#Snowfall Saga
volterran-wine · 1 year
𝗦𝗡𝗢𝗪𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝐈𝐕: An Angel of Death || Caius
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“Now I am become Death.” ― The Bhagavad Gita
Summary: Caius' hunt for the children of the moon has begun, Felix is tasked with shadowing his every move though he comes to regret it.
Wordcount: 2597 words
!Warnings! This is the goriest thing I have written to date. If you are squeamish I would not recommend reading this. If you have a sensitivity towards animal abuse I would also steer clear seeing as though the werewolves are designed with quite wolfish features; it is easy to imagine a poor wolf. 
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𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
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Hushed yet excited whispers quieted the second he spoke, his fellow hunters gathering around him, eagerly awaiting their orders. Their sixth hunt was soon at hand, over the last weeks he had assembled a hunting party worthy enough to aid in his mission. The excitement of it all glittered in their eyes, wide and bright as if the king were about to quench their thirsts after a hundred day sabbatical. Yes, he had trained them very well, as loyal and vicious as Caius wanted them to be.
Like dogs.
But then there was also Felix, tall and strong; always to his left.
The howls cut through the air as the moon climbed to its highest peak, and though the night was clouded it bathed the forested valley in a sheer glow. Claws gently scraped at the back of his nape, threatening to tear into the flesh at display there. For now the wind worked in their favour, for Caius could smell the rotting fur from their perch. The claws tore at his scalp, yanking his hair, but he resisted. Teeth ground together as he let the anticipation wash over him, shadows swirling at the corner of his eyes.
“Children of the moon,—”
A ridiculous name, but his brother had always had a fondness for theatrics. Had anyone consulted him he would have informed them the beasts did not deserve a name, too mindless for even such a distinction. Now as he listened to their calls he let himself imagine what they possibly could be communicating to one another. The world shifted, and with it the winds changed their direction. He frowned, their scents would carry far. In the distance the howls soured, the pitch reaching an excruciating high as frantic heartbeats joined the symphony. Panic had set in among the pack situated at the bottom of the valley.
“Like they are singing.” he breathed out, shoulders relaxing.
The bliss was short lived however, for another set of wolves joined in the chorus, the beasts foolishly thought sheer numbers would alter the course of fate. From the corner of his eyes he glimpsed a swirling pool of darkness among the trees, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Kill them.”
The sharp yelp always made something twist inside of him.
Felix felt the wolf relax in his grip, life slowly fading away as he lowered the body down to the forest floor; its eyes still trained on the moon that hung above. As he went to stand up he clutched his forearm with a hiss, the animal had left a deep gash that would certainly take the rest of the night to fully heal. A sigh raked his body as he looked beyond the trees.
It had been on Sulpicia’s orders that he had asked to be a member of the hunting party.
Her eyes had swam with fresh tears of rage that night, all on behalf of her dearest sister Athenodora. Caius could no longer be left to his own devices, and either Felix would join every hunt henceforth, or Aro’s wife would find a way to end this once and for all. It was not in his nature to betray his superior, but they all remembered the cracks that had littered Athenodora’s upper arms and ribs. So for the time being he would consider himself the champion of his very own Athena.
After all, killing had always been his talent.
His fellow comrades revelled in the hunt, and Felix saw how they unceremoniously tore the animals limb for limb; there would be nothing left to burn.
Closing his eyes he focused on his surroundings instead, seeking out Caius’ footsteps and quiet muttering through the roaring fires and terrified shrieks. Just beyond his eyesight his comrades were laughing. The group had cornered one of the youngest wolves, toying with it before going in for the kill. With a sneer he listened beyond the ruckus, and there, to the east he could hear the low song his leader had come to hum when he hunted. The sight that met him was the kind he had not even managed to conjure up in the nightmare he experienced as a human.
While Felix had taken down two wolves on his own, his superior had littered the small clearing with the bodies of his enemies. However, there had been no mercy shown to any animal who had crossed the generals path, children of the moon, wolves, deer, rabbits… they all lay in neatly piled heaps. In the midst of it all sat Caius, meticulously skinning the animals. Some of them Felix could even hear draw breath albeit painfully so. As the cheerful humming ended he finally looked at Caius, truly looked at him, and the sight would be one he would never forget in his immortal life.
Hair that had once been pure as snow was now caked with blood, parts dried into lumps beginning to fade into a dark brown. The eyes that stared back at him were devoid of the admirable authority Felix had come to associate with Caius, what was left was a white mask marred by dirt and blood. No words could properly convey what he felt in that moment, but in a split second he let himself mourn the man he had come to know as a mentor. What remained was a violent husk that removed one tooth from every wolf he worked on, only to thread them onto a carefully woven string at his waist. Caius wanted his men and enemies alike to understand what he was capable of.
Felix had to look away from it all as the sound of bones breaking filled the clearing, eyes downcast to a doe who lay mangled at his feet.
Their eyes, what had Caius done to their eyes?
Felix’s cloak had been brand new, but no longer did he remember  if the brilliant hue of crimson was due to excellent craftsmanship, or the blood that tainted it when he fell to his knees.
“We are on the precipice of greatness.” Caius began, all eyes on him once more. He had brought them to the clearing that now proudly presented the spoils they could bring home to mate and family alike. Every vampire would shoulder a new wolf pelt before winter set in. The stench of death and cinders excited him, a smile playing at his lips when he continued his address;
“We have hunted and starved these beasts to near extinction near our borders. They flee north and east, and we shall hunt them there too, until no diseased creature of the moon exists in our world. For no vampire can be safe as long as they live. These beasts feast on human flesh with gluttonous abandon, no better than the Dacian scum we seek to eradicate. We shall break their jaws, hack off their furs and orphan their young so they may face starvation. And all will know who it was who purged the world of this plight.”
He made a brief pause before he continued, looking to the starry skies, eyes alight with joy
“ Tonight we,—”
A silence fell upon the clearing, for Caius’ throat had closed up. His ferocity dwindled as he took in the scene before him. On the cliff they had occupied earlier in the night stood a great black beast, eyes blood red as it stared at him, presenting its teeth and showing a maw filled with yellow rot. Once more Caius felt those claws dig into his shoulders, jagged edges sawing into his crystallised flesh until it reached his very bones. Once more he saw those images of hearth and home consumed in darkness.
One remained.
The hunting party followed his line of sight, turning back to Caius with confusion in their eyes, looking to him for guidance on how to proceed with the great wolf. How pathetic, he had trained them himself and now they stood before him, the stench of fear spoiling their scents. Just as Caius was about to chastise them for their lack of reaction the beast turned and ran.
No rest,
No hesitation,
Caius pounced.
Two guards were thrown to the wayside as he barreled through his men, both crying out before howling in pain at broken limbs and torn muscles. Their general paid them little mind as his eyes focused on the horizon that now  bled crimson, into those murky depths the wolf had disappeared and he would find it .Though Felix shouted for him to return, he did not listen.
For how far he ran he did not know, the trees blurring as he clumsily made his way down the valley. The wolf was just ahead, fumbling through the darkness and leading him farther down the hill. In a moment of weakness his prey fell, awarding him enough time to latch on to the fur, a victorious roar ringing out through the forest as Caius dug his fingers into the thick coat of the beast.
In that moment his ears began ringing, a terrible rumble that pulsated throughout his head. The earth beneath his feet crumbled, until there was no solid ground for Caius to stand on. Above him the trees caved, free falling and forcing both him and his prey to the ground. A choked shout tore its way from his lungs, but that was when the darkness descended upon the two of them. Due to sheer instinct Caius clutched the beast in his arms, face hidden away in the damp fur that smelled of copper and something else. The world was closing in, hell bent on burying him in this tomb of earth and darkness. Still, all Caius could truly focus on was the beast, unmoving as it tumbled with him until they both came to a halt.
It was finally quiet.
Even with his superior eyesight Caius could see nothing but darkness and one red eye, the other half of the beast’s head had split open, its insides bared for him to stare at for an eternity. It did not take long for the maggots and worms to crawl into the cadaver.. He felt a sense of grief wash over him, this would not be considered his kill. Dirt filled his lungs as Caius hacked and coughed, fingernails desperately cutting through the stone and earth without moving an inch. The beast was still scorching hot, and judging by the wetness on his fingers, it had been torn open by either him or the elements that had buried them.
The scream he let out would only be for Gaia to hear.
It was Felix who found the two of them.
He had split open the very earth itself in order to dig him out from what surely could have been his end. And as Caius rose he still clutched the rotting beast to his chest, fingers digging into the fur so firmly he pierced its skin. There must have been no way to discern where Caius began and the beast ended, for his guards eyes could not focus. Darting from his legs to his head in a bewildered manner.
Besides them Felix had put down a torch, its harsh light not illuminating much of their surroundings. But Caius could see well enough that the area had been drastically changed, for great rocks and mud clung to the side of the valley along with broken trees. In the distance he could see how his men had begun creating pyres, an observation that made him drop the broken creature that was nestled in his arms.
“ Caius,—”
“Not a word of this to anyone Felix.”
“Why are you,—”
The question died on his executioner's lips, for Caius wrenched the torch from its place and threw it at the corpse that lay beneath him. Fire quickly engulfed the beast, its fur searing as it curled in on itself, releasing a pungent smell into the air.
“We wait until it is gone.”
Felix’s silence spoke louder than words, he would stay with his general until the very last trace of the beast was gone from this world. And though his expression was one of disgust and confusion, Caius could not bring himself to care for the other vampire in that moment. The two of them watched until the fire was but an ember in the night, fog rolling into the valley as Caius finally felt like he could breathe properly. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, until the general finally felt his body bend to his will.
Their return was met with little fanfare, Caius noted how some of his men had even escaped into the night, there would be no mercy shown to deserters. The two of them came to a halt atop the cliff he had seen the beast on in the first place, the very thought of those red eyes sent a shiver down his spine. Snow no longer tumbled down around them, instead the sky had taken on a sickly red hue that made it difficult to assess the aftermath of what had taken place. Some of his trophies had been carried  away by the slide, honouring the beasts with a  burial they did not deserve. His expression soured as he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, once more he felt sharpened claws dig into his neck.
Nothing of this night would be brought back to Volaterrea.
“Hack their limbs off, count them and set it all ablaze.”
“ Felix. ”
Though his back was turned to the guard Caius could sense on the soft breeze that Felix had straightened up, shoulders square and tense. The man had followed Caius as a loyal hound since he whisked him away from the fighting pits, and he would not tolerate insubordination — not tonight. A firm nod was all the king needed as confirmation, his second would make sure that every single one of the mangled bodies would go up in smoke. Another shift in the air and Felix was gone, joining his fellow guards below as Caius looked out across what remained of the forest.
Caius peered over the edge of the cliff, though a fog had enveloped the forest in a mournful shroud he could make out how his guards prepared to perform their duties. Flint and Iron struck, sparks dancing as his guards kept a safe distance; torches prepared. Just as the fire took hold the fog finally parted and the full moon now hung low in the sky. Its eerie red hue made every scar of his itch and burn, how Caius had grown to detest the moon. Soon enough the sound of flesh and bone being torn apart filled the air, what remained of the beasts seared on the open fires as their existence was reduced to nothing.
The pyres multiplied, spreading through the forest as guiding lights for the forlorn and dispossessed.
But here they would only find death.
Caius hunted the werewolves for decades, a man obsessed with his thirst for violence, torture and death; one he was unable to quench no matter how much blood stained his hands. Perhaps it had been the moirai who had spun their threads and guided him to a new purpose in death, but the brutal king would never dwell on it for long ― for the high of victory clouded his senses until the world was stained with the blood of the moon's children.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞; Thank you so much for your patience.
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thekatfuzz · 9 months
The Dangerous Gift was WILD bruh
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norsesuggestions · 2 years
Thunder and lightning + snowstorm!
there was thunder while snow storm this night in stockholm. I was playing assassin's creed and first thought the thunder was the weather in the game
But no
There was lightning during heavy snowfall. Did not know that could happen
Stockholm this morning is btw snowcovered to the max, from very light snow on saturday
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angel-vista · 10 months
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WIDOWTRACER doodle saga ep #03! ❄️
Today I bring you 🎅 Santa Tracer and 🎁 her dear present... Widowmaker! Yesterday was the first snowfall of the month in my city, so I decided to celebrate it with a drawing of my pookies.. of course, in the physics notebook xD It's so white everywhere!!! 💜🧡 Live, laugh, love.. WIDOWTRACER! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
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faustandfurious · 2 years
I do realize the impossibility of creating a "one size fits all" list of "classics everyone must read before they die!" but if you felt like listing a few authors or books you think are basically always left off those lists in favour of some american or english book, i would be interested! i have the same complaint abt anglocentric "classics lists" but to find these books that are neither my own literary culture or English Classics, I am just sending out blind feelers
With the disclaimer that I have seen some of these books on the lists you mention (but infrequently, and often ignored in favour of mediocre Anglo literature), here are a few of my (non-Anglo, but unfortunately still very European skewing) recommendations. To be honest, these are just intended as starting points for dipping your toes in various countries' literary canon.
The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
I'm reading this right now and it's so full of sentences I want to serve with tea and biscuits on a Sunday afternoon while watching the snowfall outside, I'm not sure how else to convey the deep sense of contentment I get from reading this.
Kin - Miljenko Jergović
Based-on-true-events family saga about Yugoslavia through the 20th century, and I'm honestly annoyed that Jergović is still relatively unknown in the English speaking world. Personally I think his collection of short stories, Sarajevo Marlboro, is even better, but Kin is more books-to-read-before-you-die material due to its scope and length.
The World of Yesterday - Stefan Zweig
Zweig is fairly consistently left off the lists, even the better ones that actually include German language authors like Goethe and Mann, which is a shame because The World of Yesterday is the memoir of a man who had a front row seat at pretty much all the important events in Europe in the first half of the 20th century. He knew Freud. He knew Rilke. He knew a guy who knew Lenin. He had opinions on everything. In addition to being beautifully written, it's such a good way of learning history through immersion.
Danton's Death - Georg Büchner
Due to personal reasons I really vibe with this. Also a must-read if you're in any way obsessed with the French Revolution.
Journey by Moonlight - Antal Szerb
Really famous in Hungary ever since its publication in 1937, but it wasn't translated into English until after 2000, which explains its relative lack of popularity outside Hungary. If I could scrub every book recommendation list clean of Harry Potter and put this there instead, I would.
Victoria - Knut Hamsun
Look, I've had tough dudes admit to me that they cried on public transport while reading this.
Kristin Lavransdatter - Sigrid Undset
Undset wrote historical fiction about medieval Norway before it was cool, but she rarely or never seems to make it onto the rec lists, which is a shame. To be fair, even in Norway her reputation seems to have suffered a bit from the fact that she converted to Catholicism, which was considered at best a bit unfashionable, at worst outright scandalous, at the time. At any rate, Kristin Lavransdatter is well worth a read.
The Makioka Sisters - Jun'ichiro Tanizaki
I feel like the vibes here are similar to Tolstoy (there's even, funnily enough, a minor character called Vronsky), and it's a very good portrait of Japanese middle class life in the 1930s. An overarching theme in Tanizaki's works is the ongoing conflict between Japanese tradition and the more westernised lifestyle adopted by the younger generation, which has the added benefit of giving a Western readers something familiar to hang on to while reading, so why Tanizaki is left out of those rec lists is honestly beyond my comprehension.
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dreamsclock · 1 year
How many AUs do you have?
a horrific amount. here are the main ones unless i've forgotten some! i didn't create a lot of these but i never shut up about them (ones in bold weren't made by me ^_^)
no nuke finale, protege au / double apprentice au, limbo au, guard dog au, the night men au, the uno saga, hotel guest au, "ignorance is bliss" au, nowhere bones au, deerhunted au, apple a day au, total control au, weltschmerz, fate's favorites, snowfall, hornets nest au, hold him close au, ad infinitum au, syndicate au (tag 1) (tag 2), gladiator au, the tommyinnit fix-it server au, c!madduo prison roommates au, runaway king au, daisy lore / red days / prison walls trio au, north star au, yellow kitchen au, mamma mia au, the sitcom syndicate au, nothing besides remains, fyi au, mirak au, family gamble au, ghost in the basement au, DnDanger au, swap au, vegas team (2.0) au
UHHHHH I THINK THAT'S THEM ALL ! i probs have more but these are the main ones i think!!!!!!!!!!! or the ones that occupy the most space in my brain, at least
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tumblingghosts · 30 days
misc posts that i like <3
📝 medea's tbosas hp au - ashcote fanfic
📝 sejanus would rather die as district than to live as capitol
📝 dr suess esque poetry post about the essence of hope
📝 wolf and lamb fable but it’s snowjanus
📝 hermitcraft 'that's not my hermit au' comics
📝 hermitcraft dbhc - doc & xisuma lore comic | 📝 analysis
📝 the potions mistress - time travel addendum
📝 coriolanus snow & sejanus/katniss parallels
📝 all of @/moreespressoformydepresso's tbosas fix-its at once
📝 catindabag’s tbosas crack au & 24 og mentors
📝 official time loop account & very cool time loop post
📝 the scorpion and the frog - time loop & reincarnation
📝 in another life - reincarnation & loving someone in all lives
📝 epic trio (ody, eury, polites) being fashionable
📝 epic trio character designs (troy & cyclops saga)
📝 epic time travel fix it with steven-dave the side character
📝 eurylochus is tired of thematically significant reprises
📝 gorgeous snowjanus artwork by @/fleebites
📝 eurylochus pov of storm saga & windbag
📝 rendog ship thoughts by @/riacte
📝 phinabella friends to lovers analysis
📝 comic about fix it fics by @/yeehawpim
📝 hp fanfic about wolfstarbucks in a qpr
📝 epic the shirt saga | 📝 wisdom saga stream shirt
📝 mentor sejanus au (w/ doomed sejarcus)
📝 the chosen ones - reaper | circ & teslee
📝 d2 volunteering culture | cutters & keepers
📝 natalia's 'snowfall upon sophronicus' au
📝 underworld reunion pt1 | 📝 pt2
📝 coral & festus director's cut | 📝 d10 twins
📝 florus friend & felix | 📝 iphigenia & clemmie
📝 coryo & clemmie director's cut | 📝 friendship
📝 odysseus mentally haunted by his lost friends
📝 epic trio as kiddos | 📝 epic trio as a meme
📝 sejanus ship chart (snowjanus, sejarcus, claudeplinth)
📝 tbosas accent challenge (@/persephoneprice)
📝 eurylochus defense | 📝 on his decision-making (screenshots) | 📝 mischaracterization | 📝 not a hypocrite | 📝 own voice & purpose | 📝 voice of reason | 📝 media illiteracy & in-depth rebuttals | 📝 scylla vs circe | 📝 heavy burdens | 📝 fatal flaw is hunger
📝 headcanon: eurylochus did not open the windbag
📝 epic the wisdom saga artwork | 📝 art & analysis
📝 nho/taz comic | 📝 nho brainrot
📝 epic the musical dials up the drama to 11
mootboard <3
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alphajasperdimitri · 2 years
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Hello greetings guys! And a happy new year! my name is alphadimitriflair, and Im new here at tumblr I would like to share my first post also btw im from instagram: alpha_jasperflair
I never really played the God of war game series but I watched it being played by one of my friends, I was so deeply inspired by the art, the story, the narrative, the music, everything, so I decided to make a fanart of it with all my heart, the greek saga not only made me inspired but deeply inspired by the #norse saga, the story deeply resembles my relationship with my father, it made our hearts warm.
Also pls forgive me if my time-lapse vid looks kinda blurry as I said to the video I double checked it before, but there was a time where my Ipad shut down because of low battery and I went back to procreate, the time-lapse broke im so sorry, but I never lost hope to still post it lmao.
⏰ TIME: Took me almost 2 months, I started doing this during school days, it was a bad idea I was either pressuring myself studying and drawing at the same time lol, so I continued it during christmas vacation and at the end of new years eve.
✂️EDIT: Using Imovie on apple ios, bruh this took me almost forever I thought I was gonna die out of exhaustion.
1. Jotunheim https://youtu.be/G0RnRnGwacU
2. A son’s path https://youtu.be/bWMpjQCpcpg
3. Raebs lament https://youtu.be/7-qUJ0uEAeQ
AJ Dela Torre
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thorraborinn · 2 years
From a cultural aspect, how did the Old Norse view storms? I know there's the Thor = thunder = storms connection, but I'm thinking beyond the associations between Thor and storms
I'm actually hesitant to draw a complete equivalence between Thor and thunder. It's a solid guess that that was a stronger association somewhat before most of the texts we have. In Old Icelandic, there is no common noun þórr meaning 'thunder' (thunder is called þruma usually, though also reið/reiðir, probably related to the idea of Þórr riding around in his chariot). Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian all have words for 'thunder' that relate back to Þórr, though they are derivations rather than using the same word for both the god and the natural phenomenon (like þunor in Old English). It probably was used that way earlier, but not in the material we have. If someone read the Eddas without already knowing of Thor as "the god of thunder," they would probably not draw that conclusion on their own; our best evidence for the connection beyond linguistics comes from non-Eddic sources.
There is a convenient explanation for all this: it rarely thunders in Iceland (though I can't confirm that that was true a thousand years ago). Since Thor appears to have been the most popular god there, and it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep him restricted to a phenomenon that rarely happens there, they probably diversified his associations. Perhaps the thunder thing stayed stronger in places like Denmark, but they didn't write as much about the gods.
A possible exception here might be Hallmundarkviða. This is a poem about a volcanic eruption that describes it as a battle between a jötunn and Thor. Though there is nothing in the poem that specifies this, I wonder whether Thor's presence was considered to be indicated because of volcanic lightning.
Even if that example is excluded because it's inconclusive, I don't want to overstate the separation of Thor from thunder. In the sources we have, Thor definitely is still associated with it, just not as directly as often assumed. His power is sometimes expressed in terms of different natural phenomena, like hailstorms and high winds. The best example of this is Rǫgnvalds þáttr ok Rauðs, in which an animated idol of Thor causes windstorms by blowing into his beard. There is a very cool paper by Richard Perkins about this called "Thor the Wind-raiser and the Eyrarland Image" available for free on http://vsnrweb-publications.org.uk/.
Storms are sometimes caused by other gods. The most famous example is the battle between Hákon jarl and the Jómsvíkings. Before the battle Hákon jarl sacrificed his son to his ancestral deity Þorgerðr Hǫlgabrúðr for victory in the coming battle. During the fight a hailstorm started and was devastating, but only to the Jómsvíkings for some reason. But any second-sighted people present saw that Þorgerðr and her sister Irpa in the hailstorm, shooting arrows from their fingertips at the Jómsvíkings. This story can be found in Jómsvíkinga saga. I'm not sure if there is anything to say about Þorgerðr's name being compounded from Þórr. For anyone unfamiliar, Þorgerðr hölgabrúðr seems to have been some kind of dynastic deity, heavily associated with the Háleygjar dynasty and Hákon jarl in particular, though she does seem to have also had a broader relevance.
There are other figures probably related to storms. My namesake, Þorri, is part of a whole family of snow and storm jötnar including Kári ('wind/storm'), Snær ('snow'), Drífa ('snowfall/snowstorm'), etc. Loki's brother Byleistr might be related to storms, though that's only one of several possible meanings of his name, as could Fárbauti (though I find that unlikely, I talked about both of these recently). Konungs skuggsjá ('the king's mirror') describes sea monsters (hafdramba, hafgýgur) as bringing huge storms at sea.
Storms could be caused with magic, usually to cause harm to an enemy such as by sinking their ship. This is called gørningaveðr (modern gjörningaveður; also galdraveður). A well-known modern Icelandic procedure for creating gjörningaveður is similar in form to a níðstöng; one raises a pole, places a ling's (the fish) head on it, and turns the fish's face in the direction where you want the storm to occur. Interestingly, if one doesn't have a ling, they can carve in runes "Þórs höfuð" (spelled "Þors haufud" in the orthography of the time), meaning 'Thor's head', into the pole instead. One summer when the biting flies in the Mývatn area were too much to tolerate, Galdra-Brandur (a real person, but also made into a legendary folk figure) caused a snowstorm by chanting a rhyme addressed to Gylfi (the same name as the supposedly human king in Gylfaginning, but here probably a jötunn) which killed the flies but also a lot of sheep, and also two people. Vatnsdǿla saga also features a procedure for dispelling gørningaveðr involving widdershins motion, waving a (goat skin?), and speaking Irish. Interestingly, a very very modern example of the same thing from Shetland also involves circular motion and possibly speaking Gaelic.
In poetry, battle is often described by being compared to a storm (e.g. in kennings like sverðhríð 'storm of swords' or hríð Hristar 'storm of the valkyrja Hrist').
I'm not sure what else to add. They wrote a lot about storms, but most of it is just reporting that a storm occurred, and whatever damage it caused. That makes it hard to run corpus searches and identify what's useful for responding to the question.
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smoothmedia · 1 year
Shows I've Seen Every Episode
Alice in Borderland
Arcane: League of Legends
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Big Little Lies
Black Mirror
Breaking Bad
Chappelle Show
Cobra Kai
Cyberpunk: Edgerunner
Dragon Ball Z (Kai, Super)
Family Guy
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
How to get away with Murder
Hunter X Hunter
Lovecraft Country
Mad Men
Moon Knight
Mr. Robot
Ms. Marvel
Only Murders in the Building
Poker Face
Prison Break
Ray Donovan
Rick & Morty
She Hulk
Sons of Anarcy
South Park
Stranger Things
Sword Art Online
The Boondocks
The boys
The Duece
The Falcon and Winter Solider
The Last of Us
The Sopronos
The Wire
The Witcher
True Blood
True Detective
Shows I Never Seen Any Episode Of
American Gods
American Horror Story
Black Clover
Black Sails
Boardwalk Empire
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Doctor Who
Dr. Stone
Luke Cage
My Dress up Darling
Naruto: Shippuden
Parks & Recreaction
Star Wars (Any of them... The Clone Wars, Bad Batch, The Book of Bobafett, Visions, Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tales of the Jedi etc.)
Steins Gate
Ted Lasso
The Defenders
The Fear of the Walking Dead
The Last Kingdom
The Legend of Korra
The Owl House
The Punisher
The Sandman
The White Lotus
Vinland Saga
What we do in the Shadows
Shows I've Started But Haven't Finished (Last episode I seen in parentheses)
Assassination Classroom (episode 4)
Attack on Titan (Season 2 Episode 12 "Scream")
Battlestar Galactica (Episode 11)
Beef (Epsiode 4)
Better Call Saul (I dont remember but I believe I seen most of Season 1)
Bleach (Never seen but I read the Manga, even that Alphabet war arc)
Chainsaw Man (Episode 2)
Deathnote (About 3 episodes)
Demon Slayer (Episode 7)
Daredevil (I think I saw 1 or 2 episodes but dont remember)
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 14 or 15)
Gravity Falls (Episode 1)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (seen 3 or 4 episodes here and there)
Jessica Jones (Season 1)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Season 1, Episode 5)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Only 1 epsiode)
Money Heist (Season 3)
My Hero Academia (About 33 episodes)
One Piece (I read the Manga to Wano, so in episode terms I'm probably around episode 960)
Orphan Black (2 Seasons)
Peaky Blinders (Season 1)
Power (Season 1)
Ranking of Kings (6 episodes)
Rings of Power (Episode 2)
Snowfall (Season 1)
Solar Opposites (One episode)
Spy x Family (Episode 9)
Swarm (Episode 4)
The 100 (Season 1)
The Leftovers (Season 1)
The Legend of Vox Machina (Episode 3)
The Office (Season 2 Episode 6 "The Fight")
The Orville (Season 1, Episode 3)
The Umbrella Academy (Season 1, Episode 2)
The Walking Dead (For the tv show, somewhere in Season 6, I never met Neagan. But I have read the comics)
Titans (Season 3, Episode 2)
Twin Peaks (Episode 1)
Westworld (Season one)
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
The Snowfall saga has a number of stories now (and I love it!!!), but what about our old windy friend from the Rehabiliation branch? Can I request a part 2 to Saved From Being Scrap? It is said that elder dragons are highly intelligent and have long memories. Several years later, it is now the steel dragon's turn to save the day when a research expedition goes south and ends up stranded in the hostile wilderness.
YES! I hope you enjoy!!
Saved From Being Scrap (Part 2)
When Lili's research team gets stranded in one of the most hostile forests around, an old face comes back to return a favor.
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It's been several years since the rescue of that Kushala Daora occurred, starting a new branch in the Guild that's main purpose was rehabilitating monsters. And it's been going well as several more monsters have been saved and released.
Now, with that well in motion, the Scriveners could go back to research.
The team, with Lilia at the head, went to go on an expedition to check on local monster populations in a small village near Alcala. However, there was a communication mix-up with the map, so the whole research team had gotten lost. And no hunters were able to join them due to a large elder dragon hunt that was occurring.
"I think...we're lost." One of them said, and everyone just groaned.
"We should've brought a hunter with us." Another said and Lilia sighed.
"We'll be fine guys. The forest here doesn't have any large monsters to worry about." Lilia tried to boost the moral of her team, but one of them started to look a little worried.
"Commander...I don't think we're in the same forest." He said, and Lilia looked around.
The trees were thicker, different, and the whole atmosphere was darker. All signs of small endemic life were missing, and to make things even better, a rain started to fall and fog up the area. Everyone huddled close. Lilia felt her heart skip a beat when she thought she heard something, but she quickly pulled herself together.
"We'll find our way back. Let's grab our things." Lilia told them. However, when they moved to do that, an ear-splitting screech rang through the area.
A Gore Magala burst through the trees, swiping and snarling, and completely busting up all the team's gear. The wyvern snarled at the team as they screamed. They had no weapons, no gear to their name, and absolutely no clue where they were.
"Run!" Someone shouted, and they all turned tail.
"Stick together!" Lilia ordered as she tried to keep an eye on all of her Scriveners. She could hear the Gore Magala huffing and puffing behind them, tearing through the forest.
While she was looking behind her, she nearly ran straight into her team who were all huddled together.
They were on the edge of a forest which broke into a grassland with plenty of tall mesas and large boulders. The rain was making things hard to see, but she noticed that all members of her Scriveners were looking at one mesa in particular. When she looked up there, she noticed a large moving mass perched on top.
It was now no mystery where all the wind and rain came from.
"Kushala Daora!" One shouted.
"We're doomed!" Another shouted when the Gore Magala broke out of the tree line closely to the right of the group.
However, as soon as the wyvern eyed the group hungrily, the elder dragon perched on the mesa swopped down and barreled the black wyvern over. The Gore Magala hissed and thrashed the Kushala Daora swiped at it, shoving it further back. The elder dragon roared and flapped its large metallic wings. The intelligent Gore Magala took a look at the Kushala guarding the research team and snorted. This wasn't worth the effort.
The black wyvern opened its purplish wings and took off into the storm.
"Well...that was weird." A Scrivener muttered as the clouds began to clear and sun began to shine through.
The Gore Magala may be gone, but the Kushala Daora was still there. And the research team realized that they had another problem on their hands as the elder dragon turned to face them. Without a hunter, they were extremely vulnerable. Everyone began to back off expect for Lilia.
"Commander! Are you insane?" One called out to her.
"No...I know who this is." She said before gently outstretching the palm of her hand. A few steps forward, and the elder dragon sniffed her hand before nudging it slightly.
"I recognize those wings...Hello again...Our inspiration." Lilia said through tears when she realized that this was the same Kushala Daora that they saved all those years ago.
"He remembered." Lilia told her team with a smile, and they all began to relax.
"He saved our lives!" They all said with glee, and the elder dragon roared. Immediately, they all flinched a bit, but they were still smiling. After so many years, the Kushala Daora who started it all returned the favor and saved their lives.
With shelter under his strong wings, the research team made it home safely.
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About Disaster Intensity Points (PDI)
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Japan is a country that is destined to face various disasters that easily threaten the lives of its citizens. Therefore, as an index for roughly evaluating the degree of disaster risk, PDI (Disaster Intensity Points: Points of
Introduce Disaster's Intensity).
(1)As a disaster
1. Typhoons (including tornadoes)
2. Earthquake (including fire and crushing)
3. tsunami
4. Volcanic eruption (including pyroclastic flow)
5. Torrential rain (including floods and debris flows)
6. heavy snowfall
7. thunderstorm
Set seven of
(2)All disasters are equal in the probability of causing fatalities.   
(3)From the case where the risk of disaster is almost zero (0) to the case where there will be fatalities (1),
Evaluate the degree of risk of each disaster in increments of 0.1, sum over seven items, and make it the PDI.
In this trial calculation, we will use Morishita's guess, but if we study the past disaster history, we can get a more accurate value.
Accidents (melt downs) at nuclear power plants are: 2. earthquake and 3. Since it cannot be ignored as a secondary disaster in the case of a tsunami, the raw data is doubled for these two disasters. (If there is a nuclear power plant in the area.) So the PDI will be a value up to 9.
(4) This time, the trial calculations are made on a prefecture-by-prefecture basis, but more detailed divisions may be necessary or even possible.
   The following is a trial calculation for the three prefectures.
Gunma Prefecture Niigata Prefecture Nagasaki Prefecture
1. Typhoon 0.2 0.2 0.8
2. Earthquake 0.2 0.8 0.5
3. Tsunami 0.0 0.8 0.8
4. Volcanic eruption 0.7 0.4 0.8
5. Torrential rain 0.2 0.6 0.8
6. Heavy snow 0.4 0.9 0.1
7. Thunderstorm 0.8 0.5 0.5
PDI 2.5 5.8 5.6
As a trend, PDI is low in inland prefectures without volcanoes, and conversely, in coastal prefectures with volcanoes.
It seems that the PDI will be high. Here, Nagasaki Prefecture does not have a nuclear power plant, but in view of the fact that there is a Genkai Nuclear Power Plant in Saga Prefecture, which is closely related to the neighboring prefecture, it is assumed that Nagasaki Prefecture also has a nuclear power plant.
Although Morishita regards "war" as a type of "disaster", it was not reflected in this PDI calculation. In addition, areas with many buildings that pose a problem due to the problem of disguised seismic strength naturally receive a high score for damage caused by an earthquake. In any case, modern “man-made disasters (man-made disasters)” are large in both quality and quantity.
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MELODIVERSE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS: A gift to you guys, and writeblr as a whole.
Announcing here that I'm writing three Melodiverse christmas specials (they're all short stories), for Christmas Day, as a gift to the wonderful writeblr community that you guys all have helped forge for my blog <3/p
The first special of which… is entitled "Midnight and the Snowflake Spirit", a tale of Midnight and Staticlight taking a trip into the Starlight Forest during a light snowfall, and as the faeries part, a strange omniscient spirit composed of snowflakes settles down on the frozen ice lake.
Oh, also it involves Midnight and Staticlight being recruited as helper elves to help Santa Paws (the Melodiverse's equivalent of Santa Claus, who is a cat-human hybrid) deliver all sorts of presents to children throughout Penwood.
This short story will mainly feature Staticlight a devious little gremlin as he tries many tactics to throw their mission to deliver presents off course, Midnight trying his best to stop him from doing so, and a heartfelt Christmas gathering which involves Staticlight being genuinely happy to see Dev after Staticlight's been with Midnight for so long.
Now for a reference as to which stories these specials take place in:
"Midnight and the Snowflake Spirit" : The Melody Blade Saga
"Untitled Melodiverse Christmas Special II" : Goblin Theft Auto
"The Titania Crew's Noel Nightmare!" : Stars, Bits, and Bytes
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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Utter(ly) Random: Getting the Axe
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Many shows are wrapping up as we head into the new year, hello 2023. While a lot of us are looking forward to what new shows are coming out and returning shows, for some shows that excitement has been squashed. Below I'm listing the shows that unfortunately have received the axe and won't be returning to their respective platforms.
Shows with an asterisk (*) are not "getting the cut" unexpectedly, but getting their last season.
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Good Sam
B Positive
How We Roll
The United States of Al
Magnum P.I.
All Rise
Beyond the Edge
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The Legends of Tomorrow
Roswell, New Mexico
In The Dark
The Republic of Sarah
Nancy Drew*
The Flash*
DC's Stargirl
Legends of the Hidden Temple
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Mr. Mayor
The Endgame
This Is Us*
Good Girls
Ellen’s Game of Games
A Little Late with Lilly Singh
Ordinary Joe
New Amsterdam*
Saved by the Bell
The Lost Symbol
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Promised Land
Card Sharks
The Celebrity Dating Game
For Life
The Hustler
Match Game
Pooch Perfect
A Million Little Things*
The Big Leap
Better Things
The Real
American Rust
Black Monday
Work in Progress
Desus and Mero
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Another Life
Archive 81
The Baby-Sitter’s Club
Cooking with Paris
The Crown*
Derry Girls*
Grace and Frankie*
Julie and the Phantoms
Locke and Key*
Peaky Binders*
Pretty Smart
Raising Dion
Space Force
Never Have I Ever*
Stranger Things*
Dead to Me
The Imperfects
The Midnight Club
Firefly Lane
The Umbrella Academy
On the Verge
Fate: A Winx Saga
Warrior Nun
The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself
Partner Track
Resident Evil
First Kill
The Midnight Gospel
Space Force
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Better Call Saul*
High Maintenance
His Dark Materials*
The Nevers
Back on Record
Los Espookys
Raised by Wolves
Batman: Caped Crusader
FBoy Island
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Little Ellen
Made for Love
Time Traveler's Wife
Love Life
Close Enough
Gordita Chronicles
Sweet Life: Los Angeles
Other Cancelations
Hunters* (Prime Video)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel* (Prime Video)
Servant (Apple TV+)
Snowpiercer* (TNT)
Star Trek: Picard* (Paramount+)
Carnival Row (Prime Video)
While this is certainly not everything that's been canceled from the dozens of streaming services and platforms available, I will most likely update this particular list as we enter 2023 further. It is pretty sad to say goodbye to a show and characters that we've either started to love (or hate) or have loved (or hated) for some time. Hopefully, that is the end of what I've called mass cancelation. Regardless, I hope everyone has a remarkable 2023!
Think I'm missing something, or is something listed in error? Feel free to let me know!
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unusualindigo · 2 years
More Personal Lore
Is it weird that when I was five, I figured Pinocchio had a crush on Lampwick?
Ot that at that same age my first comic was the Dark Phoenix Saga and the second was The Death of Superman Saga, both in full collection books?
Or that six, I thought Todd and Copper would be boyfriends if not for that meddling hunter and his Dad Dog?
Or at seven when I thought I wanted to be like Georgette from Oliver and Company and would mimic her hair puffing?
How about at age eight when I just figured that Raven and Robin were absolutely precious and I liked seeing them in peril?
I just assumed at age nine that Scott and Rogue were meant to be together in X-Men Evolution. Is that peculiar?
If the answer to any of these questions was, in fact, no, then don't you dare judge me for knowing SnowFall is absolutely railing Jaune.
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