#Sole Party
i-restuff · 8 months
I had a European exchange student who lived with me for a short while. One of her culture shocks was that, I didn't care much about my birthday. It's not in a sad way either; I just go on my day like a normal day, which is pretty common here.
No cakes, no gifts (sometimes. but if not, that's fine as well), no party – you get the point. If I do want to celebrate, I'll just buy myself a burger and a random candle for fun, stuff like that. it is all my choice btw.
This culture shock went on whenever her classmates had a birthday. They were either like, 'cool, thanks,' didn't care, or were shy and tried to ignore that they had a birthday at all. I'm not saying that none of us celebrate; it's just very common for us to not celebrate it as well.
I don't know—she was genuinely surprised about it. So from my perspective, birthdays are a huge deal in her hometown.
And I'm curious,
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liorlen · 3 months
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hate me baby, maybe i’m a piece of art~
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wolfram-but-art · 8 months
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a love so pure you could call it violent
rb > likes <|:3
in reference to this song!!! (and also personal rp :3) vvvvv
i'm sorry to anyone and everyone who ships Engie and Medic together umm fsiegfysgye
also something something fighting and violence and manipulation being a sort of dance and also power imbalance with the leading partner being a mataphor for an abuser
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superbellsubways · 3 months
hello Hypno hater i want you to tell me exactly why you despise this pokemon without mentioning pokedex entries or creepypastas or anything regarding some fetish 🎤 Go
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nedlittle · 1 year
something so hauntological about watching mash season 3 knowing how it ends...none of the characters know henry's never going to make it home, the actors all found out in real time. but the narrative knows how this ends, and the narrative is waiting with an open mouth. so the narrative has henry prefigure his own death throughout the season. in o.r. when hawkeye reassures him one day you're gonna have to go back and die in your bed in bloomington, henry says that he's done that several times. he complains in private charles lamb that everything in this country disappears except me (untrue) followed by boy, would i like to wake up some morning, look down and find myself gone (true). when he gets trapped in the wreckage of the latrine in bombed he knocks twice for "dead" rather than three times for "alive." then there's the scene in the consultant where he soaks in the pool, calling it heaven but says the water could be just a titch warmer (burning burning burning), avoiding conversation with frank by submerging himself underwater. henry spends the whole season unknowingly rehearsing his impending death. he goes around camp trying on other people's deaths for size, haunting the narrative before he's even out of it.
in conclusion:
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ss-bullseye · 9 months
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Happy 2024 from Bullseye and Deacon! 🥳
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
I do feel like I owe a handwritten apology to anyone who went on a date with me between the ages of 18 and 23 for the absolutely rancid vibes
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meraarts · 4 months
I'm on episode 11 of OUAW at the moment and I just wanted to check something.
According to a little rough math, the first five hours of the Carnival have taken the gang nearly 23 real human earth hours to get through.
I have nothing more to comment, I just wish for you all to sit with that for a second and appreciate their utter inability to get shit done.
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ratatatastic · 3 months
cats arriving at e11even in downtown miami and ekky brings it it out but quickly defers the honours to sasha to walk it into the club <3
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
D, H, and U for Law if you're still up for it? I want all your op yandere opinions for H!
Yandere Alphabet
That man... I swear. This is a little short because not going to lie, I can barely grasp him. He is just so faceted, which makes writing him so hard for me 😂
tw.yandere, violence, medical malpractice, minors dni
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Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Like take a leg, an arm, for example? Yes, he would. That man does all sorts of wacky things to you, in typically medically inclined yandere fashion. He wants to see you turned inside out, wants to crawl into every space your body allows him to. Once you’re on that table there is no stopping him. Maybe he should check your organs bit by bit? And taking your heart is so cliché, goodness. How about your spleen? Small, unassuming to a layman - but just as dangerous to stab as a heart.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Desperate times call for desperate measures, that’s how the saying goes, right? I can see the one worst, incisive thing to happen to you being born from a last-ditch attempt at keeping you by his side.  As cool and calm he appears, as creepily obsessed he acts at times - that man actually loves you. Clings to you like his life depends on it, feels sick just thinking about not having around. He has layers. Really weird layers. And he already lost his family twice, you think he’ll let that happen again? 
No, he’d sooner paralyze you than to have you slip away.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I think he won’t completely isolate you. He keeps you sick, keeps you weak, keeps you dependent, yes, but he won't lock you away. You’re still moving around in public, still have friends and family and all that - the leash is entirely invisible to others around him, at first it’s probably even invisible to you. 
There is no underhanded reason either, he genuinely wants you to still have a life - just on his terms. I can’t really see him as the basement wife type. (But really, how would he even manage that, if he wanted to? Not to mention that he wants you around as much as possible, so no little hideouts, either.)
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calliopechild · 30 days
For the third-party voters arguing that they're pulling for a better candidate with a genuine chance of winning and not splitting the vote--okay. Let's suspend reality pretend that's true. In that case, please answer the following for me:
Why haven't I heard of your third-party candidate before now if they have such a good platform and they're clearly the better alternative? How good of a candidate can they be if they have no public support outside of your very vehement niche on tumblr and apparently no real skill at/infrastructure for getting their message out?
"Well, because they're a small campaign! They're not corporate shills! They aren't taking Dark Money!" Mkay, so are they taking in any money? If they don't have the finances to support their message, let alone their campaign, that doesn't exactly point to the kind of interest that substantiates your claim that they have A Real Chance, Guys, I Swear of winning the election.
For that matter, Insistent That You're Not Splitting The Vote blog, why is it that there is absolutely nothing on said blog about your candidate prior to this spring? Yeah, that's the time frame of most states' primaries, but like...you'd think that since [candidate] is your ideal political blorbo, you would have been boosting their message before then--you know, to support them and get people to vote for them in the primaries. Kinda weird that you weren't enthusiastic about them any earlier than 5 months before the election. Kinda convenient that you're insistent that this, Year Of The Most Fraught And Partisan Election Part 3: Fascism Boogaloo, is the year a third-party candidate totally has a chance.
On the heels of that, what have you been doing to work toward a future where a third-party candidate actually has a real chance? Because there's a whole lot of nothing on your blog about anything helpfully actionable, like how people can work to get ranked-choice voting on their state's ballot. Instead, your blog is mostly just how important it is to "show the Dems people are tired of choosing between two bad candidates by taking your ball and going home instead."
Does your candidate have any political support on the local, regional, or federal level from either party or independents? Because executive orders aside, they aren't getting shit done in their presidency if they don't have any political allies or a party allegiance to draw on.
For that matter, what has your candidate accomplished politically thus far? What can they point to as proof that they could be a successful president?
And the real question it all boils down to: do you really, full honesty, no bullshit believe your candidate can beat Trump?
"Well, if people just--" Nope. No "well, if these 18 extremely fortuitous and equally unlikely things happen" wish-fulfillment scenarios. As things stand right now, in the real world, can your candidate get the necessary votes? Do they have the kind of appeal that can get even lifelong Republicans to endorse them and the track record to back up their campaign promises? Do 270 Electoral College votes' worth of Americans know them and support their policies?
Because unless you're lying to yourself, I'm willing to bet the answer is no. And yeah, this applies to all of the third-party candidates. Look at this piece from Politico: https://www.politico.com/interactives/2024/where-are-third-party-candidates-ballots/ You'll notice that not one of them has managed to get on the ballot for every single state. Please make the extremely obvious conclusions about their chances.
('But calliope, there's another third-party candidate that isn't on there.' Yes, I'm aware. Politico is no doubt aware too. For some wacky reason they decided not to include the Unicorn Party on their list, idk.)
"I'm still not going to support a genocide--" Even if you don't "support a genocide" by voting, I'm sorry to inform you that you are green-lighting a genocide by not acting to prevent a second Trump presidency. Because the reality is that either Kamala or Trump will be winning the election, regardless of what you'd like to believe. If Kamala doesn't win, we get Trump--the guy who wants Netanyahu to "turn Gaza into a parking lot" and wants internment camps in the U.S. for immigrants. You don't want to support a genocide, so instead you're splitting the vote or talking people out of voting so that we end up with both a genocide abroad and one right here at home. Because if you don't think Trump will take the Supreme Court-ordained right to commit any crime he'd like and, backed by the Heritage Foundation, go after immigrants and the LGBT+ community--like he's explicitly said he'll do all throughout the Project 2025 manifesto--then you haven't been paying attention to anything in the last 8 years.
We can't afford a close election like 2020. The right has been tossing around the phrase "civil war" for the last couple years and is just waiting for an excuse. Unless they lose by an undeniable margin, it'll be "stop the steal" and fascist gun nuts storming state buildings and harassing governors and secretaries of state at their homes all over again. And to make sure that we have the margin we need to make it clear Trump has lost, splitting the vote cannot happen.
It's awesome that you're invested in the idea of eliminating the two-party system, because yeah, it's fucked. No arguments here. The two-party system, the Electoral College, the lack of automatic voter registration, the lack of ranked-choice voting...a lot of things are fucked about the U.S. electoral system. But we will be able to change approximately none of them under a Trump presidency, and no one has any chance of beating him in November other than Kamala Harris.
And full offense, but if you're still trying to insist otherwise, I'm genuinely unable to assume you are anything other than stubbornly naive at best and a bad faith actor/psyop at worst.
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pantimediasjaguar · 2 months
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dungeonsandblorbos · 5 months
whenever we're playing Curse of Strahd and the DM (my husband) decides it's time to introduce a NPC who is either morally dubious or straight up obviously evil but describes and voices them in such a way that they're clearly super charismatic and/or hot:
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I don't begrudge anyone their campaign preferences, and I think there's plenty of valid reasons to like Campaign 3 the best and this is not directed at people who are genuinely having a great time with it, but it feels like virtually all the nostalgia and wishful thinking I see surrounding Campaign 3 is screaming "you guys want Campaign 2." You want more slow travel and downtime and interparty conversations and slow-burn romance? You wish their main focus was fighting governmental corruption? You want a party that only semi-settles down at the end and keeps adventuring and remains very close? You're frustrated by how everpresent and overarching the moon plot is? You miss when they were just fucking around in a city? I genuinely believe you want Campaign 2, or at best you love a specific ship or a character from Campaign 3 but aren't happy about basically anything else, and would vastly prefer the tone and events and plot of Campaign 2. And I don't really care if you watch Campaign 2, or if you think I'm being annoying here; I simply genuinely believe you'd be happier watching Campaign 2 than Campaign 3 and are so deep in a sunk cost fallacy well you can't see it.
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soath · 6 months
Obviously, DnD characters are wish fulfillment and lots of people don’t want to address the slow senescence of the vulnerable human form in their fun games. That being said, narratively, I do think that levels should probably fluctuate over the course of a lifetime. The level twenty world-saver is going not going to stay level twenty into their old age—that’s not how athletes and retirement work! Wisdom and Charisma casters maybe, but your STR/CON/DEX builds are going to soften with age. They might still be the spryest bastards in the old people tai chi group, but “terrifyingly in shape 70 year old” is not the same as “deadliest man on the planet”. Drop those old folks a few levels, give them some creaky bones and presbyopia. It’s good for them, promise.
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politedemon · 3 months
we do not actually have a two party system you do not have to vote labour especially when they are all but guaranteed to win this election (with the odds being they win 400+ seats). vote for whichever candidate reflects your views or spoil your ballot or whatever as long as you do something and don't just sit at home thinking about how voting doesn't make a difference
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