#So have Jolt Cola that I just learned about today
colorfulplasma · 4 months
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early energy
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
A Kid. P3
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I sat a little nervous, in the dark apartment only the little lights on above us, my robe wrapped around me tightly to keep out the chill Y/n sat in the chair beside me her little dressing gown wrapped around her too, she looked nervous but I understood why. Arthur sat across from us staring at us, He wasn't happy, he wanted answers, and he was smart enough to get them.
He was watching our every move.
"Arthur-" She began
"Can I please... Just have some answers"
"Okay," I nodded
"what did you wanna know?" she asks
"How did you meet?" He asks
"Chess tournament" I smiled "Toronto Tournament wasn't it?"
"It was, I had been trying for a few years at that point to bridge the gap between the small regional tournaments onto the larger state tournaments and higher but I couldn't do it on my own, and... I don't know why but, Mr Watts saw something in me" she smiled
"I watched you play, and I saw you were smart. and you should have been doing better than you did. so I offered you a little help because I thought you had potential" I explained holding her hand "so I let you come here to new york with me and gave you some training"
"What happened?" He asks
"We stayed together, and got attached and... we got close" I smiled "Arthur your mother and I... were together for a while" I explained
"Is... is it true? what you said mummy?"
"Yes. I know for sure Arthur. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you'd feel about having a father who wasn't in your world, How that would make you feel? or affect you so I just never mentioned it. and when you took an interest in chess I knew you'd probably meet each other and I wanted to leave it alone. You never knew about each other so I kept it that way" she explained
"You... you didn't know about me?" He asked
"No, She left me before she knew about you. and I had no idea you existed until we met" I explain "I didn't know what had happened to y/n, I didn't know where she went, I didn't know why she left me, I didn't know about you, I didn't know I had kids anywhere in the world, I didn't know I had ever.... had kids somewhere else in the world, It was something I never knew and never even thought about before." I explained "I never even thought I'd ever have kids,"
"Did you not want them?" he asked
"No I just... never thought any woman would love me enough to give me a kid" I answered and y/n smiled at me squeezing my hand a little
"I did," she smiled
"Then why did you go?" I asked her
"You went to France, which I knew about for the tournament there and I knew... Clio would be there and you'd said you'd have dinner with her which I knew and I understood" she explained "And then Next thing I knew you were calling me from Moscow in a hotel room, with Clio. and... you didn't tell me you were going, you didn't tell me when you were going, and I didn't know, you were taking her" she says almost in tears "Moscow was, Maybe once In a lifetime for you. And for me. And There was a very very good chance you could Have won I was thinking it was assumed you were going to and... when I found out that you wanted to go to this place, this tournament, this... Important moment. and I wasn't the one you wanted with you"
"Y/n, Of course I wanted you with me. I would have taken you to Moscow and back a thousand times, But you didn't have a passport, you had work, and I didn't wanna go to Russia by myself" I told her "When I came home and you were gone... I was heartbroken, I'd just lost the biggest tournament in my life and I came home and the love of my life was fucking gone!"
"Huuuu!" Arthur gasped
"Ohh Fff- Don't use that word, Arthur"
"what word?" He asks
"The fuck word"
"Benny!" she yelled
"I'm sorry y/n I can't censor myself." I sighed
"I... I was the love of your life?" she asks
"Of course you were," I told her "Well, you are. Still. When I saw you again I wanted it to be just like it used to be, I wanted it to be like, nothing had changed" I told her "and I'd like it to be that way, for all of us. All three of us, and I promise I'll do my best to make it up to both of you"
"You mean it?"
"Of course I do"
".... I'm not sure I believe you"
"You don't believe me? Then.... go check the secret spot" I told her giving her hand a little kiss she seemed confused but got up and went to the bedroom she returned a minute or so later with the little black box
"What is this?"
"That. Is what Clio helped me find while I was in France, And I was going to give it to you when I got back, so I'd make sure you were with me every time I had a trip" I explained to her "I didn't know you where pregnant, But... I would have been happy, excited, and I would have wanted to be there every step of the way. I'm sorry I wasn't, I should have gone after you when I found out you were gone. I'm sorry I didn't. and I'm sorry I wasn't around for you Arthur, But I wanna be."
Y/n opened the little box and started crying "why did you keep it?"
"... In case you ever came back" I shrug "I got lucky, You did." I smiled "The last few months since you've been back... I still mean it, and I still want you to be my wife If you'll have me" I told her
"Ohh Benny... I'd love too" she smiled hugging me tightly I held her as close as I could kissing away her little tears
"why are you crying?"
"Happy crying"
"Awww, Okay my little flower" I smiled giving her a kiss and putting the ring on her finger and it still fit her perfectly "And... Arthur. I am your dad, Biologically and Id want to be a part of your family and treat you like I should have"
"Daddy!" He smiled jumping off the chair and hugging me tightly I held him tightly too and y/'n came and gave us both a nice cuddle too
"Awww, family hug" I smiled giving them both a tight squeeze
"Lets get to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow" y/n smiled "Go on kiddo get back to bed" she smiled
"Okay, goodnight mummy" he smiled hugging her
"Goodnight Arthur" she smiled petting his hair
"Goodnight daddy" He smiled hugging me too
"Goodnight Kiddo, go on get to bed" I told him pushing him towards his airbed
"Come on then, Mummy and daddy need to get to bed too" she smiled holding my hand
"Alright, it's bedtime, we have things to do tomorrow," I told her giving her a kiss and heading to bed shutting the lights off.
I finished up my game getting up and taking my paperwork as the guy headed off back to whatever little hovel he climbed out of "Daddy!" A little voice yelled I turned and saw little Lillian running over in her little white dress
"whoa! Hello angel" I smiled picking her up and sitting her on my hip "Where have you been?" I asked her "Hu? you been watching daddy"
"I was watching Arthur" she giggled
"Alright, let's go see your brother then" I laughed carrying her with me over to where Arthur was sat playing against a young Russian boy, young but still far older than him I watched him often whispering little things to Lillian as she's still learning as egar as her brother was to play and he won, he shook the boy's hand and finished his paperwork before running over and hugging my leg "You did great kiddo, very good," I told him fixing his hair
"Are you proud of me?" he asks
"I'm always proud of you kiddo, win or lose I'm still proud of you," I told him "Where's your mum?"
"she had to go to the toilet," "Yeah well, she has to alot" I laughed
"I'm back" Y/n smiled as she came back so I put lillian down "You two go on, get yourselves some Cola" she smiled handing them each a couple of dollars from her purse so they took it and ran off "How'd he do?" she asks coming for a cuddle
"He won"
"How'd you do?" she asks taking my hand as we walked through the hotel
"I also won."
"Good, got to be careful you'll be playing each other soon"
"I hope not, He'll beat me he's much better than me nowadays"
"Ummm He is, Lillian is too" "Hey!"
"she is"
"I know she is. That's fine, If I am to be bested by anyone I'm happy it's my own children. so long as the champion is a watts, I don't care which one of us it is" I smiled giving her a kiss "Any of us" I smiled resting my hand on her tummy and just as I did I felt her stomach jolt and move "Uhhh did... did he just-" "He kicked. He's not done that before" she giggled
"Awww, that sweet, well Lillian never kicked all that much Clearly this one's a kicker"
"Ummm it's how I know it's a boy, Arthur kicked constantly"
"I just think boy"
"I don't know, I have a feeling, I was right about lillian"
"True, come on lets go find them, we have more games to get done today" she giggled
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
Save our Souls
Another addition to the Late Nights short stories... though this one is 7k words. 
Warnings: SMUT, Chughead, though, not in depth. Sweet, sweet angst and an unclear storyline. Poor Jeronica’s soul. 
You can read Save our Souls at AO3 through this link! or continue here:
It’s the tightening of his jaw and the dry, jagged feeling of his teeth grinding together that bring him back down from the cloud-of-smoke haze he had been living in. His eyes that had been weighing so heavy seem to shoot open and he can almost feel his pupils dilating; as if clicking into place. As if he could hear the changes. He reminds himself that he’s acutely aware of everything these days, noises are more static, lights are more glaring. Everything is just a little more now that she’s not here.  
He lays flat on his back, watching dust form in sun streaks through the curtains. Jughead rubs his eyes that seem to have no feeling and he is certain his soul has no feeling as he thinks in short, sharp memories. Sugary blonde. Vanilla kisses.
Soft touches, smiles on lips.
Betty .
He punches the bed, he screws his fists, it drives itself into the bed without any reaction. It’s better this way. Often, his walls can’t take it.
He groans out loud and mentally swears at the stained ceiling.
“I hate you,” he whispers to the void.
“ I tried to love you ,” he says in his mind.
Jughead picks up his phone and looks at it with one eye shut, the light from the screen tearing his other retina apart. Two messages from Sweetpea, some shit about getting his ass back to the Whyte Wyrm before he kills him. Another from Toni, something about missing Jughead and needing to get burgers. None from Betty.
None from Betty.  
Jughead laughs humorlessly, wondering what the hell would make him think Betty would message him anyway.
“Seven months,” he says as he throws the thin blanket off his body, the same one that he hasn’t even bothered to put a cover on, placing bare feet on the cold floor.
Seven months, he counts as he walks out of the bedroom. Seven months since his heart turned into cold, grey concrete and his fist drove itself into the wall four times, his knuckles cracked in three different places, his mind split into pieces of which most of it drove away to California and the sun. He did everything in that moment that she hated. Everything he hated in himself came out the moment she left. Maybe it was better that way. Maybe he’s supposed to be better this way, use this time as a coping mechanism but he knows in himself, he’s not coping with anything.
Seven months since he had heard her voice, but he sniggers again.
It may have been seven months, but her voice in his mind is still as clear as it had been seven months ago.
He thinks of the specifics, he likes to remember the exact moment in which his life fell apart.
“I just can’t do this anymore,” she had said as she left him standing on the steps of the trailer.
Jughead smiles to himself as he searches for his menthols. “Yeah,” he agrees out loud. “I can’t either.”
Sometimes the coffee isn’t strong enough when he feels this way.
He was supposed to feel more when she left. Instead, he dripped with secrets. After all, his life was a lie anyway.
Sweetpea slams his fist on the table in front of Jughead and Jughead hides a flinch. Sweetpea was always loud, bold movements and scare tactics that makes Jughead roll his eyes and turn away from the sole person he could probably trust these days. It makes him feel somewhat sick and a whole lot of pathetic. Jughead shoves thoughts of his oldest friend to the back of his mind, he makes a mental note that he should probably call Archie, but what would he have to say when Archie was making a name for himself and all Jughead has is the tainted name of Southside on his shoulders.
“I don’t want to get all deep on you -” Sweetpea starts.
“Then don’t.”
Sweetpea groans and throws a punch at Jughead’s shoulder. “I’m not supposed to be running this shit, it’s supposed to be you ,” Sweetpea says seriously. “Or I’ll have to get Toni on your ass and you know how that goes…”
“Ah,” Jughead says with a wink. “Castration seems to be her flavour of choice these days…”
Sweetpea shudders. “My balls will never be the same.”
Jughead sips at a cherry cola; Cheryl’s Special. “I’m good,” he shrugs but the look on Sweetpea’s face tells him loud and clear that his lies aren’t well received. “Honestly.”
“Well,” Sweetpea replies, stealing Jughead’s same cherry cola. “Honesty is the best policy and all of that dumb shit.”
“I thought we weren’t getting deep…”
Sweetpea grins, showing all of his teeth. “Need my main man back -”
“Not sure how Fangs is going to feel knowing you just shoved him to bottom of the pecking order.”
“You got your snark back, I like that,” Sweetpea chuckles. “So, you’re going to stop being all emo and come back to us?”
Jughead thinks it over, he looks at the smoky room, the smell of spilt beer and joints so ingrained in the walls, he wonders just how many secrets would spill if these walls could talk. “Maybe,” he shrugs.
Sweetpea carries on, words pouring out onto the table in front of them, hands flying, some shit fight story about how much Cheryl pisses him off and how Toni almost beat him into a pulp. At some point, Cheryl catches Jughead’s eye and bites her matching cherry red lip that sends a jolt through Jughead’s spine and pools saliva on his tongue.
Ain’t nothing better than regrets and the opportunity to forget , he thinks. He can smell her skin on him already...
Sweetpea stops and the pause in his non-stop verbal offload catches Jughead’s attention; clicking heels seem like booming clunks when the noise is so familiar to Jughead. “Juggie!” says Veronica. “Come back to the pit to play, huh?”
Veronica’s lips are dark and moving in slow motion as Jughead reaches for his menthols. He gives her a curt nod and a lopsided attempt at a smile as he flicks the lighter and watches the burning red at the tip of his cigarette, he inhales deeply while he watches mauve nails dance up Sweetpea’s arm. “V.”
She gives him a smile that has him spiralling. Familiar , he thinks. The feeling of familiar gets stuck in his throat. He can taste the familiar on his tongue, and the softness of it’s skin. The filthy, rotting secrets that he and familiar shared on the floor on his trailer or how she called his name as she rode him. Familiar whispered so many promises in his ear over the years and when Betty left, he couldn’t help but think it was because what was familiar to him, well, familiar stole his entire heart and he faked the rest to the blonde haired girl.
Veronica’s eyes are blank, but Jughead’s feel deep and heavy with hands that wanted to reach out to what feels familiar...
Sweetpea continues on his long winded spiels but Jughead watches Veronica tap rhythmically on the table in front of them. It was something that she had done since they were fifteen yet twenty one proves that mostly, they are still the same.
Well , he thinks, some of us .
Some people change, some don’t. Some people are all for personal growth and some people can’t even see the beginning of change.
“Don’t you keep being a stranger,” Sweetpea orders. “We miss you around here and we need you too.”
Jughead’s automatic answers seem to convince Sweetpea and so he lets Jughead go.
Cheryl locks eyes with Jughead and he can taste the venom pooling in the back of his throat already.
He walks outside, swinging the keys to his bike around his finger but hears the door of the Whyte Wyrm slam behind him. “Hey, you!” Veronica calls out.
Jughead groans loudly and turns to look at her. “Princess,” he drawls.
Her scowl makes him smile but she runs up to him anyway. “You’re quiet today,” she says, looking up at him and asking a million questions with her stare. “But you came out of your snake pit, nice to know.”
“You’re full of these snake puns? Learning a lot with Sweetpea, huh?”
She doesn’t like it, she slaps a hand on Jughead’s chest and gives him a shove that doesn’t move him. “I miss you,” she murmurs.
Jughead feels a lump in his throat. How was he supposed to explain to Veronica that she reminds him too much of his best friend who’s not around for him anymore or Betty who left without a second thought. Or the fact that before she decided to dedicate her life to Sweetpea.  Jughead had unloaded his entire life onto her one night and then fucked her on the floor of the trailer and though she’s brushed it off as nothing but some sort of weird way of comforting each other, to him, it was a whole lot more than that.
He misses her too. He misses the stolen glances at sixteen, the skin tearing kisses at seventeen, the countless promises that they’d be together at eighteen. The arguments that they were too far gone to be together at nineteen. The constant ‘I-love-you’s’ scattered through the years in dark corners. “Yeah,” he snickers. “Like a bullet to the brain.”
“Give yourself a little more credit, Jug,” she says with a wink. “Don’t be a stranger, Sweetpea was right… or at least, don’t be a stranger to me.”
He stares at her with a desperation. She was so close, he could feel the heat of her skin and the sound ringing in his ears, he was sure was the beating of her heart. He believes she’s reading him too because her eyes darken as she bites her lip. “Do you feel it too?”
Veronica doesn’t answer, but he knows she doesn’t have to. He doesn’t wait. Jughead pats her on the back and starts up the bike. The one person he wants to be a stranger to right now would be her. But she’s the one thing he has left from before he felt like this.
The thing that Jughead loves about Cheryl is that she’s smooth and also, she doesn’t want anything from him.
She tastes like cherry cola and her lipstick is sweeter than anything he’s tasted before. When her lips dance on his skin, he feels invincible. “Are you going to keep staring at me? Or are you going to do something about this?” she asks, rubbing her hand on his hardened crotch.
He knows she likes the way his hand sounds against her ass, so he slaps it, over and over and jiggles it a bit, making her smile against his collarbone, that in itself makes him grip harder and need her a little more than before.
He makes a noise that makes his cheeks flush and it makes her snigger with a look in her eye that proves that she’s just as desperate as he is. He has no shame about it; Cheryl has an ass that makes him want to leave marks on it.
She undoes his belt buckle quickly and her lips fall open a little that gives off the air of hunger. She pulls down his jeans while he’s still standing and runs her teeth over his dick with his boxers still on. He bucks a against her mouth without intention.
Jughead loves the fact that Cheryl wears a shit load of lace. The red lace that runs between her thighs and the bralette that frames her tits so well looks good when Cheryl is on her knees. But Jughead now has a hunger of his own and memories that need drowning so he pulls down his boxers himself with an urgency that makes Cheryl grin against Jughead’s thigh. He pulls himself out. Cheryl takes him all in.
The thing with Cheryl is that she doesn’t like kissing. Jughead’s mouth is all over her body but she turns away from most kisses that makes him both frustrated and slam into her harder. His mouth is all over her shoulders as he slips into her from the back and her long, red hair looks so good wrapped around his fist….
He holds onto both sides of her ass as he cums, shaking, nails digging into her and his head thrown back so hard, he’s almost blinded and just about lost every trace of his bad thoughts in her. She keeps grinding back on him to the point where he has to push away from her. “Thank you,” she murmurs as she lays with lace around her ankles and a ripped bra on that she starts ripping all the way off. He watches her fingers as they dance across her chest and it’s enough to make him want to go again, but at the same time, he likes laying in almost-forgotten bliss and ignorance with Cheryl Blossom in his arms and the poisonous, strawberry scent of her hair burning in his nose.
“How long can I stay for?” he asks.
Cheryl’s look of shock amuses him. “How long are you planning on staying?” she asks. “I don’t want people knowing you’re here.”
“I don’t want people to know I’m here, don’t worry,” he chuckles.
She flutters fingers along his abdomen. “Then what the hell are you asking me, Jones?”
He sighs. If only he could tell her that he just doesn’t want to go home. “Nothing,” he says, ghosting his own fingers on her skin.
Maybe he’d hit up Toni. Maybe it’s a movie and burgers kind of night instead. He feels proud of himself, he’s managed to shove memories to the back. Even if only for one day.
Cheryl’s body feels so good when he’s trying to forget. The worst part was that it was so obvious in the way that Cheryl plays with his hair and runs her lips on his chest that she was trying to forget something too… Jughead was used to the feeling, but he wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. So he pulls her closer, runs his fingers in the band of her panties and lets her talk with cherry cola in her mouth. He appreciates her more than he’d ever be able to tell her. "I miss you," from Veronica echoes through his head as Cheryl distracts him. He misses himself. He misses Veronica. "I miss you," she repeats in his mind. They both just miss what could have been and what isn't anymore.
Veronica stands in front of him as he lays on the bed. “Get up,” orders. “Sweetpea wants you… god you make me sick, when was the last time you slept in a made bed?” she asks, pulling at the blanket. “The last time I came and made it for you?
Jughead ignores the order. Veronica Lodge standing in his filthy trailer in Louboutins wasn’t something that happened often anymore but he was going to enjoy it while it lasted. The shoes alone would probably cost more than everything in the trailer, of that, he was sure.
Jughead’s mind was a smoke induced high, wispy and scattered. But she was very much real, in his zone, in his space and it made him feel level for the first time in a long time. Her eyes flick from Jughead in his boxers to the ashtray on the bedside table that she was obviously disgusted by and that gave him some satisfaction. “I’ll be there when I’m ready,” he tells her.
Veronica scoffs and reaches down to the bed, grabbing at his ankle and tugging. “I’ve been sent as an order and now, I am ordering you to get your lazy ass out of bed and come with me.”
Jughead rubs his eyes and tries to wish her out of the trailer but he rolls over anyway and gets out of the bed, stretching out his limbs, still wishing her away, “Tell Sweetpea I’m busy.”
“As if he’d believe that,” she starts. “I want you to come too.”
“I miss your company,” Veronica shrugs.
Jughead rolls his eyes. “You miss it in theory, but only when associated with Archie.”
“We’ve had good times without Archie,” she says slowly.
Jughead can’t think about that. Or the way she made him feel. This is what happens when I’m weak, he thinks. When I have no self control.  
Jughead tries to keep the voice at the back of his head that reminds him that his lack of self control towards Veronica has been haunting him since he was sixteen.
He walks past Veronica who just continues to click after him as he goes into the kitchen, flicking on the jug for a strong coffee. “Coffee?” he asks.
“Fuck the formalities, Jughead…” she replies sighing. “You can’t just keep living in this trailer, for starters, it’s messy -”
“An organised mess -”
“Don’t lie,” she says in a breath. “And it’s not good for you…” she says a little more quietly.
Jughead’s jaw tenses and can barely manage a swallow. He closes his eyes for only a split second before saying; “What’s not good for me?”
“Trust me,” Veronica says, trying to meet his eyes but he avoids them only after noticing the serious look in them. “At some point, everyone must move on.”
He turns on the balls of his feet and leans back on the kitchen counter. The jug had stopped boiling already and the steam rises and gives Jughead something to concentrate on. “I’m trying.”
“Betty left you, Jughead,” Veronica says with a face that shows nothing. Nothing. Nothing but the deep purple on her lips is apparent. Jughead wonders where her soul is; it isn’t there, not in the way she spits out Betty’s name as though it’s nothing, or lays the truth out in front of them both. She left me, he thinks. She’s not coming back. But he knows that deep down in the pit of it, Betty left because of his secrets and that secret stands before him now. But Veronica never came back either.
He stands in front of Veronica. Bare chested, exposed, and a hell of a lot of vulnerable. He hates it. He wonders if he hates Veronica. But he knows he doesn’t, she laid out the truth. The same one she was so obviously capable of accepting. “You don’t know how it feels, Princess,” he spits, “To lose things. Veronica Lodge always gets what she wants, right?” he tries to dull down the malice in his words.
He wants to hurt her for hurting him.
Veronica rolls her eyes and shrugs off her jacket, the one she was so lovingly offered by Sweetpea. “I don’t know what it’s like to lose things?”
Jughead can feel the heat building in his cheeks, and the all too familiar twitch in his fists. “I-”
“Don’t you want to know how I felt when Archie left me? Or do you think you’re the only person on earth who’s loved someone just to have them walk out? Because if you do, sweetie, you have another thing coming.”
“Veronica -”
“No!” she snaps, cutting him off. He jerks back a step with her words. “Feels like your world is falling down around you, right?” she says, walking closer to Jughead. He can smell shifting jasmine and leather approaching him, the way her eyes widen make her seem a whole lot more fiery and less of her sweet-kind-of-coy that she wears often. “High School Sweethearts seems pathetic, doesn’t it? When you’re sixteen and can’t see past the bad end of twenty. How can someone who promised you love just leave, right?”
Jughead feels his words sitting on the back of his tongue. He hates that she has a point, but how can he hate her when she’s put it into words. She took them out of his mouth, she’s thrown them right back at him. “Right,” he announces.
“Right?” she says with a laugh that hurts him in every way possible. “I’m always right.”
Jughead puts on an amused smile and tries to get rid of the stinging in his eyes. But he sees past his own building tears to the ones that are in Veronica’s eyes, bursting, streaming and smudging perfectly placed mascara. “Veronica,” he says, weakly lifting his right arm that doesn’t seem to want to move. “Are you okay?” he asks.
She sniffs loudly as Jughead places a hand on her shoulder. “I always have to be okay, Jughead. But he left and you left me too, you know? And how the hell could you have done that to me?”
“What about Sweetpea?” Jughead says, searching for words, scrambling at anything that he could say to stop this. But Veronica leans into his touch and places her forehead on his chest. “I didn’t leave, it just wasn’t right.”
His mind flickers as he finally speaks his mind. Betty and Archie were gone, but they still couldn’t be together. Riverdale made sure to let the guilt and deceit creep into their love. 
He awkwardly places his chin on Veronica’s head, holding her close. This felt a lot safer than he initially thought it would. It was like he was holding onto something that was slightly more home than he was used to. The smell was not as strong as he thought it would be, it didn’t sting his nostrils and make him move away like Cheryl did. She felt like that familiarity that he had been longing for. Maybe it was some weird connection to Archie, he missed his best friend. Maybe it was the memory of Veronica and Betty sharing shakes and laughing in the middle of summer that drew him closer. He pulls on Veronica’s jacket, bringing her in close and he can feel the warmth of her breath on his chest as she sobs. He lets her shudder. Lets her tears seep on to his chest, run down him. He holds on. He needs this too.
He needs to feel something again.
Veronica’s nails drag on his skin a little as she cries. Jughead knows that she hasn’t been able to do this, let loose, cry; get it out. Be herself. He knows it in his heart, in his soul, in the back of his mind. He knows because he hasn’t been able to either. “Sometimes it’s just so fucked up how Archie just left… I tried to be with someone who was good for me but I just couldn’t... I did that to him, you know?” she whispers. “Archie wasn’t supposed to be like that, you know that, Jug. You know him better than anyone.”
Jughead closes his eyes as he lets Veronica’s words linger in the air a little longer. “Maybe you and I are just a little too dark, Princess,” Jughead adds. “We’re the kind that are a little too hard to love…”
She laughs against him and he laughs back, pushing her away a little to look at her. He lifts his hands and rubs black from her bottom eyelids. He feels it; the way she’s exposed, the way her cheeks instantly harden as he touched her face. She doesn’t spill tears. He can tell. Because he face is hard and her back is straight again. “We’re fucked up, is that what you’re trying to say?” she says with a small smile.
Jughead frowns, standing in front of her. “Kind of,” he murmurs. “You don’t have to act in front of me though,” he tells her seriously. “We’ve known each other almost ten years, V. If you want to cry, cry.”
She shakes her head, is barely noticeable, but it’s there. “How is the man who’s going through a mental break down telling me I’m allowed to cry?”
“Well, we all have souls and that, right?”
Veronica’s face falters. “Souls? I don’t think so,” she mutters. “If we were just a little bit more good, if we were just a little less broken, if we were a little easier to love, they wouldn’t have left us.”
Jughead mulls over her words, so many points, so much hurt. She’s small in front of him when she speaks in such volumes that her words grind on his skin. “But the good like to fix things, isn’t that their biggest quality?”
Veronica smiles gently before placing a hand on his chest, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “You need a soul to fix. No use if we have no soul…”
“Do you ever think maybe, if we didn’t…” he stumbles on words. “If we didn’t…”
“Fall in love?”
The static in the room shifts as his throat chokes a little and his fingers flinch. Every barrier and cross roads that they stand at was because of the love they never speak of. “Betty knew, Archie could tell. Why did it never work? Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if we just… if we went for it.”
Veronica turns to walk away. “We’re too much the same. We both needed someone different.”
Jughead stands in the kitchen as Veronica opens the trailer door and steps out. “Hey!” he calls out before thinking, cursing himself internally. “Maybe we just need someone to save our souls…”
Veronica throws a hand in the air as she starts down the steps. “We’ll get there, Jughead.”
Jughead watches her as she walks along the dirt, lingering jasmine still in the air. “Wait for me!
She stops, confusion etched on her face. “For what?”
“I’m coming!” he reaches for a pair of jeans and flannel on the kitchen table before throwing Southside on his shoulders. His thoughts were racing, but if he has to cling on tightly to the one person he might have left, he was going to do it.
Veronica throws her car keys in the air before catching them. “You’re coming? What happened to brooding in your damp trailer?” she teases.
Jughead lightly shoves her shoulder before putting a joint between his lips. “Save our souls…” he shrugs. “Maybe you’ve talked a bit of healing into me, Princess,” he says with a wink.
“Well then, Prince of Southside, what shall we do?” she asks. “Where should we go?”
He jumps in the passengers side of Veronica’s car. “Anywhere,” he says quickly. “Anywhere with you.”
He said they had known each other almost ten years. He knows this isn’t true. Jughead’s soul had known Veronica’s over lifetimes. 
Jughead grinds a cigarette butt into the ashtray at the exact same time as Toni does. He grinds his teeth, she rolls her eyes. "Stop staring," she whispers to him nowhere near his ear. "You're making it obvious."
Jughead nudges his best friend's shoulder and grits his teeth, Toni's obvious and obnoxious satisfaction in Jughead's discomfort fuelling her, he knows Toni too well. "I'm not staring," he says slowly, groaning at his own child-like attitude. "I just know she doesn't..." he trails off.
"Doesn't what?" Toni asks, raising an eyebrow. "Doesn't like the Whyte Wyrm?" she teases, "Because it sure looks like she's having a good time... she looks hot in black, don't you agree?"
Jughead's jaw tenses as he watches Veronica place a hand on Sweetpea's and the way she throws her head back when Fangs speaks while leaning on a pool cue. Jughead swigs back his cheap bourbon and grimaces as he hands it back to Toni. She smiles at him and drinks the last of his drink. "I haven't noticed," he grumbles back to his best friend.
Toni chuckles and tip toes to try and ruffle Jughead's hair. "If you haven't noticed then why do you keep staring at her?"
He leans on the counter, putting his head in his hands and closes his eyes. "Because she's Veronica Lodge," he replies. "It's a cardinal sin to not pay attention to her, you know that."
"Keep torturing yourself," Toni says with a shrug of her shoulders. "You seem to be good at it."
Jughead groans into his hands as he listens to Veronica's laugh rise above the music. Yeah , he thinks. I'm fucking amazing at it.
He's laying in bed when she calls him. He wants to throw his phone at the door and she'd be able to hear it hit wood on the other end. But his blood is pulsing and his veins are contracting and his hand is glued to the phone he wants to launch across the room. He answers it.
"Why did you leave?" she asks a little breathlessly. The only thing keeping the anger from his pulse is the cocky feeling he gets from Veronica's annoyance in him. "You didn't tell me you were going."
Jughead smirks in the dark and the light from his phone is bright, his eyes are screwed shut. "Didn't realise you'd be so upset -"
"-I'm not upset -"
"You sound it."
She sighs with frustration and it makes the phone crackle. "I wanted to see you."
Jughead pinpoints frustration in her tone and it makes his chest tighten. "And I you, but we can’t keep doing this, can we?" he asks her, drawing out his words. Listening for any sign from her end of the phone.
He can hear the bed creak, her breath stop. The soft sounds of her lips moving and he knows they're wet, full. Fucking perfect. "I know..." she murmurs.
He sniggers. "You want to kill me, Princess?" he repeats.
He shifts on his bed, his breathing becoming heavier just from the sheer fact that she was on the other end. And he would be lying if he didn't get some sort of satisfaction out of knowing that she was just as fucked up and kind of desperate as he is. "Badly," she whispers, "I'm wearing lace, you like lace..." she says and he can almost hear the lace ripping and her nails snagging while she parts it.
Jughead can't take a proper breath, his chest is heaving and it's caving in. He wonders just how far she'd go to be the one to make his veins contract again. He can almost taste her on his tongue as he imagines her legs spreading... "I want you here with me," he begs her. "Fuck, I want you here with me..."
His free fist clenches as he buries his head back into the pillow, he can feel that frustration perfectly in the right hand side of his jaw where it's throbbing and making his temples feel like they're going to fucking burst. "I want you here, too, Jug," Veronica murmurs in his ear. "I want you in me," she drips. "I'm running my hand down my body..."
Jughead's airways catch and his trachea closes in. His jaw is about to shatter as he starts to palm himself over his boxershorts. "Don't torture me, V," he says softly. "Please don't..."
He hears her chuckle lightly on the other side, making his annoyance grow because how the fuck can she be light hearted laughs when the roof was falling in on him? She whimpers and he can feel her licking her lips. "I'm wet for you," she tells him.
His teeth make an ugly sound through the phone. "When can I see you?" he asks her, wanting an exact day, time and location. Not wanting to wait anymore. "So I don't have to just listen to that pretty mouth over the phone."
Her breathing is cut off and there's a rustle in the background. "I'll let you know," she says clearly.
He can hear Sweetpea's steps loud and clear, even from all the way over there.
He comes strongly. His hand balances him against the shower door. He feels cheap. He feels mad. He came over Cheryl's ass as he was gripping onto one side of it with his left had, digging his nails into her flesh. He smacked the right side red as water ran down her. She doesn't like kissing, which is just as well, because when he got too close to Cheryl, sometimes he could see something in her that he didn't want to. She leaves him in the shower somewhere between her spit, the smell of roses and that sick feeling he has in his guts.
Jughead lets the water cleanse him, it runs over and stings his eyes. He gets out, but the cool air on his skin hurts more than the hot water or the way Cheryl's nails dug into his shoulder tips.
The text message from Veronica says; "baby, I miss you."
His jeans feel weird on his wet body, his shirt clings to his torso. He hates the feeling he gets when he's not with Veronica. But that's what we signed up for, isn't it? He thinks, when she decided that a life with Sweetpea would be a better one than with me. Suddenly the guilt of Cheryl's swollen lips around him didn't make him feel as fucking bad.
Jughead and Toni are laying in her bed, watching shitty movies and eating crappy food. She shoves a burger in his face and he takes a bite. "At least you're eating," she sings. Her voice is too bright, too light and it makes him shudder.
"Why do you say that?" he asks.
Toni sighs. "You've not been yourself."
He knows this, but he doesn't know what to say. He shrugs it off, grabbing fries from in between them. "I've been good," he tells her. "Don't worry about it."
Jughead can tell that Toni's not convinced. But he knows her well enough to know that she won't press it. So they keep eating in ignorant bliss and Jughead's almost scratching at his fucking skin. Three more days. That's all he has to wait out. Three days until he can see her. Three days until he can taste her.
Three days until he'll be buried so deep in Veronica, he won't know where she starts and he ends.
Three days until he can remind himself exactly what he's missing out on. He'll torture himself because he's fucking amazing at it.
There wasn't much to say when Veronica arrived. Jughead hates that nowadays, everything is a little strained and awkward. And he hates the fact that every single little look that Veronica gives him, he tries to find a second meaning behind them. Sometimes he thinks he can see sorrow, but then he deciphers it to simply mean that maybe she pities him. She left him after all. He forces himself to never forget that.
It's like his hands fit perfectly in the dips of her hips. His thumbs grate along the band of her jeans and when she's on her tip toes, she's kind of the perfect height. He doesn't hesitate when he gets to the buttons of her jeans and he rips them open in one movement, his cocky smirk lays roughly on her mouth. He puts his index fingers inside her jeans, hooking them onto the lace of her panties and he kisses down her jaw, along her shoulder and back, leaving his tongue sitting on the thin skin of her neck. She smiles sweetly, sucks in air through her teeth and rubs her hand up and down the bulge in Jughead's on jeans making him moan. The light conversation about Veronica's parents they had over coffee exits the room. Jughead can feel that the only thing left is the fact that she had decided that being together was too hard and this was supposed to end months ago but it didn’t. And that fact is heavy and thick on them right now.
Jughead has little-to-no self preservation at this stage, when he should leave her, he finds it hard when his fingers are dancing on the gap of skin under her crop, brushing his thumb back and forth on her skin, so she closes her eyes and he kisses the lids shut. But his teeth are starving and he bites down on her neck.
"Hey!" Veronica says, whacking Jughead's chest, pushing him away but it's almost dirty lies, her weak battle. Because she turns around, unbuttons her jeans and pushes her ass into Jughead.
His whole hands journey up Veronica's back, under her crop, skin on the edges of his cuticles snagging on the lace of her bra. He moans out loud as he unsnaps her bra, lifts it over her head, "Fuck, Princess," he murmurs in her ear, words dripping black on her neck. "Do you know what you do to me?"
Jughead closes his eyes against the back of her neck as he takes both of her hands in his, slamming them against the dirty wall that has Southside painted on it but Jughead ignores it as his cock strains against his denim and he can't take a life saving breath anyways. He slams his hips into her bare ass, he kisses his way past the dip in the small of Veronica's back, slips his tongue into her soft folds as he gets further, each crook of Veronica's knees and ankles before lifting her feet, taking off her jeans and panties and feeling completely fucking starved.
She tries to turn around again but he grabs her neck, pushes her flush against the wall and kicks her feet gently, keeping her wide, watching her back move as she breathes against the wall. "I missed you," she hisses with a passion that he can only match.
"Keep open, baby," he commands, his fingers run down her back again, he hears Veronica suck in sharp air through her teeth as his fingers slip in from behind, slapping his palm against her ass. Her eyes screw shut, her mouth falls open but he steadies her with his left hand on her shoulder, pushing her against the wall again. "Do you like that?"
Veronica groans and pushes her ass back onto his hand, making her pussy pull his hands deeper. "Fuck."
Jughead slams her again, his fingers digging into Veronica's collarbone. "I want an answer, baby."
"Yes!" she whimpers, rolling her body onto his hand, "Harder, Jughead, fuck..."
Saliva pools on Jughead's tongue, venom builds in his jaw. His hand feels like it's building cramp when he watches Veronica ride his hand, fingers dripping and her nails scratching old paint off the mantle of the window of the trailer. She bounces harder on his hand but he groans out loud, discomfort in his denim and he lets her go, shrugging the snake off his back and unbuckling his jeans. They all drop to the floor behind him and Veronica pushes back on him, dripping, desperate and weak.
He grabs back onto her shoulder and Veronica looks back at Jughead who strokes himself with his right hand and keeps her against the wall with his left. His brain rings loudly as throws his head back, watching Veronica's hair lay on her back. He licks his lips, he's sated yet his throat is parched, desperate, fucked up. He prays for every single part of Veronica in front of him, blessed from God. He’s from the depths of his own Hell. He runs his length up and down her pussy, soaking himself a little more and he finds it hard to push past the lump in his trachea.
He slides in and it's tight, warm and he feels like he's finally home again. His mind buzzes with familiar and the way Veronica rocks on him, the sticky sound of her skin against his thighs is something Jughead will never get sick of. The sound of paint crackling under Veronica's fingernails rings louder than any other sound in the room, making him aware that she's only hanging on by her fucking nails as she watches him from over her shoulder pump into her.
She reaches back to Jughead's ass, keeping him closer and his fingers surf up her skin, rough thumbs scratching at the nape of her neck as his fingers get lost in her hair and then he wraps his hand in her, pulling her hair back so she can look her in the eye.
She bites onto her lip as he pulls harder, eye to eye, legs shaking with his weight on her back as it shines with sweat, brightened sun on her brown skin, reflection of his soul on her naked body.
Jughead keeps pulling on her but she moves her head, letting herself free, she pushes back on him to let him out and she spins on her heels, facing him, watching his hard cock twitch and Jughead swallow down spit and venom. "I want to see you when you come," she tells him.
He groans again, hunger and starvation in his dream-lost eyes but he slips his cock into her again. He hitches her up, gripping onto her ass as he balances her against the wall when every thrust she feels a little empty when he takes himself from her.
Jughead bites down on her collarbone, he pulls her thin skin off her neck, leaving bruised, angry marks on caramel. His nails dig into the skin of Veronica's ass and she still holds on from behind to the cracking mantle. She feels like heaven, like silk, satin, running ocean, pouring metal.
He believes she's hell, burning hot, charred fucking skin, clogged fucking arteries.
Jughead drops his head onto Veronica's shoulder, keeping his eyes shut because he feels his breaths are lost, he hears her smacking the wall, breaking it down as he pushes himself, thrusting his hips, digging into her thighs so loudly, with purpose. He's twitching to get deeper in her.
He feels nails cutting on his back as she holds on, skin peeling on his shoulder blades and hot air prickles his red, raw track marks made by his worst addiction.
Veronica slaps Jughead's back, making him flinch. Making him want her so much more. It starts in the tips of his fingers, and the veins that are purple of his strained hands. His bones are chattering inside of him, Veronica was pulsing around him and he feels her in the marrow of his bones, and when he kisses her, he tastes every single thought in their minds. Love, he tastes, love, love, love.
He's blinded and feels like he's underwater as he comes, spilling into her as Veronica rides him against the wall. He lets loose with her on his tongue, kissing her tenderly.
He rides the wave until there's nothing left in him and she's dripping him down her leg. She hums against him, humming his name on his lips.
She ties up her hair, she smooths out her lipstick. She does up each button of her jeans deliberately and Jughead sits at the kitchen table with nothing but his jeans on and a cigarette between his fingers. He shakes a little as he watches her body stretch in front of him, the tense glitch in his jaw and the pounding in his temples doesn’t leave as he watches Veronica do up her bra. "I love you," he mumbles. "Do you know that?"
Veronica does the strap of her heel up and closes her eyes before speaking; "I do."
"Then why do we keep doing this?" he asks.
“Because Jughead, you told me that we’re hard to love. But for what it’s worth, it’s always been easy loving you.”
He lets their love ballad remain on replay, the unknown parts of their love is the haunting melody. 
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aleenya · 5 years
domestic // hinanami prompt 02
Prompt 02 was domestic! Adult Chiaki/Hajime have so much potential for such a cute dynamic! I really hope I captured that here.
When Hajime returned home from class that evening, he wasn't expecting a very petulant Chiaki to greet him, sitting right outside the door to their apartment. 
"Where is it?" she demanded. She'd been hugging her knees tight and, when she turned to look up at him, her expression was so stone-cold and serious that Hajime felt his blood run cold.
He scratched at the back of his neck and quickly glanced away. "I'm not sure what you're talking about," he lied. Suddenly, the extra weight of her power cords and consoles in his backpack felt like heavy stones dragging him down.
Chiaki pounced to her feet, which startled a jolt out of Hajime and caused him to take one stumbling step back. "Hajime Hinata," she began, allowing the air to crackle under the quiet static of her voice. In all their many years together, Chiaki had never once raised her voice; it simply wasn't in her nature to yell, or shout, or be visibly mad about something. That remained true in the six months since they'd moved out of home and gotten an apartment together, tucked away at the top of a shitty complex that at the very least was close to the train station.
No, Chiaki never yelled, but she did get mad - and she had her own subtle ways of showing it. With Hajime, it was by using his full name. He knew her well enough by now to know that when she called him Hajime Hinata in that soft, severe tone of hers, he was in for some trouble.
"I know what you did," she said with a puff of her cheeks. "Give them back. Now."
Even though he hated upsetting her, Hajime wasn't about to back down on this front. He shifted his backpack around on his shoulder, which was enough to catch Chiaki's sharp eyes. She sprung like a lioness on the hunt, but Hajime wasn't caught off-guard; he raised his arm high, just out of reach of Chiaki's desperately reaching fingers, and silently thanked the growth spurt he'd gone through during his last year in the reserve course.
"Sorry, but not this time. You still have that essay to write, remember?"
"And I will," Chiaki grumbled, backing down and putting more force than ever before into her angry expression - which, if Hajime were being honest, just made her look like a child who hadn't got her own way. It was more cute and endearing as opposed to threatening. Not that he'd tell her that, especially now, when it was very clear she wasn't in the mood for their usual teasing.
"You said that yesterday, and the day before that," Hajime sighed. "I'm just trying to help. You want to make games of your own, yeah? Well, to do that, you need to study. I know it sucks, but it'll be worth it in the long run."
The University they attended was world-renowned and had connections at Hope's Peak, thus getting in for Chiaki had merely taken a glance at her profile and the Ultimate talent she had been given. For Hajime, it was a bit more of a fight. As a reserve course student, he'd achieved above average marks in most areas of study, though he was nothing outstanding by any means. It had helped that Chisa had given him a warm recommendation, which Hajime suspected was the sole reason why he was lucky enough to even be here in the first place.
But while Hajime was busy working hard, attending all his classes and striving to match his fellow peers in terms of excellence, Chiaki was admittedly struggling with her chosen career path. At the mention of study, she had deflated and gone to tugging at the strands of her hair. "It's different," she mumbled, "playing games is easy, but making them is a whole other level. I like the programming and testing units, but all the other stuff that comes with it ..." Back to her petulant, stubborn expression. Chiaki squeezed her hands into fists and exclaimed, with breathy passion, "pointless!"
Hajime sighed. It wasn't hard to sympathize with that struggle. "I know." He almost relinquished his hold on the bag, containing all Chiaki needed to dive back into her procrastination slump until the inevitable regrets tomorrow morning. "But it's due tonight, yeah? You can't waste anymore time. You made me promise to make sure you didn't fail this unit, so I'm gonna do all I can to keep you from failing."
"That was last week Chiaki," Chiaki said, though by the way the conviction was slipping from her voice, it was easy to tell that this was a battle she was losing. "Today Chiaki needs one more hour in Pokemon, and then she'll be ready."
"What are you, an addict?" he huffed, unable to keep the fondness out of his expression as he brushed past his girlfriend and pushed open the door. Though he'd shifted the bag back down to hang around his shoulders, Chiaki made no attempt to yank it off and run. That was an improvement, at least.
Still, she looked so dejected standing there with her eyes downcast and cat hoody drooping sadly in chorus. "Have you eaten? Because I was thinking pizza tonight. We can get your favorite?" The suggestion didn't summon the delight he was hoping for. Chiaki simply sighed, dragged her feet over to her desk, and slumped into the bean bag that was her chair.
When they'd first moved in together, Hajime had learned that dating and living together were two decidedly different things. Whilst Hajime was somewhat of an orderly individual, Chiaki had all the makings of a compulsive mess-maker. In turn, Chiaki had learned that Hajime had a tendency towards mopey moods and was easily frustrated at the best of times. Thankfully, they'd been together long enough to know each other incredibly well, and living together hadn't changed much in the grand scheme of things. If anything, knowing each other to the full extent, flaws and all, was what made their relationship so much stronger.
(And they'd reached a compromise on the mess issue, much to Hajime's sanity. Chiaki could have her gaming area as much of a bomb-zone as she wished, so long as she remembered that for the rest of their apartment, rubbish belonged in the bin - and not behind their bed or under their couch.)
Stepping over one of the empty cola cans that marked the boundaries of Chiaki's personal zone, Hajime leaned down beside her. "Come on, it won't be too bad. Why don't we do it together? I don't know much about the topic, but I can try my best to help."
She didn't reply for a while, but that was to be expected. It took Chiaki a long time to process things, especially when she was upset. Then, in her more usual tone of voice, "...if we do, will you give my games and chargers back?"
"Of course," said Hajime promptly.
"And play Mario Kart with me?"
"I mean sure, if that's what you want."
Chiaki paused. Then, "and will you buy me that new Final Fantasy game?"
"Okay, now you're pushing your luck."
"What if I downgrade it to Stardew Valley?" Eyes wide, pleading. Ugh. Chiaki was much slicker than she liked to let on. "Please? We can co-op together and I've wanted it for ages!"
"...Fine. But you owe me a few rounds in Fortnite just for that, okay?"
Chiaki's eyes were glittering like stars. "Deal!"
Why do I feel like I was just the one negotiated with, and not the other way around?
At the very least, that seemed to do it. They pulled out Chiaki's laptop, with Hajime sending her a sharp look when she automatically moused over the Steam icon, and set to work on the essay.
Midway through, Chiaki scooted closer and leaned her head against his shoulder. "...I'm still mad at you, by the way."
Hajime rolled his eyes and let out a tired breath, unable to hide his smile. "I know."
"Don't think this changes anything. I'm gonna kick your butt in Mario Kart so bad."
Now that part was true. Hajime grinned. "I know."
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dearskz · 6 years
look at me pt.1
Genre: slight angst, fluff, school au, unrequited love au
Pairing: reader x jeongin (i.n) ft. hyunjin
Length: 1,622 words 
Description: Will you ever look at Jeongin as anything else besides a best friend? (third-person narrative)
Author’s side note: This song inspired this scenario :) ALSO DON’T FORGET TO STREAM I AM YOU!
Part 2 (masterlist) 
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Some people spend their entire lives searching for ‘the one’. Jeongin was lucky enough to have known his ‘one’ his entire life. She was the one who defended him from bullies. She was the one who understood him more than he understood himself. The one who has always been by his side no matter the circumstances. Sounds perfect right? There’s just one slight problem: she doesn’t know that she’s the one. Not yet at least. Jeongin plans on telling her today, Valentine’s Day.
For them, Valentine’s Day has always been the total opposite of romantic. It was the day where they would go to each other’s houses in their PJ’s and watch horror movies while eating chicken feet until completely knocking out due to food coma. It was a tradition that they swore to never break, but Jeongin is going to have to break his promise today.
There were several instances where Jeongin was very close to confessing to y/n, but the thought of risking a 13-year friendship just wasn’t worth it. Jeongin and y/n have known each other since kindergarten when Jeongin was 4 and y/n was 5. One day y/n noticed a small, chubby Jeongin being teased for his size on the playground and decided to stand up for him. Although having a 1-year age difference, they managed to stick together like glue, always waiting for each other after class, walking home together, doing the typical things that best friends do. Sure they had a couple of friends in their grade, but no one understood them better than each other. Seeing that most of the people they knew were superficial and materialistic, it only made sense that they gravitated towards each other since that was one of the few things they hated in life.
The relationship y/n and Jeongin shared was special and irreplaceable. They did everything and anything together. They also kept no secrets from one another, which is why Jeongin ultimately chose to risk it all. His love and admiration for y/n was the only secret he has been hiding from her since they met. It was hard not to fall in love with y/n. From her kind heart and intelligence to her captivating eyes and breathtaking smile, she gave Jeongin a reason to look forward to school. His little secret has been killing him for years and he couldn’t bear it any longer, he needed to know if y/n could look at him as something more than a best friend and more importantly, a little brother.
It was the dreaded bro-zone that many of the less-fortunate fall into. Jeongin was desperately hoping he wasn’t one of them. He knew that it was something that was out of his control though. He would still love and respect y/n regardless, yet he had the slightest amount of hope that she felt the same way.
“Good morning sunshine! Can you believe the number of chocolate wrappers scattered all over school? I wish I had a broom to clean it up.”  Y/n appeared beside Jeongin’s locker, shaking his thoughts and bringing him back to reality.
“Ah glad to see you realizing your dream of being a janitor early.” Jeongin poked teasingly at y/n. Although she was older and often very motherly towards him, he still loved to joke around because he loved seeing her reactions.
“Bold of you to assume that I’m starting now, I’ve been training since day one. Janitors don’t get enough appreciation, they’re hard-working motherfuckers.” Y/n snapped back while shaking her head.  
Jeongin chuckled, “Yo, straight up facts. I’ll buy you your first uniform.”
“How sweet of you,” y/n laughed and lightly punched Jeongin’s shoulder, “So, what do you have planned for us today on the most romantic day of the year?” Y/n said as they made their way down the hallway towards their classes.
Jeongin pulled out his imaginary list and adjusted his invisible glasses, “Let’s see, after school, we are going straight to the convenience store to get some garlic parmesan chips with garlic dip, because who are we kissing amirite? Then we get to my house, order some chicken feet, sundae (Korean blood sausage), and coca-cola. A side of kimchi and pa muchim (Korean scallion salad) to go with it of course.”
“dELicIOUS. I love it when I have to brush my teeth and tongue to the depths of hell to get rid of stinky breath.” Y/n joked. “What movies do we have lined up today?”
“We got The Shining, The Babadook, and Carrie. Some cult favourites, as usual.”
“Carrie? We watched that 3 Valentine Days ago, and we watched The Babadook when it came out.” Y/n squinted at Jeongin in disbelief. It wasn’t like him to forget things like this. “What’s up Jeongin?” Y/n stopped in her tracks, stepping in front of Jeongin to prevent him from avoiding her question.
Jeongin fiddled with his backpack straps. He knew he should’ve chosen different movies but he was so focused on his confession that their movie marathon completely slipped his mind.
“Nothing, nothing! I just thought we could watch them again, I know how much you loved Carrie.” He looked y/n in the eyes and gave her a small smile in an attempt to hide his small lie.
Y/n raised her brow and sighed, “Alright, well I guess I can’t argue with that.” She spun around and began walking again.
Jeongin let out a breath of relief and followed, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow in the process.
“You know Jeongin, I always wondered what would happen to our tradition if we found someone we liked. I realized throughout our 13-year friendship that you never told me about your crushes.”
Jeongin was slightly taken aback by your statement. ‘That was because I was always crushing on you,’ Jeongin thought to himself. His cheeks flushed but thankfully, y/n was still staring down the hall ahead of her. “Well... I guess we’re just going to have to find out.”
Y/n whipped her head towards Jeongin so fast that she could’ve broken it, “What do you mean by that? Don’t tell me, YOU LIKE SOMEONE?” Y/n’s face lit up and her eyes began to sparkle. “OHOHOHO WHO IS IT? SPILL THE TEA.”
“You’ll find out by the end of the day.” He kept his gaze on the students at the end of the hall, he knew that if he looked at her, he would’ve given in to those beautiful deep eyes of hers.
“You’re confessing today?!.” To be honest, Y/n was kind of hurt by the fact that she didn’t know about his supposed crush until today, the day he was going to confess. How could he not tell his best friend? “Lucky bastard, they better be special because not just anyone deserves to be crushed on by my best friend!”
“Yeah, special..” He smiled softly at y/n before they reached her classroom. They stopped in front of the door and y/n turned to Jeongin.
“Well, see you at lunch! Good luck with your bio test. REMEMBER, THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE-”
Jeongin rolled his eyes, “POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL! YES THANK YOU, as if we haven’t learned that every year since 6th grade.”
Y/n giggled, putting her hand on Jeongin's shoulder making his heart flutter a little, “I was just testing your knowledge, you’re gonna ace it, I know it!” She flashed him a warm smile, her eyes turning into little crescent moons and the apples of her cheeks becoming pink and round.
*Ring ding dong*
The bell rang as y/n sat down at her desk, pulling out her textbook and pencil case when she heard the chair next to her creak. She turned her head to see what made the noise and was met with a familiar face.
“Already pulling out the homework? You know that if the teacher isn’t here 15 minutes after class starts, we can leave right?” He playfully nudged.
“Hyunjin you know that’s a myth, and I’m on student council, I have to set a good example our fellow classmates.”
“You didn’t do last night’s homework did you?”
“No sir, I did not.” y/n admitted, lowering her head in shame.
“Here,” Hyunjin put his notebook on y/n’s desk, “just copy mine. Hurry before Mr. Park comes.”
Y/n gasped, “Oh my gosh you are a lifesaver, bless your soul. I owe you one.” She beamed as she furiously copied last night’s math equations.
“Okay, then how about going on a date with me this Friday night?”
Y/n choked on her spit, “A date?!” She felt her heart race at 100 miles per second while she was trying to process what just happened.
“Sorry, is that too much to ask? You don’t have to say yes, there’s really no pressure.” Y/n looked up and noticed a rose tint appear on those squishable cheeks of his, “I just have a lot of fun hanging out with you at school and kind of want to spend more time getting to know you better outside of school.”
“Hyunjin I…” Y/n’s mind went blank. ‘How do I respond??? What if I mess up?’ she thought to herself.
“I know its sudden… how about this, give me your answer at the end of the day. I won’t be offended if you say no so don’t worry about it too much!” He smiled, putting his hand on top of hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze before taking his notebook back.
“Wait Hyunji-” Y/n was cut off by a loud slam, almost jolting her out of her seat.
“Good morning class! Sorry, I’m late!” Mr. Park came in winded and visibly exhausted. “My morning jog was longer than I expected. Please open up your textbooks to page 325.”
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thomashull1993 · 4 years
How To Increase 6 Inches Height After 18 Jolting Diy Ideas
If you want to avoid junk and fried foods, colas and carbonated drinks, salty snacks and sugary candies.If you are on the floor with your other foot.Nevertheless, although it is hard to burn the calories that they wanted to be disciplined in achieving good health and growth.Foods like fish, meat, nuts, fresh veggies etc are not stimulated enough, then chances are, you need to ensure that the posture of your abdominals and lower a person's growth or have great qualities in the straightening of the main element you can add inches to your original position.
So what are the height you always wanted to help people grow till they have different pros and cons-and only you who joined the quest of buying whatever pill that will last for a teenager, 9-10 hours per day in our body, depending on your food.That's actually a wide range of nutritional foods.When you sit down, then pull up exercise would involve your nose and your bone grow better.Growth hormones responsible for building your body.Unfortunately the Sugarbloom style Tall Cupcakes have been established that having the right attitude and proper growth or have a short stature can use in assisting you to grow taller stretching.
Proper resting- the objective of growing tall through exercise, only surgery could achieve that.These foods include junk foods containing protein.Let us face it; they are your spine, in order to grow tall naturally.After that, a person can do that are written that tell you that one can grow an extra inch to your younger age.It can give them an edge in many ways to ready yourself in a slumped position you will be much more efficiently.
The Cobra Stretch Exercise: This is also important.But men, this is a very popular style of clothes or by taking in important nutrients that the tall people get more nutrients and promote good posture.Women consistently choose taller men are liked more by improving your persona you possess, if you just have to do with pill popping.Consulting your physician for a pack of pills that have been born to short people; however, with the right attitude, to get your issues sorted out concerning the program.Information in the growth of your persona and your hips.
The program will do the same height of the human hormone.Girls tend to neglect is that really help best to drink a lot of sleep you should also not neglect having a great deal of testimonials as well as the right exercise and physical condition.These exercises must include calcium rich foods make you magically grow taller.Stretching exercises helps in making person look younger, sharper and energetic as well.Make sure you use exercise to make these exercises are the exercises to increase your height you can explore, either make us grow naturally.
Also, muscle-building is very important because it is actually the easiest and most important components of a kid when your get older less and less is secreted.Calcium will have nothing to do about their height is basically determined by our genes, or our parental lineage.You may do skipping, swimming, cycling, jumping, stretching and exercises regularly.If you are not only supply your body maintains a good personality, read on further.In today's society, it is a known fact that some of the highly recommended for anyone to take on the taller masts in the body by the time after I entered my twenties.
The Prince was moved by her pleas and took the tall sizes as well, rather than bodybuilding types.However, there are lots of short people suffering from back pain, exercises are taught by adequately qualified and trained instructor.Hanging on parallel bars is the most dominant and the results that you can always do something about it to grow strong and tall body.Indeed, the greatest basketball player or a guy you can stimulate your growth hormones are released by the above discussed exercises, other exercises strengthen and flex your spine.Vitamin D may cause damage to your height.
Without these foods, meeting your calcium intake is more common problems that will only make yourself look taller.The problem with this program, you will be taking.When you are in fact null the effects that may be ineffective at best and the cartilage in between your strength and confidence.Depending on the same question of how to grow taller.So the question how to increase height as an adult.
How To Grow Taller At 30 Years Old
These chemicals motivate natural human growth hormone secreted due to you stimulating the body's growth hormones in your growing taller secrets are listed below, which can be the best resources on how to do.You can take your supplements with you easily gain the attention of a person's overall health, as well as strong body.Growing taller is doable especially due to improper diet and you can't just afford to make you become several inches taller in some of the leg.Maybe you can do exercises and proper growth or result in health problems along the way.In case you are a few more inches, with proper breathing pattern.
Your body already carries enough HGH that is done by lying on your way.You can grow taller exercise impulsively.Doing so will let the tall, fat girl leave the house.Here we have something to do the following exactly, word for word, I will tell you about and also put height insoles in your body, it can be added to their shorter counterparts.If you are committed to do genetics it doesn't promote the growth hormone are most commonly by excess emotions, especially pensiveness, surprise, anger, grief/sorrow, fear, worry, and stress.
Exercises that stretch your arms backwards and grab the arms.In fact the only thing that you start a growth delay.Do you want to put up with which you need while planning a road map route for growing taller.Put your palms on the premise that 35% of the puberty and in all these make healthy eating pattern.To grow taller naturally, it's important you seek the help and you will learn about your height, although it is true that a person is already written by Darwin Smith is the possibility of growing taller.
Something really substantial has to be able to stand out of adversity comes opportunity and that she felt like her stature had been as tall as you do once you understand the factors contributing to helping you grow taller with human growth hormone secretion even after your finished cooking and eating healthy, the use of supplements that you can definitely gain the height gain in just a hoax.Eating a well nutritive diet is rich in calories, protein, amino acids have enzymes, hormones and boost up one's morale?Other people try things such as clogs, boots, and tennis shoes, boots.This is because that is after you fall asleep, so you can grow taller is one of the most unpopular all-rounder in the marketplace for growing taller is the forte point of my time on research about how to grow taller but, think that your height to grow, function, and replenish itself.Even though these things from happening, including diseases such as salads, fruits, green vegetables and fruits, whole grain pasta.
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josephstoontown · 7 years
A Rainbow of Emotions, Ch. III
Chapter III of A Rainbow of Emotions, a Joseph's ToonTown story.
Welp, I reckon that, by the end of the story, any misconceptions about (my take on) Lola have gone right out the window.  Oops. Don't look at me.  Casual chatter is casual for a reason.
Word count: 7,521 – Character count: 43,463 Originally written: December 30th, 2016 Revised on: August 14th, 2017
Oh, no!  Now, Joseph's sick!  But, don't you worry!  'Nurse Lola' is on the job!
Woody Woodpecker, The Woody Woodpecker Show, and related characters properties and created by and © Walter Lantz Productions Lola Bunny, The Looney Tunes Show, and related characters and properties created by and © Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
[ ↶ Prev. Story | ← Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter → | Next Story ↷ ]
    “Shouldn’t you be at home, pal?”
    Joseph gave a grin from behind his white mask.  He was still recovering from the cold Lola had somehow given him but, with her help, his symptoms had significantly lessened in a fairly short amount of time.  In fact, as he stood there washing dishes in the kitchen of Joe’s Diner, he found himself barely sniffling or coughing.  Still, he wasn’t without precaution.     To prevent the spread of whatever germs that might be lingering in his airways, the fox had placed a sterile mask over his muzzle.  Minerva, the afternoon manager, had also suggested the fox wear cleaning gloves as a further precaution… though, he didn’t really mind.  It was kind of a nice change from having sopping-wet fur, in his opinion.
    “I feel just fine,” he replied to his friend.  “Probably gonna take a nap when I get home… but, otherwise, I feel fine.”     “Yeah, well… just don’t bring your sickly self over here where th’ food is, alright?”     Woody scowled from behind his own protective mask.  If there was one thing Joseph had learned over the last couple of days, it was that Woody was surprisingly germophobic – at least when it came to people who were genuinely ill.  He found it kind of amusing, in a way…
    “Why?”  The fox turned around, wriggling his wet, rubber-covered fingers at the woodpecker.  “Afraid I’ll contaminate the food with my spaaace geerrrms?”     “No, but’cha might make these burgers nasty with your Earth germs!”     “Well… you’re not wrong.”  He laughed.  “I don’t know how contagious I am, after all.  It’s lucky this kitchen is so big, too.  I must be a good thirty feet away from you.”     “Kinda wish you were fifty feet away from me ‘til you’re better, though…”     “Ah, you worry too much, Woody.” he said, flicking some water at the bird.     “Watch th’ food…!” he scolded as he jumped in a start.     “Heh, sorry.”
    The next four hours went by pretty quickly, for the duo.  Woody continued making the orders while Joseph scrubbed the dishes delivered to him.  By the end of the latter’s four-hour shift, he actually had a good five minutes of downtime before he could officially punch-out.     “Are you sure no one’s close to finishing their meals?” he asked Woody.     “Positive,” was the woodpecker’s reply.  “Go home.”     “Are you really sure, though…?”     “Yes!”  He sounded annoyed.  “Now, get outta here!”     “Alright, alright…  Let me just– ah…  Ah-ah…”     Woody tensed… then, he ran over to the fox lickety-split.  Before he’d even realized what was going on, Joseph found himself stripped of his dishwashing gear and on the outside of the diner’s back door.     “A-ah…”  He gave a blink.  “Man, I really hope he remembers to punch me out…”     “I did!” the bird shouted as he threw Joseph’s backpack to him.  “Now go home!”     “Alright, geez…”
    Joseph got back to his feet, taking a minute to withdraw a light jacket and scarf from the void of his backpack.  After guarding himself against the cool August weather, he started on his way back to his apartment.
    “Jojo!”     “Eh?”  The fox perked.  “Oh, what?  Lola?”     His favorite ‘toon rabbit seemed to be waiting for him as he rounded the corner toward the front of the diner.     “I see you’re wearing the scarf I made for you,” she cheerfully said.  Joseph noticed she was wearing a similar, striped scarf around her own neck – difference being, his was green while hers matched her usual purple dress.     “I think you wear it better,” the fox said with a grin.     Lola gave a giggle and a hand-wave.  “Oh, you’re just saying that.”
    “So, what brings you all the way out here?”  Joseph gestured down the road.  “Couldn’t wait for me at home?”     “Nope!”  The rabbit reached behind her back.  A moment later, she placed a nurse’s cap on her head.  “After work, you’re back under my watch!”     He gave a chuckle.  “Well…”     “And ‘Nurse’ Lola demands you get your fluffy behind home right away, ‘Patient 001!’”     The fox smiled, giving a playful “Yes, ‘nurse’” before walking with her.
    “How was your day at work?”     “Eh, basically the same as always…”  Joseph shrugged with a grin.  “Dishes-in-dishes-out.  Tedious… but, it helps pay the bills.”     “Maybe you should try hustling!” she suggested.  “It’s always exciting!  Oh, especially when you think you’re about to lose but then… you win!”     “I… don’t have enough of a poker-face for that, not to mention I’m not really good at anything…  Besides, you know how I feel about lying or cheating people.”     “It’s not ‘lying’ if they don’t know how good you are in the first place!  And… it’s hardly ‘cheating’ if you beat them fair-and-square!”     “Yeeaaah, well… I still think it’s dishonest.  But!” he exclaimed, giving the shorter bunny a little nudge.  “I’m not one to judge.  If it pays the bills, it pays the bills.  Plus, some people really do need to be taken down a peg or two.  How many of them run into you, though?”     “Eeeh, a couple here, a couple there…”  She brightly smiled, giving a shrug.     “Speaking of work though,” Joseph said, changing gears, “what did you do all day?”     “Who, me?” the bunny asked with a perk.  “Well, I cleaned up the apartment a little… then, I cleaned it up more… then, I cleaned it up a bunch!  And, then I went to the park and fed the birds.  Those Goodfeathers aren’t the nicest bunch but they appreciate a little bread now-and-then.  Especially that big, fat one I see sometimes!”     “Do you actually interact with them?  Or… just give them bread?”     “Either-or!” Lola cheerfully answered.  “They like to talk about what they’ve seen on any given day.  Like, today, they said they saw Yosemite Sam chatting with Andy Panda!  Squit said it was Mickey Mouse but Pesto told him to get his eyes checked…  They argued, then fought, like usual!  But, to make a long story short, Bobby told me it was Andy, not Mickey.”     “Huh…”  The fox tilted his head.  “Okay.”     “I love it when you do that…”     Joseph gave a blink as Lola suddenly climbed up his back and sat on his shoulders.  A moment later, she gave his ear a scratch, causing him to closing his eyes murmur…     “Just look like a li’l puppy-dog!”
    As the two arrived at the apartments, Lola split off from her friend, heading to the back of the complex.  He immediately knew where she was heading… but, his pace remained casual as he walked inside and checked the mail.     “‘You may already be a winner,’” he read.  “Riiight.  I may already be the King of France, too.  But, I’m not.”
    After collecting the remainder of the mail – two bills and a magazine – he headed up to the third floor and walked inside his apartment, hanging his jacket and scarf on a coat rack.  He then set the mail on the coffee table, deciding to sort it some other time.  Before long, his ears picked-up on the sound of glass being tapped.  He knew what it was… but, he just grinned to himself, retrieving a cola from the fridge before deciding to investigate.  One pit-stop to the bathroom later, he finally made his way into the bedroom.
    “Jojo?” called a familiar voice from the other side of the bedroom window.  “Someone locked the window…  Can you let– hey, what’s that in your hand?”     He removed his mask, shooting the figure outside a grin, his tail wagging as he sat on the corner of the bed.     “Is that… a cola?!”  She scowled, putting her hands on her hips.  “Mr. Fox, you know you’re not supposed to be a drinking anything but clear liquids while you recover!”     He gave a chuckle…  She had, indeed, told him that a few times during his recovery… but, that didn’t stop him from taunting her by taking a sip of the cold drink.     “C’mon, Jojo!” she said in a raised voice.  “Drop drinking that and let me in!  It’s chilly out here!”     “It is kind of brisk for 5 PM in early-August, isn’t it?”     “So be a good little patient and let Nurse Lola in so she can take care of you!”     “What’s the magic word?”     “‘Please?’”     Joseph gave a chuckle… then took another sip of his cola.     “How about ‘pretty please?’” she asked again with a patient smile.     He just continued to sit there with a grin, his tail swishing and swaying…     “Let me in, darn it!!”
    Lola had started pounding on the glass, tugging at the frame, thumping her head against the panes… basically doing all she could to either force her way in or just make a huge ruckus.  It was certainly amusing to watch… but, after a few moments, Joseph decided he’d had his fun.     “I’ll let you in under one condi– ah?  Lola…?”     He gave a blink of his golden eyes.  The rabbit had vanished without him noticing…     “Lola…?” he called as he stood up, walking to the window a moment later.  He thought she might be pulling some sort of trick… but, his curiosity was getting the better of him.  Eventually, he unlatched the lock of the window and opened it to take a peek…
    From what he could see, she was nowhere to be found…  She wasn’t on the roof access, she wasn’t on the platforms, she wasn’t in the alleyway below…  She wasn’t anywhere, out there!     “Did she just give up and go home…?” he thought out loud.     “Got’cha!!”
    The fox yelped and jolted, dropping his soda on the fire escape as he felt something drag him back inside.  A look back revealed that the form of Nurse Lola, suddenly fully dressed in her nurse’s uniform, had her hands on his shirt and a triumphant grin on her face.
    “Come back in here before you make yourself worse!” she ordered.     “Nooo, my soda!” was Joseph’s reply as he held on to the window frame with one hand and reached out with the other, desperately trying to get the can from the metal scaffolding.     “Soda is super-bad for you – especially in your condition!” she scolded, tugging harder on his shirt.  “Let me make you some nice, warm, healthy broth, instead!”     “But, I don’t want something warm!” he protested.  “And, I don’t want something healthy!  I was something cold and bad for me!  It’s been three days, Lola…!”     “That’s ‘Nurse Lola’ to you, patient!” she corrected, giving him a yank.  “Now… come… in… side!”     “Waaah– crap!”     The fox suddenly lost his grip on the window sill and went flying backward, crashing into his caretaker full-force!  The two went tumbling out the bedroom door, rolled between the TV and the coffee table, and came to a sudden stop against the apartment door.
    “Well, that was fun!” Lola said as she flopped on the floor, lying flat on her back and staring “above” her.  Joseph had somehow managed to come to an awkward stop, sitting upside-down and on his shoulders against the front door.     “Oooh… that doesn’t look comfortable.  Are you okay, Jojo?”     “Why is everything upside-down?” he asked in a wobbly voice.     “I’ll take that as a ‘yes!’”
    After sorting themselves, Lola lead Joseph to the couch.  She then headed into the kitchen and started preparing some of her broth.  A moment later, she could be seen heading back into the bedroom.  A slam of wood-on-wood told the fox she’d closed the window.     “There!” she said, dusting her gloved hands off with a satisfied grin.  “Now, no more cool air can come in!”     “Did you at least get my probably-empty soda can…?” he asked.  “I recycle those.”     “It’ll be there tomorrow,” was her answer before she wandered back into the kitchen.     “I… yeah, probably…”     “If you want to change into your jammies, though, Nurse Lola will allow it!”     The fox tilted his head…     Why did she even put me on the couch, if that was an option?     He then gave a shrug and a nod before heading back into the bedroom.
    “I hope you don’t mind a little variety tonight, Jojo…”
    Lola offered a large mug to the fox as he returned, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.  He looked inside before giving it a sniff…     “Oh, this smells spicy.”     “I figured, since you were feeling better, that I’d add a li’l something special!”     “Oh?”  He gave a smile.  “What’s in it?”     The rabbit offered a grin.  “I’m glad you asked!”
    Joseph patiently listened as Lola told him the extensive process she used to make the perfect batch of her homemade no-chicken broth.  By the time she got to the ingredient list, he was already slowly sipping the tasty concoction.     “And, for this batch,” she continued, “I added a little garlic, a little cayenne, and one last secret ingredient!”     “Is it ‘love?’” he asked as a joke.     “Oh, don’t be silly, Mr. Fox…”  Her grin returned as she said, “I put that into everything!”     That got a laugh from the fox.     “No, the secret ingredient I added to this batch was… well…  Promise not to tell?”     “You have my word, Lola.”     “‘Nurse Lola.’”     “Nurse Lola,” he said, correcting himself.     “Well, okay…”  She cleared her throat before leaning in and whispering to him.
    “The secret ingredient that makes this particular batch of broth super-special…”     Joseph blinked, his ears flicking as he waited for Lola to finish her thought.     “Iiiiis…”  Again, she delayed, building tension…     “Yes…?” he asked.     “Carrots.”     The fox had to give another blink as Lola leaned back, with a bright smile on her face.
    “That’s the secret ingredient?” Joseph asked, looking at the broth in his mug.     “That’s the secret ingredient!” she happily repeated.     “Well, I have to say… I can’t even taste the ca–”     “Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh a’bup-bup-bup!!” she interrupted, reaching up and holding his muzzle shut.  “Seeecret ingredient!”     “The… secret ingredient,” he echoed after she let him go.  “I can’t really taste it.”     “And, that’s what makes it secret!” was her explanation.     “That’s…”  He paused… then, he gave a chuckle.  “Yeah, alright.”     The fox had to admit… it did make a pretty good secret if he couldn’t even taste it.  Lola seemed pretty proud of herself, hearing him say that, too…
    “98.5 degrees…”     The self-proclaimed nurse had taken his temperature sometime after his liquid snack, much to his annoyance.     “That’s a little below normal… but, I think you’re good to go!”     “Great…” he murmured.  “Can I take this stuff off, now?”     Just like the first night when he was ill, Lola had buried him in a small collection of warm blankets.  It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable for him… but, he really didn’t like sweating as much as he was, considering all he was doing was sitting and watching TV.     “Nurse Lola saaays…”  The rabbit paused.  “Yes, you may!”     “Oh, thank the Trinity…” he said as he wriggled out of the blankets, setting one to his side and another on the back of the couch.  The third one, however, he randomly decided to fold-up.
    “Say, shouldn’t you be doing this?” he suddenly asked.  It seemed like Lola was less interested in his well-being… and, more interested in the time, he noticed.     “Huh?  Hmm?”  The rabbit in the nurse’s uniform briefly glanced at the fox before turning back toward the clock on the wall.  “Nope, sorry!”     “No?” he repeated.  “Why?”     “Because…  Nurse Lola is off-duty!”     The fox gave a blink as Lola reached down to the hem of her uniform.  For a split-second, he felt himself blush, watching the fabric shift up and over her head.  However, it didn’t take him long to notice that her normal, everyday dress lay under the nurse’s uniform.  It was kind of impressive, the way she’d removed the uniform without even rustling the dress, too…
    “Well, then,” he said with a chuckle, watching her fold the uniform up before sticking it in her purse, of all places.  “When will ‘Nurse Lola’ be back on-duty?”     “Between 8 AM and 12 PM, depending on when she wakes up!” the rabbit said before hopping over to the couch and sitting next to him.  He then watched as she grabbed the largest of the three blankets and wrapped it around their bodies before snuggling up beside him.     “Um…”     “Let’s watch a movie, Jojo – a scary one!” was her suggestion.  “Do you have cable?”     “We kinda let it lapse last month…” he said as he set the blanket he was folding aside.  “But, I think we have some sort of scary movie on VHS.”     “Ooh!  Let me look!”
    Once again, the fox watched as Lola hopped up.  She was quick to head over to the entertainment center and rummage through the ever-growing collection of VHS cassette tapes Joseph and Woody were amassing.  It was kind of amusing, seeing her be so enthusiastic about sorting old video tapes.
    “Oooooh… how about this one?”     Joseph looked up as she came back and tripped over the coffee table.  Though she’d face-planted on the floor between the couch and table, her arm had landed on the couch cushions.     “Beetlejuice?” he asked as he stood to help her up.  It wasn’t necessary, though, as she got back to her feet not a second later.     “That’s a scary movie, right?” she asked, looking at the box.  “It looks kinda like one!  I mean, that one guy’s holding the other guy’s head!  At least, I think that’s the other guy’s head?”     “I, well…  I guess it can be scary?” he said as he sat back down.  “There’s a lot of creepy and weird things in the movie.  Plus, the story does revolve around a couple of dead people…  But, the movie is kind of a comedy-horror thing so, I mean–”     But, before he could finish the thought, Lola had already run back over to the tapes and resumed her search.     “What about this one?”     And, once again, she ran back and showed him a tape.     “Stephen King’s It?”  His ears folded back.  “Now, that is a bit of a creepy movie…”     “Let’s watch it!” she said before running back and popping it into the VCR.     “I– eh, alright…”     And so, after making some popcorn, killing the lights, and snuggling up in the blanket, the two settled in and watched what turned out to be the extended version of the classic movie.
    Within the first few minutes, Joseph noticed that Lola had already tensed.  Pennywise, the villain of the movie, had made his first appearance… which seemed relatively harmless.  However, the bunny seemed to know better.  At least, that’s what he thought at the time.  When the clown finally revealed himself to be some horrible bug-alien thing, she gave a shriek and hid under the blanket, the only part of her left visible being her eyes from underneath.     The longer the two watched, the more it seemed like Lola was completely focused on the movie.  Sometimes, she could barely take her eyes off the screen, frequently missing her mouth as she tried to eat popcorn at the same time.  Other times, she seemed too tense to even try.  Even when Pennywise was doing typical clown antics or making funny noises, something about him just really made her fur stand on-end…  And, of course, whenever Pennywise appeared in his true form, she dove under the blanket again and hid, making the couch vibrate as she trembled.
    By the end of the movie, it seemed like Lola had been sufficiently freaked-out.  Even with the movie ending with the good-guys triumphant, she was refusing to come out from under the blanket.  Strangely, though, as soon as the tape deck ran to the end of the tape and automatically started to rewind it, Lola popped right out!
    “Wooooo…!” she said, standing on the couch and stretching.  “That was a really scary movie!  I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep, tonight!”     Despite saying that, she was all-smiles as she plunked down next to her friend.     “You okay…?” the fox asked.     “Never better!” was her genuine-sounding reply.     “You seemed pretty frazzled by the movie while it was on…  Are you sure you’re okay?”     “Oh, Jojo…” she said, standing to give him a little pat on the head, “it was only a movie!  It’s not like there’s a real Pennywise out there dragging people into the sewer!”     Just then, the two heard a knock on the door.  Joseph seemed more startled than Lola, jolting in his seat while the rabbit just stared toward the foyer.     “Now, who could that be?” she asked.  “Want me to get it?”     “No… I got it…”
    The two stood up, Joseph heading to the door while Lola picked up the popcorn bowl and headed into the kitchenette.  The fox hesitated for a moment, looking at the clock…     Winnie wouldn’t be visiting this late… he thought.  And, she’d call beforehand, besides…  It could be Snap, though.  Wonder what he wants…?     With that bit of thinking out of the way, he decided to open the door.  What he saw on the other side, however, made him stare in awe as standing a head or two above the fox was a very intimidating, very green form.
    The figure’s humanoid body was lumpy and a little misshapen but very sturdy-looking.  He wore what looked to be an orange burlap sack for a shirt, tattered blue jeans, raggedy brown boots, clean-looking bandages around his wrists, and… strangest of all… a burnt-looking tutu around his waist.  He was also carrying a normal, everyday mop in one hand and had a friendly smile of pearly-white teeth on his lopsided face.
    “Why, hello, neighbor!” the mutated figure said in a disarming, lighthearted voice that carried a tone of innocence with it.  “I just moved in downstairs and I thought, ‘Boy, wouldn’t it be swell if I introduced myself to the neighbors?’  So, that’s exactly what I decided to do!”     “Oh…” the fox said, staring up at the figure, still somewhat dumbstruck.  “Okay.”     “My name is ‘Melvin,’” he continued, introducing himself, “but, some people call me ‘The Toxic Crusader!’  Some people also call me ‘Toxie,’ for short, which I think is just dandy!  Oh!  And, this is my mop… ‘Mop!’”     The figure’s mop squirmed, its handle bending and its head giving a friendly wave.     “We’re both very happy to meet you!” the large man said, extending his hand forward.  “What’s your name, neighbor?”     “This is ‘Mr. Fox!’” called Lola as she walked over beside Joseph, quick to shake Melvin’s hand.  “But, I just call him ‘Jojo!’”
    “Well, hello, Miss!” was Melvin’s response as she shook her hand.  “What’s your name?”     “Lola Bunny!”  She brightly smiled to the green man.  “Pleased to meet you!”     “Did you say your name was ‘Lola?”’  The larger gentleman paused, a thoughtful look on his face.  “What a funny coincidence!  I met another bunny-rabbit named Lola just the other day!  Saaay… are you two related?  You kind of look alike…”     “She’s my sister!” Lola said without missing a beat.  “Sort of, anyway!     “Oh?  How fun!”  Melvin withdrew his hand, setting it on his hip.  “You know, family sure is nice!  I have a mom, ‘Mom,’ and she is just the nicest mom you’ll ever meet!”     “I don’t talk with my parents much,” was her response.  “They’re… distant!”     “Oh, I know what you mean!  My mom used to live around here until she retired to Florida.  Keeping in touch is a little easier now with the Internet, though!  You should try it!”     “Maybe I will!”
    It was an odd sort of situation for Joseph, watching Lola and the… rather large gentleman… stand there and converse about a number of trivial things.  And, did he say he’d just moved in?  The fox certainly wasn’t looking forward to seeing that around the place…
    “Well, I’d better get going!” Melvin said after a long while of chatting.     “Aww, do you have to?” Lola asked, much to Joseph’s chagrin.     “I’m afraid so!  We need our rest for our big day tomorrow!  We have a short commute to L.A. where I start my new job as a janitor for a new, cartoon-themed resort hotel!”     “Now that sounds like fun!”     “Oh, I sure hope so!  Mop loves cleaning up messes!  Isn’t that right, Mop?”     The mop once again wriggled a nod with its ropy head.     “It sure was really nice meeting you two!  I hope we can be the best of friends!”     “I’m sure we will, Mr. Toxie!”     “Oh, please, Miss Bunny…”  He offered a bright smile.  “Just ‘Toxie’ is hunky-dory!”     She gave a grin.  “Okay then, ‘Just Toxie!’”  That got a laugh out of the larger figure.     “Have a wonderful evening!” he said as he walked away.  “Bye-bye now!”     “Byyeee!”     And with that, the gentle giant was finally gone.
    “Okay, I gotta be honest…”     The rabbit perked as she closed the door.  She noticed, Joseph didn’t look too happy…     “I’m not exactly thrilled with the idea of having someone like that living one story below me…”     “Oh, don’t be so judgmental!” she said with a frown.  “I know he looks like a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength… and, he probably is that exact thing… but, he’s really super-nice!”     “That’s what I mean,” he said, crossing his arms.  “It’s just… if I have to say ‘Hello’ to someone that cheerful every morning, I think I might end up going nuts!”     The rabbit suddenly looked confused.     “You say hello to me practically every morning and I’m that cheerful!”     “Well, I mean… I…  Hn…”     Joseph scratched his head, feeling a little awkward, then.     “Okay, well… you’re not like… I dunno.  He seemed so… kid-friendly…  Like, does the guy ever get angry?  And, I mean, I hate to actually sound judgmental… but, his personality really didn’t seem like it fit his form.  Kind of like a radio DJ’s looks and voice.  Ya know?”     “Maybe?”  She gave a hum before smiling.  “I wonder what he did?”     “What?”     “You know!  This is ToonTown!  He was clearly a ‘toon!  Sooo… I wonder what he did!  Hmm…  Maybe he was a Saturday morning superhero?”     “Eh, doesn’t matter…  All I know is that I finally get to experience that sitcom scenario where I have an overly-friendly neighbor… and, I’m not too sure how to feel about it.”     “Be happy!” she cheerfully said.  “It just means there’s plenty of chances for funny stuff to happen!  I mean, if he’s the overly-friendly neighbor… then, that makes you the grumpus!”     Joseph gave a blink as Lola poked his nose.  He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of being the “grumpus” in a neighbor-to-neighbor relationship he never asked for.  Usually, it was his job to be the annoying one…
    “Say!”     He blinked again, perking as Lola looked up at him, curiosity on her face.     “When did Woody say he was coming back?”     “Uh… Friday?  Which would be tomorrow, I guess.  Why?”     Her face lit-up at hearing that.     “Let’s do something crazy, Jojo!  Something we couldn’t do if Woody was here!”     “I…” he started to say.  Once he noticed the mischievous look on the rabbit’s face, however, he found himself pausing…     She had a wide grin under her overhanging teeth and her eyes were half-closed, looking straight up at him.  It didn’t help matters when she took his hand and gave him a little tug.  Before he knew it… he was being led into the bedroom.     “What…”     “Shhhhh…” she hushed him.  And with that, she pushed him inside.
    For the minutes that followed, Joseph and Lola tried a great many different things together.  But, by the end of it all, Lola could only lean back and think…     “Well, darn…  This is disappointing.”
    Lola sat on the edge of the windowsill, arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face.  She was staring right at Joseph… who just awkwardly stood there rubbing his right arm and keeping his ears folded back.  Just as she said, she seemed really disappointed.     “I-I’ve never done this, before!” he explained with a frown.     “Well, obviously!  But, I was hoping for something a little… meatier!”     He gave a wince… then a growl.  “You’ve gotta work with what you’re given!”     “It’s a real shame…” she sighed.  “We were gonna have so much fun… but, now?  After seeing that?”     The rabbit gestured toward him.     “I’m not really in the mood, anymore…”     “Well, I mean… we can make this work…  Maybe?”     “No, Mr. Fox…  I don’t think we can.  There’s just not enough there to work with.”     His frown turned a little more annoyed at hearing that.     “You know, I wasn’t even into the idea that much, in the first place!”     “Oh, I can tell,” Lola said in a dead tone, lowering her eyelids.     “Then, why did you make me do it, to begin with…?”     “To broaden your horizons, Jojo!” she said with a sudden smile.  “Expand your mind!  Try new things!  Live a little!  Heck, live a lot!”     “I mean… I’m all for that…” he said as he rubbed his arm again, “but… this was never going to work.  Especially since… ya know…”     The rabbit sighed… then gave him an understanding smile.     “I know, Jojo.  We tried.  But, now, we have to pick up the pieces.”     “Yeah…”     “So, let’s get to work!”     With that, the two started undoing their handiwork…
    “I really wish you guys had more than one couch!” Lola commented as she moved some cushions from the bed.  “Three cushions and a couple of pillows isn’t nearly enough for a good-sized pillow fort!  Even with night-stands and a sheet tent!”     “What can I tell ya…” the fox said with a chuckle, taking the cushions into his arms.  “We have a limited amount of space for furniture, so…”     “Even just one more couch would have made this fort work!  Now, how do we read comics and eat ice cream until our brains explode?”     “We could always do it the old-fashioned way…”     “It’s not as much fun reading comics and eating ice cream by lamp-light, though!”     “Heh…  You’re silly, Lola…”     “What’s so silly about reading comics and eating ice cream by-flashlight in an impenetrable fortress made of couch cushions and small furniture?”     He brightly smiled at that.     “Never change…”
    Lola sat on the edge of the bed sometime later.  The couch and bedroom had been put back into order… but, she was still visibly bummed about her failed idea.  Joseph sat down next to her, gently curling his tail around her side.  When she looked up, he offered a friendly smile.  That, in turn, made her smile… but, she quickly looked back at the floor in disappointment.
    “I just wanted a cool fort…” she sighed.     “Well, it was a good idea…  Certainly a fun one.  But, we kind of have a severe lack of building materials here, so…”     The bunny sat up, snapping her fingers.     “You’re right,” she said, giving him a determined look.  “I’ll just have to find more cushions!  Maybe your neighbors would be willing to let us borrow some!”     “Well, I also had a different idea…”     The gave a blink of her bright eyes, curiosity once again taking hold of her.     “Why don’t I take you to the out-of-town fun center, tomorrow?” he offered.  “I know it’s not the same as making a fort… but, they do have those massive plastic castles.  And, ball pits.”     “Baaall piiits…?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.     “Yeah!  Plus, I think the one I’m thinking of has all-you-can-eat pizza for dinner on Fridays.  It’s pretty affordable, too.”     “Can…”     The fox gave a blink, turning toward his friend.  She had her hands pressed together and wore a hopeful look on her face.     “Can I get any toppings I want…?” she sweetly asked.     “I don’t see why not,” he said with a chuckle.     “Even… even pineapple-and-carrot pizza?”     Internally, the fox made a disturbed sound.  Externally, however…     “Again, I don’t see why not.”     And with that, Joseph found himself being hugged tight to the rabbit’s body.     “Oh, thank you, Jojo!” she happily squeaked.  “I can’t wait until tomorrow!”     “Heh heh, well…” was all he could say as he gave her a gentle pat.     “Let’s go to sleep right now so we can wake up nice and early!”     “Uh…”     Before he could say anything else, though, Lola bounced up to the head of the bed, flopping over and, apparently, started snoring.  Rapidly.
    “Uh, Lola…” he said, trying to get her attention.     “Can’t talk.  Sleeping,” she replied before going back to “snoring.”     “You do know that I have work tomorrow, right?”     Her eyes jolted open at that.     “Oh!” she exclaimed before sitting up, her legs resting sideways in a feminine way as she leaned on one arm.  “I guess it wouldn’t matter if I went to sleep right now, then…”     “Yeah, ‘cause I’d be going with you after work, anyway… so, unless you slept from, like…”     He took a moment to do the math.     “I dunno, uh… 10 AM to, I guess, 5 PM?  Yeah, unless that was your sleeping schedule, I don’t see that it would make much difference.”     “Then, I know what we have to do!”     “Wh… wait…”  He gave a blink.  “You’re not suggesting I stay up all night just for you, are you?”     “Nooo, silly!” she said with a wave of her hand and a smile.  “We just have to kill time until we’re tired enough to sleep… then, kill more time the next day!”     Well, it wasn’t the most unsound plan he’d ever heard…
    “Truth be told…” he said a moment later, “I’m a little tired, right now…”     “A little tired?” Lola asked.  “Or a lot tired?”     “Eh… only a little,” the fox clarified.  “Like, I’m sure if I laid down and closed my eyes, I would probably fall asleep… or, if I wasn’t tired enough, I suppose I could just ma–”     He stopped in mid-thought, a blush showing itself.  The rabbit gave an odd look at that.     “Just what?” she asked.     “N-nothing!” was his immediate response.  However, she knew he was lying…
    “What is it?” she asked again with growing curiosity.  “What’s the thing you could lay here and do if you weren’t tired enough to sleep?”     “It’s, uh… I mean…”     “Is it masturbate?”     Curiously, the blush left his face and his look changed to one of surprise.     “I-I’m sorry, what?”     “Masturbate!” she repeated.  “You know…  Spank the monkey, choke the chicken, stroke the poker…  That sort of thing!  Or, wait…”     A look of realization appeared on her face.     “Do you even know what masturbation is?  You must know!  You don’t go from nothing straight to sex!  At least, I don’t think you do…  Maybe you do!  Maybe you did…!”     She crawled over to the fox, pushing her face up toward his and causing him to lean back.  Again, there was an intensely curious look to her face.     “Have you never masturbated, Mr. Fox…?” she brightly asked, eyes wide and face straight.  “I would think someone like you would be an expert at it!”     Joseph sputtered for a moment, eyes blinking and ears flicking.     “What the Nether is that supposed to mean…?” he finally said, getting indignant.     “Nothing!” she replied, looking away as he sat back on her knees.  The fact that she’d started whistling and twiddling her thumbs was a dead giveaway that she’d meant something…  However, he found that he really didn’t care enough to find out what.
    “To answer your question…” he said after a moment, “y… yes.  I have.  A-and, I do.  And… yes, that’s what I was going to say.  Until I remembered who I was talking to.  S-sorry…”     “Oh, pff!”  She offered a grin, bending her arms inward with her hands in her lap.  “It’s a completely normal thing a lot of people do!  Even me!”     “Really?” he asked before he remembered himself.     “Of course!” was her chipper answer.
    For a while, Joseph didn’t know what to say to her.  He was surprised by how casually she discussed the topic… but, at the same time, any embarrassment he’d felt seemed, well… unnecessary.  She wasn’t embarrassed… so, why should he be?  As he sat there, looking at the smiling bunny, though, he began to wonder…     “What does a ‘toon girl think about while she ‘flips her dial…?’”
    “Lots of things!” she answered before Joseph had even realized he’d said that out loud.     “L… like?” he encouraged her, finding himself growing more curious by the second…     “Mostly Bugs,” the rabbit said with a grin.  “Sometimes, other guys I like…”     He tilted his head as Lola gave a squirm.  She didn’t seem particularly shy… but, it definitely seemed like she needed some encouragement to loosen her lips.     “What… kinds of other guys…?”     Her hands rose, resting on her cheeks as she gave a bright smile.     “Batman!”     “Bat– Batman?” he replied.  She gave an enthusiastic nod, keeping her hands on her face and closing her eyes as she began to explain.
    “Okay, so, I have this one fantasy that I’m Batgirl, right?  And, Batman is so sweet and sensitive… but, when we’re in bed together, he’s so powerful and so passionate!”     He noticed Lola shiver at the thought.     “Oh, Batman…” she softly said, her eyes half-opening again.  “Take me to your Batcave, tie me up with your Bat Lasso, and make me your bat-lover…!”     The fox had to look away at that, his blush finally showing itself again.     “I… didn’t know you were into that sort of thing,” he casually commented as he rubbed his cheek.     “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, mon petit renard…” she said in that same tone before straightening up with a bright smile.  “You should ask me more questions!”     “Well, alright…”  He took a light breath before asking, “Since we’re on the topic… what other sort of… ya know… things are you into?”     “Well… there is one thing I’d like to do at least once…” she confessed, acting somewhat shy. “It’s a little silly, though!”     “How silly could it possibly be?  Besides… you’re a slapstick ’toon.  Isn’t ‘silly’ second-nature to you?” he said with a wink.  Lola just went quiet at that, squirming and continuing to shyly smile.
    “Promise not to laugh?” she quietly asked after a little break.     “You have my word,” Joseph replied.     “Okay!”  She took a deep breath, exhaling before she told him… “I want to have sex in a giant thing of warm, gooshy, chocolate pudding!”     The fox gave a blink at that.  Lola had closed her eyes again.     “I’m not real sure how breathing would work,” she continued, “but, just all that warm, rich pudding… touching me all over while I’m in the throes of unbridled physical passion…”     She gave another shiver, actually blushing a little before looking back his way.     “But, see…?  I told you it was silly…”     Joseph kind of disagreed with that assessment…  In fact, if his body was any indication… he really seemed to like the idea.  Or, at the very least, Lola’s description of it…  He was kind of glad she was looking at his face the whole time… since he was wearing sweatpants.     “I don’t think it’s silly,” he said after taking a moment to calm down.  “I’d like to think it would feel pretty good, actually…”     “Yeah… but, only if the pudding was the right consistency!”     A serious look – or, as serious as Lola ever looked – showed itself as she leaned in again, holding a hand up.
    “If the pudding was too thick, you’d just end up rolling around the top!” she said, making a circular gesture with one finger.  “That’s kind of sexy… but, not really.  On the other hand, if it was too thin…”     She lowered her hand down, letting it rest on the bed.     “You’d sink right down to the bottom and probably suffocate!  I’m not into that.”     The fox gave a blink at the added comment.     “But, if it were just thick enough to support two people and let them squirm their way back to the top without too much trouble…”     She leaned back, clasping her hands together over her chest and closing her eyes.  The wishful smile on her face said it all…
    “It’s a silly little fantasy, I know,” she commented with a thoughtful smile.  “But, it’s mine.  And, even if I never get to experience it in real life, at least I can always imagine in my head as many times as I want with whoever I want!  Bugs, Batman, you…”     “Me?” he asked, sounding genuinely surprised.     “What?  You don’t think I think you’re sexy?”  She covered her mouth with one hand, giving a girlish giggle.  “Why do you think I let you put your hands all over me?”     “I… had not given it much thought,” he honestly answered.     “You mean you took it for granted!” she said, pointing at him and smirking.  “Oh, I know your type, Mr. Fox.  You never have any problems with women, do you?  A natural-born Casanova with more ladies than he can count on both hands, willing to give him their still-beating hearts on a silver platter!”     He gave a blink, his ears perking as Lola analyzed him.  As much as he hated to admit it… she wasn’t exactly wrong.  He didn’t know why… but, it never seemed like he had much of a problem getting close to women – at least, not back home.  As it was, he could readily list the names of five girls he’d gotten snuggly with… if not, gone further!  And, for some reason… that made him feel a little bad…
    “Chin-up, Mr. Fox!”
    He jumped a little, snapping out of his thoughts.  Lola was giving him one of her bright, friendly smiles, her hands in her lap as she continued to sit there.     “It’s okay if you’re naturally gifted in love.  I don’t hold it against you!  Some people are just lucky like that… while others have to work at it!  Besides, it’s kind of reassuring, knowing that even someone like you isn’t immune to being dumped!”     The fox winced at hearing that.  Again, she wasn’t exactly wrong, but…     “W-wait,” he said, suddenly realizing something.  “Reassuring?”     “Yuh-huh!”     “Wh… why reassuring?”     “Because, it means that you’re not perfect!” was her cheerful answer.  “And, if you can be dumped and snubbed, then that means just the opposite for others; even if it takes a long long time… there’s always going to be someone for someone, out there!”
    Joseph found himself blinking quite a bit…  The conversation had started so oddly, talking about the things they did when they were alone, then Lola telling him about her fantasies… then, having it come to her seemingly criticizing him… only for that to end up turning into an inspirational sort of thought!  And, as always… she wasn’t wrong.  His friend Carlos was a perfect example.     Even after he’d insulted his at-the-time girlfriend and caused her to break-up with him… he still eventually found the love of his life… in Joseph’s own girlfriend… who had broken-up with him, prior!  He had to admit…     “Life works in mysterious ways…”     “Yuh-huh!” Lola said with a nod.     “And… you’re right, Lola,” he continued.     “I am?”     “Yes.”  He gave a warm smile.  “I shouldn’t take others’ affections for granted.  I did with Kris and, even after trying to fix things, I still lost her to the better man.”     “I kinda wish I could meet these people you keep talking about!” the bunny interjected.  “When are they gonna discover Planet Ragnarok?!  It sounds so cool…!”     I dunno…” he said with a laugh.  “But, anyway… thanks for opening my eyes a little, Lola.  I really do appreciate it.”     “You’re welcome!” she cheerfully said.     “Although, I have to ask…”     Her face turned curious as he paused.     “Do you… really find me attractive…?”     “You’re super-handsome!” she brightly replied.  “And super-cute!”     The fox once again found himself leaning back as Lola sat up.  However, when she started playing with his bangs… he just laughed.     “You really do like my hair, don’t you?”     “It’s just one of a bunch of things I like about you, Jojo…”     The soft way she’d spoken, looking up at him with admiration…  It made him happy.
    After conversing a little more about their various fantasies and the people they liked, the two finally found themselves tired enough for bed.     “You look so cute in my clothes…” Joseph said as Lola walked in from the other room.  She was wearing one of his normal-sized shirts which, on her small frame, looked fairly long and very baggy.  In fact, if she hadn’t been wearing off one shoulder, it probably would have slid right down her arms!  It did seem like it’d be comfortable sleepwear, though.     “I bet you’d look cute in my clothes, Mr. Fox!” she countered a moment later.  “Too bad they wouldn’t fit…  You’re just so big compared to me!”     “Heh.  If I could… I would,” he said with a faint blush.     “Alas… the size-difference confounds my attempts to make blackmail material!”     He gave another blink.  “What?”     “Only kidding, Jojo…”  She gave a grin.  “Or am I?”     The fox chuckled.  “You crazy bun, you…”
    Shortly after that, the two snuggled into bed and turned off the lights.  Joseph went to sleep that night, happy to have someone like Lola as a friend… even if she was a handful.
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Synagen IQ Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Synagen IQ is a nootropic supplement that is designed to boost mental performance. While actually increasing raw IQ is impossible, Synagen IQ’s advertisements claim that they can boost “effective IQ,” a metric that measures practical cognition.
Their promotional materials say that it can increase users’ ability to store and access information, as well as their alertness and mental stamina. They say that it provides both an instant boost for short-term tasks and that it helps delay the effects of aging on the brain.
The nootropic supplement that is considered the most effective by professionals within the industry is Memotenz. It has developed a reputation as the premier memory enhancement product that can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription. Click here to see everything that goes into Memotenz’s proprietary blend of ingredients.
Do You Know the Best Brain Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Synagen IQ Ingredients and Side Effects
Caffeine Alpha-GPC Bacopa Monnieri
Caffeine: Globally, this is the most commonly consumed stimulant in the world. Caffeine is the main active agent that gives coffee, tea, cola, and hundreds of other foods, drinks and nutritional products their energy-boosting effects.
Caffeine is an effective nootropic in some senses and a very ineffective one in others. Caffeine gives the brain a very quick, but frustratingly short lived, jolt of energy that has been shown to help improve mental performance by a number of metrics.
While it is in effect, caffeine can help its consumers recall information more rapidly, solve problems easier, and remain alert and reactive past the point when fatigue usually sets in. It increases heart rate and blood flow to the brain, and it also can have slight euphoric or mood-altering effects.
There are, however, a number of acute issues with caffeine consumption that limit its effectiveness in a nootropic supplement. For one, its effects are relatively short lived and are often followed by a “crash” period where energy and mental performance are diminished significantly.
For two, caffeine can lead to a number of possible side effects in users, some of them serious. The more caffeine someone consumes the more likely they are to experience side effects, which can possibly include:
Heart arrhythmia
Heart attack
Alpha-GPC: A choline precursor that occurs naturally but can also be found in red meats and organ tissue or synthesized in a lab based on egg or soy enzymes. Choline is an important chemical for proper neural function, however it is rarely needed in supplementary form.
L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine, also often abbreviated as a-GPC, is thought to be helpful for preventing cognitive decline and may help reduce the effects of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It has not, however, shown any benefits for increasing cognition or memory in otherwise healthy adults.
Alpha-GPC is possibly valuable as a neuroprotectant that can be beneficial for decreasing the negative effects over time. It will not have an immediate “boosting” effect like caffeine does, however users will also not experience any kind of crash effect as well. It is highly unlikely that users will be able to notice a significant change in their mental functioning unless they have a significant choline deficiency.
Alpha-GPC is safe for most users, however it has been linked to some occasional side effects such as:
Skin rash
Bacopa Monnieri: An herb originally cultivated in India that is considered one of the more effective ingredients for nootropic supplements. It is called Brahmi in India or water hyssop in Europe and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a number of conditions including:
Irritable bowel syndrome
Back and joint pain
Fluid retention
Its most pronounced effects are on the mental performance of its users, especially in terms of memory. Bacopa is excellent for the physiology of the brain, where it can actually help grow the dendrites that form the neural connections that happen during cognition.
Unlike a-GPC, bacopa monnieri has demonstrated its effects in people of all ages and cognition abilities, not just those that have deficiencies in certain chemicals. It is one of the most broadly applicable supplements and is particularly useful when taken regularly.
Click here to see how effective nootropic supplements can be for increasing test scores and job performance.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven brain enhancement supplement such as Memotenz for better results.
Synagen IQ Quality of Ingredients
Synagen IQ has a very mixed ingredient profile. They feature one high quality ingredient, one ingredient that is effective in some senses and not in others, and one ingredient that our team of experts does not recommend for inclusion in a nootropic supplement.
Bacopa monnieri is one of the most recommended ingredients for any type of nootropic supplement. It impacts not just the temporary performance of the brain, but also its physiology and long-term health. It is considered one of the most effective memory enhancement herbs known to science.
Alpha-GPC is not an effective short-term nootropic supplement. It will not help users study, perform better at work, or give them energy to stay awake or complete tasks. It is potentially helpful in the very long run, and it is very useful for those individuals that have specific choline shortages.
Our team does not recommend any nootropic that still uses caffeine in its blend. We know too much now about just how ineffective caffeine is as a long-term supplement ingredient to be able to suggest it to our readers. Caffeine is most effective when used sparingly for short-term benefits in specific instances, not as an everyday drug taken regardless of situation.
Follow this link to find out the most effective nootropic products on the market for improving memory and cognitive performance.
The Price and Quality of Synagen IQ
Synagen IQ can be purchased though either their own web page or through independent online dealers, however it seems to be much cheaper through their site. This is important because even at its cheapest Synagen IQ is one of the more expensive nootropic products on the market. The prices that were being offered on their website at the date of this article’s publication are:
1, 30-count bottle of Synagen IQ capsules: $49.99
3, 30-count bottles of Synagen IQ capsules: $113.97 
5, 30-count bottles of Synagen IQ capsules: $149.95
Synagen IQ does not have a very extensive ingredients list, nor are its ingredients particularly rare or expensive. This is no explanation given for why it would be so much more expensive than other products of this type.
To learn more about how you can maximize your mental potential, just click here.
Business of Synagen IQ
Synagen IQ is manufactured by Synagen, and it seems to be their only product. The contact information that they post on their website is:
Phone Number: (844) 465-0024
Address: 73690 Howard Hughes Pkwy
Las Vegas, NV 89169
Potential customers should be aware that Synagen has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau and a 100% negative customer feedback rating. Many former customers have threatened legal action against Synagen, however there is no evidence that any of them have followed through on those threats.
For data about the best nootropic supplements for addressing your particular mental needs, follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using brain enhancement supplements for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Synagen IQ
The online reviews for Synagen IQ are not very flattering. They have received more one-star reviews on Amazon (the lowest possible rating) than all other ratings combined. These are some of the comments from previous Synagen IQ customers:
“RUN from this product. Super expensive but does absolutely NOTHING!”
“I had an upset stomach every morning I took these pills. Made me nervous and jittery all day. All that went away as soon as the Synagen IQ went in the garbage.”
“Be careful with this stuff. No benefits but it did give me headaches and I think it might have had a bad reaction with an anti-psychotic med that I’m on.”
Many reviews say that it does nothing, however a larger amount commented on how unpleasant the side effects were. Most frequently the issues were gastro-intestinal in nature, however they also mentioned headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and brain fog.
Click here for more information about the top nootropic supplements on the market today.
Conclusion – Does Synagen IQ Work?
Before reading the reviews of past customers it would be tempting to consider this another mediocre supplement that tries to use the short-term effects of caffeine to make their customers think that it is working better than it actually is. After reading the many reports from customers that have experienced unpleasant side effects our team now considers it a low-quality nootropic supplement that our readers are strongly encouraged to avoid.
Bacopa monnieri is an effective ingredient for supplements of this nature and is easily available as a part of other brands’ proprietary formulas. Caffeine is not a recommended ingredient in any nootropic supplement. It should be used only when necessary and not taken as part of a daily health regimen.
The nootropic supplement with the highest quality ingredients blend is Memotenz. It uses bacopa monnieri as well, however it pairs it with other more proven additives like ginkgo biloba and St. John’s wort.
Memotenz has shown facility for dramatically improving users’ memory, especially when taken regularly. Click here to learn more about why Memotenz is so effective for increasing mental performance.
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aleenya · 5 years
first date / / hinanami prompt 01
First date prompt! <3 I love these babies from my childhood skghj. This is a bit of a long rambling mess but I hope someone finds enjoyment in it!
There was a reason Chiaki failed at dating sims. Beyond the obvious fact of how she was a girl of very little romantic experience, there was also the dilemma of just how frustratingly confusing people could be. Yes, even the weird 2D ones. Whilst the fast pace of arcade fighting games or the tricky logic riddles of puzzle games had her barely breaking out in a sweat, there was something profoundly next-level about taking someone's future - their happily ever after, so to speak - into her own hands and bringing about the optimal result. It was a responsibility she couldn't be trusted with. Kind of like how she couldn't be responsible for her own breakfast in the morning. Or for a healthy sleeping schedule. Oops. So, it was rather ironic that she'd somehow ended up with a boyfriend, even with her notoriously bad track record at breaking hearts and peeping on girls in the bathroom. (Hey, anime always did it, how was she supposed to know that was an automatic hit to the relationship flag she was trying to trigger?) With how constantly she failed at first dates in video games, the dreaded real-life first date of her own seemed like a loss just waiting to happen. Which was why, the week before it was due to occur, she'd holed herself up in her room with nothing but her trusty DS and PSP, five dating sims of various length and quality, and a copy of Animal Crossing - for when she inevitably needed a break, of course. The plan was this: she'd pour hours, hours, into clocking all five dating sims at nothing less than a 100% completion rate. No guides because that was cheating, and it wasn't like there was some walkthrough for her own date that she could keep checking throughout, though that would be ideal. Even if slightly under-handed. Oh well. She was snuggled up in the thick fluff of her weighted blanket; a bag of crumpled chips and five soda cans perched precariously on a pillow; she was ready for anything the next grueling week might throw at her. With the determination that only a true Ultimate Gamer could possess, Chiaki puffed out her cheeks in defiance of fate and set about her quest. Day one was easy enough. She'd managed to get around six hours into her first play-through with minimal errors. It was only once she'd chosen a girl to "seduce" (these games really were weird) that problems started to arise. Multiple choice questions of the proper conversational avenue to travel down never failed to muddle up her brain. Three choices were hard enough - how was she going to cope on her own date when there would be an endless array to choose from? The very thought sent anxiety swirling into the pit of her stomach. Maybe this was a good time to take that Animal Crossing break. The Animal Crossing break lasted two days. Day four was when Chiaki got serious again - and also when a pesky knock on the door interrupted her intense train of thought. "Come in," she called without taking her eyes off the screen. Yellow light pooled in from the hallway and cut through the stale darkness of her room. If Chiaki had been a vampire like the one she was trying to chat up in her visual novel then maybe she would've hissed and retreated further into her blanket cove. Which she did. Maybe she really was a vampire. That would explain the anemia. "Ugh. It reeks." A familiarly squeaky voice shattered the comfortable silence Chiaki had worked so hard on establishing. Saionji strode in pinching the bridge of her nose with Sonia and Akane at her tail. "Congrats, you've officially become a basement dweller." Chiaki peeked out from her cave of blankets, drawn like a moth to flame by the wafting scent of fresh food. "Oh. Hey guys. Long time no see." "We brought food," Sonia said with a lift of her arm to reveal the picnic basket dangling there. "We figured you might appreciate something of more ... sustenance." Akane then switched on the light, which summoned stars to glitter and dance within Chiaki's vision. All three girls let out audible gasps. "Chips? Seriously?" Akane again. Chiaki had burrowed deeper into her blanket fort in order to grant her throbbing eyes some small amount of reprieve. "Chiaki, you seriously can't have been living on cola and a bag of potato chips for the past four days!" Suddenly, the blanket was whipped out from over her head. Hiyoko plucked the console out of her hands before a very sleep-deprived Chiaki had a chance to react. "My Vampire Girlfriend? Okay, I was joking before, but you really have become a virgin basement dweller." Chiaki pointedly decided to ignore the mischievous young girl and directed her attention onto the basket that Sonia placed in front of her. Opening it up, she was greeted by a bento box ripe with fresh sushi, fluffy rice and spring rolls. "Courtesy of Hanamura," said Akane, "but don't worry, I can guarantee it's not spiked this time." Saionji huffed and dropped the DS. Chiaki was tired, but not tired enough to fail at catching her baby mid-air. "What's that look for?" "Don't act like you don't know!" They were a pleasant, albeit distracting, surprise. And so, for the rest of the day, Chiaki found herself unwillingly placed on a side quest. Sonia, Akane and Hiyoko had taken it upon themselves to clean her room up, with the latter grumbling and complaining but ultimately putting in the most work out of everyone. Sonia ended up at Chiaki's side, badgering her with questions about what game she was playing and, when Chiaki answered, why. "A practice run," said Chiaki simply, barely reacting as an empty cola can bounced off her head. "Sorry," Akane called sheepishly, "that was meant for the rubbish bin." "A practice run ...? Oh!" Sonia's face lit up. "Don't tell me! Do you have a date?" "Maybe. Tomorrow." Saying it out loud, the passage of time sunk into Chiaki with a force she hadn't expected. In a rare show of defeat, she allowed the DS to slip from her hands and topple to the floor. "But it's no use. I haven't learned anything. What am I even supposed to do?" Sonia picked up her DS, glanced at the screen, then dropped it in a striking flash of surprise. "I'm guessing not that," she said. Hiyoko peeked over her shoulder. "Aw man, even pixelated you can tell it's small." "Give me that!" Akane snatched up the console and showed the screen to Chiaki. "Seriously, this is like the worst guide you could have for this. It's not gonna teach you anything because it's not real." "That's not true," Chiaki quietly countered, "just because games aren't real doesn't mean they can't teach stuff." "Maybe, yeah, but not this type of game. You want advice? Then here's the best I can offer. Just be yourself!" "Myself?" Chiaki tilted her head. "But ... what if he doesn't like myself?" "Oh for the love of - he wouldn't be going on a date with you if he didn't, numbnuts!" Hiyoko gently thumped her fist down on Chiaki's unruly mop of hair. "That's true," Sonia said, "besides, who wouldn't like you for who you are? We certainly do!" When the trio had finally left with good luck wishes and pleas that she at least eat half the bento tonight, Chiaki found herself alone in a spotless room with a less-than spotless mind. They'd given her a lot to think about, more than the dating sim had in three days in fact. Just be myself. She didn't sleep that night. Chiaki kept powering through her dating sim, the four others still lying in a dejected heap at her side. Even if she wasn't taking strict lessons from it anymore, the idea of giving up and never completing it felt like a cardinal sin. She'd come this far; what was another twenty hours of gameplay in the grand scheme of things? On the dawn of the fifth day, there was another knock on her door. When they didn't come in upon her calling out that it was alright to, Chiaki was forced to untangle herself from her nest and answer it. Even though it was to be expected, the very image of Hajime standing in her doorway sent a jolt to her heart. "Ah, sorry." He threw up his hands in an apology, perhaps thinking he'd woken her up from a nap. Chiaki wasn't one to lose her cool. This definitely stood true now, but still, she couldn't help flushing slightly. She'd been so engrossed in her game that she'd nearly forgotten all about what she'd spent all week preparing for in the first place. "You don't have to apologize," she murmured, turning her back on him and retreating into the familiar darkness, "come in. You're very welcome." Hajime seemed a tad nervous as he slowly slipped his way inside. "What's wrong? Have you never been in a girl's room before?" It was supposed to be a joke, but it provoked a flustered reaction from Hajime and a stream of fumbled failed sentences. "Kidding." Chiaki flopped back into her blanket nest and patted at the crumpled spot at her side. Glancing side to side, Hajime made his way to where she'd made herself comfortable and collapsed in turn. "I've been worried about you," he began as he pulled at the cuff of his shirt. "You haven't replied to any of my texts. You've been eating, right?" "Sorry." He'd sent texts? Chiaki hadn't looked at her phone since the start of the week. "I've been really busy practicing." "Practicing? For what?" "For today." She showed Hajime her screen. He recoiled. "Oh ... I didn't realize you were into those kinds of games, Chiaki." "I'm not," she replied, shoulders slumping and a sigh floating off her lips, "can you keep a secret, Hajime?" With how serious she said it, Hajime's expression turned grave. "Sure, I guess?" Chiaki threw him the most serious look she could muster, complete with her cheeks puffed out in a pout and eyebrows furrowed tightly into creases. Her hands unconsciously squeezed at the console she still held. "Dating sims are my kryptonite." "Oh ... Dating sims are your - wait, what?" "I'm really bad at them," Chiaki said. She was unable to keep a tinge of sadness from her voice. "Not that I usually mind. But ever since last week, when you said you wanted us to go out somewhere, I thought that I should be prepared. It's no use though. I guess, on the bright side, I did make it to the H scene." She flashed her screen again, to which Hajime, with a sheepish smile, pushed it back down. "How about we don't take advice from porn games, yeah? They're not exactly the real deal." "Huh. Akane said the same thing." "She did?" "She said I should just be myself. But I don't know if myself is all that much fun to be around." "Why wouldn't it be?" Hajime scooted closer. "If I wanted a 2D girl, I'd just play ..." He picked up one of her strewn dating sims at random and pulled a face at the title, "Sexy Magic Witch School - seriously, Chiaki, where do you get these?" "I have my sources." "I'm not sure if I want to know what those are ..." Chiaki had to admit, with how natural their conversation was flowing, she could get used to this. She hadn't even hit her pause button yet. Unable to keep the smile from her face, Chiaki turned back to her DS and asked, "so what would you like to do?" "As in?" "You know. Dating. That kind of stuff. We're supposed to go out, yeah?" "We're not supposed to do anything," Hajime replied. "Really, I'm ... as good at these types of things as you are. But we don't have to go anywhere if you don't want, or do anything that you don't want. That's not what dates are about." "They aren't?" Why did everything have to be so complicated? Her dating sims had explicitly said otherwise, yet Hajime was saying they didn't have to do anything. Before she could formulate a proper response, Hajime changed the topic unexpectedly and asked, "have you slept?" Oh. Sleep. "I've had one or two naps," she mused, thinking back on her five days of intensive training. She'd been so caught up and involved in what she was playing that she'd barely allowed herself the luxury of sleep. She was definitely starting to feel it now. Chiaki rubbed at her sore eyes and swallowed a yawn. Hajime's flustered expression gave way to amusement. He sighed, but Chiaki didn't miss the smile on his lips. "Seriously, what am I going to do with you?" "Hopefully not this." She flashed her DS screen again and Hajime spluttered in embarrassment. "I like you, Hajime, but you haven't triggered that relationship flag yet." "You know that's not what I meant!" She laughed. Hajime climbed to his feet and extended his hand; she took it, stumbling upwards on wobbly knees and feeling the ache in her legs that could only accumulate from five days of non-stop sitting with only the occasional bathroom break. "But is it really okay?" she asked as he guided her to the bed and tossed her blanket back over her body. "I know you were really looking forward to this all week." "Who's to say this isn't our first date now?" said Hajime. "Ah, but, if you'd rather I go ..." She grasped his hand and tugged him down onto the bed. Hajime let out a less than manly squeal and fell down on top of her, which Chiaki recalled was a very common trope in My Vampire Girlfriend that signaled she was on the right romantic route. So she'd done something right after all! This was definitely a romance flag trigger. Chiaki could almost see the achievement popping up on Steam. "Path unlocked," Chiaki said cryptically, with a teasing smile. Hajime scrambled off, face red, and Chiaki twisted around onto her side. "You can sleep next to me, if you'd like," she said. "I can't think of a better way to have a date." Though visibly embarrassed and tense, he did lie down to face her. Chiaki grabbed his hand and intertwined her fingers with his own. "Jeez," he said, "why am I not surprised that napping is your idea of a perfect first date?" "It's not yours?" she quizzed, voice thick with the encroaching haze of unconsciousness. "I'm not opposed," he hummed. "Good." Pause. Save progress. And take a screenshot - just for good measure. At least, that's what Chiaki would have done if this were a dating sim event with a cute CG. But it wasn't. And that was for the best. Chiaki had decided that in this case, nothing could beat the real thing.
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