#Sobb Story
birrdify · 2 months
Heya!, Soni here!, I am not sure if you take requests, but, I'd love to see your Kinito interacting with mine!; (USB!Kinito)!! alsoooo, I really adore the way you draw your kinito :O!!, they are freaking adorable, just a little pink gumball guy!! Since I really like your artstyle a lot!!, one artist to another!! Also, also, make sure to take plenty of breaks and drink water, or I will throw cheese at you, this is a threat!!! >:) /pos
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aaand a very messy doodle ;
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soni check tags pretty please i have many kind words to sa-
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
i am thinking about lumax vs byler once again and by god. for being the most heavily paralleled ships they’re almost completely different in nature.
lucas and max don’t need the romantic aspects of their relationship to function. they treat being a couple almost as a joke in s3 because that isn’t the important part of their relationship. they’re built off friendship above all else and function fine as just friends, but they much prefer having more on top of that. like, lucas has to reestablish his friendship with max before they start treading into romantic territory again in volume 2. their relationship isn’t inherently romantic, but they prefer it that way.
but for mike and will, they cannot just be friends without being romantic. mike reestablishing his friendship with will immediately takes on super heavy romantic coding. once they’re friends again, every single one of their scenes is romantically coded because they cannot be just friends without blurring the line into romance. they’re both content with just being best friends as long as they have that connection because they don’t believe they’re allowed to have more.
they’re such good parallels dude. for lumax, when they parallel byler it’s to establish that their relationship is built off friendship before it becomes romantic. for byler, when they parallel lumax it’s to show that there’s an inherent romantic nature surrounding mike and will’s actions. they work together to build each other’s stories and it’s just so so cool
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claire-de-lune · 1 year
Queen charlotte was better than I couldve ever imagined. No joke, new OTP unlocked. No matter what, couples where one suffers from mental illness will always ALWAYS, have a special place in my heart. Whether it be the evaks, or Ginny and Marcus, or George and Charlotte, I always have a soft spot for them. We all want to know we’ll be loved despite what fighting our demons, whether that be our own minds, or anything else. It’s just nice knowing there’s someone out there for everyone.
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valpwca · 1 year
Day 06: What weird phobia does Saito have?
that man is a coulrophobe. however, intellectually, he appreciates the art & performance of clowning, in all its many forms throughout the world. from a business perspective, he cannot abide having a known weakness; thus, he has designed his own desensitization regimen of scheduled proximity with clowns. this is why he takes up with cobb
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gatoraid · 5 months
wip ask game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I saw this doing the rounds and wanted to give it a go too!
These are the WIPs I have open in FocusWriter, listed from oldest to newest (1-2 are for BF and the rest are for The Radiant Emperor series lol):
1) eiyuu photos
2) SingEi sequel
3) the child with three parents
4) Mafia AU (if you want, you can specify a character you want to see stuff about bc this has like 6 pov characters)
5) Mourning rites
6) Ouyang lives AU
7) girls night
8) Ayushiridara
9) Accountant AU
Sobb I’m so bad at tagging ppl but if this speaks to you as something you might want to do, please go ahead <3
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Final chapter posted. "Do you quarrel, Sir?" is now complete!!! 🎭❤
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Photo credit: @annadriesen2121 💕💕
Chapter Summary: A short epilogue that occurs about two months after Romeo and Juliet ends.
Epilogue: "Happiness courts thee in her best array” 
Robbe and Sander nearly skipped down the hill after school, hand in hand, elated at the warm weather and the long weekend ahead. The spring day was sunny and calm, and they’d thrown off their blazers the second they’d left campus, draping them over their shoulders to fly behind them as they took off down the hill.
Laughing as they tripped and faltered, they ground to a stop at the street, almost colliding with a bus signpost. Sander couldn’t believe their luck. Mr. Grey and Mr. Carter had given them the whole weekend off from rehearsal for the musical, so they’d rented a cabin on the coast with their now very intermixed friend group, Robbe’s, Sander’s, and Zoë’s friends having melded together into one large group.
Bursting with excitement, Sander yanked Robbe into his chest and slammed their lips together in a sloppy kiss. He then walked him backwards into the shadowed corner of the bus stop, pinning him against the wall, his elbows framing Robbe’s face. Robbe hummed and swept his hands up into Sander’s hair, biting his lip playfully before smiling against his mouth. “You’re ridiculous,” he murmured.
“I don’t care. I’m happy.”
“Me too. Let’s go. Mama’s waiting, and you’re helping with dinner tonight.”
“Yeah. Okay.” He pecked Robbe’s lips five, maybe six more times–okay, fine, he kissed him breathless. With no regrets.
Finally, pulling back to smirk down into Robbe’s dazed face, he took his hand, kissed it, and then tugged him along the sidewalk toward the house.
Keep reading on Ao3
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lblogss · 2 years
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3 years since Robbe's season started and Sander saw the most beautiful angel, aka Robbe for the very first time 🥺❤️❤️ Yes, I'm still emotional about it
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jackfrostsander · 2 years
Happy 21:21 to chapter 4 of Do you quarrel, sir? 🥰
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Image credit: https://instagram.com/stainedglassdisco
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aria0fgold · 1 year
I was about to head to bed, but wanted to play a lil bit of proseka. now, proseka added a new song called heartbeat #0822 and it just sounded so soft and soothing. so i instantly fell in love with it and went to youtube to find english subs cuz why not.
this video... is the same cut for the game aight? featuring two of the covers mixed tgt + eng captions. fine and dandy. heartbeat #0822 is a love song aight?
but the way that video was cut... it fits for practically any relationship romantic or otherwise, and so comes the problem. im still in pab brainrot. bro- pls- yall- PLS
as long as my heart beats i will protect you... PLS I CANT BRO ITS 1 AM I WANTED TO SLEEEEEPPPP thats pab OMORI btw and IT HURTS SO MUCH PLS BROOOOOO
im adding that to the playlist. i took out a song before so it became 18 well now its back to 19 again dammit bro
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poeticblkgiirl · 9 months
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Busta Rhymes, Sobb Story, 1991
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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brittle-doughie · 4 days
That one moment when Devsisters bring another event instead of continuing the return of the true dragon story: me: *sobbs over dramatically*
We just had 2 months worth, you can wait
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skambigbang · 8 months
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We're celebrating today the incredible art for an incredible collaboration. "A Safe Place in All Universes" written by @annadriesen2121 and @paralleluniversesfan spans multiples continents, timezones and Skamverses as it traces Sobbe and Evak path forward. And the art to accompany it by yedinleaf is just stunning. Savor it and then go check out the fic
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Short story: Dream Warriors(Lance Sweets)
Paring: Lance Sweets x Hodgins!Reader
Summary: the day y/n and her brother Jack were buried in the car by the Gravedigger still haunts her in many different ways. One night she wakes up screaming, her boyfriend Lance is there to comfort her.
A/n: this story won the poll I posted, I'm so excited it won. Sorry it's so short.
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Where am I...?
I blinked a couple of times and saw nothing but darkness, I squeezed my eyes shut and winced as specks of dirt fell on my face. My lungs burned at the lack of oxygen as tried to moved around, realizing were I was I started to panic.
Not again...
“no... No!” I pounded on the car window, remembering this all to well. The only difference was I was utterly alone in the darkness.
I pushed and pushed on all the windows trying to excape but nothing worked. I weezed as the doors of the car started to close in on me.
I pushed with all the strangth I had to stop it from closing in on me and crushing me. “let me out!” I sobbed and banged on the doors.
The sounds of metal and glass cracking filled my ears, it fell like every part of my body was being crushed. I kicked as hard as I could intill the door came off. Dirt came flooding in, invading all my sences. As the salty earth filled my throat I felt myself falling. I grabed and threw my hands around trying to stop it but nothing worked.
“oof” I groaned as my back hit a sheat of rusted metal. I coughed and heaved trying to relive my lung from all the dirt and sand. I grabbed at my chest and panted, when I took a breath a noticed the steam and pipes that surrounded me.
“help me!”
I quickly stood up at the familour shouting. “Jack!” I ran towards the sound of his voice only to get whipped back, hard enough to where I went flying right into a large stake in the wall.
Blood trickled down my chin as I looked at the blood covered piece of metal coming out of my chest. “h-help me” I croaked out.
Then It went black...
A bight light glared at me, the light remind me of the light fixture in the Lab. Temperance then came into view and picked up my face... My skull actually
“y/n, Baby wake up” Lance said shaking me.
I jolted awake in a sweating, out of breath haze. I coughed and tried regulated my breathing.
It felt like my heart was gonna burst into flames with how fast and hard it's beating. Like in my dream, my chest heaving hard, feeling like I still couldn’t breathe properly no matter how hard I tried.
“Lance...” I croaked as hot tears filled my eyes, it clouded my vision. It felt so real, it felt like I was right back in that damn car. I couldn’t stop relaying the moment me and jack were buried in that car, reliving the molment I woke up in ICU and the only relief I felt was when I open my eyes and Lance was there. Just like this very moment.
“Hey its okay” he whispered and pulled me to his chest. I grabed on this shirt and sobbed into his chest, there was nothing stopping the tears now.
“I got you, your safe... I promise” he said running his fingers through my hair as he hugged me tighter. I held on to him for dear life, trying to regain what was and wasn't reality.
“I-i was-s in the car ag-gain... It felt so real” I said between sobbs. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as he tried to sooth me.
“she's gone baby” he said referring to the Gravedigger, you could hear the anger in his voice. He hated her and it was like some dark secret we refused to mention. I never wanted to talk about that night and Lance never pushed the subject.
“I won't let anything hurt you” he whispered as he kissed my cheeks and forehead. I never felt so safe with someone, and when he said that I believed him without a doubt.
“I was dead...” I cried. “just another corpse on Temperance's table”
“Hey..” he said softly and placed his hand on my cheek, he lifted my face so our eyes met. “that's never gonna happen” he wiped away the falling tears as he rested his forehead on mine.
I leaned in pushing my lips to his. He moaned softly and shuts his eyes, kissing back deeply and softly. A kiss so full of love and tenderness. Lance pulls away softly and lays us both down on the bed. I layed on his chest, hanging on for dear life as his arms were secure around my body.
“I got you... I promise my Love” he said kissing the top of my head.
“I love you” is the last thing I remembered before drifting back into a deep slumber. The type of slumber were there are no cares, just because I was in his arms I knew I was safe.
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I feel like posting a teaser for my bang fic 😆 without any context:
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I may or may not have just visited Antwerp and been able to scope out the setting of my upcoming sobbe Skam big bang fic 💖
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donnyanne · 2 months
Saw that you’re gonna be back on tumblr and just wanted to say: 
YOU got me into this mess (writing g/t) and I’m thankful :)
Younger me read your Living Dolls story off DeviantArt back when it first started (I couldn’t find any other g/t sources at the time) and became obsessed with the story’s concept before realizing g/t was in fact the concept.
I kinda just.. forgot about you? (oops) as I moved away from that platform.  Until I saw your stuff on here all these years later and went “Waiiit a minute I KNOW them!”
…please tell me Julian hasn’t shrunk anyone else since I stopped watching him
At least let someone have escaped…
this like.... got me CRYING tffff
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im so glad ur writing!!!! it's such a huge major honor to have helped u find all this and im so happy and grateful SOBBS...
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