#So I'm gonna focus on it like I want to without giving up FF
sakurarisen · 2 years
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Just a heads up to some edits I’ve been working on the past few days:
I’ll be running this blog a little differently going forward! Sera is now what I call a Tri-Main in her primary settings; I’ll be focusing less on solely Final Fantasy with a crapton of AUs, and more on FF, Genshin Impact, and the original setting Spellbound as the main and primary verses! All the other AUs and the like are staying intact as AUs, nothing is changing in regards to relationships or threads - I’m just making this a dual-fandom and original setting type of blog! <3
Edited Sera’s carrd in regards to the above; GI and Spellbound are now their own sections in full with room to grow, rather than crammed into one space.
In regards to the carrd: I’ve split it up a big better into FF/main info, GI, and Spellbound. As previously mentioned, the later two have their own full sections - Anything in them pertains to their verses only (i.e. Sera’s snow leopard features at GI only, fox goddess is Spellbound only, etc.), but the main carrd was a little harder to split up. Thus, ‘FF/Main Info’ contains the overall personality, appearance, and the like that applies to everything regardless of verse, and anything noted to be FF related, like mentions of Midgar and Gongaga and so forth, are FF based *only*. The same applies for the AUs in the misc section.
There’s a new blog as a side to this one: @risingstarcatcher​, a semi-private multimuse for GI! <3 Things there are still being ironed out in regards to muses and their abouts, so expect some changes if popping in!
The rest of my blogs will be following suit with Sera in the Tri-Main style in coming weeks as I figure out what to do with things around here.
I’m slowly catching up on things and have been for the last several weeks, but between stress and my health, focus hasn’t been my strongest ability, and I’ve been doing a lot of gaming instead to try and keep my mind off it. Apologies for the long waits, and a ton of thank you’s for the patience with me TWT <3
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The All-Star Game
Batter Up Chapter 5
Pairing: Baseball player Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Summary: This is not how Joel wanted to spend his All-Star Game, at least you make the best of it for him. Warnings: smut, fluff, family dynamics, nurse/patient roleplay in the shower, oral (m receiving), cum eating, unprotected p in v sex (reader has a previously discussed IUD... be safe), a doctor mistakes reader for Joel's wife. Words: 4,900
A/N: Been fighting writer's block, twelve hour work days, and total brain fry. Thank you for being so patient with my lack of updating folks. Not gonna lie, I read through my first piece Golden Walkway earlier and was like "how TF is my first ever ff/smut piece that good?!" while I'm absolutely banging my head against the keyboard trying to write out four sentences tonight. The biggest shout out to @frannyzooey for filling my Google Doc with notes and simplifying my gobbledegook. I absolutely do not feel worthy of your kindness. *insert Wayne's World not worthy GIF*
Masterlist Playlist
Day 1 Travel Day For All-Stars
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
“God damnit,” Joel growls. “Why do I always forget that that’s your damn alarm?”
“Mmph, it works. Wakes me up.” You sit up and stretch before reaching to pick up your phone.
The same phone you stared at while willing yourself to sleep, attempting to ignore the circling "what ifs" of the dreaded conversation you knew you had to have with your parents, only able to do so after focusing on the soothing sound of Joel's breathing.
You get up, slip on his shirt and crack open the curtains letting the morning sun peek in. 
“Guess I should look at my phone, hm?” Joel slowly sits up and settles his back on the pillows while you readjust, his big brown eyes disappearing behind the tired crinkles that line the sides as he lets out a rumbly yawn.
“Might be a good idea, I’m sure Sarah wants to talk with you.” Running a hand through his sleep tousled hair, you give him a kiss.
“Called her on the way home yesterday, let her know not to worry and that I’d be fine without her.” He sighs. “I think she knows I have somebody.”
“Hm. I didn’t want to get into it this soon, but I’m going to have to talk to my mom at least. She knows I’m here in Philly and I didn’t get on my flight.”
“Well, shit,” he grimaces. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be good. I texted her saying I’m fine and I’d talk to her tomorrow. Just nervous, but at this point, there’s no going back…they were already going to find out today. So instead of doing it in person, I’m just going to have to do it over the phone.”
“Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.” His hand grabs yours and squeezes it.
“We will, I just want to have a nice morning with you, I'll deal with them after lunch.”
“But first, coffee?”
“But first, coffee.”
“Well, here goes,” you dial your mom’s number and hit the green phone circle. She picks up after two rings. Crap.
“Hey mom,” you nervously swallow, trying to sound chipper. Joel’s hand soothingly pets your back, grounding you. 
“Hi sweetie, what’s happening? Your dad and I are very confused.”
“Yeah, um about that, is dad with you?”
“He is… is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything is good. Um, could you put me on speaker?” You haven’t had to feel this level of nervousness with your parents in almost twenty years. 
“Hi Duck, what’s going on?” Your dad calls you by your nickname, so he’s not mad… yet. “Was looking forward to seeing you, I don’t know why you’re not here. Mom and I didn’t hear from you, so she checked your location last night and you’re in Philadelphia? Not New York, not the airport, not Texas, but Philadelphia, why is that? We were worried, Duck.”
“I know, I’m sorry about that. So, things got… complicated. I was packing for the airport and was watching the Liberties game when, um, Joel got hurt.” You exhale, trying to calm yourself by focusing on the feel of Joel’s hand on your skin. “I, uh, drove down to help take care of him because, um, he and I have been, together since, well, November.” You breathe out the latter word, hoping your quiet breath will hide the shame in keeping Joel a secret for that long, for not respecting your parents and your own relationship. You feel so small, so fragile, so young, confessing to your mom and dad like you’re in trouble. 
“November?” The only word your mom responds with. Your dad stays quiet, and you’re reminded of why you wanted to do this over the phone. So you wouldn’t see their expressions. Although, maybe if they were here, they would be able to see the way Joel looks at you, how happy you are, how perfect he is for you.  
“Yes, um, remember when I flew in for your birthday? We ran into each other, and I don’t know, it just worked out. I know this is a lot.” 
Joel’s hand lands on your shoulder, tugging you back to lay against him, his arm wrapping around your chest as he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.  You love him so much, you let a tear slip out as you wait for any sort of validation. 
“So, you and Joel Miller have been together for, what, nine months? And we’re only finding out about it now?” You try to gauge your dad’s voice, sensing disappointment, praying it’s not anger. “Is it because you got caught at his place? When were you going to tell us?” 
Okay, there’s anger. 
“Tonight actually, um, Joel and I were going to tell you tonight at dinner. I’m really sorry and I know this is complicated because there’s a bit of history between him and you, but daddy, I love him.”
“Bit of history?” he replies, incredulous. “He was my star player for twenty years, he was rude to the media, coaches, and reporters and I always had to pick up that mess. He was great on the field and in the clubhouse, but he was a pain in my ass most of the time, and now you’re telling me you’re in love with him… and have been for almost a year?”
You bite your lip as you will the tears away from your eyes. You’re so thankful for Joel’s touch right now. He’s respecting you, but you can tell by his breathing growing louder and quicker that hearing your dad’s raised voice is upsetting him. Maybe it’s better to be not in person, that way Joel doesn’t run the risk of throwing your dad through a wall. 
“Yes,” you croak out. You feel like a child answering him. Eyes downcast, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“And all of a sudden, right after he’s no longer on my team, he’s your boyfriend?”
“I’m sorry dad, it’s not something we planned on, it just… happened and I know you’re mad and I’m sorry that it took this long for you to find out and I’m sor—“
“Sweetie,” your mom’s voice breaks through your anxious words, “are you happy?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, Joel’s arm squeezes you tighter, “incredibly.”
“Well, that’s all we want for you. If it’s with Joel, then we’re good, right?”
You breathe out a sigh of relief at her words, her acceptance, her demand of your dad to recenter himself and his ire. You turn to look at Joel and see tears sitting in the waterline of his eyes that are focused on you. He gives you a small smile. 
How could you not love this man? How could anybody doubt the power of what you two share?
“That is what we want for you, but I am concerned. People will have questions. Joel is a part of this team’s history and now my daughter is dating him.”
“I understand that.”
“I know you do, Duck. You can make your own decisions, you haven’t lived under our rules for a very long time. I trust you. As long as you are happy and you understand that there will be roadblocks up ahead with the public eye, then I can be on board. People talk, the internet talks and you’re signing yourself up for a lot of people talking about you. I know you realize that, but does Miller?”
“I do, sir,” Joel says, the first words spoken from him, with the “sir” sternly emphasized. “Look, I don’t care what anybody has to say, people’s opinions never mattered to me. I know you’re well aware of that. I love your daughter. She has been with me every step of the way since I learned I was no longer a Capital. I apologize that this is all at once ’n that this is how you’re finding out, but I do not apologize for the way I feel about your daughter. I love her.”
You watch Joel’s lips as he speaks his confession to your parents, wondering how you could be so lucky to have found him and to have his heart the way that you do.  
“Listen, I know you two are smart, and Miller, you know at the end of the day I respect the hell out of you. If my daughter is happy, that’s all I can hope for as her father. As much as I worry about her, I know she can make her own decisions.” 
“As a father to a college student now, I understand that sir. You have my word that I will stop at nothing to keep your daughter happy.” 
“We know that Joel,” your mom’s soft voice soothes the conversation. “I just wish we would have known about this sooner. I’m a bit upset that it took you long enough to let us know. We just want you to be aware of what issues might arise for you two.”
“Whatever happens, it’s just white noise to us. It’s my choice—it’s our choice,” you say. “We’ve talked about everything before, we are fully aware.” 
“I can’t tell you what to do Duck, Mom can’t tell you what to do. Miller’s a good man, underneath it all, I know that. If you are happy with him, then we are happy for you.”
“This is the happiest I’ve been.”
“We’re glad sweetheart, so glad,” your mom chokes out. At least they’re happy tears. “We’ll be here for you, always. I guess we won’t see you this week.”
“No, Joel needs me, I don’t want to leave him.” 
“Alright then, feel better Miller, we love you Duck,” your dad’s voice softens. “Take care and keep us updated, okay?”
“Thank you sir,” Joel respectfully responds.
“I will. Love you guys, bye.” You end the call and let out a big sigh of relief. 
One down, two more to go. 
“I’m proud of you baby,” Joel breathes out against your hair.
“Heh, thanks. I think?”
“I know you were nervous.”
“Oh, yeah. Still kinda dumb how I’m intimidated by them but… I think it all worked out in the end.”
“It did baby. Why does your dad call you Duck?”
“It’s short for duck snort.”
“...Like the baseball term?”
“Yep, I used to be a crazy toddler and thought my parents chasing me was funny. One day my dad called me a duck snort because I’d always get away and ‘win’, and it kinda stuck.”
He smiles, stroking your cheek. “That’s so fucking cute. ”
“Speaking of daughters, when are you going to tell Sarah?” 
“Later. I’m all phoned out for the time being, want to rest my back and take a nap. That one was a little tense.”
“A nap sounds amazing,” you stretch and adjust to put your head on Joel’s chest, your favorite pillow.
“Joel,” you blink your eyes open, “the sun’s going down. I think we overslept.”
“Mm, I’m up. Been up.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You’ve had a long couple of days, wanted to let you sleep.”
“You’re due for your pills,” you yawn, getting up.
“I am.”
He winces as you hand him his medicine and glass of water. 
“You alright?” 
“Been better, just really hurts right now. Plus, I should call Sarah before it gets too late. I just texted Tommy and told him.”
“Oh?” You turn on Joel’s heating pad and hand him the remote.
“Yeah, he texted me and asked me how I was getting along and if my nurse was hot. Told him about everything. He was happy for me and congratulated me on my hot nurse.”
“He’s ridiculous,” you shake your head. “I’m going to go make dinner, I’ll leave you to call Sarah.” You kiss the top of his forehead.
“Thanks baby.” 
You quietly step into Joel’s room holding a tray with his plate full of steak, rice and broccoli, Joel’s go to in season meal.
“Hey sweets, my dinner is here. I gotta go.”
“Can I—can I say hi to her?”
You smile at Sarah’s sweet voice as Joel looks past his phone to you. You nod and walk over placing the tray on Joel’s lap.
“Sure, here she is.”
Well, this is new. You’ve never been with anybody who has a child, let alone a college aged kid. You know Sarah, you love her, you used to chase her around the club box years ago. 
You grab the phone, she’s gotten so beautiful. Same brown eyes as her dad, deep dimples as she smiles, long curly hair. She’s a young woman now, just as gorgeous as her dad. 
“Hi Sarah, nice to see you again.”
“Oh my god! Hi! It is! Wish it wasn’t through the phone but I, just, I wanted to say that, I-I am very happy that Dad finally found somebody and it’s you!”
“Well, I am too.”
“He told me you’re doing a better job than I ever would at taking care of him, so I don’t need to tell you to take good care of him.”
“I try,” you chuckle. 
“Thanks for saying hi to me, I’ll let you go, I know you have dinner!”
“Of course Sarah, any time. I’ll hand you back to your dad now.”
You keep your smile as you hand the phone back to Joel. You don’t know if you’ve ever seen him this happy before, eyes alight with a large grin on his face. You never noticed how his dimple matches Sarah’s. 
Your shoulders feel lighter now that the most important people know, and accept, your love. 
The secret’s out. 
Day 2 Home Run Derby
Greeting Doctor Arroyo with a smile, you leave him in the living room to wait. 
"Joel," you peek your head into the bedroom. "He's here."
"Send him in," he replies, sitting up higher.
Showing the doctor the way, he thanks you. 
"Thanks, Mrs. Miller."
You let out a little laugh. "Not the wife, just the girlfriend."
Giving you a small smile, he leaves you in the hallway with thoughts of being Mrs. Miller swirling in your head.
After the doctor leaves, you sit on the edge of the bed.
“So, what’d he say?” 
“Still stuck like this for the next few days. Wants me to do some stretches and move around more, going to check on me in two more days again. Said I’m recovering well, told him it’s because I have a good nurse.” 
“You do have a good nurse… that’s better news than I was expecting at least.”
“Yep, and he took the bandage off from my shot so I can finally take a shower.” 
“Oh is right,” his eyes darken, “but you’re gonna have to wash me, nurse.”
“I can do that, not only am I your nurse but I’m also your wife according to Dr. Arroyo.”
“Oh is right,” you wink. “I told him I’m your girlfriend.”
“Should’ve told him you’re not my wife… yet.”
“I’m happy with girlfriend right now Mr. Miller.”
“My sweet independent girl.” 
“Eh, your sweet independent nurse now. Come on, let’s get you washed Mr. Miller.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Joel hobbles into the bathroom as you adjust the temperature of the shower. 
“It’s hot, too hot, just like you like it Mr. Miller.”
“God, I love it when you call me that. Now nurse,” he smirks, “come help me with my clothes.”
“Right away Mr. Miller,” you reply, sauntering over to him.
“What a pretty nurse you are, have a feeling you’re going to take REAL good care of me,” he raises his arms over his head as you lift his shirt up.
“I’ll sure try to take good care of you Mr. Miller. Did you want me to remove your shorts?”
“Yes nurse.”
You lean forward, grabbing the waistband of his pants to lower them down, running your gaze appreciatively over his half-hard cock.
You look up and angle your eyebrow at him. “I can see you’re quite excited for your shower Mr. Miller.”
“Go ahead and get in, it’s all ready for you.” 
“But you’re not. Take your clothes off.”
“Now, Mr. Miller, I can’t get naked for you, but I can take this off.” You slip the straps of your dress down your arms and shimmy out of it, leaving only your white cotton bra and underwear on. “You know, gotta stay decent while taking care of my patient.”
He hums in appreciation, taking in the sight. Turning, he steps into the shower with a groan of contentment.
“Feel good?” You ask grabbing a wash cloth. 
He leans forward, placing his arms on the wall and stretches his back as the water hits his skin. Water trickles down the deep plains of his spine, the strong muscles of his back gleaming under the sheen of water. You follow the river that falls from his neck, down his back bone, past the two lower back dimples you love, past the slight curve of his behind and down his hairy legs. He is all man… your man. It’s a shame all the water that lands across his body is wasted on the drain. 
“Is the temperature good?”
“S’perfect,” he grunts.
“Want me to scrub you sir?”
“Heh,” he turns his head to look at you, “with a nurse that looks like you? ‘Course I do.”
The drops of water sear your skin as you step into the water.
“Jesus Joel, it’s hot in here.”
“Mm,” he reaches over and turns the water cooler before turning around, his eyes darkening as he notices the fabric of your bra cups has turned see-through. “Better?” His eyes stay on your chest.
“Better. Now, let’s get you washed, sir.”
“I’m all yours.” 
You grab Joel’s bar of soap, lathering your hands up with the eucalyptus scented bar. Your hands run across his chest leaving lines of suds along his skin, and he lets out a small groan as you rub soapy circles over his stomach. 
He reaches a hand up and pinches your nipple underneath the sheer wet fabric. 
“Feel good sir?”
“Very. Such a good nurse.”
You step closer to him, his hard cock jutting against your stomach as you wash his arms. Your fingers press tight along his biceps and his shoulders, releasing the tension.
“Fuck,” Joel breathes out, “you’re driving me crazy like this.” 
“Well, get ready, I need to wash your legs and…” you wrap your hand around his erection, “this… sir.”
“Jesus Christ,” he groans and shakes his head. “Go ahead nurse.”
You reach around him and grab the soap before kneeling on the tile floor. 
Your soapy hands glide along Joel’s legs, his calf muscles firm under your touch, his thighs soft as you move closer to Joel’s hard cock dripping water and precum. You move your hands along the back of his thighs, cradling the bottom of his ass cheeks before pushing him forward and sealing your mouth over his cock. 
“CHRIST!” Joel’s shout echoes across the bathroom, his hands splaying against the glass.  
Pulling back, you look up.
“You alright? Is this too much?”
“No, no sweetheart,” his eyes soften as he reaches down and holds your cheek, “it felt really good. Go on baby,” Joel leans against the shower wall, “prove to me I’m your favorite patient.”
A long groan escapes Joel’s mouth as you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth. You take him deeper in, sucking the water off of his length as he grabs a handful of your wet hair, your mouth slurping along his length. You clench your thighs together as you feel your cunt throb with arousal.
“That’s it, that’s it,” he chants. 
Water dripping off of Joel’s skin pelts your face as he fills your mouth, your nose brushing against the coarse hair of him there, his cock repeatedly brushing the back of your throat causing a string of saliva to drool out of your mouth.
“Touch yourself, touch your pussy while you suck me baby.”
Your hand reaches underneath your soaked cotton panties, your fingers ghosting across your swollen clit. You moan as you press down and swirl around the bundle of nerves.
His hips jut forward when you hollow your cheeks around him sucking as you bob your head along his length, your free hand cradling his balls and massaging the soft skin of them, bringing him to the brink of his orgasm.
“So good baby, fucking hell,” his grip on your hair tightens, “going to give you my cum soon if you keep that up.” 
Your eyes look up to him, he tilts his head down and gives you a blissed out half smile, water cascades down his face and falls onto your skin. The way he looks at you, the line on his forearm straining as he holds your hair, his warm cock stretching your mouth open, the feel of water dripping down your throat mixed with the taste of Joel. The sensation is too much, you whimper around Joel’s cock as you orgasm. Your fingers drown with your arousal, your mouth goes slack around him as warmth spreads through your limbs. Your hand collects the hot slick that leaks out of you, spreading it all over Joel’s shaft, pumping him with your fist as you suck the tip of him. 
“Close,” he pants, “lemme cum in that mouth, wanna see your mouth filled with me.” 
You nod and moan as you tighten your grip and suck harder.
He chants your name as he empties his release into your open mouth, the last spurt of him landing on your outstretched tongue.
He untangles his hand from your hair, running it down your face to grab your chin and angle it up.
“Swallow it baby.” 
His blown out brown eyes watch in worshiping awe as you seal your mouth shut and gulp down the salty taste of him before licking your lips. 
“All good Mr. Miller?”
“Quite… best nurse I ever had.” 
“He reminds me of you,” you muse, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl as you and Joel watch the Austin Capitals’ rookie phenom James Neal hit ball after ball over the fence of Capitals Stadium. 
“He better. He’s my replacement.” Joel grumbles. 
“How do you feel about not being there?” 
“Tonight isn’t as bad, I always hated the Derby, having to sit on the field and play nice with the cameras. Tomorrow is going to suck.”
“I know it will, I’m sorry this is happening to you. You deserve everything this season. I know everything hasn’t gone the way you’ve wanted but I couldn’t be prouder of how you’ve handled it.”
“Don’t think I’d be able to do it without you baby,” he kisses the top of your head as James Neal hits his twentieth home run over the fence. 
Day 3 The All-Star Game
And the first pitch of the sixth inning is a strike. Scott steps back into the box, swings… and a miss. Strike two. Bridges winds up, and Scott hits a ground ball to first and—OH! Reynolds misreads it and it gets past him, two runs score. The American League now leads by two in the sixth! 
“I would’ve caught that,” Joel bitterly says. 
“I know you would’ve All-Star,” you console, leaning against him and wrapping an arm around him. 
“Mmf, you can’t lay on me like that.” 
“Sorry, does it hurt?”
“No, not even close. Just… feels real good having you all naked and pressed up against me like that.”
Joel plants his hand against your back, keeping you from moving away. 
“Stay, I like it. If I was on that field right now I couldn’t feel you like this.”
“Oh yeah?” Your hand runs a trail down his shorts and grips the heft of him. “Definitely wouldn’t be able to feel this.”
“Definitely not,” he groans. 
“Definitely couldn’t pull your shorts down and touch you if you were playing right now.”
“No,” he grunts, lifting his hips up allowing you to remove his shorts. 
You wrap your hand around his half hard cock. “And surely, I couldn’t jerk you off if you were on that field.” 
“Fuck, no,” he grits, hardening under your touch.
“Did you want to watch the game in peace or do you want me to take care of you?” 
“Take care baby,” he kisses you, “fuck this game.”
“Yeah, fuck this game.”
Your body overheats as you slide down Joel, straddling his thick thighs, taking his cock in hand, rubbing it along your dripping cunt and slowly settling yourself on his length.
Joel’s lips part, his big brown eyes staring at you as a long moan leaves your mouth savoring the feel of his cock stretching you. 
“You feel so good,” his head thuds against the pillow. “I haven’t felt your pussy like this in forever. Fucking missed it.” 
Your hips rock back and forth still adjusting to the size of him as he grabs your tits and massages the weight of them in his calloused hands. 
“This pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?”
You’re too blissed out to answer, too overwhelmed by the size of him. All you can muster is an isolated nod and whine arching your back while he pinches and pulls your nipples into peaks. 
“You gonna fuck me baby? You gonna fuck me like the All-Star I am? Come on baby, prove to me I’m your All-Star.”
You rise and fall on his cock, grinding your hips down each time he stuffs you full. 
“Look so good like this baby,” Joel juts his hips up “you’re the only fucking trophy I need.” 
You lean in as your thighs begin to tremble bringing his hand to your lips. Joel’s blown out pupils focus on your tongue as it traces the circles of his tattoo.
“Fucking perfect,” he rasps. 
Your pussy clenches at his praise, Joel’s cock hits the sensitive spot you want to feel him the most. 
“Cum for me, let me feel you strangle my cock, cum for me baby,” Joel’s gravelly voice encourages as he pulls his hand from your mouth, tugging you down against his chest. 
Your cunt flutters around him as your orgasm shatters into you. Your mouth going slack, drool falling out and landing on Joel’s chest as you scream his name and writhe on top of him.
“That’s my good girl, that’s it, fuck, you’re fucking gripping me baby, not going to last long like this.”
You summon as much energy as you can leaning forward to lick the golden skin of his neck as you grind your hips against his, your soaked pussy pumping his cock.
“That’s it baby, that’s it,” he pants. “Gonna cum.” 
Joel lets out a long groan as his hips jerk up into you, warmth blooming through your core as his cock empties into you. You both stay frozen collectively catching your breaths as you come down from your shared bliss. His cock slips from you as you lift up to kiss him, both of your spends dribbling down between your thighs.
“Did I make you feel like the All-Star you are?”
“Mm,” he smiles, pulling away, ”I love being a baseball player sometimes.”
You turn towards the TV. “It’s tied now.” 
“Mm, for the first time ever, I really don’t care.”
You stay cuddled in his bed for the remainder of the game, today is definitely your favorite All-Star Game experience.
Well folks, that’ll do it for this year’s All-Star Game here in beautiful Austin, Texas. The National League wins in a 4-3 victory over the American League. We’ll see you next year. 
“Good game, I really enjoyed the sixth inning.”
“Guess it’s good we get home field advantage in the World Series,” Joel shrugs.
“Always thinking ahead.” “Always. Had a plan for a whole thing after the game but life had other plans. I, uh, grabbed this when I was changing earlier,” Joel opens his bedside table and pulls out a small gray suede box.
Your heart skips a beat at the implication of what it could be. There’s no way.
“It’s okay baby, don’t panic, it’s not that. Now that everybody knows, I want you to be able to wear me wherever you go.” 
He opens the box, a delicate gold necklace with a pendant of his number hangs from it.
“Joel,” you breathe out as tears prick your eyes, “it’s so… beautiful.”
“That first night I had the chain was the night I had you in the back of that club. I tried for so long to stay away from you, and yet you were always there, like some forbidden treasure I could never have… now we’re together and this is the happiest I’ve ever been.” Joel swipes the tears from your cheeks as they fall, “I love you so much sweetheart.”
“I love you too,” you smile as you take the box and remove the necklace. 
“Put it on baby, lemme see it.”
You clasp the necklace behind your neck and lower your arms. Joel pets the gold pendant against your skin. 
“Beautiful,” Joel whispers.
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haasegawa · 1 year
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In pursuit of Olympic dreams by ladyzeia [M, 44 chapters, 588,5k]
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I swear I'm gonna try to make sense here but nothing I say will actually make justice to this beautiful story, so bear with me.
I couldn't start talking about this fic without praising the amout of energy and research the author clearly put into this, it's just stunning! It's an alternate universe that centers around 2016 Rio Olympics and the whole journey until we actually get there with Rin and Haru it's absolutely amazing. I'm not going to get into details so I don't ruin the story for anyone but as a brazilian person, the moment in which they get to Brazil and not only make effort to communicate in portuguese but also explore the tourist locations, visit a Rio favela and connect with local people... it's breathtaking, I tell you.
And for the story itself and Rin and Haru's relationship, it's just beautiful. The author couldn't have captured their personalities (and development) better, in my humble opinion. We see them growing together and changing and being afraid and being absolutely in love without actually losing themselves or turning into completely different people. No, they're still Rin and Haru. And the way she connects all of it with the places they get to know together, I have no words, but this snippet here pulled heartstrings I didn't even know I had and I think it sums up what I'm trying to say:
More and more, Rin found his eyes drifting to Haru during the performance, watching the spark in blue eyes and the rapt attention.  It filled him with pleasure that Haru was enjoying this.  I know you could’ve been happy, never leaving Iwatobi.  He knew the cost; how hard it was at times for Haru to be here with him, away from friends, family, and everything familiar.  Rin cherished the moment—one in a series of many now, glimpses of the wider world that Haru actually liked. “Rin.”  Haru pulled him close without taking his eyes off the dancers.  “Do you think they have samba lessons in Japan?”
Again, trying not to talk too much and give away spoilers, so I'm just gonna say that their relationship dynamics was mesmerizing. The way Haru is so silently confident and certain of what they have but still have moments that we just stop and think "ok he's a person too, he has his vulnerabilities just like anyone else" and how Rin learns to accept difficulties and change the way he sees his life and future plans inbetween his insecurities, I fell in love all over again with their relationship because of how this is so in character.
Also, if you want to read it but you're not really into M rated fics, there's a T rated version on ff net. But I have to say that, particularly, I think the mature scenes are also fundamental for their story. They're not really descriptive and the focus is always on Rin and Haru's trust and feelings for each other, so they're mostly very sensual and intimate and emotional, you should definitely give it a try if you're not completely uncomfortable with sex scenes, but I'm sure the T version is just as beautiful.
This is already too long and it doesn't express half of what I felt, but I'll leave anyone who wants to read it to feel for yourselves now, it was worth every minute.
Bonus: the artwork at the end is just as incredible as the story, I spent whole twenty minutes freaking out over them.
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dragontamer05 · 1 year
Hypothetical scenario of if for some reason Square Enix decided to go into their files delve back into FFU/Final Fantasy Unlimited and it's characters,
a thought I had on how one could make it work;
First drop the Final Fantasy part, just call it Unlimited / The Unlimited or something.
Not saying they have to totally detach it from being a FF properity / connected to that universe but at the same time I think at least partially distancing itself from that name and in away I guess the expectations that come with that brand name.
Which gives a bit more wiggle room not worrying about doing a thing and fans not liking it cause it's not 'Final Fantasy' or doesn't feel like something that fits FF or whatever - as well as negates a potential factor that could keep away potential viewers who are uncertain about getting into it not knowing if one would need to be familiar with the FF series to watch.
In a way pull a Bravely Default that started as a FF game but ended up its own thing.
It's basically in it's own other world anyway with their own characters and separate story so- that said because Wonderland is this place made up of many many worlds they could still take advantage of that to implement things from various parts of the FF universe - like Chocobo/ other creatures , go full meta and throw in references to some of their other owned series/ properties to from time to time
Just as like a visual thing in the back ground or some comment by someone and of course space them out so it's just occasional fun Easter eggs.
I guess basically kinda like treating it like a spin off in away.
From there I'd say while I'd wouldn't want to totally ignore the what has been written and made at the same time because it's currently more of an unknown I think doing it as a reboot more then just trying to continue on would benefit it.
Keeping of course many of the general beats and characters.
Ai and Yuu, let those kids be more expressive / show more reaction to just all this weird stuff happening / creatures they meet ect. After all their in a whole new place with nothing they've seen.
Of course I'm not saying every little thing needs to be commented on or drawn attention to
One change/addition could be interesting; What if they got yeeted to Wonderland at the same time as their parents - just dropped in vastly different places. Thus leading for not only the motivation of of course want to find their folks but also they want to get home - maybe via remembering a rumour or something seen in their parents research? get the idea of hey if they can find this weird train maybe not only could they use it to find their parents but get home or something
I mean they aren't dumb but they are kids no one says they thought the plan completely through,
Which by giving a tiny ray of hope could make for a big bomb of the later reveal that, yeah this place their in is actually a patch work of many destroyed/ consumed worlds so there's no guarentee they can return home (But without confirmation on Earth's status leaves it a bit open to wonder was Earth consumed and destroyed by Chaos too or is it still safe- for now)
Let episodes breathe and feel free to flow without always needing to have the kids in it or a focus on them- Espcially during the times when Kaze has split from the group and basically in general once we meet both Kaze and Kumo consistently show and use them more
Sure the kids maybe the catalyst to introduce us to Wonderland as well as have someone that can kinda be used to help explain certain things to the audience about this world but of course the main or at least more important story is clearly going on Between these 2 guys
(And let's be real I'd say vast majority are probably gonna watch for these guys with magic weapons and summoning beasts)
Of course as the series goes on finally be able to delve into learning more about them- not just as Unlimited but in general
idk have an episode where something happens and somehow now one of the kids is now stuck with Kumo for a little while (got separated from the others and ran into them? separated during a fight? idk) which maybe brings a chance to show another side to a character that up until that point seems to be one of the bad guys but maybe there's something more
Minor detail that while not needed perse but is useful in world building at least maybe throw in a line somewhere of Ai or Yuu asking how they can talk with each other if their not from the same place,
and either go a bit playful have the other character just kinda be like "You know I'm not actually sure," Not exactly an answer but also clear that no one really know how or why just another mystery of Wonderland
or offer their thoughts that they think it's because 'the world auto translates to whatever someone needs to here. Not saying there has to be a concrete explanation but I think acknowledging that fact could be fun
And that's about it I think the main thing would be letting it grow and stand on it's own as yes it's an offshoot of /connected to the greater Final Fantasy universe (and probably somewhere on the any products released and what have might be the final fantasy logo/copy right but also that it is it's own thing and can be enjoyed as such
cause I won't lie that was one thing that had me iffy at first on checking it out cause outside of a handful of characters and various tidbits here and there I know heck all about FF, so is there the potential to miss out on something going in not knowing.
Thankfully not really- and even any little connections to it like musical bits or the Chocobo, character named Cid, ngl could easily get explained away as well it is another Square Enix property so their allowed to have fun and reference their other stuff in it to. If there are any deeper/big references that someone with more knowledge might pick up. I can say from experience nothing is ruined or confusing by not knowing.
So get rid of that barrier and bam opens up to an even bigger audience..
While chance are slim to none it's also never completely 0 , weird things happen.
I mean Tokyo Mew Mew got a reboot series
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guessknee · 1 year
130423 Final Fantasy XVI Showcase
"I'm going to drop 200+ hours in this game"
some quick notes then ill start blabbering :)
Naoki Yoshida as producer! he played a huge part in the relaunch of FF XIV and saved the game honestly love that man.
The story of FF XVI isn't related to any of the other games so this can be a great game for anyone to play even if they aren't caught up with the stories of other games.
okay now we ramble
CLIVE ROSFIELD <3 already a slay we love to see it
having a world map system with updated locations as the story progresses and the ability to fast travel is a GOD SEND omg the amount of times id get lost especially in the crisis core remake that had me LOST when i had to get Cloud the clothes in that one part (iykyk).
riding chocobos. enough said.
combat. final fantasy but with real time combat. the interface also looks amazing its simple (doesn't take up too much space on the screen) but its easy to understand. and theres button mashing sections in combat. i LOVE a good button mashing its the rhythm game player in me i swear. theres also a lot of accessibility features in the game which is great to see cause you can tell they really want everyone to be able to play adn it can also help with casual players who dont want to be stressed out and rage quit every 10 minutes (lowkey me). side note. controlling infrit. end of side note.
the leveling and ability system reminds me of a mix of final fantasy x and god of war just based on looks alone and i LOVE both of those games.
the training area. this. they popped off with this. it sounds like a "oh who would really use this" type of thing but honestly sometimes you gotta just keep retrying combos and other things just to get used to it so if im ever confused about anything i will definitely end up there.
story focus mode. i think if i replay the game depending on how long it takes me to beat it or if i really want a platinum i will replay on story focus mode so i can relive the story but without being as stressed.
MEOW MEOW WOLF FRIEND. we can give him treats. literally shed a tear when i saw that.
arcade mode. im gonna grind in the training area so i can smoke kids in the arcade mode. i dont have classes in the summer so all my time WILL be put in this game hence the "200+ hours"
theres bounties to hunt. theres a library to fill. theres so many side quests to complete when you want to take a break from the actual story or if you complete the game and want to play even more. I cant wait to see what is needed to plat the game.
im so excited for this game i cant wait. the last game i played that i dropped a lot of hours in was persona 5 (not royal) and i dropped a little over 180 hours into the game...
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threeletterslife · 4 years
helloo it's me again, hehe. is it okay if I ask some tips on how to write the perfect ending for a story? I'm planning to make my story have a sad ending, but at the same time I want my readers to feel some sort of comfort afterwards?? It's sort of like Titanic, where Jack dies in the end but he and Rose reunite in paradise. sorry i make no sense jsjjs
hi!! of course it’s okay to ask for tips LOL that’s lowkey what i’m here for (:
sad endings are one of the harder endings to write because not only do you have to convince the READERS that this is the best ending for the characters but also you have to convince your CHARACTERS that the ending is basically what they deserve lol (the sad ending should NOT be sudden; you should be building up towards it from the beginning)
sad endings with comfort are even harder BECAUSE after basically making your reader drown in their own tears, you have to hand them a tissue (figuratively) and literally tell them ‘sike lol here’s some fluff to make up for that bloodbath’
and the way you’re going about that is great! if you want to offer comfort to the readers after a sad ending one of the best ways to do it is through reunition!!
here are some in-debt tips to go about writing a good ending for a story:
this is because the last thing the reader reads in your story will be your ending
it’s literally the last impression they will have of your writing AND the story
you need to make sure the ending STICKS
i will say this. a sad ending or a jarring ending (something that is not cliche, basically) will reside in your reader’s memories more than an ending that is commonly used in the ff world
warning: there is such thing as a common sad ending too, so beware of that
but i’m not saying common/cliche endings are bad. i’ll tell you later how to finesse one of those endings
endings should never be abrupt. that’s kind of a common mistake that i see a lot
most people writing a beautiful introduction. but then they get to the middle and don’t know what they’re doing. I’M TELLING YOU NOW THAT THE MIDDLE MAKES UP THE ENDING
whatever happens in the middle of the story SHOULD lead to the end
this means that either you write the middle WITH the end in mind, or you write the end WITH the middle in mind
what constitutes as sad? think about that for a sec
what makes people sympathize with others?
i think knowing someone (like knowing what they’ve been through, their hardships, their likes, their dislikes, their journey) really helps me sympathize with them when someone bad happens
it’s human nature to care about others that we know well
so your goal should be to make sure your readers know your characters enough so when your characters are undergoing a crisis, (as bad as it sounds), the readers go through one as well
if the sad ending involves death, then what would the surviving characters think of it?? the key to getting the waterworks on in the audience is putting a big emphasis on the surviving characters’ reactions to the death of another character. if the other characters are heart-wrenchingly mourning the death, then chances are, the readers are too (humans mimic each other’s reactions lol)
if the sad ending involves a breakup, then the literal saddest way to end that is to use simplicity. a breakup is messy. it’s emotional. don’t decorate it too much with actions and physical descriptions. what makes a breakup sad is what the characters are feeling inside—not how horrible or disheveled they look in the state of the moment. (it’s even sadder when the characters seemed really compatible at the beginning of the story)
if the sad ending involves separation, i think there are two ways to go about with this. separation can be really fucking sad. (especially when it’s between two close friends.) in order to capture the depressing emotions, the characters should feel when that happens, you need to carefully describe why these characters must separate. then, you need to clarify their thoughts on the separation. they must separate because of this, and they would rather not leave each other, but they have no choice. it’s even better to talk about their empty futures without each other
the other ending with separation i personally really like is a bittersweet ending. it’s when the two characters must separate and they both accept that fact. if they had the choice, they would probably not separate, but circumstances worked out against them. there are fewer tears reading this kind of ending, but you get that punch-in-the-gut feeling when you write it well. in order to perfect the bittersweet ending, i find that it’s easiest to focus on the future. the characters must separate for the better—for their own futures. the situation at the moment (separating and saying the goodbyes and all that) may be shitty, but it’s a small sacrifice for a better future
not all happy endings are cliche
but the thing is, most of the happy endings are cliche
and there’s nothing wrong with that
you know why?
because so much content has accumulated over the years that there is no doubt that hundreds, maybe thousands of ideas will repeat
at this point, it’s hard to figure out what’s not cliche. literally EVERYTHING has been written and done lol
so honestly, i say, you shouldn’t really give a shit about cliche or not. don’t overly try to avoid cliches because you might accidentally make your ending sound forced (we don’t want that)
happy endings are pretty easy on the spectrum of endings because it’s probably easier to write happy characters than sad characters (at least for me)
but because it’s easy to write these happy endings, you might get tempted to abruptly end the story (you might even do it accidentally)
the best way to go about this is to bring something that the characters probably repeatedly talked about throughout the story back and stick it in the last line/paragraph somewhere
i.e. say your character A and character B were best friends at the start of your story. through the course of it, character B deals with trauma/internal dilemmas that lead him to be pretty sad. character A describes him having slouched shoulders all the time. but when character A and character B recognize their love for each other, things start to look up for character B. the ending can be character A and B together in a scene, and character B’s usually slouched shoulders are straightened, yk ‘cause he’s finally truly happy
it was a random example but i really like to bring in the little details to wrap up a happy-ending story!
honestly, this section is gonna be short because i think this kinda comes with gut instinct/following your heart loll
when you’re writing your characters, there will come a point in time where you literally feel like you’re them (because you know them so well)
ask yourself what do you think your characters will do? then write it out!
whether you want a sad/bittersweet/happy ending is gut instinct lowkey
i usually set the tone of a sad story right away so people know what they’re getting into
it’s better to know your ending while you write your story (or else you’ll have to go back and edit the beginning and middle to connect with the end)
but sometimes, you might not know how to end your story. then it’s good to base the ending off of what you’ve already written
i feel like this sounds like bullshit, but it’ll make sense when you actually experience it loll
oh god i have no idea if this is sufficient enough yikes... if you have any more questions, feel free to send in another ask! (:
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mare-sanguis · 5 years
So I had this weird dream where I was trapped inside a mirror world. After I woke up my brain went like "thats it- write a fucking Scary Stories fix it fanfic/ one shot"
So in this OS/ff I'm gonna focus on Chuck (and the Auggie x Chuck ship)(because he baby) and how hes stuck in some kind of other world (influenced by the celtic "anderswelt/ other world"). Its just a snipped- theres going to follow more. There will be some hidden meanings and symbols.(will fix grammar mistakes later)
Maybe the one person who will read it catches the first hidden meaning
At first Chuck was mad at Stella.
That she let the monster take Auggie away. Let him getting dragged away.
They showed him the place- the place he went lost. In his own goddamn bedroom.
He saw the dragging marks on the floor. And seeing this made him angry.
There were still things he wanted to do with his friends, and seeing them going missing wasnt one of this.
And this all started because she picked up this stupid book.
And now? Now he was going to disappear to. Surrounded by pale women- she forcing him into a hug, finally swolling him whole.
Now he wasnt going to miss Auggie any more.
Sounded really sad but it was the reality now- for him.
And maybe he would stop feeling like this towards his friend.
Maybe he would stop feeling anything.
But on the other habd- maybe he would be trapped in a void, still being the same person, still feeling the same things he did when he was alive. The things he would get judged for in his hometown. The things he would get judged for if he would ever tell anyone.
Now, the moment the pale woman was about to swallow him whole he started to panic.
It was like in his dreams all over again.
And he never felt felt like his friends took him serious. Took the dreams serious.
The moment they went to look for the records of Sarah, walking down the hallway towards the R.E.D room he also was about to lose his mind.
Neither Stella nor Ramón listened to him, his worries. Stella just told him to wait there.
Wow what an idea- leaving him there alone while the hospital hallways were filled with nurses and doctors. What a great idea it was. But her head was fully stuck into swooning over their new found friend Ramón.
Totally ignoring his concern. But what ever- this moment he not just felt like a third wheel. No. He was one- literally.
He should have come with them now that he was thinking of it. Shouldnt he?
Either was- this shit sucked.
And now he was trapped here. His friends probably busy with something from much more importance than him.
Searching for a clue, a solution how to stop this madness.
But he wasnt going to witness it anyway - them failing or winning.
Instead he was about to disappear and who knows what would await him on the other side.
His last thoughts drifted away to his sister and how they were able to safe her. She would probably enjoy a life without him- who knows.
And then he was gone.
Swallowed up, whole by the monster from his nightmare. By his own nightmare.
The moment he opened his eyes he was trapped in complete darkness.
No light- just darkness. And emptiness
As he looked down he saw black goo covering the ground. He was sitting in it. Could see a bit of his own reflection.
Well at least he was still this handsome young man like when he was alive.
He sighed and got up- black goo still sticking on him. Hands, clothes, face.
Looking around he saw nothint. No one else was there. It looked completely lost. If he really would be stuck here forever he'd go crazy.
Not his favorite idea ot a place to go. Not the best place to go to when dead.
Come to think of- was he even dead? It didnt felt like... dying?
But who was he to know how dying would feel like?
Its his first time dying (?)
Its just that he rather felt alive than dead the moment he got swallowed.
He looked around again. A second time.
Nothing changed.
"Just standing around there wont do anything. Lets go."
He told himself, no clue for what he was even looking for.
But everything was better than just sitting around there doing nothing. He wondered how much time already had passed.
Didnt felt like much- but maybe the time was working differently wherever he was trapped right now.
He really wanted to find out where he was but where to start when theres nothing- just darkness, emptiness.
He sighed again, looking at the black goo on his hands.
What a way to end a life.
Everytime Chuck took a step he got suck a bit into the black shit on the ground. With ever step his breathing got heavier.
Wherever he was- it must be the worst place of it all. He walked and walked, it seemed endless. It all seemed the same.
It felt like hours. Him walking around there. Seemed so sensless all of the sudden. But he didnt give up. He didnt want to- he couldnt. Maybe there was a way out and he just had to search for it.
Did he ever wanted to come back? To his reality? Guess not- not without Auggie.
And just in the right moment he saw something- a door. White. Looked just the same like the ones in the hospital. Two lanterns were placed next to the door. It didnt look very inviting. But what else could happen?
"What else could happen if I take this door? Maybe getting sucked deeper into this shit? Maybe if I take this door I will never come back? I dont even know how deep down it goes down here."
He grabbed the doorhandle anyway and pushed it down, pulling the door open. He was greeting with white lights, it was almost blinding him- such a strong contrast to the darkness behind him.
And he could saw the hospital hallway right in front of him.
All corridors looked the same so it was a suprise for him that he figured out that it was the one where he got swallowed.
And the moment he stepped into the scene it all repeated itself. It felt like a nightmare, he could see himself- running scared, away from the woman. Lost. It was terrifying to watch.
"But at least its just showing me what happened- not that I have to endure it again by myself." He took a deep breath and walked up on of the hallways- trying to ignore what was happening right befor his eyes.
"Its nothing- its just a bad d[...]"
He stopped. His words. His movements.
Because the lights had turned red.
"Ah shit man- are you kidding me? Not again! I already died I cant die again!" He shouted out- watching in horror how his nightmare was walking right towards him.
He was already gone.
She couldnt hurt him again.
"I'm dead you cant hurt me!" He shouted towards her.
"Gonna catch me if you can!" And then he started to run. He didnt know where he was running but he was running- and this time he was winning. At least it felt like winning to him. Even if it meant that he would get lost even more.
Well- if he finds a nice place maybe he could stay here. Maybe its better than the cold real life.
The hallway was getting darker again, this time there was fog everywhere - it made breathing heavier and he coughed a few times, rubbing his eyes.
Maybe ge should just stay here. What was the point of even trying to get out.
Chuck stumbled.
Banged his head on a door.
On a door that appeared out of nowhere.
He was sure there wasnt one few moments ago- he was loosing his mind already.
"Its happening already damn." He rubbed his forehead.
The door looked different from the one before.
It was white too- but there were small details caved in the wood of it. It had a doorknob with a symbol on it. He couldnt made out what this symbol was since the fog was blocking his few.
"I just want to take a look if its shitty there I wont pass it."
He looked back- knowing that he still was followed by the pale woman. He could see her.
"Or maybe I will take the risk of what ever is waiting for me on the other side."
He turned the knob around and took a last look at the dark hallway, the nightmare which was almost right behind him.
"Good riddance."
Then he went through the door- and the moment he passed it, it disappeared. So did his unsafe feeling.
But it still was dark. Luckily not as dark as before.
As he looked up he could see the dark sky- it looked just like the one he used to see in his hometown. It looked to normal.
But there werent any people nor animals. Just him and...
And a swaying bridge. Apprearing right before his eyes.
Connecting two cliffs- leading across a deep dark gorge.
And the bridge was a rainbow.
A fucking rainbow. Out of everything he hated the most he got a bridge covered in rainbow colors.
"I hate my not-so-alive life. Rainbow. Fine."
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rooftopprendezvous · 6 years
(1) Hey, hey! Oh April your anger was my initial reaction too (and honestly if I think about it too much its still my overriding emotion), so I apologise in advance for what I'm sure is gonna be a long, rambly mess (am I really sorry though? cos you are pretty much responsible for me falling down the "Gallavich" rabbit hole hehe!!) but it's the last on this topic, promise. Anyway I experienced my 1st & last 'live' Shameless moment when that 50 second end scene was plastered over social media
2) (cos i'm not watching any more Shitshow eps (not seen any S8/9 & barely remember S6/7 anyway despite it not being that long ago I mistakenly watched it - a blessing I guess lol how is it still going! God!) & I have many conflicting feelings about it tbh. The initial overriding feeling was "I'm mad about it" even though I wasn't surprised. Sighs. I still am really cos even though I admit that I did want "end game" for Mickey & Ian (cos i'm weak), I didn't want it like this!! Look what they've3. done to those KIDS! Just dumping them both in prison (ffs) in a patch job, lazily tagged on ending & then playing Frank Ocean (trying to win points & maybe it worked cos I've listened to that song more than once since gdi) over it cos we are meant to view it as so romantic!? I just..?!? I mean you gotta laugh really.. I suppose it is very "Shameless". Honestly I don't think I've known a show to so unapologetically give so little care to its own characters (let alone fans). urgh.4. (aka arrogant, lazy & petty? hmm). Tbf they had written themselves into a corner where this was the only ending they could give, other than have Ian run away to mexico, which yeah why didn't they do that? But, and here's the other side of my thought process about it all, at least this way they'll both be free after they serve their time, genuinely free not fugitives. So my rationalising about it all is basically that they serve relatively short sentences (Mickey negotiated a good deal ok lol!5. also at least he was given some agency back here in a way - yes I know I'm reaching), during which they will have time to hash everything out (aka Ian has a shit tonne of explaining, grovelling & making up to do imo) & then they are free to live out their lives & have a real chance at being together away from all the BS that's been thrown their way. That's my story anyway (they better not do or say anything to contradict this in canon now I stg). That's how I choose to view it as this way6.I can be relatively happy they ended up together & it allows me to look back their journey story without bitterness taking over cos Mickey Milkovich & the journey he and Ian (rip puppy Ian from the early days - he was cute) went on (before tptb fucked it up) deserves to be looked back on fondly. So that's the story of my journey to acceptance I guess lol. Plus there are no longer at the shows mercy to screw over! Also if you ignore everything else it was good to see mickey again, swooping in7. To save the day being his cocky self, for all of 30 secs, for some sort of closure (the article you reblogged was spot on). In that short scene cam & noel's chemistry was undeniable (easily the best thing to come out of that show - tptb know it too. Bet they hate it that's why they ended it like this #petty but fan service still or maybe they thinks it's actually good who tf knows). But it wouldn't have been the same ending Ian's journey without mickey (they really screwed Ian's charachter8. Over after mickey left didn't they - cant blame cam for leaving. Maybe he should have left after s7. We coulda had them driving across the border as their ending then). I defo think all parties involved did it to shut down the relentless demand. Everyone (cam, Noel, the fabs) can be free now. So I'll take this version of endgame but I won't thank tptb for it! Sidenote but Noel really is s talented cute bean isn't he?! 😊 anyway sorry for the self indulgent ramble. It got way long! Thanks for9. Being my cheerleader through this v belated journey. Did you warn me not to? I can't remember? 🤣 just kidding! I'll ignore the in between bits & focus on the good & imagine a better future for them away from shameless' clutches. My mental gymnastics to be happyish with it is impressive huh? (I mean I'm still mad but eh). Lol. You deserve a medal for dealing with it all in real time! Hope you're not too disheartened. Glad you're all good my lovely! ❤ Tina
to be fair i definitely warned you before you started watching but nobody ever listens because you see their early stuff and like i said magic. they draw you in and you just can’t help yourself. i really don’t want to say a whole lot about everything that angered me and i totally understand why people are burying their heads in the sand and saying ‘end game’ and ‘happy ending’ but like life didn’t just stop? they have to actually live their lives in prison and for people with their histories, their backgrounds, and their mental issues to contend with, if we’re being realistic this is probably like the worst ending? because what happens when mickey’s smart mouth and short fuse get him in trouble? or ian doesn’t get his meds and goes manic? nothing good. also tptb couldn’t help themselves form doing mickey dirty again could they? also for me a good parallel isn’t mickey risks everything to break out with almost the exclusive purpose of being with ian again and now he has to risk it all again, this includes his life to get back into prison to be with ian? where is ian’s sacrifice in any of this? a couple seasons ago i would have felt that overwhelming love from ian but after listening to him badmouth mickey for so long and turn him away again and again it didn’t feel like enough. if i’m being honest i feel like cam wanted out a long time ago and he’s been phoning in his performances. his guest appearances and work outside shameless were far superior for quite a while now. his best scenes on shameless in the last idk three or four years have all been with noel. i don’t think he liked where they took his character after mickey left and i don’t think he liked how they treated mickey’s character. he and noel seemed quite close and they cared a lot about the story they were telling. and stepping outside of just what they did with bringing mickey in for the ending i wanted to vomit when they had ian go to fucking terry milkovich of all people to ask for advice about prison. like how gross can they be? so i guess i got carried away as well but yeah i’m angry and i’m never not going to be angry. just waiting for when they bring them both back magically out of prison for the finale. or just cam and say some shit about mickey staying longer because he got more time. i wouldn’t put anything past them at this point. 
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