#Sol x Marz
hedgehogoftime · 1 year
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist quotes of debatable correctness
Sol: I really love Tangent but I wish she’d stop saying “This biological form is limiting,”, it’s really off-putting at parties.
*Cal is confiding to Sol about troubles with Tammy’s pregnancies*
Cal: I mean, I didn’t realize that Tammy COULD be crazy until now.
Sol: She’s pregnant, she gets to be crazy. It’s your job to be sane right now.
Cal: So I don’t get to be crazy again until after she has the baby?
Sol: No, then it’s the baby’s turn to be crazy.
Cal: So when do I get to be crazy again!?
Sol: Never. *begins laughing hysterically at him*
*Nem is stranded on a mission and Vace has volunteered to rescue her*
Vace: Alright, time for Plan... something something... I save Nem and she falls madly in love with me again and Sol dies of heartbreak.
Vace: ...I swear I had something for this.
Sol: I can fit the entire world in my hands!
Tangent: I swear if you try any adorable shit-
Sol: *cups Tangent’s face in their hands*
Tangent: I have a reputation...
Dys: Life is a meaningless drudgery of pointless misery, an endless spiral of death and decay from which there is no
*Sol walks in*
Dys: OMG, Sol!
Tammy: Hey Sol, what color are Marz’s eyes?
Sol: They’re neon pink with flashes of royal purple and sometimes red if the light is right.
Tammy: Uh, huh. And when was the last time Marz smiled?
Sol: Last night, at three minutes past nine when Rex made that terrible joke about chickens.
Tammy: Right. And when is my birthday?
Sol: ...
Tammy: When is my birthday, Sol?
Marz: As your new Governor, I hearby declare that everyone who has ever been mean to me shall be... executed.
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justrandomgrill · 10 months
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While playing I was a teenage exocolonist I got SPOILED by the fact that I could date both Rex and Marz (as they were both my total faves)
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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thewarinourstarwars · 18 days
OKAY so we botched our first attempt at the Black Hole Polycule, turns out Tang is monogamous or at least is in a similar situation to Dys where we can’t romance her directly but we have to get high friendship or whatever to get the Marz x Tang x Sol part of the polycule going.
I also had failed to manage my time so spectacularly that I was in fact forced to abandon the Vace addition on this playthrough.
Upon realizing my new polycule wasn’t going to work out this save after Marz broke up with me so I could date Tang, I immediately broke up with Tang and got with her brother.
The ending was whack too on this save, got peace and picked all of the prolific parent options and then got. . . Merchant?!?
I’ve gotten that ending before. I didn’t support capitalism this run guys!
So uh this run was a complete and utter failure. Hopefully next loop gets more insights into the polycule options of IWATEX.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
Solana (or Sol) x Dys from I Was A Teenage Exocolonist 2) Swap AU where the main characters have their canonical augments swapped with each other's (like for the entire cast, for example, if Tammy had Marz's shameless augment or Anemone had Tammy's enhanced hearing). Take your time and I hope I don't come off as a bother 😅
They’re not actually holding hands holding hands. Sol’s just got one of his in between both of hers, eyes wide and wondering as she stares down at his scales. “So cool,” she breathes out, a thumb tracing over the edge of one, and Dys can feel his face light up on fire.
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go-fired · 3 years
1.11(土) tipToe.「tipToe.ONEMAN『standing on tipToe.』」Zepp DiverCity Tokyo 2.9(日) MIC RAW RUGA(laboratory)「1st ONE MAN LIVE『PARTY PEOPLE SAY YEAR!!』」代官山LOOP 8.27(木) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス「くまちゃん くろちゃん東名阪ツアー-2020 東京公演」渋谷WWW X 9.26(土) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス「くまちゃん くろちゃん東名阪ツアー-2020 大阪公演」梅田CLUB QUATTRO 9.27(日) 代代代/nuance「代代代主催『TWO IDOLS IN A ROOM』」梅田CLUB QUATTRO 9.27(日) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス/nuance「TRIPRISE 3」梅田CLUB QUATTRO 10.8(水) ナナランド/クマリデパート「EVOLUTION POP! Vol.39」TSUTAYA O-WEST 10.10(土) Devil ANTHEM./クマリデパート「Devil ANTHEM. 主催『でびぱっぱ with クマリデパート』(2部)」TSUTAYA O-Crest 10.14(水) クロスノエシス「クロスノエシスRISA生誕ライブ 『水曜日のリサ』」新宿MARZ 10.17 (土) クロスノエシス/Ringwanderung/終わらないで、夜「エクストロメ‼︎」渋谷clubasia 10.18(日) B.O.L.T/DESURABBITS/Devil ANTHEM./tipToe./ZOMBIE POWDER/クマリデパート(栃)/クロスノエシス/めろん畑a go go/ゑんら「ギュウ農フェス 5th ANNIVERSARY 秋のSP2020(1部)」新木場STUDIO COAST 10.18(日) nuance「nuance oneman tour『botäwnie』special showcase -okaeri- 」 KT ZeppYokohama 10.29(木) じゅじゅ/クマリデパート/シンダーエラ/BLACKNAZARENE「SHIBUYA HALLOWEEN LIVE」duo MUSIC EXCHANGE 10.31(土) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス/Devil ANTHEM./NEO JAPONISM/#ババババンビ/Malcolm Mask McLaren「LEADING HALLOWEEN」日本橋三井ホール 11.1(日) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス/nuance/代代代/他「OPC fes. -FIRST KILL-」新木場STUDIO COAST 11.2(月) 代代代「代代代 ONEMAN LIVE SHOW セルゲーム」渋谷WWW X 11.3(火) クマリデパート/ふうちゃんとけんちゃんをお祝いしたいゲスト「ekoms presents ふうちゃんけんちゃん生誕祭2020」TSUTAYA-O-WEST 11.3(火) クマリデパート/アップアップガールズ(2)「ekoms presents『ク×(2)』」TSUTAYA-O-WEST 11.6(金) nuance「nuance oneman tour『botäwnie』」渋谷CLUB QUATTRO 11.8(日) クマリデパート/クロスノエシス/じゅじゅ/MM「Flower Flower vol.1」Veats Shibuya 11.16(月) RAY/NELN/サンダルテレフォン「エクストロメ‼︎」渋谷club asia 11.19(木) われらがプワプワプーワプワ「FREE WPW」新宿ナインスパイス 11.25(水) Devil ANTHEM./クマリデパート「NEW SINGLE『UP』発売記念企画 でびぱっぱ with クマリデパート」TSUTAYA-O-WEST 11.26(木) われらがプワプワプーワプワ「FREE WPW」新宿ナインスパイス 12.3(木) nuance/サンダルテレフォン「ヌュのツー vol.1」新宿MARZ 12.4(金) ユレルランドスケープ「1周年記念ONEMANLIVE -BAND Edition-」横浜1000CLUB 12.6(日) nuance/代代代/NaNoMoRaL/くぴぽ/毒島大蛇/宇野祐生佳「MINIMARISE」横浜クリフサイド 12.7(月) サンダルテレフォン/代代代/Ringwanderung「エクストロメ‼︎」渋谷club asia 12.19(土) ワールズエンド。/クマリデパート/サンダルテレフォン/SOL「ワールズエンド。presents『ワルコレvol.5〜白昼ディスコ〜』」新宿BLAZE 12.21(月) Maison book girl/クマリデパート/クロスノエシス/二丁目の魁カミングアウト「エコムスフェス2020」中野サンプラザ 12.26(土) MIGMA SHELTER/ukka/クマリデパート「MIGMA SHELTER presents BAD TRIP Xmas RAVE! supported byエクストロメ‼️」千葉・青葉の森公園芸術文化ホール 12.29(火) MIGMA SHELTER/代代代「エクストロメ!! presents『MIGMA SHELTER×××代代代』」渋谷WWW X 12.30(水) RAY/tipToe./代代代「エクストロメの忘年会的なやつ!!(昼の部)」TSUTAYA O-nest 12.30(水) nuance/Ringwanderung/クロスノエシス「エクストロメの忘年会的なやつ!!(夜の部)」TSUTAYA O-nest
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thewarinourstarwars · 21 days
It’s time for my latest Exocolonist run, a follow-up to my previous experiment with polycules in this game.
Previously I had managed on separate occasions Sol x Utopia x Sym x Dys x Rex and then Sol x Sym x Dys x Nomi x Rex, but in the latter I had also tried to do the Utopia plotline and failed despite having done everything needed to trigger that ending.
Which leads to my theory that you can only have five people in your polycule max.
I plan to test this—and how, you may ask?
We’re going after Marz and Tang to add to the polycule this round.
I will also start a second diverging save point sometime around the Strato’s arrival because I want to see if I can unwillingly drag Vace and Nem into this (sorry Nem, love you, but since I know Vace cheats on you and Sol can cheat on him with Rex I need to see if this can happen simultaneously)
I can’t wait to see what the game will let me do if I can pull off the proper feats to do so.
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