#So edgy so cool wow......
eevyerndracaneon · 2 years
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ousama · 3 months
Ngl, when I heard you sent gore to people who sucked, I thought "Wow. Didn't know Isadora could get any more based."
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dammitradar · 4 months
Tim Burton when the musical he wants to adapt is full of lunatics burning down an insane asylum and a brain damaged street whore and a kid with a learning disability who suffers a mental breakdown from trauma:
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lollytea · 2 years
wait wait wait but if. but if Hunter watches. fullmetal alchemist. then.
i mean. circles. homunculi. ouroboros tattoos. i'm just saying. i'm just. it's just. hh
Fortunately I don't think Hunter would be able to make it past the dog thing so he will never get to that part.
Cuz if he DID....
OH GOD....
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maretriarch · 3 months
too mean of a meme to make with actual images but imagine this meme with "who you imagine with the butchtwink fagdyke bio vs who it actually is" but the images r reversed w normies on the right and no one is hot
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oetscop · 6 months
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very edgy pen doodles from when i was still doing therapy over the phone i think???? redacted notes about events 😀👍
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vvitchy · 9 months
nonblack teenage boys on insta loooooove the n word they can’t get enough of it
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githvyrik · 1 year
I think it’s sooooo funny when people make fun of metal bands names for being edgy like not in a like “oh haha I’m a metalhead we’re so edgy” self aware poking fun at themselves kind of way that you should honestly be doing as a metal Enjoyer because being a metal fan makes you a dork I’m sorry it does you have to accept this but I mean in a like “wow. that’s edgy 🙄” kinda way because like yes my friend they are a metal band
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sarcasticmudkip · 2 years
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Also the fuck kind of loser names himself scarecrow
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seventeengoingunder · 2 years
new lana! any thoughts on the song/album cover?
Lana has a very strong aesthetic and her visuals are well thought out most of the time and I can't ever say they look bad but I'm also never quite obsessed with them? The album covers look good but I do think that the single cover is meh. Sometimes a strong photograph is the best cover of all time... sometimes the photograph is not as strong as the artist thought it was.
There's nothing that I can point out as bad sonically but her songs never end up clicking with me... they're simply a bit boring (to me). Now we get into hater territory, but there's always a moment that makes go Wow. This is the worst thing I've ever heard. And it's also the moments people freak out about??? "Fuck me to death, love me until I love myself." Okay, I love 2012 tumblr I guess. Also there is nothing objectively wrong with rhyming California with Florida, but it annoyed me anyway.
Did you like it? (and if you did sorry that I spent an entire paragraph nitpicking <3)
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seilon · 1 year
one of those Gee I Sure Am Empty And Hopeless kinda days <3
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snekdood · 1 year
nihilism on the left is so counter productive and makes people act like right wingers
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itslonewolfgamer · 1 year
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dammitradar · 4 months
Tim Burton when the musical he wants to adapt is full of lunatics burning down an insane asylum and a brain damaged street whore and a kid with a learning disability who suffers a mental breakdown from trauma:
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Kinda cringe to see an anti raoul post in 2023
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centrally-unplanned · 7 months
VOR: Henry Kissinger
Ugh, HUGELY overrated, Bismark has nothing on him. What, truly are his accomplishments? Oh, rapprochement with China? You mean the country that had just experienced a huge split with the Soviet Union, to the point where they were scared of military conflict, that was simultaneously backing North Vietnam in a war against the US? And so we opened doors to them and gave them literally everything they asked for, hanging Taiwan out to dry, and in return got absolutely nothing; China's aid to North Vietnam actually *increased* the year after? The corpse of a roadkill dog could have done that.
The "cease fire" with North Vietnam? That's just losing with coat of paint to poorly cover the shame! At least he had the self-respect to try to return his Nobel Peace prize. Ho Chi Minh handed him his ass on a platter and somehow that is a win on his ledger.
Accelerating arms sales to the Shah of Iran in order to back separatist fighters in Iraq? Whoops! Wow, that uh, wow what a call there. Really picked the right side.
Coup against Allende in Chile? That went well! Not to mention...he didn't. Chile coup'd Chile, Allende was a complete disaster imploding the country's economy. The Chilean military asked for permission as like a token gesture, we gave them support that didn't matter. Its like taking credit for a sports team win because you bought box seats, except at this game they dropped the opposing team's family out of a helicopter headfirst onto the pitch.
All the SALT treaty stuff started under Johnson, he continued it which is fine but is VORcel stuff. His grand "pivot to Europe" was trying to link trade policy to increases in defense spending from European partners...which didn't happen. They didn't increase them. We gave them trade deals anyway. Its fucking Trump without the memes.
On March 1, 1973, Kissinger stated, "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, and if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.
Awww "I'm such a cool little edgy boy, look at me and my joke about the Holocaust when discussing systemic discrimination against Jews the Soviet Union, surely this will somehow score me Realpolitik points on the Big Board that I can cash in for prize money while shedding America's moral legitimacy because it makes my dick hard."
He is the academic definition of style over substance, snottily walking from fuck-up to disaster to status-quo free ride and putting a pithy quote about The Nature of Power over it to pretend he had any to begin with. Hurry up and die already so I can stop running into you haggling over hostess tips at overpriced Georgetown restaurants.
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