#oh btw you can always ask for any prompts from any list i ever reblogged hsdjhejs i just need context lol
ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
D, H, and U for Law if you're still up for it? I want all your op yandere opinions for H!
Yandere Alphabet
That man... I swear. This is a little short because not going to lie, I can barely grasp him. He is just so faceted, which makes writing him so hard for me 😂
tw.yandere, violence, medical malpractice, minors dni
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Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Like take a leg, an arm, for example? Yes, he would. That man does all sorts of wacky things to you, in typically medically inclined yandere fashion. He wants to see you turned inside out, wants to crawl into every space your body allows him to. Once you’re on that table there is no stopping him. Maybe he should check your organs bit by bit? And taking your heart is so cliché, goodness. How about your spleen? Small, unassuming to a layman - but just as dangerous to stab as a heart.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Desperate times call for desperate measures, that’s how the saying goes, right? I can see the one worst, incisive thing to happen to you being born from a last-ditch attempt at keeping you by his side.  As cool and calm he appears, as creepily obsessed he acts at times - that man actually loves you. Clings to you like his life depends on it, feels sick just thinking about not having around. He has layers. Really weird layers. And he already lost his family twice, you think he’ll let that happen again? 
No, he’d sooner paralyze you than to have you slip away.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I think he won’t completely isolate you. He keeps you sick, keeps you weak, keeps you dependent, yes, but he won't lock you away. You’re still moving around in public, still have friends and family and all that - the leash is entirely invisible to others around him, at first it’s probably even invisible to you. 
There is no underhanded reason either, he genuinely wants you to still have a life - just on his terms. I can’t really see him as the basement wife type. (But really, how would he even manage that, if he wanted to? Not to mention that he wants you around as much as possible, so no little hideouts, either.)
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iwadori · 3 years
Getting hurt in argument PT 1 (Iwaizumi, Tsukishima)
hi!! so can i request a hurt to comfort with iwaizumi, tsukishima and any character that you want ? i saw you had reblogged a prompt list so you could us 18 for inspiration! @sheiscalling
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Word count: 2.1K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You and Tsukishima just moved in with each other a few days ago
Sharing a house has kind of put you at odds
As getting used to each others habits takes a while to get used too
You just hope that after a while things will go back to usual
Tsukishima has been conveniently busy since you guys moved in together, claiming he has to practice more since the Sendai Frogs have a supposed upcoming tournament. 
So he’s left you to your own devices unpacking boxes, picking out and buying furniture whilst working from home. Today’s task is choosing the wallpaper, which you wanted to ask Tsukishima’s opinion on (since he’s always been judgmental of certain colours, patterns and prints.)
Y/N: Hey Tsukki! You coming to *insert store that sells wallpapers here* today… it closes at 5pm??
Kei: Yhh practices finishes at 1 so I’ll probably run some errands get changed and meet you there for 3
Y/N: Okay! See you then <3
You were ecstatic, Tsukishima is finally going to do something for your new place and on the plus you get to spend time together. Maybe you’ll get to go to that new desert place across the road from your house.
You decide to get there a tad bit early so you can have a few options picked out (as you know how detailed and picky Kei can be.) As you picked out paints and swatches you noticed how time went by…
Surprised that Kei isn’t here right on the dot (since he despises lateness and on many occasion have reprimanded you when you’ve been just a tiny bit late) but just assume he’s stuck in traffic or something.
You’re still standing outside waiting, getting a tiny bit embarrassed of the looks of the passer-by strangers as if they could tell you’re desperately waiting for someone. You checked your phone, expecting a message from Kei explaining his lateness or saying he’lll be there soon.
He’s now an hour late, with no contact at all which got you frustrated as you really hoped that he would do at least one thing for you today. So you decided to go and choose what YOU want since it seems that Kei doesn’t seem to really care.
After nearly emptying the store with all your choices and additional furniture picks you finally make it back home with still NO word from Kei. You are completely over it! But he is now the least of your worries, now your current agenda is unpacking plates and cutlery (so you and Tsuki actually have something to eat of off and that’s if he ever joins you for dinner)
You’re washing and polish plates as you hear your front door open and shut with a slight slam. “Ugh practice was draining today” he said, tired 
You did not acknowledge his presence at all, you were beyond agitated that he made plans with you and then didn’t show up AND THEN didn’t even make sure the first thing he did was apologise. “Babe, whats for dinner” He asked entering the living room.
AN: Btw you have like a open kitchen type of thing so you can see the kitchen and the living room in the same room if that makes sense ://
You still ignored him, washing your plates annoyance slowly but surely building up inside of you the more he spoke “Y/N, did you hear me i asked what was fo-” Tsukishima stopped his words as he saw all the stuff you’ve bought for the house and before realising that he blew off your plans together he says,
“Y/N.. what the fuck is this shit”
That made you take a pause, and freeze ‘That is all he’s worried about’ you think. As you’re still ignoring him and he’s wondering why you decided to buy all this ‘crap’ (in his words not yours) he picks up one of the wallpaper designs and brings it to you.
“Y/N you really think we’re putting this shit on the walls..?” He asked 
You still ignore him, scrubbing harder and harder on the same plate you’ve been washing since he’s got here ( you definitely know it’s clean by now but who cares )”Y/N, are you listening to me” He then grabs your shoulders turning him to face you “Why the fuck would you buy this??” 
By now you were raged, “Is that ALL you care about!” You shout “You don’t care how I’ve been slaving away getting this place, our NEW place ready for us to live in but you don’t care you’re so self obsessed that all you’ve been doing is going to practice and complaining!”
He was about to speak before you stopped him again “Oh and by the way if you’ve got a problem with my choices for our walls then maybe YOU should’ve been at the store at the time we agreed upon! You dick.” after saying this his lips part in surprise, as he now remembers the promise he made you. 
You turn your body back to the sink, tears filling your eyes as you go back to ferociously scrubbing the plate again. 
“Y/N I’m sorry I-” He starts
“Oh shut the fuck up Tsukishima” You say a bit to agressively slamming your hands (and the plate) down on the counter, cutting your hand in the process 
“Shit” You say as blood starts to seep through your hand well there goes the clean plate you get a towel and hold it against your hand stopping the blood for a short while and you bend down to start picking up the plate remains as Tsukishima just stands there not really knowing what to say or do.
“Y/N i’m sorry about EVERYTHING” he says bending down to your level as you still pick up the plate remains. “What can I do to make this all better?”
“Just fuck off Tsuki” You say bitterly not looking him in the eyes
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay” he says grabbing your wrist softly to stop you from further injury “Just come sit down so i can atleast bandage your hands”
You finally look up at him, tears still in your eyes but you silently agree getting up and letting him lead you to the couch. He bandages you up, not saying a word as your sniffles and whimpers fill the quiteness in the room.
“Y/N. I am really truly sorry I-” He says
“Why don’t you care anymore?” You interrupt tears now streaming down your face “I know i can be overbearing at times, but I just wanted you to be excited about moving in with me as I was about you. Do you not want to live with me anymore” you cried
“I’m sorry i’ve been so busy it’s just practice and tournaments and … I was kind of nervous about moving in with you I just love you so much and I don’t want to mess anything up” he said “And I’m sorry about not coming to the store I just got tired up with practice and I’m just really sorry Y/N”
He goes over to the things you’ve bought and picks up one of the paint colours you chose (your favourite option) “This is beatiful Y/N you have such a great taste and I like anything that you like to be honest.”
He stares at you for a response as he noticed your tears have stopped running, which is a good sign. “I just want you to be more involved and show that you care about me about us “ you say
“I will and I do.. I always do” He said pulling you into a hug 
“I love you Kei” You say into his chest 
“I love you too” 
You spend the rest of your night unpacking plates, putting up wallpaper, painting walls and putting up furniture ending up on the couch with two slices of strawberry shortcake from the bakery across the street watching an episode of *insert your favourite TV show here* in your new place which you can finally call a home.
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You and Iwaizumi have been dating since highschool
You’ve had a past with anger issues but that was all sorted before you met Iwa
You’re very hard working and sometimes overworking but you have Iwa to always make sure you’re not too hard on yourself
You play volleyball just like your boyfriend, being the captain of your team is your pride and joy but sometimes you are way too hard on yourself trying to reach perfection. 
You’re in the gym way past normal hours setting to yourself against the wall with sweat dripping down your forehead breathing slightly more than usual
‘5 more minutes’ you think to yourself knowing damn well it’s going to be more than 5 minutes but you just have to perfect your form then you can stop.
You stop for a small water break and also to check your phone seeing 5+ messages from your lovely boyfriend Hajime
Haji: Y/N how was your day 
Haji: What do you want for dinner
Haji: I think we should get chinese
Haji: Y/N… you alive
Haji: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeffhpeE/
Haji: I just ran into *Insert Best friends name* and she told me you were last seen at practice I hope you’re not in the gym Y/N
Haji: I’m coming to the gym… you better not be there
By the time you start going back to set against the wall you look up to see a semi mad Hajime at the doors of the gym..
“Y/N.. I thought you said you wasn’t going to keep overworking yourself this term” He said slowly approaching you 
“Just” set “Gotta” set “Fix” set “My” set “Form” 
“Your set is fine babe, it’s perfect … you’re perfect” he says reaching out to touch you
“Well I guess perfect isn’t good enough then” you mumble
“Y/N that’s not what I meant” He responds touching your shoulder
Out of reflex, your hand flicks to his face your nail (which are amazingly sharp and long) catches him on his cheek causing a petite cut to now appear and small amounts of blood to come out of it. You both are frozen shocked at what just happened, you never meant to touch him like that at all. 
You quickly rush to your stuff leaving your volleyball in the gym running out the doors. How could you be so horrible, hitting your boyfriend in the face after doing so much work getting over all your anger issues. ‘Hes going to hate you now’ you think.
You stop at a bench trying to clear your head, crying softly to yourself worrying now about your relationship with Haji and where it stands now. Without you noticing, Iwaizumi sits down next to you, waiting for you to compose your self before speaking.
“I know you didn’t mean it Y/N” he said pulling you under his arm 
“Iwa, I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to stay late in the gym it’s just that we have a competition next week and last time we lost because of me and I just … wanted it all to be perfect “ You said sniffling you look up at him and see the cut on his face that you caused making you even more upset “I am really sorry, I understand that you probably want to break up with me for hurting you which is completely valid”
You don’t want him to confirm your suspicions of him breaking up with you, so you abruptly stand up getting reading to move onwards again before he grabs your wrist “you’re not leaving till I know you’re okay” he says
which makes you laugh a bit “It’s crazy that I’m the one that messed up, yet you’re worrying about me”
“Well that’s my job Y/N, I always worry about you when you’re overworking yourself and being hard on yourself it’s not good” he said “accidents happen, I know you didn’t intend on me getting hurt and I know you’re going to do great in the upcoming game babe dont worry”
A week later, all was forgotten Iwa’s cheek healed quickly and he never blamed you for it all and reminded you that it wasn’t your fault whenever it seemed you felt bad about it.
You’re now playing your volleyball game Iwa in the stands cheering you on as loud as he could and of course you were doing your best because in Hajime’s words you are perfect.
AN:Thank you so much for my first request I hope you like it. I’m not really a fan of the Iwa one but the tsuki one i like the way it went even though I was meant to add a third character but got too tired. But thank for the request keep them coming!! 
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cleverhideoutchild · 3 years
Why hello! This is my scenario and dialogue prompts list.
If you want, you can give me a maximum of 3 prompts. Then give me a character or two from either of the three fandoms I'm writing for, and then a genre. I'll see what I can do.
I might add more prompts later. I got most of this from google btw, the last section are purely my ideas. If anyone want to use it go ahead and reblog it.
You can clearly see that most of my ideas are for angst fanfics-
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Request : Closed
Before requesting, please read the rules.
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Dialogue Prompts
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"That was my favourite cup.”
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?”
“What on earth happened in here?”
“You’ve caught me at a really bad time.”
“Hang on. Where’s the baby?”
“What have you done now?”
“You’ll never guess what (character name) told me last night.”
“Ma’am, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. Please, sit down.”
“How – how did you find me?”
“Excuse me. Excuse me! Yes, you. You’re sitting in my seat.”
“I don’t think it can be repaired.”
“Ouch, that must’ve hurt.”
“Quick! It’s going to explode!”
“Well, this is new.”
“Let’s hear your side of the story.”
“I don’t know what happened, officer.”
“There’s blood everywhere.”
“Right, who’s drawn the short straw this time?”
“I don’t even hate you. That would imply I cared.”
“There’s no point running.”
“How are you feeling today? A little better, hmm?”
“This is going to be way harder than we thought.”
“Was that a scream?”
“Do you ever hear noises in the night? Like scratching in the walls?”
“Don’t move.”
“I’m your biggest fan!”
“I love you! No time to explain – gotta go.”
“When did you last see him? Think! This is important!”
“Oh man, I’ve had the worst day ever.”
“This isn’t what it looks like, I swear! Okay… it’s kind of what it looks like, but just give me a chance to explain.”
"I hate you sometimes."
"What are you? Some kind of weirdo?"
"Get out."
"I love you."
"Where the heck did you come from?"
"Oh, my hero."
"Can you hug me tight, please?"
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“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone call it that.”
“Woah, back up. You’re losing me.”
“Stop yelling!”
“Well, that’s not a very nice way of putting it. But yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“Okay, I think we do need to call an ambulance.”
“Oh my gosh, are you sure? Like, sure sure?”
“You must have misheard me.”
“Actually, I think this is the wrong way…”
“It’s taken me fifty years to get here. I’m sure as hell not giving up now!”
“Believe me, my dear, no-one regrets this more than I do.”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?”
“Don’t worry. I hated that wallpaper, anyway.”
“No. Hell, no. Absolutely not.”
“If you could just set it down – very slowly – and then back away.”
“I’ve never actually liked chocolate.”
“I find it very hard to believe that, I’m afraid.”
“That’s a very … bold … thing to say.”
“And you can’t think of any other reason?”
“Shut up.”
“I’m going to give you five seconds to take that back.”
“You’re wrong. That’s not what happened at all.”
“Hey. Look at me.”
“Apologise. Right now.”
“I’m sorry. That sounds awful.”
“Do you maybe think, in retrospect, that this was a terrible idea?”
“Good. I meant it to hurt.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“So hang on, let me get this straight.”
“Actually, I think you’d find that most people have a pretty massive problem with that"
"A horrible decision, really."
"How do I even manage to ended up with you."
"So... You still like me, right?"
"Words can not describe how much I love you."
"I love you too, silly/dummy/idiot."
"I'll be your saviour!"
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“You know… you really don’t have to.”
“When she looked back at me, I thought, in that moment, that everything could be okay.”
“Did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
“Ugh! It’s like I’m cursed or something!”
“Hey, stupid. He likes you.”
“Hmm. well, I guess that’s broken.”
“… Do you think it’s dead?”
“He was right! We have to apologize!”
“I’ll never be able to look at roses the same way again…”
“No… We’ll never make it in time. We’re too late.”
“Whatever you do, don’t press that button!”
“Don’t you worry about a thing! I’m a pro at this.”
“I like her. Like, I really like her. But… She scares me a little.”
“Okay, that’s… a fun… idea. But here’s another idea! How about… we don’t do that.”
“You need to stop. People are going to think you’re weird or something.”
“What he don’t know… won’t hurt him. You can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“Sir… I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”
“What makes her so special? What does she have that I don’t?”
“I don’t want to ask them! You go ask them!”
“Sometimes, life deals you a bad hand, but just like with poker, you can still play your cards right and win.”
“Wait, you can hear me?”
“We have to hurry. They’re coming!”
“Hey… We need to talk. Can you come down? Please…?”
“I have to say… You look different in person.”
“But… I thought you were dead.”
“You are no longer useful to me.”
“It’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
"Shut up."
"Please stay."
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"Time/Life/Luck/Fate is against us."
"Why is there blood everywhere??"
"Stop talking won't ya."
"Go ahead and sleep, I'll follow you soon enough."
"There's blood on you!"
"I'll see you soon, love."
"I'll always love every version of you."
"The sunset/sunrise/stars/moon is beautiful, arent they?"
"I'll always find you. Again. And again."
"I'll wait for you 'till the end of time."
"Don't go..."
"I love you- believe it or not."
"I love you, and nobody can change that. Not even you."
"I'll hold you 'till you fade away from me."
"Look, lanterns!"
"Trust me."
"Do you even love me?"
"Goodbye, love."
"In another life, perhaps."
"Remember to come back."
"I promise."
"You liar."
"I don't even know who you are/I am anymore."
"I see... You've changed."
"Geez, who hurt you?"
"Hug/catch me!"
"Would you like to hear a little tune/song/story?"
"The thunder won't hurt you, don't worry."
"I'm here."
"Please don't take them away from me..."
"Did you kill someone again?"
"Don't make me mad."
"Happy birthday/anniversary/(other holidays)."
"I'm sad, and you're laughing. Really?"
"Wake me when the cat can talk."
"Why are you staring?"
"What are you looking at?"
"Nothing, you're just really pretty."
"I'm looking at my future."
"Will you wait for me?
"Babe put the weapon down, I got good news for you!"
"Let me love you."
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Scenario Prompts
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'A and B are lovers in every timeline, but B kept dying in each one of them. Everytime they both got reincarnated and met each other, A got their past memories back and will try to prevent B from dying again. But each time they somehow manage to fail.'
'In this world, everyone is given a specific scent. Including A and B. Every morning they wake up, they smell their soulmate's scent. Everyday they tries to distinguish each scent just incase their soulmate is there.'
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
this is in response to this ask btw.
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the prompt itself is over [here]. putting this under a cut bc its a little long.
and yeah the past week or so i’ve been orbiting 450 so that’s pretty neat. thanks y’all for being here for uhhhhh whatever’s going on here. i mean, i think it’s worth noting that fanfiction doesn’t tend to circulate like fanart does since it’s like, more of a time commitment and this is a social media platform and all, and besides that tf2 already has a pretty small content-creator side of the fandom, proportionally and also in general. like, it happens, no judgement here, y'all valid
and, ok originally my response about the ko-fi thing specifically was like unnecessarily long and detailed bc i wrote it out in like one sitting then came back to glance it over in the morning, but i’m gonna slim it down since nobody’s got time for that nonsense. the long and short of it is that making a ko-fi is something ive been considering on and off for a while, alongside thinking about taking commissions. but my issue with that is mostly the legality surrounding money in exchange for fanfiction, i guess, and that i feel a little weird about accepting money from people who read what is, for all intents and purposes, a low-stakes and therapeutic form of writing practice and self-expression from me. i’m not against the idea of opening up a ko-fi—i think i’ll put it as some arbitrary number, like, at 500 followers or whatever, or maybe if my financial situation gets more rocky, i’ll look more seriously at it—but… y’know. maybe it’s a self-doubt thing, who knows. something to bring up in therapy i guess.
and if i do get a ko-fi or something, i think i’d still absolutely be taking requests. the only time i ever really get swamped with them in any capacity is the day or two following when i reblog one of those prompt lists or something, and in the mean time the occasional one or two give me something to do during my 4am “oh i’m not getting any goddamn sleep tonight am i” moments or like, when i’m stuck in a waiting room or whatever. they help me cool down between whatever the project of the month is, writing or revising.
hopefully that’s, like, a comprehensive answer. and like, i really don’t put a ton of value into like “internet clout” or ~whatever~, but i do value and appreciate all you folks who just, y’know, leave a kudos or a comment on AO3, or like or reblog or reply my stuff on tumblr, stuff like that. it’s always nice to hear what people vibe with, and what jokes people pick up on, and what characters they’re hyped about. makes my day. like, every time i just get a string of notifications from someone scrolling through and reading and liking the fic in my fanfiction tag, that’s always a fun thing to see happening. and like there’s some people who really are just sorta regulars at this weird little tavern i’ve got goin on and y’know what, i see you. i see you man, you’re rad. we vibin. and like i wanted to reiterate based on a thing someone talked to me abt at some point not long ago that like i’m literally just over here chillin, like, seriously no need to feel intimidated by me, i’m a total nerd and really really hard to upset or offend. there’s no dumb questions, feel? like cringe culture is dead dude i’m serious. and anon is always on and i’m wicked stupid, like, you’re so set literally don’t worry. you can send me like 87 shrimp emojis and i’ll probably reply with something dumb like “mood” like that’s it. you could send me 87 shrimp and tag on at the end “(hey by the way don’t reply to this just givin you some shrimp)” and i’d be like “that’s valid i vibe with that” and just like. think about it at 2am two months later and be delighted all over again
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artificialqueens · 5 years
How To Motivate, Encourage, and Inspire Writers - A Masterpost
Hey guys! I am reposting this guide because it got mysteriously deleted. This version includes some new additions and advice for readers.
This is meant to be a guide to help people give valuable, inspiring feedback, as well as how to send in prompts and requests that are more likely to be used. Remember that these are simply suggestions designed to help YOU as a reader get more of what you want. <3
Please let me know if you have anything to add, as this post was a collaborative effort and it can only get better with more input.  
What Readers Can Do
1. Like and reblog the stories you enjoy. Fanfic authors don’t get paid. Their only “currency” is notes and feedback. Seeing the notes climb, as silly as it may seem, is a huge motivator to write more. If you are shy about using your main blog for this, you can always create a sideblog and reblog the fic you like there. Authors will notice this and it’s also a great record when you want to go back to fic that you enjoy!
2. Positive feedback! A simple “I love this” or “I can’t wait for more” is great if that’s all you have to say, as well as general writer appreciation, but even better...
3. Comment with specifics. What did you like about the story or writing style? You can talk about the plot itself, characterization, dialogue, the writer’s voice or sense of humor, how the story made you feel, what you’d like to see more of...anything, even the smallest detail, that made you enjoy reading it. Nothing is more motivating for a writer than knowing that their hard work is appreciated.
Some examples of great comments with places to fill in the blanks with specifics. Feel free to use all or part of these as templates when you want to send a comment but you’re not sure where to begin:
[Author Name] - your last fic was so [complimentary adjective]! You really [description of something they did well]. Can’t wait for your next [story/chapter].
[Author Name] - I love [Title] so much! I especially love [part you enjoyed].
I hope we get more of [Title] from [Author Name]. It is [complimentary adjective].
Just read [Title] and [exclamation]! I am [emotion or state of mind].
I really loved [Title] by [Author Name]! My favorite part was probably [specific impactful theme or moment in fic], because it really made me feel [emotional response].
I am [emotion or state of mind] over [Title] by [Author Name]. It was so [descriptive adjective] when [describe moment in story].
Some more examples of really great, detailed, inspiring comments.
4. Start an actual dialogue with an author. As mentioned above, reblogging with comments (even just in the tags) is great. You can also send asks directly to their blogs, DM them, or send additional asks when they respond. Authors may have questions for you, and being able to interact can easily spark something or help them find direction where they were stuck. You can find a list of authors’ sideblogs here if you want to send messages directly to them.
5. Direct requests and prompts to specific writers who you enjoy. Start with why you like them and then explain your idea or request. By doing that, they will start off knowing that they are appreciated, making them way more likely to get excited by your suggestion. Try to phrase things in an open-ended and positive way. “I’d love to see how you would handle [prompt situation/pairing/suggestion]” or “here’s an idea, I think you could do something really cool with it.” The more detailed and supportive your prompt is, the more likely it is that someone will get excited and inspired by it. If your request is for “more” of something that exists, include a reason why you like that story, author, etc. If your request is for something different, talk about something else you liked and why.
Examples of how to send in requests and prompts to specific writers, or include a compliment:
[Author Name(s)] is/are awesome and I would love for them to write more [ship or thing you love].
I would give anything for more [ship or request], especially if it’s similar to [Title(s)], they are my favorite!
I love [Author Name]’s style so much, and I’d be so happy if they wrote [ship/thing you want from them].
I wonder how [Author Name] or [Author Name] would handle [idea]? I would love to read that!
[Title] by [Author Name] is so [positive adjective]! It makes me really want them to try [idea] because I bet they would [motivating phrase like “kill it!”].
[Author Name] - have you ever considered writing [prompt]? [Motivating sentence like “I would die for that!”] 
I really love [ship], especially [story title(s)/author name(s)]. I would love to see one where [prompt].
6. Creating artwork, edits, moodboards, or anything inspired by a story you like. This is like, the PINNACLE for most writers. Knowing that someone connected to something you wrote enough to take time out of their day to create something inspired by your story. It’s like drugs. ART IS DRUGS PASS IT ON.
7. If you are a writer, comment on other writers’ stories! You know more than anyone how hard they worked, so please show your fellow authors some love.
1. Anything that sounds aggressive or demanding. You catch more flies with honey.
2. Complaining about the lack of a certain ship, ESPECIALLY if ANYTHING featuring that ship has been posted in the last month of so. Writers are reading these comments, especially if they have posted recently. Can you imagine how demoralizing it is to post a story and then 3 days later, read a comment bemoaning how there’s NOTHING from that ship, that ship is dead, etc? Like this, written about one of the most popular, enduring ships in the fandom with some of the most prolific, talented writers here:
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Don’t be that anon. ^
3. Begging and whining, especially for something extremely vague - this sounds way less cute than you think, and reading something like “I will die if I don’t get more [ship]” is more annoying than inspiring. Especially if, as stated above, the thing you are dying over already exists.
4. Giving nothing at all. Most of the writers expect to at least see their work is noticed. If there are no responses at all, they can’t provide you with anything new. And worst case scenario, they lose the motivation to finish it because they think no one is interested.
Notes From Some Writers (and Readers!)
“I’m famously horrendously bad at abandoning fics but about 95% of my will to continue to keep writing is because I know other people are reading and interested that I keep writing, and I’m sure that’s how a lot of other writers operate too. We’re all fuelled by positive reinforcement, so please tell us! Oh, and btw, commenting just to get mad at lack of updates is not encouragement and is actually super irritating and stressful. Just so ya know.” - Edith
“Having an artist come to you and say ‘Hey, I was inspired by your story’ is FANTASTIC. And also encouraging because someone has taken time to create something and say ‘hey, I really liked the thing you made’. It becomes a cycle.” - Kitschy
“Take a look anywhere, on AQ or ao3 or any other platforms. You’ll see (on ao3), probably at most, 10:1 ratio for hits to kudos, alone. There are even less comments. On AQ, probably a 10:1 ratio for likes to reblogs, and the most popular fics only have a little over 100 notes period. Now, consider that it can take a writer months to be happy with a fic they submit. This takes countless hours. Fiction writers, in real life, get money for their work. We get nothing. Nothing, that is, except whatever appreciation you can give us. If we put work and our hearts and souls into something and get nothing, we question our talent, our abilities, our devotion. We refresh the pages where our works are posted constantly, hoping for some feedback, some appreciation, and most readers only read the fiction and give no feedback or appreciation whatsoever.
“All you, as a reader, have to do to make us happy is take 1 to fifteen minutes out of your day to leave a comment, send an ask, send a message to a sideblog. Leave commentary in the tags if you reblog. Any reaction at all. It is all we get for the work we put in.” - Miss Bianca
“My 2 cents I guess is just to get into a habit of acknowledging works that you like. Even for me I'll read stuff and really enjoy it but forget to comment or like it so I'm gonna work on it and I’d like everyone else do it as well. Once people get in the habit of commenting and liking it becomes second nature and with that kind of positive environment it allows writers to grow.” - MissChimKi
“Going back in time, my first work was posted two years ago, and the last comment I got was a huge thank you for writing such a good story and the emotions of that reader, it’s the kind of tiny little things that give me fuel to keep writing.” - Saiphl
“I once wrote 5000 words in a day simply because someone told me that they were reading my smut in church. So, extreme enthusiasm is awesome, but don’t feel like you have to exaggerate and say ‘this is the best thing I ever read.’ A simple ‘I am going to hell...I was in a church service reading Exposed chapter 9’ is more than enough!” - Veronica
“Something that motivates me as a writer is when readers pick out parts of my fic to say why they enjoyed them. Advice for readers would be to never think you’re complimenting too much! I’ve seen some readers cut their asks short because they don’t want to gush too much. As writers we love praise and attention, we’re like Tinkerbell really!” - Vixen
What It Can Feel Like To a Writer to Read the Asks (Inspired by @artificialeevee )
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natecchi · 7 years
“You’re always stealing my parking garage and I’m finally here to comfort you about it (btw your car is ugly but you certainly are not)” AU Gramander :3
(I love you, Nami, for always giving me the opportunity to write silly little drabbles, because whenever I reblog a prompt list, you’re always here to send me a prompt. I’m really thankful for that!
Since it’s the only prompt I got, I guess I will write it right away, even if it’s past 4 AM, omg.
Prepare yourselves for fluff and crack, because that’s all I’m capable of. Being dumb is one of my strong features after all. I’m sure the prompt meant ‘confront’ and not ‘comfort’, well… whatever xD)
Percival was in process of pulling his car - a black chic Chevrolet Impala - into his parking garage, only to find it occupied. Again. He didn’t need to even look at the car to know who did it. Plus, he’d suffered enough eye-cancer looking at that excuse of a car for five minutes the first time it happened.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t have anything against the owner or the car itself - he would burn it if he could though - and he could completely understand if they mistook things once or twice, but this happened already for five times and Percival was ready to pull out his hair and scream in frustration.
He left the car at the garage entrance, hopping out of the driver’s seat with a deep scowl on his face. He had fucking enough. The owner, whoever him or her was, will have to take some scolding and cuffs on their nape, because this surely had to be someone young and frivolous.
Determined, Percival went to their porter and promptly asked the old man who is the owner of that orange Honda, parked in his garage, and the old man just shrugged at him- What the heck.
“Oh,“ the man said, tapping thoughtfully his chin “that’s probably Scamander’s brother.“
Scamander? Theseus Scamander? Percival certainly knew Theseus, they were playing billiards on weekends, but goddammit, the dude never mentioned he had a brother.
Without any further ado, he went directly to the elevator, getting in and pushing the button to his floor- their floor to be precise, since they were living practically next door. Maybe that made Theseus’ brother think he can just invade their neighbor’s garage? That was no fucking excuse, and Percival would get the dude on his knees apologizing- okay, that was a bit too extreme. He coughed into his fist and knocked to Theseus’ door.
“Comin’!“ was heard from the other side of the door, and it was certainly not Theseus, because this voice was nicer, softer, melodious even. Wait. Did he just describe a guy’s voice as melodious? Percival shook his head. He should definitely stop spending so much time with Goldstein sisters and Seraphina. He was becoming poetic, for god’s sake.
The door swung open and Percival was greeted by a familiar - but also not familiar - freckled face, ginger hair, curls to be precise, blue eyes - blue like the clear summer sky - god, definitely less time spending in women’s company - which made just brief contact with his before looking at his tie instead - was his tie that entertaining?
“Umm, Theseus isn’t at home right now, if you needed him.“ The guy said and ducked his head. And this was Theseus’ brother? Fucking unbelievable.
Percival cleared his throat, trying to get those beautiful eyes to look into his again, unsuccessfully though. “I actually needed to talk to you,“ Percival made a hand gesture to the guy.
At that, the guy raised his head a bit, only to look back down again “Newt.“ He said, looking somewhere over Percival’s shoulder.
“Yeah, Newt.“ Percival repeated and loved the sound of this name on his tongue. “I’m Percival, by the way, and I live next door.“
Newt’s head snapped up immediately and he smiled broadly at Percival, making him wonder what he did to deserve such a beauty of smile directed only at him-
“So, you’re that friend Theseus keeps telling me silly stories about?“
Wait a fucking second. What exactly Theseus told this beauty about him? Percival paled, thinking about their adventures on weekends with Theseus. Only not the drunken striptease on a bar table, please, only not that-
“Anyway, Percival.“ Newt said, ushering him to enter their apartment. “Take a seat first.“ He practically pushed a still-praying-in-his-mind Percival onto the couch. “Tea? Coffee?“ Newt offered politely.
“Coffee, please.“ Percival mumbled dumbly, looking after Newt, in his silly large sweater, which did nothing to cover one of his freckled shoulders and equally silly sweatpants, low on his hips. Why, just why.
Newt strolled into the room with two mugs after five or so minutes, handling Percival his and sipping happily from his own.
“So, you wanted to talk about something I guess?“ Newt watched him from under his messy curly fringe and fluttering his long lashes, and Percival almost lost it.
“I, um, yes.“ Percival stuttered, taking a sip from his coffee. Ah, it was definitely good. But why did he came here in the first place? His eyes widened, because holy shit, he forgot why he came.
Newt looked expectantly at him and he watched him back, at his blue eyes and ginger hair- Stop. Orange fucking Honda!
“Your car, Newt.“ Percival said, putting the mug on the coffee table in front of him. “It’s in my parking garage for the fifth time and I don’t know if I should just burn it down because you do it constantly or because it deserves to be burned.“
Suddenly Percival was angry and frustrated, both at Newt and himself, because he easily got distracted. Newt didn’t say a thing, but his lips turned down in a scowl.
“I’m sorry.“ Percival said, his anger dissipating the same way it appeared. He didn’t like that scowl on Newt’s face. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-“
Newt smiled at him weakly, not the way he would liked to, but still it was better than that scowl, and raised a hand up, silencing him “It’s okay. I got it. I won’t do that again, and I’m sorry, Mr. Graves.“
Mr. Graves? Nope, Newt, you can call him Percival, even Percy-
He probably had that kicked puppy face he made whenever he’s sad, because Newt’s face softened and his smile became wider.
“Alright, Percival, I’m forgiving you, but you’re not insulting my car ever again.“
“Okay.“ He said, but was internally cringing because, shitty wheels, the fucking orange Honda will chase him in his nightmares from now on. With an angry Theseus on the driver’s seat, because Percival was sure that his friend won’t like the prospect of him hitting on his brother.
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Emotional Hell prompts
Emotional Hell
Anon: Okay (sorry if it’s disappointingly crap lol), but the first bit was where the four of them all end up getting into a major argument over something and it gets all angry and tense and ppl lose their tempers and go off on each other and say some nasty things they probably don’t mean, and they all fall out (or people take sides and fall out so it’s two against two, or the ever-dramatic three against one). Then someone ends up storming out. (This sounded more interesting in my brain I swear lol)(Second Message)Oh and the second thing was that one of them gets really badly injured (possibly the person who stormed out?) while they’re all still mad at each other over whatever was said. One of the other three find out and worry takes over the anger and they all end up rushing to the hospital(/Deaton probably, but I have a fluffy thing for if it’s in the hospital). The three of them are sitting in an awkward silence on the way there bc they’re anxious but also aware of what was said before.(Third Message)And if it were in a hospital, the fluffy thing is basically that they’re all sitting in the waiting room and one of the doctors or nurses comes over and asks if ?? has any family members waiting and the three of them stand up at the same time and share a brief look before following the nurse/doctor and then in the end they all make up. // p.s I’m so sorry about my bad ideas and even worse description skills, please don’t feel like you have to write any of this to humour me or anything lol! x
@jazzijanal: Ooh. If you could do something based off of Stand By You by Rachel Patten with reader x pack×everyone like issac, derek, please! If you cant its fine. I just listened to it and realized I needed it.
Anon: “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you” w/ roommates (the tall ass jiraffe ☺️)
Anon: Roommates: “I was in love with you yesterday, I’m in love with you today and I’m going to be in love with you tomorrow.” But to not make seem weird, you can make it: “I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow. Always amd forever, Isaac.” ❤️ I just can’t with these two 💕
Anon:“Are you seriously threatning my best friend?” W/ Roommates Anon: I know that this isn’t in the prompt list but I wanted to ask you for a Roommates drabble/imagine with this prompt “I will love you forever and always. No matter what we go through, I’ll be there through every step of the way. Is it going to get crazy? Hell yeah! But I’m willing to risk everything to be with you. You’ll never be alone cause you’ll have me by your side, I promise you that. So are you willing to have some adventures with me? If you are, take my hand and let’s to it together.” ❤️
Anon: Roommates where Y/N has a stalker (Allison/Matt situation) and the boys help her figure out who the person is and they find out that the person is an evil supernatural creature and they manage to take him down after they fight him?
Anon: Roommates request: Theo goes after y/n to try and take her power because she’s in route to becoming a true alpha and Derek, Isaac and Peter go resscue her maybee???
Anon: Can you make a roommate chapter where Theo kidnaps the reader so he can steal her power because she’s in route to becoming a True Alpha and Derek, Peter, Isaac and Scott’s pack rescue her and she talks about what happened with Scott- -and Scott says that she has to wait a little while to become one but it’s true and the 3 stooges say that they’re proud of her with some fluff if you want. I’m halfway through them and I love them ❤ thank you for making me smile always 😘
Anon: Can you write a roommie drabble, where y/n and Isaac go on a mission to take down a powerful werewolf and Derek and Peter don’t know about it and really intense stuff happens and Isaac is ALMOST killed by the werewolf but she saves him (Second message) I was reading the ficlet list and I was wondering if you could write it with these: 2,7,14,20,24,29,31,33,43,44 and 47… Are you up for a challenge? 😈 Ps: Peter and Derek never find out about what happened😼 (Third message) The list is the one that you reblogged from everybirdfellsilent that says “send me a number and I’ll write a ficlet”. I can’t send the link on my computer idk why but you can find it in you masterlist 😊 Ooh girl then you better make it good 🔥😉❤😈 “Have you lost your damn mind!?” “I almost lost you.” “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” “You’re the only one I trust to do this.” “I thought you were dead.” “You lied to me.” “Please don’t do this.” “YOU DID WHAT?!” “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” “No one needs to know.”
Anon: Isaac lost his memory fighting a werewolf(not by claws) and the reader gets emotional and stuff and peter and derek do everything they can to bring him back (but not easily). Could you make it last like 2 chapters? (Isaac with no memory) 🙏😀😈🔥❤👍
Anon: Could you make an imagine where Isaac and Y/N are fighting for something really stupid (like literally thrwing their claws at each other) and when Derek and Peter intevene Derek pushes the reader away from Isacc but in the process she falls to the floor for Derek’s shove and hits her head in the floor and gets knocked out. And in her unconciousness she is imagining what it would be like if Issac and her were acually related and lived with Peter and Derek their whole lives
Anon: Okay, so we already know what Isaac would do for Y/N ifnsomething happened to them, but i was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader gets into real serious danger because of a baddie in BH amd Peter, Derek, Isaac and Scott’s pack have to do everything they can to keep the reader safe and get rid of the bad with roommate fluff. This was inspired by the imagine with theo and everything. I would love to read that if you could make it. Love your blog btw :)
Anon: Can you make an imagine on what happens during the full moon like where does Derek take Isaac and Y/N for protection, and the whole tranformation process where Y/N uses Isaac as her anchor and how Isaac finds out
Anon: “Look. I have to say something. I know that we always fight and we annoy the hell out of each other, but that’s what families do. And while I do admit that sometimes I wonder how the hell I got dragged into all of this, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love you all, even if I don’t show it. I know that sometimes I’m hard on you, but I do it because I’m afraid to lose you. So now you know… But I just wanted to tell you guys that. Roommates (Derek)
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