#Sol x Tang
hedgehogoftime · 1 year
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist quotes of debatable correctness
Sol: I really love Tangent but I wish she’d stop saying “This biological form is limiting,”, it’s really off-putting at parties.
*Cal is confiding to Sol about troubles with Tammy’s pregnancies*
Cal: I mean, I didn’t realize that Tammy COULD be crazy until now.
Sol: She’s pregnant, she gets to be crazy. It’s your job to be sane right now.
Cal: So I don’t get to be crazy again until after she has the baby?
Sol: No, then it’s the baby’s turn to be crazy.
Cal: So when do I get to be crazy again!?
Sol: Never. *begins laughing hysterically at him*
*Nem is stranded on a mission and Vace has volunteered to rescue her*
Vace: Alright, time for Plan... something something... I save Nem and she falls madly in love with me again and Sol dies of heartbreak.
Vace: ...I swear I had something for this.
Sol: I can fit the entire world in my hands!
Tangent: I swear if you try any adorable shit-
Sol: *cups Tangent’s face in their hands*
Tangent: I have a reputation...
Dys: Life is a meaningless drudgery of pointless misery, an endless spiral of death and decay from which there is no
*Sol walks in*
Dys: OMG, Sol!
Tammy: Hey Sol, what color are Marz’s eyes?
Sol: They’re neon pink with flashes of royal purple and sometimes red if the light is right.
Tammy: Uh, huh. And when was the last time Marz smiled?
Sol: Last night, at three minutes past nine when Rex made that terrible joke about chickens.
Tammy: Right. And when is my birthday?
Sol: ...
Tammy: When is my birthday, Sol?
Marz: As your new Governor, I hearby declare that everyone who has ever been mean to me shall be... executed.
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foxchainships · 1 year
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Request for Flaminggorilla7
If you want me to draw your favorite ship, send over a DM :)
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fictionally-driven · 16 days
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Bruises and Blossoms
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! Midnight Rangers reader Word count: 3165 words Trigger warnings: Injuries, mentions of blood, violence, mentions of death. Plot: Jiyan is gravely injured and saved by the resilient and resourceful field medic, (Y/N), whose unwavering dedication and quick thinking catch his eye amidst the chaos of war.
Author Note: I have been writing fics about WuWa characters developing feelings for someone. I could not help but indulge in this after playing WuWa from the past few days. If you liked it, then reblogs are appreciated, Thank you!
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The battlefield was a symphony of chaos, the air thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid stench of smoke. Tacet Discords, their dark forms swirling like a malevolent storm, descended upon them. Jiyan led his troops into the fray against the looming threat to Jinzhou and Huanglong. His blade cut through the fog on the enemy with lethal precision.
But the Tacet Discords were relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed over the battlefield. It felt like an other outbreak was on the verge of breaking through and Jiyan was resolved to quell it before it got to that point. Jiyan fought with all his strength, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he pushed himself beyond his limits to protect his troops from the brunt of the attacks.
Suddenly, amidst the chaos, a joint attack from the Crownless and the Tempest Memphis caught Jiyan off guard. Despite his best efforts, he found himself overwhelmed, his vision blurring as pain seared through his body. Blood filled Jiyan's mouth as he struggled to maintain his footing, his ears ringing with the clamor of battle. But even in the midst of his pain, he refused to yield, his determination unwavering as he faced his enemies head-on. Slaying the crownless, Jiyan collapsed to his knees, trying to catch his breath and recover. Black spots emerged in his vision and he shook his head, trying to remain focused. Amidst the chaos, a familiar voice cut through the din, pulling him back from the brink of darkness.
An on-field medic approached at Jiyan's side "General! focus on me," she urged, her voice firm yet comforting as she assessed his injuries. Her hands moving with practiced precision as she tended to his injuries with the supplies she was carrying. "Let me patch you up."
But Jiyan, his resolve as strong as ever, swatted her hand away. He insisted that he was fine, his voice strained with pain. "There are others who need your help more than I do," he protested, his gaze flickering with concern for his troops. “I’ll be alright.”
Yet the medic, undeterred by Jiyan's protests, remained steadfast in her resolve. "You need medical attention, General," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Let me do my job."
"I'm not leaving you like this," She retorted, her tone firm as she continued to patch up Jiyan's injuries. "No man left behind, remember?"
As she outlined Jiyan's injuries in her terminal, recording and transmitting the message to the infirmary, she detailed the extent of his wounds. "He's broken his arm, sustained a deep femoral artery laceration, and has multiple contusions and abrasions," she reported, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We'll need a transfusion and surgical intervention."
With practiced efficiency, she stabilized Jiyan's broken arm, carefully wrapping it in a makeshift splint to prevent further injury after removing his signature midnight green gardebras. Administering pain medication, she sought to alleviate his discomfort, her hands moving with gentle precision as she worked.
As she wrapped a tourniquet around his open wound to stem the bleeding, she barked commands to the surrounding troops, directing them to cover their path back to the infirmary. "We need a clear path, now!" She pointed to two soldiers. “You two. Cover for me and the general till we make it to the infirmary. Take defense positions at the back.” She then points to another soldier beside them. “You take the front. What? Do I look like I have sprouted two horns? Move. Now!”  With Jiyan's uninjured arm draped around her, she lifted the general up, staggering a bit due to his weight before stabilizing herself.
Despite his delirium from the pain and blood loss, Jiyan couldn't help but notice the warmth of her presence, her lively nature. "You're like a whirlwind, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice laced with admiration as she dragged him towards the relative safety of the infirmary.
Despite the chaos and confusion of the battlefield, Jiyan finds himself drawn to the medic at his side. Was she glowing? He couldn't help but wonder as he struggled to keep up with her brisk pace. How could someone be so beautiful, almost amidst the carnage of war? Though the scent of blood and smoke filled his senses, he could still smell was the antiseptic and medicines that she had used on him, comforting him. As she dragged him towards the infirmary, Jiyan weakly protested against her, insisting that he would be fine. She seemingly ignored his words, only to focus on the task at hand. And in that moment, as he clung to her for support, Jiyan knew that he was in good hands.
Inside the infirmary, the harsh lights made everything seem too bright and painful. Jiyan was gently lowered onto the bed, his muscles screaming in protest with each movement. Through bleary eyes, he watched as the medic busied herself. Jiyan’s eyes fixed on her, noting the blood, his blood, smeared on her skin and on her clavicle. He noticed the small injuries that marred her too. Her hair, disheveled from the chaos, fell out of place from its tie, framing her face. With his uninjured hand, he reached out and tucked a stray strand behind her ear, his touch lingering for a moment. “You are injured too. Make sure to get it patched.”
She glanced at him, a mix of frustration and tenderness in her eyes. "You need to rest, General," she admonished, her voice soft yet firm. "Let us handle the battlefield for now. Your troops need you to recover."
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his vision blurring again. "You... you're quite something," he murmured, his voice trailing off. “What is your name, soldier?”
She stood up, her expression softening as she looked down at him. "And you're quite stubborn," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Take care and recover soon. Your troops have got this, and you need to focus on resting." She wiped his blood off her using a few wet wipes as more medics gathered to tend to the general. “My name is (Y/N).” She said, as the medics began working on treating him.
Jiyan managed a weak smile, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion. "Thank you, (Y/N)." he murmured, his voice barely audible.
"You're welcome," she replied, still smiling. “Let the medics tend to you. I’ll be off now.”
As she turned to leave, her figure was haloed by the harsh light, making her seem almost ethereal. Jiyan watched her go, the scent of antiseptic and the warmth of her presence lingering even as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Days had passed since the chaotic battle, and Jiyan, who transferred to the hospital in Jinzhou city was gradually recovering. His body, still wrapped in bandages and dressings, bore the marks of the intense skirmish. His broken arm was securely cast, the deep laceration on his hip stitched and bandaged, and the myriad of contusions and abrasions were cleaned and dressed. The medics had done their job well, but amidst their care, Jiyan's mind lingered on one thought: the medic who had saved him.
(Y/N), she had said her name was. She hadn't served directly under him before, always stationed at a distant outpost. The recent upheavals had brought many changes to their forces, including her reassignment to the Northern border of Huanglong. He'd learned through her records that she was exemplary, her combat skills and medical background making her a perfect fit for an on-field medic. Jiyan knew he needed to thank her, not just for her skillful treatment, but for her unwavering determination to save his life.
Her image was etched into his mind: her firm yet gentle hands tending to his wounds, her unwavering resolve, and that fleeting moment when he had tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Despite the pain and blood loss, he remembered the warmth of her presence
The Tacet Discord outbreak from that fateful day had been contained, though at a grave cost. Several lives had been lost, each one a heavy burden on Jiyan's heart. As he regained his strength, he prepared himself for a somber duty he never neglected: honoring the fallen. With a pouch of Emortia seeds in his hand, Jiyan made his way to Knell Square, the hallowed ground where he planted these seeds to commemorate the soldiers who had perished in battle.
Stepping out into the streets of Jinzhou, Jiyan felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. The city was alive with activity, but he sought solace in the quieter parts. His path took him away from the bustling marketplace, past the familiar landmarks of the city, and towards Knell Square.
As Jiyan approached the square, the familiar sight of Emortia flowers greeted him, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. He paused for a moment, taking in the serenity of the scene, his heart heavy with the names and faces of the comrades he had lost. But then, his gaze caught sight of a solitary figure standing by the flower bed, lost in thought.
(Y/N) stood there, her posture relaxed yet somehow somber. She seemed absorbed in the sight of the flowers; her eyes distant as if she were communing with the spirits of those who had passed. The soft light of the late afternoon cast a gentle glow on her, highlighting the subtle strength and grace that had left such an impression on him.
Jiyan's heart skipped a beat as he watched her. He hadn't expected to run into her here, and the sight of her brought back a flood of memories from the battlefield. He wondered what she was thinking about, what memories or emotions had drawn her to this quiet place. He took a moment to observe her, the way her eyes seemed to soften as she looked at the flowers, the way her hands gently brushed against the petals. He cleared his throat, stepping beside her. "I didn’t expect to run into you in Jinzhou."
(Y/N) turned to him, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "General Jiyan," she greeted, her voice soft. “I see that you are recovering quickly.” She turned back to the flowers. “I was here to collect some personal supplies and stopped by to admire these flowers. They are quite beautiful, aren’t they?”
Jiyan nodded, stepping closer to stand beside her. "They do. Each one represents a life, a sacrifice. It's a way for me to remember and honor them. I plant these seeds for the rangers who lost their lives." he said quietly.
She looked back at the flowers; her expression thoughtful. "These flowers... they carry so many memories…”
There was a moment of silence between them, the weight of their shared losses hanging in the air. Jiyan took a deep breath, summoning the words he had been wanting to say. "Thank you," he began, his voice earnest. "For saving me that day. I owe you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) waved a hand dismissively, but there was a twinkle in her eye. "I was just doing my duty, General. But next time, let me do my job without fighting back.” There was a hint of frustration in her eyes. “You of all people should know that without a general, the army would have fallen into disarray."
Jiyan felt a pang of sheepishness at her words, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "You're right," he admitted. "I was stubborn. But so were you. Your quick thinking and actions saved me. Your efforts will be formally acknowledged."
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head. "No need for formalities, General. Knowing that you're alive and well is enough for me. I don't want praise," (Y/N) said, her voice firm yet soft. "I didn't do it for the recognition. I did it because it's my duty, and I want to be more efficient in that duty. I could have saved more lives that day if I was better."
Jiyan nodded slowly. "I do. It's a heavy burden, knowing lives depend on your actions. But that's also what makes it so important."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly, a spark of recognition flashing in them. "That's right. You were a medic before you became a general. I'd almost forgotten about that."
Jiyan smiled faintly. "It's not something I talk about often, but it's a part of who I am."
She gave him an incredulous look, almost looking offended. “You, of all people, should know better than to resist treatment on the battlefield! Next time, I'll tie you up if I have to."
A chuckle escaped Jiyan before he could stop it, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise. "Something the matter?" he asked, bemused.
She shook her head, a look of astonishment on her face. "I don't think I've ever heard you chuckle before," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "It suits you more than your usual frown and scowl."
Jiyan was momentarily stunned by her words. He wasn't used to such candid observations about his demeanor. "I suppose I should thank you for that," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
(Y/N) returned his smile, her gaze focused on the sky for a moment, "I'll leave you to your moment with the flowers, General," she said, stepping back to give him space.
As she began to walk away, Jiyan found himself not wanting her to leave just yet. "Wait," he called after her, his voice catching slightly. "Would you... would you help me plant these seeds?"
(Y/N) turned back, her smile widening as she walked back to him. "Of course, General. I'd be honored."
They knelt together by the flower bed, the pouch of Emortia seeds in Jiyan's hand. He handed a few seeds to (Y/N), their fingers brushing lightly. Together, they dug small holes in the soil, carefully placing the seeds within.
"Each seed represents a life," Jiyan said quietly, his voice filled with reverence. "A sacrifice that must never be forgotten."
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes reflecting the same solemn respect. "And each flower that blooms is a reminder of their bravery and our duty to honor them."
They worked in silence for a while, the act of planting the seeds almost meditative. The gentle rustling of the flowers and the distant sounds of the city created a peaceful backdrop to their task.
As they finished planting the last of the seeds, Jiyan looked at (Y/N), admiration evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "For everything."
(Y/N) smiled, her lively spirit shining through once more. "You're welcome, General. And thank you for your service. We all rely on your strength and leadership."
With the seeds planted, they stood together, taking a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of Knell Square. The Emortia flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their delicate petals a symbol of hope and remembrance.
"I should be going," (Y/N) said softly. "But if you ever need someone to tie you down for treatment again, you know where to find me, General."
Jiyan chuckled, a genuine smile breaking across his face. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied. “And please, call me Jiyan.”
“Jiyan…” She repeated, nodding at him. “Alright then, I’ll do just that.”
As (Y/N) repeated his name, a warm feeling spread through his chest. He didn't want her to leave just yet. There was something about her presence that he found comforting, something that made him want to know more about her.
He recalled Mortefi's words, a dear friend who often chided him for being too stoic and reserved. "You need to put yourself out there, Jiyan. Go on dates, meet new people, relax a little. Stop being a tragic brooding hero all the damn time and go live your life."
Jiyan had never thought he desired companionship. After all, the Jué had entrusted him with a duty, a responsibility that he had always taken seriously. But this woman, (Y/N), had come out of nowhere, stirring feelings within him that he had never felt before. It made him yearn for more and all he wanted was to be the subject of her attention at the moment.
Summoning his courage, Jiyan hesitated for a moment before calling out to her, his voice slightly awkward. "Um, (Y/N), wait!"
She turned back, a curious expression on her face as she regarded him. Jiyan stumbled over his words, his cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. At this very moment, he felt as if he would rather fight a horde of the Crownless than speak his mind.  "I, uh, I was wondering if... if it would be alright for us to, um, go out for a nice dinner? And maybe catch a lion dance performance after?"
(Y/N) turned back, a slight smile playing on her lips as she observed Jiyan's flustered state. "Are you asking me out on a date, General?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
Jiyan hesitated, first blurting out. “N-no…that’s...” He immediately corrected himself. "I... uh... yes, I suppose I am," he admitted, his voice slightly uncertain. "If... if that's not out of line, I mean. I'm sorry, I should probably let you be..."
(Y/N) giggled, the sound light and musical, easing some of Jiyan's anxiety. "It's endearing to see the General so flustered," she said, her tone gentle and kind. “I’d like to see more of this side of yours, Jiyan.” She met his gaze, still amused. “So yes, I'd like to go on this date if you're still up for it."
Relief flooded through Jiyan, mingled with a newfound sense of excitement. He hadn't expected her to say yes, but now that she had, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. “Yes. It... Its settled then.”
(Y/N) nodded, her smile warm and inviting. "Alright then, Jiyan. When and where?"
Jiyan thought for a moment, his mind racing. "There's a lovely restaurant near the theatre. How about we meet there at seven tonight or is that too soon...?"
"Seven sounds perfect," she agreed. "I'll see you then."
As they exchanged contact information on their terminals, Jiyan's heart thudded in his chest, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through him. He watched as (Y/N) took off, her graceful form moving with purpose, and he couldn't help but admire her even more. With a final wave and a cheerful reminder to take care, she disappeared into the bustling city streets, leaving Jiyan standing there with a smile playing on his lips.
His gaze lingered on the spot where she had vanished, the memory of her infectious laughter and warm smile etched into his mind. For a moment, he placed his uninjured hand on top of his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his palm. Yes, even he, General Jiyan, renowned for his stoicism and unwavering dedication to duty, found himself looking forward to tonight and the possibility of many more nights spent in (Y/N)'s company.
WuWa Masterlist
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sunny-mercya · 3 months
Trafalgar Law x Male Reader
Fandom -> One Piece
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Law hated it—the carelessly and inconsiderate behaviour towards you, from your friends and Captain, who—Law had knew it all along, wasn't the right person for you—has a nonexistent and illogically mindset of thinking—and overall, Law simply hated it.
Since their start of Alliance on Punk Hazard, then during Dressrosa—and what happen on Cake Island, only being told about it—all the way to the here and now, Wano—your crewmates seemed, either purposely or unintentionally forgetful, to ignore your problem of health and denying you the medical attention you (desperately) needed.
This all lead up to the current situation, where you continue to push through—going way beyond over your own limits again—without a break, discarding your own health too—and came, after collapsing more than just once, close to dying. A repeat of the last few time.
Law watches you, how you stumbled towards him—unconsciously and out of focus, having just won one of the many final fights—against Kaido, his henchmens and Big Mom—yourself, which left you more than just bloody and beat.
Before you were even close enough to Law, your knees buckled in—falling forward, eyes rolling backwards and face scrunching up in pain—and Law had barely time to catch you.
Picking you up, Law carried you behind a broken stone wall—propping you against it and put his coat on you, to keep you warm.
Law checked your pulse, it was faint—unnoticeable even—but still there. The symptoms, just a few of many, were clear; short rapid breathing, sweating and shivering.
Your blood sugar levels had reached the lowest point. Probably having dropped to Zero by now. If that's the case and Law as a Doctor knew it was, he needs to inject you at least around four doses glucose—but Law himself has only one, actually two, though the second one broke and left behind a sticky mess in his pant pockets, syringe left—to get you stable enough and bring you somewhere far safer—the Polar Tang preferable.
»d-don't......I don't.....want« you mumbled out, having come back to your senses, weakly pushing Law's hand away from you.
»Shhh, I need to [Name]-ya« Law hushed you gently, moving your shirt upwards—rubbing over your stomach with his hand, giving you a bit of comfort—looking at the faint dots of injections, which begun to build up to an scaring area onto your skin.
You whined out painfully loud, body jerking and rolling over onto your side—holding your stomach after the cold needle left your skin.
Every interjection you had to take, you cursed your body and this damned blood sugar—which had made your life more miserable than those pills—to reduce your devil-fruit ability—you were forced, by mother, to take. You hated it.
Law turned you back, patting your cheeks to keep you awake and you were close to tell your boyfriend off—how this is his sole fucking fault and how you hate him for the discovery of it.
You didn't though, hadn't the energy left in you and minds busy to not vomit any minute—gulping down the rising bile.
»Traffy! Is [Name] alright?« asked Luffy, voice loud as always and laced with concern for his friend.
Law was honest, when Luffy had appeared next to him—out of nowhere it seems—it did spooked him a bit, only a bit though.
»Strawhat-ya, give me your Syringes.« and when Law didn't received a reply right away, he asked again—harsher now, not having the time and nerves for niceties or to have a conversation with the Strawhat.
Luffy rubbed his neck sheepishly, when Law looked at him expectingly. Luffy knew you kinda needed the glucose at specific times, but he believed you can pull through it without them—like you had all the time before, because you're strong after all!
»I don't have them anymore, they broke during one of the fights, but [Nickname] doesn't need them, he's strong!«
Law had enough. Enough from all this bullshit talk about believe, because believing doesn't solve or cure anything—it's nothing but a false, selfish sort of hope and a nonsense of illogical and ignorance.
His short fuse of stressed nerve and building up anger bursted for final now. Getting up, Law grabbed Luffy by his short collar.
»Are you that incompetent inconsiderate towards [Name]-ya or just plain stupid?! I told you over and over again, just how fucking vital the Glucose is for him! Do you want [Name]-ya so desperately dead? Huh, Strawhat?!«
Law screamed the last bit, vocal cords shaking with furious anger. Dropping Luffy to the ground, Law picked you up again and teleported somewhere, hopefully far enough this time, else.
Wiping your sweaty forehead and the spilling tears from your flushed red face, Law couldn't tell how much that one dose would last for you—probably not long as your body already starts to fights again against the conscious drop.
Law said it once and he would say it again; Luffy as your captain was irresponsible and soon—not now or tomorrow, but in near future—the cause of your death.
Leaning down to you, kissing you on the lips—Law murmured in a whisper, that everything gonna be alright and that you're feeling better soon.
Law promised himself—and even when that means, being at war with the Strawhats—he would take you away and keep you by his side.
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Soldier Of My Past
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Male!Reader
Summary: You meet up with Doctor Borisyuk again after a scary run-in with the Winter Soldier. He lets you in on a little secret, and you don't know how to handle it.
AN: Does anyone have any good Bucky x Readers to suggest? I'd appreciate it, and it would help me see how others write him(it's surprisingly hard to write how characters act even though I've watched them a million times).
Chapter V: Little Secret
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The room they gave me wasn’t much.
The walls were painted a dull gray alongside a tiny bed, and footlocker to match. If I weren't careful, the lackluster room could drive me crazy. But it wasn't like they let me stay in here constantly, not with all the missions they had the Winter Soldier go on.
My eyes trail toward the wall, where a single clock resides. It reads two twenty-four.
Instead of resting as Doctor Borisyuk had suggested, I lay on the bed staring at the cracks in the ceiling. It's hard to sleep when you're plauged by nightmares and your mind is all over the place.
What did Doctor Borisyuk have to say to me?
Was it about the recent mission?
Or did he know I was gathering intel on HYDRA every time I woke up?
No, that couldn't be it. I didn't have a single thing against HYDRA physically. And even if I could get something against them, they would see it. These people keep an eye on me no matter where I go. I can't even piss in peace without someone watching over my shoulder.
But that's just how HYDRA ran. One single slip-up could lead to them losing a precious foothold. So they didn't take any risks.
Looking back at the clock, I sigh. There were still two hours left before I had to report back to Doctor Borisyuk. The only way to pass the time quickly would be to work out. Hopefully, no one is using the training room at this time.
Sliding off the scratchy blanket, I move to put on a worn tank top from the footlocker while deciding that the cargo pants I had on from the earlier mission were good enough.
Their workout room was only a few rooms down from my own. This often led to sweat and body odor lingering in the hallway after hours. And on occasion, the coppery tang of blood could be detected.
Thankfully, not many people used it today. If the faint smell of sweat mixing with the rubber mats was anything to go off of.
I make my way into the room. Only to pause when I catch a familiar glint of metal. The Winter Soldier slams a rather helpless HYDRA agent into the ground before stepping around him. Steps light as he shifts his weight to his other leg.
The word whispers in my head as I stare at the soldier. He's like a panther stalking its prey, just waiting for a chance to strike.
But I notice the agent isn't moving, and blood is smeared across the mat around his head. I step forward, hoping to stop the soldier from killing the poor fool.
"Sir, I believe he's had enough."
Those cold blue eyes cut through me as he moves to keep the unconscious soldier and me in his sight. It takes everything in me not to flinch under his gaze.
I raise my hands, making sure not to make any sudden movements lest I set him off.
"Alright, that's enough for now." The new voice sends chills down my spine as I straighten up. A man I have only ever seen a few times in the company of Doctor Borisyuk steps past me to examine the Winter Soldier.
Even from here, I can see he hadn't broken a sweat. But I could see that the mask he wore like a muzzle was tightened on his face enough that his cheeks were squished up under his eyes. Ouch. If it had been anyone else, I would have pitied them. Yet the man standing before me was nothing but a vessel. A tool for HYDRA to use as they saw fit.
The Winter Soldier starts to move away from the man fists raising when he starts speaking again, "Longing."
The soldier stiffens, his cold blue eyes flicking toward me. For a moment, he seems to struggle with himself.
"Rusted, furnace, daybreak," The man steps closer to the soldier with every word.
For a second, I meet the soldier's eyes. Something in them manages to break through the icy surface. And I swear I hear the softest 'no' leave him. But the moment is over as the man steps in between us, forcing me to break eye contact. He utters a few more words before casting a cold look my way.
"Don't you have something else to do other than stare?" His words send me straight back out into the hall. Luckily, he wasn't someone of too high rank, or I'd worry about not saluting him before leaving.
I can't help standing in the hallway for a few seconds as I try to process what I just saw. The Winter Soldier mercilessly taking down his training partner(more like punching bag) only to plead for help moments later with his eyes.
Did he really just attack me and I'm actually unconscious right now?
Or am I really losing it?
I must be losing it if I'm hearing Doctor Zola. From what I remember he was taken in by Steve and some other soldier. After that... well I never saw him again. I was honestly glad for that until Doctor Rot took me back in. But that was then. What was with the Winter Soldier just now?
"Soldier, hello?" Fingers snap in front of my face again and I flinch back. Familiar empty blue eyes bore into me as I stare blankly back at Doctor Borisyuk.
"Lost in thought?" A coy smile flickers across his face as he chuckles, "Didn't know you had those."
What was wrong with everyone today? They're all acting odder than normal.
"Anyway, I had to come find you since you didn't show up on time." A shiver makes its way down my back as I rasp out a quick apology.
Before Doctor Borisyuk can scold me for being late the door to the training room opens again. The man from earlier appears with the Winter Soldier close behind him.
The man stiffens at the sight of Doctor Borisyuk quickly saluting him before being waved off. The man swiftly strides off down the hall with the Winter Soldier following like a robot.
"That reminds me. I thought I'd let you in on a little secret, since you were the one to inform Doctor Rot all those years ago. The Winter Soldier is actually Sergeant Barnes. Amazing, right? That Doctor Zola was a genius creating the super soldier serum. It's the only thing that saved him that day."
No. That can't be true. It can't.
They knew. They had to have known to play such a cruel prank. I saw James fall from the train. I saw him die that day.
The air felt as if it had been sucked from my lungs as I struggled to take a breath in.
I wanted to say something, anything, but no words would come out. A high pitched squealing echoed in my ears as I openly gaped at Doctor Borisyuk.
Black spots started to dance in the corner of my eyes as I was still unable to take in a breath. Hands starting grabbing onto me as I stumble back, trying to get away. My chest tightens as more and more hands latch onto me. What a cruel little secret to keep from me all these years. Darkness engulfed my vision and for once I was grateful for the empty inky black.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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rerairude567 · 3 months
Quick Drabble:
Fandom: FFVII
Ship: Reno x Rude
CW: M/M, mentions of sunburn, small argument for those sensitive to scolding in a fanfic
Character creds and locations go to Square Enix and Tetsuya Nomura. Plot is mine.
Reno and Rude had been working non-stop for weeks, taking on one mission after another. They were in desperate need of a break from the Turks lifestyle, and so they decided to take a vacation to Costa del Sol. They had heard about the beautiful beaches and the tropical atmosphere, and it sounded like the perfect place to unwind.
As they arrived at the hotel, Reno couldn't help but feel excited. “We’re finally here!”
“Someone’s excited…,” Rude teased, adjusting his sunglasses upon his face.
After checking into their hotel, they quickly changed into their beach attire. Reno opted for a pair of black swim trunks and a red tank top, while Rude went for simple navy blue swim shorts and a white t-shirt. They both grabbed a towel and made their way to the beach.
Under the brilliant sun, the coastline glimmered with pristine sands, kissed by the gentle caress of waves. The tang of saltwater mingled with the sweet scent of sunscreen, enveloping the bustling beach in an atmosphere of leisure and vitality.
Amidst the kaleidoscope of tourists and locals reveling in the balmy weather, Reno and Rude sought out a secluded patch of shoreline, eager to immerse themselves in the inviting embrace of the cerulean sea.
Setting down their towels and belongings, they ventured towards the lapping waves, anticipation coursing through their veins like a tide of anticipation.
Rude insisted that Reno put on some sunscreen, but Reno stubbornly refused.
“Come on, Reno. You don't want to get a nasty sunburn,” Rude groaned, trying to reason with his companion.
“I'll be fine. I don't need any sunscreen,” Reno replied, dismissively.
Rude shrugged it off for now and followed Reno into the water. They splashed around, trying to cool off in the hot sun. Rude even convinced Reno to look for some sea shells with him, something he had always enjoyed doing as a child. They laughed and joked as they searched for the perfect shells.
After a while, Rude suggested they play frisbee. Reno was hesitant at first, but Rude's infectious smile convinced him to join in. They tossed the frisbee back and forth, with Rude showing off his impressive throwing skills. Reno, on the other hand, struggled to catch it, making Rude laugh.
But as the afternoon wore on, Reno started to feel the effects of the hot sun on his fair skin. He began to complain about the heat and how his skin was starting to burn.
Rude couldn't help but palm his forehead. “I told you to put on sunscreen, Reno. Now look at you,' he scolded.
Reno's mood quickly turned sour, and he started to bitch about the sunburn. Rude tried to ignore his friend's complaints, but eventually, he had enough. “You know what? I'm going to the bar. You can stay here and continue to complain,” Rude finished, clearly annoyed.
Reno watched as Rude stormed off, his broad shoulders tense with anger. He felt a twinge of guilt, knowing that he had ruined their day at the beach with his stubbornness. He quickly packed up their things and followed Rude to the tiki bar.
Rude was sitting at the bar, sipping on a cold drink. He didn't even look at Reno as he approached.
“I'm sorry, Rude. I should have listened to you about the sunscreen,” Reno apologized, feeling genuinely remorseful.
Reno shifted uncomfortably, his fingers fidgeting with the wrapper of the Cactuar ice pops he had bought on their way to the bar.
“I know I messed up, man. But I got us these," he said, holding up the colorful treats like a peace offering. "Thought they might make up for it, you know? Us, chilling by the beach, enjoying these bad boys together."
Rude finally glanced at Reno, his expression softening at the sight of the ice pops.
A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes before he sighed and reached for one of the treats. "You're impossible, Reno," he muttered, his tone tinged with exasperation and fondness all at once.
Reno's face broke into a sheepish grin as he handed Rude the ice pop. "I know, but I promise I'll listen next time," he said earnestly, hoping to mend the rift between them and salvage what was left of their day in paradise.
Reno smiled back and nodded, grateful to have such a patient and caring friend like Rude. They spent the rest of the evening at the tiki bar, enjoying each other's company and watching the sun set over the ocean as they snacked on the tasty treats.
As they headed back to their hotel room, Reno couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected vacation. Not only did he get to relax and unwind, but he also got to spend quality time with his best friend, Rude. And as they walked hand in hand, the warm tropical breeze blowing through their hair, Reno couldn't help but think that this was the perfect end to a perfect day.
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thewarinourstarwars · 17 days
OKAY so we botched our first attempt at the Black Hole Polycule, turns out Tang is monogamous or at least is in a similar situation to Dys where we can’t romance her directly but we have to get high friendship or whatever to get the Marz x Tang x Sol part of the polycule going.
I also had failed to manage my time so spectacularly that I was in fact forced to abandon the Vace addition on this playthrough.
Upon realizing my new polycule wasn’t going to work out this save after Marz broke up with me so I could date Tang, I immediately broke up with Tang and got with her brother.
The ending was whack too on this save, got peace and picked all of the prolific parent options and then got. . . Merchant?!?
I’ve gotten that ending before. I didn’t support capitalism this run guys!
So uh this run was a complete and utter failure. Hopefully next loop gets more insights into the polycule options of IWATEX.
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illmaticibn · 1 month
wu-tang x Nas x de la sol
N.Y state of mind tour 2023
MGM Grand Las Vegas NV
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
sols roundup masterpost
i mentioned i was reworking the original post on my ao3 and so here it is! please note that a) there are a LOT of spoilers under the cut  (guy who has 80+ hours and multiple multiple endings) and b) there’s a lot of ways to take sol and these are just me having fun with them, if u dont like thats fine but dont tell me i don’t care. lol. also worth noting i think time loops are most fun when they subtly influence each other so there’s a lot of that in here LOL
worth noting i think theres a few traits that are pretty universal to them? wants to do right and full of love are the big two, tho curiosity, (seeming) warmth, and ability to fit in w/those around them are also pretty important tho i think more flexible. its just fun the way various sols can have those traits like.... manifest? an alien-hater sol who goes hunting all the time is just as valid as a sol dating dys that wants to end the war. just different ppl they love and different experiences. its fun
with that. onto the Meat
1) solana (she/her (demi?)girl, loyalty leaning lawyer, neutral end)
baby’s first run! outwardly warm but pretty cold inside. hypercompetent everywhere except in her love life. fell for tang when they were like nine on the ship and just sort of, never stopped, feeling that way, including when she was 100 years old and had outlived tang by nearly forty years, partially bc fixating on tang as people were dying was kind of. the only solace she had. wouldve really benefited from a good therapist.
2) solanaceae (he/him tguy, governor, peace ending)
childhood optimist with a hero complex turned "realist” but actually-exactly-the-same-just-depressed-about-it adult. saves tammy and tonin and hal! cannot save his parents :) grows a little distant from most of the people around him as a result, except dys, who Gets it. avoids tang for pretty much no reason he can understand, just has a sense of She Will Hurt You If You Get Too Close when he sees her sometimes. becomes governor solely bc he wants to save people. the kind of person you can trust in your house with your keys and your valuables and then someone asks ‘hey whats his favorite color’ and youre like. i dont. actually know
3) solane (they/them nb, gardener ending)
manic overconfident freak. definitely a ‘i wont tell people about my dreams bc it’s like i’m a HERO this way!’ type. saves everyone and extremely proud about it. coasting through life from ages 14-19 until they go find dys after the bomb has gone off and he’s dating. someone else? which makes them freak out bc THEYRE the hero. so instead of being normal about this they become a gardener in a desperate attempt not to be left behind
It’s Bad!
4) solanaceae (he/him cisguy, colonial hero, neutral ending) x / x
this is the one ive been referring to in private as “fascist manwhore sol” and honestly. yeah. just as overconfident as the last but extremely charming about it. the kind of guy you kinda wanna hit but also can’t help but like? somehow manages to be close w/most everyone in the colony despite their various opinions. really really hates the gardeners + even sym, for some reason w/in himself that he can’t explain. 
in Love with dys for most of their lives but cant ever make it work, fwb with rex, dates vace despite having matching tattoos with his ex-gf. hes just that kind of guy. dies young and a hero, less than a year after dys disappears into the ridges. dont think abt it too hard.
5) solane (she/her nb, neutral end, roboticist on accident somehow but a social skills job wouldve fit much better)
if third sol Thinks theyre god this sol like. actually Is. extremely clear dreams, used to talk abt them pretty much always until her first trip to medbay, at which point she stopped ever letting adults know. kind of existentially exhausted as a result. using this life literally just as a coffeeshop au lol. poly but also probably aromantic; open rship w/rex, who they love a lot but no more so than literally any of their other friends. pretty happy with stuff! 
until they go to see dys off when he “vanishes” from the colony and they accidentally let it drop they couldve like. ended the whole war. he’s. displeased. they still make an effort to enjoy the rest of their life but when they die theyre thinking abt how they should try to be a better person next time. and also hoping they remember less.
6) solanaceae (genderfluid but generally refers to self as a lesbian, peace end, botanist) x
cheerful heroine! desperately wants to be normal and tries so so hard to ignore her dreams, which works kind of, right up until they very purposefully ignores the one abt tammy and tammy dies immediately after :) at which point they completely switches gears and uses their dreams to try and save Everyone they can. bffs with nem since childhood & into her pretty much Always. everyone’s friend! dies content and at peace.
interestingly, bc this is the route where i got paradox ending on a save, probably the sol closest to the wormhole + everything about it, despite not actually remembering much from his dreams. it manifests in other ways. lol.
7) solane (she/her cisgirl, neutral end, roboticist)
coward who can only be brave when it’s for the sake of the people she loves, most notably tammy who she actually dislikes until she saves her life, at which point she realizes maybe she Can be a hero too. better with robots than people, spent most of her childhood following cal around bc he was one of hte only ppl to make time for her. falls madly in love w/tammy; their family is her biggest joy. a good parent.
8) solanaceae (he/him agender, neutral end, doctor)
feral intense child who becomes a terrifying eagle-eyed doctor. max perception by age eleven, somehow. STRONG sense of justice. strongest belief is “if you ignore someone you couldve saved, you’re garbage.” not quite high enough friendship w/nem to convince her to leave vace as teens; helps her later on when theyre adults. years and years later after dys “dies” they end up moving in and spend the rest of their lives together.
9) solanaceae (they/them nb, peace end, entertainer)
awkward ace kid who always speaks their mind. accidentally destroys tammy’s confidence every time they talk. gets confessed to by both marz and rex, shoots them down extremely awkwardly due to both aforementioned asexuality and the fact theyve had a crush on dys since they were thirteen. takes their promise to let him go seriously to the point that when he tries to bomb hte colony, they let him, and when he wants to be a gardener, they don’t stand in his way. is alright with this at first but slowly begins to feel lonelier and lonelier about it as time passes, and when they die and realize they won’t actually be with him again they feel. Very Bad. pass on wishing they’d not let him go but resenting him for asking to.
10) solane (she/her cisgirl, neutral end, xeno wrangler)
ive been calling this one “cuckoo bird sol” for a reason. desperately wants someone to be devoted to Her and Her Alone who Won’t Leave, and feels like. cal is good for that. doesn’t like tammy as a result, which means that when she has a nightmare abt tammy dying she doesn't even care, it’s not like its REAL. yeah. It’s Bad! she feels guilty abt it and then feels bad bc she’s also happy bc cal spends more time with her but also she does sure feel like shes competing against a dead girl huh! so! that’s fun!
eventually she does work her shit out and realize she does like cal himself and does want kids on her own terms but like. the process of getting there! one fucked up kid. dies more content than she realized she could be, glad for her family.
11) solanaceae (she/her nb leaning, peace end, parent) x
rowdy. her heart is 80% love and 20% pure unadulterated rage. unaugmented, which she personally doesnt care abt, but she sure does get pissed off at ppl trying to be soooo nice to her abt it! too busy w/sfc stuff during wet and as such completely misses her chance to talk dys out of the bomb. when she finds him on the ridges afterwards they yell at each other abt being in love w/each other for forever and she manages to drag him back home.
in some ways this would be my “golden run” (full friendship with everyone) (jesus christ) but despite that her actual bffs besides dys are tammy and (unfortunately) vace. in another world i would retcon this to ot3 but in this one she kissed sym and then he died in front of her and despite herself she kind of cant stop flinching away from him now if he tries to make a move. they do hinge poly instead it works. has a boatload of kids and never augments any of them. dies exhausted and delighted and in love w/the world. 
12) solane (he/him cisguy, peace ending, parent oops)
delusion run! sol who cant stop talking abt his delusions even when he knows he should. pursues dys in the “we were In Love before so we will be again!” way not the “i like you!” way until he gets. y’know. lobotomized. in some ways not focusing on his dreams is good for him but also he loses a lot of his personality? focus? afterwards
teases tammy relentlessly but ends up falling for her but bc for some reason this run glitched and tammy’s pregnancy just. kept going. she never had the kid? so i didnt date her even tho he wouldve lol. tbh most of th ending for this one is what id consider noncanon for him but ill retcon it later when i have more Vibes in place
13) solanaceae (they/he, peace ending, astronaut) this is a dead dove run (mentions of abuse)
unlucky number thirteen :) sol coming out of a delusion run with the creeping sense that they should not trust Anyone with their secrets. a little disconnected from the ppl around them tho they get on well enough w/dys and tang. madly in love with the wormhole. desperate to get off the planet and back into space so they can see it, a sentiment no one shares until, y’know. vace.
in Love (lol) with him after his 50. first time theyve ever met anyone they think Gets them so they enable him. fucking crushed when he starts dating nem. when he offers to cheat they take him up on it, which means he learns nothing and they lose one of their childhood friends :) eventually they go into space together just like they wanted! it’s bad! die in the wormhole and i think thats the first time they ever truly, from the bottom of their heart, regret everything. never want to fall in love again.
14) sol (no pronouns whenever possible but sort of ok w/they, peace ending, farmer) warning for abuse mentions in this one as well
sometimes you get so badly abused in one life your next life it still affects you! kind of an odd child, gets along better w/congruence than the other kids but thinks of cal is like a brother. doing ok until helios lands and then it’s like. h
avoids vace like the plague, despises/is afraid of him but doesn’t realize why until after sol starts understanding dreams more. when he dies i think sol wants to be like Good Riddance but. cant fully. approaches rex bc sol want to know What’s Up With The Whole Rex+Vace Deal, end up falling pretty hard. dating sym also, the three of them living together is an Experience i think. dies full of Love.
15) solana (he/him tguy, peace end, athlete)
rambunctious! cheerful! kind of dumb! falls in love w/cal from a young age and is convinced they’re gonna grow up and get married and is subsequently crushed when cal starts dating tammy instead esp bc. cal sort of. lead them on a bit w/it. slowly falls in love w/dys in the aftermath.
a bit immature. plays sportsball even in the middle of war, tension with both cal And nem as a result despite still being their bffs. he and nem are on opposite sportsball teams for the rest of their lives and yet go out for drinks after constantly. she’s his sister, basically! dies pretty happy w/how things turned out
16) solanaceae (she/they, neutral end, merchant)
greedy greedy greedy. wants money and love and attention, time and people and things, everyhting you can think of she wants it. she marz and tang are the Terrible WLW Trio of Girls Who Might Be Dating. bit of a soft spot for dys she can’t quite rationalize, will be kind to him when she’s not to anyone else. fond of rex as well.
she and marz flirt by flirting with tang, aka the person she Actually likes. pretty happy when they finally hook up, but isn’t devastated by the breakup as much as she is.... left hollow. another mistake on top of everyhting else (capitalism, dys vanishing, girl shes liked forever dumping her, also theres maybe a fleet from earth coming but haha dw abt it) she tells rex abt the fleet maybe a year? before it shows up. dies wishing desperately she had been able to be kinder.
17) solana (he/him tguy, peace end, professor) x
sugary sweet! childhood friends with tammy, they’re v similar people. loves her a lot, cannot wait to be best man at her wedding to cal LOL. despite his gentle demeanor he is also absolutely the kind of guy to do Whatever It Takes for the ppl he loves (ie poisons uncle tonin to keep him alive LOL)
thinks nomi is like, the coolest person in the universe when they meet bc they can MAKE things. so so stupid about them. when they start dating its embarrassing for everyone but they are so happy together no one can actually say anything. dies happy but wishing he was more confident in himself/brave
aaaaaaaaanyways that’s the current list. for Now. there may be more coming. i have offshoots of some of these as well that may or may not pop up wwww generally for fic that isn’t set with a specific sol i tend towards an nb sol closest to personality+dreams to my sixth sol? cheerful and trying to help but also Just A Kid about it!
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Tag Game
Tagged by @notenoughgatorade and @rhysiana, thank you both!
Three ships: WangXian from The Untamed/MDZS (I love what @buriedbybooks calls the Stoic x Gremlin dynamic). I love Lan Wangji because I too was a teachers pet prissy little rule-follower growing up; I love Wei Wuxian also (of course!) but I don’t relate to him to the same degree. (I sympathize with Lan Quiren: Wei Wuxian would be a nightmare to have in class. But also, do better LQ! You simply can’t teach WWX the way you do LWJ! He needs a different approach.) I also love SuiTang - Sui Zhou and Tang Fan from Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty. My heart forever belongs to Eugenides and Irene from the Geniad (aka The Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner). They are my OG gremlin/stoic.
First ever ship: First one I ever wrote fic for, was Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Katharina and Petruchio. I still have the notebook somewhere.
Last song: On My Knees, Rufus Du Sol (honorable mention to Ariana Grande’s Positions which came on while I was out to dinner with my Dad. Urk.)
Last movie: No idea. Possibly 2001: A Space Odyssey? I don’t watch all that many movies.
Currently reading: Alfred Bester’s The Stars My Destination.
Currently watching: Nothing, at the moment. I may resume my Sleuth rewatch sometime soon.
Currently consuming: Water.
Currently craving: A good night’s sleep!
Tagging @itsthekiks, @buriedbybooks, @xiaq, @annundriel, and @paolarq. Anyone who would like to be tagged, please consider yourself tagged as well!
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supernovas-galaxy · 2 years
I think my favorite bit of writing this self insert fanfic is just writing a bunch of Boomer jokes with Sol.  “it’s not magic.”  “are you sure? it sure looks like illusion magic.”  “Sol a VR HEADSET is not MAGIC! It’s a complex technology using metal and electricity!”  Sol made a press x to doubt face and Tang groaned. 
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vintageurovision · 2 years
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Tens na pele travo a laranja | A tang of orange in your skin E no beijo três gomos de riso | And three segments of laughter in your kiss Tanto mel, tanto sol, fruta, sumo, água fresca | So much honey, so much sun, fruit, juice, fresh water Provei e perdi o juízo | I tasted and I went crazy [x]
Amor d'água fresca, Dina | Portugal, Eurovision Song Contest 1992
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htca1 · 1 year
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Autor: Arata Isozaki
Ubicación: Milán, Italia
Cronología: 2012-2015
Superficie: 53000 m2
Allianz Tower cuenta con dos autores. El primero siendo menos conocido y se llama Andrea Maffei, un arquitecto italiano, fue director asociado de los proyectos basados en Italia por Arata Isozaki como la Allianz Tower en Milán o la Nueva salida para la Galería de los Uffizi en Florencia. El segundo es Arata Isozaki, un arquitecto japonés nacido en 1931 que es considerado uno de los maestros de la arquitectura contemporánea japonesa.
Se graduó en la facultad de Ingeniería de Tokio en 1954 y se incorporó al seminario de Kenzo Tange. Permaneció junto al equipo de Tange y del URTEC hasta 1963, que fundó su propio estudio en Tokio y poco a poco se fue expandiendo, algunas de sus obras más importantes de esta etapa son: Biblioteca de la Prefectura de Prefrita (1962-1966 Ōita), Expo '70 Festival Plaza (1966-1970 Osaka) o el Museo de Arte Moderno (1971-1974 Gunma).
En 1970 Isozaki presenta un cambio, dejando atrás la tradición japonesa e incorporando elementos postmodernistas, es decir formas como bóvedas, esferas y otros elementos geométricos. En 1973 contrajo matrimonio por tercera vez con Aiko Miyawaki, una importante escultora que le ayudó a relacionarse con personas importantes del arte moderno.
Además, es profesor invitado en varias universidades como la de Harvard, Yale o Columbia, y ha sido distinguido con numerosos premios internacionales, como el de la Asociación de Arquitectos de Japón.
Algunas de sus obras más importantes son: Palau Sant Jordi, en Barcelona para los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992; el Centro Cultural Shenzhen, en China; y la Torre Allianz, en Milán.
Allianz Tower es uno de los rascacielos más altos de Italia y sirve como un nuevo punto de referencia para la ciudad de Milán, Italia. Además, es el cuarto más alto de la Unión Europea por altura de antena. Los diseñadores, Arata Isozaki y Andrea Maffei, querían centrar su atención en la forma exterior del edificio, es decir en la fachada escultórica. La estrecha estatura de la obra de 50 pisos enfatiza su verticalidad, objetivo que también se marcaron. 
Asimismo, la torre está compuesta por ocho módulos de seis plantas cada uno. Luego las fachadas frontales con mayor longitud están cubiertas de un  triple vidrio exterior convexo, curvado en secciones de seis pisos para reducir el reflejo del sol, percibiéndose desde fuera una ligera vibración de la fábrica. Por otro lado, las fachadas laterales contendrían expresivos ascensores panorámicos. 
La obra está constituida por 6 plantas de oficinas con unas dimensiones de 24 x 61,5 metros. Las proporciones están seleccionadas de tal manera que se acentúe aún más la verticalidad.
Para mantener el edificio rígido, se hundieron 62 columnas de concreto a 101 pies de profundidad debajo de los cimientos, de concreto reforzado. En el piso 24, los dos núcleos están conectados por una armadura de correa de acero. 
Respecto a su obra, los autores recalcan que Allianz Tower no es solo para mostrar la destreza de ingeniería del equipo, ya que ellos relegan las funciones principales de la estructura a los extremos, de forma que permite unos interiores versátiles: “La forma de trabajar está cambiando rápidamente y el espacio de oficina debe seguir esta transformación”, dicen. 
Arata Isozaki. (2022, 5 agosto). Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Biografía de Arata Isozaki. (s. f.). 
Biografía del arquitecto: Arata Isozaki. (s. f.). Floornature.com. https://www.floornature.es/arata-isozaki-66/
Wikipedia contributors. (2022, 26 septiembre). Andrea Maffei (architect). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Maffei_(architect)
tok.wiki. (s. f.). Torre Allianz Ver tambiényReferencias. 
[email protected]. (2019, 9 mayo). Allianz Tower 2003-2014 –. ARQA. https://arqa.com/arquitectura/allianz-tower-2003-2014.html 
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vivienne Mc from past by meeting vivienne MC from the future (I know and madness but my imagination keeps showing it)😂😂
Written by @an-awkward-ghost
“Well, would you look at that.”
The voice is familiar. More familiar than it should be, though initially you can’t place it. You’re still a bit on edge (a lot of things can go wrong if you’re a thief) and also inexplicably dizzy, so you whirl around trying to keep your nerves in check. But you don’t find an officer. At first you think you’re looking into a mirror, but soon realize the clothes are different. It’s like you’re staring at your twin, which doesn’t make sense because you don’t have one.
The other you must sense your confusion. She smiles.
“Hello, fancy meeting you here.”
You blink, looking around. You’re in some sort of museum. In a room dedicated to Egyptian antiques, it seems.
“Uh, likewise?”
“I’m sure you must be a bit confused, sorry about that.” She says, before pointing to an object by your right. It’s a small amulet with a glowing purple stone. “I guess this is why people say you should never mess with ancient stuff, huh?”
“A-are you… saying this is real? I mean… it’s not a weird dream?”
The other you pauses, looking at you like she can read your mind. Perhaps she can, she is you, after all… but then, why can’t you read her? Her expression is perfectly neutral, strong with quiet confidence. Looking at it makes you shiver.
Something must have happened to make her look like that. Experience, perhaps. You wonder if you’ll go through the same.
“Think what you’d like.” She finally replies. “Something that won’t drive you mad.”
“Right, how reassuring… s-so, what is this? Where am I?”
“Mm, being too curious isn’t always a good thing, you know?” Her gaze lands, once again, on the amulet. “I just learnt that the hard way.”
“…Quit being all mysterious and just tell me.”
She laughs. The act is up: the mask falls. Suddenly, her expression is much more open. You can see how sheepish she is in the way she’s grinning apologetically.
“Sorry, just wanted to know why Vivienne loved doing that.” The past tense is not lost on you. You don’t get to ask about it before the other you begins explaining what happened. “The amulet is rumored to mess with time. Allegedly it was used to travel back in time in the event that the pharaoh was murdered, or if they lost a war.” She throws you a contemplative glance. “Except it doesn’t work like that, apparently. When you return, you probably won’t even remember this.”
“So, this is the future?” You give a small, unbelieving laugh. “H-how long am I going to be here?”
���Not much.” The other you shrugs. “At least, that’s what Zoe thinks. Give it a minute or two.”
“Ah, wait!”
If you don’t have that much time, then…
“C-can I ask you something?”
That elusive smile from earlier returns. “Depends. I’m not going to reveal anything from the heists. It ruins the fun, you know?”
“C’mon, if you really are me, you know what I want to ask.”
There’s a moment of silence. The other you seems to be pondering what she should do. Finally, she passes a hand over her ear to turn off her earpiece.
“Yeah, I do.” She regards you with curiosity. “It’s just… Vivienne has so many walls around her heart for a reason, you know? You’ll get there. You just have to patient.” Something flickers over her gaze. She sighs. “There’s going to be pain along the way. When Vivienne is overwhelmed, her first instinct is to run. That’s all you need to know, for now.”
“But… but what does that even…?”
“I think I was very specific.” She laughs. “I’m not being cryptic this time. I’m not telling you this like a creepy oracle, with all those riddles, either. Ponder on it. Give her time. Allow her to feel and allow her to process.”
You feel a slight wave of dizziness. Your whole body is tickling. It’s the only sign you get that tells you you’re going back to when you belong.
“Great, I’ll do that. Thanks for the advice, other me.”
“Count on it.”
The world turns black.
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luca-moreno · 3 years
op: kio
cont. from X
“One of these days you’re going to have to tell me how you know so much about drell smuggler networks and the dark net, Lulu,” Eva teased lightly as the shuttle settled into the docking clamps on the Merkava Ravel with a clank and a hiss.
Her tone might have been light but Luca could sense her unease… or maybe it was just his own. 
“When Kio and I were kids,” Luca said pushing his nerves aside. “I was, uh, in a unique position to… help.”
Eva knew enough of his past to put it together. “Your father?”
Luca nodded. It was easier not having to look at her as he powered down the shuttle. Ben had ducked back into the hold area, already waiting by the shuttle door but Luca knew he was probably listening in.  
“He was c-sec. And he was drunk so much it was easy enough to steal his codes even for a seven year old. Having access to the c-sec mainframe meant Hema was able to avoid tariffs and inspections of his cargo, he could fly under the radar. It gave him a leg up over even the legit traders and he was... grateful. In exchange for the codes, he gave Kio and I credits. We... we were able to eat and find places to sleep and… he looked after us, I guess. But the last time I saw him on the Citadel… there was fighting on the docks. Some of the codes… they triggered alarms. Turns out c-sec had been watching him for a while, watching us. Hema managed to escape with his ship but Kio and I spent two days hiding in the vents until they found us.”
“Two days?” Eva gasped. “How old were you?”  
“Uh, you mean in sol years? Probably about… um, maybe ten? Kio was, um. About fourteen? But then when Kio aged up he went to Earth for the Alliance and I… well, I tracked down Hema again and…”
Eva watched him as his eyes flickered towards the rear of the shuttle then away again.
“Is there something else, Lulu?”
Luca busied himself with standing up and straightening his jacket. “Um. Nothing I want to talk about right now. Come on, we should go anyway, they’re waiting.”
The temperature on the Merkava Ravel was far cooler than the Berlin, lowered to suit drell and hanar physiology even though the crew was apparently a mix of all species. Luca recognized the tang in the air that greeted them instantly, vaguely familiar, a lot like how he remembered the wards. It was the nutripaste, he realized. It had an odor that permeated everything no matter how hard the recyclers worked.
The blue tinted drell female was waiting for them. Kira, Luca had learned her name during the docking process, Hema’s left hand. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back, hinting at a military background and her dark eyes skimmed the three of them as they stepped down the ramp. Her gaze travelled from them to the shuttle, then back again.
“And how did you get your hands on an Alliance shuttle, little one? You three don’t look Alliance.”
Luca exhaled a breath of relief he hadn’t been aware he was holding at that. Good, so their get up was working. He silently congratulated himself on holding out against Commander Miller’s nagging about his hair. A buzz cut would probably have been a dead giveaway.
“Stole it,” he lied cheerfully, and forced a smug grin to go with it. Kira eyed him them for a moment more then motioned for the salarian at her back to search them. Luca tensed as the hands skim over him but he held himself still.
“Armed,” the salarian blinked wide eyes at them. “Allow it?”
Kira clicked her tongue. “What kind of hosts would we be if we stripped them of their weapons?” She said it mockingly but Luca felt wary just the same.
“Uh, smart ones?” Luca muttered under his breath. He kept his hands out, away from the carnifex at his back but his teeth were starting to itch. He didn’t have to look behind him to know Eva and Ben were tense. “Where’s Hema?” he demanded. “He knows me, he-“
“Patience, Luca,” the big drell rumbles as he walks into the bay. He’s as large as Luca remembers, rivalling Zeus for height and breadth, hues of gold and deep brown patterned along his skin. That same unfamiliar twist rolls through Luca at the sight of him, a tug in a place Luca hasn’t thought about in a long time. “You were always so impatient, and I see time and growth haven’t tempered that. But greetings, ashi. It has been a long time since I had the pleasure to gaze upon your face.”
“Hema,” Luca stared up at him. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”
“Truly Kalahira’s hand has been guiding us along the solar winds to ensure that I would find you again.” Webbed fingers stroked briefly down Luca’s cheek.
“Is he here, Hema? Do you have him?”
Hema’s dark eyes shifted away. “No. He is not.”
The disappointment left a bitter tang in the back of Luca’s throat. “Oh. But… then why… Your message-“
“Perhaps your friends would like some sustenance while we talk, ashi. You haven’t even introduced them yet. Where are your manners?”
Luca flushed, embarrassed. Hema was a stickler for the social graces. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. He waved a hand behind him. “This is Eva, and Ben - my friends.” 
The fury and the phoenix stood close together at the foot of the ramp, watching Luca and Hema’s crew carefully. Eva’s expression was benign but Luca knew her well enough to know she was primed for anything. The slight narrowing of Ben’s eyes as his gaze travelled around the room told Luca he was on high alert too and Luca couldn’t be sure if he was relieved or annoyed at their obvious wariness.
But they didn’t know Hema like Luca did, he told himself. Hema wouldn’t hurt them.
“Welcome,” Hema nodded his head in their direction. “Please make yourselves at home while you are here. My crew will see to it that you are fed and watered while Luca and I... talk. After all, a friend of Luca’s is indeed a friend of mine.”
“Thank you,” Eva answered politely. She inclined her head towards him then her gaze snapped sharply to Kira. The drell female drifted close, circling around them before stopping directly in front of Ben. 
The hairs on the back of Luca’s neck stood up as she peered directly into the phoenix’s face. 
“My,” she murmured. “Aren’t you interesting?”
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tombagshaw · 5 years
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‘The Threshold’ - My contribution to the ‘Re-beginning’ group show, curated by Paintguide and hosted by Thinkspace projects. This is another of my Dark Kingdom series that im doing via my Patreon page and is 17.5″ x 22.5″ including frame. For purchase enquiries please contact Thinkspace projects! ‘Re-beginning’ looks like an incredible show, if youre in LA make sure you stop by and check out the works by:
Aaron Nagel | Adonna Khare | Alessandra Maria | Alex Garant | Alexandra Gallagher | Ali Cavanaugh | Allison Sommers | Alpay Efe | AM DeBrincat | Amy Sol | Andrew Hem | Andrew Salgado | Anthony Hurd | Anthony Waichulis | Bo Bartlett | C3 | Caitlin McCormack | Charlie Immer | Cian McLoughlin | Cinta Vidal | Daan Noppen | Dan Lam | Dan Witz | Daniel Martin | Daniel Ochoa | Daniel Segrove | dontfret | Drew Merritt | Edwige Fouvry | Elly Smallwood | Eloy Morales | Erik Formoe | Fabio La Fauci | Felicia Forte | Felipe Alonso | Fintan Magee | Florian Eymann | Helice Wen | Henrik Uldalen | Hidden Velvet | Hollis Dunlap | Jake Wood-Evans | Jana Brike | Jérémie Marié | Jessica Hess | Jessica So Ren Tang | Johan Deckmann | John Wentz | Johnny Thornton | Kai Samuels-Davis | Kaili Smith  | Kevin Llewellyn  | Kevin Peterson | Kikyz1313 | Kim Hyunji | Kit King | Linsey Levendall | Lizzie Gill | Loribelle Spirovski | Lorraine Loots | Martin Wittfooth | Morten Thyholt | Nadezda | Natalia Fabia | Nicomi Nix Turner | Olav Mathisen | Paul Cristina | Pruch Sintunava | QimmyShimmy | Roos van der Vliet | Rui Matsunaga | Sam Wolfe Connelly | Shawn Barber | Simon Fensholm | So Youn Lee | TelmoMiel Tom Bagshaw | Tran Nguyen | Travis Louie  | Vincent Xeus | Wedelin Wholgemuth | Yan Jun Cheng | Yoshino | Yuriy Ibragimov
'Re-beginning’ runs 9th - 30th Nov 2019 at Thinkspace Projects, Culver City, CA. Many thanks to the Paintguide team! :) -
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