#Som 1000 – Som
lemonzestywrites · 9 months
okay in an attempt to force myself to write through the sheer force of anxiety alone i’m going to start posting a snippet of my buddie fwb bdsm fic every time i add another 1k
so anyways here’s eddie having a wet dream :)
(fair warning for some suggestive content! nothing explicit happens but i’ll add a cut just to be sure)
Rough fingers laced in his hair, tugging hard.
Sharp teeth sinking down into supple flesh.
Blunt nails dragging down his sides.
Eddie chokes on the ecstasy flooding through his body. There are words forming at the tip of his tongue, a voiceless litany of please, more, yes- repeating over and over in his head. He’s not sure the thoughts get voiced aloud. He’s not sure he cares.
He can’t begin to track any of the movements, everything scouring and constantly moving. All of it feels too good to care. Overwhelming in the best way possible.
Eddie doesn’t even bother trying to contain himself here, too occupied with the boiling sultry pleasure coiling through his body.
The word echoes from somewhere beyond him, dropping delicately into the center of his thoughts, spoken with a voice that isn’t his. It sounds so distant and yet so close in the same breath.
A harsh shiver runs down Eddie’s spine. His eyes flutter open softly hoping to keep himself from getting too lost in the sensations, though that feels easier said than done.
Everything feels so good. His mind feels slowed in a sense, no longer carrying the need of alertness or constant attentiveness. For the first time in what feels like ages, Eddie is completely and utterly calm.
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citrusitonit · 11 months
RANT !!!
i remember the people who caught up just as the shop was closing and we were having trouble bexause we had to turn the lights back on and get the keys again from the back and rearrange the boxes so they could see the display and they just kept saying "its just a littlw bother just bear with it" and didnt even give us the exact change we had to reopen the counter and cashier again and they just kept saying its "just a little bother and we can bear with it" i hope that every day they trip and crash on their face
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Vad fan gör jag med mitt liv 😂 har snart läst igenom 1000 sidor av tråden ” Dumpen - Tråden där vi BARA diskuterar GÄDDORNA som fångats!”
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liljakonvalj · 4 months
Så med 965 insamlade kort i appen så har jag äntligen kompletterat min första samlarkortserie i melloappen (eurovision 2021).
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jadenvargen · 4 months
swedish-specific resources for palestinian local activism. please do share. 
Här kan man som svensk organisera sig för palestina. ibland kan resurser som sprids vara fokuserade på andra länder såsom USA, men här finns info på hur du som svensk kan organisera dig lokalt. 
Snälla feel free att lägga till eller rätta vadsomhelst, 1000% amatör, men vill samla ihop info till folk som kanske inte stött på det innan på denna hemsida.
https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ - organiserar sig specifikt i malmö gentemot ESC. har datum för planerade demonstrationer.
https://www.palestinagrupperna.se/ en huvudsaklig samlingsresurs för grupper i sverige att organisera sig med som är aktiv sen 70-talet. Här finns fakta, poddar, konsumentbojkotter, föreläsningar, insamlingar, osv. Palestinagruppen är mot apartheid fundamentalt utöver elduppehåll. De organiserar även Tuesdays for Palestine, för universitet och högskolor.
angående konsumentbojkotter i Malmö och Göteborg specifikt om ni köper second hand så stöttar björkåfrihet gaza, och säljer specifika palestinaimportprodukter såsom olivolja och kikärter.
Här finns kontakter och länkar till lokala organiseringar med Palestinagruppen:
Hässleholm / Kristianstad
Stockholm OCH http://www.palestinagruppenstockholm.se/
Uppsala - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-Uppsala-203271060501107
Västerås - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-V%C3%A4ster%C3%A5s-850751518298673 
Gruppen är även organiserad i Varberg, Skellefteå samt Borås, men har där ingen sociala medielänk utan kontaktperson på hemsidan.
Israel i Eurovision song contest
SVT pekar mot EBUs beslut och att en stor del av osannolikheten av Israels uteslutning är att en huvudsponsor för ESC är ett Israeliskt företag.
i malmö har det i nuläget(02/22) bestämts att frågan om Israel i Malmös eurovision skall tas upp i kommande lokala kommunmöten. Man kan som medborgare ta del av dessa möten. I nuläget är det endast vänsterpartiet av regeringspartierna som driver frågan, men man kan ta kontakt med kommunrepresentant för att själv framföra frågan och ämnet. Man kan även fysiskt vara med under möte
Lista och Kontakt med Malmös kommunfullmäktige
mejladress tll styrelsen som helhet: [email protected]
mötesdatum: 6e mars, 10e april i statshuset 13:00
som tidigare nämnt organiseras protester i malmö lokalt under eurovisiondatumen bl.a på https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ men det finns inom andra länkar i palestinagruppen också.
BSD i Sverige
Från palestinagruppen: "BDS National Committee rekommenderar riktad bojkott, fokus på ett mindre antal företag och produkter som bedöms vara strategiskt viktiga."
"Vill du undvika att köpa israeliska varor när du handlar så kontrollera varans streckkodsnummer, det s.k. EAN-numret. Israels landsprefix är 729. "
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här finns övergripande data på israels exportvaror till sverige
enligt https://trendeconomy.com är Israels främsta Frukt-o-grönt export som följer(som man kanske vill vara extra försiktig med, och rentav nämna till arbetare på din lokala matbutik- för deras mål är ju att sälja, inte bli bojkottade.) : Dadlar, fikon, ananas, avokado, guava, mango, citrus, nötter.
Sveriges regerings ställningstagande
Svenskt ställningstagande i “konflikten” är som följer:
Israel har en självklar rätt att försvara sig mot terrorism och urskillningslös raketbeskjutning.
Civila måste skyddas. 
Humanitärt tillträde är fundamentalt. (Jag vill belysa att regeringen här menar på att “ett stort ansvar för den humanitära katastrofen i Gaza vilar på Hamas som styrt Gaza sedan 2007” och även följande: “Sverige är en stor kärnstödsgivare till flera av de humanitära aktörerna på plats." Trots vad som står inom den fetade texten har sverige beslutat att stoppa bistånd till UNWRA. https://www.amnesty.se/aktuellt/sveriges-beslut-far-katastrofala-konsekvenser-miljontals-manniskors-liv/ )
Regional eskalering måste undvikas
En hållbar fred bygger på en tvåstatslösning.
Med grund av dessa uttalanden som bl.a direkt beskyller Palestiner för de över 30.000 dödade av den Israeliska militären är det inte överranskande att medier i sverige genast är vinklade, till ingens överraskning. Den senaste artikeln jag råkade ha öppen för att göra den här posten har språket
“Sydafrikas regering har anklagat Israel för folkmordsliknande agerande mot Gazas befolkning”
 “kriget i Gaza, som inleddes efter Hamas blodiga attack i Israel den 7 oktober. EBU har sagt att Israels public servicebolag inte brutit mot några regler och kommer att få tävla.”
Inga ord om att ICJ dömde Israel för detta “folkmordsliknande” beteende, eller vad som skiljer folkmord från “folkmordslikt”, medans attacken gentemot Israel är rentutav "blodig". På denna nivå överlag ligger journalistiken i Sverige. 
Det är viktigt att vi som medborgare belyser att Sveriges regering inte bara är åskådare utan är medbrottslingar i Israels fortsatta utrotningsförsök mot det palestinska folket. Vi bör vara väl medvetna om propagandan som inte bara kommer utifrån, utan inom sverige, och bekämpa denna.
snälla kom med egna tips, resurser, anmärkningar, kritik, whatever! ville bara ha en samlingsplats på tumblr för sätt i sverige att organisera sig lokalt, och vill verkligen bara att rätt ska va rätt.
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pattypanini · 2 months
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Danny Wagner x Reader
Hard Strokes
Summary: The bar cart girl at Danny's routine golf course grabs his attention during a frustrating game, but could a date by the pool relax him?
Word Count: 3k
Taglist for Oneshots
A/N: Hi everyone! Here is @mar-rein12 and I's first one shot. This was a fun one to write after writing the series for so long. We will continue to write LAYLOM and one shots. If you have any ideas let us know. Please enjoy our first one shot, Hard Strokes.
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, penetrative sex, oral (f receiving), DANNYS NOSE 🤤
Danny’s POV
Fuck. You were playing like shit today. You throw your golf club into the luscious green, yet again in anger. As if it couldn't get any worse, the hot bar cart girl drives past for the 5th time today. She’s probably judging you for your shitty playing. You were only on hole 8 and were almost into the 50s.
It was a hot one today, considering it was mid-July. Your sunglasses slipping off your face, everytime you look down to line up the ball with your club. You could feel the sunburn on your tanned cheeks and sweat penetrating through your white golf shirt. You feel impossibly gross mixed with the anger of your horrible performance. Only 10 more holes to go. 
You sigh and swing at the ball again, of course missing. You double over, hands on your knees and take a deep breath. You are about to call it quits until she pulls up to you. 
“Hey!” She says enthusiastically, with the brightest smile on her freckled face. You whip around to face her, to see her sitting there in the golf cart staring, patiently waiting for a response. 
“Hey.” You say, a little pissy. You take the opportunity to take her in. She was dressed in a little white, pleated tennis skirt with a pink polo tank top. Her hair was put up into a slicked back ponytail, sticking out of her Titleist visor. Despite the heat, she still managed to look so perfect and put together. 
“How about a drink? It’s scorching out today, you look like you need a refresher,” she winks at you, grabbing a beer out of the cooler and shaking it in your direction. 
“Nah, I don’t deserve it,” you chuckle a little, in self-pity. 
“Oh come on, treat yourself! I’ll drink one with you, if that will make you feel better.” She smiles sweetly, and you can’t help but give in. 
“Ugh, okay. You’ve convinced me.” You tease her reaching for your wallet. “I’ll have two beers. What kind you got?” 
“PBR and corona.”
“I’ll take the two PBR.”She reaches into the cooler and grabs them. Her ass sticking out of her skimpy skirt, as she reaches over to the passenger side of the cart. 
“That’ll be $9.” She hands them over to you, as you hand her a twenty dollar bill with your empty hand. 
“Thank you, here you take this one.” You hand her the one beer, she reluctantly takes it back. Her fingertips grazing the back of your hand. 
“A-are you sure?” She says as she takes it out of your grip.
“1000%, also, just keep the change.”  She stares back at you in silence. You crack open your can, taking a large sip. You turn to walk back to your golf cart when you hear her voice again.
“Wait… I didn’t catch your name!” Oh her sweet, innocent voice. You turn back around to face her. 
“Uh, I’m Danny. What's your name?” 
“I’m Y/n.” She shoots you a big smile, showing off her perfectly straight white teeth. 
You smirk at her, “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” When you finish that sentence, you notice her cheeks flush. You find it quite amusing how easily you’re affecting her. 
“Oh, thank you. You have a nice name too. I’ve definitely seen you around before, you come a lot?” She cracks her own beer open, taking a sip of it. 
“Yeah, I’m here every weekend.” You stop talking and there's a moment of silence, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of golf balls being hit in the distance. 
“Um… my shift is actually almost over,” she looks done at the apple watch adorning her wrist and then looking back up at you. “ Do you want to meet me at the clubhouse at 3? Grab a little something for lunch?”
You give her a warm smile, “Yeah, yes. I’d, um, I’d love to! It's probably about time I wrap it up anyway, I’m playing like shit today.” She giggles a little and you feel warmth spread throughout your chest, and noticeably feel your heart rate quicken. What a beautiful noise.
“Ok sounds good! I’ll see you then!” She hits you with a wink, and drives off toward a small group of older men. 
You stand there in shock at the previous interaction, shaking your head trying to rid the thoughts plaguing your mind. She was gorgeous. 
You turn back around to your cart and drive over to the next hole. 
The next 30 minutes go exactly how you expect, horrible. You end up not finishing the game because you were just so fed up with yourself. It’s been a while since you’ve played this bad. It was almost three o’clock anyway, so you would soon be meeting up with Y/n. You hop onto the golf cart and whip over to the clubhouse. You know she is there already because a golf cart with a light pink steering wheel cover is sitting outside. 
You smile to yourself just thinking about her. You jump off the cart and slip into the main entrance of the clubhouse, walking down the hall to the restaurant area. You turn the corner and see her sitting at a two top, talking to some elderly men at another table. You halt your steps, taking a moment to admire the radiant smile on her face. You’re sure you’ve never seen anyone more beautiful. And she invited you to lunch? 
She hears footsteps behind her, whipping her head around, her silky, shiny ponytail flowing along. “Danny! I’m so happy you came! How did the rest of your game go?” She smiles brightly at you, almost in awe.
You cringe a little thinking back to how you were playing earlier. “Eh, I didn't really finish. It’s hot as fuck out there.” You hope she doesn’t catch your white lie. “Besides, I needed to get lunch with you.” Now, that you were being truthful about.
You watch her eyes light up, a nervous giggle escaping from her plump lips. “Yeah, haha. Wanna order some food?”
“Yes, I’m starving.”
After you both order your food, you getting a burger and her getting a salad, you realize you’re getting lost in conversation with her. Y/n is very easy to talk to, and she is really funny. Throughout the next hour, there's multiple times you almost spit out your beer or choke on your burger. When you both finish up your meals, you are saddened by the fact you inevitably have to part ways.
“Y/n, I really enjoy talking to you.” You admit to her, a blush forming across both of your cheeks. 
“I like talking to you too Danny,” She says back to you, her lips curling into a beautiful grin. You watch her hesitate for a second before she opens her mouth again, “Did you want to come back to my house? My house is right over there by the tree line.” She points over her shoulder. 
You contemplate for a second, no doubt knowing how this night was going to end if you did go over there. “Are you sure? I-I don’t want to intrude.” Of course, you wanted to go over there. You just didn’t want to seem too eager. 
“No, no you wouldn’t be intruding at all. I want you to come over.” She gives you the cutest little wink and you can’t help but cave.
“Ok, then! Let's go.” You reach your hand out for her to grasp and she accepts. “Let me just pay the bill, Y/n.” 
“Oh no need. Aaron’s got me.” She looks over to the kitchen area. Aaron, the head chef, sticks his head out the door to wave. She smiles and waves back. You quickly run ahead of her pulling the door open for her. You both hop on the golf cart and she drives you back the trail to the houses that are located on the golf course. 
The feeling of the air breezing through your hair was refreshing from the hot day you just had. She pulls into her driveway, putting the cart in park. It was a very secluded area despite being in the same area as other houses. The house was lined with trees and gates, giving her lots of privacy.
“This is a really nice place y/n. Is it a lot to live on a golf course?” You hop out of the passenger seat, being able to get a better view of her beautiful house and the landscaping. 
“I have no idea, I don’t pay for it. Some random man does. In exchange, I go to his Christmas Eve parties as his ‘girlfriend.’” She says laughing. 
“Oh, really?” You say trying to not sound judgemental, but you can’t stop your face from contorting into a surprised expression. 
“No, my dad owns the place so it's daddy’s money you could say.” She says grabbing her keys to unlock the door. She opens the door and you are met with a stunning interior. She drops her bag and turns to you.
“Do you wanna go for a swim? I have a pool out back. Come on, follow me.” She starts walking to the sliding door. She opens it, stepping outside. The backyard landscaping is just as incredible as the front. Large rocks are placed as stairs leading down to a garden with flowers and vegetables. A huge underground kidney-shaped pool is placed right in the middle of the yard. Why does one girl need such a big pool? 
As you follow her down the stairs you realize you're missing something. “Um, I actually don’t have swim shorts…”. You hate to kill the mood. Hell, you’d do anything to see the girl in a bikini. 
“And…” She stares at you with a blank face. “Who said we were gonna wear them anyway?” She takes a few steps toward you. “I mean, unless you would rather me be in a bathing suit.” She says pulling on the collar of your shirt. You can’t help but shake your head anxiously. You feel your cheeks start to blush and you’re hoping she doesn’t notice.
“No, no, no bathing suits are fine with me.” A smile appears across her face again. Her hands go down to the bottom of your shirt and begin to pull it up. You help her finish her action and pull it all the way off. “Wow Danny, if I knew you were hiding that under there this whole time I would have invited you sooner.”
Your eyes widen at her words. Usually, you were the one to make the first move, but her dominance was making you shy. You wanted to impress her, to make her want you. You gulp from the nerves. 
“Don’t be shy Danny, can you help me undress now?” You obey her immediately. You kneel down in front of her, moving her foot to place it on your knee. Feeling a little bold you lean down and kiss her leg softly before untying her shoe and slipping them off her feet. You pull her skirt down and bring her shirt over her head. You take a step back to look at her in her white bra and panties. She’s so gorgeous. 
“That's no fair Danny, I can’t be the only one in my undies.” You begin to kick off your shoes and socks and before you can get to your pants she kneels in front of you. She slowly pulls them down, leaving you in only your boxers. As she goes for your boxers, she leans forward and places a soft kiss onto your noticeable bulge, making you twitch beneath her. She notices and continues to pull your boxers all the way down. 
“Now your turn, y/n.” You say looking down to her. Before she can let you, she runs and jumps into the pool. She emerges from under the water, her head bobbing just above the clear water. 
“The water is so refreshing,” she says, pulling herself up to sit on the pool ledge. “I’m waiting for you Danny, you better come join me.” You look over her body and see her wet see-through undergarments, revealing everything you wanted to see so badly. You wanted everything off so badly. 
You smirk and drop yourself into the pool and swim over to her. You brush your hair out of your face and slot yourself between her legs in the shallow end. You feel desperate but your hands immediately slide into her thighs and around her waist towards her bra. You feel around and quickly unclasp it. You hear a gasp come from her.
“Daniel, when did you learn to do that? Are you a dirty boy?” She smirks, pulling the bra off her chest.
“I will if you want me to be.” Your hands attach to her thong, that's now clinging to her wet skin, and pull them to the side. Your thumb begins to make small light circles on her clit.
“Take them off, Danny. Please.” She sounds so sweet when she begs. You grab the small piece of fabric and pull them off her.You place your hands on her tanned thighs and peel them apart. You look her up and down, fully admiring every part of her. You take your finger and glide it up her glistening folds. 
“So wet, baby. Fuck.” You bite your lip, as you admire her wetness. 
“Maybe it was from the pool.” She says in a sarcastic tone.
“I can tell the difference, baby.” You lower your face to be level with her cunt. You feel her hands wrap into your wet hair, pulling your face to bury it in her pussy. You feel her pussy grind onto your face, but not just your mouth.
“Put that nose of yours to use Danny, big noses are good for many things.” You were taken aback, but weren’t going to withhold that from her. 
You tilt your head down, pressing your nose up and down into her clit and dart your tongue into her pussy. She was a mess above you. Her hands are clenched hard around your curls, moans and curses flying from her lips. 
You break away for a moment, “All this from just my nose, are you going to be able to handle my cock baby?”
“I need it now, please Danny.” She practically whimpers out. You turn her around so her stomach is flat against the warm concrete, her ass up in the air. Her round ass being directly in your face, is the perfect opportunity to give her a nice smack upon it. She yelps after the blow, followed by the most pornographic moan you’ve ever heard. The sound alone makes you want to cum. You take a step up onto the embedded ledge underneath the water, to get a better angle. 
You lean down to whisper in her ear. “Are you ready for me, darling?” She presses her ass up against your hips, giving you the answer to your question. You line yourself up with her entrance and push slowly into her, filling up all of her small pussy. You reach forward grabbing a chunk of her hair. 
“God, you’re so fucking tight. I love the way it feels around my cock. Go ahead baby, squeeze around it won’t ya?” You feel her clench her muscles, and it fuels you to start fucking into her. You start off slow, not wanting to hurt her or surpass her limits. 
“Danny, don’t hold back. I know you want to let loose on me, I promise I can take it.” That's all the encouragement you need to go harder. As you pick up the pace, the water beneath you begins to splash  all up on your stomach and her back. 
“It’s almost like you knew I like it wet.” You tease her as you continue your assault on her pussy. 
“I can make it wetter if you can fuck me right.” She says as she looks back at you.
Your eyebrows raise and you release her hair. You take your right leg up onto the side of the pool to get a better angle, fucking her harder and deeper than before. She begins to claw at the concrete beneath, trying to hold onto whatever she could. 
“Harder.” She yells out. You don’t hold back and slam yourself into her. You can hear the skin to skin echo into the air. The water sloshing around you even more now, threatening to escape the pool. 
“Danny… oh, fuck. You feel so good. You fill me up so much. I wish I could take another one of you at the same time.” 
God, you're so close. She’s pushing you close to the edge. “I’m gonna cum baby, you want me to pull out?”
“No, fill me up. I want it leaking out of me into the pool. I’m so close” With that you cum hard inside of her. You watch as it starts to seep out of her, so you fuck it back in with a few more thrusts. “Oh god Danny I’m cumming keep going daddy.” You ride out your climax and fuck her hard now pushing her over her edge. You feel her clench around you hard, followed by many moans. 
You pull out, sitting down on the ledge in the pool you just fucked her on. Breathing heavy you both take a moment to catch your breath. Y/n turns her body around to sit up and brings you into a kiss. “You should come over more often Danny.” She says with a giggle.
“Danny? If I recall you just called me something else.” A huge smile spreads across your face. 
“Oh shut up, Daddy is close enough to Danny.”
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shelfthe-reader · 3 months
I know I keep saying that I have a gut-wrenching post coming and WHILE THIS IS NOT IT, it’s also pretty sad sometimes. Also spoilers for literally the entire Riordanverse but I doubt that matters y’all saw this for a reason
Now I present:
Percy Jackson Characters as Theater songs: Part 1
Sally: Anybody Have a Map from Dear Evan Hansen. Literally any struggling parent, but ESPECIALLY for Demigods
Percy: 30/90 from Tick, Tick, BOOM. Birthday trauma. The End
Annabeth: Not For the Life of Me from Thoroughly Modern Millie. Aka Annabeth’s need to make a name for herself in TLT
Grover: Will I? from Rent. I’m getting “Searcher’s License” vibes idk.
Tyson: Travel Song from Shrek the Musical: while he was my UNBOTHERED KING in SOM, Annabeth was VERY bothered. It’s those vibes
Thalia: Unprodigal Daughter from JLP. I mean, she ran away for a reason!
Luke: This World Will Remember Me from Bonnie and Clyde. Luke’s delusions were up there with Clyde Barrow’s
Nico: Go Tonight from The Mad Ones. Where was Nico for six months? Grieving Bianca. He was her little shadow and this song captures that
Bianca: This one was kinda tricky but No One is Alone from Into The Woods. See: that one scene in BOTL
Will: Those You’ve Known from Spring Awakening. After Manhattan. Grieving literally his entire family (minus Austin and Kayla)
Kayla: Get Down from Six the Musical. It doesn’t match a scene or anything. Just my HC that she would belt this alone in the cabin.
Austin: Papers (Instrumental) from Hadestown. He 1000% would recreate this in the cabin. But not alone. Because he’s just like that
Connor and Travis Stoll: Two Player Game from Be More Chill. The most Bro Song to ever Bro
Clarisse: All I Really Want from JLP. It’s an angry song the end.
Rachel: Daddy Knows Best from Spongebob the Musical. AKA “Daddy Issues: The Musical” aka “Rachel in One Sentence”
Beckendorf: You’ll Be In My Heart from Tarzan. His love for Silena goes beyond the grave
Silena: What do you Do from Water for Elephants. AKA when she realized that Luke is a SCAM
Part two will be Heroes of Olympus characters!
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mandoalorian · 1 year
Hey Rach my love, could I request something soft with Javi P and gender neutral reader please.
Something where they're just relaxing in bed in each others presence. And Javi thinking how unbelievably lucky he is.
Love you loads x
Peace [Javier Peña x gn!Reader]
Rating: Teen
Word count: 1000 approx.
Warnings: Narcos-related themes so soft mentions of drug-use, war and violence. Mild sexual themes.
Notes: Love you so much Meg, my number one supporter<3 This isn't appearing in tags so please reblog to help spread it around and support my work<3
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How did this happen? Javier adjusted himself, turning onto his side and watching you sleep next to him peacefully. With every breath, your chest would rise and fall, and tiny little snores escaped your lips, signifying you were in deep sleep.
Javier had been to war-- he'd killed people and watched his friends be killed. He'd seen first-hand how drugs took the lives of innocents, women and children. He'd chased and been chased. He'd thrown punches and been punched. He'd been through it all and yet he never imagined that, amidst this real-life nightmare, he'd have the privilege of meeting you.
He remembered the day so vividly. What was originally an office day had turned into a day of chasing a Cartel lead and had ended in a shanty bar east of the small village in South America where he'd been staying. He spotted you sitting underneath the cheap amber lights, nursing a whiskey, slumped alone on a bar stool, staring into the almost empty glass. It was a vision he'd never forget. You weren't local, but instead, visiting the area on an expedition for work.
Javier never usually had any trouble with approaching attractive individuals such as yourself, but with you, he hesitated. He didn't want to hit on you or plan on taking out any of his sexual frustrations with you. But he was a gentleman and he would offer to buy you a drink.
"Rough day?" Javi asked you, his smooth-as-silk voice breaking your stare with the whiskey glass.
"Rough day." you confirmed with a huff, offering the man a weak smile.
"Hm," Javier hummed. "Can I fill you up?"
You almost choked on your own tongue. "Excuse me?"
Javier barked out a laugh at your reaction, realising his words could have been easily misinterpreted considering the circumstances.
"Your glass," Javier laughed. "Can I buy you a drink?"
You never usually felt inclined to accept drink offers from strange men but Javier seemed different. You weren't the naive type either. You could trust your instinct therefore you could trust him. You accepted the Agent's offer and watched him as he turned away and headed to a free space void of crowds at the bar. He seemed like a natural, getting the bar maids attention immediately.
The day you met Javier he was wearing tight denim jeans and a pale yellow button-down. Clipped to his belt was an officer badge with the word 'DEA' engraved into it. You later accused Javier of wearing the emblem to impress you, but he still remained adamant that he'd simply forgotten to take it off.
You and the agent bonded quickly and hit it off so well. Javier had never connected with anyone the way he connected with you, not even his ex-fiancee, Lorraine. You were different.
You interrupted Javier out of his thoughts, calling out his name tiredly as you rubbed your sleepy eyes.
"Oh, hey honey," Javier said, placing a chaste kiss atop your forehead. His moustache tickled against your skin.
"What time is it?"
"Just past three," Javier replied, leaning over you to check the alarm clock on your bedside.
"Oh my God," you dramatically pulled your pillow out from under your head and put it over your face. "Why are you awake?"
"Was just thinking about how lucky I am to have met you," Javier answered truthfully. You let out a groan and Javi walked you playfully before pulling the pillow away from you so he could see your beautiful face once more.
"Yes, really," he imitated. "I love you so much."
You wanted to bite back with something snarky but you were simply too sweet on your boyfriend to do that. Sighing in defeat, you cuddled up next to him and buried your head into the warmth of his chest.
"I love you too."
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spectralarchers · 1 year
Help the world's oldest comic book store survive ❤️
Fantask, the oldest still active comic book shop in the heart of Copenhagen, is on the verge of closure here on the first of March.
They've been selling comic books since 1971.
Here's some historical pictures, including a visit by Will Eisner and Stan Lee, to the shop, which is still the same location as in 1971 when it opened:
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You can help them survive by ordering comic books (in English!) here:
From January 1st and until February 28th, they are also having a 50% sale on all comic books pre-2022 in loose issues (all costing around 30-40-50 DKK), which means I just managed to get 48 missing Hawkeye comics home for half what I was expecting it to cost - and I helped preserve comic book history ❤️
Explore the shop through Google Maps:
They ship worldwide, but they don't have an actual shipping cost available outside of Denmark when checking out. You can contact them at their socials listed at the bottom of the page for inquiry.
If you want to support, even if you don't want to buy anything, you can buy a gift card as a 'donation' here*:
50 DKK (7.2 USD) gift card
100 DKK (14.4 USD) gift card
150 DKK (21.6 USD) gift card
200 DKK (28.8 USD) gift card
300 DKK (43.2 USD) gift card
400 DKK (57.6 USD) gift card
500 DKK (72 USD) gift card
600 DKK (86.4 USD) gift card
700 DKK (100.8 USD) gift card
800 DKK (115.2 USD) gift card
900 DKK (129.6 USD) gift card
1000 DKK (144 USD) gift card
Please help them survive.
(*Danish tax authorities won't accept a regular crowd funding campaign on GoFundMe or other due to regulations on white washing in Denmark, so a gift card is the best way to support the business).
Fantask skal reddes - og samler du på tegneserier, så kan du være med!
De har nemlig 50% på alle tegneserier (blade, ikke hæfter) her i januar & februar, så står du og mangler nogle til samlingen, så er det nu, du skal slå til.
Jeg har lige fået bestilt 48 Hawkeye blade jeg manglede til samlingen, som ellers bare stod på en liste til 'når jeg var forbi en tegneseriebutik'.
Hjælp den ældste tegneseriebutik i verden med at overleve ❤️
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hyunjungjae · 1 year
Oiii,parabéns pelos 200 seguidores!Gostaria de fazer um pedido de smut com o Juyeon do TBZ,e como a senhorita disse que está à disposição para escrever,com os protagonistas sendo enemies to fuckers,por favor!♡°♡
— Detention, Lee Juyeon
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Contém: um pingo de enemies to fuckers, eu menciono aq um medinho de ser pega, então talvez um tiquinho de exibicionismo, cum play, dumbification(?), uso de um apelidinho, falo demais sobre como as mãos desse garoto são grandes, size kink(?) i acho q só
obgg 🫶🏻 e espero q você goste amor ❤️‍🩹
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“Bem vindos…a mais uma detenção de sábado.”
Mais um sábado perdido, trancada na sala com aquele homem que parecia mais um pedaço de um mau caminho, que com certeza te deixaria totalmente perdida naqueles lábios, ou talvez o que mais te deixaria perdida seria a mão passando calmamente por aquele cabelo macio enquanto a voz grossa se fazia presente.
Os dois não simpatizavam muito um com o outro. Talvez fosse pelo fato de que no primeiro dia em que se conheceram, vocês se esbarraram e ele derrubou café na sua camiseta branca, mas talvez houvesse uma outra razão para que quando se encontrassem o clima ficasse mais ‘pesado’.
Atração disfarçada de ódio? Isso sim seria uma boa opção, mas nunca admitiriam que ambos se alimentavam do mesmo desejo carnal.
E os dois simplesmente preferiam ignorar o que acontecia na sala do diretor com a professora e ele. Já que todas as detenções o diretor costumava chamar a professora e logo após vocês ouviam gemidos…estranho? certamente.
“Ei…” ele te chama uma vez, e você o ignora, já que não queria dar atenção para não começarem a discutir. “Vai mesmo me ignorar por um dia inteiro?”
Você solta um som de concordância e ele, desacreditado, da uma risada nasal.
Algum tempo passou e vocês estavam assim. Sem dirigir uma palavra um ao outro.
Porém esse tempo acaba, após ver uma sombra por cima de ti, a mão grande cheia de veias, apoiando o peso dele na sua mesa, enquanto tentava calmamente fazer sua redação de 1000 palavras do porquê estava ali.
“Hmmm…vejo que está que nem eu, quase nada feito ainda…” ele ri, debochando de tua cara. “Vai se ferrar moleque! Pelo menos eu to tentando…” você diz num tom mais alto e não tão calmo.
“Pra que continuar tentando se no final do dia nunca consegue acabar?” ele diz novamente naquele tom irritante de deboche. “Que nem eu disse, pelo menos eu tento.” você diz agora debochando também, mas levantando o olhar até o rosto dele.
Juyeon aproxima o rosto do seu, numa distância tão pequena que pensou que ele iria te beijar, “Se você não me deixa pensar em escrever algo por conta dessa sua roupinha curta de vagabunda, também vou te distrair até que a última coisa que você pense, seja sobre a redação.”
Você deixa. Não é como se você fosse o rejeitar justo quando apenas uma faísca tinha o poder de acender um fogo incontrolável.
Deixa ele se aproximar, te tomar nos lábios, deixa as línguas se juntarem, o deixa colocar a mão no seu rosto, cobrindo sua bochecha toda até mais um pouco pela mão ser tão grande, o deixa fazer o que tinha vontade, pois era a tua vontade também.
A mão que estava apoiada sobre a mesa, vai até sua cintura, te levanta e a deixa sentada sobre a mesa. Os beijos começam a descer pelo seu pescoço, deixando marquinhas fracas e logo o ouve dizer “Acho que a mesa do professor parece bem mais confortável que aqui…”
Você concorda, se levanta e vai até a mesa do professor, afasta algumas coisas para deixar um espacinho livre para você se sentar, ele caminha lentamente até você, e assiste você ir retirando sua camiseta lentamente, mordendo o lábio inferior vendo mais pele que o de costume. As mãos que te tiravam do eixo vão até o cinto do maior, abre o cinto e joga para longe.
Logo a calça é lentamente aberta, enquanto os olhos de quem vestia estavam fixos no seu corpo pequeno comparado ao dele. A esse ponto ele já estava à sua frente, chegando tão perto com o rosto que dava pra sentir a respiração em seu pescoço.
Quando sua calcinha foi parar no chão e vocês já se beijavam novamente, ele te puxa para a beirada da mesa, faz você colocar seus pés no chão e com as mãos grandes agarradas à sua cintura, te vira, colando teu peitoral na mesa com força, faz você virar seu lindo rostinho para olhar atentamente a porta, com aquele medo consciente de alguém os ver ali naquela cena, mas um tesão subconsciente pela exata mesma razão e levanta sua saia, acariciando sua bunda.
Antes de se enfiar em ti, Juyeon passa os longos dedos finos e gelados em sua intimidade, fazendo-a estremecer e faz questão de provar um pouco de ti, levando os dedos à boca, chupando-os. Prende os pulsos finos nas suas costas, o que não era difícil já que a mão era grande. Se enfia em ti sem dó, fazendo você o tomar por inteiro de uma vez só.
Para evitar barulhos, o Lee tem a grande ideia de enfiar dois dedos em sua boca, pressionando sua língua e colando o peitoral nas suas costas apenas para sussurrar “Não geme alto não tá? Não tô afim de mais um sábado perdido aqui. A gente poderia estar muito bem em cima da sua cama agora, mas graças a você estamos presos aqui.”
Vira o rosto para tirar os dedos da sua boca, e diz “Se você não tivesse me irritado eu não teria batido em você e agora mesmo você não estaria com todas essas marcas de unhas nos seus braços.”
Olha pro próprio braço e vê as marquinhas citadas por ti. Uma terça-feira normal, vocês passa pelo corredor ao lado dele e propositalmente ele esbarra fazendo você derrubar o material no chão, claramente sua reação foi o empurrar no chão e começar a o socar e o arranhar com suas unhas.
Ao lembrar ele sorri e diz “Seria legal eu deixar algumas marquinhas em ti também né?”
Antes mesmo de você processar o que ele tinha acabado de falar ele levanta, descolando-se de ti, metendo mais forte que antes, levando a mão que a minutos atrás estavam em sua boca até sua bunda e apertando-a com toda força, e logo depois de soltar a carne que escorregava entre os dedos, via as marcas vermelhas, deixa um tapa estalado, e logo vendo a marca vermelha da própria mão se formando numa das bochechas da sua bunda.
Solta um gemidinho pelo susto e a resposta vem de imediato “Shhhh, sem barulhos…”, irônico, nesse exato momento o barulho das peles se chocando fazia presente.
Não estaria surpresa se agora mesmo sua bunda estivesse com algumas marcas tão vermelhas ao ponto de precisarem de apenas mais um toque para ficar roxa. “Agora sim…” Juyeon solta seus pulsos para posicionar as duas mãos na sua cintura apertando-a, para mantê-la parada no lugar, facilitando acelerar mais um pouco o ritmo.
Incontrolável. Mais uma palavra que se encaixa bem no dicionário que descreve a relação dos dois. Também não se surpreenderia se estivesse escorrendo um fio de saliva de sua boca, enquanto engasgava-se com os próprios gemidos. “Juyeon…” você chama, tão baixo quase que o mesmo não ouve.
Ele ouve mas prefere apenas ficar quieto, seus ouvidos são agraciados com um gemido grosso, baixo e longo, ao sentir suas paredes internas o apertando.
Você chega ao seu ápice quase soltando um grito se não fosse pela mão grande tapar sua boca antes, você fecha os olhos e logo sente Juyeon se retirar de ti e gozar na sua bunda. Pintando-a com o líquido branco, mas mirando em sua buceta molhada e após acabar de gozar enfia-se dentro de ti apenas mais uma vez para colocar pelo menos um pouco do líquido dentro de ti.
“Senti meu ódio por ti sendo descontado um pouco hoje.”
“Eu também…acho que encontrei uma nova forma de descontar o ódio que eu sinto por você.” diz enquanto um sorrisinho adorna seus lábios.
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um beijao, bom domingo p vcs ❤️‍🩹
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oraclekleo · 7 months
Jihyo (TWICE) - Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Tarot of Vampires
Spread: Kinky
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Park Ji Hyo
Stage Name: Jihyo
Group: TWICE
DOB: 01/02/1997
Blood Type: O
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Sign: Fire Rat
Life Path Number: 2
Masterpost: TWICE
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Jihyo (TWICE) - Kinky
Spread / Question: Kinky Deck(s): Tarot of Vampires
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Position - XVIII The Moon
This particular card depicts the legendary Rusalka - a beautiful maiden luring people (often men) into lakes or rivers where they drown. The connection with Jihyo might be that she’s actually pretty deceptive in a relationship. It might be caused by her being deceived and lied to many times in the past and so she learned not to show her cards to her partner right away. She might play a certain type of girlfriend role in the beginning, portraying a gorgeous woman like the Rusalka on the card but under the surface, there are the bare bones of her true personality. Her true self might actually be much more beautiful than what she shows but she is likely to be reluctant to share. Jihyo might be a bit detached and secretive in a relationship, keeping her partner in suspense. That can make them feel like stumbling in the dark and it’s probably not going to build a solid base for a mutually rewarding relationship. Jihyo might need to first renew her trust before she is able to genuinely bond with someone.
Libido - IV The Emperor
There’s no other card in a tarot deck that would signal dominance this powerfully. The Emperor card is likely to tell us that Jihyo is the dom in the bedroom. She has trust issues with her partners so it’s not surprising she wants to be in control. She is likely to keep things in order and even structured so there is no space for improvisation. Her wild nights are likely to be scheduled and she expects her lover to attend or have a really good excuse at least 24h in advance so she can schedule her backup activity for the night. Jihyo is likely to have high standards and expectations and it’s also possible that she hasn't been satisfied every time with her lovers in the past. She’s very likely to be prepared for that, too and once her lover fails, she’s pulling her toys out of the drawer to finish the job properly. The underperforming lover is likely to be asked not to show up again. Jihyo is a busy woman, she’s got tight schedules and she’s responsible and highly efficient, she’s got no time to teach her lovers how to do their job. She might instinctively pick mature looking people as lovers in hopes they have some significant experience. Jihyo might seem pretty cold or maybe analytical to others but the fact is that her libido is very strong, she can get very passionate and lustful only if she could find a lover who would match her.
Turn On - 6 of Pentacles
Jihyo is likely to feel attracted to someone who’s generous and selfless, someone who gives more than they take. She might feel instinctively pulled towards a person who could heal her trust issues, someone reliable and true. The card might suggest the person works in a medical field, maybe Jihyo feels attracted to people who can actually heal others and are even more responsible and hard working than she is. She’s likely to admire high morals and high work drive in others. Jihyo is likely to also consider the financial stability of her crush as she’s not willing to support someone’s idle lifestyle.
Kink - II The High Priestess
The High Priestess card is all about intuition and secrets and all that’s behind the veil. As an answer to a kink question in the spread it might mean that Jihyo is not willing to reveal her preferences to anyone. It’s possible she’s not still sure herself, maybe she’s still in search of her favourite thing when it comes to bedroom activities. I’m afraid the card doesn’t really reveal anything much in this case. It’s literally undecided, a secret and standing on a crossroads with countless paths ahead.
Dirty Secret - V The Hierophant
Jihyo might truly be in search of a mentor figure, someone she could trust and rely on when it comes to the most intimate sides of her life. The Emperor card could also point to a certain level of daddy issues she might have and the Hierophant card continues with the theme. It’s possible Jihyo didn’t have the type of support she needed from male father figures in the past and she might still search for someone she could truly trust with everything and who wouldn’t judge her nor belittle her. She might have spent a large portion of her growing up being self-sufficient and carrying more responsibility than a young person should and she might feel insecure about asking for help and guidance now. She is likely aware of this and craves a person she would naturally trust enough to drop her resilience and let them support her when needed.
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bybarn · 6 months
“Lov mig nu du ikke går ud og køber noget dyrt til mig. Jeg ved jo godt du ikke har alverdens penge”
Søde søde mor
Studielivet strammer, især i juletiden
Det er derfor jeg tog ekstra bartenderjobs på siden og lagde en 1000.- seddel i en krukke på mit skab for nogle måneder siden
Så jeg vidste jeg havde de penge til jul, kun til dig
Jeg ville give dig alt hvis jeg kunne
Hus, bil, selvom du har i forvejen
Smykker, dyre læbestifter, bløde sweatre og glitrende sko og gavekort til romantiske oplevelser med din nye enormt skønne kæreste
Nu må jeg finde på noget godt
Så du med en gave som symbol kan mærke, hvor utroligt højt jeg elsker dig
Min dyrebare dyrebare mor
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ishotforthestars · 1 year
What are some good ff in the yr fandom that are written in swedish?
Hi and sorry for taking so long to answer! This is just a small selection of my personal favorites but if you want more you can check out literally anything by these authors, all their writing is A+!
"Vi skulle klara vad som helst, vi skulle aldrig säga nej" by ageminiheart: Fairy tale-esque AU where Simon is the son of a hairdresser and has to step in for his mum when she gets injured. He meets the very rude prince Wilhelm and slowly a very forbidden romance begins to form. This is like one of my absolute favourite fics like ever, I adore everything about it, from the language to the pacing and the characterization. 1000/10.
"Kvarteret Vallgossen" by harosia: Modern day AU where Wille and Simon are neighbors in a student dorm building. One day Simon gets asked to dog sit Wille's puppy and from there their relationship sets off. This one is so sweet and fluffy and makes you feel literally all the feels. Also 1000/10.
"går du trägen, på den vägen, som är smal men uppåt bär" by graveyardorgarden: AU where Simon and Wille meet at a folkhögskola (kind of like community college?) where they're both studying church music. Wille plays the organ, Simon wants to lead choir. This one isn't finished yet and hasn't been updated in quite a while but I'd recommend it anyway because the way it's written is so heartachingly sad and relatable and just really beautiful.
"Sikta mot stjärnorna" by SilvaGrey: Post-S1 from Linda's POV. The Eriksson's home is vandalized which launches a police investigation.
"Svart hål" by @hanna-kin : Post-S1. Wille has kind of the worst Christmas break possible. Very angsty but in the very best way, I adore this one and the way it's written!
"Din tid kommer" by @eypril-eypril: AU where future Simon and Wille find their way back to each other following the release of a Swedish version of "The Crown". The feelings portrayed in this one is just fantastic as well as the attention to detail. So well-written and definitely another one of my all time faves!
I could probably list like at least 10 more that would make my 'favourite fics-list' but they'd all be by these same authors so just check out all their other stuff if you want more!
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hotluncheddie · 9 days
20 Questions For Writers!
Tagged by @puppy-steve, @scoops-aboy86 and @steviewashere ty ty !!! :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count
78,658 which is honestly insane to me - it still feels unbelievable when I write like 1000 words comfortably.
(For a long time writing was something I could do but had to do, never wanted to do or enjoyed. So, I never ever imagined it being my main hobby - I honestly get insecure that everything I write is so short, especially compared to how people seem to bang out 10,000w like it's nothing)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie!!!!! so Stranger Things
And I have dabbled in Fargo for Gator Tillman :) Pillow
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Tiny Green Shorts 
Seasons change, but people don't. 
Wherever you go, thats where I am.
(Two old ones but the fact that both autistic Steve fic's are on there makes me SO happy!!)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yesssssssss but sometimes I really don't know what to say other than 'thank you' - which feels lame, but I love comments so I always answer
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's more of a drabble but maybe thats when boys kiss ? I wrote it with the idea of the end being hopeful, but I had a couple comments and it's very easy to read it in a more angsty way - basically if you read it with Eddie dying like canon, then it becomes pretty sad
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uh - all of them
But gonna go with Softly just because the whole thing is super soft - ooey gooey horny daddy kink my kryptonite
8. Do you get hate on fics?
One day I probably will however - my first cyber bully :]
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YA!! - all kinda - lots of freak kinks in this house - and a lot of love
I just think d/s is fun, you can play with so many kinks within the dynamic and its just cool and hot. And then you add established relationship on top, so like, that knowledge and love and like just being into stuff because your partner is - so good!
I explored a lot of kinks in my SubEddieWeek and definitely want to do more - need to write some sub Steve!
10. Do you write crossovers?
No but I do have notes for a Gator Tillman / Steddie fic so might write that at some point...
And have been dabbling with my lovely 🐶anon in some Gator Tillman / Kurt Kunkle ideas - as silly as that is lol - it's fun! - dunno if it'll ever turn into a fic though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don't think so! But would not be against it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Ye kinda!!! me and @scoops-aboy86 have our Office AU series :)
Oh and the Milk fic here on tumblr heheh - its a classic
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
Ugh my "Steve has known he’s bi for years and is more knowledgeable than Eddie. Eddie is queer in a kinda vague nebulous way and it stresses him out sometimes. Bruce Springsteen born in the USA album. Coming of age, dealing with change."
I love it and I do want to write more of it but it just doesn't have the sauce yet - haven't quite figured it all out. What's it's purpose you know? Or figured out how to use that album effectively for like, themes and stuff
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh well, right in this moment NOTHING bc I feel EMO and I'm too TIRED to write ANYTHING...
But I am happy with the sentence structure in my autistic Steve fic's - I tried to use very short and very long sentences to help express his thought processes when he's in different emotional states, and think I did it, effectively ?
Also I sometimes write stuff only bc I think it's funny - idk if it's funny for anyone else but I guess it means I have a lot of variety in my content... and silliness... which is good... (?)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Never knowing how much information to give. Sometimes i like to keep is sparse to keep the vibe going, like the tension or emotion. But sometimes I think I miss out on key descriptions and added context without noticing. Loosing more information about place and sometimes key movement and descriptions of the characters. What I lack is ✨world building✨
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I only speak little baby English so probably wouldn't do it personally - I have, like, nothing against it though?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This one!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
hmmmmmm... I'm gonna go with three just because I wrote them all pretty recently and think they show some improvement, like I was able to express what i wanted in them. So;
Hug - Autistic Eddie my love - I like the pacing a the structure in this, I think I maybe do actually do some world building here, which gives nice context to this Eddie and where he is mentally in the moment of his meltdown.
Love in a safety pin - I think it's one of my favourite feedist kink fic's that I've written, just because I think it's a good mix of the kink and their developing relationship. Like it's not all just horny, there's plot and character development, along with being hot. Like, I think it does a good job of showing what the kink can be, because it maybe gets a bad rap. It's a lot of different things, and it's hot when its pleasurable for both parties, and it's still just people with the same emotions as any other kinks, still pining, still insecurity... ya idk :)
Bi Freak - I just really wanted to do a good degradation kink, like some straight masochism you know? And I think I did an okay job. Also this is a dom Steve that I think is very actually fitting for the character but I haven't really read before, so, I wanted to explore that too.
Not gonna tag bc I don't have the capacity too right now but i'm seriously not joking if you want to do this - here, you're tagged.
Tag me and I WILL shout in the comments about it
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languagestoday · 1 month
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ÄNDALYKT är ett ord som finns belagt i svenskan sedan senare hälften av 1300-talet.   LYKT betyder att något upphör, avslutningen av något, och hör ihop med verbet LYCKA som betyder stänga, tillsluta, innesluta. Ordet finns i uttrycket ”bakom lyckta dörrar”, och har samma ordstam som LUCKA och LOCK, som även finns i engelskans ”lock”.   ”Göra någons ändalykt” betydde förr att avsluta någons liv, att döda någon.   ”Så drog och Jacop Bagge med 1000 man ifrå Calmar in i Högxby sochn .. Och skedde thet för then orsack skuld, at .. (om de) hyste och försvarede tiuffvar och förrädere, dhå skulle man strax göre theres endelyct” står det att läsa i en text från ca 1580 ur ”Historiska handlingar till trycket befordrade af kongl. samfundet för utgifvande af handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia”.    ÄNDALYKT har sedan tidigt 1800-tal även skämtsamt betytt bakdel, stuss, rumpa.   ”Kärlek är som en hink kallt vatten i ändalykten!”
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linglinginjapan · 3 months
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Del 2: Anime Japan 2024 アニメジャパン2024
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Demon Slayer: Shinobu og Tomioka
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Natsume Yuujinchou; en av mine favoritter.
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Oshi no Ko; Episode nummer 1 som sjokker alle.
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Given; også én av mine all time favorites. Film har kommet på kino.
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Vi klarte ikke å være ut helt til slutten av AnimeJapan2024, fordi det var alt for mange folk der. Det var mye venting overalt; for å kjøpe ting, se på ting, osv. I tillegg så var det litt overpriced, spesielt når vi kjøpte oss burger der inne til 1000 yen/ 70 nok, som var på størrelse med en nikuman (bilde ovenfor).
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Synes egentlig hele greia var litt overrated, men jeg har iallefall tatt meg turen dit da. Fikk spist ordentlig da vi kom oss på karaoke.
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Sto sikkert 1 time i kø for å komme inn bare. Du kan se hvor lang køen er! Tror jeg så en annen Nordmann tilstede, for han hadde på seg Helly Hansen jakke. Angrer på at jeg ikke gikk bort å snakket til han, men vi sto i kø så....
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Ikke rart det var trangt om plassen.
Kimura - kompisen til Santi. Bedre lykke neste gang!
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