edirazirollyx · 4 months
just a page of mindless art
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some tf2 and socksfor1
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waffle-cookies · 2 months
ART DAY!!!!!
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And here's squid ink and a Qustionlbe jester cookie behind them :}
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Art of my fav youtube group :]
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And finally the cutest children's cookie in the game!!!
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i-am-creacheur · 21 days
hey hey weird question but does anyone remember socksfor1 and the socksmp? I spent 2020-2022 obsessing over his crew in general and was so isolated in my fandom because I didn't have any media besides YouTube. Literally the ending of the SockSmp imprinted itself in my brain and I had drag myself out of that mental pit tooth and nail (plus ranting about an AU idea phrased as a fantasy story idea I had in a discord server and someone drawing art of the characters because they were bored helped so much). I did stop watching the content much earlier because the style of videos began to fit what i liked and what i found comfortinf. I might be willing to get back into (especially the SMP) if someone will yell about it with me. It was my first fandom experience and it was isolated for me so I have very mixed feelings and have no idea if anyone still knows about it/watches this guy's content.
If you have no idea what I'm saying please don't say anything this was just a bad dream and a terrible dive into the days of the pandemic and my complete isolation from everyone I really knew
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migorify · 9 days
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galsfor1 stuff ↓
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harpoonlover00 · 4 months
If the link doesn't work, the user is :BennaBooter
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existingpersonhehe · 9 days
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whoa it’s been so long since I posted here :0
((the quality is bad wth😭))
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trash-gremlin · 17 days
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hello hello has anyone else seen bennys backrooms trailer?
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1-shatterd2-void-3 · 26 days
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prettywomen666 · 4 months
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stupid idot
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xaetherblogsx · 5 months
Screenshot Redraw! (Socksfor1 Edition)
(The first one is the redraw, the second one is the original)
Art Credit: ME!
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edirazirollyx · 4 months
do yall like tmnt, garten of banban, team fortress 2, socksfor1 and tadc?
me too
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Check this out if you want some info on me 🤠
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toastyliltoasts · 8 months
Pls just kill me ..
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Just fucking kill me already ..
This has been goin on way too much ..
I regret to inform yall , Im down bad for this man right here ..
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kimjeonej · 8 months
A Murderous Performance (Foolish Crew Band Au pt1)
Amidst the vibrant colours and loud music of a packed concert venue, the four singers—Socksfor1, Tbhhonest, Laffengas, and Joocie—were preparing to perform their latest album, titled ‘Fooling Around’. The venue was bustling with activity, from security guards pacing the aisles to fans eagerly waiting for the show to begin. As the band took the stage, the energy in the room was palpable. With each passing moment, the crowd grew more and more excited, eager to see the four performers in action. For the four of them, this was just another night on the road, but they knew that every performance mattered.
But as they launched into their first song, something felt off. The stage lights seemed to pulsate with sinister energy, and the crowd's cheers turned into murmurs of concern. Socks noticed Tbh's microphone cutting out mid-song, and as he reached over to adjust it, he felt a sudden jolt of pain shoot through her body. The next thing He knew, He was lying on the stage, blood surrounding his stomach as he stared up at the shocked faces of his bandmates. As Socks struggled to comprehend what had just happened, he heard Joocie's voice announcing the news to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, we regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, we will have to cancel the concert," he said, his voice shaking with emotion.
Suddenly, the sound of sirens filled the venue as police officers burst in, sirens blaring. They quickly cordoned off the area around the stage, sealing off any potential exits, as they launched a full-scale investigation. With the concert cancelled and the audience dismissed, the remaining members of the band were left to grapple with the shocking reality of what had just happened. Laff was the first to speak up, his voice shaking with fear. "Who could have done this? Why would anyone want to hurt him?"
As the investigation continued, the other three soon discovered that they were not the only ones targeted. In the chaos of the concert, they learned that some of the guards were also killed during the process of trying to kill Socks. As the gravity of the situation set in, the remaining band members realised that they were at the center of a murder. Fear and desperation began to grip their hearts, and they desperately tried to figure out who could have possibly done such a thing.
As they sat in silence, an unexpected knock at the door interrupted their quiet contemplation. It was the local detective, Blazerious, who had been assigned to the case. He offered his condolences for their loss before getting straight to the point. "We believe that this was a targeted attack," he said, his voice laced with emotion. "Someone wanted to silence you three for a very specific reason. Do you have any idea who would have wanted to hurt you guys?"
The band members looked at each other, each searching for an answer. A tense silence hovered over the room as they struggled to form a coherent thought. Suddenly, Joocie's eyes flew open, as if a lightbulb had just gone off in his head. "I think I might know!" He exclaimed, barely able to contain his excitement. "I remember hearing one of the security guards talking about a fan who had been behaving oddly at the concert. They said the person was acting nervous and kept following us around."
The detective's eyebrows shot up in interest. "Do you remember what this fan looked like?" Joocie shook her head. "Unfortunately not; no one was sure who they were.". The detective nodded, seeming to sense that they might finally be on the right track. "We'll get right on that, Joocie. In the meantime, I suggest that you all lay low and stay safe. This case is now our top priority, and we'll do everything we can to bring the killer to justice.". With that, the detective said his goodbyes and exited the room, leaving the band members to ponder their newfound information. They realised that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were determined to see this through. After all, they had their fallen friend to honour and justice to seek.
The crew tried to solve this case by themselves, while Detective Blazerious helped by giving them clues that his team found and by also doing his research. They couldn't fathom that anyone could have such a personal vendetta against them. "We need to be careful," said Laff. "Whoever did this clearly has it out for us. We should stay together and try not to go anywhere alone." The other two nodded in agreement. They all knew that they needed to be on high alert. It was a frightening reality, but one that was necessary.
As the weeks passed, the tension only grew thicker. The band members constantly felt like they were being watched, and they were jumpy at the slightest sound. They had all but shut themselves in their hotel rooms, terrified to leave for fear of being attacked again. But their nightmare was far from over. One night, as they were all fast asleep, they were suddenly woken by the sound of glass shattering. They bolted out of their beds, their hearts pounding in their chests. Tbh walked out of his room and saw the other two outside. “You guys heard that too?” His friends nodded, looking in the direction of the sound.
As they made their way towards the source of the noise, they were horrified to find that their hotel room had been broken into. The window was shattered, and their belongings were scattered all over the floor. In a state of panic, they quickly searched the room for signs of the intruder but found nothing. They couldn't help but wonder if this was the work of the same person who had previously targeted them.
Their fears were confirmed when the police arrived on the scene and informed them that the break-in was likely connected to the previous murders. They explained that the intruder had left behind some markings that only a killer would recognize. The band members were horrified. They knew that they were running out of time and that they needed to find the killer before it was too late. After the police left, the crew decided to stay up at night to continue their research and try to solve the mystery. They scoured the internet for any information on the murders and reached out to their fans to see if anyone had any information.
Despite their best efforts, they were no closer to finding the killer. The weeks turned into months, and the band members began to lose hope. They were exhausted and felt like they were chasing a ghost. “It’s really no use, isn’t it?” Laff complained, putting his head on the table that had all of the research papers. “We can’t give up yet; we have to find out who killed Socks…” Joocie tried to persuade his friend. Tbh was busy making some coffee for himself and his friends, so they could stay up late yet another night. “I swear, once we find whoever did this, I’ll burn their entire collection of whatever they like." Tbh mumbled to himself, Joocie and Laff were slightly concerned about the sentence but decided to let it slide.
“I’m starting to think that Blazerious isn’t even doing his detective work; he’s a known detective for being the best, solving crimes, and finding murderers. Yet it's been 2 months, and he hasn’t said a thing to us.” Joocie claimed, but he hoped that his suspicions were false. Laff sighed, “Alright guys, we have to get back to work…”. They kept staying up for several more nights, hoping one day they’d find the killer.
But then, one fateful day, they received a strange package in the mail. Inside was a cryptic note, warning them that the killer was still alive and watching their every move. The band members felt their hearts pounding. The band members held their breath, their eyes glued to the note in front of them. They had spent months searching for any sign of the killer, and this was the first real lead they had.
The note itself was short and to the point, simply telling them that the killer was still out there and that they were monitoring every move. The last line of the note, however, shocked them to their core. It read, "And remember, not everyone you trust is someone you should trust."
The band members couldn't believe what they were reading. They looked at each other, their hearts heavy with the weight of the situation. They began to question everything they knew. Who among them was the killer? And how had they managed to keep it a secret for so long? They sat in silence for what felt like hours, each lost in their thoughts. Finally, Tbh spoke up. "I'm hoping they didn’t mean it was one of us, because I wouldn’t be able to face it if it were one of you guys all along…” He says, his breathing is unstable and his hands are covering his face. Joocie placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed, "I... promise you, it would never be one of us…” Joocie looked at Laff. Laff nodded, not wanting to put any more pressure on the youngest. Joocie then pulled Tbh into a hug and placed his hand-covered face on his chest. “Hey, I promise, we’ll find whoever killed Socks. But for now, let’s go home, okay?”
Laff nodded in agreement. They knew that they needed to trust one another to find the killer, but it was slightly hard for Tbh. They spent the next few days locked in their hotel room, desperately searching for clues or any signs of the killer among the security guards, managers, stylists, and other staff. But no matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find anything that stood out. As they sat in silence, their nerves on edge, they felt a knock at their door. They exchanged nervous glances before cautiously making their way to the door.
As they opened it, they were met with a group of police officers and detectives, led by the local chief of police himself. The officers looked grave, and the band members knew something was seriously wrong. They opened the door to their dorm widely, letting Detective Blazerious enter their dorm with the chief officer. The chief stepped forward, his voice steady but firm. "We've had a breakthrough in the case," he announced. "We've determined that one of your staff is the killer, who placed a cyanide poison on Socks’s drink, causing him to die right away.”
The band members felt their hearts sink. They had known this was a possibility, but hearing the confirmation still hurt them deeply. "Who is it?” Laff asked, deeply worried about who it was. The chief took a deep breath before answering. "I'm sorry to say, but the killer is unfortunately—” He was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. The crew heard it too and looked back at the chief, only to realise he was the one who got shot.
The chief’s body dropped dead on the floor; around his waist, it was covered in blood. The three looked at the detective for a complete answer, but they noticed even he was shot. They thought the same thing and ran away from the area. As they ran, they saw that almost all of the police officers were also shot, leading them to run too. They ran as far as they could from the dorm, not wanting to be found by the killer. They stopped at a cafe where they always hung out, wanting to take a break before continuing. They got a place to sit and just sat there for a few moments until Tbh decided to break the silence. “We can’t just stay here! All of our research is back at our dorm! If we leave it there, what if the killer destroys all of it?!” He shouted.
Joocie and Laff looked at each other before Joocie answered as he side-hugged the younger one, “Hey, it’s not that we don’t want to go back. It’s just that... you saw what happened there; if we go back, who knows if we'll be next?". Laff agreed, “Listen, we’ll go back to our dorm tomorrow, but for tonight, let’s just stay in a hotel and hope that the killer doesn’t know where we are.”. Tbh sighed, looking down. He pulled his legs up on the chair and hugged his knees, wanting to cry. “I’m tired of this... I just want to go back to performing for the fans, I just want to go back to living a normal life…” He complains, burying his face between his knees.
Joocie rubbed his friend’s back, trying to comfort him. “We’ll get back to that life, alright? But for now, let’s just lay low until we’ve discovered who the killer is.” Laff says, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and tried to find a nearby hotel where they could stay for the night. They had to stop being artists until the case was solved, but for now, laying low would be the best option for them.
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ace-of-heartssz · 4 months
I made some fanart of Ally as Heather Chandler !!
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I made fanart of Ally as Heather C ❤️💚💛 !!
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harpoonlover00 · 5 months
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