#Some Sentence Sunday
cricketnationrise · 3 months
some sentence sunday 24.3
HELLO I am momentarily back from a place of having nothing to share/not having enough time because i have another month or so of 6 day work weeks and so i have a lot of people to thank for tagging me in various writing things over the past [embarrassingly high number] weeks: @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @getmehighonmagic @kiwiana-writes @cha-melodius @three-drink-amy @firenati0n @inexplicablymine @heybuddy-drabbles @affectionatelyrs @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @leaves-of-laurelin @dumbpeachjuice @orchidscript @agame-writes @porcelainmortal @anincompletelist @iboatedhere @ships-to-sail @tailsbeth-writes @itsmaybitheway @indestructibleheart @magicandarchery @nocoastposts @lizzie-bennetdarcy @14carrotghoul @sherryvalli -- y'all are great
anyway some sentences! from a oneshot fic i'm posting called [redacted for spoilers] next weekend:
Alex sighs like Henry's the one being dense. “Okay. You know Angelina?” Henry’s gut sinks. “I’m familiar with your girlfriend, ye—” “Ex girlfriend, now.” “Oh, Alex, are you oka—” Alex brushes him off. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Don’t pretend you liked her for my feelings’ sake.” And well, Alex has him bang to rights. Although Henry would eat his own left foot if he actually thought Alex knew the real reason Henry disliked Angelina. (And all of Alex’s other girlfriends.)
i'm tagging back literally everyone above, @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @everwitch-magiks @rmd-writes @montrealmadison @doggernaut @smc-27 @the-lincyclopedia @adreamareads @read-and-write- @clottedcreamfudge @historicallysam @anchoredarchangel and i'll slap an open tag on there for anyone who wants to share and needs the excuse
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Greetings, my dearest loves, and welcome back to another installment of "Val has worked a ridiculous amount of hours this week/weekend, AND she has to work tomorrow, so she's scheduling the shit out of this post and going to sleep!" Hooray!
I went back and forth on which snippet to share with y'all this week. Did I decide to go with another portion of the next chapter of At the End of a Bar, that nearly every reader/commenter has been begging for a continuation of (and making me blush every time)? Or did I choose a portion of a new WIP that I started before the sun had even risen earlier this week while talking with @thinkof-england about some...things I can't yet share...that were going on in my personal life?
Well...since the new WIP barely HAS six sentences, I'm going to be gracious and give y'all more than six sentences of At the End of a Bar. Enjoy! (Hopefully)
He’s already heard Henry laugh. Several times, in fact, in several ways, just tonight alone. A nervous giggle when Alex leaned in and whispered that he was the hottest person he’d ever seen. An incredulous huff when he revealed his favorite Star Wars movie and Alex informed him how completely and utterly wrong he was. A full-bodied howl of a thing that turned a few heads as he recalled the look on his ghoul of a grandmother’s face when he told her that he was moving to Texas and would be riding more than just horses. But the laugh that crosses the boundary of his perfect lips when he comes can only be described as euphoric. A sound so exquisite that anyone who’s ever heard it should consider themselves blessed to have witnessed such a remarkable thing. Head thrown back, blond hair glistening with sweat, pink lips pulled over white teeth in a wide, gummy grin, blue eyes practically glowing. Alex would like nothing more than to be the cause of such utter bliss every day, several times a day, for as long as Henry will allow him.
Putting some no-pressure tags out into the universe and behind the cut, as well as laying out an open tag for anyone else who might wish to tag me and share their beautiful work from this past week!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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theprinceandagcd · 2 months
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six seven some sentence sunday
i tend to post on the weekends, what can I say... posted a fic thirty-ish minutes ago so I'm absolutely gonna self-promote here if that's cool and get some sentence sunday started off right at midnight with a... well, with a bang.
It's the gay chicken (firstprince's version) fic, y'all, and she's here if you want to read her. happy sunday <3
“You're going to have to keep going, I'm afraid, if you want the chance to win.”  “Fine by me, sweetheart.” Alex leans back, meeting Henry's gaze and then letting his attention drift lower. Henry's grip holds him steady as he trails a hand down the expanse of Henry's chest, the hard planes of his stomach, before resting on the button of his jeans. “Can I?”  “Would you like to?” Henry challenges, his fingertips digging into the backs of Alex’s thighs.  “Yeah, I’d fucking like to,” Alex bites back.   Henry lifts his chin, his smirk a goddamn lethal weapon. “Then do it, love.”
@adreamareads @anincompletelist @dragonflylady77 @fckngyrs @firenati0n
@henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway
@jmagnabo92 @kj-bee @magicandarchery @ninzied @nocoastposts
@nontoxic-writes @onthewaytosomewhere @porcelainmortal @priincebutt @read-and-write-
@stellarm @suseagull04 @thesleepyskipper @tinyarmedtrex
+open tag!! tag me if you use it :)
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thesleepyskipper · 2 months
Some Sentence Sunday
It's still Sunday in my current time zone since I'm on a work trip in PST so it counts! Thanks to @theprinceandagcd, @cha-melodius, @onthewaytosomewhere, @three-drink-amy and @blueeyedgrlwrites for the tags! And @kiwiana-writes for the open tag!
Here's another little piece of my @aroyallybigbangrwrb they were neighbours AU that will hopefully be finished soon-ish (missed my own deadline, oops!)
After a ridiculously long period of starting and deleting words, overthinking a thousand different ways to say ‘Hello’, Henry finally texts Alex to see if he was around and he replies almost instantaneously in the affirmative. Before Henry could even text back again with his problem, unsure how to word it without sounding like an utterly helpless blockhead, there’s a knock on his door.
When he answers it, Alex is leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed across his chest, appearing slightly out of breath. Henry wonders if he sprinted down the hall. “What’s up, buttercup?” Alex flashes him one of those million kilowatt smiles.
Henry curses his mind for being so useless at stringing sentences together when he’s faced with that type of blinding light. He should really be able to do this, he was a bloody writer for godsakes! 
It's so late I assume everyone's already done it but just in case...
@noahreids, @orchidscript, @myheartalivewrites, @cricketnationrise, @ships-to-sail
@rmd-writes, @indestructibleheart, @nontoxic-writes, @sparklepocalypse, @firenati0n
@priincebutt, @dragonflylady77, @suseagull04, @agame-writes, @fullsunsets
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @anchoredarchangel, @tinyarmedtrex, @henryspearl, @inexplicablymine
@nocoastposts, @duchessdepolignaca03, @jmagnabo92
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henrysfox · 21 days
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hello, i am back for once. i have been writing A LOT recently, so i finally have something to share.
this time it's horny firstprince, don't let the header deceive you.
i was tagged by amber @taste-thewaste thank you, bestie <3
this is from a fic i'm working on where henry wakes up exceptionally horny and has to wait an entire day to take care of it, until he makes it back home to alex. xoxo
He’s been thinking about it all day. He curses himself for not allowing himself any relief in the morning. He could have been a little late to work, Pez would have understood. He could have woken Alex up with kisses, or better yet, with his mouth on Alex’s cock, teasing the slit with his tongue, as his fingers… – well. This isn’t helping. He has to talk himself out of slipping into the bathroom at the shelter just to take the edge off. It would probably be frowned upon, the staff bathrooms aren’t exactly private. And he would never live it down if someone ever caught him. The thought makes a pleasant shiver run down his spine, and well. Maybe he should explore that at some other time. Preferably not when he’s at work, still has one more meeting to go and feels like he’s about to jump out of his skin. Truly, a strong gust of wind could be his undoing right now. He has to meet the potential donor in five minutes. There is no way he can hide the erection tenting his trousers right now. He thinks about calling Alex, but he’s probably in class. Even then, Henry doubts that hearing Alex’s voice would help with his current predicament. His cock twitches traitorously at the thought. Against his better judgement he rolls his hips in his chair once, twice, three times, before letting out a frustrated groan. His time is almost up. “Fuck,” he sighs. Get a fucking grip, Henry.
i tag: @softboynick @captainjunglegym
and perhaps @lfg1986-2 if you're up for it?
leaving the tag open as well. if i have any other writer friends/mutuals/followers hit me up, i would love to read your stuff and tag you in things!
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caterpills · 2 months
Some Sentence Sunday!
Time for another six(ish) seven some sentence Sunday! I'm going to borrow the open tag from @kiwiana-writes this week! (Hope you don't mind!)
Still working on this publicist!Alex/author!Henry fic, which now has a title and more words plugged into it. Here's a scene from a later chapter, because "antagonizing" your "sworn enemy" over email before going on tour together is totally Normal Behavior™.
Alex decides on a different approach: he's going to be annoying about it. They are going to have a conversation, so fucking help him, even if Alex is going to be carrying it on, one-sided. So, he emails Henry about every little thing he can think of because Alex is nothing, if not thorough, in his work. Snacks for the plane? Are you a salty or sweet kind of guy?  Do you have a preferred pen to sign with? Most people I work with use Sharpies, but there's an occasional Ball-Point Truther out there and you seem like you'd be particular about it. Your bio from like five years ago (do you update this thing at all?) says you write at least two pages a day. Do you have Do Not Disturb writing time that I should avoid? Food allergies? I'm pro at using an EpiPen but I would rather not have to resort to life-saving maneuvers mid-air. Alex sends all of these as separate emails. It's a dick move to spam Henry's inbox. He is aware. But he's feeling spiteful, and Alex loves doing things out of spite.
Open tag for those that want to! ❤️
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smallumbrella369 · 27 days
Some Sentences Sunday Monday
Thank you @ramonaflow for the tag!
After they’d had sex, David lay awake, still and quiet, listening to Patrick sleep. When he makes the decision to leave, a tear courses down his temple and into the pillow case. Another one follows. And another. He chokes back a sob and freezes when Patrick stirs. David breathes. Deep breath in, and blowing it out slow, slow. 
He thinks later that Patrick might even appreciate David’s clear-headed logic. He figures that his heart will break at some point, so why not just break his own heart before Patrick does. It makes the most sense. They've always known his time here is limited. What would he do if he stayed? It makes the most sense to rip off the band-aid.
@missgeevious @statueinthestone @treluna4 @blackandwhiteandrose @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 @delilah-mcmuffin @dinnfameronn @wordthieve
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thedramasummer · 2 months
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Once again tagged by @onthewaytosomewhere for some sentence Sunday/seven sentence Sunday. This is continuing from my witsec WIP. I’m putting the actual snippet below the cut because it could potentially be triggering because Alex does get threatened.
Sorry if y’all are already tagged/have made posts but no pressure tags for:
@kiwiana-writes @firenati0n @inexplicablymine @jackzimmermemes @emmalostinwonderland @cactusdragon517 @caterpills @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @cha-melodius @orchidscript @littlemisskittentoes @alasse9 @priincebutt @anincompletelist
And an open tag for anyone else (:
The letters keep coming. A sense of dread fills his gut every time he gets an email notification that he gets mail. The threats continue getting worse. More personal. Until he gets an envelope with powder in it.
He keeps it in his desk, and he doesn’t know where to go. Again, there isn’t a manual for this. He wouldn’t wish a manual for this into the universe. He emails Luna again.
I need help.
Alex meets Luna outside of the Dirksen Building at 8:00 PM.
He’s trying to keep it together as best he can after getting 15 threatening letters and an envelope full of powder. Alex keeps stuttering over Senator Luna even though he was told to call him Raf and he’s being held together with the hope this gets resolved with him coming out unscathed.
“So, why are we meeting this late?” He asks, quietly. He hasn’t been able to bring his voice up to normal volume in days.
“We’re going to FBI headquarters. They’re open till 11:30 and I wanted to give you enough time to explain things so they can come up with a plan. The fact that all of this got through is scary. I’m surprised Georgetown didn’t nip it when they saw all of the unmarked envelopes.”
Alex swallows to think of what that means. If there’s someone who has access to all the P.O. Boxes on fucking campus, if he can’t even be safe when he goes to distance learning if he…if…
“Breathe, kid. Come on. I get it, but you need to breathe.”
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forever-fixating · 4 months
Some Sentences Monday?
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Tagged by the ever-awesome @priincebutt
Okay, so I know this is meant for Sundays, but ya boi was destroyed from work and completely overstimulated so I had nothing in the tank. But after hibernating most of today, I am emerging ready to share a new project I have in the works. Getting such amazing response for Love on the Menu has really invigorated my desire to work, and now my mind is running with ideas. I've been toying with the idea of writing a historical AU for a while now, so allow me to introduce:
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I don't have an official summary for it yet, but to overhype myself, this story has everything: childhood sweethearts separated by tragedy, rivaling nations full of political intrigue, magick because I've been dying to write a fantasy AU as well so por que no los dos, a tournament where the grand prize of the joust is the hand in marriage of our sweet Henry, a cliffhanger that I am so excited to write but that I know will enrage everyone that reads it...get ready, yall!
Below the cut is a massively long teaser. Forgive the roughness of it. I am just so geeked to share it, but just know I'll be working on it until it's ready. Enjoy! (If you'd like a soundtrack for this, might I suggest Surrender by Natalie Taylor?)
The air was perfumed with the scent of springtime blossoms. Beneath the shade of a great willow tree were two young lovers. One was flaxen-haired, his ivory skin rosy from the sun and littered with constellations of freckles. His body and limbs were slender and knobbly, still in that awkward phase between boy and man. His light blue eyes studied his companion with unguarded adoration. The other young man was shorter in stature, but rigorous exercise had already defined his physique. Atop his head was an untamed mass of sable curls, still wet from swimming. His unblemished skin gleamed a rich russet shade that his fairer companion couldn't stop touching. The pair had completed their lessons for the day and decided to take a refreshing dip in the lake near their school. They were naked, hidden among the willow branches, like two woodland nymphs from a fable and not two princes from separate nations. The dark-haired boy Alex lifted his lover Henry's hand and kissed the signet ring on his pinkie finger. The ring's face held not a family crest but their initials. A promise.
"When we are married-"
"You mustn't say such things!" Henry laughed even as his stomach fluttered at the very prospect. "It isn't proper."
Alex leaned down to press a kiss against rose-petal lips. "A man must state his intentions plainly, and mine are to marry you, cariño."
"You are not yet seventeen, cariad," Henry said as Alex trailed kisses along his jaw and neck. In this sacred space, it was easy to get lost in the rose-tinted fantasy of their future together. He tangled his fingers in Alex's curls, tugging at the roots. "Our parents would say it is unwise to speak of such things at our age."
"Why," Alex hissed as he climbed over Henry's body, "are you mentioning our parents when I am trying to ravish you?"
Henry arched his body into that of his beloved, gasping, "You have ravished me twice already this afternoon. Is that not enough?"
As the twin suns began their steady descents into the horizons, the young lovers got dressed and made their way back to the school. Fireflies glowed in hues of pink, orange, and yellow as the pair discussed their plans for the following day. Given their disheveled states of dress, they were wary of running into Headmistress Beaufort or one of their professors as they made their way back to their dormitory. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side, and they rounded a corner and nearly crashed into Professor Wagner. He was a squat toad of a man who taught history and hated Alex for his frequent interruptions during lessons. His face held a perpetual bitter expression, as though he had just sucked on an unripen lemon. He berated them for looking and acting beneath their station and gave them detention for the following fortnight working in the stables with Gerald the groundskeeper. (It wasn't the punishment the man thought it was. They enjoyed Gerald's company, especially when he was joined by Julian, the music professor. Henry was convinced they were in love, but Alex said he was delusional.)
They scrambled upstairs to their shared dorm room to change. Dinner was already in progress when they joined their social set in the dining hall. Alex's older sister June was discussing a novel with Henry's twin sister Beatrice while their best friends Percy and Nora played cards. As Henry took his spot between Bea and Pez, his sister poked at the poorly concealed love mark Alex had gifted him earlier and teased, "My dear brother, it would appear you have been mauled by pixies. Should we alert Gerald of a possible infestation?"
Alex, seated across from him between June and Nora, snorted into his goblet, and Henry kicked his skin beneath the table. Giving his sister a tight smile that told her he knew exactly at what she was playing, he said defensively, "It was only a single, annoying pixie. Hardly cause for alarm."
"Annoying?" Henry's stomach filled with regret the moment the words left his mouth at Alex's fallen expression. He looked away from Henry. "Perhaps the pixie will direct their attention elsewhere if they are such a nuisance."
Alex would not meet his eye for the remainder of the meal. Once Headmistress Beaufort dismissed the students for the evening, Alex was up like a shot. Henry felt the disapproval of their friends and loved ones as he stood and trailed after Alex like a lovesick puppy. When Henry reached the common room of their dormitory, he found Alex chatting with Liam, the son of a nobleman from his home country. While he knew there was no danger of them forming an attachment, jealousy sparked in his chest, hot and ugly. He strode over to them and said, "Alex, I wish to speak with you."
Alex's expression was that of cool indifference. "Yes?"
Ignoring Liam and tugging on Alex's arm, Henry insisted, "In private."
Alex rolled his eyes but stood, shoving past Henry to their dorm room. Henry didn't look at Liam but hurried after Alex. He passed some of their classmates roughhousing in the hallway. Alex's ire was quick to be provoked, but Henry hoped he could dampen it with gentle words of apology and a gift. Their dorm room was on the far end of the hallway to the right. When Henry entered, Alex was sitting on the window seal. Henry closed the door.
"You would be wise not to call me that right now," Alex snapped, not looking at him.
Henry bit his bottom lip. Pushing away from the door, he crossed the cross to retrieve a parcel he received earlier that day from his bedside table. Though he protested Alex's pure words down by the lake, Henry's heart ached at the very thought that Alex thought himself alone in this affection. Henry was naturally cautious when it came to matters of the heart. While his parents had a romance for the bards to write neverending songs about and supported his inclinations, his grandmother Queen Mary still held final sway over who her grandchildren would marry. While Alex's country was a rising power, full of untapped resources and potential, Mary looked down her nose at their progressive politics and rising status among the nations. But despite the perceived impossibility of their future together, Henry found himself desperately in love with Alex all the time.
Henry knelt in front of his wounded lover and placed the parcel in his lap. Alex finally looked at him before glancing down and asking, "What is this?"
"An apology and response."
Alex picked it up and tore away the plain brown paper. Revealed was a red velvet bag. Henry's heart raced as Alex opened the bag and pulled out a small golden key on a silver chain. The bow of the key, intertwined in delicate filigree, was their initials, much like the ring that rested on Henry's hand.
As Alex studied it, Henry said, "My words earlier were foolish and hurtful. The truth is that I am afraid of the end of term. Things as they are now seem too perfect and golden. I...I fear once we are parted, reality will make you realize I am not worthy, that you will find someone more suitable for-"
"You believe me to be easily swayed?" Alex snapped. Henry looked up to see frustration and sadness in his eyes. He reached down to yank Henry's hand that held the signet ring to eye level. "Is this not proof enough of my love for you? Is it not enough that I say I love you? If this is an apology, it is a very poor one, Henry."
Henry climbed on the window seal with Alex, desperate to be understood, tears in his eyes. "It is an explanation. I am scared, Alex. I know we are young, but I know in my heart I will never feel for another what I feel for you. But when my grandmother finds out about us, she will stop at nothing to keep us apart. Does that challenge not give you pause?"
"Cariño," Alex whispered, cupping Henry's face, the necklace dangling from his fingers, "I would slay a thousand dragons, cross the Great Salt Desert, and brave the bitterest frozen peaks if that's what it took to make you mine. You may fear your grandmother, but I do not. There is no one else for me but you."
Henry took the chain from Alex's hand and placed it around his neck. Pressing his hand over the key, Henry said, "As you are for me. I want to be brave like you. I want you to know you are not alone. This key is a symbolic gesture, the key to my heart. My promise to be true."
Two young lovers, bathed in moonlight and their love for one another, making a vow as true as the gods had ever heard. Perhaps it was their youth that gave them pause, or the sincerity in which the vows were given. Whatever it was, the gods took note and, in their mercurial way, decided to put that devotion to the test.
The skies were clear that night as Alex and Henry clung to each other, but they could not see the storm brewing on the distant horizon. A challenge.
Tagging @dragonflylady77 @onthewaytosomewhere @theplayfulfairy and anyone else who scribbles and is interested.
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j-nipper-95 · 7 days
Some Sentence Sunday
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Thank you @artsyunderstudy and @aristocratic-otter for the tags.
The next chapters of TRAILS are with the beta team! Yes, chapters plural! Chapters 12 and 13 are currently being beta'd, and I'm so excited to jump into the next round of edits!
For now, enjoy some sentences.
“Think of what we could stand to gain. Come on.” He stands, only to move around the map so he can sit in front of me, our legs overlapping. He looks like an overly eager dog who’s just been presented with a bone. “Baz, imagine it—” “Simon, no,” I say, and I hate to be the voice of reason, killing his hopes. “You couldn’t pay me enough to consider this foolhardy expedition. A million pounds wouldn’t be enough.” The silence that stretches between us is anticipatory. I don’t trust it. “How about a hundred million?” “Excuse me?”
It's so fun being back with these goobers again. I have plans to fully restructure the 'Trails We Blaze' part of this fic (if you've seen El Dorado, you'll know the musical sequence I'm referring to!) so I'm deep in the editing pit right now. Thank you for your continued excitement and patience with this fic. It's truly turned into a labour of love, and I'm so pleased with where it's heading!
Tagging:  @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @bookish-bogwitch @cattocavo @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @cosmicalart @cutestkilla @emeryhall @erzbethluna @ebbpettier @fatalfangirl @frjsti @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @krisrix @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @nightimedreamersworld @orange-peony @prettylightsbigcity @palimpsessed @raenestee @shrekgogurt @skeedelvee @stardustasincocaine @subparselkie @that-disabled-princess @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe 
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cricketnationrise · 2 months
some sentence sunday 24.5
thanks to @kiwiana-writes, @cha-melodius, @indestructibleheart, @firenati0n, @three-drink-amy
@14carrotghoul, @thesleepyskipper, and @myheartalivewrites for tagging me today! i finished my @aroyallybigbangrwrb draft today so please enjoy some junora feelings realization feat a surprising amount of john denver
Nora’s just sitting next to June, basking in the atmosphere, innocent to the seismic shift about to occur, when several things happen at once: the moon comes out from behind a cloud, a light breeze sweeps through, and June starts humming along to the song she’s playing. Any one of these things alone would be fine, but together they are completely devastating. Nora didn’t recognize the song before, but with June’s low, melodic humming, she can identify Annie’s Song—one of Mama’s favorites to play for Mom. The lyrics swirl around Nora’s brain—you fill up my senses, like a night in the forest—providing an inadvertent soundtrack to her suddenly racing heart. The breeze is just strong enough to make the wisps of June’s hair dance and play in its wake, just strong enough that June giggles—let me drown in your laughter—and scrunches her nose up all cutely when they tickle, and tucks the escaped strands behind her ear. The newly-returned moonlight edges June in delicate silver and Nora’s breath catches in her chest.  Oh shit.
tags under the cut!
@leaves-of-laurelin @happiness-of-the-pursuit @anchoredarchangel @orchidscript @celeritas2997
@rmd-writes @sparklepocalypse @dumbpeachjuice @smc-27 @missanniewhimsy
@the-lincyclopedia @montrealmadison @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks
@cactusdragon517 @inexplicablymine @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @wordsofhoneydew
plus the customary open tag 💜🦗
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Some Sentence Sunday
The whole way back his anger steadily builds, the nerve of her to ask and after last night. By the time they make it home, every muscle in his back is rolling with quiet rage.
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theprinceandagcd · 2 months
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Seven Sentence Sunday
thank you @suseagull04 and @heysweetheart-writes for the tags and here's hoping tags work now? if you tagged me and I didn't see it bc of tumblr glitching I'm so sorry!! feel free to send it to me or tag me in the comments or something <3
Working on another rizcriz prompt this week - this one is best friends fake proposing to each other at restaurants to get free desserts! But, of course, those pesky feelings just always tend to get in the way, don't they?
“Why did you do it?” Henry's voice shocks him, fracturing that silence with its sharp edge. Alex already knows, but he still asks, “Do what?”  “Kiss me.”  To sell the bit gets caught behind Alex's teeth, the words too heavy on his tongue to slip past his lips. His instinct is to deflect, to toss his vulnerable heart into a locked box inside his already cracked open chest. It's a defense mechanism, a desperate desire to protect himself from giving too much away, from admitting that he's fallen in love with his best friend so irreversibly that he'll never recover from a rejection.
tags: @anincompletelist @dragonflylady77 @firenati0n @henryspearl @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jmagnabo92 @magicandarchery @ninzied @nocoastposts @nontoxic-writes @priincebutt @read-and-write- @stellarm @tinyarmedtrex
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thesleepyskipper · 1 month
Six Sentence Sunday!!!
Many thanks to @three-drink-amy, @sparklepocalypse and @myheartalivewrites as well as @orchidscript for the open tag!
I've been making some good progress on my @aroyallybigbangrwrb work this week since my deadline feels fast approaching! Here's another snippet of my sweet neighbour boys!
Henry marvels watching Alex mess with the radiator after running to his apartment and back again, barely breaking a sweat, despite returning with an entire full toolbox. He imagines it must be heavy, despite Alex strolling in swinging it by his side, making it seem effortless. 
From the toolbox, Alex pulls out a whole bunch of items, some of which Henry is familiar with (okay, hammer, wrench, pliers, screwdriver…) and all sorts of strange looking things he’s absolutely never seen before and has no clue what they would be used for. 
While Henry’s trying to work out in his mind what that odd-looking metal device in Alex’s hands might be, he starts screaming all sorts of things, mostly directed towards the radiator. A “Fuck!” or five, a “Piece of shit radiator!” and a  “Jesus tits, how did they make these fucking apartments so poorly!?”  thrown in for good measure. 
After all the cursing, Alex somehow does fix the radiator.
Tagging in anyone who might like to share as well as these fine folks:
@kiwiana-writes, @rmd-writes, @celeritas2997, @cricketnationrise, @cha-melodius
@nontoxic-writes, @indestructibleheart, @firenati0n, @ships-to-sail, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@nocoastposts, @onthewaytosomewhere, @duchessdepolignaca03, @blueeyedgrlwrites, @suseagull04
@priincebutt, @jmagnabo92, @dragonflylady77, @agame-writes, @fullsunsets
@anchoredarchangel, @tinyarmedtrex, @henryspearl, @inexplicablymine, @theprinceandagcd
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henrysfox · 2 months
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thank you for tagging me @taste-thewaste & @agostobuwan i finally wrote something lmao
this is one of the two rpfs i've been working on, both will turn out to be a little (or a lot) smutty which is new for me lol
Taylor’s eyes are still fixed on the screen, but his thumb is pressed against Nick’s neck, rubbing tiny circles that make his mind go completely blank and set his body on fire. He feels like he’s about to vibrate out of his skin. Still, he presses his head more forcefully into Taylor’s side, to give him better access and holds his breath. He hopes Taylor won’t pull away. He doesn’t want to break this spell they somehow found themselves under. He bites his lips to stop any sounds from escaping. He knows he should get up or else he’s going to embarrass himself. He tries to subtly shift his hips away from Taylor just in case he looks over and sees exactly how his absent minded touching has been affecting Nick. Just as he thinks he’s in the clear Taylor’s thumb catches on his earlobe and Nick lets out a truly pathetic sounding whimper. He can feel Taylor freeze under him, his movements stopping. Nick can feel his face flush immediately, but he finds himself frozen, unable to move.
i don't know that many writers tbh, so the only person i can think of tagging is @bigassbowlingballhead who i'm pretty sure has already done this today because it's late
so i'm leaving the tag open, and maybe hoping to meet some more writers soon <3
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ohnoitsthebat · 27 days
Some Sentences Sunday.
I saw @skyf0ckz do this, so I decided to try it. The following is from a new Lawrusso WIP I'm working on, called en otra vida. 90s Lawrusso.
"This isn't going to work, Johnny." Daniel blew a shaky breath out and rubbed the back of his neck.
"We don't really have a choice here, man," Johnny pointed out. "We're soulmates, for better or worse, whether we like it or not."
Daniel knew that Johnny was right, and he couldn't be mad at him for it. After all, it wasn't Johnny's fault that he and Daniel were soulmates. If they could have chosen who they were bonded to, Daniel was fairly sure that Johnny would've chosen Christie Brinkley or Pamela Anderson. Someone tall and blonde and decidedly not Daniel.
He wouldn't admit it, but knowing that made Daniel's chest tighten a little.
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