#People like that are the reason why I hide this shit away for fucking ages
ladykailitha · 2 months
Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate Part 2
I am absolutely thrilled with how well the first chapter did. Thank you everyone for your support. If you requested to be on the tag list and aren't that means I ran out of room and so so sorry.
You can follow me or the tag #knight protectorate au, as that is the tag I will be using for the series I do with this verse. I hope that helps!
Here we get Steve to the rescue and Eddie instantly heart-eyes. Poor Jeff.
Part 1
Steve was getting more push back then he thought he would, but at the same time it was from the people he was expecting.
“Admit it,” Carol said, “you know I’m right. The only reason Tammy is involved in any thing music related is because Mummy Dearest is paying for it all. Her singing is horrible.”
Steve tried to hide his smile, but he really couldn’t.
“See?” she shrieked in glee. “I just don’t know why you won’t let me tell her. Someone needs to before she gets into her head she’s going to be famous or some shit.”
“Because it wouldn’t do anything but make her mad,” he reasoned. “Then she’d tell her mom, and her mom would tell your mom and your mom would ground your ass because they are in the same golfing club or some shit.”
Carol blinked at him for a moment or two and then shrugged. “Yeah, all right. You have a point. But I can still mock her behind her back, right?”
Steve threw back his head and laughed.
“Just keep it between us, yeah?”
She tilted her head to the side and then shrugged. “I guess I could do that.”
He heaved a sigh of relief and was just grateful for the smallest concession she was willing to make.
Everyone knew Carol was still saying shit, but at least she was only saying it to Steve.
“God, Abby,” Nicole whined, “where did you get that dress the trash bin behind Melvand’s?” She laughed as Abby tugged on her the hem of her denim dress. It was wrinkled in that way denim will some times get when it’s put into shapes it wasn’t meant for.
“Fuck off, Nicole,” Steve barked. “You have a dress just like it, it’s just Levi instead of some off brand.”
Nicole’s jaw dropped and whirled on Steve. “Is this the thanks I get for finding that little creep for you?”
Steve raised his eyebrow in disdain. “Helping a guy out doesn’t mean you get to shit on everyone else. She isn’t hurting you. She’s just walking in the hall. And for fuck’s sake, she’s a freshman. We’re all gross at that age. Give it up.”
Nicole’s jaw clicked shut and she turned on her heel, running away. The gathered crowd laughed at her retreating form.
“It’s not funny, assholes,” he huffed. “Laughing at Abby being bullied is the same as laughing at Nicole getting told off for it. It’s still rude.”
The hall went deathly quiet.
Tommy came bounding up to Steve and Carol. “Larry Wiggins just got laid out by Munson trying to hassle him out of some dope.”
Steve grimaced. “Everyone knows that Munson doesn’t sell anything hard on school property. He likes avoiding felony charges.”
Tommy grinned, bouncing on the pads of his toes. “That’s what makes it so hilarious. Munson doesn’t even deal on Tuesdays so he didn’t even have weed to offer him to back off.”
“So Larry takes a swing at Munson and gets flattened for it?” Steve guessed with a heavy sigh.
Carol giggled as Steve sighed again.
“One of these days a football player is going to knock that guy’s pearly whites out,” he said, shaking his head.
“Oohhh...” Tommy said wincing, pulling his arms up to his chest. “That would be ug-lee!”
Steve hummed his agreement.
Look, despite what Eddie’s teachers thought, he wasn’t stupid. After the incident with Wiggins on the basketball team, he had refused to do deals alone.
But then meathead jocks barely used their brains to drool, like alone think.
Eddie was on his way to his picnic table where Doug had been waiting for him when this football player came out of literal nowhere to slam him against a tree.
Eddie’s head swam as he tried to squeeze away his sudden double vision. “What the fuck, man?”
When he could see the captain of the football team, Bobby Vincent, was grabbing him by the collar and shoving him up against the tree.
Bobby pulled out a nearly empty baggie of weed. “You shorted me, asshole. You call this a gram?”
“It was when I sold it to you,” Eddie insisted, hands coming up to grab Bobby’s hand at his throat. “I don’t short. It’s bad for business.” He certainly didn’t short people who throw him around like a rag doll for crying out loud. He didn’t have a death wish.
“You’re going to give me a replacement for free,” Bobby sneered, “aren’t you, pretty boy?”
Eddie tried to yank on the football player’s hand to get him to release him, but the white knuckle grip refused to budge. “I can’t give you shit, man. My supplier would kill me. I’ve got more to think about then just one customer.”
He could see the punch coming and knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. He closed his eyes against the pain he knew was coming.
But the pain never came. He peeked out of one eye and was shocked to see Steve Harrington holding meathead’s wrist. They were both stock still. Which Eddie couldn’t figure it out, he had to open his other eye to see the full tableau in front of him.
Steve had a grip on Bobby’s wrist, that was certainly true, but that wasn’t what had the football player by the short and curlies. Oh no. In Steve’s other hand was a small but very deadly pocket knife. A knife that was current pressed to the ribs on the side of the raised arm. Suddenly Eddie was feeling weak in the knees for a very different reason.
“Hey, Bobby,” Steve said cheerfully, “you weren’t going to hit someone because you’re too shit poor to buy your own weed, were you?”
Bobby looked down at the knife in Steve’s hands and then back up at his face. Bobby snarled and moved to wrench his hand out of Steve’s grasp, but the blade dug deeper. He stopped again and looked over at Eddie who was just as shocked he was at the whole thing.
Like where the fuck did Steve get that knife and why was he carrying it in the first place?
“You going to stick up for this trash, Harrington?” Bobby hissed. “Wheeler made you soft.”
Eddie and Steve both look down at the knife in Steve’s hand and then back up at the football player.
“Just because I’ve been putting my foot down more on the bullying lately,” Steve said, pressing the knife a little further causing Bobby to wince, “doesn’t mean that this is new. I’ve always called you assholes out on it, but now I’m doing something about it. So why don’t you run along and tell all your friends that the king has returned.”
Bobby’s eyes went wide and he nodded. Steve released the wrist first and then stepped back. He waved the knife, indicating Bobby should get a move on and he did. He ran like hell.
“Marry me!” Eddie squeaked as his knees buckled in relief.
Steve dropped the knife and surged forward to catch him before he hit the ground. Just then Jeff showed up and stared at them for a moment.
“Uhh...” he muttered. “Did I miss something?” His tongue worried one of the brackets on his braces as both Eddie and Steve turned to him.
Steve turned a bright shade of red when he realized how this might look to someone else. He helped Eddie get his feet under him and then took a step back. He ran his fingers through his hair and side-eyed Eddie.
“Maybe ask a guy on a date first, yeah?” he murmured before taking off, scooping up the knife up on his way out. Leaving behind two very confused metalheads in his wake.
Well, one confused metalhead and one confused and horny metalhead.
Jeff turned to Eddie. “You want to tell me what the fuck that was about?” He jutted his thumb at the space in the trees that Steve had vanished into.
So Eddie told him.
“And um... I didn’t get my ass beat so...our King is some flavor of queer?” He meant that as a statement, but it came out as more of a question, because holy fuck that was crazy to think about.
Jeff looked at him for a long moment. “I understand you are currently having a gay panic right now, but um...shouldn’t you be more concerned with the fact that he had that knife on him in the first place? Because seriously, does Steve Harrington seem the type to be carrying around any kind of weapon?”
Eddie blinked a couple of times before he turned to look down the path both jocks had taken with a tinge more fear then he had before.
“That is a fair question, Sir Jeffrey,” he agreed. “But as it has saved this lowly jester’s ass, let’s give our king a pass, shall we?”
Jeff licked his lips slowly and then nodded. Because whatever happened to Steve that frightened him enough to start carrying a knife to school with him, he would much rather not know.
News spread fast. Steve Harrington was not to be trifled with and if you were caught bullying, he would make it his problem.
The faculty noticed, because how could they not. When someone makes it their one man mission to make the school safe for everyone, it wasn’t hard to see the changes wrought.
Only soon it wasn’t just Steve. The group that had included Nicole, Tina, Carol, and Tommy H. who were once the worst of the worst would patrol the halls between classes.
Eddie and his band of Freaks and Nerds were more than a little shocked when they were included in the protection. Because let’s face it, even other marginalized groups tended to push him and his friends around.
Well they tried. A couple of well aimed punches and threats of not selling to them or their friends usually got them to back off. But this was real protection, not just a cat puffing up his fur to look bigger and meaner than he was.
Hawkins High had an honest to Satan knight protectorate. Fuck.
Eddie thought those were only existed in fantasy novels and D&D campaigns. And if there was a gang of knights errant in Eddie’s next campaign with the names, Thom, Stephan, Nicolette, Caroline, and Christina, that was between him and the members of the Hellfire Club and no one else.
He thought he was going to catch shit for that from his friends, but apparently Sir Steve had won over their hearts as well.
However it was only a matter of time before the bullies got creative. Because some people just like to torture they find inferior.
They would hip check their targets into the lockers, always with a “Whoops!” and a sneer. They would knock their shoulders into them with a “Watch it!” and a smirk. They would whack books and lunch trays out their hands with a “Sorry...” and a grin.
Steve’s merry band would always check on the victim, but they really couldn’t say shit, because it could have been an accident. Though really, they weren’t fooling anyone but the teachers.
Eddie could see it coming to a head sooner rather than later and god, he hoped he got to witness it first hand.
Part 3
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ineffably-human · 1 year
We're going to scream about Nandermo all week, but right now I need to talk about Baron Afanas. Because the Baron's arc, so to speak, always felt like a big part of the series DNA for me - and oh fuck did this episode deliver on why.
I think we can agree: in the show, vampire society is fucked up, right?
Vampires on their own have plenty to deal with that can make them crazy. They have to live by killing. They lose everyone from their old lives. They have to find new reasons to keep going on, forever, so shit can get decadent really fast.
But holy shit, what that's turned into in vampire society? Where you actively put cruelty over mercy, and violence over solving your problems? Death cults and scam artists roam free, but if someone has depression the best thing to do is ignore them. Someone can get their mind wiped or be locked up for centuries, and that's just what you do to your species.
So: the Baron's arrival is the first conflict of the whole show. The joke is about an ancient powerful creature of pants-shitting terror, vs three lesser vampires who just want to live their lives and not get murdered for being too lazy to conquer humanity. There's a lot of talk about how to please him: do you keep to the old ways, or pick up some new traditions? Decorate with flayed skin, or with glitter? And the Baron says: who cares, you're all soft and useless. All that matters is getting more control over this world, until people are cattle and we have no reason to hide anymore.
But later he confesses: that shit stopped mattering ages ago. He's not even real nobility, he's literally impotent, and he talks about doing horrible things because he doesn't know what else to say. He's angry and half-crazy from boredom. And admitting that, owning those feelings, means suddenly he has three new friends and a whole new world of things to enjoy.
There's the Baron the rest of the vampire world knows, but for one night we see the ancient, unknowable terror was just a guy. Maybe he's always been just some guy.
That fun puts him in a vulnerable position, and he's killed by the most unwitting vampire slayer in fiction. But Baron Afanas is changed. He sucks dirt for a year and still comes out of it with a new lightness and joy to him. He saves the Sire, another ancient terrifying monster everyone was eager to kill or send away. They adopt the hellhound. They get cozy and give advice. They make popsicle stick houses and go on walks. They live.
And that seemed like the end of the story until last night - when the Baron suddenly felt like the butt of a joke everyone knew but him. Spurred on by someone else who feels lonely and ignored, the Baron felt vulnerable. And he snapped back to how he lived for centuries.
'What the hell are you all doing, enjoying yourselves? We're supposed to be unhappy. We're supposed to live centuries of unhappiness, bringing pain to everyone in our path, and we're definitely not supposed to cheer up our friend who's sad.'
Nobody liked the Baron before Guillermo killed him, not even other powerful vampires we meet; they saw the Baron as a crazy far beyond their own crazy. But this is also how vampire society values you. It's how they measure Nandor's worth when they think he's dead, too: how old and powerful you are, how much you've been able to conquer and kill.
Vampire pods are both cliquish and aren't expected to last in the first place. If someone dies, you literally paint them out of your lives and forget. Everything we see discourages feelings, sincerity, or even basic companionship. The only way to earn respect is to be cruel. The more cruel you are, the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the more feared you are - the lonelier you are, the crazier you are. It's practically designed to create the Baron, or worse.
But new vampires don't behave that way. And the vampires we follow in the show don't behave that way - because they have each other, because they've been encouraged to have each other, often by Guillermo. (Holy shit, Nadja saying maybe she'd be fine dying, and Nandor immediately asking if she's okay? Nothing changes in this house, except everything does. They're not going to almost lose one of their own ever again.)
The vampires in the heart of vampire culture never seem happy to be like this. It doesn't have to be like this.
The Baron doesn't become a tyrannical monster for long. Because he never actually was one - and because he spends two evenings and a fireball to the face, watching Nandor and Nadja fight for Guillermo. Watching them plead and cling and defy, seeing Guillermo's earnest feelings in spite of his bloodline and the mistakes he's made. Seeing Nandor's perfect trust, and then his grief, the way he insists that Guillermo was never 'just' anything. The Baron can't find real fulfillment in hurting someone (because that ship sailed ages ago). He can't deride them for caring, because he's cared for a long time now.
And when the Baron admits that's who he is, when he says it out loud, he only gains more in his life. He finds new depth in the happiness he'd felt for a while now, because he's admitted and allowed himself to be happy. And now he has the children he's always wanted. Living together, the Baron and the Sire are still ancient and powerful - and they're also family, finding real joy together in a world that was ready to dispose of them.
"I suppose with the right company, it can be beautiful, this eternal existence."
There's an inherent selfishness to being a vampire, taking from someone else in order to live. But there doesn't have to be inherent cruelty, or lack of love.
They're all ready to admit they care. The Staten vampires have all cared for Guillermo or each other in their own ways this season. And Guillermo doesn't lack for flaws, but loving his monster family has never been one of them. (When he and Nandor work their shit out, they're gonna be insufferable.)
Now they just have to let the Guide in. Because she's absolutely starved for love, and vampires get pretty fucked up when they're on their own.
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faggot-greg-house · 8 months
house is autistic i will accept no criticism
i have so many thoughts about house and autism. this might be the most unhinged post on my tumblr yet but here we go so house had the illusion of normalcy forced on him from a young age. i dont think thats like, full canon, but house talks about how his father abused him on more than one occassion and talked about how he was never satisfied or happy with house no matter what. so i truly dont think its a far reach to say that he would not have tolerated a "weird child." the thing that i think, though, is that all of his actions are a response to the fact that he's not particularly great at masking. he's afraid if he lets people close to him he won't be able to hide the fact that he's "weird" (aka bad). he intentionally pushes people away with his weird creepy comments and being an asshole and that's both him masking (if he's aggressively mean all the time no one will bother to look further) and a way of coping with the fact that he cant mask. the more he pushes people away the less likely it is that they'll see that he cares about things and that he's not "normal" like he's always been told. i also think that as the show went on, he got less and less concerned about masking. he constantly stims, he hyperfocuses and burns out, he panics about change, he treats his fellows a lot more like family. once he got to a point in his life where his "weirdness" is not something he can be ruined for (he's tenured and he has people who will fight for him) he found himself a lot more able to be aggressively autistic, even if he struggles with it due to trauma.
a huge Autism Moment in the show for me is when foreman quits and house fires chase. house has been afraid his whole life of showing who he actually is, as mentioned. his fellows, though, are his People, they knew all of his shit and they never ran awayy from it. they didnt question who he was and what he knew, only his methods, and they were willing to fight back against him (something he's shown he loves). but then foreman quits because he "doesnt want to be like house" and this is house's worst nightmare. this is exactly why he had normalcy beaten into him, because being weird only makes it that people will run away once they know you. he dared to let people see a bit of who he actually is and how he thinks and acts and foreman essentially said "i cant stand to be like you." on top of that fear, his team became Different. he doesnt know if chase or cameron thought the same things as foreman, if they were also judging him or hating him for being autistic. it sent him into fucking panic mode because how is he supposed to trust them when he doesnt know if they agree with foreman!!!!! and even if he could, the team is Different and its for a reason he cant control and he cant just go back to normal. his method of interviewing his new fellows also shows this - how is he supposed to be able to tell if someone will be okay with who he is and if they'll work well together based off a short intervew where he's almost certainly masking the whole time???? anyway. to end this absolutely unhinged post ive put together an inconclusive list of autistic traits and actions from house, and i want to say that so much of this is him being written off as an antisocial eccentric genius and, while he is an ass that cant be debated, it clearly runs deeper than that!!!!
he doesnt understand how ppl feel (he repeatedly talks about how small talk is like a guessing game for him and he doesnt know what to say)
he doesnt like to be touched (for a lot of the show people just do Not touch him, wilson excluded)
he stims constantly and he needs Sensations
he's blunt, rude, somewhat monotone, etc
he has a hard time making friends
he has a hard time saying what he feels (he'd rather joke or be mean than analyse his emotions)
he has a routine that he Sticks To (even thgh its not exactly the same because of patients etc, he goes to work late, he talks to the same people, he sits in his same office. he's shown coming to work sick at one point and he doesnt rly go on vacation. plus when cuddy took his bloodstained carpet it was such a fundamental change to his life that he couldnt deal)
he notices Everything (yes ik this is a sherlock holmes thing but consider sherlock holmes - also autistic)
he has a method and train of thought that works for him and he is unwilling to break from it (he's shown at least once stopping the fellows from writing on his whiteboard, and after he loses the og three he continues trying to hold ddx's because its how he Thinks)
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒾 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇 ౨ৎ
sero hanta x reader. 7.8k wc. ノ sfw ( w/ some suggestive bits ) ノ fluff accompanied by a teensy bit of angst ノ summer romance ノ college au ノ swearing ノ mentions of alcohol & food ノ denki appearance ノ multiple tenses used ノ repost!
a/n: i recommend listening to never not by lauv before or after reading :3 ++ i edited this and read it through once so i apologize for any mistakes u may find!
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this party fucking sucks.
you can’t put your finger on why it’s such a drag—maybe you’d grown out of your partying phase, gotten enough of it the past two years of university. had the scene at the  kappa xi sigma house become bland? or maybe it has to do with the fact that the beer pong and blaring music that was meant to serve as a distraction is proving to be more annoying than a useful diversion. 
the answer that is staring you in the face, the one you know is the most obvious, is the last one you want to consider.
the excitement of returning to campus with your friends feels dull this year. the transition from summer break to the fall semester has left a foreign void in your life. the annual welcome party hosted by greek life seemed like the perfect way to fill that void—they’d been fun in the past, anyway. but now that you’re here, sitting on the fourth step of the staircase with a concoction of who knows what in your red solo cup, it’s obvious that your intentions are backfiring. because instead of providing you any consolation, the party is only reminding you of what you were trying to force yourself to forget—your time with him.
you met him in the summer at a party similar to the one you’re currently miserable at, but the frat house was traded in for a sandy beach and cozy bonfire. instead of staying in your big city apartment for the seasonal break, you decided to take a trip to the town you’d been born in. it had been far too long since you’d visited your hometown and of course, your aunt was more than happy to have you for a few months. your cousin, too—you’d barely finished unpacking in the guest room when she barged in, insisting that you accompany her to a gathering.
“people come here all the time but it’ll be especially packed tonight since everyone is done with their classes. and you’ll get to meet a bunch of my friends!” your arms are linked and she tugs you in closer, resting her head on your shoulder.
“sounds like fun.” you smile and squeeze her arm. you missed that while you were away—the transparency people offered here. it’s not like that back home. the same people who will smile and wave at you would wait until you were out of earshot before finding some reason to talk shit about you. it’s exhausting, not knowing what people truly think. but it’s different here. no one ever feels the need to hide behind a mask. even if someone hates your guts, at least you’ll be sure of it. and as odd as it might sound, it’s comforting in its own strange way.
“we’re here!”
you’d visited this beach more times than you could count in your childhood but the sight before you is one you’ve never witnessed before. as the sun begins to dip below the horizon and the blue of the sky melts away into shades of pink and purple—both signs that the day is nearing its end—the beach comes to life. you’ve never seen the area after sunset, maybe because you hadn’t reached the double digits in age before you left, but after sundown, the atmosphere completely shifts. family fun during the day quickly turned to the escapades of students after dark. the set-up isn’t too formal—fairy lights are wrapped around any posts in the sand and bamboo torches fill the gaps that may have ended up too dark without them. there’s no stand for a bar—any drinks are kept cold in the coolers filled with ice. and to top it all off, a large fire sits in a dug-out hole of sand, the flames following the course of the soft breeze.
“wow,” you draw out the vowel, “you guys know how to throw a party.”
the town is small and the biggest school it harbors is a community college but you would be willing to bet money that most of the students who attend it are here tonight. even though summer still hasn’t technically started, there are plenty of people dressed in swimsuits and other summer apparel. you almost feel undressed in your tank top and shorts.
“be impressed later, we have rounds to make.” before you can gawk any longer, your cousin grabs your hand and leads you away. the two of you go from group to group so that you can introduce yourself to everyone. the task takes longer than you expect. it feels like the girl knows every face on the beach. you aren’t complaining though—her connections are sure to land you a few friends of your own. you aren’t sure how long it’s been since you started, but you’re relieved when, instead of hopping from one crowd to the next, you come to a standstill. you don’t think you can remember any more names even if you tried. though, your relief is short-lived.
“there’s one more person i want you to meet.” the girl’s eyes scan the beach in search of a particular someone as you sigh at the thought of having to give the same short “about me” spiel once more. “oh, there he is!”
just like she had all night, your cousin takes your hand and hers and guides you, seemingly to the figure sitting on the ground with their knees pulled up, one hand resting behind them in the sand, the other holding a brown bottle.
“sero! this is my cousin.” she gives him your name.
the man—sero—is quite a sight. a metal bar with a ball on each end sits on the arch of his right eyebrow, a small ring hugging his lip on the opposite side. the top half of his hair is pulled back into a loose bun that is having trouble keeping all the dark strands contained—a few pieces have escaped to frame his face. all three buttons on the chest of his white, long-sleeved shirt are undone, revealing a fair amount of tanned skin and just a sliver of something else. you can’t see exactly where it leads, but the ink on display due to his rolled up sleeves gives you an idea of what it is—a tattoo that stretches from his pec nearly down to his wrist. the dark lines warp and wind around his arm to paint a precise and beautiful image. vibrant pops of red on the petals of lotus flowers and scales of koi fish catch your eye as you inspect it. you will yourself to look away and back up to his face. if there wasn’t such a friendly smile gracing his lips, you would have found him intimidating.
“it’s nice to meet you.” you clear your throat and smile, sending him a polite wave.
“the pleasure is mine. wanna sit?” he holds your eye, jerking his head to the empty spot in the sand beside him.
“oh i should probably...” you were going to say stick with your cousin but when you turn your head to where she was standing, the girl was nowhere to be found. it doesn’t take long to find her, though, a familiar obnoxious laugh drifting through the air, the source of it several feet away. she’s a ways away now, but not so far that you can’t see her. you don’t see the harm in spending time with sero if she has found company elsewhere. “i guess i’ll take you up on that offer.”
crossing your ankles, you lower yourself into a sitting position beside sero, being sure to leave a reasonable space between you. you hug your knees to your chest. your head turns to face him, lips turning up into a slightly awkward smile. he was the first of many who didn’t follow up and ask the basic questions; what school you go to, where you’re visiting from, and whatnot. you have to admit, without the casual conversation starter, you’re at a loss for words.
“want something from the cooler?” maybe the silence was becoming too awkward for him and he decided to put you out of your misery, but you’re thankful for his words—even knowing you’ll have to find a new topic in a couple of seconds.
“if you have water, that’d be great.” sero seems nice enough but you don’t trust yourself to drink anything alcoholic in the presence of a stranger.
he nods, reaching over to open the cooler. he digs through the ice for a bit before pulling out a bottle of water. he holds the beverage out to you, fat drops of the melted ice dripping down onto the sand below. you stick your hand out to accept it.
“nice tattoo,” he comments upon seeing the mid-size piece on your extended forearm.
“oh this?” you turn your arm up so the ink on your skin is completely visible. the butterfly on your forearm was an impulsive decision that you made at the ripe age of eighteen. just looking at it brings back memories of the day you and your friends excitedly entered the tattoo shop. all of you had gotten some sort of symbol or pattern marked on you. they were something of a rite of passage into adulthood, or at least that’s what you told yourselves. you don’t hate it, but you don’t think much of it nowadays. “it’s nothing compared to yours.”
“it’s a little flashy, huh?” he chuckles as he twists his arm from side to side, examining the extravagant piece.
“no. well, maybe, but i like it.” your gaze finds its way back to his tattoo. it’s so much different than your own and you wonder what compelled him to get it. it must have been painful considering it takes up so much space, but even if his pain tolerance is high, you imagine the piece required multiple sessions in the chair. the dedication must mean the tattoo holds some sort of significance to him. “is there a story behind it?”
“nothing deep; i wanted it, so i got it.” the bottle in his hand meets his lips and he takes a swig of the beer.
“really?” his answer surprises you. while you can understand it—his reasoning is practically identical to yours—you weren’t expecting it. something made you think there would be a more grand explanation. “that’s all?”
he nods. “that’s all.”
sero is strange. not in a way that makes you uncomfortable or wary of him, but he’s certainly different. sure, you’ve only spent less than half an hour with him but from what you’ve gathered in that time, your conclusion is that he’s best compared to a puzzle. from his appearance to the way he speaks to the mysterious air that floats around him—you’re intrigued. you want to put the pieces together.
“my legs are getting cramped.” he stretches the limbs out with a dramatic groan before boosting himself up off the ground. his fingers brush the sand off from his khaki-colored palazzo pants. now that he’s standing at his full height, you can see how truly tall he is—over six feet for sure. despite his loose-fitting clothes, you can tell he is on the thinner side; his muscles more lean than bulky. he looks down at your sitting figure, holding a hand out, presumably for you to take it. “care to join me for a walk, butterfly?”
“butterfly?” you question with raised brows. there’s a glint of playfulness in his obsidian eyes.
he shrugs, a smile finding its way to his lips. “i thought it was fitting. so, are you going to leave me by my lonesome or hang out a little longer?”
you look at his outstretched hand. “well, can’t have you feeling lonely, now can we?”
you take his hand in yours and sero pulls you up to your feet. you struggle to find your footing in the sand, but sero doesn’t let go until you regain your balance. before the two of you set off, your companion helps you find your cousin so that you can inform her of where you are heading. the voices and music of the party become hushed the further you both makes your way down the shore.
the rush of waves laps at the sand of the beach as you walk beside them. the sound was soothing, a far cry from the atmosphere you’d just left behind. another wave rushes toward you and sero. you’re nervous that it will reach his sandal-clad feet but it stops just short of them. even if the water had hit him, you don’t think he would mind.
“so...” he breaks the comfortable silence, sticking his hands away in his pockets. you turn to face him upon hearing his voice, but he’s looking up to the sky. the sun was setting when you had arrived but it’s long gone now, the night sky illuminated by sparkling stars. “you’re only here until you go back to school?”
you nod even though he isn’t looking at you. “i wanted a change of scenery and my family used to live here, so this was the first place i thought of.”
he hums in understanding.
“how about you?” your mission of putting the puzzle that is sero together will remain unaccomplished if you don’t make an effort at getting to know him. “you probably go to UA if my cousin knows you from school.”
“yeah, i do. well, i guess i did. i’m transferring so this’ll be my last summer in town.” 
“i guess we’ll both be gone in a few months then.” you point out.
“all the more reason to make those months unforgettably exciting, right?”
he has a point; without assignments or essays or presentations to worry about, you’re free to have as much fun as you’d like. living carelessly and creating memories before going your separate ways is a lot like the coming-of-age movies you watched in high school. what sero is proposing sounds similar, but instead of making those memories with people you’d known your entire life, you’d be doing it with some guy you had just met. and, honestly, the thought is exhilarating. maybe the change of scenery you sought would come in the form of a person, not a place.
“what do you say?” he gently nudges your shoulder, looking down at you with eyes full of promise. “want to be my partner in crime for the summer?”
it’s been a month since that night. of those thirty days, nearly all of them were spent with sero. you were able to get his phone number before you went home with your cousin and were pleasantly surprised to wake up to a text from him asking to hang out. that’s how it usually went—he either messaged you in the early hours of the morning or super late at night to take you to his favorite spots in town. you could recall a few of them from childhood but others were entirely new to you. one thing remained the same across all the places you visited together, that being with each stop you made, you grew closer and closer to sero.
today is no different—well, just a little. sero’s texts are usually accompanied by a location where you’d meet him. this time around, he asks for your address so that he can pick you up. you gave it to him without a second thought. when you get the text that he’s on his way, you grab your phone and keys and sit outside on one of the steps of the front porch to wait for him. despite expecting him, you’re caught off guard when he pulls into your aunt’s driveway.
“hey, butterfly.” he rarely ever calls you by your name, opting to use the nickname he had coined instead. you don’t mind it. “what’s with the face?”
“nothing, nothing. it’s just, when you said you were picking me up, i thought it would be in a car.” or a truck. maybe even a van. something with four doors; hell, even something with two doors would be on par with your expectations. the two-wheeled, one-seat scooter before you doesn’t even have doors. you aren’t even sure if you’ll be able to sit behind him on the cushioned leather.
“are you telling me you don’t like my vespa? you wound me.” sero dramatically holds a hand to his heart. you shake your head, your feet taking you to stand beside his unconventional mode of transport. upon further surveillance, the white scooter looks cute, charming. it even has a ledge where you could set a bag or basket in the back. still, in the month you’ve spent getting to know him, you never imagined that sero would own a ride that so drastically juxtaposed his image.
“no, no. it’s cool but... i guess i figured if you were driving something with two wheels, it’d be a motorcycle. or, you know, something edgier than a scooter.”
“it’s a vespa.” he corrects you, shoving his spare helmet in your direction. you snort as you take it, placing it on your head and clipping the strap under your chin. “and it’s plenty edgy.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night. so, where do i go on this situation?” you gesture. now that you’re closer, it looks even less likely that there’s enough space left on the seat for you to squeeze on.
“hop on the back.” sero reaches behind him to pat the brown leather.
you give him a doubtful look and he returns it with one of challenging amusement. you can tell when you were beat. with a sigh, you toss one leg over and shimmy forward until your chest is pressed firmly against sero’s back. if you lean back the slightest bit, you’re sure you’ll hit the ground. “i’m not going to fall off, am i?”
you can feel the laughter ripple through sero’s body as the vespa roars to life. he nudges the kickstand back, balancing the both of you on the scooter effortlessly. his head turns to look over his shoulder. the playfully mischievous look that seems to linger in his dark eyes is present—tenfold. “not if you hold on.”
your arms tightly wrap around his midsection as he reverses out of your driveway and speeds down the street. most of your hair is tucked away in the helmet settled on your head, but any of the strands that happened to escape are blown in the direction of the wind. the warm breeze tickles your face. each time sero curves into a turn, your heart feels as though it is floating up toward your throat. it’s nerve-wracking at first, but as you grow more confident that sero isn’t going to skid off the road, fear is traded in for enthusiasm whenever you see his lithe fingers reach for the turn signal. the ride ends up being much more pleasant than you imagined. so much so that you’re slightly disappointed when sero pulls into a parking lot and situates the vespa in an empty spot.
you follow his lead and remove your helmet, taking his hand when he offers it to help you off the scooter. you take the time sero spends making sure the vehicle won’t fall over to survey where he had taken you. he claimed that he was treating you to lunch and the sign spelling out “hamburgers” in bold letters cements his word.
the building is only large enough to house a kitchen—there’s no indoor seating, but a few picnic tables take up space on either side of the establishment. the lack of an indoor dining room doesn’t deter the townspeople from enjoying the food, though. a number of families and groups of friends lounge outside, conversing and laughing over their meals. the environment is friendly.
“mind if i order for us both?” sero bumps his shoulder against yours.
from the start, sero told you he’d never lead you astray. he made a habit of rubbing it in your face and saying “i told you so” during the times when your skepticism at his suggestions turned into you begrudgingly admitting defeat. as a result, you quickly learned to trust his judgement. you shake your head in response to his question, “go for it.”
“i’ll be back.”
you watch as sero makes his way toward the stand to place the order. he greets the employee with a smile and they return it. you’re too far away to hear their exchange but something tells you that it had shifted from food to something else, if the fact that sero was shoving his wallet back into his pocket is any evidence. his comfortability makes you wonder if he is familiar with the worker. if that’s the case, sero has ties with almost everyone in town. it’s possible that he is just charismatic enough to make it seem as though he knows everyone he chats with, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he really did. it made you think about how difficult it would be for him to move away.
“i’m back and bearing food.” sero approaches with a bright red tray carrying all the menu items he had ordered. “let’s go find somewhere to sit.”
you nod and fall into step beside him, walking past parked cars to find the seating area. he jerks his head toward an empty table, silently asking whether or not that one was okay. it is clean and unoccupied which checks the two boxes on the short list of what you consider a suitable table. you sit down on the bench and sero takes a seat beside you, setting the tray down on the table. you finally get a good look at its contents. two burgers, a large serving of french fries, and a paper cup filled to the brim with a strawberry milkshake, two red straws sticking out of the frozen beverage.
“a milkshake with two straws? and you continue to deny that you’re a romantic.” you waste no time popping a fry into your mouth. the whole “sero the romantic” thing started as a joke. he was gentlemanly whenever the two of you hung out, always offering to pay, guiding you with a hand on the small of your back, and never failing to open a door for you. you took every opportunity to point out his kind gestures, even going as far as calling him boyfriend material. he’d always laugh and brush it off, but his behavior never changed.
“because i’m not. this,” he gestures to the paper cup, “was a frugal choice.” 
you smile at his excuse.
“stop looking at me like that and taste your food.”
you laugh and raise your hands in mock surrender before unwrapping the burger from its parchment paper. sero had been raving about this restaurant that supposedly had the best burger in town. the one in your hold looks plainly average but you figure that this must be the place he was talking about—you can feel his stare burning into the side of your face, waiting for your reaction. you would’ve messed with him for a little longer if you weren’t so hungry. so, you turn to face him and take a bite. 
he raises his eyebrows in curiosity as you chew. you nod your head and give him a thumbs up so you wouldn’t speak with your mouth full.
“mm, i think it’s more than a head nod and thumbs up if it’s all over your face,” sero comments. while you’re sure that he was exaggerating, you can admit that the first bite usually is messy. your eyes scan the table for a napkin so that you can wipe off whatever is staining your face. luckily, a small pile of white rectangles sit on the tray. before you can grab one, sero softly presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, his tongue poking out to clean off the lingering sauce. your frown brings a smirk to his lips as he pulls away.
you can’t say exactly when that started—the kissing, not licking. maybe a couple weeks into the summer? it was nighttime, you remembered that much, and it was spontaneous. neither of you initiated the kiss, it just happened, almost as though there was a magnet between the both of you drawing you together. and it felt good. too good. sero knew as much, which was why the first words out of his mouth were ones explaining that it would be easier if the two of you didn’t label your relationship. it was strange to you—the concept of being intimate with someone and not calling them your partner, but you understood that it was better this way. you’d have to say goodbye eventually and dissolving ties would come as a less painful task if you didn’t think of sero as your boyfriend.
“i could have done that myself, you know.” you hold up your free hand to flick his forehead but he catches it before you are able. instead, he kisses the pulse located at your wrist, smiling against your skin.
“where’s the fun in that?” he asks through a laugh after you swatted him away.
“ugh,” you groan theatrically, “just eat.”
even though you’re here at sero’s suggestion, he has a more enjoyable time playing around than eating. he spends practically the rest of the outing trying to see if he can land small, torn up pieces of the food in your open mouth and dipping french fries into the strawberry-flavored shake despite you fighting him on it, claiming that the saltiness would throw off the taste. before the two of you clean up to leave, sero pulls out his phone to document the moment. it had become a sort of tradition—taking a photo every time you hung out. he said that this way, the both of you could look at the image and relive the day.
the picture taken to highlight the day is one of you and sero happily drinking your shared milkshake.
“why couldn’t we ride your stupid vespa here?”
ever since sero introduced you to his vespa last month, he started taking you everywhere on the moped you insulted as if to spite you. so when he came to pick you up tonight, you were surprised to see him on foot. you don’t mind it much, but it’s a little odd strolling down the sidewalk—arm in arm with sero—in your swimsuit after dark.
“first of all, fuck you—it’s not stupid.” he tries to shake you off of him but you only hold on tighter, grinning at his reaction. he never lets any of your sly comments about his vespa go unnoticed. god, he loves that dumb little scooter. “second of all, it might have drawn some unwanted attention.”
“now what is that supposed to mean? you’re not going to get me arrested, are you?” of course you don’t really think sero would take you to do anything illegal, but his wording warrants cause for concern.
he tries once more to escape your grasp, but this time around, you let him go. his now free arm wraps around your shoulder to pull you into his chest. you stumble at the unexpected motion, but he makes sure to keep you on your feet. a pair of soft lips meet your forehead in an obnoxiously messy kiss. “have some faith in me, butterfly. i promise we won’t have any run-ins with the law.” 
“so you’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” you ask.
“nope,” he pops the p, “wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
sero promised you a summer full of excitement and he has yet to disappoint. no matter how vague he is in regard to what adventure you’re taking next, you trust him.
so when he asks you to close your eyes, you do so without hesitation.
one of his hands covers the upper half of your face to ensure you won’t peek while the other guides you. his touch grounds you but your fingers restlessly tap at your thighs in anticipation. maybe it’s because you gave up one of your senses, but it feels like you’ve been walking blindly forever.
“i feel like people usually do the whole ‘close your eyes’ thing when they’re closer to their destination.”
“so impatient.” his hand moves from your back to tickle your side in a weak gesture of scolding you. you giggle and flinch, but there isn’t much you can do to get him to stop without your eyesight. his fingers don’t continue for long, though, as teasing tickles turn into a comforting squeeze. “we’re here, but keep your eyes shut.”
the warmth that had spread across your face is replaced by a brisk breeze when sero pulls his hand away. even with your eyes closed, the street lights make the darkness within your eyelids a tad bit brighter. you aren’t sure how far away he is, maybe a couple of feet, but you can hear sero fiddling with something—something metal that clacks against more metal. finally, a creaking sound. his sandals scrape against the sidewalk as he moves to stand beside you.
“you can open them in three, two, one.” as soon as his countdown comes to an end, your eyelids flutter open. beyond the gate that sero just made work of unlocking is a sparkling blue pool. the light breeze creates soft ripples throughout the water that is illuminated by circular lights. “ta-da.”
“wow, i didn’t know you had a pool.” a while ago—you can’t say when—you had told sero that you thought swimming in the sea under the stars was something you always wanted to do when you were a kid. you knew that it was pretty much impossible considering how dangerous it might be, so the thought only lived in your head as an unattainable fantasy. this is a little different but the premise is still there—swimming in the blue under the night sky. and you can’t believe that sero had remembered the little piece of information you shared with him.
“i don’t.” sero nonchalantly replies, pulling his crew neck over his head and tossing it onto one of the chairs. the lack of sleeves reveals the tattoo you’d easily grown to love. he lets his hair loose from the hair tie that binds it, smoothing a hand over the dark strands  to tame any flyaways. you stare at him incredulously. didn’t he just tell you that you didn’t have to worry about getting into any trouble?
“whose house are we at then?” you question. your feet are anchored to the ground. as much as you want to live out this modified version of what you often imagined, you aren’t entirely comfortable with the thought of trespassing on someone’s property to do so.
“a friend’s. and don’t worry, no one’s home. his family is away on vacation.” it seems plausible enough. the silver key that sits on top of his jacket shines under the moonlight. that’s proof that he hadn’t picked the lock. so unless he stole the key, maybe you two really are in the clear.
“hey, relax.” sero can sense your reluctance and moves to stand behind you. his hands reach around you to unzip the hoodie that served as a coverup. once he’s pulled it off your arms, he flings the article of fabric and it joins his in a pile on the pool chair. with your shoulders now exposed, he presses a light kiss to each of them before wrapping his arms around your waist. “i wouldn’t lie to you.”
“yeah, yeah.” he’s right, though. it isn’t like him to lie, not in a situation like this, anyway. you’ve spent enough time worrying and the walk here wasn’t a particularly short one. all things considered, you’re wasting valuable time. “let’s get—”
you aren’t able to finish your sentence before sero’s hold on you tightens and your feet are pulled up and out of your flip-flops. your eyes widen in shock at the sudden motion. there isn’t time to question his actions as sero begins walking you to the edge of the pool. he swings you back to gain momentum before hurling you forward. you’re already mid-air and above the water when a scream rips from your throat.
under the water, everything around you sounds muffled. the cold temperature is jarring enough to shake you from your state of surprise and urge you to swim up. when you emerge at the surface, the first thing you can hear is sero’s irksome laughter. your hands move to push the wet hair sticking to your forehead off of your face. the sight of sero recovering from his fit of chuckles has you narrowing your eyes. “hanta, you asshole!”
you don’t mean to scream—your plan was to keep your volume down in hopes of not disturbing any of the neighbors, but you can’t help it considering what the man had just done. and he has no remorse as he wipes a tear from his eye at your reaction to his antics. to make things worse, you can’t even get him back by splashing the chilly water at his dry figure because he’s jumping in to join you before you have the chance.
the water splatters with his weight, leaving the drops that had escaped to decorate the pool patio in dark little specks. you shield your face with an arm to keep yourself from becoming a victim of his cannonball. he surfaces not long after, shaking his hair out as if he’s a dog getting out of the bath. he meets your gaze with a bright smile.
“i can’t believe you.” you kick your feet to take you away, not wanting to be pulled in by his charm. the waves tickle your face as you float to the other end of the pool. now that you have been in it for a while, the water doesn’t feel as cold.
loud splashes and a new set of waves alert you of sero’s presence. he’s beside you in an instant, still wearing that very same smile. “you can’t?”
you aren’t mad—you don’t think it’s possible for you to truly be upset with him. and despite the little stunt he pulled catching you off guard, you have to admit that it was on-brand for him. all of your lingering annoyance with him disappears as he juts his lip out in a pout. you huff out a laugh at his childish expression.
upon seeing your relaxed countenance, he swathes you in his arms, pulling you close so that the tips of your noses are touching. the blue of the water accompanies your reflection in his dark irises. “i know a pool doesn’t really compare to the open expanse of the sea, but i hope you’re having fun.”
“this is more than enough for me. thank you.” your hands tangle in his wet strands of raven hair to draw him in impossibly closer. your lips brush against his softly in what can barely be considered a kiss. the unintentional teasing has more of an effect on sero than you expect, his lips chasing yours the moment you drag them away.
the cool metal of the jewelry that hangs from his lip presses against your skin as he deepens this kiss. your legs unconsciously wrap around his waist as you suck in a breath through your nose. his tongue swipes across your lower lip and you part the two without hesitation. though, you aren’t granted the opportunity to continue on much further without interruption.
“sero, what the fuck?” an unfamiliar voice rings out in the air causing you to hastily pull away. you search for the source of the noise, following sero’s gaze as he turns around to address the person calling for him. you tilt your head up to the second story of the house you’d barely paid any mind to and are met with a head of yellow hair that is strikingly bright in comparison to the darkness surrounding it. this must be the friend that sero was talking about.
“hey, kami.” he’s considerably calm for having just been caught in such a promiscuous position. does he not find this the slightest bit embarrassing? “i thought you were out of town until tomorrow.”
“yeah, well, obviously plans changed.” the guy’s—kami’s—eyes finally fall on you. the burning in your cheeks tempts you to hide behind sero, but there’s nothing malicious behind his stare. there is only fatigue and a little alarm swimming in his golden eyes. they dart back to sero. “i hate to cut whatever you’re doing short, but you need to get out of here. my parents are going to kill me if they find out you have a spare key.”
“we’ll be out of your hair, man.” sero sends him a two-finger salute. his friend shakes his head and closes his window, presumably to go back to bed.
sero rotates to face you.
“on vacation, huh?” you shoot him a questioning look.
“you heard him,” he shrugs with a smile, “plans changed.”
aside from the chirping of crickets and the gentle wind rustling the lush leaves, it’s silent. your head rests comfortably on sero’s shoulder, his arm folded around your waist. he’s brought you to a hill that overlooks what seems like the entire town. it would have been nice—his company and the view—if the silence wasn’t so suffocating.
even your first night together wasn’t this quiet.
you try to ignore the stillness by turning your focus to the scenery before you. somewhere down below is denki’s pool that you swam in last month, the burger place you’d eaten at the month before, and the beach where you met sero the month before that one. you can only pick out the beach now. just like that mid-may night, it’s lit up by string lights and contained flames, and the stretch of sand is occupied by the very same people you became acquainted with three months ago. there’s a party going on—some end of the summer get together that your cousin invited you to just out of courtesy. she knew you wanted to spend your last night here with sero.
“it’s really our last night together...” his voice cuts through the silence. you normally love hearing him talk; it usually brings a smile to your face. but just like the rest of this night, his voice has a different effect on you—one you can’t claim to be fond of.
“yeah.” your voice breaks. there it is—the reason, or part of the reason, you can’t will yourself to break the silence, will yourself to speak. you don’t know what to say and you figure any words you can string together into a coherent sentence will only end up cracking in your throat.
your cheeks are wet—you’re crying. the tears slip from their ducts, sliding down your cheeks and slipping past the corners of your mouth, leaving a taste as bitter as this moment on your tongue. an instinctive sniffle makes you wrinkle your nose. you don’t even realize that the sleeve of sero’s shirt is soaking up half of your tears.
“hey, no tears, butterfly.” you can feel the vibrations of his voice on the side of your face. he squeezes your side in hopes of comforting you. and it does, a little, but part of it hurts. not physically, but knowing that these few touches from him will be your last is painful. “didn’t we have fun?”
you think back to one of your first conversations with sero—the one when he asked you to join him in making the summer unforgettably exciting. you had no way of knowing just how much fun you’d have and how many memories you’d make along the way. at some point, sero had wedged his way into your heart and made a room for himself. all the memorable moments you had lived with him over the summer would reside in that room.
you nod weakly, as best you could in your current position. “yeah, we did.”
from the start, you knew that this was bound to end eventually, that this world you were living in would only last the summer. what you couldn’t have predicted was the bond you’d make with sero. you knew that the closer you got to him, the more difficult it would be for you to say goodbye in the end. still, even facing the hardship now, you wouldn’t change anything given the chance. 
"thank you.” his utterance is barely a whisper, as though the words were meant for you and you only—as if you’re in a bubble secluded from everyone and everything else.
“hm?” you snuggle into the crook of his neck, taking in the familiar fragrance of his cologne—just another thing you’ll miss. “for what?”
“being my partner in crime.” his head comes to rest on your own and your eyes drift shut at the contact. he breathes in a heavy sigh against your hairline. you can feel his lips curl up into a smile. “i can’t imagine giving the position to anyone else.”
a smile of your own makes its way to your lips. “same here.”
sero is much better at hiding the emotion in his voice, but if you were able to get a look at him, you’d be able to see his eyes glossed over with unshed tears.
it’s been almost two weeks since you’d last seen him. as happy as you are to be back in your element, you’d be lying if you said things had bounced back to the way they were before you met sero. something about life now feels off. it isn’t that you aren’t yourself, rather, that a newly discovered piece of you has gone missing. you’ve been driving yourself crazy trying to figure out how parting ways with someone after only four months of knowing them could leave you feeling so hollow.
all you are sure of is that you want to get out of here.
you throw back the pink liquid in your cup, the sting causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head. no point in letting a perfectly good drink go to waste, right? you stand up and wipe the condensation that had transferred from the cup to your hand on the front of your pants. your feet carry you to the nearest trash can and you crumple the plastic, tossing it in the bin. you attempt to recall where your roommate said she had wandered off to—you can’t remember if she said beer pong or king’s cup. either way, you need to find her to see if she planns on staying much longer.
process of elimination; beer pong up first.
the scent of liquor and sweat invades your nostrils as you near the room where the long, black table is situated. it’s nauseating but you push on, determined to find the person you’re searching for. unfortunately, your roommate is nowhere to be found in the crowd of people packed within the four walls. you scan each room left on the first floor of the frat house and there is still no sign of them.
it isn’t like her to go somewhere without a word and she definitely wouldn’t leave without telling you. you have yet to pull out your phone but it’s becoming clear that you’ll require the aide. you just hope she has her phone somewhere on her person.
your eyes are glued to the screen in your hand, fingers tapping out a message while you make your way to the back door. you’re just about to hit send on the text when you collide with something hard. the impact draws an “oof” out of the barrier you had just run into. that much tells you that it isn’t a wall, but a person. you rush to apologize for your fault. 
“shit, sorry.” you rub your forehead at the site that had bumped into what must have been a chest. everything inside your skull feels jumbled.
“no worries—butterfly?”
your ears perk up at the nickname. only one person calls you that and as far as you know, he isn’t anywhere near here. but there is no mistaking that voice—it sounds exactly like him. your eyes drag up from the floor to face the figure. you must have put back that alcohol too fast or hit your head harder than you thought because you swear that sero is standing in front of you.
“don’t tell me you forgot about me already. or are you just drunk off your ass?”
you almost, almost, can’t believe it’s him, but everything about the guy from his daring piercings to his hypnotizing dark eyes to the stunning tattoo on his arm screams sero. it is him. it has to be.
“the one and only.”
you blink at his confirmation. all he can do is smile at your confusion.
“wh-what are you doing here?” you ask—not that you aren’t unhappy to see him—it was quite the opposite, but you’re still trying to wrap your head around him being here.
“this happens to be my new campus. thought i’d try to make some friends before classes started. but i can’t say i expected to see you here—what a pleasant surprise.”
he told you that he was planning on transferring schools but you figured there was no point in asking what or where that school might be. and what was the likelihood of him ending up on the very campus you called your own? apparently, the odds were greater than you thought. 
the awkwardness of your encounter is melting away into the comfortability you’d come to associate with sero due to the newfound information. you don’t know if it’ll be possible to jump back in where the two of you left off, but having him back in your life is more than you could ever ask for.
you nod, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back the wide smile that threatens to stretch across your lips. “how’s that going for you?”
he shrugs. “eh, doesn’t matter. i just ran into an old one.”
“oh yeah?” you raise an eyebrow in question.
“yeah.” he shoots you a knowing look. the sparkle in his eye serves as a signal that something playfully entertaining is brewing behind them. and, more than any time during the summer, you can’t wait to find out what he might be scheming. “hey, do you wanna get out of here?”
you don’t have to think about your answer. “i’d love that.”
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thank u for reading! if u enjoyed, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated ❤︎
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theconstantsidekick · 8 months
heyyyy...how are you doing.????
I was just wondering that if you have the idea of writing one shots for static verse , could you.. maybe write something where static takes Bucky as her date to her Harvard reunion...
may be when she was studying , everyone used to be so jealous of her cuz she is basically a sassy smartass...but now in the reunion they are acting so nice because she is a lawyer/avenger.. Definitely faking niceness...
and Jamie boy being too proud of his girl...
The Class of '92 | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Fluffy with a chance of angst.
Summary: Y/n goes to the Harvard Reunion to reap the benefits of the alumni fees she's been giving out for the last three and a half decades.
(This takes place after the events of Static: Get, Set, Glitch. However, it can be read as a stand-alone piece. But it’s fun. I promise.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Recreational Drug Use, Mentions of Sex, Minors DNI, 18+ Only.
a/n: I think I strayed a little away from the original premise? I'm sorry?
Bucky Barnes, The Boyfriend (other one-shots) | The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Static Verse Masterlist
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If she were being completely honest, she never entertained the idea of going to her class reunions. The whole ‘being-half-alien-aging-like-a-nebula-and-looking-the-same-for-years-on-end’ thing kinda took the wind out of her sails whenever she even thought about accepting the invite.
But that was then. 
Now people know who she is, what she is. No more reasons to hide, no Ross on her ass trying to hunt her down for the Accords, no giant purple grape looking alien knocking at the door threatening to burn the world down, no younger brother constantly being confused as her older brother.
Fuck. She’ll never get used to that.
The moment the invitation popped up on her laptop screen, her first reaction was to call Tony.
“You’ve got Tony Stark. I’m probably busy saving the world or curing a hangover. You can leave a message at the beep but I only get back to people if they’re hot. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will delete your message if you’re not. You’ve been warned.” The pre-recorded voice-message cut off with a beep.
Exhaling harshly, she spoke softly, “I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go to my reunion with me. Free booze, snobby assholes, jealous losers who hate me for being smarter, and did I mention the free booze? Totally your scene.” She fidgeted with the folder on her desk, nervous about a voicemail. “But you’re busy… being a dead dick so… So I guess I’ll just skip it this year as well.”
Life had other plans, though.
Well, her beloved boyfriend James Bucky Barnes did.
“I can go with you?” He offered. 
“What?” she asked him, confused.
“To the reunion,” he answered easily, his eyes still fixed on the omelet he was making for her. “I can go with you. Can’t guarantee I’ll be as fun company as your brother, but I can show you a good time. Pull out all the stops, be the trophy husband of a lifetime.” He smiled at her then. “Only if you want to, though.”
And now here they were. 
“This was a bad idea,” she comments, sipping on her drink.
“Why?” Bucky asks her, more confident than her—which don’t get her wrong was hot as fuck, but very unlike them.
“They’re all… they’re all—”
“Old?” Bucky finished with an amused smile. 
She couldn’t help the smile that slipped out.
He looks good, comfortable and sen-fucking-sational. He’s wearing a black tux with a white shirt and black bowtie. She’d been a little too busy trying to decide what to wear to have noticed him changing into the outfit. Eventually, having finalized on a white twill suit and a blood red silk shirt with a matching tie, she stepped out of her room. And he was a fucking vision.
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Looking at him might just be her favourite hobby. She could pursue that shit as a vocation.
“That happens sometimes.” Bucky tells her. “People do get old, you know?”
She looks around at the crowd. They’re at the prime location for people watching, standing at the bar, far in the corner of the vast room. The lights are dim, only sprinkles of yellow scattered around the venue, the rest is overshadowed by a sea of ocean blue. So, she takes the moment, the isolation and takes a while to soak in his words. 
‘People do get old.’
“Yeah… yeah. I know,” she responds solemnly.
He takes a moment too, not to look at the crowd. Bucky seldom looks at anything with interest apart from her. He does the same now, he looks at her, studying the expression on her face. With his assessment done, he says, “I’ve never seen you nervous before.”
“I’m not nervous,” Y/n bites back, scolding him with absolutely no heat whatsoever.
“I’ve never seen you anxious before,” he amends.
Rolling her eyes, “I’m not anxious.”
She has to look at him then. Brows furrowed, she frowns. 
Bucky throws up his hands instantly, admitting his mistake with an adorable smile.
“I used to steal Bruce’s homemade tacos before he learned to control the Hulk,” she smiles too. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
He takes a step closer to her, his words are softer when he speaks but bold enough for her to hear with ease. Gently placing his hand on the small of her back, he asks, “Then what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t exactly… well, let’s just say there’s a reason I avoided going to class when I was in college,” she answers. Bucky’s face scrunches up at the insinuation.
But before he can enquire about it any further, before she can warn him, a voice cuts in.
“That was because you used to be a facetious little know-it-all,” the man comments. “You didn’t need the classes anyway.” He smiles, and there is no warmth in it.
Bucky must notice because his arm tightens just a little around her.
This was bound to happen sooner or later. She decides to roll with the punches. She knew what she was getting into when she came here.
“Charles Walton,” she greets him with a smile, just as dead as his. “Been a long time.”
“I’d say the same, but you look exactly the same as you did back then—not a hair out of place. I’m not sure time even passed,” he jokes, or well he tries.
“What can I say? It’s the price of being an Avenger,” she bites back.
He laughs, a hollow thing. “Hey, Milkovich!” He yells out over her head. “Guess who showed up!”
Well, fuck.
That one shout is enough to draw the attention of the entire class of 92. Cause almost instantly there’s a crowd gathered around Bucky and her. There’s chuckles and whispers among them—some are bewildered at her presence while others seem itching to make this a battlefield. 
“Ah, the famous Avenger,” a female voice chimes in. “You're famous around these parts, you know?” She takes a couple steps closer to them. Assessing her from head to toe, “Not just for being an Avenger, but being so elusive that you didn’t show up for a single reunion… But at least now we know why.”
“Nice to see you too, Seline,” Y/n tells her, calm and centered.
“Shit, Stark!” Mickey Milkovitch balks. “You look the fucking same!” 
And fine, she can take it from Milkovich. The guy was always crass but never rude. He just lacked a fucking filter.
So the smile that she smiles is open and kind. “Thanks, Mick. I could say the same about you.” She’s not lying. The guy looks pretty good for his age… and for the copious amount of alcohol she remembers him consuming during every party and every lecture.
“Not as good as you, holy shit! You really don’t age, do you?” He asks and it’s genuine so again, he gets a pass.
Nodding, “Not enough. My telomeres don’t work right, I think. Rest of me is human… mostly.”
And Mickey seems to take a lot of pleasure in her answer—smiling, he holds up his glass to cheers. She meets him with her own glass.
“Can’t lie, it’s a surprise to see you here,” another woman speaks up. “We thought we’d seen the last of you at the graduation.” 
“Sorry to disappoint you, Candace. I saw the invite and I just couldn’t help myself,” Y/n bites back.
“Didn’t have time for us before?” Candace Huston asks.
“Ah.” Y/n never really liked these snobby prep school kids. Even after all these years, they’ve somehow managed to not change at all. She doesn’t know why she expected them to. “I was a little caught up.”
“Saving the world?” Archer Bass suggests, mocking.
“Yes,” Bucky cuts in before she can form some modest version of that answer. She can always count on him to stump the opposition while she reloads. “That’s the day job. Doesn’t pay as well as whatever it is you guys have been doing. And oh! Odd hours, really odd. But it’s good work, wouldn’t you say, sweetheart?”
She smiles, finding comfort in the warmth of his gaze. “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been a Personal Injury Lawyer.” Bucky smiles at that and fuck if that doesn’t just rile her up. “Oh! I almost forgot, this is my boyfriend—”
She’s cut off by Charles ‘Chickenshit’ Walton, “The Winter Soldier. We know who he is.”
“At least he’s a looker,” Seline snickers. “I’ll give you that.”
“The two of you make a great couple—The Winter Soldier and Static, ex assassin and ex assassin,” Candace adds with a snide smile. There’s more catty bullshit like that from the rest of the crowd but she kinda zones out.
And fuck it all to hell.
Her entire college life was avoiding these fools.
All her life she’d watched shows about the shitshow that is high school. She hadn’t attended it, of course but Harvard was supposed to be her first try. It was supposed to be her playing her hand at being utterly and completely normal, one with the crowd. College wasn’t supposed to be as brutal as highschool but not as uncaring as a desk job. It was supposed to be an easy middle between the two. Part of her was excited even. But the reality wasn’t all that movies made it out to be.
They were snobs, the fucking lot of them. Always looking at every tiny little detail, studying it a microscope, planning and scheming to find a chink in her armour just to break her down. She didn’t understand why then. Why they didn’t like her, why she was the outsider. Because despite everything she wasn’t exactly that different from them, not to their knowledge at least. Howie was fucking loaded, ipso facto she was too. None of them knew her past but everytime they looked at her their eyes were always hungry, always searching for some weakness.
She gets it now.
It wasn’t hunger. It wasn’t some twisted version of distrust.
It was straight up jealousy.
They were jealous of her.
They were jealous of her back then and if possible they are even more jealous of her now.
Y/n just laughs. She can’t help it, okay? It’s hilarious.
She really, genuinely believed at one point in her life that these fucking dipshits would figure out her secret, when all they were looking for was a way to top the class. These are some of the smartest individuals she’s come across—graduates of Harvard Law. Fuck! They were just kids fighting for brownie points when she was fighting for her freedom. God fucking damn it, she’s been so damn dumb. 
So she laughs.
Bucky looks at her for a second, raises his brow in concern. She waves her hand at him, letting him know she’s fine. It’s just funny.
“Something funny, Stark?” Archer asks, wearing a smile on his face that contradicts his tone which is just a little too shrill to be considered calm.
She shakes her head but continues chuckling.
“Don’t wanna share it with the rest of the class?” Charles bites. “Guess some things just don’t change.”
Y/n laughs a little harder. “My god, Charlie. You sure I’m the only one not aging here? Cause you sound like a sullen teenager.” She waves off his response before he can even form one. “Anyway, as I was saying, this is my boyfriend, Sergeant James Buchanon Barnes.” She drops a kiss on his cheek. “You can call him Sergeant Barnes… Well, except Milkovich. He’s just Barnes to you, Mick.”
Mickey seems pleased with her words, “Nice to meet you, Barnes.” He extends his hand to Bucky who takes it without hesitation. “Always thought your arm was really cool.” 
That one throws Bucky a little. He looks back at her, eyes big and a sneaky curve of his lip. It screams, ‘Where the fuck did you find this guy?’ But like she said, no filter on that one. 
“Why does Milkovitch get special treatment?” Seline rebukes her.
Y/n just shrugs. “Cause he wasn’t a dick to me in college?” Isn’t it obvious?
“Excuse me?” Candace exclaims like the hit was personal. “We were never anything but generous, which was more than what you deserved considering the shit you pulled.”
“One, that is wildly inaccurate. You were all dicks, all of you. But I don’t think I blame you for it, pompous kids do what pompous kids see. And two, what shit did I pull?” She waves at the bartender asking for a refill.
“You are seriously going to pretend you don’t know?” Archer throws back.
Taking the last sip from her drink she sets the now empty glass down on the nearest table. “Yes, enlighten me.”
“You were sleeping with Professor Keating to get the answers to all the tests,” Charles answers, disdain clear on his face.
“I—” She looks from his face to Bucky's, who feigns shock before breaking into a smile.
Charles cuts her off. “You hid it well enough but everyone knew you spent most of the free time between classes in his office. You scored well in every single one of his tests, which were impossible to crack and he was always so very eager to call on you in class.” He scoffs. “We were never able to find any concrete evidence to pin you down, we’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean we were naive enough not to see it.”
“I—” She begins laughing again. “Professor Keating.” Fuck.
“What’s so fucking funny, Stark?” Archer pushes her. Well, he tries but before he can grab the collar he was reaching for, Bucky’s metal arm is already pulling him off.
“Easy there, cowboy,” Bucky warns.
“Get your hands off me!” Archer tries to brush Bucky off, pushing him back, trying desperately to get out of his grip, but come on. It’s Bucky. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“Saving you the ass beating of a lifetime, buddy boy. Be glad it’s me and not her,” Bucky comments causally as he twists Archer’s arm behind his back.
“It’s fine, Sunshine. Let him go,” she coos at him sweetly.
And because he’s Bucky, he urges Archer to take a few steps away from her and then simply lets him go.
“Are you still mentally unstable?! How dare you touch me? I’m gonna sue your Nazi ass for that!” Archer warns. 
“I mean, you can try. But he’s got a great lawyer,” Y/n tells him, grabbing her new drink from the waiter. She takes a sip. “Got him pardoned for countless assassinations. You think assault is where I lose that battle?” The blood drains from Archer’s face, all the color is gone. “And as for the Professor Keating matter,” she giggles again, before forcing herself to compose. “He was ex-KGB. I used to hang out with him after class to find out if he knew the updated location of HYDRA bases.”
“Ex-KGB?” Seline asks, just as pale as Archer.
“You expect us to buy that bullshit story? His name was Arthur Keating for Christ’s Sake!” Candace shouts.
“Which he changed when he asked for political asylum here. His real name was Boris Levitsky. His family was murdered by HYDRA when he couldn’t free some official high in their ranks. After that he was fairly willing to spill all about them,” Y/n explains.
“To a college student?” Charles question, clearly not buying it.
“To an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative,” she corrects.
“You were an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative back then?” Bucky asks her, reclaiming his position next to her with a steady arm around her waist.
“No,” she tells him. “But he didn’t know that.”
Bucky’s face breaks into a proud smile. The sprinkles of yellow around the venue seem to be attracted to her sun. They fall softly on his face, lighting up the curve of his cheekbones, the smile lines around his lips. He seems so much more comfortable in his skin than he used to before. And he shines brighter, if that was even possible. She thinks maybe she’ll have to carry sunglasses around from now on.
“How the fuck did you score so well then?” Seline question, furious at the revelation.
“Did you guys ever think maybe she’s just that fucking smart?” Bucky throws out, kissing her forehead. “My sweetheart’s a fucking genius!” He leans in closer. “A lesser man would be very intimidated by that, you know?”
He’s so close, she can taste his scent on the tip of her tongue. The smell of summer in the woods, and remnants of leather. It drives her insane.
“A lesser man, huh?” She teases. “You’re not intimidated by it then?”
“Oh I am,” he tells her. “Just not very intimidated.”
God, he’s so fucking beautiful.
“Hey! Lovebirds! We’re not done here,” Charles jumps in. 
Rolling her eyes and reluctantly turning back to face the asshat, she asks, “What do you want?”
“Winter Soldier here might think you’re all that, but I know better.” He looks like he’s about to spontaneously combust into flames purely out of anger. “You’re not that smart. Unlike you, some of us worked hard to get where we are. We didn’t rely on fake daddy’s money to make something of ourselves.”
Now that’s just stupid. “Charlie… Come on, man. Howard Stark was not my father, he was my best friend, I just needed a cover. And his money got me nowhere. And, and! The fucker went and got killed before I even graduated.” Bucky’s head falls at the mention, but her time at college was too closely knit to his passing for her to not mention it. “But even after all that if you think I got in because he bribed the board—I didn’t fucking graduate Summa Cum Laude by kicking my feet and batting my eyelashes. I barely came to college to even do that with perfect follow through. That was my dropping-acid-and-doing-fireball-shots phase. I’m surprised to be alive, honestly.” She takes a step towards him. “Maybe in retrospect it seems like everything was handed to me on a silver platter now that my life seems so glorious on the outside, but that wasn’t the case, dude. Part of me wanted to be a lawyer so I could fight for my freedom if the time ever came.”
“Freedom from what, Stark?!” He yells out. “Your life is fucking perfect! You’re an Avengers, governments step aside to make way for you. You’ve got a super hot boyfriend who can clearly throw a punch, what more could you possibly want?” 
I want my brother back.
The answer is right there, on the tip of her tongue. But they don’t need to know it. They don’t really deserve it. Not their fault—most people don’t. 
So, instead she steps back, clasps her hands into Bucky’s. “Nothing, actually. You’re right. I couldn’t ask for more.” Someone in the back catches her eye then. “Lighten up, Charlie.” She looks around at the rest of them. “You’re supposed to be the brightest minds of the nation, not petty fucking 6th graders. Lighten the fuck up, kids. I assure you there are worse things to be than fucking Harvard graduates.” She pulls Bucky by the hand and this hunk of a man follows along without an ounce of hesitation, as always. She yells out without turning “I’d say it was nice to see you guys, but it really fucking wasn’t.” But then her steps halt. She turns, “All except you, Milkovitch. It really was nice to see you again. Call me sometime, we should catch up.”
“I don’t have your number,” Mickey replies innocently.
She smiles. “Fine then, I’ll call you.”
“You don’t have my number.”
Her smile just turns mischievous.
Mickey picks up instantly. “Of course,” he says, a little embarrassed. “World class spy—I forgot.”
Hugging the man quickly, she turns and grabs Bucky by the hand again and begins walking off.
“This was amazing! Let’s do this again next year,” Bucky yells out, waving at the gaping faces they’ve left behind.
“Shut up, James.” She hushes him without heat.
“Where you taking me, sweetheart?” He asks, but there is no real curiosity in his question.
So she says as much. “You don’t really seem that curious about it.”
“I’m asking for the fuck of it—to hear you talk. I love hearing you talk.”
“Sap.” She’s smiling.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, don’t care where you take me,” he promises. 
They’ve stopped walking, her target is in her eyesight so she’s all too worried. So she takes the moment to drink him in.
“FUCKING SAP,” she chides, pushing him a little.
Bucky (pretends to) stumble. “Only for you. Always for you,” he tells her, honest and true. He covers the distance between them with a few short steps. His hand comes to caress her jaw, gently—always so gently. He leans in. His lips brush against her as he speaks, “Till the end of my days, sweetheart.”
“Till the end of mine,” she corrects him and then closes the gap.
The best thing about kissing Bucky is that it always feels like the first time. No matter however many times she kisses this boy, every time it feels overwhelmingly new. It feels like her mind is melting, like she’s turning to mush under his hands—one flesh, the other metal. He always knows how to give her exactly what he craves, maybe because she mostly just craves him.
With one hand on her cheek, the other on the small of her back, Bucky pulls her in closer. His tongue tastes of whiskey, but his lips are all him. They are delectable enough to eat. It takes everything in her not to bite down too hard. But she can’t resist the urge to pull his lip between her teeth, biting just hard enough to leave them red. He kindly obliges by slipping his tongue into the mix. He’s so hungry for her, he’s always so fucking hungry for her.
Absent-mindedly she thinks maybe he feels it too. The inexplicable newness in the repeated action of kissing each other. Because hunger like that—hunger like his, seems insatiable. She would give away all of herself to it. Let him consume her whole. She will do just that… Just not here, not now.
Reluctantly, with great strength and determination, she pulls herself away. 
Bucky, this fucker, whimpers. “What?” He whines.
She can’t help but chuckle. “I need to one thing then we can just get the fuck out of here and do more of that—a lot more of that.”
He pretends to think for a second but she already knows she’s won him over. “Fine,” he says after a beat. “What do you need?”
“An answer,” she tells him, before fixing herself a bit and walking over to the woman who’d caught her eye before. 
She’s a tall woman, short black hair—a pixie cut that she pulls off flawlessly. She’s standing alone, smoking in the open area of the venue, looking out at the scene ahead of them.
Y/n approaches her cautiously. “Jeri Hogarth,” she calls out, making the woman turn. “You’re a hard woman to reach.”
“Y/f/n Stark.” Jeri doesn’t even turn to look at her. She keeps on staring straight ahead, smoking. “Did you ever consider, maybe I didn’t want to be reached?”
Y/n lets go of Bucky’s hand, but not before giving it a gentle press as a promise to come back soon. She walks up next to Jeri. “I did consider that possibility, but couldn’t bring myself to care about it, unfortunately.”
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And then, finally Jeri turns to look at her, “What do you need for me? I mean it must be something big if you decided to show up here.”
Y/n shrugs. “It’s not big, I wouldn't say. I think it’s more that it’s… urgent?” That seems to intrigue Jeri, she cocks her brow in question. And Y/n answers, “I need to speak with Danny Rand.”
That seems to throw Jeri off. “I—I don’t know where he is. Besides, if you want his business—”
“It’s not about Rand Enterprises, Hogarth.” She clicks her tongue in disappointment. Nothing that fucking arbitrary would bring her here. “I want to talk to Danny’s friend. I want to talk to the Iron Fist.”
“I don’t—” Jeri looks like she’s at a loss for words which, yeah, a fairly new look on her. Y/n had very rarely seen Jeryn Hogarth lose her calm in class. They shared a lot of them, and while she wasn’t exactly kind to Y/n, she wasn’t unkind either.
“I know that you know, Jeri. I also know about Jessica Jones and… Kilgrave.” Y/n doesn’t want to be unkind to her either. “I am sorry about what happened…” Jeri just looks away. “I wouldn’t ask you if it was important, and I wouldn't be looking for Danny if it wasn’t urgent. But I need to talk to him.”
“And you think I can help?” Jeri challenges, finally finding her ground.
But Y/n isn’t here for a fight. “I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t know you could.”
“Why should I?”
“I don’t have a very good reason for that. I don’t think I have anything of value to you that I could even barter with? But I’ll owe you one,” Y/n offers.
“You’ll owe me one?” She asks, unconvinced.
Y/n shrugs. “Yes.”
“And that’s supposed to be good enough?”
For the second time tonight, Y/n just wears a mischievous smile with furrowed brows. 
Jeri seems to understand her without any words being spoken. “Yeah. That’s good enough.” She nods. “Okay, I can try to get a message to him, but there is no guarantee that he’ll respond.”
“He’ll respond,” Y/n answers easily.
Jeri eyes her suspiciously. “So, what’s the message?”
“Just tell him we need to talk,” Y/n answers.
“That’s all?”
“What else am I supposed to fucking say? The peacock rests peacefully in the moonlight?! This isn’t Mission Impossible. I’m not Tom Cruise. I just wanna talk to the dude,” Y/n rebukes.
“Fine,” Jeri tries to calm her down half-heartedly, turning back to the view ahead of her.
“Thanks, Hogarth,” Y/n says one last time before heading out.
Jeri takes out a fresh cigarette and lights it. “Just remember you owe me one.”
With that out of the way, Bucky and Y/n leave the reunion of the class of '92, hand in hand. It’s much later when they’re out for ice cream does Bucky ask the question she had been anticipating the entire night.
“Something was off tonight—before the whole sleeping with the teacher thing.” 
She chuckles at his words. “Was there?” She asks.
“Yeah,” he doesn’t let her dodge it. “You wanna talk about it?” He does give her the option to opt out. He’s so considerate, how can she deny him anything?
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They are sitting on the curb outside the 24 hour ice cream shop. They are bathed in the harsh light from the streetlight. Bucky, she thinks, somehow manages to still look pretty in that. He has a chocolate ice-cream cone in his hand that’s melting away at a matching speed to the vanilla cone in hers. They’d spent a little too long lost in each other’s mouths to focus on the ice-cream in a timely fashion. Both of them are now trying to furiously make up for that.
It takes her a moment to find the words. “I… It’s hard looking around at the room and seeing so many people who are… who are…”
“Old?” Bucky supplies again.
She shakes her head, laughing and trying to lick the ice cream off the cone—save it from falling. “No, Jamie. Not that.”
“Then?” He prompts, leaning to lick the leftover ice cream off her fingers.
Taking in a long breath, she musters up her courage and begins. “Tony’s the same age as Milkovitch. Or well, Tony would have been.” Bucky’s eyes turn softer in an instant. “It’s weird to see it—people who used to be young, who used to look like me, a crowd that I could have blended into seamlessly become old and gray. I mean, I lived it with Tony but I was there to see it day in and day out. He aged in front of my eyes, so it felt—it felt…”
“Natural?” Bucky offers.
And yeah. Yeah, it did. So, she nods. “Natural,” she agrees. “I remember when I noticed his first gray hair,” she laughs. “I freaked the fuck out but I didn’t want to tell him, cause that seemed fucking shallow, you know? I tried to hide it but man, I don’t think I was doing a good job ‘cause two days later the poor kid had dyed it black—that one single strand.” Bucky laughs too. “I think he figured out why it was freaking me out and that was his way of—I don’t know—calm me down, maybe?” She clicks her tongue at the thought. “The wrinkles were an easy adjustment. It began with smile lines, crinkles around his eyes every time he’d laugh at a joke, so it was…”
“Comforting?” Bucky suggests, once again giving her the words she can’t seem to find.
She rests her head on his shoulder then, “Yes. It was okay after that—especially after Pepper. Watching him age began feeling like a privilege. It felt like he was growing old instead of, you know, dying?”
Bucky nods. “Are you worried about that now? With me?” She punches him in the side. “FUCK! What was that for?”
She pulls back to face him, “I am not thinking about that shit yet!”
“Oh I’m sorry!” Bucky yells out annoyed and animated. “I was just drawing the LOGICAL conclusion to the conversation, but of course, that was stupid.”
“You’re such a little shit, James,” she rebukes him, shoving him and getting back on her feet.
“I’m a shit?! What did I do?!” He gets up as well. “We keep making grand promises about how we’ll love each other to the end of your days because you’ll obviously live longer.”
“BUCKY, DON’T SAY THAT!” She begins walking towards their motorbike parked in the parking lot.
He follows behind, “It’s not breaking news, Y/n! It’s inevitable.”
“But I have a plan!”
That makes her halt. She turns to face him, he almost runs into her. “What’s the plan?”
He smiles all cheeky and insolent. “Freeze me for a decade once in a while.” She can’t believe her ears.”Put me in the fridge every ten years or so for a decade and then pull me out. I’m also open to being in the freezer for a year with a two year gap in the middle as well.” She wants to punch him again. “I haven’t done the math on which will make me live longer but both will definitely extend my lifespan significantly.” She is going to punch him again. “I age a little slower anyway, this was I think we could extend this relationship into the next millennium at leas—” She punches him again. “FUCK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ONE FOR NOW?” 
Turning around, she begins walking off again. “You’re not ice-cream, Jamie. I’m not fucking freezing you!” She cans the ice-cream in her hand, having lost her appetite.
He follows her again. “I have another plan!”
“Shut up, Barnes!”
“What if we ask Banner to make me body like you guys did for Vision?! Put my consciousness in there?” Bucky asks as they reach their motorbike.
She pulls out the keys, handing them off to Bucky. “What made him capable of emotions was the Mind Stone, you got any spare of those lying around?”
Bucky hops on the bike and then thinks for a second, “Steve told me you guys put Zola in a big computer kinda thing.” She gets on behind him. “What if we did that? I know our sex life might suffer but—”
She punches him right under his ribs..
“STOP FUCKING PUNCHING ME! These ideas are golden.”
She punches him again.
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𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦
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Being the reason of the magic in the whole world was pretty classy to some people
And yeah, in a way, it was because how many people could actually say "I'm the one who gave magic to my children and later other people."?
Now it wasn't that you were the Merlin, but more like a reincarnated one. You would have different dreams of those before you and what they felt and then wake up almost feeling... Empty.
It wasn't until you showed your eyes and strong magic that your "family" believed in who you were and decided to hide it from everyone else to have you, and by extension your powers, all to themselves and celebrated the good news...
But that also meant your family was the oldest magical family ever, which meant every other "pureblood" family tried to get into your family for more power.
Utter bullshit if someone asked you, and the Merlin himself inside you
"What the fuck are they talking about being 'pure'?! What is this nonsense!?"/ "Calm down hoe, ı'll explain."
Needless to say... He was pissed, but that was for another time to talk about.
All their attempts backfired and now everyone knew who you were and you had to learn how to defend yourself at a young age while rejecting whoever tried a move on you. (It wasn't that hard to punch them and scare the shit outta them anyways.)
At one point, the news of Hogwarts reached to you and you insisted on going there even if it was against every plan your family had, which consisted of brainwashing you so that you would believe in their ideals.
(which was also why you were doing it and get away from them before they did something)
The point is, there was a time the Four Founders knew you, and therefore the Sorting Hat also knew you very well... And instead of sorting you, you two gossiped together about those four.
"Do you remember how Godric was left in his underwear because Salazar was mad at him for changing his potions?"
"or that one time Rowena had to be held by Helga, who never liked conflict if I may add, because Godric stole her crown and danced around the castle?"
But the Hat knew that you had to be sorted, yet again, sorting the literal pure and ancient magic holder was... Absurt.
So, it made the best and most hilarious decision of all the History of Magic under the shocked eyes of everyone present.
" Y/N Y/L/N belongs to all houses!"
"you could have put me in Godric's house at least, stupid! They seem funny at least..."
And the hat only cackled and shooed you away under your teasing eyes as you sat at the corner while the teacher gave their speechs.
But, just like everyone else there, four sets of eyes followed you after that day. Wherever you went or whatever you said.
They thought you would be evil, or extremely cocky and bullying everyone. They even planned a grand joke for you to teach you a lesson...
But none of them ever came and instead they often found you... Sleeping at corners in different positions.
At first, they thought you were merely acting so that you got away from their pranks.
But when they shook you awake, and you just faceplanted on the ground and continued to sleep, they were absolutely bamboozled.
"Are they alive? I think they are..."
"How can someone sleep like that?! Especially after falling down?"
But this wasn't their first official meeting with you.
It was when they were sitting down for dinner and you appeared behind Remus to look at the book he was reading.
Even he didn't feel your presence and the soft hum you did, and he was a werewolf.
"Hello, gentlemen! How are you?"
And Sirius, being Sirius, did what he always did the best: Complimented you, which would turn to flirting as the years passed.
What they did not know was that you were the Merlin. Sirius and James were aware of your existence, Sirius with being the heir of the Blacks and his mother trying to prepare a date in the future, but they never knew what you looked like.
No one did.
When they realized it, they thought you were one of those pure-blood extremists and their opinion changed about you fast
They thought you would bully Remus or Lily...
Which was already a big no-no
But they were proven very wrong when one day, they caught you bringing chocolate and books Remus wanted to read for a while, the pile of books flying in the air behind you in a long line
"Hi! Uh, I hope I'm not being a complete nuisance but I couldn't help but notice your love for chocolate and hear your list of books you wanted to read and... I just wanted to talk?"
What? Giving something to someone to gain their trust, though it was for an evil ulterior in your family, was the thing that was taught to you.
And you weren't like them, you really wanted to be their friends and prove that you weren't like any of them but... At that moment, you were just a shy bean full of anxiety as you fiddled with your fingers shyly and they looked at you puzzled with shocked pikachu faces.
The stare they had given you in shock would never leave your mind as you giggled at them, the sound making the boys blush as Remus stuttered out a thanks and you gave a wide smile and asked to sit down with them. That was when the doubts started to bloom in them.
No bloody racist could be that sweet and shy while talking to someone "lower" to them.
And besides you seemed genuine but they still had doubts...
Until James remembered how you protected Lily at the Great Hall one time and then, as he heard it later, baked her cookies and helped her study.
"Y/L/N, we need to talk! There is an important matter..."
You sluggishly woke up and looked around you after your beauty sleep, only to see Lucius who had been working hard to pursue you, looking at you with what appeared to be... Anger. You stared at his face for a few seconds and then at the bustling Hall where everyone now stayed silent to watch you two.
Everyone knew that you and Lucius weren't on exactly good terms. You didn't do anything that could make you seem like "a barbaric" person, even though you had half of the mind to do so after everything he said about Lily and muggleborns in general, you had to stay calm and also ease the angry ancient wizard inside you as he fumed like a dragon.
Or else, this summer wouldn't be too nice for you.
"important matter?.. Okay, what is it?" You mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes and slapping your face a few times to sober up a bit. Even if your eyes were half open, you still kept them closed as a yawn left you and pretended to listen to him while leanin over the table.
"I believe, as true magic holders, you would agree on the fact that there are people who shouldn't be here." said Lucius sneering, emphasising on true magic and people while looking especially at Lily as the girl suddenly curled in on herself in fear. James seethed from where he was sitting as his eyes wandered to the girl and then his friends, silently planning another prank for Lucius so bad that the blonde wouldn't be able to walk outside.
Their eyes drifted to you though, Peter eating anxiously, Sirius raising a brow as Remus lifted his head and stared with an expectant look. This was the moment they would get their answers, whether what you had been telling them was true.
Whether you really cared about being pure or not.
"This is a magic school Lucius, anyone who has magic can enter. I heard that the bullying of pureblood nonsense wasn't as bad in other schools and they are also welcoming so... Suck it up." You explained bored and waved your hand dismissively at hım as he widened his eyes and sputtered out in disbelief.
How could someone as powerful as you say such thing?
His eyes drifted to where the group of your "friends" were sitting and cheering you excitedly, clapping hands as your eyes shone with happiness for being accepted by them wholeheartedly finally. Their smiling faces were cute, and you'd later go and buy some chocolate and sweets for them but right now, you couldn't be the sugar mommy.
You needed sleep. Immediately.
"Now, I will sleep and you better not wake me up..."
"They are the ones who feed you with lies, are they not?" He sneered angrily as he came closer to your form, a frustrated sigh leaving your lips at what he foolishly said while forgetting who you exactly where, instead seeing one of those submissive girls he was used to having around at his beck and call.
How easily you could end him and his whole lineage.
"If you think them, you or any other person can manipulate me, that's your problem. But I'd like to point that I can suck the magic out of you, alter your memories and even make your hair turn pink without you or anyone realizing what's happening. Don't tempt me..." your eyes snapped an angry yellow as your hands glowed with golden swirls of raw magic, making him take a step back in slight fear.
"you're only angry because one, she is pretty. Two, she is wicked smart and three, she is one of the few girls who said no to you." You mumbled tiredly and bored as you rolled onto your other side on the bench and continued to sleep soundless as if you didn't just threaten him with unaliving. The only answer you got, not that you cared, was just a grunt and feet stomping away.
"Fucking git of a witch... And she is supposed to be Merlin? Only a fake öne with those she hangs out..."
Needless to say, as you snapped your eyes open and slowly rose up, your eyes glowing in the usual golden color as your hair floated up and the ground shook angrily... Lucius was fucked.
After that flipping you did with Lucius, practically all the school was on their knees worshipping you
Because fucking finally someone stopped that menace
After that, the Marauders rarely left your side. Always demanding attention, begging you to teach them and all that... Except Sirius.
He just wanted to bring you over to his home so that you can roast his family too lol
When you learnt what happened to the Black Brothers, after they both warmed up to you, you flipped and choked on the water you were drinking.
"Those fuckers did what?!"
The sight of the Merlin, hair up and floating menacingly as an angry sneer left you was one that would haunt their wildest nightmares to come.
That was when one of them fell for you.
Perhaps, it was Regulus since he had been harbouring a huge crush on you ever since forever or Sirius when he had come to you wounded as you healed him and hugged him thightly to your chest, patting his hair and assuring him that everything would be better as he clinged to you and cried his sadness out.
Sirius... Never thought that he would relate to you.
To what ... What happened to you.
A soft smile as you healed him. "The same as whatever happened to you."
"All my life people failed me. Just because I'm Merlin doesn't mean that I was an exception to the torture you and Regulus went through."
"many times my family told me to just conceive a child and just be a wife... Seeing what I hoped my magic would bring to this world fail and see my descendants suffer... It wasn't what i wanted."
That was a shared regret of both you and Merlin, after all, magic was for everyone. He himself was born to completely human parents with absolutely no relation to magic. He lived through an era when pretty much everyone was hung for magic but still managed to survive for... this?
For his own children to do the same?
Apart from the angsty traumatical life experiences you all had and literally parenting a bunch of sad kids...
Their pranks were fucking genius.
Now, you didn't join them in their shenanigans much, especially if it included poor Severus
But from time to time... You would come up with the weirdest, most AWESOME and jawdropping jokes ever developed by mankind
Such as changing all the toilet papers on the bathrooms with an identical realistic cake version of them that would explode with lighters as soon as they were touched, just to piss off both female and male bullies that picked on the poor students- mostly muggleborns
And then, as if you had a better mental state, there was the weekly sessions you had where you just listen to them vent.For more than once, you assured Remus no, he wasn't a mindless monster and yes, you were totally sure he deserved happines, or making Peter see his true worth and not living on what people thought of him, making him gain some confidence. Then there were the "tea parties but actually drinking parties" you went with Sirius in the muggle world where he just cried about his life and then proceeded to pole dance like a maniac as you calmly sipped your water.
Or sitting with Effie and James as you three gossipped and talked shit about the most pureblood families.
But... even if you seemed lively and happy, every listener needed someone else to listen to them too and they were ready to pay back for every time you took care of them.
But it wasn't that easy.
Another fact of having a fucked up family life: Inability to actually react
Such as crying
( why the hell do I keep coming back to angsty side??)
For the longest time you thought it was a hard thing to do.
Like.... how does a person just tear up?
Ohhh, and you didn't even want to cry with an audience watching. That shit was scarier than any Boggart possible.
Then you saw James cry after he saw a Puffskein and... yeah.
Then the day came when they were all talking about birthdays and you said you never celebrates it and... They all stared blankly.
" Wait... like at all?"
"nope, never seen the thrill of it." You answred noncholantly, groaning when Sirius suddenly jumped on your laying figure on the carpet and shook you frustratedly.
"Even I had a birthday celebration in my life! What do you-"
"It never was a celebratory thing, except reminding my family how good of a tool I am... So I never brought it up and-James are you crying?? Remus-no,no not all of you!
Aghh, come on... * affectionately yet awkwardly patting their back as James cried on your neck while the four clutched you from all sides*
After that, it had become a mission for them to show you just how much they appreciated you by showering you with gifts, your favourite meals and even taking you to a muggle concert with the girls.
You totally didn't get wasted and ended up making out with one of them drunkenly after they made you get loose a little bit after that strict life-
They were the family you wished you had but never did, they showed you a lot of things and made you have fun. They showed you how to love and care and they were now... family.
You were ready to, quite literally, die for them
And therefore, as the only one with the knowledge of what was going to happen to them... You had to take action and protect those silly kids from the evil clutches of the common enemy.
"Are you not a kid yourself though?" would be James' answer whenever you spoke about the war, since he too was worried but couldn't let it affect your friends when they relied on him, teasing you playfully with a smile though he was happy you cared about them just as much as they cared about you.
"It's different, I'm Mer-"/ "You are Y/N and our friend who is also 17. It's okay to be scared, you don't have to shoulder everything."
That fucker and his sudden cute yet emotional talks-
It did nothing to even slightly stop you tho, you already made a plan.
Dumbledore obviously knew who you were, how powerful and strong you were and could easily become a supreme wizard/witch, therefore he thought the best way to deal with you was to get rid of you.
Jinxes, poison, harsh training, hard missions that not even the best wizard or witch wouldn't be able to complete...
You stopped all of them, it was as if you were like a killing machine, never wavering back and diving first to the fight just to protect your friends so that they could sleep peacefully for one more night, so that they could smile even slightly a bit more.
Even if you turned back bloody and bruised, having to listen to them scold and pamper you, you just didn't die.
And you knew who was behind all this, and why he was doing it.
"Look, Dumbledore, I don't care if I'm messing up with your plans- which I'm so delighted to do so, you have no idea- but if you get on my way and threaten my friends one more time, know that it's not gonna end up well for you."
"But the prophecy-"
"Damn the prophecy! I'm not letting you manipulate young children into a war that's not theirs to fight! If needed, I'll be the one to fight him off... But if you bring them into this death game, I'll gladly finish you as well."
"Remember, I'm the reason why you have that magic coursing through your veins. And I can take it back."
*dramatic standing up and leaving coolly without the cloak like the Batman*
And even with all these shit going on, having 5638 different meltdowns and existensial crises
"Oh, isn't that the traitor hanging out with those bastards?"
Lucius Malfoy, a pain in my ass
"Oh, if it's not my favourite brat in the world! What is it this time, Malfoy? Are you going to whine because I refused to marry you?"
Well, that was something the Marauders didn't expect. You were supposed to marry him?
What the hell?!
"You should be grateful that it was I who asked for your hand in marriage, Y/L/N-"
Remus clenched his jaw at the clear insult, at him seeing himself above you when it was the other way around. He saw how you fisted at your clothes and he took a hold of your hand under the table. He knew, just like the rest of his friends, that you wished your identity to be hidden, that you didn't want others to see you any different.
But Malfoy was making it very hard for you, for the past 4 years or so.
"Trust me, brat, you are the one who would have been all over the moon if that were to happen."
That cold voice didn't mean something good.
"What did you just say?"
"I said that you are hust pissy bevause for the first time in your life, someone, a woman, stood on her ground and flat out ridiculed you with rejecting you. In front of people. It's very sad that you, like the other blood-suprematists, are void of love and care but guess what?"
"My family marries for love, we are the ones who gave all of you this magic and you dare to belittle me, boy? Patheatic, little man."
Okay this was hot, and now the one who had a crush on you had a bleeding nose-
And that, was the story and the first entry of your "Marauders Diary".
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
MWRMI Part 6
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My Weird Roomate, Midoriya Izuku
Week 3 part 2 / Meet the Gang!
Summary: Y/N learns about Midoriya’s past and the gang’s secret tattoos. …?!
Also, why is Kirishima half-naked all of the sudden?!
Warnings: Swear words, hints of suggestiveness (they tell “funny” stories, 2 sentences, really.) a tiny hint of platonic (?) jealousy.
First Part Master List
Okay, listen.
Red Riot doesn’t have a fan base; he has a fucking cult.
That guy had the glow up of the century after going through puberty.
Red Riot? More like Red Daddy.
No jokes, people say that quite a lot when they are talking about the hero. He’s so liked for his looks he actually managed to beat Dynamight and Deku on the “best looking bachelor” charts.
Red Riot barely had any presence in the hero world for his first few years; he had no confidence and he really didn’t think he can be a good hero or at least that’s what he’d said in the interviews. Then Dynamight took him under his wings, took him away from his last agency and that’s when the name Red Riot became a phenomenon; he got even more ripped and grew his hair out but still kept it red, just one shade darker; it’s shorter at the front and really long at the back which makes him look like a lion; majestic and frightening when fighting a villain. His close relationship with Dynamight also helped the blonde to get a better reputation, which he definitely needed at the beginning of his career; Dynamight might have been the one who saved the redhead first, but to be honest, they both saved each other from themselves.
Needless to say, the two heroes are constantly shipped by the fandom, and reading Bakugou’s rants on his official social media about it always makes your day better. Once he posted a picture about Red Riot sprawled out on his lap after a night out, drooling like a Rottweiler all over his trousers with the caption “Do you really think I would ever kiss that mouth?”, but people focused on the intimacy of the photo instead of it’s meaning. The blonde got so furious he deleted himself from the internet for two weeks.
Red Riot also admitted that he absolutely lives for Dynamight’s rants, so sometimes he stirs shit up just to get a reaction out of the blonde; he posts domestic pictures of Bakugou making breakfast in nothing but boxers and other shenanigans like that. The picture is usually followed by a selfie of him being beaten up by his best friend for being a menace or a screenshot of him being blocked on every social media when he’s away on a mission (because of course he has a secret stash of domestic pictures hidden in his phone, who wouldn’t?)
Ahh, you can talk about these two for ages, they are the funniest pair, like ever.
Midoriya giggles at your sudden outburst while you try your best to hide behind the sofa out of embarrassment.
“Aww, thank you!” The redhead smirks. “It’s always a pleasure to be adored by a beautiful lady like yourself.”
You don’t have time to really react to his sudden flirting because the air fills with tension for some weird reason; Midoriya stops smiling, black whip caresses your back and wraps around your body protectively. He looks furious and also does Bakugou, but his anger is pointed at you; if looks would kill, you would be dead by now.
“It’s a bit cold, isn’t it, Y/N? You should change into something warm before you catch a cold.” Midoriya smiles, but it’s more frightening than cute this time. Damn, if you would be a villain and he would look at you like that, you’d 100% piss yourself.
“I have no idea what the actual fuck is going on right now but I’m gonna sit down.” A purple haired, tired looking guy sighs and makes his way to the sofa like the time didn’t just freeze for a second. Honestly, you have no idea what’s going on either.
“Let me explain!” Chargebolt claps his hands happily. “Bakugou’s being a a possessive dick over his best friend, and Midoriya is the same with his roommate. Why? Don’t ask me.” He gives you a reassuring smile.
“This is why I’ll be single forever, Y/N. Don’t be like me.” The redhead sighs, also sitting down. Midoriya lets you go while mumbling ‘sorry’ but he doesn’t look sorry at all.
“What do you mean, Eijirou? Is Katsuki’s marvelous presence not enough for you to be happy? Aww, poor boy.” Pinky speaks up, clearly enjoying the drama. She looks even prettier in real life.
“Say another word, you pink bitch, and I’ll mount your stupid horny head on my wall.” Bakugou snaps, his face a lovely shade of red. Chargebolt blurts out a quiet ‘damn’ and hides behind the sofa, right behind the purple dude who just sighs at Kaminari’s shenanigans.
“Aww, is my face is so pretty you want to see it every day? That’s so cute, Bakubro!” Mina coos and that’s when shit hits the fan; you quietly leave the room to change as per Midoriya’s advice (what the fuck was that about? Yeah, you are wearing comfy shorts but so is he.) while Red Riot hardens between his two friends, acting like a shield to stop them from killing each other. After a few minutes, the yelling stops; apparently, their pizza order is more important than an impromptu mass murder.
It takes you a while before you have the guts to go back so you can properly meet Midoriya’s chaotic friends; you still have no idea what made the two friends so mad, but to be fair, Bakugou is known to blow up for no reason at all, so maybe you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Hey.” Midoriya’s green head pops in through the door. He looks a bit flushed and a little bit guilty. He’s absolutely adorable. “Can I come in?”
“I was just about to go out, but yeah.” You mumble, your voice strained from the stress. Deku closes the door and leans back to it; his face is contorted into a frown but he tries his best to give you a smile.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that to you. I had no right to treat you that way.” The greenette is clearly beating himself up for his actions and it brakes your heart.
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.” Midoriya jumps in. “Eijirou is a nice guy, he talks like that to everyone. Bakugou is a possessive asshole over all his friends, especially him. I was so excited for you to meet my closest friends yet I fucked it up.”
Oh no, not the teary eyes. You can’t handle the teary eyes right now.
“Midoriya…” you move closer to the slumped greenette, taking his hand into yours. He looks at you with the cutest lovelorn expression. “Stop looking at me like that. I really want to hug you tight when you do that.”
You really didn’t mean to say that. You really didn’t.
“Then hug me, Y/N.” Midoriya says, a new kind of emotion swirling in his beautiful eyes. Your body moves on its own as you embrace your favorite hero with such passion that Midoriya’s back hits the door with a loud bang from the force of it. You can hear his heart beating loud and fast when your face hits his chest as you squeeze the shit out of the poor guy. The hero’s hand ends up in your hair, slowly massaging your scalp while he takes a deep breath to calm his racing heart. Midoriya lets your hand go and pulls you even closer by the small of your back; your bodies clash with each other completely as Midoriya melts into your touch; his muscles feel amazing under your cheeks. You’ve never felt so content in your life.
Okay, this hug is way too passionate to be called “friendly”. You are about to pass out. He smells so amazing, like pine and sea salt with a hint of spice, masculine and earthy. The world stops for a second, Midoriya’s friends on the other side completely forgotten as the two of you embrace each other, your true feelings showing without you even saying them out loud.
This is when reality really hits you; you don’t just have a crush on this guy; you are absolutely fucking smitten with him already.
Ahh, you are so fucked.
“STOP MAKING OUT, YOU FUCKERS!” Bakugou ruins the moment with his yelling. When you two realize the situation you are in, you jump away from each other with a “sorry”, like two emotionally constipated teenagers.
“Maybe they are just having a fight.” A tired voice mumbles, probably the purple haired guy you don’t know yet.
“With their mouths, yeah.” Pinky giggles mischievously. If your face wasn’t red enough before, now it is.
“I mean, can you blame him? Y/N is cute as hell.” Motherfucking Red Riot comments and that’s when Midoriya opens the door with a flushed face.
“Can we start this all over?” Midoriya yelps. His friends try their best to not comment on their disheveled appearance for the sake of you and nod in unison. “This is Y/N, my FLATMATE. She takes care of the flat when I’m not around.”
“She takes care of more than that by the look of it…” Chargebolt whispers into Jirou’s ears, who slaps the guy on his head to shut him up. Jirou is a great friend. You love her. “You know Kacchan and Jirou already, then you have Kirishima Eijirou, but you also know that, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Shouto Todoroki who doesn’t speak too much but he’s one of my closest friends and Shinsou Hitoshi who you might remember from the sports festival. He works with Aizawa-sensei as an underground hero so his face isn’t well known but he’s amazing.”
“I still don’t know why am I here today” Shinsou mumbles, clearly hating the fact that he was forced to come over. He doesn’t look like a guy who enjoys being in a large group.
“You are here because you are important to us, and I can’t believe I need to have this conversation with you after all these years.” Kaminari sighs, looking at the purple haired hero with disappointment in his eyes. Shinsou looks back at him with a guilty expression, showing the yellow haired man with his shoulder in a silent sorry.
Wow, you ship them. So much.
Damn, you really need to stop reading gay fanfictions when Midoriya is not home.
“Now that we all said hi, it’s time to embarrass Midoriya!” Chargebolt speaks up energetically. “Which story should we start with?”
“Guys, please!” Midoriya pulls you to the sofa while hiding his face with his other hand in embarrassment. You sit down next to each other while the group fights over which story should they tell.
“His first almost-kiss!”
“What about the time when Katsuki saw him doing nasty things in his room?”
“That’s not an embarrassing story, I literally thought he’s not into that shit until that moment. I was proud of him.”
“KACCHAN!” Midoriya hides his face in your neck in embarrassment and you try your best to not explode. Jirou looks at you with pity in her eyes.
“What about his secret tattoo?” Kirishima chimes in, and you perk up; you really like tattoos and you always wanted one. “Ahh, she likes that! So it happened on Katsuki’s 21st birthday…”
“Oh my god…” Deku mumbles, still hiding in your neck. “You might not like me that much after tonight, Y/N” he sighs, making your whole body tingle with his hot breath caressing your sensitive skin.
“I’m a loyal fan.” You deadpan. It’s really hard to concentrate on the story right now to be honest.
“So we were really drunk when Tetsutetsu and his gang came over and challenged us to a fight. The loser gang had to get a tattoo. The fuckers knew we are too drunk to realize they are all sober so they beat us to pulp. We woke up the next day with new tattoos. On our… bottoms.” Kirishima looks down with a flushed face. “I have a rock, you wanna see?” Kirishima excitedly jumps up, ready to show you his sick tattoo, but Bakugou is having non of it.
“Eijirou, if you pull your pants down in front of everyone I’ll absolutely kick you out of my house.” He whispers threateningly, his hands ready to block the view. Kirishima sits down with a sad puppy look.
“It’s not that far down!” The redhead whines, but gives up anyway. “Please, don’t kick me out, I fucking love the sauna and I also own the half of the flat.”
So Red Riot and Dynamight bought a flat together. Interesting.
Would it be weird to write a fanfiction about that, now that you know them in person? Probably.
The life of a hero fangirl is really hard sometimes.
“I have a Pikachu!” Kaminari chimes in proudly.
“I have a Hypno. Thanks for that, Denki…” Shinsou mumbles, clearly hating his teen self for being so stupid.
“I wanted us to match!”
“You have no reason to moan, Hitoshi, I have a fucking pinky tattooed on my bum.” Mina admits shamefully. The whole team bursts out laughing at the old memory.
“I have a picture of soba noodles. That’s my favorite food.” Todoroki declares with a straight face, like it’s a pretty normal thing to have your favorite food tattooed on your bottom.
“I have headphones! Like the ones I use when I fight the bad guys!”
“Mine was a small explosion but it was too boring so I made it into a massive one.” Bakugou pulls his shirt up, showing off a massive tattoo on his side. Wow, it’s really hot in here. Like, really really hot. Damn. You can’t believe no one ever realized that Dynamight has so many tattoos hidden under his shirt. The other side of him is also full of ink, but you can’t see enough of it to be able to decipher what it is exactly.
“Why can you show yours but I can’t show mine? It’s not fair!” Kirishima grumbles. “You know what, you can’t tell me what to do.” Kirishima slowly unbuttons his shirt and shows you a massive black and red dragon on his chest. So this is why the hero changed his costume into something less revealing. He’s hiding a fucking beast under it.
You might die tonight.
There is no way your heart can take more of this shit.
Where is the water? You are kind of thirsty. Respectfully… thirsty. For water.
“Can you guys stop stripping? I have a broccoli by the way. Not like anyone cares at this point.” Midoriya pouts and it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Midoriya, that’s so fucking cute!” You yell, the two stripping heroes long forgotten. “Colored or black and white?”
Midoriya perks up now that your attention is back on him, a shy smile decorating his face.
“Colored. It matches my hair. I know most of us are ashamed of these tattoos but I really like it. It reminds me of my friends. It reminds me that I’m not alone anymore.” Midoriya smiles into the distance. “It reminds me that whatever happens, there will be someone there to catch me when I fall. We are a family.”
“That was so manly, goddamn it!” Kirishima cries, tears falling down his cheeks.
“What the fuck, shitty Deku, this was supposed to be fun, now I want to throw myself off a cliff!” Katsuki rolls his eyes aggressively but he can’t hide the fond smile when he looks at his crying flatmate.
“No worries buddy, Midoriya will be there to catch you!” Mina giggles, clearly having the time of her life as she looks at the three boys.
“Now you ruined it.” Midoriya mumbles, unimpressed. You really tried not to laugh, but seeing all these people taking the piss out of each other made you laugh out loud. You’ll never forget tonight, that’s for sure. These people are truly amazing.
After a few more minutes of banter the pizza arrives; Midoriya puts in a DVD with some old interviews and they all laugh at their awkward faces on the screen. The whole situation is so intimate, everyone is so close to the other, limbs and arms intertwined with each other while fond smiles are being exchanged when someone new appears on the screen. The guys tell you about Ingenium’s matching bum tattoo - he has a pair of glasses -, and about the time Jirou fell on the stage; you hear a bunch of stories the public have never heard about while Midoriya snuggles closer and closer as the night turns into an early morning… your heart swells from the happiness to be able to be a part of something so private without feeling like an intruder. The group welcomes you with open arms, letting you in without a question.
“Can I tell the story about Katsuki almost exploding his dick of when he tried to…” Denki mumbles half asleep, but Katsuki gives him a massive slap before he can finish the sentence.
“Midoriya had a girlfriend in high school for a few weeks but he was so wind up about their first kiss he threw up right in front of the poor girl. We haven’t seen her since. She changed schools.” Another half asleep mumble, this time from Kirishima, who somehow ended up sprawled out on everyone’s laps on the sofa.
“I think Denki’s bisexual awakening is a good story to tell. It was the first time I actually laughed in front of everyone. He’s helpless.” Todoroki chimes in, probably the only one still fully awake from the team.
“Says the guy who wanted to call an ambulance on a girl who blushed and didn’t even realize she was trying to ask him out.”
You have no idea who’s talking anymore. It’s almost 5 AM and Midoriya is so warm next to you, you can’t help but hide your face in his arms. You can feel Midoriya’s hands stroking your hair, the affectionate caress slowly lulling you to sleep.
“I’ll put Y/N to bed, you guys get comfortable. You know where to find the spare bedding, yeah?” Midoriya takes you in his arms, moving you towards your bedroom. The group mumbles incoherently, clearly ready to sleep as the hero puts you down on the soft sheets, tugging you in like a child. Something soft touches your forehead but you are too sleepy to react; it feels nice and warm like the sun on a breezy afternoon.
“Sleep tight, sweet pea. See you tomorrow.”Someone whispers. The nickname makes you smile subconsciously. “I don’t want to leave, to be honest. I always want to be around you, I wonder why.” You can still hear the mumbles but you can’t understand the words anymore; it’s too late and you are too tired to keep listening.
You dream about green curls and soft touches, about the stars and the moon, so close yet so far away, you dream about touching the sky, about reaching out for the brightest star only to fall back down on Earth, but you stand up and try again, until your hand reaches the one with the scars, until your fingers intertwine and you never let go again.
“Maybe it’s the cold of the night. Such a drastic change compared to the warmth of the day… I’ve never felt cold before but I probably didn’t even know how the warmth felt like on my skin until I’ve met you. Now that I know, I’m craving it. So much. You are like the sun, Y/N. Please, never change; and stay by my side for a bit longer, until I’m strong enough to let you go. I hope you’re sleeping. It will be really awkward if you’re not.” Midoriya giggles and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Midoriya Izuku really needs to get a grip, he thinks as he makes his way to his own bedroom, already hating the cold feeling of his sheets.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
Damn, that ending. DAMN.
Fun fact, that bit wasn’t planned. At all. It just happened. The hug wasn’t planned either. It’s all Midoriya’s fault.
- I also feel like I owe you guys an explanation for the iffy jealousy scene: in Midoriya’s case it was 50% jealousy and 50% protectiveness. He doesn’t really understand his own feelings yet and he couldn’t really handle that situation very well. He’ll get much better at it in the future. Midoriya was never a possessive person but Y/N told him he can be a bit selfish sometimes and he listened. He’s growing as a person it’s just really hard to tell. He’s such a weirdo I love him 🥦
- Ao3 is down and I want to cry.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated as always 🥦💚
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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jujutsukgojo · 2 months
I don’t know if you do stories for Spinner or not, but I was thinking about? What if there was this quirkless reader who chose to date Spinner (of course the two of them have been friends for a while) but there was this hero, (who is a stuck up douche bag) who wouldn’t leave her alone, so when the hero finds out, she has a boyfriend Spinner. The hero tries to pick a fight with him And reader just let the hero habit and she starts brutally going off at the guy saying that she chose to date the villain (for many good reasons) The hero still doesn’t take no for an answer so the hero gets put down for good.
I don't do requests, but this was kind of fun. The last spinner story I did was Country Gecko. (ao3 link)
tw: implied death/violence, sexual harassment
an: hopefully this is good? idk if this is what you had in mind.
 The hero before you in an impossibly tight costume with bulging muscles you’re pretty sure has help from padding, is blocking the sun. Your frozen yogurt isn’t going to eat itself, so you ignore him as you put a heaping spoonful in your mouth. With what you can tell, he’s talking about himself. 
   You’ve tried to evade this guy in hopes he’d get the hint and leave you alone. Now that he’s risking the treat melting, it’s time to just be bold about it…despite you shaking your head no, telling him to stop, and literally running around people for God knows how long. 
   “I was the first in my class at U.A.-”
“I don’t care. I do not fucking care.” You growl.
His face falls at your snappy tone along with your glare. You put your finger to your lips for him to be quiet.
“Bitch, I’ve been trying to get you to leave me alone and for some reason, despite being the first in your class like a hundred years ago,” You put up your hand, stopping him from saying anything. “Before you correct me, a fake tan and veneers don’t do shit with that Botox. You can’t hide your age.”
  He huffs and comes closer to you. Although it’s threatening, his eyes are looking you up and down. He leans his head slightly closer to get a look down your shirt, you bet. 
   “Why can’t you get it? Leave me alone. I don’t want you. Plus, I have a boyfriend.” His face turns smug. His smirk has a vile look on his plastic looking face. “Oh, I know. Pretty little thing like you fucking around with villains, the shame.”
  Oh. “And Spinner! A lizard? I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.” So, the eyes that’ve been on you were him. Damn, Dabi was right about you being tailed. 
   “Shut your mouth. He’s not a lizard, he’s a human being you asshole!”
  He grabs your wrist, almost making you drop the Styrofoam bowl. “Watch it pretty. You’re already in deep shit for fucking that thing. Don’t make it worse.”
   Your heart is starting to speed, much to your annoyance. People have cleared out from the spot. A small blessing but a blessing, nonetheless. You’d hate for people to hear about Spinner. You’re not embarrassed of him! God no. The two of you grew up together in the country. He became a shut-in because of people like this. The prejudice never made sense. Now that you and Shuichi’s relationship is still going strong after all these years, you see why he’s doing what he is. 
   You remember how many times he cried over people like this. Red covers your eyes in rage. You take the bowl of frozen yogurt and shove it in this guy’s face. 
  “It is people like you that are the reason that society is so fucked up. You’re worse than he can ever be," You look him up and down. "In both morals and looks."
  He swears and squeezes your wrist even harder, causing you to yelp. “All it would’ve taken is a simple date, pretty. Then I wouldn’t give this information to the authorities. But you just had to piss me off, huh?” He wipes the frozen yogurt off his face.
Suddenly, a familiar clawed hand snaps the “hero’s” wrist, moving onto his hand. He jumps back, yanking himself away from none other than Shuichi Iguchi aka Spinner.
  And he is not happy. Shuichi gently guides you to stand behind him. You hear him unsheathe the sword of blades he carries. In the alley, you see a van with the League, looking at the situation curiously. You wave at his friends, the revolutionaries. Tomura sits on top of the roof and waves a few fingers back. Mr. Compress tips his hat to you while Dabi, ever the flirt, winks. 
   You hear Toga’s voice over Mr. Compress’s loud ass phone. She says something about Izuku and a girl? It’s hard to understand with the sound of slashing and punches. 
   “Don’t worry, Spinner. I’ll take good care of her-” The splatter noise is gross. You aren’t facing the fight yet still see the remnants of the so-called hero over the pavement. You gag at the sight and smell of blood.
   You are met with concerned eyes of your love, Shuichi. He cradles your cheek and asks, “Are you okay?”
  “I’m fine. Oh, try this!” You stick the spoon in his mouth for him to eat all that’s left of your frozen yogurt. “It’s a new flavor. Pretty good, right?”
  He hums. “Really. Where’d you get it?” You point to the gas station that’s far away. “I had some more but he’s wearing it.”
“Was.” Shuichi corrects. Tomura calls him by his villain name. “They’re right behind us. We have to go.”
   Shuichi holds your hand gently, careful not to scratch you with his claws. “Until next time.”
 He can’t properly kiss you although he wants to. You don't care though. His gentle touches and the press of his face against yours is just as good. “I heard what you said by the way, and,” 
He squeezes your hand. “Thanks.”
You roll your eyes. He'll never have to thank you for defending him. You've done it all your life and will forevermore. You shoo him away.
“Go! I’ll cover.” He jumps in the van and speeds off with the sad look on his face as always. He never likes leaving you behind. You’ll see him later, though. He always pops up in your window anyways. 
   The police cars and heroes come running. You dramatically scream at the dead hero and ‘faint’ in the middle of the road. Predictably, they slow down to check on you. Some of them still go after they get the okay. Alas, the League once again escaped all thanks to a quirkless girlfriend.
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itspdameronthings · 3 months
Benny The Rookie Cop Ch3
Summary: Here it is! Took awhile to finish this! Here it is! Benny in the hospital. Santi in rehab. With a twist! cant say too much.
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Benny's POV: 
Here I am yet again . In the hospital. Haven't been what? A couple of days since I was being stitched up for a wound while on the job. This latest wound has become the talk of the station. Personally? Rather hide . Benny James Miller hide? Not gonna. Who wants to be shot in the ass?! Yeah! First time ! Look, it happened so fast. Was in pursuit of this dude who was framing top officials for dealing drugs. That's when a shootout happened . Fired first till a bullet hit my ass!  Upper left cheek to be precise. Chris made the call . Great! My wife is gonna hit the fan yet again! Last thing she needs to deal with since Santi went to rehab. We were gonna see him soon as he gets settled. Next thing, telling the others about the wound . Oh the jokes would fly like clock work. Now I'm layin on my tummy while I wait for the doctors to check on me. 
Gracie’s POV: 
After arriving for my shift. Which was kind of dead as a doornail. After the usual nurses meeting we have to deal with the usual shit. Like riding alongs with paramedics.  Oh what fucking fun. Bout to get started on my first task till there was a call about a cop being shot! Heart dropped! Worried about my husband. My heart ,and soul! Try not to get too emotional. Have a job to do. Taking a deep breath marched myself into trauma 2 to Benny! On the table laying on his tummy with a sheet draped to cover his lower half? Okay. Didn't ask why till removing it to see a bloody bandage on his ass! First thought it was a joke! I mean come on! He was known for his jokes. Till Chris told me it wasn't. Okay! Time to go to work on my sexy rookie. At some point he had to be sedated. I stayed with him till he woke up hours later. Looks so beautiful even in his groggy state. Hair so soft to the touch. Beautiful blue eyes that lights up the room. His hand touched my ,and mumbled,” Don't laugh okay?” Kissing his forehead ever so gently whispered,” Not a chance my husband. Got hurt on duty. Now you are my patient.. My duty is to take care of you. First thing. Have to get you admitted. I know I know ya hate that. Have to make sure the wound isn't bad. I'm gonna stay with you kay?” Benny reached for my other hand and kissed it. Telling me he loves me with all of his heart. Blew him a kiss while exiting the room. See my family in the waiting room. Will first hug me close. Could tell he was scared. Told him he is fine that his ass hurts,but still groggy,but they can go to see him. He would love that. Okay girl! Time to get things rolling.
Benny's POV: 
I'm floating a bit. Some point I heard voices from my lovely wife. Such a sweet thang to hear. Telling me stuff I don't recall right away. Hope to get out of here,on account I hate hospitals being here too many times in my lifetime. Want to be home. In my own bed. Not .. on this thin slab of metal with a mattress. Moments later I hear Will and Frankie telling me stuff. Could tell they were worried,and relieved. Hearing them chatting about stuff. Oh great! Doctor is here. Touching my wound seriously dude? Hurts like a mother! Enough already! Close my eyes again. Meds kicked in good! Want to sleep! Want my Gracie ! Oh my baby. Soulmate, love of my life,and reason why I am alive. Didn't care if other people thought I'm too old for her. Age factor isn't an issue for me. Heck! PA is older than ma. Love each other so much to put shitheads comments to bed. Gracie’s friends tried to convince her we weren't meant to be. Since I was in the Army at the time. Though saving herself for so long wasn't healthy. Our first time was so beautiful. Focus on that moment man! 
Santi just got back from another session. To him he didn't belong there talking about his fears with a bunch of strangers. Want to be home. With his family. Promising his mom he would do this for her,and doesn't want to be like his dad. Frightening him to no end. Leaning against the window looking at the view of tall buildings wishing for the quietness of home. Not noticing Gracie entering the room. Turned around,” Glad you are here little bud. Nice to see a familiar face. Don't see Benny.. is he at work?” Taking a breath while sitting on the edge of the bed,” Actually, he is here. Nursing a gunshot wound to the butt. Thought… it would be worse Tang! Worry about him every time he goes out. Thought about y'all in Columbia..” Santi sits next to her pulling her close to him like when she was a kid,” I know you do. We all do. He told me the same thing. He knows your job is dangerous too. I'm glad he has you. I mean it. Sure I was against it at first,but  when I see you with him? Can see why both of you were meant to be.” Moment was interrupted by a knock,” oh ! I'm sorry Santiago. Time for another session. “ Getting up rubbing his face,” Guess you know Dr. Knight. I'll be right there.” Gracie nods at her,” Oh yeah I do. Better go back to my husband. Take care of my brother. I mean helping him with his rehab not helping yourself to break his heart.” That didn't go well with the doctor. Got up to look her in the eye,” Look here I know what you might think of me ,but I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your brother's recovery. I'm just his doctor. Nothing more! It's not like I tried to seduce Benny when you were an intern. “ That did it! As much she wanted to kick Lucy’s ass,she was on duty. Not gonna stoop to her level. Got up to leave,” Oh, doctor? I wouldn't tell your supervisor on your misdiagnosis of a patient. You know? One that almost murdered a few innocents!”  Slams the door behind her. Leaving both of them, okay, one of them speechless. Lucy cleared her throat,” okay, see where she gets her spark from. Okay, ready to go Mr. Garcia?” Getting up from his spot. Glaring his brown eyes at her,” For the record ma'am. You haven't seen anything yet. “
Didn't take long to admit Benny to a private room overlooking the roof garden next building over. Him laying on a doughnut pillow,which it took awhile to get used to. Good he would be here overnight. Followed by resting at home for a few days. Had few visitors from his department. Glad to hear he would be okay. Followed by a few butt jokes. Benny replied as they left,” Very funny assholes if I see anything on my desk that pertains to my boo boo? Make y'all pay. “ Gracie laughed as she closed the door,” Now that we are finally alone. Wanna tell you that I was scared when I heard you were shot. Feared the worst baby. Said a prayer before you were brought in. Oh! Went to see Santi. Had a nice talk till.. that hussy of a doctor came in.” Benny knew who she was talking about. Pulls his wife into his side that doesn't have any wires. Kissing her forehead,” I cringe when I see her. To think she was willin to wreck our relationship. She sent ya on a goose chase. Proud of you what happened next. “ Kissing his chest,” yeah, but I think she might get her mits on my brother . See that doesn't happen.” 
Santi finally went alone to rest. Thinking about the events of the day. Counting down the day till he gets home.About to turn his light off. A knock at the door,” Come on handsome. Help me go to sleep.” 
Note: okay! Hate to leave this as a cliffhanger. Want to have y'all sweat it out oh who it is. Hoping to do an extra scene to this chapter. A sweet one where Benny boy comes home. Wish me luck! 
@rhoorl @romanarose @musings-of-a-rose
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ortegaversesimp · 1 year
Enid had been in New York for a couple of days now, It was so Similar but so different from San Francisco. People Just seemed to be in such a God damn hurry all the time.
It was supposed to be a relaxing trip for her first break of the semester of her senior year. Well as relaxing as it can be when surrounded by drunken college kids already wearing their kooky Halloween costumes days in advance.
Wednesday had offered for Enid to join her in Jersey for the break, Thing in rapid agreement, but Enid knew her beautiful roomate had been looking forward to going on a probably highly illegal and dangerous trip with her uncle Fester when she got home. She almost heard a slither of excitement enter her roomies usual monotone voice when Wednesday had told her about her beloved Uncles letter. It came through the window by a freaking hawk like she was living in some fucked up Harry Potter shit.
Anyway It was Senior year, she had to start planning for what she would do after graduation. The whole reason why she was currently in New York in the first place was to look at courses at an impressive looking Blackmore University and searching for apartments that may be available next semester.
No time to waste on pretty girls....or so she thought.
One persistent creep annoying and following a short college age girl, plus Enid trying to be helpful plus one angry misplaced punch on the blondes nose by said college girl equals Enid sitting across from said pretty girl  making plans for a guided tour around New York from an apologetic Tara Carpenter.
"I can't believe you got us lost in Central Park" laughed Enid as Tara struggled with the second lock on her apartment door.
The heavy door finally opened, Tara rushed inside dragging the laughing werewolf by her obnoxious I heart NYC shirt in behind her.
Enid watched the girl she had grown to care for, rush past her while hiding rosie colored cheeks to switch on the lamp next to a well loved couch that looked like it belonged in a college kids first apartment away from home...or a crackden, but who was Enid to judge? She was still sharing a communal fridge with 5 other teenage girls. One who takes a full shelf with her O positive blood bags (Yoko really needs her own mini fridge for Christmas)
"Oh Shut up blondie" Tara snarked with an embarrassed grin, pulling a smiling Enid on top of her on Enids new favorite couch.
"Why I never!" gasped Enid in overdramatic horror. One hand cluching her chest in mock offense while her other kept her from crushing the gorgeous girl beneath her.
"I thought you found me hilarious and charming?! Enid pouted looking into mirthfilled chocolate orbs.
"I can think of a much better use for your hilarious and charming mouth" Tara said while tugging the hovering blonde closer.
"As you wish" Enid smiled, Tara's eyes brightening even further that Enid had remembered a passing comment on the young Carpenters favorite childhood movie.
Their lips met surprisingly softly. As if they were two young teenagers finally having their first kiss.
Quickly soft pecks turned more passionate. Enid hands respectfully on slender hips, in a slightly bruising grip. Doing her best not to let little growls of pleasure exit her lips. 'That might be a bit much for a first make out session with a normie' thought Enid as she felt Tara's hands slide under her shirt.
Tara's warm hands freezing on Enids stomach. Slowly pulling away from the whimpering outcast.
Enid opened her eyes in a daze and looked into confused and slightly worried ones staring back at her.
" Are you ok?" whispered Enid. Hands immediately leaving hips.
" Was that too much" worry poured from Enids mouth as she shifted her weight off the smaller woman.
Tara stared at Enid in shocked confusion. A thousand questions flickering in her eyes as Enid patiently waited for her to gather her thoughts.
"Wha..what happend?" Tara finally spoke out.
Enid tilted her head to the side looking every bit the confused pup Wednesday always playfully called her.
" The scars Enid" Tara said quietly, as if afraid she would push Enid into a breakdown.
To Tara's surprise, Enid let out a small sigh of relief, shoulders no longer hunched in anxious worry.
Enid allowed her weight to return to her partners body, hands returning to hips, soothingly rubbing in gentle circles.
"Oh yeah! I fought something" Enid said with a proud grin stretching her mouth. Looking now like a puppy waiting for a treat (huh maybe Wednesday had a point with the puppy comparisons thought Enid, pushing the thought to the back of her mind).
"You fought -WHAT DID YOU FIGHT A LION?!" Tara exclaimed in disbelief, looking at Enid as if she grew an extra head on her shoulders.
Enid couldn't help but laugh, a lion would have been child's play compared to Tyler and his giant ugly ass head.
"Just a monster" Enid shrugged. Not particularly wanting to talk about it, she afterall never escaped unscathed.
Enid now had a slight moment of worry and heartbreak that maybe the scars on her body to go along with her face might be too much for the normie girl.
Tara freezes as those words leave Enids mouth. Sam, Mindy and Chad's voices shouting in her head. Telling her she doesn't know this girl. She's obviously been involved in some danger. Telling her to ask Enid to leave and not to come back.
Looking into the deep worry ridden ocean eyes surprisingly silenced all those trusted voices.
Tara took Enid trembling hand with her own scarred hand and took it  softly off her waist, sliding it up her loose fitting top urging enids hand around her back to where various healed stab wounds lay.
Enids horrified eyes met Tara's.
" I fought one too."
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msviolacea · 10 months
The current Honkai Star Rail ghost hunting event is maybe the best one yet - I love hanging out with Sushang, Guinafen, and Huo Huo, the social media thing is hilarious (especially once you know which canon characters belong to which screen names - i.e., that Jing Yuan is on fake ghost hunting tiktok teasing Fu Xuan about how short she is, lol) (I may ship it, just a little), and the lore they're dropping is really interesting. In that way, I'm really happy with HSR's "permanent" event setup, that future players can get this content without the special rewards, because if this was a limited time event I'd definitely be unhappy about how much character stuff and lore would disappear.
But anyway, the biggest thing I've come away with so far is feeling a LOT of sympathy for Yanqing, and considering the folly of a civilization/government attempting to erase their own history. Like, here's a kid, he's a member of an effectively immortal species, but he's a teenager - either in actuality or in relative age to his centuries-old fellows. Yes, he's a swordplay savant and has earned a place as a military officer at his young age, but he's still stupidly young. He's the protege of the Arbiter General, the most powerful man on the Luofu, but Jing Yuan has clearly not told him anything more of what truly happened with the High Cloud Quintet than is public knowledge. And that public knowledge appears to be no more than "So, these 5 were heroes, until Imbibitor Lunae and his (boy)friend did something unspeakable with Vidyadhara magic and got themselves exiled permanently. Also we erased the entire identity of the greatest swordsperson in our history and pretend she doesn't exist, don't ask us why." And I'm sure that there are plenty of people who are either old enough to remember what actually happened, or have parents/grandparents who witnessed what happened, but Yanqing is not one of them.
So we have this teenaged kid, with a relatively high level military rank and an ego to match that his mentor has indulged up until now, and a strong sense of right and wrong. He sees what he believes to be a blind woman wandering through an active combat zone and offers to escort her to where she's going. Unfortunately for him, that woman is the aforementioned sword champion whose entire identity has been erased from history, so he has no idea that she's a) the person he high-key idolizes, b) his mentor's old mentor, and c) gone semi-batshit with mara and here to fuck shit up. So she kicks his ass and laughs at him, which is the perfect way to get under a teenager's skin, and leaves him humiliated.
And then Yanqing hears that one of the two most infamous exiled criminals in the Luofu's history, who had been caught coming back and imprisoned, has escaped and is once again running around free. So, he goes hunting, because it's the duty of a Cloud Knight to capture this criminal, and also it's maybe a way to redeem himself. But once again, he doesn't have the full information, which is that a) this criminal is nearly as good at the sword as the woman who just kicked his ass, because she brutally trained him, b) this criminal is even MORE batshit marastruck because he's a more short-lived human, which shouldn't even be possible, and c) oh yeah, Imbibitor Lunae is also here, hiding as a member of the Astral Express crew, so now he's gonna have to fight BOTH of the most infamous exiled criminals in Luofu history. But he refuses to back down, so that goes about as well as one might expect.
But Jing Yuan shows up! So the day will be saved, right? But Yanqing hasn't really thought about the fact that these two criminals were once Jing Yuan's best friends - which he probably knew in the abstract, because he knows that Jing Yuan is the last surviving non-exiled member of the High Cloud Quintet - but has had no reason to contemplate what that might mean until now. And, well, these are the worst criminals in his people's history, right? So Jing Yuan is here to back him up?
Wrong. His beloved mentor actually snaps at him to back off, and then lets them go.
I mean, no wonder this kid is messed up. No wonder he lets a heliobus get into his head with promises of making him better, stronger, more worthy of being a Cloud Knight. I'm so glad that something permanent, that every player can access, addresses the way he's feeling after all that. And I'm glad that Jing Yuan acknowledges that it's his fault, his failing as Yanqing's master for not properly preparing him for this eventuality, or helping him process it afterward. Not that Jing Yuan did anything wrong in his dealings with Blade and Dan Heng, but the man is constantly playing 5D chess with the entire universe and never lets anyone in on his thoughts, which is his primary failing. An understandable one, given his circumstances, but not one that particularly helps anyone around him deal with the fallout from his schemes.
So yes. I have more feels about Yanqing than I ever thought I would. Join me next time when I have almost the same amount of feels about Qingque and how actually good she is at being a diviner when she's not using her clearly stellar brain to figure out new ways to slack off, and how I hope she ends up being Fu Xuan's second in command and is forced to bitch about it for the next several hundred years.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
A Fizziepop Take: Let's talk about the (soon to be) ex-wife from hell
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I’m not sure about everyone, but I personally have always loved villains and morally gray characters. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a lot of fucked up situations where no one was every really the “good guy”, not even the people I loved and trusted…. So I learned early on that bad guys aren’t always bad and even when they are, being bad isn’t always as bad as it seemed to be made out by everything on tv and in books. Having this way of thinking from a young age, it’s no surprise that some of my favorite characters in books and movies tend to be the villains. Now, as much as I love Stolas (and want his relationship with Blitz to work), I’ve kinda into Stella on this ‘I want my husband dead’ trip, and after watching “Western Energy” a few times, I think I figured out why and I can’t be the only one who feels like this, so let’s get into it!.
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If you know how most villains are written and portrayed, a lot of them have some sort of reason for doing whatever fucked up thing they're doing. Sometimes the excuse is a tragic backstory, or an unrequited love, or a fear that they just don’t seem to deal with very well, or to gain power over another being/beings or even keep power they already have, in some cases mental illness is even villainized in the media (which sucks since it’s not always portrayed in a realistic manner when it’s used as a reason for someone being "villainous" and ends up stigmatizing an entire group of people who suffer from the illness in ways that aren’t dramatized for the entertainment of the masses.).... But all of these reasons tend to be on the list of the reasons the villain, and the audience, try to justify whatever messed up shit they’re doing…. But here’s the thing, sometimes a person doesn’t have a reason to be an absolute fucked up beyond repair, horrible person, they just like being that way. That’s what we see with Stella.
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See, Stella doesn’t have a horrible tragic past to blame her cruelty on. Stolas never abused her, if anything he did his best to try to make their marriage work despite the abuse she put him through for what seems to be the entirety of their relationship. And it seems she’s never even had to smell poverty or what fear would smell like when it’s her own. As of right now, there is no reason for her cruelty that we can see except for pure enjoyment, with her even at one point telling Stolas "I like tormenting you!" when asked why she's still in his house despite having moved out pretty much completely at that point. She enjoys making Stolas’ life miserable and she hates the man enough that she tells her brother that she’d laugh when he dies and even has to be convinced to keep him alive to figure out how to get money from him since she’d likely get nothing when he dies. The woman has no regard for anyone’s life but hers unless she’s making someone else feel beyond miserable.... And, as much as I love Stolas, I love the cruelty Stella processes and how she seems to aim it all toward him, especially because she doesn’t in anyway try to hide the fact that she’s an evil bitch and she doesn't even try to. Whether she’s telling her husband that she likes making him miserable or badmouthing him to friends and family with him standing a few feet away, or even giddily admitting to her brother that she’s hired the assassin that kidnapped and off her husband, the woman has zero shame and as easy as it is to dislike her for actively hurting a fan favorite character, the sheer size of Stella’s metaphorical balls makes me love her. Despite being a ditzy, bitchy ex-wife and a bad mother from what most of us believe, and her literally torturing one of my favorite characters for sheer pleasure, Stella has earned a spot as one of my favorite villains, and moved up in the ranking of my favorite Helluva Boss antagonists. 
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The woman is a horrible, cold hearted, monster on the levels she’s been placed on within the show and it's literally shown that it's been that way since she was a child…. And I think that’s what makes her such a good character despite her being written very flatly otherwise. Viv made Stella a character that’s so easy to love to hate, which is something I believe every show needs. I think that’s awesome considering so many people still think that a villain needs to be made; forged in tragedy, warped by trauma, and bathed in fear and heartbreak when in reality, cruelty isn’t always something people are gifted through bad experiences. As much as we hate to admit it, some people just enjoy the way cruelty tastes and hate the way happiness looks on someone who isn’t them. Stella is a wonderful example of a villain who chose to be the way they are just because they find amusement in it. Nothing else. And call me crazy, but I love that for her and I want to see more scenes like in “Western Energy” where you can see that she knows what she’s doing isn’t just cruel, but villainous and she enjoys it. But like every post I make ranting and over analyzing the fictional world of imps and hellhounds and all of this, this is just a Fizzie take on things I probably spend too much time thinking about. But let me know what you think about Stella, and villains in general. It’s always a topic I’m down to see different perspectives and opinions on.
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thedemises · 7 months
ok so me and a classmate of mine somehow got in to another world of fantasy and shit, where I think parts of the one piece world were there (even big mom was there too it she was a lot nicer and less hostile, tho none of her children were there). while we were walking down a road, with two plain rice fields on our left and right, my classmate had this watch which is fucking MAGICAL and can grant wishes (also additionally be a microphone for some reason but I'll explain later) and the first thing I wished for was to have a mechanical pencil
why? well apparently, one of my mom's siblings promised me to get me a mechanical pencil along with a sketchbook but those things didn't arrive sooooo- yeah. oh and I also found a random abandoned sketch book on the ground.
as we were walking down that road we somehow ended up in a place that looked awfully alike to the candy kingdom in adventure time, except it was larger and was located in a forest called "Mystic Forest" and said forest was split into three different categories(?):
the right side was called "Blueberry Frost Grove" and it was the place where my classmate and mine headed to. the place was so blue and purple and the trees were so gigantic that I had a hard time exploring the place, plus everything was edible and had white sugar all over the place as snow. there was a town called "O' Icy Cream Town" and it's kind of near where we were at.
the middle was where the kingdom is located but isn't too far from either sides of the forest, the middle part is called "Main Maple" and the scenery had warm colors which made it look like it was autumn. as said before, everything was edible.
the left side of this forest is called "Forbidden Raspberry" and it was said to be the most unexplored area of the forest, some say it caused missing cases of multiple people whoever dared to venture inside that blood red forest. it was also said to be a suicide forest where people go to and hang themselves on the tree's branches.
ok back to me and my classmate-
while we were admiring the place, we stumbled upon a trio who named themselves: Shortcake, Third-tier, and Berryred.
we were then lead by then to a jeepney, an abandoned one too. but of course, both me and my classmate decided to go off and wander, not knowing that we disturbed the land's giant called Big Mom by stepping all over her (she was lying on the ground, and for some reason we didn't see her despite how her color scheme didn't match the cool tones of Blueberry Frost Grove)
anyway, when she woke up our newly made friends told us to hide quickly as one of them, Berryred, would distract Big Mom. instead of hostility, the giant was more relaxed and chill with her nap being interrupted and one way or another I went out of the jeepney and decided to hide behind it- which was a bad idea since big mom noticed me but didn't get angry and went away to another place to sleep in.
a few minutes after that I noticed some weird strange blobs on the forest ground around us, the others were busy playing cards so I had to get their attention and point outside the jeepney at the strange purple blobs. when I got out first, I was shocked to see weird purple transparent creatures up in the sky and it seemed like they were letting their skin or something fall to the ground floor. not to mention it stinks and was destroying the environment.
my classmate and I went to the middle part of the kingdom to warn the citizens but got distracted by some playing court for all ages. Shortcake and Third-tier(what kinda name is that-) came along with us and as i was trying to warn the townspeople about the situation at the other side of the forest, i secretly wished for something when I got near my classmate's watch without him knowing. idk what I wished for but at least it helped.
I also tried to wish for some of the people to look up but failed because my classmate kept unintentionally moving away from me. then at one point, I ran into the glasses kid who lost their sketchbook which was the one I found earlier so I gave it to him back (his drawings were sick!!).
eventually we got into a van driven by Berryred and decided to annouce the situation after I got a vision of what's going on with Blueberry Frost Forest- which almost half of the forest was covered by some snow-like substance that definitely didn't look edible.
"ATTENTION! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION?! I, [NAME], WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THAT BLUEBERRY FROST GROVE IS AFFECTED AND EVERYBODY NEEDS TO EVACUATE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY! I REPEAT: BLUEBERRY FROST GROVE IS AFFECTED AND EVERYBODY NEEDS TO EVACUATE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY!" was what I said with half my body out the window as I used my classmate's watch as a microphone (which weirdly worked), tho my poor classmate- i just dragged him by the wrist without consent.
eventually we got to the same place which made everyone gasp- everything was almost destroyed and covered by this icy frost substance that could burn somebody's entire face. of course, my classmate and I and our friends tried to-
and that's how my dream ended. weird but I still remember parts of it (I REALLY hope I dream about part 2 next time :]]]] )
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vlovebug · 8 months
yes, another hcs page I'm sorry I just can't stop 😥
beware grammar mistakes ╯︿╰
val alone hc:
he gets bitchy when someone tells him what to do
he can tell a medical emergency is going to happen (serves dog behavior)
he carries things that may help someone with a disability but never medications that need to be prescribed by a doctor ofc (pots, diabetes, seizures, etc.)
he has medical knowledge ( why do i keep bringing this one up)
likes to sharpen his nails
has knifes in his shoes ( why? idk)
sometimes he talks and just can't stop (real)
sometimes talking takes too much energy ( real)
he's a bit sadistic ( only if it's asked of him)
he expects rough touches after soft ones
he shares the most gruesome facts ever ( best ways to get to the heart, how to gut someone or something, etc.) (he and spelldon work well for each other for a reason)
bc we don't know his dad, I'm saying he never existed ( gift from Eros or just pop in his mom's womb one day) ( holy mary that you?)
he's a great hunter ( bat)
I feel like if a kid likes him he lets them hang off of him
he doesn't bite when he's a bat, it's more like making a paper cut with his nails and drinking from it.
human children scare him, they're just so fucking mean T_T
he has a blanket hoodie that covers 70% of his body ( they're so comfy)
his body takes on the temperature of the climate around him ( dead bodies do this) yet he's always on the colder side ( 50-50 chance I'm keeping this hc)
hes a slut for pumpkin pie
Demisexual and intersex? ( all of Eros's creations are intersex in my eyes/ incubus or succubus)
doesn't know how to tie a tie to save his life.
his body doesn't build muscle but he is strong
will eat lemons like people eat oranges
vampires can't gain or lose weight ( or get taller unless it's from a spell or something) he's the same weight and height as when he died (idk where I was going with this....)
he walks away to not punch someone when they make him mad ( idk if I said this or not) (now that im looking back this... this ones stupid)
he stares at people but doesn't realize it
he only writes with the pen/cil between his pointer finger and middle finger ( I do this sometimes and it feels great )
this is an explanation for the height I gave Valentine (5'2), in 800 ad ( yes 800 it's the closest I could find to 410ad leave me alone.) the average height for males was 167cm( 5'4) to 173cm (5'6) and I think he's a little under the percentile for his age group back in ad ( this doesn't make sense does it), so I put him in 5'2-5'3 without heeled shoes on because of this. ( if the height percentiles for 800 ad are wrong let me know I just used Google so idk if it's right or not)
he wears contacts ( is he blind ? We will never know.)
he laughs at people who say pink is only for girls
he took a liking to a human once, and they died. big sad
Don't play hide and seek with him.
he is oblivious when he's around someone he trusts, he doesn't do it on purpose it just kinda happens (for example is paying attention to his surroundings) so there's a bunch of safety stuff on shit so he doesn't hurt himself or brake anything ( this was the explanation for the one hc I made with spelldon)
Don't make bets with this man. he will win every time. ( he's made people go broke bc of how competitive he gets.
has a great poker face
hes related to cupid but doesnt know how
he wears underclothing everyday and night ( he's modest ig) ( ignore my old art bc of this :D)
hes scared of kismet (fate or destiny)
mad val is very rare and the reason is cus he's scary af
has a harder time getting over baby gates even tho he can fly ( he forgets )
his nails and teeth can detract and attract ( like enid's from Wednesday)
can be summoned by a summoning circle
He is part incubus but doesn't do sexual favors cus ew ( 50% vampire, 50% incubus)
He's an enigma
His bat form is a fruit bat :D
He can't eat if somes around him
spelldon alone hc:
he wears alot of snake jewls
can't STAND fake friends
he's got RBF ( resting bitch face)
he judges people by accident and makes a face every time, Val called it the face of judgment ( I can't think of a name for it :()
has a great poker face
gay and demisexual
turns people into animals on purpose
he can be extermly cruel.
likes holding hands
very touchy
him and his sister act like its.giz on tiktok ( i think) ( outside source wow )
they like harassing each other in stupid ways
she has pushed him down the stairs more times than he can count
has actually really soft and gentle with the innocent
he likes to admire val when he zoned out cus he wont get yelled at for staring
He is competitive but not as much as Val
he is full god ( i say he is but idk if his dad was god or not, so fuck it)
he uses his hands and magic more in fights than actual weapons
he finds it amusing that people forget how much monsters are monsters till they get like scared ( no Brittny you can't fix him he eats people.)
he has certain things he lets no one touch, not even val
spelldon is like 6'0-6'3 because hes the son of a goddess ( or two depends) so he got them good-good genes. ( give)
he tigtens jar on purpose cus he forgets that val is also strong and can open anything, so he gets sad when val opens shit he tightens cus he wanted to open it for him ( loser )
somehow always has a book on him, no clue where he puts it.
his hair is in either dreads or twists ( I know dreads are kinda of like twists but they stay that way but idk how that works:,0)
piercings galore (def has snake bites + tongue)
steps over baby gates but sometimes trips
has a pet snake
Val has a garden that has pretty much all of the herbs and funus that spell needs for spells or potions
they can carry each other pretty easly
they both have quite places where they go when they need personal time
spell has a shit ton of piercings ( as i said earlier), val doesn't but he wears more jewelry that can be slipped off ( rings, bracelets, necklaces , etc.)
they make things for eachother
val likes grabbing spell and taking him really high into the air and dropping him and grabbing him before he hits the ground ( with permission and a heads up ofc)
They are smart until they're together then they turn stupid
BC spell can see Kismet and such, he tells very veg ones to Val if he's like extremely panicked
they both get moonstruck
misanthropy. both of them.
they cover the table's sides so the other doesn't hit their head when they get something under them
spell with do anything Val tells him to ( within reason ofc, but he really does always say yes)
val teaches spell how to certain weapons but gets confused why he goes all red
val once got the folded test paper of doom and spell laughed at his face then he got the folded test paper of doom then it was vals turn to laugh at him.
spell keeps a drawing of val on him cus he cant get a photo
they played hide and seek once. spell said never again.
they throw water on each other when stressed ( cold water to the face helps calm someone down cus its cold, google it I cant explain)
val likes to climb up spells shirt while being a bat, it freaks spell out cus he cant find him then boom something ice cold is claiming up his back
olive theory, spell like them val doesn't
picky eater and the one who eats what they give them, spell is the one that eats the stuff val gives him
spell holds vals blood bags to that they warm up, his body temp is high af
parts of them glow in the dark ( eyes, vals body markings, certain pricing of spells glow in the dark, vals nails {dont ask why I've come to this conclusion I just did})
compliments that actually seem more like insults to others
disturbing insults
If they share meals they eat in different rooms
( I'm so sorry this is so long, it was supposed to be three different posts)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
what if i just rambled
like ik people have thoughts that they cant get out but what if i became so autistic enough that i understood the blorbo and- fuck it lets talk about a jrwi character again (spoilers obvi)
i couldnt choose between ollie and jay but i feel like ollie i got more to talk about for so ill do him first then jay cause they feel very connected for no fucking reason
so i think everyone acknowledges that ollie is just a kid but he really isnt just a kid? like he semi has the mind of an adult from the usage of the compass, because it didnt just mature him physically, but mentally too. from what i can guess, it was slow and unnoticeable until it was too big for ollie to know how to handle. thats when ollie was a kid.
yet ollie adapted, and while he really was 12 for that time still, he wasnt a kid. he grew up for a bit, he was an adult. and thats what scared him. because we all have been scared of growing too fast. so when ollie had that hit him like a truck, he didnt want to leave bed and shit. yet he became the adult his body reflected. sure, he never was fully an adult, but thats because hes not just an adult, hes still a kid.
and after he had adjusted to it, he got to have it for a couple more days. then it was gone. all the growth was now unnecessary and he didnt know what to do again. yet he didnt handle it like he did the first time. he thought about it. and again, he got over it. yet he didnt let go of what maturing so quick taught him, and hes still grown after. because hes something in between an adult and child, yet its not a teen or something.
another thing to note: ollie didnt have a say every fucking time. when he aged up, he didnt ask for it. he asked for a way to get him home and maybe it brought out another desire ollie had inside him by using it so much (touching on that more later). when ollie adjusted, he didnt ask to. he probably just wanted to curl away in that blanket and hide, because it was scary out there. yet somewhere inside he thought earl was right (earl calls him a baby or smth because he just keeps on staying in bed) and forced himself to adapt the new adult body. and when he was aged back, he didnt get a say. chip just decided it, thinking thats what ollie wanted. and he did, he did want to be a kid again. yet he wasnt ready yet. but when would he be?
so why do i bring up so much his lack of input? because it sounds similar to how he got onto the albatross. he first was taken from his home, then working with marshal jon, then working with the albatross. now being so amazed by the sea yet scared of its dangers hes been accustomed to quite a bit now, soon enough hes going back home and has to act like he didnt have the most terrifying and great adventure of his lifetime (another detail i wanted to add is theres no way jon and ollie didnt encounter some form of sea monsters or danger after being out at sea so long, we jsut arent told anything about it so yeah extra trauma thoughts).
so to me, ollie's lying (like his dad aka chip would /j). to me, ollie's desire wasnt just to return home. i doubt it was more then just a whiff of a thought that loomed in ollies head. because yeah, he wanted to go home, but not yet. he wanted to be on the ship longer, but not jsut that. he wanted to be able to help his friends. he didnt like seeing his friends come back beaten and bruised, yet being in the corner doing nothing. and he was told by chip that when he was older he could hang out with them on the ship again. so ollie, unknowing of consequences that could happen, wishes for not just a way home, but a way to help. i literally could write theory shit for this cause its not just thoughts for once! niklaus has said that the people's desires can twist from their greed, and maybe ollie didnt realize his greed (or the amount he was asking to be brought real was "greedy" and ollie didnt notice) so it twisted his desire (it being the compass), thus why niklaus doesnt understand what happened with ollie, because accidentally beign greddy can happen, or being greedy in the eyes of another.
i literally dont think ill have the motivation to wrap this up yet so ill do so later
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