#Snow sk8
zenodotus-0010 · 5 months
Huh. So, in SK8, three different characters that I've found on a cursory glance are named after major places on Naha, where the story is set. The most obvious one is probably Joe, whose family name Nanjo comes from Nanjō City, the smallest city on Naha, famous for its castle ruins. Nearby is the town of Chinen, where we get Miya's name from, and to the south is Cape Kyan, where Reki's name is from.
These are probably remenants from the Ryukyu kingdom, when upper-class Okinawans would get their family names from the places they ruled or came from. Families living there at the time of annexation under the Meiji dynasty would also have been added to the name register under their places of residence. This means that Miya, Joe, and Reki's families have been in Okinawa for a WHILE, and that there's a pretty good chance they're descended from the upper-class families who were allowed to have kamei (家名) for names.
Shadow's family name Higa isn't a place name, but it is the most common surname in Okinawa, (maybe to signal to viewers that he isn't very "rare" or talented, or to make his plainclothes character seem all the sillier,) tying him pretty strongly to the island. Langa's name, Hasegawa, is also not a direct placename, but it's a common name among the Ryukyu islands and certain parts of eastern Japan, and would hold a distinctly "Okinawan" or "Beach-y" vibe to Japanese viewers.
In contrast, Cherry's surname is pretty unique. I don't actually speak Japanese, so I can't read the articles that came up when i searched the kanji, but given that his character page was the eighth to come up in search results and the second to come up when i searched the kana, I'd wager that it was made for the show. Maybe in-universe, his family invented it during the annexation? Or maybe it isn't an actual family name, and is Cherry's "pen name," as it was, for his art. It's a very artistic sounding name.
Again, though, I don't read Japanese, and most of what I know about Okinawan family names comes from Wikipedia trawling. If anyone has better input, I'd be happy to hear it.
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favficbirthdays · 8 months
Happy Birthday
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Langa Hasegawa/Snow (8th February)
Sk8 the Infinity
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skate-loveagain · 8 months
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You could say that they were my first 4 illustrations of the 7, Snake wasn't skateboarding like the others.🛹
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van-skmugen · 1 year
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Before SK8 Instagram Live event starts, I left below cut line this analysis I made of image that they showed for the event, just be aware that it is quite long. Feel free to read and add your own thoughts. I would love to know more points of view. ↓
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so if something sounds rouge that's why, I'm still learning to improve it.
Ok, now that I've found time I'm going to write a little of what I've seen in SK∞ WEEK EVENT image and what I perceive in it. I come from a fandom where you need to speculate a lot all allegories that author puts in every thing he does so here I'm not going to be less and I'm going to be a little deep analyzing, although then that in reality it may not be so deep, who knows. I warn you that this is going to be long, as is usual for me, since I start with a tiny thought and end up writing a manuscript. Be warned. I will start with something that I find interesting and that during the whole image is repeated and it's concept of first season about Reki and Langa being the beginning (Reki's monologue in episode 1/epilogue) and the end (same monologue of Reki, said by Langa at the end of series).
The beginning: Reki is on left side of image both sitting frontally, as well as his characteristic drawing on mural ( drawing of his skateboard) and with cat showing his face on top of his skateboard. The end: Langa is on right side of the image, also drawn on the mural in the rightmost part (the yeti) and the cat showing his tail on top of his skateboard.
Reki was the one who started teaching Langa skateboarding and the importance of being more fun when you do it among friends (beginning), Langa taught ADAM what he learned from Reki (end), in the first season. It's worth mentioning that the concept of beginning (Reki) and end (Langa) is not finite, that in western and eastern reading image is read differently (west from left to right and top to bottom, east from right to left) so depending on how you read the image, Langa can be perceived as the beginning or the end (just like Reki) [Something out of context: even within the same show Reki and Langa would read the image differently, as Reki has been raised in the East while Langa has been raised in the West and even their religions are different].. Also the human being always ends something and starts something new (it's a cycle that never ends, unless you die) and it's also something interchangeable between people, objects, etc… (Reki and Langa being the beginning and the end even vary within their own arcs, Example: Reki learning from Langa to reevaluate why he started skateboarding in the beginning, is in itself a new cycle that Langa started and Reki finished when he returned to skateboard in chapter 10 after leaving it for believing that if he wasn't good it wasn't worth to continue practicing it since not being at Langa's level he would always be left behind).
Going into the mural, the background of the wall is purple (like the color that represents Shadow). Purple symbolizes jealousy and insecurity. It's also often associated with femininity, glamour and sweetness. Emotional qualities associated with purple include solemnity, grace, mystery, insecurity and tenderness. Purple was recognized as a noble color in both the West and Japan in ancient times. With that in mind to summarize and not make it much longer than it's being we could go back to the first season with the first two symbols (insecurity and jealousy), how Reki felt insecurity for his skateboarding, for his friendship with Langa endangered by seeing how he was improving and moving away from him (regardless of Langa's feelings) and the jealousy he felt towards Langa, for seeing how he improved in a very short time when he needed twice or three times as much skill to do something, without taking into account that Langa had been snowboarding since he was very young and that Reki's ability to teach Langa how to learn skateboarding, adapting the skateboard to his needs helped him to adapt and learn the basics in a short period of time. (And good bases are always important)
The first leftmost drawing is undoubtedly Reki Kyan/REKI, with the drawing inverted, although I guess it was a design decision to integrate it more with the mural, unless you want to symbolize something deeper in verse to Reki. Although we must also take into account that at the top is written the word happiness in white with red background. Going more to speculation we could think that in the future it could be possible that his friend who left the skateboard aside some time ago could come back, the inverted drawing with the word happiness on top could be associated to an opposite change in his usual dynamics.
The S of SK∞ clearly represents Hiromi Higa/Shadow, although it doesn't show the color that officially represents him (purple). On the outside highlighting the S is the color of his hair, orange, and inside it has a dark turquoise green color (like the color that represents Kojiro/JOE in the third I of Infinity on the winged skateboard we'll talk about later), with drawings of what look like white daisy flowers, which in the language of flowers symbolize innocence.*
The K of SK∞ undoubtedly represents Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry blossom, around and inside the pink/purple color representing Carla and inside in black, with the motifs depicted on the Cherry skateboard and cherry blossom (Sakura) petals.
The ∞ of SK∞ undoubtedly represents Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM, on the outside a dark blue (or purple? considering it's the color that is on the second I of Infinity on the skateboard and represents Hiromi/Shadow) the inside black with its heart symbol in red. Ainosuke on the outside, ADAM on the inside. It's interesting that it's the infinity, as it is the symbol that is repeated three times in the whole image, the infinity of SK∞ representing him, the infinity between Reki and Langa (red and blue) and in the text of the skateboard with wings (Infinity) that all together represent him, showing again that he's part of the central axis of story, as all the characters wouldnt have been able to meet and come together having a connection the same way they did in S, without him, who also created it.
Then we have the white snake coming out of skateboard with wings and that is over the S and the K and that seems to be heading towards the word "beef" with white letters surrounded by green color. Obviously representing Tadashi/Snake, could we have more beefs from him in season 2 (maybe with Cherry and Shadow?), or will he just remain oblivious like at the end of season 1? Going by the image, it looks like that won't be the case, but who knows.
At the top is shown an infinity that probably represents Reki and Langa, who are also on each side of the color (Reki's foot is on the red/left side of the infinity and Langa's foot is on the blue/right side of the infinity). Although the red part eats part of the blue part, and they aren't completely balanced, which I find curious.
Then we have over the ∞, a cat that of course represents Miya Chinen/MIYA, being purple and green, Miya's favorite character in role-playing videogame he usually plays in the first season. And who also seems playful, either playing with "Langa's shoe" or trying to interact with the infinity on the mural (which is surely the most likely). It also seems that he's no longer afraid of ADAM as he poses on the infinity without any problem. On the back is written the word "fun" in white surrounded by yellow.
Coming out a little from the ∞ is shown a half sun that clearly represents Kojiro Nanjo/Joe, yellow in color but with little stripes that make you think of a tiger, and the first kanji of his name translates as tiger (虎, tora). It's covered by the infinity representing ADAM and above it has on one side the word "fun" and on the other the word "S" with white letters surrounded by blue.
Biting the infinity, we have a white yeti that undoubtedly represents Langa Hasegawa/Snow, with the colors white, blue, black and purple feet. Surely Langa biting ADAM could be an allegory that he's over him. Although it's funny/curious that right next to it is written the word fan with white letters surrounded by pink.
Finally we have a black skateboard with wings that represents the slogan of the series, that skateboarding is infinite, since the wings symbolize freedom, and to support that they have written the word "infinity" representing the eight main characters, and the wheels with purple and blue colors. I= Reki Yellow N= Langa's blue F= Light green of MIYA I= Shadow/Hiromi's purple (although it also resembles a dark blue, as it is identical to the color surrounding the infinity representing ADAM) N= Pink of Cherry/Kaoru I= Green/ of JOE/Kojiro (which also has a similar shade to the dark turquoise green found in the S representing Shadow) T= Red of ADAM Y= White of Snake/Tadashi, it's curious that this time they haven't used gray, which is the color that symbolizes Tadashi in much of the merchandise and official content (although maybe only in the first season, who knows, it's also true that everyone has an assigned color but that doesn't mean that these colors are immovable and can be interchangeable between some characters or that they cann't change over the years or that they're false symbols AKA the red that symbolizes ADAM but when it's Ainosuke symbolizes more the color blue).
And finally the words: Happy in red (ADAM), beef in green (Joe), fun in yellow (Reki), S in blue (Langa) and fan in pink (Cherry). Being happy and fan in lower case, all the others in upper case.
I'll leave it here for the moment, I love the color symbolisms, but this time I've run out of time. Like last time if anyone has anything to add, wants to add anything or whatever, they're welcome as always. I may edit it or reblog it with added notes if today there is new news regarding the second season or the OVA (although I see it as more likely to hear about the OVA before the second season) and see if they have any connection to this image. See you at Reki's Birthday!
*Sources: https://greensnap.co.jp/columns/daisy_language
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
Renga Valentine's Day
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Renga were the second winners in this poll and here is the date they had on Valentine's Day this year on our sims gameplay.
You can see all images (because here it can only be uploaded 30 images) and extras of Renga in our Blogger. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
Read their date below the cut line ↓
It was getting close to 7:30pm and Reki and Langa started to close Dope Sketch store.
An hour before...
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Oka: Reki, Langa, I'll leave you here to close whenever you want 😉 I have a date. Reki: With a new woman? Oka: Don't be so nosy, Reki. Langa: If you don't mind, we'll close before 8pm. Reki and I will go see a movie.
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Oka: And have you already chosen it? Langa: No. Oka: Then let me recommend one for you two. 😁 «Reki, that's what you get for being nosy» - thinking. Reki: WOW, a special recommendation from Oka. Okay, tell us what you have to offer us. 😏
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Oka: "桜の木に吹く風" (The wind among Cherry blossoms), it's a nice friendship between two friends, also one of the main themes is skateboarding. 😁 Reki: Oka, you're a genius! Oka: You're welcome. 😁 Langa: You must really like it to be smiling like that. Oka: Sure... I went with some friends and we had a lot of fun. And there they did some spectacular tricks. Maybe they give you some ideas. 😁 Reki: Okay, so tomorrow we'll talk about the movie, Oka.
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Oka: Of course 😁 «You're welcome Langa, I'm sure Reki will hold on to you tight 🙌» - thinking.
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So following Oka's recommendation; about closing when they wanted to; they were going to close it at 19:30h. When the time came, they packed up, changed clothes, turned off the lights and closed Dope Sketch.
Langa: I can't wait to see that movie.
Reki: Yes, especially because during the year it's very unusual to see skateboarding premieres... Although it's weird that I'm not familiar with it...
Langa: Reki... Maybe some of the other main topics are not so much of your interest?
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Reki: Maybe, although that sounds even better, it means I'll enjoy it even more!
Once they closed, headed towards the movie theater and saw that two premieres were announced on the billboard.
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They went inside and looked to see in which room the movie was being shown.
Langa: Room 1.
Reki: This must be the movie Oka recommended.
Langa: Reki... The shadow that appears on this poster has red eyes... Doesn't it remind you of someone?
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Reki: *a shiver ran through his whole body* ... No! He doesn't remind me of anyone... He doesn't have a longboard so...
Langa: So we're thinking of the same person.
Reki: Well then I hope the character doesn't remotely resemble "that person", because then the story is going to get boring. 💦
Langa: But at least it will have good tricks.
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They went to get two tickets and Langa also bought popcorn. It was half price so was quite cheap. They entered the theater and sat down to wait for the movie to start.
Reki: Do you think movie will be good? I don't see many people sitting down.
Langa: Well, movie starts at 8:30 pm, there's still time, Reki. It will probably fill up with more people little by little.
Reki: By the way... Why did they put on the ticket that movie is rated for 16 years and over?
Langa: There might be street fights, don't you think that would be a good reason?
Reki: But if skateboard fights aren't so dangerous... Unless are on "S"...
Langa: But it can be if are street fights.
Reki: Well, we'll see. It looks like movie is about to start.
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When the film starts, Reki sees something weird about it. Why were most of the shots taken at night? Well... Okay... He knew that most of time he skateboarded with Langa, it was at night, especially if they were on the streets in the car lane... But... Why did all the shots and soundtracks seem like they were made expressly to be scary? After a while Langa had eaten all popcorn without leaving any for Reki, he seemed to be very excited about the plot. On the other hand, Reki thought that Oka had put more "tricks" than he was actually seeing on stage.
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Langa still thought that guy with red eyes reminded him of "that person" although seen from a different point of view and more now that he was half an hour into the movie.
Langa: Reki, the guy with red eyes looks sad and full of anger, are you sure now that ghost doesn't remind you of someone?
Reki: Gho... ghost?!
Langa: Yes, a 御霊 (goryoo), I think it's called that way. ⁽*¹⁾
⁽*¹⁾ 御霊 (goryoo) are vengeful Japanese ghosts from the aristocratic classes.
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Reki was so deep in his thoughts thinking about everything Oka told him that didn't understand much of the plot...and begins to realize that the movie is not romantic at all but... SCARY!!!!
Reki: Langa, are we leaving now?
Langa: But... The story is very interesting...
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Reki doesn't hear anything and runs out in panic, towards the exit of the room.
Langa is left alone, sitting down.
Langa: I'll have to buy the Blu-ray to watch the ending with mom, I'm sure she'll like it.
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While outside the room it can be hear:
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Reki runs to the washroom in a panic and Langa runs out of the room and into the washroom with him.
Reki: Oka I knew it, he knew it was scary!
Langa: But Reki, the story is interesting, and tricks even if they were few seemed good.
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Reki: I'm sorry, Langa. You know how I'm with anything scary....
Langa: It's okay Reki, I'll buy the Blu-ray and watch it with mom. 
Reki: Are they going to release Blu-ray of that?
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Langa: I don't know, but they usually release Blu-rays of everything after a while.
Reki: You're right, hehe. Can I go in the bathroom for a minute and then we'll head to the Skatepark?
Langa: Sure. *spends some time* Reki...
Reki: Uh-huh?
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Langa: I'll always be by your side when you're scared, so you can hold on to me tight... Like when in Miyakojima...
Reki: Thank you, Langa... Although you know that my fears are stronger than I'm... Shall we go to the Skatepark?
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Reki and Langa arrive at the Skatepark and the former gets very close to the latter.
Reki: Langa, I know Valentine's Day is celebrated differently in Canada, but this is my gift for you. 
And gives Langa a kiss on the cheek.
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Langa: Reki... Do you want to try tricks from the movie? They seem pretty easy to perform, I don't think they put much thought into doing something new.
Reki: But... You know I haven't seen almost anything...
Langa: I'll show them to you!
Reki: Okay, I'll follow you!
[AN: The mod we use for the skateboards doesn't allow the switch between Regular and Goofy, so here both are shown as Regulars, imagine that Langa has his right leg in front. Next time surely we'll make special poses if skateboards are used]
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They tried performing several of the tricks shown in the movie, in which Langa was right, Reki saw that they hadn't innovated much.
Reki: Langa
Langa: Reki
Reki: Shall we go there?
Langa: Yes.
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Both of them vibrate their mobiles and start reading the notification they have received from "S". (Read here if you want to know what Reki and Langa are reading.)
Langa: Reki, are you reading it? I want to participate.
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Reki: Okay, but as soon as you participate I will challenge you to a beef. I'll get to give you the chocolate to prove my love, and I'll defeat all the other Regulars that stand in my way! And for me it won't be allegorical.
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Langa: I can't wait for the day!
Reki: By the way, ADAM is also participating, if you see you can challenge him.
Langa: Yes, I'm sure many will challenge him to a beef and he'll have as much fun as I.
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Reki: You're right. Joe was left wanting last time... But come on, Langa, go ahead and register if you want to. So I can challenge you to a beef. I want to be one of the first who wants to give you a chocolate.
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Langa: That's it, Reki. Be that as it may, I'll always enjoy your chocolate.
Reki: But this time I'll give it to you, and I'll defeat everyone who wants to stand in my way!
Langa: This time?
Reki: I'm just saying, Langa.
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~The End?~
Maybe you want to read too:
JoeCherry Valentine's Day | Miya Valentine's Day | TadaAi Valentine's Day | Shadoka Valentine's Day
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epickiya722 · 1 year
I remember that scene where Adam and Langa were in the other-dimention place and i kinda of felt horrible jdksbdjk given everything like, no wonder that guy was such a maniac and obssessive towards Langa.
Langa had that one thing that Adam lost, and he wanted to chase after it no matter the cost, so he wouldn't be so alone anymore.
I had to go back and watch that scene because it's one of the scenes I did forget, but I digress!
Yeah, even though Adam's behavior towards Langa is questionable at times, I think that reasons were because of the classic "why are you happy and I'm not".
I don't think I see it talked about, but they work like foils to me. Think about it.
Both are blue haired, tall male characters that share a friendship with someone who someone with a warm hair color (Cherry and Reki) and someone with dark hair (Tadashi and Miya).
Both are talented skaters and have some famous reputation at S. Both even had a moment of humiliation at said place, just at different points in the story.
Langa it was humiliation and then fans.
Adam had fans and then it was humiliation.
And Reki was involved somehow.
There's also how they're opposite to each other.
Langa doesn't care to be flashy as opposed to Adam, their personalities are also very different. It's also to how people react to them.
Again, they both have a lot of popularity in and out of S. However, it's how they got it.
Langa is relatively new and doesn't even interact with a lot of people to gain attention. Adam, on the other hand, has experience with people and showcases.
Both are acknowledged as skate geniuses, yet had to be taught by someone to even get there. And said person is someone close to them.
Someone they want at their side. However, how they treat that person is mirrored.
Let's be honest, Langa really always does have Reki on the mind. Even after their falling out, Langa still thinks about him and tries talking to him. He wanted to share his happiness with Reki, even though at the time he didn't quite understand why Reki was upset. They've only known each other for like, what, months? And yet managed to create this bond so strong that neither wants to be away from each other.
On the other hand, Tadashi worked more as Adam's second hand for years. The relationship even started because Tadashi had been working with his family. While it's evident that Tadashi cares for Adam, it almost seems one-sided at times given how Adam treats him and the comments he says.
While Reki and Langa are mutually all for being at each other's side for infinity, with Tadashi and Adam it's like Tadashi doesn't really have a choice since Adam doesn't have intentions in letting him go, but he accepts it because Tadashi really is the only person that cares for him and is aware of his upbringing.
There's also their families that mirror each other!
Langa has a positive female influence in his life and his father was actually a good dad who encouraged his snowboarding, something he enjoyed.
Adam doesn't have a positive female influence and his father was an ass who discouraged him skating.
When you put all that together, Langa knows what love feels like while Adam craves it. Langa feels genuine happiness in his life while Adam never really had.
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incaseyouart · 2 years
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Langa <3
insta | tik tok | twitter | store
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theunfairmaiden · 1 year
First time drawing Langa
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LANGAAA!!! – Reki
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anemayshun · 1 year
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So sometimes I find things I started painting like forever ago and never finish and just post them??
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cobaltfluff · 2 years
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that yuki-onna descendent ice man anime except it’s langa (because same VA heheh)
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laderniereluciole · 8 months
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— sk8 match icons ♡
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Langa Hasegawa/Snow (8th February)
Sk8 the Infinity
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skate-loveagain · 1 year
Photoshop and Clip Studio are my allies and I love everything I can do with them.
A new illustration will be avaliable soon...
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van-skmugen · 8 months
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馳河ランガくん、お誕生日おめでとう!❄️🛹 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Hasegawa Langa-kun!❄️🛹
🌺「ランガ!見てくれ!」 ❄️「え?」 みなさん「お誕生日おめでとう!」🎉
Reki: Look at me Langa!! Langa: Huh? All: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎉
またランガの誕生日イラスト(今回はちび)を2月8日に予定しています(今から8時間)。 I have scheduled another art for Langa's birthday (this time chibi) for later on February 8th (for 8 hours from now), feel free to follow me if you like my art.
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alexankeegk · 2 years
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