#Sols heart will explode maybe
mellsfern · 9 months
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New bae dropped. Riley the girl who has nothing up there but hunger and surprisingly strong for her looks.
I blame @fantasia-kitt for my actions since I will be making SolxRiley stuff until I get tired or my computer explodes.
Pink pretty girl meets delulu goth boy and falls in love bc yes. Headcannons incoming soon ^^
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solradguy · 1 year
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Guilty Gear hugs tier list. These listings can be debated if you want, but I'm going to post this, sign out, and go for a walk before it rains.
Dizzy: Come on, look at her. Hugs like a best friend you haven't seen in years.
Elphelt: Might be kinda awkward if there's a snowball's chance in hell she thinks she could marry you but otherwise it's a damn good hug.
Jack-O': I'm biased. Hugs like it's the last time she'll ever see you.
Goldlewis: Like being hugged by a grizzly bear. Pats your back. 10/10
Sin: Kid puts his whole heart into everything he does. No way he hugs bad.
Axl: Good at hugging because it really just might be the last time he ever sees you.
Sol: He won't hug you. However, consider: warm, big arms, big chest. If Sol hugs you then the Earth is about to explode and he doesn't want to go out feeling alone.
May: She's kinda bubbly (pun) and bubbly girls hug good.
Ky: Has rehearsed hugging. Knows the precise amount of time to hug for and how hard to hug but it still feels genuine.
Bridget: Don't have an explanation for this, just think she'd be good at hugs.
Izuna: Hugs like the cool uncle that let you take a sip of his bourbon when you were a teen. Pats your back.
Kliff: Dad hugs. Almost crushes your ribs but there's love in it.
Potemkin: Man's heart's full of love. He's careful not to kill you.
Chipp: Don't think Chipp hugs very frequently because he's a president and he's got an image to maintain, but I think he'd hug like everyone was his friend even if he just met them.
Jam: Maybe a little too friendly for a hug with a stranger, like she hugs for just a bit too long and it starts getting kinda weird. She didn't mean anything weird by it though.
Zappa: It all depends on how involved S'Ko gets. There might be insects. Decent despite all that.
Slayer: I just don't think he'd hug anyone better than he hugs Sharon. A formal hug.
Leo: Tries too hard to hug well and doesn't quite make it.
Nagoriyuki: Could be killer at hugging if he had more opportunities to. A little out of practice from how long he was sealed in that thing.
Answer: Extremely formal and quick. He's got things to do.
Testament: Out of practice like with Nago. They're getting better though and at least whatever they put in their hair smells nice.
Anji: If he hugs you, he's probably hitting on you. Depends entirely on how you'd feel about that. If he hugs you and he doesn't like you, I think it'd be a just barely acceptable hug.
Johnny: Saves his best hugs for hot women and his adopted daughters. It's a little awkward, like he doesn't really want to be hugging someone.
Faust: The image here is Strive Faust and I think Strive Faust would hug not great because he's really going through it in Strive and he just needs a moment. Xrd Faust would be up in GOOD or GREAT tier though.
Paradigm: Either you gotta squat down awkwardly to hug him or he's gotta climb up onto a table. Hugs in a professional manner, but the logistics of it make it difficult.
Bedman: Is asleep. Is strapped to a giant bed.
Ram: She's still learning. It's a cold hug because she's not sure how you're supposed to do it yet.
Giovanna: Doesn't want to hug and would rather be doing anything else.
Asuka: He was alright at hugging in 2015 but now it's 2187 and he's forgotten. The experience is uncomfortable for both parties.
Venom: Unless you're Zato, it's a quick and distant hug.
Raven: Would probably hug decently if he was in a serious mood, but odds are he's gonna make it bad weird.
BAD!! ==
Millia: She's had a rough life and also does not want to hug. A hug that makes you fear for your life and be grateful when the hug's over.
Justice: She's dead. Before that she wanted to destroy humanity. You can hug Justice but only once, and you better be fast.
Baiken: You might get stabbed. I can't imagine a scenario where she'd willingly hug anyone that wasn't Delilah.
I-No: Will just straight up kill you. Has never had a reason to hug someone before and might make it horny-weird if she's in a good mood and doesn't kill you first.
Robo-Ky: Assuming Crow programmed him to hug like Flesh Ky, it would still be like hugging a pile of sharp metal. If you're a woman he's going to say something uncomfortable.
Baldhead: Man's really going through it!! Going through it like no man's gone before!! Odds are looking like you'll get murdered.
ABA: Doesn't know what a hug is. Smells like rotting blood and flesh.
Order Sol: Sol at possibly his lowest point. Reeks like hair grease, body odor, and rotting blood. 48% chance you'll get Savage Fang'd, 48% chance you'll get Tyrant Rave'd, 4% chance he rips your heart out with his bare hand.
Valentine: She just stands there and doesn't hug back. Asks questions about hugs, hugging techniques, the meaning of hugs, the history of hugs, and what purpose they serve for as long as you're willing to bullshit answers.
Haehyun: The little human inside the robot is alright at hugging, but the robot itself will probably crush your bones.
Happy Chaos: He's going to do something really friggin weird for shits n giggles and you're going to regret it.
Zato: He's just shit at hugging. Dude died and came back wrong.
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dotthings · 3 months
Wow, yeah, that’s a lot to process.
One thing is how the Jedi here get to be so messy, and flawed, and vulnerable. They messed up. Without it being going to the dark side or ill-intent.
Nothing about Star Wars has ever intended to say the Jedi order was perfect, or Jedi are perfect, unfeeling, always serene who can do no wrong and don’t ever battle with their emotions. It can be messy and they can screw up without it being an epic downspiral into the dark side.
Torbin’s a restless kid who hasn’t yet learned the patience he needs to be a fully effective Jedi. Master Indara tries to guide him and keep everyone on her team from going off the rails and she does her best but she can’t keep things from falling apart.
Indara’s wise, calm, strategic, diplomatic, and her team should have listened to her or this maybe could have been avoided.
Poor Kelnacca, like Torbin, gets mind-controlled by the witches, and a mind-controlled Jedi wookie, that’s just adding to the chaos.
Sol acted entirely on emotion in ways that are exactly what the Jedi warn against, but the problem isn’t inherently that he led with his heart and his feelings, it’s that he allowed that to cloud his judgment so badly. Even if Torbin is actually the one who pulls them all back into the fortress and it sort of spirals from there, it’s not Torbin’s fault, per se. It’s Sol’s attachment to Osha that’s the main driver and how that governed his actions.
It’s also not simple where it’s Jedi bad. They thought they were doing the right thing, but lack of ill-intentions doesn’t mean they were in the right to intrude the way they did. This is also a situation with multiple pov and misunderstandings from both sides. It also shows how conflict can explode even in a situation where most of the players go into it wanting to avoid violence.
There were wild cards on both sides. The Jedi themselves, Mae’s fire (not blaming Mae, she immediately was terrified and regretful and didn’t realize how it would spread, but hey, making things even spicier and more chaotic, throw some fire into the mix). Mother Koril leads with aggression, which was a contributing factor.
Mother Aniseya is a mirror for Indara—both of them are calm, measured, and conduct themselves in ways designed to de-escalate and avoid violence. But they weren’t enough to keep it from spiraling.
Everything that could have gone wrong, did.
Then Sol makes a terrible choice where if he’d tried to hold both twins with the force as the bridge collapsed, he’d lose them both. He’s not strong enough to hold both sides of the broken bridge. So he makes a choice.
And after all that, the part that actually hurts the most, is Indara and Sol’s decision to lie. I appreciate that Sol wanted to tell the truth, and face up to his mistakes, and Indara—so calm, so wise, so competent—is the one who pressures him to lie. And again, with good intentions—because she wants to spare Osha the pain of learning the truth.
It’s heartbreaking. The fact that Master Sol lied is what I think Osha’s bond with him won’t be able to recover from the most when she finds out the truth.
I wonder how much these events haunted the Jedi order. If the story gets told and used as a cautionary tale.
There’s also a cohesion thematically between these events to the prequel trilogy, and The Clone Wars. The flaws and weaknesses of the Jedi order. Which, in their attempt to course correct, might have actually compounded the issues.
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agustdiv1ne · 2 years
Ahhhh congrats on 2K followers!! Absolutely deserved
For the drabble event, could you do Beomgyu, #083524, and angst? Curious to see what you’ll do, congrats again 🫶
hi sol!! thank youuu :) i’m so sorry for the long ass wait :(( but i hope you enjoy! 
wc: 690
warnings: fae!beomgyu, angsty moment, forbidden romance :,) 
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2k drabble masterlist | main masterlist
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“you’re leaving?”
the edge of the forest serves as a wall between you and the fae boy in front of you. he can’t bear to look you in your eyes, instead pointing his gaze at the dark soil beneath his feet. though a mere few feet separate you, it feels like miles and miles. the affection that you once shared with the boy, the tender touches and sweet kisses you had shared under an oak in your backyard are distant memories in the moment.
tears prick your eyes at his lack of response. the distance between you grows wider. “you can’t even answer me? give me a reason? you weren’t even going to tell me! i had to hear it from your brother, beomgyu!”
he continues to stare at the ground, silent. the tears finally overflow, and you fail to muffle a choked sob. he finally looks up at you as you shut your eyes, refusing to look into his terribly beautiful eyes. “are you even going to say anything? or will you leave me with nothing?”  
“i’m sorry,” are the first words that pass his lips, his voice breaking in a way that drives a knife deep into your heart. “i’m so sorry, love. they, they found us. we have to go.”
your heart stops; you know exactly what he means by they. the ones who hunt and capture fae only to torture them until death is inevitable. the ones who roam your village with daggers laced with potent poison, that enter the forest and return carrying a beaten and bloodied fae with absolutely no remorse. they run your village with venomous threats and an iron fist.
“why didn’t you tell me?” you question, finally staring up at him with hurt coloring your features.
“because i knew it would hurt you!” he finally explodes. the world stops as you both stare at each other, the chirping of birds and the rustle of trees the only thing that rushes through your ears. he takes a step towards your trembling form, dead leaves crunching beneath his feet. you remain still, still staring at him.
“you know i’d never willingly leave you,” he says in a low voice. “we have no choice but to flee.”
“could, could i come with you?” you ask weakly, a tremble in your voice that you can’t find it in yourself to mask, but you both know the answer to your question.
he shakes his head. “you know that you can’t. no one knows besides my brother — we are forbidden to be together. the elders would kill you, and i refuse to allow that.”
you gulp, before you cross into the forest, cross into his domain. you stop before him as you take a deep breath. “i understand.”
you watch as he crumbles before you, collapsing to his knees in a heap of sobs. you fall to your own as your arms wrap around his quaking form, his tears soaking your shirt. your thumbs wipe them away as you force him to look at you.
“i understand,” you murmur through your own tear-stained vision. “and maybe one day our love will be accepted, but that is not now. go, be safe, stay alive, and i will see you again someday, okay? i need you to stay alive for me.”
he nods, his bottom lip trembling as he attempts to keep more tears at bay. “i promise, love. i will live and i will come back for you. there is nothing more that i wish to do.”
you smile despite it all, rising to your feet with him. your lips meet his one last time before you gently push him towards the forest.
“i love you,” you breathe, your chest collapsing into itself as he takes another step deeper into the forest.
“i love you.” it’s not a goodbye, but it feels like one. a tearful smile slips onto your face, and you nod. he nods back, finally turning away from you to walk deeper into the forest.
you watch him until his form disappears behind the trees, hoping that one day the world will be different.
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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yezielmoore · 2 years
3. Temper
Will you ever let go of the Titan questline? I ask myself sometimes. And then I remember the old line of quests and the answes is, as always, NEVER.
Anyway, have more Athene.
“You have quite the temper,” Y’shtola commented and handed her a plate of the food she had collected herself for this farce of a banquet. She briefly considered launching the offending meal to Wheiskaet head, but her mother’s lectures on not wasting food stayed her hand. “I didn’t expect that.”
Athene picked a piece of the stinking goblin cheese and popped it in her mouth. Mmm. Not bad. Undoubtedly weird, with an interesting texture, but at least its taste was nothing like its smell. 
“You’re not the first one to say that,” she offered the plate to Y’shtola who wrinkled her nose and shook her head. Athene shrugged. More for her. “I forgot I could get that angry,” she confided. “Exasperated, yes, always; but rare is the situation that would merit this kind of anger back home.”
Not that sharlayans were half as calm as they liked to pretend to the rest of the world. However, there was a difference between a heated debate or disagreement and exploding at someone in a fit of (justified) rage. 
“I’m sure I wouldn’t know anything about that,” Y’shtola deflected, trail lashing out playfully behind her as she primly took a sip of her wine. 
Athene snorted and almost choked on a hors d'oeuvre. “Not everyone is like Master Matoya,” she managed to say between coughs. 
And thank Thaliak for that. If even a fraction of the stories about Master Matoya were true, the island would’ve probably sunk back into the sea out of sheer self-preservation. 
Athene contemplated her own cup of wine and looked back at these past few days of running errands and doing ridiculous chores, all while feeling the weight of the lives already lost to Titan’s summoning and those who would soon be lost if the Primal wasn’t stopped. Athene understood cautiousness, she was a scholar at heart, but there was cautiousness and then there was being cowardly. 
“My mother used to call me her little wildfire and for years I never understood why," Athene confided, feeling intensely homesick all of the sudden. She leaned back and looked at the horizon, wondered if her mother was home or if she was on another trip looking to fill another endless list. "It’s not like I was a loud or angry child. Although I may have been an angry toddler, who knows?” 
Athene looked back at Y'shtola and smiled ruefully. “And then, one day, someone said something stupid and inconsequential and years of accumulated and simmering anger just… exploded in their face."
Y'shtola blinked in surprise, mouth slightly parted. It was the most disarmed she had seen the miqo'te be since meeting her. "Truly?"
Athene giggled and nodded, finally feeling the last of her anger settle and go quiet. She'd have to meditate later, find out where all that rage came from and deal with it, because Wheiskaet was merely the unlucky idiot that threw a lit match to a ground that was already smoldering under the surface.
"The looks on everyone's faces were exactly like yours right now," Athene commented and was delighted to see a blush spread across her face.
Y'shtola turned her head slightly to the side and raised her glass of wine, hiding mist of her expression in one smooth movement. 
"I certainly have no inkling as to what you mean," she said dismissively, but the slight upturn of her lips betrayed her fondness. "Now, maybe we should hurry this little get together. Time is of the essence, after all."
The gentle reminder of why they were in Costa del Sol sobered Athene quickly. 
“Yes, lets.”
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gear-project · 2 years
Can Jack-O' age? Also same question for the valentines. And how much old can a gear get, since I started thinking that I dunno maybe Ky will die of old age first than Dizzy. Very curious
Oh, this is a VERY INTERESTING question!
Okay, as far as we know, most biologically born Gears (like Dizzy, Sin, etc) grow to maturity at an accelerated rate… however, like Sol… they stop physically aging after a certain point in their lives.
It's implied, based on Lars Canyon, that when a Gear is killed (their core is ruptured, basically) that the magic they held in their bodies is dispersed and they decay… leaving behind a skeleton with a crystal-like core inside it.
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But what happens when a Gear's core doesn't get ruptured?
So long as the Magic Core inside them acts as a "conduit" to the Backyard's energy, and so long as they have some Magic Information Capacity… they won't age… effectively being immortal as far as we know.
Rather, they are only "immortal" so long as that Magic Capacity is sustained.
This, of course, leaves room for speculation on how long a Gear can sustain Magic Information in its body. Gear Cells are considered a "fixed point" extracted from physical space... meaning they can't be broken, only filled beyond capacity.
We know that Anti-Matter Gears are the result of Gears absorbing an excessive amount of Magic Information that flips their physical data, turning them in to Anti-Matter (effectively causing them to explode).
But just like the physical energy we get from eating food or taking in nutrients, that energy has to go somewhere... so at some point Magic has to be dispersed, right?
Rather, it's BECAUSE Gears are "conduits" that they do not die. The Magic flows inside of them and back in to Backyard space... kind of like a flowing river or aqueduct. Just as blood gets pumped from the heart to vessels and then back in to the heart.
"Aging" is the state when a living beings genes and cells start to break down from all the wear and tear, but so long as that state is constantly being renewed, restored, and refueled, there is no "aging" state.
Magic is the lifeblood of Gears, in essence, then. So long as they have it, they can function, even in a state of hibernation or stasis (like the Hydra, a Gear that existed sealed away for nearly 60 years or more).
A Valentine's body is derived from Gear Cells, much the same as any other typical Gear, so the same concept applies to them.
While they don't have the same Magic Capacity as Justice did, their Magic capacity is still very high compared to humans, even to the point they can still temporarily exist in Backyard space.
Still, what made Jack-O' virtually indestructible was the Scales of Juno Seed that was planted in her body, much like the Flame of Corruption Seed in Sol Badguy.
The Divine Seed basically "enhanced" the power and efficacy of the Gear Cells in Jack-O's body... so even if she got scratched or wounded, her wounds would never be truly fatal and she would heal at an accelerated rate, so long as her core (which contained the Seed) was never damaged.
If Magic overloads a Gear's body, they can still be damaged to the point of incapacitation... like when Dizzy used her power to knock out Justice at the Central Organ Tower (Xrd events).
Gear Cells (even inside Low Level Gears) can still take damage, so the "appearance" of Age (wear and tear) is still possible over a very long time period.... but at most it will only "slowly" impede a Gear's functions if they are not restored or regenerated.
Basically that means that a Gear can still get scars and wounds or even discoloration in body hair or skin, but it would take a VERY long time for such to happen, if at all... and only if Magic was scarce for the Gear to absorb.
I would sooner expect the Backyard itself to run out of Magic before a full-body Gear would die of natural causes.
But, in the case of Humans that have taken in "partial grafting" of Gear Cells (like Ky has)... their human parts would likely decay sooner than any Gear Cells taken in their body... at least until the Gear cells completely over-wrote their body structure.
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Bad dealings.
Warnings: not much really. Maybe some swearing and soft Miguel.
WC: 1501.
Enjoy x
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You drove the car past the Welcome to Santo Padre sign and you took a deep breath looking out your window at the road just concentrating on getting to the hospital and limit any sightings of you. You couldn’t believe you were back here; you flew out of Mexico to Arizona almost 12 months ago with promises to yourself that you would never be back here, but your Dad fell ill and your Mum needed you. Your cousins helped you disappear after they almost killed you when they found out how deep you had gotten.
You had finished high school and went straight into working in the mayor’s office and worked your way up to the mayor’s personal assistant. Your life had been fine until Miguel Galindo walked into the office and your whole world changed after that very first encounter, which then lead to you sleeping with him after his divorce, to you leaking information to him, not because he asked but because you were falling in love with the cartel boss and you wanted to see him happy and for all his plans to go ahead and be ahead of every move.
You were busted when you had taken some photos of classified paper work in Antonia’s office and instead of sending them to Miguel’s email, you sent it to the deputy mayor’s assistant addressed to Miguel with a seductive photo also attached. The assistant leaked the email, the whole situation exploding in your face, you being threatened with illegal action and you had to get out as soon as you could. You couldn’t even walk down the street and not get nasty words thrown at you.
Angel and Ez turned up at your place when they saw the paper, asking you what you needed, after them telling you off for jumping into bed with Miguel in the first place. They organised everything for you, like amazing older cousins do. Your parents went to stay with their Dad for a bit and the boys helped you get under the boarder through the clubs tunnels to the Mexico airport with new hair, a new name, a new phone number, a house that had been rented and you started a new life leaving everything behind, including your deep feelings for Miguel and the guilt of walking away and not telling him you had left.
You pulled up in the hospital car park, slipping on your sunglasses and walking inside to find your Dad. As you walked through the halls you rounded a corner to a long hall way of rooms and came face to face with Angel in Nestor’s face, Gilly trying to pull a yelling Angel back who had his fist raised,
“She’s going to come back, its her Dad and when she does you tell me” Nestor snarled in Angel’s face. Angel went to throw his hand forward and your voice rang out through the hallway,
“Angel, stop” You shouted.
Everyone’s head turned to look at you. Nestor’s eye blew open when he seen you and Angel stepped back, walking towards you, his arm going around your neck and leading down the opposite way towards your Dad’s room,
“Nice to see you cuz” Angel kissed the top of your head “You do realise Galindo’s bulldog has seen you, he’ll find out your back”
“I’ am here for 4 days, to see Dad and leave. He won’t know where I’ am staying anyway”
“You wish mami, you know what he’s like. He’ll find you. He’s Miguel fucking Galindo and your the first women that ever risked her freedom the way you did for him. So stupid. ”
“Yeah, yeah” you rolled your eyes “We going to talk about it every time I see you?”
“Probably, yeah” Angel laughed kissing your forehead.
It was best that you staid in the next town over in a hotel in the out skirts. You didn’t want to risk getting seen, it being reported back to Antonia that you were in town and start that whole nightmare again. You had ordered room service once you got back from the hospital and showered, when there was a knock on the door you thought that’s what it was, your food. But when you swung it open, a range of different emotions charged through you.
Miguel looked back to you, looking just liked you remembered, smelling just how you remembered, his hair and beard perfect as ever and his suit just as well fitting as what they used to be. You wanted nothing more than to jump on him, kiss him, feel him against you. But his face and eyes were cold, so you just gave him a small smile, moving out of the way and gesturing for him to come into your room. You took a deep breath closing the door behind you after shooting Nestor a dirty look, who was sitting in the car outside. You turned to Miguel sitting on the end of your bed,
“Did Nestor follow me here?”
“You left” Miguel looked up at you, his eye’s starting to tear up “You left and you didn’t tell me. I couldn't find you, I didn’t know where you had gone, if you were ok. You left me. I would have helped you get through it; I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you”
“Miguel” you took a step closer to him and he held up his hand to stop you and you froze looking down at your feet tears running down your cheeks.
“You didn’t trust me to look after you?” Miguel looked up, his face like stone but hurt in his eyes.
“It was my fault; I never should have done what I did. You could have done it on your own. You didn’t need my help. I let my heart take over and done something really stupid that will follow me around for the rest of my life” you sniffed.
“I would have protected you, mi sol” Miguel muttered shaking his head.
Your heart hurt hearing your pet name. You walked over to him, getting down on your knees in front him, you reached up slowly, your hands going to rest on his cheeks. The feel of his beard on your palms sending goose bumps all over you. Miguel was stiff at your touch at first till you lent onto his legs and he sighed into you, his hands going on top of yours, his forehead resting on yours and he started to cry. You pulled your hands away, pushing his legs apart, crawling forward between them and throwing your arms around him pulling him into you.
One of your hands rubbed over his back, your other rested on the back of his head and you covered the other side of his face in kisses. Miguel brought his arms around you, hugging you tightly. His solid chest pressed into you and you started to sob, Miguel’s tears free flowing down his cheeks as well. You both staid like that for a long moment, crying in each other’s arms. You pulled back looking up into Miguel red face, his hand moving onto your cheek, his thumb brushing the tears away and his other moving to rest on your shoulder,
“Where did you go?”
“Arizona” you cleared your throat “Angel and Ez got me over the border and I flew out of Mexico”
Miguel reached for both your hands to pull you up off the floor and guided you to sit on the bed. He snaked an arm around you pulling you into him and you rested a hand on his thigh.
“I checked all flights, for weeks. Your name wasn’t on any”
“Victora Pérez” you gave him a half smile and Miguel nodded back sucking in his lips “Miguel, I’ am so sorry. I should have told you, should have called you to tell you I was ok”
“That you were alive” Miguel shot back and locked eyes with you.
You took a deep breath, both your eyes searching each other’s. You both started to move towards each other, your lips meeting, fitting together so perfectly. You both sighed into each other’s mouth’s. You slid your hand’s up over Miguel’s jacket and stopped to sit on his shoulders and Miguel’s hands threaded into your hair, the kiss deepening. Miguel broke the kiss, kissing your cheek twice and his finger nails scraping over your sculp affectionally,
“I missed you” you whispered.
“It almost killed me, you not being here. You leaving me. Every day I searched somewhere new, finding nothing. When Nestor walked in telling me he had seen you” Miguel paused looking down shaking his head, emotion filling him again “Come home, come back to me”
“Miguel, I can’t. After everything. How can I start over here again?”
“With me. Together. Amor, we will make it work. I’ll sort it out. I’ll handle it”
“What does that mean?”
“Please Y/N, trust me on this. Come home to me mi sol, please.”
 Tags: @beccabarba @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @alwaysachorusgirl
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utilitycaster · 3 years
Wizard Breakdown Tracker #3, episode 133
Greetings and salutations to the exercise I have set upon myself, which is to say deciding the relative mental stability of Wizard NPCs who have been subjected to the Mighty Nein. My intent is to do this at least until Trent Ikithon has fucked off this mortal coil and/or been thoroughly deposed and humiliated.
As a reminder Caleb Widogast is a member of the Mighty Nein and a PC and therefore excluded from these calculations. Wizards who haven’t been seen or heard from lately and about whom I don’t have anything funny to say about will not get a full blurb, but as they re-enter the main narrative so will they re-enter the list. Currently, this is the Essek Thelyss Show ft. Trent and the Volstruckers with guest appearances by Yussa and Allura.
Currently sidelined: Oremid Hass, Known Gem Wizard Hotsauce Lutefisk (I am going to reuse this stupid joke name for him until it doesn’t make me laugh at my own joke anymore, which will probably be never), Pumat Sol (who I hope is having a great day), Ludinus Da’leth (who I hope is not but in true laissez-faire rat bastard form, probably is).
Vess D wasn’t there/morning time in Eiselcross or at her job or anywhere/they snuck in and took her life/and we noticed that her spellbook’s gone and that she’s covered in red eyes.
Trent Ikithon: Okay with the caveat that it’s been a very long time since I saw the entire movie and our only update is Artagan taking a moment from his busy schedule of traveling the globe in the direction of the sun such that he is always technically day-drinking to tell Jester that Trent’s biding his time, I’m getting real Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame Frollo vibes. Except instead of Catholicism and lust, it’s nationalism and an unquenchable thirst for power and control, and also he does not feel guilty in the slightest. He’s not at Hellfire levels yet but he will get there and I am slightly disappointed that due to the constraints of a D&D game we do not get an even more fucked up version of the song Hellfire.
Conclusion: 6/10. Slowly stepping it up. Also here’s the great thing: while we know Caleb is going to come after him next, he doesn’t, and the Nein didn’t tell any world governments about the threat of the city unless you count the Tal’Dorei Council via Allura, which means for all intents and purposes they just disappeared into Eiselcross...except Trent also knows Caleb disappeared for five or six years once before and reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. If Caleb weren’t dedicated to the noble goal of ending the Volstrucker program ASAP, he could just chill for a year or so and then pull a really stellar Surprise Bitch move and maybe just get Trent’s heart to explode.
Essek Thelyss: He got a good night’s trance and weird physical affection from a giant ape Caleb and he was healed by Caduceus and he had a serious conversation with the first true peer and one of the first friends he’s ever known about how high-level wizardry may not necessarily corrupt absolutely. And, of course, soup. I mean they are about to head into a terrible battle but he’s at full health and spells and he’s a valued member of the team and his friends love him SO MUCH.
Conclusion: 5/10. There is a distinction between a breakdown and being in a very high pressure situation, and he got some nice moments of respite this week. With that said do I think that post-battle, should he survive (HE BETTER) a whole lot of anxiety will come crashing back? Yeah.
Astrid Beck: With Trent in a holding pattern he’s got to be turning up the mind games on her; I have to imagine he suspects and then she suspects that he suspects and it’s a whole mess, but I’ve said that already. But also just like, in general, I think her speech to Caleb back when he first contacted her was genuine in many ways and specifically I think she was likely to have been Trent’s New Golden Child and then suddenly that got yanked out from under her for still more mind games; I think her difference in demeanor between that meeting and the dinner was partially Trent being present, but partially her having realized in the interim that she will likely never have anything to show for two decades of pain and doing terrible things and nonstop bullshit.
Conclusion: still keeping her at 8/10 until further notice but like. Astrid’s having a bad time.
Um actually Eadwulf is the monster? The hero’s name is Grendel: Okay meanwhile here’s my totally unsupported Eadwulf headcanon of this week which is that he meanwhile always knew he was not the favorite and probably never would be and while I doubt he ever had particularly noble goals I would not be surprised if he had an exit strategy. Personally I hope he tries card-counting in that casino in Ank’harel and gets kicked out posthaste and then tries being a wizard/some kind of divine caster multiclass in Vasselheim and also gets kicked out but finally becomes like an old-school hermit figure somewhere in the woods of Issylra and Campaign 3′s party runs into him.
Conclusion: also keeping him at 4/10 until further notice.
Allura Vyesoren: It’s time to acknowledge that this episode covered a span of like...8 hours? And presuming the Nein are sort of trying to keep a normal sleep schedule, maybe, and using a comparison of Eiselcross being at a comparable time zone to say, Nicodranas, and it’s 5 hours into the night for them, and we know that around mid-day for Nicodranas was early morning for Emon...honestly she’s probably relaxing with a glass of wine. Unless Wensforth contacted her.
Conclusion: I’m going to let Allura have a good day. She’s at 2/10 because the threat of Aeor will be in the back of her mind but also she’s seen a bunch of idiots kill dragons and Vecna and they didn’t even have a wizard.
Yussa Errenis: Experiencing a great disturbance in the Astral Sea, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and then just like, kept doing that.
Conclusion: I decided to really go all out last week on the infinity jokes and left myself nothing to go on, huh. Anyway this breakdown goes to 11 (out of 10).
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momenacesage · 3 years
your love has bloomed the garden in my mind
today i offer you this drabble, tomorrow,, who knows!
When Sol opens her eyes, she finds herself placated by the intense stare of the other that she held nestled in the rapture of her arms. Awaking in the darkness, the slow trickle of street lamps and drunken fellows stumbling to make their way home caresses the slightly open window frame. The side effects of a bustling night life are going generally unnoticed by the frozen girl. She feels like she’s stuck in quick sand - slowly being dragged down as she falls deeper and deeper into her best friends eyes. She let out a slow breath, trying to remind herself that this was still possible, she was still alive. Even as the girl beside her chose to tear out the breath from her lungs with metaphorical teeth. Looking up to her, half drunk still. It was the only reason that Sol could give to justify Jiwan’s flushed cheeks. Maybe she was drunk too. Finger weaving out of the press that had formed through their bodies. Choosing to settle into the warmth; pressing across the lines of the others face. They’d remain in silence. Simply drinking in the actions, the comfortable movements that settle matches into the pit of her stomach. Threatening to explode with the click of a finger - or if Jiwan would choose to look at her that way again. She’d promised herself that she would stop playing into this game. The feeling would initially bowl her over her own feet. Feeling like she was thrown upwards, tossed to fall on her head - out of control of the situation. Theres a very special smile that her best friend throws out when she’s absolutely ecstatic about something. These days, it seems like Sol is the only one who finds themselves on the receiving end of those looks. It first happened when they both gained entrance to their current school. Jiwan would take her hand, ready to dance, do something, scream at the top of her lungs with excitement. Instead, it would slowly crawl across her face as if she know exactly what she was doing. Seo Jiwan was an enchantress. It was confirmed. She’d flee from her friend, ready to phone her parents to share the happy news. But Sol would be stuck, frozen in the same position to when she first saw that smile. She’d been ran ragged; ready to admit that she’d experienced a heart attack, why was her heart feeling like that. Her heart was ready to jump out of her chest and run straight after the young woman. For a second or two, as she lay beside the one person who often took centre stage in her best dreams - Sol would forget why she chose to force those feelings into the dark. She’d let herself fall a few feet deeper into eternity. Sol had been good, she’d been great in fact. Maybe she was allowed to make a mistake or two, maybe that look in Jiwan’s eyes was familiar for a reason, maybe she was feeling something that Sol had gained plenty of experience in. “Why didn’t you let me kiss you?” The words spring a visceral reaction and Sol has to force herself to stop from allowing her eyes to widen further. She was surprised, shocked, even though this had been the only thought that had played on her mind throughout the whole night. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured, they were all watching.” Sol feels the pressure of her smaller arms wrap around her shoulders, curving her spine up from the bed so that Jiwan could awkwardly tuck her head against her own. It felt secretive, as if these coming words were only for them. Sending internal middle fingers to whoever may be listening in on their late night discussion. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while.” She’ll sag, like the woman had unconsciously built up tension through what felt like a century of pining. Of looking but not touching, that wasn’t allowed. Instead, she’d find herself sitting complacent - monotonous as she tries to build up a mask of happiness as Jiwan left to meet man after man. That evil, little inner voice whispering coyly into her ear, reminding her that she would never have that. So instead, this would have to be enough. “I still want to kiss you.” She’s taken charge, manipulating Sol’s body like a doll who enjoys
playtime. She’s loose, malleable to whatever Jiwan wants of her. She silently waits, still unsure if this was real or some cruel game that her brain was playing on her. Seo Jiwan looks determined. And in a sense, this puts Sol’s mind at ease. Her tongue darting out to press more moisture onto her lips after they suddenly dried. Seemingly, she was not the only person who had come across this specific scenario before. Sol would force herself away from the questions that turned into darts when attempting to penetrate her brain. Sharp and painful in their nature as they niggle at the calmness of the situation. She was allowed to be in the moment for once. She didn’t have to constantly overthink everything. The woman wasnt forced to make a decision after all. The multitudes of spider webs permeating Sol’s brain would scatter into nothingness with the touch of Jiwan’s hand on her cheek. Her eyes quickly redirecting to hers as Jiwan chuckles to herself, slowly dragging their lips together like she was trying to approach a deer in headlights. It just fits. The only phrase that floats into existence through the blank slate that had been created. Jiwan’s hands become needier, cradling her jaw like it was some precious new discovery that could crack with the slightest accidental movement. Before this point, Sol felt like if she touched her best friend - the woman would shrivel into dust. Just another fragment of her imagination; but this was different. Sol will wrestle her hands up to the backs of the. Others shoulders clenching fingers into the fabric of her shirt as she falls deeper still. Unbashfully, she’ll groan into the other young woman’s mouth. Greedy as her sensations light up like a sparkler in the dark - unconsciously noting down the way that Jiwan’s leg tangles against her own. Staying connected in this way even when they break away, and the woman tucks away a fly away hair behind Sol’s ear. This time, she’ll join in. Her grin feels like its trying to split open the sides of her head. Opening it wide so that a tiny Seo Jiwan clone can climb inside. It’s as if Seo Jiwan hasn’t already been the only thing she thinks about. When she tucks her best friend back into the crook of her arm, Jiwan will whisper, her words falling like petals against her ear lobe. “Will you let me kiss you again?” “Definitely.” In the morning, Sol will be subjected to weekly critiques. Their professor surveying the work, placing a finger against pursed lips to fully understand the majesty of the wide painting. It was a different medium to the one that the young woman usually favoured. Justifying the sudden shift as an initial visualisation - she was planning. A sculpture would come along soon. “It’s spray of colours are full of passion. The large strokes remind me of love,” she’d turn, “am I correct? Were you thinking about someone that you love when painting, Sol?” Sol would allow her eyes to trail away; Jiwan encompassing the corner of her vision. “Yes. Something like that.”
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Hearts Club
Seokmin: Chapter 2 (The Heart Wants What It Wants)
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Characters: Seokmin x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), bondage (sort of anyways?), pet names, creampie, squirting, dirty talk, angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, genocide mentions, mental illness (depression implied), sexual mentions, mentions of death, violence mentions. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I had the thought to use the song The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez for this chapter. Don’t ask me why. I just did. And I’m too sick to change it so here it is.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Slight 🥀 but mostly just pure 💋tbh
Lonely Hearts Club Master Club
Chapter 2: The Heart Wants What It Wants
“Come on Sol! Hurry up! By the time we get there it’ll be dark!” Seokmin complained to the younger wolf, wanting to reach their destination as quickly as possible.
“Aya! I’m moving as fast as I can. You ever think that maybe you’re just a little TOO excited to go see her?” Hansol smirked as he sped up his movements slightly to appease his brother.
It was true, they both knew it. Hell, at this point, Seokmin was sure you’d even realize that he had been counting the seconds before he could come see you again. It had been five days. FIVE DAYS. He felt like he was going crazy without you. His pack tried to cheer him up as best as they could, Jihoon even asked if he wanted to wrestle around outside with him, something Jihoon had hated more than anything. But still, he wanted to do nothing other than sit in front of the window and wait the minutes out till he could see your beautiful face again. Since he met you, he’s never wanted anything more than to spend time with you. And you being gone… well that made it impossible. So you could say he was just a TAD too eager to get back to you…
“Shut up and just- just hurry up would you!” Seokmin growled, slightly out of annoyance that the younger wolf was taunting him and slightly because he had been taking away his newly promised time with you.
It was bad enough he had him carry all the supplies he needed in his backpack, now he was slowing him down too. It was exhausting.
“Geez, you sure are grumpy now. What’s gotten a mate done to you hyung?” Hansol chuckled gently while poking fun at his brother innocently, knowing full well that he was actually being quite tame compared to what most mated wolves would’ve done without seeing their significant other for as long as he had.
“Nothing! I just- I just want to see her is all! You don’t understand. You don’t have a mate yet!” Seokmin groaned while hiking his way up the start of the mountain your cave was located in. He didn’t even have to try to remember how to get there like Hansol did, he could sense you, it was one of the reasons he agreed to bring him along even though he knew it was most likely annoy you.
“Pfff. You’ve had a mate all of five minutes and you’re already acting like you’re a love expert. You’re a piece of work you know that? I didn’t even have to let you come with me today. I fought with Seungcheol Hyung to get him to let you tag along. Don’t make me regret it yeah?” Hansol rolled his eyes, trudging along right behind his older impatient brother. He felt for him, he really did. He couldn’t imagine what he’d do in his situation, but he wasn’t about to let Seokmin be a dick to him just because he hasn’t seen you in a week. Surely it couldn’t be THAT hard for him to be less of an asshole.
“Look- I’m sorry okay? I just…” Seokmin halted his actions of climbing up a rocky trail before he turned to his friend, “Its bad enough she doesn’t love me. But with her not loving me AND being gone for almost a week, it feels like- like all my insides have been scooped out and… and I can’t find them anymore. I feel like an empty shell.” He continued, “But I know that if I could just- if I could just see her again, all of it would just heal over and I’d be happy to wake up in the morning again. So I NEED to see her, okay?” Seokmin gripped his hair tightly, partly in frustration and partially in defeat.
He wasn’t even sure what would happen when you’d see him again. You could really just slap him and tell him you never wanted him in your presence again. But he HAD to try, he NEEDED to smell your sweet scent again. He HAD to look at your angelic face again. He felt like he was gonna explode if he didn’t.
“I don’t know what’ll happened if I don’t. And trust me when I say, you don’t want to find out.” He finished as he started his trekking back up, leaving his brother taken aback by his sudden exposed fragility.
“It’s okay. I get it, I mean, I may not have a mate, but I’m not an idiot. We can all see how it’s killing you not to be around her man. She’ll come around. Don’t worry. It all just takes some time. Especially after everything that’s happened to her.” Hansol assured as he sat his hand on Seokmin’s shoulder in a comforting manner, causing the older wolf to smile at him in gratitude.
“Thanks Sol. I hope you’re right. Because I’m gonna start worrying for my sanity if so have to wait much-” Seokmin suddenly stopped speaking mid-sentence once he sensed that something was… different about you as they had gotten close enough to your den for him to feel you.
“Hyung? You good? Is everything alright-” Hansol tried while waving his hand in front of his brother’s zoned out face.
Seokmin quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it away before growling, “You need to leave.”
“Leave? What do you mean leave? We have to check on (Y/N) remember?” Hansol laughed aloud, attempting to start his walking back up.
Seokmin wraps his hand around Hansol’s wrist and spun him around to look at him.
“No. I’ll check on her. You need to go back to the house and make sure no one else comes up here. Got it?” He lets out, tightening his grip on the young boys arm without even realizing it.
“Seokmin, what the hell? Why on Earth would I do that? I have to help her-” Hansol tried to reason and attempted to break the hold he had on his wrist.
When Hansol met Seokmin’s eyes, he could see that they had turned blood red. He jumped back slightly, startled at his brother’s sudden mood shift.
“No. I’m the only one that’s allowed to help her the way she is. You need to leave. Now.” He growled as he released his hand from Hansol’s limb and started to continue walking to your den.
“And DON’T wait up for me.” He declared to the younger wolf, leaving him standing there stunned in his spot as he watched him stomp up towards the cave’s opening.
You had been pulling and pulling to no avail. You needed out. You felt like you were a living flame that needed to be put out. You moved your hips a little too quickly one way, causing a small whimper to emit from your lips. You were too fucking sensitive. Everything hurt.
“And you didn’t think to tell me that this-” Seokmin surprised you as he gestured around your cave, “Was your important business?” He chuckled out as he knelt down beside you.
Before he walked into your cave, he could already feel the change in your energy, he wasn’t sure what it was exactly. But he just knew he didn’t want ANYONE ELSE but him to see you in your current state. Red flags went off in his head the second Hansol stepped even one foot too close to the vicinity of your cave. He got territorial without even knowing why he didn’t want anyone else around you.
Now that he had actually entered your cave, he understood why. You were against the farthest rock wall from the opening. You were wearing nothing but your small green tank top and a pair of lacy panties. Your hair was damp against your skin, your lips were chapped, and you had a thin layer of sweat adorned on your glowing skin. You were growling out in frustration. Chains laid above your head, your wrists tightly held in place as you winced in pain. Not from trying to get out of your restraints, but from the obvious discomfort between your legs. Your panties had, at this point, been completely soaked through, the wetness clear to anyone who would have dared to witness your display.
That’s when he understood why you had been trying so hard to get away from him: you were in heat. You needed to run away so you wouldn’t go crazy around his pack. So you came back to your den to ride it out. Alone. Even though you had a mate.
“I thought you would’ve figured it out by now” you respond, lolling your head to the side from exhaustion with a seductive smirk on your face. Heat was truly fucking horrible chained to a wall. And now that Seokmin was here, it was like the Gods had finally answered your prayers for release. You HAD to have him and you had to have him right then and there.
“Help me- Please!” you whined out, tugging on your chains hard hoping he would get what you were hinting at.
“I don’t think taking them off you is a good idea. Who knows what you’d do” Seokmin replied before he took off his pack and pulled a rag out from the biggest pocket.
He drenched it in one of your buckets of water and placed it on your scorching head, you hissed at the feeling of something so cold having touched your flaming skin.
You let out a dry chuckle before responding, “You. I’d do you. Now help me out of these. Please.” You begged, eyes turning emerald green at the thought of finally getting your neediness taken care of by the man in front of you.
“(Y/N)- I- I don’t think you understand what you’re asking.” He attempted to reason with you, trying his absolute best to remain unaffected by your current state.
But it was hard. You were half naked, chained to the wall in heat, pleading with him to help you. And God, did he want to help you. Every instinct in him was telling him to ravage you and make you his.
“I know exactly what I’m asking you to do. Please Seokmin- It hurts! Please take my pain away. Please!” You groaned out as you shook your chains in impatience, “Don’t you want to help me?” You questioned him with an innocence face, but your eyes couldn’t have been more dirty. Fuck. You were gonna kill him with that mischievous little glint in your eyes.
“I- I do. But I cant. (Y/N), you’ll regret it if I help you that way. The best I can do is-” His sentence broke as you rubbed your foot against the crotch of his jeans, causing a cut off hiss to expel from his lips, “Is- is help you ride it out by taking care of your symptoms.” He stuttered as he denied you, it was taking everything he had to hold himself back from attacking your lips. You were making everything EXTREMELY hard for him. Literally.
But he knew you’d be upset with him if he did what you wanted him to do right now. He’d be taking advantage of your vulnerable state. That’s not how he wanted his first time with you to go. Or anytime with you for that matter. He wanted you to be fully aware of what would be happening and he wanted you to be glad it was taking place because you loved him, not because you were a sex crazed animal in the middle of mating season.
Tears started to form in your eyes and began to slide down your cheeks. You couldn’t take it anymore. He was right there, and touching you, but not in the place you needed him most. It was killing you. The ache between your legs was getting to be too much for you to bare.
“PLEASE SEOKMIN PLEASE! I can’t take this anymore! You’re so close but you’re too far away. I want you to take care of me. Please!” You wailed out, thrashing yourself around as you tried to find some stimulation, hell, ANY stimulation you could get to rub against your heat.
“(Y/N), I can’t. You’re just saying that because you’re going through your mating cycle. If you were thinking normally, you would probably have already pushed me out of your den by now. You don’t want me, you want your pain to go away. And that’s not reason enough for me to break, I’m sorry. ” Seokmin spoke softly, upset that he had to speak his reality into existence.
He wanted you to want him, but he knew that normal you didn’t. Hormone you only wanted him to scratch an itch for you. And as much as his inner wolf was pleading with him to heed to your request, he couldn’t. Not if it meant you’d hate him more afterwards.
“You think I don’t normally want you? Do you know how hard it is to stay away from you? Do you even know what it takes to be as cold towards you as I am? It kills me. I want to be sitting in your lap all the god damn time for fucksakes. All I want to do is get on my knees for you 24 hours of the fucking day and suck your soul out. I want you to hold me down on a bed and fuck the living daylights out of me. I want you to pound me so hard all I know is your name. But it’s just my natural instinct to resist you after everything that’s happened. But PLEASE, I can’t take this anymore. I want you to help me. I NEED you to help me. Please Seokmin?” You yelled out to get his attention with one final plea, looking at him with watery red eyes and a pushed out lip.
He stared you deep in the eyes as he debated what to do. On one hand, he didn’t want you to be remorseful over this. But on the other hand, his cock was already scrapping his jeans because of how aroused your current state had made him. You were ducking dripping onto the cave floor and it was all because of him. It was all FOR him. Oh, fuck it.
He quickly attached his chapped lips to your near bloody ones from biting them to suppress groans, feverishly moving his in an effort to make up for lost time. You whimpered into his mouth and tugged on your restraints, showing him that you wanted them off. He gave you a dirty smirk before he grabbed the key setting juuuust out of your reach and unlocked your chains. Once free, you all but threw yourself at Seokmin, smashing your lips back onto his like your life depended on it. You were gripping his hair roughly while forcing your mouth to his with such force, you could feel your teeth clashing. You had to have him touch you more, you NEEDED him to touch you more.
He stood the both of you up and rid you of your shirt and panties in a flash. Soon, his own articles of clothing were gone and, before you knew it, he was holding you against the cave wall, you legs wrapped around his waist as you grinded against his member for some sweet friction.
He grabbed your hair and forced your head to the side for better access as he started making small love bites up and down your neck and chest. You scrapped your nails through his hair, the little pleasure starting to affect you in ways you had never even dreamed it would. It felt like he was the only thing holding you to earth as you held onto him for dear life, both of you far too gone to care about anything else but the feeling of each other’s touch.
The hand that was still in your hair pulled you to look back at him as he spoke to you with soft eyes, “Are you sure you want this baby? We can stop if you want to. I don’t want to do something you’re not ready for.”
He knew the chances of you wanting to stop while you were in heat were slim to none, but he also knew that you wanted nothing to do with him most of the time. He didn’t want you to be angry with him later. He needed fo be SURE you knew the consequences to what you were asking him to do.
“Yes. I’m sure. Now PLEASE just fuck me before I go crazy. Please!” You replied as you held his hair in a death grip, slowly rubbing your slit against his member. This let him shallowly dip into you and caused a light squeal to emit from your chest.
He positioned himself fully in front of your entrance, giving you a final look, wanting you to give him another form of assurance before he continued with his actions. You nodded your head at him as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss of approval.
He hurriedly buried himself completely inside of you, both of you moaning out from pleasure in the process. A deep growl came from Seokmin’s chest as he dug his face into your neck in an effort to try and hold himself still so you could adjust to his long length. As much as he wanted to start fucking you into the cave wall, he refused to continue until he knew you were comfortable enough to move on.
Soon, you started to rut against him, trying pathetically to get him to move. He got the hint fast and pulled out so that just his tip was barely inside you before he pushed himself back in at full speed. The action had forced all the air out of your lungs and had you grasping for any part of him that was within your reach. He was fucking you brutally against the wall and you felt like you were in Heaven.
“Fuck- you take me so well baby. Like you were made for me. Bet you wanted me to fuck your pretty little pussy since the day we met” He breathed out, causing you to whine in response to his filthy words.
You were so sensitive from the days of being locked away with no satisfaction, your walls were already fluttering around his cock after just a minute or two of him being inside you. The feeling of you clenching around him made his eyes roll to the back of his head from sheer ecstasy. He wasn’t gonna last long, but he was determined to get you there first. You were his main priority. Especially with you being in heat, he was insistent on making you cum first.
“Do I really feel that good?” You asked in choked out breaths and chuckled lightly at his fucked out expression. He had his eyes partially closed and his brows were pushed into a concentrated face, he looked spectacular.
“Baby, you have no idea how good your little cunt feels” he groaned out and pulled you in for another kiss, quickening his pace as he was getting closer to his release.
He halted his actions before he sat you back onto the cave floor and positioned you on all fours. He entered you from behind and started thrusting into you at an inhuman pace. He grabbed your hair and pulled your body to his chest, making your mouth fall open in response to your new position as he moved his hand that was in your hair to your throat. He was sooooo much deeper now, he was hitting your cervix with every movement. You were sure he was gonna break you in two.
You gasped when he hit juuust the right spot inside you, “Fuck! I- I’m so close!” you squealed out, grabbing the hand he had around your throat and squeezing it tightly in an unsuccessful attempt to ground yourself.
“I know baby- fuck! You’re getting so tight around me, like a good little cocksleeve. So fucking perfect.” He darkly chuckled out, still mercilessly thrusting himself into you. He quickly added his other hand down to rub your swollen clit.
“Please- I-I can’t. Fuck! It’s too much I’m gonna-” you said as you tried to push his hand away. The pleasure his hand provided was too much for you, It felt like you were going to explode.
“Shh. It’s alright, I want you to. Go ahead baby, I know you need to. It must’ve been soooo hard going all this time without my dick to help you,” he cooed at you with a seductive smirk, “But You’ve been such a good girl princess. And Good girls deserve to be rewarded. Good girls get to cum on their daddy’s cock” he whispered as he licked up evilly from your collarbone to your ear, still pounding into you so hard you could hardly breathe and still rubbing your clit like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
“But I- You have to stop before I-” just as you were about to finish your sentence, a white wave of euphoria hit you, stopping you dead in your tracks.
“Holy shit” you heard Seokmin say as you started to come down from your high. You had thrown yourself out of his arms and onto your palms, now holding the ground in front of you.
“I made you squirt. Jesus Christ that was so hot baby” He spoke as he tapped his now soaked cock on your plump ass before he slid himself back into your pussy.
You whimpered loudly in response, “No please daddy- it’s too much. I- I cant-” You started to squirm from the overstimulation before Seokmin took your arms and pinned them behind your back with his hand, pushing your upper body to the ground.
“You can take a bit more baby. I know you can. I need to finish still. And It’s only fair that you’re nice to me now that I’ve been so nice to you right princess?” He teased while still pushing in and out of you sloppily to get himself off.
You whined slightly before you started to lazily clench your walls around him, trying to get him there quicker through the pain of your sensitivity. But you started to feel that familiar feeling building back up in your stomach. For most female wolves, their heat would start up their need immediately after relief unless one thing was done…
“Shit baby, I’m close. Where do you want me to cum? I could cum in your pretty little mouth so you can swallow all of me. Or I could paint your sweet ass with my cum so everyone will know you’re my little cock slut. It’s up to you princess” Seokmin gritted out through his teeth, smacking your ass with one hand and using the other one with the grip on your waist to pull you back to him over and over again.
“I- I need you to cum inside me.” You mustered out, already moaning out incoherent sounds from being so close to your own high so soon after your last one.
Seokmin’s rhythm faltered for a moment as he took in what you had just said before he spoke up again, “But baby… are you sure?” He did his best to sound as concerned as he could while he was still balls deep inside you. But fuck, it was hard when all he wanted to do was breed you like the bitch in heat you were.
“Yes. Please! It’ll make it go away for longer. Please! Cum inside me daddy” You all but screamed as he managed to graze your sweet spot.
He wouldn’t normally want to risk something like that, even with his own mate, he’d still want to be sure they were both ready for the possibility of a child in case. But all he could focus on was your tight cunt sucking him in over and over and how he wanted to help you with your heat as much as possible. You asked him to cum inside you. So that’s exactly what he was gonna do.
He threaded his brows together in concentration as he worked his way to his high. You had already started going over the edge for the second time today. Your moans and sounds were music to his ears, so his fangs had elongated. But because he wasn’t sure where you two had stood, he just decided to bite his bottom lip instead to keep himself from marking you.
“Fuck! Be a good little slut and take all of it.” He groaned as he pushed himself as deep into you as he could, emptying his load and releasing his hot thick cum against your walls in the process.
You were both a panting sweaty mess. He pulled out, an action to which you whined from the lack of fullness, and grabbed his shirt to help you clean up. Once you were both clean, he sat down beside you against your wall. You were still panting, but were remarkably quiet
“Are you upset with me?” Seokmin asked looking at his hands, doing everything he could to keep from meeting your gaze that had found him the second he started speaking.
“No I’m not mad at you. What makes you think that?” You answered, your mind still a little groggy and your voice still a little strained from the sex.
“I just figured you would be because we fucked. And then I came- well you know…” he responded, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.
“I’m not mad. Just tired. I asked you to help me and you did. I asked you to cum inside me and you did. So even if I wanted to be mad, I wouldn’t really have the right to be.” You added, hoping to ease his worries slightly while you were trying your best not to nod off to sleep.
“Yeah about that… why did you ask me to-” Seokmin started his sentence before you stopped him, immediately knowing what he was referring to.
“It keeps the need away for longer. Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. And I figured you’d need at least a few minutes before we could go for another round, so it seemed like the most viable option.” You stated matter of factly, running your trembling fingers through your messy hair before you sat them down on your lap.
“Oh. I see.” He said as he started to get visibly nervous. You knew where he was about to go with this sentence too, but you decided you’d let him ask anyways, “so… what does this mean? Are you gonna go back to hating me now?”
“I never hated you to begin with Seokmin. I just- I didn’t want a new mate. After what happened to my old one, it just- it didn’t feel right. So I was cold to you, and it’s not like I felt nothing for you then. I just- didn’t want to. As for the state of our relationship, I’m not really sure what we are myself. But I do know that I don’t want to be mean to you anymore. You never deserved it. You were just trying to love me, you didn’t do anything wrong. But I’m just not sure how good of a mate I’d be to you at the moment. I’ll do my best.” You huffed out earnestly as you turned your entire body to look at him.
He looked exhausted and you knew that that was your fault. But that still didn’t change the fact that you thought he was the most attractive person ever in that moment, still attempting to catch his breath, his hair matted and stuck to his forehead from sweat. He beamed a smile at you.
“I can live with that” he let out as he grabbed your petite hand in his big one and brought it up to his lips for a kiss.
“But why? Why would you want that if it means that you’d have a mate who still wasn’t capable of loving you properly?” You questioned. That thought had been on your mind since the second after he told you he had imprinted on you. Why would he want you if you didn’t even know how to love him?
Seokmin played with your fingers for a moment before he spoke again with a sweet smile that melted your heart, “The Heart Wants What It Wants I guess.”
(Updated 9/8)
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Vivid nightmare
(words: 1247 important note at the end!)
Spring night, almost 10 pm. You're sitting in the backyard on a swing, cup of hot coffee keeping you up and warm... Everybody seemed to forget about your birthday. Bothering is not worth it, you don't want to come out as being pushy.
Someone's pulling over. Maybe it's your neighbor, getting back from work. You close your eyes, lightly pushing yourself on the swing...
You hear someone's footsteps on the driveway, heading to the gate. You noticed two shadowy figures. Well known to you. It's Tabi and Agoti! You knew they tend to call at odd hours, but they never visited you this late at night. Both of them run towards you and you got down just in time to be squished by them. You tried to give them a hug back, well, at least you tried to move your sandwiched arms. - Happy birthday tiny dude! - Agoti pulled you to himself and put his head on top of yours. Usually, you'll try to wiggle your way out, arguing that you aren't this small, he's just a giant, but-- It felt so good this time. - We got you something. - Tabi handed you a pretty big and heavy box. You tried to give it a wiggle, but it's too bulky for you. - What's that? - you eyed the box from every perspective you could achieve. Agoti let you out, so you can check the gift.
You were expecting it to be a glitter-bomb, exploding right in your face, but...
- OH MY-- IT'S-- IS THAT A-- - Yep. - They both answered, taking a sit around the box with huge smiles. For almost two years you were eyeing one, specific jacket. Expensive as hell, a real leather biker jacket with pads on shoulders, elbows, and back, with huge, glow-in-the-dark angel wings. They got you in a gorgeous color combo - black and neon red with white wings. You quickly put the gift on... It's a perfect size. You're stroking your "new" arms, not getting enough of this quality. - It's-- It's perfect. Thank you. - you whispered sobbing the tears of happiness.
You spent the most awesome night, sitting outside until 2 in the morning, laughing, crying.
"What's that? Why's this beeping?"
It's the last day of detention, a day of releasing the album your trio worked on this entire month. Tabi was right last time, this Toyota tried to kill you. It broke down in the middle of a highway. You had just enough time to drive to the emergency lane, brushing against the barrier. You're lucky, though. Just a few scratches and bruises on your neck from the seatbelt.
- Hey guys. - you waved and dropped onto a chair. - Hey he-- -WHAT IS THAT! - Tabi pointed at your neck. - I-- might have had a minor accident. - you brushed your bruises. - A. MINOR. W H A T!? - he screamed at you. - Ey, ey, ey! - Agoti pulled him back. - They're alive, aren't they? Calm down.
- What's going on here! - Solazar stormed into the break room. - Nothin'. Tabi's just gettin' overprotective again. - sighed Agoti. - Why this time? - Solazar, resigned, took a look at the trio, crossing his arms. - Well, "Y/N" had an accident after I told them to get rid of their deathtrap of a car. - Tabi's attitude became protective and anxious at the same time. - I'm fine! Those bruises are just from a belt and the car has just a small dent! - you got up, glancing at your friend. Tabi sighed and looked away biting his cheek. - When you are ready go to the rec room. We have a small party there. - announced Sol, leaving your trio.
"Okay, time to wake up. Wait. Why I can't open my eyes. What's that in my throat? Shit... Stop beeping! It's getting annoying. I have to- damn. My arms are so heavy..."
That's it. You finally moved out of your abusive love home. Finally, on your own rules. You were able to accumulate a small fortune, enough to rent a house and live for few months. You unpacked your possessions and took a tour of your new apartment. It's tiny, but that's enough for you. You relaxed on the couch in the living room. It's all used, but you don't mind that. It was cheap, the landlord seems friendly... you finally can live in peace. You checked the phone. No new messages. Agoti's offline for almost a year now... But Tabi is still on. You texted him and sat back. Soon after you got a phone call... From Tabi. Odd, he hasn't contacted you this way since Agoti's disappearance.
- Tabi? - your voice echoed. No response... What if something happened?! - Tabi! Are you there!? - you screamed into the microphone, ready to get up and go wherever he is. - Yeah... Hey. - you hear him struggling. It's definitely his voice, but-- different. Lower, raspy, throaty. - Dear goodness! Are you okay? - you asked, moving to the edge of that sofa. - Yes, don't worry. - he assured you. - I saw your text. Congratulations. - he added. His tone is changed. Cold. Something really bad happened to him. - Thanks! Want to come over? - you heard a heavy sigh and a long pause. - Tabi? You still there? - I'll come. Later. - he said quickly and hung up. That was... weird. He never acted like that. Maybe he's in a rush, you thought.
It's 9 at night. Someone's banging at your door. Tabi said he will come... maybe it's him?
- Comin! - you rushed to open the door. The figure on the other side... It was Tabi's but... You gasped and froze in place, looking at his head. Tabi sighed, hanging his head.
- Oh my go-- what happened? - you invited him inside.
Wait, what's happening. Why's everything so blurry? No! Tabi! Don't go...
You woke up on the hospital bed, you can't move your limbs at all. Your head feels so stiff. Something is beeping in the background, getting quieter, then louder back and forth. You hear voices, but you are sure you know the words, but can't understand them. It's so disturbing. The world is both slowed and moving so quickly.
Why is someone at your bed? Holding a pillow... You panicked, wanting to scream for help!... but your voice is stuck in the throat.
- Hey! Hey! - you hear someone calling you, shaking you by the shoulder.
You woke up, drenched in sweat, your mouth feeling like a Sahara desert, your heart pounding like you just run a marathon. It was just a nightmare. Vivid nightmare. You're nervously staring at the environment. It's your dark salon, you are in your house. All safe, with your friend by your side. - Oh my god... what a dream. - you rubbed your eyes with the palms. - I heard you screaming. Thought someone broke in. - he said patting your back. - Are you okay? - Ye-- No. I don't know. - you fell on the back piece, still shaken by your nightmare, digesting what just happened. Tabi gave you a glass of water, the bliss of this cold drink in your dry mouth... it was refreshing. He stayed with you until you calmed down and fell back to sleep. This time with no dreams...
A/N: Hello! It's my 100th post, so i really wanted to celebrate that with some... quite lengthy piece! :D
I hope you will like it AND! My askbox is always open. Feel free to comment, send me a message, ask and feel free to reblog! :D
God, I'm terrible at announcements, I really, really hope you all are enjoying my writings so far! Sendin' love down the way!
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the-melting-world · 3 years
Strength | Side A: "Sol"
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art by @ ligiawrites
~ In which a secretive barhand tames many beasts at once...
The Trio Appearances: Kipling | Khleo | Ozy
Arcana LI appearances: Asra | Nadia | Lucio | Valdemar
Track Origins: “Sol” by Blanco White
Not sure if this is the right track? The full album can be found here: Strength
Khleo is Non-binary and uses she/they pronouns interchangeably
cw: descriptions of monsters
~ 2.8k words
Ozy and Kip waited anxiously on a grated walkway in the framework. Just below them was the chamber of Rooms that they had created to hold the monsters who brought darkness with them wherever they went.
“Do you think that maybe we should go down there and check up on her?” Kip asked, holding Taro tightly enough that the lemur had started to squirm. She looked down at where Ozy was sitting with one of his legs dangling over the side of the bridge.
Ozy turned to Abaco, who was perched comfortably on his shoulder. The bird gave a little hop and ruffled his feathers. Finally, Ozy glanced down at the Room and said, “I think we should wait for Khleo to let us know when it’s okay to come inside.”
Kip nodded in agreement, but her eyes were distant. Ozy turned his gaze back to her and shifted a little. He held out his arm and beckoned her over.
“Kipling. Come here.”
Soon Kip was sitting beside Ozy, under his arm. She let her legs dangle over the edge too as she leaned into him. It wasn’t often that they shared this sort of affection, but Kip had always found Ozy’s bright citrus scent and the sound of his chirping beads quite comforting.
“I have faith in Khleo mostly because of you, Kip. I’m sorry if my anxiety kept me from expressing my gratitude, but… thank you for talking to them. For helping them rest.”
Kip reached up to scratch the five o’clock shadow clinging to Ozy’s jaw. “You did most of the talking, coz. You told Khleo everything they needed to hear exactly when they needed to hear it. You showed them the moments from our past that I was too scared to show them myself.”
Ozy sighed and chuckled against Kip’s ticklish fingernails. “I worried myself silly trying to get the timing right. Confrontation only works when the time and the place is appropriate. You know I’ve always struggled with that in the past.”
Now Kip was tugging on Ozy’s ghost lock. “You’ve gotten so much better at it though.”
Before Ozy could respond, a voice called out to both of them. Ozy and Kip got to their feet and looked around. It wasn’t long before they realized that the voice was coming from inside the Room.
“They’re asking us to open the Doors,” Kip whispered.
Because there were eight of them total and they were all very heavy, Ozy and Kip had to work together to create an opening into the chamber. Once they could both look down inside the Room, the umbras were taken aback by all of the darkness that had been replaced with an usual sort of light. Soft, multicolor beads of brightness moved about the room languidly, as if alive.
It took them a moment to realize that the lights made up the anatomies of the individual monsters. Many were drakelike, but there were also furrier, multi-headed beasts and cloven, multi-eyed creatures.
Khleo walked into view, holding a juvenile in her arms. This one had the head of a foal, the body of an eel, and a large, cyclopic eye. Khleo cradled them in one arm and stroked their head with the other. She looked up at her friends and smiled.
“It’s safe. You can come down.”
The barhand let the strange chimera slither out of her arms and undulate away on the absent breeze. Even though Khleo seemed completely in control, Kip and Ozy still looked about warily at the slow-moving, bioluminescent creatures patrolling the space.
Khleo escorted the two of them around, explaining the nature of the monsters and how they all answered to one queen. The queen selected Rooms to lay her eggs in the walls and shut them off in darkness so that she can protect her nest in relative peace.
Inevitably, Ozy started up with his questions. “Did the queen try to attack you?”
Khleo nodded calmly. Without elaborating, she brought them over to the largest of the beasts. When they were close enough, she held out her hand to signal Ozy and Kip to keep their distance. Only after Khleo knelt to where the queen was resting, did she explain, “They’ve all got a sensitive spot somewhere on their bodies.”
Khleo snuck her hand under what Ozy and Kip presumed was the head of the queen and scratched until the great thing lifted her horned skull and yawned.
It was hard to pay attention to what Khleo was referring to, what with the unraveling of the queen’s three crooked rows of nested jaws and green, pimpled tongue. But below her maw of shards and behind her fluffy goatee was a layer of veined, membranous meat. It pulsed fleshy blends of red and pink light.
As soon as Ozy and Kip got a good look, Khleo closed the goatee curtain and stroked the queen back to sleep.
“If you can reset the leader’s buttons, the others will follow. It’s just a matter of finding the weak spot and getting close enough to apply the right sort of pressure.” Khleo stood up. “But I also think that snapping them out of that state helps them recognize my scent better.”
Ozy crossed his arms and nodded. “The beasts must think you’re one of them. It’s the only explanation for why they aren't attacking Kip and me right now.”
Khleo’s face was one of acceptance, but they still shrugged and asked, “Why, though?”
Kip spoke up. “Your patron’s blessing. It has to be. It must not be something that you can see or touch, but the creatures living in the walls can feel it.”
Khleo considered this as they approached the two of them. They looked at Kip first and then up at Ozy.
“So now what?”
The excitement was back in Ozy’s murky hazel eyes. He drew up Khleo’s wrist and studied her knuckles, which were bruised from driving them into the queen’s weak spot.
“We’ll need to get you some gauntlets later, but this means that now… we can make shortcuts.”
~ The Palace ~
After releasing the subdued monsters into the framework, Ozy carved a pathway back to the Palace for the three of them. Khleo wasn’t all that surprised to find Asra and Nadia waiting for them in the reception hall with Hefe’s head resting in the Countess’ lap. What did catch them off guard was the sight of Basil, who they hadn’t seen since he helped them escape their blood curse.
Kip went to greet Asra and Ozy was preoccupied with Nadia. Hefe approached Khleo first, gently encouraging her to speak candidly with Basil.
When Basil hugged Khleo, she was relieved to sense no bitterness or anger in his touch.
“I’m sorry I kept so many things from you,” Khleo rasped. “It was the last way I could… protect what little I had–”
Basil shook them. “Gah! Khlee, stop. I know.” He pulled back, trying to blink the shine out of his clear blue eyes. “You don’t need to explain. Just… read this. It’s for you.”
The mixologist retrieved an envelope from his pocket. He opened it for Khleo before handing them the contents. Khleo held the documents up and read them slowly. Then they reread them. Again. And again.
Ozy and Kip didn’t notice that Khleo had taken off running through the Palace until Nadia brought it to their attention.
By the time Ozy caught up to Khleo, they were already hurdling themself over the Palace gates. He only managed to keep up with the help of the Doors, phasing him in and out of Khleo’s reality.
When Ozy asked if Khleo intended to run all the way to the Chandrian by foot, the barhand panted, “How the hell else am I supposed to get there? I still can’t open Doors!”
A new presence appeared in between the two umbras.
< Get on my back, cub. >
Ozy grinned before opening a Door and disappearing altogether. Khleo didn’t stop running, but they shot Hefe a suspicious look. The lion blew a puff of frustrated air.
< You’ve done it before. How else would you have reached your own gate in the past? >
Still uncertain, but curious to see what would happen, Khleo reached over and grabbed the scruff of Hefe’s neck without breaking their stride. Then in one swift maneuver, they mounted their familiar’s back and tucked their legs neatly against Hefe’s sides.
The lioness picked up speed, bounding faster over the cobblestones of the Heart District until a Door exploded into existence before them. Khleo’s heart leaped as Hefe carried them through the Door and into a tunnel of rotating seawater. Ozy was on the other side, closing the Door behind them as the barhand and their lion sailed away.
~ Hefe… you’re glowing! ~
Even in her mind, Khleo didn’t have the words to describe all that she was seeing. Hefe crossed the astral planes as if she had been born there. Her pale creamy coat shimmered and kicked up a snowy dust-storm all around them.
As they traveled the framework, their presence drew in any nearby beasts. Creatures that would have otherwise camouflaged themselves were now flanking Hefe’s heels and undulating languidly past Khleo’s shoulders.
Kipling came into view shortly thereafter, holding open a Door that dropped Khleo off directly in front of the Chandrian. As soon as Hefe landed on solid ground and slid to a stop, Khleo took off again, not bothering to wait for her friends.
The barhand had so many questions as she shoved open the doors to the tavern – her tavern. The other barhands were there to greet her, including Basil. They congratulated her, poured her two – three hefeweizens and shoved one mug after the other against her chest.
There was so much excitement, it was clear that questions had no place here. Not now. When things had settled somewhat, Kip came to wrap her arms around Khleo from behind. The gardener balanced her chin on Khleo’s shoulder and kissed them on the cheek.
“It’s not your beer garden, but it’s a step.”
Khleo swallowed the words she didn’t have with the help of the beer in her hand. She took a breath and looked around at the rejoicing still going on in her tavern hall. The fiddles were out, people were on the tables moving and twirling. The only stillness in sight were a couple of patrons calmly dining at a booth towards the back of the hall.
“Those two women over there have been waiting this whole time,” Kip whispered. “I think one of them wants to talk to you.”
Khleo shot Kip a perplexed look as she kissed them fondly on the cheek one final time and lifted the mug out of their hands. Kipling’s hand then came to the small of their back and gave them an encouraging push.
Khleo didn’t know what to expect as they wandered over to the booth. They were sure that they had never met the first woman. However, they recognized her deep brown skin and warm garnet eyes. Because the second woman who finally turned around in her seat happened to have them too.
Khleo froze.
Her old coworker smiled radiantly as she got to her feet. There was something she was holding in her arms. Wrapped up in blankets and so small, Khleo could hardly believe the obvious.
There were words of deep gratitude exchanged, as well as warm affection, but all Khleo could focus on was the round, slumbering face. The tiny fingers and tinier fingernails.
“She’s so small.”
Samira laughed because for a moment, Khleo truly looked as if she feared the blanket would swallow the infant whole. Giving her strong arms a playful nudge, Samira asked, “Wanna hold her?”
Khleo had never held anything or anyone so awkwardly in her whole life. Just minutes ago she was rocking chimeras to sleep, but now her arms felt damn near useless when it came to deciding how best to snuggle Samira’s baby against her.
“What’s her name?”
Samira, who was close enough to save Khleo should she need it, whispered, “Lily... It means: she’s gonna grow.”
She lifted her eyes to meet Khleo’s. The two shared a smile before shining their happiness back on the little one.
~ Not Long After ~
Khleo was at her gate, standing in a field of wildflowers at the bottom of a hill. She had tried to run to the top of that hill so many times before.
She tried again.
Like before, the muscles in her legs burned as her heels dug into the earth, kicking up enchanted daisies on the way. Her arms fought air resistance as they pumped harder and harder.
Drive. Drive!
Khleo zig-zagged to sidestep the pressure of gravity trying to hold her back. The top of the hill came into view faster than it ever had before. But Khleo was not stopping or slowing down. Her breath came out energized rather than labored.
And she leaped...
Khleo’s feet never did make contact with the peak of that hill. Instead, her momentum took over the mound.
Khleo found Kipling resting in the flowers, scratching lines of new poetry into her journal. The barhand gently interrupted the gardener and encouraged her to rise to her feet.
“C’mere. I wanna show you something.”
When Khleo had led Kipling a good distance from the rest of their friends that had joined them in the realm, they called forth something from the framework. Something from their past.
Kipling gasped at the sight of a shimmering ocean drake coasting like a sentient ribbon down from the clouds.
“Remember?” Khleo asked with a smile, waving the drake over in their direction. “From when we used to ride our bikes to and from the market?”
Khleo directed the sea drake from their childhood to revolve around themself and Kip in an infinite loop. The creature fanned out their webbed frill and tail, sweeping up more of the glistening flowers. It flew in a tight circle around Khleo and Kip, giving them no choice but to come together chest to chest.
Khleo tilted Kip’s face up by her chin and kissed her.
“So that day, in the caves… the day the Door took me…”
Kip’s breath hitched. “I remember.”
Khleo dismissed the lumps in her throat. “Well there was something I wanted to tell you.” She glanced down at Kip’s necklace. “It was too hard for me to say back then. And it’s still hard, but…”
The sea drake passed in the background, twisting once in midair, the rest of its body snaking into the rotation like a wave passing through a column of seawater.
“Some things never change, I guess. Still, I wanted to say this.” Khleo breathed in deeply. “I loved you so much back then, Kip.” They placed a kiss on her forehead. “Just as I love you now. As I always will. As it should be.”
Kip found that even as Khleo kissed her through her tears, she could not speak. Even though she had screamed her feelings for Khleo inside those very same caves, she could barely whisper them now.
This was strange for someone like her, for whom words flowed like water and blossomed out like flowers. But Khleo understood what that was like, so they kissed Kip through her tearful wordlessness.
They closed their eyes and purred knowingly and in plain happiness when Kip hugged Khleo for all she was worth, buried her face along the side of their neck and worked her lips into a soundless confession.
Khleo’s body was sensitive enough to feel the truth. They soaked up the love — the years and years of love — enough to make them wish they could open their throat and roar.
And then… the moment came when it was time for Khleo to be alone in their realm with their lion and their patron.
Their friends, Kipling, Ozy, Nadia, Asra – and their familiars, all left.
Khleo stood in the place where they were reborn, listening to the wind blowing over the fields. They had never done this before, but the next move came so naturally to them.
Strength watched from the top of one of the hills, her red headscarf drawn down by her shoulders and her rough curls catching wind and daisies.She watched Khleo walk over to their golden throne and take a seat there. She watched Hefe softly approach and curl up by Khleo’s ankles.
Khleo got comfortable and snug before closing their eyes and breathing in long and deep. She had a thought, which yielded a glass mug to materialize in her hand. Beer collected and bubbled up to the top until foam was spilling out onto her knuckles. But the barhand didn’t break her relaxation to lick up the mess. She would see to it later.
For now she was calm. Not like the tall woman in the background watching over her. Not even like the great, pale lioness resting at her feet.
All of Khleo’s calmness and control came from within.
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mooniehsh · 4 years
Just like he was before
Lucifer meeting his daughter for the first time
Obey Me! Lucifer
 (OC’s daughter just to be clear) 
Warnings: A little bit of angst, just a tiny portion of it... yeah... 
(I’m really sorry if the characters doesn’t seem like themselves. It’s the first time i tried to write something with them, and I’m not that sure that i make everyone accurate) 
I'm 99.9999% sure that i might write about this again. It’s such a fun concept, and i apologize about my grammar. English is not my first language. 
- Made by: Ace (MT)
Gif not mine
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Lucifer was livid, but that was not the exact word to describe how he was feeling at this moment even though it was close to it. He was anxious, waiting, and walking towards Diavolo’s chambers with stress and curiosity running through his veins and messy heart. Anticipating on firsthand that the prince was calling only to inform him about a problem with his brothers, or maybe a usual meeting about work, and that was the main topic he had on his mind when he called him... but no, luck doesn’t exist for him. So when Diavolo spoke about his lover as the central problem in this call he was speechless.
Not to say that he was terrified in a way...
But he decided to calm down, thinking of a reasonable cause of why the young prince had called him specifically about her.  And when he reached some possible motives, he decided to shut up and not bring expectations to the matter.
 Let it be a surprise", he thought immediately when fateful scenarios crossed his mind, she is not in danger I know it. Did he believe in his own words? This time: no, he did not. But as he said before, let fate decided for him and not bring speculations to an uncertain future. 
And the great moment had to come. He walked towards the entrance, heart on the mouth, begging himself to behave and not lose his mind in the process. 
“She is a strong woman. whatever is the matter I’m sure is not that complicated” 
But only if he knew exactly what was behind the doors he definitely would be beyond terrified, maybe even confused
And what a lovely surprise, that’s exactly how Diavolo view everything in the room: confusion and pure excitement of the creature sitting on the edge of his sofa, waiting for a word to be spoken.
But it was the other way around, he wanted to hear her voice, know more of the girl who reminds him of an old friend… how strange, he thought her parents liked to talk. 
- My lord, I think we should call Lucifer a second time
 - There is no need. He will be here soon, fear not my friend-The butler nodded with his head, looking over the woman in silence one more time. And he smiled, laughing inside for the similar looks she shared with the new guest coming to the palace in no time. – So, you said your mother wasn’t coming to meet us. Is she sick? -Diavolo asked for the third time, making the young girl exhale for the curious question. She did not want to talk, but she did not have to answer with words, so a simple shake of her head was enough.
But was Diavolo satisfied with it? Of course not. So, with that in mind, he asked again -Does she knows that you’re here? -She let escape a simple laugh from her lips, opening her mouth, making the prince wait anxiously for her voice to be heard once again.
- She’s occupied with mortal duties -She responds, gaining a sly grin from Barbatos, who was curious to know if the girl was frightened of Diavolo thanks to the fact that she had not made eye contact with the man in this whole time, except when they introduced themselves of course. But deep inside, he believed that it was more out of respect. Lucifer sometimes does that, so it would make so much sense if it were the actual reason…
How thrilling the day was going to be…
- She is a doctor, am I right? It is a good profession, more with these difficult times, don’t you agree? – She nodded, playing with her phone, cursing under her breath at the moment she noticed that it was completely dead, no battery that would help distract her from the intense gaze of the demons over her body
Mother was right about this; it was going to be a little uncomfortable…
- Mortal phones do not work down here, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. -She threw an apologetic smile at him, making eye contact for the first time in that long-languishing moment. And with that, Diavolo chuckle filled the room, spreading the humor towards his butler and creating a weird tension on her shoulders
She did not understand how her dear mother passed one whole year with these kinds of things… she was a warrior with no doubt
-  Has anyone ever told you how much you look like your father? – He had no idea… hearing the same thing from close people with knowledge of the realms was overwhelming and frustrating. But it was something she learned to normalize, until now, of course. She was there to discover for herself the truth in those words, to see if they were lying or not.
Her father was a great enigma that never had a beautiful or tragic response, and if no one dared to respond it then she was willing to sacrifice her life to search for the long-waited question 
And the same thing goes for Lucifer, whose palms were sweating from the nervous heat he was feeling inside, but that didn’t stop him from knocking on the door three times. He waited, standing in front of the golden gate, quieting his mind with delayed work, supposing this was something insignificant and momentary
But the surprise was more than alarming to him than the call that the prince dared to make minutes ago. His eyes grew bigger in honest astonishment, locking his lungs with the thin air at the simple sight of a woman, whose steps were getting closer to him in the same moment when Diavolo said something about taking her to the house of lamentation.
Lucifer was not listening to one word that fell from the mouth of his dear friend. For the first time in millennials, he never expected to find someone so intriguing yet so dangerous to meet. And his mind finally exploded when Barbatos said something about a beautiful family reunion, pointing out how much of siblings they could be if the daughter- father thing never existed between them.
- You call me for this…? -  His tone lacks the true feelings he had inside, making him sound so cold and sour that the girl couldn’t help but mock him with a confused grin. So, he was her father? 
The great lucifer was nothing other than a tired and young man whose first impression was to criticize the meeting they were having? No wonder why uncle Sol used to talk so bad about him…
 -It was a surprise, I’m sorry if made you panic but I believed it was something very important… Lucifer, meet Miss Van Doren, your lovely daughter- And the world stopped only for him to digest that tiny information.
It was her; it looked like her, but somewhat different from what he expected… 
His beloved told him about the pregnancy long ago, something he agreed to have but for details like work and difference between worlds he never got the chance to see the beautiful newborn that he created with the love of his life. He only saw through photos her baby face, how pretty she was with so little age that made him question if it was his child. 
But when his work started piling up, Lucifer had little time to check his telephone, decreasing the chats he used to have with his lover, and with it, the photos of her daughter… 
Sometimes he even forgot that he had a phone in the first place
And so, he never got to know what his beloved daughter looked like today. Until now… 
-Luci? Are you listening to me? 
-Yes! Yes, I am… -He was not, Diavolo knew that immediately. Anyways, he repeated the same instruction twice, making sure the man in front of him was paying close attention. And this time, Lucifer heard everything - You want me to take her to the house of lamentation? - Diavolo nodded with a smile, barely touching the back of the girl, pushing her closer to her father and the man was more than astounded right now. 
Who would think that a demon like him gave life to someone that radiates the aura of an angel? She was a Nephilim, of course, but he was so sure that she could be easily mistaken by an actual angel with just one glance at her 
She was the vivid image of him, and it was scary. How her eyes were so dark but yet full of light, looking at his reflection in them, knowing that she was doing the same in those ruby orbs of him. And her hair, falling almost over her shoulders with gracious black curls, just like the ink in the books he used to read to her mother. The length not too long or too short, resembling a little like her mama at least. 
It was like looking at the mirror, looking at his figure when he was part of the celestial realm. Is this possible? He was a demon now, but here she is, radiating such a pure aura and soul… 
-The others might want to meet their niece, so it’s a good opportunity to know each other. But save some space for tonight, I need to know more about her… you never told me about your affair with Jules- Because he never craved to mix personal stuff with work, but it looks like he needs to do it now thanks to this little secret. -Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day. -And with anything else to add, they started walking towards the exit, being the palace a place so quiet that even their breaths sounded like huge lightning bolts. 
Lucifer initiated the conversation, not even daring to see the girl at his side, and it looked like she didn’t want to do the same. 
-Your mother… why did you come alone? How did you enter? 
- My uncle helped me… -Her velvet voice took him by surprise, but her words charged against him so fast that he stopped, analyzing the phrase with a confused look in his factions. 
- Uncle? - He raised a brow, while his daughter stopped her steps a few meters away from him but with a low voice she assured him that this help didn’t come from his brothers. 
- Solomon, you know him, right? -Of course, the shady magician always comes to help this tiny family. First, it was Jules when she messed up something with chemicals, and now, his child. 
- You have no idea… -Should she ask? In her mind, that attitude was kind of similar to the man mentioned before. Do these two men hold a grudge against each other? She never questions Solomon about these types of things, more because he never answered… -And your mother? Did she agree to you coming here? All by yourself? -She inhales thin air, looking at his figure getting closer and closer. In every book or website, they described this man as intimidating, but he wasn’t. Hell, she even thinks her mother can do the same thing and she would be terrified knowing it was a sign of frustration… 
- … I sneak out, so no, she doesn’t know that I’m here. - And a side of him appeared at the terror her mother must go through if she found out. That was somewhat inconsiderate on her part, to leave without telling her where she was heading 
- Do you have any idea of how frightened your mother must be? You cannot come to the Devildom like this, it is very irresponsible. You could have been attacked by another demon or worst, your aura would easily attract them, and nobody would know you were here. -She wasn’t awaiting him to scold her in their first meeting, but due to the circumstances sooner or later it would be expected to happen. 
So she waited until he had finished. And when his lips sealed in a line, looking with the ruby eyes the dark ones she smiled somewhat uncomfortable 
- Mom is working right now, in urgencies… she never goes home until 7 pm, so I got my chance- It wasn’t enough reason, but for now, he let it slip, knowing that Diavolo and Barbatos were lurking in the shadows only to hear everything they discussed. They needed privacy, so he guides the girl until the breeze of Devildom hit them. 
Lucifer put one of his hands on her back, a little hesitant, he doesn’t know if she would like it or not, he is cautious as always. Although seeing how she didn’t mind, he kept it there, still guiding her through the desolated streets of Devildom 
- Even if your mother is busy, you shouldn’t do things like this. It is dangerous, any demon could have their way with you if you are not careful… - She lightly snorted, interrupting his speech, making him feel annoyed by her action
- Father, I’m not dumb. I did not ask anyone who passed in front of me to help me. Sol would never put me at risk and besides, I appeared with Lord Diavolo… I know what I’m doing here, so do you. -And before he even dared to say something more, she continued, hugging herself because of the weather. It was cold, and her little jacket wasn’t enough to cover her body. She wishes she had listened to Solomon before she agreed to just go in without a word. - And you can lecture me with mom at your heart’s content, but I was tired of waiting for this day to come… -Lucifer squinted his eyes just a little, not sure she was trying to say. Her facial expressions were completely the opposite of her words, making her voice appear like she was struggling with something but the moves she made didn’t say the same. She seemed calm, oddly calm 
- How so…? - But he was the same, curiosity in the voice of the demon but serenity in his posture. She had to admit, they were similar in some things… - You couldn’t wait to come and risk your life without telling anybody?
- Mother said we were coming in summer, that I would meet the great Lucifer and finally get the answers I deserved. Guess what? It’s already Autumn. She made that promised more than once, and every time I was ready to go and meet you, she got a call from the hospital. How convenient… -She whispered something, an insult maybe, he couldn’t listen properly, and her body failed to hide the frustration she had inside. - I couldn’t bear to stay and keep this waiting on and on… 
-You don’t have much patience, do you? 
- I do have patience, but everything has its limits - Her footsteps were pretty slow until she stood in the middle of the sidewalk, with expectations low of what he could tell her. This demon saw in her the same posture he had when the world burned down under his feet, right at the moment, he rebelled against his father for something he thought was wrong to do. The difference? She didn’t radiate rebellion or wrath, just interest, curiosity, maybe a little of exasperation. 
What a surprise… 
-I waited almost 17 years just to see you, so don’t give me a lecture for wanting to meet my own father. - Lucifer grinned, taking his coat and putting it on her shoulders, blocking his gaze with hers. The world talked, both of them discussing something incomprehensible like past and future, so odd to everybody else, but for them?
 It was just like looking at the mirror, one that never ages, the reflection that would never let the memories escape. And the similarities with the celestial Lucifer didn’t stop coming to his exhausted mind. She wasn’t corrupted, she didn’t have desires that could identify her as hostile or something related to that keyword. She was half-human, with a soul that any demon would love to devour, with ordinary wishes like any other person in her world… she was just like he was before 
- To be this our first encounter, you don’t look like someone afraid to defy me. - Just like her mama taught her, this man is not easy to talk to. She would play his cards, even if she doesn’t know what she is doing, even if she is not conscious of it. - It reminds me of someone… 
- Mom? - The sweet and velvet voice appeared, and he took her hands, walking towards home, glazing at her from time to time. - or it is you father? - that word was still foreign to her tongue, something she had never used even if somebody demands her to pronounce it. But here she is, trying to accustom her mind to do it one more time. Deep inside she liked the idea to finally call someone like that. And luck was on her side… 
- Both, more your mother than anyone else to be precise. She was more curious than Solomon if I remember right… -And she asked again inside of her head if the man fought with her uncle. However, she should save that question for another time - She was always intrigued even by the little things that life throw at her. I don’t know how she survived so many things. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you have the same strength Louise -and her heart stopped beating, making her feel the cold of Devildom get through her clothes. Lucifer took her features for a single moment, wondering what happened to make her look so startled.
- you know my name… 
- You thought I didn’t? -She nodded, so determined that it surprises him. Did Jules never tell her about him? - I gave you the name, right when you were born… she never talked about me? 
- Not much… but mom always loved to do it, the problem is that she is very busy with work and I don’t like to interrupt her with my curiosity… sometimes - He sighed, noticing the way her eyes inspected the trees, how her hair becomes a mess, making it hard to distinguish her locks from the coat. Meanwhile, the girl called Louise was with an infinity of questions haunting her mind.
Was he the one who gave her that name? It wasn’t a joke? Oh, god, she did not know whether to thank or question Lucifer even more...
- So you know very little 
- I wouldn’t put it that way… it’s more like I know who you are, what you do but I don’t know why you leave my mother, why did you leave me? - The big question comes to his ears, making him get away from her only to open the gate of the House of Lamentation. And the name was exactly what he felt: he lamented not being there for her mother or Louise. She was a woman now, not entirely but she was older enough to understand trivial matters of the realms. - She told me you were a workaholic, but I don’t think that’s a good excuse to not come and see us… right? -The silence weren’t deadly, but her patience surely took that attribute until the lips of her creator parted to explain himself. 
- Your time is very different from mine. The clock goes slower than yours, and I’m… -His pause was something he didn’t want to express. And his pride was a rare feeling he hated right now, where deep down he tried to fight it, but it was useless -I’m the same man your mother tried to tell you about… There’s a lot of things that requires my attention, and I’m just one solitary demon. -There was something behind it, she could feel it, she didn’t buy it. 
- That’s your excuse? - Lucifer groans reach her ears, making her back up immediately, not trusting his movements one bit - Mother suffer every time I see her calling you or texting you, we deserve something more than that cheap apology… -She was walking in dangerous territory, and still feels right to her to fight the devil himself. Man or demon who wanted so badly to let her know with the exact words how true the past was for him, how things went down hill so easily. 
- I love your mother, I really do. So sorry to disappoint your expectation in my answer, but I never lie when it comes to her, you should understand that. Some things escape my possibilities… - Louise hugged the coat, even more, drifting her gaze away from him. And Lucifer sighed, making sure no one was around, not even his brothers spying through the windows. 
With another apology, he tried the last thing he would ever do in front of others, being the avatar of pride and a man who craved for a gentle touch but always deny the act when is in front of him. He hugged her, causing the girl to gasp when she felt the embrace surround her. So sweet but bitter, like cold natural lemonade made at home. She finally felt the love of a father, making the wishes she kept inside her mind for so long a dream come true, achieving something both mirrors craved so much. 
- Life is cruel, that’s how it works in our lives ,dearest one… - Louise had a strong grip on him, not wanting to let go of this moment, clinging to his father fearing this would be the last time even though is the first. And Lucifer never wanted to protect someone of corruption so much as he does right now, being her daughter so precious that he desired to see her live peacefully, not worrying about demons and wars between species… but he knew that would be impossible. Still, he would protect her and her mother just the same way he wanted to protect Lilith, and he would not make the same mistake twice 
- I never wanted this meeting to be so depressing -Lucifer offered her a wide smile, being so close to open the front door, to show her this other life she never got the chance to meet 
- Let’s call it a heartbreaking reunion, not depressing -She nodded, agreeing with his words, returning the smile but in a smaller way. And with everything settle, he greeted her inside of the House of Lamentation with hidden enthusiasm, making some of his brothers appear and see the arrival of the oldest.
They were more in shock than Lucifer when they saw her, instantly loading the girl with questions or simply trying to guess what she was. 
Surely her soul was something from an old world. Nephilims were resurfacing, it was expected to the others feel this little and simple curiosity, but being so close to the girl, inspecting her to head to toes were a little… extreme 
But still, she let them do what they wanted to do with this curiosity. She let them say whatever they wanted to say. It was fun for her to listen to stupid theories, to look at them right in the eye and see them struggle while trying to decipher who she was and why she was there 
It was fun until someone broke the tension over the brothers, being Lucifer the judge of this behavior towards his daughter. She didn’t mind if we put aside the number of times some of them dared to get too touchy with her. She even smiled when one of the brothers said something towards Lucifer about her mother 
-Angel or not, you shouldn’t be so concerned about this girl. She is not Jules, we know how to behave -Asmodeus smiled with his words falling in the air as he speaks. Louise’s laugh reached the ears of the brothers, making the action contagious to her father, being the two of them a rare pair. 
-Of course, but being his daughter might complicate some things- Levi choked with his saliva, Beel gasped, Mammon screamed some completely incomprehensible things, and the others only remained in silence. Her eyes laid upon the blonde demon who wanted so badly to say something, being interrupted by others every time he had the chance to express his mind- And no, I’m not an angel
-I knew Jules had a child, but I thought it was with Solomon… -Louise was the one now who choked, looking at Asmo and Lucifer a few times, noticing that the raven-haired demon looked a little concerned about this new information 
-...I don’t have brothers. Noah is adopted, and my mother never had another lover -Asmo mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ , and Satan finally spoke with such an intensity in his eyes. She waved at him, receiving a tiny smile from his part. And every pair of eyes laid on him
-She is gonna get mad, you know that Louise? -Of course, he was going to say the same thing Lucifer did. She knew what she was doing, she knew the risks, she was not a stupid mortal who acted on impulsive decisions all the time. 
-You know her?! Since when?! -Lucifer’s curiosity grew bigger, knowing exactly what was going on in his house, taking a few steps closer to the avatar of wrath. Please, Louise begged, do not start a conflict
-He had been visiting Jules, am I right? - The older spoke, and Satan wanted to laugh, but he remained in silence, with his gaze on the girl who expresses between her eyes and hands, that he must  leave the wave of a fight at this moment. 
-I’m not like my other brothers who forgot to go and pay a visit to our favorite doctor. Even if she was busy… -The others started with the questions one more time, shushing immediately by Satan or Lucifer. Louise only understood that some of them were with little time to see her, and others like Beel and Asmo knew about this girl. Funny, she doesn’t remember when did they go...
Maybe she was very little at that moment, she would ask her mother later if she survives… 
-… So, just to be clear: you are telling me that this girl named Louise is your daughter, and Solomon got a son which he adopted, and now she came to see you because she wanted to meet you, and Satan knew all this time and never say anything to Lucifer for respect to what Jules decided to do with her love life. And we never got to know this information until now- When Levi put the words from his perspective it seemed like a total disaster, her mind would be if Louise were him.
-It is partially your fault, for not wanting to go and see Jules. It is cruel of your part Levi -The demon made a pout when Satan spoke about him, while Mammon looked at the girl with wide eyes, realizing that it was obvious the family she was part of. 
-Hell, you are really Lucifer’s daughter. You don’t even look like your mother at all… why you never said anything?! -Lucifer groaned, crossing his arms over his chest, annoyed by all this questioning and discussion. He thinks it would be worst with Jules, knowing that if both of them arrived like a big surprise the brothers would be screaming like maniacs about this matter… 
They were yelling, that’s correct, but in a more calming way… sort of. 
-At least she got her beauty - Louise’s cheeks tainted a faint red over them, looking adorable to Asmodeus, the demon who spoke seconds ago. - Yes! She has her beauty! Oh, you look like an angel -And like an instinct, she hides behind her father, who grabbed her hand and took her upstairs while the other demons tried to stop him 
-We are not done here Lucifer! Why Jules never said something about her? It’s her daughter! 
-Mammon, that’s enough! All of you should at least give her space and not asphyxiate the poor girl! -The oldest of the brothers yelled with no effort, reflecting his molested attitude and tired mind in this discussion - You want answers? Ask Satan, I’m trying to find them as well -And with nothing else to add, he kept walking with Louise right behind him 
-Why not ask Jules? She will arrive in this home in less than an hour, so it’s a good opportunity to explain all this mess. Right, Luci? -His grin grew bigger, and the girl shivers with the simple idea of the disastrous war her mother would do when she sees her. 
-How are you so sure? -A low voice that took everybody by surprise, asking for the truth in the words of Satan. The man stood there for a few seconds, getting closer and closer to Louise, putting his hands right on her shoulders, gaining a warning from Lucifer. He didn’t care, he had more connection with this girl than he, so why bother? 
-Louise, your plan failed in just one simple error. You didn’t tell Noah about your escape right?- She had everything under control huh? Yeah, that was lie… a big one - ‘Cause I don’t know you, but he is always with you when your mother leaves you alone at home. Sometimes he even invites you to see what he had created with Solomon… -And she always calls him if she doesn’t respond to her messages. She totally forgot about him...
-She called him, fuck, she did… - A mortal who sounded and looked like an angel cursed with the simple idea of forgetting a tiny detail. Satan laughed, biting his lips while his brothers looked around kind of confused, except for Lucifer who desired to shut everything off only to have time alone with his daughter. It was annoying as always, his inexistent bad luck trying to steal precious time with his new family
- … But… you know what? I think it was a good idea that I forgot about Noah… -And Satan’s eyes went wide with her words -She owns me an explanation after all, and in this place, no work would not let her get away without telling me the truth…. So let her come -She had questions just like these brothers, and she finally would get those precious answers she deserved. 
But she wouldn't create a war for it, on the contrary, she just wanted peace and to live with both of her parents present in her life. It was the correct thing to do… 
And Lucifer could only think how oddly similar it was, how her determination put her in such a high place where there’s no visible fright for defying her creator. Just like he was before the falling… 
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 37
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina x General Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Word count: 4801
Author's note: I haven't read my Siege and Storm book yet, even if I did I doubt I could get that personality right. Also, there is a slight lemon Oral scene. Also posting schedule may change since I am starting a new job. This also took 2 days to write.
Glossary: Sol Koroleva- Sun Queen, sobachka- puppy, Moye Serdtse - My heart
After Aleksander left Baghra's home, I let my cousin sit down as we talked a bit. Baghra listened as I went over the training I could give him as a tidemaker but since his inferni side was from my aunt I couldn't assist that. I mentioned that we all went against Fjerdans so he'd been in his first fight too.
"You and your family along with fellow Grisha Marie and Nadia were in a fight with Fjerdans and you led them?" Baghra asked as I nod, "I see, well then I taught you well." I smiled before I got up to leave as Adrian looked a bit worried "Sorry, but her teachings are best one on one." I assured him, as he nodded in understanding then left so he could train. 
I went back to my room to get a few things when I walked in to see Nico. He was standing dressed in first army clothes again as he turned around to look at me. "Nico, what is going on?" I asked, seeing he was hesitant. "Amira.." Nico said as he walked overtaking my hands in his "I watched you lead Grisha, I saw you go from the girl next door, to the Dual Summoner and now to a born leader. Don't marry the General, please." Nico said as he looked at me. I couldn't understand why he wanted to insist on this. Then I felt him pull me close as our lips met and I was shocked. 
I pulled away, turning from him knowing that he was a friend nothing more to me, and yet he kissed me like there was something more between us. "Nico, we're friends. We only knew each other for a little before I was brought here." I said as I felt him come close and stand behind me. "What I saw when you arrived that day wasn't my childhood friend but a beautiful Girl who would save the world, destroy the fold." Nico said and I sighed a bit as I walked over to my bed sitting down. "I don't want to destroy the fold, I don't really want to be Sol Koroleva to the people but they are choosing their own belief." I said as I put my hands together to use the tidemaker side of me which I had less time to use now that people knew of the sun. "Aleksander accepts me as I am, he isn't looking at me for some solution. He asks me what I want...but he tries to get in my head sometimes." 
Nico walked over as he touched the water in my hands. "It is amazing you are a dual summoner, but he wants me to go back to the 1st army." Nico said as I looked at him with eyes widened. "I told him I didn't want you to be sent away." I said but then I knew if he found out about what just happened he might attack Nico. I stood up sighing a bit "Why did you even- I will talk with Aleksander just don't.." I knew I could persuade him to keep Nico here after all Nico was no threat. "Never kiss me again, I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you. Please go to your guest room and stay there until I come knocking." 
Nico went as I asked while I walked to the bathroom wiping my mouth a bit knowing that I could never be with a human. I hated to think that one day Nico wouldn't be here, he'd grow old and die while I would be ageless like Aleksander. I didn't see how he tolerated four hundred years of this as I stayed there but noticed it was getting dark. Switching into my black dress to walk around I slipped through going to the church to look at the tapestries again. I never came here in the daylight, only at night when I felt like I needed it.
I could tell how quiet it was in there when I was just alone as I walked up and looked at the tapestries of the saints. I was in my thoughts so I didn't even hear him walk in until I felt someone touch my shoulder and I looked back worried at first until I saw it was Aleksander. "You keep coming in here alone." Aleksander said as he stood behind me and I looked at the tapestries. "I'm used to being alone, I don't really care for big crowds." Amira said 
Aleksander adjusted his hand from my shoulder to around my arm "Then you have no interest if the sobachka would try to make his move on you?" Aleksander asked, I knew he was threatened by the royals and he planned to rule to ensure Grisha's hold on power. "I am marrying you someday, the ring on my hand signifies it." I said to assure him. I wasn't looking at him but then I felt him turn me around to face him as he claimed my lips in a kiss. My eyes closed as I kissed him back and he picked me up as he took us away from the church, my eyes opened as I pulled away seeing the shadows around us and they faded when he made his destination which was his bedroom/war room. 
"Dinner?" I asked, knowing that we ate dinner together away from the summoners as he set me down. "Yes." Aleksander said as he led me to the table where we ate and had our drinks which I didn't mind. I knew my cousin had trained with Baghra but I was sure he'd be fine then there was the whole Nico situation I needed to tend to. "I heard you are giving Nico orders to return to the first army after I asked you not to. " I said as he looked at me while we were eating. "Your friend belongs in the first army, not here where the 2nd army is." Aleksander said, I laughed a bit and covered my eyes "You're jealous of him." I said as I looked up from my hand "You think I'll change my mind on marrying you for Nico." I said as he didn't seem happy with it as I continued to laugh a bit. "I promise, I will never run off with Nico. He's a friend but that is where it stops. I have no interest in him." I said, "Still I could use him around here to help with Adrian." 
Aleksander seemed to be surprised how far I thought about this but this wasn't unusual for me to think ahead. After dinner I was going to go change but Aleksander grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him as I looked at him. "Maybe tonight we could talk about taking things a little further?" Aleksander asked as I smiled a bit "Why can't we keep things a bit traditional?" I asked as he just looked at me for a second pulling me close as we walked over and he placed me right where I was sitting that night of the fete. "Do you remember this?" Aleksander asked as my heart started to beat in my chest from the memory as his face was inches from mine. "I asked you if you were sure and you said yes. So what changed your mind?" Aleksander asked
I knew he was right that the night of the Winter Fete we could have been together as one that night. I had my hesitations maybe out of nervousness due to being my first as I closed the distance between our faces with a kiss as he kissed me back. Feeling his hand go to my dress lifting the bottom part of it while my other hand was behind his head I had to admit this was tempting. I felt him pull my legs apart so he was standing between them and I pulled away after a minute.
"Amira?" Aleksander asked as I shook my head no, "Not here, not on the table." I said, Aleksander seemed to understand as he picked me up from the table and walked over laying me down on his bed. Feeling the silk sheets against my back I blushed a bit as he had me sit up for now as we started to make out for a bit then he moved from my lips to my neck as I gasped, he knew exactly what he was doing with his experience. 
I felt him stop as he slid down and I suddenly became very aware of crossing this line I'd been preventing from crossing this whole time. I shivered feeling the bottom part of the dress being pulled up as I knew he was the one doing this. He adjusted my legs to be farther apart as I had no idea what he had in mind. "Relax Amira." Aleksander said, I tried to calm down before a gasp escaped my lips feeling his tongue being put to use. The unknown was a bit scary to me but I felt him lick a thick stripe up my slit, making me shiver a little. 
This went on for a few minutes as he kept licking a thick stripe up my slit over and over again about to drive me crazy. His tongue circled my clit before he plunged into me. I gripped the sheets with a moan escaping my mouth for the first time. As he continued his work with just his tongue I realized what four hundred years got him besides time to manipulate people and lead generations of Grisha. It gave him time to know how to please any woman he had and I was no exception as I tried not to let my judgment get clouded but something was building in the pit of my stomach and I had no idea what it was as my legs were shaking. 
"Aleksander.." I said through my gasps and Moans as he stopped and stood up a little to look at me only to make me whine from loss of contact. I was going to beg him to finish what he started when I felt him push two fingers in me as I gasped. "You're getting really into this Amira, you know back four hundred years ago this really was frowned upon but you're aware of that." Aleksander said as he was moving his fingers in and out of me my eyes never leaving his. "You feel like you're close, about to explode. You feel this knot building in your stomach ready to break." He kept going as he smirked while watching me. "Actions like these four hundred years ago were considered ruining a woman, but you're to be my wife." 
I couldn't hold on much longer, I could feel it building as he slipped back down his fingers still going in and out as I knew it wouldn't be much longer. "Cum for me Amira, let it go." Aleksander said as I gasped feeling the knot let loose, my release wrecked through me as I felt Aleksander still down there. I breathed a bit heavy after that, closing my eyes even though I felt him licking me clean, I felt weird about it but knew no one ever did that before. I didn't think anyone ever would with what was going on between us, he tempted me in ways no one else did.
I felt a shift in the bed as I opened my eyes seeing him hovering over me, he leaned down as I met his lips with mine before he slipped his tongue in my mouth as I could taste myself on his tongue. I pulled away and looked at him as he adjusted beside me and I looked at him wondering what else he had in mind.
"Is that it?" I asked as he smirked down at me just watching me. "I think, for now, we'll take things a bit at a time." Aleksander said before kissing me again. I was distracted by it but I adjusted to where I was above him just wanting to be the one to look down at him when I pulled away. "Well, I think I could get used to being in charge sometimes." I said to him as he only looked like he was thinking "You forget Amira." Aleksander said, flipping our positions where he had me under him and put my hands above my head "This is my room, so my rules. You get to be in charge when I let you be in charge." 
Maybe I did forget about how he was the general, he was supposed to be in charge and my power had gone a bit to my head. "So what now? I know Zoya isn't going to let up. Zoya hates me thinking I am taking her place when I am so much more." I said as Aleksander knew I had a dislike for Zoya he would never understand. "Zoya was a distraction but she wouldn't have had to have been a distraction to wait for you if you had revealed yourself as the Dual Summoner in the beginning." Aleksander pointed out 
I knew he was right that we'd have found each other sooner if I hadn't listened to my parents and if I hadn't listened to Baghra about hiding. I knew I wanted to be like the others and maybe that was what held me back. I was denying half of who I was so that kept probably the initials from showing up as I yawned a bit. Aleksander adjusted us where he was behind me and wrapped his arm around me securely as I fell asleep beside him.
When morning came I was still asleep but I felt Aleksander get up from the bed as it wasn't like we could deal with a lot. A knock on the door was evident as I opened my eyes to listen to the conversation, knowing Aleksander thought I couldn't hear him.
"Ivan, what do you have for me?" Aleksander asked from the doors, "The young Prince has arrived this morning, the royals are requesting the Dual Summoners presence at your convenience General." Ivan said as I wondered why it was important for me to meet with the royals again. "I see, I will escort her over there as soon as possible right now she's asleep." Aleksander said, "have breakfast be brought up. It's best to keep her from the summoners as usual." 
The sound of the door opening then closing was evident as I closed my eyes to appear sleeping before Yawning and sitting up as Aleksander's footsteps were easy to hear. When I opened my eyes I saw him standing there "Morning Moye Serdtse, it seems Tsar and Tsaritsa wish to have an audience with you to meet the sobachka." Aleksander said 
"Well then I should look my best, Genya will help me prepare and the king is recovered?" I asked, "Not entirely, his struggle is still happening but with the priest gone there is need for someone to take over." Aleksander said 
You still have the intention for us to rule. I thought
Breakfast was brought in by Ivan as we both sat down and ate, I felt like my dress needed to be cleaned after last night. I realized just why people were mesmerized by him because last night still had an effect on me. After breakfast, I left to go to my room where I rid myself of my dress and everything before getting in the bath to clean up. 
When I was ready I put on the velvet robe and went out as Genya was there as I sat down and let her do her work. "So you get to meet with the royals again, the king will be present even in his current condition." Genya said as she did my hair, "I see that the king is still fighting but for how long can he fight?" I asked Genya knowing that it was going to be a fight the king could not win. "So I get to meet with the prince today." I told Genya as Genya looked at me in the window "What?" I asked and Genya sighed "Prince Nikolai will want to escort you around the area to know our savior of Ravka, he does not know you are siding with General Kirigan's plan." Genya said as I knew very well "And the Queen has no idea you sided with him too. I am not a soldier to do his bidding, my thoughts, and actions are my own, he is my soulmate not my general any longer." I said 
Genya finished, then my outfit to be presented to the royals to meet the prince arrived as we got myself ready. I was hesitant to look so nice when I shouldn't look overly nice considering my engagement to Aleksander. There was a knock at my door breaking my train of thought as I looked seeing the door open revealing Aleksander. "You look stunning, Amira, shall we go?" Aleksander said, offering his hand.
Walking over taking his hand he led me down the hall to the stairs and down the stairs heading to the little walk between the little palace and the grand palace. "I'm sure Genya has already told you what is happening, you'll be spending the day with the prince." Aleksander said, his tone holding his dissatisfaction on the subject. "I'll deal with it and we can face things together but I am not budging on Nico staying in the little palace." I said 
"You are holding to your decision, but if the prince tries anything you tell me when you return." Aleksander said, "Well if you hear that his royal highness gets kicked in the knee you'll know." I said as he looked at me pulling me close as we kissed before entering the grand palace. I remembered walking down this path with him when I was presented as the Dual Summoner to the King and Queen. Just before we entered the throne room we let go of each other's hand knowing it wasn't presentable even though the king and Queen were present for our engagement as we walked in as he whispered to me "Follow my lead." 
"Moi Tsar, Moya Tsaritsa," Aleksander said with a bow and I followed with a curtsy to the royals. I could see the king, while not looking very good, was also looking somewhat good enough to be present and the Queen around him. "We are glad you could bring the Dual Summoner to the Grand palace, General. My son Prince Nikolai was interested in getting to know our future savior of Ravka." The king said as Aleksander seemed to be keeping his calm. "It would be an honor to spend the day with your son, Moi Tsar." I said, keeping myself calm as the king,  "Nikolai is waiting outside with horses, you'll be traveling with him today." The King said as he dismissed us and we showed respect before leaving.
Aleksander led me away from the grand palace as he waited till we were out of the throne room before putting his arm around my waist pulling me close. "The Prince doesn't know about us." I said as I knew he wasn't keen on this as well neither was I. "Marie is going with you, she's one of your guards and I want to make sure you are kept safe." Aleksander said 
We made it outside as he removed his arm from my waist. Once we reached the gates, the people outside had the horse I would ride ready, I noticed it was one of his horses as I looked at him. "I trust my horses, I think you'll benefit from the horse. It's also fast so if you need to get away." Aleksander said as I smiled before noticing the royal heading out direction. "moi tsarevich, a pleasure to meet you." I said with a curtsy before taking the reins of the horse as Prince Nikolai took my free hand kissing the top of it "An Honor Dual Summoner, Sankta Amira." Nikolai said 
Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell Aleksander was innerly furious that someone else kissed my hand but he kept his composure. "Shall we head out Prince?" I asked, being polite as he nodded, going over to his horse and I got up on the horse. Aleksander looked at me as Marie came out with a horse, the one I would normally ride on as she got on it. "Be safe out there." Aleksander said to me, "I will keep my family members safe while they're here." I said to him as he nodded before the three of us left the little palace grounds. 
I can do this. I can bring hope to the people of Ravka and if we become rulers they will respect us. I thought 
Visiting little towns with the Prince was nice, I didn't realize how many small places I'd missed when I left. Most people noticed I had Aleksander's horse, not that I cared what people thought it was. With his blessing, I was allowed to ride it. Getting down a few people came over to greet me and meet with me as they talked with the prince. Most noticed my engagement ring as some women took notice of the symbol on it and my necklace. 
"General Kirigan has found a bride, may the saints bless your union when you marry." One woman said, the idea never occurred to me about saints blessing us. If people knew the truth they wouldn't wish such a thing. The idea of having Aleksander's child was not something I even considered with everything going on and he never talked about it either because maybe that was hope he didn't want to look at. I was a Dual Summoner so I knew any child I had could be a dual summoner. The problem was what would the child ever be able to do? Shadows, Sun or Tidemaker...I mentally laughed at the image of the first Shadow and Sun Summoner. 
After going to another town that didn't know about my engagement I went about things like usual. Nikolai was liking the attention but I was not one for attention as I talked with Marie. "I think I'd much rather be back home with my family or making out with well you know." I said to Marie who only giggled at my words. Prince Nikolai called me over to where he was with a group of people as he was planning to try to take the throne if anything happened to his father. I knew Aleksander would not like this but there was still time.
I wasn't paying attention too much as the prince was talking when I was going to walk away when I suddenly felt his hand on my cheek as he pulled me to him and kissed me in front of everyone. Pulling away I walked away disgusted, wiping my mouth knowing that Aleksander would have his head if he knew. 
"Did he just..kiss you?" Marie asked as I looked at my wrist seeing the faint initials as I adjusted my bracelet to look at them. I wasn't far from him but it was absurd that the Prince thought he could make a move on me. "Yes, he did and I will get even." I said 
Prince Nikolai came over to check on me as I wouldn't look at him "Amira, about that kiss." Nikolai said and I turned to him "You had no right, my hand is promised to someone else to be within marriage. My wedding dress is ready and I just have to choose a day to have the ceremony." I said a bit annoyed as I wanted to slap him but my morals were there. 
"Don't marry the Darkling, I could make you a Queen." Prince Nikolai said and I looked at him in shock. "You don't tell a Grisha not to marry their soulmate. You have no idea what you're asking. You will age and when you look like an old man someday I will still be young because my power determines my life." I said, "I wasn't asking as a love match, your heart clearly belongs to the General but think about it. I know no matter what I say you will desire him so an open relationship on the table as well. Just consider it." Nikolai said, "If I have a bride then I can overstep Vasily." 
I realized this was something Aleksander would be seeing as an opportunity so when we eventually headed home I walked away after putting his horse away. I felt like he was with me no matter where I went but I was tired as I walked straight to the war room opening the doors before knocking where I saw a girl in there talking to him.
"What in the saints is going on?" I asked not in the mood for problems, Aleksander looked up as I saw the girl looking at me too. "Amira, you've returned. Seems another Sun Summoner was found, I was answering some questions she had." Aleksander said as he picked up on my mood. I had the stag bones. I reminded myself he was connected to me and I took a deep breath calming myself as I walked over. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Amira Silina, Dual Summoner." I said offering my hand to her to shake as she did with hesitation "I'm Alina Starkov, they say I'm a sun summoner." 
AS the initials that were like my own but I'd been with Aleksander long enough to know that it was my initials on his wrist. "Well Alina, I hope we can get along. I am a Sun Summoner and Tidemaker, have they shown you to your room yet?" I asked and she nodded, "It's not far from here, but no one mentioned the dual summoner just walked in here." Alina said 
"Amira is my fiancée. She is to be my wife soon so she sleeps in here when night falls comes." Aleksander said to Alina who was surprised. Aleksander took my hand as he kissed the top of my hand that Nikolai didn't kiss earlier as she must have seen the sun summoner symbol on his hand. "You have that symbol on your hand." Alina said and I smiled "I'll explain to you tomorrow, about what it's like to be Grisha and what perks have the little palace has. Now I am starving after my horse ride today." I said to Aleksander 
"We shall get you something to eat, I hope Prince Nikolai wasn't overbearing." Aleksander said as I knew there were things to talk about. "Excuse me, I should leave you two alone." Alina said as she walked away. "She seemed nice, but I almost smacked Prince Nikolai." I said as I felt his eyes on me "Did he touch you or do anything you would not have approved of?" Aleksander asked as I just shook my head not wanting to talk about it. 
Ivan brought dinner in as we sat but I wouldn't speak right away as we ate. "Amira tell me." Aleksander said as I sighed "He wanted me to marry him instead of you. Offered me Ravka's throne to be Queen but I turned him down." I said as I looked at him but Aleksander seemed to be pondering this offer as we ate. "He wants my bride to be? I dislike the idea of him touching you in any way." Aleksander said, "But we might need this to get Grisha in better standing." 
I looked at him "He's offering an open relationship so I can still be with you, lay with you whenever I choose. The idea of being married to someone else while being with who I want to be with is weird." I admitted as he took my hand "What if you were married to me privately but publicly married to the Prince." Aleksander said as I saw there was a plan forming in his head. "When Nikolai dies, you get to remarry and you can appoint me as your King but you are not to have children with Nikolai." Aleksander said 
I hated the ideas he was forming right now because it meant I would have to be in the little palace. If I truly wanted to belong to Aleksander then I would have to decide about us tumbling before marriage. 
TagList: @lifeisingrey, @anonymous-storyteller
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kaesaaurelia · 3 years
a conscientious objector
For @whumptober2021 day 4: Trust Fall (specifically "Do you trust me?" and "taken hostage") Continues on from day two, wherein our protagonist, having narrowly escaped from an exploding spaceship, and on the verge of running out of air in her escape pod, was permitted entrance to a strange ship.
CW for medical trauma; more specific, mildly spoilery detail in my tags. (The trauma is very science fictional and over-the-top as described, but the aspect of it that I find most frightening can happen to people irl, so, better safe than sorry.)
The ship was dark, and eerily quiet. Was it a derelict? Had she just been speaking to an AI the whole time? There was no gravity, but the ship didn't seem to be built for gravity, which made her anxious; she did not want to start losing her strength. Then, a lot of her musculoskeletal system had been replaced, so she wasn't really sure if that would happen. But it didn't really matter if it did; she was stuck here for a while, at least until she could convince the ship, or the person in charge, to take her back to civilization.
She was tempted to shout "Hello?" into the darkness, but also, it wasn't like she'd never seen a horror movie and it seemed like a good way to trigger a jump scare. She could see, of course; she had had her eyes replaced long ago, before she'd been deployed, but it still felt spooky.
Then she climbed around a corner and came face to face with a long maw full of horrible teeth. She kicked backwards and away, and she had the vivid, horrible sense memory of her nanites practically shouting awake! awake! awake! and coming back to consciousness unable to move, the stench of rubbing alcohol in her nose.
Something made a horrible series of cackles and clicks, and her heart was going to pound out of her chest, because no, she had gotten away from them, how could they have found her again here? But then the lights came on and the cackling glitched into a voice. "There you are! You should have said something! Haven't cleaned up in a while, haha, sorry about the mess. Are you all right?"
The toothy maw was nowhere to be seen in the slightly red-tinged light, although there was some floating junk -- used meal packets, maybe? "Yeah, no, I'm good," she said, looking around. Little suction instruments came out of the walls and cleared up the junk while she watched. She wondered if any good could possibly come of asking whether she'd seen anything real.
Excuse me, does this ship belong to the -- oh, I'm going to mispronounce the name -- it's just that these aliens kidnapped me and took half my body apart a few years ago just for fun and I think maybe they put my brain back the wrong way, so could you confirm that you're not them? Or, Sorry, rude question, but are you the AI of a derelict vessel or a real person, and if you're an AI would you mind telling me about what happened so I know you're not going to go crazy and kill me? It wasn't like she had a better option. And any no, you were hallucinating answer wouldn't help. Either her host (?) was lying and she was trapped here with it, or they were telling the truth and she was just fucking hallucinating. Which, well, it wasn't like she hadn't had enough nightmares about The Incident.
"So, uh, where are you?" she asked, making a show of looking around the corridor. Maybe then she would get an answer to her AI or not question.
"Haven't you ever heard of a PA system?" the voice said. The words were sarcastic, but the voice was strangely neutral, so it was probably artificial, even if the personality behind the words was not.
"Oh, right, of course," she said, trying to make it sound as if it was a normal thing, to forget about audio projection technology that had been around since the ancients. "Um, do you -- are you --"
"What happened to the person who told me to choke on a magnet? That person seemed way more fun than you," the voice interrupted.
"I was severely oxygen deprived, I'm sorry," she said, quickly.
"So you're saying I should lower the percentage of O2 in the shipboard atmosphere to get you to say what you really mean?" the voice suggested.
"No!" said Victoria. There was a long silence, and then she heard it: an ominous hissing noise. "Okay look I just want to know, uh, uh, are you, do you -- are you like some kind of crazy murderous AI that's lured me here to kill me, because if you wanna do that I think we can just skip to that part, I made peace with dying earlier today and it's not ideal but if it's inevitable I'm good with getting it over with."
The hissing stopped. "Pretty sure dying is inevitable generally," said the voice.
"I meant, you know, in violent, terrifying circumstances," she snapped.
"You know that hissing was just a recording, right? I'm just fucking with you. The ship's not a fucking balloon. You know that, right?"
There was an awkward silence; she had not considered that.
"Anyway," the voice continued, "I did not bring you aboard just to kill you. That seems like a waste of everyone's time, since you were going to die perfectly well outside. I was iffy about bringing you in, but here you are. Are we good?"
"Why aren't you using your real voice?" She wanted to kick herself for asking, but maybe the voice would appreciate her honesty.
After another brief pause, the voice said, "I don't have a real voice. Does this one bother you?"
So it was an AI after all. Which seemed weird, because most of the ones she'd met would never have fucked around with her in the way this one had. (When an AI fucked around with you, it was usually in ways you didn't really notice until you'd been in the tech support queue for days dealing with what had initially seemed to be an unremarkable glitch.) "No, it's -- it's nice."
"What was wrong with it? I don't have an extensive library of human voice... stuff," said the voice. "Not in this language, anyway."
Not an AI made by humans, then. "It's a little unexpressive?" she said.
"All your languages are unexpressive," it said. "Well. That's not true. I do like some of the swears."
That was also weird for an AI. Well, it was weird for an Inner Solar AI, anyway; all the ones she'd worked with in the course of her job regularly had obscenities expunged from their dictionaries. They either made do without, or worked out increasingly baroque methods of relearning them immediately. Maybe it was different elsewhere, though. Instead of admitting to her ignorance, she said, "I had a buddy who could swear in about two hundred languages. Just the swears, though, nothing else." Something else was still niggling at her, though. "Why didn't you let me on at first?" she asked.
"Look, I have not in general had good experiences with your military," said the ship. "I'll keep you alive, but if you try to commandeer me or bring me back to your territory, that is absolutely not happening. I can take you to the nearest neutral or human territory that is not Inner Sol controlled, but --"
"No, that's fine!" she said, quick to avoid looking the gift horse in the mouth. The horse had no mouth at all; she was going to ignore that mouth. And all those teeth. Except. "Um, what, uh. What happened to the crew?"
"Let me amend my earlier statement: I have not in general had good experiences with anybody's military. They have also not had good experiences with me." The ship paused, presumably for effect. "Call me a conscientious objector."
"What's that?" Victoria asked. She was already regretting this gift horse mouth-looking experience. This was a terrible horse. But her face was already near the horse's mouth, so if it was going to bite she might as well find out now how much of her nose it was going to eat, or whatever horses did. (Victoria was not entirely clear on why, idiomatically, one wasn't supposed to be looking at horse mouths; she had always been a little afraid to look it up, because what if there were pictures?)
"You really don't know? Hang on, hang on, gonna implement some uh, new linguistic data. You really don't know?" The first statement had sounded mildly curious; the second, abjectly horrified. "I mean -- the phrase is from your history, I didn't -- we call it something else, but -- seriously, you don't --"
"Sorry I didn't study a lot of history, I guess?" she said, feeling a little stung. It wasn't like she was stupid, she'd just had more important things to learn -- math and physics, mostly. Also, since she hadn't gone to school at an Inner Sol college, it was a bitch getting their approval to sign up for any classes that weren't directly applicable to what they knew they wanted her doing, especially history and literature. She was still kind of smug about having snuck in some art classes, even though she hadn't been very good at anything she'd tried. "I'm not stupid, though."
"Oh, no, sweetheart, I don't think you're stupid," said the ship, almost pityingly. "You're just brainwashed as fuck. Come on, let's get you fed and rested."
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alkhale · 4 years
so... that new his dark materials on HBO got me feeling some things and thinking... Memos HDM AU?
Memos His Dark Materials AU Ko-Fi Request
(for context for the excerpt down below this, when someone’s daemon makes contact with another person’s daemon, it’s considered very personal and intimate. This is normal between family members and very close friends or loved ones, say, Luffy’s daemon would probably touch all his nakama’s left and right just fine, but for certain others, this may come as a bit of an alarming little sensation for them since people feel what their daemons feel and the same vice versa as extension of their souls)
- Hoku’s daemon is a white panther named Hau.
The two of them don’t get along very well and tend to get on each other’s nerves due to personal reasons. They’re capable of being a fairly good distance apart even though this isn’t normal and considered painful for most people. They sort of trained themselves to be able to be apart because they felt following their independent values was most important. It’s a bit of a messy situation but they’re the first ones either of them would turn to no matter what. He has the same marking she has painted around the curve of his left eye because it’s tradition for Pokians to paint it onto their daemons when they come of age. All daemons from Artopoki are also always colored white just like their hair.
His name means “happiness” in Hawaiian.
- Mahina’s daemon is a white horse while Manu’s is a small white wild cat. Mihawk’s is a massive, massive ink black raven named Sable. She and Mahina’s daemon got along really well.
- Shank’s daemon is a reddish tinted lionness who goes by Reina. Hoku and Hau are a bit smitten by her but Hau kind of hates Shanks, maybe not hate but he tends to be on the more skeptical end of him versus Hoku being a little doe-eyed for the man. Hau loved Mihawk though. Mihawk was the first person to ever touch him outside of Hoku’s parents (human to daemon contact is a super big deal when it’s not family or intimate loved ones, daemon to daemon is a little more tolerable but raises some brows)
- Luffy’s daemon settles as a springy lionness name Soleil who he calls Sol. She’s very energetic and can’t really read a room but she makes up for it with energy. She and Luffy are two peas in a pod.
- Nami’s daemon is an orange fox named Riki, the greatest thieving duo across the East Blue.
- Zoro’s is a massive bengal tiger named Masumi and she’s got a much more approachable personality than her counterpart but tends to be just as lazy and ferocious.
- Usopp’s is a chameleon by the name of Emmo. She’s a bit of a coward too but she’s funny.
- Sanji���s is a beautiful, rather stunning lady jackrabbit by the name of Celine who loves beautiful people and kicking. She seems a little wiser than Sanji.
- Brook’s is the skeleton of a songbird named Aretha. They’re the strangest case on the Grand Line because of his devil fruit. She sings beautifully for a pile of bones though.
- Franky’s is a female beaver named Aspen, they’re pretty much carbon copies of each other.
- Robin’s is a black owl named Yuval. He’s on the quieter side and tends to creep people out on first glance but he’s a very gentlemanly owl.
- Ace’s ends up settling as a red and black lynx by the name of Iskra. Sabo’s is a peregrine falcon named Brisa.
- Vivi’s is a fennec fox named Seti.
- I couldn’t decide of Kid’s should be one hell of a murderous honey badger with attitude named Naga or a crocodile or a bear. Any of those three felt pretty right but I lean more toward the honey badger HAHAHA.
- Law’s daemon is a snow leopard named Estrella. These two are an especially dangerous duo and Estrella tends to be a bit more on the mysterious side at first.
- - - - - - -
“Your blood,” Shank said, cupping her cheek. “Is worth treasures more than his.”
Hau bit at Shanks’ cloak, snarling as a white husky in protest, trying to pull him away. Reina watched him in utter amusement.
Steam exploded from Hoku’s ears, her entire face flushing red.
“Oops, hey, someone get Makino! I’m worried dove’s got a fever!”
- - - - - - -
“It’s nothing but a childish crush,” Hau said pointedly to her, perfectly aware of the fluttery, gross feelings inside Hoku spilling over to him. He walked after her, lashing his tail angrily while Hoku stared up at the sky in a daze. Shanks had just given them a living, ripe kiionohi tree. “He just thinks we’re cute kids. He likes teasing us. This is how he took Luffy!”
Hau worked over-time to remain as indifferent toward Shanks as Hoku originally wanted to be. Hoku had just given up and rolled over to the fact that Shanks was just… so hard to dislike. Was there even a reason to dislike him? Sure, she still got jealous that Luffy was so damn fond of him, but when Luffy was always pulling her around despite that, promising she was his first before anyone else—
“Are you listening to me?” Hau hissed at her, biting her ankle in protest. Hoku looked down at him. “I don’t like him! He’s just another schmuck! Nothing’s gonna happen anyway! Dream on! We’re just kids to him, got it?”
“I know that,” Hoku snapped, cheeks flushing. “I-It’s just adoration. Childish adoration. What do you think I’m gonna do, ask him to marry me?”
“No,” Hau muttered, “but don’t get any ideas.”
“I’m not,” Hoku snapped back at him, lightly nudging his paws. Hau swiped at her. “He’s just… he’s just charming, is all. And you’re one to talk, you know. You look at anyone that’s willing to scratch your ears like they’re god!”
“I don’t let people scratch me behind the ears!” Hau protested. “No one’s allowed to touch me!”
“Yeah,” Hoku snorted. “Except Luffy, right? I feel what you feel too, dumbass. Think about how it feels for me to get scratched behind the ears too, okay?”
Hau grumpily settled down onto his haunches, stubbornly looking over to the side, “But it’s Luffy.”
Hoku could understand that, but it didn’t make the sensation any more normal. Actually, I might be starting to get used to that. Luffy’s so damn touchy it’ll kill me. She didn’t even flinch anymore when Hau and Soleil were pressed tight together, rolling around or tumbling about each other or cuddled up in a pile. Luffy’s warm fingers patting Hau’s head, hefting him up into his arms—that was still something she was getting used to.
Or Hoku, cupping Soleil’s head in her hands, pressing a kiss to the top of the daemon’s head, committing utter taboo. Hoku, letting Soleil cozy up to the crook of her neck, shove her face into Hoku’s hand, weave between her fingers while Luffy laughed beside them—
The four of them, touching each other’s daemons, each other’s partners, each other’s souls—
But I am getting used to it. Hoku shivered. Never touching anyone’s daemon, huh?
Hau lashed his tail, “I won’t let Shanks touch me, you can count on that.”
“You’re just jealous,” Hoku said. “Luffy and Soleil already said we’re first. And it’s not like Shanks is going to be here forever, he’s a pirate, remember?”
Hoku rubbed the side of her arm, looking down at her shoes, “He’s just… he’s just become Luffy’s idol. You see how he looks at him—Luffy knows what he wants to do now ‘cause of him.”
Hau huffed, whiskers twitching. Hoku gave him a little shove and Hau shifted into a bull, ramming at the back of her knees as Hoku laughed, shoving back at him.
Shanks was just a bit of fun, that was it.
- - - - - - - - 
But Reina didn’t play by the rules.
“You’re getting faster, little dove.”
Hoku almost screamed. Her heart lodged into her throat, forcing her to choke as Mau nearly clattered onto the dirt from her hands had she not hooked it last minute. She apologized to the amused blade, checking for scratches and trying to work out a game plan in her head.
Hau frowned. As deep of a frown as an unhappy skunk could make, sitting by a log and looking pointedly Reina’s way.
She didn’t know when Shanks’ daemon had made her way over to them or where Shanks was, probably with Luffy to be honest, but there Reina was, living up to her name.
The lioness daemon was stretched out onto a fat slab of rock jutting upwards from the ground. Luffy used it as a launching platform a lot when they were playing. Her red-gold body rippled, leisurely soaking up the sunlight.
Hoku’s fingers itched.
Reina watched them with golden irises. 
“Thanks,” Hoku said, trying not to be awkward but feeling very much so. “I’m not there yet though.”
Reina’s chest rumbled, a deep sound that made Hau wrinkle his nose in protest. She laid her head down onto her paws, rolling over onto her side. Hoku noticed the scars lining her softer underbelly, the notch missing from a piece of her flicking tail.
“You’ll get there,” Reina said soothingly. “Why don’t you take a break?”
I feel like I’m talking to the devil. Hoku shivered. Temptation incarnate. “I haven’t hit my number of swings yet.”
“Shanks and Luffy are playing by the harbor,” Reina almost purred. “Don’t you want to join?”
Hoku frowned at her boots. Yes. “No. I’m glad Shanks is taking up all his time.”
Reina’s ear twitched. Her eyes glimmered playfully. Hoku felt as though if her feet weren’t planted firmly to begin with, she’d already be making her way over to the lioness for no reason other than the fact that Reina seemed to be beckoning her over.
“How come you two can be so far apart?” Hau blurted. Hoku shot him a look of disbelief. 
Reina’s whiskers twitched in amusement.
Hau hunkered down, waving his big bushy tail. “I-Isn’t it painful? It’s weird, daemons aren’t supposed to be able to do that.”
“You two seem to be able to go fairly far,” Reina murmured. “Is that not strange?”
Hoku and Hau flinched.
Reina laid her head down onto the rock, letting the sun color her pelt. She looked crimson gold in the sunlight. “He and I simply found it in ourselves to promise to live our lives to the fullest and the freest.”
Reina seemed to smile, lips pulling back to show her fangs. “Besides, like this, I can be with Luffy and he can be with little dove at the same time, hmm?”
Hoku and Hau blinked in confusion. They looked at each other and back to Reina who’d rolled over to show them her back, settling down for a nice, long nap.
“Finish up those swings, dove,” Reina purred. “Then let’s play.”
I miss Luffy. Hoku miserably flattened herself down against the grass, Mau propped up onto a trunk beside her. Hau was chirping haughtily in the tree branch above her, flapping his white wings even though he was supposed to be a toucan. I always run off even when he’s playing with Shanks. Maybe I should just suck it up and have fun with them too. Or, not fun. Just… spend time. Yeah.
Hoku groaned, rubbing her sweaty face with her hands.
“About time,” Hau chirped at her. “Let’s go! I don’t care if Shanks and everyone else is there, I want to see Luffy and Sol.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hoku snapped. “I heard ya. You just want to get touched again.”
Hau flattened, ruffling his feathers, “That’s not true!”
It absolutely is. Hoku sighed, preparing her aching muscles to lift her sluggish body up. Hau was practically touched starved and Luffy’s generous pats were like a drug. He did a good job making sure Shanks never got near him though. Hoku didn’t even flinch. Touching other people’s daemons is still such a weird feeling though, I can’t get used to anyone else but them. 
She’d only ever touched Sable twice. Ki and Kekoa didn’t count because they were family. Soleil was the only one she ever really touch-touched, and even then, it was still a sensation Hoku felt all the way to the tip of her toes and down to her bones. Intimate. 
Bet no one else has a daemon willing to get himself pet. Hoku peeked through her fingers at Hau who jumped from the branch and shifted into a little white butterfly. He’d turn into a dog later because it was easier to play with Luffy like that. What daemon goes up to someone to get themselves touched? 
Some taboos just weren’t meant to be crossed.
A shadow fell over Hoku’s face and she blinked, moving her hands away to look up.
Reina looked down at her.
Hoku froze, stiff against the ground like a corpse. Her heart hammered stupidly loud in her chest, loud enough to burst through her ears. From this spot, she could make out every fine, red-gold hair smoothed over Reina’s slender face. She could see the dark lines that traced her feline gold eyes, followed the slope of her muzzle, to the long, elegant whiskers—a few cut short, and the few scars that lined her soft nose. 
This was the closest she had ever been to the daemon.
She could sense heat from the lioness, hulking power and muscle. Reina’s killing paws sat on either side of her head. She could crush Hoku’s skull without much effort. Rip her throat out. In another world, Hoku would be fearing for her life—even in this world, Hoku was still fearing for her life, but, but, maybe death at the hands of such a beautiful, powerful daemon couldn’t be that awful.
Hoku waited, staring at Reina with wide eyes.
Reina blinked once, slowly. Something like amusement seemed to shift over the fine hairs on her face and she lowered her head over Hoku’s. Her body seized up, unable to breathe.
And then languidly, a warm, wet and scratchy pink tongue rolled once across her face, down her forehead to her lips and over her chin. Reina pulled away, satisfied, looking down at Hoku’s disheveled, slightly wet face and bulging eyes before calmly sauntering off, hips swaying.
It took her a moment. A good, solid moment. Her heart did something funny, her body frozen stiff and ascended to some other plain of existence, her mind whirring and still buzzing from the electricity of the slightest contact with—
Someone else’s daemon—
Shanks’ daemon—
Hoku’s face blushed a bright, scarlet red. She grabbed her face with her hands and rolled around in the dirt like the little bug she was.
Hau jealously nudged her face with his little ferret nose, huffing and puffing in displeasure.
She’d never been touched by someone else’s daemon before.
- - - - - - - -
The final nail into her own coffin was done by Hoku’s own hands.
At the crack of dawn, when the light was just beginning to crawl its way out of the horizon to peek over into the sky. Just hours before, Hoku had finally shown Shanks the book, speaking with him in the low light of that bar and making a total fool of herself—enough for Hau to tease and taunt her about it for hours until they fell asleep.
She woke up earlier than Luffy today, leaving him snoring in her hammock with Soleil sprawled as a baby badger over him. Hau woke up, slithering into her shirt and keeping himself warm by her stomach as they walked out into the forest.
Reina was already waiting for them.
“Dove,” Reina greeted, velvet voice carrying over as Hoku trudged through the dewy grass. Sunlight was warming her pelt, heating it up like a forge and turning the red-gold of her pelt darker and brighter.
Hau muttered a low, half-reluctant protest. Yesterday, Luffy had picked him up, holding him close and willingly thrusted Hau toward Shanks like some kind of sacrificial offering. 
Shanks didn’t take the daemon, simply grinning in understanding at Hau’s horrified expression. Her daemon had never felt more betrayed.
“Hau, you gotta get along with everyone!” Luffy laughed. “Don’t be dumb like Hoku!”
Hoku couldn’t stop the greedy, uncontrollable itch in her fingers.
“...good morning,” Hoku mumbled, tucking hair behind her ear out of habit. Reina was stretched out, regal and picture perfect on that same slab of stone. Dawn was rising over the fine curve of her spine and the lioness kept her gaze on them evenly, waiting as Hoku slowly came to stand beside the slab of rock.
Reina’s ears swiveled forward. She watched Hoku, eyes glittering. A soft sound left her parted jaws.
Hoku hesitantly took a seat on the rock, a few inches away from Reina. She could feel heat rising from the daemon, her head turning to follow Hoku as they stared at each other.
She weakly raised one hand. Hau’s heartbeat matched her own.
“Could I… Could I draw you?”
Reina’s jaws parted to let out a soft rumble. Her body curved more, keeping Hoku in the middle. Her paws stretched out and Reina kept her eyes evenly on Hoku’s.
Hoku softly set her hand down on Reina’s side. Warmth flooded into her fingertips, spreading up her arm and making half her body feel almost numb with the sensation. Hoku’s head spun, buzzing with that vibrant thrum of energy as Reina’s pelt shifted under her fingertips. Hoku daringly let her hand come down Reina’s spine, feeling the muscles and scars in one gentle stroke.
Reina’s scratchy tongue dragged over Hoku’s hand in approval.
“I hope that man is deep, deep asleep,” Hau muttered. Hoku agreed.
She thought her heart was going to burst.
- - - - - -- -- - -
“This place is crawling with marines now,” Smoker said. “What are you going to do? Let them arrest you like some kind of washed up drunk?”
Hoku lightly pushed the glass in front of her. The bartender nervously refilled the glass, jumping in fear when Smoker glared daggers at him.
“Hoku,” Smoker said.
The woman kept swallowing mouthfuls of the whiskey in her cup, ignoring him. Blanca’s fur had settled over her back, smoothing out. His daemon watched the woman before them in silence, looking at Hau and then back to Hoku.
A soft sound left Blanca’s lips. Smoker shot her a warning look. The smoky colored husky daemon lowered her tail.
“What happened to all that spunk?” Smoker continued. “You don’t give two shits if I cuff you and take you in from here?”
Hoku didn’t even turn to look at them. She kept her shoulders hunched, curling in on herself over the bar’s countertop and refusing to meet the gazes burning into her back. The empty glasses spread out across the wood counter beside her, the heavy smell of alcohol settling amidst the cigarette smoke.
Hau kept silent at her feet, curled up and head low. Smoker observed the daemon carefully, noticing the matted fur, the dirt stains in the crisp white that used to be his go-to for hunting them down in the crowd. His unsheathed claws, caked with dried dirt and blood. The cleanest spot was the blood red ink curled over his half-hidden face under the countertop’s shadow.
A new spot was inked into his fur. A small, blood red flame right where the muscle of his shoulder blade bunched under his right foreleg. Smoker’s eyes traveled upwards to the matching red flame inked into Hoku’s skin over her right shoulder blade.
“This is it?” Smoker said gruffly.
Hoku snorted. Blanca shot him a look, gray eyes hard to read but Smoker never needed to read her eyes, he could hear her thoughts loud and clear in his own head, in the space they shared.
“Who cares,” Hoku muttered bitterly. “You got what you wanted.”
Blanca fell silent. Smoker shot his daemon a sharp look, but she refused to meet his gaze, tail limp behind her and ears pricked far forward, focused on the woman before them.
Hoku bowed her head. Her hands went up, carding through her hair, holding them there as though she were cradling her head in her hands.
“You won,” Hoku whispered.
His daemon took a step forward.
“Blanca,” he warned.
The husky kept her muzzle shut, looking at him.
Smoker tossed his cigar to the side. His gloved hand clenched into a fist before it loosened. Smoker let out an aggravated sigh, shaking his head. He took a step forward, raising his hand up.
Hau’s growl ripped through the air like a knife. A single, resounding warning. Smoker glanced down to the daemon, glaring at them with icy venom, fangs and claws bared. Blanca lowered her head only an inch, her only way of showing they meant no harm. Hau pulled his lips back into a louder snarl, tail lashing in aggravation.
Hoku glanced down to her companion, frowning for a moment before she raised her head and looked back at Smoker.
Tears continued to trickle from the corners of her eyes. They slid down the curve of her cheeks, dripping down her chin. Hoku watched him in silence, expression unreadable.
The admiral hesitated for only a second. Blanca let out the softest, softest whine.
For a moment, Hau’s body untensed, staring. The foggy look started to clear. Hoku’s brows creased and Smoker reached out with his gloved hand one more time.
The doors to the bar slammed open.
The light winked out from Hoku’s eyes. Hau stood onto his paws, head lowered, eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. 
His men flooded the dimly lit room, raising their guns and shouting out orders as Smoker cursed in his head and Blanca’s ferocious barks of protest flooded the room over his, ordering the marine daemons to stand down.
Smoker lurched, eyes snapping in surprise to where Hau suddenly had Blanca pinned to the wooden floorboards of the bar. His daemon was silent, rigidly looking up at Hau with her teeth barely bared, body still while Hau’s jaws were wrapped around her neck. Smoker felt his teeth on his own, Hoku’s dead eyes looking at all of them.
“Go ahead,” Hoku said coldly. She turned to the marines by the door, half-smiling. “Just don’t forget, Hau’s got one more life over her.”
Blanca kept silent, staring imploringly at Hau. The panther ignored her gaze, keeping his jaws buried in the scruff of her throat, waiting. Smoker stared hard at Hoku and she kept her gaze on his men, expression devoid of emotion.
-- - ----- ----
“Estrella,” Law drawled, ice dripping with the roll of his tongue.
His daemon pounced.
They poor no-body marine dog never stood a chance.
--- --- ---- ---- --- 
“No,” Law said. “This is rehab.”
He kicked Hoku’s lower back, sending her flying down the stairs with an ungoldy screech and down into the boiler room. Penguin and Sachi peeked their heads around the corner, staring down into the darkest depths of their sub while Law shoved a hand into his pocket.
“Is she still alive?” Penguin asked.
“She’s got a couple, right?” Law asked Hau. “Which one was that?”
Hau flicked his tail tip, the only sign of his annoyance. Estrella watched him with peering eyes, following the sway of Hau’s haunches as he slunk down the steps into the boiler room after Hoku.
“Fuck you, Law!” came the ghostly holler. “I’m going to blow up your submarine! You forgot I’m suicidal, asshole!”
Law looked satisfied, turning his back on them and closing the boiler room door. To Sachi and Penguin he added, “Make sure she doesn’t come out until she’s done.”
---- --- --- --- ---
Law froze, his entire body stiff as ice.
He took a moment, reassessing the sensation he felt unfolding in his chest. He considered it carefully, made sure this… this feeling was not a mistake, that he had not wrongly interpreted the shared sensation between himself and his daemon. He picked it apart in seconds, slowly, rigidly turning his head to the corner of the deck.
It was dark, only a single headbeam lit from the corner pathway of the submarine. The deck on top of the rounded hull was bathed in darkness, but even in the thin light, he knew down to his bones he was not seeing wrongly. 
Law gave the woman beside him one discreet, searching glance.
Hoku looked completely and utterly unaffected. He watched her a second longer to make sure it wasn’t an act, but her careless, bored demeanor showed truthfully she had no inclination whatsoever to sharing his barely, barely startled turmoil. Hoku looked completely at ease, still squinting in the distance to see if she could make out the constellation they’d just discussed, mouth moving around the dried fruit she’d just popped into her mouth.
Law carefully, with great composure, withheld the light, creeping shiver that traveled down his spine. He narrowed his eyes, looking back, but Estrella coyly kept her mind blank, hiding all of her thoughts from him the way they’d taught each other to.
There, against the side of the entry doorway, the two of them laid. 
Hoku’s daemon had stretched out, directly in the middle of the deck to keep the perfect distance away from either side of the railings. His long, furred body turned a pale, ghostly shade of white under the moonlight, large paws hiding pearl white claws. Hau’s side rose and fell in lazy slumber, his tail stretched out behind him like a white whip, ears twitching only occasionally.
But the issue was who was beside him.
Estrella had silently made her way from Law’s side across the deck to his. Her lithe, powerful feline body almost nearly matched his in size. Law watched her with rapt, rigid focus, brows furrowed in dark disbelief as his daemon purposefully ignored his silent prodding.
She stopped inches from Hau’s form, sitting on her haunches, tail curled neatly over her paws. Hau’s ear flicked once in her direction to signal he’d noticed, but kept his eyes closed. Estrella stared down at him, icy gray gaze that had stared back as she ripped throats out of marines and pirates and their enemies alike, becoming almost clear.
Estrella rearranged herself, laying down on her stomach barely a centimeter—a heavy, tense centimeter Law could feel—from him. She folded her paws neatly over each other, staring out seemingly in boredom. Her striped black tail flicked from side to side, occasionally brushing against Hau’s limp one. A ghost of a touch.
His daemon. Estrella.
Hau didn’t move, tail limp, body relaxed. Estrella turned her head to look down at the other daemon, expression carefully blank. Her tail curled and then the tip of it brushed against Hau’s flank. His fur seemed to shift, bright, scarred pink nose twitching but he remained relaxed. Estrella seemed pleased by this and her tail promptly laid out beside his own, curling idly over his.
Law looked back at Hoku and she reached for another dried fruit, popping it into her mouth. She shuffled through her bag, debating whether or not to shove a handful more. Oblivious.
Is your connection to your daemon that terrible? Law almost bit out. Almost. It would have come out calm and cold and collected. Are you that dull? Is it that messed up? Are you an idiot—
He went rigid, gripping Kikoku with white knuckles. 
Law exhaled, slowly. He carefully turned over his shoulder, inch by inch, glaring daggers behind him.
Estrella didn’t even blink at him, eyes trained sideways and away. She looked silver against Hau’s snow white. Her long, raspy pink tongue slid out languidly from her mouth in soothing, relaxed motions. It showed off the dangerous curve of bone-crushing fangs. But Estrella’s tongue was now running over the top of Hau’s face, over his ears, around his neck as she turned her face and—
“Are you grooming him?” Law spat out in disbelief at her. 
The snow leopard lazily flicked her tail behind her in response. Hau yawned, stretching his paws out, unbothered, and resumed his slumber as Estrella continued her grooming, content.
Law ripped apart the shudder that almost raced down his spine. He shoved the sensations traveling from Estrella and Hau’s shared connection, the low buzz of energy, of electricity that came when two daemons touched each. A feeling he’d only ever felt when Corazon’s Rosa would curl her soft, furry body up around Estrella—
He grit his teeth, squaring his shoulders and forcibly maintaining his composure as he promptly knocked Kikoku against the metal railing once.
Hoku looked up, brows creasing. A fruit stuck out from between her lips. She gave him a look, as though he’d done something wrong for disturbing her.
Your daemon is touching my daemon.
“Somethin’ wrong?” Hoku asked.
Do you not feel what I feel?
Law gave her a flat look. Hoku continued to chew.
Go get your daemon—
“Hoku,” she and Law both looked down. Hau’s voice was smooth and not too low, like a melted rumble. He came up to her leg, pressing his big head against her hip and curling his tail over her leg. The white panther daemon blinked blue eyes up at them. Law could see gold.
Hau seemed to examine Law for a moment before his long whiskers twitched. The white panther blinked once. Law stared back at him, curious about the eye contact someone else’s daemon was making with him.
Without even pausing, Hoku’s hand ran over his face, pushing past his soft ears and turning against his cheek to scratch under his chin. Hau lifted his head for better access, a loud rumble filling the air.
Several feet away, Estrella slowly made her way toward them, nonchalant and shifting mass of silver and black fur. She didn’t even acknowledge the icy daggers her other half was fixing her with, haunches swaying as she came up and sat down loyally by Law’s feet. Estrella looked up at Hoku, whiskers twitching.
“What game are you playing?” Law thought at her.
“Nothing,” Estrella thought back at him, innocent. “Nothing at all.”
---- ----- -----
P.S - If you guys like this au, highly recommend checking out 500shadesofblue’s story “Echoes” on ao3, super good.
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