#So I was just. Organizing some stuff. doing hw n stuff and I checked one of ma notes n remebered
i was so lost in the sauce (spreadsheet) i deadass forgot my phone charging and only remembered bc i took a bathroom break n smth happened n i thought abt posting it to tumblr n realized oh! my phone!
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bellflower-goat · 1 year
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Imagine: Being friends with Alice and asking Carlisle for help on your chemistry homework
Characters: Cullen family, female reader
Rating: G
Word count: 2120
Warnings: None
Request by anon: Wait, omg I’m so happy I found a blog that’s updated recently and I’m definitely gonna ✨stalk✨ your blog and read all your writing after hw but if you’re still doing requests, I thought of something that I would just love to see written. And this could be short or something, y’know? It can be whatever you want it to be, but what if the reader is somewhat friends with the Cullens? Reader (maybe like 20 years old?) is invited to their house one weekend after bumping into Alice and becoming friends and from passing conversation, reader knows that Carlisle is a doctor so she asks him if he could help her with her organic chemistry hw cause she’s studying to be a med student? 
A/n Wow I’m so sorry this took me so long! It’s such a cute request and I loved writing it! Thanks for sending it in and for being patient with me :)
Mentally, I groan, stopping my progress towards my car.
I still have chem homework.
I fiddle with the keys in my hand, contemplating. You could go home…lay in bed…maybe with a pint of ice cream…and pass out in a stress and sugar-induced coma.
Oh, how tempting.
But then I remind myself of why I’m putting myself through the hell that is a STEM degree, and turn on my heel, heading back to campus. I know I won’t get any work done if I go home, so the library it is! Thank goodness it’s open twenty-four hours, because it’s creeping up to eleven and I don’t have the heart to return to one of the academic buildings.
Seeing as it’s Friday night, the library isn’t crowded. Still, I push past all the tables on the first floor and head up to my favorite spot on the second. Settling in at my favorite partially secluded table, I pull out my organic chemistry textbook, pop in my earbuds, and get to work.
A small, pale hand skims over the table near my book, and I look up with a start.
Alice Cullen stands by my desk, clutching a set of books that look too heavy for her thin arms, but she seems to be managing fine. She and I met during the first week of classes, and have been tentative friends ever since. We don’t see much of each other, given our varying degree programs, but she always greets me with a friendly smile and an offer to join her to study. I pull out my headphones, and give her a tired smile. “Hey, how’s it going?”
“Good!” She smiles excitedly, somehow keeping her energy levels at—I check the time on my phone—1:12 am! “Have you been here for long?”
I shrug, feeling the weight of the late hour on my shoulders. “Since around eleven. I was going home but then I forgot I have o-chem homework. I don’t think it should be taking me this long, but I’m struggling. Thankfully only half of it is due in the morning. The rest isn’t due until after the weekend.”
Alice peers over to look at my book and the problems I work through in my notebook. “Oh, those do look hard. But you know, my dad is a doctor, and he probably knows this stuff like the back of his hand. He’d be more than happy to help you.”
I blanch. An invitation to the Cullen’s house? And free help on o-chem homework?
But then I remember my manners. “Oh, thank you, but I couldn’t—”
“Please,” she squeaks, balancing her books in one arm and using the other to retrieve her phone. “We’d be happy to have you over! I’ll let my family know. Does tomorrow around lunchtime work?”
“Uh,” I swallow, not sure I’m believing my ears. “That works great, thank you! I can bring the food?”
She shakes her head, waving off the offer. “Don’t worry about it—Mom loves to cook and will be excited to really use the kitchen. Oh! And there’s this new series my sisters and I have been dying to watch. It’s called Broadchurch. Have you heard of it? Maybe we can start it and see if it’s any good!”
I nod dumbly, too tired and relieved for the help to refuse again. “That sounds fun! Thank you.”
“Of course,” she smiles, shrugging like it’s nothing. “What are friends for?”
My smile softens. She considers us friends. “Do you want to walk out together? It’s pretty late.”
She beams and waits while I collect my stuff.
I pull up to the front of the massive house.
Alice is waiting for me on the porch. She waves excitedly, and I notice her fiancé standing near the door, looking uncomfortable. I stifle a chuckle. It’s well-known that Jasper, introvert in every sense of the word, fell hard for Alice who is the embodiment of an extravert. I wave, grabbing my backpack and stepping out of the car.
“Welcome,” Alice practically shouts. Jasper gives me a polite nod.
I smile at the two of them, calling out my hello’s and climbing the stairs to the porch. The second Jasper opens the door, I’m greeted by the warm smile of Esme Cullen.
“Hello, Y/n, welcome to our home! We are so happy to have you here.” She extends a warm smile, one I can’t help but return immediately.
Alice leads us straight to the living room, where two of her adoptive siblings, Emmett and Rosalie, lounge. Rosalie sketches something I can’t see, and Emmett yells loudly at the TV, losing at a video game.
“Beat it, Emmett,” Alice chirps, dancing over and taking the controller from his hands. “We’re going to watch Broadchurch.”
Putting his frustration at the game aside, Emmett grins, standing and ruffling Alice’s hair. “Alright, I was getting my ass kicked anyway. Hey, Y/n, good to see you again.”
I return his greeting, familiar with Emmett from an intro to theatre class we had together last semester. The image of his interpretation of Juliet for our final project comes to mind, and I have to stifle a laugh. Emmett goes to leave the room, pulling Jasper with him.
“Send Bella down, would you,” Alice calls after them, already settling on the couch. “Rose, you know Y/n, right?”
Rosalie looks up from her sketching. She smiles briefly at me, then returns to her task. I sit awkwardly next to Alice, waiting for Bella so we can start the show.
“There aren’t many women in STEM.”
My head shoots up, wide eyes turning in Rosalie’s direction. She doesn’t look up from her work, but I know she’s addressing me—Alice is studying fashion merchandising and design.
“Y-yeah,” I stammer. Alice’s older sister is just so intimidating. Well-spoken, obviously intelligent, tall, prettier than anyone I’ve ever met, and top of her law class. She’s not exactly warm either, like her mother or sister—even now, there’s a cold bite to her tone. But the edges of her lips quirk up, and I can tell she’s being nice.
“Don’t let the guys push you around. What you’re doing is important, and you’re probably smarter than them. What do you want to do with your degree?”
The answer, always on my heart and mind, is automatic. “I want to be a doctor. So, med school is next.”
She nods once. “Good.”
And apparently that’s the end of our conversation.
I try to hide my smile by rummaging around in my backpack for my water bottle. It’s nice to feel supported.
Bella comes gliding down the stairs and twists into the living room, folding herself easily onto the love seat. She greets me, and then tosses me the throw over the back of her couch. Alice nods as if forgetting something, then reaches into a basket hidden between our couch and Rosalie’s chair and produces three more blankets, throwing two to her sisters and keeping one for herself. She shoots me a grin as each of us, even the serious Rosalie, snuggles up.
Alice stands, turning off the lights and then wraps back in her blanket and scoots near me on the couch. “I hope this is good!” With a grin, she opens Netflix and plays the first episode.
Broadchurch does not disappoint. Before I know it, we’re halfway through the second episode, eyes glued to the screen. Bella, who was definitely reading a book under her blanket at the start, has put it to the side, leaning forward and watching the show intently.
The front door creaks, then clicks closed, and Alice smiles, pressing pause on the remote. “Dad’s home.”
Before long, the famed local doctor comes in to say hi to the girls and to greet me. He’s just as welcoming as his wife!
“Alice told me you are having trouble with some organic chemistry homework?”
I nod, hoping it’s not too much to ask for his help. “I got a good start on some of the problems last night, but I keep messing up. I’m not really sure where I’m going wrong—there’s no answer key so I can’t work backwards through the problems.”
He nods, casually resting his hands in the pocket of his slacks. “I remember o-chem homework quite well.” He grins conspiratorially. “It is the bane of many a med student’s existence. Why don’t you girls finish up your episode and then join Esme and me in the kitchen for lunch? I can take a look at your homework if you like.”
Relief washes over me. “That would be great, thank you so much.”
He smiles warmly. “Of course. Now, if you all will excuse me….” With a twinkle in his eye, he leaves us to rejoin his wife.
This family is so nice! I wonder why they get so much flack at school?
Alice resumes the episode, and soon my musings are washed away as I try to piece together the mystery of the murder before the detectives can.
Esme is a wonderful cook. Carlisle sings her praises but doesn’t fix a plate for himself, saying he ate plenty as she was cooking. We all sit down at the table, though I’m the only one who eats in earnest — Bella claims to be filled up on snacks, Rose says she’s on a diet, and Alice takes a small helping for herself, every now and then poking the chicken in mild disgust. I don’t see what the problem is, the food is fantastic!
Carlisle sits down next to me, and I slide my textbook and notebook in his direction. He smiles, looking almost nostalgic. “I remember these. The good news is, as a doctor, you won’t be doing much of this in day-to-day life, if at all. But it is important for some courses you will take in medical school, so it’s best to master the concepts now. See, on number nineteen, you start the problem correctly, but get lost once you have to balance the equation to continue. Instead of waiting until the middle to balance, I would do that first, that way, you have a solid base before moving on to solve the rest of the problem.”
I nod, peering over at the paper intently. I hadn’t tried that strategy before.
Carlisle takes out a pen, and begins scratching out an equation. Then, he grins, shaking his head, and crosses it out, starting again in much neater handwriting. “Forgive my penmanship. Though, if you decide to continue and become a practicing doctor, your handwriting will soon be indecipherable, too.”
From across the table, Rosalie snorts, and I can’t help but laugh along. It seems almost a rite of passage for a doctor to have horrendous handwriting.
In clearer script, Carlisle continues working out the problem, then slides the paper over for me to see. He explains what he did at each step, and I nod along, trying to commit as much of it to memory as possible. He works out another problem in the same way, then asks me to try on my own. I smile tentatively as I go, hesitant to accept that I actually know how to do the problem now.
But I do.
It takes concentration to work through the steps, but I can, which is a far cry from where I was last night. Carlisle waves off my thanks, saying I just needed to try a different approach, but I had it within me all along. I bring up another section I had issues with—structures of the elements—and Carlisle teaches me a better strategy for memorizing a few and then figuring out the rest. By the time Esme and Bella have put the food away, my homework is done—in a fourth of the time it would have taken me struggling through it on my own.
“Seriously, Dr. Cullen, thank you so much.”
He smiles pleasantly, handing me back my textbook. “Of course. If you need help again, just come on over. I know the girls love having the company, and my wife and I enjoyed the opportunity to meet you as well.”
Esme appears behind her husband, laying her hands affectionately on his shoulders. “Absolutely, Y/n. Please come over any time.”
I pack up my homework and thank them once again for lunch and for the help. Alice darts to my side, grinning. “Ready to finish the episode?”
I feel so much lighter now that my homework is done, and I don’t feel guilty at all for spending time with my new friends. In fact, I may even indulge in that ice cream when I get home.
A/n Thanks for reading! If you have a moment, here’s the link to my masterlist :)
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jtrbluv · 5 years
need(y) | jjk
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: angst/fluff
word count: 3.6k
warnings: swearing
request: Hello!! Could I get a jungkook angst/fluff imagine where you guys are becoming distant and you leave for some space and he doesn’t know and thinks that you left him?? Sorry if it’s confusing, thank youuuu :)
a/n: sheesh! this was not supposed to be this long HAHA. sorry this took so long to write school just started and it’s fr kicking my ass. i’ve already gotten so much hw for the first week grrrr. i rushes the ending a bit so i’m not quite satisfied and i didn’t edit it either so um sorry about it LOL. anyways thanks for requesting this anon!! in honor of his bday too ig haha, hope u enjoy it :)
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Missed Calls:
y/n <3 (11)
6:45- lmk when ur coming home i can’t wait to see you <33
8:30- u must be busy at the studio it’s okay i’ll wait
9:47- hey it’s okay if ur coming late but could u just give me a heads up
11:02- jungkook?
12:17- happy belated anniversary to you too ig
1:56- i needa stop getting my hopes up huh
Being in a relationship with a worldwide famous idol is never easy. Learning to understand and appreciate the value of the relationship regardless of its limited-time came easy to you. That’s one of the reasons why he became interested in you in the first place. You never came off as overbearing and clingy and you always understood why things had to be different. And that added to the list of things he already absolutely adored about you.
It had been a year since Jungkook had confessed to you backstage that night, asking you to be his lover and promising that he would cherish you like no one ever will. And you can confidently say he very much did at the beginning, commonly known as the honeymoon stage. Things only started to fizzle out and go downhill a few months ago. His group was scheduled for a new comeback. He was promoting and traveling around the world while you were on the sidelines and comfort of your home, cheering him and his group on. Daily texts and calls kept both of you grounded and steady, but as time passed by, those texts and calls ceased to exist. You had been constantly ignored and you didn’t think much of it at first, after all, he was a busy man with a busy schedule. The tour had finally been coming to an end and he’d have the opportunity to come home to you, just in time for your one year anniversary. He had flown in 2 weeks precedent to your anniversary, and fuck, you were so happy to be with him again.
He had made a promise to you that you two would get to spend a lot more time together as he was coming back. You two had finally been living together again after what seemed like years as his group had gotten a break after such a hectic year. He would go to his company need to work on future projects and such and it didn’t bother you at first. He would typically come back home late while you were sleeping and leave early in the morning before you would wake up. As it occurred more frequently, you started to become more concerned. He was finally home for once and he wasn’t even making time to see you. You didn’t want to seem annoying and clingy so you decided to push these thoughts to the back of your head and keep them to yourself.
You had agreed to have a celebration at home, figuring all the restaurants in the vicinity would be closed by the time he’d get home. You patiently waited in the living room, coffee table filled with his favorite foods and snacks you were able to pick up at the local convenience store. He had told you the night before he’d be coming home at 9, a little later than you liked, but you let it slide nonetheless. You essentially cherished all the time you had with him anyway, whether it be a minute, an hour, or a month.
You mindlessly sat in the living room, not paying attention to whatever was playing on the TV. Your ears were constantly alert and peeled, waiting for a familiar car to pull up to your driveway. Your eyes constantly shifted back to your front window, scanning the neighborhood to see if he was back yet or not.
Time ticked by like molasses, your patience and tolerance wavering as it went on. There were no signs of him and he wasn’t answering any of your calls and texts. You were in complete disbelief at the fact that he didn’t have the decency to spend time with you on your first anniversary. Everything you had been holding in was starting to seep out of you, anger and sadness fuming from your system as you ask yourself the same question: Why do you constantly put yourself in this situation? Being hopeful for something just to let it get torn down again. Is that what your relationship has turned into? An insurmountable lost hope?
For the first time, you realized all you’ve been doing his abiding by him, waiting for his cues, going off of his beck and call. You were being walked all over, and you didn’t realize until that moment. For the first time, you were fed up.
You groan in frustration as you snatch your phone from the coffee table. It was 2:34 AM. You furrow your brows as you see how late it is, and how many hours it’s been since he was supposed to come home. Your emotions took control of you as you hastily shut off the TV, charging into your room as you recklessly grab one of your backpacks and stuff random clothes into it.  You grab the nearest hoodie you could find and slipped it on as you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone. You abruptly halt at the doorway, deciding to write a small note for him before you left. What were the chances he would see it anyway?
I need some time alone to think. Please do not contact me during this time. -Y/N
You stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind you. You quickly started your car and pulled out of your driveway and into the streets. You didn’t know where you were going, but you just didn’t want to stay in that house any longer. The streets were empty and the sky was dull and overcast. You let the streets guide you, taking whatever twist and turn you happened to encounter. Your hands were gripped tightly along the steering wheel as tears slipped out of your eyes. You quickly wipe them away as you recalibrate your focus on the road ahead of you. You decided it’d be best to stay at a hotel for now, until you could think of a better solution to all of this. You were able to find a hotel that had lower rates since you literally bought it on the spot.
You checked into the hotel and quickly escaped to your room. You throw your backpack to the floor as you lower yourself into the cold, unfamiliar sheets of the bed. You contemplate your options. As much as you didn’t want to admit, all your actions leading up to that moment had been caused by pent up rage and frustration in the heat of the moment. In spite of that, you didn’t regret what you had done. It felt as if time had frozen and it would only continue once Jungkook became aware of what you had done. So you were going to wait.
Jungkook stumbled into the home, hair disheveled and vision blurry from his near sleepless night. While working at the studio he had unknowingly fallen asleep while working on a track. All of his members had already gone back home so there was no one to wake him up or remind him of his girlfriend that was waiting patiently back home for him, ready to celebrate a long-awaited and special day.
All traces of the anniversary had slipped his mind as soon as he slid into a deep slumber back at the studio. He trudges around the house and his eyes land on the organized display of snacks on the coffee table. His eyes shift to the blanket and pillow that you two tended to share was all crumpled on the couch. The lightbulb immediately lit in his mind as he put the pieces together and his eyes widen in absolute horror. He had forgotten your anniversary.
“Oh my god, I’m so fucking stupid!” he exclaims, the tone of disbelief in his voice increasing as he realizes his mistake.
“Y/N!” he cries out to you as he runs around the house, searching in all the rooms to see if you were there. He almost forgets the phone that laid in his back pocket until he takes it out, hoping to call you in hopes that you would respond. His phone lights up only to show how indecently late he was, 5:43 a.m, and the amount of missed calls and texts from you, the disappointment and dejection he sensed from you increasing as he read each text you sent to him. His jaw dropping incredulously as he shuts his eyes and takes a deep exhale.
“Fuck, what have I done?” he huffs out, his voice small and full of somber. The fact that he had forgotten a day as important as this was already encompassing his mind but more so, he couldn’t find you and it deeply startled him, he didn’t know where you were and where you could be at this hour. He walks back into the living room where he assumes you had been waiting and his focus shifts to the kitchen where he notices a small notepad and pen along with a torn piece of paper that seemed to have something inscribed on it. He squints as he walks towards the kitchen. He took the paper in his hands as he immediately recognizes your handwriting and his breath hitches as he reads your name. His feet stay rooted to the wooden tile of the kitchen as he freezes there with the paper in his hands. Dumbfounded was an understatement to whatever Jungkook had felt at that moment in time. A tear had involuntarily slid down his cheek. Was this it? Was this the end? Were you going to leave him and never come back? These were only a few out of the heap of questions that were running through his head. All he knew was that he needed to find you. And he needed to fix the mess he had just made.
Similar to you he had bolted out of the house and drove off, unaware of where you actually were but he figured if he had searched for long enough, he would be able to find you.
You had slept deep into the day, finally getting up only because you started to notice the consistent vibrations that came from your bedside table. Naturally, you figured it was Jungkook, you didn’t tell anyone else of your whereabouts since it was so sporadic and you certainly didn’t feel like conversing or informing anyone of your situation. Out of curiosity and the annoying blare of your phone, you decide to see who it is anyway. Much to your surprise, your best friend Seulgi’s beaming smile flashed on your phone screen as you pick up.
“Seulgi, hi,” your voice manages to croak out as you adjust to the sunlight peeking out of your window.
“Y/N, where the hell are you?” she immediately asks, you can basically hear the frown lines etched into her forehead.
You groan into the mic of your phone as you speak back, “Seulgi, I can explain-”
“Jungkook’s been looking for you all night and asking everyone where you are,” she cuts you off.
“Seulgi,” you exhale, trying to suppress your anger, “he forgot our anniversary.”
“Oh my god.” she gasps, “you’re joking.”
“Did he not tell anyone?!” you shriek into the phone.
“No! He just said you left and he was looking for you and he was really scared and he even sounded like he was on the verge of tears and once I said I didn’t know where you were he just hung up!” she rambles on and on.
“Okay, yeah, he forgot and I got mad and I left,” you reveal, voice barely over a whisper.
“Y/N, I don’t blame you,” she reassures you, voice softening, “but, I think you should confront him about this.”
“Yeah, I know. I just needed some time to cool off and think.”
“Well, do you plan on breaking up with him?” she speaks timidly.
“I- I don’t know. I mean, I don’t want to. I want to hear what he has to say.” you stutter, your mind in a complete frenzy.
“Hasn’t he been paying less attention to you these last couple of months?” she asks, “I rarely see you two go out anymore.”
“Yeah cuz we really don’t,” you confirm. “He’s been so focused on his career which I understand but, sometimes it just feels like he doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that he has a girlfriend.”
“Then why haven’t you told him that.”
“I don’t want to seem like the type of girlfriend to hold him back from doing what he loves. He’s invested so much time into his career.”
“Y/N, obviously not telling him how you feel has resulted in this mess. And okay, before you attack me, if he doesn’t have the decency to spend time with his girlfriend every once in a while then he doesn’t deserve your time and energy in the first place,” she advises you.
“I know that Seulgi, that’s all I’ve been thinking about all night.”
“Then talk to him Y/N,” she softly mutters, “for the sake of your relationship with him.”
You hum in agreement but as you’re about to hang up she interjects, “Okay, but just remember, I’ll support whatever decision you make next. I know you’re wise enough to know what you deserve and what’s best for the two of you. Always here for you Y/N.”
“I don’t know where I’d be without you Seulgi. I’ll update you. I’ll head out now.” you smile into the phone.
“You got this Y/N!” she cheers as you hang up.
You had clear intentions on your mind but you couldn’t help but feel anxious and uncertain about what was to happen between you and Jungkook.
jungkook, i’m in sunset central hotel. if you want to talk, come here as soon as you can. Thanks.
Jungkook’s eyes widen to the size of saucers as soon as he saw your name flash onto his screen. He redirects his GPS to the hotel you were at, a 45-minute drive. He didn’t care, he just needed to find you.
You waited at the foot of your bed, feeling extremely uneasy about the whole confrontation. Your foot was constantly tapping on the wooden floors, as you played with your hands and glance back at your phone to check the time.
Jungkook finally reaches his destination as he surges through the front doors of the hotel, asking the front desk if you were still staying over. The front desk had called you and informed you that someone had come to see you and if it was okay for them to come over. You hesitantly obliged, cowering every time you heard Jungkook answering whatever questions he was required to answer.
It never really registered through Jungkook’s mind that he was supposed to talk to you. He just planned on spilling his heart out and hoping it would be enough for your forgiveness and just being able to hold you in his arms again.
He takes his time getting to your room. His movements are lethargic and hesitant, taking the time to gather his thoughts. He reaches the floor your room is on as he steps out of the elevator and scans the area to find where your room would be. He slowly walks as he sees your room number, he knocks softly at the door, staring at his shoes.
Your head snaps to the sound of his knocks, you take a deep breath as you stand up and slowly creak open the door. You don’t even bother to try to share any eye contact as you widen the door and motion him to come in.
“Y/N,” he begins, eyes still focused on the floor, “I’m,” he exhales, “I’m so sorry.” He slowly tilts his head up, analyzing your body language. Your hands were clasped in front of you as your eyes shifted back and forth to everything but Jungkook. You could feel his stare burning into you but dismissed it.
“Is that-,” you mutter, “is that all you came here to say to me?
“No!” he interrupts, causing you to flinch. His face softens at your reaction, “I- I fell asleep while working on a song and lost track of time.”
Your jaw clenches at his statement as you take a moment to let what he had told you sink in,  “And that makes it all okay?”
“No, of course, it doesn’t-”
“Jungkook, we were supposed to spend this time together with each other. You’re on an actual break for once and you’d still rather dedicate all your time to it instead of spending time with me. All your other members have been going on trips, seeing family, hanging out with friends,” you huff out, glaring at him as he looks at his shoes, “do I not matter to you anymore?”
Your last statement almost made him meltdown right there on the spot. The fact that he had made you believe that he didn’t care about you at all was already bad enough as it is.
He takes a step towards you and looks you straight in the eye, “No, Y/N,” he sighs in exasperation, trying to piece together what he was going to say, “we’ve just been getting so much publicity and gaining so much popularity and fame, I feel like they expect so much from us. And from me. I’m the Golden Maknae, I have to be good at everything and be able to do anything, but in reality, nothing’s working out and I’ve just been stressed as hell and wanting to see you.”
“I’ve never left Jungkook until yesterday, I’ve always been there waiting,” you reveal slowly, “and I really always want to be here for you. Ever since the tour, you stopped contacting me and I just thought you were busy but in the back of my mind, I started thinking that you just didn’t care anymore.”
“But I do, I always did.” he says, taking a step towards you.
“You haven’t proven otherwise, and I don’t want to reach this breaking point just so we can be happy and go through this all over again.” your voice cracks.
“I know, I don’t want that either, but, if this was bothering you for so long, why couldn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Do I really have to remind my own boyfriend to spend time with me?” you scoff as you shake your head in disbelief.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean that, I mean we’ve never had any problems in our relationship up until now, and now that I’m thinking about it, you could’ve told me off and broke up with me a long time ago, but you never told me when you had any problems with me. Yes, I know the things I did were stupid as fuck but Y/N, being in a relationship while balancing my career is still new to me. I’m absolutely clueless and stupid and I need you to guide me so I can be there for you.”
“I-,” you sighed heavily, “I didn’t want to intrude. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are and I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
“Hey, I’m always willing to give up time for you.” his responds as his eyes soften, “I know it sure as hell may not seem like it, but you shouldn’t prioritize my needs or whatever you think my needs are over yours. Now I’ve just been taking advantage of your leniency. How did I not notice? Fuck, I’m such a dumbass.”
You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, you knew what you were doing was selfless and you were extremely patient about it all, “I just figured that was the last thing you wanted you know, another thing to worry about on top of your career.”
“I thought about that at first too,” he agreed, biting his lip, “I realized later on that it really shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I care about you too much to let that happen and the more I got to know you, I realized that, well, you were worth it.”
You could feel his intense glare without even sparing him a glance, “Am I still worth it to you?”
You feel his hand envelop your own as steps towards you once again, “You always will be.”
“You’re making it really hard for me to keep being mad at you,” you huff, tightening your grip around his hand.
He noticed the fact that you were still avoiding eye contact and you remained distant. He tugs on your hand and pulls you close to him, breaking your personal barrier. He pulls you into a warm hug, something you both had craved for so long. The longing and acceptance for one another was mutual, but where were you two supposed to do from there on out?
He loosens his hold on you and pulls away slightly, “Are we okay?”
For the first time that day your eyes met his as you replied, “Yeah, we’re okay.”
Only time would tell.
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hanhhoas · 4 years
college au! kim seokjin
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(loosely inspired by love playlist; check it out on youtube!)
you’re a sophomore in college in new york 
studying biochemistry 
you didn’t know if you fully loved biochemistry but it was interesting at least
plus you knew that you were probably not more passionate about other subjects anyway (or good at them but that’s another matter)
so your freshman year ended up being a LOT of intro classes; intro biology, intro chemistry, etc.
not that you minded, it seemed like other biology or chemistry majors had very similar schedules, so you at least knew a few kids in each class just from that
but it definitely made you more open to taking more artistic style classes
since you knew looking at numbers and graph over and over again did drill into your brain a bit
after asking around, you heard that one class was pretty fun and relatively easy on the workload
love and relationships 1101
so in the midst of four science/math classes, you added love and relationships 1101 onto your schedule 
lectures only once a week? sounded great
plus, you were able to add it on thursday nights, so it was sort of a relaxing end to your week and you could have a three day weekend to catch up on work
that night, you had just come out of a *extremely* long organic chemistry lecture and a biology 1201 recitation
in which you, quote and quote, were NOT ready for the pop quiz
so needless to say, you were a bit out of it
you walked into the classroom for lr1101
about half the class was full, most kids sitting with two or three other students
and as you quickly scanned the room, you felt a bit disappointed that you didn’t recognize any of the students.
and you found yourself sitting in the front
you started to reach into your bag to pull out supplies when someone spoke to you from your right
“is this seat taken?”
you turned and found yourself looking at a boy about your age, hair slightly windswept and judging from his short breaths, probably from running to this class
“no,,, go ahead” you nudged to the empty seat next to you
the professor walked in and started teaching; it didn’t seem to be too much that was new to you about relationships
to your surprise, she ended the lecture by saying “you’ll need to find partners now; for the next few weeks in this semester you’ll be responsible for completing a few of the assignments together”
and you remembered with a jolt that you didn’t know anyone
and as you began to mentally prepare yourself to talk to a random person about being partners, the boy to your right tapped you on the shoulder
“would you like to be partners?.. i don’t know anyone else in this class” he asked sheepishly, his hands clutching his phone with his address book open
you internally cheered and quickly agreed, taking his phone and entering your phone number and name into his list
later that night you got a text
‘want to meet at omelas on saturday to talk about the hw for next week?- kim seokjin from your lr1101 class’
you texted back that you could meet him in the morning at the local coffee shop
saturday came by soon enough and you got ready to meet seokjin as you woke up
walking into the coffee shop you saw him at the counter, chatting excitedly with a staff member
although as you came closer, the person opposite seokjin nodded his head in your direction, to tell seokjin you had arrived
he turned to you
‘hey! i put my stuff at the table in the back!’ 
you followed him to the corner of the coffee shop, where the bookcase, for the most part, hid your table from view
you sat down, and he took the silence as perfect timing to pull a notebook out of his backpack
he flipped to a page and started talking about the week’s homework
‘since this week’s assignment is to get to know each other, what icebreaker would you prefer? there’s 20 questions, 36 questions to fall in love…’
honestly, you were surprised at his enthusiasm, you had expected to simply ask each other a few questions and jot down a few things to turn in 
you chose 36 questions to fall in love
you had tried it a few times before with friends and liked the questions 
you cycled through a few of the questions, and found out some more about seokjin
he was a junior and a business major with a minor in psychology 
he was from a few hours outside of the city and had six best friends, four of which went to the same university, whom he described as both “my family” and “those idiots”, although lovingly
and to each question he had a well thought out answer, or at least is what it seemed like
eventually you got about halfway:
‘question 14 -  is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? why haven’t you done it?’
seokjin nodded a bit as he heard the question, his lips pursing 
‘well… i’d love to open a coffee shop with my friends, we’ve talked about it for a while now’
‘why haven’t you?’
‘well, my parents want me to finish university first… and plus, the youngest of my friends, jungkook, is just in high school. knowing him, he’d drop out of university if it came down to supporting us or finishing school. and i wouldn’t want to drag him out of university for that’
you were a bit confused
after all, with what you could tell, seokjin didn’t strike you as much of a ‘coffee shop owner’ type of person
you imagined him more as a ceo/boss sort of character if anything
with how outgoing he seemed and how he held attention when he talked
he seemed to notice the confusion plastered on your face
‘i know it seems a bit whimsical - but wouldn’t that sound amazing? having a place where kids can come and relax with their friends? and the guy i was talking to outside- his name’s yoongi- he’s a music major and he has music created and everying, for that perfect ‘coffee shop’ vibe” 
he began to talk more excitedly, hands waving around, describing how the coffee shop would work (with his friend taehyung’s eye for design) before looking at you sheepishly
‘it must sound a bit boring to you, right?’
but it was exactly the opposite
you were amazed he had his dream sorted out, and that he knew what he wanted to do after university
while you weren’t even sure what you wanted to do that following year
seokjin was a gentle person, you decided
he wanted to make people smile, and wanted to help up and coming kids in the community
and the way his eyes lit up when talking about his younger friends, you could tell how much he cared about them
but before you knew it, the two of you had talked for nearly four hours
you wouldn’t have noticed if not for your stomach grumbling 
‘ah- i didn’t even notice- it’s nearly two; i’m sorry i had plans to get lunch with yoongi’
you started to pack up before you realized that for the last third of the questions, neither of you had written anything down
you had been so engrossed in each other’s conversation
seokjin seemed to come to the same conclusion, before he suddenly said
‘hey, i’l write up what we missed and send them to you tomorrow? as a thanks for meeting me here’
you tried to refuse, after all, it was a partner assignment, and you enjoyed talking to him
but seokjin evaded your attempts to get him to agree to split the work
and grabbed his bag before turning to you 
‘it was really nice getting to know you, y/n. truly’
leaving you in such a daze that you didn’t respond
the next day, your face smiled at the text you received
‘to y/n, thanks for hearing my deep dark secrets and making me feel like they’re not so outrageous  ♡’ as well as a attachment of handwritten notes 
over the next few weeks, you and seokjin began to complete the homework with ease
you were grateful that he had asked to be partners that day
the two of you got along so well you that you had stopped asking each other to hang out to finish assignments
but ended up just texting each other to hang out or even grab food
and then finishing the work when you felt like it
he began to meet the few friends you had on campus, whom he quickly befriended with his light banter and easygoing personality
and you met his friends as well
he introduced to you to yoongi, the boy working at omelas, who said he was a total homebody but was super sweet once you got to know him
although he did warn you that yoongi took some time to warm up to people in general
and over thanksgiving break you even got to meet the other five friends he talked so much about
although it was slightly rushed since your schedules only overlapped for an hour
before you had to catch a flight back to california
you had already met yoongi
so you were only introduced to hoseok, namjoon, jimin, taehyung, and jungkook
‘ah… so this is the y/n you keep talking about’ namjoon said to you
to which he was quickly elbowed by seokjin, covering it up with ‘of course.. we’re such close friends’
you didn’t know why your heart dropped a bit at hearing that but you blamed it on the stress you had for your first flight home 
jungkook looked at you with wide, innocent eyes
‘wait… so this is the girl that you want to -’
seokjin had quickly moved from namjoon to cover jungkook’s mouth with his hand
‘ah… kids these days… don’t know what they’re saying half the time with all the mumbling haha’
‘i’m nwot numbling’ jungkook retorted, trying to move seokjin’s hand away
you made some small talk with the boys, before seokjin started to shoo them away
‘i have to walk y/n to the station to catch her flight’
he was met with whines of ‘but we just met her’ and ‘hey why can’t we go too?’, mostly from the youngest four of the group
yoongi stood slightly away from the younger boys and simply smirked
‘let seokjin be, kids. after all, it’s y/n’
and by that point you were even more confused
but that aside, you bid your goodbyes to the boys and started walking with seokjin to the station
he carried your suitcase for you, and started to ask you what you wanted to do the most when you got home
‘well i’m super excited to see my high school friends, we’re planning on meeting and maybe having a movie night-’
seokjin suddenly stopped
‘you know that i really care about you right’
you stood a bit in front of him, frozen to your spot
‘of course, seokjin you just said we’re really good friends’
he let out a breath 
‘yes but i-’
and he looked at you before shaking his head softly, his cheeks tinged with pink
‘it’s nothing’ he said quietly
and he began walking again
the silence between you two was new, after all, you had never had to try to hold a conversation with seokjin before
you reached the station faster than you thought you would, and seokjin turned to you, 
he face crinkled a bit, as if he was contemplating something 
but he simply handed you your suitcase, before saying ‘stay safe! these creeps on the subway might try something when i’m not there with you’
you nodded, flashing him a small smile to convince him you would be okay
so you waved goodbye before walking to the station 
you reached the stairs before you heard a shout 
you turned, only to be met with a body slamming straight into yours and strong arms wrapping around your shoulders
seokjin was slightly out of breath, like he was when he first met you
you could feel his short, quick breaths on your shoulder
he took your silence as approval to start talking
‘i’ll miss you, please text me when you land’ seokjin mumbled into your shoulder
you were praying he couldn’t feel your heart pounding through your sweater
coming out of shock, you pulled away, but not too far
after all, he was still holding you flush against his body
‘i’ll miss you too jinnie, and i’ll text you, i promise’ 
he seemed to be satisfied with your answer before placing a small kiss on your forehead
‘i wouldn’t want my favorite person to get hurt and not be able to be there to protect them’
sorry for the slightly rushed ending - i honestly started this as a short bulleted au but it slowly turned from 500 words to… well you get the point. plus i was worried it came off as word mush after a too much. i’m planning on writing a part two to be posted by the end of the week!
constructive feedback welcomed ♡
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inkskinned · 6 years
literally just a dumb unorganized list of school tips
source: im a grad student. i’ve had a lot of school. also i’m adhd & mentally ill and require +8 organization. this is mostly directed @ college students, but maybe high school students can use it too, fuck, idk, it’s been forever since i was stuck in that hell hole
just say “professor” either ur using the correct title for a person (will make them feel good) or you’re giving them a bigger title on the assumption they deserve it (which will make them feel good) and also prevents having to ever i mean ever use their names
talk at least 1 time a week in each class, aim for 1 time a day. even lecture classes. i fucking hate talking in front of more than 5 people, so what i would do is prepare a question about the hw/etc (even if i didn’t need it answered) to ask the professor after class so they saw me and got used to me and saw i was invested in their class. about 89% of teachers - if they see you try, they will pass you. i mean it’s literally that easy. i know people who went from like a c- but because they legit tried, their grade got bumped up to a b-. 
if u have to bring a laptop, pre-download the required material/screenshot it, and then turn off your wifi. it’s too easy to not listen.
physical writing will always give you more information recall over typing.
nobody cares about stupid shit anymore trust me they don’t remember that you were accidentally locked in a towel out of your room bc they have their own dumb shit that happened.... in college all the “cringe culture” turns into “god i wish that were me” culture ... wear ur onesie to a party trust me you make +800 friends and 799 of them will be girls telling you you’re adorable and they’d die for you
about locking urself out.... if ur like me and can breeze past post-it notes placed in obvious areas, don’t be a dumb bitch and rely on post-it-notes. while most schools offer 1 free lockout, dont rely on it - it once took 2 hours before someone could get to me. i was in a towel, which meant no phone. so like. anyway, what i do now is i put something on the handle of the door i have to open/unlock. i can’t just open the door w/out the thing falling down and making a loud “you dumb bitch unlock the door before u shower” sound. 
this works for all important don’t-forget it things. other obstacles i’ve used to remind myself to do something include: putting a chair with my wholeass posterboard in front of the door, an entire printer with a single piece of paper that just read “for the love of god check to be sure you have that essay”, and a recycling bin i kept forgetting to empty. guess what bitch finally emptied the bin once it was between me and a swift exit!
no offense and like the whole “it’s the best years of your life!” thing is great but in reality everything goes better scholastically when you treat it as “i came here to win, not to make friends.” i still did make friends, went to parties every weekend, was popular enough i’d be invited to several on one night - but i came there to win. when i put my scholastic life and my mental health first, i went from a 2.0 to a 3.98. yes you can, bitch.
you’re spending the money. don’t squander it. trust me when i say i know plenty of people who breeze through, bc you often can. but like. don’t. challenge yourself bc like. talk about an investment.
if you hate your major, change it. don’t make your life something you can’t stand. on that note, do NOT agree 100% to a track until you have at least some experience in the field. i cannot tell u how many ppl i know who got their whole masters/phd program done, walked into their new profession, and were like, Oh Fuck, I Can’t Live Like This.
college literally offers so many free things and if you’re not taking advantage of them whenever possible i get it but like. try to take advantage of them. this is everything from your gym (which probably has free classes dude) to clubs to like. sober events. these sober events are so ... fuckin good dude i’ve made mason jars with little plants in em... bee aviaries... candles.... go to the free stuff
oh ps on free stuff i wanna say about 4 of 5 days there’s free food on campus just look for things like job fairs, presentations, or discussion groups. also while you’re there at the job fair like. u know, go to the job fair in earnest
i took off 2 years to work and also to just. recover from my bullshit. and it took me 6 years and 3 schools to get my bachelor’s. it wasn’t easy but bitch i lived. there’s no such thing as “too long” to graduate if that’s truly what you want to do.
if on the meal plan, eat as clean as you can the first week. then introduce each part of the cafeteria’s possibly-food-poisoning-creating foods one at a time. give @ least 2 days between each experiment so you know for sure if you get sick what caused it. i literally never eat meat at school but you can still get sick off of unwashed lettuce/salad dressing that hasn’t been refrigerated properly/weirdass things you won’t even think of. this prevents like. dying in a public bathroom.
white loaf bread can be gross & boring. discount bakery section for your slightly chewy artisianal bread needs. if overstale, either toast it or dunk it into water and microwave it (unless u got an oven. use the oven if u can)
steal as many apples from the dining hall/events/etc as physically possible just do it they keep FOREVER and @ some point you’ll be like. fUCK i need a nutrition. ps if you’re keeping them in ur backpack (i wouldn’t keep more than 2) make sure to wrap w/a few paper towels so if you drop your bag you don’t get apple mush
write it all down bitch. “i’ll remember it” no you won’t. unless you are capable of remembering every idea on this list and in order, you won’t remember it. in general, if you write something 3 times, you will recall it correctly at least 80% of the time. i also read it out loud to myself, bc, you know, auditory recall
DO NOT just put your assignment at the top of your notes, unless you’re 100% sure that will work for you. in most cases, it’s much better to have a planner/agenda/place you expect to look for assignments. +7 points if you lie to yourself about deadlines and move them all up.
like not to sound too much like a DARE ad but like. if you don’t like it/don’t want it, don’t fuckin do it. the idea that “there’s nothing to do if you don’t party” is such bullshit. like i promise if you’re like “i am a grouch and want to stay in and binge netflix” about 45 ppl will show up in pjs like “bitch fullscreen it, im a grouch too.” there’s also like. the chance to just.... not overindulge. on wednesdays i have “wine wednesdays” where we sit around and drink a glass of wine while we do our hw. it’s chill and friendly instead of like. drink until u vomit. don’t feel like you either gotta slam the breaks or the gas pedal, is what i mean.
PLEASE know the signs of alcohol poisoning/overdose. most schools have a “Safety Always Matters Most” policy, which means that you can call for help w/out getting into trouble. if you think someone is in danger, act. this also goes for making sure ppl get home safe even if they’re just incapacitated, not poisoned. step in, dudes.
also just. notice when ur starting to rely on stuff too much. i’m super easily addicted to things, so i keep a healthy distance from liquor. i don’t let myself “drink to feel better” bc that’s a scary, scary thing to link to feeling better. if you or somebody u know starts drinking all the time/gets anxious if they don’t drink/drinks in the daytime .... get help. schools have counselling services for a reason.
you’re gonna get a cold/flu of some sort in the first 2 months just brace for it. in the meantime, drink vitamin c, try not to touch too many handles, and when people say “there’s something going around” believe them.
watch kaplan nike just do it 
if you can teach it, you know the material. a super good way of knowing if you studied the right way is to try and teach the material to a stuffed animal/imaginary class.
“i don’t know how to study” bitch me too the fuck. this is usually bc we’ve been taught that studying is just sitting down and staring @ ur notes. it’s not. it’s different for everyone, and you need to understand it’s 99% preventative care. if you don’t go to the class or do the homework, studying is going to fucking suck, bc you’re learning the material all at once for the first time. the place you should consider “studying” is “i’m confident in 70-90% of the material, but need to review.” do not let yourself fall behind .... just go to office hours and ask questions if ur not getting something. studying should feel like you’re remembering what you already knew but kinda forgot, not like you’ve been blindsided.
the whole “writing it down in ur own words” while u have been told this 700 times it really helps bc it means u gotta translate it through your own understanding. if you can’t, and it’s not bc the material seems too obvious to you to state in another way - ask yourself if you don’t understand the material. chances are u are missing a bit of info.
i know it’s like A Thing that Some People do but i never had the mental health points for it but i know some people just take 15 minutes after every class to review their notes. since i’m 100% early to every class ever, obnoxiously so, i try to do it before class. having the last class’s notes up in my head super helps. like. put down the phone i know you’re socially anxious me too but review those notes. chances are if u start flipping through pages other ppl will too. this is also fun bc as soon as you start this whole thing, at least one person will be like “is there a test?” no bitch there’s no test but im gonna be ready when there is!
literally so much of success is fucking posturing i could link about 800 peer-edited studies that show that when a student is expected to do well (and knows they are), they do well. like i literally didn’t change my appearance at all, never bothered to look nice (once winter hits i wear 67 layers all the time), but when i showed up after my 2 years off from school, i presented myself with the whole “i came here to win” vibe and people... really respected me? i mean in hs i remember ppl saying shit like “yeah, well, you aren’t gonna have the homework”. by the time i was in college i had an honest-to-god conversation which included someone being like “so tell me what you’re overachieving at right now” like they just expected it from me. wild.
i live by “bite off more than you can chew, and then CHEW IT” but it’s probably unhealthy. the truth is that i have a lot of energy all the time (lmao adhd!!!) and i used to get told i was “trying too hard” and for a long time (still???) i didn’t (i don’t?) know what that was, you know, bc i had a D average, clearly i wasn’t trying. it turns out i was just. putting all my energy into stuff that wasn’t making me happy like toxic friendships etc. when i decided “nope, all this energy is for me and my schoolwork”..... uhhhhh suddenly i was a golden child and everyone praised my try-hardness ... it’s a fuckt up system tbh
take at least 1 class just for fun. i try to do that every semester. it helps break up all the requirements. if you’re like an engineer and got no time or credits left to spend, try to audit your fun course.
make ur advisor love you i don’t care what it takes make them cupcakes show up to thank them i dONT CARE just do it 
the library isn’t always the best place. if i start getting anxious bc i pavlovian train myself that library=work, i find a new place to go to do hw. try to go outside if you can!!! not like where i live bc like it’s snow all the time but try. a little green really really really helps depression. 
if you’ve been in the same “Studying” place for 1 hour and haven’t done anything the chances are Something Isn’t Right. first, look @ ur body. are you not focusing bc of some pressing physical need? sometimes just taking a shower and coming back helps. are you uncomfy? are you too comfy and going to sleep? if body okay, look @ the material. do you not understand it? do you just need to switch to a new topic for a little bit? can you find a youtube video that will help you better understand it? make notes on what you don’t get so you can ask in the next class. if it’s not the material, it’s not ur bod, check the Actual Space. sometimes just getting up, going for a short walk to a new place, and trying it there actually? really works? if none of this is working.... try ur brain next. hardest to reset bc like, what, turn it on and off again? i use things like caffeine, a short workout, a nap, or a podcast all to just... give me a little boost. 
don’t be afraid to leave. i mean this about class, friend groups, and the college ur at. just get up on outta there if ur not feelin it. i cannot recommend “drop the class” enough. even if it’s a required course see if u can switch the times if u hate the professor day 3 it’s not gonna get better just get the fuCK out
don’t nap in the same position u go to sleep in, nap upside down w/ur head away from ur pillow. don’t ask me why but it works to 1. fall asleep faster 2. make sure u sleep okay at night and 3. wake up less annoyed 
on that note don’t ever do anything in ur bed in a sleeping position unless it’s genuinely sleeping in it. body will get confused. just sit up, lazybones.
when/if the library has those therapy dogs during finals week.... just go pet them make the time for it
ask before hugging people, but don’t expect a “yes”
get a backpack that fits and doesn’t hurt ur back u fuckin hippie idc how cool it is to wear ur backpack super low just don’t do it it’s not worth it
the tutoring center is a fucking goldmine.... free essay edits my dudes
bring a fan dorms are always hotter than u expect
switch dorms if u can if u realize ur in the wrong room/wrong roomate like just don’t bother with nonsense
when in doubt, follow preschool rules. tell ppl when they did something cool, just ask when u need help, and be confident even in your mistakes, because at least u tried
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brynsconsumption · 4 years
01.24.2021 - Day 3
Happy Sunday party people. After a fun movie and game night with my roommate and her bf (my bestie) as well as two fun days of skating with friends, I was looking forward to a lowkey, relaxing, stay-in type of day. And that’s exactly what I did. After around 9am I off-and-on slept for a good while until deciding to just lay down and relax on my phone for a bit. I finally got myself out of bed just after 12 to uncover and feed juno and get myself ready for a nice stay-at-home day. I brushed my teeth, washed and moisturized my face, and took my vitamins. I then made myself a lovely hot chai tea latte with almond milk using a mix I got for Christmas, and it `was so good I made myself another. I ate some Club crackers and fruit snacks as I bounced around the apartment cleaning, playing ukulele, watching tv, and working on assignments. I made mac n cheese for dinner (again). I really like mac n cheese.
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mmm comfy
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juno’s setup (not actually underwater these effects just crack me up)
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today’s lineup
I got all my vitamins sorted for the next week and just threw in another load of laundry and sat down to check all of my lists and planners and begin planning the next couple of days as I get into the full swing of spring semester. I am lucky to have two classes with in-person options which I fully intend on partaking in. Even though one is at 8:30am on St.Paul campus, it is absolutely worth it for a small feeling of “normal”. My classload is super fun this semester and I’m excited to see where these classes take me. I am finally starting to be on a better streak mood-wise after struggling and juggling SAD, anxiety, and depression for such a long time. Taking my time to plan out and write things down for the following day definitely helps ease that, and I have done it everyday for over two years now, another way I definitely enjoy logging to-dos, hobbies, and plans. 
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woah those vitamins are so well organized
I did not leave the apartment once today lol. I did accomplish my goals I set yesterday to relax & get some stuff done. I ordered all of the books I need for this semester’s classes via the bookstore, amazon, and a local print center for a required packet. I did lots of little things around the apt, dishes, vacuuming, disinfecting. Plus the laundry I’m doing now and the assignments I’m working on/have finished.
I plan on continuing some homework and switching the laundry, taking a shower, and hopefully going to sleep at a reasonable hour to start my week off well. Here’s to hoping.
Some Numbers:
Steps: 728 lol
Phone Screentime: 9hr 35min yikes
Money Spent: around $60 or so on books but my mommy covered it <3
Fruit snacks
Mac n cheese
Nice relaxing day, excited for the first full week of classes 👩‍🚀 mood: calm
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serotonin in a mug
Oh! Random side note- I realize that this evening whilst doing hw I have been listening to low-fi hiphop beats. I hadn’t really kept track of my music because I was so busy this weekend I didn’t personally listen to much until today! But I would like to track this as well because music is a huge part of my life. I will likely choose something soon for my shower but I don’t know what yet, something will speak to me, I’m sure.
Update #2 post-shower: I listened to some Weezer and Green Day for the nostalgia factor, then some recent likes afterwards while winding down.
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