second season.)
QSMP (Not sure what this is in terms of roleplay or not)
Pirates SMP (I think this one ended, but it’s also somewhat a lore/roleplay server.)
Empires SMP (There’s two seasons, and both ended. Also a roleplay server)
That’s all I could think of but I would recommend looking around for SMPs or servers yourself! Some of them might be streamed on Twitch or uploaded as VODs.
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argyleheir · 3 days
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Inspired to post my laptop stickers after a convo with @0nelittlebirdtoldme - yep, this is where the magic happens 😋
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cursed-commons-chats · 4 months
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emberglowfox · 11 months
haiii helloooo
i have fallen in love with the keeper and angel, and if you recognize me from my reblogs, no you don't :) /lh
however, i wanted to learn more about your other ocs !!! the silly steelheart redux guys
if you have the time and are willing to talk about them, i would love to hear about them !! they seem very cool, i just struggle with finding all of the information easily and reading through stuff /gen
apologies if you have received asks like this before, you don't have to answer if you don't want to !!
ok ok ok so. Off the bat, for story stuff, you can find like a loose summary here, and a bit more of an in-depth one here. Generally, if you're looking for information about the world and the characters as opposed to just the random art, the #steelheart redux lore tag is a good place to start, though admittedly it's a little sparse.
There's no real like... compilation of all the information I've shared through art on here, but to be honest that's kind of by design? Because this is a story I want-- and intend!-- to tell, eventually, and thus there are some things I can't share. I'm just addicted to posting vaguely out of context spoilers for it haha
but if you don't feel like tag-hopping (valid), here's a brief rundown: 15-year-old boy (arthur steele) ends up neurologically connected to a sentient robo-dragon-vehicle (zarian) by accident (as you do) which leads to a Lot Of Problems For Both Of Them. in the aftermath of this, they end up getting involved with trying to end the ongoing war between the robo-dragons (mysteriously corrupted and violent) and the people living in the country, and things just get increasingly more chaotic and complicated from there. it's serious at times but there's a lot of silliness and fun times. i'm very fond of the guys.
bonus: character primer of the guys you'll see the most of if u tag-trawl:
arthur steele - 15 y/o boy from the city of Orello; pleasant, polite, and king of hoping his impulsive decisions just "work out"
zarian - the DRACO (robo-dragon) arthur ends up connected to. functionally also 15. kind of snarky, really just nervous all the time
lindsay jackson - 16 y/o girl from the city of Callia; cheerful, confident, and very very curious. loves space and science, wants to be a doctor like her mom
david manalo - lead engineer (or something similar) at Defenex, works on the PULSARs; a bit lonely, but generally pretty happy and relaxed. enjoys his routine and predictable life (lol). hes like 30
KATHOS - basically a tech helper AI at Defenex
if you have any specific questions, PLEASE PLEASE feel free to dm me, i loooove talking about it. i will answer as much as i can that's not overt important spoilers <3
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captain-hen · 4 months
if eddie reads psalms 23 to bobby...
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 10 months
Druidic Echoes
Rating: T
Content warnings: Implied/referenced past abuse/sa/grooming/bullying, Majexatli-typical thoughts of violence and blood.
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The gentle breeze brought the smell of wildflowers and grass, the sun warming Majexatli’s skin as they walked through the clearing. Pausing, they looked around nervously, expecting to see something but there were only the trees and tall grass.
“Lost, are we?” 
A gentle voice in their ear, a hand suddenly on their hip making them jump, freeze. Majexatli heard a laugh, familiar, and their cheeks burned as they swatted the hand away.
“I told you not to do that, Althyran,”
“You’re cute when you get startled,”
He stepped in front of them, grabbing their chin and tilting it up before they could look away, giving Majexatli little choice to do anything other than meet his eyes. Green as the forest, flecked with gold. 
“What do you want?”
They tried to look away, crossing their arms in a way they wanted to come across as stern but they were trembling, trying to make themselves small. 
“Did you get a chance to think about what I said? The offer won’t stand forever, you know,” Althyran let go of their chin, looking off to the east, towards camp, “If you’re not interested I was thinking of Naisra,”
Naisra was older, closer to Althyran’s age, a beautiful half-elf with fair skin and long silver hair she braided with beads and flowers. Just the other week she had laughed at Majexatli as she saw them altering their new robes to allow for their tail, whispered with her friends pointing at Majexatli’s stunted horns.
“No, no, please, Althyran, I—”
They watched him grin as he turned back to look at them.
“I knew there was something I liked about you. You sound so sweet when you say my name, Asha,” His hand was back, cupping their jaw, “The moment I saw you I knew you were special, no one else could see it but I could,”
Majexatli’s back hit a tree suddenly, they weren’t sure how it happened, when they had moved, how they ended up pinned against the tree by Althyran.
“Do you mean it?”
Their voice cracked, sounding pathetic and desperate even to their own ears.
“Of course, you’ll be Faithwarden soon, no? If you’re by my side imagine how far you’ll go…”
The fondness in Althyran’s voice made Majexatli’s heart flutter, they leaned into his touch, swallowing down the fear.
Majexatli couldn’t help but imagine the future Althyran was promising—what it would be like to belong, to not wander alone while the others traveled in groups, to not hear whispers behind their back, to hear the others laughing and pointing at them.
“What would you give to not be alone? To have a place here?” Althyran had asked when he found them crying, hugging their knees, hands streaked with dirt, fresh bruises starting to form on their face. They were no older than 14.
“Anything,” Majexatli had said.
The fingers caressing their cheek brought them back to the present, to Althyran pressing close to them, looking down at them with a smile. 
They could be Faithwarden. They could be a real Druid. They could have a home. They could be loved. Althyran could make it happen.
“I don’t—“
“Shhh,” Althyran leaned down to press a kiss to their lips stealing their breath and any protest, when he pulled back he stayed close as he looked into their eyes, “I can give you everything you need, I’ll teach you everything you need to know of the natural way of things, the balance, the oak father. So tell me, do you agree, will you take this opportunity? I would hate to see you waste your potential, Asha,”
“Yes,” They nodded, “I’ll do it, whatever you want,”
Althyran looked like an angel, the afternoon sun a halo behind his head, his light brown hair almost golden in its light. His hands on their body felt like something Majexatli should be thankful for, like they should drop to their knees and thank him for his kindness, for everything he promised to do for them.
“You made the right choice, I can make you great if you do exactly what I say, just trust me,”
“I do, I trust you,”
They didn���t even realize Althyran’s hand had moved from their jaw to their throat until they tried to suck in a breath but couldn’t. Suddenly they were on the floor of a cave, blood bubbling in their throat, claws tearing deep enough in their chest to tear out their lungs and knock against their spine—
“Do you mind if I come in?”
Majexatli couldn’t help their gasp, their flinch as they opened their eyes. Their skin was drenched in sweat, heart racing, the only thing stopping them from grabbing the dagger by their side was the pain that shot through them with every breath.
Looking to the open flap of their tent, they saw Halsin crouching just outside, a faint look of concern on his face.
“Of course,” They nodded weakly, “Please, make yourself comfortable, is there something I can help you with?”
Shifting, they began to push themselves to sit up on their bedroll, only to hear a worried noise from Halsin and a quick hand on their shoulder stopping them.
“No need for formalities, don’t strain yourself,”
Ah. Majexatli let out a deep sigh before they lay back down on their bedroll. So that’s why he’s here.
“I’m not… incapacitated or some helpless ailing waif,”
They couldn’t handle it if Halsin began questioning their judgment, whether they were fit to lead. Majexatli avoided his eyes, unwilling to see the difference in how he looked at them now that he’d seen them like this.
“I never meant to imply you were,” Halsin said, with a true sincerity that almost made Majexatli wince as he settled on the furs next to their bedroll.
Majexatli hadn’t set up their tent considering anyone else would be in it, there’s was enough room for Halsin to sit by their bedroll, next to the low table covered in books and alchemical supplies, beneath the hanging bundles of herbs and flowers. Halsin wasn’t too much larger than Majexatli either, they had even been able to lend him their hide armor and have it fit him well enough. 
There was no reason for the claustrophobia that gripped at Majexatli, there was no reason for them to want to cower under his gaze, to feel like a corner animal. And yet…
“Who told you? Did they ask you to check on me?”
They couldn’t swallow the faint irritation, the bitterness slipping into their tone, the touch of betrayal. 
“I came here of my own accord, though a few of our companions did mention concerns when I stated my intentions,”
“Concerns for you or for me?”
Halsin chuckled, as though they had been joking. He was unaware of how much easier for Majexatli to picture anyone at camp warning Halsin from disturbing them than it was to imagine anyone voicing concern about them. 
Nearly everyone at camp had seen it at some point, had a dagger pressed to their throat before Majexatli could come to their senses, seen the way Majexatli would flinch and reach for a weapon. Hells, they had pressed sharp teeth to flesh, snarling and eyes wide in wildshape, mind empty for everything except the urge to bite, to fight, to protect themselves, to taste blood and flesh—Halsin should be concerned for himself, for his own safety, entering their tent unarmed.
“I know we’ve only traveled together for a few weeks but rarely have I seen you set up a tent, let alone rest in it while the others venture off. It was hard not to have some worry,”
Halsin smiled, softly, good-naturedly. Something deep inside Majexatli clawed at them, shifted restlessly. The Shadow Cursed Lands lacked living animals, lacked living people to hunt, the undead lacked blood they needed to spill. How long had it been since they worshiped properly? They felt the shadow, the echo of some desire, some hunger, for claws and teeth to dig into skin and spill blood and feel the divinity—
“I’ve never been one for tents, really. Before this, I almost always slept in wildshape and didn’t keep many belongings. Even though situations might have changed, I still prefer sleeping under the night sky,” Majexatli shrugged, swallowing a wince.
“Truly a Druid after my own heart, there’s little I enjoy more than being surrounded by nature and its gifts,” He looked around their tent, the plants, the moss, the flowers carefully cultivated with druidcraft growing through the makeshift flooring, “Even in your tent you choose to surround yourself with the beauty of nature,”
Majexatli bit their tongue before they could respond, stilled themselves, and swallowed down their reflex to recoil. He wouldn’t speak so kindly or call them a druid if he knew. Everything he stood for was something Majexatli despised, the reminder that he saw them as a fellow druid unsettling, the way he praised Silvanus and the balance brought to mind—a pale hand stroking their cheek, their bare chest, a voice that brought to mind sunshine, verdant forests, clear waters. A voice that praised the Oak Father, that spoke of the balance of nature as he pushed them to their knees, “I can make you great, Asha, if you let me—”
“Are you alright there?” Halsin’s face looked worried, his warm hand on their shoulder, “For a moment there you seemed—”
“It’s fine, I’m just tired and not well. I’ll be better tomorrow, if Silvanus wills,” The Oak Father’s name felt bitter on their tongue, “Did you need anything? I have my notes on the Shadow Curse if that’s what you’re looking for, most of my other books are with the group supplies unless Gale is reading them,”
“I only wanted to see if I could help in any way, whether that be with medicine or keeping you company. What troubles you?”
“I— it’s my hip, it gets like this sometimes. It’s nothing serious, it’s been like this for years, it doesn’t bother me too much,”
The lie was bitter and uninvited in their mouth, they had to hold back a grimace at their own words. There wasn’t even a true reason to lie, Halsin was a healer, his question mundane and professional. What did they gain by acting as though they were healthy? What had they expected? That Halsin would simply nod and leave them be? That he might pull a sympathetic face but try to politely excuse himself? 
They should have known better, as even with their lie, their attempt to wave off the excruciating pain as a simple soreness, Majexatli watched his brows furrow in a gentle worry.
“That must not be easy to bear, if you would like I could take a look. I’m no cleric, but I know my fair share of medicine and healing magics,” Halsin quickly added, “I know you are as well, I don’t mean to insult your skill, only offer to lend a hand if you need it,”
No, they almost said, I’m fine, really, don’t waste your time on me. They opened their mouth to say it, but couldn’t form the words.
Halsin must have noticed their hesitation, the tension radiating off them, because he quickly raised his hands.
“I mean no ill, if you do not wish for my presence I would not be offended for you to say so. You have helped me so selflessly, I cannot help wanting to aid you in turn, but I would never wish to make you uncomfortable,”
Selflessly. It wouldn’t be the word Majexatli would use, it was something too kind, too heroic. The praise felt empty and meaningless.
“It’s alright,” The wariness crept into their voice, despite their attempts to hide it, “If you think you might be able to help, by all means,”
They forced a calm, steady breath as they lay back and watched Halsin inch slightly closer. It took effort to not flinch, to not have their mind slip away to all those years ago, to His hands on them, to the tiny cot in the infirmary stained with their blood, to the blood soaking their shirt as they ran barefoot into the night.
Halsin’s hands hovered over their hip for a moment, his eyes flicking to theirs, waiting, giving them the option to back out, change their mind. It was a tenderness that made bile rise in the back of Majexatli’s throat.
They nodded.
His touch was cautious, gentle as he felt around their hip, pressing slightly to feel the muscles there, the bones. Majexatli winced as his fingers pressed tender points, trying and failing to breathe deeply. As he felt for their bone, Majexatli nearly jackknifed in pain, a cry escaping their lips. It only lasted a second before they felt a sudden cooling wave of magic wash over their hip, easing the pain and making their body go lax.
After a moment, they opened their eyes—they hadn’t realized they had closed them—and became aware of the way they were leaning into Halsin’s chest, hands clinging to the front of his shirt, cheeks damp with tears. They swallowed thickly, composing themselves as they let go, sat back.
“Did that ease things at all? It won’t fix anything long term, but it should at least lessen some of the pain,”
“Yes, I— yes, thank you,”
Majexatli couldn’t bear to look in Halsin’s eyes.
“You said you’ve had this issue for a while, what brought it on in the first place, if you don’t mind my asking? Perhaps if I knew what caused your injury that may help me find some way to help you,”
“It was. An… injury. When I was younger, an adolescent,”
“What sort of injury?”
Halsin’s voice was cautious, as though he didn’t wish to pry, didn’t want to force it out of them. He spoke with the same gentle cadence of the archdruid Iliris, of Selydyrn, of—
“There have been a lot of injuries I’ve had, I’m sure plenty didn’t heal properly. I’ve had to be my own doctor for the most part, I wasn’t always skilled in medicine though,”
They hardly realized the truth in their words until they saw a look of concern pass over Halsin’s face.
“Did your circle not have healers? Surely there must have been those more experienced than you who could help,”
“We didn’t meet often. The places we did meet changed every year or so, and usually only a few stayed there year round. Most went off on their own or in small groups to spend their days among nature and the wilds,” It wasn’t a lie, carefully worded to be honest even as they hoped Halsin didn’t pay mind to their use of past tense, “So I was on my own, really, I preferred it that way, honestly,”
Majexatli wasn’t sure how true that was but it was something they were used to saying, the words from decades-old muscle memory.
“I don’t doubt that, but even in the best-case scenarios, even being alone temporarily and having no one to come to your aid when you’re injured is not an easy thing to deal with. Was no one concerned when you would return to your circle injured?”
“I’m painting them in a poor light, they’re all fine people, I was the issue. Any injury I received was no one’s fault but my own. And it wasn’t like there was anything they could do, and why would they help me after he—”
Majexatli’s ears were ringing, burning heat building in their chest. They weren’t sure if Halsin said anything, if he had asked who “he” was, said some sickeningly kind words. 
Majexatli reached down to the hem of their shirt, pulling it up and over their head roughly, ignoring the pain that shot through their shoulder. They gestured at their chest, the massive, deep scars spanning from their left shoulder to down past their right hip. Claw marks from a creature so much larger than them tearing through their chest and abdomen. The twisted skin, the strange contour of their chest, their warped ridges.
“What could they do? They weren’t clerics, and even if they were, even healing magic has its limits, why would they waste their resources on some arrogant devil? What point would there be to taking up their bed space? How were the wilds any less hospitable than the circle?”
A silence stretched out for what felt like minutes, Majexatli slowly becoming aware of tears streaming down their cheeks, blurring their vision. Eventually, Halsin’s voice broke the silence.
“I am sorry. There is nothing you could have done that made you deserving of any of that. You should not have had to survive alone,”
I did deserve it. I was a coward and I let it all happen. I should have known better, I should have been smarter. Even if I didn’t deserve it then, I do now. I should let myself die back in Baldur’s Gate, at least then it would be a tragedy.
“If that’s all, you're free to leave, don’t feel like you need to stay on my account,” Majexatli’s voice sounded distant and flat, a poor pantomime of the sage druidic voice they were all too familiar with, “If you did need anything, feel free to help yourself to my collection, herbs, books, alchemical equipment, take whatever you desire, what’s mine is yours,”
Majexatli curled up on their left side, facing away from Halsin. They waited for him to say something, ask something, take something and leave. All they heard though was the soft noises of pages turning carefully, the careful rustling of dried herbs, a gentle grinding of a mortar and pestle. They didn’t mean to fall asleep, they hardly noticed they had even fallen asleep at all until a gentle hand was placed on their shoulder and they awoke suddenly.
They were on their back, a warm fur draped over them as a blanket, something soft beneath their head serving as a pillow. Blinking slowly, they tried to orient themselves, adjust to the low light. A warm cup was pressed into their hands.
“Drink, it should help ease the pain and swelling,”
Part of Majexatli wanted to protest, to insist they were fine, but all they could bring themselves to do was nod and drink the tea without a second thought. Halsin was right, as they laid back, settling into their bedroll again, they slowly felt the deep pain in their hip ebb.
It didn’t, however, do anything for the weight in their chest, or the feeling of something tender trying to settle in their ribcage.
Majexatli prayed the feeling was only bloodlust.
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doctorsiren · 4 months
what is snapshot au im new here
Oh! It’s what got me pretty popular (subjectively, of course) in the first place! Back in 2020, I made a Hermitcraft S7 AU animatic series (that uh…is still unfinished WHOOPS) about NPC Grian coming back, and he turns half of the players into robots and snaps the other half into dust, trapping them in a pocket-dimension closet.
Sometimes I like to apply it to other fandoms I’m in, and when I do that, it’s literally just so I can give some characters Doomslayer armour or turn them into a robot :> (i am very known for turning characters into robots…I LOOOVE robots)
Snapshot’s birthday is actually tomorrow!
Here’s a link to the playlist if it sounds of any interest to you! (And even if it doesn’t, it’d still be pretty swag if you subscribed hehe)
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foileadeux · 2 years
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onippep · 1 year
This one doesn't fit me.
(Hm, yeah, it looks a little too big...)
T-Try it on.
I'm serious. I think it'd look good.
RrrrRr... hmhm... (wouldn't mind matching you...)
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Hmhm. How's it feel wearing the new work uniform?
[grin] (...Good!... Are these permanent?)
[chuckle] Maybe. Laundry pending. It-- it looks great on you. Seriously.
Hmmmn~! (I'm glad. Yours looks wonderful too. Handsome even.)
I could say the same for you, f-frog.
[exasperated, wheezy sigh] (You're g-getting me all bashful.)
Good. It's cute. Y-you're cute. Er.
[nervous wheeze?!]
S-say, uh. Wanna-- wanna dance with me?
!!! (... Yes, I do...!) [ugly frog noises]
[nervous chuckle] Pfft-- good. Great! Yeah.. Let's go!
[he's acting so... so different...! I'm-- I'm excited..!]
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real-camera · 2 months
who is your favorite AVA character?
hmm.. prob green (lime? the green one), blue, purple, or tsc
i dont have a strong preference (somehow) but i tend to see them the most on my feed
if i had to rank those four, rn (at the time of posting), my ranking is
green? lime? what color are you
yeah 👍
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