#Social Insurance
Newsom's UI Veto Is a Sign of CA's Dysfunction on UI
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While I'm not yet up to a full blogpost, I thought I'd chime in on social media to buttress a point that my colleague Erik Loomis made in regards to Gavin Newsom's veto of the Unemployment Insurance strike bill. While Erik is absolutely correct that Newsom's veto is a pretty nakedly anti-union move, (especially in the wake of a major entertainment industry strike in which management attempted to use the threat of eviction and foreclosure to break the union), I think the veto also reflects the dysfunction in the California Unemployment Insurance system.
California's UI System:
Back when I was a freelance policy analyst in grad school, I had the opportunity to write about a wide range of topics in social and economic policy - and it just so happened that one of those topics was unemployment insurance.
One of the problems with the U.S' social insurance system is that, because UI is a joint Federal-state program that's financed by state payroll taxes that are then forgiven against Federal taxation (or in the case of the pandemic or the Great Recession, Federal loans), there is a powerful incentive for states to under-tax and under-finance their UI systems and rely instead on the Federal backstop to keep the system ticking over.
For all of California's progressive reputation, it actually ranks towards the bottom of the national league tables when it comes to underfunding its UI system:
"Unemployment benefits in California are funded by a payroll tax on businesses, but the tax is so low and generates so little revenue that the state had to borrow $20 million from the federal government to provide benefits during the pandemic. In a veto message, Mr. Newsom said that $302 million in interest is due on the federal loan in September alone. “Now is not the time to increase costs or incur this sizable debt,” he said." (source)
To be fair, California is not absolutely terrible - it's not Texas or Mississippi or Alabama - and a lot of its current predicament has to do with how hard California was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, but even in good times, California taxes itself so lightly that it routinely owes the Federal government UI money. This creates another reason/excuse for the state government to not follow the California Labor Federation's lead and transform the UI system into something that can fight not just poverty but all forms of economic exploitation.
State Capacity:
Now, to my mind, this only makes it more imperative for the state to get its act together - and a big part of that is adopting labor's proposal for decoupling strikes and starvation through the UI system. As I see it, that goes hand in hand with raising minimum benefit levels, such that UI plus strike pay should allow people to live with dignity even during a long strike of 5-6 months duration, improved administration so that people don't have to wait three weeks to actually get their hands on their own money, and improved financing so that the system as a whole can actually work as an automatic stabilizer in economic crises.
To me, this is the essence of community unionism: we work to improve the lives of our members, and in so doing improve the lives of the entire community.
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filosofablogger · 2 months
Socialism??? Hardly.
Let’s step back from the election and Project 2025 for just a few minutes and talk about something else.  If you listen to the pundits on the right, you’ll hear the term ‘socialism’ bandied about.  Never mind that those who throw the word around like a tennis ball have no idea what ‘socialism’ actually is, but they use it to stoke anger among the masses, who also don’t know what socialism is.  In…
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innovalegalconsulting · 6 months
Social Insurance Management China
Discover expert insights on navigating China's complex Social insurance management China efficiently. Innovate Legal Consulting provides tailored solutions to ensure compliance and optimize your company's social insurance management strategy. Click now for expert guidance!
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anlawvietnam · 1 year
Labor Consulting for Foreigners in Vietnam: Navigating Employment Laws
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With its vibrant culture, bustling economy, and picturesque landscapes, Vietnam has become an attractive destination for foreigners seeking job opportunities and new experiences. However, as with any international move, navigating the intricacies of foreign labor laws can be daunting. For foreigners aspiring to work in Vietnam, labor consulting services offer invaluable guidance through the complexities of the local employment landscape. In this article, we'll delve into the critical aspects of labor consulting for foreigners in Vietnam, providing authoritative insights and practical advice to ensure a smooth transition into the Vietnamese workforce.
Understanding Vietnamese Labor Laws
Foreigners entering Vietnam's job market must familiarize themselves with its labor laws to ensure compliance and a seamless employment experience. The Labor Code of Vietnam governs employment matters, encompassing everything from employment contracts and working conditions to termination procedures and social insurance.
Work Permits and Employment Contracts
Securing a work permit is fundamental for foreigners wishing to work legally in Vietnam. Labor consulting services are pivotal in guiding individuals through the application process, helping them gather necessary documents, navigate bureaucratic procedures, and ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.
An experienced labor consultant can also assist in drafting employment contracts that align with Vietnamese regulations and the foreign employee's expectations. Addressing critical aspects such as salary, benefits, working hours, and leave entitlements is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and disputes down the line.
Navigating Cultural Nuances
Vietnam's unique cultural norms can significantly impact the workplace dynamic for foreigners. A reputable labor consulting firm will offer valuable insights into Vietnamese business etiquette, communication styles, and cultural sensitivities. This knowledge is vital for forging positive relationships with colleagues and superiors, ultimately contributing to a fulfilling work experience.
Social Insurance and Benefits
Vietnam's social insurance system is designed to provide financial security to employees in various situations, including sickness, maternity, retirement, and work-related accidents. Foreign workers are generally required to contribute to this system, and understanding the intricacies of these contributions is crucial. Labor consultants with experience in this area can clarify the obligations and benefits of social insurance, ensuring that foreign employees receive the coverage they are entitled to.
Resolving Employment Disputes
Should disagreements or conflicts arise between foreign employees and their Vietnamese employers, having access to professional labor consulting can be invaluable. Consultants well-versed in Vietnamese labor laws and dispute resolution mechanisms can mediate between the parties, striving for a fair and amicable resolution. This expert guidance can help protect the rights of foreign workers and preserve the integrity of employer-employee relationships.
The Role of Labor Consulting Services
Labor consulting services explicitly catered to foreigners in Vietnam offer a range of benefits that enhance E-A-T-E factors:
Expertise: Reputable consulting firms possess in-depth knowledge of Vietnamese labor laws and employment practices. They leverage this expertise to guide foreigners through the intricacies of the local job market.
Authoritativeness: Credible consultants rely on their extensive experience and firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by foreign workers. Their authoritative guidance instills confidence in the accuracy and relevance of their advice.
Trustworthiness: Establishing trust with clients is paramount in labor consulting. Reputable firms prioritize transparency, ethical practices, and client well-being, building lasting trust-based relationships.
Experience: Consultants often have a history of successfully assisting foreigners in navigating Vietnam's labor landscape. Their experience translates into practical, actionable advice that addresses foreign employees' unique needs and concerns.
As a foreigner, embarking on a professional journey in Vietnam holds immense potential for growth and cultural enrichment. However, success requires a deep understanding of Vietnamese labor laws and customs. Labor consulting services tailored to foreigners provide a reliable compass, guiding individuals through the Vietnamese workplace's legal, cultural, and administrative intricacies. By seeking the guidance of experienced consultants, foreign employees can confidently embrace their new opportunities and ensure a rewarding and compliant employment experience in Vietnam.
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
American Enterprise: Arthur Brooks & Robert Doar: Welfare Reform & Lessons From The United Kingdom
Source:AEI I don’t agree with U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions on much if anything. But C-SPAN was covering the Senate Budget Committee markup yesterday and I saw part of that as the committee was voting on amendments to Senate Republicans budget plan for this year. Senator Sessions Republican from Alabama had a Welfare amendment to the Republican budget. And his basic point which I think is sound was…
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akibalways · 2 years
Social Insurance Programs Your Way To Success
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Social insurance programs are designed to protect individuals and their families from the financial risks of illness, disability, death, and old age. These programs typically provide benefits in the form of cash payments or free or subsidized health care. Social insurance programs vary widely in their coverage and eligibility requirements, but all share the goal of providing financial protection against life’s uncertainties.
There are a number of social insurance programs available to Americans. The most well-known of these is probably Social Security, which provides retirement benefits to workers and their families. Medicare and Medicaid provide health insurance for those who are unable to afford it themselves.
There are also programs that provide assistance with food, housing, and other basic needs. These programs play an important role in ensuring that all Americans have access to basic necessities. Without them, many people would be forced to go without essential services or would be at risk of financial ruin if they faced a major health crisis.
The current administration has proposed cuts to some of these programs, which has caused concern among advocates for the needy. It is important that these programs remain intact so that everyone can have a safety net when they need it most.
What is an example of a Social Insurance Program?
There are many social insurance programs in the United States. Some examples include Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These programs provide financial assistance to people who are unable to work due to retirement, disability, or illness.
What are the Social Insurance Programs in the United States?
There are four social insurance programs in the United States: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance. Social Security is a federal program that provides benefits to retirees, disabled workers, and survivors of deceased workers. The program is funded by payroll taxes.
Medicare is a federal program that provides health insurance to people 65 and older and to some younger people with disabilities. The program is funded by payroll taxes and premiums paid by beneficiaries. Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that provides health care to low-income Americans of all ages.
The program is funded by federal and state taxes. Unemployment Insurance is a joint federal-state program that provides temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers while they are looking for new employment. The program is financed through unemployment taxes paid by employers.
Why Do Social Insurance Programs Exist?
There are many different types of social insurance programs. Still, they all share the same basic goal: to provide financial protection for individuals and families in the event of a loss of income. This protection can come in the form of disability benefits, unemployment benefits, or even death benefits. For example, let’s say you are the primary breadwinner in your family and you become disabled due to an accident.
If you have social insurance, you may be eligible for disability benefits that can help replace some of your lost income. This financial assistance can help keep your family afloat during a difficult time. Similarly, if you lose your job due to no fault of your own, unemployment benefits can help tide you over until you find new employment.
And if the worst should happen and you die prematurely, social insurance can provide death benefits to your loved ones to help cover funeral costs and other expenses. In short, social insurance programs provide a safety net for individuals and families who experience an unexpected loss of income due to disability, unemployment, or death. These programs play an important role in helping people weather life’s storms and rebuild after tough times. read more
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insuranceromeo · 2 years
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What is social insurance
As mentioned in the outline of social insurance, social insurance is a combination of public medical insurance, annuity insurance, and labor insurance in a broad sense, but in a narrow sense, social insurance is medical insurance. It refers to welfare annuity insurance, which is insurance and annuity insurance.
In social insurance, health insurance and welfare annuity insurance are provided on a single sheet at the same time, such as application of business establishments, procedures for acquiring / disqualifying insured persons, calculation / payment of insurance premiums, etc.
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canajunfinances · 2 years
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artharakka · 1 month
But I might open more of these in the future if I get more crispy dental bills
I'm opening one slot for a smaller commission to do immediately between my other work. Where I live the public healthcare is jammed and since it took a week for me to get into any kind of contact with them and I would've had to wait til next year for a dentist appointment, I went to a private dentist. It was very fast but also pricey.
I'm hoping to fix the dent in my wallet a little, so, now is your chance to get past the queue if you have a smaller commission in mind!
Simple composition (similar to my swordtember style) 80€
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Waist up line art portrait without background 80€
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Two sketches 80€ (40€ per sketch)
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(latter can be split into two slots if there's interest)
If interested, send me an email at artharakka(at)gmail.com 🧡
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Siffrin plays Disco Elysium AU: Featuring backseat gamer Loop.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Socialism is the fire department saving your house. Capitalism is the insurance company denying your claim.
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diverbots · 2 years
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origin story
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liliotl · 3 months
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It really just be like that sometimes
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communistkenobi · 8 months
now that I haven’t lived with my parents for almost two years I’m starting to come to terms with myself as a full human being. and like idk I can’t really complain about my parents too much in terms of their overall parenting of me, I feel like I’m lucky in a lot of respects just based on the horrific shit some of my friends/family have gone through, but I feel like one consequence of how much my parents fucking hated each other for my entire life is that I feel like I have no reference point for showing affection or being emotionally considerate/vulnerable, those things tend to make me deeply uncomfortable and disempower me to do nice things for the people I love. I feel like I have to really concentrate and spend time on emotional reciprocity and spontaneous gifts/gestures of love. genuinely just kind of sucks how much my parents despise one another and how their constant fighting and days-long silent treatments over the course of 25 years has made me feel inadequate to the task of showing the people I care about how much I love them
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
The American Mind: Charles Kesler Interviewing William Voegeli: Ending The Welfare State
. This blog has already laid out why it is against the negative income tax. Handing people who up to this point at least haven’t been responsible with their lives in too many cases to the point not they are jobless and on public assistance is not a good idea and a bad taxpayer investment. So I think that would be the bad libertarian alternative to the safety net in America. The bad progressive or…
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